#hope you like them fren! >w<
nixie-writes-aot · 1 year
Hello, fren!! Hope you're doing well! Might I be able to request Reiner, Bertholdt, and Levi (individually) w a male reader who doesn't sleep all that well due to tinnitus/insomnia?
i am once again requesting based off of personal things, hdnfkkfnd. reader, to me, is their own lil character and each different fic w a reader is different frome each other and their all lil wet pathetic meow meows /aff
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Insomniac S/O Drabble
Warnings: insomnia, mentions of death, canon divergent in Bertholdt's, fluff
Pairings: Reiner Braun x male reader, Bertholdt Hoover x male reader, Levi Ackerman x male reader
Author's Note: I never know where to put this section but I went with insomnia because I have no clue how tinnitus functions hkdndk also fren look at him in that gif. That's my favorite gif right there jdnsj
Word Count: 863
Reiner Braun
You stared up at the ceiling in the dark, frustration settling into your bones. You had been trying for hours to sleep, trying your best not to toss and turn. Lest you wake up the blonde beside you. You let out a quiet sigh, turning grumpily onto your back, eyes glaring at the wall beside the bed. Your eyes had adjusted to the darkness hours ago, despite how you felt about even still being awake in the first place. You began to let your thoughts wander from the exhaustion that wore you down and to the events of the day. 
Dammit, with how active you had been there was no right to be this unable to sleep. It annoyed you, to say the least. You closed your eyes, silently pleading with your brain to just shut up and drift off. All in vain, of course. Why wouldn't it be? 
You felt Reiner shift beside you, two strong arms wrapping around your torso and pulling you into his chest. He pressed his lips against your neck with a hum. 
"Can't sleep?" He quietly asked.
You only nodded, feeling your cheeks flush as you heard that deep rumbling chuckle in your ear. "Me either." Reiner admitted, "Might as well stay up together. Right?" 
You smiled softly, "Right." You whispered, melting into his warm embrace. Reiner knew what he was doing, evidently, because before long the both of you were drifting to sleep.
Bertholdt Hoover
Unlike you, Bertholdt didn't really struggle to go to sleep but rather struggled with restful sleep. You and him alike had very few nights where the two of you were able to sleep at the same time. Especially after he had returned to Marley with you in tow. Yet every night he tried. His arms wrapped around your, your head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. Yet sleep wasn't coming, not easily anyway. Even as you listened to the gentle and steady thumping of Bertholdt's heartbeat paired with his quiet, barely audible snores. 
It was cute, really. You pressed a hand against his cheek gently, smiling. "I love you." You softly whispered. 
Bertholdt's heartbeat fastened, cracking a shy smile. You gasped, playfully hitting his chest. "Oh you weren't even asleep! Liar!" You growled in mock offense.
His pale green eyes opened, falling on your figure. "Mm, no. Can't sleep either. I just didn't want to get in the way of you sleeping, if you were."
"At least this way we can stay up together then." You offered, watching Bertholdt's face heat up. No matter how long you had been dating him, he would always flush at the most beautifully domestic words that you uttered. You laid your head back down on his chest  feeling Bertholdt start to run his hands through your hair with a quiet hum. Despite yourself, you ended up drifting off to sleep in his arms, feeling his hands still before you were out like a light. You suspected that Bertholdt had followed suit shortly after.
Levi Ackerman
Levi did not sleep often nor did he sleep well. His dreams normally came paired with nightmares from hell, you were in a similar boat. Although, you supposed that issues sleeping just came with the territory of being scouts. Especially Levi, at the very least you didn't have to send scouts, many of them baby faced and young, to their deaths. You wanted to hold him close most days, because of that. If anyone deserved to sleep well, it was Humanities' Strongest. A title he earned yet a title that came with far too many ghosts.
Which was what you and Levi were doing now. It was after an expedition, his head in your lap as you ran your fingers through his black hair. It was a quiet, gentle moment. Exhaustion wore on the both of you yet not only would sleep not be coming but, additionally, you knew far too well what would happen within your dreams.
You were a veteran yourself, even if you didn't command your own squad like Levi, Miche, and Hanji. You knew his pain. You knew that what others claimed him to be just wasn't true. Sure, he seemed rude and uncaring but you had yet to actually meet a man who cared more than Levi. Levi was quiet, simply enjoying your company and you his. Levi looked up at you, studying your face for a few moments.
"You look exhausted." You remarked.
"Tch, speak for yourself brat." Levi retorted.
You chuckled, nodding. "You got that one right." You watched Levi close his eyes. The silence was comfortable, natural even. It always was around Levi. You didn't need words to express your love for the man before you. Considering his distaste of being emotional, you had a feeling he preferred your silence communicating how you felt for you. Like after every expedition, you two would stay up until you passed out, taking advantage of the planned day off to do with whatever the hell you wanted. Normally, that meant making up for sleep that the night following a return from an expedition stole away. Tonight would be no different. 
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brandycranby · 2 years
in his name: the heroes
a brief exploration of CE character names and how they match their stories/personalities... or don’t 😗💕
the heroes  ❥ the villains  ❥ the lovers
a/n: finally putting my linguistics degree to good use my frens 😚 i really enjoy sociolinguistics, if i continued w grad ling, i would’ve focused on that i think. i’ve been meaning to make more bulletpoint posts and headcanons bc sometimes!! you're too tired for coherent fic!!
