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@hookd sent [ swat ] your muse swatting mine’s hand away from something they’re not supposed to touch . (harry @ cj it is an injury he is forcibly fixing her up)
the blood coming from her cheekbone, and her upper arm was something she'd intended to take care of on her own. that was until she'd bled onto the wooden floor and drawn her older brother's attention when he was coming inside. "i'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself you know!," cj snapped. really though, she was kind of glad not to have to clean this up herself. instead, she used her uninjured arm to reach for the bottle of rum they'd been using to clean her wounds and took a swig from it. "we tell dad i earned this, yeah?" in a fight, or something slightly more worth the effort and rum it took to clean up than her smacking into a wall because of a miscalculation. they both avoided hook as much as possible, but it wasn't always avoidable and if they were both there, cj wanted them to be on the same page.
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starter/plot call for hwevent18. just a list of each muses occupations for now. like to plot and i'll message you. or just tell me who you want a starter for. i'm not going to put a cap on these at the moment.
a-xiang: not aware anything has changed
occupation: second in command to qi zhuyin
aang: not aware anything has changed
occupation: assistant to zuko
abe: not aware anything has changed
occupation: carpenter
starters: (francis)
adam noshimura: not aware anything has changed
occupation: knight
starters: (kono, vi)
addison wells: not aware anything has changed
occupation: thespian
aedhan: not aware anything has changed
occupation: fisherman
amity blight: not aware anything has changed
occupation: apothecary/witch
starters: (ally)
apollo: aware there’s been a change
occupation: tailor/dress maker
auden west: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: scholar
aurora nightheart: not aware there’s been a change
occupation: noble/fae
starters: (jumin)
b.e.n.: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: court jester
belphie: aware there’s been a change 
occupation: baker/demon
starters: (claire)
bloo: not aware there’s been a change
occupation: thespian
bo peep: not aware there’s been a change
occupation: shepherd
starters: (wuxian)
bram greenfeld: not aware there’s been a change
occupation: squire
cj hook: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: castle guard
starters: (harriet)
cloe: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: jewelry maker
cyrus goodman: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: astrologer
danny fenton: aware there’s been a change
occupation: librarian 
diana holland: not aware there’s been a change
occupation: scribe
doom: aware there’s been a change 
occupation: god/physician/surgeon
starters: (sha hualing, meredith)
drogon targaryen: aware there’s been a change 
occupation: tavern owner
elsa: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: witch/merchant
starters: (hans, lorna)
evie o’neill: aware there’s been a change
occupation: fortune teller
faith newman: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: tavern owner
starters: (harriet)
gu soo oh: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: artist/nurse
hercules: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: demi-god/knight
isabela madrigal: not aware there’s been a change
occupation: apothecary/witch
starters: (rafael)
jack skellington: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: noble
starters: (sally)
jem carstairs: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: general/scholar
juliet capulet: not aware there’s been a change
occupation: dress maker
starters: (romeo)
kieran hunter: aware there’s been a change 
occupation: foreign king/fae 
starters: (spencer)
king clawthorne: not aware there’s been a change  
occupation: thief
starters: (wall-e)
louie duck: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: squire
lee yeon: aware there’s been a change
occupation: monster hunter
starters: (danika)
max lightwood: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: eisa's squire
starters: (lilo, rafae, eisa)
max lightwood-bane: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: knight for xiao chiye 
starters: (rafael)
miguel rivera: not aware there’s been a change
occupation: cobbler/musician
starters: (marie)
minette: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: fortune teller
starters: (chad)
na jii na: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: scribe
starters: (irene)
naomi campbell: not aware there’s been a change
occupation: bard
starters: (ali)
ocean tremaine: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: toph's guard
starters: (toph, jamie)
princess bubblegum: not aware there’s been a change
occupation: alchemist  
phoenix volturi: sulpicia's guard
occupation: assassin for hire/vampire
starters: (urumi, satana)
pyrrha alexandra: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: monster hunter
starters: (jamie)
rachel green: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: merchant/sells dresses
rory williams: not aware there’s been a change  
occupation: nurse
sailor serpeni: not aware there’s been a change
occupation: dancer and singer/vampire
sam maek jong: not aware there’s been a change
occupation: foreign king
scarlett thomas: not aware there’s been a change
occupation: merchant
starters: (hongjo)
sisudatu: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: barmaid
starters: (lonnie)
sophie sheridan: not aware there’s been a change
occupation: innkeeper
starters: (junwoong)
sprig plantar: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: squire
starters: (sulpicia, noah)
stitch pelekai: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: chaotic bard
tommy pickles: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: thespian
the twelfth doctor: not aware there’s been a change
 occupation: scholar
starters: (clara)
tylor tuskmon: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: apprentice to taka
uma: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: cook
starters: (harriet)
yoo jae yoo: not aware there’s been a change 
occupation: farmer
yoon chi woo: aware there’s been a change
occupation: tavern owner/vampire
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That one AU where Harriet Hook and Anthony Tremaine go to Auradon.
@dragoneyes618 @auradon-bore-a-don @idontliketomatoesleavemealone @eahravinqueen
The start of this AU?
Well, no weird soulmate dreams, for starters. Ben decides to start the Isle kids program with no dubious magic whatsoever, because he is a sweetheart like that.
So instead of taking a purple-haired girl and whover she runs with (Isle novella), or simply taking randomly-chosen children of major villains that approximately match him in age (D1) and going for a shock therapy I guess, he reaches out to Dr Facilier, the headmaster of Isle's biggest school.
