#momoi is the devil in pink
Hello! AkaMomo anon here :) This time I'd like to request for a different, yet another rarepair of mine, KagaRiko, with Sentence #1 ^^ basically Kagami finds himself falling for his coach. Please put Momoi in as Riko's best friend whom she asks advice from, though Momoi helps Kagami as well because he's a nervous wreck who doesn't know the first thing (anything, really) about girls because he's a 'Bakagami.' Sorry if it's too detailed ^^" thank you and all the best to your studies!
Hi dear! I’mdeeply sorry for having you wait so long! However, I’ve finally finished it!Damn, this was difficult! They are really a rare, rare couple! That said, Ihope you’re going to enjoy what I came up with! Let me know!
Have a niceday!
KagaRiko, Momoi and Kuroko, Fluff, Confession
 The Best Cupid
 “Okay Kagamin! Repeat after me!”
“N-no! That’s stupid!”
“Kagami-kun, please do as she says. We’re here forthat.”
Kagami let out a strangled howl and banged his headagainst the Burger’s table, covered with empty burger’s packages. He couldn’tdo. It was impossible.
In front of him were seated Kuroko and Momoi. Thelatter had been called as an emergency helper, since Kuroko couldn’t deal withKagami’s love life anymore. Those days the boy was so distracted that he hadhit his shadow in the face with the ball at least thrice every afternoonpractice; his grades were worse than usual and, the real tragedy, his usualbright and blunt self had been transformed into a gloomy, annoyed and lifelessblob. Kuroko needed his partner back. Immediately.
So, he had called Momoi and organized that afternoon.
“Kagami do you like Riko-chan or not?” she huffedpuffing out her cheeks and crossing her arms. Why boys had to be so stupid?
Kagami groaned something unintelligible and his earsturned red.
“I told you, no? You have to be direct and polite.Sure of yourself but not aggressive. Confident yet mature. Why is it sodifficult?” she said shaking her head and her victim glared.
“That’s embarrassing. And not like me at all,” He repliednervously, shivering at the look she gave him.
“Who is Riko’s best friend? Right, me! So, if you wantto conquer her, trust me! With my help, you can’t fail!” she boasted with awide, confident grin that reassured Kagami a little bit. Truth to be told,there was another reason for whichMomoi was sure he wasn’t going to be rejected but Kagami didn’t have to know.
Kuroko sighed in relief. Maybe, maybe this time theycould do it.
“So, what you have to do first?” Momoi asked himpatiently, like an elementary school teacher.
“First, I stand in front of her and look into her eyes…”Kagami murmured with flaming cheeks.
“Then I smile.” He groaned more and more embarrassed ashe spoke.
“Ask her if she wants to date me?” he dubiouslyanswered, but Momoi rolled her eyes. She was such a devil.
“How do you ask her?”
“Riko-san, I’m headover heels for you. Please, go out with me.” He recited in a whisper, readyto disappear from the shame. As soon as he finished, he banged the head again,Momoi cheered and Kuroko thanked the heavens. They were done.
“This is not going to work.” Kagami whined. He knew hecould have never mustered the courage to do it. Even if, even if he wished forit so hard.
“Don’t be so negative! You just need the right chance!”Momoi chirped and checked her phone. A grin flashed on her lips when she saw thenew text.
“Oh really? Which chance?” Kagami growled annoyed,swimming into his depression. He was a basketball player, basketball was theonly thing he was good at. He didn’t date, he wasn’t interested in girls…andyet, there he was with that hellish matchmaker. How did he end up un thatsituation?
“This chance!” Momoi thrilled and, before he could doanything, she grabbed his wrist and dragged him away from the table. The othercustomers glanced curiously at the terrified and blushing giant being draggedout from the restaurant bya small, pink fury.
“What are you say-?” he barked uselessly, trying tostop her, but it was too late. He found himself on the street, face to facewith a confused Riko.
“Coach!” Kagami screeched surprise and he felt hisheart stop. Momoi couldn’t be so evil righ-
“Sorry Riko-chan! Kuroko has just asked me out on adate and we have to go!” The girl chirped with a shiny smile, her arm aroundKurokos waist, who worn his usual blank expression, “But don’t worry, Kagami isgoing to walk you home!”
Momoi then glared for a fraction of second at Kagamiand the boy’s throat dried up.
“Momoi wa-“ Poor Riko tried to call her, but the othergirl was already running away. The coach then watched her phone, frowned and thencursed her friend. She was so cheeky!
The two of them remained there in silent looking ateach other embarrassedly.
“Kagami-kun you don’t have to walk my home,” sheexhaled in the end, gripping the strap of her schoolbag. “I can perfectly go onmy own, don’t worry.”
“NO!” he exclaimed making her jump, “No I mean- Well,It’s- I’ll do it. I’ll do it.” He finally managed to stutter. Riko blushed alittle, but nodded.
She started walking. “This way.” She led fidgeting andKagami moved to her side in silence.
Some minutes passed without them muttering a word,Kagami too focused on freaking out (internally).
Okay. It was his chance. Momoi and Kuroko were right,he couldn’t escape forever. Better telling her and being rejected than mopingaround. Maybe. Or at least he hoped. Damn, why was it so difficult?
“So coach-“ he began awkwardly, but stopped immediately.Damn, he should have started calling her by surname, right? This was so embarrassinghe was going to die. He had already forgotten everything Momoi had explainedhim.