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Andy Barber
ANDY is a diminutive of ANDREW, a given name with Greek roots, Andreia.
Meaning “brave”, “manly”, or “valorous”, fitting for Andy who, in canon, is said to be particularly aggressive and masculine as a result of the warrior gene or a MAO-A variant i mean largely played up for the ✨️drama✨️ but u kno
ironic if you consider how he’s often one step away from being soft dark or full dark bc of his aggressiveness but that's also what's attractive 😬
BARBER is what’s known as an occupational surname, very common English last names. some others are miller, baker, and smith. it’s likely that one of his patrilineal grandfathers was actually a barber
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Ari Levinson
ARI is a Jewish name and is a variant of Arieh. Both mean lion in Hebrew. (Ari is also a given name in Faroese and Icelandic but since he’s canonically Jewish, we’ll skip those explanations)
LEVINSON is a Jewish patronymic last name where it’s a word made up of a personal name + son/daughter of, so Levin + “son”. Jewish surnames have historically used the Hebrew prefix ben (son of) or bat (daughter of-) and then the father’s name. but bc of decrees in the 18th c. german empire, these traditional surnames were changed to be more “european”
given that in canon, he and his mum tried to escape the continent bc of nazi perscution, we can assume that he’s Ashkenazi Jewish by birth and is able to speak Yiddish alongside Hebrew and English. depending on whether his adoptive family was also Jewish or not and whether he was encouraged to keep speaking Yiddish or assimilate would have had effects on his language skills tho 😕 for more angst, apply forced americanization
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Curtis Everett
CURTIS is an English translation of Corteis (Old French) which may sound very similar to “courteous” to you!! hehe that’s bc tho english is a germanic language, it uses dozens of loan words from other languages. so Curtis means “well-bred” or “courteous” stemming from the idea of courtly behavior or etiquette.
the idea of etiquette began snowballing in popularity during the enlightenment when the bourgeoisie adopted upper class manners, aka “polite society” in order to move up in the world. kinda parallel to Curtis' movement from the tail end to the engine
EVERETT is also interesting; originally Everard (Old English), it means “strong/hard as a boar”. boars are notoriously hard to kill and were called "desperate fighters" by the brits that hunted them. special spears had to be made for hunting them whereby the animal would charge and impale itself. i hope bong joonho knows what an apt name it is for our rebellion leader Curtis 💕💕
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Frank Adler
We have some options with FRANK. It could be a name in itself, or a shortened form of Francis and Franklin. histotically, Francis is a shortened version of Franciscus and Francesco which mean “Frenchman” or “free man” in reference to St. Francis of Assisi. Franklin is an English name with roots in Middle English, meaning “landowner of free origin”
ADLER is Middle German, stemming from the term “edler Aar” or “noble eagle” which distinguished eagles from falcons and hawks for hunting.
frankie's just a plain ol boy but he is rather noble like an eagle 🥺
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Steve Rogers
STEVE is diminutive of Steven or Stephen, stemming from Stéphanos (Ancient Greek) meaning “wreath, crown, honor” as well as “to wreathe around”, which in Steve’s case could imply protection 🥺
but this name is also significant bc of its common attribution to Saint Stephen, a disciple of Jesus that was stoned to death and named the first martyr. slightly prophetic of Sarah Rogers ngl 🥲
Sarah may have also called him Stíofán or Steabhán at home (not on the streets bc that’s how you let racist/nationalist ppl know you’re not from here uwu) but she may have also been a part of the generation in Ireland that didnt get to learn or use Irish bc of British control 🤷🏻‍♀️
ROGERS is… complicated in that it could be an English/Norman surname or an Anglicized Irish surname. Rogers in the Norman sense means “son of Roger”. The Normans (aka early French) invaded England in the 11th century and eventually conquered Ireland in the 12th century bringing the name Rogers.
Alternatively, it could be the English version of Mac Ruaidhrí. We don’t know enough about his dad (besides that he was abusive in the og comics) to decide but since the more common Anglicization of Mac Ruaidhrí is McCreary or McCrory, one of Steve’s ancestors might have just taken the English surname.
genuinely if you finished this, ty bc this is so niche of an interest 😖💕💕 ily and i'll get the villains out soon 👀
tag list: @punemy-spotted, @thornsnvultures, @sweetascanbee
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hybbart · 1 year
Hello fren o/ I am very tired and would just like to gush ab how simplistic yet detailed your art is. Each piece no matter if it's raau or a simple misc doodle feels like it was made w love and idk how or why but makes sense. I love how much you do for the raau like the backgrounds of each post really immerse me and sometimes I swear I can hear what the place they're at sounds like. You're a very talented artist w the funkiest of styles and I adore all of your art :) hope you keep being great 👍
sorry I was just in a compliment-y mood lol
Thank you so much!
Honestly the ranchers are just super inspiring, I'm always happy to draw them amd happy to draw in this style. I feel like the less I animate the more it oozes back into my old style, but I still like it a lot.
