#horse lovin ken
zenaidamacrouras1 · 1 year
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This was my brother's favorite Ken, his canon name is "Horse Lovin' Ken."
He came to us from a yard sale missing his red checker shirt, grinning proudly with his his jaunty cowboy hat, leather shearling vest loose over his bare chest, and squeezed into those skin tight red leather pants.
It was pretty clear to us even in a conservative rural area in the 80s and 90s that him and Barbie were "just friends." Barbie had her boyfriends, but red leather pants Ken was not among them.
Shirtless under that vest was really a bit obscene, so when we found a red mesh Ken tank top at a yard sale, he got that instead, because it matched the red leather pants. I'm going to tell you something that probably won't surprise you - the addition of the red mesh muscle tank did not make the red leather pants less risqué.
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xskyll · 1 year
Barbie spoilers ahead.
(Albeit mild)
So, for the sequel, I think they need to take us on Ken's journey to discover himself, focusing on his interest in horses. He'll start hanging out with Horse Lovin' Ken (that's right, look it up) and Horse Riding Barbie and he'll feel conflicted because he loves hanging out with the horses on the farm, but he knows his job is beach. And maybe somewhere along the way he'll journey into the world of the Barbie's Riding Club game for PC—not because I played it a lot as a kid, but because it's a good idea and makes sense, trust me—and he thinks he'll be happy there, but he misses the beach. He'll be conflicted—which does he truly love? Horses or beach? And he'll come to learn that it's healthy to have hobbies outside of your job, even if you happen to like your job, and he can love horses without being disloyal to the beach.
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Outlander 3x11 ‘Uncharted’ TURTLE SOUP Thoughts 🐢
Fuck I hate having to do shit on Sundays. Usually I have a nice and comfy date with my bed, but noooo NOT TODAY 😒 Was able to watch the episode this morning, and then I had to run out the door and be a functional human being for the rest of the day... Been scrolling through my dash during the day, but I’m finally home so here goes! 
Starting off with Claire having a hard time in the jungle, which of course I was expecting to see, and Claire being all survivor is 👏🏻 but then 5 minutes went by, and then 10 minutes went by, AND FINALLY after 13 minutes she’s with Fogden. Little too long for my liking but okay. Also, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 to Cait for the whole snake business 😱 DAMN GIRL
I’ve read the book, but for some reason I couldn’t remember shit about the whole Fogden storyline. Could be because I rushed through to get to the obvious, but whatever. It was all entertaining enough, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t impatient for Claire to go and find that breeks- and verra open shirt wearin’ ginger muffin 😍 LOOKING GOOD JAMMF! 
After about 30 minutes I was legit worried and stressing TF out about how they we’re going to fit in everything else. Cut to; Claire running through the jungle like the ginger lovin’ Sassenach that she is, signaling Jamie from the beach with her stolen mirror (GO CLAIRE!) and THE LOOK ON HER FACE when she realizes her man is on his way 😍
THE HUG, THE KISS, everything that followed was perfection! Sooooo happy we got the scene with Claire and Marsali 😃 and nice to see her realizing Claire might not be the worst after all. Give me more of those two plz. 
“His name is Fergus Claudel Fraser” 😭😭😭 Father and son looking at each other and my heart was ready to fucking burst ❤❤❤❤❤ Fersali are the CUTEST cuties and the whole wedding sequence was 😍😂
Flirting, teasing, GRABBING, kissing, BITING (CAIT HAD SAM’S FINGERS IN HER MOUTH AND CAN I FUCKING LIVE????), doing it “THE BACK WAY, YOU KNOW, LIKE HORSES, YE KEN”, watching themselves in the mirror, I can go on but you get my point!  THAT SHIT WAS 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Caitriona saying it was her favorite scene with Sam and I’m just like 😱😈
All in all a SOLID episode, with the last 20 minutes or so being AWESOME. Although tbh I might skip ahead to the 30 min mark whenever I rewatch it 😬😂 I need my lovers to be together!!! 
(Can y’all believe there’s only 2 episodes left tho????😫)
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takemeawaytocamelot · 7 years
Speed Dating - Learning to Dance
Here you are my lovelies!! The accidental series! HUGE shout out to @tammywt for helping me with the dancing bits (even going so far as to dancing with her hubby to let me know how small a space Jamie and Claire could use!). And to @diversemediums for being an amazing beta and helping me when I get stuck!
Catch up on Jamie teaching Claire how to ride HERE
Jamie was waiting for me outside my work, leaning against his truck.
“Evening, Sassenach,” he said with a tender smile.
I returned the grin and gave him a hug.
