#hotels near ocean breeze waterpark
aquavistaresorthotel · 4 months
Best Hotels near Virginia Aquarium for Ultimate Weekend Getaway
Aqua Vista Resort Hotel is centrally located on the iconic Virginia Beach Boardwalk to provide visitors far and near with a resort experience without having to travel to an exotic location. It’s one of the best hotels near Virginia aquarium and ocean breeze waterpark for weeklong vacations or weekend getaways.
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my Akatsuki Secret Santa gift for @lasersight! @akatsuki-gift-exchange
waterpark antics with a photobooth feature! ...aaand my on-brand sappy romance ^^;
also on Ao3 here!
It’s rare to find a completely secluded spot anywhere in the dead heat of summer, people crowding the high mountains for hikes and the low oceans for swimming, in transition from the lines of one food stall to the similarly unmoving ones of another—the middle season one of time if nothing else—but perhaps they’d simply lucked out today, chosen a spot early enough in the morning that no one would encroach on their space now, even with the sun obscenely high and bright, all other, open spaces at capacity.
Their spot was an alcove, shaded half by trees with the other half in the full sun, the minute waves moving with the wind, one moment dark blue, completely white the next. Itachi was in that shaded space, laid out long, almost meditating with the slight breeze that broke up the near abyssal heat, with the sound of the water making space for an extra body, for a welcomed intrusion, for Kisame’s professional quality dive into the deep end.
He favored the warm spots instead, bounding off the side in the shade so he’d be propelled forward, fully into the sun, sometimes basking, sleepily, with his head on his shoulder, over the lip of the pool where water met an edge and turned to tile, and other times doing so even beneath the water, lying flat on his back, breathing slowly through his gills, watching how the light warped with the waves and drew abstracts onto his skin, taking the occasional peek at the sun out of the corner of his vision as if it were a beach ball floating on the surface of the water.
He knows Itachi likes to take it easy, to take full advantage of their breaks by resting, barely even moving much (unless it’s to, readily, eagerly, go out to get tea and dango), but it doesn’t stop him from trying to get Itachi in the water, or bringing it to him if need be, each dive getting more and more sloppy, water spilling out of the pool, inching closer to his partner’s sun chair until a cannonball, the momentum for such a splash well-prepped by long leaps on tile, successfully sends a rush of water onto him, soaking him completely and knocking his sunglasses askew.
Rising from his chair and tucking his now wet hair behind his ears, Itachi dips his legs in up to the calves, tracing where the water encircles his knees, where the light makes haloes, content to spend some time in the sun after all. They talk about everything, everything work doesn’t give them time for, when even meal breaks are spent in tense, terse silence, and are still chatting—Kisame electing not to towel off, Itachi barely even sweating—when they pack themselves tightly, side by side, into the photobooth by the inlet to the hotel.
Kisame’s all teeth, wide smile happily creasing the already-present lines on his face, while Itachi keeps himself inexpressive, save for one hand up, palm facing outward, fingers in a V shape. He picks a color—bright, full gold—and traces Kisame’s features in the photo, as he would touch skin with his fingers in reality, traces those gill lines, making them radiate outward even more so than usual, like the sun at its zenith. In return, Kisame drags sparkles into Itachi’s eyes and outlines his undereye lines in pink, adding to the pink cat whiskers selected immediately, naturally.
The next picture has them both serious, arms crossed and backs straight at the same time, without planning it that way, which makes the photo following blurred in laughter. Even when humor has their bodies jostled in opposite directions, they still gravitate towards one another, always needing to be touching in some way, fingers on their way to being entwined, free hands supportive on their shoulders, where collarbones give way to soft muscle, to bodies they know better than anything else.
The last photo is left unedited, save for a border of hearts and shooting stars, the focus on Kisame nosing at Itachi’s temple, lips paused in the faintest kiss, with Itachi’s expression frozen the same, in perpetual, unending calm, contentedness—bliss. They walk back to their room the same way they arrived, the same way they’d spent their afternoon: unbothered by the crowds, keeping to themselves, close as if melded together in the heat, remade into one singular being.
The blinds are drawn, leftover from the morning, Itachi’s eyes overly sensitive, even to the slivers of light edging the windows, unable to be smothered completely, and the room is warm then cool then cold—Kisame half and half about it; wanting relief from how the sun baked his scales, dried even the tender, protected space underneath, but turning off the air conditioning after every few minutes of it on, teetering just as easily on the edge of being too cold.
He still doesn’t know what he wants, back curved in a bad position where he’s hunched at the end of the bed, waiting through two minutes of hushed, rushed air before he decides it’s, once again, too much, trapped in a cycle of his own doing—before Itachi breaks it up, motioning him over, cold air still flowing steadily from where the unit’s fixed solidly in the wall.
There’s a position he knows well, a place that’s all his to inhabit, and it’s nestled underneath Itachi’s arm, curled into his side, forehead against the warm, untouched spot of the side of his neck. He can hear his heart beat there, can almost feel the blood flow in proximity to the jugular, like there’s no other sound in the room but that, no other beings in the universe other than they two, no other measure of time but tonight, and he places a large hand over Itachi’s sternum, slows his own breathing to time the beats evenly, until they’re one and the same, taking the feeling literally into his hands—to make sure it never goes away.
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killingmebtob · 6 years
Swimming // Im Hyunsik
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Author: @killingmebtob // Chi
Title: Swimming
Characters: Hyunsik and Reader
Author’s Note: Listen to Hyunsik’s Swimming
Summary: Hyunsik met the mermaid.
Your name: submit What is this?
One day, while I was diving in the middle of the sea, I met a mermaid. And I fell in love with her.
