#hopeless basketball idiotà
Hello! AkaMomo anon here :) This time I'd like to request for a different, yet another rarepair of mine, KagaRiko, with Sentence #1 ^^ basically Kagami finds himself falling for his coach. Please put Momoi in as Riko's best friend whom she asks advice from, though Momoi helps Kagami as well because he's a nervous wreck who doesn't know the first thing (anything, really) about girls because he's a 'Bakagami.' Sorry if it's too detailed ^^" thank you and all the best to your studies!
Hi dear! I’mdeeply sorry for having you wait so long! However, I’ve finally finished it!Damn, this was difficult! They are really a rare, rare couple! That said, Ihope you’re going to enjoy what I came up with! Let me know!
Have a niceday!
KagaRiko, Momoi and Kuroko, Fluff, Confession
 The Best Cupid
 “Okay Kagamin! Repeat after me!”
“N-no! That’s stupid!”
“Kagami-kun, please do as she says. We’re here forthat.”
Kagami let out a strangled howl and banged his headagainst the Burger’s table, covered with empty burger’s packages. He couldn’tdo. It was impossible.
In front of him were seated Kuroko and Momoi. Thelatter had been called as an emergency helper, since Kuroko couldn’t deal withKagami’s love life anymore. Those days the boy was so distracted that he hadhit his shadow in the face with the ball at least thrice every afternoonpractice; his grades were worse than usual and, the real tragedy, his usualbright and blunt self had been transformed into a gloomy, annoyed and lifelessblob. Kuroko needed his partner back. Immediately.
So, he had called Momoi and organized that afternoon.
“Kagami do you like Riko-chan or not?” she huffedpuffing out her cheeks and crossing her arms. Why boys had to be so stupid?
Kagami groaned something unintelligible and his earsturned red.
“I told you, no? You have to be direct and polite.Sure of yourself but not aggressive. Confident yet mature. Why is it sodifficult?” she said shaking her head and her victim glared.
“That’s embarrassing. And not like me at all,” He repliednervously, shivering at the look she gave him.
“Who is Riko’s best friend? Right, me! So, if you wantto conquer her, trust me! With my help, you can’t fail!” she boasted with awide, confident grin that reassured Kagami a little bit. Truth to be told,there was another reason for whichMomoi was sure he wasn’t going to be rejected but Kagami didn’t have to know.
Kuroko sighed in relief. Maybe, maybe this time theycould do it.
“So, what you have to do first?” Momoi asked himpatiently, like an elementary school teacher.
“First, I stand in front of her and look into her eyes…”Kagami murmured with flaming cheeks.
“Then I smile.” He groaned more and more embarrassed ashe spoke.
“Ask her if she wants to date me?” he dubiouslyanswered, but Momoi rolled her eyes. She was such a devil.
“How do you ask her?”
“Riko-san, I’m headover heels for you. Please, go out with me.” He recited in a whisper, readyto disappear from the shame. As soon as he finished, he banged the head again,Momoi cheered and Kuroko thanked the heavens. They were done.
“This is not going to work.” Kagami whined. He knew hecould have never mustered the courage to do it. Even if, even if he wished forit so hard.
“Don’t be so negative! You just need the right chance!”Momoi chirped and checked her phone. A grin flashed on her lips when she saw thenew text.
“Oh really? Which chance?” Kagami growled annoyed,swimming into his depression. He was a basketball player, basketball was theonly thing he was good at. He didn’t date, he wasn’t interested in girls…andyet, there he was with that hellish matchmaker. How did he end up un thatsituation?
“This chance!” Momoi thrilled and, before he could doanything, she grabbed his wrist and dragged him away from the table. The othercustomers glanced curiously at the terrified and blushing giant being draggedout from the restaurant bya small, pink fury.
“What are you say-?” he barked uselessly, trying tostop her, but it was too late. He found himself on the street, face to facewith a confused Riko.
