#how can one man be so FUCKING FINEEEEEEE
getosugurusbangs · 6 months
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karasu appreciation post because i don’t talk about him enough
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Oh, The Lies You Tell - Bakugou Katsuki - pt. 2
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, trauma, abuse, betrayal, fluff, slice of life, smut, cursing, manipulation, possible spoilers, physical harm, 18+
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Ep. Warnings: fluff, childhood trauma, cursing, Bakugou kinda OOC, DADZAWA
Summary: More Bakugou x reader interaction! And Y/N’s first time training with the students and showing off her “quirk.” How will the students react?
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
Once you saw the familiar blonde, you smiled. “.....hey back, cutie.” You said with confidence. Bakugou only blushed at the comment and sucked his teeth as he rolled his eyes.
“Soo...you’re my escort?” You flirtatiously asked. You can’t help it, it’s just your personality. Plus, after years of villainous work, you had to learn how to speak with a calm and seductive voice to get your way with your victims.
“Yeah, that means I’m stuck with your dumbass for the next few months. So try to keep up and don’t you dare hold me back.” He ferociously said. You just giggled and went to mess with his unbuttoned shirt collar.
“Whatever you say, Fiesty,” as you examined his clothes, you just had to speak up again. “Whattup with the clothes? No tie, no tuck, no....prestigiousness?” Bakugou scoffed at your question.
“Oh yea? Like you’re one to talk. You completely changed your uniform. You realize the girls in UA don’t dress this-“ you cut him off.
“What? Rebellious?”
“I was gonna say hot.”
“That works too.”
“Suits you real well.”
“Oh, I bet it does,” you smirked. During your time throwing spitfire replies to one another, you realized how close both your faces have gotten. You saw ruby eyes, perfect porcelain skin with the perfect amount of tan, soft but fluffy, spiky, blonde hair, and a smirk that copied your own. As Bakugou was too busy admiring your looks, you gently placed two fingers under his chin.....and flicked his head upwards at the sky.
“Hehe...let’s go, Cutie. You gotta show me my dorm, remember? Cant stand here forever staring at me.” You chuckled to yourself.
“I was not doing any of that shitty woman!” Bakugou yelled. As Bakugou did that, Rumor ran right across him making his balance go all outta wack.
“Heh..yeah, sure.” You said as you walked off with Rumor, petting his head. Oh, this is gonna be fun.
On the walk to the dorms, you and Bakugou got to know each other quite well. Just the basics though. Favorite music, favorite foods, personality types, likes and dislikes, all that good stuff. You also both shared a little flirtatious banter, not that you minded, however it threw Bakugou off. When the fuck does he ever talk like that? As you both walked up to the entrance you realized something.
“Hey, you never asked me about my quirk. How come?” You asked as you both continued to walk to the doors.
“Don’t need to. I’ll see all I have to see tomorrow during training.” Bakugou said.
“Makes sense.” You replied.
“Of course it does,” He said as he opened the doors to give you a tour. You were in awe. Growing up, you never really had a home before the league. You slept in benches, jail cells, or straight on the ground outside in the rain. But this? Basically luxury to you, but of course you kept up a chill persona.
“This is the common area, kitchens over there, everyone gets their own bathrooms, the showers are that way, and I’ll show you to your dorm,” Bakugou said, giving you the “grand” tour. As you walked up to your room, you saw how already filled it was...but this wasn’t any of your stuff.
“Didn’t realize you were into music like that.” Bakugou said. When you turned to look at your desk, you saw how large it was and how there was a control panel they used at recording studios on it. Set up with it was a microphone that artist used when recording their songs and there was a mini keyboard and acoustic guitar set up on the side. Then it hit you. You had gone over your interest with Mr. Aizawa, guess he filled up the room to make you more comfortable OR to make it seem like you were a normal kid who actually had stuff. In reality, you had nothing but your villain costume (which you demanded to be kept) and Rumor.
“Umm...not really. I just sing a little and enjoy writing little songs. Nothing special really,” you replied to him. “Uh, could you give me a sec? I wanna change out of this uniform and relax a little.” You said to him.
“Yeah, sure. Dinner starts at 6 so be down by then and come meet the rest of the morons.” He said as he backed out the room and walked on to wherever. You began to explore the room. Rumor took comfort on the soft bed, and you looked at the recording area. It was amazing. You strummed the guitar, taking in it’s beautiful sound and dabbled on the keyboard. You then realized.
“Rumor! What am I gonna change in to?! I literally have nothing!” You said as you ran to your closet, astound when you saw the large amount of clothes, along with a little sticky note.
Enjoy the gift, Y/N! Cant wait to have you in class!
- Ms. Midnight
“Midnight, huh? Then these clothes must be hot as fuck!” You excitedly said. Safe to say you put on a little fashion show for yourself and Rumor. As you put on the clothes and made new outfits, you noticed how she had gone for the typical “baddie style.” Lots of ripped jeans, plenty of casual heels, thigh high boots, leather jackets, bomber jackets, crop tops, tube tops, and of course booty shorts. You also noticed the massive amount of jewelry given to you. Plenty of necklaces and anklets. Very pretty.
Once done with your little show, you and Rumor looked at the clock. 5:30.
“I think we should stay in here. Who needs dinner anyways?” Rumor only growled at you. He knew better. You both needed food and you should go down there and make some friends.
“Oh c’mon! We’ve gone days without food before, why not now?” You saw how Rumor gave you this look of ‘because it wasn’t available then’ and you rolled your eyes knowing your friend was right.
“Fineeeeeee,” you reluctantly said as Rumor gave a happy bark and wagged his tail. You changed into some comfortable clothes and went to the common area.
When walking down there, you saw a spikey read head, a tall black haired boy, a girl with long greenish hair, and then you saw Deku, Kaminari, Uraraka, Todoroki, and Bakugou. While they were talking, the red head took notice of yours and Rumor’s presence.
