#the hopi prophecy
reality-detective · 4 months
The Warriors of the Rainbow Prophecy
The Rainbow prophecy, as it has come to be known, refers to the keepers of the legends, rituals, and other myths that will be needed when the time comes to restore the health on Earth.
It is believed that these legendary beings will return on a day of awakening, when all people will unite and create a new world of justice, peace and freedom, and they will be named the ‘Warriors of the Rainbow’. They will reteach the values and the knowledge that has been lost in time, demonstrating how to have wisdom and extra-perception, and how unity, harmony and love is the only way forward. 🤔
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“All the stages of Hopi prophecy have come to pass, except for the last, the purification. The intensity of this purification will depend on how humanity collaborates with creation. We are entering the last days.
The Hopi spiritual leaders have spoken their urgent warning and message to the United Nations and around the world, yet there has been no response.
We must correct and change our ways, go back to the Spiritual ways, and take care of Mother Earth. If we do not, we are going to face terrible destruction by Nature, bringing purification or destruction.
The more we turn away from the instructions of the Great Spirit, the more signs we see in the form of earthquakes, floods, drought, fires, tornadoes, along with wars and corruption."
~ A Hopi Elder
Ian Sanders]
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June 12, 2024 - Does Hopi Blue Star Prophecy Still Expect Apocalypse?
TOPIC: Does Hopi Blue Star Prophecy Still Expect Apocalypse?
Linda is back LIVE this week with a very special episode
Executive order 13526 - signed by Barack Obama
- all classified material over 25 years old will be considered for “automatic declassification”
Interview with Miriam Delicado, author of Blue Star Fulfilling Prophecy
- Extraterrestrial contact has been happening for all time
- Their technology is so far advanced that we cannot comprehend how it works”
- “I had a massive 3-hour download of information”
- “Understanding the physics of our reality”
- “My psychic gifts…exploded after this experience”
- “They said to me..you will remember this”
- “Protect life..both now and for the future”
- “Human beings are the most advanced technology on the planet”
- “We have the ability to manipulate the energy that surrounds us”
- “If humanity could focus..they would shift the planet”
- “One day, every human being alive will know that everything is tied to these extraterrestrial”
- “Who controls the information…controls the world”
- BlueStarProphecy.com
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 years
My Experience as a Stasis Walk-In
My name is Ellie, I am a psychic whose methods involve divination mainly with a pendulum and ABC chart. The information that's not readily available by physical means (internet, books, etc.) I obtained come from my speaking to other benevolent beings, all of whom have proven they are who they say they are in numerous ways I won't write about in here (too lengthy). In this particular post, I'm sharing my experience as a stasis walk-in (when I left, where I went when my soul left my current body, what I saw, what I learned, and when I returned). I made a video at the end about this experience if you're interested in a video format.
Going to Sleep
When I was 5 years old in 1995, I went to bed one night and saw what looked like a bunch of sparkles, which were many green and purple "dots" that were swirling around as if they were water coming out of a water fountain. While I was "dreaming", I recall entering a large room with a lot of gold in it and an opening where I was able to see many worlds and stars. I remember seeing a man with a hat and interesting attire on, what really looked like body armor over a nice looking dark grey cloak. The place I was standing in was strikingly similar to the Bifrost in the Marvel movies. The first thing I saw when glancing through a "telescope" in this room is my 5 year old Earth body running around in the backyard with my siblings and neighborhood friends from what felt like 100 feet above. It was essentially like I was watching myself through a telescope but only I saw a golden circle around the scene I was seeing and blackness around it.
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I at one point also recall seeing what looked like a desert with some clay and brick looking buildings in it. Eventually the scenery changed and I saw an older American Indian man with long hair and a red bandana on a stage in front of a crowd. At one point not long after I see this man, my view changed and I was essentially seeing through the eyes of the man onstage. Unfortunately, I could not at the time recall when I woke up what the speech was about. What I did know however is that the man giving the speech was giving a powerful, spiritual message.
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At another point, I recall walking around a really beautiful place where small people had wings (some looked like butterfly wings others dragonfly, birds wings, or even angel like wings of all kinds of colors), some people with pointed ears and wearing dress robes, brightly colored animals and plants, and a lot of sparkly objects everywhere. There was furniture in the homes here and had some décor similar to Earth. The houses here looked like they were built primarily with stone and had "glass" windows (more on this) like those on Earth. There's also a room I remember in one house there with white walls, dark wooden furniture, and was comfortable looking. There were many gardens in this place. At night time, many flowers and plants glow and there are what look like little sparkles and lights flying around.
