#porccubus moment!!!!!!
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cadaver1ne's goretober
day 1: hooked / day 2: nosebleed
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✅️ "Here For A Good Time Not For A Long Time. also it can make you have a jfk moment"
✅️ "Touching porcubus causes an insanely pleasurable high. Imagine how nice fucking them would feel"
❌️ "Please don't fuck Porccubus that thing is like. A plant doggie. That is a good boy that deserves pets not your cock fluid all over it."
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kira-moonrabbit · 5 years
ok, fucken uhhhh... lobotomy corp faves since i’m in a lobcorp mood right now
Under a readmore since it’s gonna be big. I also don’t understand EVERY character as well as I should, even despite some thorough reading of the wiki due to my stupid ass having trouble deciphering most of the stuff there.
Chesed! - the big favorite! He looks so sleepy and cool. He’s also the one who’s the most like me! I’d probably be in a department like the Welfare Department… and I have Autistic Headcanons for Chesed because I’m autistic and REALITY CAN BE WHATEVER I WANT IT TO BE. I also used to be a happier person, but let’s not get into that right this moment.
Netzach! - Another relatable one. I too hate life and drink too much, although my “poison of choice” is Dr. Pepper rather than alcohol. Also, he looks cool and is the first Sephirah that I bothered to memorize the name and face of. (for the rest I just memorized their faces and names separately. 
Gebura! - Honestly? This one is just an appearance thing. She looks badass.
Favorite ZAYIN Abnormalities:
Fairy Festival! - They’re cute! Also they’ll bite your head off.
Opened Can of Welcheers - This abnormality manages to be both hilarious and terrifying at the same time. Yet another reason to not try grape soda…
Army in Pink / Army in Black! - Not sure what their deal is, but I like the concept!  What causes them to go crazy? Maybe it’s being taken advantage of, but it wasn’t spelled out well enough for me.
Punishing/Little Bird! - Part of the Apocalypse Bird trio, and my second favorite of the bunch! It’s so adorable, and yet it’ll also bite your head off!
Fragment of the Universe! - Kinda underrated! It just wants to share what it knows, but nobody is prepared. It wants to be friendly!
Grave of Cherry Blossoms! - I’ve always been a sucker for the trope of a mysterious plant that lures you to your doom. I think this abnormality does it in a cooler way than Parasyte Tree, though.
Beauty and the Beast! - This one’s mostly here for the concept. It’s neat!
Laetita/A Shy Kid! - I’d be her friend! If I worked for the lobotomy corporation, I’d make myself get assigned to Laetita and nobody else, because she seems like the easiest to take care of as long as I don’t go anywhere else.
The Child of Galaxy! - My personal favorite Abnormality of the entire bunch! I love galaxy motifs, and he reminds me of an old OC I made. Also… Knight of Despair found family AU…?
Funeral of the Dead Butterflies! - A very neat concept! I also like butterflies. I sadly don’t understand why they’re shipped with the fire-headed guy with the german name whose name i forgot, but I’d like to understand it more. (A secret hobby of mine is gathering “why”s. Why do you like this? Why do you ship this? Why do you think that? I don’t know why I gather whys but it’s something I do. …Oops, that got off-topic…)
Porccubus! - It’s cute! It’ll make your head explode. Good day.
King of Greed! - Least popular among the magical girls, she’s yet another “cool concept” vote.
Bird of Judgement! - A member of the Apocalypse Bird trio, and my least favorite of the bunch (not that it’s a bad thing at all!). I don’t have a lot else to say about it otherwise.
Alirune! - Weird-lookin’ horse that pukes cotton candy!
Big Bird! - The leader of the Apocalypse Bird trio, and my definite favorite of the bunch! Cute, creepy, and covered in eyes? That’s my aesthetic!
Snow White’s Apple! - Another neat concept! There are lots of small details in fairy tales that you just kinda forget.
The Dreaming Current! - Yet another one I like based on concept! Surrounded in mystery. Is it the child, something made by the child, or something else entirely?
Dream of a Black Swan! - Concept~! The brothers kinda creep me out. I’m also really interested in the cause of the weird fog that made the sister into what she is…
Knight of Despair! - My favorite of the magical girls! I feel her pain…
Parasyte Tree! - See “Grave of Cherry Blossoms.”
