#hopefully this is alright!! feel free to pick any of your vamps! i was so tied between your vampire boys and your werewolf girlssssss
w0lf9an9 · 8 months
— (@luneblush liked for a starter!)
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Hazel didn't go to places like this. She went to dance clubs, but always with the safety of her friends. Never alone. Eudaemonia. It wasn't a dance club; it was a different sort of thing. Something she was sure wasnt for her to find. She had done a deep search to find the name of this place... a place for vampires. Maybe she could find her mystery vampire here?
She just didn't expect getting stopped. Her hands fiddled together, picking at her cuticles.
"I'm trying to find... something-so-someone." Hazel stumbled over her words. "I'm--uh--" What? Looking for a vampire? Wouldn't it sound silly? What if her online search were just crazy rumors!? It was even guaranteed that he'd be here! She swallowed roughly as she tried to stay firm. "I'm looking for someone."
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kutemouse · 4 years
Hey! Can i have vampire au with jimin please? No smut just fluffy :*
Hey ARMY, listen up! See this??? ⬇️👇 ⬇️👇 ⬇️👇 ⬇️👇 ⬇️👇 ⬇️
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I made and edited this gif. In fact, I make and/or edit a lot of the gifs I use myself. You may have noticed that I use the tag #btsgif in some of my posts, even if they contain writing. That’s because I want ARMY to see all of my creations, including the gif I make as a header. Therefore, I think the tag is relevant.
In addition, not only do I want ARMY to see my gifs, I want to encourage ARMY to use them. Yep, that’s right! Feel free to steal this gif, I just ask you give me credit for the edit. After all, it’s not even my content I make/edit the gifs from, it’s obviously the property of BigHit and BTS.
However, in the future, I will be sure to be very specific in my posts, and post a disclaimer that I’m not just using the tag for clout, I’m using it so ARMY can find the gif I made and use it however they like. It’ll look something like this:
Disclaimer: This gif was made and/or edited by me, kutemouse. That is why I’ve posted this under the tag #btsgif. Feel free to use this gif however you want, just give me credit for the edit.
Hopefully this way, the 🚨tumblr police🚨 will leave my kute ass alone. Okies? Everyone happy? Good.
And with that out of the way, let’s continue on to this request. When it came in, it made me a tad apprehensive because it gave me a CHALLENGE, kutie anon. I mean, fluffy vampires? Fluffy JIMIN vampire? I’ve only written brooding, mysterious, playboy Jimin vamp in my book “Cursed,” so I had to take a couple days and really think about how I could make this work. I hope you like what came out of my brain. Much 💜 to you for challenging me in new ways, therefore improving my writing 😊
Disclaimer: Beauty and the Beast belongs to Disney, just in case 😉
Age Recommendation: 16+
Warnings: Swearz for dayz. A bit of angst. Vamp Jimin being extra. Soobin from TxT magically appears. A little bit o’ flirting.
Word Count: 2,845
Summary: You’re an artist trying to obtain a university degree. One day, you get the strangest phone call asking you for the strangest commission you’ve ever had: Come live with this rich recluse and paint his portrait all summer. What could go wrong?
Summer Portraits (Jimin One-Shot, Fluff, Vampire) Part One
You looked up at the large house, a feeling of intimidation creeping over you. It just looked dark, even in the bright sunlight, and most, if not all, of the windows were covered. What kind of person lived here of all places? In the middle of nowhere? Seems pretty sketch.
You’d gotten the call last week. “We’ll pay you a handsome commission,” the smooth voice said. “And we’ll cover the costs of travel.”
You pressed the phone closer to your ear. “That sounds great, Mr. Choi, but… it’s still a strange request.”
The voice on the other end chuckled. “Yes, well… Mr. Park is the very definition of strange, Miss L/n.”
Mr. Choi was very clear in his proposal. You’d spend the three months of your summer with this man, living in his house, to paint a series of portraits for him. As many as you could get done in three months. You initially found the request absolutely ridiculous. Give up your entire summer? No way. You already had plans to see friends and family, and were keen to get away from the stresses that University brought. However, the request became more interesting as Mr. Choi described how you would have to sign a non-disclosure agreement and not tell anyone where you were going or what you were doing. That piqued your interest. Who was it? A celebrity? A famous CEO? An idol?
Looking at the large, foreboding mansion, you couldn’t see any of those three living here. The place reeked of old money. This estate had probably been passed down through the generations, and now someone, likely a young heir, was keen to stretch the limits of what ridiculous things their money could buy.
Sighing, you stepped onto the porch and rang the doorbell. It clanged through the house loudly and you cringed, thinking maybe you should’ve knocked. A tall guy dressed in a suit and tie cracked it open. “L/n Y/n?” he asked.
“That’s me,” you said.
He stepped out onto the porch. “I’m Choi Soobin,” he said, bowing. “Please, come inside. I’ll show you to your room.”
Soobin was much younger than you imagined. He couldn’t be more than nineteen, at the most. Yet he acted well beyond his years, more refined, more mature. It was disconcerting to say the least. Soobin picked up your bags and led the way up the curving staircase. You both went down a hall, then turned right, then down another hall before he stopped at the third door on his left. “Here we are,” he murmured, pushing it open.
Your mouth fell open. The room was large, spacious, gorgeous, and surprisingly modern. The walls were painted a soothing lavender, your favorite color, and the king-size bed was covered in a matching coverlet and pillows. There was even a couch and television, and a large bay window filled with pillows that looked out onto the grounds. A perfect reading nook. “This is your closet and bathroom,” Soobin said, opening a set of double doors. The closet was humongous and chic, with plenty room for your clothes and then some, and the bathroom looked more like a full-out spa. It was like something you’d only seen on TV.
Soobin strode over to the other side of your bedroom and opened another door. “This leads to your studio,” he said. Your mouth fell open once more as you walked through. The space was open and had so much light, you had to squint from the sudden brightness. There were shelves upon shelves of supplies, everything you’d ever need, stacks of blank canvases, and a large, wooden easel. It was like an artist’s wet dream.
“This is amazing,” you breathed.
Soobin grinned. “It is, isn’t it? Mr. Park wanted to make sure you’d have everything you need. If you run out of supplies, please let me know, I’ll order more. Feel free to make a mess. The floors are a cheap vinyl flooring only made to look like wood. We’ll rip it out and put carpet back in once you depart.”
You nodded, amazed at the way Soobin said that so casually. Not everyone could afford to re-carpet on a whim. Did your benefactor really have that much money? “Dinner’s at seven every evening,” Soobin continued. “Don’t be late, and dress in something other than jeans, please. For your other two meals, you may have them whenever you like, just give me ample time to prepare them. There’s plenty of food in the kitchen, feel free to help yourself to a snack. You may go wherever you like in the house, except the west wing. Mr. Park lives on that side and spends most of his time there, and unless you are specifically invited, I’d prefer you not disturb him.”
“S-Sounds good,” you stuttered. Who was this guy anyways, the Beast?
“Now, Mr. Park is waiting for you in his study. You’ll probably paint a few of his portraits there, is that alright? Or do you need to work in your studio?”
“I can work anywhere,” you replied.
“Perfect. Let’s go.”
Soobin led the way through the various hallways until you stopped at a set of dark wooden doors with intricate carvings in them. He knocked and pushed one open. “Jimin hyung?” he asked. “She’s here.”
A chair behind a desk turned to reveal the most handsome man you’d ever seen. Like Soobin, he was much younger than you’d imagined. His skin was pale, making his dark hair stand out in stark contrast. It was parted on the right, and his bangs hung over his left eye giving him a mischievously sultry look. He wore a bright jacket with a pattern of palm trees over a black dress shirt, dark ripped jeans, and black boots. His full, rosy lips were too perfect to be true, and his tawny eyes smoldered as they looked you over.
“Welcome!” he said brightly, holding out his hands and grinning. His eyes disappeared into cute crescent-moon slits. “I’m Park Jimin, but you can just call me Jimin. I’ve been waiting so long for this day, Y/n.”
Your mouth parted in surprise. Well, that’s not at all what you were expecting. And you were already on first-name basis…?
“Shall we get started?” he asked eagerly.
You closed your mouth and nodded. “Uh, sure. But I’ll need my supplies…?”
“Of course, of course. Come, I’ll sit in your studio for today.”
