#hopi tablets
patheticbatman · 1 year
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As of Chapter 81, this is crew of the Courageous from Time to Orbit: Unknown, a marvellous space drama and mystery by @derinthescarletpescatarian . Original sketches & character guide below. Many of the character appearances are based on headcanon, but the ones with asterisks are based on canon sources.
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I drew Celi first! I figured I would do the people in front, who I would have to draw most of their bodies, and work from left to right. Celi has had multiple organ issues, so she looks a little drawn (lol) and is still recovering in her wheelchair :). I drew her with small braids just hanging from the top of her head, as I imagine she’s too tired to take care of her hair very often, but still wants to keep some, so she has a sort of cap of braids. There’s probably a term for the style, but idk. Celi is of North African descent.
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Next to Celi is Renn. His head looks wonky because I was drawing at an angle at the time. He’s been mostly depilated, and I imagine him in a sort of Aang-meets-European-in-a-tracksuit outfit because he’s calm and tries not to do much drama, but is condescending. Renn is of West Asian/American/Tarandran descent.
Then we have Public Universal Friend (PUF) 2 with the twists. I figure it doesn’t want a lot of hair to take care of, and this style keeps it out of its face. Same clothes as the other PUF. It is kneeling, with one leg propped up. It is of coastal Southern East African descent.
*Then laying on the ground is Tal. Ke is looking at kes tablet because ke doesn’t like focusing on other things. Tal is unfortunately at the wrong angle to show off ke’s face tattoo. Small afro kept stylishly kept, along with some garters and a short skirt. Ke is laying down because ke feels like it. Ke is of West African/American/Texan descent.
*Then we have Aspen, the POV character, smack dab in the middle. Canonically, they’d don’t have a headband as far as we know, but I think their hair looks nice pushed up like that. They are wearing a jumpsuit like last time, but this time has a belt for flair, because Tal and Sunset convinced them. Aspen sits cross cross because they can and it’s a common sitting posture in Arborea. They are of West African/American/Arborea Atlantican descent.
Lina is kneeling like PUF2, but facing the other way. I gave her buns and square jewelery because I based her off of a Hopi woman’s ’do that I really liked, and Lina can be short for names like Catalina. She has freckles because they’re fun. She’s gained some muscle and weight since the last picture, which is great! She is of Hopi/Latin American descent.
Last is Sunset. She is a zeelite, a subculture interested in replicating and investigating pre-Neocambrian (aka our time) cultures. She is largely inspired by what she knows of punk, pastel goths, drag, and to be honest, Barbie (2023). She is voguing because she knows and appreciates the importance of looking good. Sunset is of Central African/of Sirius descent.
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Now for the top row, left to right again!
First, we have Heli. She wears functional but pretty clothes because she appreciates utility but always wants to show off what she’s got. The newest addition to the crew, she’s a little spiky, but has a soft spot for Adin. She was inspired by a picture of a Sistergirl from Australia (my headcanon, I only saw a picture of her and was unable to find more specific information). Heli is of Indigenous Australian descent.
*Next, we have Adin. I keep forgetting to draw him with tattoos, so I added a neck one last minute. His look has probably changed the most - his canon picture came out only a few months ago, so I drew him differently the first time. Adin cooks a lot, so he doesn’t try to wear anything or have a hairdo that could be ruined by cooking. Adin is of West African/Arborea Atlantican/American/Texan descent.
*Next up, the tallest of the bunch (and I forgot to draw his left arm until last minute, we have Denish! He’s doing the Arnold Schwarzenegger pose. The gentle Giant of the group, I was unable to recapture his face quite the same way as last time, but I still think he turned out well. He’s one of my favorite space pirates. I think he wears high collars to hide Tinera’s hickeys. Denish is of West African/American/Texan descent.
Right in front of Denish is PUF 1, AKA Dr. PUF. Still has tousled hair, still has the same robe. PUF is kneeling. It is of European descent.