Hyunsik took a deep breath and welcomed the sea breeze as he stood in the balcony of his hotel room. He looked from left to right and absorbed the beauty of the sea.
He was glad that he finally agreed to his boss to take this vacation. He has been working non-stop for over six months for the largest project that their company acquired.
He would always say to his boss that he will take the vacation once the project is done. So, the moment they received a notification that everything was successful, he immediately booked a flight to this island and packed his bags.
He had always loved the sea. When he was young, his father would take both him and his brother to the sea near their family house. They would play all day, picking seashells and running on the sand.
When he grew up, he even took diving lessons as he wanted to explore the sea. He loved how unpredictable the sea is. How sometimes it is so strong that it can sink ships, and sometimes it is so gentle that it nurtures the creatures living in it.
Hyunsik rented a boat as he decided to take a dive that afternoon and explore the wonders of that sea.
He was offered assistance but he declined as he wanted to just relax and take his time. And besides, he was a professional diver; he could take care of himself.
He asked around for good diving spots and he was not disappointed as the locals are very friendly and even told him the secret spots where the marine life is well preserved.
He picked the one spot he was told that has the best view. He was told that it was on the left side of the Island, near where the forest is. It is far away from the busy resort and it is untouched.
It took him ten minutes to get to the spot. He was also trained to navigate in the seas so this was not a problem for him.
He anchored the boat a few feet away from the diving spot to make sure that everything under will remain unharmed.
The scenery was breathtakingly beautiful. More than what he expected it to be,
Vibrant and pleasant colors are splashed all over the place. Creatures, big and small, are everywhere.
He explored every corner but made sure that he will just appreciate with his eyes. He did his best to not disturb the marine life.
He was busy admiring the scenery when a sudden pain shot up from his left leg. He felt the muscles of his calf and the toes on his feet tense and stiffen.
He tried to shake off the feeling but he can’t move it.
Panic started to build inside him. He moved his arms and tried to swim up the water and his weight was pulling him down.
The air in his lungs started to run out. His instinct told him to not open his mouth but his whole body is urging him to breathe. He felt like his eyes are going to pop out if he spend another second holding his breath. His whole body gave up causing his mouth to open. Salty water came flooding in, burning his lungs.
A few seconds and his body already stopped moving. He was still conscious but he cannot move.
Is this how he’s going to die?
He was facing upwards to the surface of the sea when he saw a shadow coming to him.
A fish? But it’s bigger than an ordinary fish.
There’s a big tail and a pair of… arms?
The creature swam to him and as it came close, he realized that it was a woman, but her lower body has the tail of a fish!
The creature wrapped its arm around his waist and swam up to the surface.
As they were gradually going up, he looked at the creatures face.
And that was the last thing he saw before everything turned black.
Two days passed since he almost died. He still can’t get what he saw out of his mind.
He woke up in the hospital after being unconscious for a whole day. He was told that someone called the ambulance and they found him in his boat near the shore, wrapped in blankets.
Everything was a puzzle for him. But the biggest question is: did he really see a mermaid?
He paced around his hotel room as he thought of what happened and he tried to recall what he saw.
Part of him says that he is just hallucinating. He was near death and his mind might’ve been playing tricks on him.
When he got tired of thinking, he decided to walk outside to get some fresh air.
While outside, he had the urge to ask the locals if there are tales of mermaids in the island.
He almost smacked himself. Of course there is! Where there is an island, there’s always going to be tales like that.
He decided to just put aside those thoughts and enjoy his vacation.
He visited shops and restaurants. Taking pictures of the place.
One of the locals said that there will be a special show in the afternoon at the waterpark. He got curious so he went to the park to buy tickets.
The said park is built on the east side of the Island. A huge building was built on top of the rocks. They were instructed to go inside and down an elevator taking them to an aquarium.
They are looking directly at the bottom of the vast sea.
Creatures roamed behind the glass for everyone to see.
He suddenly remembered the feeling he had two days ago when he almost drowned and died. Being there felt like he was diving again.
Cold sweat started to form on his forehead and he felt short of breathe.
He was about to head back to the elevator and up to the ground again when he heard the people clapping.
The sound of amusement and amazement filled the whole place.
He turned around to see what everyone was looking at and saw that behind the glass are two dolphins playing around.
Wait no.
It’s just one dolphin. Coz the other one has arms.
He stepped closer and felt like his heart dropped to the floor.
There in front of him is a mermaid playing with the dolphin.
Can everyone see it?
He looked around. Everyone seemed to enjoy the sight.
He looked closer to the mermaid and felt a sudden feeling.
He thought hard.
Memories came flooding in like water.
That face. That face belonged to the mermaid who saved him!
“She’s amazing, right?” a voice suddenly said from behind him. He turned around and saw an old man who looked like a tourist. The man looked at him as if waiting for a response.
“Who is she?” Hyunsik asked.
“A mermaid of course!” the man said.
Hyunsik’s brows furrowed. Suddenly, the old man laughed.
“I’m just kidding.” he joking slapped the younger man’s back. “That’s (Y/N). She’s a very good swimmer. The sea loves her, even the creatures. She performs here as a mermaid to entertain the tourists.”
Hyunsik almost punched himself. How can he, a grown up man, believe that mermaids exist?
He laughed in relief. He just spent a lot of time thinking about a nonexistent mermaid.
He watched as she performed underwater. Gracefully moving even with the tail attached to her. She never failed to flash a huge smile to the audience.
Looking at her is like looking at a painting in a museum. Every move she made conveys emotions and grace.
Hyunsik finished the whole show and waited for the mermaid to finally have legs.
After an hour  of waiting, the mermaid came out.