“Evening, Jamie. I hope you haven’t been waiting too long. I ran a little late.”
“Nah. One of the mares seems ready to drop at any moment, so the lads call in every hour or so.”
My eyes went wide.
“Oh! Which one?”
“Filly Dancer,” he said flatly.
It wasn’t his horse, but the owner didn’t seem to know much about horses. I knew Jamie was trying to work out a way to buy the mare and give her a better name.
“That’s the one that was bought pregnant, right?”
Jamie’s eyes rolled as he helped me into the truck.
“Aye. Bloody idiot didna ken what a pregnant horse looks like. And then he tells me ‘it’s two for the price of one, James!’”
I settled into the comfortable seat as he started the truck up and prepared to pull out.
“You remember the agreement we made?” I asked when he was on his way to my flat.
“We’ve made several, if memory serves,” he said.
“I’d let you teach me something if you let me teach you something in return?”
He smiled, recalling just when we’d made that arrangement.
“Aye. And ye’ve ridden Thistle three days this week.”
“Well, tonight is my turn to teach you something.”
“I think it’s fair to mention,” he said, turning a corner. “I already ken CPR.”
I rolled my eyes and slapped his shoulder.
“I’m not teaching you anything medical. That’s my job, like horses is your job.”
“Oh? What is it I’m to learn then?”
“You’ll see after dinner.”
That was another thing we’d come to an agreement on. He had a big house and a large (very comfortable) bed, but this was supposed to be a relationship of mutual respect. So we switched off which home we spent the night in. I could hardly believe we’d only known each other for three weeks. I felt like we’d been best friends our whole lives.
He was also teaching me to cook, which ended up mostly hit or miss. I wasn’t a bad cook, I just didn’t know how some flavors worked together and I certainly couldn’t improvise the way he did. Two nights ago he’d texted me a list of things to get from the grocery in preparation for tonight.
When he pulled up to my flat, I smiled to myself. He had no idea what was in store for him tonight. It would be a little more difficult since he didn’t enjoy music, but I had a plan I thought might work.
I left him in the tiny kitchen to change out of my work clothes, grinning to myself. I dressed in comfortable jeans and a loose t-shirt, setting out the dress I’d wear later. Then I went to the kitchen where Jamie had started dinner.
Maneuvering around the small area was difficult, but we’d figured it out. I stayed mostly on one end, chopping vegetables and measuring out spices before sliding them down the countertop to Jamie. He was the artist when it came to food and I loved to watch him work.
“How was work today?” he asked, stirring the vegetables in the pan to keep them from overcooking.
“Good! No one failed the exam today.”
Jamie grinned at me with pride.
“Well done, Sassenach. Means you’re a verra good teacher.”
We chatted comfortably about the day before he declared the food was finished. Something was nagging at me, something we hadn’t talked about and needed to. Now was as good a time as any.
“Jamie,” I said, pushing a carrot around my plate.
“Why haven’t we talked about it?”
I couldn’t look up and meet his gorgeous blue eyes. If I did that, I knew I’d lose my nerve.
“Weel… I thought if ye wanted to, ye would have already. Talkin’ about it doesna change anything. It’s still true.”
His voice didn’t sound hurt or upset, but he was good at hiding behind a mask.
“I should have said something after you told me.”
“I’ll no’ lie and say it was fine ye didna. But we promised each other honesty. I’d rather ye say nothing than ye say something that may no’ be true.”
I did look up at him then and was surprised that he wasn’t holding his mask up. His thoughts and feelings were written in the lines of his face.
“I can’t lie to you,” I said quietly. “I don’t know what I’m feeling. I know that I love being with you, being around you. I want to say it back to you.”
“Claire,” he said, reaching across my table to take my hand. “I’ve waited a long time to meet ye and I’ll wait as long as ye need. But dinna say ye love me if you’re no’ sure of it. No amount of time will make me love ye any less.”
I did want to say that I loved him back, but I wasn’t sure. Three weeks and I thought I might be in love. But I’d never been in love before, so I didn’t know how to identify what I was feeling.
“I mean it, mo chridhe,” he said softly, thumb rubbing the back of my hand gently. “I love ye and I dinna think I’ll ever stop.”
Somehow that made me feel better. He wanted me to love him too, but he wouldn’t push me before I was ready. Another item on the ever-growing list of things I loved about him.
After the dishes were put in the dishwasher and the leftovers were boxed up, I smiled at Jamie.
“Alright. You take a seat on the couch. I have to change before I teach you your newest skill.”
“Change? Three outfits in one day, Sassenach?”
“No peeking before I come out.”
