#how tf did i get 95 in english
azrielsbabyg · 1 year
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whiteheadphones · 3 years
I forgot how much anxiety and pressure I had back when I was still in this school
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
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Episode • 1/8
Mobile Masterlist •
♡ ☾ ✐
Authors note• bro this is so long I’m so sorry I’m breaking it into parts for u (I HATE MY LIFE)
Warnings• mentions of death, language
Songs• something - the Beatles/ With love, Vincent - Murray Gold/ she’s so lovely - beach house
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•Na Jaemin remembers the exact moment he first laid his eyes on Y/N Y/L/N.
•He was standing by his locker on the first day of sophomore year
•laughing with Jeno and Haechan about their new math teacher
•when she walked past him with two other girls, smiling and holding some books in her arms.
•Jaemin will tell anyone that listens that this was the first time he felt the air knocked out of his lungs
•He remembers thinking that she was the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen.
•He didn’t know who she was; he had never seen her before (he would remember) (sike he’s stupid)
•yet he knew that he would marry that girl.
•he was worried bc he didn’t know who tF she was, but don’t worry bc the second time he ever saw her was maybe 6 minutes later
•he walked into his 4th period Honors English 10 class, and she was talking to the teacher across the classroom, before moving and sitting down in the first empty seat she saw.
•Jaemin didn’t know what to do
•his new mystery dream girl was in his class.
•Should he sit next to her?
•Should he just ignore her and talk to her later?
•what is gonna wear?
•is he gonna cry?
•Jaemin didn’t have much time to decide
• a mere 10 second delay was all it took for three boys (also on the football team with Jaemin) to enter the room and wrap their arms around his shoulder
•ushering him over to an empty table in the back while showcasing their excitement about being in the same class together.
•Jaemin tried not to show his disappointment, and instead gave one of his usual, dazzling smiles (ya know the one!) while joking along with them
•trying to forget about the mystery girl (and the excitement he got when he learned her name during roll call)
•It was then that Na Jaemin’s and Y/N Y/L/N’s rolls in their story were set in stone.
•He would be the popular boy that everyone knew, but didn’t really know
•and you would be the quiet girl that only a few, special people knew of, but those people were your closest friends.
•And over the course of the next two years, it would stay that way. •Jaemin, secretly pining for you
•and you, thinking the beautiful boy as untouchable.
•That would, however, change, on one god forsaken, cloudy Friday.
•A Friday that would forever be ingrained in Jaemins memory as the day he sealed his lonely fate in the world
•and the day he lost his true soulmate
•before he even talked to her.
•If Haechan’s persistent moaning and groaning about school wasn’t enough
•the weather was gloomy and cloudy
•and anyone with eyes could tell that rain was to be expected. •Jaemin, secretly, didn’t mind.
•Although he would never share it, he loved the rain.
•What he did mind, was his friends continuous bitching.
•”Hyuck, shut up,” -Renjun, 2020
•I mean he wasn’t even paying attention to the group, too preoccupied w his sketch book, sometimes glancing up at a girl that sat across the school yard, before looking back down at his sketch book (spoilers for something I’m writing??? Hehe you’ll never know hehe)
•all Jeno did was MenTion that rainy weather meant football practice would be cancelled
•hyucks smile was BaCk
•Jaemin was not impressed
•okay the conversation went something like this
“Damn Na, why are you looking at me like how my mom looks when my report card come in?” -full sun
•You literally insulted football to my face.” -nana
•haechan let out a loud laugh
•at Jaemin’s expense
•“you don’t know the ups and downs of High-school football” -nojam and injunnie
•also at Jaemins expense
•due to an ongoing joke that Jaemin reminded their friend group of the teenage redhead from riverdale
•Na Jaemin was so upset, he didn’t even eat his fries.
•”I wouldn’t care so much if I wasn’t the fucking captain of the team, hyuck. I mean, I gotta hold you responsible to a certain degree, you’re the fucking quarterback!” -Na Jaemin
•someone bully him
•so as that is happening, 2/3 of the missing members of their group come in HOT
•I mean literally
•they’re breathing heavily and everything
•acting like they just ran a mf marathon
•jisung YEETS his bag in the table (covering Renjuns sketchbook, which annoyed the fuck out of the older boy, but really who cares)
•”Guys guys guys! You will never guess who we just saw in the library!” -Mochi
•”lemme give it a try; mark?” -bitch ass Chinese bitch (renjun)
•”No! We saw Mar- wait what? How’d you know?” -child prodigy Zhong Chenle
•“Uhh, maybe because he texted in the group chat that he was gonna be in the library?” -nojam makin a comeback
•”Okay okay, but - can I have a fry? - did hew shay who hedt be wif?”