She was wearing a simple ripped t-shirt and acid washed, denim shorts. Her long hair, which is obviously just towel dried, were bundled on top of her head in a messy bun.
“H-hi.” Hyunsik said as he approached her.
She looked surprised and confused at the same time. From up close, he saw that her skin is tanned. Obviously because of spending a lot of time in the sea.
“My name is Hyunsik.” He said, offering his hand.
She hesitated for a bit. But at the end, she still took it and smiled.
Hyunsik felt a sigh of relief. But he can still see that she is confused. Of course, she will be! An unknown man just approached her.
“I’m not a bad guy.” He said, but somehow he felt like it made him look more suspicious.
He thought to himself, Why am I acting like a dork?!
“D-do you still remember me?” Hyunsik said.
She thought for a while, looking at his face and trying to search her memory.
Her face suddenly brighten up when she realized.
“Oh! You’re that stupid guy!” her warm voice filled with excitement almost made him melt until he realized what she just said.
“Excuse me?” Hyunsik said, still taken aback.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” She said, putting her hand on her mouth and slightly slapping it. “I didn’t mean for it to.. well.. uhmm.. I’m really sorry.” She looked at him shyly.
“It’s okay.” Hyunsik said. But it’s not okay. Why does she think he is stupid?
“I’m really sorry. It’s just that.. what were you even thinking? Diving without any diving equipment on? And in the middle of the sea?! That’s dangerous.” She said.
He wanted to defend himself and tell her that he’s a professional diver, but that wouldn’t change anything. He drowned and she saved him, that’s what matters.
With that, Hyunsik invited her for dinner, as a “Thank You” gesture since she saved him. (Y/N) hesitated at first as he was still a stranger, but he convinced her at the end.
They talked about lots of things. He found out that she was born in  the island and she had been swimming even before she learned how to walk. She told him how her ancestors were the original tribesmen in the island. Their tribe are those that believes in the ocean and treats it as their Goddess. That culture never left some of the families in the island. Many of them still does the rituals passed down by the ancestors.
They got to know each other and it didn’t even take long for them to get comfortable with each other.
A simple dinner led to (Y/N) asking Hyunsik if he would like to take a walk with her by the shore in the middle of the night.
“Take off your shoes.” She said as she took hers off and dipped her feet in the cold sea water.
Hyunsik followed her and did the same too.
He watched as she looked up to the moon, closed her eyes, put her arms up, and breathed deeply.
Her hair which is now hanging loosely behind her looked like black water falls, falling in waves to her back..
The light of the moon complimented the features of her face.
To Hyunsik, more than a mermaid, she looks like a Goddess who came to the earth to bless his soul.
He was enamored by her beauty and he can’t explain it.
“Beautiful.” He uttered the words before thinking.
(Y/N) opened her eyes with a smile and looked at him. “Yes, the sea is really beautiful at night.”
Hyunsik just smiled and didn’t correct her.
“Can I ask you something?” he suddenly said.
She faced him and gave him her full attention. “Sure, what is it?”
“That day when you saved me, you were swimming in the sea while wearing your tail, right?”
She nodded. “Yes.”
“Isn’t that dangerous? I mean, I, who had no restrictions on my feet drowned, what more someone whose feet are tied inside the tail.”
She smiled. It’s as if she was asked the same question a lot of times. “When I am swimming in the sea,” she started. “I feel like I am one with it. I trust it like how a child trusts its mother. If, by any chance, the sea decided to claim me, I will humbly abide.”
She talked mysteriously, but to Hyunsik, it just added to her charm.
As he spent more day with (Y/N), Hyunsik felt more attached to her. The little things she did are wonders to him. And before he knew it, he already fell for her.
But somehow, he never got the courage to confess to her.
Maybe because deep inside he knows that he will soon leave and he can never ask her to come with him. She belonged to this Island as he belonged to the city.
This thought broke his heart.
“I’m leaving tomorrow.” Hyunsik finally said while they were having dinner together.
He waited for her to tell him to stay. Just a word from her and he will drop everything that he has and he will move to the island to be with her.
But instead, her face was calm.
She never said anything. She just smiled and changed the topic.
The night grew darker and he asked her for a final dance in the restaurant where they are at.
He memorized each and every detail of her that night.
The morning came and she did not show up to say goodbye to him.
Although it hurts, he just took a deep breath and forced a smile.
It was a wonderful dream, he thought as he sat inside the plane, looking outside the window to the great big ocean.
Hyunsik went on with his life. He worked until he got tired so that he won’t have any time to think about her.
Before he knew it, a month has already passed.
He was too busy at work that he did not even realize the state his apartment is in. Everything’s a mess.
He decided that it was time to move on finally.
He spent the entire day cleaning and putting things in order. Thinking that he should also put his life in order.
As he was cleaning his room, he noticed the jacket that he was wearing on their last night together. It was crumpled in one corner of the room. Unwashed and might still have sand in its pockets. When he last wore that, he held (Y/N) in his arms to dance. Does it still have traces of her?
He took the jacket and was going to put it in the laundry when something fell out of the pocket.
He picked it up and saw that it is a crumpled piece of paper.
He opened it and his tears fell as he read what was inside.
The ocean gave me you. You who brought happiness in my life in the short time that we are together. And now, it’s also the ocean who will take you from me. You are like a dream. I never wanted to wake up but I had to face reality.
But if I am going to listen to my heart, I would like to be selfish at least once in my life and ask you to stay.
I love you. Please don’t go.
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wikitopx · 5 years
Galveston, Texas, is a guard barrier island on the Texas Gulf Coast, about 50 miles southeast of Houston.
