#hope Domi is involved too
briebysabs · 1 year
I have to talk about Misha I’ve been holding this for so long. I am not defending him, everything he’s done is fucked up. I just want people to understand him better and idk how coherent this will be but HSVDVXHSBSJJDF
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Bc if you hate him, totally justified. But I don’t want Misha to ever be simplified to the jealous crazy younger brother. Yes he is technically that but one thing about mochijun characters is that most of the time, you can always dig further into their psyche. And I feel like not enough people do that with Misha. I haven’t made an in-depth Misha discussion until now mostly bc I’m a potato. He isn’t 2-dimensional and he fits perfectly in the themes of vnc. Misha cannot be saved, he is a hopeless character, he bears Luna’s Mark while using the Book he is doomed. You can say he was doomed the second he entered the story. His brotherly love for Vanitas is twisted. He is the embodiment of tragic. Everything that led him to this point was not his fault. The only thing he chose was to follow Luna and join their clan bc he would’ve died otherwise. Luna and Vanitas are the only good things he ever had.
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We all know his backstory. So of course losing both would make him snap. And on top of all this he’s being manipulated by Teacher. Who fucking knows the lies or orders Teacher has been feeding him. All this when he’s like 12....13 at most.
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And let’s approach the vanoé situation. We know the depth of vanoé’s relationship and even though Misha might’ve observed from afar, he doesn’t have that context. To be fair he probably wouldn’t care but point is, he sees Noé as some random guy. And again, let’s withdraw ourselves a bit and see things from the outside. How much time has passed since chapter 1? How long has Vanitas and Noé actually known each other? We know that a couple weeks passed since the end of the Gevaudan arc. We know that a week passed after Vanoé got kicked outta Ruthven’s study. If there are any other mini time skips I’m forgetting pls lemme know. But let’s be honest, they’ve known each other for two months. If we wanna push it, three. Of course how long you know a person doesn’t solely decide how close you get to them. You can know someone for two weeks but depending wtf goes on in that time frame, they can become your ride or die. But let’s use Misha’s logic for a minute.
You’ve known Vanitas longer, both of you went through hell under Dr. Moreau. You have the same Mark, you’re gonna suffer the same fate. And from how you see it, he chose a man he met by chance a few months ago, over you. Someone who will never truly get it. He is putting his life in the hands of a stranger over yours. You finally meet again after all this time, and the brother who you believed puts you above everything, points a gun at you. Yeah, Misha fucked up. But that will hurt anybody.
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Misha challenges their relationship. He questions how much it even makes sense. It’s not only “how can you chose Noé over me?” But also “How can you kill Father but not him?” Is he more important than us?? And that’s a valid question. Messed up but understandable to ask. Noé has protected Vanitas and has been pretty helpful. But Vanitas doesn’t need him to survive. Noé isn’t essential for this suicide mission he’s on either. Misha cannot understand what Noé brings to Vanitas’ life.
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Misha was so dependent on Vanitas that he couldn’t fathom his brother not feeling the same. Vanitas loves Misha, no matter how strained or corrupted that bond has become. But he is not emotionally capable to stay with him. And he is allowed to feel that way. And Misha is allowed to scream and wail and be broken about it. In conclusion, Misha is an amazing addition to the narrative, I love him a lot. But I also love Vincent from ph so that explains quite a bit doesn’t it?
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thewritetofreespeech · 5 months
I hope your day is going well and you are in a flow of creative inspiration 🍀
I want to ask you to write something from the NSFW alphabet for Noe from vnc: A = Aftercare, D = Dirty Secret, E = Experience, I = Intimacy, N = NO, P = Pace and V = Volume
I hope I didn't choose too many letters. You can skip letters that you are not comfortable working with. Have a nice day and don't forget to rest
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NSFW Alphabet
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A = AFTERCARE (What they’re like after sex)
Noé is a very sweet, compassionate young man, and that translates into his love life. He wants to make sure that his lover is taken care of. Giving them a cuddle. Making sure they are comfortable. They could literally ask him for a croissant and he would dash off into the night to find a late night bakery to find them one. He just wants them to be comfortable & happy.
D = DIRTY SECRET (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes short skirts. They are very rare, given the time and fashion, but the few times he does get to see one he becomes bright red and nearly unable to contain himself.
E = EXPERIENCE (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Limited. Non-existent really. He’s been isolated his whole life, except for Domi and Louis, so the opportunity to be involved sexually has not been one allotted to him. In fact, his only real experience is some harmless experimentation with Domi & Louis. He’s eager to learn though.
I = INTIMACY (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Incredibly intimate. Though eager to learn, Noé wouldn’t get involved with anyone sexually who he didn’t have an emotionally intimate relationship with. He believes in making love. Not having sex. He’s very intimate and passionate during sex as well. A lot of ‘I love yous’, ‘you’re beautiful’, ‘be mines’ in the dark.
J = JACK OFF (Masturbation headcanon)
He does but he’s very embarrassed about it. Doesn’t really do it much anymore since he shares a room with Vanitas. Noé just feels it’s rude to do that with someone so close by.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Dubious consent, of any kind. Even play acting. This has become more of a hard line with the Malnomen and seeing people lose their will. Also pet play? He’ll just think of Murr.
P = PACE (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual. He wants to take his time. Do it right. He’s also learning, so he wants to take every moment to experience this. Be in the moment with his partner. Who knows how much time they’ll have together, so every moment in each other’s arms counts.
V = VOLUME (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Fairly quiet. He wants to be considerate of others. W = WILD CARD (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Noé lost his virginity to Domi. It’s why she’s so possessive of him. Though he doesn’t devalue the moment they shared together and the connection, in his heart Domi and he will never be more than friends. Maybe friends who fuck from time to time.
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b-vil-bee · 7 months
No one asked but im gonna give my opinion on this..i dont know what happened before this gif..so im gonna talk about what happened in THIS gif..domi's on a mission to get the high five from Trent when suddenly haaland come and touch him..no one is happy except haaland..its like he's being bitter and showing Trent that he's the besties..i mean they're on camera..need to be professional right..it show that our players are very professional..non of them trying to get involved in what happened with Trent..except Klopp..while City got two of his players triggered for what Trent say..idk man,its hard to say but i kinda understand Domi..of course im sad too..i just hope it did not get caught on camera..i dislike haaland..
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Final thoughts:
- First of all, I'd like to apologize to the juries. I was too involved with the fandom this year, and its disdain for the juries made me forget that televote sucks too
- I'm so used to weird camerawork at this point that I'm not even gonna complain about it
- most of my predictions were so off this year, it's not even funny
- fun fact: I was drinking Kalush beer during the final, it's pretty good, would recommend
- Domi's vocals were so off, it was painful
- Chanel actually went and changed her performance a bit, huh
- Malik had really good staging an did not deserve 0 points from the juries
- guitars on Supermodel reminded me both of RHCP and "Smells Like a Teen Spirit" but at least it's not another "I wanna be your slave" self-copy
- Okay, time for the elephant in the room. I've made a separate post about it, but here is the TLDR version: I wish Ukraine didn't win but people having a meltdown over the winner should shut the fuck up.
- UK and Spain going from bottom 3 last year to top 3 this year is iconic and I hope they'll continue their redemption arcs next year
- Also, I think that UK should host next year, preferably with an invited Ukrainian host. They've got second place fair and square so it would be a good compromise
- very happy for Portugal getting in the top 10, and Grecce getting their best result in years
- he Netherlands should've gotten that 10th spot instead of Norway, sorry
- also, regarding those "connection issues", and juries from several countries being disqualified. Can we see the original jury votes, please?
- this year didn't have any songs that I loved, but plenty of songs that I liked
- i wish all of the artists competing this year to have successful careers, everyone was sweet (except for MBD, of course) and I love them
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yuusa · 3 years
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You snapped your head to the sudden scent of an unknown woman. Her gloved hands pushed through the door, revealing her strangely dressed attire as she gave a mischievous smile. She wore a formal yet tailored suit, her curves fitting the fabric in the tightest of ways. With her appearance came her flamboyant personality, one that filled the air with great noise as her metallic assistant threw a crowd of roses into the air. She raised her hand, bringing everyone’s attention to her.
“I heard all, gentleman!” She announced, waving to Noé with a bright smile. You turned to Vanitas, silently asking if he had seen this woman before but he only returned to you with the same expression. As you took several glances back at her, you felt as if you were supposed to recognize her, but you couldn’t do so. There was something deep inside of your memories that kept you from remembering events during the old war. You frowned at your thoughts as you raised your hand to press at your forehead, a sigh coming out from your breaths.
“Domi!” Noé called out, looking at her with shocked eyes as he ran up to her. His face was sparkling in excitement and glee, the sudden introduction of the women bringing him joy as he found himself no longer feeling alone in the strange world of Paris. The woman smiled, explaining that she was the white-haired man’s fiancée, something that you couldn’t believe. 
“Fi. . .” 
“An. . .” 
“Cée?” Vanitas ended, staring at the unknown woman with a surprised look. To think that an airheaded man such as Noé himself could even have a significant other flew past his mind. You stood close to Vanitas’ side, your eyes slightly narrowed at her appearance. She smelled odd, you thought. It was like the fresh scent of roses on a bright morning, it gave you a rather hopeful feeling that bloomed. 
Noé noticed the strange stares that were directed towards him and he quickly cleared his throat, explaining that the woman was not his fiancée, but rather a close friend of his that he grew up with. The crowd sighed in relief, somehow all thinking about different scenarios. You let out a small hum of amusement. The black-haired woman slapped his shoulder bashfully, chuckling at his response, “Come, come, Noé! It’s no fun if you just give it away like that!” 
You turned to stare at the floor, the carpet covered in dozens of roses. You carefully knelt, picking one up into your hands. You examined the deep, crimson colors, finding it rather peculiar. As you fingered through the petals, Vanitas took several glances back at you. He let out a hum, finding the circumstances rather interesting, “Dominique De Sade. . . then she’s the daughter of Count De Sade, a lord of the other world?”
“That’s right.”
“To think you had friends in the aristocracy. . . Frankly, I’m astounded. I’ve heard from (Y/n) that even with her rank, she didn’t remember the names of the aristocrats.” He added. Noé snapped his head towards you, a look of astonishment running through his face.
“What is this about Mademoiselle (Y/n)?”
Vanitas scratched the back of his neck, releasing a sigh from underneath his lips, “I suppose it would be strange if you knew about it.” He pressed his thumb against the bottom of his chin, smiling at Noé with a curious expression, “Have you ever heard of the term, ‘Cleaner?’”
Noé swallowed a thick lump that had formed at the base of his throat, “No. I haven’t.” You nervously pinched the side of your arm with your prosthetic, squeezing at your skin as your expression stiffened. 
“A ‘Cleaner’ refers to someone who cleans up after the war,” Orlok explained, bringing his hands underneath his chin as he stared at Noé. “They’re in charge of keeping the war from being too drawn out. You’d only send Cleaners out on duty if there were a large number of people involved on the battlefront.” 
Noé gave the man a small, hopeful smile, finding the job to be rather interesting. He assumed that they were similar to a kind of servant, someone who would collect and bury the bodies as a way to give a memorial to those lost. In a way, it seemed rather fitting for someone as kind and gentle as you. “I never knew that they had someone who cleaned up after the war. Mademoiselle (Y/n) must have had a great impact.”
Vanitas clicked his tongue, slamming his fist against the armrest of his chair, causing the white-haired man to flinch. Noé nervously asked about his actions, his purple eyes looking back at him in concern and confusion. You only stared at the ground, your hand shaking as you listened to the conversation. 
“You fool,” Vanitas spat, “A Cleaner isn’t there to wash up the battlefield. They aren’t some kind of maid you would deploy during a war. They’re meant to end the fight.”
His eyes fluttered shut, his lips pressed into a frown, “This means that they will massacre both sides until nothing is left, this is what the vampires call ‘victory.’ There were fourteen battles that ended with a Cleaner coming out as the only survivor. It’s a fairly new job that was introduced during the war, but it made one hell of a difference in terms of power. I promise you, if you were to see one deployed in combat, you’re better off praying to God to enter Heaven.” 
