#how is this my first Reed1700 story?
fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Ghosts of the past
This was prompted by an awesome anon! Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed1700 (Warnings: implied past abuse, manipulation, mentioned forced drug intake, drug abuse)
‘I don’t feel too good about this…’ ‘Me neither, but I can’t think of any other way, unfortunately…’ Nines swallowed, looking Connor in the eyes. It was hard to look into these eyes when he normally was the one telling Nines to forget about the mission for a while. Whenever Nines sunk a little too far into his comfort zone of code and orders, Connor was there to remind him he didn’t had to follow it. He was allowed to indulge in his emotions and listen to his wants. Now that their roles had changed it really made him think about how compromised he really was with this particular case.
‘Nines, we need that confession. You know that.’ ‘I know Connor!’, the android yelled with frustration. ‘I know, but I’m not sacrificing Gavin’s mental state, health or career, just because some criminal decides to play with us!’ Connor sighed. ‘Do you think I want that? Nines, he matters to me as much as to you, I’d rather die myself than see him hurt. I’m just saying we should ask him and not decide for him just because that makes us more comfortable.’ Nines sighed, nodding. ‘His sense of duty will make him say yes.’ ‘Maybe, but it will be his decision. He’s a grown man and we will be there for him should anything happen. Come on.’
Gavin immediately shit was about to go down as both androids exited the interrogation room heading his direction. Both their LED’s were yellow bordering to red and knowing just who sat behind that door, Gavin knew exactly what must have happened. Still, he tried to look optimistic: ‘And? What did you find out?’ Nines looked aside, arms crossed over his chest, while Connor put up a fake grin that should be calming. So they both were disagreeing about their way of action. Gavin wouldn’t dare saying he knew what was going on in their heads most of the time, but he could read their emotional state like nobody else. ‘Not much’, Connor answered him. ‘He refuses to speak with anyone but you.’
Gavin swallowed and lowered his head. ‘Well phck’, he cursed, accepting his fate. ‘Guess I’ll go talk to the asshole then.’ ‘You don’t have to’, Nines immediately stated, taking a step forwards when Gavin stood up. ‘You don’t have to talk to him.’ ‘Nines, I have to if we want to get a confession, right?’ ‘He didn’t say anything about confessing’, Connor corrected. ‘Just that he doesn’t want to talk to anyone but you.’ ‘Yeah, well, that’s basically the same thing, isn’t it?’, Gavin huffed determined. ‘It’s been years, I think I can talk to the asshole if it means I won’t see him for a long time, because he’s locked up. I’ll manage.’ ‘We’re right in the next room observing’, Nines tried to reassure him, knowing arguments wouldn’t help. ‘Then I’ll try to give you two a show, huh?’, Gavin joked and took the lead towards the interrogation room.
He heard the others following him and tried to keep his composure for as long as they saw him. He knew they worried about him. Hell, Gavin worried about himself. It had been a long time since he had last seen David Smith and he wouldn’t have complained if more years had been added to that. And his confidence in his ability to keep calm and professional around him was fragile at best. But they needed that confession and Gavin would get it. No matter the cost.
He took a deep breath before opening the door and entering the room. He didn’t spare the man sitting across the table any mind, sat down and slammed the file on the table in front of him. ‘Your name is David Smith, is that correct?’ He stared strictly on the papers in front of him. ‘Yes.’ Oh that phcking voice. That goddamn soft voice that reminded him of all the times this stupid phck had him wrapped around his finger. If he could, he would have thrown up already, but as it was, he kept up his neutral façade. ‘State your age and occupation.’ ‘Thirty-nine. Freelancing salesman.’ Gavin could hear the asshole’s sly grin in his words and narrowed his eyes. ‘Come on, Gav. Why so stuck-up? Not happy about seeing your man?’ ‘You will address me as Detective Reed, Mr. Smith’, Gavin commented sharply. ‘And I’d appreciate you staying on topic. Does “freelancing salesman” include the producing and selling of illegal substances by any chance? We found copious amounts of drugs, mostly Red Ice and cocaine in your flat. Additionally, there have been accounts of eyewitnesses depicting you handing over those substances to others. The evidence clearly speaks against you, but a confession might increase your chance at a decreased sentence.’
