buttercup-barf · 5 months
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That's how you do it, @toasty-self-shipping! 🎶
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aracari39 · 10 months
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Hi, I'm Aracari and I really like Yuri is my Job, especially Sumika and Kanoko. And I'm recently always drawing them.
Got fed up of twitter and the terrible decisions they make so here I ammmm
If this site works for me I guess I'll make this my new home 😁
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zzabelz999 · 8 months
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Some sketches of this old miserable man
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underyourwinghomeout · 2 months
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sprites of my trolls
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ploridafanthers · 4 months
in love with chapter 441 of Komi Can't Communicate
they went into the exam thinking they had to get a good grade in Debate to get into this university. they were all over the place for the first question because some of them were competitive and all of them were weird.
they didn't even submit a response for the second question, but as soon as they stopped being adversarial and started working together to try and understand each other, that was a good enough "answer" for the judge
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it's a beautiful metaphor. if they want to study international communication they can't just be focused on shutting down their opponents
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brown-little-robin · 5 months
when will my beloved (the kawaii new notebook I bought specifically to practice Japanese writing in) return from the war (the post...)
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hua-fei-hua · 7 months
at church reading the hymn lyrics like "hey i learned that word from genshin!" and "hey i learned that word from genshin!" and "hey i learned that word from translating song lyrics so that i could write genshin fic!" and "hey i learned that word from genshin!" and finally "omg i learned that word from the king's avatar"
#花話#it's funny bc i Objectively know more cn than the last time i was here seven years ago which is great#bc the last time i learned any cn in a classroom was seven years ago lol#and i think that's probably a combination of Very Much Not Wanting To Lose What Skills I Have +gnshn n similar giving me occasional practice#but yeah of the words i Remember where i learned them it's like 85% gnshn 14% lyric translation n 1% king's avatar lmao#been trying to connect my laptop to the mobile hotspot i have here and Suffering(tm)... pain and agonie#i mentioned this on main but apparently i just Cannot have a line acct for w/e reason#(i suspect it's bc i made an acct in america on my phone number but temp sim card --> diff phone number here)#(and since i didn't expect this i didn't tie the acct to an email --> i am unable to have line)#however my mother and i have graduated past emails and are now just using regular texting to communicate it seems#ANYWAY i get to see the jade cabbage today. i hope. and other things i also hope!!#i was going somewhere w/the line thing OH it's bc on the way home from church my mom saw a sign that said 元氣 and was like 'genki desu!'#it is always kind of a surprise to hear my mom speak jp bc it sounds simultaneously clumsy and full of confidence#she has friends in japan (college roommate + old pen pal + i have no idea she's lived Quite a life i feel) n i once found her old letters#and was kind of surprised bc they were like entirely in jp so obviously she could read n understand a lot#but anyway my mom went on to talk abt how taiwan continues to have significant japanese influence to this day n i was like yes... weebs c':#it's also interesting bc we'll go sightseeing n she'll be like “ye that's from american/jp occupation times but they gave back the land'#'so now it's xyz' n i'll be like. almost 'tails.jpg A Colonialism.'
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dayseternal-blog · 1 year
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Des, your thoughtfulness is so. So. So! Amazing! And I'm always so moved by your generosity with your time and skills. You somehow found the time to design all these cards and mod the event this month, like, how.
A really, really, super small, really slice-of-lifey thing in return...inspired by your card!
By This Time Next Year
Modern AU, Short One-shot. Rated G. (Cultural Note: Christmas is THE date night in Japan. Cities go all-out to make Christmas romantic for couples. It's pretty depressing to be single in Japan on Christmas night, ngl.)
Every shop and restaurant glows with twinkling lights.
Lovey-dovey couples walk hand-in-hand, close together, cheeks flushed pink with the nip of winter and the warmth of a romantic night.
And they're one of the crowd. Quiet joy lights up her heart with this knowledge.
Beside Naruto. Beside her boyfriend. On a date! On Christmas night! Wearing matching scarves!
Last year, if someone had told her that she would be on a Christmas date with her crush by this time next year, she would have never believed it, but when she smiles up at him...
He's smiling back at her, exuding the same rosy cheerfulness blooming in her heart.
She looks away, shy, but she squeezes his hand, hoping that it conveys how much he means to her.
And he bumps her shoulder, chuckling.
Making her laugh for no reason either. She's just so happy!
They're coming up on the observation deck of the mall toward one of the Christmas illumination photo spots. But of course, as she should have expected, there's a line.
She looks worriedly up, wondering if he might not agree to doing this anymore. "Are you okay with waiting?"
"Yeah! You really wanted to do this, right?"
She nods, giving him a grateful smile. She's secretly always wanted to take a couple's photo here. On the circumstance that she could ever get a boyfriend.
And somehow, by some magic, she did.
He grins. "I don't mind waiting."
So they get in line.