He nodded gravely, though the corner of his mouth curved up in a sly smile.
I ran to my room and hastily pulled the burgundy dress on. It was a new item I’d been keeping for exactly this occasion. I put on the heels that went with the dress, taking a moment to observe how I looked in my long mirror. They made the muscles in my legs stand out, which I thought Jamie would appreciate.  
Smoothing the velvet down, I walked back out to where Jamie sat.
“Okay,” I said. You can look now.”
Jamie stood and turned to look at me, his brows lifting and mouth dropping open.
“I must say, Sassenach. I verra much like that color on ye.”
“It’s a little dark,” I admitted shyly. “Makes me look pale.”
“Brings out the flush of your cheeks, and makes your skin look like ivory.”
I spun a tight circle to show him the flow of the dress before offering my hand.
“Tonight, Mr. Fraser,” I said in as sultry a voice as I could manage. “I teach you how to dance.”
He took her hand, pleasantly surprised at this new thing she intended to teach him. But he couldn’t resist the urge to feel the velvet covering her arms. She shuddered at his touch.
“Normally, the man is the one who takes the lead in the dance. But, since you don’t know what we’re doing, I’ll lead you. So just relax and let your body move with mine, aye?” she winked.
God he loved this woman. This beautiful creature he held in his arms, teaching him something new simply because she could.
“But before we can get carried away in that, would you help me push the couch back a little?”
They cleared a decent space to be their dance floor. Then, she placed one of his hands on her waist, one of her hands on his shoulder, and began. She moved slowly and he mirrored her, except he stepped with the wrong foot.
“I’m sorry!” he said, trying not to step on her again.
“Don’t worry, darling. Like I said, relax.”
She picked up a count again.
“One… Two… Three… Excellent. No, love, your hand goes here,” she said, replacing his hand on her hip.
He’d managed to get most of the way to fondling her arse before she’d corrected him. They turned and danced slowly around her flat, holding close to each other.
“Alright. Now, I’ve got some music to help us. Techno doesn’t exactly scream waltz to me, so I got creative. This is a good song to waltz to, but I did a little adjusting with the balance.”
“What does that mean? I canna hear the music the right way.”
“I know, that’s why the drum is heavier than the rest of the orchestra. This way you can follow the beat of the music and not worry about the music itself.”
Tenderly, he traced the edge of her jaw and smiled at her.
“That’s verra kind of ye, Sassenach.”
She stepped away and turned on the music. At first it sounded jumbled and awkward to him, until the drums came in. That allowed him to tune out the music he couldn’t really hear.
“Alright, ready?”
He nodded and watched her eyes.
“Almost,” she said, pausing them for a moment. “It’s a long step followed by two quick steps. Remember it’s one, two, three.”
“Aye, aye. So a long,” he demonstrated. “And two quick?”
“Very good! Now lets try again.”
The longer they danced, the easier it became. Everything flowed as if they were one person, not two. Claire’s smile seemed to light up the whole world and all he wanted was to get lost in her.
Eventually, her modified song came to an end. Something else came on, filling the small flat with something much different. It was a gentle piece, though he had no idea how well the melody blended. But the soft, crooning female voice began drifting through the room and he pulled Claire closer.
Come away with me in the night…
Both of her arms were around his waist now, hands clasped behind his back. His hands were on her hips, one or the other of them moving toward her rump.
Come away with me…
The song continued on, setting a different mood around them. Earlier had been a comfortable sort of intimacy, something he’d never felt with anyone but her. Then they’d been playful, dancing the night away. Now…
Come away with me and we'll kiss
On a mountaintop
Come away with me…
Now all he could think about was her body pressed against his. The feel of her buttocks moving beneath his hands. He began to wonder what their children would look like. Would they have his hair and her eyes? Or would they have her delicate hands and his broad shoulders?
And I'll never stop loving you
“It’s true,” he whispered in her ear. “I will never stop lovin’ ye.”
She rested her head on his shoulder for a moment, still moving gently with him.
And I want to wake up with the rain
Falling on a tin roof
While I'm safe there in your arms
So all I ask is for you
Their swaying slowed to a stop and Claire looked up at him, meeting his eyes.
To come away with me in the night*
“Jamie,” she breathed.
“Aye, lass?”
She reached up and kissed him, long and slow, until his lungs burned for oxygen. Her heart was fluttering like a hummingbird’s wings against his fingers, which had come up to caress her cheek.
“I’ve never said this before.”
“Then take your time wi’ it. Choose what ye say carefully and let it be true when ye say it.”
Her heart slowed a little, but not much. She took a few moments to gather herself and then met his eyes once more.
