#horrorempathy: piper.
bydesiign · 5 years
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“WHAT ARE YOU DOIN’ SNOOPIN’ AROUND THE UPPER STANDS, MISS PIPER?” Eden sits outside the Colonial Taphouse, her legs crossed. A smile rests upon her features as she leans back in her chair. “I hope no one up here has caused enough fuss to be part of your next story,” she adds. Most of the residents in the Upper Stands steer clear of trouble, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have their fair share of controversy. Wealth, from what Eden understands, draws a distinct line between humans; the rich and the poor seldom coexist. It’s a division that makes little sense to her, all things considered.
“Or have you just come to sit with me?” she jokes, giving the reporter a friendly blink. “You know I never mind a bit of company.”
@horrorempathy liked for a starter.
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afraidofchange · 5 years
Spider-Man kiss for Cait and Piper!
late night kiss memes
Send 💙 for a spiderman kiss.
It isn’t the most ideal of situations to be caught up in; a number of damned raiders had set up camp between alleyways of the Commonwealth and after helping Blue get to her destination, Cait’s been forced to keep watch, to make sure they don’t get blindsided from behind.
Her curiosity, however, got the better of her when pushing one last little straggling bastard through the front gate... and into a trip wire, catching her round the ankle and keeping her hung up from one of the fire escapes.
“We’ll leave ya here to rot. That’ll teach ya!” One of the goons laughs as Cait struggles, cursing up a goddamn storm while attempting to reach upwards to try and right herself somehow. Damn them, she thinks. Already, she feels the head rush from being upside down. 
Around half an hour, maybe more, she can hear both Blue and Piper calling out for her and eventually she calls back. The bit of laughter isn’t what she wants to hear but Blue automatically volunteers to start climbing up the building from the inside to try and find a way to break the wire and get her down.
Piper, meanwhile, peers up with that half-cocked grin and inquisitive look that might just annoy anyone else. But Cait isn’t just anyone. 
“It was stupid, alright? Figured I coulda taken’em on meself. Didn’t expect the cheatin’ bastards to use a shite trap like this.”
“Should’ve watched your step, Cait.” Piper adds as she comes to stand directly below her, reaching to gently pull her fingers through thick, wild red hair. “But, I think I know what might make you feel better.”
Slowly, her hand comes to caress Cait’s flushed cheek before leaning up on her toes to press a kiss to her upside down mouth, letting it last as long as she can before she hears the door slam shut on the floors above them, signalling Blue’s arrival to the roof. 
“Don’t worry about falling. I got you, Cait.” 
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trustregain · 5 years
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❝            when    i    was    a    child   ,        i    heard    voices        --        some    would     sing     and    some    would    scream   ,            ❞             SUCH    DARK    WORDS         for    such    a    pretty    face  .       delicate    features    and    a    sweet    smile    masking    a    past    that    shivered    in    her    bones  .            ❝            i'd     sit     for    hours    staring    into    open    flame  .        something    in    it    had    a     power    ,        could    barely    tear    my    eyes    away  .            ❞                     //            arsonist’s    lullaby   ,        hozier  .         @horrorempathy​  .            sc  .
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advictoridumb · 5 years
This one’s for @horrorempathy! They requested “Piper and sister; a scare.” That’s pretty broad (which I appreciate) so I decided to base the story on their username. Putting it under the cut because the length got away from me. I hope you find it spooooky!
Piper cursed to herself as she stomped through the rainy Boston night. Damn the dark, damn the cold, damn Nat, and (most of all) damn Sheng Kowalski and his ghost stories. Because of him, Nat had come home one day babbling about a haunted house near Diamond City.
“A lady died in the house!” she had said.
“Nat,” Piper said patiently, “People have died in all the houses here.”
“Yeah, but this wasn’t that long ago! She was going to get married but she got murdered in her big white wedding dress and Sheng said they shot her and stabbed her and cut out her eyes and-”
“Oh, come on! That’s disgusting,” Piper said, holding up her hands. “I’m going to have a talk with Sheng and I want you to forget about it. It’s gonna give you nightmares, kid.”
“Nuh uh! I never have nightmares,” Nat said firmly.
“Okay, kiddo. Whatever you say.” And Piper had rolled her eyes and gone to read Sheng Kowalski the riot act and she had thought that was the end of it.
