#how many times has willa died in the dark au fic now? yes :)
WIP Wednesday!
Tagged by @detectivelokis @direwombat @inafieldofdaisies @clicheantagonist @socially-awkward-skeleton ty for keeping me in the loop lovelies!
Tagging @g0dspeeed @nonfunctioning-queer @marivenah @henbased
Posting a few things since I've missed a million wip wednesdays, so first up is the beginning of Willa's disastrous journey in part 1 of her dark au :)
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“Ugh…” A groan forces itself through cracked, dry lips as she wakes to an insistent mumbling hum buzzing by her head. Her eyes flutter open and roam over her settings with an owlish blink. Numbly, she stares ahead, to the swaying headset that’s making so much noise, and finally to the vibrant orange ribbons, flapping in the wind outside. A few minutes tick by before her memory trickles in, syrupy slow, bringing with it an ice cold terror. Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong. She was hanging upside down with her seat belt being the only thing holding her in place. It takes another minute to realize that the ribbons outside were not ribbons at all, but flames. To make matters worse, there's a tiny waterfall of liquid, dripping down from the helicopter and splattering onto the ground into a puddle. The smell itself is indistinguishable: Gas. She looks over to her right to see Hudson, passed out, then in front of her to see Burke, also passed out, and then there was… Wait, where the hell was Joseph? “Amaaaziiiiing Graaaace.” The distant, haunting timber of his voice paralyzes her. Ironically, she can’t help but to think that this would be the part in the movie where the main character ran and hid from the killer. But she has no where to run and no where to hide, so she does the next best thing: A fumbling attempt to grab the headset dangling just out of reach, taunting her. “How sweet the sound…” She leans forward, brushing her fingertips against the headset and pushing it further away. “C’mon!” She makes another attempt and this time her hand secures a tight grip around it. With a bud of hope blossoming in her chest, she pulls it toward her, just a little closer- Joseph’s hand shoots into view like a striking viper, latching onto her wrist with a punishing grasp and her breath hitches in her throat. She doesn’t dare to turn her head, in fact she’s not even sure she’s able to. She’s frozen in place, watching him move into her line of view. “That saved… a wretch… liiiike me…” He tilts his head, watching her. Unblinking. Waiting. It’s only when she releases her death grip on the only lifeline out of here that he, in turn, lets go of her wrist. It's a short lived relief, as in the next moment he grabs her jaw, lips twitching in amusement now that he’s made sure she’ll be unable to look away from him. “I told you that God wouldn’t let you take me.” He taunts, using his other hand to blindly reach up and grab the headset behind him, pulling it close so he could talk into the mic. “Dispatch.” “Ohhh… my god.” Nancy responds with a relieved, shaky exhale of breath. The reply prompts a brief half smile, one that doesn’t quite meet his eyes. “Everything is just fine here. No need to call anyone.” No. No, no, no. There was no fucking way- “Yes, Father. Praise be to you.” He drops the headset with a dramatic flourish then leans in with deadened expression, getting close enough that she could smell him this time: Dirt, sweat, ink, old books, and… something else she couldn’t quite put her finger on. He reaches up, slowly, as if approaching a cornered animal and she can’t help but to think, oh god, this is it. Bracing herself for the pain of long, pianist fingers penetrating squishy flesh, her eyes fly open in surprise when rough, callused thumbs brush across the apples of her cheeks instead. It’s a soft, soothing gesture, one she’s unfamiliar with. He wipes away stray tears that she hadn’t even realized were there and takes a moment to watch her. A second later, he’s leaning in, getting too close, forcing her to move her head back until it hits the headrest behind her. “No one is coming to save you.” He utters those final words before climbing out of the helicopter
Next up is Willa's (failed?) cleansing!
