#hope you guys enjoy this bit MWHAHA
swiftmitsu · 4 months
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Part 6
of killer being missing heheh
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erin-bo-berin · 5 years
Darkest Storms & Brightest Rainbows (Part 1)
Part 2
Part 3
Hard Love (unoffical part 4)
Finally, the first part of my “Cat fic” is here! I kept some lines and plot lines from the show, but I also added some different elements. For example, there’s a lot of scenes/references from Entropy and Date Night later on, but I didn’t include much from Red Light. You’ll soon see why.
I began this at the end of last year and didn’t think it would see the light of day as it wasn’t going anywhere. But after some inspiration, I finally finished it. I decided to break it into three parts in honor of the three Cat episodes. Besides, if I had wrote one long fic it would’ve probably been around 15k words. Anyway, this way I can leave you guys hanging in suspense for a little bit (mwhaha 😏). Lastly, I just wanted to say I chose this title for this 3-parter because the characters go through some dark storms but also experience some bright rainbows along the way throughout this story. Enough of my rambling, I hope you all enjoy. 🥰
Spencer Reid/Reader
Rating: G (part 1 only has some angst)
Word Count: 4,143
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It’s truly fascinating how one small drop can create a ripple in the water.
That was what meeting Spencer Reid was like.
It was a typical day at work at the coffee shop you’d been employed at for almost a year. Life had slowly been getting somewhat back to normal for you. It had been a hard previous year when you lost both parents to a car crash. Living alone was difficult, but you were making it work.
It was like a breath of fresh air to find work in a DC neighborhood cafe. You loved being able to form relationships with some frequent customers and hear about their days; it was surprisingly very cathartic to connect with so many people after feeling so much loss. 
There had been a small breather between waves of numerous customers when he had first appeared at your counter for a coffee.
His order was just as unique as he was; coffee with whole milk and a little bit of honey. 
He was cute. He was really cute. 
His shaggy brown hair was probably just a touch too long and in need of a cut, but his loose curls made it work and it looked good on him. He had light eyes that would shift from green to brown, depending on how the sun shone through the window next to the counter and a smile so bright it rivaled the sun’s rays.
Something else you’d noticed, he was tall. Possibly 6 feet, if you were to guess. With a lean frame and a slight shyness about him, you were instantly intrigued. 
You saw him more often, never managing to get his name, but managing to pick up the tiniest details about him.
There was a slight cleft to his chin, a shadow of a feature that was dominant in some others, but only was fully shown on him at certain angles.
The same went for the chameleon like dimples he sported, only showing up now and then. Every time, they made your stomach flutter, just about as much as he did.
He had a smattering of freckles that you could mainly see only up close. Not the usual freckles that would be across the bridge of the nose and cheeks on an average person, but random ones. A few under the outer corner of one eye, a lone one on the far side of his forehead, one on the side of his cheek, just along his cheekbone, another larger one on the opposite side just underneath his earlobe, plus many more tiny ones scattered everywhere.
Everything about him was unique.
His hands were large and gentle, always carefully handing you money for his drink and taking his order from you.
He was sweet and always polite, asking you how your day was going, wishing you a good day when he left. 
He also had these small habits of licking his lips or squinting his eyes just the tiniest bit, without even being aware of the actions.
It was actually a bit pathetic how much you’d learned about this stranger yet couldn’t even muster up the courage to ask for his name.
It was one day, maybe six months after you’d first met the handsome stranger when you decided to take a chance.
He’d come in bright and early before 8 am dressed in gray dress pants, a purple dress shirt rolled up to his elbows and a two toned purple tie. Slung across his body and resting on his hip was his usual tan satchel that you’d seen him with every day. You didn’t even have a clue what his job was.
“Morning,” he greeted with a bright smile.
You greeted him back, automatically reaching for his coffee that’d you’d been in the midst of preparing. 
“Large coffee, whole milk and honey?”
“As always,” he chuckled.
Unlike other larger chains, it wasn’t a normal thing to label a person’s drink with their name, so it wasn’t easy to find out his name; hence why you still hadn’t learned it.
You were fastening the lid, about to hand it to him when you asked.
“Um, just out of curiosity, who would this coffee be labeled for?”
The minute the words were out of your mouth you wanted to take them back. It sounded so awkward and weird. Labeled for? You wanted to hit yourself.
A small smile tugged on his lips.