This proximity to a city of about 2.3 million makes it a popular (and crowded) spot among Houstonians looking for a sea breeze to cut the heat of summer. It also accommodates a bustling port for cruisers traveling to Mexico or the Caribbean. But there's more to explore Galveston than its beaches and convenient cruise port. There are many offering visitors who are from its Victorian tectonics that exciting shopping on The Strand to its marshal of museums and its array of seafood-inspired dining establishments.
1. Candlewood Suites Galveston
Candlewood Suites Galveston offers ideal lodging! Stay in one of the cheap hotels in Galveston when you can enjoy the premium comfort of the Candlewood Suites - Galveston extended stay hotel Stay with us and you'll see why our guests' surveys praise the excellent service of their hotel.
Galveston is a mix of historic settings and modern culture, as to prove by the unique shops and stops along The Strand. Galveston County Historical Museum provides a look at local history, and you can explore world history, science, and the rainforest at the pyramids in Moody Gardens.
The hotel in Galveston is just a short drive from Schlitterbahn Island Waterpark. Travelers in the hotel are put to close to Galveston Convention Center, University of Texas Medical Center, the Port of Galveston, Halliburton and other businesses.
Their hotel's business center, along with each suite's over-sized desk with free high-speed Internet access and a speakerphone with free local calls, help you work efficiently. During your stay in Galveston, their extended stay hotel's amenities will make you feel right at home.
You should cook meals in your set's fully equipped kitchen, enjoy in the recliner chair while watching movies from the free movie library and unwind in the fitness center and outdoor pool. From a free laundry facility to the Candlewood Cupboard, their extended stay hotel in Galveston will take care of your needs.
2. Harbor House Hotel & Marina at Pier 21
The Harbor House Hotel residents in Galveston Wharf overlooking Galveston Bay. Amenities feature spacious guest rooms with scenic harbor views, free Wi-Fi Internet access as well as complimentary breakfast.
All Guest rooms are designed to reflect a relaxed ambiance. Visit nearby attractions, such as the Texas Seaport Museum, The Tall Ship Elissa, and The Great Storm Theater. Explore the famous strand shopping and entertainment district just two blocks away.
3. Holiday Inn Club Vacations Galveston Beach Resort
Holiday Inn Club Vacations Galveston Beach Resort offers a wonderfully relaxing experience for couples and families alike. This quiet beachfront resort is located on the Texas Gulf coast south near the historic port city of Galveston.
The city is a charming, Victorian-era treasure filled with authentic period architecture and strong echoes of the 1800s. Set away from the bustle of downtown, you'll enjoy villa accommodations with fully equipped kitchens, living and dining areas, plus free Wi-Fi internet access.
The heated, outdoor huge pool and large hot tub offer direct, waterfront beach access and a new recreation area. Kids will take part in many activities: half-court basketball, shuffleboard court, beach volleyball, tetherball, while you'll love the fitness center available to guests 24/7 and picnic areas for outdoor dining.
A nearby Marketplace store is available for guest convenience. This oceanfront resort offers the most relaxing experience with amenities designed to enhance your vacation.
4. Four Points By Sheraton Galveston
Overlooking the Gulf of Mexico, Four Points by Sheraton Galveston is near the beach and Pleasure Pier, Schlitterbahn Waterpark, Moody Gardens, Strand Historic District, and Grand 1894 Opera House Free parking only applies for guest. (none parking facility) If the vehicle is left for cruise parking the charge is $40.00 for 5 days.
5. Courtyard by Marriott Galveston Island
Courtyard by Marriott Galveston Island is a Galveston seaside hotel that's perfect for weekend getaways and business trips. Our hotel in Galveston, Texas offers the ideal combination of thoughtful amenities and conveniences, and they make it easy for you to enjoy all kinds of journeys and vacations in Galveston.
Courtyard by Marriott Galveston Island is close to top attractions like the warm and sandy Jamaica Beach. They are close to Pleasure Pier and Galveston Island State Park. And, guests love their proximity to many things to do and see on the Galveston Seawall.
While at the hotel, you will be able to relax and luxuriate in our cozy guest rooms that feature plush bedding an pillow-top mattresses.
The hotel can be your home-away-from-home as you explore Galveston, and should you want to spend downtime with us on our property, we welcome you to dine in our restaurant - The Bistro. Courtyard by Marriott Galveston Island is also the best ideal location to hold business meetings.
6. TownePlace Suites Galveston Island
TownePlace Suites by Marriott Galveston Island is perfect for a multi-generation stay in Galveston, TX. They provide many choices to have adventures all around Galveston like along the Galveston Seawall, which is steps away from our Galveston Beach hotel.
Near our accommodations, you will find Schlitterbahn Galveston Island Waterpark Moody Gardens. Should you be traveling to Galveston on business, you will be near downtown Galveston's top offices and corporations - and you will appreciate our on-site business center and a meeting room.
All guests can enjoy our Galveston Beach hotel's many convenient that include complimentary breakfast, an outdoor pool and pool bar, a fitness center, and free Wi-Fi. TownePlace Suites by Marriott Galveston Island is an all-suite hotel offering friendly service and spacious guest suites, with comfortable beds and plenty of room to spread out.
7. Best Western Plus Seawall Inn & Suites By The Beach
Start traveling to the Best Western Plus Seawall Inn & Suites by the Beach where the friendly, helpful staff is ready to ensure a fun-filled memorable stay in Galveston, Texas. Explore to experience a taste of paradise on Galveston Island.
8. Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Galveston West - Seawall
Hear the wave s crash from your balcony at the new Holiday Inn Express & Suites Galveston Island, located on W Seawall Blvd across from the ocean.
It includes thirty-two miles of great beaches, restaurants, downtown shopping in the Strand Historic District, historical museums like the Lone Star Flight Museum and the Texas Seaport Museum, interesting entertainment, one of the largest and surely concentrations of Victorian tectonics in the country especially the 1859 Moody Mansion.