He wrapped your fingers in his and led you back down the hall to your studio, swinging your hands as you went. “What the hell?” you thought. To say Jimin was the opposite of what you were expecting was an understatement. The house screamed dark and brooding, as did his weird butler/servant person, and the mysterious circumstances under which you were brought. Yet Jimin was nothing but smiles and sunshine.
“Ah, here we are,” he said, pushing the door open to your studio. He got a stool from the corner and sat on it. You set everything up, placing a blank canvas on the easel and choosing a couple different colors of paint from the shelves. Soobin slipped through the door, hands behind his back, silently watching.
“How do you want me to pose?” Jimin asked, crossing his legs. “And smiling, not smiling?”
“Well, that depends on how you want the portrait to turn out,” you replied. “So just pose… however you want.”
“Better do not smiling,” he said. “For the first one at least. I want a range of my facial expressions, seeing as how I haven’t seen them for over thirty years now.”
“Sir,” Soobin said, a tone of warning in his voice.
Jimin waved him off. “Please, she’s signed a non-disclosure agreement. She’s fine.”
You were taken aback by the strange exchange, but shook your head, brushing it off. Whatever they were talking about didn’t concern you. You were here to do a job, get paid, and move back home without incident. Nothing more, nothing less.
You cleared your throat as you took a drawing pencil and started sketching out what you wanted to paint. What you really desired was to capture the way his hair swept over his eyes, the mischievous look he wore, and those gorgeous lips turned up in a smirk.
“You can feel free to move a little if you’re uncomfortable,” you said to Jimin who sat as rigid as a statue.
“Oh, don’t worry, dear. I can sit still for quite a long time. Years, in fact. Trust me, I’ve tried.”
“Right, years,” you muttered as you continued sketching. This guy could really exaggerate.
You found you were enjoying yourself as you continued doing what you loved. This was why you became an art major. The bright, airy light, the way your pencil slid across the canvas, the only sound being that of your breathing as you inhaled and exhaled. It was perfect.
“So, how old are you?”
You blinked in surprise. “Twenty-three, almost twenty-four.”
“I expected as much. I look twenty-four, but I’m actually nearing my two-hundredth birthday.”
You scoffed a little at Jimin’s proclamation. “What, are you some kind of immortal?” you asked.
“Actually, yes,” he answered, actually serious.
You moved out from behind the canvas to give him an incredulous look. “Oh, I see. The scary mansion, the brooding butler… I get it.”
Jimin tossed a smile at you, biting his lip as he did so. “You do? Oh, I’m glad. I’m so tired of having to hide what I am.”
You snorted and kept sketching, trying to capture that irksome smirk he was giving you. “Whatever, dude. If you wanna pretend you’re immortal or some sort of metaphor, I say go for it. I’m just here to paint and get paid.”
Jimin tilted his head. “It’s not a metaphor,” he said, a trace of hurt in his voice.
“Sure it’s not,” you muttered. You were beginning to see why your commission was so high. You were sketching Jimin’s torso now, trying to capture the lines of his toned waist and the palm trees embedded on his jacket. He certainly chose an interesting outfit for his first portrait sitting.
“I’ve seen your work online,” Jimin said, still trying to make small talk. You rolled your eyes. You kind of wished he wouldn’t. Part of the magic of painting was the silence it brought. The most sound you allowed while you worked was a bit of soft music in the background.
He continued even though you didn’t answer. “It’s very good. That’s why I chose you, you know.”
“Well, I appreciate it,” you said. “It’s hard trying to be an artist and make a living, unfortunately.”
“I understand that. I knew Da Vinci back in the day, and he always said-”
“Done,” you said loudly, interrupting him. You could flesh out the colors with paint later. Right now, all you wanted to do was get away from this insanity.
“Already?” Jimin said, pouting.
“Yes. I mean, it’s not all finished of course. I can do the rest later. I just need to take a photo real quick.”
Jimin chuckled. “You can try.”
Rolling your eyes, you pulled out your phone and aimed your camera at him still posing on the stool. “Alright, I’ll get-”
You stopped short as your finger hovered over the screen. There was the stool placed in front of the window, but Jimin was missing from it. “The hell…?” you muttered. You closed your camera app and reopened it.
Once again, there was the window, the stool, the floor, everything in the background that was supposed to be there… but no Jimin. “You see, Y/n,” Jimin said, standing up and walking slowly towards you. “That’s precisely why I brought you here. As a vampire, I don’t show up in photos, or even in mirrors. I haven’t seen what my face looks like in nearly thirty years. That was the last time I had my portrait done.”
You backed away from him until your back hit some shelves behind you. Jimin reached out and tenderly wrapped a strand of your hair between his fingers. “Don’t be afraid,” he murmured, his eyes hooded and dark.
You, however, were fucking terrified. In all your years of artwork, you’ve obviously never, ever encountered someone, no, something, like Park Jimin. “Wh-What the fuck are you?” you stuttered.
Jimin sighed, grasping the shelf behind you. “I told you, Y/n, I’m a vampire.”
“N-No, that’s not possible, they don’t exis-”
“Exist? Am I not proof to the contrary?”
“Please,” you whispered, a tear leaking out of the corner of your eye.
“Shhhhh,” Jimin said. He stroked your cheek, wiping the tear away, and you shut your eyes, tensing up at his touch. “I’m not going to hurt you. That’s not why you’re here.”
“And will I be allowed to leave when I’m done?”
Jimin frowned. “Of course. Y/n, I think you misunderstand my intentions. I don’t want to drink your blood or keep you prisoner or anything. Besides, even if you did go home and tell people, who would believe you?”
You considered his words. What he said was true. Even your closest friends and family members would think you were crazy. That thought, however, didn’t help you feel any less frightened.
What did ease your feelings was the tender gaze Jimin was giving you. He didn’t look like he intended to hurt you, although his close proximity was making you uncomfortable. You stepped out of his grasp and held up your hands. “I just… I need a moment,” you said.
“Of course.”
Soobin bowed as you exited the room and ran down the hall, holding a hand over your mouth to keep the screams from coming out. Was it possible? Was every nightmare you had, every scary story, real? You stopped once you reached the top of the stairs, bending over and panting.
You sat on the stairs and curled your knees up to your chest. What the hell were you thinking? You should just run out the door and never look back. Still, something was stopping you. Maybe it was sheer curiosity, or maybe it was how you couldn’t get the way he looked at you out of your brain. Either way, it couldn’t lead to anything but disaster.
“If you want to leave, you may,” a voice said. You looked up to see Jimin walking towards you.
“I’ll think about it,” you muttered, turning away from him.
“Please don’t hate me,” he begged, reaching out. You shied away from him, and he withdrew his hand, closing it into a fist. “Once people find out what I am, they just stereotype and assume. All I want, all I’ve ever wanted, is for someone to accept me.”
You let out a shaky breath and finally looked at him, into those smoldering tawny eyes. “I’ll stay and paint your portraits… but on my terms. Don’t touch me, don’t come near me, and I need some guarantee of protection.”
Jimin thought for a moment, pressing a finger to his chin, before pulling something out of his pocket. It was a small velvet bag that clinked as he brought it out. “Here.” He grabbed your hand and turned it so your palm was upright. He dumped what was in the bag in your hand.
You stared incredulously at the coins in your hand. “The hell is this?”
“Protection,” Jimin replied seriously, his eyes wide as they looked at you. “Silver. It burns me.”
Your mouth dropped open before you laughed out loud, completely overwhelmed by the entirety of the situation. The corners of Jimin’s mouth went up, but he looked mostly confused as he watched you laugh, arms folded over your stomach. You laughed until you cried, wiping your tears away and sniffing once your giggles had subsided.
“Are you done?” he asked pointedly.
“Yes,” you muttered, realizing how unhinged you looked. “Thank you for the coins.”
Jimin rolled his eyes and slung an arm over your shoulders. “Now, come on. You’ve got a painting to finish.”
Somehow, you found yourself not minding his touch very much, if at all. He didn’t seem so scary, even if he was a monster straight out of the movies. “Is Soobin a vampire too?” you asked suddenly as you walked back to your studio.
Jimin hummed in response, nodding. “I’ll need more coins then,” you joked.
“Oh, don’t worry. He’s on the bag diet, just like me.”
“Bag diet?”
“Yeah, you know, blood bags? We steal them from hospitals and such.”
You furrowed your brow. “That’s not cool, Jimin.”
He sighed. “I know… but it’s better than the alternative, right?”
