#hopefully he comes to a convention some time and im able to get his autograph!!!
myspecialinterest · 2 years
the spanish dub in sinbad no bouken is just something else
i specially owe Carlo Vázquez my entire life he makes an amazing amazing sinbad but like every single one of the actors is amazing
i could talk sm about each of the characters for hours ive listened to them for years and loved it
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drasticemotions · 3 months
yall im saying fuck it n face revealing cause I still haven’t recovered from my photo op with jared and I just have to share it on a place where I know it’ll be appropriately respected and so I can finally yap about my full experience with j2
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so hey dats me
I died dead
I refuse to believe that that is actually me in the photo cause what do you mean?? I was in jarpads arms??
He was so nice I was low-key losing my shit after meeting Jensen, we took the photo with him first (just a normal side hug with me and my sister on each side) and exiting that going straight in line for Jared. I was shaking there was a pause in the line for a bit and then Jensen just appeared next to me??? Walking past and I was just confused Pikachu looking back and forth across the room to my sister and back to Jensen, I didn’t have my phone on me and didn’t know what to do cause he just appeared (all he did was walk past but that’s enough for me).
Anyway I was very much shaking and was so nervous, I felt like I looked like a wreck and didn’t know how the photo was gonna go since ahbl12 was my first con, but guys I shit you not it became my turn and I stared right into this gorgeous man’s eyes said hi…I think I blacked out cause he had his arms slightly opened and I just walked into them, I genuinely don’t remember what happened I think my eyes started watering cause it was such a genuine hug and just looked at the camera and smiled.
I don’t think I could’ve ever asked for a better photo I’m so genuinely happy in that moment and life has been a lot as of late and it felt like that all disappeared, I don’t usually smile with my teeth showing anymore but it just appeared naturally, Jared is such a genuinely great guy and I’m so glad I leaped at the chance of getting the ticket and going.
He was so incredibly nice at the autographs too, Jensen as well but I could tell both of them were absolutely beat they looked so tired, Jensen is intimidating and I was rendered speechless when I got him to sign my Dean funko pop, I was also the only one in line everyone else at that point was waiting in Jared’s line so I felt extremely isolated and awkward 🫣 like what do I do what do I say. Jared I gained some of that courage back and went for it, I was able to thank him for just generally being amazing and how much meeting him meant for me, which I haven’t really told anyone it feels like one of those moments I just had to keep to myself. He put his hand on his heart and I didn’t wanna get in trouble for continuing on so I wished him a good night and left. I don’t know how I got through the day without crying (I am a very emotional person especially when it comes to my fandoms), I cried in the hotel room after lmao
It was really just the best day ever and I’d do it a million times over. I rightfully have that photo on fucking everything, I won’t shut up about this until the next con and even then I still won’t shut up about it. Just meeting the cast and doing something like this, I’ve wanted to do something not even relating to supernatural but just conventions themselves seem like some of the coolest things to be able to attend (America obviously having the better half of that spectrum over Australia but I’ll take what I can get).
I will hopefully be back next year to see Misha and Jensen, if my bank account doesn’t run away from me
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