“Oh! Hey L/N! Rumor! Come join us!” How sweet of him to include Rumor. As you both walked towards a single open seat on a solo couch seat, you saw how everyone had their eyes set on you with a smile.
“Umm....hey.” You nervously let out with a small laugh. As you tried to settle, Rumor placed his head on your lap to calm you down and Bakugou took notice of this.
“Would you idiots stop staring at her like that? She’s obviously kinda nervous.” Bakugou said with his head thrown back on the couch. The red head then spoke up to agree.
“Oh right! Sorry about that L/N!” He said kindly.
“No, it’s no trouble. And you guys can quit the formalities and just call me Y/N. I don’t mind!” You sweetly said.
“Alright then, nice to meet you Y/N! I’m Eijirou Kirishima, this is Hanta Sero, and Tsuyu Asui. I’ve heard you already met these guys, and I’ve also heard you got Bakugou as your escort!” Bakugou growled at Kirishima for mentioning that.
“Yeah! He’s kinda.....bratty?” You teased. Bakugou only looked at you with wide angry eyes and a small blush.
“Ha, yeah. Bakubro can be a brute, but when you get to know the guy, you find out he’s just a big ole softie with rough ways.” He joked.
“I AIN’T SOFT SHITTY HAIR!” Bakugou screamed. The group just giggled and watch the interaction go on. You guys talked and laughed and they got to know about you and Rumor a little better. Finally, a girl with a black ponytail came in.
“Hey guys! Dinner’s ready! Oh! And L/N, we made 2 steaks for Rumor. I hope you don’t mind.” She said.
“Oh not at all! Thanks you guys, that was really sweet of you.” Rumor understood what was going on just by the scent in the air and he was excited. As you all walked to the table and took ur seats, everyone got to talking again. Dinner went on and Rumor was enjoying his steaks.
“Man..what a lucky dog. Steak for dinner.” Kirishima spoke. Everyone chuckled and continued on. The girl with the pony tail, who you learned was nicknamed Momo, walked in with a final pot.
“Okay you guys! This is the final dish! Just some Miso soup to peck on. Kaminari, can you go and grab the ladel?” As the blonde walked away, everyone was excited for the dish.
“Sorry guys, the soup is a little too hot. You should wait for it to cool down before digging in,” Momo said apologetically.
“Oh hey, no worries, I have a solution!” You said as you made a tiny little tornado with you air bending and sent it to the pot of soup on the table to cool it down. The massive amount of steam was clearly decreased and everyone thanked you.
“So your quirk is tiny tornadoes?” Bakugou whispered to you as he was the one sitting next to you.
“No, you dummy.” You giggled until you heard a crack. Everyone looked over and saw Kaminari broke the one and only ladel. Everyone booed and sighed at the loss of miso soup and the poor blonde just apologized with a nervous smile.
“It’s fine you guys, we don’t need a ladel. Who wants some miso?” You asked and everyone raised their hands. So, you used your water bending to pick up the soup give some to all your classmates. Everyone was confused but impressed.
“Okay, what the hell is your quirk?” Bakugou asked in confusion.
“You’ll find out soon, Cutie.”
“Whatever you say, Princess.” He replied back.
It was safe to say the new nickname left you in shock with some blush and you noticed everyone stopped eating to look at you both.
“........huh?!” The group simultaneously said with blank and confused faces as Bakugou yelled at them saying they heard nothing.
The next day the students met up with Mr. Aizawa wearing any comfortable gym/fighting attire. Instead of meeting at Gym Gamma, the teacher took his students out to the Sports Festival Areana. The students all buzzed with excitement, most only wanting to know the new student’s quirk and fight style.
“Okay, today we’ll be doing sparring matches. We’ve paired you all up based on skill level and experience. One battle at a time. Whoever makes it to the top 3, those students are excused from classes tomorrow. Get warmed up, take your seats, and I’ll call up the first two fighters.” Mr. Aizawa spoke.
The students were ready. Everyone was, but no one was prepared for you. They never saw your fight style, never saw you use your quirk for battle, never even saw you pick a fight. This’ll be interesting.
“Okay bud, since it’s a 1v1, you’re benched.” You spoke to Rumor. He whined at the fact that he wouldn’t be getting any action but nonetheless, listened to his best friend. “Oh don’t give me that sass, why don’t you go talk to Kirishima or Bakugou while I’m in battle. Fair?” Rumor huffed at you, but you took it as compliance.
“Hey, Princess.”
You turned to who called you and saw Bakugou and what appeared to be his little posse following him. It consisted of Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, and Mina.
“Oh hey guys. What’s up?” You asked.
“We’re all pumped up to see your quirk! Those tricks you did during dinner last night had us all coming up with ideas on what it could be.” Mina squealed. “I guessed substance manipulation.”
“Telekinesis,” Kirishima said
“Weather powers,” Sero guessed
“Food control!” Kaminari answered. Oh what a piece of work that one is. Everyone looked at the fool with raised brows.
“Heh...guess not.” The goofy boy said with a scratch to his head. You all laughed and you looked towards Bakugou waiting for him to answer.
“Well..what’s your guess, Cutie?” You looked towards Bakugou as he just stared at you.
“Elements,” he said calmly. That shocked you. Who knew someone was gonna guess. Well, he was still wrong considering it wasn’t really a quirk but yeah.
“Just a guess. I’ll figure it out once I see you fight.” He added on.
“Oh yeah! Mr. Aizawa pairs us up based on skill level and experience! We’ll get to know more about how you fight based on your partner.” Mina said.
As the group continued talking, Mr. Aizawa finally came to speak up.
“Okay, listen up. I’m sure you’re all curious as to what L/N is able to do, so our first match we’ll be L/N vs. Todoroki.” Everyone had their jaws drop. Shoto Todoroki?!? He was one of the top students in the class in both intelligence and physical skill. He is an excellent fight with a powerful quirk. How the hell are you supposed to win. You only smirked and walked up to the fighting area. As you walked, a pair of red eyes followed you.