You had to agree with that. Both of you reached your studio, and Jimin sat back on the stool as you started to paint. Soobin brought you a sandwich as the afternoon turned into evening and you started to lose light. For obvious reasons, neither he nor Jimin ate.
It was disconcerting, for sure, being stuck in a large mansion with two vampires, but one thing was for certain: this summer would be the most interesting one you’d ever have.
As I said above, I hope you like this, kutie anon! Also, yes, I made a Part Two in which Y/n reflects back on the summer she had with Jimin and there is def more fluffy romance in that. Much 💜, as Taehyung would say, I purple you!
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honey-bri-books · 5 years
Atomic Monsters: Castiel
Meanwhile, Cas.... Takes place towards the end of episode 15x04, at the time when Dean and Sam are on their way home. Possible spoilers. 
Castiel character created by Eric Kripke. Supernatural Fluff. Hopefully not as many typos and grammatical errors as usual, for me. Enjoy! Some lore mixed up, adjusted, some inconsistency possible, etc.
AGLIBOL: Domain; the Moon
LAILAH: Night, Conception
JOPHIEL: Justice, Beauty, Wisdom
CASTIEL: Angel of Thursday
Lailah pulls his blade out of the vampire’s head, after stabbing him between the eyes. As the vamp falls, Jophiel and Aglibol catch him from behind holding both of his arms behind its back. They wrestle the vamp to the ground. He’s still writhing and wracking his body, and both of the angels struggle.
AGLIBOL: Castiel, NOW! 
Castiel calmly walks up to the vampire with a machete in his right hand. Since working with hunters Sam and Dean Winchester over the years, Cas had found himself experimenting, trying new weapons, switching out his angel blade for the store of weapons Dean and Sam had kept in the back of the truck he was up until recently “borrowing.” Before he had abandoned the truck to join up with the few angels who still trusted him, who still considered him as a friend, Castiel had taken his pick of weapons and stored them in Aglibol’s jeep.
The vampire still refuses to die, despite Lailah’s attempts. It starts to wrestle against Jophiel and Aglibol. Lailah backs away slightly, holding out his angel blade helplessly. 
LAILAH: CASTIEL!!! What are you waiting for?!?! Castiel takes the vampire by the top of its head and violently pushes him to the ground. Jophiel and Aglibol release their grip. Castiel steps on the vampire’s head with one foot pressing down and Aglibol throws himself over the vampire’s legs.
AGLIBOL: Castiel, NOW!!!! Quit stalling... Finally, Cas raises the machete high over his head and strikes, decapitating the vampire. Blood squirts from its neck and gets all over Lailah’s pant legs.
LAILAH: Hey!!! Aglibol and Jophiel both take deep breaths as they help each other up. Jophiel goes to Lailah to check on him, then whirls around to face Castiel.
JOPHIEL: Why the hold up!?!?!?! You said you would be right fuckin’ back! Jophiel moves towards Cas, but Lailah holds onto his arm. 
LAILAH: Relax, Babe! We’re fine. And it’s over now. Don’t get all...
JOPHIEL: A vampire holding you down to the ground, snapping at your face and all Castiel does is turn around and head in the opposite direction saying ‘He’ll be right back’, like your life isn’t in jeopardy or anything?!?! You could’ve been killed! If Aglibol and I hadn’t been here... He turns to face Castiel, seething. Hey, why am I surprised anyway? It’s not like it was DEAN WINCHESTER neck to neck with a blood sucking..
Castiel turns on Jophiel slowly. Aglibol, Lailah and Jophiel freeze, not daring to move. Their faces pale. Cas’s eyes are burning blue, his skin starts to glow, only flickering due to lack of power but at the same time menacing enough, and his grip on his machete tightens. The leaves from the trees in the forest start to rustle. Jophiel gulps. He holds up both hands in defense.
JOPHIEL: Look, I just...don’t understand why you were so chill, a moment ago. Alright? You seem...careless lately. Like you wouldn’t even care if we died...I thought we were your friends. Castiel’s light dims. His eyes go back to normal and he blinks as if trying to remember where he is. Aglibol takes a tentative step towards Cas. 
AGLIBOL: Castiel? Are you alright? Cas drops the machete and puts his hands on either side of his head, his temples throbbing. He closes his eyes. Aglibol puts a hand on Castiel’s arm, not really knowing what else to do.
CASTIEL: Forgive me. You’re right. I’m not..not as aggressive as I used to be, when in combat....I just...he looks sad. 
Jophiel feels guilty. He, Aglibol, and Lailah have tried numerous times to get Castiel to open up to them about how they found him trying to take his own life, only a week ago. Since then the four angels had been working cases together.....whenever they weren’t hiding in abandoned buildings, or slinking into the back booths of bars along the highway. Up until a few days ago, Cas had been a life saver, of sorts. Four angels working together was definitely better than three. 
Now, he seemed almost dead-like, unresponsive, uncaring. It was unnerving. It reminded the Angel Trio of the days when Castiel had been brainwashed to kill without question, without feeling. Without caring about those who got in his way.
Aglibol removes his hand from Castiel’s shoulder and suggests they all head back to the jeep, now that the vampire they had been seeking had been dealt with. Both Lailah and Jophiel protest.
LAILAH: What about the body? We can’t just leave it here. Then without waiting for a response, I’m going to go get some fire wood. We can burn him quick and then head out to ‘The Hidden Shack’, only a few miles from here, off the back roads. Supposed to be super-rustic, even for a monster-made bar, but Angels drink free, tonight. C’mon Jophi. Jophiel starts to follow, but not before swiping Castiel’s machete, still on the ground. Just in case. Aglibol sighs and motions for Castiel to follow. 
He and Cas have only been collecting wood for a short time when they hear Jophiel call out to them. Both set down the branches in their arms and run further into the woods to find Jophiel and Lailah looking down at something. 
It’s another vampire...a teenage boy. His head having been separated from his body. Lailah tsk tsks at the lax in judgment from whoever left the body in the woods, for humans to find. 
LAILAH: Are you serious? Who do we know that’s this sloppy? Now we have two bodies to burn and bury. The scene reminds Castiel of something. A young man lying at his feet, the submissive positioning of how his body is laid out, slumped forward, his arms simply lying at his sides as if not caring to try and protect himself from his fate. He seemed far too young to be taken, it not mattering to Cas that he was mourning for a vampire he had never met. He sensed some level of innocence coming from the victim’s side of things....something he could strangely relate to
CASTIEL: It wasn’t reported that the vampire we were seeking had actually managed to turn anyone. Why didn’t we know about this? He looks up at Aglibol who just shakes his head sadly. 
AGLIBOL: Angel Radio’s been pretty sketchy, lately. Not enough angels to keep it powered up and running as smoothly as we’re used to. Maybe it only just happened. Right before we found his maker. Castiel looks around, not liking the scene playing out in his head. 
CASTIEL: Why isn’t there any sign of a struggle? Jophiel and Lailah are both inspecting the body. Lailah is holding the head up by it’s hair and Jophiel is inspecting the victim’s neck. He whistles.
JOPHIEL: Whoever it was sure as hell knew what he/she was doing. I’ve never seen a cut this clean, before. Check it out! Castiel leans lower to get a closer look. He tilts his head to the side and then notices the set of footprints near the body. He starts. Castiel’s face goes white. Aglibol looks at him, concerned.
AGLIBOL: Castiel? What is it? Castiel quickly stands up and faces the others.
CASTIEL: We need to leave this place, now! 
Lailah has set the head down, gently, out of respect for such a young victim (ignoring the fact that he wasn’t just dangling the head by its hair, a minute ago). He turns to look at Castiel in surprise.  
LAILAH: Uh, sure thing Cassie. After we burn the bodies, we’ll all....Hey!!!....Castiel has already turned to head back to the jeep parked by the side of the road. The others run to catch up with him. 
JOPHIEL: Castiel! We can’t just leave two dead vampire corpses in the woods for humans to find, later! We have to hide the evidence. Do you want to start a panic in the community? Castiel stops to turn back and look at them. His face looks pained, and there is a small flash of anger in his eyes.
CASTIEL: Why not? Why the hell not?! How are we protecting everyone by hiding the truth from them? I’m tired of it. Let them find the bodies! They should! The other three are shocked at Castiel’s outburst. Aglibol tries again to reach out to Cas.
AGLIBOL: You know we can’t. If they were to find out that monsters like this actually existed, that we existed, there would be complete chaos. The humans would..