*Hanging off of Denish is Tinera! She’s changed also, as her official looks came out, though I think I’ve kept her pretty nice looking still! I forgot to give her glasses though :(. I gave her Garnet (Steven Universe) finger gloves because they look cool. Tinera is of Central African/Lunarian descent.
Under Tinera is Sam. He’s partly visually inspired by the Dad of some kids I watch, and Ballister from Nimona. He likes to gaze at the stars and wonder about all the stories that will be told about them. Sam is of South Asian descent.
*Lastly is Keldin (AKA Captain Sands). He’s always dressed well and keeps his hair well-coifed. Hardly anyone from the ‘first’ crew likes him. He is standing awkwardly farther away because he knows everyone near him isn’t his tan. Keldin is of West African/American/Trandran descent.
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beyondcuckoo · 7 months
Handbags of the Gods: Divine Knowledge, Authority, and Celestial Secrets (Shared from Mu the Motherland) has been published on Elaine Webster - http://elainewebster.com/handbags-of-the-gods-divine-knowledge-authority-and-celestial-secrets-shared-from-mu-the-motherland/
New Post has been published on http://elainewebster.com/handbags-of-the-gods-divine-knowledge-authority-and-celestial-secrets-shared-from-mu-the-motherland/
Handbags of the Gods: Divine Knowledge, Authority, and Celestial Secrets (Shared from Mu the Motherland)
Handbags of the Gods: Divine Knowledge, Authority, and Celestial Secrets (Shared from Mu the Motherland)
Accessories in mythologies often carry deep symbolic meanings, representing the deity’s roles, attributes, or powers. They can be literal objects or metaphorical symbols that convey complex ideas about the cosmos, morality, and human nature.
It is common to see the Hopi Snake Clan’s Saviki, (a supernatural entity and divine messenger) carrying a square handbag as part of the snake ceremony. Most people consider this bag to be a medicine bag and it may well be. However, there is evidence that ancient cultures carried a similar bag that had the ability to produce water and often held corn seeds. It is said that when planted, these special seeds could produce crops that were able to be harvested in one day, thus supplying food for long migrations. As extraordinary as this may seem, if we think about it, there are today, electric generators, that can pull moisture from the air and produce water. Was this technology previously available to the ancients and was divine intervention responsible for the holy corn? Remember that the famous horticulturist, Luther Burbank was able to ‘convince’ fruit trees and other plants to produce increased harvests with seemingly magical rapidity. In fact, Paramahansa Yogananda, founder of Self-Realization Fellowship, dedicated his famous book, ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’, to Luther Burbank and he often referred to his friend as “a saint amid the roses.”
The Inca tribes of Peru were a migratory civilization with ancestral ties to North America. Over a period of 4000 years, they established colonies throughout the Andes, including the one at Lake Titicaca. Northern trade routes were established and many familial ties formed. Many believe that the Hopi Kachinas migrated from the south and took on the task of guiding the Hopi clans spiritually and materially. The water generators that they carried were described as metal plates encased in a portable tight metal box with a handle, that could produce about a quart of water per minute. Pretty handy to have around on a long perilous journey.
Of course, medicine and divination bags are common worldwide. In ancient Mesopotamian reliefs, figures (sometimes interpreted as gods or deities) are depicted carrying a peculiar handbag-like object. Scholars speculate these may symbolize containers of knowledge, life, or the secrets of the universe, reflecting the civilization’s values and understanding of divine authority. One such deity, Oannes, is credited with teaching some of the earliest foundations of civilization. His story also happens to be inter-twined with stories of a worldwide flood which destroyed civilization for a time. It is said that square-shaped tablets were buried with enough knowledge to assist the rise of civilization once it was safe to return to the earth’s surface. This idea agrees with the many emergence stories popular throughout the world.
In Greek mythology, Hermes (Mercury in Roman mythology), the messenger of the gods, carries a satchel or pouch used to carry messages, potions, or even souls to the underworld. This accessory underscores Hermes’ role as a bridge between different realms and his trickster aspects.
