#hope the starter is ok
dungeons-n-muses · 2 years
A Completely New World (Closed Starter)
Stepping out of the Fey was a mix bag. The elders warned her that she should never know what to expect. But of all the things she could’ve expected to see out of her fantastical realm, this was the last thing to expect…
It was a bit of a culture shock for the Satyr to say the least. So many things she had never dreamed of seeing, hearing, or even smelling. Yet here they were all right in front of her. Part of her wanted to pass out with all this new stuff, and unfortunately, that’s exactly what she did.
‘I wonder if the people here think I am an anomaly?’ She pondered just before loosing consciousness.
She wasn’t sure how long she was out. The only she did know, was that she was no longer alone by the time she woke up.
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“H-huh? Where am I?” She murmured, as she came to consciousness. Her eyes fluttering and her ears flickering as she tried to properly adjust to all the new sights and sounds that flooded her senses.
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nach0 · 1 month
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wanted to draw fanart for @remxedmoon's isatscryption au but i realised i didn't actually know the plot yet which. whoops! so i settled for chucking my oc at it
OH YEAH INSCRYPTION IS 60% OFF ATM!! Consider this my official propaganda to go get this game
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springbandit · 10 months
"Y'know, I ain't here to be y'friend!" Rocket barked, a hand outstretched in both equal parts exasperation and optimistic anticipation. "You and I both know you ain't gonna eat that whole thing. Why are you so afraid of a mutual transaction? I get what you don't eat and you get - whatever I'm holding behind my back here. Honestly, the mystery is ninety percent of the fun. C'mon."
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spcdesace · 2 months
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@accordedxneutralxterritory liked for a starter!
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"I might not be the best at manners, but even I know that when a lady says no she means no." Looking over from where he'd just finished his meal and whipping his mouth with the napkin that he'd somehow managed to not lose this time, saving him from having to grab some other form of fabric in his proximity, he allowed a feral grin to pull across his lips as his gaze locked with the other pirate. Leaning back in his chair so that one arm dangled over the back of it he lifted his glass towards the Innkeeper and added, eyes never leaving the other man. "But hey, if you want to have your ass handed to you go right on ahead because that's what's going to happen if you keep pushing her."
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reddawnmultimuse · 10 months
. starter for @thetoaddaddy
"Holy shit, Jiraiya--as in Jiraiya the Sannin?"
"Aye. Kisame an' the Uchiha took 'im out when 'e got in their way o' the Kyuubi brat. Kyuubi got away but got ourselves a prize." Sasori said as he and Deidara stared at the unconscious, bloodied man in the makeshift prison cell Pein had fabricated to rein in the Sannin; the black metal drawing in his chakra so he couldn't use any jutsu to escape. Despite this, Deidara kept his distance--just in case.
"So...why do we have to watch him, hn? He's not getting out!" Deidara questioned Sasori to which the puppeteer let out a sigh.
"Because, brat--Kisame an' that Uchiha are 'untin' down the Kyuubi 'gain an' Kakuzu an' 'idan are off doin' fuckin' whatever. An' it ain't us--it's you. Got meselfs better fings to do then watchin' a old man."
"Wait, what?" Deidara said but by the time he looked over, Sasori was gone. "D-Danna! Danna, you can't leave me here, hn! Danna!"
Deidara glanced at Jiraiya and cursed under his breath as he couldn't go after his partner. Looks like he was stuck on guard duty. Joy.
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Adrian made the familiar trek up the mountains. Working on the farm had done him wonders. He’d never been able to make the walk without feeling out of breath.
It was probably thanks to a certain dark haired man. It was hard work, but he and Sebastian slowly went from acquaintances to hesitant friends. Maybe more someday, Adrian hoped..
He made it not long after and immediately after opening the door (Robin wasn’t home. It was Tuesday so she had an aerobics class at Caroline’s) he heard loud shouting. He hurried towards Sebastian’s room and had to leap back as the door slammed open and out stomped Demetrius, who moved past him with no acknowledgement except for a grunt.
Waiting for the man to leave, he tip toed down the creaky steps. “Sebastian...?”
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cursesavior · 10 days
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✉ @huntershowl said: "Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me!” ( hello!! :D absolutely wild vibe for a first interaction but fuck it we ball )
Suguru takes a step back, but continues keeping a close eye on the mysterious woman - what an interesting situation this is. The sheer amount of cursed energy he could sense from her was in itself a spectacle, so much that it seemed like her body couldn't contain it all, given how much she radiated even when she didn't appear to be actively using a technique. She had to at least be a grade one just by virtue of sheer power, possibly even a special-grade - an extremely rare find. His mind is already working to wrap around the concept, figure out a way to use this to his advantage ( imagine if there were two special-grades on his side of the war, who could stop them? ) but he tries not to get ahead of himself. The state she's in is unstable, unpredictable, like a cornered animal - injured, he suspects, though he can't tell exactly what's wrong with how she's hiding it. Even the strongest can still be vulnerable, huh? No amount of cursed energy can truly guarantee safety. Caught off-guard, he assumes.
