#hope these tags cover everything o7
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cadaver1ne's goretober
day 1: hooked / day 2: nosebleed
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femkinkharry · 7 years
i was tagged by the beautiful @horsegirlharry to post 10 songs that i've been vibin', autumn edition! instead of just listing them, my extra ass made y'all a playlist AND a list AND colors! enjoy! o1. Gravity ~ Dresden Dolls you called this one, phoe! this song always makes me feel like i'm in high school again? and there's just something sexy about it. very black and lace and plum purple and maroon lipstick. fav lyric: "you think i can't fly? | well you just watch me" o2. Stromata ~ Charlotte Martin the song my september started with. heavy and pounding and longing and sorrowful. black and royal purple with flashes of lightning yellow. fav lyric: "i'm singing you in every breath i'm left to heave" o3. Waiting Game ~ Banks girl direction feels! this is sooo girl!harry it's actually hilarious. i never finish anything i write ever but i have ideas based on this song. 😩 eyeliner black, smoke grey, the red of blood. fav lyric: "i wish i was in love | but i don't want to cause any pain" o4. Sign Language ~ Dylan Gardner finally a song that's not dark lmao! this comes on the radio at work and it's a bop, lads! i've been learning asl, too, so this cute lil song reminds me to study. ☺️ lime green, neon purple, aquamarine. fav lyric: "we could use our hands and take our time" o5. Mornings ~ GUSSY god i love this song. the way it's put together, the lyrics, their voice, the music! the fact that they're an LGBT artist!!!! i'm obsessed. gauzy creams, slate blues, the pink of bitten lips. fav lyric: "I'll tell you and you tell me | all the things that we want to hear" o6. Friends ~ Ed Sheeran early fall is ed time lmao. every year since 2012! this gives me feelings about x factor h and l so. y'know. grass green, the orange and yellow of a flame. fav lyric: "friends should sleep in another bed | and friends shouldn't kiss me like you do" o7. San Cristobal ~ Mal Blum another wonderful LGBT artist! this song was on my summer vibe playlist so it's kind of cheating but i love this song so much! mal, you handsome devil, come further south and lemme show you how rad my small town can be. 😘sand yellow, blazing red, the brown of liquor. fav lyric: "you found religion in a dirty crystal ball | in the back of a dollar store in that shopping mall" o8. Cecelia and the Satellite ~ Andrew McMahon in the Wildnerness another song that comes on the radio at work. took me forever to find it! it's so calming and for some reason reminds me of louis? [hint: every single song reminds me of the boys lmao] i adore the message and the vibe and the colours and just literally everything about this song! very sky blue and royal blue and sea blue. fav lyric: "cafe crawl through amsterdam | been around the world with a punk rock band" o9. I Feel You ~ Placebo [cover of Depeche Mode] now y'all know i am so far up brian molko's ass that i couldn't leave placebo off of this list! i got to look into his beautiful blue eyes and tell him that he saved my life so this band is something i hold near and dear. of course i could have included literally any song that they've written but recently this song has been on my mind. i've felt disconnected from everything recently and this song brings me back to a time of connection and passion and power. smoky grey, shadow black, slashes of red, and the enigmatic brown of a lover's eyes. fav lyric: "this is the dawning of our love" 1o. Come Here Boy ~ Imogen Heap i recently reblogged these last two songs during horny music hour with lauren lmao. autumn is a sexy time! this is undeniably a sexy song! naturally it's included. ochre yellow, wine red, the white flash of a smirk. fav lyric: "i'm wanting and i'm needing | to show you the slut i am" a lot of pals have been tagged so i'm hoping to hit some that haven't! ❤️ i kind of hate tagging bc I have the worst memory and i never want anyone to feel left out so if i didn't tag you, do it anyway lol! anyway: @goldbootsandvans, @lovelylarrie, @lousongs, @fookoff, @jlf23tumble, @tightropeofhope, @bunnythevampirebot, @samewhiteshirt, @heathenharry, and @harryisabean!
