#horrorfellswap amaranth
ivyprism · 7 months
Horrorfellswap Amaranth and Horrorswapfell Glaucous Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Warning: Famine, death, amputation, etc.
Chervil - Horrorfellswap Amaranth Papyrus
Personality: He is direct but courteous. He can and will fight you to protect someone he cares about. He is shy and rarely initiates conversation. He, on the other hand, can be both flirtatious and honest. He adores his brother and his loved ones. He is a determined fighter who does not back down easily. He is quite sweet and prefers sugary and spicy foods, which complements his personality. He has a tendency to be aggressive toward people he perceives as threats. He is easy to make friends with, but difficult to keep as a friend. He has a morbid sense of humor and can appear incredibly chilly.
Appearance: He has a scar that leads into his right cheek on his right eye. It leads into a large crack.
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Cascabel - Horrorfellswap Amaranth Sans
Personality: He has a rugged exterior, but he is polite and regal. While he despises it, he is capable of being incredibly manipulative with those he regards as threats. He goes for the throat and knows exactly how to tear someone apart. He can roast someone pretty good. He is a sensitive soul who cherishes his little brother. He will fight anyone who treats him as inferior. Unless he is concerned about hurting a friend or partner, he can be rude and blunt most of the time. He takes rations and caring for others seriously. He has a sour personality and will be unfriendly to individuals he regards as threats. He dislikes it when people dispute his authority.
Appearance: He has a large scar on his left eye that leads to a crack. He can't see through it. He has scars all over his bones. He has deep amaranth eyelights.
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Thyme - Horrorswapfell Glaucous Papyrus
Personality: A dedicated skeleton who will kill anyone who interferes with or destroys his loved ones. He maintains his honor and is pretty courageous. He also has a calm demeanor, and it's difficult to determine if he's upset or not. He appears to be nice while being a little playful. He doesn't seem to like his job, but he also doesn't seem to loathe it. He works hard and is occasionally naughty. He would do anything to protect those he loved, including murder and maiming. He doesn't use magic very often because it drains him quickly.
Appearance: He is a tall skeleton with a large nasty scar on his left eye. It has a bit of a deep crack in his school. It looks like someone used an ax and cut his eye. He has one golden fang on his left. He has an amputated leg so he has a prosthetic.
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Tarragon - Horrorswapfell Glaucous Sans
Personality: Despite the fact that he is not a royal, he emanates the atmosphere of one. He's regal, polite, and direct, but his speech is usually abrupt or overly pleasant. He isn't one to sugarcoat things and dislikes lying because it bothers him. He is willing to go to any length to protect his family, even if it means fighting his brother. When it comes to killing, he never holds back. He does, however, have a tendency to be merciful to certain people. He is particularly kind to someone he knows well. He is also not scared to use his abilities. He has a primarily cold and harsh disposition and is morbid when he speaks.
Appearance: He has a noticeablely large crack on his right eye that isn't nearly as ugly as his brother's, but is still nasty looking.
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@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @miscneilleaneous @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @underfell-crystal @hearty-dose-of-ranch @underfell-crystal @didderd
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ivyprism · 6 months
Other Horror Sonas (Info Dump)
I've committed a crime... I ONLY HAVE FOUR HORROR SONAS-
Warnings: Violence, famine, murder, stuff like that.
Helix (Goes by Hel) - Horrorfell H
Personality: She is a fearless and strong woman. She is both harsh and distant. She is an expert in herbs and medicine. She aspires to be a doctor but has never been able to afford medical school. She is a strong woman who is not scared to speak out for herself. Her sympathetic and empathetic personality lies beneath her frigid demeanor. She is truthful and tries to be nicer than people believe she is. She is entirely in control of her emotions and refuses to fight. She is close to the others because she is a very lonely person. She is an excellent listener and knows almost everything. She is also quite relaxed and serene.
Appearance: She’s a woman with hazel eyes. She has curly brown hair. She has two large scars on her right eye. She either wears glasses or has contacts. She also has more scars on her torso and body. She's muscular, yet chubby. She's 5'1". She has red highlights in her hair.