“But. . . Mademoiselle (Y/n) is so kind! There’s no way she could have been a Cleaner.” Noé argued, raising both of his hands. “I’m sure you are getting the wrong person. I believe that she didn’t have any involvement in the war.” 
Before Vanitas could give him another lecture, Orlok cleared his throat, interrupting him. You pressed your lips together as you tilted your head towards him, your eyes sharing a look of distress and discomfort. Orlok brought his hand down to his table, waving Vanitas off as the man clicked his tongue.
“That’s correct, Noé. (Y/n) is not a Cleaner, that man was only toying with you for the sake of a reaction. The only Cleaner that had ever existed went missing thousands of years ago. They have long dissolved alongside the old war.” 
Noé breathed out a sigh of relief as his smile returned. “I’m glad to hear such a piece of news. I knew that Mademoiselle (Y/n) would never work as a Cleaner. Although I suppose we should return to the topic at hand. My teacher is her grandfather so Domi and I played together often.” You flinched slightly at the expression Vanitas made. His eyes had grown in size as if he was upset to hear such words from the white-haired vampire. You tilted your head down, moving the tips of your foot to dig into the carpet. 
“Count Orlok, I do apologize for barging in abruptly like this,” Dominique apologized, scratching the back of her neck as she gave a smile to the older man. Although, you could sense that underneath her voice held no signs of regret or remorse for her actions. 
“No matter. The House of De Sade was rude long before your generation.” 
“Ah, my burning ears! In that case. . . one more thing, while I’m being rude,” She joked, her figure walking closer towards Noé as she immediately wrapped something around his neck. Your face curled up in shock as Dominique pulled on a thin chain, revealing a collar. “Let me borrow Noé if you would.”
As quickly as she came, she tugged on the chain, dragging Noé behind her as she strutted through the long hallways of Galerie Valentine. He struggled against her grasp but ultimately allowed her to drag him around. You frowned as the door slowly slammed shut, leaving the crowd in silence. Vanitas brought his hand up to his hair, pulling it back slightly as he groaned to himself, feeling exhausted by the strange antics of Noé. One moment he was trying to have a conversation regarding the location and identity of Charlatan, the next his partner Noé was being dragged off by someone from The House of De Sade. Perhaps he should be glad that at least you had the sensibility to keep to his side. He waved his hand in front of you, gathering your attention.
“(Y/n). Let’s follow them,” He said, turning his head towards you as his frown deepened. You began to wonder if there was something underneath his expression that you couldn’t read. He had been slightly joyous earlier in the day but now it seemed as if his mood had been spoiled. Was there something bothering him? Something about the Archiviste family? You weren't too sure.
Your eyes drifted away from him as you lowered your position, giving him a respectful bow. “Comme vous voudrez, Monsieur. Is there a reason you would like me to tail them?”
He let out a huff, already feeling annoyed by the current situation. He could feel something off about the woman from The House of De Sade. What exactly would an aristocrat like her be doing in Paris? What sort of business did she have with Noé? While he understands little about their friendship, he couldn’t shake off the feeling of discomfort he felt around her. “I feel as if that woman is planning something. Whatever it is, we need to get to the bottom of it.” 
“I see. . .” You replied, your gaze focused on the door as you placed your hands behind your back. You doubted that someone from The House of De Sade would simply roam the streets of regular Paris, especially in such early lights. Perhaps it was a mere educated guess, you proposed. You gave Vanitas an innocent smile, your eyes fluttering shut. “I presume they are headed to the border.”
“Shall we head out?” You added. 
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“Noé!” Vanitas shouted, catching his attention as the world around him grew dark. His smirk was plastered across his face as a look of excitement stained the man’s vision. 
Noé brought his head towards your direction, his eyes widening as he saw Vanitas call for his name from within your arms. You were holding Vanitas with your prosthetic arm, your other hand squeezing onto his hand as you both jumped through the empty darkness. His heart was beginning to pound wildly at the sight. Why would Vanitas suddenly follow him into the other world? Noé was taken aback as you and Vanitas landed safely onto the ground. Your heels clicked against the ground as you carefully lowered his figure, allowing him to drop to his feet. 
You turned your head, scanning your surroundings. You sucked in a deep breath, surprised to see that you had successfully made it through before the door closed. This was your first time in Altus, a world that was parallel to the one you knew. Although it acted and felt very similar to the city of Paris, the population mainly consisted of vampires who were created during The Babel Incident, an event that shifted the world’s formula. However, with its creation came the destruction of the Earth, leading to the old war. You brushed your hair through your (h/c) locks, adjusting your snow-white clothing as you stirred your hood downwards. To even reach Altus, you were instructed to pass through using “Borders,” an entrance created after the case of Babel. You were instructed by Vanitas to keep close to him as any human who entered Altus would be lost while crossing dimensions. 
Dominique came close to your side, her lips curving into a mischievous smile as she brought her hand close to you. You remained focused on the situation, your left hand tightening its grip around your coffin’s band. Her orbs glimmered slightly at your defensive nature, noticing the thick locks that surrounded the container. She raised your prosthetic hand to her lips, giving it a soft kiss as she peered up to see your reaction.
“What is a lovely lady like you doing here?” She asked, her face shifting to a provocative look, “It looks like you came here with that man Vanitas, are you here on business?” 
You slowly brought your hand away from her, a blank look coating your face. “Yes. I am here working under Master Vanitas, the owner of The Book of Vanitas. We are here to inspect and save curse bearers. If you have any information on them, we would gladly take them.”
She let out a hum, placing her hand underneath her chin as she tilted her head to the side. You seemed oddly familiar to someone she had previously seen in the past, but your personality was completely different from how she remembered. While there were times her older sister talked about a woman with (h/c) hair, it seemed too much of a coincidence to assume. Were you even the same person? She questioned herself, unsure of what to add to the conversation.
“Have you heard of the new guest that arrived?” Her sister cooed, fanning out her face as she stared out from the balcony. The moon had thin, faint lines surrounding the skies, giving it a ‘cracked’ appearance. The woman let out a soft hum, listening to the sounds of the busy town rumbling with a parade of vampires, their voices and shouting echoing throughout the night sky. She brought her hand out to the balcony, leaning against it as Dominique came close to her side. 
“What are you talking about?” She replied, letting out a small huff as she watched her sister’s smile widen. Her eyes curled up into one of interest, her lips tickled by the feeling of her cigarette. She let out a laugh, continuously fanning herself.
“The one with (h/c) hair. Lord Ruthven said that because of her recklessness, they had to create a new job for her.” She started, tapping away at her cigar to rid itself of its burnt edges, “She’s instructed to eliminate anyone who’s involved with the war. I heard they sent her out to the South recently, the war has been taking much longer than the Senate expected so they wanted to finish it quickly.”
“The Senate thought it would be a waste if they didn’t use her,” She inhaled a large puff of smoke, “It would be too much of a risk if they let her out of Altus to meet with other humans. Perhaps they’re worried she might turn against them. Of course, they wouldn’t want such raw power slipping through their hands. Right now she’s accompanying Lord Ruthven until her next post is sent out. For now, she’s just on a leash while they figure out what they want to do with her.” 
Dominique pressed her lips together in a thin line, thinking to herself, “No. . . Not that I remember.” This was her first time hearing such news. Although her family had close connections to the Senate and news about the war, she never heard of someone with that amount of power. She was beginning to wonder if there would be an end to the war. “If she working as a bourreau then?”
Her sister let out a peal of laughter, her legs kicking themselves up as she coughed up strings of smoke. Dominique waved her hand around, blowing away the smell of ash as her face crinkled in disgust. “Of course not!” She chuckled, “Well, I’m not entirely sure of what will happen with her, but she’s being called a Cleaner by the Senate. I’m sure Lord Ruthven would have some sort of plan for her in the future. He said something along the lines of. . .” 
She hummed, “‘. . . If there comes an end to the war, she’ll be the last survivor on the field.’”
“Have I seen you before? You seem familiar.” Dominique gazed at you with a blank appearance. 
You blinked in response before resting your prosthetic hand against your chest, giving her a polite bow. Your (h/c) hair slipped into your vision slightly as you closed your eyes, a small, gentle smile curving on your lips. “My name is (Y/n), I work as Master Vanitas’ assistant and guardian. I’m currently on a journey to search for curse bearers in the world of Atlus alongside him. I originally came from the Northside and moved to Paris after being released from my comatose state.” 
“A-Ah, I didn’t know about that! I’m glad to be meeting you then!” Dominique smiled, scratching the end of her cheek awkwardly. Due to your (h/c) hair, she had almost thought you were the same Cleaner as her memories. Perhaps she was jumping to conclusions, surely there was a multitude of people with (h/c) hair and you were one of many. She let out a laugh as you turned away from her. As Dominique stared at your figure, she noticed small hints of cerise pooling at the bottom, the color reflecting the brilliant lights of the chandelier. 
You tilted your head slightly to the side as you gave her a small smile. She found her blood running cold as she swallowed a thick lump that had formed at the base of her throat. There was something eerie about your actions. Perhaps it was the soft creaks that came from your arm, or it was the look in your eyes that were devoid of emotion. It was different from the looks that Noé gives her, and it was much more. . . frigid.
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You leaned your back against the carriage, tilting your head towards the cobweb skies. You were waiting for Dominique to finish changing for the ball, an event that may bring you closer to your goal of finding curse bearers. You wrapped your hand around your prosthetic arm, squeezing the ebony material as you found yourself become tired. You felt your heart thump against your chest, your hands growing clammy as you pressed it against the cold metal. 
You squeezed your eyes shut, struggling to remember Dominique’s appearance. You swore that you knew her but you couldn’t put your finger on it. Your head was beginning to ache as you forced yourself to uncover your memories, your nails breaking into the skin of your palm as you bit your lip in frustration. It shouldn’t be this hard but you couldn’t remember. You couldn’t remember a damned thing about yourself aside from the early start. You had vivid memories of the snow, the scent of fire and wood lingering at the back of your nose. You could remember the days of warmth, the feeling of his hand squeezing yours as his gentle lips gave you an innocent kiss, his voice calling out to you like the free-flowing wind. 
‘Live. . . with my memory,’ he repeated. It rang in your ear as the sounds of laughter erupted from behind your figure. You stared at his limp body, your blood running cold at the sight. Small beads of snow rested against his cheek, the red tint of his knuckles wilting away as you shivered. You felt your cold tears rise in temperature. The color of your face being drained as you stared at the claret snow.
You flinched as you felt Vanitas place his gloved hands against your cheek, his blue eyes staring deep into yours as he leaned towards you. His second hand drove themselves towards the carriage, encaging you in his arms as you tilted your head to the side, your (e/c) orbs looking back at him with slight confusion and curiosity. As you felt his breath tickle the front of your lips, you could smell the fresh scent of blood whistling in the air. It smelled familiar, like the scent of roses. You licked the bottom of your lips instinctively, it wasn’t as sweet as the man in front of you, but it had an alluring scent to it. 
“Is there something wrong Master?” You asked, looking at him unfazed. You were beginning to wondering if he needed something from you. He had been so quiet during your trip which began to worry you on the inside. You don’t remember him being this awfully quiet. Your hand instinctively reached out for your coffin, your fingers stretching out to its locks but he quickly stopped you with his hand. 
“No. I was simply curious about what you were thinking about.” He replied, pulling his hand away from you as you frowned. “You’ve been staring off into space since we got here.” 
“Is that so?” You turned your head away from him, “Perhaps I am only lamenting over something in the past.” 
“What of it?”
You clasped your hand into a tight fist, your fingers trembling slightly as you felt the cold wind brush against your (e/c) hair. “There is something deep inside of me that I cannot explain. It is this burning feeling that never fades away. I had first assumed it was some kind of illness, but no amount of medicine could cure me.” 
“I have been attempting to remember the war, the same one that you and many others talked about, but I don’t have any recollection of it. I was sure that with a war that important, I would be able to remember or at the very least, been a part of it. Although, I am beginning to fear that part of my memory is missing after. . .” You sat on the ground, unmoving as you watched your single tear drip down your (s/c) cheeks, falling and shattering upon the impact of his skin. “. . . reaching an unconscious state.” 
