mydorkycreations · 10 months
This blog will not be used much for writing
You may ask me why that is and I would tell you it's because I've discovered the wondrous world of making video games
This does still involve writing but less in the actual stories sense
Random OC tidbits still to continue
Art will increase
I may occasionally wail about the coding demons
When I make something that's not unbearably broken or offensively ugly you will be the first to know, with the exception of the love of my life who happens to live in the same residence that I do
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mydorkycreations · 10 months
The curse of modern fandom is that it has allowed fans to get even closer to artists, but they won't view the artists as people.
Human limits, human mistakes, human feelings, human needs, are never ascribed to artists, and when other fans rightfully point out, "hey, humans are making this, maybe don't harass them or demand they cater to your personal tastes," it gets shut down under, "uh, people who make popular mainstream things are automatically Public Figures who are also probably rich, so eat the rich and destroy artists over every perceived minor fault. <3"
Even though there's, y'know, a really big strike currently going on because those artists are very much not rich or influential or in control of the bullshit.
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mydorkycreations · 1 year
I feel like it's important to note that Winter like. Could not do complex magic to save his life until Amadeus taught him. Forest was FAR stronger than him in that regard. Like, sending Forest to kill Winter wasn't unreasonable. You don't rule the Magical Realm if you're weak. He was a master duelist, just like everyone else on the council. The problem was that he was a master duelist going into a fight against the Hulk.
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mydorkycreations · 1 year
I feel like it's important to note that Winter like. Could not do complex magic to save his life until Amadeus taught him. Forest was FAR stronger than him in that regard. Like, sending Forest to kill Winter wasn't unreasonable. You don't rule the Magical Realm if you're weak. He was a master duelist, just like everyone else on the council. The problem was that he was a master duelist going into a fight against the Hulk.
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mydorkycreations · 1 year
Most weirdly wholesome deity Winter concept so far: god of death. Winter gets to tend to and protect the souls of people who will never die (because they're already dead), and the dead get a dad that loves them all very much
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mydorkycreations · 1 year
Ooh. Please please make more self-inserts. Not only is it fun you have no idea how much it can help you be kind to yourself. Have the hero of the franchise fall in love with you for what you think are your annoying quirks. Have the wisest man in that fictional world, tell others that your are the kindest and the smartest person he has ever met. Have the evil guy fall for you and revoke his evil ways cuz youre just that hot. Allow yourself to be loved by the fictional characters you look up to and in time you may also begin see how wonderful you really are.
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mydorkycreations · 1 year
The two public perceptions of Winter being complete opposites and also both very wrong is just. Amusing.
"there's an Ancient One in those mountains he's dangerous and powerful and probably rips weaker fairies apart for fun" the worst he's gonna do is tell you to get off his lawn, as long as you don't start shit
"that old man is probably too weak to get out of bed by now he's harmless" he could rip you apart if he wanted to
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mydorkycreations · 2 years
Current favorite things about Candace is that in her relationships with people who aren't themselves practically secreting magical wonder and whimsy out of their pores (like Tiffany), she becomes an unstoppable force of magical wonder and whimsy
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mydorkycreations · 2 years
idk why this has never happened before but currently trying to figure the logistics of Winter's dragon-ness. Like. How much dragon is in there?? Life is passed on through magic with the living, but the dragon was dead. Would the magic carry those memories, or did he only inherit the power?
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mydorkycreations · 2 years
On one hand is David surviving every encounter he has with the sea by dumb luck hilarious? Yes.
But on the other hand, David being so immune to being harmed by water that the wildlife within it just don't see him as a threat or food would not surprise me whatsoever.
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mydorkycreations · 2 years
🌹 🌹 🌹!!!!!!
"Okay," Dee said in that tone that told Madds he was about to say something he wasn't sure how she'd respond, "but like, isn't there that whole 'make lemonade out of lemons' idea?"
She rolled her eyes. "Sometimes, yes, when life gives you lemons, you can make lemonade. But sometimes, when life gives you lemons, you break out in hives and projectile vomit all over the galaxy because you're allergic."
"You're allergic to lemons?"
"Wouldn't know, never had one. But knowing my current luck, I probably would be."
Tumble beat at the chosen rune frantically once-- twice-- and, thankfully, it chipped.
The runes darkened. The agonized cacophony quieted.
They stayed there, trembling, staring down at the dull, lifeless runes that had caused some poor soul so much pain. The hut in the corner was silent, and they hoped that the sudden shock didn't kill the victim inside.
Brilliant blue light poured from behind them to illuminate rows of corpses to the looming skeleton of a dragon farther back. The runes carved in all of them glowed faintly-- a freshly ended curse still recognizing its target. They turned and found the source: the victim standing in the doorway, magical energy around them so potent that it was visible, distorting almost everything in the immediate area in a blue, icy shimmer. Frost crept from under their feet, and giant, crystalline wings seemed to send snowflakes into the air.
Tumble slid the pieces of what must have happened together and, as soon as they did, they turned and ran.
Friday was furious. Livid. Absolutely incensed at the audacity. 
Jasper seemed to shrink a little, shy smile on that face that somehow managed to look more innocent than he’d ever been since infanthood, if that. Which was worse. Because she knew he was lying to her.
“No, you don’t. I’ve seen you naked, and you look a lot more comfortable like that than you do right now.” Which was insulting, frankly, because he was single handedly giving her what she was uncomfortably labeling a fetish while visibly uncomfortable. Her damn demisexual horniness was getting to be less of a fun novelty and more of a nuisance. 
He shrugged. Pulled at the cuffs of the tux. “It’s just a figure of speech.”
“I know.” She rolled her eyes. “All right, take it off and put it back. You’re not wearing that.”
He gave her a quizzical look, but slipped back into the changing room and was out in a few minutes, still looking shyer than he should with his legs swishing through the God only knew how many layers of lacy petticoat that peeked out from a dress that looked like it would have felt equally at home on the body of a homecoming queen. 
“So,” he said slowly as he followed her out, “I’m assuming you don’t want me at that gala with you after all?”
“I want you at the gala.”
“I don’t have anything to wear to a gala. That’s kinda what we were supposed to be fixing in there.”
“We’re still going to fix it. But I refuse to make you wear something you look so uncomfortable in.”
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mydorkycreations · 2 years
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
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mydorkycreations · 2 years
I have been afflicted by the need to quantify which OC could beat which other OCs in a fight for no reason why am I like this?
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mydorkycreations · 2 years
This is the same AU as the one where Tiffany and Candace are both monster hunting AND trying to babysit a gaggle of untrained child witches at the same time. This is equally excellent
I offer my new favorite AU, in which Winter has a job and literally everyone knows he's Not Human
What he is if not human is a hotly debated subject
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mydorkycreations · 2 years
I offer my new favorite AU, in which Winter has a job and literally everyone knows he's Not Human
What he is if not human is a hotly debated subject
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mydorkycreations · 2 years
I have back pain and am not sure if I'll be able to sleep, ask my questions to keep me busy if I'm still awake late tonight!
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mydorkycreations · 2 years
Winter being a necromanced dragon is part of why he's a good dad no I will not elaborate on this
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