CASTIEL: Be able to keep their children safe. They would know what’s out there and have a chance at....at seeing their children grow up. They could save themselves from the torture that comes with outliving their own offspring, and then maybe he wouldn’t have had to...He wouldn’t... Dean. You would never...you would have tried to find his maker. Or you would have helped him learn to steal hospital blood, like Benny...it wasn’t you. It couldn’t have been you.. Castiel starts shaking. He refuses to cry in front of his friends, again. Tears well up in his eyes, but Castiel tries taking deep breaths, to calm himself, keeping them from falling. His throat catching, he just stands there, seething... Dean, how could you?..
He doesn’t notice that Lailah and Jophiel have gone back into the woods to burn and bury the vampire remains. It would take longer than usual. All of their powers have weakened over the years, since they preferred sanctuary on earth more than any of God’s angels, as opposed to heaven. They relied mostly now on getting random re-charges from lighting in thunder storms. Jophiel and Lailah had burnt out most of their lightning charge from fighting the vampire. Now, they’d have to resort making a fire the way any human would, and watch the forecast for the next big thunderstorm. 
Aglibol doesn’t understand Castiel’s motives for leaving the vampire bodies to be discovered by the human race. He would try reading Castiel’s mind, but like Angel Radio, any thoughts he might manage to pick up could be warbled, and messed in with Castiel’s memories, past conversations he’s had... Aglibol’s afraid to touch Castiel again, so he slowly passes him on his way back to the jeep. Shortly afterwards, he hears Castiel follow him. 
They both arrive at the jeep and Aglibol leans against it, waiting for Jophiel and Lailah. Castiel starts to get into the passenger seat, but then hesitates. Instead, he shuts the passenger door and goes to the front of the car, climbing onto its hood. The moon can be seen in its full, and not a cloud in the sky. 
Aglibol doesn’t understand his tie with the moon, or how he’s supposed to manipulate it, draw power from it. When it happened, it happened. Could of used some of that juice a moment ago, he thinks to himself. When he had been told his title and been assigned to it, he didn’t ask questions, not caring at all. What had irked him the most was when many started to convince him that he was an actual God, and that he should stop fighting alongside other angels, and instead start to lead them. But after watching the anguish that Castiel had gone through, when Metatron was manipulating the puppet strings in God’s absence...
He goes to the front of the car and sees that Castiel is crying again. His face is expressionless, and his breathing appears as if steady, but there are tears streaming down his face. He climbs up onto the hood and lies next to Castiel, who doesn’t even acknowledge him. Aglibol wondered why he even bothered. Castiel’s heart would never be his, not with him still out there... He lays down looking up at his moon.
AGLIBOL: Castiel. Dean Winchester isn’t worth the pain. Don’t think about him. He never once deserved you... He hears a sharp cry. Looking over at Castiel, he can see him trembling, his eyes wide, lips quivering. Oh, Babe.. don’t do that. Without hesitating, Aglibol takes Castiel and wraps him in his arms. Castiel whimpers, trying to hold everything in, even at this stage of things. But Aglibol can hear Castiel muttering under his breath..a soft murmer.. Jack....Jack.....no....he loved you. Dean loves you...
Not understanding any of it, Aglibol just holds Castiel tighter, kissing his forehead. There is the smell of ash, and a red-orangish glow coming from deep within the woods.
The End
Previous chapters below:
See ‘The Rupture: Castiel - Part 2′ for back story on angels, etc.
See ‘The Barn: Team Castiel’ for some back story on angels, etc.
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spnjediavenger · 5 years
Chapter 9: Something’s Wrong With Sam
Disclaimers: I do not own Supernatural or any of its characters, I also do not own Jenny
Time frame: Mid S6 (SPOILERS FOR S6 AND ANYTHING BEFORE), after “Live Free or Twi Hard”
SLIGHT TRIGGER WARNING: short implication of past sexual assault
Notes: If you read, please give a comment and let me know what you think! I really love writing this!
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 5.5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Elliana’s Journal, Chapter 8
A/N: So i’ve had these next couple chapters written for awhile but were put on pause while collabing with @sarimaposthumous and then i kind of dropped writing for awhile. So i’m gonna hopefully put up a chapter a day for the next couple days. Please give me feedback if you read! Much love xx
 THE ROAD SO FAR… (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X_2IdybTV0 listen while reading)
“Who are you? Are you an angel?”
“I’m more of a…guardian if you will.”
 Gabriel handed Elliana a small necklace. She took it and laid it over one of her hands and examined it. It had a silver chain with a silver crescent moon, a circular pendent with a white wolf hanging in its center.
“Wolves are strong and tough and smart. Just like you. I believe in you, little wolf.”
 “I know you won’t quit hunting, and that you’ve been doing it for awhile now, and you’re fully capable of taking care of yourself – but why don’t you come with us for just a few hunts? Give you the chance to get to know us and maybe come with us from now on,” Sam said hopefully.
“All right. I’ll come with you. But,” she said, catching the victorious smile on Sam’s face. “Don’t get your hopes up.”
  “Look, kid – whatever else happened to you, you’re safe. And I know you’ve only known us a couple weeks but you’ve grown on us, squirt,” Dean continued, earning a quiet chuckle from Ellie. “If you decide to stay with us, we’ll always protect you.”
“We promise,” Sam came in, confirming Dean’s words.
  “Nooo! Gabriel!!” Ellie shouted, jumping up from her chair, only to be pulled back by Sam. “No!” she cried, fighting against the younger Winchester, who only held her tighter. She eventually stopped fighting but stared at Gabriel’s body as tears streamed down her face.
 “Sam, Dean. Good to see you again. And who’s this with you?” Lucifer asked, tilting his head in curiosity as he looked at Elliana. “New travel buddy? I’m Lucifer - though I’m assuming you already knew that.”
  “After all this time, you weren’t even hard to catch. It’s a bit disappointing, really,” a voice said from beside Elliana, in an almost bored tone.
“Damon,” she said, trying her hardest to keep her voice from shaking. The demon she had been running from for a year. The demon that possessed her brother. The demon that came back years later to possess her father and kill both her parents.
 “Lucifer,” Ellie said a bit distastefully. “What do you want?” she snapped.
“Now now,” Lucifer tisked. He leaned down again to grab a handful of Elliana’s hair to pick her up by. “Damon, here, wanted to just kill you. But I had him bring you here instead. So you should really be thanking me,” Lucifer said, nodding.
  “You said Ohio was your ‘adoptive’ home,” he mused. “Let’s see what happened at your real home.”
 Ooooh, what’s this? Lucifer’s voice practically purred in her mind - and Ellie could hear the smirk in it. Let’s play with this a little.
“You’re too weak. You’re powerless. There’s nothing you can do to stop me,” the vamp had smirked. He fed off her until she passed out. The rest of that day was filled with feelings of fear, powerlessness, and struggling. Her body being overtaken by his. Whatever innocence she had left from Ellie’s last run in with him being stolen from her.
“Ellie, what happened? Are you ok? What did he do to you?” Ellie collapsed into Jenny and squeezed her eyes shut, not even bothering to try and stay strong. Sobs shook her whole body as Jenny held her.
            “Thank you guys,” she said. “I know I’m gonna be going through hell with this stuff but…thank you for giving me today. I had a great time.”
           “No problem, kiddo,” Dean smiled.
           “You’re family, Ellie. And we’ll be with you through this thing; every step of the way,” Sam said, placing a kiss on her temple. She smiled.
“You guys promise?”
“Hunter’s promise,” Dean said.
   Chapter 9: Something’s Wrong With Sam
             Elliana remembered Sam telling Bobby he came across his deceased grandfather and was going to start hunting with him; and she remembers feeling hurt he didn’t ask her to go too. Though she didn’t think she would even say yes if he had offered. She felt something was off with Sam. And she didn’t trust Samuel or the others.
           Elliana remembered the long months of finding herself again; going on hunts with Bobby, visiting Jenny from time to time, Jody helping her with her panic attacks and flashbacks, and having to hide Sam’s resurrection from Dean.
           Elliana remembered when Dean arrived with Sam when he came to drop Lisa and Ben off for protection. And how angry he was that they didn’t tell him Sam was alive. How she tearfully explained to Dean she had wanted so badly to tell him but Sam and Bobby made her promise not to.