•”Swallow your fucking food first, le.” -smart boy you guess who
(Whew are y’all getting sensory overload like I AM)
•“He said, did he say who he’d be with, though? No, he didn’t, but guess who WE saw him with,” -jisung bringing the T E A.
•no one answers
•Chenle and jisung give each other the “we’re friends w dumbasses” look
•“Y/n! He was sitting with y/n!”
•oh shit
•Everyone quickly turned their heads to Jaemin
•tell me why this boy was glaring at the table like it messed w his daughter
•Out of everyone ever, the only people who knew about Jaemins secret crush was the 5 boys sitting with Jaemin
•and the one sitting in the library with said secret crush.
•They didn’t even really know, they just knew that they once saw Jaemin slip something like a note into Y/n’s locker junior year
•and Jaemin made up a bullshit excuse that it was something for class that no one
•-not even Jeno, who always trusted his friends -
•”why aren’t you mad”
•”you should be angry”
•literally all of the present boys were THROWING it on jaemin
•and naturally -
•he deflected
•”bro I’m not even upset, I don’t like y/n!”
•lmao K
•now at this point
•the boys thought they were helping
•it was innocent they promise.
•really how were they to know what was going to happen
•so hyuck had JOKED and said that if Jaemin didn’t like u, he wouldn’t mind hurting u
•it was super harmless
•some other popular ppl walked over RIGHT as Haechan said that
•and he was like oh fuck
•but silently
•bc Haechan knew what Jaemin was like
•if it was just their lil group still, Jaemin would have told hyuck to fuck off
•but Jaemin was terrified to lose his reputation
•he was an insecure boy
•he would have really done anything to keep his position as most popular boy in school
•so when one of his jock friends dares Jaemin to get you to date him until prom, get ur virginity the night before, and then ditch u at prom and tell you it was all a dare in front of everyone and that he never liked you
•he stupidly agrees
•the dreamies agree with it
•only bc they don’t actually think Jaemin will last
•they think he’ll back out last minute and stay w you
•and that Jaemin will finally get u
•wishful thinking
•you were failing math
•it’s not that you were stupid, you weren’t
•you just R E A L L Y hated math
•and your mom was so upset w your grade
•my girl forced u to get a tutor
•good thing u knew mark
•he agreed to meet w you in the library Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s at lunch
•and Thursday’s if you needed it
•thank god 4 mark
•everything was going Super Fine™️
•up until you both look up when you hear squealing and the sound of someone smacking someone else
•and there’s jisung and Chenle,
•staring at you both
•and squealing
•and smacking each other on the arms
•before just plain running out
•”if I don’t go after them, they’ll tell all of our friends that we’re marrying each other, so i should go.” -Mark fucking Lee
•so you’re walking towards your locker to put all of your math work in it,
•and when you open it, a lil note falls out and flutters to the ground
•your smile: 3% -> 95%
•honestly you were kinda having a shitty day
•so you were so happy to see a note in your locker
•you had been receiving love notes since you were in sophomore year
•you don’t remember exactly when during the year
•but one day, they were just there
•you were excited to add another one to your box
•this one wasn’t big, it just said “Your Personality makes me want to be a better person! I hope you have a beautiful day, sunshine!”
•the rim of the paper had squiggly yellow lines, and the bottom had a poorly drawn sunshine, with a heart, like always
•you didn’t know who your secret admirer was
•but you wish you did
•u lowkey loved them
•you’re still smiling about it as you walk into your 7th period math class
•and the note was found at lunch, like an hour ago
•they make you so happy
•you silently sat down in your seat, and stared off into space with a dreamy look on your face
•and THATS how Jaemin knew you got his note
•you always had that look when you read his notes
•not that you knew it was from him
•it made him so happy
•even if you two had never talked before, he still freaking loved that he could make you smile
•Jaemin wasn’t happy for long
•he tried not to let you notice him staring at you in class,
•it was kinda hard, seeing as you two literally sat next to each other
•he couldn’t believe he had to break your heart
•he wanted to die lowkey lol
•but he had to do it
•not really, but really
•so he took a deep breath
•and opened his mouth
Continued here
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@ivietea @fiveguysgoodbyeguys @comically-sleep-deprived @woosans-sann @mozartwasajungkookstan @littlefluu @cxcxlxlee @jaesluvklub @uyuzo @sweetie-yoongi7 @marklexleaf
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ageofevermore · 4 years
1-100 baby, let’s do this!