Raau is really special to me honestly, because I've gotten to draw a lot of things I've wanted to draw but never did. I've not had many pages where I had to force myself to finish them, even if it was something difficult. I can't really overstate how fun its been to draw backgrounds and mess with colours without having to care about if theyre wonky or don't work out. I'm usually terrible at doing things just for practice so its been such a nice experience.
I'm glad the vibes come through, especially a lot of pages recent have been heavily inspired by Yokohama shopping log and eizouken, and I've been playing their osts while working a lot.
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short-black-diamond · 8 months
Today i was at a Popular ( a store w books and etc ) so while looking for some romance books ( because im single and lonely ) i wasnt able to find any books that sounded VERY interesting to me😔
So my brain just decided to open my notes app and starting creating some ideas/ plots for romance books??
( im tryna get some opinions, i asked my guy fren but he hasn't responded )
imma summarize in a dum way to speed things up-
Girl is a happy family and great home :)
Girls parents fight ( AGAIN )
Girl become sad
Girl don't like being at home no more cuz home doesn't feel like home😔 so she tries to avoid going home as much as possible
Girl go party
Girl wake up in mystery guys bed
*ITS THE NICE POPULAR GUY THAT EVERYONE LIKES and wanna gets with🤭😏* ( he was the host btw )
Girl be like : GOTTA GO😅
Guy : NO WAIT! pls stay longer
( he has small crush on her but both of them don't realize it, he develops it when he starts seeing her stayback after school more, he does too- reason is revealed later)
Girl goes home and fighting gets worse
Girl decides : why not, beats being at home. and now lives at boys home ( kinda like a REALLY long sleepover tho-)
As girl continues staying with boy she starts to notice that boy is actually really lonely despite being popular ( his parents were like nagi's and never around, thats why he always throw parties fyi 😮)
As both of them continue living together, they start feeling more and more comfy with each other and soon always want to be tgt
so when their relationship starts getting closer and closer, will they be able to experience the warm feeling of having a home?? ( Metaphorical sense )
i got inspo from a quote that says "souls tend to go back to who feel like home"
take care, love and kisses 💋
BYEBYE!! ❤️✨💅 :)
okay first off, why did you put nagi in there, like leave that lil guy alone what did he ever do to you 😭😭😭💀💀💀
second, that is a lovely idea actually, bonus points if the boi has fluffy hair
also thank you for keeping it simple with girl and boi because I wouldn't understand the story then
but still, it's a really great and sweet idea in my opinion :}
damn I should read my books....
Also I hope that the parents sort their argument out at the end becuz hello they have a child, and where is she??? Like are we not gon talk about them???
anyways, your idea is cool, but I want the parents to apologize to girl for making her feel uncomfortable with their arguments
and the boy and the girl should have a lil kith at the end..👉🏻👈🏻
that idea you have is overly lovely, my sweet little ghost👻
please tell me more if you want to continue, okay?
-your diamond <3
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wannabediarist · 4 months
i accidentally stumbled upon vishkanya on youtube like idek how i got there but i somehow got to exact episode where kalpana aunty reveals truth to apu and i mean i was so fascinated with this serial when it used to telecast on zee mainly bc my fren suggested it saying vin rana looks like them. matlab he actually really used to look like vin. and i somehow ended up falling in love w both my fren and vin's character malay. this is all so nostalgic. i hope mr. demn that malay guy looks like me is doing fine. i miss you sometimes <3
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inkushel29 · 6 months
my opps (in order)
my art skills
dead ends on flash archiving
Pen Frens
my 5:20 alarm clock every weekday morning
femboys & traps (sorry some of y'all are weird)
twinks (except Orderly)
people who spam my messages with videos (except one mutual because I'm chill w/ them)
getting started on a drawing
bara (male muscle proportions exceeded to inhuman and horrifying standards)
the NSFW art community
Canihavepromo aka Lottie (I hope she gets deplatformed fr)
any problematic interest artist/animator I really don't like
people who perceive lesbians in THAT way (screw y'all)
BL Yaoi Manhwas
proshippers (or comshippers i have no fucking idea)
finding 0 fanart of shit I like (Ballads of Reemus & etc.)
Alphazekko getting cancelled for no reason
my right ear ringing for no reason
MHA fandom
my antisocial ass
my broken bed
scenecore aesthetic and its music
instagram reel comment sections
my autistic ass for making my weirdass posts
Zeebarf for being in the NFT community
down bad mfs in comment sections
tumblr p0rn bots
my goofy ass being scared of showers
Calobi Productions
Alex Emery's Wizard Hunt part 3 not being made
Queers of War for disappointing and traumatizing me
the anime community in general
myself trying to animate on flash cs6 but failing
Spazkid for drawing underage sonic characters and not finishing Nightmare Cops
my chronically online ass
Ipad kids
skibidi toilet (I still meme it)
my forgetful ass
finding out a person I like is an absolute piece of shit
myself again
vent people (sorry)
cutecore aesthetic
Roblox (i still play it tho)
sketchers united/pop jam kids
shitty clickbait youtube thumbnails
youtube kids
rule 34 content on youtube
content farm videos on youtube
Youtube (i still watch it)
myself again for making this list too goddamn long when it didn't need to be
the Pokemon community
people using the Pixar Mom term in the wrong way (a lot)
having to sleep early because my parents tell me to
people who harass others for no reason
Miguel O'Hara stans
myself for forgetting to start/finish shit (not school related)
my fatass self
BookTok/White woman who are obsessed with dark romance books
bad Webtoons
those AI disney mockup posters
MCYT fandom
Countryhumans fandom
TikTok art community
Twitter art community
almost any art community that's shit
l0lic0ns & sh0tac0ns (PLEASE FUCK OFF.)
this list for being too long
Nitrile & his weirdass tr@p obsession (he collaborated with Shadman and drew Mandy from Billy & Mandy as a femboy in a very suggestive way. And sometimes drew femboys that looked like children. So yeah fuck him.)