The new Holiday Inn Express & Suites Galveston is the best value for business and leisure travelers. The Colonel Paddlewheel Boat is unmissable to join; relax with East Beach Park, Galveston Island Ferry, Stewart Beach, Bishop Palace, and Moody Gardens, and Schlitterbahn Waterpark adventure.
If you are embarking from the Port of Galveston or here on business, we are conveniently located close to the University of Texas Medical Branch, American National Insurance Company, Texas A&M University at Galveston, Galveston College, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and the US Coast Guard.
Galveston is a small romantic island. It tucked deep within the center of south Texas possessing all the charm of a small southern town with Texas Hospitality and just 40 minutes south of Houston. Looking forward to seeing you at the new Holiday Inn Express & Suites Galveston Island soon.
9. Hampton Inn & Suites Galveston
The Hampton Inn & Suites Galveston hotel is nearby the Galveston Seawall, Moody Gardens, the beach, and historic sites. The hotel provides a free full hot breakfast every day, high-speed internet and Wi-Fi, outdoor pool and whirlpool, fitness center, and meeting rooms.
10. Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Galveston Beach, TX
Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Galveston Beach, TX is the best choice for travelers visiting Galveston, offering many helpful amenities designed to enhance your stay. The rooms are provided a flat-screen TV and air conditioning, free wifi is available, allowing you to rest and refresh with ease.
Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Galveston Beach, TX especially newspaper and express check-in and check-out. Besides, as a valued Country Inn Galveston Beach Hotel guest, you can enjoy a pool and free breakfast that are available on-site.
Guests arriving by vehicle have free parking. While staying at Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Galveston Beach, TX, visitors can check out Grand 1894 Opera House (1.3 mi) and Bishop's Palace (1.4 mi), some of Galveston's top attractions.
While in Galveston be sure to experience local schnitzel favorites at Stuttgarden Tavern. If you’re looking for things to do, you can check out Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier (0.3 mi), Moody Mansion (0.9 mi), or The Bryan Museum (0.8 mi), which are one of popular attractions tourists, and they are all within walking distance.
Enjoy your stay in Galveston!
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From : https://wikitopx.com/hotels/top-10-cheap-hotels-in-galveston-701972.html
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The hotels dubai the palm Diaries عروض دبي
In Greek and Roman mythology, oregano is the herb of love. ارخص الفنادق في دبي grows it in her garden on Mount Olympus, and it had been Employed in like potions and spells. Hippocrates — The daddy of Western medication — is claimed to possess prescribed it to patients as early as the 5th century B. Other holidaymakers may possibly often manage to ebook tours of your hotel by itself, nonetheless these will never run if the hotel is whole. A "really clever everyday" costume code applies. Reservations are often expected about a month beforehand for the space, but a couple of days will commonly suffice for a food. The celebration is going on in the Dubai Creek Marina which has the ability to Exhibit boats of approximately 147ft on land and in water. You can see a wide array of boats on the market starting from compact tender boats to Tremendous yachts. Reservation dates can not be modified on line following the cancellation deadline has passed. السياحة في دبي should Call us for additional information. The title of the hotel interprets to ‘a gentle sea breeze’, and it is impressed by its enviable position backing A non-public large and tender-sand Seaside. The hotel may be the fourth and ultimate hotel to become added for the 98-acre Madinat Jumeirah intricate – the largest vacation resort within the Emirate. The hotel alone overlooks one of many location’s most recognisable structures, the Burj Al Arab and it sits adjacent on the Wild Wadi Waterpark™, to which you'll have absolutely free unrestricted access. Another facility you’ll be able to use with the vacation resort consists of the Talise Spa, a tropical wellness retreat entire having a pleasant Key Garden for al fresco Thai massages, a sensory place and cabanas for beachside treatment plans. There’s ten restaurants and bars at Al Naseem, including the Moroccan café which حجز فنادق دبي is found near the lobby, all with the ‘Arabian Explorer’ vibe. During the early days the channel operated with a £forty million funds (plus £ten million share of overheads), which led Sam Chisholm, chief government with the recently merged BSkyB to suggest to Murdoch which the station to become shut, but Rupert was "delighted with its achievements ... there were overriding good reasons of Status and politics for holding it .افضل فندق في دبي .. the final hurdle of your Broadcasting Invoice had nevertheless for being get over and the situation for your acceptability of Sky would collapse if instantly there was no news channel. حجز فنادق دبي Previously the desire for hotel rooms terribly outstripped source, leading to a number of the costliest rooms on the earth: it absolutely was tough to discover just about anything decent for less than Dhs 600 (US£200) In particular during the September-May perhaps high period. Should you be going for walks throughout the streets, you are going to most almost certainly encounter folks desirous to offer you pirated movies or anything else that can be replicated or faked. They can are inclined to guide you off the streets into a alley and into a building. This could certainly appear to be pretty dangerous but you will find that 90 % of time it will be what they really declare it to be. The Authorities acquire disruptive actions whilst intoxicated really significantly, which as you could consider will cause jail time or deportation. Intimate and crammed with artwork, our 5-star Dubai hotel features just 106 luxurious lodging, which includes 28 suites. Eating, spa and Conditioning keep you at the best within your game, whilst considerate 4 Seasons provider makes certain you take advantage of of your trip to Dubai. فندق رافلز مكةUpdate Profile I'll update my profile afterwards Take note: Profile updates are going to be expected prior to creating a reservation. Taxi: Most website visitors will choose community taxis with the airport, that happen to be available just outside the house arrivals, which use the meter and begin at Dhs twenty five. Taxis are over the left whenever you arrive outside of terminal one. Dubai is usually a buying and selling hub for dhows from around the Indian Ocean. Travellers wanting to arrive in the town in this manner will most likely have to have to help make their unique arrangements Along with the captain from the vessel. You will see several golfing program from 3 to 5 miles far from the hotel. The Doctors Regional Medical Centre and Medical center a brief 5 moment push from our hotel. Nearby the hotel We've quite a few eating solutions and only minutes from the upbeat downtown eating district.