“Jamie, I love you.”
His kiss was filled with all the words he was suddenly unable to say. Each movement of his lips told her everything he felt, how much she meant to him. The need for air forced them apart, but not for long. Gently, he bit the edge of her ear, pleased at the shudder that ran through her.
“Say it again,” he begged.
“I’m in love with you, James Fraser. Head over heels.”
This kiss kept the tender adoration, but added an element of hunger as well. His body thrummed with his need for her, a desire to show her just how much he loved her back. He wanted her to know that her heart was safe with him, that he would protect it until his final breath.
Both hands squeezed her rump as she brought her lips back to his. He tried to find the zip for her dress, having decided he didn’t have the patience to walk the few steps to her bedroom.
“Wait,” she panted. “I picked this dress for a reason.”
When she stepped back, he felt empty and reached out his hands for her. Eyes locked with his, she pulled on the bow tied at her hip. His brows lifted as she unwrapped the dress, letting it hang open.
“Weel,” he said. “My outfit doesna just pop open like that.”
He took a moment to admire her, belatedly realizing she had only a strapless bra beneath the dress.
“I’ll wait,” she said with a smile.
Quickly as he could, Jamie stripped out of his clothes and gathered her in his arms.
“You’re no’ wearing any underpants,” he observed, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“I couldn’t in this dress,” she said, nipping at his neck. “You’d have seen the lines.”
“I feel I must tell ye,” he eased them to the floor. “Your lover approves. And, he would also like it known, that he prefers ye wi’out pants.”
Claire snorted and broke into giggles.
“Is that so? What would happen if he found you here, stealing his lover away?”
He reached beneath her and released the bra, tossing it to the side. The dress spread out beneath her and he helped her pull her arms from the sleeves.
“Dinna ken. Is he a jealous man?”
One hand felt down the smooth, soft planes of her body until it reached its target.
“You know,” she said, stopping to gasp as a large finger slid into her. “I’m n-not really s-sure.”
For a few moments, he just watched her, taking his pleasure from hers. Her fingers dug into his arms, but he didn’t move, not yet. He didn’t settle himself above her until she throbbed around his fingers, voice squeaking in satisfied delight.
“A-are you a jealous m-man?” she stuttered, eyes still shut tight as she trembled.
Nudging her legs a little further apart, he eased into position and kissed her.
“Aye,” he half-growled. “I am a verra jealous man, Sassenach.”
He pushed solidly and decidedly forward, entering smooth and hard as Claire arched into him. She emitted a short, breathy laugh as she looked up at him, mouth gaping open as he thrust again.
“Does that mean you’re jealous of my lover?”
Teeth grazed the side of her neck again, biting just hard enough to leave a faint mark. He thrust roughly against her, the music of their lovemaking drowning out the music on her stereo.
“Aye. I’m jealous of any man who’s had ye before me, who’s kissed ye, who’s seen yer body, who’s made ye cry out.”
“H-he won’t b-be - oh God! - h-happy t-to - Jesus fucking Christ! - hear that!”
Jamie smiled, stilling himself until she met his gaze.
“Then the devil take him.”
And the flirting stopped as he laid claim to her body. Her cries filled the flat, her hips lifting to meet his with thrusts of her own. Each push brought him nearer the end, though he wanted it to last forever. Sweat rolled down his face and down his back, while her cheeks were flushed bright red.
Claire devolved into wordless exclamation as her body convulsed around him. Once… Twice more and he too fell into mindless pleasure. It wasn’t until she moved that he realized she’d bitten his shoulder. The mark was bright red and stung a bit, but he couldn’t be bothered to care.
“Tell me,” he said, licking up a trickle of sweat from her neck. “Does yer lover make ye cry out that way?”
She gazed up at him from beneath half-lidded eyes.
“I can’t say he does.”
Before his arms gave out and he crushed her, he flopped onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. She wriggled around, resting her chin on his chest while her fingers danced through his coarse hair.
“You know,” she said, adjusting herself to give him a slow, lingering kiss. “I’m a jealous woman too.”
“Are ye, then? Should I cast aside my other lover and profess my undying love for ye?”
Her teeth tugged on his bottom lip, one of her legs nestling between both of his.
“I don’t share very well. And I don’t think she makes you feel what I make you feel.”
A soft, pleased rumble vibrated in his chest.
“No,” he agreed. “No one could make me feel the way ye do, mo ghraidh.”
* Come Away With Me by Norah Jones
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qeefga-veohpe · 7 years
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Horse Lovin Barbie Ken Skipper 1982 1980's http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337410320&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=272633898782
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