Zone for ruining The Modifyers and any cartoon in general (they got away with sexualizing minors so idk how y'all looked past that)
my goofy ass for staying up too late
humanizations of non-human characters being skinny white cis young anime boys
my goofy ass for being unoriginal
my goofy ass for still writing on this dang list
Gross people on Spacehey who ruin everything
FNF fandom (kind of)
FNF creepypasta mods (Sonic.exe)
Twitter/X in general
my little brother when he has a tantrum
night terrors
Astrology girls
people who use their autism/disability for a defense mechanism/excuse for when they get called out for something bad they've done
Stamper again (how tf can you be racist and fetishize WOC at the same time nevertheless you're still racist fuck you)
A Small Favor not getting it's chapter 3/final chapter and the story getting reimagined instead of finished
family vlog channels
people who hurt animals for clout
captioning my youtube videos by myself
editing my videos bc its hard
people doing stupid shit for clout in general
MojoMontebon's character Trixie (I don't like her she scares me)
finding out an artist I like is an absolute piece of shit
people who hate selfship/ oc x canon artists (leave em alone theyre just doing what makes them happy)
Your Boyfriend Game
YBG Fandom
the creator of Your Boyfriend Game
redesign vids where the final redesign is actually shit
false allegations
Apphumans community
Fetish artists
ok I think that's it thanks for reading I added WAY too much on this list.
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heatobrienswife · 6 months
Okay sorry if this is weird to ask but can I make my own oc to be in your oc universe? lol like I want them to work at Zan's bar and much like Dave and him I want them to have a secret too but it's a little more supernatural and yes, they too are murdery in a sense lol.
IF NOT ITS TOTALLY COOL I just wanted to ask because I think your story for your new OC is interesting and I really love how you tied in your other oc as well and I'm excited to know more about the universe and your ocs lore like has he always been that way or is it something he discovered about himself or did he become this cannibal due to survival reasons? SO MANY QUESTIONS I'm sorry I'm already invested 😅
Anyways I hope you're having a fantastic day my friend and sorry this message is kinda lengthy. No pressure to respond or anything!!! 💜 Love yer face!
7itckutckutcjy bro! Yes! Absolutely! 100% go for it! I'd love to see what you come up with! :0 I don't really have everything fleshed out yet it's all a bit of a wip byvttgvvgvy also I don't have like a lvl cap for supernatural stuff so go fuckn nuts! I actively encourage throwing caution to the wind n doing whatever the hell you'd like! At the moment we got vampires demons n high elves but of course I'm adding more races n creature's as I figure stuff out ftgfgvff
But zans cannibalism is due to his vampire ancestry he always had an itching for blood but it just kinda evolved or rather devolved into full blown cannibalism (I don't have the fine details yet but ghfghg)
Also you asked about his hair colour n ridge in your tags! Zans hair is purple cause it's one of the few colours I haven't used for an oc yet lol
N ridge has no idea about either dave or zan being killers
But ohfkyciv thank you so much for the ask!!!! \;w;/ I hope you're having a lovely day fren! N that you & your little one are recovering well ❤
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Hi!! I was hoping you could do a agent 47/male reader/diana angst with reader getting kiddnaped and rescued by agent 47 and they're both hella worried for their bf if you're cool with it!! If you can make it extra angsty >:33 I live for angst
ON A MISSION TO SAVE MY WIFE'S BF!¿!¿!¿¿!¿! [😱😱😱GONE WRONG⁉️] (I'll rewrite this someday :::::/, hope the title made you lightly exhale out of your nose :::::D)
[A/N: HELL YESH I CAN DO THAT 🫡 I HOPE YOU ENJOY SORRY IF IT'S ABSOLUTE SHIT I HAVEN'T BEEN WRITING FOR A WHILE. ALSO, THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST FREN :::::::D also fr why is there no reader x Diana x Agent 47 fics? Again it's been a while since I've written angst so sorry if it's not really angsty I tried. Also sorry it starts off happy, you know the #1 rule start off all cheerful and then rip it away from them brutally. :::::::::::)
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47 stirs slowly, inviting the sunlight into his eyes. He sits upright as his eyes wander over towards the clock. 4:47 am, 'Perfect.' He muses to himself with a subtle quirk of his lips. He gets up and does his usual business letting the bristles glide across his pearly whites. He had an image to upkeep after all. Not that he particularly cared what others thought of him no, no. But his heartstrings would certainly ache if you or his wife were ever to make a negative comment about his appearance. He blinks brushing off the thought. You and Diana would never do that. He finishes brushing his teeth and heads downstairs. Diana is unsurprisingly already up. His eyes narrow as he recalls her saying she had an important target to research. A Rovin Terri. He lets out a quiet hum as he knocks on the wall so he doesn't accidentally scare her. Many things can happen if he were to sneak up on her the worst of them being- "Well are you just going to stand there?" She asks and 47 blinks pulling himself at what would've been his rapid thought process, "No." He responds after some hesitance. She smiles as gracefully as ever and makes her way over to the kitchen, "Coffee?" His answer is immediate, "Tea, honey lavender please." Diana's tea brewing skills were the best 47 had ever seen and he'd been to many cities and countries.