“Yes? Kagami-kun?” Riko called him for the third time,tilting her head nervously. Was everything okay with him?
He looked at her and cursed. They were walking side toside! Side to side! Momoi had said to stand in front of her but how could he everdo it if they were walking?!
“Y-yes?” he hysterically replied and the girl couldn’tstop from chuckling.
“Are you okay, Kagami-kun?” she asked incredulous andamused by his strange behavior, but Kagami fell again into his own thoughts.She was cute when laughing, alright? Really cute. He wanted to be the reason ofthat smile and didn’t give a crap if he was being sappy.
If that confession went well, he could be. He could beRiko’s boyfriend. That was so good he felt drunk only by thinking about it.
You know what? He didn’t care about anything anymore.She was worth a try.
“”What are you freaking out about?” she was asking curious, shaking her head.
“Y-you know,” Kagami blurted before he could eventhink about what the hell he was doing, “I was kind of hoping you’d, y’know…fallin love with me. Please.”
Riko stopped immediately and turned to watch him withwide eyes.
Kagami halted too and stood there stiffly, waiting foran answer with burning cheeks and not daring to meet her eyes. (Momoi was goingto be so disappointed in him)
“I-Is this how you c-confess, B-Bakagami?!” Rikofinally stuttered shocked, hitting his chest with a light punch. “Y-you s-suck…”
Kagami felt his heart crumbling, when she spoke againin a whisper. “I can’t believe I’m accepting it…”
Kagami noticed the red hue of her face and the way herlips tremble to restrain a smile. Her eyes were shining warmly.
Oh God.
“I’ll be in your care!” he suddenly yelled, smilingwidely at her and forgetting all his past worries and insecurities. He couldn’tbelieve it.
“M-me too! But don’t yell!” she shushed him, beginningwalk away all flustered. But Kagami chased after her and grabbed her hand,happy like a child.
She repeated “Bakagami!” under his breath, but didn’tlet go and instead she squeezed gently his hand.
She had to thank Momoi later.
 Three daysbefore, Riko’s room
“So? How’sgoing with Kagamin?” Momoi asked, seated on the carpet and Riko sighed.
“Nothing. Ican’t believe I’m falling for such a basketball idiot. He’s never going toconfess!” she complained defeated, hiding her face in the pillow, “Well, notthat I believe he’s in love with me anyway!
“Riko-chan!”Momoi called her affectionately and rushed to hug the girl, “Don’t worry! I’msure he’s gonna do it. It’s blatant he likes you!”
“You can’tknow it for sure…”
“I knoweverything! And trust me, I’m going to help you out! You’re lucky I’m the bestCupid in town!”
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tenacityreturns · 3 years
momoi shifts , carefully drinking her bubble tea. today , she was waiting on sakurai to show up for their bi-weekly shopping trip and had seen kagami out of the side of her eye so of course, she had to say hi! leaning back in her chair , she gets a flash of lunch with aomine wondering about fate. " hey , kagamin, " she starts, " do you believe in fate ? " / from momoi <3
kagami is watching a tall girl across the mall cafeteria demonstrate, without a ball, how to shoot a basketball. he assumes it's a basketball. she's laughing as her friends have a go, none of them caring that they're in public and everybody could see them. one friend says something as she puts her wrists together, it looks like she's talking about volleyball or something. he wonders what it's like to have friends with different hobbies. he hasn't given it much thought since finding a love for basketball, but he'd still be a loner if not for that. not everyone is as out-going and friendly as tatsuya used to be. the girls sit down at their table again, and he loses interest. he wonders, briefly as the thought is soon interrupted, whether putting all his chips into basketball is the right idea. maybe he should join a cooking class or... run a cooking class ( inspired by present company ).
“kagamin,” he repeats with a grumble as she continues speaking, more to himself than to her. what is it with these people and giving out nicknames like it’s christmas! all these generation of miracles do it, just about. it’s so annoying! kagamin, kagamicchi, bakagami, even! will they ever stop?
but this thought, too, is interrupted before he can make a scene with it. kagami’s got an expressive face, and every emotion sparked by the random question is displayed clear as day. surprise: raised eyebrows, opening mouth as if to speak but with nothing yet to say; incredulousness: squinting eyes, now a frown; contemplative: downturned lips tightened into a line, averting his gaze. does he? why the hell is she even asking? without having given it much thought, he sighs.
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“where the hell did that come from?”
“nowhere,” she smiles, then taps her chin with her index finger, “it’s just, dai--- aomine-kun brought it up the other day, and i haven’t gotten it out of my mind.”
“dai-chan brought it up?” kagami deadpans, “no way did that idiot come up with a thing like that.”
“oh, but he did! he’s impulsive, which sometimes comes across as inconsiderate or inattentive, yes, but he thinks about these things a lot.”
“what did he say?” he sits back in his seat, careful not to kick her. kagami folds his arms across his chest.
momoi lowers her drink and hides behind her hand, suddenly acting all embarrassed. “maybe i shouldn’t say!”
“now you have to, saying a thing like that! i won’t tell anyone.”
“he said-- he said!” she’s playing up her embarrassment, right? there’s nothing dai---- aomine could have said that would make her go all... gooey... right? unless-- he didn’t confess to her or anything? no...
“momoi,” he grumbles, “come on.”