You pressed your hand against the side of your head, your face curling up in worry, “There seems to be something that is keeping me from seeing them. I had originally thought that perhaps I wasn’t looking hard enough, but it doesn’t seem like I could recall anything. While my previous memories are still rather vivid, I can’t remember anything in between the day we met and the time I fell ill.” 
Vanitas hummed, unsure of what to say to you. He watched as you continued to search through your memories, attempting once more to look for something significant. While he had heard about vampires not being able to recall certain events, such as Amelia Ruth, he had never encountered someone who described their memories as being “blocked.” However, he found the issue rather. . . dull compared to what he felt like doing at the moment. He silently raised his hand, gripping at your coat as he unclipped the front, letting it drop to the floor as your breath hitched. 
There was a brief moment of silence between the two of you before he carefully raised his gloved hands towards you, lifting your strand of your (h/c) hair. He brought it up to his lips, kissing it softly before suddenly pulling you towards him. You could feel the warmth of his skin from the outside of his clothes, his breath stimulating you as you let out a gasp of air. You squeezed at the side of his arm as he leaned forward, giving the tip of your ear a gentle kiss. His hand raised themselves to the side of your leg, hiking your clothes upwards. Despite the barrier created by his gloves, you could feel a sense of warmth from them. You gravitated towards his touch, yearning for more of that tender feeling. 
“Do you want me to help you forget about it?”
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fairy-writes · 2 years
Hihi! I saw that your matchup requests were open so i thought id send one in. Dont worry about it though If youre already drowning in matchups.
Id like to request a romantic matchup from Death note and/or Vanitas no Carte
Im an INFP who can tend to feel a bit more extroverted occasionally depending on the type of people im around. I am very socially anxious when it comes to going somewhere where I'll have to meet new people though and can tend to be very shy at first before opening up. Most of my sense of humor comes from sarcasm and I think I'm rather witty at times. My personality melds to the people that im hanging out with so i can better avoid conflict sometimes and others just because it happens naturally.
I'm a very artistic and imaginative person, which reflects a lot in my hobbies. I enjoy drawing, writing, acting, creating characters, and listening to, composing, and performing music. Despite being very artistic I also like to keep myself informed by reading. Whether its fiction or nonfiction I love reading books that have a spooky element to them, it keeps me involved in the story. Along with this I also enjoy being active and playing sports, though I am not the best at them. My three favourite sports to play are Soccer, Hockey, and Ultimate Frisbee.
Romantic Aspects
Im an omnisexual, which is someone who has an attraction to all gender identities, including nonbinary and gender fluid, but does have a preference. My preference lies with men, however, im fine with any gender for my matchup. Im very shy when it comes to romance and very nonconfrontational. With a significant other, all I ask is that they give me some form of physical affection and reassurance that they love me for who I am. I get jealous easily but i try not to let that show or affect us too much if i know that it's not a rational jealousy. When i show love to my partner i show it through words of affirmation and physical touch. I also make a point to spend more time with them and be more helpful. Id want a partner who i could talk with for hours about everything and nothing. Id also like them to be respectful of when i need my alone time and ill do the same for them. Im very attracted to intelligence as well, so someone who i could have educated, mature conversations with about things would be ideal.
Thank you so much for reading this and if you need any more information dont hesitate to tell me and ill be willing to add more. If you decide to do this, thank you in advance 🧡
Hello lovely! I hope you like your matchups!
Death Note Matchup: I pair you with… Matsuda Touta!
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A fellow Hufflepuff! He’s also quite a bit taller than you at 5’8 ½. You are a fellow police officer who works the Kira case when Matsuda meets you for the first time! However, the two of you don’t start going out until after that is all said and done, and he finally gets the courage to ask you to dinner. 
He loves that you are artistic! Unfortunately, Matsuda is rubbish at being artsy, so he lets you do the fun stuff. But he loves to watch! He’ll happily listen to the music you compose forever if you’ll let him and will sometimes make requests of you when you perform music. Reading dates! Matsuda will go for either sci-fi or nonfiction. There’s no in-between.
Matsuda doesn’t mind that you’re shy when it comes to romance. He’s a little nervous too! But he never fails to tell you he loves you and will give you all the hugs and kisses you desire! Furthermore, he respects your alone time and will just send you a text that he’s ready to be there for you when you need him, but other than that, he’ll leave you alone. 
The two of you have great conversations! Admittedly, he’s not the most brilliant cop out there, but he was smart enough for the Kira case and hardworking enough to make up for it! Your conversations range from anything to everything!
The Casy Study of Vanitas Matchup: I pair you with… Domonique de Sade!
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I literally cannot decide what house Domi fits into, so we’re going with either Slytherin or Gryffindor! I think she fits into all four houses, but we’ll just say Gryffindor or Slytherin for now. Also, I have no idea how tall she is. Her wiki doesn’t say. BUT, we can assume she’s only a little shorter than Noé, and he’s like six feet tall. So with a bit of magic, we can guess that she’s taller than you by a decent amount. 
Domi loves your occasional extroverted side! Of course, she loves every aspect of you, but she’s an extrovert, so when you feel like being an extrovert, it’s sunshine all around! She’ll hold your hand if you have to meet new people and reassures you that you are doing fantastically. Your sarcastic sense of humor makes her laugh every time without fail, and she strives to make you laugh too!
She loves your artistic and imaginative side! She loves to watch you draw and act and also listen to your music! She’s a fan of classical, so if you surprise her with a piece, she’ll cry and keep it forever (which is a long time considering she’s a vampire). More reading dates! Domi will read a wide variety of things, so the two of you spend a lot of time just reading quietly and enjoying each other’s presence! Game dates! Ultimate frisbee dates! You’ll have to teach her how to play, but anything that means spending time with you means she’s down for it :)
Domi’s receiving love language is physical touch so the two of you work together well! Her giving love language is words of affirmation and she loves to tell you how much she cares about you. The two of you have fantastic conversations. While she’s not super respectful of others, she respects your alone time and only asks that you are respectful of hers in return.
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beanyboobee · 3 years
Can I just say what I love the most about Vanitas No Carte, Is the fact that it breaks the styrotype of Vampires being these heartless creatures being driven by desire and hunger. 
And insted twists it to show that Humans can be just as bad, If not worse than the vampires, It is so rare to find a story that does not depict vampires as these heartless creatures, who are cold to the touch and do not detach themsleves from humanity.
And insted here we get a tale that follows Noe, A born vampire, who has more emotions and warmth than most of the human cast, who knows heartbreak and joy just like any other human, As chapter 52 has shown us, he cares deeply for his found family and his friends, enough that even someone as passive as Noe snapped because one their lives were threatend. 
I found it rather intruiging noticing the differances between Vanitas, the only human we really get to know in this story so far and the vampires that surround him. 
How the styrotypes seemed to be switched, to show that human beings are just as much, if not more capable of being monsters than the creatures they call demons. 
Example, When we look at the vampires in contrast to Vanitas. 
We can look at them one by one and point out their flaws and there positives. 
For Noe, He is a rather oblivious, sheltered man, who has never left his home since he was a child, raised by the shapeless one and witnesses his friends death right before his eyes, he is still able to carry on, with the hope that one day the curse bearers can be saved, and humans and vampires can he equals, he is a positive personality and if he was given the choice im sure he would choose peace more than violence. 
For Domi, she comes from a family high up on the social ladder, and yet she still cares deeply for Noe, pretty sure romantic feelings are involved there, but eaither way, she is shown to be a caring person, who worries for Noes wellbeing more than her own. 
For Jeanne, despite being a raised warrior, she cares deeply for the little master that she serves, and wants nothing more than to protect him, even if that means one day she had to die for him to be safe. 
Joanne is another character, though rarely spoke about, they are a dham, not fully human and not fully vampire, but still, they seem to wear this facade of politeness, which falls at the drop of the hat if his found fmaily is threatend.
Over all the vampires seem to have this strong sense of humanity, of loyality and love, when they trust someone they seem to souly depend on them, and will do anything in their power to protect them, giving that person everything that they are. 
And when you pair that agaisnt Vanitas, you can see quite the differance. 
Though Vanitas has some good qualitys, when you cut him down to his core, he is more of a vampire in terms of styrotypes than the actual vampires, he doesnt care for anyones safety, not even his own, he is cold and distant to those who want to be close to him and actively push them away if they succeed in bringing down a wall, he selfish and does thing not to help others, but just to test his own limits, even if the person doesnt want his help, he forces them to accept it. 
It is quite entertaining to notice this, to notice how the clique has been flipped, I think that is why I enjoy the story so much, because we see both good humans and vampires as well as bad humans and vampires, Vanitas is a good character, but he needs some serious development, he is still cruel and cold and you can blame it on his past all you like but when you look at the other characters and realise they went through just as much suffering and yet they dont shut people out like vanitas does and in the cruel way he does it too. 
By default, Vanitas is morally grey and we can understand why Noe doesnt like him as a person, but likes him for what he can do, because i feel the same, I dont like him as a person but then he has moments that look like he might get development only for him to shy away from it. 
It is so refreshing to see a supernatural story, where insted of the human being the voice of reason and one to show the creature humanity, It is actually the supernatrual ideity to show the human what having humanity is, and how to be a good person.  
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hockeytrashgoblin · 4 years
I’m Needy ~ Travis Konecny
A/N: Hi yall, a special treat for you! A two for one smut with Nolan and Travis! Not together but hey maybe later. I’m stressed, depressed, and dealing with it by writing smut. A Max Domi one is on the horizon. Enjoy!
*4 months earlier*
"(Y/n) just move in with me! I live right near the university!"
"No you don't you ween."
"I live pretty close. Come on it'll be perfect!"
"Trav please be serious for 5 seconds." I sighed loudly making him laugh. 
I'd been friends with Travis since we were kids. He was my brother and I's best friend actually. We're twins and Travis loved joking around about it. I would be lying if I said I didn't apply for a Philadelphia school to be closer to him again.
"I am being serious babes. I've got a two bedroom and it's big so all your shit will fit."
"I dont have that much shit."
"Pfft yeah okay."
"I can hear that eyeroll you bitch."
"It was deserved. But seriously (y/n) think about it."
"I don't want to crowd you teeks."
"You won't. I really want you to be close if you're gonna be here. Just promise you'll think about it? You've got a few months to decide still, I don't need an answer now."
"Okay I'll think about it."
"Yes you goon, I promise."
*present time*
I didn't realize that living with Travis would entail so many parties. The parties weren't really an issue but watching him get drunk and grind all over countless girls was. No girls ever spent the night thank God. I always took care of Travis once the party was over. 
Now however the party was in full swing. I was sitting on the counter nursing a drink talking with Nolan while trying to keep an eye on Travis. A box-dye blonde laughed too loud at something he said. I rolled my eyes and Nolan made a gagging sound making us both laugh.
"How long do you think until they're in bed?" 
"Judging by how fucked up he is I'm surprised he's not fucking here right now." I said laughing with him.
"I'm just glad there's another person around to deal with him too now. Before I was the only one who would only get tipsy and make sure no one died."
"I don't like getting crazy drunk. Trav on the other hand.." I trailed off looking over to him mixing a bunch of alcohol together.
"He's fucking insane. I dont think he ever remembers what happened the next day."
Conversation flowed easily between Nolan and I as it always did. He was around so often so he had quickly become my best friend too. He was the only one who knew about my feelings for Travis.
"Hey how's your head? Should you really be at a party right now?"
"I'm fine mom." He said rolling his eyes and playfully shoving my shoulder.
"I just wanted to make sure." 
"I know, it's sweet that you care but I'm totally fine. Promise."
"Okay good." We were quiet for a bit before I spoke up again. "Hey do you want to hangout in my room instead? I'm getting kinda sick of watching Travis dry hump that girl."
"Yeah I get that. Let's go."
"We're cuddling. That's a threat." I said unlocking my door making him laugh.
"I'm touchy. It's worse with alcohol."
"You and Travis are exactly the same that way. You both need to touch someone all the time." I pulled him down into my bed.
