#housamo ded
superchaipa · 8 months
Single pulls saved my sanity!
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Santa is Ho-ho-home!
I have one (1) stone left! But it was worth it! No Ziz. No Choji. No Yasuyori.
I already had Itzamna from another pull a long time ago, so he doesn't count.
Père Noël is home. And he got a skill evolution. Scrumptious!
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summocrap · 3 months
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housamosimp · 6 months
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Sniff, this part actually made me sigh in relief 🥲
I'm so sorry again for being late but I'm slowly catching up! Gonna draw something about the 7th anniversary!
Hope yall like it!!❤️✨️
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emichii-the-mc · 6 months
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Jolly celebrations is around the corner and a visit from a certain individual is approaching. Which side of Ded you'll meet depends on whether you've been naughty or nice.
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kairunatic · 1 year
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i love this game *stops playing it for 3 months*
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pof203 · 8 months
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Ded
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I really shouldn't be here. I know Christmas is still a long ways, I still have a lot of work to do.
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I know. But I thought you could use a break. You have all year to prepare, I'm sure one day won't hurt.
Ded: Well, as long as we don't stay too long.
Lupin: Don't worry, Kurogane has a timer to make sure we leave on time. And this is virtual reality, so time in the real world pretty much stopped.
Ded: I hope you're right.
You managed to convince Ded to take some time off from the Santa School to spend the day with you. You decide to take him to the virtual fairytale world.
Ded: (impressed) But there's no denying, this place is really great. If only we had something like this for our next Christmas display. It's enough to make me feel so warm inside. So joyful. So... So...
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So jolly! Thank you, Lupin, for bringing me here, today.
Lupin: (a bit surprised, but happy) You're welcome.
Ded: I heard from Krampus that there's a beach near the home of the dwarves. I would like to see that while we're here.
Lupin: Okay. Consider it an early Christmas present to you.
And so, you and Ded go to the dwarves' house near the beach.
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You both arrive at the cottage. The weather and the sea are a beautiful as ever.
Ded: (happy) Ho ho ho! This is really wonderful. Kurogane really outdid himself.
Lupin: And Boogeyman. This is his creation, too.
Ded: That's true. He deserves the credit, as well.
Lupin: So, now what? You thinking what I'm thinking?
Ded: I know a lot about others, you included... And I guess we can do that, too... I wonder if they also remembered to put in swimsuits.
Lupin: They did.
Ded: (glad) Wonderful. Let's get changed in the cottage.
You and Ded go into the cottage to change into your swimsuits.
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(inhaling deeply) The air here is so sweet. It's hard to believe that everything here is just 1s and 0s.
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Same here. It's really a dream come true.
Ded: (happy) Ho ho ho! I'm glad we agree. Let's go in. Let's see who can swim the farthest.
Lupin: I've improved on my swimming thanks to Ryota. Are you sure you can keep up?
Ded: I'm sure I can. I'm just as much a good swimmer as he is.
Lupin: (laughing) You're on!
Ded: Ho ho ho! Okay. Ready? Set. Go!
You and Ded both jump into the sea and swam far out into it as fast as you can go. You look ahead and you see Ded has already passed you.
Lupin: (thinking) Wow. He wasn't kidding. He really is a good swimmer. Here's hoping Ryota's lessons pay off.
You then do a butterfly swim. You find yourself slowly catching up to Ded. He notices you are now next to him.
Ded: I see. Ryota's taught you well... I guess I better step it up.
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Dash away! Dash away, all!
Ded began to go even faster. You try your best to keep up with him. Before you two knew it, you were so far out at sea, you could barely see the land.
Ded: (proudly) Ho ho ho! Looks like we have a tie!
Lupin: (panting) Looks like it.
Ded: (changing back to his "jolly" self) We should head back now. I think we've earned ourselves a break.
Lupin: Yes, let's... Do you think you can help? (siring) I think I have a cramp.
Ded: I'm sorry. Just hold on to me tightly.
You hold on tightly to Ded as he does the swimming for the both of you back to shore.
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You make it back to the cottage where you're resting on a chair while Ded went to get a snack.
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Snack time! Here you go.
Ded lays tray of milk and cookies before you.
Ded: I know it's a little cliché, but it's the perfect all-around snack there is.
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Thank, Ded. This looks good.
Ded sits next to you as you both enjoy the setting sun.
Ded: How's your leg?
Lupin: It's gotten a lot better, thank you.
Ded: I'm glad. This is such a good sight. It really is like a dream here.
Lupin: Makes you wish you could stay.
Ded: Wouldn't that make my Christmas. But, we all have to get back to reality at some point.
Lupin: I know.
Ded: But don't worry, the feeling we have right now, we can take with us. So when things get us down, we just think of this moment and we'll feel better.
Lupin: That's good to hear.
Ded gets closer to you.
Ded: But I do wish I could stay here.
Lupin: Why?
Ded: (smiling) ... So I could be with you. We rarely see each other outside of the Christmas festivities. I do wish we could see each other more often.
Lupin: I know. Me, too.