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“very well!” she sets her drink directly in-front of her on the table, frowning seriously. her hands grip the edge for a moment before lacing together. when she looks up at him, her eyes are cold and calculating -- but gentle. “i trust you, so i’ll tell you. aomine-kun believes that it’s fate that you met.”
here comes the incredulousness again. it distorts his face into a squinting grimace. “he didn’t say that.”
“he did.”
“about me?”
“about you,” her hands release and then fold again.
ah. his cheeks are the first to betray him. in fact, his blush is currently his only reaction, besides downturned lips. does he have any thoughts right now? kagami is short-circuiting. momoi’s eyes are putting him off, so he stares out the window finds nothing easier to look at there. fate, huh? fate. alright. he’s got to say something. or leave. fate. stupid idiot aomine said he thinks it’s fate that they met? what the fuck? what the fuck! alright. alright. alright! alright? alright. alright! that’s a song, right? an american song or something, it’s in english at least. there’s a hook he’s got stuck in his mind now. it’s something else to think about, anyway. alright, now fellas! what’s cooler than being---
“please don’t be upset with aomine-kun,” she says quietly, “or bring it up. he’ll only deny it.”
“no-- no, i--” he sits forward, “i’m not upset. i told you i wasn’t gonna tell anyone so i won’t. he really said that about me? specifically?”
“yes! how you met us at exactly the right point in time, how you happened to join tetsu-kun’s team, the best you could have met first. wouldn’t things be different if you had joined some other team?”
“this is a lot to think about,” he rubs his temple, “you mean aomine thinks like this all the time?”
“well, not all the time,” she reaches into her bag to bring out her pink phone, and replies to a text as she speaks, “but he does talk about you a lot.”
“me? what’s he say?”
“mmm,” she looks around the room searchingly, tentatively standing. no, don’t leave now! what kind of fate is this?! in his desperation at the fleeting moment of opportunity, kagami also stands. as he does, he notices a guy a full head and shoulders taller than most other people around them. speak of the devil! somehow, seeing aomine’s frown dissipate into a smile ( even if that does turn into a smirk ) makes everything worse for once. “oh! what’s he doing here? i guess i’ll see you around, kagamin!”
“huh?!” he feels like he’s being left behind, and stands helplessly as she runs over and greets her friends. sakurai says something, momoi says something, and aomine walks straight passed them. kagami stands straighter, shuts his gaping mouth, and returns to that downturned look of embarrassment.
“oho, what did she say to you?” he’s smirking, but he’d probably just leave if he knew the truth! kagami’s resolved to not say it, of course, but it’s too much to look at him right now! kagami picks up his backpack and pulls it over one shoulder. when aomine repeats his question, it’s with a touch of horror in his voice. “what did she say to you?”
“nothing!” kagami blurts, “nothing. you--- uh, you’re not hanging out with them today?”
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“maybe i will,” aomine takes a step away, like sand through fingers, “you’re being weird.”
“uh-- yeah,” his brain is in overdrive right now. “i am? sorry.”
“look, half what she says is bullshit to get a rise outta you. i know it doesn’t look like it, but she likes pushing people’s buttons too.”
“no, no-- i don’t think it was like that.”
“okay,” he turns and starts off in the direction of the others. he must have been able to sense that kagami was off ( no, you fucking dumbass, it’s literally so obvious that you’re uncomfortable and don’t know up from down. cute to think you were being subtle though ? ).
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well, that’s no good! if aomine leaves now, kagami doesn’t know how long it will be until he can face him again! better to conquer the fears and awkwardness and butterflies -- however the fuck he’s feeling right now -- and grab the bull by its horns! or, in this case, to catch up and throw his arm around aomine’s shoulders, steering him away.
“no way, you think you can get outta playing a one-on-one with me?” kagami’s trying to be normal, but aomine’s scrutinising glare is a lot to deal with. he gives his best toothy smile, and gets shrugged off but not in the don’t touch me, you weirdo kind of way. hopefully?
“maybe losing will knock some sense into you,” aomine grumbles. “wait, you don’t even have a basketball?”
“uh,” yep, hadn’t thought of that. “i could just buy one-- ?”
“nah, let’s go to the arcade and i’ll whop your ass in there.”
kagami does his best to bury the whole fate concept, which has clearly done little else but freak him out, as they make their way to the arcade. he doesn’t have it in him to talk shit, though, so there’s no reply to that last comment. kagami isn’t sure if he believes in fate, but it’s weird knowing someone else thinks that about him. he’s got butterflies he can’t shake, and he finds himself fighting the urge to reach out and touch him. like that would help anything! instead, he balls up his fists and shoves them into his hoodie pockets. just as he can feel a frown forming, he glances at aomine and notices the familiar red hoodie. kagami’s red hoodie. just as kagami is wearing one of aomine’s. what. that’s--- that’s kind of funny, actually. they could just swap back right now, and that would probably be the normal thing to do, but it looks so good on aomine. kagami’s smiling before he can do anything about it.
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“what the fuck are you looking at?” aomine’s alarmed when he spots the change, and instead of sounding insulting or argumentative, his question just sounds surprised.
“nothing, dumbass!” kagami elbows him, giving in just a little. aomine hits him straight back, even as kagami’s continuing. “that’s my hoodie, is all.”
“yeah, so what? you’re wearing mine.”
“you think i don’t know that?”