“Not this one.” He holds a hand out, stopping the peggie at her side and giving them a look before handing over the book he’d been reading from. His blue eyes—looking almost colorless in the moonlight—flick back to her and the water parts around him when he moves closer. “This ones not clean.” Then he lunges, pushing her down until she's submerged underneath the water again. She struggles, trying to gain purchase on anything, but the effort is futile and a few seconds later she’s already resurfacing. Her chest heaves with her gasps for air, her lips trembling from the cold temperature. “Y-you mm-muh-mother-f-fucker!” “Ahhhh!” He clicks his tongue with a smile, “Shhhh.” Expecting it this time, she holds her breath just before he pushes her under, the cold water shocking her system as if she were doing a polar plunge. She manages to grab hold of his shirt, pulling him with her and delighting in the blurry shock on his face when he stumbles and falls. He barely manages to catch himself and in using her to regain his balance, he sends her back slamming into the ground, driving the air from her lungs. Out of instinct, she opens her mouth and inhales water, gulping it down like she hasn’t had a drink in years. It gives her a bone chilling sense of dreadful déjà vu. Her frantic movements grow more sluggish the longer time passes until soon, she isn’t even struggling at all, but weakly smacking at whatever part of his body she could. But he doesn’t relent, he doesn’t let up, he keeps her there until her vision darkens at the edges. Then he keeps her there even longer, sharp fingers digging into her shoulders as he takes out his rage and frustration on her. She can’t do anything but exhale… and let go. . . . “N’aww, you really thought this was over? It’s only just begun…” . . . Someones pressing on her chest—one, two, three—then pushing air into her lungs. They repeat the motions again. One. Two. Three. Air forces its way into her lungs. She doesn’t respond. Again—one, two, three—more air. She responds this time, coughing and throwing up water that spills over her face. Sweet, sweet air fills her lungs and there’s a multitude of voices all mumbling by her ear. Her eyes lazily open, idly noting that her chest feels heavy, that it aches. Above her, with the moonlight behind him like a halo, she can only think that Joseph Seed looks just like an angel in that moment. Or maybe it’s the bliss—yeah, she’s sure it's the bliss. His lips were moving and the words don't register with her, but the relief was clear on his face. Raising a hand, he pushes wet strands of hair from her face and slowly, the words begin to fade in. “You’re not here by accident or by chance. You are here by the grace of God. You’ve been given a gift.” His lips pull up into a smile, not like the half ones that she’d seen earlier in the crash, but a real one. His hand smooths over her hair again, the motions setting her at ease, making her relax, disarming her. “Now it remains to be seen whether you choose to embrace it…” His voice lowers into a despairing whisper, ”Or to cast it aside.” Chirping crickets fill the silence while he continues to stare, memorizing her features.
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ladyalice101 · 5 years
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week 7. 
Jonsa week S L A Y E D me. seriously, thank you so much to all the amazing fic writers out there, I had such a shitty week last week, but it was amazing to come home in the afternoon and know that I had a variety of fics waiting to be read! 
considering there was so much content this week, this list is ~long~ (well, for a weekly fic rec it is anyway) 
this week I loved . . . 
something a bit different this week. I'm not reccing one fic, but an author. 
@missfaber wrote my favourite fics this week. her ao3 is here, where you can read all of her glorious fics. but here is the list of my faves from this week (which is like all of them).
anchor up to me, love
an amazing au, set in the 50s, in which sansa is a marine biologist, jon is her colleague, and they go on a deep sea expedition to find a giant squid. sounds niche, but like ... if you love “and there was only one bed” and “and they were roommates” tropes, then this fic is for you (and don’t fucking lie to me, everyone loves those tropes, so I'm expecting ya’ll to read this) 
it was a stained glass variation of the truth
this is a fake dating au, but like . . . filled with pain. jon and sansa are broken up (currently for unexplained reasons), but it’s thanksgiving and sansa doesn’t want to tell her family yet that they’re not together. so jon agrees to come and pretend. it is . . . oof. like. wow the emotional beating my heart has taken. but ALSO it’s amazing and I already know that once it’s done I'll be rereading. 
oh moon be still, she is aching
jon and sansa run an inn together. this is a wip, and I think going to be quite a few chapters, so it’s only in the setup stages atm but it’s already featuring protective jon 👀
Wolf's Teeth
a super repressed sansa undergoes a sexual awakening at a sex dungeon. need I say more? 
honourable mentions . . . 