           Elliana remembered turning down the offer to hunt with the boys again. She didn’t tell them the main reason – that she didn’t want to be around the new Sam. Part of the reason she did tell them was because she wanted to stay away from the Campbells. She was relieved that Dean shared her suspicions.
           Thinking back on all these things, Ellie missed how things were before Sam was in the cage. When they just hunted.
           When they were together.
           Now it was mid-October; a little over a year since “Sam” had been back. Elliana was hunting more regularly again but still wouldn’t go on her own. She either went with Bobby, occasionally Jenny or Jody, or with Garth.
           Right now, Elliana was walking into Bobby’s place after taking Anaya for a walk with Jody. She heard Bobby on the phone in the kitchen and quietly crept to the doorway, staying out of sight for the moment.
           “We tested him. Salt, silver – everything…Well, then he’s something we ain’t ever seen before…Did you call Cas?...Look, I get it. You’re rattled. But let’s be professional-…What you saw..are you sure that’s what you saw?...Well, “you know” ain’t the same as proof. ‘Cause we’re talking about-… …Alright. I’m with you…Yeah. I’ll hit the books. Hard. Just don’t shoot him yet, all right? Watch him. We need facts. ‘Cause if it ain’t Sam…we don’t know what it is. And if we’re gonna put him down, we need to know how… Get in the car. He’s your case.”
           Bobby sighed as he put his phone down. He wiped a hand down his face and looked over to see Ellie standing in the doorway, holding her crossed arms.
           “That Dean?” she asked absently before Bobby could get a word in.
           “Yeah. We were-“
           “Talking about Sam?” she interrupted. Bobby nodded. “I told you something was wrong, Bobby. I could tell practically the second he got here. So could Anaya. I tried telling you, Bobby! But none of you believed me! And then it goes and puts Dean in danger and lets him get turned into a freaking vampire!”
           “Alright, alright, calm down, girl,” Bobby said. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders, only for her to shrug them away.
           “This is getting so messed up,” Ellie said, voice cracking. “Jenny, Garth, and I went through so much to get Sam back and it’s not even him…I just want my brothers back.”
           With this, Elliana turned and ran up the stairs to her room, shutting the door and plopping on the bed with Anaya and letting tears slowly spill from her eyes.
              A couple hours later, Bobby lightly knocked on Ellie’s door. “Ellie, I know you’re upset, alright?” No answer. Bobby sighed. “Garth is comin’ around soon. Said he wanted to see you.”
           Ellie couldn’t stop the smile that crossed her face. Her heart felt a little lighter as she thought back to first meeting Garth and how she quickly became close with him.
             “Elliana, this is Garth. It’s ok, you can trust him. Wouldn’t hurt a fly,” Bobby said soothingly as Ellie somewhat hid around the corner of the wall.
           “Well, not unless it has fangs,” the younger man joked with a wide smile on his face.
           Ellie let out an airy laugh and a small smile crept onto her face; she moved into the living room, feeling comfortable enough to leave the wall.
           “Wow – you already got a smile,” Bobby said, impressed. “Takes a lot to get one from her these days.” Elliana threw Bobby a Winchester bitch face. He knew the reason she didn’t. But Ellie knew he was only teasing her.
           Garth simply shrugged, smile never leaving his face. He then turned to Ellie. “Elliana is a beautiful name,” he said kindly.
           “Thanks,” the girl said, blushing a bit. Elliana quickly grew comfortable around Garth, his demeanor friendly and lighthearted. How was this guy a hunter? she thought.
             “Noooo!” Elliana’s scream pierced the night air, echoing through the trees. Garth turned from the vampire he just beheaded and ran in the girl’s direction.
           This wasn’t supposed to be a vamp case; so when the two arrived, nothing went as planned.
           Garth finally got to Ellie to see her pinned to a tree by the vamp nest’s leader. He quickly ran over and swung his machete. The vamp’s head rolled off and Ellie fell to the ground, hyperventilating. Garth’s eyes widened a bit when he remembered Bobby mentioning she had past trauma with vamps (though he left out any other details).
           Garth wasted no time in crouching down and helping Elliana through her panic attack. After she had calmed down enough, she lightly pulled away from the older hunter.
           “I’m sorry,” she said, wiping her nose on her sleeve. “I must look so weak.”
           “You don’t look weak,” Garth replied, confusion written on his face as he didn’t know how Ellie could think that. “You look like a girl who’s been through more than anyone should have. And who needs love and compassion. For people to be there for her and remind her how strong she really is.”
           Elliana’s tears ran again as she collapsed back into Garth, hugging him tight. She had only known him for a few weeks now and he was so caring with her.
           Garth rested his chin on top of her head and wrapped his arms around her protectively. Ellie had grown on him quickly as well.
             Ellie and Garth just finished a hunt in South Dakota and Garth pulled his car over to a grass field so they could eat before going back to Bobby’s.
           Ellie sat on the hood with him, just staring at her plate, pushing the food around absently. Garth noticed and gently nudged her with his elbow.
           “What’s up?” he asked caringly. When she didn’t say anything, he spoke again. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. But it’ll feel better if you let it out.”
           The girl sighed and looked out at the long grass, which swayed lightly in the wind. “Sam and Dean took me here once,” she said quietly. “This exact field.” Ellie looked back down at her plate, though not at all interested in her food. “They took me out for a fun day since I was still really off after…Lucifer got me…”
           Elliana looked up to meet Garth’s eyes now. He stared intently at her, taking in every word. “They promised me they’d be with me through everything. That they’d help me every step of the way.” Ellie’s voice started quivering now. “They promised me,” her voice cracked. Tears quickly filled her eyes and she couldn’t stop them from spilling over. “Why did they have to leave, Garth? They promised me. They promised.”
           Garth placed a caring hand on Ellie’s arm and pursed his lips. “Ells, I know it sucks not having them here. But they didn’t leave things like this on purpose. Did Sam go to the cage to hurt you?”
           Ellie’s brow furrowed in confusion. “No,” she said. She knew he wouldn’t.
           “He did it to defeat Lucifer, right?”
           Ellie nodded.
           “Did Dean leave to hurt you?”
           Ellie shook her head, starting to see where Garth was headed. “He went to keep his promise to Sam. He offered for me to come but I said no.”
           “See? They’re not trying to make things bad. But sometimes, the ones we love and who love us the most, can hurt us the most. Even if they don’t mean to. But you have others around who care about you, too. Including me.” Garth finished with a kind smile that Ellie returned to the best of her ability. They had known each other for a couple months now and to Garth, she was already starting to feel like his little sister. And Ellie was beginning to see him as a brother, too.
             Another soft knock brought Elliana out of her thoughts. She wiped her tears away and sat up. “Yeah?”
           “You don’t sound too happy to see me,” Garth said jokingly as he opened the door, letting a goofy grin spread on his lips.
           “Garth!” Ellie exclaimed, jumping off her bed to run into the hunter’s open arms. Garth’s goofy smile turned into a warm, happy one as he hugged her back. As soon as Bobby told him Ellie was feeling down again, he hurried over to try and help her in any way he could.
           “So what’s on your mind?”
             “I mean, Jenny and you and I almost died to get Sam back, ya know? We spent so much time, did so much research.”
           Garth, as always, kept his eyes on Elliana while she vented to him. He wanted her to feel and know that he was listening. That he truly cared about her and what was troubling her.
           “And I was still afraid of going out with everything that happened only a month before…but when we finished the job, I was so excited to see Sam again…and when I did…it wasn’t him. Not really. He didn’t smile. Didn’t really hug me back. Nothing…
           “And I tried to tell Bobby. Then Dean when he found out Sam was alive. But they brushed me off. Said ‘he’s just in shock’. They let it go and Sam let. Dean. Turn into a vampire! Only now do they realize there’s something wrong with him!” Ellie let out a big sigh, her feelings exiting with it. “I just don’t know what to do now,” she said, meeting Garth’s eyes in a softer way.
           “Well, what do you want? If you don’t know what to do, start by figuring out what you want,” he said simply, giving a small shrug.
           Elliana looked at the ground, thinking for a moment.
           “I want Sam back,” she whispered. “I want my brothers.”
           “Ok. So what has to be done to get him back?”
           Ellie sighed. “Research. Lore. Try to figure out what might be wrong.”
           “Well, there you go,” Garth said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
           Another sigh.
           “But what if…what if it doesn’t work?” the girl asked meekly, looking back up at Garth.