“Spencer. Nice to meet you—” he paused, waiting for you to fill in with your name.
He took his drink, turning to leave before pausing.
“Have a great day, Y/N.”
Less than a month later, you’d gone on your first date with Spencer.
Three years later, life looked a lot different. 
You no longer worked at the coffee shop, but now worked from home. It took a little time, but you eventually found out you had a passion for being a social media manager for different brands. You loved social media and posting content for brands was rather fun.
You and Spencer had hit it off during that first date, considering you’d been dating for almost three years now.
As much as you missed your previous work family, you had a big new family that you’d come to be an (unofficial) part of, within these last few years.
You had finally found out after a few dates that Spencer worked for the FBI in a unit called the Behavioral Analysis Unit as a profiler; a position that uses an art of studying behavior and a lot of psychology to catch killers. It was interesting, but dangerous work. It did come with some good things though, like a work family that was like a real family. You, too, had grown close to his team members through the last few years. They were like the family you had desperately needed since your parents’ passing.
It wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows in the BAU between the long hours and dangerous cases, but you were always there for Spencer. You were so proud of him and impressed by how good he was at his job; you were also proud to call him your boyfriend.
Recently, the BAU was dealing with a group of assassins, some that were hired through the deepest parts of the dark web. It had begun with one hit man that specialized in making his hits look like accidents. He had been seeking revenge on his customers and that led to the BAU discovering that there were a whole network of hitmen, each known for their own method of killing.
There was a chemist.
A sniper.
A bomber.
And the deadliest of them all, Ms. .45.
A black widow, Spencer called her.
She’d been the only one to evade capture and Spencer was going to be the one to lure her out. 
You were freaked, to put it mildly. Just from what Spencer had told you about this woman, you knew dangerous didn’t even begin to describe her. 
Unlike her former “co-workers”, she liked to be up close and personal with her targets. She played her games and when she was done, she’d shoot them without a morsel of guilt to drag her conscious down.
“Spencer, I really don’t think you should do this.”
You were sitting on the bed, watching him loosen his tie as he simultaneously told you about this case and changed out of his work clothes.
“Y/N, it’s better if I do it,” he said, turning to face you, his tie now hanging undone around his neck.
“Why you though?”
It wasn’t often that you argued and you couldn’t exactly count this as a fight, but you both definitely stood on opposite sides of this matter.
“I’m the closest to her age on the team. If anything goes wrong, she’ll be most likely to negotiate with a peer.”
“But Spencer,” you frowned, “I don’t like the sound of how dangerous she is. If she believes that you’re a client, she could kill you.”
“We aren’t going to let it get that far,” he assured, sitting down on the side of the bed, next to you.
“I just worry about you, always being in dangerous situations. I know it’s just a part of dating someone who works in your profession, but what if something happens to you?”
You can’t help the tiny crack of emotion in your voice and he pulls you into his arms.
“Nothing will happen to me, okay?” 
You nodded into his chest and he pulled back, frowning at you.
“I don’t like to see you sad. I want to see that pretty smile of yours.”
His fingers tickled your side and you tried to hold back the laugh bubbling in your throat. You were extremely ticklish and he only ever used that against you at a time like this.
“Stop,” you squealed, trying to wriggle away from his touch, but he kept tickling you.
“Nope, not a chance,” he grinned.
You fell back on the bed, laughing and squirming as he continued his tickle torture.
“There we go,” he smiled, satisfied, “There’s that smile.”
You grinned more shyly as he cupped your face with his hand and kissed you gently.
“Just be safe, okay?”
He kissed you again, his lips parting from yours to trail down your jaw to your neck.
“Is this your way of distracting me?” you chuckled.
“Hmm, maybe,” he smirked.
“No complaints from this corner.”
His lips returned to yours, kissing you with such intensity, it left you breathless for a moment. Your lips moved with his, your hands tangled in his hair.
The rest of the evening was spent doing nothing other than a little fooling around.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Garcia asked.
On the screen of her computer you saw Spencer entering the restaurant and speaking to the hostess before being seated.
“I’m sure,” came a moment later.
“We’ll protect him Y/N.”
This statement came from Aaron Hotchner—Hotch for short—, Spencer’s boss. You were grateful that Hotch had even let you be here, yet still the dread twisted in your stomach.
Garcia had hacked into the cameras to allow you three to see what was going on during this take down. Spencer sat facing the camera.
