#horytsvit talks
mikhnovskykinnie · 6 months
hey so i saw your addition to that UN graph with regards to child deaths in palestine - do you have a source for the numbers being inaccurate? i thought UN sources tended to be alright (and of course not saying this to belittle death tolls anywhere else - one child killed in conflict is too many)
«Кількість жертв у Маріуполі вимірюється десятками тисяч. Ми не змогли встановити точну цифру, проте виходячи з мінусування загальної кількості населення міста, тих осіб, щодо яких була інформація відносно евакуації або вивезення в Росію чи інших непрямих методів у нас вийшла цифра приблизно у 100 тисяч людей. Тобто, ці громадяни були вбиті», — Дзеркало Тижня
«The number of victims in Mariupol is measured in tens of thousands [of people]. We couldn't determine the exact amount, but (...) we got a number of ~100000 people at the last count. So, these citizens were killed [during the siege/occupation of Mariupol].»
the official 8000 to 10000 death toll of Mariupol only consists of the documented deaths. i have met a few people from Mariupol, who underwent the occupation and witnessed all the horrors of the war, abroad. They all insisted: the real death toll of Mariupol goes up to 100000 people... that doesn't count as direct proof, of course, but there are many undiscovered bodies buried under the ruins of Mariupol. many of them will never be found.
the thing is, under occupation, it's really really hard to actually keep track of all the deaths and document them properly, and even moreso - gain access to the occupied city in an attempt to collect data. hence many cities and villages are basically blocked from the rest of the world and the deaths in there are undocumented, no one(press, civilians, volunteers) can just go there and collect the data or do anything about it at the moment.
again, with Kakhovka HPP, we can't be sure how many people(including children) have died. the genocide in Ukraine is not as well-documented as the one in Palestine for multiple reasons.
UN are cowards who refuse to risk their lives and document properly. They only have a tad bit of the big picture, so their viewpoint is not to be trusted. just like in Gaza, only locals(incl. the press) volunteer to risk their safety and wish to document the war crimes and all the horrors from within.
one day, maybe, we'll have access to all the occupied territories, and even then, the victim count will be approximate. it's impossible to be 100% sure.
hope this answers your question!
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mikhnovskykinnie · 6 months
hey guys does anyone know what to do with a literary brainrot. i'm exploding
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mikhnovskykinnie · 7 months
*shakes my long-distance friends by the shoulders* WHY ARE ALL OF YOU SO FAR AWAY FROM ME
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mikhnovskykinnie · 7 months
i just wanted to ask what the actual fuck is going on lately . genuinely i'm at one of the lowest points in my life rn and like. what the fuck guys. can someone hold my hand through this
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mikhnovskykinnie · 2 months
men who text "Hru" = immediate turn-off. sorry not sorry. boys really do go to Jupiter to get more stupider after all i guess(*the cishet men sure as hell do.)
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mikhnovskykinnie · 6 months
Shuffle your favourite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favourite mutuals. 💌💛
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mikhnovskykinnie · 6 months
really grateful for the reading and your effort in linking them, with particular respect to your age and personal closeness to the situation. i worry that putting the expectation of risking one's life on anyone is a big ask but i do see what you mean. i suppose as well in such occupied territory it is hard to say child deaths vs deaths in the area more generally (the big thing with palestine to my understanding being that the median age is ~19 compared to other countries where it is usually much older - mid 40s in ukraine from a brief search)
yeah, maybe that came off as me being demanding, but what i intended to say was that UN is... not the most reliable source out there(neither are mine, since everything is approximate). it's more about me being autistic and feeling all the justice/fairness stuff in my bones, taking everything close to heart, than my age, tbh. i am sensitive when it comes to that, so apologies for that
the death tolls in Palestine are absolutely terrifying, i am not by any means trying to dismiss or belittle that; however, putting Palestine on pedestal as the most suffering country WHILE bringing down the others is just... not right. that's the whole point; no trauma olympics, no comparing death tolls. hope this clarifies where i come from a bit :)
i will always stand with Palestine and it makes my blood boil that basically the same shit as with many surrounded & occupied ukrainian cities like Mariupol is happening once again, and NO ONE can do anything about it. really maddening... i have no tears left to cry about this
it's just not helpful to anyone - neither to ukrainians nor to palestinians, i believe - to compare "who has suffered more". this is some privileged white boy talk. let's maybe try to actually do something instead
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