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Alchemilla - Horrorfell Skelesona
Personality: She is ruthless, powerful, and obsessed with survival. Her rough and brutal exterior conceals a loving and gentle personality. On the surface, she ultimately softened. She's direct and honest. She lacks self-control and will quarrel with someone. She emanates self-assurance and strength. She is cruel in many ways but can also be incredibly soft. She will go to tremendous lengths to defend those she loves. She is very sympathetic yet knows how to deliver direct advice. She is also stern and severe. Her self-preservation instincts are superb. She is apprehensive of anyone she perceives as being hazardous. She is capable of and will attack anybody she dislikes.
Appearance: She has reddish-purple eyelids. She’s 5'4" and growing. Her canines are sharper than the rest of her mouth. She has scars all over her bones. She has a small scar on her cheek with two large scars on her left eye. She doesn’t need glasses in comparison to her counterparts. She has a prosthetic arm and a large scar on her neck and shoulder.
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Lisianthus (goes by Lisi or Lis) - Horrorswap H
Personality: She is really direct and harsh. She gets things done, never gives up, and isn't afraid to put people in their place with words. She is courageous and astute, but also sympathetic and patient. She is an extremely resourceful person who knows how to find food for anyone who is in need. She is a social butterfly with a vast social circle. She possesses tremendous power. She isn't afraid to express herself. She has a tendency to fight folks who irritate her. She is a painter, photographer, and vocalist. She is also a flirty individual who has had numerous dates and partnerships. She is also well-dressed and fashionable. She enjoys promoting her pals.
Appearance: She has hazel eyes. She has very long curly brown hair that is usually messy. She either wears glasses or has contacts. She is thinner than her various counterparts, except Hazel. She's 5'1". She has prominent scars on her shoulders, back, and torso. She has a large scar on her face that goes down from her right eye then down across her lips. She is nearly blind in her right eye.
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Alstromeria - Horrorswap Monstersona
Personality: She is a pleasant and lively individual. She is a confident, outgoing individual who never avoids making eye contact. She is only kind and considerate to people she adores and values. She has a nice temper, but she also has the ability to verbally destroy someone. She enjoys painting. She actively defends her pals and becomes annoyed when they are treated unfairly. She is ruthless and will do anything to live. She spends most of her free time writing, reading, and trying to influence people. She loves to listen, appreciates children, and is always prepared to assist people. She also enjoys cartoon television shows and movies.
Appearance: Tulip is a flower monster who also has a bit of a combined form of a rabbit monster. She’s about 5'8". She has a brownish pelt with hazel eyes. She has fur that mimics hair that is a bit curly/wavy. Her fur is faded brown and she has a scar on her eye. She has a torn ear.
Her fur, however, seems to also be leaves. She has vines wrapped around her ears with lilies (purple and red) and tulips (red) growing. When injured, her body comes apart like a cutting a bunch of vines. It also grows back and repairs itself.
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Achillia - Horrorswapfell Amethyst H
Personality: She is violent, ferocious, and aggressive, but she is also calm and frigid. She tells folks the truth without regard for their feelings if they need to hear it. She is obsessed with survival and makes it a point to show it. She has great self-control and is not scared to fight. She is stern, but she knows how to retain her calm and avoid causing harm to others. She is mainly unknown due to her calm nature. Unless you're Lisianthus, she's mostly cut off from the rest of the world. She normally avoids interacting with strangers and only speaks with those she knows. She helps people when she can and will kill them if necessary.
Appearance: She has hazel eyes. She has shoulderblade-length curly brown hair that she often has tied up in a ponytail. She has two large scars on her face. She either wears glasses or has contacts. She is muscular and thin. She's 5'1". She has slight purple highlights in her hair.