"Yeah well touch me already Nol."
"Sounds like you're asking for something totally different."
"I wouldn't complain."
"Oh really?" He asked leaning to hover over me.
"I mean as long as it's clear we're just friends and I only have feelings for Trav, then why not?"
"That's clear. We're just two friends helping each other out. I don't have any feelings towards you either."
"Okay then fucking comere and touch me." I pulled him down and attached my lips to his. He moaned into it and rested some of his weight on top of me. I was trying to get our clothes off as quick as possible.
"Someone's eager." He mumbled into my neck.
"I haven't been this sexually frustrated since I was a teenager, I just need you to get in me already."
"Whatever you want (y/n)."
Soon enough our clothes were off and he was 3 fingers deep in me. His thrusts alternated between sharp and fast to rubbing along the inside walls of me and it was torture.
"Fuck Nols, your fingers feel amazing but I need more. Please?"
"Yeah. Yeah sorry do you have a condom?"
"Drawer." I said pulling him back in for a kiss. He blindly fumbled around but pulled back with a victorious smile on his face which made me roll my eyes and laugh. He quickly put it on and was hovering over me.
"Are you sure (y/n)?"
"Yes I'm sure. Make me forget about Travis for a few minutes yeah?"
"I'll be the only thing you're thinking about in a second." He said in my ear as he kissed my neck.
He guided himself into me and groaned loudly as he inched his way in. I was silent as I threw my head back trying to get adjusted to the intrusion.
"You okay?" He asked, kissing along my chest and collarbones.
"Yeah sorry, it's been a while. Like 6 months a while. I'm good though, you can move."
"Thank God. You're so tight, I'm not going to last as long as I want to."
"Fuck..you feel so good Nolan holy shit."
He built up a steady rhythm that had me moaning loudly underneath him. The only other sound you could hear from this room was skin on skin slapping as his thrusts picked up speed.
"How are you so wet that it doesn't even feel like I have a condom on fuck." I couldn't answer. I was a whining mess at this point. He chuckled and started rubbing my clit. "I can feel you getting close (y/n). You gonna come on my cock?"
"Yes, fuck Nolan, yes right there! Shit!"
"I'm close too. Want to get you there first though."
It didn't take long until I was finishing and screaming. The orgasm lasted long enough for Nolan to finish too and then some. He was fucking relentless on my clit. He collapsed on top of me out of breath and we were just quiet together for a minute.
"Not bad." I said making him snort.
"Yeah you weren't so bad either."
"Did I make you forget about Travis?"
"Yeah for a bit."
"He's gonna be so lucky once he fucking clues in that you like him."
"Yeah well we'll see if that ever happens."
"Come on we should get back out there. Who knows what kind of mayhem is happening out there."
"Yeah sure."
We went back out and couldn't find Travis anywhere. Nolan and I split up to try and ask around to find him. I ended up at Claude and he told me that he had gone to his room alone. The alone part shocked me but sure enough I saw that blonde from earlier hanging off of Nolan now. I laughed and winked at him before going off to find my boy. I knocked on the door and got no answer so I just unlocked it with my spare key. I got into the room and locked the door behind me.
"Tk?" I called out into the dark room.
"Hmph." I heard from the corner behind his bed.
"Trav, honey, what are you doing on the floor?" I asked crouching in front of him.
"Don't call me that I'm mad at you."
"Any particular reason why?"
"Hmph." He said again getting up.
"Travis talk to me why are you mad?"
"You fucked Nolan! You fucked my best friend!"
"Trav, what are you talking about?"
"I heard you! In your room. 'Fuck Nolan. You feel so good Nolan'." He imitated my voice and I rolled my eyes.
"I don't sound like that."
"Yes you did! Why did you do that?"
"Why? Why fuck him when I've been right here the whole time? Your whole life pretty much? Why Nolan?"
"Travis listen-"
"No! No, I'm the one who loves you not him! I'm the one who wants to hold you and take care of you! I want to get to see your body not him! He's not better than me."
"He isn't Travis, no one is."
"Then why would you fuck my best friend (y/n)? When I want you so much why would you?"
"Travis I didn't know that. Nolan is my best friend too. There wasn't any feelings involved at all."
"So what you're just being a puck bunny now? Why would you do that? You're too good for that." He asked getting more upset than angry.
"Travis, love, I think you need to go to bed. We can talk about this later, alright? Promise."
"Okay fine. Will you sing me to sleep please?"
"Of course Trav." I sat on the bed next to him and started singing brushing hair off his face trying to relax him to sleep. Eventually it worked and I left the room to help clear out people and clean up after them.
"How's the baby?" Nolan asked.
"Not great. He's sleeping but he's upset with me."
"He heard us.."
"You mean?"
"Yeah he heard it all. He's like mad at me Nols."
"I'm sure it'll be okay. Travis holds grudges but I don't think he could ever hold one seriously against you."
"I hope you're right."
The rest of the night was spent quiet until everyone went home. I tried to sleep, I really did, but I was so upset that Travis was mad at me that I just stayed up all night crying. I eventually gave up and went to the living room to do some school work. I had a couple essays due in a couple weeks and if I didn't have to worry about them anymore that would be ideal. I didn't notice how late in the morning it was getting until Travis came stumbling through to the kitchen.
I started gathering up my things to go back into my room. I got everything in my arms and tried to quickly leave the room, almost crashing into him in the process.
"Shit sorry.."
"Watch where you're going." He said in a snarky tone.
"Sorry I just- sorry." I sighed looking down and left. I closed the door and cried again. I got my essays done and handed in by noon. I knew Travis was probably just sitting around but I didn't necessarily want to bother him so I stayed in my room. I cleaned for a while but I mostly just laid there quietly, confused. Until he barged in of course.
"You planning on ever leaving this room?"
"It's dinner time come on let's order something."
"I'm not hungry."
"Bull, you haven't eaten all day."
"I just don't really have an appetite today I'm sorry."
"Stop with this shit and pick what you want to eat." He said getting snarky again.
"I don't want to Travis."
"Well you have to."
"Maybe I shouldn't. I better start watching my weight if I'm just some fucking puck bunny now right?" I said with an edge in my voice.
"What are you talking about? You're not a puck bunny, who told you that?"
"You did. Last night."
"Last night..? Are you sure I said that to you?" I shot him a look and he raised his hands in surrender. "Okay dumb question sorry."
"You don't remember saying that to me? So you don't remember saying anything else to me either then?"
"I remember most of last night. I just can't believe that I'd say something like that to you. You know that's not what I think of you right?" I just shrugged and he came to sit beside me on the bed. "I have never thought that about you. I think too highly of you for that."
"You did tell me last night I was too good for that."
"I meant that part."
"I also remember you putting me to bed promising we would talk later about you fucking my best friend." He spit out the last few words. "I can't believe you would do that."
"Travis it didn't mean anything."
"It meant something to me."
"Travis I'm sorry okay?"
"It isn't okay."
"Well it should be. I'm an adult and you're not my dad. Plus I have to watch you like twice a week get drunk and fuck whoever will let you! That means something to me too."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means I don't want you to fuck all those girls. Last night you asked me why I fucked Nolan when you've always been right here for my whole life. What was that supposed to mean?"
"I don't want to answer that question."
"For fuck sake Trav why not?"
"Because I don't want to."
"God you know why I've never chosen you my whole life?"
"No and I don't think I want to."
"Too bad."
"I never chose you growing up because you never made yourself an option! You were always too scared and you spent years making me look stupid pining after you. Even now when I'm pretty much confessing 13 years of built up feelings for you you still can't give me any answers. I never picked you because you never grew a pair and made yourself an option for me to pick. Because if you had I would've picked you over and over and over again. I pretty much did anyway."
"I didn't know you felt like that."
"How could you not have known all this time? Everyone knows."
"Well no one told me."
"That's bull. My brother teased us both about it so much."
"Yeah but I just thought he was being an idiot."
We were quiet for a minute both just sitting there not really looking at each other. I had just confessed almost everything to him and he still wasn't saying a single thing back.
"Look Trav, I'm sorry I slept with Nolan. I was fucking frustrated."
"Whatever, don't worry about it." He said getting up and going to the door.
"Travis wait!" I called to him, my voice cracking with tears. He turned around and frowned at me. "Did you really not mean anything you said last night?"
He didn't answer. Just shrugged and left my room. I wanted to cry again but the tears had run dry and I wanted answers. I got up and found him by the front door slipping his shoes on.
"I'll be back whenever, I'm going out." He reached to open the door but I reached past and slammed it. "What the fuck?"
"You're not going anywhere until I get some fucking answers, you fuckhole."
"I have no answers."
"Then we're gonna be here a long damn time huh?"
"You're fucking insane." He rolled his eyes and tried to leave but I boxed him in against the door. This shouldn't have worked at all. He was much bigger and stronger than me but he just stayed put. Well for the most part. He kept wiggling around so I pushed forward so most of my body was pressed up against his, my knee between his legs.
"Fucking talk to me you coward."
"What do you want me to say (y/n)? I'm fucking mad at you. I don't want to talk."
"We have to talk because if we don't you're going to be super mad at me forever and I'm not having that shit. We're not allowed to be ruined by me sleeping with someone."
"It was my best friend."
"I know Trav."
"You should've at least asked me, talked to me about it or something."
"You want me to ask permission to get fucked?"
"At least by Nolan yeah." He said shrugging.
"You're fucking delusional teeks."
"Why? Why is it too much to ask for you to let me know if you're going to be with someone?"
"Why are you acting so jealous?"
"M'not jealous." He said quickly making me laugh.
"You are fucking so! You can't just sit on the ground last night whining about 'why isn't it me? Why won't you fuck me instead?' then be all pushy today about it and expect me to believe that you're not jealous. You're so jealous. Why?"
"You shouldn't have slept with him."
"Love, we're well past that. I'm sorry." I said exasperated, bringing my hands down around his waist to hug him. "I'm sorry."
"Would you do it again?"
"Honest answer, if I got as frustrated and desperate as I was last night again and he offered I would."
"Goddamn woman, what had you so fucking horny that you decided that was the move?" He asked, rolling his eyes.
I decided to push the boundaries a little. Just to see what would happen. I couldn't make it any worse. I shifted my weight making my thigh run against Travis' dick making him gasp. I put my hands on his hips and pulled him closer to me.
"You did."
"Me?" He looked genuinely shocked by that answer.
"Yes you. Always you. How could you not gather that?"
"I don't know.."
"You always talk such a big game about how you can tell what a girl wants but can't figure out that I fucking want you?" I asked brushing my thigh against him again. I could feel him getting hard and it made my mind race. He wasn't stopping me, he wasn't disgusted by me.
"I thought you were always too annoyed with me to want me in any way."
"No Trav."
"I always thought I was too much."
"Travis you're not too much for me. You never have been. You never will be." I pressed against him again making him groan.
"Fuck.." he whispered before lifting me up, making me squeal. He carried me into his room and threw me on the bed before crawling over me. I instinctively put my hands on his hips and he held my face and half my neck in one of his hands.
"Did you really mean everything you said?" He asked looking desperate and vulnerable. Not something I was used to from my boy but I did love that he felt that he could be that way in front of me.
"Of course Travis. Every word." 
"So you really don't think I'm too much?"
"Of course not."
"And you'd really choose me if it was an option?" He asked not looking at me anymore. I reached my hands up to either side of his face to make him look at me.
"Over and over and over again. I would choose you so fast, love."
And suddenly his lips were on mine in a soft but desperate kiss. It was years of hidden feelings being poured into it and it was a little overwhelming, not gonna lie. He pulled back and had the biggest smile on his face which made me smile too of course. The boys smile was contagious always.
"I really want you to choose me."
"Are you finally giving me the chance to?"
"Yes. Please (y/n)?"
"Yes Travis, I'm choosing to be with you. You're mine."
"You're mine." He said nipping at my bottom lip.
"Yours." I said pulling him down on top of me kissing him again. It was way more heated this time as he pushed himself against me making me moan quietly.
"Come on, you can be louder than that." He teased rolling his eyes.
"So make me be louder than that Tk."