“you ain’t getting it back, pal,” aomine looks away again, with the excuse of looking around the arcade as they walk inside.
finally, kagami pulls his eyes away. what is it aomine talks about when kagami isn’t around? is it his cooking? his basketball? what does he think of him? usually, kagami doesn’t care-- or at least, he pretends not to. and he cares a little bit about how aomine feels about him... naturally, his eyes settle on the basketball hoops in the corner and he grabs aomine’s arm to drag him over. aomine shrugs him off again.
“what the-- oh kagami,” it’s a groan, but aomine’s smiling. “you just can’t help yourself, can you?”
“loser buys the next game!”
“better get your money ready, bakagami.”
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“like hell i will!”
he isn’t thinking about it anymore, but maybe it’s fate that kagami noticed that they’re wearing each other’s hoodies at such a crucial moment. it frees him up, somehow, to enter the present. soon enough, fate is completely out of his head, and he’s playing the hoop shooting game backwards because the two of them can’t help but show off. then they’ll play racing, kagami pays, and a platform game, and then kagami’s talking about the arcade he used to go to as a little kid with tatsuya. then they’re talking about something else. something else. nothing and everything. maybe it’s fate that he wasn’t carrying a basketball today, so that they could have whatever today had turned into.
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dark-and-kawaii · 6 years
Hello! May I request headcanons for Kuroko, Kise, and Imayoshi with a female s/o who is a difficult person to be with? She's very temperamental, can be quite cold-hearted and bitter about people and the world in general? Thanks and good luck to your blog!
Okay, lemme start by saying Imayoshi was a bit difficult (╥﹏╥) He’s another top favorite of mine, but i don’t feel like i did him justice! I’ll get better though as i continue forward! I did my best and i hope you approve of these ┐(‘~`;)┌ 
I had fun writing for Kise though ^-^ 
Let’s be real about this, no one can believe you snagged up Kuroko. The quiet, emotionless phantom sixth man.
Whenever the two of you are out and about you always hear people comment ‘Wow they actually have a boyfriend? No way, how? How did THEY get a boyfriend, i doubt it lasts.’
Despite their comments, Kuroko has no problem appearing out of nowhere to frighten them, asking the girls why it’s hard to believe. They didn’t know you like he did after all.
Kuroko knows you have a softer side, he’s realized that only he can bring it out of you. Especially when he ruffles up your hair telling you not to worry about things.
Honestly at the start Kuroko had no clue what drew him to you, YET there you two were… eating at Maji Burger while you were yelling at the server about how they didn’t give you extra sauce like you had asked “nicely”
How dare they not give you your extra sauce
On a hot summer day Kuroko decided it was best the two of you went to the beach instead of staying inside… However you wish you would’ve stayed home after seeing a pink haired girl mow him down with a hug. Her chest was basically suffocating him.
Fist clenched ready to hit, but kuroko stopped you quickly once he realized what was about to happen. Pushing the girl named Momoi off of him, he stood up explaining that this was a friend of his.
Clicking your tongue you already had enough, not wanting to hear more of the “friend” excuse you decide it best to leave.
Before you leave you make sure that she hears you “When she’s old and wrinkly her boobs will be saggy while mine will still be perky, if you really want to waste your time with her Kuroko than go for it.”
Kuroko however didn’t allow you to leave, grabbing your hand stopping you he turned towards Momoi demanding she stopped immediately. That this was the last time she would plow him down with her affection. If Momoi couldn’t accept the fact he was officially off the market then he wanted nothing to do with her, making sure you heard everything loud and clear, that you were the only one he cared about.
Seeing him so brutally honest made you realize that maybe there wasn’t much of a difference with the two of you.
Dates usually consists of the two of you at home, away from other people to avoid you making a scene. Most times Kuroko will bring you Maji Burger so the both of you can relax.
First things first, you hate his little fan girls
Like, you HATE them.
If you had one wish it would be to banish them all on an island somewhere far far far far far away. A different universe would be fine with you actually.
One time a girl came up to Kise DEMANDING he ended things with you right then and there.
You decided the best thing to do in that situation was to take your flip flop off and chuck it at said girls head.
You nailed her.
Dead center on her forehead
“Hahahaha Boom! Headshot!” Pointing with one hand and taking Kise’s hand in your other, you strolled off proud with YOUR man.
“Did you really have to do that ____-cchi. I have a reputation to hold after all.”
“Excuse me? If you’re more worried about them I guess I’ll tell that Haizaki guy i’m available.” Yeah you said it, who cares? You knew there was bad blood between the two, he hurt your feelings, why not hurt his?
What you didn’t expect that day was for Kise to laugh at your response. What was so funny about it? You were being serious, right?
“You’re so adorable _____-cchi!” grabbing you by the waist swirling you around as if you weighed nothing. “How did i get so lucky to have such a winsome girlfriend! I love when you get jealous! I just can’t take you serious when you threaten me with Haizaki. You know he wouldn’t put up with you like i do.” Putting you down eventually he would capture your lips with his.
Yeah, its true. Kise LOVES how jealous you can get. Everything about it amazes him, especially how protective of him you can be. It’s almost like you’re his personal bodyguard at times.
Just the other night a sleazy female hooked her arm around Kise’s, you acted quickly before he had the chance to. 
Grabbing the nearest thing to you, in this case a fire extinguisher… You blasted the poor girl in the face with a white cloud.
When it comes to date night you’re forced to go out in crowded areas which is a no go for you.