In present-day Southwestern Nigeria, the priests of the Yoruba religion often carry a similar divination bag. Much like medicine bags it symbolizes wisdom, knowledge of destiny, and the communication between the spiritual and material worlds, reflecting the profound cultural and religious importance of divination in Yoruba society.
However, it is the square bags with round handles that appear in many ancient carvings and reliefs. In addition, the cultures that frequently include these bags in their artwork are separated by vast amounts of time in places, such as Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America. One theory is that these bags are instrumental in time travel, through interdimensional portals and vortexes.
Another theory, (which goes along with the previous Hopi discussion), that they were a type of ancient technology. For instance, the Mesoamerican god, Quetzalcoatl, is often depicted carrying the square version of the bag and is credited with teaching such skills as agriculture, engineering, laws, and religion.
In Assyria, the same square bag appears held by various entities, often near a ‘Tree of Life’, from which he/she has plucked a pinecone. In India at the Hindu temple of Brihadeeswarar, Shiva is carved with two square handbags hanging from a tree above and behind the supreme god. It is thought that these may be electrical batteries, which were hung rather than carried or placed on the ground to protect the portable energy source. In fact, in India, battery usage has been traced back at least 4000 years.
Another place to note is the Indonesian island of Sumba where Panji, a local ancient hero, is immortalized—carved in stone sitting next to guess what? —a square handbag with a curved handle. And the oldest place that the handbag image appears is in Gobekli Tepe in Turkey showing three handbags of the gods. The carvings found there have been dated back to 10,950 BCE, a time after the last ice age. Is it possible that the survivors of that cataclysmic time finally emerged from underground, carrying, what else? –handbags!
The intriguing motif of handbags carried by gods across various ancient cultures symbolizes not just the universality of human creativity but also a shared understanding of divinity and authority.
What’s in yours?
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vomitnest · 11 months
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whitepolaris · 2 years
The Underground City of the Lizard People
Deep beneath the heart of Los Angeles’s financial district lies another city remembered only in obscure Indian legend, an underground world built by a strange race that vanished five thousand years ago. 
At least that’s what mining engineer W. Warren Shufelt claimed in the January 29, 1934, edition of the Los Angeles Times. According to reporter Jean Bosquet, Shufelt was ready to dig up downtown L.A. in search of this ancient subterranean civilization. 
Shufelt had first heard of the city in a Hopi Indian legend. The Lizard People were an ancient race that had nearly been wiped out after a meteor shower rained down on the Southwest back around 3,000 B.C. To shelter their tribe from future disasters, they constructed these subterranean settlements, which housed a thousand families each, along with stockpiles of food. As the story had it, the tribe used a “chemical solution” that melt solid bedrock to bore out the tunnels and rooms of their subsurface shelters.
Along with housing people in the event of a disaster, the tunnels were also constructed to hold a trove of golden tablets that chronicled the tribe’s history, the origin of humankind, and the story of the world back to creation. 
A Hopi chief named Little Green Leaf told Shufelt that the vanished race’s capital city was located under present-day downtown Los Angeles. In 1933, after surveying the area, Shufelt occupied the Banning property at 518 North Hill Street and sank a 350-foot shaft straight down, digging for what he said was a “treasure room” directly underneath. Shufelt said that he had located gold in the catacombs below with the aid of his “radio X-ray.” This peculiar instrument, which was sort of a tricked-up dowsing rod, had also helped him map the location and extent of the underground tunnels. 
Shufelt said that the subterranean city was shaped like a giant lizard, with the head in the vicinity of Chavez Ravine (the present location of Dodger Stadium), and the tail tapering out beneath the Central Library. The “key room,” the chamber that contained the map of the city and the directory to the gold tablets, lay several hundred feet under the present site of Times-Mirror Square. Shufelt also said that ventilation tunnels extended westward, opening at the Pacific Ocean. 
Despite his extensive mapping of the treasure-filled underground city, Shufelt never actually found it. Shortly after the Times story appeared, the project, which, amazingly enough, had been authorized by the city council, suddenly ceased. Shufelt and his cohorts disappeared. The whole mysterious, improbable business was written off as a hoax and quickly forgotten. Since then, mysterious tunnels have been unearthed in downtown Los Angeles, but they’ve usually been explained away as the work of smugglers hiding illegal Chinese laborers in the nineteenth century.