Ded: Heck, I wish I could see all of you at times other than Christmas. I bet I would love to spend a lot of time with Wakan Tanka.
Lupin: I'm sure he would. He would want all of us to spend more time together. We shouldn't have to limit ourselves to just certain holidays.
Ded: I know. Though I do find it curious.
Lupin: What is?
Ded: That would would want to be with me? And old man such as myself. I know you have a few in your circle, but me? I'm probably as old as I can be.
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Wouldn't you rather have a younger man? Someone stronger and more handsome? Someone you can really depend on when the time comes?
You smile and wrap your arms around Ded.
Lupin: Ded Moroz, I love you no matter what age you are. And I'm sure Wakan and the others would say the same thing.
Ded: (back to jolly mode) You mean it? Or are you just trying to butter me up so I would get you something really good this year?
Lupin: (laughing) You bet I am.
Ded: And... What is it you want from me this Christmas?
Lupin: ... You.
Ded: (happy) In that case, there's something I would want from you for Christmas?
Lupin: And what could I possibly get Santa Clause for Christmas?
Ded: (smiling) ... To let me join your Guild.
You and Ded embrace each other happily as you both watch the sun sink further into the sea.
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Night fell and you and Ded decide it's time to go home. After getting changed, you make your way back to Candyland and back to the real world.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: I forgot to add that Daikoku would also like to join the Summoners as a liaison for the Warmongers. I just hope you all understood that earlier.
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justlarkin · 1 year
I still wonder if they're actually going to do something with Knecht Ruprecht in relation to Veles or if that brief mention was nothing lol. I haven't seen much of a connection between the two, but Ded and Veles are already associated with each other since he's believed to be Veles' son, Veles' winter hypostasis, or a member of his retinue.
Veles is associated with Santa because he's sometimes believed to be Moroz or Karachun, there's also the story of Elijah the Prophet and St. Nicholas where he takes on St. Nick's role while Perun acts as St. Elias, and Santa is considered to be a replacement for Veles similar to Knecht giving the sack to Ded in Housamo. Knecht Ruprecht is more adjacent to figures like Krampus though since he deals with naughty children. Knecht and Veles are both considered to be demons/underworld adjacent, so I guess they might've pulled a connection from there. Or maybe I'm missing some obscure Santa lore lol.
Of course Ded mentioning that MC reminded him of Knecht Ruprecht could be nothing or just another case of early game writing  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Idc, I'm going to ramble about strange old men who break into people's houses and beat children regardless.
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When Housamo lore becomes the fnaf of the gacha world. Adding more lore instead of keeping things simple. Cause at first, it was the Genociders as bad guys trying to destroy the wall. K, good we got a good plot, destroy the wall to stop loops. Then we have Warmongers who want to break the game because Tez is a child trapped in a bara furry body and wants to fight his bro (us (Quetz)) forever. But like...if the game breaks, no more loops, once you die, you ded. And what's the entire point of Yoritomo, he’s basically the Malecifent of KH2. Shows up and does literally nothing except be there for World Rep reasons. Now we’re against the Invaders who are literally the worst characters in the entire game. They all have different goals and probably all hate each other given from the info from the summaries. Isaac is wanting everyone to become one and that's just...weird and not really anything related to the plot. OH and don't forget, we haven't even touched the Mononobe stuff which has 0 to little relevance to the actual main goal. Just who made the game cause apparently being from the main religion in the world, they can do whatever the fuck they want.
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molebradry · 1 year
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3yu7XE1 Gift From An Apprentice Santa Episode 2 Apprentice Santa Takes to the Sky Meet Dark Ded who gives a quick crash course on being a Santa and then we're off. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support Me On Ko-Fi: https://ift.tt/1pwK0FV Subscribe to Me: https://goo.gl/Jb4xtm Most Recent Upload: https://goo.gl/CcnPeH Most Popular Upload: https://goo.gl/id51qE Twitter: http://goo.gl/GjHNP -------------------------------------------------------------------- #Housamo #GamingMole #Yule
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summonerscenarios · 4 years
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Working on getting more confident with pens which means I’m subjecting ya’ll to some doodle attempts; and man, you can really tell that the pink was the only one on my side todayasdfghjkl
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summocrap · 1 year
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jbpeony · 2 years
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Kengo rules okay. Takemaru and Kengo are the only 5 tsras ive ever drawn while I used the ticket to get Ded. I chose the light bodygaurd mob cuz he has a cool cybernetic beard thingy.
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red-steampunk · 3 years
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kairunatic · 8 months
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So you have two choices you can either get a rough treatment with Dark Ded
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Or get Pamperd by Light Ded
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Either which choices you'll still get Butt Fuck it's just that If you want it Gentle or Hard
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tokyohousamosimps · 3 years
Seeing the Genociders in the Valentines Extravaganza event is like a slap and a punch to the face. I like their arc (heh) in the main story and they quickly became my favorite so seeing them again healthy and well and not as an enemy after what just happened in the main story’s extremely jarring. And there’s even an option to call Babalon as Mother and Surtr as Father. Though, I do wish there was some sibling bonding focused with Arc and Azathoth.
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