‘What the hell can this chick do?’ Bakugou thought to himself.
As you and Todoroki met in the middle facing each other with Mr. Aizawa in between you both, he spoke up.
“Okay, here are the rules......there are none. The match will begin when you hear the buzzer go off. You’ll hear 3 beeps then a ring, then you can spar. You can use your quirk at any level, do whatever you may please, do whatever it takes to win. The match stops when one of you falls off the square or is knocked out and unable to continue fighting. Understand?” He said while looking at both of you and speaking loud enough for everyone to hear. You both nodded your heads but Mr. Aizawa looked at you with a more stern stare.
“Do you understand, Y/N?” He asked once more. You nodded your head and waited for him to start the match. He walked off the field and went to sit with the class. They all stared in anticipation. Bakugou focused his eyes on you.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Ring!
At the first second, Todoroki used his left side to throw some fire your way. At the sight of the burning flames you only smirked and extended your hand. Everyone watched you do, what they thought was, nothing. They only saw you stand there.
“Y/N DO SOMETHING!” Bakugou screamed in fear of you getting hurt.
When the flames came close enough, you used your fire bending to move them around your body and attack Todoroki. The boy had a quick reaction and sent an ice wall towards you. Perfect. You ran to the ice coming your way and turned it into water, which you used to push back Todoroki, closer to the edge. You sent fire his way and he ran at you, dodging it and attempting to strike you. You flipped away from him. Everyone saw how acrobatic you were. When he came closer once more to punch you, you turned to you side and struck his right shoulder, paralyzing his arm.
Todoroki screamed in shock and pain as he realized he couldn’t feel his arm. He sent more fire to you, in which you used your air bending to put the flames out. You used your earth bending to lift the area that Todoroki was standing on into the air, as he flew through the air, you blasted fire from your feet to get up in the air and blasted him with a gust of wind that knocked him out the area of the square. When he fell to the ground, he hit the field instead of the square, meaning he lost. You fell closer to the concrete but used your fire to slow down before you could crash. Once you landed you looked around for Aizawa.
“That’s the match. L/N wins.” You looked around and everyone still sat in shock. Nobody even clapped. They just looked so....impressed? Kaminari was in the middle of petting Rumor and when he stopped, Rumor noticed the match was over and saw you standing. He howled to cheer for you as everyone ran down to say something. As the crowd came up to you, you were hit with compliments.
As the class continued to hype you up, you saw how Bakugou still just stared at you. You walked over to him.
“Impressed?” You asked.
“......you’re good.” Bakugou still said in slight shock. You only laughed at his answer. You knew he thought more, but you weren’t gonna push him. Every one saw Todoroki get up and limp towards you.
“L/N....that was a great fight. You’re incredibly skilled.” He complimented.
“Thank you Todoroki. And please, I told you to call me Y/N.” You kindly said
“Right, of course...ah.” He hissed in pain. You felt bad for how hard you went on him.
“Here..let me just,” you took the moisture in the air and took water out of it. You used it to heal up Todoroki’s injuries and soothe his pain. “Feel better?”
“Very much, yes. Thank you.” He said.
“No problem, but your arm is a different story. I temporarily paralyzed it with my dim mak fighting style. It’ll take some minutes for it to come back fully.” You explained.
“Okay. That was really impressive. I had no idea there was a fighter like you.” He said once again.
“Whats dim mak?” Kirishima asked.
“It’s the fighting style I use. It’s attacks a person’s pressure points with quick and sharp jabs. It paralyzes a person or just a limb for a good hour depending on how hard I hit.” You replied.
“Pressure points?” Kaminari asked.
“They’re the parts in your body where you’re sensitive and can be detained when they’re hit. With that, it means I know the human body like the back of my hand. Thanks to that I’ve come up with a skill called Chi Blocking.” You explained.
“What’s that?” Mina asked.
“Something you’ll all find out about the next time Y/N fights. Until then, let’s have Todoroki get to recovery girl and let’s continue the matches.” Aizawa said. As everyone went to their seat and Aizawa called up Iida and Aoyama, Bakugou asked you a few questions.
“What the fuck was that?!” He asked.
“What?” You giggled.
“The fucking fire, and the wind, and you moved rocks and you turned his ice into water!!” He spasmed out.
“Uh huh...” you said with a smile and raised brow.
“A-and the flips! You flip and did a bunch of acrobatic tricks, and the jabs, the “dim mak,” it was- I was- it was-.......HUH” he exclaimed.
“Not like Bakugou to freak out over a fight like that. What happened to Mr. Cool Guy?” Denki said.
“You shut your mouth, Sparky!” Bakugou threatened. “Look, all I’m tryna ask is..how and when did you learn all of this? Your quirk is crazy OP, and your fighter skill is insane! Appreciate that bullshit cuz I don’t say shit like that often.”
You just laughed and sighed. You weren’t sure how to answer his question. “Umm,” you started “I don’t really know...I just-“ you were cut off by a mouse. Principle Nezu, you remembered him.
“Mr. Aizawa?” The peppy mouse asked.
“Yes?” Aizawa replied.
“May I speak with you? Concerning your new student and her transfers. There’s been a few complications with her paperwork that need to be solved.” He politely asked.
“Yes, I understand sir. Class, free day. Head back to your dorms but be sure to get in an hour and a half of training today. That’ll be all. Dismissed.” The pro said as he followed the principle. As students gathered to leave and head back to the dormitory, Bakugou stopped you.
“Hey, wait. You still gotta tell me how you learned all this, Princess.” He said.
“What’s there to say?” You awkwardly laughed out. “Uh..I discovered my...quirk.. while doing some work-“
“Work as a child?” Bakugou asked.
“Sorta. I discovered it there and then..I met someone who trained me how to fight like that.” You explained.
“Your parents must be really proud.” Bakugou slightly smiled.