‘You’re still as beautiful as I remember you.’ Gavin felt himself shudder but ignored the goose bumps in his back. ‘Mr. Smith, I doubt you understand the situation you are in.’ ‘Hmm… all professional, aren’t we, Gav? I remember I could get you to be pretty unprofessional in a matter of seconds.’ Gavin couldn’t help but look up. It had been a mistake, as the man’s grin widened, and those eyes captured him once again. ‘Ah… So you remember too.’
Gavin sighed and closed the file. ‘Why the phck did you refuse to speak with my partners? David, we’re over and done with. The years with you were some of my worst and there is no way I will ever want that back.’ The man smirked at him. ‘So they are your partners? I thought so, they’re your type. Tall and strong enough to put you in your place…’ Gavin ground his teeth and stared at David with eyes that could kill. ‘Are you selling drugs again? Who are your suppliers? Who do you keep around to test your phcking new creations on?’ ‘Come on, babe, you were more than just that for me.’ ‘I asked you a question asshole. You said you’d talk to me. I’ve yet to hear a single word that’s worth the air.’
David leaned back and grinned. ‘Oh, please Gavin. You pretend to be so high and mighty. You can’t put me behind bars. In fact, I know I will be walking free in a matter of hours.’ ‘And why should that be?’, Gavin asked. ‘Charlotte 2.0.’
Gavin’s eyes widened and he had to hide his hands beneath the table because they were shaking too much. In one quick motion, he took the file and left the room. Only to sink against the closed door as his knees gave in. Not much later Nines and Connor came running to his side. ‘Gavin! Are you alright? What the hell happened in there?’, Connor asked, obviously scanning his vitals. ‘Who… What is Charlotte 2.0?’, Nines asked. Gavin concentrated on breathing first, speaking second. ‘We have to let him go’, he whispered desperately. ‘We have to.’ ‘What? Why?’
Gavin stood up and walked away from the door. ‘Charlotte was an android. Non-deviant. His fail-safe. Remember how I never wanted to tell you how I got out of that relationship? I killed her. Killed her and ran, moved and stopped talking to anyone I knew. Deleted all accounts and made new ones.’ ‘You did what?’, Nines asked. ‘Yeah, she was just a machine, okay? It was the only way out. I… David is anything if not prepared. Charlotte had the single task to gather as much information as she could. That means he can notify any gang, any lab, drug den or dealer in the city they have been compromised. With a single word from him, she can make every current operation in narcotics null and void with everyone alarmed.’ ‘Then why did you kill her?’, Connor asked. ‘Because she also keeps tabs open on everyone dear to the people he wants to keep in line. I’m not an idiot, I realised what I had fallen into a week after we first met. But I could only run years later because she was dead and couldn’t hold my family and friends at gunpoint in secret.’
Connor and Nines stared at each other. ‘So we need to find the android he uses this time.’ Gavin shook his head. ‘I doubt he will be dumb enough to make the same mistake twice. I’d guess Charlotte 2.0 is a program ready to unleash all the gathered information if something goes wrong.’ ‘Then what do we do? Search his apartment again?’ ‘Would be a good start.’
Less then twenty minutes later, Gavin, Nines and Connor sat in a car driving towards David’s apartment. ‘You did good in there’, RK900 suddenly broke the silence. ‘I worried for you.’ ‘We both did’, Connor added. ‘But it’s good you decided to go.’ ‘I just want to end this shit’, Gavin sighed. ‘I don’t want to think back to it, and I’ll sleep the hell of a lot easier knowing the asshole is behind bars.’ ‘Couldn’t put it better’, Connor nodded. ‘You want to come with us?’ They had parked the car and Gavin looked up to the apartment complex he knew far too well. ‘Yeah, I’ll come. Don’t like it a bit, but I might be of help.’