Yet now here she was with a crowbar, getting soaked, and worried that Nat was going to get eaten by super mutants. Or even rad roaches! She was just a little girl, pretty much anything could eat her. Okay, get ahold of yourself, Piper thought. Nat is tough. All you have to do is find the house, grab her, and drag her home. No problem.
She was concentrating so hard on not worrying, she marched right past the house in question, and had to turn around and go back. It was notable for still having a bright red boarded-up door with some remaining red trim on the windows. The door and windows were boarded up as Sheng had said they would be, but Piper went around the back and found the basement window that a board had been ripped from. Still cursing, she got down in the mud, and used the crowbar to pull off more boards to make an adult-sized hole. Then, she shimmied through the window, and fell into the basement. She landed with a heavy thump and a large puff of grey dust that immediately stuck to her wet face and clothes. Spitting and wiping at her face, she looked around the dark basement. There seemed to be nothing but a few shelves with broken bottles and a stairway going up. Piper pulled a candle and matches out of her pocket. Lighting the candle, she looked around again and saw some smaller footprints in the dust going up the stairs. Gotcha, Nat.
She went up the stairs herself as they creaked and groaned underneath her. She came up into what used to be a kitchen and had a look around the filthy room. No Nat hiding in the fridge, no Nat in any of the cabinets. Piper walked through the only door and into a living room which still held a tattered couch and broken table lamp. There was also another stairway going up. Her candle kept flickering alarmingly as if it was always on the edge of going out. The shadows around her swung and danced as if they were alive. This isn’t creepy at all, she told herself stubbornly. Just another gross old house. You’ve followed Blue into plenty of those.
Nat didn’t appear to be hiding behind the couch or in the bedroom next door with its dusty ruined mattress. She took a deep breath and headed up the second set of creaky groaning stairs she’d been on that night. They led up into a hallway with doors on the right and left. Piper paused to listen for a moment and heard some soft crying coming from the end of the hallway. “Nat?! Nat, are you in there?!” she yelled as she rushed forward.
“Piper?” Nat’s shaky voice came from behind the door on the left. “Is that you?”
“Yeah, it’s me, kiddo. Open the door.”
“I can’t. It’s stuck,” she said tearfully.
Piper tried to sound confident for Nat’s sake. “All right, step as far back as you can. I’ll pry it open and then we’ll get the hell out of here, okay?”
Piper set down her candle and went to work with the crowbar prying at the edge of the door. Damn it, if Blue was here, she’d have ripped this thing off its hinges already, Piper thought in frustration. Slowly but surely the door cracked open a little at a time. Finally, the lock gave and it sprang open with a bang. “Hey, kiddo, you ready to-” Piper started but was interrupted by a shriek.
“Ghost! Stay away!” the little girl screamed and cowered at the back wall.
Piper crouched down and said soothingly, “No, no, it’s just the dust, see?” She gave her arm a shake to reveal part of the familiar red trench coat. Nat watched with wide eyes then ran straight into her arms, getting covered in dust as well. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” Piper said, rubbing her back. “C’mon, hold my hand and let’s get out of here.” Nat nodded emphatically and they made their way back down the hallway. As they started to go down the stairs, Piper was stopped by Nat tugging on her hand.
“Piper… What’s that…?” She pointed back down the hallway. Piper turned to look and saw a large transparent white cloud in front of the rain-spattered window at the end of it. The longer she looked, the more it seemed to resolve into the shape of a large white ball gown. Above it was a floating round head shape with black holes where eyes should be.
“Nothing, kiddo! Trick of the light! Candles are crazy like that. Let’s go,” Piper said hurriedly as she tugged Nat down the stairs behind her. They both ran for the basement and took the stairs down two at a time. Piper thought she might have heard moaning behind them, but refused to think about it too hard. She hoisted Nat up through the window first, threw her the crowbar, then pulled herself up into the mud again.
They both stopped for a minute to catch their breath. Sitting on the wet ground and puffing, Piper definitely heard a distinct moaning faintly come up from the basement. “All right!” she said abruptly, jumping up and wiping off some mud. “Sounds like the wind’s picking up. Let’s get going!” She dragged Nat up and walked briskly toward Diamond City, resolutely refusing to look behind her the entire way.