I’ll Be Coming for Your Love, Okay? by @carbonitekisses (I'm so glad you found this list and that I could tag you!)
Willas walks ahead and Sansa hesitates before following suit. Normally Sansa would stop by and chat for a bit with Jeyne at the reception desk but she doesn't want to interrupt. She's ready to walk by and head straight to her office when Jeyne calls out her name in obvious relief.
Frowning for the first time today, Sansa redirects her route. The man Jeyne had been speaking to turns around to face her so quickly it's almost comical.
She would laugh to herself but then she see his face. Dark hair. Grey eyes. Full lips. For a second (or two or three...) Sansa's reality shatters before piecing itself back together into a kaleidoscope of bright colors and pure light.
a reincarnation/time travel au, in which Melisandre and the lord of light do some devious things and bring sansa back to life after she dies in canon-era. except it isn’t canon-sansa that’s brought back, it’s modern sansa. 
this features SO MUCH ANGST from jon. seriously that boy is just one big pile of melancholy in this fic, because he longs for sansa. but never fear, there is a happy ending, and while it certainly soothes your heart after this fic stomped on it, honestly the angst is the best part. Jon’s love for sansa really jumps out of the screen, and there were so many times that my heart ached for him. 
Swarovski Crystals by jeynestheon 
Jon has a type.
The other girls.
Short, lean, and brash, with mouths bigger than his father’s ego. Tomboys. He dates girls that make their own shorts by tearing apart their winter jeans and always wear the same battered pair chuck taylor’s. They like when he takes them hiking for the first date, and they don’t act shy when he fucks them in the car afterwards. They prefer cheap 24 hour diners to the best italian restaurants in town. Their nail polish is always chipped when they grasp his hair as he moves down between their legs. They have random stick and poke tattoos. They snort when they laugh. They have families that they will inevitably hide him from. Rich boyfriends don’t gel well with their real world. He is a fantasy. He’s a way to pass time. And that’s fine. He likes it uncomplicated. That’s his type, all in all—un fucking complicated.
And the girl sitting at the end of the bar—she isn’t Jon’s type in the slightest.
jon meets sansa in Paris, has a dirty one night stand with her, and then can’t stop thinking about her.
THIS FIC CAME AND TOOK NO PRISONERS. hOnEsTlY, I can’t rec this enough. it just fucking . . . took me by the throat and didn’t let go. jon is a rich playboy (kinda) who is utterly in over his head when it comes to sansa, and like . . . who doesn’t love jon being confused and shook by sansa, no matter how rich he is? 
A Dress of a Different Kind by @jade-masquerade
Jon isn’t so sure about a gift Sansa receives courtesy of one of their visitors from Qarth until she convinces him otherwise.
this fic is exactly what you think it is AND IT’S GLORIOUS. CUE AMAZING SMUT. 
With Joy by @alltheprettylittlewolves
By mutual, unspoken agreement, Jon spends years avoiding Sansa. Yes, she’s his soulmate, but to say it’s complicated is putting it mildly. They are finally brought together by a gift from Sam.
Written for Jonsa Week 2019, Day 2: Tropes
modern au, in which jon and sansa are soulmates but think they’re half-siblings. except they aren’t. 
speaking of fics that S L A Y E D me. now, I love a good canon-set sibling kink (holy shit that’s weird to write) as much as the next jonsa, but I don’t like reading fics in modern settings where they’re related in any way, even just cousins. idk, call me old fashioned. 
but THIS. YOU GET ALL THE ANGST BUT NONE OF THE ICK. WHO DOESN’T WANT THAT?! (no seriously, tell me, I just want a few words ...) 
Roses by @jonsastan
“Stark could be right.” One said, biting into something that had been cooking in the fire. “We never see him south of the Wall, and he never fights those fuckin’ crows like his father used to.”