They exited the car and made their way up using the shitty rumbling elevator Gavin despised. Not only that you had to fear the damn thing giving in any moment, the memories of how he had been slammed against a wall, barely conscious with the bastard’s lips all over his body… No, he refused to think of that. He refused to think of anything but him being here to put an end to it all. He felt two reassuring hands on his shoulders as the door opened and gladly let them exit first, following the two androids towards the apartment Gavin had never wanted to see ever again.
In the end it didn’t look too different to what he had gotten to know: the flat was messy, clothes thrown around, empty mugs and take out containers stood on the kitchen counters and table. The dead plant that had been Gavin’s company throughout many drying-outs from some experimental drug high, still stood on the windowsill rotting and gathering dust. ‘Would you rather wait outside?’, Connor asked, but Gavin shook his head. ‘No. Thank you, but we need to find Charlotte 2.0. I’ll help.’ They systematically went through every corner and every drawer. Gavin found a few disposable phones he couldn’t activate; Connor was long sitting on the couch interfacing with a laptop while Nines was somewhere in the bathroom.
Gavin was waiting for the next phone to charge enough so he could try to get to any contacts or other data on it. He tried to concentrate on his task, but waiting hadn’t exactly sat right with him for most, so he ended up lost in memories he hoped to rather forget. Two years of his life just gone and wasted. Who knew how many years of his life the drugs had taken from him? The lies he had told. The things he had done to keep David safe. No, to keep those dear to him safe. He looked up at Connor. Did David know of his relationship with Connor and Nines? Did he know how happy he was with them, how much he loved and needed them? Was Charlotte programmed to cause them harm too? He didn’t want to imagine what would happen would they not find whatever failsafe David had thought up this time. If they had to let David go. Phck, no, they had to find it. They-
‘Nines!’ Connor had stood up and placed the laptop on the kitchen counter next to Gavin. ‘I found something, but you are better at this.’ RK900 hurried out of the bathroom and joined their side. ‘Better at what?’ ‘At breaching the security measures. I think I found this Charlotte 2.0, but I can’t access it. It’s protected with a password and I can’t get past it. The system looks everything like an android mind to me. Or at least the security is similar. I can’t get in.’ ‘Okay, let me try.’ Nines reached for the laptop to interface and Gavin watched how his LED spun faster and faster as his brows furrowed. It only was a matter of seconds, but that alone should have told Gavin something was wrong. When the android stepped back desperately looking at the computer-screen asking for a password. ‘I can’t get in either. We need the password.’
‘How many tries do we have?’, Gavin asked. ‘Three’, Connor supplied. ‘We can’t just trial and error the solution.’ Gavin stared at the keyboard, then turned around to look at the apartment. ‘Try Gavin Reed.’ ‘What?’, Nines asked. ‘Darling, we can’t just try it out.’ ‘Listen’, Gavin sighed. ‘I wasn’t the only one David tried his drugs on. But it… It was personal with me. In some twisted way, he really loved me. Why else pull such a damn stunt? He could have just moved to a different place and continued on with his business. But he stayed, he kept dealing right under our noses after I left. The asshole wanted to be found. And we don’t exactly have much time. Try my name, if it doesn’t work, we still have two tries left.’
Nines stared at him unmoving, but Connor took the chance and typed in “Gavin Reed” Then he hit enter. The screen cleared to give access to code Gavin didn’t understand. But from the way Nines and Connor interfaced with the device immediately he took it had worked. ‘It’s deactivated’, Nines stated, stepping back. He looked at Gavin, who had pulled his arms around his middle and looked to the ground. ‘Thank you, Gavin. Let’s get this Laptop to the police and then go home.’ ‘Forget this all’, Connor said, when he pushed the laptop shut. ‘Sounds good’, Gavin sighed tiredly and closed his eyes as both androids pulled him in a deep hug. ‘Sounds phcking perfect.’