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He puts his hands up in a show of surrender, though he's ready to use his technique to defend himself at any moment if things go south, keeping his distance but trying to present himself as a non-threat. "I won't touch you. I'm not here to hurt you- I'm here to collect a curse, that's all." He assures, keeping his voice calm despite the curiosity that nags at him - he can get the answers he wants later if he just does this right. "You're all shaken up. What happened here?" He'd initially come here to exorcise a powerful cursed spirit, the ball of cursed energy still tucked into the sleeve of his robe, ready to absorb - was that what got her? Had she come to exorcise it as well? He'd seen some dead monkeys around too, initially assuming they were mere victims of the curse, but the only thing he can be sure of right now is his own ability to defend himself if it came down to it.
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nuks · 5 months
gooooood morning!
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sonorous-eisfyl · 3 months
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// starter for @electricea
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"Sorry um-- hello, a bit of an awkward question, if you don't mind,"
---- Of all things to happen on a regular day like this, maybe a small child with a giant metal stick and a moth nestled into his hair was the last thing anyone would expect. His face having a few fresh scratches and some older scars seemed like a bit much for a kid his age too. Frosting shifts his weight, visibly nervous to be approaching a complete stranger like that. Still, though. He was lost-- and had absolutely no god damn clue where in the Elders' names he was at all.
Last he remembers, he was investigating a new portal sighting. Not quite typical of an event within the New World, but it's weird that it's happened twice before today. Though upon getting there, something went down before the hunter woke up in the complete opposite of what a forest was.
A city. With architecture he didn't recognise at all and definitely not somewhere within his world
Poor child stood out amongst the folk like a sore thumb. Not to mention he was also carrying a weapon publicly. That much probably wasn't very welcome, if he had to guess. He's just thankful nobody seemed to address him directly and kept moving on by
Other than that, Frosting had run toward the first person he felt looked friendly enough to listen to him. Especially if he had to explain his current... situation
"Wh... where am I?"
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triinitas · 2 months
Blades in the Dark
In a shadowy corner of the bustling city, Baldur's Gate, Zorah paced. Slender fingers traced the edges of a weathered parchment. Along its surface were cryptic symbols and the faint sketching of a man's face. It was the very man she'd seen in her dreams - divined by her, and gifted to her third sight by Grandfather. Drawing it out was unexpected but having an image to reference helped a great deal. This man was her best shot at the life she'd always desired to live and making her patron pleased. Perhaps they could work symbiotically... as long as it benefitted her, she saw no harm.
It had taken months of scouring the city. She'd visited every pub, every dive location, asked anyone who might know anything. Through her searching she'd discovered the name of the man: Vigor. He was the estranged adopted son of a local nobleman, Irnvar. Irnvar was wealthy and well-connected, established in the Upper City. If Zorah managed to pull all these strings in just the right way she might find herself in his place.
The tiefling looked up, eyes squinted against the bright light of a street lamp's flame. Hopefully he'd heard of her searching. She suspected that Vigor was quite good at gleaning information and she'd been obnoxious enough to draw attention over the last few months.
' Aye, d'ye hear about the weird bitch with horns? She's been callin' on some lad named Vigor. What could she be wantin'? D'ye think they're estranged lovers? I'd bet she has the sod's kid or somethin'... '
Any attention was good attention, and rumors spread like wildfire. The most important, most consistent aspect to these rumors was carefully crafted: she had something for him. Even the more outlandish whisperings all drew back to that core detail. This would ideally benefit him, too.
If her instincts proved correct then she was hoping Vigor would show himself soon. Perhaps tonight.
Eager to find a more fitting (or clandestine) location, Zorah made her way to the Blushing Mermaid. It was known for it's less-than-savory reputation, but that made it perfect. She'd been there every night for the last week while asking around for him. Tonight was no different: she made her way to the same corner she inhabited as every other night, put up her hood, and waited. Glowing, gold-colored eyes watched the exit through the smoky haze of the tavern. Time would tell.
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hold-him-down · 1 month
I am on a plane for 8 hours. Do you have anything new to read? Love all your work soooo much you are definitely my favourite author, and not only here on Tumblr!
