#how many kaisoo posts do i have in the bank before i go back to being all memes...m
exoscreamsoda 2 years
i got recommended this after so long 馃拃
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i would pay everything to know *someones* reaction to this 馃槶
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aphrodite1288 3 years
This part :
Ksoo often apologized about it and promise to improve himself and reduce the jealousy. Especially when Ji leaves him at the dorm alone and goes out with his squad! That resulted too many bickerings and small arguments between them but nothing too serious. Ji always questions why Ksoo is so jealous and tells him that he shouldn't be and to tone it down. Ksoo feels guilty afterwards.
I'm sorry but it sounds like a fanfiction. Even ss can't know about those details. It's literally impossible for your "sources" to know about that if there are not part of kd's entourages...
True. I understand you.
But I only copy past the k-exol posts I found.
Also we witnessed this in Exo japan interview when Ksoo was supposed to ask a serious question to each member about something that bothered him lately.
All members asked basic things to e/o and when it was Ksoo's turn with other members he teased them with funny questions and compliments, but when he got to Ji he was like " DO YOU REALLY ENJOY HANGING OUT WITH TAEMIN AND YOUR SQUAD MORE THAN US ,YOUR MEMBERS??"
And Ji was offended and dejectedly defended himself and asked ksoo " NO! WHY ARE YOU PUTTING IT THIS WAY, YOU MAKE ME LOOK BAD! OF COURSE NOT! THAT'S NOT TRUE, I ENJOY BEING WITH YOU ALL" and continued defending himself and talking about how he always meets the members and have dinners and how he goes to the gym with chanyeol and baek and how he hangs out with the members who share the same floor as him whom are ( Sehun, Chanyeol and Suho). And then Ji said he couldn't see kyungsoo much coz of their busy schedules and Ksoo was like " No that's just an excuse, saying we have busy schedules that we can't meet is just mere excuses, but it's okay since we're always together in the dorm we always see e/o coz we live together" and it was mentioned that he said it sarcastically and annoyed. Doesn't that sound like a dialogue from a FF? Well it was posted on Exo japan Dvd book.
U must know sasaengs did work in SM hidden "as staff"!! and some staff leaked info to Sasaengs for tons money! Yes they do that and there were many many staff who went to jail for this ! Also I once read that when Managers get kicked by the company they go around spreading all secrets about the bands they worked with in exchange of massive amounts of money from their fans!I saw sasaengs dissing some SM staff for asking for a huge amount of money for some pics and news about Sehun!! U know the scandal of BP's Li/sa's own manager who took advantage of her naiveness and her trust in him and stole 1billion won from her account when she informed him that she is willing to open a project and invest in her mother land! he lied to her and promised her to find her a good local for the project and that he will invest her money in a project that would benefit her so much in thailand but at the end he took the money and disappeared, yes! Staff and managers don't get paid well btw and some go bankrupt with debts related to gambling and drinking and clubbing and paying hookup girls etc... And wanting to live a high class life and buy massive cars and appartement with loans from banks that they end up not being able to pay! And many managers asked money from their idols to solve their problems I read this few times about a female soloist and other female band who paid their manager's debts.
Didn't you hear the story of that Sasaeng who even entered Exo's main dance practice in 2018 and took pics of them practicing! Sehun talked about this somewhere i don't remember maybe on his IG or live, anyway he talked about the invasion of privacy!
U heard of the sasaengs who put cameras in teddy bears they gave to the members and recorded them for a long time before they were exposed! That happened a lot around 2013/2014 when exo became extra famous and gained tons of obsessive fans!
U heard of the sasaengs that got to Exo's hotel room and stole Ksoo's boxer and put it on sale and even his own socks! Check the post here on this link :
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U heard of the fans who inserted cameras and mics under the members beds in the dorm and even in Hotels and in bathrooms!
There are tons of examples so I'll just write etc..
So yes most of 2012 Exo facts that you saw on internet back in 2012/2013 were all taken from recording the members for months by secret cameras and mics inserted in their dorm and hotels and even on the plane during flights !
I had an audio about Baekhyun's birthday party and chanyeol's birthday party with all members just talking and chilling and saying a lot of things! It was deleted after ! And i don't speak korean and didn't understood a thing back then in 2013 so I didn't care much about it! It was deleted after.