Them. One of the couples. In line for the photo spot. Where couples get their pictures taken! Above the park's illumination!!
If someone had told her last year that by this Christmas she would be taking photos together with Naruto (wonderful, lovely Naruto) at the illumination, she wouldn't have believed it.
His laughter draws her attention up. Goodness, he's so beautiful. And...he's laughing at her.
"Hm?" she asks, even though she knows he must have caught her being weird about this.
"You're so easy to please."
"Oh...?" That's good, right? But she can already feel that uncontrollable heat burning up to her ears. She knows she's flaming red. Despite the cold weather, she's starting to sweat.
"Aww, Hinata!"
She peeks up at him, and he's comically pouting at her.
"I didn't mean that in a bad way!"
"I, I know." She doesn't know where to look. She's embarrassed simply by how easily and visibly embarrassed she gets. Does anyone else in the world besides her have this awful condition?
"Hinata, I meant..." He leans closer, his face rather close to her steaming hot ear, and she's shocked that he can't feel the heat puffing off of her. "I think it's cute that you like stuff like this."
A different heat flushes over her face this time. Pink and fluffy, she feels whispers of it tracing paths across her cheeks. A double-blush. How is this possible?? "Ah, I..." She smashes her face into her palms, unable to formulate any coherent thought at all. "Naruto-kun!"
He's laughing, and she doesn't know if maybe she's using up a lifetime's worth of blessings tonight.
If someone had told her last year that on Christmas of next year, her years-long crush would be calling her "cute," she wouldn't have believed it.
Does he know how much she loves him?
She grabs his hand again and pushes her still-burning face into his arm. Just for a couple of seconds. Too much public affection is simply too much.
She takes a deep breath and peeks up at him once more.
Just looking at his smile fills her with unbelievable joy.
"After this let's get something to eat. Do you have any cravings?"
She blinks at his funny phrasing. Cravings? She shakes her head. "Do you?"
His gaze skates away, and he shrugs.
"Ramen?" she guesses, and she smiles wider as his lips curl, his eyes taking on a particular shine.
He scrunches his grin up. "You know me so well. But ramen isn't exactly a Christmas date food, you know? You don't want pasta?"
She hums in thought. The epitome of a perfect romantic date on Christmas. The Italian restaurants are packed with couples (like herself and Naruto!), and she wouldn't mind the wait to be one of them!
But also, there are plenty of other chances to eat pasta together, too, right? On a night that's less crowded.
She squeezes his hand. "I'm....easy to please," she murmurs, and already that twinge of mortification (self-imposed! how dare she call herself that!) is circulating from her chest, up her neck. She can't believe she does this to herself.
Suddenly, his hands are squishing her cheeks, forcing her face up at him.
Her lips. She can feel it. Are fish lips.
And he's staring at her, brows high, smile wide. "Hinata!"
"Hm?" Her face is still squished in his hands, and what if the people behind them in line are watching???
Does it matter?
Everyone here is couples anyway!!
He gives a big, happy-sounding sigh and releases her. "You're the best, you know that?"
She knows she's blushing really hard, but she manages to turn it back at him. "No...you're the best."
He scrunches another smile at her, and she's warm.
Warm from her constant embarrassment, true, but warm from him! From his shining expressions! And his compliments! Their flirty behaviors! She could die from happiness tonight!
The couple in front of them ask if they can take their pictures for them, and she can't believe it. She can't believe she's a part of this! With Naruto!
The couple is cute, doing peace signs, waving for the camera, finger heart symbols, then for a last picture, doing a heart symbol between their hands.
They're shameless!
It's brave! And adorable! And she wants to do all of it with her own boyfriend!
The couple thank them profusely, and. It's finally. Their. Turn!!!
After asking the couple behind them to take their picture, she takes a seat beside Naruto.
"Can we do the poses that they did?" she whispers.
"Oh, yeah!" His eyes shift up, seeming to remember as he raises two fingers up.
She and Naruto. Doing matching poses. For pictures together. As another couple takes their picture. In a Christmas tradition. Where countless other couples have documented their relationship together.
She could die.
(From happiness).
Looking at their photos over together out of the way on the side of the observation deck, she's almost blinded. Naruto's smile is so bright, he outshines the illumination in the background!
"Nice, yeah?" He's grinning as they swipe through each one, and she can only hum a happy agreement.
She doesn't have the words to encompass how much she loves these pictures. But what she can say... "Thank you for taking these with me."
"Of course." His smile now is a different one, gentle. So warm!
And her heart flutters helplessly.
"Let's do something like this again next year."
If someone had told her last year that Naruto would be by her side tonight, she wouldn't have believed it, but when she nods, when she cuddles him into a hug that doesn't even begin to match the squeezing around her heart...
He's so real, so wonderful,
So easy to believe in.
:D Des, thank you so much for all the love you're pouring into this fandom! I can feel it all the way over here. I hope next year treats you and yours well!!
