#hopefully it wont but i'll just have to see I suppose lol
deviantartdramahub · 1 year
Damn last time I posted here I said I'd see you the next evening but now I'm here 3 days later. Sorry about that XD
Life really will screw you over like that.
Anyways, now to the points...
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"Also I agree with the user, show proof or shut your mouth you dumbass." Lol that sure is ironic, considering the fact you give no proof of any of the claims in your post, especially when I know the stuff about Club and Tri is wrong, and you're also supporting the Probium person when all they do is scream baseless slander and isn't even brave enough to fully admit they're against Club, when it's obvious they are. Probium, very much like you, doesn't want to hear anyone but themself and spouts whatever bullshit they want. (And I'm not sure what pronouns Probium uses, so I'm just gonna use they/them for them for now. If someone informed me what pronouns they use, that'd be helpful. Bc I'm not gonna unblock them just to check lol.)
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Nah the reason he was banned is bc you petty losers mass-reported him, smh. "I wont mention they are for their safety" You only care about their safety when they're on your side, hm? "Cuz tri twat stalks this blog like the petty bitch she is." Uhh no??? You're the ones who harassed her and the reason why her and everyone else against you looks at your blog is bc we want to prove your shit wrong and stop you. Keep crying over people defending themselves, lol. " those rp journals have been deleted, alongside his ‘pushing his special needs agenda woa is me boo hoo’ journals." Special needs agenda?? HELPPP these people are making up the new "gAy AgEnDA" over their bigotry LMAOOO. "Dont bother coming back, we will always be watching," Honey you can't say that then tell me you aren't creepy, obsessive stalkers lol. "WE WON." Yeahhh no you didn't, Club's friends, such as me, will always support him and remember him fondly. I'm still on DA and contributing to his group and also speaking up for him here, and you can't do nothing about it. Club also has amazing friends who miss him and still want to talk to him. And despite how big you talk, there's nothing you can do about it. It's pathetic.
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Ain't no way DADramaNow expects Club to be able to identify every single one of Sam's THOUSANDS of alts lmao. How the Hell is someone ALWAYS supposed to know???
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Lol here's an instance of DADramaNow attacking a kid just bc he's friends with Club, and also calling him a "pedo in training"?? Ew. "hey robert, if ya hate pedos, why ya hanging with club pedoverse? " Hmm maybe bc he's not a pedophile?? And once again, if Club WAS a manipulator and groomer, that would be fucking horrible to blame and attack the kids for being manipulated. Face it DADramaNow, you aren't the good guy either way.
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Proof, lol? And remember sweetie, screenshots don't count!! <3
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Tbh I wouldn't want to be in those groups anyways if they believed your ableist bullshit.
Anyways that's enough for now, I'll HOPEFULLY be here again tomorrow evening, bye Tri!
Looks like those criticizing our existence just want leverage, as always.
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gaypleasantview · 2 years
Tank Grunt for 003
OF COURSE.......