“Umm..yeah, I bet they are.” You said kind of skiddish.
“I can imagine the look on their faces when they saw the pretty impressive quirk you got. My parents were pretty shocked too with mine.” He added on.
“Oh really? You can imagine their faces?” You laughed out nervously. ‘I sure can’t,’ you thought to yourself.
“I mean yeah. Parents usually....” you drowned him out. Parents...parents...parents...PARENTS. You snapped.
“Bakugou!” You said with tone. “I don’t have or know my parents....” you said as he stopped talking and dropped his jaw to the ground. Before he could say anything, you bit your lips, called Rumor to go, and left, leaving Bakugou in regret.
As you ran with slight tears in your eyes, you told Rumor to change into a giant wolf. He shifted and you hopped on him.
“Let’s go to the spot, Rumor.” You said as he took off.
When Rumor arrived at ‘The Spot’ you settled. The spot was beautiful. Tall trees, beautiful plants, plenty of adorable creatures, and a gorgeous pond right in the middle of it all. You layed against a tree as Rumor placed you down so you could stop your tears and he transformed back into his wolf-dog form and cuddled up against you.
“No parents...” you said aloud. Although sad you never really got to experience or meet your parents or what it’s like to have them or a family, you were conflicted. Yes it was sad not having parents or a family, but you never had one so it’s hard to tell how you feel about the topic. As the thoughts ran through your mind, your eyes glowed a bright white and when you opened them, you weren’t at the spot anymore.
“Hello....?” You said as you looked around. “Helloooo...?? Anyone there?”
“Welcome back to the spirit world, Y/N.” When you turned to your side, you were in awe.
“Avatar Korra!” You bowed to show respect but then went to hug your spiritual mentor. She embraced you with wide arms. She’s always been the friendly, open, optimistic type. “What am I doing here, Korra?”
“Why do you think you’re here, Y/N?” She said with a sly smile and hands on her hips, but beaming eyes.
“My parents?” You questioned but she only shook her head.
“Your path.” Korra stated.
“My path?” You asked.
“Yes. Or more so, the path you choose.” She corrected.
“I don’t understand.” You said.
As Korra continued to smile at you, you both stood still as the world shifted. You looked around and saw the LOV hideout.
“The league? I don’t understand, what does my path have to do with them?” You questioned, but before she said anything, the world shifted once more and you were infront of UA’s building.
“The school?....Oh, this isn’t some typa light and dark thing, is it?” You asked Korra.
“It is.” She replied back.
“Ugghhhh, we’ve been through this. I’m a bad person. I could never fit in with those goodie two shoes! I’m a member of the league of villains! Not heroes. My path is the darkness.” You stated.
“Is it? You weren’t born into darkness.” Korra said.
“Y/N, you’re not a bad person. Your a villain because of survival. That’s the life that you know. That’s the life that you were kidnapped into.” Korra began.
“Yeah but-“
“But nothing. You know in your heart you would much rather be a hero than some low life villain!” Korra exclaimed.
“No I couldn’t. They’re too good. I could never be that great. Hell, I’m on a plan to take down UA right now!” You said.
“And are you doing that because you want to? Or is it because you think the league is gonna torture you any less if you succeed......you don’t wanna take down the heroes. You wanna be like them.”
“I don’t.”
“You do.”
“I can’t!”
“But you can. You can be all these amazing things, but you’re just on the wrong path with the wrong people. All you have to do is make the choice to leave them. You want to be good, Y/N. It’s in your nature. You’re the avatar after all. It’s your destiny to bring peace to the world.”
Once Korra had said that, a flash came and you were back in the spot. You gasped as you returned and shook your head. You saw it had gotten dark now and figured it was best if you headed back. You woke up Rumor and asked him to become a giant wolf again. He shifted and brought you back to UA. Along the walk, you couldn’t help but think back to what Korra said.
“My path......light or dark...” you looked down at your palms and squeezed them shut in frustration. You huffed and looked ahead, and saw you arrived at the front of the dorms. Standing there, waiting for you, Mr. Aizawa.
“Welcome back.” He said to you.
“Hi...” you blankly said as you attempted to get past him. However, he stopped you from going in.
“Not so fast, we need to speak first before anything else.” He stated
“What about? Because I’ve had a really long and kinda frustrating day, and I don’t need some bullshit to fuck it up even more. I mean, I’m so aggravated that I-“ a piece of paper dangling in your face shut you up.
“What are those?” You asked the hero.
“Adoption papers. I’m now your legal guardian.” Aizawa stated.
“.........HUHHHHH?!?!???” There was no way this was happening. It couldn’t be. You??? Adopted??? By a pro hero??? One that you almost killed???
“Okay, I’m sorry but I don’t need a guardian. I’ve been by myself, on my own, the second I was born. No family raised me, no motherly figure, no nothing. It’s just been me, the spirits, and the villain who took care of me till I was, what, 5? And then kicked me out and left me stranded. I’ve been surviving on my own for over a decade, I don’t need you to look out for me.” You exclaimed.
“Yeah, don’t worry. I won’t be an annoying parent, I’m just your legal guardian. You’re still underage, meaning you’ll need permission for certain things to continue to move forward.” He explained to you. You thought about it, and damn it, he was right. If you wanted to go about this whole thing the legal way, you’d need this.
“.....Fine. Just don’t tell me what to do dAD,” you sarcastically said.
“I’m your guardian and teacher now, I can tell you whatever I want, brat. Now get inside, you’re past curfew.” He said but you only squinted your eyes at him in disbelief. Did he really give you a curfew?
“Student curfew. You live in the dorms, all students have to be in this building by 10:30,” he explained. You just scoffed and went inside with Rumor.