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Eustoma - Horrorfellswap Carnelian H
Personality: She is a terrifying force to be reckoned with, both powerful and brutal. She is quite intelligent and can be found almost anyplace. She is razor-sharp and never misses a detail. She has a harsh tone and may be very strict. She is concerned about her survival and rarely communicates when she is out and about. Underneath, she's just an animal-loving, child-protecting nerd who likes to write and draw. She devotes her time to ensuring the children are fed and the animals are healthy. Despite her stern and cold attitude, she instructs children in need and is glad to serve. She is also highly insightful and provides excellent counsel.
Appearance: She is a human woman with long wavy brown hair. She has a large scar on her left eye that runs down to her chin. She wears her hair up in a ponytail. She is about 5'1". She has a muscular but chubby physique.
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Protea - Horrorfellswap Amaranth Skelesona
Personality: She is also shyer, quieter, and more reserved than her contemporaries. Out of dread of being recognized and harmed, she began to favor her human form over her skeletal form. Despite her love and sympathy, she is ruthless and merciless at times. She understands how to survive and is not scared to do it in a tough world. In order to protect her loved ones, she goes for the throat and does not back down. She is fiercely protective of children and animals alike. She enjoys reading and writing. She has a sardonic tone and is really intelligent most of the time, yet she frequently sugarcoats her statements.
Appearance: She is a skeleton monster with purple-ish red eye lights. She is 5'4. She has a scar on her right eye. She also wears glasses on occasion, but very rarely. She can't see through her right eye.
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Lathyrus - Horrorswapfell Glaucous Skelesona
Personality: She is a woman who maintains her cool in the face of peril. She has an explosive temper when pushed too far. Unafraid of killing or harming anyone who threatens her or her family. She is able to clean blood out of her clothes and is very useful when it comes to it. She thinks quickly and goes out of her way to assist others. She is a highly emotional person who never backs down. Despite having been betrayed several times in the Underground, she is always willing to aid others. She does, however, have a strong sense of loyalty. She is highly reasonable and strives for survival.
Appearance: She stands at about 5'5". She is a skeleton monster. She has purple magic and a somewhat jagged scar on her right eye that reaches her chin and to the top of her skull. She wears glasses now and then.
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@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @miscneilleaneous @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @underfell-crystal @hearty-dose-of-ranch @rainbowut
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ivyprism · 6 months
"You want to make me a monster? Fine. You want to act like you're completely innocent? Okay… But when these people start parading you around like you're some newfound god.. what happens when they find out you're the God who created me?"
Chervil huffs as he glares at the Empress.
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ivyprism · 5 months
H Sona Jobs: Revamp and New Part 1
Ivy is a writer and occasionally works at a diner part-time. She used to work as a Nursing Assistant.
Henna (also goes by H) is a writer, mostly just travels between AUs.
Marguerite does a lot of jobs. She owns a diner, bar, and bookshop. She can be found working several jobs all day.
Camellia is a very hard worker who also works several jobs like Marguerite. She co-owns a diner and bar.
Primrose is a seamstress and a social media influencer.
Embellia is a professional photographer and influencer.
Azalea is a dancer.
Nerium is an influencer and an actress.
Crocus is a seamstress and an influencer.
Willow (W) is a paramedic and influencer.
Belladonna (Bell) is an influencer.
Marigold is a dance teacher.
Flori is a professional choreographer.
Primula (Prim) is a dance teacher and a professional choreographer.
Lotus is a violinist.
Nucifera is a bartender and she leads a mafia.
Bellis is an influencer and helps Nucifera.
Rosemary is a professional potion seller.
Hollis owns an orchard.
Viola is an orchard helper.
Fawn is an orchard advisor.
Helia helps take care of the humans who fall with Aspera.
Hollyhock (Holly) is a writer.
Helix (Hel) is a bouncer and a farmhand.
Lisianthus (Lisi or Lis) is a social media influencer and a painter.
Achillia is a boxer and she helps design outfits.
Eustoma loves to teach cooking and is a chef.
Zinnia is a hero.
Oleander is a villain.
Angel is a villain.
Datura is a hero.
Begonia and Narcissa are both queens.
Dione is a queen who helps teach children.
Flora is a florist and an herbalist.