Only moments after he’d been seated at the table did a petite woman walk up.
She was slim with a short, angled cut. Her dark hair seemed to be in perfect place, just like the fake smile she was showing. She was dressed in a form fitting teal, sleeveless dress. The bottom was embellished in some sort of sparkling beads or perhaps rhinestones. She looked harmless enough, but you knew better. Looks could be very deceiving.
“Reid, we have you over her left shoulder. Do you copy?”
You watch as your boyfriend briefly glances straight towards the camera and taps a quick, stealthy answer on the table, with two fingers.
“I already hate her,” you glowered at the screen, watching as her hand lingered on his arm, seduction written all over her face.
“Put the claws away tiger,” Penelope muttered.
“So, how far along is your wife?” the hit woman you now know was named Cat, asked.
You watch Spencer swallow nervously, playing the part of an apprehensive first time customer.
“A few months. Do you, uh mind if we don’t talk about her?”
Cat was quiet for a moment. You can’t see her face, but somehow you just know she’s studying him.
“Let me see your ring.”
He furrowed his brows, but took it off handing it to her.
“You say you’ve been married for four years, right Spencer?” She studies the band, turning it over in her hand.
“For a 24 karat ring, it sure looks rather cheap. Apparently she loves you as much as you love her,” she tossed the ring on the table with a clank.
“Also, if it were four years old, it’d look more worn, don’t you think?”
You hear a click over the audio. It sounded suspiciously like a gun cocking and your eyes widened in horror.
Penelope gasped.
“Is that what I think it was?” 
“Yes,” Hotch answered her, “She knows.”
“You’re not married Spencer.” Her gun was pointing at him under the table, unbeknownst to the other diners in the restaurant.
“And guess what? I didn’t walk into your trap. You walked into mine.”
“Oh no,” Penelope breathed.
“I’ve got a gun pointed at your crotch right now, Spencer. What’s to stop me from taking you and the little ones out right now? It’d be such a shame; doesn’t Y/N want kids?”
“Hotch,” you growled, “He didn’t sign up for this.”
“He knows what he’s doing. Let him handle this. If it truly becomes a dire situation, we have backup in there with him.”
You pick at your nails, tuning back into Spencer and Cat’s conversation.
He ignored her remark, continuing to stare her down.
“You honestly think I’m dumb enough to waltz in here thinking you’re just another deadbeat asshole that’s tired of his wife? I know way more than you think I do. The BAU is the only one that got this close to us. But I’m still the only one left,” she smirked.
“Doesn’t mean anything. I’m good at what I do,” Spencer retorted.
“Tell me. Are you this cocky with Y/N?”
Your eyes narrowed, glaring at the screen.
“I’d love to shove my foot right up her-”
“Y/N,” Hotch chided.
She’d scooted around the booth closer to him, her hand sliding into his suit jacket and down his button down shirt. You couldn’t clearly see what she was doing, but you got the general idea. He jumped when her hand brushed his crotch before reaching into the waist of his pants, pulling out his gun with a smirk.
“So tell me, did you actually knock her up or was that just part of your cover? I mean unless you’re here to put a hit on her which is totally fine by me. I’m not one for commitment either.”
“You leave her out of this,” he growled, glaring at her.
“I bet you’re wondering how I know about her, right? Probably the same way I know that Blondie over there is part of your team, just waiting to take me down. Am I right?”
Spencer stayed quiet, his gaze hard on her.
“Do me a favor and tell her to take a hike will you?”
“Stand down,” Hotch says from next to you. You know enough about the plan to know that the entire team can hear messages from him here at the BAU.
You watched as JJ set the drink she’d been sipping on, down on the bar. She’d dressed in leather pants, a low cut black top with a quarter length sleeved, maroon fur jacket over it to appear as just another fancy dinner guest. She passed their table before disappearing into the kitchen.
“Thanks for playing, sweetie,” Cat smiled at her disappearing form.
“Now, tell me more about yourself Spencer. Why don’t you?” 
Cat rested her chin in her hand and watched him, her gun laying by her side where she could have easy access to it.
“Don’t you already know all about me?”
“True,” she made a face, “Then tell me all about me.”
“Well, for one, you’re quite loquacious.” 
“I’m gonna pretend that means sexy,” she grinned flirtatiously.
“Gag me with a spoon,” you mumbled.
“Now, like I said,” Cat continued, “Tell me about me.”