Diana let a soft sigh of concern escape her lips, "Stressed?" She asks as the tea kettle whistles. 47 hums, "You could say that." Before adding on, "How are you? Did you get any sleep last night?" He asked. She lets out a hearty laugh, "You know how this line of work is 47." His eyes narrow, "Please take a nap today then at the very least." She turns to face him with a hearty smile, "Of course, here's your tea." She hands him the warm cup of honey lavender and he sips it. Diana plants a chaste kiss on his cheek, "Now," She says beginning to walk towards where she left the laptop unattended, "I still have quite a bit of work to do." 47 hums as the sound of light footsteps draw his attention to the stairs. Then he sees, well you. 47's eyes soften at the sight of you. Sweet sweet you. You let out a cute little yawn, "Hungry darling?" Diana purrs and you nod as you take another step down and slip,
and then promptly break your neck.
47's eyes widen as he feels his heart stop. He rushes over to your unmoving body as he checks for a heartbeat. There is none. His worried eyes find his wife who is looking on at the scene with utter joy. His eyebrows scrunch up, "W..." He can't even get the words out. Diana's smile only grows wider, "Oh come on," She takes a step closer, "You didn't think I genuinely loved the two of you did you?" She asks relieved like a big weight had been taken off her chest. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. She then gasps and keels over laughing, "Y...you did!?" She says in-between breaths barely able to contain herself. 47 felt his heart breaking over again. This all felt real. Too real. Was it real...? No, it couldn't be...Diana would never say those things this had to be a dream...or rather, a nightmare. Wake up...he...he had to wake up. But the laughs remained persistent, "Fort...sev...?" A disembodied voice echoes catching his attention. He desperately looked around as he felt reality and fantasy merge. He fell to his knees, "FORTY-SEVEN!" 47 jolts upright breathing heavily, eyes wide, "47...?" His pupils dart to the source of noise only to relax, 'So it was a dream...' He thought to himself relieved before it is replaced with concern. Diana's eyes. They were red and sore. She'd been crying. But why? Who or what caused it? If it were a person they wouldn't last long. He would make sure of it.
His eyes narrow as his thoughts darken at the imaginary threat that he doesn't even notice his wife's outstretched arm until she tentatively places a hand on his shoulder causing him to barely suppress a flinch. His eyes flicker over to hers, "47..." Her voice is on the verge of breaking, "I have some bad news." He waits. Patient as always for her to finish, "Y/n...he...he..." His wife sharply intakes a breath, "He's..." Her eyes meet his with genuine worry. Something only the real Diana would have, "...been kidnapped." 47 blinks as the words settle in. It clicks and his breathing picks up. Surely his wife was joking? But her eyes are like steel an unmoving mountain. Ah. So she was being serious. Yet among all that was a lingering doubt. What if they had somehow sneaked into the house and replaced Diana too? What if they made a clone of her? The possibility wasn't too far out of reach. He shrugs it off immediately ignoring the way it made his skin crawl. Surely if Diana could hear his thoughts she would be offended that even for a second he thought that his loving wife. Someone he knows every inch and quirk about would be an imposter (amogus [I'm sorry]). It showed what he knew.
47's reaction to you being kidnapped: Then he felt his heart stop as he was stabbed in the stomach over and over again as the chilling realization struck him once more. You'd. Been. Kidnapped. How? He was sure he'd place several security measures bribing those who lived near you to look out for you. Dammit. He knew he should've taken you home sooner. Right, where you belonged in his and his wife's arms but now? Now you were in some stranger's arms most likely fearing for your life. Oh, he couldn't even begin to imagine how scared you were. Oh. Poor poor sweet innocent you. You couldn't even harm a fly. Okay, maybe the previous statement wasn't true but he couldn't even bare to imagine you hurt. His skin crawls at the mental image of you screaming as they continue to drip hot molten candle wax onto your soft belly. You kicking desperately as you try to get away ultimately only making it worse as you beg and beg and beg your captors or more accurately torturers to let you go. How you'd do anything they wanted as they twist your arm, bending it all out of shape. His pupils shrink and his heart aches at the prospect of them cutting off to permanently prevent you from escaping. He gritted his teeth once again narrowing his eyes as anger welled up inside of him.