"Oh I fucking plan to babygirl." He sat up to take his clothes off and I did the same, really just wanting to feel Travis on my skin finally. "You're always so loud in your room alone."
"Maybe I wanted you to hear me."
"Well I did." He was holding his dick and stroking it lazily. "I've touched myself like this to your sounds so often. That seems creepy to say, sorry."
"Don't be. I touch myself to the sounds of you too. When you're fucking some random girl I do and imagine it's me you're pounding into the bed."
"No more imagining. You're going to be pounded into this bed today."
"Please Travis? Want it so bad. Feel how wet I am for you babe." I took his hand and brought it down to me. He slipped two fingers in and we both moaned.
"This pussy is fucking water babe. I did that to you?"
"Every fucking day you do this to me Travis."
"And it took you 4 months to crack and fuck someone? Babygirl how did you not go crazy?"
"I did." I said shrugging.
"I'm gonna fuck you so good. Better than Nolan."
"Babes it's not a competition."
"Sure." He said waving it off. "I'm not gonna prep you anymore. You're probably still good from last night yeah?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm good. Get in please?"
"How can I say no to that?" He leaned down to kiss me quick. "You want a condom?"
"Are you clean?"
"Yeah I always use condoms and the team check us every couple months."
"If you always use them why are you asking me?"
"Because you're special (y/n). I trust you and I just kinda really want to feel you. If that's okay."
"Yeah it's okay. Fuck me raw Trav. I love that shit."
"Did Nolan fuck raw?"
"No he didn't." I said making him smile.
"Then I'm special too." He said slowly thrusting into me. My mouth dropped open and I just nodded. "Feel good baby?"
"Fuck Travis. Move. Please fuck me?"
"So fucking needy." He chirped before starting up a steady rhythm. It wasn't fast at all like I thought it would be. He was fucking me like he had all day to do so, which I mean technically he did but it was again overwhelming. His thrusts were powerful but still lazy at the same time. He had me moaning and writhing on the bed underneath him. He left kisses up and down my neck, shoulders, chest, anywhere he could reach really. It lasted a long time and I was really savoring every moment with him. I finished a couple times in the time he was fucking me, touching me, and loving on me. He had already finished once too but he just kept fucking through it. His pace started picking up again.
"You close again baby?" I asked, brushing his sweaty hair out of his eyes.
"Yeah. Fuck. You feel so fucking good. Look amazing finally wrapped around my dick like I've wanted you for so long."
"I've wanted you just as long baby. Cum for me, love." I said kissing kis neck and scratching down his back.
"Shit.. fuck okay." His speed increased a lot and all you could hear was skin slapping together, me whining, and travis grunting. Arguably he was the hottest sound in the room. He was really pounding into me hard and I finished again all over his dick as he came inside me. He collapsed on top of me breathing heavy. We were quiet for a while just trying to calm down. He grabbed a tshirt off the ground and wiped us both down. He got back in bed and laid on top of me. We laid there for a while longer quietly just me running my fingers through his hair and him tracing patterns on my bare skin.
"You can leave if you want now."
"What?" I asked him confused as he rolled off me.
"You can go. Now that you got what you want, you don't have to stay here."
"Travis I- what? What on earth are you talking about?"
"You fucked me like you always wanted to, you can go. I'll be around next time you want to."
"Travis Konecny you're a fucking idiot."
"Um okay ouch? Why?" I rolled my eyes and threw my leg around him holding him close to me. 
"Is that really all you got out of everything I said today? That I just wanted to fuck you?"
"Well you did didn't you?"
"Of course I did. But I meant everything else I said too. I'll choose you everytime and not just for sex. I choose you for everything. I want to be yours. I want you to be mine. I thought I made that clear."
"You didn't." He let out a sigh of what I guess was relief and hugged me closer.
"Maybe you're just dense, love."
"I could be." He said with a smirk.
"Well just to make everything crystal clear, I want you to be my boyfriend Teeks. I always have."
"Really?!" He yelled in my ear.
"Ow you fucker, yes."
"I'll fucking oops you." I said kissing his jaw.
"I was really expecting you to just want a friends with benefits kind of thing. I was ready to settle for that."
"Travis you never have to settle for anything. You never have in any aspect of your life and never will. I want this with you."
"You really want to be with me? Even though you know how I am? What if you get sick of me?"
"It's been 16 years and I'm not sick of you yet. I want to be with you Travis. All of you. Angry Travis, happy Travis, sad Travis, stressed Travis, overexcited Travis. All of it."
"Yes really. Now stop trying to push me away and just date me already."
"Okay deal. You're mine now. Get fucked Nolan."
"Oh my God." I said rolling my eyes.
"Was I at least better than him in bed?"
"No tell me, I wanna know."
"You were better but his dick was bigger. Do with that what you will. As long as you know that I'm never ever going to sleep with Nolan or anyone else for that matter until you get sick of me and dump me."
"Never going to happen babygirl." He kissed my forehead, making me blush. "So just me and you now? Exclusively us?"
"Yeah unless you don't want that?"
"Oh no I absolutely want that. I'm not sharing you with anyone."
"Me neither."
"I'd never hurt you like that."
"You better not or I'll tell your mom."
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digital-dhampirs · 5 years
New VnC Arc Predictions!
(I’m calling it the Misha Arc, like the creative person I am)
So this new arc is definitely going to deal with Dominique and Misha, and will take place primarily in Paris from what we’ve seen so far. Misha wants to lure Noé to him for some unknown reason using Dominique, and he seems to have the power to make vampires attack others, leading to the incidents Manet told Noé about. Misha seems to be using power he received from Luna to do this, because if he was using some sort of vampire powers it’s highly likely one of the powerful vampires Domi interacts with like Luca and Veronica would notice. (Antoine would probably notice too, but he seems like the kind of person who wouldn’t say anything shshdhdhhd)
I think we’re going to see some level of an investigation into Noé and Dominique’s relationship, especially on Domi’s side, and possibly even an indication of how Noé really feels about the whole thing! We might have some minor Chloé and Jean- Jacques content at the start of the arc to show where they are after Chapter 42. I’m actually not sure how prominently Jeanne will feature in this next chapter, despite her growing feelings for Vanitas. It’s really a toss up. It also depends on how much she and Luca saw during Chapter 45~~~~ As for the dhampir gang, they’re another group I’m not sure about. Dante’s presence right before Dominique meets Misha (and him eavesdropping on their conversation) points towards some sort of part to play in the Misha Arc, but probably not as prominent a one as his role in the Return of the Beast Arc? That’s mainly just a guess though.
If we’re really lucky we’ll see some extra special Manet content!!!!! I love him and I want to see more of him, and since he’s the one who tells Noé about the recent vampire incidents in Paris, my hopes are high.
I’m also pretty sure we’ll see the amusement park Misha mentions when he’s in his little hides hole thing and I’m real excited for that! Speaking of Misha’s hides hole, it seems to be unsettlingly close to Vanitas and Noé’s hotel room? We see someone who appears to be Dominique shuffling around the roofs near the hotel and then vanish, only to reappear in Misha’s hideout in the next scene. Hmmm.
Annnnd for my final set of predictions/ hopes/ dreams for this next Misha Arc, I’m verrrry hyped for some Vanitas flashbacks!! My personal best guess about what happened between Luna, Vani, and Mish is that Luna was originally training Misha to become the next Vanitas (this would explain why they specifically went into Moreau’s lab for Misha) but they ended up giving the title to Vanitas? Which would leave Misha with the same extensive knowledge of malnomen, possibly more, that Vanitas has. I’m probably wrong, hahah. Anyways, I’m very hyped to see What Went Down between Mikhail and Vanitas, and possibly— possibly? A name reveal?! The one problem with a lot of these events is that they’re very, very endgame- level reveals. We would still have unrevealed plotlines involving Loki, Antoine, Noé’s history, Jeanne’s history, and Ruthven, buuuuut it still feels a bit too endgame so I’m not sure if we’ll have 100% of what happened revealed or just like 30%.
My final hope/ dream for this new arc is Noé finally drinking Vanitas’s blood. I know this is highly unlikely but hey it’s good to dream. The main possibility I can think of for this is Noé drinking Vanitas’s blood in an “altered state”— in chapter 23, Noé states that he can sometimes see fragments of memories when he isn’t directly drinking blood from someone. This seems like a strange detail to include, unless it was foreshadowing of some sort.
That’s all for now! Thanks for reading my messy block of predictions hahah
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the reporter
prompt: “Do you know how much I want to kiss you?” / number 75 off of this list with Artturi Lehkonen.
summary: you work for the Canadiens but Artturi has taken an interest in you.
warnings: n/a
word count: 1.3k
requested by: anon
requests are currently open!
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You had tried to ignore your friends comments, they were being ridiculous and you knew they were only teasing. But part of you wanted to indulge in some daydreams they had placed in your head. The other part of you, the one that wanted you to keep your job, told they were being childish. 
You had just recently gotten a job as one of the reporters for the Canadiens, which meant you would be spending a majority of your time around a whole hockey team of attractive men. They had joked that you would fall in love with any number of the players after the first week. As you walked out of the door for your first day on the job, your roommate shouted something about how you would be meeting your future husband soon. 
Part of you wasn't sure you’d mind too much if you ended up with one of the players. 
But then you would remember how unprofessional that would be, and you came crashing back to reality before you even reached the ground floor. You hadn't been explicitly told you couldn't be with any of the players, but you had assumed that getting involved with any of the boys was strictly frowned upon. 
Any thoughts about your—lack of—love life that may have been clouding your mind were quickly replaced with nerves as you drove to your knew job. You were thankful that for your first day you were at least interviewing them at a home game, and you had been to the Bell Centre dozens of times before. Within minutes of parking your car, you found yourself standing in the doorway of your new boss’ office.
“You’re mostly going to be shadowing interviews.” She explained, barely giving you time to follow her as she began walking steadily ahead of you. “We’ve got some of the team down by the locker room and we’re going to do a quick pregame interview. Basically just see how they’re feeling.”
“Sounds good.” You said, hoping it wasn't obvious how nervous you actually were. This was your dream job and you didn’t want to do anything that may make your boss doubt your abilities. “Who are we interviewing, if I may ask?”
“Max Domi, Jesperi Kotkaniemi, and Artturi Lehkonen.” She explained and you nodded firmly, picturing all three players in your head. You knew basic stuff about them, Jesperi and Artturi were both Finnish, Max’s dad used to play in the NHL as well.
The interviews started with Max and Jesperi, and they went by smoothly and without a hitch. They introduced themselves to you, and you to them, and then everything went calmly. You laughed a few jokes with them, but mostly let your boss handle most of the questions.
And then Artturi walked over for his interview. 
You had seen his picture before, in preparation for this job and when it had been displayed during games, but nothing could had readied you for how attractive he was in person. The first thing you noticed about him was his smile—it was stunning and you envied anyone who was able to see it everyday. And when he spoke, his voice was deep enough to have you blushing. Or maybe that was because you realized you had been staring. 
After the interview had ended, you were in such a hurry to get away that you almost forgot to thank him for his time. He chuckled and offered a warm ‘no problem’ and you were pretty sure that if you were to stay there any longer, you were sure you would've melted. Luckily, your boss had already started to head back to her office so you had an excuse to duck away with her. 
Though, you did happen to glance over your shoulder just before turning a corner to find that he was already smiling at you. 
That night, the Habs had won so there were a few cheerful exit interviews you took part in. Carey Price welcomed you to the team and it was then that you knew you were right where you needed to be. In the chaos of all the other reporters and a whole hockey team, you managed to go without seeing Artturi—which was probably for the best, since you couldn’t managed much more than a blush and a few stuttered words under his gaze. 
You were on your way to your car after everything had calmed down, walking through the tunnels of the stadium when you heard someone call your name. Turning, you spotted Artturi jogging to catch up to you. You smiled at him, waiting where you were so he could reach you. 
“Hey.” He said first, sounding a little breathless even though he was a professional athlete and he hadn't actually covered that long of a distance. 
“Hey.” You repeated, smiling widely at him. You weren't sure what it was about him, but he made you feel warm inside. “What’s up?” He shrugged at your question, looking sheepishly to the floor.