“You’re a psychopath that runs a different course than the rest of your fellow hit men. You like to be up close and personal, watch men lie and try to seduce them all before turning on them and killing them. Which in itself speaks to many deep rooted issues.”
“Is that your way of saying I’m just another woman with daddy issues?”
“You said it, not me.”
“So, how exactly did you find me?” She rested her chin on her laced fingers and cocked her head at him.
“Does it matter?”
“Of course.”
“Fine. It all started unraveling when we first took down what we thought was a lone hit man. One who specified in making hits look like accidents.”
You can hear Spencer still talking through the monitor as you paced back and forth behind Hotch and Garcia, your nerves getting the best of you.
You jump when you hear loud feedback from the mic.
“What was that?”
“She muffled the mic. We lost audio,” Penelope grimaced.
On the screen, you can see Cat’s hand on his tie, thumb over the microphone, her mouth moving as she says something to Spencer. He turns in the direction where Rossi was slyly approaching their table. 
With a few words that were unheard to the three of you, Rossi backed off, heading towards the kitchen.
“She caught on to Dave being there too,” Hotch mumbled.
“Hotch, this is not going as you planned, is it?”
Your question remained unanswered and by the way his posture remained rigid you knew you were right. That did little to reassure you.
“Entropy reigns supreme in this whole situation,” you grumbled.
You looked over and saw Hotch and Garcia staring at you quizzically.
“What? Isn’t another definition for that, lack of order or predictability or gradual decline into disorder?”
Hotch arched an eyebrow.
“Okay, maybe I used it wrong. I’ve heard Spencer use it before. This is why he’s the genius and not me.”
Nothing else was said on the matter as you three’s attention was turned back to the screen where Cat was talking to Spencer again.
“I’ll let that slide considering I learned something important about you.”
“What’s that?” Spencer questioned.
“Your backup. I’ve flushed them out. It’s just you and me now.”
“Guess again, bitch,” you mumbled.
You knew, as well as the rest of the team, that Tara and Morgan were still in there.
“I know you’re stalling, but why?”
“Cause I know there has to be a pretty impressive crowd of agents out front, just waiting to take me down.”
“You’d be correct,” Spencer deadpanned.
“Which is why you’re going to walk me out of here. I get away with no issues and no one gets hurt. If not,” she paused.
She ran her fingertips over the gun that she’d moved to the table, just in his line of sight.
“I have a fully loaded gun that can do quite some damage.”
“You won’t do it though,” he challenged.
“Oh wouldn’t I?”
“No because shooting up a restaurant isn’t your style. You’re more calculated than that. You like less mess, more mind games.” 
“So you do understand me, Spencer,” she smirked, “Then you’d understand that I need you to call off all the FBI agents so I can leave quietly.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that,” Spencer shrugged, not breaking his eye contact from her, “I’m not letting you walk out of here if I have to hold you down myself.”
“Would you hold me down and leave bruises that wouldn’t go away?” she purred.
“Is that what you want?”
“I bet that’s what Y/N wants,” Garcia mumbled.
You opened your mouth to respond, not sure if she meant you doing bodily harm to Cat or your wanting Spencer to do that to you.
“Focus,” Hotch reprimanded.
“No, I want the agents cleared.” Her hand tightened on her piece.
“Everyone stand down,” Hotch ordered, “We let her walk. Reid let her go.”
“Well?” Cat pressed.
You saw him bite his lip, clearly trying to make up his mind what to do.
“Reid. Let her go.”
Cat was getting annoyed, that much you could tell and you knew she was definitely a person you didn’t piss off.
“Fine, you can go.”
She gathered her things, standing up to leave.
“But you won’t,” Spencer said.
She turned, gazing at him.
“Excuse me?”
“I found your father,” Spencer challenged.
“Reid, what are you doing?” Hotch asked, glancing at Garcia who just shrugged in response.
“Spencer, no,” you whispered, anxiety flooding your senses.
He was playing with fire and if he wasn’t careful, he was going to get burned.
“Tell me where he is,” Cat demanded.
“Sit down and I will.”
You glance at the two next to you.
“This wasn’t part of the plan, was it?”
“No,” came the terse answer from Hotch.
You see her sit once again across from Spencer.
“To prepare for tonight, I had to do my research on you,” he started.
“Is that so?”
“Lewis, Morgan, try to clear out the restaurant as subtly as possible. If this goes wrong, she could start shooting. I don’t want any injuries on my conscience tonight,” Hotch commanded. 