There’s a postscript to this strange little tale: the vision of Miss Edith Elden Robinson of Pico Rivera, which appeared in the highly respected American Society for Psychic Research’s journal. 
On the evening of December 22, 1933, five weeks before Shufelt’s excavations hit the pages of the Times, the clairvoyant Miss Robinson envisioned that Los Angeles lay “a vasty city . . . in mammoth tunnels extending to the sea-shore.” She said that the tunnels had been constructed by a vanished race to protect themselves from danger and to provide access to the area. 
Who knows? Maybe this fabulous subterranean city really existed. Perhaps it’s even populated with contemporary Lizard People who live below modern-day Los Angeles, emerging only furtively to watch the twenty-first-century barbarians slowly strange their surface-level civilization with smog, traffic, and urban sprawl.
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thyme515 · 2 years
The cycle of my life...
The story starts from my childhood and with each stage of my life another piece has become revealed to me. Each stage has been a path of my past realigning my present and future as if to bring me full circle. This is about the Rainbow Warriors and my connection to my piece of design.I  was raised by a Cowboy father and an artist mother. I was raised in nature, exploring, riding horses, fishing and with my two parents as a guide, My father and his love and respect for nature and the peoples that were on the land before the nations were wiped and my mother, bringing us to Hopi tribal dances and reflecting on the beauty of their culture and the history in which they come from. I was about 8 during the first stages of all this. 
When I was 13 I started to study Tibetan Buddhism. During the process of learning about this group I came across books that linked the Hopi with Tibetan Buddhism. There is a line that I hold dear that was written and translated from the Hopi Tablets. "When darkness falls our robed brothers from across the sea will come" This was my first connection to the concept of Rainbow warriors without knowing of it yet.Rainbow warriors refer to the 7th generation. There are many ways this story has been passed down among cultures throughout the americas within the Native Americans. The Cree, Hopi, Zuni and Apache passed this down through storytelling."One day… there would come a time, when the earth being ravaged and polluted, the forests being destroyed, the birds would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, the fish being poisoned in the streams, and the trees would no longer be, mankind as we would know it would all but cease to exist."Cree NationWith the current state of our planet and with my deepest beliefs being connected to these legends, prophecies of hope keep my convictions of hope for our planet, for our children and for mankind and our mother earth.In the past 2 months I have been discussing the Rainbow Warriors with a dear Native American friend and this is what brought me full circle and enduring hope in the 7th generation and the hope for our mother earth. 
This has been a part of my life, moving in and out of my life, but always ever present in keys parts of thought and memory.I am now 40 years old, this is a story of my life and connections that are ever present. I booked this trip to Prague by chance. It has been in my mind for years and yesterday was that day. Everything fell into place along with my memory of your work. This is my full circle, my story up until now. These stories and connections are not just one culture, from one Continent, but from many. The Aborigines, Tibetans, Mayans, Navajo, Hopi, Zuni, Apache and Cree. The distances are broad, but their stories are coming to fruition to this day. 
My Idea is that connection of hope and and legend. That of the Rainbow Prophecy and the many stories of mankind from so many nations and my connection to the earth, to saving the planet, the belief in mankind and the good that is still there."There will come a day when people of all races, colors, and creeds will put aside their differences. They will come together in love, joining hands in unification, to heal the Earth and all Her children. They will move over the Earth like a great Whirling Rainbow, bringing peace, understanding and healing everywhere they go. Many creatures thought to be extinct or mythical will resurface at this time; the great trees that perished will return almost overnight. All living things will flourish, drawing sustenance from the breast of our Mother, the Earth."Navajo-Hopi Prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow
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x-illarion-x · 7 years
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@touo I watched an episode of Bob Ross with my dork friend! We used MSPaint to do this stuff and I uploaded something new for once! Season 31 Episode 9: Evergreen Valley.