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thisaritree · 11 months
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naruse and kometani try the grimace shake
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aaamike · 2 years
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🥰I love a girl that looks at me like I’m a serial killer🥰
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queen-of-bel · 2 years
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@mattybax​​ I was gonna tack this on as a reblog to the post, but I think having it separately makes more sense.
That’s a really interesting question, and I will answer it, but let me give a bit of background information first.
In math, whenever we are given a statement, we want to do one of two things: either prove it’s true, or prove that it’s false. You’ll be asked things like “prove or disprove the square root of 2 is irrational” or “if m is an even number, prove or disprove that m squared is even as well”.
For the sake of this post, I’m only going to talk about disproving statements, and specifically about proofs by contradiction.
A proof by contradiction is basically what it says on the tin. You can disprove a statement by proving the existence of something that contradicts that statement.
I’ll give an example so you know what I’m talking about:
Let’s say I ask you to prove or disprove the following statement: “All humans have a head. Therefore, if something has a head, it must be a human.”
This is obviously false, because lots of things have heads that are not human. All you’d have to do in this case is show me a picture of a cat and say “look, this has a head and isn’t a human, so therefore, your statement is false.”
Pretty simple, right? So let’s look back to Laplace’s demon, and why it broke down.
Laplace says:
“An intellect which at a certain moment would know all forces that set nature in motion, and all positions of all items of which nature is composed, if this intellect were also vast enough to submit these data to analysis, it would embrace in a single formula the movements of the greatest bodies of the universe and those of the tiniest atom; for such an intellect nothing would be uncertain and the future just like the past would be present before its eyes.”
What I bolded is the heart of what makes the Laplace demon work. Something that knows everything. If we think back to proofs by contradiction, and if we wanted to disprove it, what would the contradiction be? What would cause the Laplace mail to break down?
If it didn’t know everything.
Naoya intended for Kazuya and the others to use the Laplace emails as a guide to their actions, so we can assume that people using its own predictions was already accounted for in the program.
The thing is, the program can only predict one outcome.
Sure, the program can predict that Kazuya would find the Devil’s Fuge and use that to fight Beldr. But Beldr is one hell of a demon (and that’s reinforced through how tough his fight is from a gameplay perspective). What are the odds that Kazuya would survive? It had to place its bets on something, it’s still far more likely that Beldr would kill Kazuya even if he had the Devil’s Fuge. let’s be honest, how many times have we died to that boss fight? i don’t blame the system for betting against me
But Kazuya beat the odds and defeated Beldr anyway, introducing a contradiction into the Laplace mail’s system. And this wasn’t a one time thing. Kazuya was constantly throwing in contradictions. Midori wasn’t murdered. Over 50 people were saved in Toyoshima-ku Ikebukuro. Throughout the entire week, Kazuya was disproving the assumption that the Laplace mail is all-knowing.
As early as the second day (the first time you get the Laplace mail after changing your death clock, ie. the first time you get the Laplace mail after introducting a contradiction), you already see that it’s caused a strain on the program
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Not horribly noticeable, but the font is definitely wonky.
We all know that the program breaks down considerably more over each day, and the reason is that Kazuya keeps introducing contradictions as the week goes on. 
The first time that Kazuya proved that the Laplace mail isn’t all knowing, that was fine. Naoya knew that would happen, so he made sure that the program continues as if nothing happened. There may be a few contradictions in the system now, but Naoya can paper over that smoothly enough, just enough to guide Kazuya through the week.
But Kazuya continues to disprove the underlying theorem the Laplace mail relies on every single day (as Naoya expected, but that’s for a different post).
After it’s been disproved so many times, it simply can’t work anymore. It’s now an unequivocal fact that the Laplace mail isn’t all knowing. It’s riddled with more holes than a block of swiss cheese. That thing is dead. The Laplace mail ran on the assumption that its program was all-knowing, but that’s just not the case anymore. Kazuya has disproved it one too many times, and it just breaks down entirely:
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tldr: Yes, the Laplace mail would have considered the use of its own predictions into its predictions, but because it had to choose a single outcome, it just chose the more likely of the two outcomes. Kazuya had to fight like hell to change those outcomes, but he did, and doing so repeatedly was what killed off the Laplace mail.
I hope this answers your question!!  。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。
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ennaxart · 2 years
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komi my beautiful baby girl who has done nothing wrong at all in her life ever 💜🐈‍⬛
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nero-draco · 2 years
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menxisan · 2 years
So as I understand it, Olivia and Angelica fuck each other while waiting for Leon and his reaction is "aw that's cute, anyway".
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strabuzov · 2 years
Since I discovered that "DetCo" and "Komi" are published in the same magazine, I have thought of many ways to do a crossover. For now the only thing I have managed to do is this drawing of Najimi and Masumi. They are similar in many ways.
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schrutexbucks · 2 years
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This is the worst day of my life.
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