“Guess I have a dad now, Rumor.” You sighed. You never had a father before. It warmed your heart a little, but then you remembered he wasn’t really your dad. Just a guardian. As you walked into the common area, you saw the lights were out. The students must’ve been in their dorms. You walked to the kitchen to grab a snack before heading to bed but you saw Bakugou sitting there with a water bottle in hand. He seemed kinda bummed out. You cleared your voice to get his attention and when he looked up at you, you told Rumor to head to the room.
“Y-Y/N! Hey!..” he said to you.
“Heh..hi Bakugou...Umm..I’m sorry about the whole..running away thing. I just needed to clear my head a little.” You said as you took the seat next to him.
“No, don’t apologize. I’m.....i-.....I’m sorry for pushing you about the whole parent thing. I didn’t know.” He apologized. You only shook your head and stared at your hands before speaking up.
“It’s fine. How could you know? After all, I’ve only been here for 2 days. Besides, you didn’t really upset me, it’s just..I feel kinda outta place when the parent topic comes up. Guess I just freaked out,” you saw the look on his face. Disappointment. Is he that upset that hurt you? Or at least thought he did? “B-but don’t worry! I’m fine! For real! I’ve been parent-less for almost my entire life so it doesn’t sting like that. Hehe..wow Umm. Depressing. You know I feel like I’m rambling, am I rambling? Should I stop? I think I should shut up, or maybe I’m just gonna go now that I-“ Bakugou placed his hand on yours which shut you up real quick. You looked up at his face as he stared into your eyes.
“You can talk to me about it you know. It’s clear you wanna get some things off your chest and I’m really interested in you.” You raised your brow at that last sentence. He realized what he said and quickly tried to correct himself.
“I mean- uh- not like that, or um it could be like that! It could be, if you’re cool with that. But it’s not, or maybe, i don’t know, it’s not it’s, I was, it was, I- yeah I’m gonna stop talking now.” He cleared his throat at the end of that, settling down. You giggled and reassured him.
“No, no it’s fine. I really don’t mind. Umm, what do you wanna know. I’m fine with sharing anything.” You said.
“Okay, let’s just continue with this parent topic then....how were you raised?” He asked. This scared you. You had to be real careful with your choice of words or else your cover would be blown.
“Okay, let’s see. I was born in a place-“
“Oh really?” He teased.
“Shuddup,” you laughed and playfully hit his shoulder.
“And that place was..very private. Very unknown, but my parents Umm, i don’t really know what happened to them. The earliest thing I can remember is that..someone found me and told me my parents were gone, they weren’t my real family, they just took me in because they couldn’t let a baby die, and raised me till I was 5.” You said.
“And then?” He asked.
“You sure? It just goes down hill from here.” You warned. But he only nodded and asked for you to continue. You looked at your hands in your lap before continuing.
“I was kicked out. Left on the streets. I slept on park benches, in alleyway tunnels, on rooftops of buildings. I pawned for food and..” you didn’t know if you should admit the next part. But Bakugou held onto your hand and asked for more.
“And then?” He questioned.
“.....I did what I had to do to survive. I committed crimes, but I had to live. I was just a child and didn’t know what to do. If you look at me any different for what I did though, I won’t judge you.” You said. He squeezed your hand almost as if he was telling you he understood. He nodded and pleaded for more.
“After 2 years on the streets, a cult found me. An evil and dark cult. They used their quirks to torture people they kidnapped and made them slaves to create weapons. They kept us in cells and chains, working 24/7. It was there that I learned of my abilities. I found out I could control the 4 elements and their sub-elements. There, I also met a master. He was old and couldn’t fight anymore, but he saw the potential in me and taught me dim mak in the shadows. After a year of being enslaved there and secretly training, these people (the LOV) came in and killed the cult members and stole some of their weapons and destroyed the rest. Once I saw them taking down those horrible people, I used my abilities and they saw. I guess I impressed them and they recruited me to join their little family. I’ve been with them ever since. But then I met Mr. Aizawa and he asked me to join UA. Since the group I joined wasn’t really family, I didn’t need their permission. They were more like friends and they were even the ones who pushed me to come here.” You finished up your little story and saw Bakugou looked at you with worry in his eyes.
“And now I’m here! Sitting in a dim kitchen at UA with a cute boy at 11:00 p.m.” you said trying to cheer up the mood. “Bakugou...”
“You’re not..affected? By everything you’ve been through?”
“You don’t have to feel bad!”
“But I do! You’re here! You’re not...”
“Dead?” You teased.
“Basically!” You laughed at that.
“Y/N, I’m serious!” Bakugou tried to say.
“And so am I! You don’t have to be upset. I value everything I went through, all the good and bad.” You explained.
“Why?” He asked.
“Because it made me the kickass baddie that I am today!” You said flipping your hair and laughing. “Seriously though! Everything I went through made me who I am. It’s made me stronger, more independent. It lets me know I can handle myself. So I’m good, you don’t have to worry.” You said grabbing onto his hand again and reassuring him. He used his thumb to rub at your hand and enjoy the feeling.
“You are...probably the strongest person I’ve ever met.” He said calmly with a small SMALL smile on his face as he looked at you.
“I’ll also bet that I’m also the only “criminal” that you look like you wanna kiss.” You playfully said.
“Maybe I do...” he said with a smirk and soft voice as he leaned in closer.
“And maybe I’ll let you..” you said as you leaned in. As you two got closer and closer, your eyes filled with daze and the world around you two fell apart. It was just you and him in that moment. Until it was ruined. Just as your lips were about to touch, Mr. Aizawa came in.
“Hey!” He shouted
“GAH!” You both screamed and jumped away from each other with a blush adoring both your faces. Aizawa walked up to both of you, shoving the adoption papers in bakugou’s face.
“No smooching with my newly adopted daughter!” He said with a stern voice.
“I’m not your daughter! You’re just my guardian and it only happened like a few hours ago!” You stated.
“You can’t tell me who I can and can’t kiss, old man.” Bakugou said.