Apocalypse Bird! - Never really got a good look at it, but it’s a R E A L L Y neat concept.
Silent Orchestra! - Wrapped in mystery. Who is it? What is it? How was it made?
NOTHING THERE! - The fandom puppy. Scary and also somewhat adorable in its first form. Why have we latched onto it? Nobody knows!
Mountain of Smiling Bodies…? - I don’t know a lot about it, but it sounds cool.
CENSORED…! - Another one in it for just concept. The perception filter is already a neat concept, but taking advantage of that medium and making an abnormality that’s literally just censored? HILARIOUS. … And also REALLY terrifying. Why does this thing need to be censored, exactly?!
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What’s each Sephirah’s reaction if their lover has been hurt while at work?
Sephirah Lover Injured at Work 
Shes doing paperwork when the ping comes through that you were hurt dealing with the Forsaken Murderer
She promptly visited the infirmary,  trying to remain stone faced and proper
But when she sees you, she demands to be left alone with you
she quickly hugs you, tears up, and apologizes.
This line of work is too dangerous for you and she thought she’d be able to handle seeing anything happen to you
but it turns out she can’t 
He heard from an employee that was aware of his relationship that you had a less than ideal meet and greet with Porccubus 
When he came into the infirmary, seeing clerks trying to tie you down to a bed, he almost broke down 
He joined them, whispering to you and trying to restrain you 
He knows the detox will be very painful and scary and he’s prepped to be there every step of the way 
he stays up in the infirmary most nights, soothing you and telling you that that you don’t need Porccubus’s thorns to be happy
He’s so unbelievably scared for your wellbeing that his department has to manage without him until your recovery 
She panicked when the King of Greed escaped but not more than when she heard that you were taken down in the process
She got to you so fast that you hadn’t even been taken to the infirmary yet
she took you there herself
Hod didn’t leave your side, getting a lot of flack from her other Sephirah about abandoning her duties
she didnt’ care
your condition was critical and she had to be there with you
She spends the time consoling you and crying 
All she can think of is how she can’t survive without you, should you succumb to your injuries 
Unsurprisingly, before he goes to the infirmary to see the damage from the naked nest, He drinks a little
he just can’t bear to face you sober 
He walks in, clearly smashed, apologizing and rambling on that he doesn’t know how he’d walk through life without you
You mean everything to him 
He gets so emotional that he ends up falling asleep with you in the infirmary 
He takes a couple days off work to be with you 
The Fiery Bird’s escape devastated his department but the moment he heard you were seriously hurt he took 2 weeks off work
He had to make sure you were alright
He’ll actually takes you out of the infirmary and personally nurses you back to health 
He doesn’t care what anyone has to say about it
He’s hopeful the entire time, focused on making you a comfortable as possible
if he thinks you’re ever going to succumb to your injuries, he won’t tell you 
but he will grieve in silence
She’s furious to hear the Heroric Monk seriously injured you 
She blames her entire department for not being about to defend you 
She’s naturally pissed and everyone is getting her wrath 
except you of course you angel.
She comes to visit you in the infirmary and makes sure you know that this will NEVER happen again 
she will make sure of it 
Gebura visits you every day but doesn’t stop working 
she wants the department to remain strong for your sake 
they will NOT fail her again 
He hears what happens to you but doesn’t rush to you
The Knight of Despair had seriously hurt you but he had responsibilities 
He does suffer a bit. the waiting for the work day to end is killing him 
Are you alright? He’s so worried but he doesn’t want to stop to come see you 
But what if by then it’s too late??
He ends up leaving work early to see you and make sure you’re alright and tells Angela that he would like to make designated times to visit you in the infirmary 
He apolgoizes for taking so long and goes on and on about how you mean the world to him 
When Melting Love’s escape destroys her department she only cares about you 
She’s at your side in a moments notice
She doesn’t say anything, she’s stoic, just listening to how other people are reacting 
She’s thinking.
Who’s ignorance made it so that Melting Love could escape so easily ?
Oh, She’ll find them and they will be punished for this
all her words are oddly calm and sobering, like you’re just dealing with a simple cold
In her mind, You’re going to be fine no matter what
the same can’t be said for whomever’s negligence caused this.
-Mod Binah 
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kira-moonrabbit · 5 years
I always find myself thinking of crossovers between the 2 things i am most interested at the given moment. Right now those things are lobotomy corporation and cookie run. Here are some of my ideas...