Jon stood, burying his knife into the elk flesh before moving to the fireside.
“What does that southern kneeler say about me?” He asked, meeting the eye of every man and woman there. The freefolk had no monarch, no royal family, and yet Jon had become King-beyond-the-Wall after his father.
King of Stone and Ice and Snow.
- - - - - - - Jonsa Week - Day Four: Songs - {Myths} - Lies
jon sneaks into winterfell under the guise of being a bard. sansa knows he’s lying. 
honestly, I hadn’t intended to read this. Idk why I'm not a fan of wilding!jon fics, but I just don’t read them. I clicked on this bc I saw a snippet of it on Tumblr, and I don't regret it! not only that, but I obvi liked it enough to rec it! 
A Revelation by Janina 
Based on a prompt on Tumblr: cruyffsbeckenbauer asked: Could you write something angsty where Jon realizes he loves Sansa differently once Arya returns?
an oldie, but I rediscovered it this week and immediately fell in love again. most of ya’ll have probs read this, but if you haven’t, get on it. it features jon awkwardly trying to do with Arya the things he does with sansa, and realising that it is . . . NOT the same 
ok, that brings the list to a close! congrats if you got all the way through it, and I'd love to know which of them you read. 
thanks again to all the amazing jonsa fic writers out there, ya’ll kept us alive after the series ended. 
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hufflepuffhermione · 7 years
do you have any mary/matthew fic recs (besides your amazing fic, dear!)
Do I have fic recs? Yes, I have many, many fic recs. :P This fandom is so lucky to have so many incredible writers. Even if some of them aren’t writing anymore, we still have their fic and it’s wonderful. So I have a lot of fics to rec, and honestly that’s not even going to cover everything good in this fandom.
Long Fics
All That Is Left by Orangeshipper: This is kind of the definitive MM fic I think, it’s such a fandom classic. It’s a rewrite of S2 where Mary and Matthew are married, and it’s excellent 
Never Such Innocence Again by Chickwriter: Everything Chickwriter writes is gorgeous, but this is my favorite fic of hers. Matthew goes missing and everyone thinks that he’s dead. Meanwhile Lavinia dies in childbirth and so Mary kind of adopts Matthew’s daughter and eventually he comes back home to everyone’s surprise and they get together. That description does not even nearly do justice to how good this fic is though.
Love On Any Terms by R. Grace: This is a really excellent fic, and I’ve read it so many times. Mary’s story gets published and she convinces Matthew to marry her after he gets injured, and it’s just a beautiful depiction of their love even in the roughest of circumstances.
Home is Where the Heart Is by miss Kittyplank: Mary marries Carlisle and moves to America. Ten years later, after the Wall Street crash, they move back to Downton and Mary and Matthew reconnect. As much as I hate the idea of Mary marrying Carlisle, this fic portrays it so well. And it gives a very good depiction of an older, more mature MM, in a different world than the show.
Lady Mary Crawley’s Diary by IlPostino: Okay, I normally hate first person fics. First person fics are like my nightmare. But for this one, it works. It’s a rewrite of S1, but from Mary’s point of view through a very humorous diary. It’s definitely the funniest fic I’ve read, so if you’re looking for something lighter, this is it.
The Fox Hunt by Rap541: I think Rap’s fics are absolutely wonderful, but they are weird. I’m not sure how she comes up with these ideas, but they’re out there and yet she manages to make them believable and I love it. This is probably my favorite of her fics, but there are so many good ones. Basically in this one Matthew comes back after a year of wandering around with amnesia and it sounds cheesy but it works and it’s such an intricately plotted fic.
Things Hidden by Lala Kate: This fic hasn’t been updated in a while (which I get because Laura is a very busy woman) but I live in hope that someday soon we’ll get another update because it’s so good. It’s pretty apparently that I love angst, and this fic is plenty angsty, but it’s also so beautifully done. Basically the premise is that Matthew and Mary sleep together once and then Matthew abandons her after she confesses to the Pamuk scandal, and Mary gets pregnant and has to escape. Eventually they get themselves together but there’s a lot of healing that has to go on for both of them. It’s such a good fic.