(Not to Yen Sid, because I have no idea who the fact is that and he sounds suspicious anyway.)
So Ben, the soon-to-be boy-king, sends a message about his first official proclamation to the Dragon Hall.
Now, Doctor Facilier's objective is „get my kids out of there as soon as and not fuck it up for the other ones,“ which, you know, sensible enough. Good for him.
He asks Harriet and Anthony to his office, to discuss the matter, as they are more of an unpaid help than students anyway. He shows them the envelope.
„So, the Beast is dead?“ asks Harriet, which, again, sensible reaction, because why the fuck would you name a sixteen years old a king anyway.
„Unfortunately, no.“ (Which is why we can't afford to fuck this up.)
„...Shame,“ both of them sight at the same time. Dr F can't say he disapproves of that sentiment.
They look over the text for some time.
„Who is comming over?“ Anthony asks, as if he didn't care in the slightest. Honestly, Facilier is kind of surprised they hadn't made a grab for the invite yet, to get it for them and their families.
„My daughters,“ he says.
„It says four people,“ Harriet says, „With the hope of bringing more over if the first four prove that they can give up their villianous ways.“
Yeah. And what's her point?
„...You do know that your daughters would level Auradon in between them, right?“
„Excuse me?!“ His daughters do have self-preservation instincts, thank you very much.
She only lifts one eyebrow at him and jerks her head in the direction of distant explosions. ...Which are most likely caused by CJ Hook (which Harriet conveniently ignores for the moment), Zevon, and, yeah, his Freddie. Those other two are bad influence, but yes, point taken.
„Celia then. Freddie comes over in the next round.“
„Fair enough. Who's coming with her?“
In that moment, he makes the decision: „You two should come. You want the little ones out as much as I do. Oh, and you will take care of my daughter, unless you want to experience the other side, first hand.“
„Wouldn't dream of doing otherwise.“
Great, he still has it.
But, of course, there is still one spot left. Dr F leans back as they stare at it, and then at each other. This is not his problem anymore.
Harriet bites her lip: „...I want to take CJ,“ she says, her hand in a fist, „but...“
Facilier watches in amusement as Anthony briefly covers her hand with his own, and really, shame he won't see how this will play out. Celia will keep him informed, he is sure.
Eventually, they decide to take Dizzy, because she is the least murder-prone out of their relatives, and also friends with Celia. Oh, and Auradon will adore her, with her colourful dresses, sparkly tiaras and unnatural cheerfulness.
That can only be beneficial.
(Not CJ, for obvious reasons. After her fun trip, there wouldn't be much of Auradon left.)
(Not Harry, because he'd refuse to leave without Uma and their crew, and also because he might just hook the Beast, which, fajr enough, honestly.)
(Not the Smee twins, because you don't split up twins.)
(Not Sammy, because Harriet needs them to run the crew and ship in her absence. And look after CJ – Nothing to envy here. Absolutely nothing.)
(Not any other of the Tremaine cousins, as they might just throw themselves at all princess and princesses in sight, which, not a good idea in the long run, or stab when they are looked at. Generally depends on... Actually, neither Dr F nor Anthony are sure. They don't intend to find out.)
(Not any of the younger ones, either, because they picked up the stabbing habit, and also, highschool.)
Now, here is how it went down in the port:
[Several minutes of stabby Sammy Smee trying to track down the two younger Hooks]
Harriet: „Harry, CJ, I'm going to Auradon for a while.“
CJ and Harry: „What?! When-?! Unfair!“
Harriet, paying them no mind: „If it all goes well, we will be able to get you and the other kids out of there very soon.“
CJ: „Why can't I go now?!“
Harriet: „Because you'd blow something up and get sent back. Also, we need to make a good impression.“
Harry: cackles
CJ: „Hey! I can behave if I want to!“
CJ: „...Fine. Point taken. But they'd deserve it.“
Harry: „And why can't I go?“
Harriet: „Would you? Alone?“
Harry: „...Point taken.“
Harriet, sighting: „That's what I thought. Meanwhile, do not die, try not to kill too much people, and remember, no open fire in the port.“
And by the Tremaines:
Anthony:„Dizzy, you are going to Auradon.“
Dizzy: „I am?!“
Anthony: „Yes. Go pack your things.“
Lady Tremaine: „Where are you going and where are you taking her?! Who will run the saloon?!“
Anthony: „You could do it, for a change, grandmother. It is in your name, after all.“
Lady Tremaine: „You-!“
Anthony: „Yeah, no. We are staying in the port until we go. Don't try to reach us.“
So, you know.
No one dies.
(That's always worth mentioning with the Hooks.)
Celia and Dizzy spend the remaining days on the Isle trying to get Harriet and Anthony to confess their love and ideally also to get Sammy to officiate their wedding. CJ helps, of course, but turns out she and Dizzy don't agree on the methods.
Anyway, the day of departure is there, the limo comes, same old, same old.
The goodbyes contain last reminder to „not murder anyone, or at least not to get caught,“ (the Hooks, on both sides), „Have fun,“ (the Faciliers, and it's terrifying), and promises to send a lot of letters and dresses and tiaras (Dizzy).
In the limousine, Anthony reminds Dizzy to not stuff herself silly with chocolate or at least wipe her face properly for god's sake, and Harriet swallows her remark that it might be poison. (She is reasonably sure that tea time with poison is not exactly normal. Won't stop her from being paranoid, though.)
Finally, they arrive to Auradon Prep, and, oh my god, the music.
What on earth is that music.
