#housekeeping things
callsignspark · 10 months
a lot of new people in my notifications today (and you’re all so sweet, thank you for the love on Mary and Bradley) but please remember my blog rules:
You must have your age or an age indicator listed in your bio/pinned post. This is an 18+ blog only so if I can’t tell how old you are, I will assume you are a minor and you will be blocked!
You will be blocked if you have a blank blog. To me that means you’re either a bot or a minor and again, we are an 18+ community here at callsignspark!
I will be going through my followers tonight and if you don’t adhere to these two very simple rules you will be blocked!
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peppermintmochafem · 7 months
Hate to be like a read my dni person but! since I have been posting slightly harder kinks (waterboarding etc etc mwhaha) i want to reaffirm this is absolutely NOT a cnc blog and I don't want that interaction <3
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larkreadsop · 7 months
I know I've generally been trying to do chapters in batches that line up with Oda's breaks, but given that we're in the middle of a flashback I think I'll wait until it's over just so I can give my thoughts knowing the full context of everything!
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kisses-from-crows · 9 months
it’s come to my attention i can’t follow, like, or reply to anyone with this account cuz it’s my second blog. if you see a blog called mixedbag-o-beans with a harley quinn pfp it me motherfuckers lmfao
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mydorkycreations · 10 months
This blog will not be used much for writing
You may ask me why that is and I would tell you it's because I've discovered the wondrous world of making video games
This does still involve writing but less in the actual stories sense
Random OC tidbits still to continue
Art will increase
I may occasionally wail about the coding demons
When I make something that's not unbearably broken or offensively ugly you will be the first to know, with the exception of the love of my life who happens to live in the same residence that I do
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gleedrabbleblog · 1 year
A bit of housekeeping...
Hello, lovely people! I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend! There are a few things I’d like to address to keep things running smoothly. 
I know many of us have been playing catch-up with the prompts that were missed over the holidays, and I'm so glad they’re still bringing inspiration! However, I will not be able to reblog these anymore. As per the pinned rules, I reblog the drabbles posted in their current week (by the end of Sunday). I want to support all of you; however, we have run into an issue with the blog getting cluttered by reblogging previous entries, making it difficult to find the current word for those wanting to participate in the current week. By keeping the reblogs to the current word only, we will help to eliminate this issue.
Additionally, in an effort to keep the blog clutter free and help you get as many reblogs as possible on your stories, it would be extremely helpful if you would post only your 100-word exactly drabble with up to one photo/gif in your main post. We love that you want to tell us about what inspired you or your personal headcanons, but please do so by putting it under a cut. Obviously, I can't tell you how to post, but it is our experience that posts with drabbles only receive more reads and reblogs and help to keep the blog reader-friendly.
As always, I appreciate each and every one of you for writing and participating each week! I have such fun reading everyone's drabbles. There is a lot of incredible talent still writing in this small but mighty fandom, and I'm just delighted to be a part of it. Thank you!
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latenightplumbobs · 7 months
Don't Mind Me
I'm reposting some of my favorite tweets from my Sims Twitter, so please forgive the dust.
Part 2: I'm moving Elle & Jace's story here for prosperity and for when I finally decide to work on it.
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pacificnorthwitch · 2 years
ADHD brain hack: don’t clean the entire room.
Just pick up five things.
Five is a nice, round, attainable number. Your room won’t be fully clean, but you’ll have Improved the Space, even if only slightly, and it helps combat the “oh no I haven’t done anything today this space is getting gradually messier” feeling.
It also helps me when I’m having a REALLY hard time getting out of the “oh gosh where do I start there’s just so much” overwhelm because I don’t have to deal with ALL of it. Just the five easiest out-of-place objects. A pair of socks can count as two things if you’re having a bad day.
For example; I’m finally getting up to pee after willing myself to do so for like an hour. Already on my feet, so might as well put Shoes in the shoe spot, laundry in the basket, mug in the sink - that’s three things already! Toss a couple pieces of trash, and you’ve done it!! Every tiny bit helps!
For extra Modivational Juice, try to do this in a short time period, like while your water boils or you’re heating something in the microwave. The false sense of urgency gives me the Speed to get the five things done Fast!
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you know, it's at times like this where roughly 5billiion people, almost 63% of all humans on earth, are in my inbox explaining the origin of a comic book ass meme to me, that i feel like i need to remind folk that im not really in the comic book fandom. But then, today, i had a realization. One that genuinely made me have to get up and go stare at my fishtank for few minutes.
I can't say that I'm not in the comic book fandom because it is By Far the fandom I produce the most content for. I am ostensibly inside this clown car. but unlike the rest of you bozos I'm locked in the trunk and am unaware of what's going on in the larger vehicle.
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just-antithings · 20 days
I can’t view twitter links since I don’t have an account can someone provide screenshots please
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callsignspark · 1 year
I’ve gotten some new followers recently so just a friendly reminder that this blog is 18+ only and if you follow me and you don’t have an age or an age indicator (90s baby, 30s, etc.) listed in your bio or a tagged post you will be blocked!
if you are a blank blog I will also block because I will make the assumption that you’re a spam bot.
starting tomorrow, I will be going through my follower list this week and removing anyone who doesn’t follow the criteria listed above!
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peppermintmochafem · 3 months
Hey, I wanted to ask - on your DNI you have intox listed but you have posted sometimes about it so I wanted to know on what specific limits you needed. I'm into consensual intox and I don't post about it but if you don't feel comfortable with people following you who are into that stuff I totally get it :)
hii sweetheart thank you for asking <3 I really appreciate it! I am not sure what intox content I have posted but in general its totally okay to follow me if you don't post about that! I am happy to get into more details if needed or update my DNI if that is helpful. and i want to thank you again for asking it is so respectful and that makes me feel good about you engaging with me/my little blog 💋
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larkreadsop · 9 months
Decided I was going to do chapters in batches depending on when the breaks were but the last couple of have been pretty...fight-heavy so there's not a whole lot to discuss.
So I guess I'll wait for the next break and hopefully we get some plot mixed in there, too!
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Correction for Anon who wrote about BRF palace GIFT policies as told by Wendy Berry in her book The Housekeeper's Diary.
According to page 182 in Berry's book, that "incinerator purge" only happened on one (1) occasion. Charles was redecorating Highgrove to seemingly erase every trace of his soon to be former life with Diana.
Grief can make people do stupid things...😬
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wyrtig · 4 months
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
Ten more polls to post but I've hit my limit for tonight. The last of Round 3 will go up tomorrow!
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