1. What is you middle name?
Mackenze (mackenzie not fucking mackenz ro)
2. How old are you?
16 (almost 17)
3. When is your birthday?
December 26
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What’s your lucky number?
7. Do you have any pets?
8. Where are you from?
New Jersey (i mean i’m african america + german + irish)
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
9 ½ 
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Over 17 ...
12. What was your last dream about?
i have the weirdest fucking dreams ever, but im pretty sure it had something to do with my going back to in person school but ending up at ikea and then their was a Princess bounce house and i saw a little girl i know but then i ran away because i missed my marketing class and cried bc we were drawing octopuses and i got an F... like what the hell is that?!
13. What talents do you have?
none :)
14. Are you psychic in any way?
i mean i have been known to predict a pregnancy... 
15. Favorite song?
WAP? (i have a lot man)
16. Favorite movie?
I HATE movies, but like anything Marvel 
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Idk man, Tom Holland?
18. Do you want children?
Yes, 100%
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Lol, no thanks 
20. Are you religious?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Yes! It’ s one of my favorite places (that sounds horrible but like, i’ve just always enjoyed it their and find it mesmerizing? Also Greys..)
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Yes, but like really old ones who i don’t even know the name of, oh and the cop from one of the Spiderman movies :)
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?
I’m not wearing socks
26. Have you ever been famous?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
28. What type of music do you like?
Country, Showtunes, Pop, some Rap, Alternative 
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
I don’t own real pillows, but i do have a body pillow and like a throw pillow...
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
On my side of my stomach
32. How big is your house?
It’s a ranch, not that big. 3 bedroom, 1 ½ bath
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
I don’t eat breakfast 
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
A nerf gun...
35. Have you ever tried archery?
36. Favorite clean word?
37. Favorite swear word?
Twatwaffle, Cuntasaurous, Bitch, Dick, Pussy, Fuck
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Around 48 hours
39. Do you have any scars?
Yup (my favorite ones my boob one bc its the only one i got and it wasn’t because i was being a complete idiot…)
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
It wasn’t a fucking secret this boy is obvious as all hell
41. Are you a good liar?
42. Are you a good judge of character?
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I don’t think so
45. What is your favorite accent?
46. What is your personality type?
Mediator INFP-T (mind 64% introverted, energy 63% intuitive, nature 63% feeling, tactics 75% prospecting, identity 75% turbulent)
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Yes, get the fuck away from me demons 
52. Favorite food?
53. Favorite foreign food?
chinese ..?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
Messy and i hate it
55. Most used phrased?
The fuck?
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Could take 5 minutes could take 2 ½ hours, and i never wear makeup so don’t even try to start with me about how it takes hours to do makeup, i just genuinely enjoy sitting under blazing hot water in the shower 
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I mean, i dont think so?
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
yes , i have like two irls and they never wanna hang our already have plans so im my own company 97% of the time
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
No, i mean i’m good, but i’m also nowhere near professional 
63. Biggest Fear?
Being alone, being rejected...
64. Are you a gossip?
I mean, i do enjoy some tea time, but i also feel anxious half the time when tea is being spilled lol
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
...American Assassin? Is that dramatic? Endgame? Whats a dramatic movie?!
66. Do you like long or short hair?
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
Bitch, i can’t even name like 12
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Extroverted Introvert 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Yes, tf, if you aren’t I don’t trust you 
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
No, if i did I would be correcting people 73 times a day when they say my name 
74. Are you ticklish?
Sometimes, in some places. I can turn it off
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
Lol, i mean, maybe?
77. Have you ever drank underage?
I am the queen of drinking at family parties 
78. Have you ever done drugs?
No, but i wanna get high. 
79. Who was your first real crush?
Justin Bieber, but like Harry Styles was two weeks later...i was 6
80. How many piercings do you have?
5 technically 
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
82. How fast can you type?
83. How fast can you run?
I don’t run, tf
84. What color is your hair?
85. What color is your eyes?
Idk, they were blue, then they were green, then they were hazel, now i think they’re just brown :(
86. What are you allergic to?
Human interaction… but no my favorite flowers, Lilly’s 
87. Do you keep a journal?
88. What do your parents do?
My mom was a teacher, and my dad used to work at the DMV
89. Do you like your age?
No, you don’t understand how badly i want to vote 
90. What makes you angry?
Ignorance and Selfishness 
91. Do you like your own name?
No, but it’s been growing on my ig 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Yes! I have two lists, one of names I love and another of names i’d be willing to agree to if my partner doesn’t like my favorites. 