It's illegal, that's what it is.
The limo stops.
The music, unfortunately, does not.
Anthony is the first to climb out: he opens the door right into the driver's face and then he is in Auradon, the colourful kingdom of pixie dust and other glass shoes and other such insanities: Dizzy is gonna love it here.
But meanwhile, why is the world so bloody bright?!
Seriously, his eyes hurt.
And not only from the onslaught of honestly offensive pastels.
He turns around and offers his arm to Harriet to help her climb out of the limousine, as a proper gentleman, and it's only basic etiquette, really.
...Ignore Dizzy and Celia giggling.
Harriet steps out into the sun, mutters a soft „fuck“ and blinks a few times; she also keeps her hand on his for slightly longer than reasonable, but he is pretty sure no one in Auradon notices that kind of stuff. Or cares.
Either way.
They take a few steps forward, to allow the younger girls to climb out too and also to create a barrier between them and the crowd with their bodies.
Dizzy and Celia hold onto eachother for support, too, Dizzy a bit overwhelmed, but Celia seems to glow under the crowd's attention. (She has also managed to draw a totally unnatural shadow over hers and Dizzy's eyes.)
Now, a boy steps forward and introduces himself as Ben.
So this is prince Ben. How... Intriguing.
„Right,“ Harriet says, and then leans to whisper into Anthony's ear: „How old is he again?“
Of course, being the drama queen she is, she stage-whispers loud enough for the majority of the crowd to hear.
„I believe he is sixteen,“ Anthony answers, ignoring the boy-king, and actually quite amused at the expression the princess by his side is making, thanks for asking.
„Pfff. Just a baby,“ Harriet snorts, „Teenage boys shouldn't be in charge of anything, much less a kingdom.“
„You wound me, Harriet.“
„Anyway, as I was saying,“ interrupts the boy-king rather awkwardly, „I'm Ben, and-“
„Prince Ben, actually!“ the pink princess on his arm is much better at interruptions than he is, „Soon to be king!“
Anthony can see the willpower it costs Harriet not to roll her eyes, and, honestly, same.
„And I'm princess Audrey!“
So this it the game they want to play?
He glances at Harriet and she nods subtly.
Let's dance, then.
He smooths out his suit and steps forward; he takes the shallowest bow he can afford, one that could be interpreted as much as an insult as a sign of respect.
„I'm Lord Anthony Tremaine,“ he introduces himself, and takes pleasure in the gasps of the crowd; then he moves on to introduce Harriet, as a proper gentleman should: „And this is Captain Harriet Hook of Scattered Hope.“
He takes extra care to stress her title.
She doesn't bother to as much as angle her head.
He introduces his cousins, too, as „Lady Desdemona Tremaine,“ („I go by Dizzy, actually!“ she beams at the crowd), and then Celia, who doesn't have any titles as far as he is aware of, but who has perfected the art of creepy waving and eerie smiles.
Good for her.
Now, hete comes the fun part: when the Isle kids hear „Captain Hook,“ they think of Harriet and her safe ship more often than not.
On the other hand, when the Auradon citizens hear „Captain Hook,“ a shiver runs down their spines as they remember her father.
Which is, of course, why Harriet insists on being addressed as „Captain Hook“ at every possible occasion.
Yes, even in the bullshit that is Fairy Godmother's Remedial Goodness class.
FG:„Miss Hook?“
Harriet: „...“
FG: „Miss Hook!“
Harriet: „...“
FG, sighting: „Captain Hook, your answer to following question?“
Harriet: „When I see a baby on the street, first I check whether it is a trap or not, so I take my cutlass out and poke at the shadows a bit and maybe threaten a few people. If no one shows up, I check my pockets. Then I give the baby to Sammy to take to the ship and track down that bastard that abandoned a baby. Or murdered its mother, in which case I've got another stupid murderer at my hands, and need to deal with that, too, on top of somehow getting baby formula and deciding which one of my crew will get stuck carrying for it. Does that answer your question, Fairy Godmother?“
FG: „...“
Harriet and Anthony: smile sweetly
And, of course, they get into moderately heated discussion with King Beast, which Lumiere later describes as "the shouting match a the decade".
Upon exiting his office, Anthony asks when they are going to shout at him for real;
„Just wait until my sibling get there,“ answers Harriet, „Especially CJ.“
And Anthony smiles, because he finds the image of Harriet's tiny half-way feral sister yelling at King Beast as amusing as she does.
(It happens, btw. CJ yelling at him. She needs to drag a stool over to look at him straingh, which is hilarious as it is, nevermind that the former king doesn't run because he doesn't know what is good for him.)
Shortly after the first debate, the rest of the Isle kids are brought over.
Happy end!
(I'm soft, people. How could I not?)
Also, here, enjoy some fun facts:
Anthony is an only son of a french noble family that likes to think itself better than it is. Harriet is the eldest daughter of an English noble and an Eton graduate. Of course they know etiquette. And they are not afraid to weaponize it.
They are also nineteen years old. Surrounded by sixteen years old royals that have never once prepared a breakfast in their lives. They are tired.
Rules? What rules? You mean those things we have memorised so we can break them better?
Anyway, curfew, that is, like, a suggestion? Right?
Meaning, Harriet has insomnia and Anthony is not leaving her alone. They are found wandering the school grounds more often than not. Well, they are not found, as the school security sucks.
Also, Harriet has some things to say about Lonnie being Ben's only bodyguard. As has Anthony. And Celia.
