calithal · 4 months
starter call, accepting! ( @hookd )  ༄
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                it’s  sorta’  shit  to  watch  everyone  around  you  get  better,  while  you’re  still  rotting  in  the  hell  of  being  16  in  a  19  year  old’s  body.  but  it’s  fucked  up  in  a  different  way.  he  gets  to  be  better,  and  to  heal,  and  she  can  feel  what  she  should  be  feeling.  but  all  she  recognizes  is  the  feeling  of  her  rot  dragging  him  back.  she’s  leaning  all  over  everything  like  a  cat,  including  harry,  draping  over  him  as  she  wanders  around  the  room.  nosy,  she  acts  like  she’s  snooping,  even  though  they  both  know  she’s  seen  it  all  before.  she  couldn’t  ever  stay  still,  this  is  a  good  way  to  occupy  her  mind,  and  so  she  doesn’t  say  or  do  anything  stupid  like-  “  do  you  think  your  sober  shit  is  gonna’  spread  to  me?  ”
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skymade · 8 months
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Roamer settles in to the corner of an open pantry door as Willow flies through it, bags thumping arrhythmically as they’re opened and searched in turn. Brown lumpy things — she sniffs them, first, experimentally, before she takes a rather desperate bite out of one of them. Not sweet, not spicy; ‘facts, very plain, but food is food is food is food when you’ve been starving for weeks and you’ve been eating dirt to try to get by. She sticks the full potato in her mouth, continuing to rummage, now with a happy hum and a bounce in her step... c’mon, there’s gotta be something better than Brown Lumps! That’s, like, basically dirt, just all hard and together-y!
She takes another bite, like it’s an apple, and she turns to Roamer. “S’not bad! Want sum?” Roamer, of course, is a robot — circular body, mostly-screen, dragonfly, green wings, retractable hands and legs. Big eyes stare at Willow before breaking into an xD. Willow laughs back, gleefully. Roamer doesn’t eat food, of course.
“Roamer, keep watch for me,” she says, and she starts dumping out food bags on the ground around her, searching for Not Brown Lumps.
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ballagarraidh · 5 months
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@hookd said ❛  what's your problem?!  ❜ to cj
it always starts like this. it always middles and ends like this too. the hook siblings get their tempers from their father and harry and cj are always at odds. these days. it didn't used to be like that. they squabbled, sure. they fought and tussled and jabbed. but it wasn't this slow simmering anger. this disappointment that went both ways.
harry couldn't stand that cj wouldn't move on and cj couldn't stand that harry would. at least, that was how it felt. harry was off being a big shot, a captain, a hero, a royal lapdog- which was far worse than the previous alternative. cj's disappointment was hard coded into the world they lived in now.
things were better now! they said.
were they?
the streets were clean(er), the buildings were stable and the sun was shining. but that just meant it no longer felt like home. not for the first time she considered what it would be like to move away. to get on her dinky little boat and leave for good. he wasn't making the choice harder.
" you don't actually care what my problem is, harold, you just want to tell me i'm wrong. you want to preach your religion and have me lap it up like lucifer with spoiled milk. i'm not here for a sermon in the holy church of saint uma- " she pressed her hands together in a mockery of prayer. " emphasis on saint. there she goes, leading you to heaven and peace on earth. as long as you're a good boy. as long as we're all good. then we're finally deserving. you just have to erase everything about yourself first. i won't stand and watch. i haven't forgotten that we're bloody pirates! so i'm gonna go be a pirate and you're gonna go be part of the auradon navy. i'll see you on the seas. " she tipped her hat.
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enchaentd · 3 months
📐 ik i've sent this before but For The New Blog, harry is 6'
height comparison meme, accepting!  ˎˊ˗
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heiresea · 10 months
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@hookd sent: smash or pass :3
smash or pass? / accepting.
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❝ not much of a question, ❞ she taunts, a knowing mischief in the curve of her lips. they have played this game several times before, & she has no doubt that they'll play it several times more. but if it feeds his ego ... she can allow it every once in a while.