This Modern Love by Willa Dedalus: I’m not usually a modern au person, I prefer canon MM pretty much all the time. But this fic is my favorite modern au. It’s told in a nonlinear way, which takes a little getting used to, but makes the fic very interesting.
A Very Modern Arrangement by Kavan: This fic hasn’t been updated in quite a while but I still live it hope that it will be updated again soon. It’s probably the most intricately plotted fic I’ve seen; every time I reread it, I find some new thing that adds yet another layer to the story. If you like dense, fascinating plot, this is a fic for you.
Hearts and Bones by ameliapemerson: Mary and Matthew meet in Paris after the war and pretty much immediately fall in love, which makes it both convenient and awkward when Matthew ends up being the new heir. This fic shows a different sort of MM, older and more disillusioned, but also more mature. It’s a different dynamic but a fascinating one which I love.
Made Different by MMarieRose: Kind of a 2x05 AU, except not really because it delves so much deeper into the effects of the war than the show ever did. It’s a beautifully researched fic and definitely gives me what I was missing as far as the depiction of WWI in canon went. It’s also recently completed, although I’m hoping more will be written in the universe since it’s so well done! 
An Exceptional Love by Apollo888: The only good fic where Matthew dies. Basically, after his death, Matthew is brought back to be Mary’s protector, where only she can see and hear him. It’s pretty much a rewrite of the last 3 seasons and it’s so much better because Mary actually remembers that Matthew exists, unlike in canon.
The Center of My Heart by lilyrowan1: This is seriously one of my favorite fics ever. Words cannot express how much I love it. Mary and Matthew get married when he is injured, and it depicts their love so well, as well as such a well researched depiction of Matthew’s paralysis and recovery. I’ve probably reread it more times than I can count, because it’s such a wonderful fic.
Shorter Fics
Nothing to Mar Their Joy by Orangeshipper: Ok, basically every one shot Orangeshipper writes is excellent (and there’s a lot of them so if you want one shots, that’s a great place to start) but this one is personally my favorite because it’s such a wonderful little piece about their honeymoon and some of the struggles and joys they have.
Dark Despair Around Benights Me by Pemonynen: Angsty, beautifully written one shot set after Sybil’s death. Very angsty, very powerful imagery, but beautiful.
Snow Falls by Silvestria: How MM’s story should have ended. Beautiful, but you probably will cry reading it.
Linger by Kaitsy: Fills in the gaps between 2x08 and the Christmas Special, showing how Mary and Matthew managed to become friends again, and their healing after Lavinia’s death.
All Sorts of Things by miscreant rose: Are you like me and really bitter we didn’t see any of the MM honeymoon? Because this fic is everything I wanted the MM honeymoon to be, and again I live in hope that someday it will be updated again.
Baby Fever by Evangeline1920: This is pretty much my go to fic if I want fluff- it’s pretty mcuh what it sounds like. Matthew is very overprotective of his pregnant wife but this leads to a rather unconventional birth.
The Nightwatch by Lala Kate: Set during WWII, an absolutely beautiful AU. It’s pretty short but it’s a lovely read.
Hunting Ghosts by Chickwriter and the sequel: Such a good shortish fic, if I want a whole fic to read but I don’t have a ton of time, this is usually my go to. It tells of Mary and Matthew reconnecting over her shellshocked horse, and it’s such a beautiful depiction of them healing from the damage the war brought on them.
I’ll Have a Salute by kahhtina: Adorable fluffy fic of MM raising George, and loving each other deeply through struggles.
Now this isn’t nearly a comprehensive list of all the fics out there and I’m sure I’ve forgotten a bunch of my favorites but this should be enough to get anyone who wants to read MM fic started. there’s so many good MM fics out there!
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