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dxctxrii · 4 years
horrorempathy replied to your post “horrorempathy replied to your post “horrorempathy replied to your...”
i'll actually send you an ask, don't tempt me (tempt me with a muse) .
NO, I couldn’t POSSIBLY let you throw Piper Wright or literally any of your OCs at Two with a grilled ham and cheese sandwich. I REFUSE.
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vanderking · 4 years
♞ @horrorempathy​​ insisted:  🤨 Sit down across from my muse / from piper in her red dead verse.
Nonverbal RP Starters
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❛ Correct me if I’m wrong but I doubt you’re here to play poker. ❜ Adler’s new flame was a curious woman, the two were a nightmarish hell to be on the wrong side of but Dutch is far from that side. He had taken care of Sadie when she was at her lowest. 
❛ Have you come to settle the sizeable bounty on my head? ❜ He cranes his brows. Not that this concerns him, he doubts she was here for that.  ❛ Perhaps you think I’ve got good information? ❜ He adds, taking a sip of bourbon. This saloon was rough, crammed with the likes of the toughest outlaws, she was brave coming here alone, then again any one who knew who she was would avoid trying anything if they were even a tinge smarter than the rot. 
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nightwontlast-a · 5 years
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💘 @horrorempathy​​ said, oh man, dude. i know i SUCK at replies, but i'm always so glad you follow me when you shift around because i just ADORE your writing so much. like actually when piper mentions nick in a thread anywhere, i always subconsciously think of your nick.
💘 — Awwhhh geeze that’s so sweet that I couldn’t even reply right away !   This really brightened my day, you’re a total sweetie, gosh, I’m honestly so flattered !   Thank you.  I hope we’ll get to interact more in the coming year !  
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dovesung · 5 years
                               FALLOUT 4 CHARACTER AESTHETIC
the creaking of unmaintained highrise buildings | bones hiding in the tall grass | the rattle of caps in a pocket | a teddy bear left abandoned in the remains of a house | a faded wedding portrait on a warped dresser | a green flash of lightning streaking across the sky | the ticking of a geiger counter | following a broken overpass system for miles | the sound of wind in the empty foothills | pulling back the bolt on a rifle | the quiet buzz of neon lights in the night | creak of rusty door hinges | empty glass bottles rolling across a dusty floor | the slow drip of water overhead | sick-sounding machinery coughing itself to life | unusually colorful sunsets | warm blood on broken pavement | bullet casings tinkling like a patter of rain | the feeling of boot soles rolling on loose gravel | smoke on the wind | dirt always under your fingernails | the old made new again | the sudden cloying scent of stale cigarette smoke | the terrifying feeling of being cornered | hope among the destruction | the taste of recycled air | flat warm soda from glass bottles | static on the radio | unnatural shapes moving in fog | the spongy dampness of ruined walls | industrial buildings in ruins | reflective eyes in dark shadows | fresh paint drying on a concrete wall | smoky bar full of wary strangers | the unique sadness of abandoned graveyards | churches empty of all but the dead | the deep roots of paranoia |gunfire in the distance | eating cold food out of cans on the roadside | still watching for traffic crossing the street | the sparking of broken streetlights | the five stages of grief | finding home among the dust of a dead world | letting go of the guilt | life thriving among the wreckage | the warping of a voice through a modulator | feeling exposed in the light of a streetlamp | twitchy trigger fingers | windows staring like blank eyes | secrets hidden in the shadows | the glow of a terminal screen | you can’t go home again | moments frozen in time | the feeling of being watched | tattered curtains moving in the breeze | late nights sitting by the open window with a rifle on your knees | a muted radio playing downstairs | finding comfort in other people
tagged by: @disciplc  !! tagging:  you guys may not be fallout blogs but i think the aesthetic applies so  @atnemnt  @shejudges  @iscariotsdeputy  @blissrot  @helltcngue  @catahecassas / @moretrustworthy  &  @horrorempathy  ( for piper!! )
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sanguinibus-a · 5 years
@horrorempathy (Piper and Sole)
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The blue hair women walked into Diamond City on a mission, she had found something for Piper and her newspaper company and she needed the women and something to carry it with. It wasn’t far from where the city was and she cleared out all the Super Mutants and raiders in the area. So it was safe...hence she left MacCready on guard duty of this place. She’s walking through the city with Dogmeat when she spots the women, “PIPER!?” Gertie states all but running to the women happily, “You. I need you. Tell your sister you're going out on a really important mission. Please, and thank you.”