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pandabearlikes · 7 years
My Husband, Kim JunMeow
Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Chapter o7. One and The Same
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With crystal orbs narrowed into slits, the cat of the night perches outside the jewelry store.  As soon as the security guard heads out, he’d slip in, grab the biggest diamond ring, and swallow it before they caught him.  It is the plan he’d brainstormed for weeks after the bullying incident.  He even secretly researched and discovered that as long as he drank enough water, the ring should come out in perfect form the very next day.  And yet, his little front paws shift and he misses the golden opportunity again.  His face slams the glass door and the guard shoos him away.
He tries for five more days until his confidence in this method takes a dive.  A happy couple walking out of the building details about how each jewelry piece has its own plated barcode and tracker that needs to be removed during purchase, or else police could track and arrest the thief.  Junmyeon definitely didn’t want me to get in trouble and to be honest, stealing isn’t something he wanted to do.  So instead, for the next two weeks, he scans the neighborhood for any couples in bicker and at the brink of break up.  
“I hate you!  IT’S OVER!” a female shouts at her now, ex, angrily rips the engagement ring from her fingers, and throws it to the ground.  
Immediately, the hast kitty leaps out, snatches the discarded ring, and runs off.  Skies start to drizzle with rain.  Zip-lining into the alley, he uncovers a box he had hidden some clothing for emergencies like these.  He dresses himself up.  When he reappears, he is not JunMeow, the brave and cuddly cat, but my lover, Kim Junmyeon.  His thumb brushes the shiny ring within his hands.  It’s not bought by his riches, but he hopes his angel would still love it.  
Back home, I groan as I try to cram a quarter worth of textbook information into my brain for another exam.  In all honestly, I hadn’t slept nor eaten for over 48 hours.  I felt like a piece of crap; every second that passed, I felt my spirits leaving my body.  Not to mention, both my cat and my lover have been missing in action for the last couple of days.  Especially, that cat…yes, I said he could go meet his lover but did he really have to abandon me with a cold bed, every single night?  Sighing, I stroke one of his plush toys.
“Thank you for protecting me, Suho,” my own voice haunts me.
Thank God, JunMeow didn’t throw a tantrum for my misidentification.  Instead, he had tilted his head up with tears brimming in his eyes.  It felt like de ja vu.  The words were spoken in my voice, but my brain couldn’t comprehend them.  It was as though, in that moment, someone else had taken possession of my body.  
The door bell rings, waking me up from my deep thoughts.  Shaking myself awake, I drag myself out of my room.  My expressions instantly perk up at the sight of the handsome Kim Junmyeon.  Grinning, I widen the door opening and invite him in.
“How come whenever you show up, you’re either wet or naked?” I casually ponder.  
Shaking his wet hair, Junmyeon turns to me and asks, “Which one would you rather?”
I gulp.  
“Hm?” he teases.
Chewing my lower lip, I murmur, “I don’t have a preference.”  He looks hot either way…
With a soft chuckle, Junmyeon brushes my hair and takes my hand into his. He tugs me over to the sofa while nervously hiding something behind his back.
“Hm?  Do you want to take a shower and dry off?” I suggest but the antsy Junmyeon shakes his head.  “Hm?”
Swallowing the lump in his throat, he musters up courage and reveals the hidden ring.  A gasp spills from my lips before my palm manages to cover my mouth.  Amethyst illuminates into my eyes; the gorgeous violet rays color Junmyeon’s palm.  Immediately, tears brim, an unexplainable bliss rushes into my blood.  
“Is…is that for me?” my voice shakes.
Taking my hand onto his lap, he slips the ring on.  