I recall at one point seeing a castle and was even walking in it at one point. I remember seeing a large bed that was almost on the ground with a large headboard with gold and some colored gems on it. There's a lot of gold in this castle. I also remember seeing a large dark hallway in this castle. There were many large glass panels with what looked like blue lights inside of them. There was an enormous room with chairs and a large table and what looked like a large screen at one end.
Even though there was a lot of gold, wooden furniture, stone homes and even homes built essentially within mountains here, etc. in this place, there was no heavy machinery, no tools, no pollution, no trash, and plenty of wooded areas. The "people" who live in this place were clearly living happily with animals and were completely living in harmony with nature. Regarding the weather, it felt very much like summer weather similar to a sunny 80 degree day with no humidity on a rather frequent basis. I remember a lot of archways where people were coming and going in and out of. The coldest it got here was like a 65 degree day with some breezes here and there, thunderstorms never occur here (more on this). The most accurate way I can describe the architecture and the general look of this place are the visuals seen in the Playstation 2 games Spyro the Dragon and Spyro: Ripto's Rage.
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Not long before I was set to "leave", I recall going to the same building with the golden room and "telescope" seeing out to many places with the same man I saw in there before and with several others, some having different colored dress robes on and such. The last "scene" I saw before I woke back up on Earth was me sitting in the living room with my brother on the chair. I was seeing through my own eyes at this point and recall seeing a TV show I wasn't sure of what it was at the time. I do remember seeing a younger looking man with light brownish hair with some blonde on the TV while petting a small white dog with some brown on it. I had no idea who the man was or what the show was at the time.
Returning to Earth
When I "woke up", I recall seeing the same green and purple sparkles, only as if the "water fountain" formation I saw going to sleep was playing in reverse. I remember seeing purple curtains with yellow flowers I don't remember seeing before I went to bed. I approached my closet and strangely enough for a now 6 year old child said "Yup, I sure am growing up fast". When I opened the closet door, I looked to the left and saw a maroon and grey sweater I did not recognize. I saw some other clothes I sure as all get out did not ever remember wearing or seeing before this morning. For years, I kept telling myself it was just a strange dream but knew deep down something happened that couldn't be explained. However, I didn't tell anyone about this experience until I got older. Who would listen to a child who says they were somewhere else for a year or so?
What I Know Now
As I said before, I thought for years this was just a strange dream I had and that I was just having memory lapses for whatever reason. I learned last late spring (I want to say sometime in late May-early June) after I got a strange typo on my phone saying "Cahokia" when messaging my twin sister. I decided to do some researching on Cahokia; it turns out it's the site of a former civilization of which barely anyone knows anything about. Very little of the people who lived in this place with about 120 flat topped pyramids or earthen mounds is known even to this day. Archaeological evidence suggests the people who lived here abandoned the site due to environmental factors (earthquakes, flooding, etc.). When the Illini tribe was asked by European settlers who built these mounds in the late 1600s, they admitted they had no idea who built them as it turns out Cahokia was abandoned for at least 300 years before the Illini settled near the site.
A Hopi deity named Tawa answered me when I asked "What is the significance of Cahokia and why did this typo show up on my phone just now?" He informed me that "The people of Cahokia like other ancient civilizations such as the Mayans and others crossed over to here [Faye realm]. They all crossed over via removal of the original souls' consciences from the frontal lobes of their brains and swapping them out for their copies' consciences and in some cases the essences of redeemable demons took their places."
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Tawa also informed me later on that day when I was researching other Indian tribes when I came across the Hopi who coincidentally have a reservation in Arizona; when I came across images of the reservation chills ran down my spine. I felt even more when I researched the name Thomas Banyacya and the Hopi Prophecy (which I had heard of years before but didn't do much research back then). "The man you saw was in fact Thomas Banyacya in 1995 giving a speech about the Hopi Prophecy in Las Vegas. I tried telling everyone else here [other deities, faye, etc.] your mission on Earth is done because you fulfilled it when you were 'speaking and seeing through Thomas Banyacya'". He also informed to tell me that I am what's called a Stasis Walk-in.
When I elected to watch this speech in part while at work last week (today being 3/19/2023), Tawa said to me "You watching this video now is my doing, I put this in your blueprints. I told you before that you were speaking through Thomas Banyacya at one point when he was speaking about the Hopi Prophecy. It was you speaking through him when he made a remark about "messing up (or having) your hair any way you want to". (I am the type of woman who LOVES having her hair played with too much, and I never care how messed up my hair looks afterwards "so long as I get my head rubs"). This remark is around the 3:30 mark in the video below.