I don't think I have anything new! I've been rereading Captive Prince but I think everyone on this side of the internet has read that. Always big recommend the Billionaire series (Alexis Hall - i don't feel like anyone takes me seriously on this recommendation but I ADORE this series it just took a minute to get into) and AFTG series (Nora Sakavic - I think everyone read this one the last time we went down book rec era). I just finished Boyfriend Material and really didn't like it, tried to read It Ends With US to see where the threads with the movie didn't align and it's not doing anything for me. I am in an absolute reading rut.
The next couple on my list are:
a complicated love story set in space (which i've started and so far enjoy a lot)
tonight we rule the world
a fractured infinity
icarus (i added this in edit because i just remembered its high on my list)
Here's the whumpy book rec list i cross reference whenever i am so so lost on what to read next, and sometimes I ask peachy to recommend to my tastes specifically. Unfortunately though I haven't had a series like SUCK ME IN the way my big 3/4 did in a long time. Hopefully I'll find a new one soon.
AND, to address your last bit, YOU ARE THE BEST thank you this made my absolute night if I can make my brain do the thing AT ALL I will make a little snippet out of sheer gratitude for this ask.
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marechausseeduelist · 5 months
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The silence of the Opera Epiclese was normally a welcome change from the otherwise bustling environment-- however, in this moment, Clorinde found the silence to be stifling for reasons unknown. Her feet took her to the steps leading up to the stage, and she briefly hesitated before ascending to the mostly vacant platform that overlooked the rows of seats reserved for patrons of the Opera. Lady Furina had spent many an hour entertaining her audience in various different forms of acting. Whether it was masquerading as an Archon, or participating in some sort of play, Clorinde fulfilled her duty of remaining by her side. She had sworn on the day that she was appointed as her bodyguard that she would fight to the bitter end for her, and as a result, she knew all too well the mannerisms of her charge. The person before her was ... familiar, yet different. It wasn't Furina, that much she could tell. Despite the similar looks, their physical tells and movements varied greatly. "... You're not Lady Furina," The Champion Duelist spoke lowly, caution etched into her features. "If that's the case, why do I feel as if I know you quite well?" @sinnersfinale
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everemore · 1 month
@duunswitch liked for a starter!
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"Miss Kentwood are you alright? You appear to have something on your mind." The Alter-ego asked her young master.
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spcdesace · 1 month
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@summerxmelodies the thing :D
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"Well, that can't be comfortable." Opening the door that led into the ship's gully and apparently cells, his gaze instantly landed on a woman held up in one of them. Her wrists were bound with sea prism stone, though if it was for devil fruit powers or just precaution he wasn't sure.
Glancing down at the lock he huffed before looking around the room. Spotting the ring of keys by the door he pulled them down before heading over to her cell, unlocking the door and entering as he said simply. "Your captors crossed paths with the wrong pirates, so we've liberated them of their ship and gold."
Crouching down in front of her he offered a grin as he added. "And my Captain isn't the kind to keep prisoners."
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traegedys · 2 months
𝓬𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓻   ╱    for @sapphircd, @divinemischiefhq, @morewoe, @vencmovs
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arwyn's  gaze  gets  locked  onto  the  tray  before  them.   the  gardens  are  both  the  best  place  for  a  breath  of  fresh  air  away  from  everyone  and  one  of  the  busiest  places  to  be  found  in  higharden  —  and  somehow,  it  works  well  enough  so  arwyn  can  have  a  small  mid-afternoon  snack  without  either  too  many  people  around  or  an  accusation  that  they  might  be  avoiding  everyone.  they  hear  a  few  footsteps  on  the  gravel  and  they  turn  to  meet  the  newly  found  companion.   ❝   i  asked  for  a  couple  of  lemon  tarts  and  they  brought  me  enough  to  feed  a  small  army.   ❞  there  is  a  smile;  easy  albeit  small.  ❝   you  are  welcome  to  some,  if  you  want.   ❞ 
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ourpretender · 2 months
— the lake. @wstfl
burned by treatment, by sun, by vanity, by the quips of a mother, and the ignorance of a father — venetia's hair trails into the water, the green and blue and black of it chasing each tip like an oil stain. oliver watches her, the rise of her chest, manicured fingers crossed upon her stomach. skin, exposed and sunned, kissed by fortune. a pretty face built for a pretty figure, marred internally by thieving comparisons. it isn't by choice that she be born a catton. he's leaning back on the heels of his palms, wrist flushed against the side of her thigh. out in the open, he considers skimming the pads of each digit over hip and knee and pelvis, only spurred on by the bashful look he predicts to rise. he would do it then, hook a thumb to the side of her pink swimming garments, if not for the unreadable expression venetia dons underneath masking sunglasses. he would prefer a glance, knowing, anticipatory. "what are farleigh and felix up to again?" a roaming hand strokes the bend of her knee.
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