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rioteersstory · 2 years
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LEFT - « 2 0 2 0 » And yes, it was me trying to make myself a little cute wallpaper to gain some confidence when i was at my very debut on the graphic tablet... Lines are thick, trembling sometimes and the perspective is very off... Also lacking of some extra details ! RIGHT - « 2 0 2 2 » The remake of that illustration, years later and me deciding to redo totally the background of this one: flattening the horizon line and finally working a perspective out tho it’s still not perfect... But i kinda like it better ! Also modified Koreel’s pose to not have a front view.
» Huatau © Rossi. » Brownie, Koreel, Art © Hopie.
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pathofregeneration · 3 years
A Hopi Prophecy, part I
"I am White Feather, a Hopi of the ancient Bear Clan. In my long life I have traveled through this land, seeking out my brothers, and learning from them many things full of wisdom. I have followed the sacred paths of my people, who inhabit the forests and many lakes in the east, the land of ice and long nights in the north, and the places of holy altars of stone built many years ago by my brothers' fathers in the south. From all these I have heard the stories of the past, and the prophecies of the future. Today, many of the prophecies have turned to stories, and few are left — the past grows longer, and the future grows shorter.
And now White Feather is dying. His sons have all joined his ancestors, and soon he too shall be with them. But there is no one left, no one to recite and pass on the ancient wisdom. My people have tired of the old ways — the great ceremonies that tell of our origins, of our emergence into the Fourth World, are almost all abandoned, forgotten, yet even this has been foretold. The time grows short.
My people await Pahana, the lost White Brother, [from the stars] as do all our brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. We were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana.
He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother.”
— White Feather, A Hopi Prophecy (written down by David Young)
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Charles Frizzell, White Buffalo
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blaperile · 4 years
Hiveswap Act 1 Reaction Part 31: END OF ACT 1 REACTION & REFLECTION
Alright, time to get Xefros out of the rubble!!
After first examining some stuff here, of course. :P
BOOK OF MONSTERS && SLOTHDAD ==> Glacial Treetrudger is apparently the correct scientific name! Too bad we're not examining any further info.
I'm suddenly wondering if we're going to encounter any Lusii that look like the Lusii from Homestuck itself. It would be nice to get proper scientific names for them! :O
Oh man, I just realized something. For the first time in Hiveswap, Joey's about to be eye-to-eye with another character (who's capable of dialogue at least).
I wonder how they're going to handle this.
Uptil now we've only had dialogs through walkie-talkie and tablet, no in-person dialogue yet.
Are we going to have a similar rule to Homestuck, with no dialogue because they don't have the Gift of Gab? Or are we going to follow the walkaround rule like where they CAN talk (on-screen actual dialogue, not through narration)?
If so, would we get talksprites or something that resembles it? :O
Also, I wonder how the controls will be like after this. Will Xefros just be following Joey around as we move her on the map? Can we switch between the two to get Xefros's opinion on matters?
Very curious about that.
Oh man, here we go! Let's free Xefros!
I definitely didn't see that coming.
I mean, I'm not complaining, this first act already lasted WAAAAAAAY longer than I thought it would, in terms of playtime (though we did obviously take it very easy and examined everything, including most (if not all) possible item combinations).
But I thought I'd seen some spoilers before of new Troll names (even before Act 2 was recently released), so I assumed they were still going to appear. But I guess that must have been from Friendsim then!
Anyway, let's discuss the content of this last scene then.
It was absolutely adorable. Seeing Xefros get pulled out, flailing in the air in true Homestuck style. And then, how flustered he is to hold her as they sit on top of Deercatdad.
I'm already shipping the hell out of them.
And then a first look at Trizza!!! Welp, she completely destroyed the neighborhood. Looks like Dammek won't have much to come home to? :(
But that was very reminiscent of The Condesce and her battleship, and it also reminded me of Jane's recent bombing of the neighborhood in Homestuck^2.
Good thing Trizza was distracted by taking a selfie and probably didn't notice Joey and Xefros as they were making their escape.