My Childhood Imaginary Play, Mario Kart Rainbow Road, The Faye Realm and Bifrost: It's All Connected
As a little girl, my sister and I throughout our childhood liked playing the Nintendo 64 game Mario Kart. We would sometimes say we must first travel on the Rainbow Road to get to the other places and of course race this course. For our imaginary games we would speak of things like "see through metal", and "seeing and accessing many worlds by traveling the Rainbow Road in space". Do note that we were children who never had exposure to Norse mythology and the Thor Marvel movies were not made yet. When I was thinking about Mario Kart's Rainbow Road, I received rainbow socks from my son's dad (T-Mobile Tuesday giveaway) a few weeks after Memorial Day in June of last year. I got these socks 4 days after Loki said "This upcoming trip to Myrtle Beach, SC is a big step towards your Rainbow Bridge". I got this reading from Loki after I saw 2 license plates in a row saying "K3y" behind a car with a plate saying "Step Fwd". I am very much NOT making this up!
It turns out the so called "glass" windows and even panels in the buildings I mentioned earlier are actually a type of mineral similar to clear quartz on Earth. The large panels with blue lights in them are apparently computers that store a lot of information; the blue lights in these said computers are "electrical elementals who are said to be omniscient beings that know, see and hear all." This is why deities and other beings on other worlds are able to "see, hear and know everything even if they do not tell their guidees here on Earth everything". This image below made by an artist named Mike Bonnell is the closest thing I was able to find that looks like these panels (blue lights were more like many sparkly dots traveling throughout the panels however).
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Viva Wishbone, Jensen Ackles and Mesoamerican Tribes
I mentioned a young blondish man I saw on the TV not long before I "woke up" aka returned to Earth. It turns out this particular show I saw in the last "vision" through the Bifrost was a rerun of a show called "Wishbone", episode was "Viva Wishbone". The man on the TV was actually Jensen Ackles guest starring as Michael Duss. I discovered this was the show I was seeing back in early January after I saw a random Reddit post of a picture of Jensen in this show with a link to the YT video of the scene he shows up in.
Interestingly, in the third half of this episode I linked to below showcases a Mexican woman near what appears to be Mexican Marigolds (Tagetes erecta). These flowers are placed on tombs and gravestones on Dia de los muertos or Day of the Dead, and thus are called Flor de Muerto or Flower of the Dead. It's said this holiday originated from the Aztecs to honor the Aztec deity Mictēcacihuātl. The flowers of Mexican Marigold are used for chocolate flavoring along with other medicinal purposes. Towards the end of this Wishbone episode is when Aztec history is briefly discussed. The Hopi tribe I mentioned earlier also curiously enough have ancestral roots that appear to go back to the Aztecs. For anyone who is interested, Jensen's character Michael shows up around the 4:50 mark in the video below.
As an interesting coincidence, Jensen Ackles directed the Supernatural episode "Heartache" which featured a Mayan deity they called Cacao (really is named Ek Chuaj, who is said to be a Mayan deity who is a patron of cacao, which is sometimes referred to as "Food of the Gods"). Per one of my divination readings today as I'm writing this (3/19/2023), it turns out Mexican Marigolds and even other types of Marigolds can also be used for offerings for other Mayan and Aztec deities, including Quetzalcoatl/Kukulkan, Tezcatlipoca and Tlazolteotl. It turns out it was these 3 deities who put it in Jensen's divine blueprints to not only be a guest star on this episode of "Wishbone" but also to direct the episode "Heartache" of the show "Supernatural".
Related Videos I Made
For those of you who may want to watch my video I made about this experience. Do note that I don't touch onto everything I mentioned here on this blog. I also made another one regarding soul walk-in types, signs you may be one (or are about to cross over) and the connection to the downfall of civilizations (NOT a video catering to historians but only touches onto the spiritual reasoning why these civilizations met their demise).
For Further Reading https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0889052/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_i87 https://marvel-movies.fandom.com/wiki/Bifrost_Bridge https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends/gods-hopi-and-dance-kachinas-001385 https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/daily/march/12/cahokia.htm#:~:text=Cahokia%20was%20the%20largest%20city,the%20100%2Dfoot%20Monks%20Mound. https://www.tribalpedia.com/us-tribes/a-l/hopi-tribe/ https://supernatural.fandom.com/wiki/Heartache https://archive.org/details/ancientmaya0006shar/page/736/mode/2up https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends/gods-hopi-and-dance-kachinas-001385
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guysgrotto · 4 months
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A fossil early octopus. The sea that is always counting, the sea of souls. a drum between torches in the night.