[>next part]
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“None of this is your fault.”- Reed1700 Nines got shot in a case and Connor stayed with Gavin, waiting for Nines to come back
Ok, so this is gonna be angsty, I'm sorry.
"Nines!" Connor yelled but it was already too late. The shot rang out and Connor pushed Nines to the ground with a hard thump. 
There was another shot that he knew was either from Gavin or Hank. He covered Nines's body with his own just in case. He knew Nines would scold him for that later but he'd rather get a scolding than for Nines to die. 
"Shit! Connor, hey you alright?" Hank says, trying to pull him off of Nines. "The fucker is down." 
Connor slowly moves away from Nines, rolling him onto his back. His LED is a solid red but it isn't too bright. Connor checks his torso first but doesn't find a bullet wound. 
"Fuck, Nines…" Hank mumbles. Connor looks at Hank then to Nines and feels his stomach drop. 
The bullet went just to the right of the center of Nines's head. It was a miracle he was even alive right now. 
Gavin rushed over and dropped to his knees when he saw. Connor called for an ambulance as he took Nines's hand, Gavin taking the other. "Hey, hey you can't die. You'll be fine. Right?" 
Connor scanned his body and tried to keep in the sob that tore through his throat. "Nines help is on the way. Just, just hold on a little while longer." 
Hank moves away to stand near the shooter, making sure he wouldn't go anywhere. 
Nines slowly blinked at them, mouth forming words he couldn't say. Connor quickly slid the skin back on his hand and offered an interface with Nines. 
It took a few seconds before Nines accepted but when he did the rush of emotions made Connor gasp and have to close his eyes. 
There was just so much. The fear, worry, pain, but there was also love for the two of them. He knew what this felt like and he didn't want it to happen. 
"No! No, Nines I promise you'll be fine. You'll get fixed up." Connor said, squeezing his hand. Another wave of love and affection washed over him, making him shake his head. 
"What… Connor what is he saying?" Gavin whispered, looking between the two. 
"He isn't saying anything… but he's trying to say goodbye." His voice cracks in a glitchy way as he speaks. 
Gavin's eyes go wide and he grips Nines tighter. "No, no goodbyes. You don't have to say goodbye cause you're going to be fine." 
Connor hears the sirens coming closer and he silently begged them to go faster. To get here sooner so Nines would be alright. 
He ran another scan of Nines and blinked back the tears. "He's going into shutdown." He pushed as much comfort, love and optimism as he can through the connection before Nines's LED turns off. 
"Nines!" Gavin yells, shaking him. Connor doesn't let go of Nines's hand even as the ambulance and other police show up. "Fuck, Nines wake the fuck up!" 
Two EMTs run up, and one is definitely an android but Connor doesn't care. His whole mind has gone completely numb. 
Hank has to drag him back away so the EMTs can get to him. Gavin sits down on the hard pavement, his head in his hands. 
He doesn't struggle or try to put up a fight. His whole body just goes limp in Hank's arms. 
He acts on autopilot, getting into Hank's car, watching the road speed by as Hank follows the ambulance. He doesn't feel the cold steal of the waiting room chairs, or smells the cleaning supplies the hospital uses. 
Gavin and Hank sit on either side of him as he stares ahead. His eyes are glazed over and his LED is solid red. 
He should have moved faster, seen that the man was about to fire. He should have been fast enough to jump in front, but he didn't. 
Would he have been faster if he hadn't deviated? Would Nines have even been in that position if Connor hadn't fallen for both him and Gavin? They only worked together because Nines and Gavin had been worried about the severity of his case and wanted to make sure he was safe. 
If they didn't care about him they wouldn't have been there. Connor would have gotten shot instead. He knows this but he can't go back and change it. But he can change the future. 