“I’m sorry I don’t have the money to let you choose from the ones at the jewe—“
I grab hold on his collar and yank him in, smashing my lips into his.  It didn’t make sense that he is apologizing for making today the best day of my life.  Tears rush down both Junmyeon’s cheeks as he drapes his arms around my body, his palm guides the nape of my neck, pressing me closer and closer with his passionate kiss.  All his withheld affections pour out.  This is nothing like the shy pecks and sweet kisses he’s given me before.  His touch is wet but blazing hot.  We pant for air, nose glides against nose.  He starts to slide my shirt off my shoulders.  I shudder against him as he lowers me onto the couch.  Droplets of rainwater stream down his body, dotting my partly worn blouse with Heaven’s gift.  With a soft smile, I lift my palm up and run my fingertips down Junmyeon’s jawline.  A gaze that reads fear and desire, anticipation but unconditional love, his brows sew together as he wordlessly ask for permission.  I nod.  His head lowers, his lips striking my neck and collarbone with much affection…and just as I thought, his tongue does wonders.  Automatically, my back arches and my arms caress his head to brings him closer to my chest.  
“Suho!” a little girl’s voice flashes in my brain.  It almost feels like a pulse flowing through my brain.  
Everything’s so heated and I don’t want to stop.  Our clothes are sloppily still half-clinging onto our bodies.  The rainwater and sweat glues fabric along our skin; each movement creates friction.  I throw my head back and the world starts to grow blurry.
“Meow~” a high pitched kitten purrs as his tiny paws pounce in the wet puddle.  Streaks of water colors the girl’s tea party dress as her giggles ring in my ears.
I heave for air as my lover cradles and brings me upright.  It feels as though an electric shock paralyzes my spine.  My head totters and I grab onto Junmyeon’s forearm for support.  Blinking, he lifts his head from my chest and scans my pale face.
“Wuh…what’s wrong?” he breathes.  Fear collects in his soul.  
“Don’t separate us!!”
I gasp for air as the distraught male hugs my head against his warm chest.  
“Don’t scare me…” he pleas, “Where does it hurt?”
An image of a small kitten hopping up and down in front up me flashes by.  The negatives of the lasting photograph fade away as iridescent light.  I could still smell the musky scent of the dumpster.  
“My Love…” Junmyeon’s body starts to tremble as he holds my feeble form, “Talk to me…”  He presses his lips on the side of my head.
Finally, my eyes reopen and I drift in and out of consciousness, unsure of what is reality and what is just a dream.  Perhaps, both were realities.  I peer up at my lover who’s also paled three shades due to worry.  
“Sorry…” I pull myself together and weakly say, “I’ve been studying too hard and haven’t slept or eaten…”
A heavy sigh of relief disperses from those lips, that are now a bit swollen from our makeup session.  I throw him a gentle smile.  “Sorry for ruining the moment…”
Shaking his head, Junmyeon holds me closer and hooks his chin on the top of my head.  He makes me feel like a little delicate baby and I feel so safe and loved.  Love is so strange sometimes.  You may have this ideal type or relationship goals but when it hits you, nothing matters.  Junmyeon may not be tall or dark or quite possibly live in a deserted forest because he burned all his money but his heart communicated with my heart, words that cannot be expressed out loud.  A tear rushes down the corners of my eye.
“I’ll cook something really quick for you to eat,” he whispers and kisses my earlobe.  I nod and let him go.  
With him gone, or at least a safe distance, I finally allow my fear to show.  The images from the past become clearer and clearer; they aren’t frightening but I’m shaking all over.  I grab hold of the arm of the sofa to try to calm the dizziness.  That’s the last time I put a stupid exam over my own health.  Bearing through the vertigo, I slowly lean my head against a sofa pillow.  In and out of consciousness…I see those familiar bluish gray eyes…my fingertips feel the softness of his fur.  Voices bombard me in a sensory overload.  My body flames with feverish temperature.
“I won’t marry Minseok Oppa anymore…”
“I’ll marry you…” my voice merges with the little girl’s voice as my eyes open wide.  