Petunia is a full-time mage and can practically be found everywhere constantly.
Alyssum is a fallen princess trying to fix her name.
Celadine is a human stuck in the soul of a villainess.
Blossom is a pirate.
Heliconia (H) is a pirate captain.
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ivyprism · 6 months
"Don't you ever fucking apologize for being yourself."
Chervil to someone he loves.
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ivyprism · 9 months
Sona Nicknames
Character Info
Many of My Sonas: Persona - Ivy Traveler Persona - Henna (also goes by H) Trainersona - Anemone Spidersona - Lycoris Underfell Persona - Marguerite Underfell Silver - Camellia Underswap Persona - Primrose Underswap Silver - Embellia Alluretale Persona - Azalea Fellswap Carnelian - Nerium Fellswap Amaranth - Crocus Swapfell Persona - Willow (W) Swapfell Glaucous - Belladonna (Bell) Dancetale Persona - Marigold Dancefell Persona - Flori Danceswap Persona - Primula (Prim) Figure Skating Persona - Snowdrop The Witch in the Woods - Rosemary Final Boss AU - Helia
Mafiatale Persona - Lotus Mafiafell Persona - Nucifera Mafiaswap Persona - Bellis Mafiadancetale - Lantana Mafiadancefell - Astrantia
Farmtale Persona - Hollis Farmfell Persona - Viola Farmswap Persona - Fawn Farmhorrortale Persona - Alouette Farmhorrorswap Persona - Delia Farmhorrorfell Persona - Anthea
The Seamstress - Marginata The Knight - Salix The Betrayed - Atropa The Guide - Rosea The Dancer - Holligold The Informant - Cosmos The Violinist - Marsilea The Writer - Hebe
Horror AUs: Horrortale Persona - Hollyhock (Holly) Horrorfell Persona - Helix (Hel) Horrorswap Persona - Lisianthus (Lisi or Lis) Horrorswapfell Amethyst Persona - Achillia Horrorfellswap Carnelian Persona - Eustoma
Hero/Villain AU: Hero and Villain! Underfell - Zinnia Villain! Sona - Oleander The “Angelic” Villain! Sona - Angel The "Devilish" Villain! Sona - Datura
Medieval-esque sonas: The Pirate of Vividus Sonas - Begonia and Narcissa The Duet of Medieval and Modern AU Persona - Dione The Duet of Medieval and Modern AU Underswap Persona - Flora The Duet of Medieval and Modern AU Underfell Persona - Petunia The Younger Fallen Royal Twin Persona - Alyssum Cursed Persona - Verbena The Soul Persona - Celadine
Angels Fall Sonas/Skelesonas: Angels Fall AU Angelsona/Persona - Lillium Corrupt Angel Persona - Chamomile Demonsona/Persona - Eucalyptus Rogue Demon Persona - Freesia Goddess of Magic Persona - Fleur Goddess of Dark Magic - Ione Goddess of Potions - Olearia Goddess of Magical Objects - Wisteria
Outcode Sonas: The Book Keeper - Floryn Old AU - Deidamia Old Fell AU - Myrthe Old Swap AU - Iris Old Fellswap AU - Liliane Old Swapfell AU - Sylvie Old Horrortale AU - Sireli The Melody of the Universes - Carnation The Melody of the Universes Underfell - Kalina The Melody of the Universes Underswap - Meadow Tenebrous Persona - Hepatica Luminus Persona - Calanth Dance! Dreamtale Sona - Mimosa Dreamtale Sona - Rivea Dreamswap - Polyantha Dream Walker and Wish Granter Sona - Bluebell Underfell Dream Walker and Wish Granter Sona - Orchid Underswap Dream Walker and Wish Granter Sona - Daffodil The Caged Bird - Laurel The Forgotten Human - Ixia The Mermaid Mercenaries - Lilac
Familiar Persona - Abelia Fell Familiar Persona - Spirea
Zombie Apocalypse Sonas: Undertale - Hesperis Horrortale - Helichrysum Swapfell Amethyst - Hydrastis
Pirate AU: Piratesona - Blossom Pirate Captain - Heliconia (H) Fell Pirate Captain - Gloxinia