I also absolutely loved seeing all that concept art in the credits.
I very much love this game, and hey, pretty good timing to finish it what with Act 2 just having been recently released!
Oh man, if I had to make a rough estimate how long we took in playing through Act 1, it must have been around 30 hours (this is my 31st reaction post, and most sessions lasted around an hour). Sweeeeeeeet.
If Act 2 is going to be anything like this in total runtime, we're gonna be busy for quite some more time. 8)
Anyway, I definitely love the approach they've taken here with Hiveswap, getting some more background info on Grandpa and Mom, getting to know these sweet new characters, and seeing what (relatively) modern day Alternia was actually like to live on.
It sort of reminds me of the look we're getting at Earth C in Homestuck^2, through the eyes of the new kids in both the main story and the bonus story of The Influencers.
It's been a real cool and lengthy introduction section, and I'm very much looking forward to where Act 2 will take us from here.
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waywardjournal · 5 years
Finally finished my Wendigo-pages =) That was a lot to write...
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We see it - of course - in S01E02 - Wendigo:
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And - surprise, surprise - the left Wendigo-page appears once again. In S01E10 - Asylum it´s beside the Roosevelt Asylum clipping. We don´t want to have it clear, of course (another thank-you to the prop department at this place):
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Most of the text I found again on @diy-johns-journal​ and what the screencaps showed. And I verified my pages with the ones from @singersalvageshop​ and @creatingjohnwinchestersjournal​ again.
Left page:
September 10/16, 1990
WENDIGO Cree: Evil that devours                                 half phantom                                                                      half man                                                                      half beast wood spirit very thin cannibal/magic                                             easts Live                                                                      flesh
perfect Hunter                                              lives in heightened senses                                       forest speed, strength power, enhanced vision smell cunning and insane not bound by moral restrictions nor                                             wendigo knows conventional restrains                                  how to last long with super human abilities                            winters without lives by instincts as animals                         food  hibernates ferocious  ravenous evil                               for years at a strength of                                                   time  will hunt wild animal freedom to roam                        when necessary      forest hunt for live meat                               legends from eats only live flesh -                                     local lore likely hundred of years old - was once a man and turned into cannibal - pos conditions such as harsh winter, cut off from supplies and help miner, hunter, courier DeBois: conditions of isolation depravity turned into monster- different cultures around the world carries similar legends cannibalism endows the consumer with certain powers such as heightened senses strength speed agility.                                              desperate lonely eats member IMMORTALITY what price survival of his own tribe always hungry alone numb less than humans can never return - senses gone in normal sense Wendigos are feared in history petroglyphs clear depiction. wendigo on rock wall North American versions: gigantic spirit over Fifteen feet tall glowing eyes long yellow fangs overly long tongue most have yellowish sallow skin some are matted with hair tall lanky and driven by terrible hunger -created out of eating human flesh sightings reported in the past Wendigos can be male or female but always hungry
Right page:
Also September 10/16, 1990
Before every paragraph there is a Anasazi symbol. The Anasazi is an indian culture tradition in the US states Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. Today the Anasazi are also called ancestral puebloans or, in the language of the Pueblo-Indians, as Chacoans or Hisatsinom. In the Navajo-language Anasazi means "the old foe" (anaa- = foe, sázi = ancestor), what goes back to an old fight with the Hopi, the westernmost group of the Pueblo-Indians.
Dean drew the symbols above onto the ground around their campsite. John´s journal notes say that a Wendigo can not cross over Anasazi symbols - but there have to be more than one symbol and they have to be drawn in a circle! (from supernatural wiki)
Couldn´t find exact matches to the symbols used in the journal pages. Seems that they were modified a bit again.