Getting pushed around isn’t necessarily your idea of a perfect date. It usually ends with you pushing people back “Get the hell off of me you disease, Kise let’s go before i lose brain cells from being around all these idiots.”
Once you’ve arrived at the comfort of your home the both of you laying on your cozy bed, Kise admits he only took you to such a crowded area because he loves seeing you get frustrated as he boops you on your nose with his finger.
Resulting to you kicking him off the bed… okay push… you push him off…. Okay you KICKED and PUSHED him off the bed.
Despite everything, you love this man with all your heart.
You know he’s the only one for you because you knew he was right when he said he’s the only one who could put up with you.
After all, you’re the only one who can put up with him.
This is a true relationship right here.
He finds your cold-hearted personality quite amusing, a lot of the times he’ll purposely throw you into a situation where he can see you in action.
You’ll never forget the day he pushed you into a male named Hanamiya.
Imayoshi was walking hand in hand with you through the city until he spotted a former classmate, Hanamiya. Imayoshi being the sneaky little devil he is saw this as the perfect opportunity to see what you would do.
“Oi you brat watch where you are going.” Grabbing you by the collar of your shirt  Hanamiya lifted you up from the ground  piercing through you with his gaze. How dare this guy put his hands on you, does he not realize what he got himself into? Acting hastily you bit down on his hand until Hanamiya released his grip.
HOWEVER, your teeth didn’t let go of his hand. No. Instead you kept biting down… harder.
Imayoshi practically had tears in his eyes from chucking so much.
As much as Imayoshi enjoys messing with you, he respects that you don’t necessarily enjoy the company of other human beings. So he will take you out into the woods, somewhere peaceful where the two of you can fish alone enjoying the company of one another.
While fishing in quiet he admires you. He’s actually quite proud of you. Yes, you’re not really his type, he realizes this, but he also knows that no one else could keep life so entertaining. Even if you are difficult to work with at times.
The one thing he finds most difficult is you giving him a hard time with his drawings… He tries his best after all.
At the end of the day you are both curled up with one another as he runs his fingers through your hair until he riles you up.
“___-chan… you have quite a giant forehead ya know.”
“Your arm looks better with bite marks in it.” Biting his arm as you grab a fist full of his hair. Without hesitating he flips you over so he can now lay on top of you pinning your arms.
Without a doubt, you are the only one for him, without you life would be boring. 
~Admin Kiwi~ xo
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Can i ask for scenario or hc where devil bats win the match thanks to of course another brilliant Hiruma's plan and s/o says while laughing "god i love this devil" but this is the first time she said something like that, bah, first time she showed she likes Hiruma but well..
Hiruma Yoichi
Dear lord you loved watching him work.  He had such abrilliant mind – it was like watching art explode on the field.  And,there was something to be said for the exasperated faces of his opponents,because lord knew he was frustrating to deal with.
Your heart warmed substantially – a secret you’d never toldanyone.  You didn’t even know when it happened.  Half the time hemade you want to scream and tear out your hair, but you supposed you liked thatpart of him too.  Certainly, nothing was ever boring when he was around.
And, despite the general terribleness of his personality, hewas pretty good to you.  That didn’t mean he didn’t try to blackmail youand the like, but rather he was just that much sweeter when it came toyou.  You were forever finding things you wanted amongst your stuff,stolen in ‘secretly’ and though you always knew who did it, he refused toacknowledge it.  And then there was assassinations.  Okay, sohe didn’t really murder anyone for you, but anyone that gave you even aremotely hard time found themselves suffering some unimaginable fate.  Itnever failed to tickle you pink.
However, despite there being something between thetwo of you, you weren’t ready to spill your feelings.  You knew he likedyou a bit better than most people, but he did all the same things for Momoi,and occasionally Kurita or Musashi.  It didn’t make you thatspecial.  And so there was no way you were putting yourself out there onlyto have him laugh in your face.  And he would, because he was a horriblehuman being and probably didn’t have a soul.
But damn it, you liked him anyway.
He was the only reason you were outside in bloody November,wearing a skirt that was way too short for November, jumping upand down and shouting at the top of your lungs as Deimon battledfiercely.  Lord knew you weren’t out there for your health. How Suzuna managed to convince you to stuff yourself into a cheerleading outfitin the first place was still a mystery.
Things were down to the wire and you were practicallyholding your breath.  Deimon was on offense and you could see the playersmoving around the field like chess pieces under the hand of a master.  Youwere confident, because this was HIruma and he was brilliant, but youwere also tense just like everyone on Deimon’s half of the field.
When the final play was called and Sena ran the ball toscore the last touchdown after a magnificent trick play, which put Deimon justinto the win, you clutched your hands over your heart, having abandoned thepom-poms a while ago.  A grin split your face and you laughedbrightly.  “God, I love that devil!”
You didn’t even realize what you had said until silence andstillness stung the air around you.  Turning your head slightly, you foundMamori and Suzuna, as well as those warming the bench, staring out you withopen mouthed shock.  Hot, dripping dread washed through you.  OhGod damn it.
Everything erupted into chaos a moment later, as Musashitook the kick and added to Deimon’s lead and the field became an area ofcelebration.  You put on your best face, smiling and congratulating alongwith everyone else, but in the back of your mind, you knew you were going topay for the offhand comment that unwittingly revealed what you’d trieddesperately to conceal. 