The Puppeteer and the Creations: The Puppeteer - Ianira The Ninth Creation - Petal The Tenth Creation - Cliantha The Eleventh Creation - Evanthe
The Heroine and the Villainess Who Ruins Plots for Funsies: The Heroine - Halldora The Villainess - Haizea
The Dating Sim Guides: Tutorial Guide Persona - Forsythia Story Guide Skelesona - Callaia
The Stars Sonas: The North Star - Bellatrix The South Star - Astria The Fallen Stars - Calytrix The Dying Stars - Meissa The Fading Stars - Yvaine
The Adventurers of Millenis - The Cleric Persona - Calendula The Warlock Skelesona - Nolana The Lead Bard Persona - Cadence The Princess Bard Skelesona - Sonata The Villainous Bard Skelesona - Minuet The Wizard Skelesona - Peony The Barbarian Skelesona - Jasmine
The Past Lives of the Adventurers of Millenis - The Gentle Warlock Persona - Linnea The Cold Cleric Skelesona - Cecilia The Sorrowful Bard Skelesona - Rue The Paladin Skelesona - Ianthe The Druid Skelesona - Iolanthe
Ghostsona/Robotsona - Magnolia
Mermaidsonas/Sirensonas/Tieflingsona: Mermaid Sona - Hibiscus The Trapped Mermaid - Althaea Sirensona - Roselle Tieflingsona - Dicentra Farmtale Tieflingsona - Harmony
Selkiesonas: Sekliesona - Lutea Otter Selkiesona - Plumeria
AU Skelesonas: Skelesona - Hydrangea Fellswap Amaranth - Jade Fellswap Carnelian - Juliette Dancetale - Hyacinth Dancefell - Calluna Danceswap - Hattie Underfell - Halesia Underfell Silver - Harleen Underswap - Jamesia Alluretale - Hadria Swapfell Amethyst - Jovellana Swapfell Glaucous - Justicia The Final Boss - Aspera
Mafiatale - Hedera Mafiafell - Rowana Mafiaswap - Bellum
Horror AUs: Horrortale - Hydra Horrorfell - Alchemilla Horrorfellswap Amaranth - Protea Horrorswapfell Glaucous - Lathyrus
Villain/Hero AU: Heroes and Villains Underfell - Hayley Villain - Hemlock
Medieval-esque Skelesonas: The Duet of Medieval and Modern AU - Esme The Duet of Medieval and Modern AU Underswap - Ambretta The Duet of Medieval and Modern AU Underfell - Celadine The Pirates of Vividus Skelesonas - Holliane and Harmony The Queen of the Deep Seas - Poinsettia Cursed Skelesona - Lewisia0 Dragon Undertale - Silene Dragon Underfell - Bergenia Dragon Underswap - Angelonia Dragon Horrortale - Ornella Dragon Swapfell Amethyst - Penthia Dragon Fellswap Carnelian - Cleome The Female Lead - Edelweiss Medieval-esque Skelesonas: The Duet of Medieval and Modern AU - Esme The Duet of Medieval and Modern AU Underswap - Ambretta The Duet of Medieval and Modern AU Underfell - Celadine The Pirates of Vividus Skelesonas - Holliane and Harmony The Queen of the Deep Seas - Poinsettia Dragon Undertale - Silene Dragon Underfell - Bergenia Dragon Underswap - Angelonia Dragon Horrortale - Ornella Dragon Swapfell Amethyst - Penthia Dragon Fellswap Carnelian - Cleome The Female Lead - Edelweiss
Halloween Skelesonas: Werewolf - Larkspur Vampire - Helvine
Angels Fall Skelesonas: Angels Fall AU - Harley Horror Angels Fall AU - Ixora Swapfell Angel - Jewel Demon - Hanna Fellswap Red Demon - Jayla Goddess of Magic - Helvina Goddess of Dark Magic - Bellona Goddess of the Deep Galaxies - Boronia
Outcode Skelesonas: Old AU (?) - Hailey The Melody of Universes Skelesona - Cantrelle Dream Walker and Wish Granter - Helaina Underswap Dream Walker and Wish Granter - Kyria Underfell Dream Walker and Wish Granter - Hecate Ink - Laurestine Tenebrous - Hesper Luminus - Halleria The Forgotten Asisstant - Senna The Wandering SOUL - Dianthe The Suffering Oblivion - Myrna
The Stars Skelesonas: The Fallen Stars - Hespera The Dying Stars - Delphinus The Fading Stars - Phoebe