“I just kinda wanted to talk to you again.” He mumbled, and if he hadn't been standing right in front of you, you might've missed what he said completely. But you heard, and suddenly your heart began race. You undeniably wanted to read into the meaning behind his words, but you also remembered that you needed to remain professional. 
“You can walk me to my car?” 
Surely that had to be allowed. And the smile that lit up on his face made you wish that you could find a way to make him always look as happy as he did in that moment.
“Lead the way.”
And so you did. It was like that for a few weeks. Stolen moments enjoying each other’s company when no one else was around. It had never progressed past anything more than conversation between the two of you, but it was clear that there was something more behind every action. Every smile, every shared glance in a crowded room made you feel electric and yet you held back. This truly was your dream job, and you didn’t want any unprofessionalism to come in between what you had worked so hard for. You had almost thought that Artturi was getting sick of you holding him at arms length, when he appeared in the doorway of your office in the middle of the day.
“What’re you doing here?” You asked him, a nervous smile evident on your face as he sat in one of the chairs in front of your desk. He had never come to your office before, as you had been afraid someone would notice and start rumors about just what type of relationship you had with the hockey player.
“I want to take you on a date.” His words were firm, like he had practiced them while trying to work up the courage to actually confront you. You felt the color leave your face as you tried to navigate the situation. You desperately wanted to say yes, but you also needed to keep your job.
“It’s not against company policy, by the way. I looked it up.” He cut you off, sensing from just the tone of your face just where your sentence was heading. In response, your face screwed up in confusion. “Us. If we start dating, it’s not going to affect your job.”
“Really?” The hopefulness in your voice had him grinning, and as you weighed all your options, you thought, ‘what the hell, why not’ before nodding. “Okay, then yeah. I’ll go on a date with you.”
“Do you know how much I want to kiss you?” Artturi’s words had the biggest grin stretching out across his face, and you laughed at the situation. He was sitting four feet away from you, in one of your office chairs with your desk between the two of you. It was probably the most unromantic way for him to ask you that, but you loved it because he still had that same stupidly handsome smile on his face that originally made you fall for him. This time, you didn’t think about your job as you spoke. Your thoughts were consumed by him and him only.
“Then do it.”
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torterrachampion · 4 years
30 days of vanitas no carte. Day #23
Any future arc predictions?
Oh boy. For the arc that's just about to start I'm pretty convinced Domi's a cursebearer. Of course that in and of itself opens up a plethora of questions. Did she get cursed by Naenia? Or was Misha himself responsible? If it was Misha, how? He has the same eyes as Vani so maybe he has some of the blue moon's powers but I don't think that translates to interfering with true names. Anyway, to heal Domi, Vani and Noé will both have to confront their own past. I think we'll get more of Vanitas's backstory but probably nothing new for Noé, he might just have to tell Vanitas about Louis. If we do get something new for Noé it would probably be Misha revealing it because our vampire boy doesn't know anything about his past. So far despite Noé seeming like the more open character we haven't seen him tell Vanitas all that much about himself so I'm hoping he feels like he can trust Vanitas at this point. I am excited because this arc is probably going to be pretty painful for everyone involved.
Vani probably doesn't even know that Misha is alive. And is Misha a vampire? He hasn't aged so it seems like he must be but that would mean he became a vampire and wasn't born as one. We have yet to see anything like that in the series. Also, I'm hoping this arc forces Domi to confront her feelings and actually tell Noé that she loves him even if he won't reciprocate. Let her get it off her chest and move on, I'm begging you. I'm also hoping for a death just to up the stakes but I hope that death isn't Domi's, though I can't think of anyone else who could die instead. I do think that the resolution for this arc will not be nearly as happy as the last one and I'm fairly confident Misha will get away and continue to screw our protagonists over in later arcs.
I also expect Jeanne and Luca to make further appearances in this arc as well. Luca did seem to notice something was off with Domi, and Jeanne has appeared in every arc except the catacombs. She's the most important character bar Noé and Vanitas. Besides, Domi has to face her feelings of inferiority to Jeanne too. Domi honestly seems to have a lot of trauma in her future.
Oh, and there's certainly going to be a time when Vanitas's promise to Jeanne is going to come up, though likely not in this arc. I don't know when but Jun has reiterated it so many times that it is obviously very important. Of course, I doubt Vanitas will be able to keep that promise when the time comes and I expect some major damage will be done even if he finds another way to solve the problem.
I imagine this upcoming arc is going to be the start of the descent into the real craziness Jun has planned. The first major character death in Pandora Hearts happened in chapter 59 so I expect we're reaching the point where heads will start to roll. There's so many characters with their own mysterious agendas that all seem to be different and I expect sooner rather than later Vanitas and Noé won't be getting as much rest between arcs, there simply won't be time to sulk for ten days because of a crush. The list of characters I don't trust is so long and there's probably even more lurking in the shadows. Congrats if you understood any of that rambling.
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aaaaand hello everyone, we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming, welcome to yet another episode of 'and that's what you missed on professional tennis players being dumb' (laver cup drama recap coming soon i promise)
- The week following Laver Cup was absolutely wild; Nick got (kind of, but not really) banned from playing tennis, Rafa was legit walking around completely decked out in LC merch for days, Sascha (*a TEAM8 social media intern about to be fired) followed Stefanos on instagram, then Sascha (*actually him) unfollowed Stefanos on instagram
- Of course, we also had Roger confirming in an interview that Rafa is his boyfriend- Sorry, I mean, Roger used the French word for friend, 'copain’, which what do you know, is widely understood to mean boyfriend, when talking about Rafa in an interview. Yep, that’s an actual thing that happened. He’s truly out of control.
- Lots of singles players got involved in doubles nonsense, most notably Sascha teaming up with Isner for some reason (if that never ever happens ever again, it’ll be too fucking soon), and Daniil randomly deciding to come for Stefanos’s ex (To be continued...? 👀)
- Shanghai started out with truly iconic scenes, courtesy of everyone's favourite hateable Italian and our one and only Sir Andy (he really is back™)
- It turns out that Roger is completely useless at parenting their 3 adopted disaster children when Rafa is not there
- Marin Cilic and Andreas Seppi almost had a baby together
- Shockingly, after Stefanos beat Sascha in Beijing the week before (highlight of that anxiety-ridden clusterfuck of a must-watch match), they actually willingly practised together in Shanghai, but that's not all, because according to Sascha’s completely unprompted ramblings, they got a “little bit closer” at Laver Cup and are now “having a good relationship”, which frankly, left me absolutely fucking deceased
- Their enemies-to-lovers practice session did deliver though, because Stefanos was officially adopted into the Fedal family when he defeated Djokovic in the QFs, guaranteeing Rafa’s return to no. 1 in a few weeks (and therefore making sure Djokovic doesn’t get any closer to Roger’s record of 310 weeks at no. 1)
- We had the next edition of ‘tall, blonde next gen player breaks his shoelaces before match even starts’, but surprise! It was Sascha ! If that's not proof that him and Stefanos are soulmates, then I don't know what is. Andrey on the other side of the net clearly thought so too (I can spot a Saschanos shipper when I see one), but then not very nicely Sascha took revenge on him with a bagel for laughing at him: 6-0 7-6 :(
- Marcelo almost died of hysterical laughter when Kubi was hit in the dick by a ball on court, and very helpfully stood next to him, watching him suffer as he lay on the ground in agony
- Then Fedverev happened and OH THE DRAMA !! If you only ever watch one tennis match in your life, make it this one. There was clowning, loads of anxiety, "code violation, unsportsmanlike conduct, point penalty, Mr Federer" (fucking wild ??), butterfly-talk and so much more. We just hope Rafa survived okay watching it, back home in Mallorca.
- It's impossible to stay mad at Sascha for besting him though, and Roger is not immune to his charms either: he immediately said some adorable dad-things about him, as expected.
- Another positive outcome was that we can keep enjoying the fact that Fedal have both won exactly 381 Masters matches in their career #couplesgoals
- The Colombian lads casually bagelled the American servebots to everyone’s immense pleasure, so we had that going for us too
- Meanwhile Stefanos fell victim to Daniil ‘Bullshit Russian’ Medvedev for the 5th consecutive time, and in true Stefanos-style claimed that the reason for that was simply because playing him is #boring
- The media turned to our resident Stefanos-nonsense expert for comment, and Sascha pretty much just said, ‘I want to have nothing to do with this, but also Stefanos is wrong as usual.’ He did seem very exasperatedly fond when he heard about it though.
- Daniil, after having just won his 6 millionth tournament of the season (he actually genuinely smiled this time, but probably only because of Sascha being cute), didn't take kindly to the whole being boring thing however, and as it turns out he hate-watched Stefanos's last few vlogs in retaliation #newsubscriber
- Meanwhile everyone was baffled at why Isner of all people was at an UNIQLO exho, but Roger beat him in spectacular fashion, so we quickly got over that
- The ace on match point was a bit of an overkill though and brought back some unwanted W*mbledon memories, but to be fair, we're used to having war flashbacks about those two championship points by now
- For a glorious couple hours, the ATP’s Race to London ranking page was showing Rafa at a joint 15th place (with FAA), with zero points, but as qualified for London. That’s just how much of a legend he simply is.
- Stefanos’s social media break was never really a proper thing, but I’m happy to announce that we're back to full-speed; we got some philosophical, emo insta posts, and also a new vlog, in which he advises us to eat our rice, and proceeds to wander around Shanghai alone and unsupervised, non-stop blabbering about his iPhone. Good to have you back, Stef 💕
- In tragic #hairupdate news, Domi got rid of all his floof (which understandably had people near-suicidal), even more upsetting: David did the same thing (honestly, just wtf), then in our new #facialhairupdate sub-segment: it turns out Stefanos is growing his beard out because he doesn’t want to look too similar to Sascha, which is fair enough; it must get awkward when you go on a date with your boyfriend and people mistake you for brothers
- Kei in glasses happened though, thank you Naomi <3
- I also feel like Patrick McEnroe had some spectacularly incorrect takes to offer on something next gen related at some point, but I can’t actually remember what, so let’s just leave it at that
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flockofdoves · 5 years
asked this in some leftist media discussion groups on fb but i’ve been thinking about this a lot and wanna talk about it with people so i’m posting here too
theres a variety of thoughts mixed into this that i'd love others insight into, i hope this is legible!!
recently i've become a bit dissatisfied when planning out stories i am in the process of creating. i hope to eventually begin posting/publish my current main project in the form of a webcomic, and most of my creative narratives i gravitate towards making them as comics as well.
i love plotting them, researching them, making character designs, writing the script, laying out each page, and finally drawing the finished product. i hope to grow as a comic creator in all of these aspects and more.
but with certain stories i have been trying to plan out for ages, i've come to feel that regardless of skill level i will never be able to put them out in a way that does their basic concepts justice. i think the advice often given to (typically prose fiction) writers to write what they know, you can write about characters and situations that are different from your experiences of course, but writing stories that center around things you don't have personal experience with that marginalize others can often be harmful or trite is understandable. but with the scope of some of the stories i wish i could help bring into the world i feel they might feel a bit half baked if i just relied on impersonal research.
i think i have seen what i wish i could do with my comic projects in media that is more necessarily collaborative like film/tv/movies. some of my favorite tv/movies the care put into things like say, historical research, costume design, interviewing people with experiences related to the medias subject matter, sensitivity reading, consulting people with various expertises that can add more subtle detail that not everyone might notice, but works together to make a clearer/more accurate/more intimate picture, etc is really noticeable. of course getting these resources for film media is much easier and in some ways expected, because by nature of how it is structured there will be a wide variety of people coming into its creation with a wide variety of expertises (like costume design, set design, research of various sorts, etc) and even less typical tasks are still logical to add considering it is a collaborative project regardless.
i'm just an individual comic creator, with very few resources or connections at my disposal, who would be publishing things for free online with hope of money being reliant on things like patreon or future physical publications.