How could HE the world's greatest hitman let this happen to one of his precious loved ones? One of his ONLY loved ones. His father had been right there were flaws in his design maybe if he'd watched over you more carefully and eliminated any threat in the way you would've still been here. But no. He sinks to the floor words flowing into his ears but his brain fails to process them. He was an absolute and utter-, "for..." -failure, "...even...?" What had the two of you seen in him anyway, "FORTY-SEVEN TOBIAS RIEPER!" His eyes flicker to meet Diana's, "Are you alright dear?" Any doubt that Diana might not be real is washed away by the concern in her eyes. He's floored how he even considered the possibility of someone as passionate as her being replaced. A little voice laughed in the back of his head, "...What about the end of the Closing Statement?" He mentally rolled his eyes. Now was not the time. Right now he had to focus on you, sweet precious you. He directed his attention to his wife and calm and collected as he could maintain he asked her, "Do you have any leads?" Despite his tone never wavering he was unable to keep his gaze steady. Diana nodded standing up and making her way outside the spacious bedroom. 47 followed suit. Scared for the first time in his life as a hitman. Scared. For you. As the hitman and handler overlooked the note one thing was made clear.
Whoever decided to mess with you was royally fucked.
[A/N: take this I can't look at it no more. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 there was so many different paths I wanted to take with this and I chose wrong 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'M SO SORRY BTW THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LONGER BUT I JUST DIDN'T KNOW WHERE TO GO WITH IT I MEAN I DID BUT I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO PUT IT YA KNOW!?!?!? Might write a part two. sorry if you had to wait long.]
Anyway Imma start doing fun facts at the end of these. ::::::)
Ducks from the city have different "accents" as opposed to ducks from the country. How do I know? Quack quack quack >:::::::::(
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hwaitham · 7 months
HELLO!! (I really don't know what to address you as but I couldn't resist not saying this because)
I really really really appreciate you and your writings like ugh it's so nice and and especially the haitham pictures you reblog w ethnic features (we love him anyways but still). As a desi girl I CANNOT emphasize enough how much your diwali fic has touched my heart and just how beautiful it is. I REALLY REALLY REALLY APPRICITAE YOU!!
and ofcourse I do hope you keep posting more to make our days better because you do light them up! ✨️
hallooo new fren ! ! ! i cannot thanku enough for leaving such a sweet askie in m inbox . . im vvv happie 2 hear dat al haitham diwali piece touched u so deeply ◟꒰ྀི◍ ´꒳` ◍꒱◞ he rllie is for da brown girls to obsess n fawn over hehe c: i too hope i cn continue to write + post more to brighten up someone's day — ur kind words motivate me to ! 💝
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z3llous · 2 years
Hiii x This is Sunny! ; w ; Can I have sandcastle / sunflower with my oc (will send refs), Rosinante, & young Law? (you don't have to include Law if you dont draw kids''). Landscape format please! <3 Thank you!!
Your oc is so cute, I love them <3
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Hope you like it, fren :>
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jayteacups · 2 years
hope you slept well, fren <3 how about D F K M U?
Aww thank you Suki!! Sorry this took so long to respond to 😭 I started answering it a week ago when I was waiting in the airport, and then it collected dust in the drafts for a bit akskdkfk sorry!! Here it is now.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Oooo 👀 there are pairings I don’t like but I don’t wish that I liked them? I suppose I wish I understood the hype behind Jeankasa. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate it at all, but seeing as Mikasa never saw Jean in that light and Jean’s feelings for Mikasa seems to be more infatuation than anything else, I don’t quite see why it’s a popular ship. This is not to say I hate the ship tho, nor do I hate its fanbase!
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Oh wow I think… 4 years ish? For fandoms like PJO, everything to do w/ Shadowhunters, Supergirl… so like a lot of my time in my old fandoms lasted roughly around that length, give or take a year.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Answered here!
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Answered here! Long story short it’s ur best boy Armin 😌
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Levi Ackerman (AOT): no explanation needed at this point 😂😂 BUT for the sake of the question I will give u a short one :) Levi’s one of my forever favs because he remains the most compassionate and selfless character despite his entire life being rooted in violence and severe losses. He has every reason to hate the world and condemn it for what he’s been through but he doesn’t, and continues to protect humanity however he can.
Wei Yingluo (Story of Yanxi Palace): the main character in a Chinese period drama that details the life of a girl whose sister was SA’d and killed whilst working as a palace maid in the Forbidden City, but nobody cares about the truth behind it. Yingluo joins the embroidery maid workforce and schemes to investigate her sister’s death and get revenge - she invented gaslight gatekeep girlboss 😌😌 an icon.
Kugisaki Nobara (Jujutsu Kaisen): She’s absolutely unhinged. And I love it!! I love how she’s so brazen, so confident. She’s a female character done right by the author and the story (at least from what I’ve seen in the anime, I haven’t read ahead in the manga yet, hoping she doesn’t get the sidelined treatment à la historia, for example). like literally, do I want Nobara or want to be Nobara, I don’t know. Also her cursed technique is dope asf and her fight scenes are 🤌🏼🤌🏼 esp in the S1 finale, girlie did NOT give a shit anymore and stuck three nails through her arm like it was NOTHING. She has more than a few screws loose. And I love her.
fandom ask game
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chogiwapadada · 2 years
uh hello there lovely! u don’t know me but elv recommended u to me a whileeee ago and i have been admiring ur grfx and gifs for AGES and just had to tell u that i think ur super talented!!! the amount of tags i have deleted on ur posts is insane!! (i delete them because i feel like u would be kinda offended to see me cry over EVERY SINGLE ONE OF ur gorgeous creations,,,)
like dude,,, there was a recent one w minghao and junhui u made and I SQUEALED LIKE A MF BANSHEE WHEN I SAW IT LIKE WHY ARE THEY SO—
okay i will stop here before i confess my love to the angels whose beauty have become immortalized through ur grfx 😍
ah also,,, elv says ur a nice person, AND U STAN KINGS IN ADDITION TO BIASING THE MOST ADORABLEST KLUTZ, so i was just wondering if u wanna be frens? 🥺
okay i am out! toodles, lovely!!! hope u have the best day/night/timezone!!! 🥰😘💖 i am SO SORRY this is so long!!