She just stares at the people that told her and goes: „Well that's bloody stupid.“
„Language, Celia!“
Also, both Harriet and Anthony reflectively (and preventively) reprimand the AKs and order them around.
„Careful in those high heels, the pavement down there is broken. Are you prepared to drop them if you need to run?“
„If you want to steal the knives, hide them better.“ („I was just trying to... I was just trying to butter a toast?“)
„Don't stab eachother in the halls, please.“
(As I said, they are tired.)
None of the Isle kids wear the uniforms. Anthony and Dizzy think they are a crime against nature, Harriet doesn't care enough, and Celia complaints that it doesn't fit her aesthetic.
Harriet wears her red cloak. It flares around her when she marches down the hall and she enjoys the manner in which the AKs get out of her way.
Anthony calls her „Ettie“ in public precisely one (1) time. She reacts by saying that she will dismember him and use his bones to create a tinker toy to hang above his youngest cousin's crib.
Oh, and Anthony gets a look at the financial management of the kingdom. You wouldn't believe how bad it is.
Yeah, he and Harriet are totally dating. As in, established relationship, but they refuse to acknowledge it.
Also, Dizzy and Celia are crushing at eachother a bit. (They are, what, thirteen? That happens, right?)
If you have any questions//anything that you find interesting, I'll gladly elaborate.
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stubborngods · 4 months
@calithal liked for a starter !
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" don't you have somewhere else to be? " it wasn't a particularly angry inquiry; evian couldn't bring themselves to ever be that angry at their younger sister's antics. annoyed, yes, always somewhat annoyed when the girl started pulling some shit, but the isle was downright boring without the threat of cj causing some kind of chaos elsewhere, and - in all honesty - they savored the younger hook's chaotic nature. it was something ultimately familiar in their constantly changing life. " if you sink my boat, cee, we're gonna have a problem... "
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sunnyie-eve · 6 months
15 | Royal Wedding
Series: No Prince Charming
Paring: Harry Hook x Original female character Princess!
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: none
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"Do I have to wear this?" Harry complains to Bella as she helps him try on his suite for the Royal Wedding.
"Yes, you do. Not only because it's a wedding but it's your girlfriend's brother's wedding. Oh, and it's the King and Queen's wedding." She adds before giving him a kiss.
"Things I do for ya, Princess."
"Because you love me." She laughs at him. "Look at you. I say, I caught a big handsome one." She makes him face the mirror.
"You? I found the Heart of the Ocean. I say I win, Princess." He pulls her closer to him.
"Bella! Aren't you supposed to be helping Evie with the bouquet?" Audrey busts through the door.
"Oh, right. Umm, go spend time with Ben for me. Love you." Bella rushes out to go help Evie and sees how big it was. "Oh, my." She rushes over to help her. "Does it have to be this big?" She groans.
At the same time, Harry goes to find Ben, "Izzy told me to spend time with ya." He tells him once he finds Ben.
"Oh, she did?" Ben laughs.
"She did. Listen mate, you still seem to have a wee problem with me." Harry walks closer to him, "Why?"
"For starters you wanted to hook me and got upset when you didn't get to." Ben tells him.
"Oh, come on, King Benny. Your sister doesn't care." Harry rolls his eyes.
"You want the truth?"
"Duh." Harry gives him a look.
"I want what's best for my sister." Ben tells him the truth.
"I'm wearing a suit to your wedding to make her happy. If I had it my way, I wouldn't be." Harry laughs, "It's odd you have a problem with me but your parents love me with your sister. They know I make her happy."
"Just looking out for her."
"You know who you sound like right now? My younger sister, who did the same thing with Bella and I. Guess what... She realized the next day Bella actually cares for me." Harry tells him.
"I'm just more worried about her. The way she acts now and more vocal about not wanting to do things. And you encore her to do so. She has responsibilities, Harry." Ben huffs.
"What? She does those responsibilities. I give her pep talks for them. What I encore her to do is stand her ground and not get walked over." Harry says so Ben shuts up, "And who cares if she didn't want to do her royal responsibilities anymore? You're the King and when you and Mal have kids they will be in charge next. She's free to do whatever she wants technically."
"It doesn't work like that and I don't expect you to know that." Ben tells him.
"It can, look at me and other VKs... We're here now."
When Evie and Bella get to Mal with Dizzy the bouquet falls on with two. "Can you help us up please?" Evie asks the girls.
"Think the bouquet is big enough?" Mal asks.
"You'll need everyone to help you carry that or put a spell on it to move on its own." Bella gets off the floor.
"Fun fact. That bouquet is made up of every single flower grown in Auradon."
"Wouldn't be nice if people saw the dress too? Some people worked very hard on it. And I mean me. I'm some people." Evie walks up to Audrey.
"And the hair. Don't forget the hair." Dizzy jumps in.
"And some people have other things to worry about, like thousands of invites, food, flowers, seating charts, entertainment." Audrey starts to call about things that need to be done.
"Excuse me, Harry is calling me." Bella leave the room to answer her phone.
"Your brother hates me by the way and doesn't want me to be with you. So umm I left to finish getting ready." Harry lets her know.
"Wait, what?"
"Yeah, he's acting like CJ was with you." He laughs.
"I'll talk to him. Oh, speak of the devil I see him. Love you, bye." She ends the call, "What the hell, Ben?" She crosses her arms.
"Harry called you?"
"Yes, what's wrong with you?" She asks annoyed, "I really don't want t lo go through something I've already gone through with his sister with you now. So you can marry Mal but I can't date Harry?"
She cuts him off, "No." She leaves going to see Harry and when she does he finds him chatting with her dad and mom.