“Listen you little punk! I outta...” then Bakugou and your teacher were now going at it, yelling over each other and saying whatever, completely leaving you outta the conversation. You let out a little gust of wind to shut them up and get their attention.
“Okay, it’s late, tomorrow is Saturday, so you two won’t have to see each other, MAYBE, for 2 days. Can we just let this whole thing cool over?” You asked.
“We can, I’m just annoyed at the fact that this dynamite stick was gonna steal my daughter away from me!” Aizawa complained.
“I wasn’t stealing her, I was-“
“STOLEEEEEEE” Aizawa corrected and Bakugou just sucked his teeth and looked around.
“Whatever, can we just let it go?” You asked again. They nodded and you all went your separate way. Except for the fact that once Aizawa was outta sight, Bakugou went running right back to you and walked you to your dorm.
“Sooo..about that kiss.” Bakugou said. You just giggled and opened the door to your room.
“Goodnight, Bakugou,” you said but as you were about to walk in, he said something else.
“Huh?” You said looking back at him.
“Katsuki. It’s my name. You can call me Katsuki.” He explained.
“Wow, trust me that much?” You teased.
“You trusted me enough to open up, this is the least I could do.” He said. You smiled and corrected yourself.
“Okay then...goodnight, Katsuki.” You said smiling. He pulled you in by your waists and held you close as he placed a soft kiss to your cheek.
“Goodnight, Princess.” He said and walked off.
A/N: Ok Cubs! That was the second part and in here we got to see the spirit world! We’re intorduced to Avatar Korra and we’ve discovered Y/N is the present avatar! How do we feel about this? Good? Bad? Let me know!!! I hope your enjoying the story so far. I know it’s kinda weird and all outta disorder but this is my personal day dream that I wanna bring to life that I’m hoping some of you enjoy. It’s just a jumble of avatar elements with a BNHA/MHA base. Please be patient with me! I know this is a Bakugou x Reader fic but it is also a story. It’s gonna grow and build and once we establish the basics, more Bakugou x Reader issues will show up along the way! I hope you’ve liked it so far! See you next time! 💗🧸
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
i would like to bless your followers and dash, sooo can you give me a crash course in noir 😊😊
NOIR is a nine-member boy group under Luk Factory
(Not really pleased with how they are promoting my boys but imma get over it one day!)
Our fan name is Lumiere (or Lumi) and we don’t have any official colors or a lightstick yet.
Noir debuted on April 9th of 2018. With the mini-album Twenty’s Noir. Their title debut song was Gansta (SUCHA GOOD VIDEO) 
They also had a predebut song called As a Star and it makes me so soft.
Their next comeback is on the 27th (THIS MONDAY!!!!!!) The album is called Up the Sky and the title track is called Lucifer
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Shin Seunghoon
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Shin Seunghoon is our precious leader!!!! 
(He was what got me into Noir. I saw a video about the best leaders in kpop and I was like)
He is 27 years old. His birthday is May 30th, 1993 (He is a Gemini)
Boy is tallllllllllllllllllllll
like he’s 5′10.
but in pictures by himself he for real looks like he is 6′2
istg he is like 65% legs.
He is the leader, main rapper, and also sometimes a vocalist (but the rappers in this group pretty much fo everything)
HE SPITS FIRE when he wants to. 
Really good at freestyling 
He makes mixtapes on youtube on Noir’s channel. (I think he has 5 out now)
He is a college-educated man!!!! (He went to Korean National Open University
He took taekwondo when he was younger
The man trained for 8 years
He and Hoyeon compose and format a lot of their songs with a team of producers from LUK
(I often think he and Chan from skz are really similar.)
Seunghoon is legit a father of 8 soft crackhead kids. istg he is so done with them most of the time
We call him our koala because he looks like one <3
Seunghoon is obsessed with accessories and wearing them to the point where stylists literally have to take them off of him. (I have never not seen picture of him not wearing jewelry. )
he is actually in the military right now and i miss him so fricking much TT
All in all hot boy on screen and soft dad in real life
Kim Yeonkuk
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this boy I cant
Kim Yeonkuk. Damn.
he was on Produce 101 season 2
he was eliminated on ep.5 :(
He is the lead dancer and a vocalist
Yeonkuk is 25 years old. His birthday is February 8, 1995 (An Aquarius)
is totally the aegyo king but denies it
he seems cold at first but has a big ass bright personality its so freakin adorable
my personal favorite clip of him is and the boys dancing around on vlive to big bang and him saying fantastic baby (its sounds so cute when he says it)
He is also a 5′10 tall boy
he trained for 3 years
not kidding
his waist is so fucking small its scary.
literally a walking meme.
pause in any interview and he is pretty much gonna give you a memeable face
this boy is so loveable and goofy 
also if this boy doesn't post like 8 photos of him doing something on insta im convinced he thinks that it just didn’t happen
he never posts just one photo its always like 6-8
also I was highkey afraid he was gonna go bald last comeback when they legit turned his hair into smurfs pubes
Lee Junyong
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Lee Junyong. When i say i love this man with my whole heart
also 25 years old
his birthday is March 1st 1995 (Pisces)
another 5′10 king
Main vocalist.
he is a former member of INX
his brother is Seungyong from N.CUS
he trained for 4 years
vocals for days. VOCALS.FOR.DAYS.
Did a cover of BTS’s The Truth Untold with Siha and literally gives me chills.