“Coach!” Kagami screeched surprise and he felt hisheart stop. Momoi couldn’t be so evil righ-
“Sorry Riko-chan! Kuroko has just asked me out on adate and we have to go!” The girl chirped with a shiny smile, her arm aroundKurokos waist, who worn his usual blank expression, “But don’t worry, Kagami isgoing to walk you home!”
Momoi then glared for a fraction of second at Kagamiand the boy’s throat dried up.
“Momoi wa-“ Poor Riko tried to call her, but the othergirl was already running away. The coach then watched her phone, frowned and thencursed her friend. She was so cheeky!
The two of them remained there in silent looking ateach other embarrassedly.
“Kagami-kun you don’t have to walk my home,” sheexhaled in the end, gripping the strap of her schoolbag. “I can perfectly go onmy own, don’t worry.”
“NO!” he exclaimed making her jump, “No I mean- Well,It’s- I’ll do it. I’ll do it.” He finally managed to stutter. Riko blushed alittle, but nodded.
She started walking. “This way.” She led fidgeting andKagami moved to her side in silence.
Some minutes passed without them muttering a word,Kagami too focused on freaking out (internally).
Okay. It was his chance. Momoi and Kuroko were right,he couldn’t escape forever. Better telling her and being rejected than mopingaround. Maybe. Or at least he hoped. Damn, why was it so difficult?
“So coach-“ he began awkwardly, but stopped immediately.Damn, he should have started calling her by surname, right? This was so embarrassinghe was going to die. He had already forgotten everything Momoi had explainedhim.
“Yes? Kagami-kun?” Riko called him for the third time,tilting her head nervously. Was everything okay with him?
He looked at her and cursed. They were walking side toside! Side to side! Momoi had said to stand in front of her but how could he everdo it if they were walking?!
“Y-yes?” he hysterically replied and the girl couldn’tstop from chuckling.
“Are you okay, Kagami-kun?” she asked incredulous andamused by his strange behavior, but Kagami fell again into his own thoughts.She was cute when laughing, alright? Really cute. He wanted to be the reason ofthat smile and didn’t give a crap if he was being sappy.
If that confession went well, he could be. He could beRiko’s boyfriend. That was so good he felt drunk only by thinking about it.
You know what? He didn’t care about anything anymore.She was worth a try.
“”What are you freaking out about?” she was asking curious, shaking her head.
“Y-you know,” Kagami blurted before he could eventhink about what the hell he was doing, “I was kind of hoping you’d, y’know…fallin love with me. Please.”
Riko stopped immediately and turned to watch him withwide eyes.
Kagami halted too and stood there stiffly, waiting foran answer with burning cheeks and not daring to meet her eyes. (Momoi was goingto be so disappointed in him)
“I-Is this how you c-confess, B-Bakagami?!” Rikofinally stuttered shocked, hitting his chest with a light punch. “Y-you s-suck…”
Kagami felt his heart crumbling, when she spoke againin a whisper. “I can’t believe I’m accepting it…”
Kagami noticed the red hue of her face and the way herlips tremble to restrain a smile. Her eyes were shining warmly.
Oh God.
“I’ll be in your care!” he suddenly yelled, smilingwidely at her and forgetting all his past worries and insecurities. He couldn’tbelieve it.
“M-me too! But don’t yell!” she shushed him, beginningwalk away all flustered. But Kagami chased after her and grabbed her hand,happy like a child.
She repeated “Bakagami!” under his breath, but didn’tlet go and instead she squeezed gently his hand.
She had to thank Momoi later.
 Three daysbefore, Riko’s room
“So? How’sgoing with Kagamin?” Momoi asked, seated on the carpet and Riko sighed.
“Nothing. Ican’t believe I’m falling for such a basketball idiot. He’s never going toconfess!” she complained defeated, hiding her face in the pillow, “Well, notthat I believe he’s in love with me anyway!
“Riko-chan!”Momoi called her affectionately and rushed to hug the girl, “Don’t worry! I’msure he’s gonna do it. It’s blatant he likes you!”
“You can’tknow it for sure…”
“I knoweverything! And trust me, I’m going to help you out! You’re lucky I’m the bestCupid in town!”
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