Hopi prophecy foretells a canister that shall fall from the sky scattering ashes and that the sea shall boil.
Koyaanisqatsi in their tongue speaks of life out of balance.
Years ago I visited Tutankhamuns tomb yet I remember the clearer colours of the freshly opened Engineer's tomb at Old Gourna, the humble engineer who perhaps designed the other tombs in the Valley of the Kings.
As Pythagorus said: Live now for now is all the time there may be.
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theselfcaremaven · 2 years
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realityshifters · 2 years
Shambhala and Rainbow Warrior Prophecy and the 5th World
Shambhala and Rainbow Warrior Prophecy and the 5th World
Did you know about the Shambhala prophecy, or about Rainbow Warriors helping to usher in a new Golden Age?  With some people sensing we are living in world-changing times, it seems the perfect moment to reflect on past Earth changes and interesting prophecies predicting a Golden Age, ushered in by Rainbow Warriors. Some of us with high sense perception are noticing a wonderful availability of…
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radical-revolution · 4 months
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Sirius Blue Star Gateway Talon Abraxas Sirius has many meanings:
Transition Stage - Moving consciousness from one reality - frequency - to another
Spirit of Wisdom - Zoroastrian translation Brightly Radiating One - Graeco-Egyptian Name Isis - Osiris - Sirius was granted God/Goddess status amongst many early peoples, including the Egyptians and Sumerians.
The dogons have described perfectly the DNA pattern made by this elliptical orbit created by the two stars as they rotate make around each other. They believe Sirius to be the axis of the universe, and from it all matter and all souls are produced in a great spiral motion.
Sirius is linked to the color BLUE. It is a blue-white star. Beings from Sirius were supposedly BLUE tinged. There is a relationship to royalty called 'BLUEbloods' as they are supposedly descending from a BLUE alien race.
Electricity...which is still part of the EM spectrum...when isolated (not lightning) is BLUE in color. BLUE is the frequency upon which we will move out of this experience.
There are many references to the color BLUE in prophecies. Creational myths end with something blue-white in the sky - light. An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. Hopi Blue Star Prophecy. Hopi Prophecy speaks of Twin Kachinas - white and blue. Twin - Merging of Self - Twin Pyramids - DNA.
If the Dogons are correct - The Nommo Gods are 'Aquatic': BLUE Water - Came from Creation - the Collective Flow - FISH - Pisces - Creation - Christ Consciousness - return of Jesus? - - - Why is Krishna colored blue? "One of the theories is that Vishnu [God] is blue because his association with water, is depicted blue; therefore all his incarnations including Krishna, are shown as such."
Sirius - three stars - three-legged ship. Sacred Geometry - 3 into 1 - triad - triangle - pyramids.
These gods had wings - ascension.
The watchers - the gray aliens - within their eyes we see a computer that watches and monitors the game.
Beings from Sirius - I have been told by some of the top psychics on this planet that I originally came here from Sirius to seed this planet. I was humanoid - very tall - and had wings.
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They told us we would see America come and go. In a sense, America died from within, because it forgot the instructions for living on Mother Earth. This is the Hopi belief, it's our belief, that if you don't have a spiritual connection with the Earth, and you don't understand the spiritual reality of how to live on Earth, chances are you will not make it.
Everything is spiritual, everything has a morale. Everything is spiritual. Everything has a spirit. Everything… everything was brought here by the Creator – the one Creator. Some people call Him “God,” some people call Him “Buddha,” some people call Him “Allah,” some people call Him other names. We call Him “Concachilla”… “Grandfather.”  We’re here on earth… only a few winters. Then, we go to the Spirit World. The Spirit World is more real than most of us believe. The Spirit World is everything.
The world of the soul is everything. Most of our bodies are water. To stay healthy, you need to drink pure water. Water is sacred, air is sacred. Our DNA is made of DNA just like the tree, the tree breathes what we exhale, we need what the tree expires. So we have a common fate with the tree. We are all of the Earth, and when the Earth, its water, and its atmosphere are metamorphosed, the Earth will make its own. The mother reacts.