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
Unknown to most people, the unexplored regions of the world offer destinations that are unique for vacations. These unique spots not only promise unsullied scenery but they also offer unusual vacation experiences for those who seek to get away from the run-of-the-mill escapades on mediocre beaches and hotels. Check out our 25 unusual places to take a vacation and make it a point to do something different on your next planed escapade.
#1 Seagaia Ocean Dome The Seagaia Ocean Dome, was the world’s largest Polynesia-themed indoor waterpark, located in Miyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan. The Ocean Dome, which was a part of the Sheraton Seagaia Resort, measured 300 metres in length and 100 metres in width, and was listed in the Guinness Book Of World Records. It sported a fake flame-spitting volcano, artificial sand and the world’s largest retractable roof, which provided a permanently blue sky even on a rainy day. Unfortunately it closed in 1997.
#2 Alnwick Poison Garden The Alnwick Garden is a complex of formal gardens adjacent to Alnwick Castle in England. One of the more interesting attractions here is the poison garden and the signs on the front gate seem to give a fairly concise description of what you can expect.
#3 727 Fuselage Home-Costa Verde Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just step off the plane and walk right unto the beach without worrying about luggage or security? The 727 Fuselage Home makes this desire a reality…well almost. This unique hotel located within the coastal rainforest of Costa Rica overlooking the Pacific beaches of Manuel Antonio National Park near Quepos, is a retrofitted Boeing 727. Originally designed to carry 150 cramped passengers, the jet is now home to luxurious beds, incredible vistas, and easy beach access.
#4 Giraffe Manor A one of a kind hotel nestled in a suburb in Nairobi, Kenya, the Giraffe Manor is a small lodge that is home to some of the most endangered Rothschild giraffes in Kenya. It is known today for being a small, private hotel that opens its doors to guests who want to experience feeding giraffes either from their own breakfast tables or through the front door or windows of their rented rooms.
#5 Boot and Breakfast The Boot and Breakfast is a unique hotel designed as a giant pair of boots. Understandably, when it first opened in 2001 the locals considered the partners to be slightly crazy, but after several years of business and many happy visitors they are rightly taking their place as local celebrities.
#6 Desert Nomad House If you have ever felt the urge to just get away from it all, this is the perfect unusual place for you. Rick Joy’s “Desert Nomad House” is located in the Tucson desert right besides…nothing, absolutely nothing (for the exception of the Saguaro cacti). The simple design consists of a rusted steel box housing a 780 square foot bathroom; a living room , kitchen, and dining area; and a 440 square foot bedroom with a 200 square foot office. This is the epitome of a tranquil get away.
#7 Your own Fiji Island Picture this: Crystal clear blue waters, tropical floral scented breeze, soothing shore echoing the sound of the sea, clear blue skies that transform into a brilliant display of celestial lights at night, and best of all no one around. That’s right, no screaming children, obnoxious people, not even an annoying dog. This is the luxury of spending a day or two in your own, rented private Fiji Island. Depending on the island a night can cost around $2,500.
#8 Panda Inn Panda Inn is a chain of restaurants that originated in Sichuan, China and features basically everything panda related. Even the staff is dressed in panda suits!
#9 Metroplis, Illinois If you are a die hard fan of Superman, than you know of his hometown Metropolis. But did you know that the city actually exists? Metropolis, Illinois is the only city in the world dedicated to Superman (complete with a gigantic superman statue). If you really want to get into the Superman hype, the best time to go is in June when the locals put on a festival called “The Superman Celebration” which attracts book collectors and fans from all over the United States. To be fair, the real Metropolis is not the gigantic Super City depicted in the comics. Rather, it resembles more of a small town (think Smallville).
#10 Izu Islands A group of volcanic islands that includes about a dozen islets, Izu Islands extends southeast from the Izu Peninsula and is characterized by the unique flavor of each of its atolls. One of its islands, Ohama, is known for its active volcano, Mt. Mahira, which has erupted several times over the last decade. Another island, Niijima, is known for its pristine beaches while Mikurajima is famous for its amusing dolphin shows.
#11 Igloo Village Tourists who seek to rough it in the cold expanse of snowy Finland can visit the sheltered Igloo Village. With an array of unique lodging encompassing snow and glass igloos, visitors can experience the northern lights up close and personal.
#12 Black Rock Desert-Burning Man Festival For those who feel the urge to “radically express themselves” the Burning Man Festival held in the Black Rock desert is the destination for you. The Burning Man is a week long event that begins on the last Monday of August and ends on the first Monday in September and gets its name from the ritual of burning a large wood effigy on Saturday evening.
#13 Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve A vast ocean of lava flows that covers about 618 square miles of land, the Craters of the Moon Na ional Monument and Preserve is one of the most unique scenery in the United States. Craters of the Moon was formed between 15,000 and 20,000 years ago after a series of volcanic eruptions in the region transforming the landscape into a rugged “Apocalyptic-looking” environment. Visitors can lodge in one of the available campgrounds enabling visitors to witness the crater’s spectacular sundown and sunrise.