It was in the middle of the chaos where your world shook andyou were completely unprepared.  A hand landed proprietarily just aboveyour backside and you felt a lithe, if larger than normal body slide into thespace behind you one second before a voice hissed directly into your ear, “Iheard something interesting~”
How the hell had he found out so fast?  You knew he wasgoing to find out, that was inevitable, especially with information about him,but you should have at least until the end of the day.  Hours at least,not minutes.  Did he have some kind of bat-like hearing?  “Ihave no idea what you could be referring to,” you stated, keeping your eyesfacing forward. 
“Kekeke, nice fucking try,” he purred, hand moving so thatit sat on the opposite side and he could curl his whole arm around you and turnyou into him.  “I don’t accept fucking takebacks, ____.”
Oh goddamn it.  Now you were good and trapped and therewas no getting out of this.  Sighing, you narrowed your eyes at him,tipping your head back to do so.  “So, what then?”
His smirk was vicious, even as he leaned and hovered overyou, bringing his mouth so close you could feel the heat of his lips. “It’s about fucking time.  I fucking hate waiting.”
That was all he said before his mouth covered yours and youfound yourself flailing in the wake of him.  Your hands were forced up toclutch at the material of his uniform as you hung on for dear life.  Hekissed you like you weren’t in the middle of the football field with teammatesand rivals alike turning to stare at the two of you.  Thankfully, youweren’t really thinking about that either, because he successfully destroyedyour mind with just his kiss.
“Say it.” He rumbled in command, eyes dark andthreatening. 
“No way,” you denied, purposely being difficult.  “I’mnot saying anything.”
His teeth flashed and he pressed his forehead againstyours.  “You will.”
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zevakritpel · 7 years
✺◟( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)◞✺ at long last....kihaikise.... not even close to finished, but if anyone is interested in reading the start of my (somewhat violent, definitely swear-y) mafia/loan shark au haiki/kihai (subtle hints of nijihimu???!?!) .....here is what i imagine to be part 1/3 of .....chapter 1. orz. i have the rest mostly written out but. i thought i might as well post this and see if anyone actually wants to read more (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `) 
Haizaki Shougo prefers to adopt an "I do whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want" sort of attitude to life. Whether it's money, women, bloodshed, booze... anything Haizaki desires, he simply takes. Like this, the notoriously ill-mannered--albeit troubled-- young debt collector runs the high of fucking, drinking, gambling, senseless destruction, bullying debt-wrought businessmen out of their money...and all without consequence. And it's fucking great.
Or at least it should be. But lately...
Nothing is satisfying anymore.
Haizaki clicks his tongue impatiently--this is stupid. He's not seriously about to dwell on this pointless shit, alright?
He tilts his chair back so that it balances precariously on only two legs, then props his feet up on Nijimura's office desk. He kicks same papers off the desk top in the process; (obviously), it does not even occur to him to pick them up.
Bored, Haizaki lolls his head back and glances over at his "coworker", Himuro Tatsuya, who's been sitting in the corner for the past half hour: the hood of his black sweater over his bowed head, wordlessly staring at his phone. ...oh shit, he actually might be be asleep; it's hard to tell, since the guy barely ever moves his facial muscles.
Tch. What a dull plaything.
Haizaki rocks back even farther in his unstable chair, absently fiddling with the rings on his fingers.
He considers riling up Tatsuya, but that seems like it would take too much effort: despite his short fuse and violent streak, it's pretty difficult to get him to break his expressionless doll-face. No, these days Nijimura would need to get involved. And he's not even here--
Nevermind. Speak of the devil...the actual devil...
Nijimura snaps, making a characteristically violent entrance as he kicks open his poor, poor office door, slamming it hard enough into the wall to rattle the office desk from force of impact. The remaining papers flutter off the top, onto the floor.
"WHERE THE FUCK is that bastard Hara?! He's a week overdue with his payments, at this rate I'll be pulling the interest out of his goddamn asshole."
The formidable loan shark  Nijimura "bossman" Shuzo appears to be a touch more...stressed than usual. His thin shades have slipped down the bridge of his nose, revealing a pair of underslept, bloodshot eyes; his normally slicked-back black hair hangs limply over his forehead.  All-nighter?
Unfazed by his boss's rage, Haizaki raises a hand up lazily in greeting, grinning slightly as he brings his other hand up to his mouth. He flicks his tongue just above the silver band around his thumb.
"What, ya didn't hear? That Hara fuck killed himself just last night." Not entirely true, but he's been dying to push someone's buttons. Even at the cost of his own well-being.
"He what."
Before Haizaki can milk this reaction, Tatsuya (so he was awake, the trick bitch!), cuts in with a cool monotone (ever the killjoy):
"Police report says a body matching Hara's description was found in Tokyo Bay early this morning. Riddled with bullets... And his hands cut off."
Nijimura removes his sunglasses and slides his steel grey eyes back to Haizaki, staring at his subordinate with a look completely void of patience.
"Accomplished all that by himself, did he?"
Haizaki shrugs.
"What? You already knew that fucking idiot was tryin' to fuck over Akashi, of all people. Pretty much suicide, right."
"Not how that works" Nijimura hisses, pressing his fingers against his temples. He steps over the mess of papers scattered on the floor as he walks closer to Haizaki's chair.
"Uhhh, I think you'll find that's exactly how it work-AH FUCK."