"Hello, sweetheart." Belle smiles.
"I why aren't you two waiting for the wedding or with Ben?"
"Hades caused a little accident so... and Harry wanted to ask a question." Adam adds.
"Oh, did he add Ben doesn't want us together?" She walks over to Harry's side.
"He did which we told him to ignore since we adore him. He makes our baby happy." Belle smiles giving Adam a look.
"Yes, your mother is completely right."
"Okay, so what did you ask my parents?" Bella laughs looking up at Harry, "If they could put Ben in a time out?" She laughs more but Harry gets down on one knee.
"No, I ask for their blessing. Bella, the moment you stole from me, you stole my heart without knowing as well. Everyday I prayed for you to sneak over just so I could see you. I wanted that more than the barrier to come down. Back when Mal and Ben wanted to keep the barrier closed forever, I felt my heart break. I thought I would never get to see you again. I'm the luckiest pirate by finding the greatest treasure ever, you. Will you marry me?"
Bella was completely shocked never seeing this come anytime soon, "Yes!" She jumps up and down as he puts the ring on her finger then kisses her as her parents cheer. "Thank you two for giving him permission." She hugs her parents now.
"Of course, dear." Belle kisses her cheek.
"Anything to make you happy. And he obviously does and loves you." Adam hugs her tightly, "Do ignore your brother. He'll have to get over it since Harry will be his brother in law soon." He laughs.
"There's still plenty of time till the wedding so why do t you go share the news with your family, Harry." Belle tells him.
Harry holds his hand out to Bella so she takes it and they rush off to go to the Isle. When they get to his place Harriet was surprised to see them.
"Don't you have a wedding to attend to?"
"There's a little delay with things going on." Bella tells her.
"Dad, CJ, can you come here please." Harry calls out so they come into the room.
"What? I was watching this really good show and I can't pause it." CJ huffs crossing her arms.
"I just wanted to share that we are engaged." Harry says as Bella holds up her hand to show off the ring.
"Where the hell did you steal that from?" CJ rushes over taking Bella's hand to look at the ring.
"I didn't steal it, CJ. I had helping getting it. Oh, yeah, Evie said you would like this one the best." Harry lets Bella know.
"Evie helped you?!" She shouts taken back then looks at the ring, "She really does know me." She giggles.
"I'm so happy for you two." Hook walks over giving Bella a hug then his son.
"I thought he would take longer to propose." Harriet hugs the two as well.
"I wasn't planning on doing it today but Ben pissed me off so I did it early. I wanted to make sure he knows I love you and I'm good enough for you." Harry takes Bella's hands into his.
"And you are." Bella leans up to kiss him.
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🌹🌹🌹 (never have I clicked onto your page so fast haha)
Steph, of course!!!
you sent me three roses, I'm going to be obnoxious and share three snips 💜🌹🥰
“Your batting average is down. Three times in twelve months?”
“We’ve been a little busy doing other things, Danny.”
“Like what?”
“Well, running the country, for starters.”
(that's chapter five of OTR 😅)
“Do you think I make a habit of picking strange men up in bars?”
“No, I hear your tastes usually trend towards call girls.” When he sees the annoyed look on Sam’s face, Will laughs. “We get tabloids out here too, you know.”
“Yes, and I just want to thank you for the really casual way you brought that up.”
(this is a WIP of Will/Sam hooking up at the end of "Game On" for... reasons)
“I thought you said we were too old for that kind of thing.”
He grins. “Now who’s making the lamest proposal ever?”
“Still you.”
(And this is a tag to [redacted] but it's CJ/Danny)
for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
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wvsteria · 2 years
hey there!! going to put this out to keep track of the plots i have going for the winterfest! if anyone would like to plot w my muse just like this and i’ll dm you!
bolded = starter i owe
strike through = completed
aj campos / crush / 19 / aware
she’ll be trying to enjoy the festivities. she’s just a very lowkey person though so moreso just browsing stands and being an observer. 
plotting w: yuri plisetsky, cyrus goodman, gabriela campos
alaric saltzman / vampire diaries / 34 / aware
he’s chaperoning a class trip to the winterfest. but he’ll also be getting gifts for his family. and hopefully making memories with them as well!
plotting w: sabina palpatine, five hargreeves, elena gilbert, hope mikaelson, katherine pierce
antonia dreykov / marvel / 25 / aware
this is all completely new to her. she has no idea what any of this is and might be a little cranky to those trying to engage with her here. but she’s also curious and wants to do more normal things. 
plotting w: pj halliwell, jade west, natasha romanoff
audrey rose / descendants / 22 / aware
audrey is all for the holidays and will  be looking to make any moment a selfie moment. you’ll catch her pretty much everywhere but the snowball fight and sledding unless someone can convince her.... 
plotting w: achilles, cj hook, ziggy berman, prince phillip
beth washington / until dawn / 21 / not aware
beth enjoys the holidays fairly enough. she’ll want to get a little bit of everything so you might see her quite literally any and everywhere. 
plotting w: hallie parker, sam giddings, mike munroe, josh washington, hannah washington, jessica riley, ashley brown
bruce wayne / dc / 43 / aware
he is only here to do shopping and because he sponsored some of the booths feels like he should make an appearance. but he will be in and out and not in the mood for festivities. someone please drag him into something he can’t get out of.
plotting w: clark kent
dani powell / prodigal son / 32 / aware
dani is not so excited. i mean the holidays are not but it’s nothing to phone home about. it really just reminds her that her work family isn’t here to celebrate with her.