You didn’t see their movement on the screen, but within a few minutes there were more than the normal amount of waiters moving along the tables.
“I found your father Cat,” Spencer continued, in effort to distract her.
“You’re lying.”
“Does it look like I’m lying?”
“No, but I know you are because I never mentioned that I found him myself. He’s been dead for years, Spencer.”
You saw her reach for her gun at the exact moment a commotion towards the front of the restaurant broke out. You couldn’t see on screen what was happening, but it was all the distraction she needed.
Hotch was barking orders and you heard Spencer shouting something to Morgan.
It was later you found out that against Lewis and Morgan’s wishes, someone—most likely a waiter—had started freaking out. Whether that caused the following events to happen or not you would never know, but it sure didn’t help them either.
“Oh my god,” Penelope gasped.
Your eyes were glued to the screen and the horrible events that were beginning to unfold.
Cat had Spencer by the arm and her gun was pointed directly at him. She had him in her claws and she wasn’t about to let him go without a fight.
“Get everyone out of here!” Spencer hollered.
You heard the rest of the people fleeing the dining room, Tara aiding them, but you didn’t take your eyes off of Cat and Spencer.
“Well lookie here,” she grinned up at Spencer, “Back where we started. You and me and a gun.”
“We can talk this out,” Morgan said, slowly approaching, his gun still aimed Cat's way.
“I don’t know Agent Morgan,” she smirked, “I don’t like liars. How do I know that Spencer is true to his word? He’s already lied once.”
“Let him go and we’ll talk,” Morgan said.
“It’s too late for that.”
A loud crash came from the front of the restaurant. Distraction number two. You couldn’t tell if it had been planned by Cat or not, either way, it was her perfect moment to strike.
Multiple gunshots sounded. 
Time slowed down.
Penelope cried out.
Hotch cursed.
You fell to your knees.
In a split second Cat had shot Spencer and he went down, bright red blood beginning to stain his dress shirt. 
Shots were fired from Morgan’s gun. Tara went running after Cat, Morgan went running to Spencer’s side.
There was commotion on the screen. Tara came back in from the direction of the kitchen where Cat had run. Luck must have been on her side because she had disappeared into the night.
Everything changed in one quick moment.
Spencer had been shot and Cat had gotten away.
You had no memory of how you’d managed to get from the BAU to the hospital, but here you were, fidgeting in a chair, tears streaming down your face. You hadn’t even had a chance to see him before you got to the hospital and you were wracked with worry with how he was.
The last thing you remembered was falling to the floor, your head feeling woozy as you tried to process what was unfolding before your eyes. 
Spencer had been rushed into emergency surgery and you waited anxiously with the rest of the team in the waiting room. You were positive you hadn’t stopped shaking since you heard the gun go off.
The awful sound rang in your ears and every time you closed your eyes, all you could see was Spencer falling to the ground, blood soaking his shirt.
You looked up when you heard the click of heels and saw JJ coming back with an update on Spencer. The look on her face sent a feeling of cold, icy, fear through your body.
“He didn’t make it,” she whispered.
A buzzing sound rang in your ears and you were sure you’d heard wrong. 
“What?” you croaked.
“Spencer’s gone,” she choked out.
The guttural sobs that came from deep within you didn’t even sound human. Your anger and your pain melted into one.
Cat Adams would pay for this.
Tag List: @dreatine​ @reid-187​ @groovyreid​ @reidslibra​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @fuckthealarm​ @whatspunispun​ @iamburdened​ @cindywayne​ @thomasfoockinshelby​ @tinyminy88​ @theitcaramelchick​ @missprettyboy​ @hushlilbabydoll​ @sammy-jo1977​ @theonlyone-meeeee​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @lemonypink​ @multifandommandy​
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tobythewise · 5 years
Gabe/Sam/Rowena and “Whatever it is, I didn’t do it!” mwhaha, fluff, humor, mild smut is okay, you know my preferences :)
Thanks for the prompt friend! I hope you enjoy :)
Warnings for a little bit of hurt/comfort and blowjobs 
Gabriel walks through the doorway, stopping in his tracks as he notices his two partners, Rowena and Sam, hunched over the table, their heads close together, whispering. He cocks an eyebrow. 
“Whatever is is,” he says, smirking as they startle and pull back, staring at him with wide eyes. “I didn’t do it.”