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My heart! You are so sweet I'm gonna cry. Please feel free to tag however you want it literally makes my day and yes please I would love to be friends. Any friend of Elv (loml) is a friend of mine.
Omg literally this is the sweetest ask I've ever gotten.
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seokmins · 2 years
elv i don’t wanna cry but,,, that performance, both of those links GOOD LORD! hoshi in the light a flame performance just oh my—uhm i’m not okay 😍 THOSE SHIRTS THE HAIR THE DANCE AHHHHH 😱
and abt biases, PREACH! i always keep noticing joshua a lot (ESPECIALLY THE RECENT COVER!!) but seokhao is just like “bish u THOUGHT!” like it hasn’t even been a full month yet but i still keep discovering more and more content and the more i find the more i absolutely melt for them 😭 i found in the soop links and i haven’t been okay since 🥺
ah i had nothing fun planned this weekend,,, i got out of going to a bday party that i rlly didn’t wanna go to so im very happy rn 😁 how’s your weekend been lovely?
also,,, i enjoy chatting with u, ur someone i can easily envision being besties with. so i was wondering if maybe just maybe i can reach out on main? do u think that’s okay? (i hope u don’t misunderstand me, i love anon-ing cuz it’s fun but sometimes i forget to check for replies and i also rlly wanna chat with u as myself lol)
happy weekend elv! mwah! 😘🥰-💎
i love your pun!!!! and i know hoshi is sooo powerful in light a flame like those fits were EVERYTHING hehe and fr in the soop is like. so powerful. it really makes me soft for all of them :(((( natural visuals were on point and their bond is touching tbh and the one thing i love (but sometimes it's overwhelming) is svt never fails to give us lots of content!!
wow!! getting out of events i don't want to attend too is the absolute best hahha i hope you got to rest and relax <333 my weekend's been pretty good, trying to relax but also be productive on my blogs 😅 easier said than done though
and aww omg you're so sweet i love talking to you too! and ofc you can reach out, you don't even have to ask I'm glad you feel comfy to wanna be frens w/ me hskdfj and even more so on main hehe look forward to chatting w/ you officially <3 have a good day/night !!! 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖
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cultleaderyoongi · 6 months
jasmin-ahhhh!!! niika is back after another dreadful semester😱😱😱
how are you bby🥺🥺i've missed you :( ik it's been a while since i dropped by but in my defense i just don't like using tumblr at ALL these days :(
i rlly hope life has been treating you well!! the tannies are all gonna be in the military now which is such... sad; to think that there will be no bts crack content for a while is rlly vv sad hjasdjh
anYWAYS onto certain good things, i'm doing a lot better than when i wrote to you the last time; i,,, improved upon my cgpa; i found better frens than the snakes i used to call frens until last year; taekook releasing their respective albums jsdhjsh!!! what are ur favs on their albums???
tell me whats going on w u! also tell me the city that u live in hsjdhjs because i've been applying to internships and IF i have applied to ur city we can perhapeth MEET!
hope to hear from u soon bby
w lotssss love, niika💗
Omg, what?! NIIKA!? I missed you 😭 Don't worry about not being online because neither am I. Tumblr has been a little dry for me lately, but I'm trying to change that
Man, the Tannies enlisting... Not even a year ago my reaction would've been a lot different. I'm coping surprisingly well and it really scares me (lol ikr? go figure) I'm not as heartbroken as I wish I was...
I'm so happy to hear you're in a better place than last time. I'm glad you're pulling through with your studies and also getting rid of snakes?! YES HELLO!? fuck them traitors...
As for myself, life's been testing me this past year. It's been rough, but I know there are gonna be better times... Also am down with a cold, fever and all, which I really didn't need right now🙄
TAEKOOK OMG... where do I even begin? I love love LOVE Somebody and Closer to You from Golden (but I'm always getting down to 3D...) and then Love Me Again and Slow Dancing from Layover (also Rainy Days 'cause I love lo-fi bops) 🥰
If you actually end up somewhere in southwest Germany lmk pls lol How funny would that be???