Aloe is definitely a sephirah.
A weird concept for Nothing There: it starts out as the Dragon's Tail, then instead of that creepy humanoid thing it turns into when it breaches, it turns into a more misshapen Pitaya Dragon Cookie.
Either Sea Fairy or Moonlight as the Knight of Despair.
Cheesecake as the King of Greed, mayhaps?
Rockstar as the Silent Orchestra, just because i think it would look good.
Gumball as the Army in Pink/Black. Instead of there being multiples upon escape, he just sends out a bunch of Mini Jacksons.
Whipped Creme as Theresia. A mechanical Whipped Creme sounds awesome.
Roguefort as the Big And Might Be Bad Wolf and Walnut as Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary. Except Roguefort is a cat monster and the vendetta isn't nearly so serious.
I get the feeling Milk would make a good Whiteknight.
Millennial Tree as the Parasyte Tree.
Night Raven wind archer as Der Freishutz. ...somebody correct me if i spelled that wrong.
Flower Pod (Fairy's pet) as the Porccubus.
A pair of Lifesavers (aka Salt's pet) attend the Opened Can of Welcheers machine instead of 2 shrimp.
Rebel is the Forsaken Monk (...or whatever it's called...)
Strawberry is Shy Look Today.
Ion Cookie Robot is the Warm-Hearted Woodsman. Just give them an axe...
Wizard as the Child of Galaxy.
That's all i got so far...
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Worries & Welfar ~Chesed x Reader~
::Chapter 6::
"Y/N," You backed up a little bit upon hearing the familiar clink of Chesed drawing his E.G.O weapon. "Step away from it." The employee reached out to touch you.  His hands gently grabbed yours and you heard the Sephirah let out a harsh gasp. He fired, the bullet whizzing by your ear and making you recoil in pain. "Y/n!" The employee didn't let go, immediately yanking your arm and pulling you closer to him. Before you or Chesed could react the sound of boots stomping on the floor began to close in all around you. Chesed recognized this, grabbing you by the waist and using his free hand to put the barrel of his gun right in the employee's face. He fired twice and the employee exploded into a mass of flesh in bone, quickly reforming into an almost incomprehensible mess. Daniel's mouth fell open as he backed up, keeping a tight grip on you. The stomping closed in faster and as Chesed backed you both against a wall, armored suits that vaguely resembled rabbits flooded the halls. You instinctively clung to Chesed. The super soldiers filled the empty space, surrounding the mass of flesh and limbs  and pointing guns directly in it's face. It panted, it's long tongue bouncing almost cutely. It just kept looking at you and Chesed. Mostly You.
"Nothing There has been Located." One of the soldier started, "Proceeding with re-containment procedure."
"Get those 2 out of here!" Another yelled, pointing directly at you both without looking away from the abnormality. You didn't even have time to react as Chesed and you were ushered further down the hallway. 2 seperate agents grabbed you by the shoulders and Chesed didn't voice it but he didn't like the way you were being pushed down the hall. You kept trying to look back at the thing. Mostly because you could hear it calling your name in Chesed's voice.
He didn't want to go that long without a coffee again. The Sephirah brought you a cup, too, joining you on the couch and trying to calm your nerves. You seemed shaken by the whole ordeal but were handling it considerably well considering you weren't trained to handle direct contact with an ALEPH before. He expected you to be an emotional and mental mess after such an encounter.
"I want to see that creature again." You  said quickly, making Chesed choke on his coffee. He slurped up what he could, cursing himself for the undignified display. " What was that-"
"THAT was an incredibly dangerous ALEPH and you are lucky as hell that you didn't suffer any kind of permanent damage from that whole debacle."
"No." He interrupted, standing up and wiping off his suit. "Absolutely not. "
"But I will eventually have to deal with ALEPH level abnormalities-"
"Not today . Not Tomorrow. Not under my watch." He put his mug on the desk, taking in a deep breath. He admired your inquisitive nature. He really did. However, you were not ready to handle a face to face meeting with Nothing There quite yet and there was nothing that Chesed could do to prepare you. He was silent as he thought this over. There was absolutely no way you'd agree but he liked that little look of hope on your face as he was silent. You looked so eager to hear his answer. It was almost enough to change his mind. Not quite though. "No."