Monstersonas: Monstersona - Sunflower (S) Half-Deer Monstersona - Lavandula Horrortale Monstersona - Daisy Horrorswap Monstersona - Alstromeria Underfell Monstersona - Chrysanthemum (Chrys) Underswap Monstersona - Tulip Angels Fall Monstersona - Nerine
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ivyprism · 10 months
Masterlist 21
Suggestive? Kind of? *
Character and AU Information:
The Forgotten Human (Sona Info Dump)
The Lost Skeleton Brothers (Info Dump)
Height Part 6 (The Lost Skeleton Brothers)
Fellswap Carnelian, Fellswap Amaranth, and Swapfell Glaucous H (Info Dump)
Swapfell, Fellswap, and Underswap Lore (Worldbuilding)
The DnD Past Lives Skeleton Brothers (Info Dump)
The Past Lives Sonas (Info Dump)
Height Part 7 (The Adventurers of Millenis: Past Lives)
Pirate AU (Outcode Skeleton Boys and Sona)
The Pirate Captain's Little Sister (Info Dump)
The Soul Sona and the Original Villainess OC (Info Dump)
The Male Lead Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Female Lead Skelesona (Info Dump)
The Mermaid OCs (Info Dump)
Revamping some Deities and a New One (Info Dump)
Revamped Deities of Time (Info Dump)
Revamped Other Deities (Info Dump)
The Dating Sim Love Interest (Info Dump)
Heights Part 8 (Skeletons!)
The Dating Sim Guides (Sona Info Dump)
The Fallen Royal Twins (Info Dump)
Werewolf Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Vampire Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Seratta (Info Dump: Skelesona/Skeleton OC)
Selkiesona (Info Dump)
Zombie Apocalypse AU (Info Dump: Sonas and Skeleton Brothers)
Heights Part 9 (The Zombie Apocalypse AU)
The Sorcerer, the Deceased Sorceress's Familiar, and the Brothers (Info Dump)
Heights Part 10 (Dreamtale Sorcerers)
The Fell Sorcerer, the Deceased Sorceress's Familiar, and the Brothers (Info Dump)
Heights Part 11 (Fell Dreamtale Sorcerers)
Dance Dreamtale and a Sona (Info Dump)
Dancefell and Danceswap Sonas (Info Dump)
The Heroine and the Villainess Who Ruins Plots for Funsies Sonas (Info Dump)
The "Devilish" Heroine (Info Dump: H)
Outfits? (Heheheooo H)
Horrorfellswap Amaranth and Horrorswapfell Glaucous Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Hairstyles for Sonas (Various Sonas)
Tragedy of my Old AUs (Hehehoo Info)
Horrortale AU (Info Dump)
Horror Sonas (Info Dump)
OG Skeleton Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Mafia Skeleton Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Mafia Gasters (Info Dump: Revamp)
Swapfell Amethyst Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Danceswap Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Fun Fact (Horrortale)
Outfits! (Hollyhock)
Fun Fact (Horrortale Skelesona)
Mafia Stuff (Mafia AUs Info)
Mafia Horror AUs (Info Dump)
Mafia AU Sonas (Info Dump)
Mafiaswapfell Amethyst and Mafiafellswap Carnelian Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Fun Fact (Horrorswap Papyrus)
The Final Boss: Skelesona (Info Dump)
The Final Boss: Skeleton Brothers (Info Dump)
Stories Written:
Fight (What if Two Humans Fell: Swapfell Amethyst)
Snow (What if Two Humans Fell: Underfell)
Taking Care (Brass x Willow: Two Fallen Humans Edition)
Mama's Boys (Osprey and Mahogany Backstory)
The Familiar (First Meet? Maybe. The Sorcerer and the Deceased Sorceress's Familiar AU)
A Tragedy of Love (Honeycomb x H)
There's a Sign on the Wall (Horrortale Short Story)
The Skeleton in the Woods meets the Witch in the Woods (Hydra meets Rosemary: A friendship is born)
Break the Barrier...? (Hollyhock, Horrortale H: Lore)