plotting w: seth gecko, faye chamberlain, nie huaisang, malcolm bright
dominic toretto / fast & furious / 40 / aware
dom is all about family. he’ll be gathering some items to gift his family. and you might find him in the snow fight and sledding competition. 
plotting w: han solo, jim hopper, letty ortiz, scott lang
emily fields / pretty little lairs / 25 / aware
emily will most likely be taking carriage rides around and doing all the crafting events during the winter fest. she might also try karoke so don’t laugh at her please. 
plotting w: wen kexing, hanna marin, blaine anderson
gwendolyn blake / the black phone / 20 / aware
gwen might possibly be all over the place with all the updated tech she’s excited to see what’s out there and what’s next. and you’ll definitely see her taking a photo w hot santa and in the snowball fight. 
plotting w: mj jones, daniela dimitrescu, jinx, piper milano, vex'ahlia de rolo
hayley marshall / vampire diaries / 33 / not aware
hayley saw all this going on and just decided to stroll through. she might not participate in much though. 
plotting w: klaus mikaelson, waver velvet
jacen solo / star wars / 27 / aware
jacen just wants to do whatever would make his family happy. so he’s probably following them around or trying to figure out presents.
plotting w: han solo, leia organa, winter celchu, josie saltzman, kira yukimura
james buchanan barnes / marvel / 32 / not aware
he does not want to go. at all. someone will need to literally drag him there. against his will. 
plotting w: emmeline vance, steve rogers, peggy carter, sharon carter, mark sloan, peter parker
joey jeremiah / degrassi / 21 / not aware
this isn’t really his thing but he’s going for the snowball fight and sledding. 
plotting w: cirilla “ciri” fiona elen riannon, emmett cullen
justin russo / wizards of waverly place / 26 / aware
justin loves the holidays. he’s buying gifts for the friends and family he has here. and he may be gathering gifts for the family that’s not here either just in case they show up. he’ll be doing ornaments, making gingerbread houses, and visiting the nutcracker ballet
plotting w: arcueid brunestud, alex russo
kate bishop / marvel / 23 / aware
kate loves this time of year. well now she does anyways. now that there’s no more family drama to ruin it so yeah she’s decorating she’s building a snowman she’s having the time of her life.
plotting w: cassie lang, yelena belova, ciri riannon, daisy johnson
kiara carrera / outerbanks / 22 / aware
catch her at every live music show. she lives for that kind of thing. and doing the polar plunge because why not
plotting w: katie gardner, eddie munson
lola / star wars / 24 / aware
while the holidays aren’t exactly new to lola, it’ll be the first time they felt like they could actually participate in things like these. so they will be buzzing around excitedly, trying out everything they can get into.
plotting w: rue bennett, leia organa, satine kryze, silco
lorenzo st. john / vampire diaries / 140 / aware
enzo is doing whatever bonnie is doing. lol someone drag him away so she can get presents. 
plotting w: victor nikiforov, auden west, eric northman, caroline forbes-salvatore
lucrecia montesinos hendrich / elite / 20 / aware
she’s feeling a little festive, happy that some friends have come back especially ones she thought she’d never see again. also she’s going to make one hell of a gingerbread house so sorry to anyone next to her. 
plotting w: mob, carla roson
missandei / game of thrones / 33 / aware
missandei doesn’t have much experience celebrating this holiday. but she does like to walk through and buy the cute hats and scarves and make her own hot chocolate. she certainly would love to see the ballet with someone. 
plotting w: blathers, drogon, daenerys targaryen
mouse honrada / pretty little liars: original sin / 18 / not aware
big events like this kind of scare her, something ingrained in her since she was little. but if someone can help give her courage and won’t leave her side! (or if someone does leave her unattended someone is welcome to help comfort her as she freaks out)
plotting w: noa olivar, rosemary winters
padme amidala / star wars / 27 / not aware
padme absolutely adores events like this. you’ll find her all over the winterfest. buying to support the vendors, participating in the events, attending the music nights and the nutcracker play of course. you might even find her out by the plunge if she’s feeling daring enough
plotting w: bail organa, leia organa, anakin skywalker, satine kryze, luke skywalker
penelope park / vampire diaries: legacies / 18 / not aware
honestly, penelope is kind of in the festive spirit. she’s going to make the heck out of some hot chocolate and ornaments. she’ll also be at the concerts of course and taking a pic with hot santa. 
plotting w: hope mikaelson, josie saltzman
rachel green / friends / 27 / not aware
rach wants a pic w hot santa pls and she’s going to the ice bar and making ornaments that will look like crap but who cares because she made it. she’s also buying gifts for the friends she’s made while here. 
plotting w: bela dimitrescu, abigail mckinnon
rosita espinosa / the walking dead / 31 / not aware
rosita probably isn’t going unless someone asks her to go lol
plotting w:
roxanne weasley / harry potter / 21 / aware
roxy wants to stir up some trouble so catch her ruining snowman building, snowball fights and the sled races whoops. but she’s also doing family shopping bcs my god there’s so many of them. 
plotting w: rose weasley, fred weasley, victoire weasley, george weasley
rue / the hunger games / 20 / aware
rue is very happily exploring the fest. they want hats they want the drinks, they might be a little timid about it but they also want to participate in the snowball fight and sled racing. they honestly want to do any and everything here. 
plotting w: stitch pelekai, jeremiah fisher, cato hadley
tara carpenter / scream / 19 / not aware
after the ball she’s a little nervous about going out to places but since it’s open and not in a building she’s going. she’s buying gifts and doing crafts. also might participate in some of the competitions. 