❝ smash. ❞
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severedleft · 2 years
i don't think you've been asked this before, although you might have, and it might have been from me, tbh, BUT! my question is, how does james feel about harry being first mate, rather than a captain?
obviously , james would prefer harry to be captain —— and there's a bit of disappointment that comes along with the way harry appears content with simply being first mate. while it may not always seem so , he does want his children to succeed and excel in this cruel unforgiving world. he wants them to follow in his footsteps , to ruthlessly crush their enemies beneath their boots in order to climb their way to the top ( even if that means their own crewmates ) and one day surpass him and his own accomplishments. he'll often remind himself that harry is still young ; that there's still time for him to continue the climb. he will certainly remind harry of this as well , and attempt to persuade him to strive further. after all , he himself didn't become captain overnight. rome wasn't built in a day.
i will say , james does respect uma. and if there was anyone he thought deserving of being granted title of captain other than any of his children , it would be her. but he doesn't want harry to only be content in his position beneath her and he worries he'll become comfortable being stagnant. james does respect uma. but that doesn't mean he wouldn't urge harry to betray her and drag her to the bottom of the sea if given the chance.
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pivotalmark · 2 years
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❛ WELL WELL WELL ------------- ❜ amusement dances on the captain's lips as she leans back against the railing , arms crossed over her chest . it's been a long time since she stepped aboard the revenge ; she's been traveling under the sea since graduation , eager to see her mother's stomping grounds . seeing as she couldn't take gil or harry with her to antlantica , it's been some time since she saw either of them , too . HONESTLY , SHE'S JUST GLAD THE SHIP ISN'T IN COMPLETE SHAMBLES . she trusted harry to look after their home ; it's nice to see that trust wasn't misplaced . ❛ long time , no see . MISS ME ? ❜ / @hookd
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@hookd sent [ swat ] your muse swatting mine’s hand away from something they’re not supposed to touch . (harry @ cj it is an injury he is forcibly fixing her up)
the blood coming from her cheekbone, and her upper arm was something she'd intended to take care of on her own. that was until she'd bled onto the wooden floor and drawn her older brother's attention when he was coming inside. "i'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself you know!," cj snapped. really though, she was kind of glad not to have to clean this up herself. instead, she used her uninjured arm to reach for the bottle of rum they'd been using to clean her wounds and took a swig from it. "we tell dad i earned this, yeah?" in a fight, or something slightly more worth the effort and rum it took to clean up than her smacking into a wall because of a miscalculation. they both avoided hook as much as possible, but it wasn't always avoidable and if they were both there, cj wanted them to be on the same page.
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loetise · 1 year
harry's 6'0 uwu
height comparison meme, accepting.  ˎˊ˗
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“the lost revenge has yet to announce an opening act for their next tour, but fans begin to speculate that alice westergaard may be slated to open for the band,” alice read from her phone, glancing up at harry before she continued reading. “other fans deny this possibility, stating the presence of westergaard would cause drama between band members and the solo artist and citing the evidence of alice and harry hook having history.” she set her phone down with a laugh, looking across the table and deciding to get up. the blonde walked over to him and sat on his lap. “you hear that, harry? i’m gonna cause drama... as if uma’s not the one that signed me to your label. she owns my ass just as much as you do.”
starter for @hookd / harry hook *
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calithal · 3 months
flicks cj on the forehead :/
come play the 'don't get stabbed/bitten/otherwise maimed' game (aka just talking to cj), always accepting!  ༄
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                she’s  being  really  annoying,  in  a  mood  where  she  doesn’t  stop  talking.  running  circles  around  the  both  of  him.  swearing  and  name  calling  and  poking  fun.  it  could  be  worse,  and  it’s  about  as  lighthearted  as  cj  can  get.  an  annoyance.  she’s  so  beautiful  and  everyone  wants  to  kill  her.  boo!  cj  could  be  killing  people.  she’s  going  to  kill  someone,  at  this  point.  she’ll  show  them  nightmare  brat.  harry  does  not  appreciate  her  clear  benevolence  today,  and  flicks  her.  her  reaction  is  so  much  of  an  impulse,  she  doesn’t  realize  she’s  doing  it  until  it’s  done.  cj  makes  it  purposeful  by  clamping  her  teeth.
                she  snaps  up  and  bites  him,  hard.    “  get  that  fuckin’  thing  out  of  my  face.  ”    she  says,  spitting  them  out.  she  hopes  he  bleeds,  at  least  a  little.  asshole.  she’s  literally  darling.