He has little crooked front teeth so when he sings he has this tiny little breath in some of the words so his voice is even more distinct
BUT LIKE JUNYONG HAS THE CUTEST SMILE EVER (I love his teeth in that's a weird thing to say but i think they are so cute)
he is 1/2 of the Highnote Belting Club
talks. all. the. freaking. time.
he goes live alot
boy is obsessed with Yunsung someone save yunsung from him
total crackhead when not doing real interviews
never fails to make me smile
he is said to be the moodmaker of the group
he was in episode 6 of The Liar and His Lover
overall he is just so sweet and funny and its so easy to love him
Nam Yunsung
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Yunsung is the Lead vocalist and Visual
24 years old His birthday is August 29, 1996
He is a virgooo
lead vocalist and LOOKS IT
he is the king of intense eye contact with the camera 
he looks like legit prince charming
2/2 of Highnote Belting Club
weird af
istg he is the biggest crackhead
very extra. (as you can see in gif)
he calls himself a vampire because of his super pale skin
he trained for 4 years
he raps part time
he hides snack between his bed and the wall but apparently daewon and junyong steal them
I think he rooms with junyong? not sure
Someone save him from junyong. boy is going to be smothered to death
ngl their relationship is really cute
he was also in Produce 101 S2 but left bc of health issues.
cutest thing ever and then turns into a devil onstage
a literal puppy
he is big fan of ateez and he and another member actually went to the groups first concert in korea
he is just so precious and weird 
Kim Siheon
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oml this smol bean
Kim Siheon god damn
He is 23 years old
Birthday is December 23, 1997 (Capricorn like meeeee)
also 5′10 babyy
Vocalist but also a rapper (he rapped suga’s part in their remix of BTS Fake Love)
Beware the Siheon
He has a hot older sister, Hanbit, from a group called Hot Place (Their debut song is called TMI and its pretty good.)
he trained for 5 months
he really likes drawing and does caricatures of his members
he is the eyebrow king
idk his eyesbrows are just.... 
stylists do things to his eyebrows anf it just fucks everyone up
high key has the best fashion sense
others boys willshow up to vlive in like hoodies and he is wearing a freakin casual suit
he is like a boss at every kind of game
claims himself to be sweet like “Heonie”
“Hi! I’m siheon! Heonie Heonie Siheonie!”
he is a litter quieter than the other guys 
BUT he is so funny 
he doesn't like spice on his food for some reason
yeah he's crazy
he trained for 5 years
he's just precious and hot and hot and really hot
Ryu Hoyeon
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Ryu Hoyeon.
So he is my bias wrecker. Boy climbed up my bias list so freaking fast
He is the main dancer, vocalist, and a rapper (he also composes and arranges with Seunghoon)
He is 22 years old
His birthday is February 6, 1998 (Aquarius)
anontherrrrr 5′10 babbyyyy
He says he looks like a shark and i agree
There was a predebut photo of him half shirtless it was awesome
he was also on Produce 101 S2 
eliminated on ep.5 :(
he trained for 2 years
He, yeonkuk, and seunghoon were in the Japanese tour of the musical Altar Boyz with Teen top’s Niel,2PM’s Chansung, and many others
he has a semi viral video of him
when he was a trainee / on produce 101 he was dancing to nct127 cherry bomb and had an unfortunate but quite hilarious accident (just look it up its funny)
sucks ass at games. every game. ever.
he is a low-key crackhead. he is a calm crackhead lol
he used to have a youtube channel
you can still see his insta (leaderyoo) its so freaking cute and has predebut stuff of all the boys
he made their entire remix of fake love
he choreographed their song Diamond and also their cover of Taki Taki (which was very hot)
becomes a beast when dancing
he has an original chore to WEight in Gold that is very.......(insert eyebrow wiggle here)
has that dorito torso
(tiny waist and broad shoulders)
also thighs god damn
He is also a HUGE Vixx fanboy
Alter ego is DJ Ironman
He is very close with Siha, Siheon, and Yeonkuk
they turned him into a traffic cone for the Doom Doom comeback
he speaks a little bit of English (just a little bit)
all in all I'm completely in love with this man
Yang Siha 
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THIS MAN IS SO FINEEEEEEE (he's my bias btw I have never been so in love with a man other than jisung)
Yang Siha is just uugghghhh god damn
22 year old babyyyy
Birthday is March 9, 1998 (Pisces)
Lil baby is 5′7″ oml i love him
he likes watching youtube videos and anime
He trained for 1 year and 1/2
looks good in every freaking hair color
his voice does NOT MATHC HIS FACE 
but not like in a Felix level way
He says his most attractive features are his “feminine features” (he says his unpronounced Adams apple and his small noes and doe eyes
HE HAS SMOL EARSSSS and i lovethem
close with Hoyeon and Siheon
but like his voice though
its so freaking pretty
it gives me chills
everything about him is perfect
he has tiny lips lol
he can play guitar
legit i swear his entire closet is black he rarely wears color
if someone is hugging anyone in a vlive or something
its siha
its always siha
everyone cuddles siha
i wanna cuddle siha. fuck.
for some reason I've just noticed this
the boy likes to wear long sleeves idk why
he also always seems to wear this one necklace Idk why but its so pretty and i really love that he does idk
he says his favorite song by NOIR is Travel (its also my favorite. its on their debut album and omg his part <3)
he is just so pure oml everything he posts on insta just makes me so soft
he is just so freakin cute and makes me switch lanes so fast
Kim Minhyuk
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ooooof this cutie
Kim Minhyuk is something else
i just don't know what he is lol
Lead rapper and lead dancer
22 years old
His birthday is March 18th, 1998 (Pisces)
5′11 boy yes sir
He went to Seoul Arts College
he has an older brother
apparently he cooks in the dorms
he trained for 1 year
he likes to play basketball
he really loves taking photos on his camera
he HATES bugs. its kind of funny ngl
he also is deathly afraid of balloons (i will not apologize for laughing at this one)
He and yunsung loooove ateez. they went to their first concert.