plotting w: renesmee cullen, esme cullen, elijah mikaelson, samantha carpenter
willa lykensen / disney’s zombies / 20 / aware
this is all so completely foreign to her. but she’s oddly into it? 
plotting w: addison wells
zack martin / disney’s suite life of zack & cody / 25 / aware
as cool as he tries to act, he’s actually feeling festive. he buys presents for his friends but he’s mostly into the competition and proving that he’s talented and tough. 
plotting w: maddie fitzpatrick, akie menzies, london tipton, josh washington, alex russo
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calithal · 4 months
When was the last time you actually got some rest? :)
lack of sleep starters, accepting!  ༄
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                “  fuck  off.  ”    all  but  physically,  she  shoves  evie  away,  and  they  both  know  the  action  will  follow  soon  enough when  she’s  burning  like  this.  she  refuses  to  be  cornered,  lashing  out  and  circling  the  room.  like  a  fire  being  smothered,  or  an  animal  being  chased,  the  sight  of  raised  hands  and  a  gentle  voice  saying  gentle  words  only  makes  her  want  to  scream  and  bite  and  destroy.    “  that’s  not  how  it  works.  you  don’t  get  to  try  to  care  about  me  because  you  feel  bad  that  i’m  one  of  your  little  vks.  leave  me  alone.  nobody  wants  you  here,  you  left.  ”    and  then  she  also  left.  but  most  people  remember  little  sister  cj  hook  attention  seeker,  shit  stirrer,  broken  toy.  everyone  who’s  ever  been  on  the  other  side  seems  to  think  that’s  reason  enough  to  save  her,  or  fix  her,  or  care  about  her.  bullshit.  tired  doesn’t  mean  weak.  tired  doesn’t  mean  easy.
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nightwhispcrs · 1 year
closed starter for @youllalwaysbemyporcelain ( jack shephard & cj hook )
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"watch out !" jack called out to a stranger standing by the curb . before waiting to see if his verbal warning worked , jack yanked the person by the wrist and pulled them out of harm's way as a car sped past . "pretty sure that guy just ran a red light ," he spoke as he watched the car ride out from view .
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nolambs · 2 years
starter for @khronoes​ ( aklla )
                "  maybe  if  you  weren't  such  a  raging  cunt  all'a  time  you  wouldn't  keep  losing  your  lab  assistants,  and  then  i  could  go  do  something  fun.  "    she  ignores  the  other  girl's  demands  to  sit  the  fuck  down  as  she  wanders,  pokes,  and  prods  at  everything  the  eye  can  see.    "  oh  wait,  you  can't  help  it.  you're  just  made  that  way.  "
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ofcelestialstories · 3 years
@rndezvousz​ || CJ for Ally
.。.:*☆ “Not wanting to brag, but it looks like I am going to win.” CJ grinned as she looked at the set of crads in her hand.
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“Which means, you will go and buy me a drink. I mean, that does actually sound fair, doesn’t it?”
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solarsurfers-blog · 4 years
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❝  chin  up  kid  ,  they’d  kill  to  see  you  fall  .  ❞
ONE  -  LINER  STARTER  CALL   ,  FOR  @hookedlies​
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Here’s a starter call for the event. You can either reply to this call with who you want a starter for or like this and I’ll message you on discord for plotting!
A Xiang: (Chengling)
Addison Wells: (Zed)
Amity Blight: (Catra)
Apollo: (Dewey, Dizzy, Diana)
Auden West:
Belphie: (Beel)
BEN: (Audrey)
Bloo Regard Q. Kazoo:
Bram Greenfeld:
CJ Hook: (Josie)
Danny Fenton: (Sella, Wen Ning)
Diana Holland: (Anya)
Dobby: (Rikki)
Doom: (Dani Powell, Mimmi)
Drogon: (Zuko)
Esme Cullen: (Kate)
Faith Newman:
Go Yoo Han:
Gu Soo Oh: (Beel)
Jack Skellington: (Misa, Richie, Sally)
Jeon Seol:
Jo Taeseong:
Kieran Hunter:
Lee Yeon: 
Louie Duck: (Chengling, Dewey)
Max Lightwood: (Gregory)
Miguel Rivera:
Pyyrha Alexandra: (Dewey)
Rory Williams:
Rubeus Hagrid: (Prince Justin)
Sam Maek Jong: 
Sprig Plantar: (Noah)
Stitch Pelekai: (Marlene, Fliss)
Tadashi Hamada: (Gogo, Emily Fields, Light)
Tommy Pickles: (Kevin, Lil)
Twelfth Doctor: (River, Eleven)
Tylor Tuskman:
Uma: (Chad, Evie, Mal)
Voldemort: (Dorcas, Fliss, Ginny, Emmeline)
Wu Si Qi: (Nam Ra)
Yeo Wool: (Han Seong)
Zhou Zishu: 
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fcllendemons-blog · 5 years
incoming snapchat from cjalater
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cjalater: hey, i saw you on my quick adds
cjalater: let me have your babies.
cjalater: nah, i’m just fucking with ya.
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wonderstxrs · 5 years
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‘‘Say anything about this outfit and I’ll HOOK ya.‘‘
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alteredphoenix · 3 years
day by day, my imagination brings you here (ToB)(Veleanor)(WIP)
A/N: Little snippet of a slice of life fic during the start of the story where Velvet and Eleanor discuss in great detail how, as they are fishing, the former is going to go about getting out onto the ocean to hunt a whale shark (which is actually one long, subtle reference to the whale sharks you could find in World of Warcraft - it kind of became a running theme for a few expansions as an easter egg).