Twist the Knife (Horrortale Skelesona: Short Story)
Just a Man (Creator Rambles)
Weakest to Strongest (Main 16)
Weakest to Strongest (Farm Boys)
How they met (Fellswap Carnelian H and Fellswap Amaranth H)
Why Willow Stopped Growing her Hair (What if Two Humans Fell: Swapfell Amethyst)
Brass HCs (Swapfell Amethyst Papyrus)
What did Eclipse do to Morte (The Black Crow Pirates)
Song that Describes OCs (My Sona)
Song that Describes my OCs (Nightmare Sans and First Mate Nightmare Sans)
How did Gael meet Abelia (The Sorcerer and the Deceased Sorceress's Familiar AU)
Ideal Date (The Black Crow Pirates: Killer Sans and Nightmare Sans)
Kisses (The Black Crow Pirates: Killer Sans and Nightmare Sans)
Difference from human skeletons (Werewolf Fellswap Carnelian Sans)
Blood (Vampire Swapfell Amethyst Papyrus)
No dog treats (Werewolf Skelesona)
Garlic (Vampire Skelesona)
Teeth (Vampire Underswap Papyrus)
Quirk (Creator Shared Funfact: 1)
Habit (Creator Shared Funfact: 2)
Conflict (Horrorswap and Horrorfell)
Heights (Mafiafell, Mafiatale, and Mafiaswap Gaster)
Strong Gaster (Mafiafell Gaster)
Brawl thicc (Mafiafell Gaster)
Cuddles (Mafiafell Gaster)
Climb and kisses (Mafiafell Gaster)
Soulmates and Mafias (Mafia AU Gasters)
Sexuality and Preference (Mafia AU Gasters)
Biting Love Language (Mafia AU Gasters)
Lyle's Weakness (Mafiahorrorfell Sans)
Random Funfact (Mafiahorrortale Gaster)
Kiss on the Hand (Mafia AU Skeleton Boys)
Sleeping SO (Mafiafell and Horror Mafia AU Skeleton Boys)
Hobbies (Mafiahorrortale Sans)
Hobbies (Mafia AU Sanses)
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ivyprism · 1 year
Characters and Personalities: ONCE MORE!
The Wizard and the Barbarian Sonas (Info Dump)
Spider Lily (Spidersona Info Dump)
The Suffering Oblivion (Sona Info Dump)
Mermaidsona(Info Dump)
The Puppeteer (Sona Info Dump)
The Other Creations (Skelesona Info Dump)
Blossom (Pirate H Info Dump)
Orchard Worker Sonas (Sona Info Dump)
Deer Monster and Half-Deer Monster Sona and Siblings (Info Dump)
Althaea (The Trapped Mermaid Sona)
The Forgotten Human (Sona Info Dump)
Fellswap Carnelian, Fellswap Amaranth, and Swapfell Glaucous H (Info Dump)
The Past Lives Sonas (Info Dump)
The Soul Sona and the Original Villainess OC (Info Dump)
The Female Lead Skelesona (Info Dump)
The Dating Sim Guides (Sona Info Dump)
The Fallen Royal Twins (Info Dump)
Halloween Sonas (Info Dump)
Selkiesona (Info Dump)
Dancefell and Danceswap Sonas (Info Dump)
The Heroine and the Villainess Who Ruins Plots for Funsies Sonas (Info Dump)
The "Devilish" Heroine (Info Dump: H)
Horror Sonas (Info Dump)
Mafia AU Sonas (Info Dump)
The Final Boss: Skelesona (Info Dump)
The Final Boss: H (Info Dump)
Otter Selkiesona (Info Dump)
Siren!sona (Info Dump)
Dicentra: Tiefling!sona (Info Dump)
Horror: Angels Fall Skelesona (Info Dump)
Trainersona (Info Dump)
The Story Pieces: Sonas (Info Dump)
The Cursed: Sona (Info Dump)
Farmtale Tieflingsona: Harmony (Info Dump)
Sonas, OCs, and Undertale Characters:
Pirate AU (Outcode Skeleton Boys and Sona)
Zombie Apocalypse AU (Info Dump: Sonas and Skeleton Brothers)
The Sorcerer, the Dead Sorceress's Familiar, and the Brothers (Info Dump)
The Fell Sorcerer, the Deceased Sorceress's Familiar, and the Brothers (Info Dump)
Dance Dreamtale and a Sona (Info Dump)
The Mermaid Mercenaries (Info Dump)
Mafiadance Sonas (Info Dump)
Figure Skating Skeleton Boys and Sonas (Info Dump)
The Galaxy Goddesses (Info Dump)
Dreamswap AU: Skeleton Boys and Sona (Info Dump)