#14 Yellowstone National Park Located in the state of Wyoming, USA, the Yellowstone National Park is popular for its wildlife and geothermal features. It is among the most preferred tourist destinations for nature lovers because of its subalpine forest and sundry ecosystems, though Old Faithful, a giant cone geyser, is still its major feature. Through the years, several explorers have conducted expeditions in this park and have discovered more of its underlying canyons, lakes, rivers and mountain ranges.
#15 Island of the Dolls Also known as La Isla De Las Muñecas, the Island of the Dolls is dubbed as the creepiest and most bizarre tourist destination in Mexico. The trees grown on this island are decorated with old and mutilated dolls that were hung by the islands one and only former resident. Upon setting foot in this island, tourists who visit this place often offer gifts to appease the spirits that are believed to dwell in the hanging bodies of these dolls.
#16 Niagara Falls The major source of hydrothermal energy in all Canada, Niagara Falls is the collective name for the three waterfalls that border the Canadian Province of Ontario and New York, USA. Heralded as the largest waterfalls in the world, the Niagara Falls are known for their unmatched beauty and grandiose spectacle. The number of tourists who visit the falls peaks during summertime when colorful floodlights light up the waterfalls at night and accentuate their beauty.
#17 Jules’ Undersea Lodge Have you ever tried to count fish instead of sheep in order to fall asleep? If not, you just might be in for a treat once you swim into this outrageous hotel. Jules’ Undersea Lodge is located in Key Largo, Florida and is the only undersea hotel in the United States built 30 feet deep on the ocean floor. Inaugurated in 1986, this undersea hotel requires guests to go scuba diving to get into one of the two rooms available.
#18 The Orient Express Train rides are a great way to see the country side and no other train does it with as much class as the Orient Express. Operated by Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits, the Orient Express is a passenger train service that passes through Paris, Venice, London and Istanbul. Known as the king of all trains, it houses classy accommodations, bars; and dining and boutiques. Without a doubt, this is indeed grand luxury on rail.
#19 Edinburgh Castle Don’t let the stoic and imposing architecture fool you. The Edingurgh Castle is one of the most popular haunted vacations spots in Scotland. Particular attention has been given to the castle’s prison cells which where allegedly used to quarantine plague victims and is where strong paranormal activity resides. Only the bravest dare to stay in this place.
#20 Les Sources de Caudalie Les Sources de Caudalie boasts of its magnificent spa attracting tourists who wish to have a simple and relaxing vacation. In fact, in 2003 this hotel was recognized as being one of the best spas in the world. Among the services that this spa offers are a wine and honey wrap, a Turkish bath and a red wine bath (wait, red wine bath?…that’s their secret).
#21 Alcatraz Hotel If you have ever wanted to experience life on a lock down without breaking the law, you may want to consider the Alcatraz Hotel. This outrageous lodging is a former German prison retrofitted to accommodate 56 rooms with actual cells as sleeping quarters. Amenities include barred windows, toilet in the corner of the room, and your very own steel door slot used to slide your dinner to you.
#22 Sahara Desert Known as the hottest desert in the world, the Sahara Desert stretches from the Red Sea to the outskirts of the Atlantic Ocean. People who wish to take on this unusual vacation challenge can cross the Sahara Desert and catch a glimpse of its picturesque landscape which is like no other in the world. A vast expanse; it features rolling sand dunes that can reach heights of up to 180 meters (590ft).
#23 Galapagos Islands The Galapagos Islands is a group of volcanic islands near the equator in the Pacific Ocean that boast in their natural beauty and are home to an incredible array of animals found nowhere else in the world. Stepping into these islands is like stepping into another world. In fact, it was on these islands that Charles Darwin conducted his experiments!
#24 Palacio De Sal Rarely can you ever say that too much sodium is good for you. However, when it comes to Palacio De Sal (translated Salt Palace), too much sodium is exactly what the doctor is prescribing. This unique hotel, located at the eastern edge of Salar de Uyuni (the worlds largest salt flat by the way) is made entirely from salt, that includes the furniture and the structure of the buildings. When you go to this hotel, resist the urge to lick the walls since there is a strictly enforced rule prohibiting guests to do so.
#25 Free Spirit Spheres Sleeping among the trees takes on a literal sense with these Free Spirit Spheres located in Qualicom Beach, Canada. One of the coolest aspects of this very unique vacation spot is the fact that your room (thanks to the stretchy webbing that holds the pods in the air) sways with the trees…it’s almost as if the trees are rocking you to sleep.
Source: List25
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Virgin Beach Amazing Spot for Family Vacation
Virginia Beach is, very first and leading, a seaside location. Over 30 miles long, it's considered as the world's biggest stretch of pleasure coastline, with 3 miles lined with a hectic boardwalk. Along 'Coastline Road USA,' you will locate ratings of hotels of varying kinds of holiday accommodations, from chic they resort to inexpensive motels.
Virginia Beach is timeless household enjoyable at each turn with pleasant American eateries, ice cream stands, and the lengthiest satisfaction coastlines in the world.Using its cotton sweet makers, boardwalk patios, mini golf, sandcastle competitors, surfing, and outdoors tasks, Virginia Beach provides an ageless escape serving appropriate old-fashioned family values.
Fun Traits you can do in Virginia Beach with Kids
Activities for the Entire Family members. You will locate endless aquatic sporting activities and also land sporting activities to defend myself against when you're vacationing in Virginia Coastline. Go kayaking with dolphins, take surfing lessons, sailing, windsurfing or jet-skiing, or attempt hike-in camping at False Cape State Park or First Touchdown State Park, simply on the outskirts of Virginia Beach.