"Why not..." You mumbled, saying it more of a statement than a question. You knew you couldn't fight him on this. What you knew of Nothing There was basically rumors, having never actually gotten hold of his file before. He knew you didn't actually want him to answer that.
"If you want experience with an ALEPH there's only 2 I would trust you to meet." He said out of the blue. You seemed startled by that. He was expecting you to seem more excited but your fighting emotions on your face made him amused. "That's no time soon though. I'll wait until I can fill out my team more."
"When you get your team, can I join?" He laughed in response. The idea of the future manager wanting to start in that kind of position. Your smile faltered at his laugh and for a moment he actually felt bad.
"Oh-Please, tell me you're not serious."
"I want to do more in the company while I'm technically not a manager yet-"
"And I really do think it's admirable that you want a well rounded experience before taking that office, but if anything happens to you I could be in serious trouble."
"I feel like all we're going to do is argue about my safety."
"That's probably it, yeah." He admitted, leaning casually against his desk. "Admittedly, I'm very worried about you."
"I guess I just... want to be apart of this. As Mangaer, I'd just be watching and managing from the comfort and safety of an office. I'd be sending people into danger  without really knowing what I was sending them into.... I just want a well rounded perspective of that." He smiled. Genuinely smiled. He licked his lips slowly, trying his best to find the words to tell you no again. It was getting harder. You were so eager and your intentions were so pure. Before he could speak again there was a knock on his office door. Without a full second going by the door was kicked open, The brash redhead on the other side storming into the office. You clutched your mug in your hands and , sensing her intentions, Chesed put his own down on his desk.
"What do you want Gebura-" He stopped, being picked up by the shirt collar violently. You flinched, lifting your feet up onto the couch. He seemed shocked but still in an odd state of calm.
"Nothing There is saying her name." Gebura growled, gritting her teeth and staring directly into Chesed's eyes. If he did have any fear, his eyes did not betray him. He remained stoic in her grasp. "At what point did he come in contact with her-"
"It was a brief exchange as we were leaving Porccubus's containment unit. I acted immediately and Rabbit Team showed up almost immediately. How long was Nothing There just roaming around?"
"We don't know. We're still investigating. Yesod's fucking team didn't even notice that one of it's own members was acting different." Without warning she threw him down and if he hadn't caught the edge of his desk he wouldn't have remained standing. She immediately turned to you, leaning down and grabbing your chin firmly. She tilted your head, examining your ear. Chesed's blood ran cold as he remembered what had happened. "Her ear has taken black damage." You didn't say a thing. You even stopped breathing. She stepped back from you, looking back at Chesed. He couldn't hide his worry this time, crossing his arms and shifting foot to foot.
"I fired a warning shot-"
"She was hit-"
"She was grazed. It would have been a lot worse if I never fired that shot." He defended, closing his eyes and trying to remain distant.  Gebura was fuming. You just cowered into the couch, your eyes shifting between the two sephira. Gebura shook her head, waving off the comment.
"Fine, You believe that. Meanwhile, I've got a shit load of paperwork to do and I'm not leaving that out of my report. Her father will see it."
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Worries & Welfare ::Chesed x Reader::
-Chapter 3-
It was almost impossible to focus on filling out you report on the Punishing Bird in your new surroundings. Chesed's office was a dull blue and to no one's surprise there was a coffee maker on the counter and many mugs in the cabinet above. Many diplomas and awards lined the walls and his desk, while filled with paper work, also had a good amount of stress balls and toys meant for anxiety. Even as you filled out your paper work he had a small cube in his hand with various buttons and switches on it and in his other hand a coffee.
"Where did you get all these toys?"
"Gi- Netzach gave them to me." He admitted, "You used the wrong Abnormality ID number."
"Shit," You marked through it with a single line, tapping your chin while you thought of the correct number. He was waiting for you to realize that it was already at the top of the paper. He went in for a sip of his coffee, not expecting you to speak. "So you and Giovanni are close?" He choked a bit, letting out a light cough and trying to compose himself. 
"Y-Yeah, We're friends. He's a nice guy. We aren't allowed to go by our names at work. That's for after work, out of the professional setting."