Haizaki finds himself very painfully reminded of why he shouldn't bother pissing Nijimura off too much, especially not when bossman is within kicking distance of his chair. He lies there, on the floor, for a few seconds, seriously reflecting for once.
"Whatever," Nijimura exhales, looking much calmer than before; keeping Haizaki's uncouth ass in line is cathartic, it would seem. The loan shark adjusts the cuffs of his mauve button down shirt and puts his sunglasses back over his face.
"Since that shithead actually had the audacity to get killed off by those yakuza pricks before paying his dues, so help me God I will reach into the pits of hell and get back every single yen owed me." Nijimura reaches down and grabs Haizaki by the cuff of his bomber jacket, forcefully pulling him back up to his feet.
"But first, you and I are going to his apartment before it's crawling with pigs...Tatsuya,"
Nijimura's manner of speaking abruptly becomes much gentler.
"You're okay here on your own? All the other guys are out, so you're the only one I can ask."
Himuro smiles demurely and nods yes in response. Oh for the love of-
"What the fuck, why does the wife get to stay behind? Typical." Haizaki complains, earning himself a smack in the back of the already-possibly-concussed head.
"Owww, fine, fine okay fuck I get it. Let's go see if Hara has a secret lovechild we can extort or whatever."
As he follows Nijimura out the door, Haizaki feels the need to disturb a juuuust one more shit, you know, for the road:
He makes a detour to the "doll"'s side of the room and throws an arm around Himuro's shoulders. As expected, Tatsuya reacts violently, but before he can get a punch in, Haizaki swiftly slides a hand down and pulls out a cigarette from the pack tucked in Tatsuya's pants' pocket, then steps back to safety.
Himuro turns his head and glares at Haizaki with his unobscured right eye. Haizaki winks as he skips back, towards the exit, slipping the stolen smoke between his lips.
"See ya later, ane-san" he salutes with two fingers.
Himuro sees him off with a stoically raised middle finger.
Outside, the sky is grey. A gentle breeze blows the taste of pollution through the air. Haizaki throws his arms up to stretch them, somewhat rejuvenated by Tatsuya's vehemence. Still, he can't seem to shake this deep restlessness curdling under his skin....
"Oi, Haizaki," Nijimura calls out, shoving his hands in his coat pockets and rummaging for his car keys.
"Don't antagonize him so much."
"....haha do you really need to be so overprotective? Gross."
Nijimura purses his lips, unlocking the door to his large silver sedan. Time to get going.
"Oi, oi, oi, what the fuck is this?!"
Nijimura slams his foot on the breaks of his car, and the subsequent inertia from this sudden move results in Haizaki's entire body jerking towards the windshield. Before Haizaki can open his mouth to complain, he finds his boss has already flown out of the vehicle, bee-lining towards whatever he meant by 'this'.
Disgruntled, Haizaki rubs the back of his neck, craning his head to the side to test for any damage. Today's injuries are really piling up, and it's not even noon yet. He squints out the car window to see for himself what 'this' is:
There, standing by the entrance to Hara's sketchy-ass apartment complex, are two sharply-dressed individuals. To the left, turning to greet the fast-approaching Nijimura, is that... pink Momoi Satsuki woman, the one with the huge tits and dirt on pretty much everyone in the damn city. She's wearing a white blouse today, and her rosy hair is pulled up in a sleek bun today, revealing a sliver of tattoo that reaches all the way up to her nape.  And off to Satsuki's right, is an even more familiar face.
Haizaki sits up straight,  instantly forgetting his pain. The corner of his mouth twitches: so he's here too, huh. Well, well.
The debt collector takes a moment to loosen his shirt collar, then pulls a gun from inside the car's glove compartment and tucks into his waistband before exiting the car and following the path of his superior, to the front of Hara's building.
A conversation has already started:
"Now, Nijimura-san, we're here on behalf of Kuro-"
"Yeah, yeah, I already know what Akashi's wakagashira is up to here. So if you two could kindly turn back and tell your fucking boss to resurrect that useless Hara bastard so I can get my money back, I'd greatly appreciate it."
Satsuki giggles and takes a drag of the menthol between her delicate fingers, her peachy-pink eyes sparkling knowingly at Nijimura. She proceeds to say something sinister in honeyed tones, but the nature of the rest of the exchange is lost to Haizaki.
After all, he only has eyes for is distracted by..
"Ryouta~," he hisses, pushing towards the man standing off to the side.
"So you're here, too. I thought I smelled a bitch."
Kise Ryouta flinches, his golden eyes narrowing with unmasked disgust as they follow Haizaki's approach.
"Very good, Shougo-kun!" the yakuza chirps sweetly, clasping his black-gloved hands together in mock-praise. The temperature behind his false smile is around -40 degrees of freezing spite.
"As expected of Nijimura-san's stray dog. Such a keen nose you have, it's no wonder your master keeps you on such a short leash."
The corners of Haizaki's mouth twitch up. He grabs Kise forcefully by the collar, pulling him in close.
Fake ass pretty boy piece of shit yakuza.....nothing would please Haizaki more than tearing this bitch down from his high fucking horse and distorting that pretentious, mocking face....
Due to the nature of their respective jobs, Haizaki and Kise run into each other a little too much for comfort. An occupational hazard of working in underground business. And this Ryouta's a real piece of work, everyone seems to think he's an angel.
So damn annoying.
"Taking a break from blowing half the group, are ya?" Haizaki grins, licking his lips, but still carefully gauges Kise's reaction.