Virginia Beach occurs to be a culturally considerable area in of The U.S.A.. The influential historic history of Virginia Beach returns to the period of the earliest Chesapian occupants as well as the Jamestown homesteaders, who picked this area to start their United States exploration. The city also possesses traces of their progress in numerous other fields like arts, literary works, scientific research, sporting activities as well as recreation. The city hosts various historical websites, a great deal even more compared to 200 city parks, including entertainment parks, area parks, as well as lots of open spaces for fun-loaded activities. Many beach fronts and also coastline activities have with all this city the honor to be the longest pleased coastline in the world, in the Guinness Publication of Records. When you land in the city, there will not be the moment whenever you several need to think of locations to remain in Virginia Coastline, with children, as the city has great deals of resorts, motels, as well as family resorts at the service company. Places like Residence Inn, Fairfield Inn, 4 Sails Hotel, Holiday Inn, as well as numerous such hotels and also resorts are just perfect for you to absolutely remain in Virginia Coastline along with your childrenses. Now, something regarding the tourist attractions around, which are the must check out locations when you're in Virginia Coastline with kids.
Attractions Around Virginia Beach City for children
There are a great deal of various other tasks that you may enjoy with the children, to create Virginia Coastline city a really remarkable vacation area for kids and also your whole household. Undergo the following list and also obtain a few various other terrific concepts to spend the ideal holiday in Virginia Beach.
Enjoy Irish ocean dance or step dancing, at the Rhythm of Ireland School of Irish Dance.Enjoy your vacations by going to Anchorite Crab Elegance Pageant and also the Miss Curvaceous Shellfish Appeal Pageant!Enjoy the Food by strolling Tour, wherein you might take pleasure in a selection of food in a fairly inexpensive.Visit the Electric motor Globe for electric motor auto racing as well as go-carting. Dip into the Paintball Splat Zone as well as Shipwreck Golf.Visit the Sea Breeze Waterpark (even more than 15 slides) and cruise on 8 Pirate Cruises with pleasant pirates.Visit the Hunt Club Farm, the industry treat for the childrenses that've never ever checked out any type of animal ranch before.Visit the Adam Thoroughgood Residence, that is the earliest block home in the US.Visit the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Passage, that is one of the 7 wonders of the Modern Design world.Visit the Ft Story Army Base, near the First Touchdown State Park. It showcases a collection of lighthouses and less crowded and also instead deserted beaches.Visit the False Cape State Park, which has one of the most undisturbed seaside setting in the whole of Virginia Beach.Visit the Back Bay National Wildlife Haven, for the perfect twitching and hiking knowledge concerning your kids.
Virginia Beach Aquarium:
The Virginia Beach Aquarium is one of the most effective aquariums in the nation with even more than 700,000 gallons of aquarium room throughout. An outing via the aquarium's indoor pavilion checks out sharks, gigantic turtles, and stingrays up-close behind glass while the Marsh Pavilion checks out otters serpents, and also natural marsh residents in the wild.
Great Seafood, Green Seafood:
Cuisine in Virginia Coastline is truly as fresh since it gets, with a whole lot of regional fish and shellfish as well as fresh active ingredients to appreciate. Additionally expanding in appeal is Virginia Beach's Reasonable Seafood program, pioneered by the Virginia Coastline Aquarium, to market sustainable fish and shellfish usage. Dining establishments like Waterman's Grill and Croc's 19th Road Diner are simply 2 of a lot of places advertising eco-friendly consuming in Virginia Beach.
Colonial Williamsburg:
Colonial Williamsburg will certainly turn any type of youngster right into a history-lover. Only one hr and a quarter-hour from Virginia Coastline by auto, when you tip right into this 1700s town, you'll go missing out on in the history, among the women with bonnets and also men with muskets as well as wigs.
Endless Beaches:
One of Virginia Beach's top tourist attractions are its beaches! From breathtaking beach spots in Chesapeake Bay to the miles of hotel coastlines along the boardwalk, or the unique Sandbridge beach in southern Virginia Beach-you won't have issues finding space for the towel or perhaps an impromptu coastline volley ball game.
The last and surely the best thing to do in Virginia Beach, particularly with kids about, is always to do absolutely nothing at the numerous coastlines in the city. The point is, people who take pleasure in the seafronts and the salted ocean breeze, rarely need any type of need to most likely to a beach. And also when it's the world's longest delighted beach, it's in itself grounds enough! Delight in as well as have a delighted holiday.
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aquavistaresorthotel · 6 months
Tips to Find the Best Virginia Beach Hotels on the Boardwalk
Enjoy a luxurious time staying in the Virginia Beach hotels on the Boardwalk by following some tips to find the best hotels. Choose the right time to travel and avoid peak times, also you must have a flexible travel plan, especially with the dates. And make sure that you book your rooms always in advance.
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aquavistaresorthotel · 7 months
Best Hotel Rooms and Suites in Virginia Beach Oceanfront
Aqua Vista Resort Hotel offers the best hotel rooms and suites in Virginia Beach Oceanfront. Each room is equipped with modern amenities such as air conditioning, flat-screen TVs, and complimentary Wi-Fi, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable stay for guests.
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aquavistaresorthotel · 7 months
Enjoy Seaside Living with Best Virginia Beach Hotels on the Boardwalk
Aqua Vista Resort Hotel is one of the best Virginia Beach hotels on the boardwalk that offers the best of seaside living. Our cheap Virginia Beach hotel has a private beachfront access that feels like you are in a coastal haven at our unique oasis by the seaside.
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aquavistaresorthotel · 7 months
Book the Best Virginia Beach Hotel on the Boardwalk
Aqua Vista Resort Hotel is the best Virginia Beach hotel on the boardwalk that has a direct beach access to simply relax on the sand and enjoy the sunshine. With a prime location and modern amenities, our hotel is the perfect destination for those seeking a memorable Virginia Beach experience.
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