"I think that's dumb." You admitted, jotting down the experience of being pecked mercilessly. "I Just think it makes things more complicated. "
"Well, with the twins it does." Chesed admitted. "Even when you assume the mantle as manager we can't call you by your name.Hell, When you eventually take your father's place as CEO you'll be referred to as A."
"What about right now?" You asked, making his let out a light gasp. "What do you call me right now then? While I'm neither of those things?" He just looked at you, putting his coffee and toy down on his desk. He bounced back quickly, clicking his tongue and thinking. 
"I guess I can use your name then."
"Can I use yours?"
"You are just trying to get me fired." He said with a chuckle, his eyes darting around his office. He didn't have proof or any sort of evidence but he had a feeling that Angela had his office tapped. He bit his lip, trying to plan his words carefully. The entire facility was probably tapped. "You can call me whatever you'd like. You're technically my boss....but I didn't give you any ideas."
"Daniel it is then!" You said cheerfully, twiddling your pen in your hands. He felt his face heat up but wasn't aware that the blush was drastic or visible until you laughed at him. He turned away, picking his coffee back up. 
"Whatever floats your boat."
"That doesn't sound safe." Chesed said, narrowing his eyes at Gebura as she gave him the news. The redhead simply shrugged, sashaying from behind her desk and humming a bit. " Look, She had a tough time with the Punishment Bird."
"Then this is sure to get her to take her future job more seriously. It'll build character."
"Porccubus is dangerous to new employees. I'm not going to send her in there."
"Look, I can Spare Porccubus or I can spare Nothing There." Gebura said sharply, slamming her hands on her desk. "So, Which one would you prefer?"
"....There has to be another abnormality you can spare for my department. "
"We've got our hooks in the others for serious testing all week. The only thing I can give you at the moment is one of those 2. So an ALEPH or a HE . Pick one." Chesed took in a deep breath, keeping his composure as best as he could. The harsh black and red or Gebura's office always put him on edge. He sucked on his teeth and tried to calm himself. He was stuck no matter what choice he made. You would be exposed to something very dangerous either way.
"...I'll take Porccubus."
"That's what I thought." She said smugly, not helping Chesed's mood. She dug in her desk, taking out a clasped file and throwing it onto her desk, gesturing for him to take it. "Get her to read it about 60 times tonight because tomorrow morning Porccubus will be in your department. Also, Hod wants to hand you over Der Freischütz if you can take him. He's causing hysteria among her team."
"......I'm getting the impression everyone is trying to kill us both." He said playfully, tapping the folder in his hands nervously. "She's just met her first abnormality today. This woman is technically our boss. You want me to send her in-"
"Then fucking go in alone. You've been doing this longer than her. Look, If it will make you act like less of a baby, put in a request for some E.G.O weapons and suits." He rolled his eyes. It could take days before his request is approved and it isn't a guarantee that he would be granted a suit that could properly protect you. Gebura didn't seem to understand the situation. You were bright eyed and ready to help. Of course if he asked you to hang back, you probably wouldn't. However, His hands were tied. He was going to have to do this job alone after all.
"Thank you, Gebura. I'll get my proposal in right way." 
You walked into the empty barracks of the Welfare department, an air of sadness washing over you as you entered the stale room. The lights stalled a bit as they turned on and your steps echoed off the deep blue walls. There was nothing. The beds were empty, the shelves beside them empty and the foot lockers all open and empty. It was as if every trace of the old team had been thrown out the moment they died. You stopped in the dead center of the room, feeling overwhelmed by the memories that were surely made here. 
"Yeah, I know." You heard, making your quickly spin around towards the door. Chesed was leaning against the door frame, naturally having a coffee in his right hand. "It's pretty barren in there right now."
"You don't have to sleep here. It's...I've never seen it so empty in here." He chuckled nervously, forgetting his own train of thought upon looking at the dull room. The ghosts of the past moved around him as he imagined his team moving to and fro, getting ready for bed or preparing for work. His team. His friends. "You don't need to be in here."
"It is a bit spooky." You admitted, "but-"
"There's a couch in my office," He started, finally waving the folder he had been hiding at his side. You didn't even notice he was holding it. "We're getting a new abnormality tomorrow. We're cramming tonight and when we're done I'll sleep on the couch, you can take my bed."
"It's not negotiable." He said sternly, nodding head to the side as a motion for you to follow him. "Come on, this one is far more dangerous to handle."
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