How I feel about this character
listen i never even got to fully process this boy and the depths of his painful life and then this adult version of him was thrown at me and i honestly find him to be such a goofball he's so endearing but in the way where i insult him constantly (that is my way of loving loser boys in the sims)
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character
i play the ds game as Cassandra and i honestly ship them a little bit, i think they make a cute little friendship with mutual respect and secret kisses. i like to think that the ds timeline is an alternate version of some events that will actually happen to my pc-timeline Cassandra and yeah Tank is actually grown there but in my normal version of events he would be way younger than her which made me think it would be super cute if he had an embarrassing teenage boy crush on her lol. i thought he's gay but now i see him as bi or maybe some other sexuality bc this is really cute. or maybe it's a comphet crush idk, my Cassandra is such a girlboss who wouldn't love her
okay but if we're talking romantic relationships of teenage Tank, ive always liked him together with Johnny, yes that sounds toxic but im a sucker for a relationship dynamic where someone tough actually gets the better version of themselves out with the help of their s/o while also not abusing them (does this remind you of someone in pv) anyways i would really like to explore this ship further. haven't thought of many others for Tank
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character
need to really give this some thought... i don't really see Tank having a lot of friends as a teen aside from what he thinks is a friendship with his dad (actually toxic), maybe he has like 1 friend who genuinely loves him despite everything but idk who. i would think of Tank as the quiet one but considering that he wont shut up in ds and treats Cassandra like his twitter he's probably secretly an oversharer and runs a blog no one irl knows about, and it's either super popular with angsty teens or completely private and no one follows him (who wants to bet Ripp knows about it and reads it all the time from Tank's computer bc he also knows the password). speaking of, he could probably be friends with Buck but definitely not Ripp lol. all of this will hopefully change when he grows up and parts with his dad. i feel like i kind of give Tank the dustin treatment so i'll consider my possible options for him and maybe i'll think of something super great
My unpopular opinion about this character
i feel like all of my opinions about him are very popular lol... im afraid of writing about the military part of his life bc i genuinely don't know much about how generals behave and i also really don't anticipate getting into this topic at all for obvious reasons but. i have a few versions in mind of what Buzz could be like that don't really go with what ive been thinking of him so far (and they would actually make him kind of a better person too) so maybe there could be a more interesting story for the Grunts in general. stay tuned
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
nothing i can think of right away? would be neat if there was an even heavier implication that he might have a very soft personality and that he could be gay but we'll do with what we have. i know he's canonically supposed to actually follow his father's footsteps (if you consider console games canon) but i really don't want him to do that ever. it's just not happening
My crossover ship
lets say this is about megahood, then... idk imagine Tank hanging out with someone like Puck and Hermia lol. they would be so much fun together. and of course what i explained about Cassandra up there. Alexander would probably throw him off a cliff for that
thank you for the ask!!!
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love-fireflysong · 2 years
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Okay okay okay. Gonna try picking this thing back up again, but only one a the first Wednesday of the month basis. Maybe this way I’ll actually have shit done on my stuff to show off lol. Cause my job has got me so fucking busy oh my god that I don’t have time to write or sew or even play games anymore 😭 (and sadly the lack of gaming time is actually the saddest and most depressing outcome for me oops)
But considering I actually managed to post a new fic just this past weekend, I guess I’ll share some more from that nick/abi piece seeing as I’m gonna be starting/finishing that one now that the kiss prompt is finally over!
The entirety of that night had been spent gleefully watching Jacob run around in a near-desperate bid to try and find as much of his clothing as possible. A completely hint and clue free scavenger hunt that everyone had been completely merciless in, doing things like hiding a white sock stuffed in between the towels in the boathouse (Ryan) while someone else (Abi) had hid its match behind the toilet in the girl's washrooms.
With a short laugh that sounds horribly forced in its levity, Nick even admits that Jacob was never able to find one of his t-shirts. He himself had personally stuffed it into a knothole near the top of one of the shorter trees in the woods, and when Nick had gone back to check on the spot the day before camp ended, had found a bird using the shirt as a nest. He goes on to say that he's pretty sure that there's other items of clothes that Jacob wasn’t able to locate either, and (until recently) was sure that people were still going to be finding random items of clothing even years from now.
And cross-stitch update time! Once again, very little was done because I just do not have the free-time to even scrape a single hour out of every day to do it. Gone are the days when I could finish a page in a month 😞 They shall be missed dearly by me if no one else lol. Almost done the page anyways, just REALLY not looking forward to doing the pink in the corner cause I have to match completely different shades of pink together to try and get something accurate.
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Maybe if I’m real lucky I’ll be able to finish both the fic AND the cross stitch page this month, but lets be real here. This is me we’re talking about and I am a horrible, terrible person lol.
(And just a reminder, but I’m opening my askbox back up for some fic prompts that I just posted yesterday! So send in a couple if anyone wants a fic or two, cause unlike my main fic, these ones actually have a date in the very near future that I want them finished by so it won’t take me two years to answer them this time I swear lol.
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