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springthings · 2 years
        " harry? " she reaches for his hand, gentle fingers curling around harry's own to touch at his attention, gentle as she can be. it's just the two of them, just them in this quiet, quiet room. it's harder to be quiet inside, when there's no rustle of wind and grass and the chirp of birds. but they can't open the window, lest they let the cold spill in, freeze them over and turn them sharp and jagged. she feels colder already, the tips of her fingers finding warmth in his skin, which worries her. no one likes to touch something so cold, and she's already so unpleasant, with winter hollowing her out and weighing her down. but harry's visits keep fixing her, allowing cracks of light through the windows and doors. the fairy girl presses closer to him, up against his side and under his outstretched arm. " this winter feels like it'll never end. "
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softbrawn · 2 years
—    @hookd​​  :    ‘  can  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  a  waterfall.  ’
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the  boy’s  semblance  shine  at  the  other’s  words,  eyes  sparkling  with  hope.    “  oh  man,  do  you  think  we’re  far?  maybe  we  could  take  a  dip,  huh?  ”    he  looks  around  as  he  speaks,  already  trying  to  find  direction  that  the  sound  is  coming  from.    “  maybe  even  skinny,  what  do  you  think?  ”
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enchaentd · 3 months
permanent new bloggie starter call, always accepting!  ˎˊ˗             featuring;  @hookd ♡
        allie had felt the storm coming for days.   something sharp and commanding and heavy on her bones,   it felt so close to anxiety,   only a slight difference,   it makes her wonder if that had been what she used to be so afraid of.   sometimes,   even still,   when lightning and thunder rock the house,   her shoulders contract all the same.
        in the same split second,   he appeared at her open doorway.   harry,   who she loved and loved and loved and never got to see his storm.   she took him into her arms,   cradling him like she would a worn,   small creature,   with only the warmest,   tender hands.   she breathes his name,   a call for comfort  on.   she never sees him like this,   it’s usually the other way around.   a part of her embraces the vulnerability of it,   her heart singing at the sign of trust.   to care and hold and help.   “ are you okay? ”   she asks,   still holding him.
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heiresea · 1 year
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@hookd​ sent: ( sms ) : it's so boring when you're not around.  
texting prompts. / accepting.
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( sms: harry ): I know.
( sms: harry ): But I’ve also only been gone for like
( sms: harry ): Two days.
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severedleft · 1 year
each of his children wore the disparaged faces of his failures [ ... ] three ever present reminders of each of the mistakes he made during their upbringings , and mistakes he will only continue making. ( the question is: will he admit to them before he's buried six feet deep into the dirt ? ) WORRY NOT , DEAR READER. there lies a bloodied heart within the fractured ribcage of the man standing before his only son ; perhaps it is hidden behind thick branches of ivory and perpetually punctured , but it is in fact still beating. though a shard breaks from the root each time he looks at harry [ ... ] it's always as if he's staring into his own reflection. NOT A SINGLE SOUL WOULD DARE QUESTION THEIR KINSHIP. the blood that binds them is not only confined to the oceanic blue of their eyes , nor the near black of their hair —— no , it isn't always as obvious as something a quick glance would offer.
it's in the way they walk , entering any room with a demanding presence. it's in the anger that rattles within their chests , a generational trait passed down to each of their men on a chain not yet broken. it's in the good that blossomed in their core while being protected by a shield of ice [ ... ] though perhaps his had completely frozen over and withered away in a painful death. all of these things were nothing if not hereditary.
@hookd: was i not good enough ? worthy of being loved ? were you ashamed or just afraid ?
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AND IT WAS HERE THAT HE FELT A CRACK. a sickening split straight down the middle of the muscle thumping an unsteady rhythm. james knew very well that sometimes the only thing a boy truly needed [ ... ] was his father. so why couldn't he give his child the one thing he himself had been cruelly deprived of ? ❛❛ ashamed ? ❜❜ a scoff of disbelief followed. ( he loved his children. he loved them. he loved them. perhaps he loved himself more. ) and the word perched itself on the tip of his tongue ; BUT UPON DECIDING IT TASTED TOO MUCH LIKE POISON , he swallowed it instead. ❛❛ i've never been ashamed of you , harry. you're my son —— and the strongest damned brat i've ever met. ❜❜
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