nonetheless, while i love doing research on my own time, theres only so much i can pick up on some topics (whether that be for lack of resources or literally just because i can't possibly authentically portray certain experiences i haven't lived through in a way i feel is appropriate without consulting others). for my current project for some examples that might mean interviewing people at an organization that part of my historical fiction comic took place in and that might mean having people be sensitivity readers.
i don't want to profit off of the contributions of others or pass off their contributions as my own work though. on a bigger project like i talked about above it both is widely understood that these are media/art that are made collaboratively, and beyond that there are well established (although ofc not always ideal) systems in place for compensating all those involved. as an individual webcomic creator i am not sure the most sensible/ethical/sustainable/fair/etc way to go about crediting and compensating people who i see as collaborators in helping create my artistic vision (and i'm sure it is possible their artistic visions could mold with mine too, making me even less prominent beyond just being the person to first approach about the original idea.
i'm really curious if anyone has input/suggestions/experience/advice about that sort of thing!
also, that made me really curious to learn more about various creative industries and how they are structured because honestly i don't know that much i'm realizing. i'd also be interested if say, theres any precedent for more collaborative and less exploitative structures whether that be in the creation of media in socialist countries/movements or things like cooperatives or the demands of unions?
i'd love for a world where it would be easier for anyone to exchange ideas and create art and stories together where intellectual property wouldn't be a thing because of course we all are inspired by one another, but of course as our world stands, plagiarism and profiting off of others creative work and ideas can do real harm to people, so i want to domy best as a creator within that context, and of course i'm intrigued speculating on how things might look like beyond class society too
sorry this is so long and i hope it makes sense!!! theres like multiple different discussion topics/questions here lol
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Vampire Eugene, pt 2
For the most part, whenever the townsfolk brought Eugene victims, called “brides” for reasons Eugene didn’t fully understand, they tended to bring them young. Mostly between the age of seventeen and twenty, unmarried and untouched. It seems the people of Joseon held his standards in their own narrow views of what a sacrificial lamb should be. However, there were two times when Eugene had proved these standards to be the safest course of action.
Once, they had brought a woman who had just given birth. A woman of lowly status, a butcher, still recovering from labor; probably thrown in for the sake of offering twenty sacrifices. The townsfolk must have thought the numbers were more important than the life of a butcher’s newborn son. Eugene had taken one look at her and instantly known. He had dismissed the rest of the “brides” with an angry snarl, making the girls run. The young butcher had shivered where she knelt, holding her midriff in obvious pain. Eugene had sat down almost amiably in front of her, his chin on his palm.
“Which village is yours?” he had simply asked. When she had pointed out where she had come from, Eugene had merely smiled beatifically. He’d left her and come back barely two hours later, covered in blood and carrying a squalling babe in his left arm. The woman, agape and shaken, had instantly taken her hungry, angry baby in her arms. Eugene had nodded and left her to do as she wished. She had walked home, breastfeeding her baby as she went, only to find the entire village razed to the ground, aflame and drenched in blood. That had been over twenty years ago, and the surrounding villages had never offered another mother to the vampire.
The second incident had been much more harmful, as the village had decided to offer an orphaned thirteen year old girl. It always baffled Eugene how the good people of Joseon would offer its most disenfranchised and wounded for pain and suffering. The rich evaded the hardships using their money, power and influence. Meanwhile, the middle class would readily put those beneath them in the line of fire. It’s a practice Eugene did not understand. For the most part, he ignored it. He was not in Joseon to bring about a revolution, a power struggle or change. He avoided getting involved in the lives of the mortals. He outlived them, for one. He fed on them, as well. It was best to view them as livestock, not equals. Poor, middle class or wealthy, it mattered little to him. What guided his choices was usually simpler. If the scent of her blood was appetizing, he would choose that victim. If they annoyed him, it pleased him to end their lives. That was a standard he lived by, and held his own head high by.
However, it had appalled him that they would offer him a child. Two years ago, they had brought a young girl among the bunch, huddled in fear and mute in her despair. Eugene had Gwansoo send the rest of the women home with a wave of his hand, then he had knelt before the girl, observing her for almost an hour. After such a prolonged silence, and no fangs, the child was understandably confused.
“Aren’t you going to kill me?” she had asked, looking forlorn and clearly terrified.
He had stared at her a little bit longer, pondering. He was no stranger to eating children. In fact, he was rather fond of doing so, for the sake of torturing the infant’s parents. Especially if it happened to be someone who had crossed him; and a child’s meat was tender, it delighted him. He never went out of his way to hunt children, though. Eugene enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, the torture of a good, savory kill. Children did not make fun targets, nor did their suffering please him. In addition, they were too small to make a very satisfying meal. Even human hunters avoided killing females with offspring during breeding season for the sake of allowing the species to proliferate in a healthy manner. Eugene considered hunting children (and their mothers) rather counterproductive. As such, Eugene magnanimously decided he would not kill this child.
So, he said instead. “No, child.” He had then stood up and swept back to his throne of bone. The girl had sat, wide-eyed, for a good few minutes of silence.
“But… you always eat the girls you keep,” she said, a little unwisely to Eugene’s mind.
Still, he chose to answer. Her voice was quivering with fear, but something in her dark eyes made him want to answer. It’s a dash of hope, something he had not seen in a human face in more than a century. She may be questioning him, but she’s trusting him. It pleased him to fan her hope, if only to see it bloom.
“Yes, indeed,” he remarked, taking a seat. “But you, I shall not keep. I do not enjoy eating children.”
She stood abruptly, and Eugene wondered if she would run. He hoped not, he wished to see her emotions play out a little more. To his surprise, she surged forward, falling to her knees only feet from his throne. Not even Gwansoo dared to come so close to the vampire. Eugene lounged on his throne, interested.
“Oh,” she said softly, staring at her hands. “Well, do you keep children?”
Confused, Eugene wondered what she was getting at. He cocked his head, keeping his silence. Reading something encouraging on his face, the girl elaborated.
“Sacrifices who come back aren’t treated well in my village. I’m the eldest of five; I was the only source of income for my family. They offered to take care of my siblings if you chose me, and if I go back… they might hurt my family.” She explained, wringing her hands. “I don’t want my family to be stoned or worse. In two years, I’ll be a lady! I f you’re patient, you can eat me then!”
She stared up at the vampire, very clearly serious. In all of his years, no human had ever begged him to take their life. Most of the time, it was the opposite. They would shout they did not want to die, to please be spared. A very rare few would tolerate their impending doom in total, resolute silence. This… was new.
Intrigued despite himself, Eugene leaned down to look the child in the eyes. She flinched, still afraid. She had heard stories of him, and she didn’t doubt all of them were true. The vampire stank of blood and carnage, and being this close to him terrified her to the soul. However, the child kept still, only lowering her gaze in the presence of this predator.
“For your siblings, you would choose to remain here… and die.” He asked, if only to be sure. The girl nodded, and her scent proved her lack of guile.
Eugene grunted, leaning back into his seat. “Very well, you may stay. Tell my translator to come inside, please.”
The girl had shot to her feet, bowing multiple times in gratitude. She turned and fetched Gwansoo, who had been on stand-by just outside the throne room. Confused, but glad to see the child alive, he’d come in.
“You asked for me, Master?” Gwansoo bowed, holding the child behind him. He was among the few humans Eugene was fond of, but the man was ever-vigilant with the vampire. Any misstep could be fatal. He’d spoken English, confusing the girl.
“Accommodate the child on the premises,” Eugene declared in English as well. “And bring her family to me. I will see them taken care of myself.”
Gwansoo had stared at his Master in horror, but done as he had been told. With Eugene “taken care of” could mean all manner of unspeakable things. To the man’s confusion and delight, Eugene had taken one look at the children Gwansoo had brought and simply… adopted them. Sumi, Domi and the rest of their siblings had been living in the palace for the last two years, enjoying the luxuries of good food, constant baths, a fire and a bed. The children all clearly adored the vampire, however odd it was, and the ancient creature didn’t seem to mind them or their noise.
Their village, however, hadn’t been quite so lucky. Eugene didn’t like people who preyed on those beneath them, so he began hunting the villagers. One by one, they would disappear, then turn up as half-eaten corpses. Eugene had gotten particularly creative in the placement and staging of his victims, slowly driving the entire village mad. Until, surely, the humans in the village turned on one another. It had been a disaster, wiping the entire village right off the map in the wanton destruction, murder and savagery that took place.
When Gwansoo had delivered the news to his Master, Eugene had chuckled darkly. He’d gone out that night and come back whistling with bodies piled up on a cart. The vampire then went on a week-long binge, feasting on the flesh of the corpses on the village… then he’d come out with grotesque statues using the different body parts of his victims. He made mismatched scarecrow-like beings, horrifying chimeras and monsters, and even a totem pole of flesh and bone.
He’d decorated the dilapidated village with his sculptures; a warning for all who saw it.
Since that moment, no one offered the vampire a victim younger than seventeen.
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littlelegend · 7 years
Imprisoned (Lord Wander AU)
I`ve wrote a fic in Russian and thought: “Heyy, if I am gonna be a translator shouldn`t I try to translate it in English?” So here it is.
In space it is hard to understand when the day comes and when the night comes. On different planets transitions occur at different times. Everything is possible in space. There is a place for everyone. Even for the absolute opposites.
Sylvia walked down the corridor of a huge black ship with ling glowing lines on it, which were alternately changing their color from blue to red and backwards. Some idiots dropped lavium in the icy power center and managed to escape. Zbornak angrily clenched her fists in a heavy iron gloves: these suiciders should beware. She is going to show what it means to step against the greatest villain in the world. But time is running out. Adjusting her black cloak with a skarlet star saped clasp, Sylvia rushed to the "throne room" where her Lord was waiting for her.
When she approached the sliding doors, Sylvia checked herself up one last time and went inside. She was met with a grave silence. Ice guards stood in lines on the both sides of the path leading from the door to the opposite end of the hall. Silent, subject only to the direct order of Sylvia or her master, they were the best helpers for destruction of the galaxy. Sylvia went forward to the ledder which was ending at the foot of the throne, there she stood, stretched out at attention: - Commander Sylvia arrived at your direction, sir!
Creature, which was imposingly lounging on the throne, lazily turned his head and, smiling viciously, sat straight. Tall, with orange fur, pinkish proteins on the background of blood-red eyes, with his horned helmet and murderous smile, Lord Wander earned fame as the most evil villain in the galaxy. But sometimes he behaved like the most spoiled teenager in the world. Like now: Wander rushed down the ledder jumping childishly and stopped right in front of Sylvia: - Good morning, my commander. How did you sleep?
- Great, sir! - cheerfully but inwardly tensed reported zbornak. No one knew what to expect from her Lord. He has been feared becouse of his unpredictability.
- You slept... And, therefore, never found out who dared to throw lavium in the power center of our ship?! - screamed Wander.
- No, sir! - Sylvia calmly looked forward, never taking his eyes from steps which were directly in front of her face. - But I know who might be involved.
- Oh, really? - Lord bloodthirstily rubbed his hands in yellow gloves. - Who is it? Zbornak sighed to herself: -It is Domi, sir. Domi the helper.
- WHOOOOO?!!!!! - roared the villian like a wounded beast. - This goody little girl again? Did she do it?!
Sylvia allowed herself to chuckle: - Of course not, sir. This child is too kind and naïve for such. But she's a witness.
- Really? - Wander calmed down in a moment. - All right then. I'll interrogate her. Where is this rant?
- We are actively searching for her, sir! - zbornak closed her eyes in anticipation of the next flash of anger, but...
- Well, go on, - villain turned his back to her and began to ascend to his throne, his long black cloak waving majestically behind, totally oblivious to the complete lack of wind.
- Erm... Sir? - Sylvia hesitated. - What do we do with the prisoners?
- Prisoners? - Wander turned around.
- Yes, sir. King Peepers and his assistant, Hater, sir. We captured them on the ship the day after the incident, sir.
- Um... We should talk to them...- Lord sat down on his throne. - You can take over that faint Peepers. And I'll have fun with his assistant, - he grinned, exposing his dagger - shaped teeth.
- Yes, sir! - Sylvia's lips instinctively spread into a smile: it`s time for fun.