(Or, I wanted to do a Veleanor fic where it follows the story beats of the ‘slow life’ subgenre and nothing particularly interesting or angsty of note happens. For once, it’s intended to be long - hopefully!)
(Also, P.S.S. I don’t know why this sounds like a skit out of an older movie. I don’t know how ‘old’ is ‘old’, but let’s say anytime before the 2000s. I think my participation in the college course I’m taking, which is an intro on film appreciation, is showing somewhat in this. To be honest, the closest thing I can think of that reminds me of this scene, despite being a polar juxtaposition in terms of tone, is any scene involving CJ and Tenpenny from Grand Theft Auto: Sand Andreas lol).
Eleanor harrumphed. “You’re a big girl. If you want more, go fetch them yourself.” The hook came off with a fleshy, pinching sound, its barbs covered in blood. She twisted round and brought the deep, metal bucket up beside her.
Velvet hummed, nodding knowingly. “Maybe I will,” she said thoughtfully, and directed her gaze toward the sea. “Maybe I’ll go out there and hunt some game. Big game, with a lot of meat on them.” She rubbed the back of her knuckles across her lips, smiling. “Like a whale shark.”
The fish landed with a wet smack on top of the others. “...A whale shark,” Eleanor echoed.
“A whale shark,” Velvet repeated, clear and enunciated.
“The same ones that are over thirty feet long and about twice as big as a battleship?”
“Them’s the same.”
Eleanor stared at her, disbelieving. She faced her and brought up her own knee to which to place her arm on, mimicking Velvet, and honestly, truly looked for the slightest trace of a lie or mischief. Velvet raised a brow, nonplussed. “Do you realize how far out you have to go to reach one? Do you even know if whale sharks survived the cataclysm? Where would you begin, Velvet? How would you even get there?”
“By taking a boat.”
“By taking a boat,” Eleanor said, nodding along. “And where are you going to get this boat, huh? How? Are you going to buy one? Rent one out and, oh I don’t know, bring it back in one piece?”
Velvet smirked. “Maybe.”
“Of course. Of course. This is you we’re talking about, after all. You don’t just ask.”
“Well I am the Lord of Calamity. Saying please isn’t always going to suffice.”
“And there’s the problem.” Eleanor pointed a forefinger at her, to which she stared down the length of her nose at. “People are going to recognize you. You never wear any other color other than black and red, so you’re going to stick out the moment you walk right into town. And they’re going to run, Velvet Crowe; they may not know your name but by the Empyreans, they are going to run. And when they run, you won’t be able to get your boat.” She leveled her a stern stare. “How you will get it then?”
Velvet blinked at her, shocked. “My, are those fangs I see, coming out of your mouth? Those are fangs, right?” She chuckled. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“Just answer the question.”
“Well,” Velvet began, “for starters...I’d just take it. Easy come, easy go. They’d be gone long enough for me to head out, check the whale shark, hunt the whale shark, and bring it right on back with nary a scratch on it.”
“What if the townsfolk have returned when you bring the boat back?”
Again with the smirk, accompanied with a shrug. “I’ll just say I didn’t know it was theirs.”
“And what if everyone decided to take all their boats with them?”
“They’d be too scared to--”
“Let’s say they did. Let’s say they had a little bird tell them that you were coming, that you were going to mosey on over and fulfill your duty as a demon lord, so they all packed their bags, their horses, their carriages and their boats and went the other way because superstition dictates they should prepare ahead of time.”
Her eyes twinkled. “Then I’d swim.”
Eleanor pursed her lips, nodding to herself once more. She did not say anything, preferring to spare a glance at the ocean. Then, looking back at Velvet, “Do you even know how to swim?”
“Kind of,” Velvet said. “Sort of,” she added, with a tip of her shoulders. “Not really,” she concluded shamelessly upon the look Eleanor gave her. “I went spear hunting once with Laphi at one of the local rivers. Fell in and almost drowned. It was shallow.”
“Spear hunting. You.”
“Yeah. Me. And I did. It, uh. It wasn’t as easy as I’d thought it’d be.”
“And why am I not surprised.”
“I dunno. Search me.”
Eleanor rolled her eyes. “So let me get this straight,” she said, expression serious. “You’ll take a boat whether the people want you to or not, you’ll take it even when they head for the hills to get away from you, and you’ll even make excuses when you come back and find out they beat you to it and want to know why one of their boats went missing. But boat or no boat, you’ll decide to go hunt the whale shark, anyway, by swimming, because distance be damned if you’re just going to let an animal that isn’t even a threat to humans or malaks or hellions be on its merry way.”
“That’s exactly right.”
“So if you don’t have a boat and you can’t swim without drowning, then how are you going to reach the whale shark? No no, don’t answer that. Here’s a better question: let’s say you catch it. How in the world are you going to preserve all that meat? You’re not going to be able to share it because people are scared of you, and you sure can’t eat it all by yourself. So how?”
“Well you know what they say,” Velvet said, with a playful toss of her head, “the Lord works in mysterious way~”
“You don’t know, do you.”
“I have mystic artes I’ve never shown anyone, and more power in this arm and within this body beyond your comprehension--”
“Oh my stars,” Eleanor groaned, and ran a hand down her face. Despite her best effort, a small smile dared to pull at the corners of her lips. “You’re really something, you know that? Look what I have to put up with.”
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