           “What if it does?”
           “Ells,” Garth placed a brotherly hand on hers. “It’s one thing to look back and say ‘I wish I could’ve found a solution.’ But you don’t want to look back and say ‘I wish I would’ve tried.’* Look, I know you love those guys. I know you love Sam. I also know you’re really hard headed.” Garth smiled when he earned a small chuckle from Ellie. “And you won’t let yourself off easy if you don’t try to get Sam back.
           “Either way, you know I’m with you,” Garth finished with a reassuring squeeze of her hand.
              A few days later, Ellie was in the library with Bobby and Garth, reading through lore to see if they could find out what was wrong with Sam – if it was Sam. Ellie just picked up a new book when the sound of fluttering wings came behind her. She turned around to come face to face with Castiel.
           “Elliana, come with me,” he said, reaching a hand out, which she promptly shoved away.
           “What the hell, Cas?! I’ve been praying to you for a year, trying to get you here, and after all the dead silence, you just appear out of nowhere and expect me to go with you when you don’t even greet me or give an explanation or an apology for ignoring me during the worst year of my life?!” Ellie shouted angrily at the angel.
           Cas looked to Bobby and Garth, who held their hands up, not wanting to join the argument. Though they were siding with Elliana anyway.
           Cas let out a partially impatient sigh as he looked towards the windows then back at Ellie. “I am sorry for not responding to you. I can explain later but time is of the essence,” he said, holding out his hand again. When Ellie still made no move towards him he spoke again. “We’re going to find out what’s wrong with Sam.”
           Ellie’s eyes finally shot up to meet Cas’. She looked over to Bobby, who looked equally as shocked, then to Garth. She wanted to find an answer, but Garth had come all the way to be with her and help her with this.
           As if reading her thoughts, Garth smiled reassuringly. “You need to be with him,” he said. He didn’t mind if Ellie left; he just wanted whatever would help her. He was glad Cas came, though he had no idea who he was. Elliana needed to be there when they found out what was wrong so she could get her brother back.
           Elliana ran to grab her bag and whistled twice to signal for Anaya to follow her. She gave Bobby a hug, then Garth, whispering a ‘thank you’ to him as she squeezed him a little tighter.
           Then Cas transported himself, Elliana, and Anaya from Bobby’s house.
               “Hey, kid,” Dean’s voice said. Ellie quickly turned around to see Dean and ran into his arms, hugging him tightly.
           “I’m sorry about Lisa,” she whispered, truly feeling bad that Dean had lost her and Ben (metaphorically). “I’m so sorry.”
           When Dean stiffened a bit, she hugged him tighter before leaning up to place a kiss on his cheek. Anaya came over and pressed herself against Dean, wagging her tail happily, making the older Winchester smile.
           “You’re right, he looks terrible,” Cas said. Ellie and Dean turned to him and Ellie’s face dropped. “You did this?” Cas asked.
           “Jeez, Dean, what’d you do to him?” Ellie said, looking at a very beaten and bloody Sam.
           He began to grunt and move his head, regaining consciousness. “Cas?” he said, confusion written on his face; even more so when he realized he was tied up. Cas began inspecting him, asking questions about how he’s been feeling to try and determine what was different. Anaya stood stiffly by Ellie since Sam came to, not taking her eyes off him. And Ellie couldn’t help but jump a little when Dean snapped at his brother, sick of him beating around the bush.
           “How much do you sleep?” Cas asked Sam.
           There was a pause before he answered. “I don’t.”
           “At all?” Dean asked, eyebrows raised.
           “Not since I got back.”
           Now it was Ellie’s turn to jump in. “And you didn’t think there was anything off about that? You just keep going like everything is normal?!”
           “Of course I did, Elliana. I-I just never told you guys.”
           “Sam… What are you feeling now?” Cas came in again, narrowing his eyes a bit at him.
           Sam huffed a bit. “I feel like my nose is broken.”
           “No, that’s a physical sensation. How do you feel?”
           “I think-“
           “I don’t…I don’t know.”
           The other three in the room looked at each other. Cas removed his belt, confusing everyone at first.
           “This will be unpleasant,” he said, then placed the belt in Sam’s mouth. “Bite down on this. If there’s someplace you find soothing, you should go there…in your mind.”
           Sam looked at Dean for help, but Dean stared straight at him (though Cas’ actions confused him as well).
           Cas reached down and put his hand inside Sam, making him shout in pain. Ellie looked away and Dean pulled her into his side, running a comforting hand down her arm. After a few moments, Cas pulled away and looked around a bit contemplatively, putting his belt back on.
           “Did you find anything?” Dean asked. His brother’s pained gasps not going unnoticed.
           “No,” the angel replied, eyes downcast as he rolled his sleeves back down.
           Dean raised his brow, turning his head to look at Cas. “So that’s good news?”
“I’m afraid not.”
He paused again.
“Cas, please,” Elliana said exasperatedly. She was sick of everyone avoiding giving answers today.
“Physically, he’s perfectly healthy.”
“Then what?” Dean asked.
“It’s his soul,” Cas finally met his gaze. “It’s gone.”
“What?!” Ellie snapped her eyes to him.
Dean cleared his throat, taking a few steps away. “I’m sorry. One more time – like I’m 5. What do you mean he’s got no-“
“When Sam was resurrected, it was without his soul.”
Everyone looked at said man, and Sam looked almost lost.
“So where is it?”
“My guess is it’s…still in the cage with Michael…and Lucifer.”
The mention of Lucifer sent an involuntary shiver down Elliana’s spine. And this whole thing was already making her very on edge. How could Sam be taken back, but his soul wasn’t?
           “So, is he even still Sam?”
           Cas looks over his shoulder to Sam, still addressing Dean. “Well, you pose an interesting philosophical question.”
           As he, Sam, and Dean get into a conversation about getting his soul back, keeping him tied up, and Elliana didn’t even pay attention to the rest; she just began pacing the room as she ran her hands through her hair. Things just seemed to be getting more and more complicated.
           Ellie’s interest was torn back to the boys’ conversation.
           “Alright, let’s go then,” Dean said, grabbing his things together.
           “Wait, what?” Ellie said, crossing her arms as she went to stand in front of him.
           “If Samuel was brought back too, then he might know what’s going on. It’s the only lead we have right now.” Dean paused from his bag and looked at Ellie. “I know you don’t trust him, kid. But I know you want Sam back as much as I do,” he continued in a hushed tone. “Now, you don’t have to come with us if you don’t want, but something tells me you do.”
           His eyes searched hers and she sighed reluctantly, looking down at the ground. Dean patted her arm and gave her a quick kiss to her head.
           “It’ll be alright. We’re gonna go in, get what we need to know, then we’ll be gone. Ok?”
           Ellie looked to Dean’s eyes again and, seeing his reassuring smile, nodded and grabbed her things as well. She still didn’t like it. But after all that’s been done to get Sam back, and being this close, she guessed now wouldn’t be the time to throw in the towel.
 Chapter 10 ->
Forever tags: @bellero 
A/N: *This is a quote I used and modified a bit from Fuller House (spoken by Aunt Becky). Credit goes to the Fuller House people.
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bobafetts-princess · 8 years
Not My Type
Description: The boys and the Reader are on a case they can’t solve, so they call in for help.
Characters: Dean x Reader
Word Count:
Warnings: Smuuuuuttttttttt, little dirty talk, jealousy, cursing, the usual.
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this! I hope you guys enjoy reading it just as much! As always, my requests are open so feel free so shoot some ideas my way. 