With the jingle of a bell still fresh in my mind, I rush over to the bedroom.  On my knees, I tear apart boxes and rummage through clutter like a mad woman.  Finally, I discover the black collar JunMeow wore around his neck on the day I took him home.  I had taken it off due to the small size.  My thumbs rub the dirt off the name tag as my eyes squint to read the engraved text.
“Kim…” I read out loud.
Using my nails, I scratch off the rust.  “S….u….”
My fingers grow numb.
“Suho,” I read out loud as overfilled tears sabotage my vision.  Everything finally made sense.  Memories, stolen from my childhood, finally return.  My JunMeow is my precious Suho.  My fragile body convulses as I burst into tears.  “He’s nearing the end of his life...”  The world starts to spin around me.
Alerted by the noise, Junmyeon walks in just in the nick of time to rush over and catch me before I collapsed.  The collar drops from my hand and falls to the floor.  As I completely lose consciousness, Junmyeon’s call and Suho’s meow merges together in my mind.  
Shaking me, my husband calls out my name over and over again.  Blood drains from his face.  His warm palm presses against by forehead and immediately bounces back with inferiority.  A malicious fever boils my body.  Cradling my frame against him, Junmyeon tilts his head up to the sky as if to recite a familiar bargain.  I grab his hand in my sleep.
“Su…ho….” I weep, “I’ll…protect you…”
“My Love…” Junmyeon tearfully calls out.  He picks me up and lays me down on the bed.  A wet towel is placed on top of my forehead.  I flinch; the coldness awakens me for a brief moment.
“It smells so good…” I murmur and gift him a weak smile, hoping it’d be enough to ease his tensed expression.  
“That’s the last time I let you procrastinate and cram information for exams,” he sniffs back tears and scolds. His thumbs stroke the back of my hand and I respond with a coarse chuckle.  “I’ll bring you a bit to eat,” he volunteers.
The delicious tomato omelette causes me to salivate.  Gently, Junmyeon lifts me up and starts to feed my deflated stomach.  He may not be the most experienced chef, but in that moment, the omelette was the best meal I’ve ever eaten.  
“Junmyeon-ah…” I call as he blows on the last bite so that I wouldn’t scald my tongue.  
“Is JunMeow home?” I softly ask.
The spoon is slowly placed back on the plate and he hesitates his response.  
“Is he with his lover again?” I conclude.
“Yes,” Junmyeon looks me in the eyes and responds with seriousness in his tone.  
“Ah, I see…” I sadly respond.  “Wake me up when he comes home…” I request.  Tears start to brim again and the tip of my nose tinges in pink.  Junmyeon drapes his arms around me and nods.  I flow in and out of consciousness again; a part of me foolishly doesn’t want to fall asleep because I want to be there to welcome my JunMeow - my Suho home as soon as he returned.  
Slowly, my lover starts to sway me back and forth.  “You used to rock me to sleep like this each night…” Junmyeon chokes.
“Do you think he’s mad at me for abandoning him?” I semi-consciously question.  “He must be…I promised we’d protect each other…”  It didn’t occur to me how strange my murmurs would sound to my uninformed husband.
“No…” Junmyeon tears up and squeezes me.  Lips quiver.  “Of course not…How could he?  He loves you so much more than you’ll ever know…”
My tired eyes reopen to admire the ocean-filled ones of Kim Junmyeon.  
“…That’s why he came back to find you even after all these years.  He wants to stay by your side and protect you for the remainder of his life,” Junmyeon confesses the deepest feelings he suppressed within his heart - those he never thought he’d be able to say out loud.  Salted liquid spills from his orbs to my oscillating ones.  
“I’ll make him the happiest in the world…” I tearfully promise.
“He already is…” Junmyeon replies as he seals me with a kiss.  The familiar plitter platter of my window flows into my ears as a soft lullaby.  As I finally surrender to my dreams, I see a blurry image of my lover’s silhouette shrinking into an outline of a fluffy white feline.  
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A/N: (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) Let it rain under my eyes…
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On side note, did ya’ll skip chapter 5 or something?  
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