Hope life keeps treating you well. Until next time, xoxo 💕
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yuukimiyas · 7 months
hiiu my dearest sugarplum chloe ! ! ◟꒰ྀི◍ ´꒳` ◍꒱◞ i deeply apologize for it having been an eternity since i hab last paid u a visit , but i come w cookies n milk 2 share while we cozy up by da fireplace :3 🍪🥛 ! i j wntd to remind u how much u mean to miiii ! ! n how happie i am to hv someone as tender-hearted as u in m sweet litl circle ♡! it has been less than a yr since we've become frens but ur presence in my life has brought mi a great deal of joy n love . . i find myself wanting 2 be kind , 2 share da love i hv for da ppl in my life as much as i cn — even if i struggle to show them how i feel , & i find myself being happier , more at peace w my feelings , to take my struggles in stride n not let them get me down . . . i am sure all of this is bcos of u ! ! ! u r such an angel , truly truly truly . i hope u r blessed w many good days and v littl bad ones , and even on da bad days , i hope u can feel da love frm evione in ur life — me included :3c i hope u stay pure hearted like dis , n u encounter nothing in ur life that will take dat away frm u . u r so precious n i wubwubwubwub u sooooo ! !
oh...oh my sweetest coco angel baby ૮₍˶Ó﹏Ò ⑅₎ა tears are in my eyes this was such a beautiful msg to receive!! i can't believe that lil ole me has influenced you this much!! ໒꒰ྀི´• ˕ •` ꒱ྀིა like!!! eeep!!! i've spent many of my teenage yrs being jaded & bitter bc of the hand i was dealt in life until one day i realized -- what the hell am i doing? ppl go through so much everyday, most of it unspoken to us all, & nothing conducive happens if i just go through life being upset at things i can't change & projecting that onto others; instead i focus on the things i can!! i can change how i approach ppl, how i regulate & process my emotions, how i react to the world etc. <33 & the fact that i've helped you in any way, shape or form is making my heart melt into an absolute puddle ૮꒰ ˶꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ˶꒱ა♡ words can't describe how much you mean to me sweet coco!! my soul is so warm & fuzzy rn!! i hope you know just how special you are, not just to me but to everyone in your life!! i'm always just a quick bunny hop away if you ever need ANYTH!! even if its at 3am & you need a cup of sugar!! i will zoom to you w sugar aplenty!! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ੈ♡‧₊˚ & that's a chloebun promise!! i am forever holding you so so closely my love, & every lil twinkle from the stars in the vast night sky is me sayin hello & smoochin your cheeks ☆૮꒰•༝ •。꒱ა MWAH!!!
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kakujis · 1 year
i've finished the demo! do you think the last scene will change depending on origins? there is a possibility like alchemist would be more link to leander. it's advertised as a dark gothic romance novel for mature audiences but i think since the game is nowhere near finish, they cannot put an age rating on it yet.
oh, i didn't realised you could add additional items to your tier, i'm new to kickstarter so i have no idea lol. that's good but i've heard the cost of the shipping is pretty expensive too.
ais might be the true route for the game like with other otome games, you have to play the characters in certain order to reach the final/canon ending/route.
there are character sheets??? i feel like mhin is a character that grow on you and leander is the ideal one to start with and vere, you either love or hate him.
really? i thought ais intro was intense esp with that soundtrack! his music theme is the most memorable one. if there are changes, hopefully they will just add more piercings to sen or something like that considering she already have a nose ring.
elyon (?), i felt like he was deliberately designed like that because of his mysterious brief profile information like trying to find the one thing that money can't buy.
what do you think the potential new stretch goals could be? i think we are at the last one. i hope they add more physical merc for the basic tiers then because a lot of fans had chosen them.
omg maybe! i know each origin comes with its own special trait of some sort!! i wanna play sum more when i get home later this week!!! wbu?? r u gonna play thru again using a diff origin? alsooo my fren actually did play thru as alchemist and the dialogue for kuras in particular are diff!! not sure about leander but i thought about that too!!
also yesyes!!! on the touchstarved blog theres chara sheets for all of em! it tells u what they like + dislike alongside their fatal flaw! leanders is cut out im pretty sure soo im sooo curious abt hims. :3 also omg real! mhin is soooososososo pretty eee n i do enjoy their personality buuut, leander is def ideal eep!! vere is super cute to me, but i feel like id stutter to talk to him irl and then perish cus i give in too easily LMAOOO
also yes!! i agree w sen!! give her more piercings shes so damn hot im passing OUT!!! also also, i think leander n vere’s intros kinda swooped me away…. like i literally was dming my friend like: PLs i hope its not vere next ill pass out AND DIE… and then he showed up n i died. poof. GONE. (;ω;)
okok so the whole ais thing w me was like, hmmm. ur hot yes and ur music slaps but that was about it for me! i agree it was really intense! IM NOT EVEN SURE WHY i just felt like. nuffin towards him when i played it LOL. but the scene where he almost borderline kills tht one dude was so hot fusjdjjdjdjkaka. i have a whole lil drabble rn about ais and said alleyway…. im … hes…. hes so. (>_<)… on the floor SOBBING!!! if he is the true route i wont b mad!!! like they do put him in the middle of all the promo art sooo… i could see leander being a true route also. hes soo sweet. i wanna *** him.
yea yea i also agree abt elyon! he’s super handsome tho i bet his route will be great! i wonder what his personality will be like doe… like condescending? rude? patronizing?? hmm hmm. ohh also b4 i forget! yesyes u can change ur tier n do add-ons on the page! it’ll say edit tier or somthin like that! i think shipping will probs b 15 but i am a fool w a lil bit of extra monies. ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
personally i gots nooo clue for stretch goals but im the same thinking as u!! im praying for more physical merch. I WAN AN AIS DAKIMURA PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS telepathically trying 2 connect w the devs rn… HEAR MY PLEAS!!!
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