In the meantime, Peepers was sitting in his cell - room, which had no windows or doors. He tried to calm down and somehow come up with a plan. Mostly, his head was busy thinking about how much he hates Lord Wonder (What kind of name is Wander anyway? Yeah, sure, he's going around the galaxy... With the aim to destroy it!), the commander of his army, zbornak Sylvia (Tearing him and Hater apart and taking away his high-tech super-weapons! How does this horse even dare!) and those stupid bots that they control.
Peepers sighed and leaned back against the wall: he is the king of watchdogs, space explorers. This was evidenced by his helmet, decorated with a gold crown. For many years they lived quietly, peacefully, due to its cohesion, loyalty to their ruler and consultant Hater, assistant of Peepers. Hater though looked creepy himself (high skeleton, who could shoot green lightnings), was a good and kind adviser. He treated watchdogs with care and always kept them safe.
But for some strange reason Lord Wander didn`t like the presence of the watchdog army, so he was bothering Peepers and Hater using every opportunity. That`s why they decided to stop him with Lavonium, invented by Dr. Jones, who owed something to Hater a long time ago. But the strategy, so carefully thought out and planned by them, failed because of two problems: big and small. Or rather, Vice versa. At first there was a Wanderer Domi with her incredibly annoying and useless desire to help, which only prevented the case. And then it turned out that the hated Lord Wonder now appears to have lava powers!
Peepers furiously banged his fist on the wall, but only repulsed his hand: - Flarping villain!...
The king had not managed to finish: the wall he just hit, spread, opening a small passage through which stepped wanderer Domi, dressed, as usual, in a black dress and a green hat with a golden heart. Behind her nervously stood the bot which previously belonged to Lord Wonder no one knew how did she managed to win him over to their side. Peepers did not believe in the ramblings of "the power of friendship and love", which the girl tirelessly insisted on. Most likely he was the one who opened the passage.
- Hey, Peeps! - happily exclaimed the Wanderer. - I wanted to visit you inhere!
- Yes, yes, fine, - Peepers slipped past Domi, escaping her embrace. - I need to find Hater...
- Oh! Oh! - the wanderer jumped happily. - You play hide and seek? I want in too.
- Yeah... Hide-and-seek... - thoughtfully held out Peepers. - You're right. I need to find him before the time runs out. Will you help me?
- Help?! - Domi was on the ninth cloud. - Of course I'll help! I just love to help!!!
- Perfect! - the king narrowed his your single eye.
"This bot can be very useful to me..." - he thought, and aloud he said: - Just be quiet. You don't want him to see us and run away, do you?
- Exactly, exactly! Oops! - Domi came to her senses and made a hand sign, as if she fastened his mouth on the zipper and threw away the key.
- Well, - nodded Peepers and after looking around in search of enemy bots they rushed down the corridor.
Hater was hanging in a torture cell. Not the most pleasant place. Although, not to say that it was particularly different from the other rooms on Wanderer`s ship. There were a couple of iron things, like weapons, and few skeletons of various creatures (Hater hung right between the humanoid and the skeleton of a shorty with a tail. Ha ha.) and a whole collection of handcuffs and ropes hanging on a separate board. His hands, shackled were tightly attached to the wall so that he could not shoot his lightnings. Smart move, nothing to say... Hater sighed: Peepers had the idea to climb on the ship Wander`s, to see how strong he is now. Strong, nothing to say! On the first turn stumbled on a patrol. The result is obvious. Divided into chambers and chained to the wall. Sylvia has always been reasonable, you can`t take that from the commander of the entire army.
The wall in front of the Hayter parted, but he did not raise his head, only saw the black polished boots with pointed toes that only one person wore...
- Well, Hello, Hateeeeeer! - merrily sang Lord Wander, approaching the skeleton and looking him in the face: -How do you like here? Chains aren`t too tight?
Hater watched a villain in silence, while he continued his monologue, walking around the cell: - You snuck onto my ship... The question is, why? I didn't send you invitations... Probably brought you here by your new mentee, didn't you, Hatie? - Lord's eyes sparkled
with madness. - Aren`t you tired of watching over all these little things? There's so much we can do if we unite!!! - from such bright prospects Wander spun around.
- And then I'll forgive you that Lavinium... Yes, - he noted a quizzical Hater`s look. - I know it was you. Recently learned. Lady Sylvia checked lavonium on the database and brought us to this sad Dr. Jones. He already confessed to us in all things!
Hater violently lunged forward, the chains rattled plaintively, but did not succumb to his pressure: - What have you done with him?!
-Absolutely nothing at all! - Wander danced a bit closer to him. - Just had a little fun in his lab.
- Bastard, - said the prisoner through his teeth.
- Yes, I am, - proudly replied villain. - Well, what about my offer?
- Very-very sorry - an unhealthy chuckled the Lord. - Then, perhaps, we should ask Syl what have she done with the one-eyed snot.
- Don't you dare touch Peepers!
- Or what? Will you stare me to death?- laughed the villain, but his laughter was interrupted by the alarm, which with Sylvia`s voice informed the ship about the escaped convict. Wander angrily clenched his fists and walked out of the chamber promising a long and painful death to all offenders.
Hater, sagging limply in chains, allowed himself to smile: Peepers escaped, so there is still hope.
Sylvia enraged rushed through the winding corridors of the ship. Her eyes blazed a searing crimson, comb spines sticking out in all directions, his mouth was foaming, and his skin turned into a sort of shell. She was followed by a group of bots. Peepers nervously started: if this mad zbornak notices him now nothing will be left of him, even the crown. But the dangerous procession had passed and the watchdog was relieved. Behind him cheerful smiled Domi, sitting on the bot, which she simply called Bi. Oddly enough, Bi had an opinion on his own and always tried to protect his little friend. They found the place where the blaster has been kept using the help of robot. Then they started to move towards the possible place of Haters detention. Wander's ship could struck by the monotony and gloominess of the surroundings. This fact made the company rush, and soon the bot stopped in front of the next wall, looking at Peepers in wait. He nodded, pleased that at least someone here is interested in his opinion. Bi touched the wall, and it have opened, revealing Hater, dangling limply on chains. The king rushed to his aide and, noticing the grateful smile on skeleton`s face raised to greet the rescuers, smashed the chains with his blaster. watchdogs were taught how to use weapons in their childhood, so Peepers didn`t even touch Hater while unchaining him.
Than it was just a matter of technique. Hater, who did not like to rely on always giggling Domi, smashed the wall of his cell and opened a passage into space. Peepers lent from Bi a bottle of orbble juice and was ready to wrap everyone into a bubble, when angry Sylvia have burst into the room. Fortunately, she was too far away to even reach them, so all four escaped from the ship safely.
A few hours later, Sylvia stood in front of her Lord's formidable gaze. Zbornak was expecting a punishment for losing wanderer with a traitor bot and the prisoners. But the Wander was not even moving. He just dreamily stared upwards, absently muttering something. And nobody, not even his commander, could hear his quiet words, full of a strange sadness and longing: - We'll meet again, my friend, Hatey. See you later...
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kurisu7777777-blog · 7 years
Vanitas No Carte Theories PART 1
Vanitas’ revenge
So we learned that Vanitas’ form of revenge against RealVanitas is by healing vampires. RealVanitas is said to have hated other vampires because he/she got isolated by them. Now, here’s the thing, despite the fact that it was stated that RealVanitas created that curse grimoire out of hatred to other vampires and was supposedly can be use to hurt them, there wasn’t really any stories mentioned that the RealVanitas ever used the book against the red moon vampires. In fact, it remains a mystery even to the red moon vampires. So, what is RealVanitas’ feelings? I think that what RealVanitas feels is apathy. This is supported by the fact that Vanitas told Noe before that even though he has so much power, he’s choosing not to use it. Of course, that time we are given the impression that Vanitas is referring to Noe but based on his extreme reaction, he is most likely referring to RealVanitas instead. Maybe RealVanitas chose not to kill vampires all along and since Vanitas hated vampires for supposedly killing his family, he had some degree of hatred to RealVanitas for not doing anything. It is also for that reason that he acquired the book of Vanitas. Now, it all sounds confusing because even though Vanitas said that he hates vampires, he’s trying to heal them. Well, I think Vanitas’ revenge against RealVanitas is just the fact that he is DOING SOMETHING instead of doing NOTHING like RealVanitas might’ve done in the past. That’s also why he never cared for his life as shown when he gets angry at Noe for shielding him from Ruthven and not caring if Jeanne's fangs may poison him. Aside from that, he also hates humans and vampires equally, so basically he just doesn’t care much about other people nor himself. Another funny thing about it, is that Vanitas may have never really hated RealVanitas all along. By using his name to cure vampires, he’s most probably trying to mend RealVanitas’ reputation. Vanitas might really just hate the fact that RealVanitas never did anything to change the human and vampire worlds even though she has the power to do so. 
Noe’s identity
Noe is introduced as a dark-skinned man who is an Archviste, a special clan of vampires with the power to see memories of the people who they bit or suck blood from. RealVanitas’ power is almost related to it as it can infest a vampire from the inside by distorting their true name. In short, both of them works internally but not physically. Anyway, Noe and RealVanitas also have the same dark skin color which is really suspicious. Noe is possibly RealVanitas all along and that’s a theory. But another theory is that he may have been the child of RealVanitas because Vanitas once called RealVanitas as woman.  So it is possible for her to give birth to a child and that is Noe. He may be a half-breed. His parents being one born from the blue moon and the other from the red moon or maybe a human so he ended up being Dhampyr instead. Anyway, Noe’s liking for the Blue moon and his love for humans are very peculiar. Let’s remember that RealVanitas also saved Vanitas and the other child who was with him, despite their race as humans. So I really think that RealVanitas and Noe are related somehow, coz the origin of Noe is also very suspicious. 
My theory about cursebearers is that the disease itself was created by red moon vampires and possibly with the involvement of humans too. The blame was just passed on to the RealVanitas because it involves name distortion which RealVanitas’ books’ power as well. I think that the cursebearer’s disease is still in experimental stage and it is most likely triggered by the idea of loving someone or giving someone a high degree of importance as shown in Louis’ story. Ever since Noe entered his life, he became more and more prone in to turning into a cursebearer which actually happened later on. Maybe the cursebearer’s disease is to prevent vampires from having extreme attachments or rendering them emotionless. It is possible that it’s a method to weaponize the vampires possibly to win a future war against humans. I think Jeanne’s case is also still an experimental stage that’s why she’s taking medicines and was ordered by the very suspicious and traitorous Ruthven to never speak of the topic to anyone. Ruthven may actually also be directly involved in the spreading of the cursebearer’s disease as a form of revenge against the humans he hate. At the same time, Ruthven’s loyalty to the queen of vampires may be also the reason why he’s doing this. Because we’ve seen that the queen is in a very weakened state, she may be affected by the cursebearer’s disease or hurt by humans, OR became a cursebearer because of humans itself. Anyway, I still think that cursebearers have a greater purpose and this disease is being used by someone to shake the balance between the human and vampire world and Vanitas and Noe are just getting caught in it.
Domi’s grandfather
Ruthven called him the shapeless one. A nameless person who was just know as teacher as referred to by Noe. I think he knows the relation of Noe to RealVanitas that’s why he ordered Noe to search for it. Since Vanitas uses to book to heal vampires, I think Noe also has the capability to use it and maybe he can do the exact opposite, that is to kill vampires. That’s also probably why TEACHER asked him to seek the nature of the book. Noe’s usage of it might determine how harmful or helpful the book is. We don’t know exactly if TEACHER is good or not but I still prefer him over Ruthven (rofl). He is also studying about cursebearers as shown when he was observing and testing Louis. It is also possible the he might be involve with the cursebearer’s disease and is just testing the capabilities of it. Regardless, it was still sweet of him to be by Noe’s side when he was blaming himself for pushing everything onto Vanitas. I also think that TEACHER is also related to RealVanitas because he has no name. RealVanitas might have made it so that he can change names frequently probably to avoid contracting the cursebearer’s disease. 
I’ve made these theories based on what I remember after reading VnC so some of them may not be accurate. I do hope some of them makes sense haha xD
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