The text beside the symbols says:
Sacred symbol                                           The Seeing eye southwest America                                     powerful symbol universal symbol                                        sight and divination sf the sun four directions, four winds                                 The wind element and                                                                   chevron of lite  strong The three ray                                             talisman to call upon sun symbol of                                             the natural elements life energy                                                  for protection & help and potential to heal                                                                    sacred symbol snow the spring sun                                            and the power of the tenderness and                                          color white also the goodness protector                                    power of the winter sun the protection                                             sacred symbol orig. against beasts                                            Nevada connecting north and phantoms                                            America to Mu-shown                                                                    by the inscription on the the midday sun                                           tablets  return to the a symbol of                                                 darkness transition                                                     internal light and and power                                                   strength, inner                                                                     fortitude & wisdom Rising sun sacred symbol                                             sacred symbol of man to warm + protect                                         powerful depiction to                                                                     help and to indicate power sun                                                    beneficent presence sacred symbol protection &                                                 little Colorado petro guidance esp                                               symbol of man and to ward off                                                   strength to indicate darkness                                                     the inherent inner                                                                    strength with in each sunrise over   mountain to                                                 symbol of snake indicate the                                                 Colorado basket maker coming dawn                                               archeaoastrological spiral sacred                                                Anasazi sun symbol symbol of                                                     to bring forth light continum                                                      sacred wheel of life golden mean                                               to indicate continuum
0141552.010 Carved           and painted copies symbols collected from cave 38.1011041.152
Also I couldn´t find anything about the numbers on the bottom yet. If anyone got inos here, you´re welcome =)
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samouchka4259 · 4 years
The Hopi Message to the United Nations General Assembly submitted by Thomas Banyacya, Kykotsmovi, Arizona (10 December 1992) 
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vatamorgana · 5 years
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lapuslazulli · 5 years
Birth Control on the Frontier
Notes From The Frontier May 29
Life was hard on the frontier, especially for women. According to the 1850 U.S. census, the first ever conducted nationwide, the average woman had six children, down from 7-8 in 1800. Pregnancy and childbirth were major killers of women and in the western frontier, the mortality rate was three times higher than in New England and more than 50 times what it is today. (Imagine giving birth in a Conestoga wagon on the rutted and rocky Oregon Trail!)
That wasn't the only problem. After the Civil War, the 2.75 million soldiers coming home from the war suffered from epidemic rates of alcoholism and opiate addiction. (See previous post, "Cocaine Candy in the Old West"). Unemployment, PTSD (called "soldier's heart" in the 1860s), and domestic violence were at epidemic rates as well.
Women were desperate to control the number of children they had and there was a voracious market for birth control methods. This, despite the fact that in the 1840s, state legislatures began passing laws outlawing the sale and use of contraceptives until the 1873 Comstock Law banned them federally. By 1880, abortion, too, was criminalized in all states.
By 1850, contraceptive products were massively marketed and advertised in ladies magazines as "female pills," "Mother's friend," "prevention powders," and "regulator tablets." Tablets or tinctures of pennyroyal, rue, foxglove, angelica root, or partridge berry, marketed as "squaw vine," worked in various ways as abortifacients or preventives.
Condoms and crude diaphragms and precursors to the IUD were also invented and on the market by the 1850s. Charles Goodyear's 1839 rubber "vulcanization" process revolutionized condom manufacturing. Birth control douches became popular, as well. All sort of concoctions, some deadly, were used, including bleach, sulfate of zinc, and, starting in the 1880s, Coca Cola and Lysol!
The many forms of birth control of the 1800s varied wildly in their ineffectiveness and many were deadly or left women damaged for life. Despite the dangers, the fertility rate of the nation's female population continued to plummet consistently for the entire 19th century.
Native American women, too, used birth control methods. They were not only empowered by cultural knowledge passed down through generations, but by a natural pharmacopeia of plants and herbs available to them in nature. The Hopi and Tewa used the Indian paintbrush plant to prevent pregnancy and the Navajo, stoneseed. Tea made from false hellebore root was used by both women and men to prevent children in the Paiute, Washo, and Shoshone tribes. The Shoshone also used stoneseed and one-seed juniper berries. Tea from bitter cherry wood was used by the Skokomish, Skagit, Lummi, and Quinalt. Blue cohash was perhaps the most commonly used among many tribes as an abortifacient, as well as to induce labor.