Tagging: @but-deans-back-tho @its-my-perky-nipples @thebunkerismyhome @deanscolette @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @tssweets @supernaturalimagine @kittenofdoomage
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  You sighed because this godforsaken vampire case was getting out of hand. Four girls were dead, three more were missing and you were struggling with luring this thing in. You glanced out from behind your computer screen at Sam and Dean. They were doing research trying to see if there was something in the tendencies that they missed. The hardest part was finding someone who fit the vampires type. It was exactly the opposite of you, so they couldn't use you as bait. It didn’t matter what you tried, this vamp was avoiding you at all costs. You were stressed. You didn't want anymore women going missing, and you didn't want anymore to die. You were running out of options and you didn't know what else to do.   "I give. We're gonna have to call for backup." Dean said, flopping his arms down on his computer, closing it. "We are the backup, Dean." Sam retaliated, exasperation coloring his features. "No. Jenna isn't far from here last time I heard. She fits the vamps type." Jenna? Who the fuck is Jenna?? You thought to yourself, choosing to keep your mouth shut. "I wonder why she didn't take on the case?" Sam asked. "I dunno. I don't think she's hunting as much lately. Last time we hunted with her, she almost died. Remember?" "Yeah I remember. It was our fault. How could I forget?" "How was it your fault?" You chimed in, curiosity getting the better of you. "She got captured by a Djinn. We almost didn't find her and get her to a hospital before he sucked the life out of her. She wasn't supposed to be out of our sight and we lost her in the warehouse." Dean's feelings about the situation evident. He was still upset that it had even happened and he didn't want to think about it. "It wasn't completely your fault. Besides, she made it out alive." You reminded him, hating seeing Dean beating himself up. "It was basically our fault. We shouldn't have lost her." Sam chimed in and you could see the hurt and frustration on both of their faces when they talked about it. "How well did you guys know her?" You probed, wanting to know more about this mysterious Jenna. "Well Dean knew her better than I did." Sam told you, turning to look directly at Dean. "Shut up dude, no I didn't." Dean retorted, clearly uncomfortable. "Yes, you did. Unless I was forced to listen to the walls scream half the night" Sam told him, causing Dean to turn red and grimace. Your blood boiled at the thought of another woman with Dean. You'd had a crush on Dean since he and Sam had rescued you from a werewolf a couple years ago. Since then, it had blown into full on, toe curling, keep you awake at night, head over heels love. On your end, at least. You were 99% sure that Dean didn't reciprocate your feelings in the slightest. You tried not to let this unknown woman bother you. You knew Dean wasn't a monk any more than you were a nun but you still weren't sure you wanted to be around someone who had history with him. "I think we should at least call her. She might be able to help us out." Sam decided, pulling out his cell and flipping through his contacts. "Dean, maybe you should be the one to call her. You guys were friendlier than she and I were. Do you still have her number? I can’t find it in my phone." "Fine. But I don’t think she’ll come. I’m sure I’ve got it here somewhere." Dean conceded as he picked up the phone and searched through his contacts. He sighed out of frustration when he found her name, shooting Sam a look of slight disdain when he put the phone up to his ear.   "Yeah, hey, Jenna, what's up?" He said and it surprised you a little bit that he seemed nervous. A small, feminine voice came through the phone, but you couldn’t discern what it was saying. "Not much. Hunting around your area. We were actually hoping you could come and help us out." He said, and you heard silence from the other end of the phone. "Jenna?" He prodded, and you could tell he was hoping she hadn't hung up on him. You heard a loud burst of noise from the other end of the phone and Dean winced, holding the phone slightly away from his ear. You perked up for a second, thinking she’d hung up on him when he started speaking again. "You'll come help??" Dean asked, incredulously. You deflated immediately. This was exactly what you didn't want. You were sure that Dean would still be attracted to her and you weren't sure your heart could handle that. "Okay cool. We'll see you in a couple hours." Dean said, smugness seeping through his tone of voice, even though he was still seemed nervous. "Jenna is going to come help us out. She said she'll be here around 6 tonight. That gives us a couple hours to come up with a plan." He said, clearly satisfied with himself as he settled down on the bed for a quick nap. A car rumbled in the parking lot a couple hours later and your stomach dropped, you know it was Jenna. A small knock from the entrance to the motel caused your anxiety about the situation to spike and you weren't sure how you were going handle all this. Sam got up to answer it since Dean was taking a nap and Jenna walked in, taking your breath away. She was tall, fit and had an air of confidence that surrounded her and you were instantly jealous. Her eyes surveyed the room and she flipped her hair over her shoulder as they fell on you. "You must be Y/N. I'd heard they were hunting with someone." She didn't say it with disdain or contempt, she was just curious. If she didn’t have history with Dean, you felt like the two of you could probably get along. She walked towards you and you were amazed at how effortless her stride was. She stuck her hand out. Saying "I'm Jenna. I don't know how much these two have told you about me, but I promise I'm nicer than they've probably made me out to be." She said, flashing you a genuine smile. "I actually haven't heard much, just that you’ve hunted with them." You responded, standing to shake her hand. "Good. Then you can make your own deductions about me!" She said with a small laugh. You smiled back at her, trying to figure out whether you should like her or hate her. She turned to face Sam and catch up on the case you were working on while you took the opportunity to wake Dean to let him know she was here. You shook him gently, knowing he would be aggressive if he was woken up too harshly. His emerald green eyes opened and registered you and he flashed you a beautiful smile before asking why you were waking him up.   "Jenna is here. Sam's running through the plan for tonight with her." "Oh cool. Thanks for letting me sleep. I was exhausted." He said, swinging his legs to the side of the bed and standing up, leaving your shorter frame dwarfed in his. "Hey Jenna. What's up?" He said, attempting to be nonchalant.  She stalked over towards him, her long, toned legs carrying towards him. "Hey Dean, how ya been?" She said, poking him in the chest with her fingers and dropping her eyelids in a sexy manner. You saw Dean gulp, but you weren't sure if it was because he was nervous or because she looked so damn good doing whatever she was doing. "I've been good, Jenna. How are you?" Dean asked, stepping out from behind her fingers. "I'm good, Dean-O. Little disappointed I haven't heard from you in a while." She said, letting her lips drop into a sexy pout. "Sorry, we've been busy hunting. A lot. And we met Y/N here, so we've been trying to get her acclimated with our lifestyle." He waved a hand in your general direction and you had to resist the urge to wave at someone you’d already met. "Ah, yes. I've met her already. I like her. She seems calm, unlike the two of you." She tossed a smile your way and it was so infectious that you couldn't help it smile back. "We like her too." Sam said, butting in and wrapping his arm around your shoulder and giving you a side hug. You basked in the momentary warmth, forgetting how jealous you were of Jenna. Until she wrapped long fingers around Dean's bicep and looked up at him through her lashes. Dean loudly cleared his throat and stepped away from her hand. "So, did you talk about the plan?" Dean said and you could sense he may have been a bit uncomfortable about having Jenna there. You chalked it up to her near-death experience that Dean had been involved in and you brushed it off. "Yes! Sammy told me that Y/N and I would be together off and you two would be watching for anyone watching us. Hopefully we can catch this fucker and put him down." She said, you caught Sam grimace out of the corner of your eye at the nickname and you had to repress a giggle. You sighed at the plan though, you hated the idea of spending a couple hours with her, but maybe she wouldn't be so bad. She seemed nice but if she kept hitting on Dean, the two of you might have issues. Maybe. You didn't want Dean to know you had feelings, but you didn't know if you could handle him sleeping with his girl. "Alright. Let's get ready to head out. Y/N and Jenna, take your car. Sammy and I will take mine. We don't need to be seen showing up together." Dean instructed. You grabbed your bag, gathering yourself to change into your "club clothes" and headed towards the bathroom. You picked out a maroon V-necked, long-sleeved shirt with your black skinny jeans and some black flats. You had a feeling you'd be running tonight and heels would be completely idiotic for you to wear. You did your makeup, a slight smoky eye with some dark lipstick that matched your shirt. You felt good about what you were wearing and you couldn't wait for Dean to see you. You walked out of the bathroom and saw Jenna almost sitting on Dean's lap, whispering something to him. "Oh hey!" She said, noting you as you walked out of the bathroom, and wrapping an arm around Dean's shoulders. "Dean and I were just catching up. I love your outfit. It looks so good on you!" Dean looked tense and uncomfortable under her arm and you couldn't figure out why. "Oh. Thanks. I hope it's appropriate." You said, chewing nervously on your lip. "It is, don’t worry! I love it. I'm going to get changed into my clothes too." She said, jumping up off Dean's lap and giving him a small peck on the cheek, causing him to turn red and hunch away from her. As she entered the bathroom, you faced Dean and asked him "What the hell is your problem? Why are you acting so weird??" "Don't worry about it. It won't