Fell! Black Crow Pirates: Skeleton Boys and Sona (Info Dump)
Written Personalities Undertale AUs:
The Bard and the Paladin Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Half of a Heart Papyruses and Sanses (UT and UF AU Info Dump)
The Witch in the Woods and The Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
My Old Swap AU: Rewritten Boys and a Sona (Info Dump)
The Puppeteer's Creations (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
A Few More Creations (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
The Warlock Sans and the Cleric Papyrus (Info Dump)
Farm Boys (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
Horrorswapfell Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Allureswap Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Void Travelers: Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Lost Skeleton Brothers (Info Dump)
The DnD Past Lives Skeleton Brothers (Info Dump)
The Male Lead Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Dating Sim Love Interest (Info Dump)
Werewolf Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Vampire Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Horrorfellswap Amaranth and Horrorswapfell Glaucous Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
OG Skeleton Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Mafia Skeleton Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Mafia Gasters (Info Dump: Revamp)
Horrorfell and Horrorswap Skeleto Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Swapfell Amethyst Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Danceswap Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Mafia Horror AUs (Info Dump)
Mafiaswapfell Amethyst and Mafiafellswap Carnelian Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Final Boss: Skeleton Brothers (Info Dump)
Final Boss: Gaster (Info Dump)
Final Boss: the Royal Family (Info Dump)
Final Boss: Undyne and Alphys (Info Dump)
Final Boss: Mettaton and Napstablook (Info Dump)
Final Boss: Grillby, Muffet, and Monster Kid (Info Dump)
OG! Gasters (Info Dump: Revamp)
Angels Fall AU: Horror AU Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Mafiadance Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Other Dragons: Horrortale, Fellswap Carnelian, and Swapfell Amethyst Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
My Outcode Skeleton Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
The Pirate Captain's Little Sister (Info Dump)
The Mermaid OCs (Info Dump)
Revamping some Deities and a New One (Info Dump)
Revamped Deities of Time (Info Dump)
Revamped Other Deities (Info Dump)
Seratta (Info Dump: Skeleton OC)
The Sea Serpents (Info Dump: Revamp)
The God of Light Spirits and the God of Dark Spirits (Info Dump)
The Deity of Envy (Info Dump)
The Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: OC Rewrite (Info Dump)
The Galaxy Sisters: Outcode Skeleton Sisters' Diner Rewrite (Info Dump)
The Other Outcode Skeleton Sisters Diner: Rewrite (Info Dump)
Angels Fall Girls: Rewritten (Info Dump)
The Mafia Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Rewritten (Info Dump)
The Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Children OCs Rewritten (Info Dump)
The Horror Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Children OCs Rewritten (Info Dump)
The Mafia Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Children OCs Rewritten (Info Dump)
The Outcode Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Children OCs Rewritten (Info Dump)
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