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thelasttejada · 5 years
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The ghoul glanced over sideways at the woman as he set the recenly-rescued kid down. He had just been in the right place at the right time, wanting to get out of Goodneighbor for a bit, when he heard the boy screaming, hanging off the ledge of a scaffolding, and came to help. Watching the kid run off without so much as a thank you, Raul grimaced. 
“You should really watch your kids better, ma’am.” He assumed the girl that came rushing towards the two was the boy’s mother-- it was rare to see a kid out by themselves unless they were orphaned.
@horrorempathy for Piper
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tcxastough · 5 years
@horrorempathy for Piper.
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【🔧】— “I’m sorry, what was it you was askin’?” The Texan rested her jawline in her gloved hand, watching the Diamond City local attempt to gather info about... something that no one else seemed to have the time of day for. She sort of felt bad for her with how some of them buffed her off.
       “I’m new ‘round these parts so I ain’t shore I’d know, but I c’in certainly try.”
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afraidofchange · 5 years
A forehead kiss from piper to Cait :)
Send in a ❣ for a random kiss. (not accepting)
-> 2. A Forehead Kiss
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  “Hey, sleepy head.”
Cait’s usual timbre is an octave lower first thing in the morning, and while she often doesn’t sleep all that well (every little noise wakes her, thinking she might just get jumped), but being beside someone - someone who damn well cares about her - makes her feel safe.
She won’t admit it outright, but the warmth at her back from Piper was one of the best things she’s felt in ages.
Rolling onto her other side, Cait smiles. Her hair’s a mess (more than usual) and in her face, and she’s certain her breath isn’t the greatest, so instead, she opts for a gentle kiss to Piper’s forehead - a good morning after all. 
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afraidofchange · 5 years
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Of course, we can joke about Cait being blunt and asking Piper and ‘Blue’ for a threesome, but on a more serious note, I think Cait would be open to the possibility of having two serious partners -- and in this case with Piper and the Sole Survivor, she has two separate but strong people in her life, to care and to help her, which at times can be overwhelming because she’s never had that kind of love and support before.
But in the end, she cares about both women equally - her sobriety ties in greatly with the pair of them too because they helped her through the withdrawals and related effects of coming off Psycho and other chems - which, drug withdrawals are horrendous, and left Cait very vulnerable. It took a large amount of trust for her to let it happen and be taken care of, and that speaks volumes to their relationship as a whole.
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afraidofchange · 5 years
kiss goodbye from piper to cait
kiss meme
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  “What, you were just gonna leave without sayin’ bye?”
There’s only a hint that Cait might actually be offended by Piper leaving with ‘Blue’ without saying anything at all, but it shows more in her expression, still half asleep and groggy. For once, she’s been able to sleep somewhat peacefully now that they have a sturdy roof over their heads. 
   “Cait, I didn’t wanna wake you.”
While perfectly reasonable - and it’s not like the sole survivor hasn’t come back time and again, usually in one piece - Cait frowns, finally getting to her feet, caring little for her state of half undress. 
  “Don’t bullshit me,” She says, one half stern, one half asking. “Least ya can do is kiss me before you go.”
  “Cait, I gotta go.”
  Only another stare is given; it’s clear Cait’s not about to back down, even if it seems a bit much for a day or two away. With a sigh, Piper relents, finally turning back around, making it a point to put two hands on freckled cheeks, drawing Cait in for a hard pressed kiss, lasting long enough for Piper’s nails to leave slight indents against Cait’s skin.
  “I’ll be back. Don’t worry - too much.” 
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afraidofchange · 5 years
horrorempathy replied to your post: Of course, we can joke about Cait being blunt and...
cait, feeling some kind of way about drugs: piper, casually noticing: hey cait, nat wants someone to play catch with and i’m in the middle of this article, do you mind?
(catch me crying about this in the club at 1:30am)
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afraidofchange · 5 years
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make your muse!
Anne Pearce for work and play ;) | Miranda Lawson work and definitely wearing Aiden’s hoodie. tagged by: @mindsmade thank you!  tagging:@choseparagon @horrorempathy for Piper, @gdvas for Bette
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