In the Hopi prophecy, it is said that storms and floods will get bigger and bigger. It's not bad for me to know that there will be big changes. It's not negative, it's evolution. When you see it as an Evolution, you understand that the time has come, nothing stays the same. You should learn how to grow something. This is the first connection. You should see everything as God, realize that we are a family. No never ends. Everything is life and there is no end to life.
- Floyd "Red Crow" Westerman, South Dakota native musician, actor and fighter.
[Native Americans] [link]
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ᴋᴏʏᴀᴀɴɪsǫᴀᴛsɪ (1982)
The title is a Hopi Indian word meaning "life out of balance.“
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boraxquinn · 5 months
BTS as TTPD songs
You know what, fine
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Namjoon: The Tortured Poets Department
Jin: Fortnight or Loml
Yoongi: The Prophecy
Hopie: I can do it better with a broken heart or Albatross
Jimin: Who's Afraid of Little Old Me or Clara Bow
Jungkook: Down bad
idk for V
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mamaangiwine · 2 years
Hey, hi, hello.
Just so you all know the "Rainbow Prophecy" is neither a Hopi or Cree legend. It was made up during the environmentalist movement of the late 60s, early 70s, and is one of those surface level spiritual takes proliferated by new-age types who wanna feel special.
You wanna call yourself a "Rainbow Warrior"? Whatever floats your boat, I guess- but keep Manidoo out of it and stop attributing your new age nonsense to Ndns.
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esoteriamaya · 7 months
Have you heard new blue sun by Andre 3000?
There seems to be a connection with the Hopi tribes prophecy with an ancient ‘blue sun’ they called the Kachina, but also know a the star Sirius.
Take a look at the article and it’s prophecy and tell me what you think!
I think Andre is really in tune right now and his album is picking up on the frequency shift itself. However, it’s a good read so far and the album is beautiful made 💚 sends me joy when I need it.
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watchmenanon · 2 years
There's something I have to explain about the song that plays during Dr. Manhattan and Vecna's origin scenes.
For starters, "Pruit Igoe and Prophecies" from Zack Snyder's Watchmen are two different conpositions that were put together for the Dr. Manhattan's origin scene.
The original songs are called "Prophecies" and "Pruit Igoe" composed by Philip Glass for a film called "Koyaanisqatsi" that was released back in 1982.
This is what I found in the film's article on Wikipedia:
The film consists primarily of slow motion and time-lapse footage of cities and many natural landscapes across the United States. The visual tone poem contains neither dialogue nor a vocalized narration: its tone is set by the juxtaposition of images and music. Reggio explained the lack of dialogue by stating "it's not for lack of love of the language that these films have no words. It's because, from my point of view, our language is in a state of vast humiliation. It no longer describes the world in which we live." In the Hopi language, the word koyaanisqatsi means "life out of balance".
The film is the first in the Qatsi film trilogy: it is succeeded by Powaqqatsi (1988) and Naqoyqatsi (2002). The trilogy depicts different aspects of the relationship between humans, nature and technology. Koyaanisqatsi is the best known of the trilogy and is considered a cult film. However, because of copyright issues, the film was out of print for most of the 1990s. In 2000, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress for being "culturally, aesthetically, or historically significant".
And this is the sypnosis of the film:
The film begins with the Great Gallery pictograph in Horseshoe Canyon, Canyonlands National Park, depicting several tall figures standing near a taller, crowned one. The next scene depicts the Saturn V rocket during its Apollo 11 launch. It then fades to a desolate desert landscape, before progressing to various natural phenomena.
The film then incorporates humanity in the environment, with shots of choppy water, cultivated flowers, the artificial Lake Powell, a large mining truck causing billows of dust, power lines, mining operations, oil fields, the Navajo Generating Station, the Glen Canyon Dam, and atomic bomb detonations in a desert. A shot sees sunbathers on a beach, with the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in the background, before moving on to an aircraft, cars, and military vehicles. Time-lapses of cloud shadows move across skyscrapers, and various housing projects are in disrepair. Destruction of large buildings were depicted, including the demolition of the Pruitt-Igoe housing project in St. Louis. A time-lapse of a crowd queueing is followed by shots of people walking along streets in slow motion.
The next sequence features a sunset reflected in the glass of a skyscraper, before depicting people interacting with modern technology. It sees visceral depictions of traffic, followed by people hurrying to work, and the operation of machines packaging food. Many labors are aided with the use of technology. The sequence begins to come full circle as the manufacture of cars in an assembly-line factory is shown. Daylight highway traffic are shown, followed by the movement of cars, shopping carts, televisions in an assembly line, and elevators. Time-lapses of various television shows being channel surfed are shown. In slow motion, several people react to being candidly filmed; the camera stays on them until the moment they look directly at it. Cars then move speedier.