"Gavin… can I talk to you?" He mumbles. Gavin looks between Connor and Hank before standing and offering his hand. 
Connor doesn't take it as he stands and leads them over to a small quiet corner of the room. He keeps his posture perfect and his hands at his side even as Gavin tries to reach out. 
"Are you ok?" Gavin asks, reaching up to cup Connor's cheek but he turns his head away. He swallows thickly and tries to ignore the hurt look on Gavin's face. 
"Gavin… once Nines is back-" he started, his hands shaking at his sides. He clenched his hand into a fist, his nails digging into his palm. "I'm going to break up with you both." 
The loud slap fills the room, and Connor keeps his eyes down, ignoring the stinging in his cheek. "I know-" he starts but is cut off. 
"No. No, you listen to me. I know what you're doing because I do the same thing. You're blaming yourself for this. You think if we never loved you that Nines would be fine. But guess what? That's bullshit." Gavin says, grabbing Connor's wrist. 
"You don't get to decide if he fell in love with you. You don't get to decide that we stop loving you because Nines got hurt. Getting hurt is part of the fucking job. We all know the risks. If we wanted a safe life we could have become fucking librarians or some shit." Gavin pulls up his own sleeve revealing the scars Connor knows all too well. 
He had touched and kissed each scar as Gavin had told him the stories of how he got them. He had held him when the nightmares came about how he had gotten those scars. 
Connor had his own scars. Definitely far less than Gavin, but he had a few. The wounds that were too big to mend themselves, where they had to be burned to close the hole. 
"This shit happens. Nines doesn't blame you and neither do I. None of this is your fault. I love you and I know he does too. Even if he… even if he doesn't come back, I know he wouldn't want you to pull away just because you're scared of getting hurt or watching those you love get hurt. Death is just part of life. You all earned your right to live but you also earned your right to die." 
Connor slowly relaxed his fist, letting Gavin lace their fingers together. "Don't shut me out because you're scared. I'm… I'm scared too, and I need you." Gavin whispers. 
The wall Connor had built came crashing down. He pulled Gavin into a hug, hiding his face in his shoulder as he cried. Gavin pulled him as close as possible, letting himself finally cry as well. 
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Connor mumbled. He kept saying it even as Gavin shushed him and rocked them slightly. "I love you." 
"I love you too. Now we should probably go sit, otherwise Anderson might come over here and kick my teeth in for slapping you. Sorry about that, but you did deserve it." Gavin says, pulling back. He reaches up again but this time Connor doesn't pull away. 
Gavin wipes the tears away and Connor leans into his warm hand. "It's ok, I definitely deserved that."
They stay like that for a few more seconds before Gavin pulls them back over to Hank. He looks at Gavin then to Connor. He raised one eyebrow before Connor gave him the smallest smile. 
It seems to placate him for now, but he does give a slight glare to Gavin. 
Gavin keeps a hold of his hand as they wait, rubbing circles into his chassis. Connor hadn't meant to pull the skin away but Gavin didn't complain.
They sit there for what feels like days before a nurse walks out and looks around the waiting room. When she spotted them she quickly walked over. All three of them sit up, giving her their full attention. 
"I've got some good news and bad news. The good news is that he'll definitely live. He was lucky, an inch or two to the left would have killed him. Any other android still would have died but he's made of a more resistant metal." The nurse says, holding a small clipboard with what must be Nines's information on it. 
"And the bad news?" Hank asks. 
The nurse frowns and looks at all for them. "Some of his memories were damaged. We don't know how much, but we did everything we could. He should be starting up now, if you'll follow me." 
They all jump to their feet, walking as quickly as they can to Nines's room. He's laying completely still on the bed, a few monitors meant specifically for androids are on and making small noises. 
Connor and Gavin run to the side of his bed, both reaching out to touch him. It takes thirty agonizing long seconds before Nines's LED flickers on and then his eyes slowly open. 