PHOTOS: (Top left) A Victorian-era satirical postcard. About 1890. (Top right) An 1836 pewter douching syringe. Douching became a popular birth control method beginning in the 1830s, although many products were dangerous or deadly. (Second row, left) An 1800s condom. Charles Goodyear's "vulcanized" rubber revolutionized condom manufacturing in the mid-1800s. From Getty Images. (Second row, right) An early, 1880 precursor to the IUD (Intrauterine device). This implement, however, could cause infection, sterility and death. (Bottom two rows) "Female pills," "Mother's friend," "prevention powders," and "regulator tablets" were just a few cryptic names given to birth control products of the 1800s.
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mytabletcaseplace · 6 years
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(via Tablet Case iPad Mini Cover Native American Trading Post | Etsy)
Tablet Case, iPad Mini Cover, Native American, Trading Post Hopi Pottery, Tribal, Ethnic, Kindle Fire 7, 8, Tablet Sleeve
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quadrantexamples61 · 2 years
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Hopi four sacred tablets Wheels of Light
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truthseekah · 6 years
Set Free By Jesus | Taira Leanne's Testimony
In this episode Taira Leanne shares her testimony about how Jesus saved her from a life of drug use and abuse. Many people struggle with addictions through their life and Taira Leanne's story shows that people have the power to overcome. Her story doesn't stop there though. She elaborates on her journey by talking about how she felt the calling of the Holy Spirit on her life and how overcoming was not about a religion but about a relationship with the living God.  Her story of hope and conquering addictions is one that is needed for such a time as this.  The opioid epidemic is at its highest ever in history and other addictions are soaring as well, leaving behind them a wake of ripped apart families and lost lives.  Taira Leanne is a breath of fresh air as she brings a message that even though we find ourselves in the midst of terrible troubles such as addiction, there is a way out through Jesus Christ and listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit. It's all about growing in an intimate relationship with God through the person of Jesus Christ. As we daily lay our lives down at the foot of the cross we grow in communion and obedience to the voice of God work in our own lives. Laying down our burdens also become a daily part of the practice in giving everything that we have over to God and in return receiving his burdens in our life. We can lay down a burden of addiction to substances and drugs and receive a burden for his presence. We can lay down doubt and worry for faith and security in God. For everything that the Holy Spirits asks is to lay down it is not to rob or take away from us but to refine the things that God would have us walk in such as faith and charity so that we can go about doing goods works before all. All of this comes out of relationship with God.
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tags: Esoteric, Third Eye, Astral Projection, Meditation, Dreams, Chakras, OBE, NDE, UFOs, Angels, Demons, Reincarnation, Karma, Dreams, Purgatory, Angels, Demons, Initiation, Ascension, Alien sightings, ExoTheology, UFO Religions, Abductions, Close Encounters, Extraterrestrial, Extraterrestrials, Occult, Aleister Crowley, Wicca, Witchcraft, Divination, Healing, Magic, Rituals, Enlightenment, Real Truth, Subliminal Messaging, Illuminati, 2012, Maya, Atlantis, Lemuria, Annunaki, Sumerian, Hidden history, Secrets, Holographic Reality, Vibration, 4D, 4th Dimension, 2012, Amon Ra, Ancient Aliens, ancient History, Annunaki, Atlantis, Awakening, Awaken Your Inner Self, Beginning, Bible, Conspiracy, Deception, Demons, DNA, Doomsday, Earth, Ego, Emerald Tablets, Thoth, Hermes, End of Days, Energy, Enlightenment, Exposed, Fibonacci Sequence, Freemaso, Holographic Reality Hopi Illuminati, Illusion, Interdimensional Beings, Jesus, Legend, Lemuria, Light, Magic, Maya, Meditation, Mind Control, Multidimensional, Nephilim, Nibiru, NWO, Planet X, Raising Eden, Sacred Geometry, Satanic, Science, Secret Info, Secrets Self Awareness, Shift, Atlantean, Transcendence, Truth, UFO Sightings, Universe,
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