If I post what koreans wrote about Exo's daily life in their own dorm and what they said they recorded and filmed about them, you would be shocked! You would say HOW?? DID THEY LIVE WITH THEM?? Yes! THEY DID! DIRECTLY as staff and INDIRECTLY through sasaengs nasty ways.
Some sasaengs worked in S/M as staff and some sasaengs rented apartments in the same building Exo had their dorm at ! And followed them for years!
I even saw a korean exol talking about how she used to pay a woman whom is Exo's neighbor to get information about what she hears from their apartment coz they were living next door! And she said they were so noisy and so hyperactive and screaming a lot and playing music a lot and that kaisoo were the closest ones! And that korean girl didn't even like Kadi !
There was a sasaeng who even disguised as a house keeper and put application in house keepers's agency just to get the Job at Exo's dorm ! And Sasaeng paid Exo's housekeepers millions to get recordings from their daily life. Yeah that's how Kyungsoo got traumatized! And i won't say what happened to him and why he became like this! Scared of interactions with fans and he even mentioned in his interview how sad he is coz his debit trauma caused him to not make a difference btw Sasaengs and real fans that he saw them all as sasaengs and even apologized to fans to whom he was cold before! He said he can't know who would harm him and who are his real fans. And promised to improve his interactions skills. Which he did not very much improved 馃き
Ji and Ksoo and Baek were slutshamed and molested by female fans and male fans! Just a hint ! Let alone death threats and Love confessions and nasty dirty sexual letters sent to their own mail at their dorm! I gave a hint 馃槈
No problem i'll try to post something to prove you that I only copy past the posts of korean after asking for permission. And you will see the narratives yourself. But it's in korean and the translation is poor but deal with it!
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faakeid 5 years
Hello, do you take a request? Someone guilt tripped me for being kaisooist. So, can you make a post of your fav underrated kaisoo moments?
It鈥檚 one of the asks I have on my askbox for so long, but I watched a video and I discarted the whole other moments I thought about putting here. Why?
Because no one talks about all the moments EX0 performed Overdose and JI used to stare at KS while doing that choreography. It can be reaching af, but idc, it鈥檚 the most underrated kd moment EVER and I want to workship it inside my brain.
1. EX0 at KBS Festival
JI had his solo as usual and he was separated by this divisor. He gave some steps back to be close to the other members and stayed still when he found his position. BUT he had a time to look back just in time to see the members leaving their formation and JI looking at the person on the bottom ;))
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Overdose at Music Core
This performance is heavily edited, but it鈥檚 also interesting. At the beginning, all of them (including JI) look with their strong gazes at the camera. BH and PCY attention go to the position change before JI here and JI a little later helps BH on going down. But notice on this screen shot (have no talent for gifs, sorry) that while everyone else is already focused on themselves, JI still takes time to stare at KS on the ground.
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The same happens during Overdose鈥檚 Goodbye Stage at, again, Music Core
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The camera focus is far from the group, so it may not be accurate, but you can see the direction of JI鈥檚 head here (Music Bank in Mexico)
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Year End Special Music Bank. Probably he knew the camera wouldn鈥檛 be focused on the formation much, so he passed the time looking at the floor (watch the video in slow motion and you will be able to see it).
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Overdose SBS. Everyone minding their own business, but JI...
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KBS Music Bank Pretty visible聽
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KMF Dec 2014. Both JI and CY are ready to put BH down this time. Loved the clothes btw.
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Ex0 Comeback Showcase JI and CY
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SBS Inkigayo. While in general, JI holds the gaze while CY looks down, here its the opposite.
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And my fave: MAMA 2014!聽
I just love how JI comes from the shadows, gives a look down, moves his finger and ends clapping while looking down~
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It鈥檚 probably a silly and even far fetched compilation but never saw many people appreciating it. JI always took care of KS and there were lots of demonstrations of it during Overdose (JI fixing KS鈥檚 pants聽and JI massaging KS鈥檚 legs) and it鈥檚 visible in obvious but also small gestures. It was one of the points I always admired about KD and can鈥檛 never let it go.
PS: I recommend watching the videos in 0.25 for better view and on the highest quality available.
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