Sam rolls his eyes. “And what exactly didn’t you do?”
“Feeling guilty?” Rowena adds. 
Gabriel leans against the doorway, just looking at his partners. How the hell did he hit the jackpot? They’re both so amazing, so beautiful, plus they put up with his antics. 
“I never feel guilty, you know that,” Gabriel says, blowing Rowena a kiss. 
“Because you have no shame,” Sam says under his breath. It makes Gabriel smile, the stress of his day falling away now that he’s home, surrounded by his favorite people. 
Gabriel walks over, plopping himself into Sam’s lap. He loves how much bigger Sam is. His big arms come around Gabriel’s middle, holding him tight and Gabriel lets out a happy sigh. 
“Are you alright, Darling?” Rowena asks, reaching forward and running her thumb over Gabriel’s cheek. 
Gabriel feels his walls coming down. He can be the prankster, the clown, the easygoing silly guy, but with these two, he doesn’t feel the need to put on that mask. “I’m alright. I’m just glad I’m home. It’s been a crazy week.”
Sam kisses the back of his neck and his body shivers. “We know,” Sam whispers, his hot breath fanning over his ear. He can’t stop himself from squirming in Sam’s lap, groaning when he feels the hot press of Sam’s dick below him. “Since it’s Friday, we thought we’d help you decompress and take care of you.”
Despite the arousal building, Gabriel ignores it because he feels so overwhelmingly loved. His chest aches with how much he loves these two. 
“How do you wanna take care of me exactly?” he murmurs, his voice coming out shaky as Sam’s hands move over his stomach. They wander until they find the front of his jeans, teasing over Gabriel’s hard dick. 
Rowena stands up from her chair, walking around the table to stand in front of them. She leans down, taking Gabriel’s mouth in a gentle kiss. Their tongues meet and Gabriel groans at her sweet taste. She smiles when she breaks the kiss before falling to her knees. 
“Oh shit,” he whispers, staring down into her eyes which are lite up with glee.
“You let us worry about that,” she says as Sam opens his jeans. “You sit back and enjoy.”
Gabriel lays his head against Sam’s shoulder, his body shivering when his overheated cock reaches the cool air. He looks down, groaning at the sight of Rowena on her knees before him. As soon as their eyes meet, she leans forward, taking the head of his cock into her mouth. The tight heat of her mouth makes him close his eyes in pleasure. Sam’s big hands hold the base, holding it up for Rowena to suck and lick. 
Sam’s mouth finds the side of his neck and pleasure races down his spine. “Oh god,” he murmurs, his hips coming up, thrusting into Rowena’s mouth. It’s obscene how her red lipstick covered lips stretch around his cock. 
Sam’s hand moves away from his dick, allowing Rowena’s mouth to go lower. His hand moves to her cheek, his thumb rubbing against her lips. Fuck, these two know exactly how to play him.
“Isn’t her mouth perfect,” Sam whispers huskily in his ear. “God, she’s so sexy on her knees, your cock stuffing her full.”
Gabriel whines, loving when Sammy starts talking dirty. He bites his bottom lip, staring down into Rowena’s eyes as she watches them, her mouth bringing Gabriel higher and higher. 
“Are you gonna come, Gabe?” Sam asks, his hands coming to stroke over his chest. One of his big hands begins toying with his nipple through his shirt, the other cupping his throat. “Gonna give Rowena what she wants?”
Rowena moans, the vibrations going through his dick. It’s so fucking good and makes his balls draw up tight. His hips move again, jumping off of Sam’s lap, shoving his cock deeper into Rowena’s expert mouth as he comes. They both help him through it, holding him and laying gentle kisses against his skin. 
“Well, fuck,” Gabriel says, his head against Sam’s shoulder. 
Rowena lets out an amused snort. “You don’t think you’re done, do ya?”
His eyes flit open. He looks between Rowena and Sam, finding matching smirks. “Oh god!” he whines. “We’re just getting started, aren’t we?”
“Aye,” Rowena says, taking his hand and helping him up. “This weekend is about making you into a giant pile of sated goo.”
“We love you, Gabe,” Sam says, crowding up against his back. “You work so hard and we wanna make this weekend special, show you how much we love and appreciate you.”
“You strike a hard bargain,” Gabriel teases. He takes their hands, letting them guide him towards the bedroom and not for the first time, Gabriel wonders how he became such a lucky son of a bitch. 
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