....Which is to curl his pale fingers around Haizaki's wrist and squeeze. Hard.
"Try not to get too close, Shougo-kun," Ryouta murmurs in a low, sugary voice, but actually leans in closer, so that their faces are only a few inches apart.
"Son of a ...bitch."Haizaki almost recoils in pain as Kise slowly digs his  nails deeper into his skin. This little bitch....
"You're still so untrained. I don't want to have to go in for a rabies shot; Midorimacchi has enough on his plate."
For some reason, Haizaki finds himself unable to respond immediately, as he usually would. The reason is decidedly not the fact that, from this proximity, Haizaki can feel the heat of Ryouta's slightly smaller body next to his, nor is it the faint scene of cologne from Ryouta's neck, or....
"Ahahahaha, you really wanna die, huh?" Haizaki regains his senses, shoving Kise into the wall of the apartment complex. Whatever the fuck is happening is very clearly a sign that Haizaki should start a fight, right now, immediately.
The expression on Ryouta's face suggests that he's on the same page. Good. Prepare to get fucked up, pretty boy.
"Haizaki" Nijimura calls out in a warning tone, while at the exact same time, Momoi chimes in with a:
"Ki-chan, play nice!"
Both Haizaki and Kise freeze, obviously both having forgotten their respective superiors have been standing, right there, the entire time.
The bitch and the stray exchange a brief glance, then push away from each other.
Tch. This isn't over.
****************************** to be ..continued.....soonly......i hope there was something u could enjoy here. .when i finish the rest of “ch 1″  i’ll probs put it on ao3 BUT I’M SHY  (╯ ͡° ل͜ ͡°)╯︵ ( ͜。 ͡ʖ ͜。)
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baesketballers · 8 years
Momoi for the character name thing?
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(Askbox is open for the send me one character name thing, so keep sending them in! Please be aware that I am not obliged to answer every request that gets in.)
Female!Reader ahead. Platonic, but can be interpreted as light shoujo-ai.
the lingerie I’m talking about
You plop on to the sofa with a huge sigh as Momoi takes off her shoes before joining you in the living room. She giggles at your form, splayed across the couch in exaggerated exhaustion, while you close your eyes and feel the comfort of the tender surface of the sofa. When you open your eyes, albeit half-lidded, you see Momoi at your side sending you a teasing look.
“Tired already?”
“We went on a five-hour shopping spree,” you retort with a deadpan look, “of course I am tired.” Right after you say your last word, you throw your head back.
With your eyes closed, you can only feel Momoi’s weight disappearing from the couch and hear sounds of shopping bags being rustled open, and when you open your eyes again, your hauls are right on the table in front of you.
“You gotta admit that you got good deals, thooough,” she replies in a sing-song voice, waving one of the shopping bags in front of you—the combination of hot pink and black making it clear that it’s from Victoria’s Secret, despite the logo being on the other side of the bag. You know what she wants. She wants you to try it on… again. As if you didn’t do that in the fitting room approximately two hours ago when you browsed the store together. Momoi already knew how you looked in the number and gave her approval, which is why you bought it in the first place.
“Really,” she answers. “Just go!! I wanna see!!” She continues, tugging your wrist to make you stand up and push you into a nearby room.
It’s been a while since the two of you hung out together, and it was Momoi’s idea for you to sleepover at her place—but of course, she just had to bring you out shopping to the mall, and spend five hours there nonetheless! You silently regretted telling her you needed to buy some stuff there in the first place.
Once you’re in the room, you dig into the bag and pull out the purchased item. It’s violet in color (a glance at the price tag says it’s Grape Soda) and it resembles a one-piece swimsuit in a way, except that its function is definitely not for swimming. At least it’s not as risqué as the other numbers in the store, save for the opening that goes down to the middle of your torso. 
Having no choice but to put it on, you begrudgingly took off your clothes to change into the number.
A few moments later you hear a knock on the door whilst you’re adjusting the piece, and you can only call out “I’m almost done!” to Momoi, whom you know is on the other side of the door. What you don’t expect is the door opening and your dear pink-haired friend entering the room—
—with her phone directed at you.
You hear no sound of camera shutter and by the way she’s holding the device… it has to be Snapchat, that little devil!
“Satsuki! What the hell are you doing!” Having nothing in the room to cover you up, you resort to lunging at her in hopes of covering the lens and effectively terminate her attempts to record you in a Victoria’s Secret number. Surprisingly, as if she expected your move, Momoi nimbly dodges you, and with you in such a close range, she doesn’t even need to zoom in to get a clear picture of you. It’s a chaotic scene—she’s laughing like a maniac, while you’re wide-eyed, unbelieving, and trying really hard to take her down.
You chase her down the hallway, yelling at her to “delete the freaking thing, Satsuki, you ass!”, but she’s slightly faster in her escape and reaches the bathroom, locking the door in the process and successfully blocking you out. You grumble in frustration.
“Delete it, Satsuki!! Don’t you dare do anything with that!”
From inside the bathroom you can hear the playback of the recording with Momoi’s shrill laughter and your own voice calling out to her to stop.
“I’m so gonna send this to Aomine-kun,” she says, her voice slightly echoing. You blanch.
The only thing you hear from her is another series of laughter, but then you realize she’s the one who trapped herself in the bathroom…
…Momoi is going to be in trouble when she gets out.
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