I think he is the most versatile member (look wise) because sometimes its hard to recognize him with each comeback because they change his style
he has these really cute big circle glasses he wear and just uwu
he kinda looks like Simon or Theodore from Alvin in the chipmunks in the best way.
he has a thing about jumping
like whenever he gets excited or happy he just starts jumping
he smiles like sunshineeeeee
even though he is the second youngest a lot of the members say that they go to him for advice 
(probably cause he has permanent hold of one of the 3 braincells noir has)
he looooves girl group dances 
especially twice 
He owns Noir’s tiktok pretty much. also their insta
he's a precious chipmunk
Kim Daewon
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Thhis baby oml
Kim Daewon is the cutest thing since that fluffy little dog whose name i cant remember
20 years old 
Birthday is April 18th, 2000 (Aries)
Lead Dancer, vocalist, maknae
In pictures he looks tall af
5′7″ but looks like 5′4″
the cutest thing everrrrr
the biggest fluffiest cutest cheeks
everything about him is smol except for them thighssss
trained for 1 year
he has one older sister
he goes off in the chorus of their b-side track “Between” though like fuuuuuuucccckkkk (lowkey one of my favorite songs by them)
literally one of the funniest people you will ever see
extra crackhead energy
makes all the boys laugh
he loves chicken and snacks (gotta keep those cheeks in top shape)
literally the softest boy
he's good at everything i swear
he likes to shimmy.
has a cute butt lol
he talks in tiny
literally the cutest maknae ever oml
I hope this helped guys!!!!! I really hope you can stan noir and support them in their comeback this Monday! I hope this helped @distrikt9 if you need videos or anything feel free to ask! I love sharing my boys. They really are so underrated. I did this so fast ngl. I've never typed so fast
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shootoutthestars · 8 years
St. Patrick's Day (Kristanna Fan Fiction)
A/N: Sooooo Happy St. Patrick's Day! I decided to write a Kristanna fic for the occasion. Hope you all enjoy! Rating: M (language and alcohol) Summary: Kristoff takes Anna out to her first Tavern for St. Patrick's Day and they have a blast. ---------------- "Happy St. Patrick's Day, Kristoff!" Anna shouted out their bedroom door as the tall blonde approached her. "Right back at you, Princess." Kristoff said with a smile. He bent down and kissed his wife on her soft lips. "I had an idea...." Anna began. "Uh oh...." Kristoff let out a small giggle. "It's nothing bad! I think.... Well anyway, I thought since I am now of age...you could take me to a tavern that all the commoners go to!" Kristoff gave Anna a hard stare. He shook his head slowly. "Are you crazy?" Kristoff finally stated. "Of course not! I just thought...it would be a lot of fun! I have only ever drank here at the palace and other palaces...why can't I drink at a local tavern? I mean what's the worst that would happen?" Kristoff looked at her and took a deep breath. He knew exactly what a tavern was like and he also knew it was no place for a princess. "I'm sorry, Anna but I'm going to have to say no...." "But...but Kris! Please! It can't be that bad! "Anna, there are people in those taverns that are not very good people...very scary people." "Kristoff, I have climbed mountains and fought Ice Monsters the size of a pine tree! I think I can handle myself." Kristoff let out a huge sigh and, to Anna's advantage, had said "Fine...." "Yay!" "Get your stuff together, Feistypants." The two left the palace and walked down to the tavern that was right outside of the town square. Anna stared up at the sign that read Arendell Tavern in pretty, cursive writing. "It doesn't look that bad!" Anna exclaimed. Kristoff nodded and motioned her to follow her inside. Both entered and all eyes were on her. There was a chorus of "Princess Anna?" and "What on earth is she doing here?". The bar tender walked up to Anna and asked "My lady, how can I assist you?" Anna gave her a small grin and told her about what her St. Patrick's Day plans were. The bar tender laughed and said "Well let me get you something to drink then, Princess. What would you like?" Anna looked off in thought. Suddenly her face lit up and she gave Kristoff a mischievous grin. "I'll take the strongest thing you have." Anna stated plainly. "Anna...I don't know that that's a great idea...." Kristoff said nervously. Someone in the tavern shouted "Let the girl drink what she wants!" Kristoff shot the man a death glare and he immediately backed off. Anna spun around and smiled at him. "Don't worry. I'll be fine!" "Ok...." Anna and Kristoff walked over to the bar with the bar tender and Kristoff whispered to himself "Elsa is going to fucking kill me...." The bar tender pored some sort of liquid into a shot glass and Kristoff said "Well if she is going to do it I might as well too." Anna let out a happy sound and took her shot glass and he took his. "On three...one...two...three!" The couple grabbed their glasses and downed them as quick as possible. Anna instantly began to regret her decision and spat the harsh liquid out of her mouth while Kristoff downed it like a champ. Anna coughed for a solid five minutes while Kristoff laughed and comforted her. "Maybe I should try something a little more...fruity?" Anna said in defeat. In the time that Anna had drank her huge, liquor filled slushy, Kristoff had downed three beers and two shots and was completely wasted. "Kris? I think maybe we should head home." Anna said with a giggle as Kristoff gave her a pouty look. "Ugh...fineeeeeee...." Kristoff stumbled out of the tavern with Anna as support. Half way back to the palace, Kristoff stopped walking and grabbed Anna by the shoulders and spun her around to look at him. "I love you so much!" Kristoff said loudly. Anna laughed and he suddenly started dancing with her in the middle of the town square. The two laughed and almost fell over a few times from the horrible dancing. After a few minutes of slow dancing, Kristoff kissed Anna passionately. "Anna?" "Yes?" "Do you promise that you'll take care of me forever?" "Absolutely." Kristoff smiled against her forehead. "Now let's get home before Elsa has a heart attack." Anna said with a laugh. Kristoff gave her a horrified look. "Elsa! Oh no! She's gonna kill me! I let you get drunk!" "Kris...your the drunk one...." Anna said laughing. "Oh yeah...." Once Anna and Kristoff got home, he immediately fell asleep and Anna did too. Elsa didn't mind one bit, in fact, she was a bit tipsy herself. She had spent the evening curled up with her favorite book while drinking wine. All in all, the three of them had had an amazing night. ---------------- A/N: I hope everyone liked it! I know it was kinda dumb but whatever lol! Thanks for reading! (I didn't get to read over it so I'm sorry if there are any errors!)
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