Shots of microchips and satellite photography of cities are shown, comparing the lay of each of them. Night shots of buildings are shown, as well as of people from all walks of life, from beggars to debutantes. A rocket is seen lifting off to sudden explosion; the camera follows the flaming engine and a white smoky trail as the debris falls. The film concludes with another image of the Great Gallery pictograph, this time with smaller figures. It ends with the definition of the titular Hopi noun ("crazy life; life in turmoil; life out of balance; life disintegrating; a state of life that calls for another way of living") as well as the translation lyrics that was sung in "Prophecies", one of the musical tracks in the film.
And when we look at the meaning of the film in the same article, we read this:
Reggio stated that the Qatsi films are intended to simply create an experience and that "it is up [to] the viewer to take for himself/herself what it is that [the film] means." He also said that "these films have never been about the effect of technology, of industry on people. It's been that everyone: politics, education, things of the financial structure, the nation state structure, language, the culture, religion, all of that exists within the host of technology. So it's not the effect of, it's that everything exists within [technology]. It's not that we use technology, we live technology. Technology has become as ubiquitous as the air we breathe ..."
According to Hopi Dictionary: Hopìikwa Lavàytutuveni, the Hopi word koyaanisqatsi (Hopi pronunciation: [kojɑːnisˈqɑtsi]) is defined as "life of moral corruption and turmoil" or "life out of balance". The prefix koyaanis- means "corrupted" or "chaotic", and the word qatsi means "life" or "existence", literally translating koyaanisqatsi as "chaotic life". The film also defines the word as "crazy life", "life out of balance", "life in turmoil", "life disintegrating", and "a state of life that calls for another way of living".
In the score by Philip Glass, the word "koyaanisqatsi" is chanted at the beginning and end of the film in an "otherworldly" dark, sepulchral basso profondo by singer Albert de Ruiter over a solemn, four-bar organ-passacaglia bassline. Three Hopi prophecies sung by a choral ensemble during the latter part of the "Prophecies" movement are translated just prior to the end credits:
"If we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster."
"Near the day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky."
"A container of ashes might one day be thrown from the sky, which could burn the land and boil the oceans."
During the end titles, the film gives Jacques Ellul, Ivan Illich, David Monongye, Guy Debord, and Leopold Kohr credit for inspiration. Moreover, amongst the consultants to the director are listed names including Jeffrey Lew, T. A. Price, Belle Carpenter, Cybelle Carpenter, Langdon Winner, and Barbara Pecarich.
In my opinion, it's very on brand for Zack Snyder to use two songs from a cult film known from its visuals, the use of slow motion and with the intention to create an experience for the viewer. I don't know if the Duffers are familiar with koyaanisqatsi or its influence, but it's very intriguing that they decided to use the same ost Zack Snyder used for a film that Christopher Nolan thought was "before its time", a film that it's an adaptation to one of the most influential comic books ever created and a film that reflects the 80's nostalgia that the Duffers have infused to Stranger Things.
tagging @heroesbyler and @wibble-wobbegong because they said they were interested in my thoughts.
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alphaman99 · 1 year
- Floyd " Red Crow " Westerman, musician, actor and activist native of South Dakota.
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Indigenous Civilization  ·
Correna Bible  ·
We were told we would see America come and go. In a sense, America dies from the inside out, because they have forgotten the instructions to live on Mother Earth. This is the Hopi creed, it is our creed, that if you are not spiritually connected to the Earth, and you don't understand the spiritual reality of life on Earth, chances are you are not going to make it.
Everything is spiritual, everything has one
We are here on Earth only a few winters, then we go to the spirit world. The spirit world is more real than most of us realize.
The spirit world is everything. Most of our body is water. To stay healthy you need to drink pure water. Water is sacred, air is sacred. Our DNA is made from the same DNA as the tree, the tree breathes what we breathe out, we need what the tree expires. So we have a common fate with the tree. We are all of the Earth, and when the Earth and its water and atmosphere are corrupted, then the Earth will create her reaction. The Mother reacts.
In the Hopi prophecy it says that storms and floods will get bigger.
For me it is not negative to know that there will be big changes. It's not negative, it's evolution. When you look at it as an Evolution, you know it's time, nothing stays the same. You should learn to plant something. This is the first connection. You should look at all things as Spirit, realize that we are family. It never ends. Everything is life and there is no end to life.
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