"Nines!" Gavin says, grinning madly. Connor has to stop himself from crying again as he looks at him.
There's a slight scar where the bullet went in but otherwise he would have no idea he had been shot.
"I'm sorry, but do I know you?"
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99millionmilesaway · 3 years
Hey just wanted to say welcome back! I adore your Convin fic and am so hyped your finishing it 💕. I actually want to thank you for also inspiring me to start writing. I love alot of authors in DBH but always fely shy and never felt confident enough to publish my own fic or story. It honestly took me finally reaching out to some on tumblr to get an idea that's now spawned into a massive Convin and Reed900 fic (Maybe Reed1700 endgame?). So wanted to say your amazing and thanks 🥰.
Hearing this makes me so incredibly happy you have no idea. I know perfectly well what you mean. I think one (perhaps THE) most important turning points in my life as far as my "life" as a fanfic writer is concerned was when I was 11 or something writing horrible fanfic in Italian lmao and an older girl not only left a wonderful comment on my story but even told me how to use HTML and gave me so much advice etc (keep in mind this was like back in 2009 or something) and to this day I still wonder what could have been if I hadn't met a lot of wonderful people in my starting days as a writer. Maybe it's not the same but what I mean to say is that sometimes you need someone who's capable of inspiring / helping / motivating you to be someone you really want to be, and sometimes just reading a fanfic from that person / those people you look up to even just a little can be enough (I started writing in English because I loved all the marvelous fanfic focusing on Moriarty in the Sherlock fandom on ao3, for example. I'm sure I wouldn't even be able to be fluent in English now if it wasn't for those works and how badly they made me want to contribute to the fandom). I'm so glad I played a small part in helping you find the confidence to write your own fanfic. I'm sure your story is amazing and that it's the first of many wonderful works from you. Keep writing and/or doing what you love and stay safe 💖💖💖
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msquarmby · 4 years
*cough* Nines for the character ask?
I’m already laughing at the second ask you sent right after that one. It’s really hard to concentrate lmao
first impression
That really depends on which "first impression" you're asking me about… in the game? I truly just remember him as "the gutpunch moment for machine!Connor", not even as an independent character. I wasn't in the fandom back then, so I was entirely unaware of what the fandom had turned him into - until I randomly found Michelle's movie.
So, yeah, that is my "second first impression" of Nines: Detroit Awakening/Evolution. And what's not to love there.
impression now
It also depends a little. He's just characterised so differently in all the fanworks. But I like him in all forms: crazy, psychopath killing machine; queen of sass and bickering; autistic, nonverbal android who can't deviate; cold, steel-eyed dom who likes to step on Gavin's throat… 
favorite moment
I'm going to Detroit Evolution here (because in the game there is literally only one (1) moment): the way you can see the 200+ error messages pop up right in front of his face when Gavin says about himself that he's got "wisdom".
idea for a story
^a.k.a. how much do I want to spoil of the longfic I'm currently working on that will probably not be posted for months 🤫😏
I like to think, and somehow that thought evolved into a very elaborate plotline, that while Nines forces himself to be thinks of himself as being in control of everything (especially regarding himself), he may not be. He may just be very convinced that he is. Which, for one part, is down to his own superiority complex, but could also have a much more sinister root… 🤐
unpopular opinion
I'm not into the idea of him having a black chassis… like, I enjoy looking at fanart of it, but it’s probably not something I’d write myself.
favorite relationship
Reed900, duh. (Although I am starting to develop a soft spot for RK1700 and Reed1700 as well.)
favorite headcanon
Tina is Nines’ source for office gossip, and Nines always helps Tina to confirm which of the rumours of affairs and all other kinds of scandals are actually true by secretly scanning people. (Which drives Tina out of her goddamn mind when it takes Nines literal months to realise that Gavin is into him, because how the fuck did he, of all people, not notice that!?)
~ character ask ~
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