affect the case." "I don't give a fuck about the case right now. Why are you acting so odd??" “None of your damn business, Y/N. Let it go.” He said, his tone and the fact that he stalked outside made it clear that he wasn’t going to discuss it with you any further. You shot Sam a quizzical look, which he pointedly ignored as he followed Dean out the front door. You moved to follow them outside and figure out what the hell was happening when Jenna came out of the bathroom. She was wearing a mid-thigh length white dress that hugged her curves. She had on a pair of gorgeous gold pump that complimented her dress and matching eyeliner and you couldn’t help but awe at how amazing she looked. “Where’s Sam and Dean?” She asked, glancing around the room. “Outside. Dean is grouchy, but I’m not sure why.” You said, shooting a confused look at the closed door. “I think it’s because of me.” Jenna said, as she hung her head. “You? What the hell did you do?” “I think Dean's interested in someone else. That’s why I’m trying to make him uncomfortable so he’ll make a move.” She answered you. What the fuck is going on??? You thought to yourself. “What?” “Just go talk to him. I’m sure he’ll explain everything.” Jenna said, with a smile. “Oooookkaayyy…” You responded, before walking towards the front door. You gently pushed it open, expecting to see Sam or Dean next to the door, but they weren't there. You looked for the Impala and saw Dean sitting in the drivers seat, talking to Sam. You decided to give them a minute before disturbing them. You didn't get much time to let them talk, before Dean was out of the car and headed your way. “Dean, what’s going-“ You tried asking him but your breath left your body as he shoved you up against the wall next to the door and kissed you roughly. He pulled away much too soon and rested his head against yours. “I’ve wanted to do that since we’ve met.” He whispered. “What?” You answered back, feeling like that was the only word you knew. “I’ve been crazy about you from the moment I met you, Y/N. I just didn’t have the guts to do anything until Jenna basically made me.” “What? What does that even mean?” You asked, breathless. “It means that I’m crazy about you. I’m sorry I didn’t get it figured out sooner.” He said, leaning back in and kissing you softly. “I knew it. That’s what I was telling Dean when you came out of the bathroom. I told him that if he didn’t tell you how he felt, I would.” Came a soft voice from the now open door. You looked towards it, finding Jenna smirking at you and Dean with Sam standing triumphantly behind her. “So, Sam and I heading to the club a little early, to have a drink and scope the place out to see if anyone looks suspicious. That means the motel will be free for a while.” She told you with a wink before turning and walking to her car with Sam and pulling out of the parking lot. “The room will be ours for a while,” Dean said, sliding his hand over the curve of your waist and dropping it down to the curve of your ass, “and I think we should take advantage of it.” He whispered the last part, ghosting his lips over your neck before moving his lips to connect back with your mouth. He kissed you furiously, you could taste his pent-up desire as he pushed you backwards towards the open door and the bed in the room. “Do you want to do this? Do you even feel the same way?” Dean stopped in the doorway, eyeballing you nervously like you’d say no. “Dean, you’re an idiot. I’ve felt the same way about you from the moment we met.” You smiled up at him, grasping the front of his shirt in your hands and pulling him closer. You took the lead, turning him around and pushing him backwards towards the bed until he landed on it with a thump. You clamored atop him, straddling his narrow waist, and lowered your head to nip at his collarbone. He groaned loudly and you took that as the cue to move a little lower and test the waters. You slowly began unbuttoning his shirt, kissing your way down his chest until you reached his belt buckle. He sat up, reaching for you, and you took the opportunity to push the shirt off his shoulders and grasp his shirt from the back to pull it off. Your lips met again as Dean began working at your shirt, freeing it from your jeans and he pulled it off with vigor and tossed it across the room. Without warning, he switched your positons so that he was on top and in control as he started working the buttons on your jeans before pulling them off and tossing them in the same corner as your shirt. He pulled back to admire your semi-naked form, not realizing you’d forgone a bra due to the nature of the back of your shirt and he was pleasantly surprised by it. “No bra, huh?” He asked, smirking. “Nah, can’t wear one with this shirt. Do you like it?” You responded, feeling cheeky. He reached down, cupping your breasts with adoration and whispered a breathy yes before lowering his head and taking one of your peaked nipples in his mouth. You arched, the feeling of his soft lips and hot tongue scorching your skin as he sucked the peak, hard. His opposite hand toyed with your free nipple, pulling it into the same hard peak as the first. “You like that?” He asked, releasing your nipple and traversing his way across your breastbone to give the same treatment to your other nipple. “Uh, yes, Dean.” You groaned out, feeling the wetness pool in your panties as he tormented you with his mouth. Suddenly, he released your nipple, kissing his way down your stomach, stopping only to dip his tongue in your belly-button, surprising you, but not in a bad way. As he reached the apex of your thighs, your breath hitched, not sure what to expect from Dean. He ran his index finger lightly over your clothed slit, lightly brushing your clit which caused you to jump slightly. “Shhh, babygirl. I’ll take care of you.” He whispered, grabbing the sides of your lacey pink panties and working them down your legs. He tossed the underwear over his shoulder, a hungry look in his eyes, and pushed your legs apart, admiring your sex. He leaned forwards, brushing your inner thighs with featherlight kisses, his scruff scratching your legs pleasantly. His thick fingers dug into your hips as he worked his way to your sex and you couldn’t help but groan in pleasure. When he finally reached your sex, his tongue darted out, tasting and testing what you liked best and what he liked best. Finally, he licked one thick stripe through your sex, making your back arch and you to cry out loudly. Dean continued his attack on your pussy, doing things to make you writhe and cry out and beg for more. When he knew you couldn’t take it anymore, he sucked your throbbing clit between his perfectly plump lips and pushed you over the edge into a hard orgasm. When you finally came back down from your high, Dean was working his way up your body, leaving a trail of kisses in his wake. He reached your mouth, almost hesitant to kiss you with your juices dripping off his chin but you were having none of that and pulled him in for a deep kiss. You tasted yourself on him and you initially thought it would be odd, but you truly loved the taste, you couldn’t get enough. Deans fingers slowly worked your throbbing clit over, and the other palmed himself through his jeans. “C’mon babe, get those off.” You whispered, gesturing towards his jeans and the tent that sat there. You sat up, reaching for the buckle and intending to return the favor but Dean held your hands at bay, reaching in his back pocket and producing a condom before pushing down his jeans and rolling it on. You got an up-close and personal view of his rock-hard cock and just the sight of it was enough to almost give you another orgasm. He pushed you backwards, climbing on the bed with you and settling himself between your thighs. “I’d much rather be buried in your pussy than your mouth right now, are you ready?” He asked, and you raised yourself up on your elbows to watch what he was doing. He slid his cock between your lips, wetting his tip to prep himself for entering you. “Fuck.” You responded, tossing your head back and enjoying the feeling of his head brushing over your clit. “I said, are you ready?” Dean asked, more sternly. He wanted you to answer him with words, not body language. “Maybe.” You responded, teasing him. He answered your teases by slapping your clit with his cock, making you cry out for more. “You have to answer me before I give it to you.” He said, rubbing you just the right way, figuratively and literally. “Fuck. Yes, Dean. I’m so fucking ready.” You told him and he wasted no time in pushing into your dripping wet entrance. “Holy shit. Your pussy feels so good.” He told you, moving slowly so he didn’t hurt you. Once he was fully sheathed inside you, he pulled your leg up to give himself better access and began thrusting, slowly but efficiently. He had you begging for more in no time at all and it didn’t take long for him to lose control and begin giving everything he had. Soon, you felt another orgasm building and you tossed your head back and just enjoyed the sensation of Dean pounding you. Your pussy began clenching down on him, bringing both of you to the brink. He reached a hand between your bodies, finding your clit with ease and finally pushing you over the brink. “Come on, Dean. Come for me.” You encouraged, raking your nails down his chest and clamping down on his cock just right. “Ah. Fuck. I’m gonna come, Y/N.” He told you, releasing your leg and burying his face in your neck as he rolled through his orgasm. He rolled off you, sliding to the side to wrap his arm around your waist, kissing you behind the ear as he did so. “That was amazing. I’m not sure why I didn’t do that sooner.” You were so exhausted that all you could do was nod your agreement before rolling over to kiss him solidly on the lips. “I like you, Dean Winchester.” You said, establishing your feelings for him out loud. “I like you too, Y/N.” He said back, pecking you on the lips before standing up and pulling on his pants and tossing you your panties. “C’mon, babe. We’ve got a vamp to take down. They’ll be waiting on us. We’re going to have to get our our own hotel room tonight too, because I want round two with you.” He reiterated, bending down to kiss you soundly on the mouth, winding his fingers through your hair. You were so awestruck at the sight of a shirtless Dean calling you babe that you couldn’t do much but kiss him back and thank the lucky stars for Jenna.
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