Girls; Olivia, Amelia, Hazel, Leila, Charlotte, Cove
Boys: Brett, Lincoln, Landon
Unisex; Anderson, Montgomery, Maverick, Ocean, Blake 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
94. What are you strengths?
Avoiding my problems like they don’t exist 
95. What are your weaknesses?
ADD, anxiety, depression, i mean sorta PTSD i guess surrounding some situations
96. How did you get your name?
My dad named me after Kirsten Dunst (Kyrstin), and my middle name is Mackenze bc Marie is a family name but my mom said ‘lets be original’ bc literally like 6 girls in my family have the middle name Marie
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
No, but my great great great great great grandfather created the brick press
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Color of your bedspread?
100. Color of your room?
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deathtotheangels · 5 years
For the “Ask Me Things” ask, I order you to do all of them
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
Good morning!
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
We’re about to go grocery shopping
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
Depends on the drugs.
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
Of Course.
7. What does your last received text say?
Bog mood.
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
Over a million?
9. Where was your last kiss at?
In bed.
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
I don’t have a sister.
11. What do you drink in the morning?
12. Where did you sleep last night?
In my bed.
13. Do you think relationships are hard?
They can be.
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
Yes tf I would.
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
Absolutely not.
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
I sure fucking hope so lmao
20. Does anyone like you?
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
Since I have two, yes?
25. In the past week have you cried?
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
English Bull Terrier.
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
Out of the shower.
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
29. Do you think you’re old?
30. Do you like text messaging?
31. What type of day are you having?
An average day?
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
I guess so.
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
Relationship. Flings suck.
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
I’d like to think I’m pretty simple.
37. What song are you listening to?
We looked like lighting by the wonder years.
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
Yes.39. Is there a person that knows everything or almost everything about you?
Em knows everything about me. 40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
Honestly a dorky drawing of Castiel.41. When did you last receive a text message?
Like, 10 minutes ago.42. What is wrong with you right now?
I’m ungodly tired all of the time.43. How well do you know the last person you texted?
Pretty well.44. Does anyone disgust you?
Ofc.45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
I’m already engaged to someone. 46. Are you in a good mood right now?
Not really. But I’m not in a bad mood?47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
Em.48. What color shirt are you wearing?
Light Blue.49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
Lmao someone told me I didn’t get a job that I interviewed for so yeah.50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
Not yet.51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
Oh yeah buddy.53. Do you like rain?
Yes.54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
I don’t care. 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
Ofc. All of highschool?56. Do you like to cuddle?
FUCK YEAH I DO.57. Are you shy?
Kind of. 58. Do you get along with girls?
I’d sure hope so.59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
Currently.60. What do you carry with you at all times?
My phone, my wallet, my cigarettes, my lighter. 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
OH FUCK YEAH BUD.62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
I’ve been in a relationship for 6 years.63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
^^^ I’ve been in a relationship for 6 years.
64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
Boy howdy I do.65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
Yes. Christmas was cute.
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
23, 22, 21.
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?    
Neither.68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?   
Neither. 69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    
I have an Ithaca is gorges sticker on my car that a friend of mine got me!70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    
Lil Wayne.71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?    
I’m an iPhone bitch.72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    
Like. 5 years ago?73. Do you like diet soda? 
Nah.    74. What color are the walls in your room?    
Horrible beige.75. Are you 16 or older?    
I am 23. 76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    
No.77. Do you have a job?    
NOT YET DON’T RUB IT IN. 78. What are your initials?    
NES like the video game console!79. Did you ever have braces?    
I was literally just talking about it. Yes. 80. Are you from the south?    
No, but I did live in NC for 18 months.
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    
It’s pictures of my animals from christmas.82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?    
Yes. Occasionally.83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    
My dad.84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    
No.85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?    
Rocky Horror?86. Do you smoke?    
Yes.87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    
Flip flops.88. Is your phone touch screen?    
Yes.89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    
straight.90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?  
Yeeee.  91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? 
A river.   92. Have you ever made out in a car?    
Yo ofc I have.93. …Had sex in a car?    
Yee YEe94. Are you single or in a relationship?    
In a relationship. 95. What were you doing last night at midnight?   
Laying in bed playing a game. 96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    
A long time.97. Do you like the camera on your phone?  
Kinda.  98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    
Lmao yeah. Don’t do it kids. 99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    
I don't think so??? I’ve come close tho???100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? 
No.    101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?  
No.  102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    
None of them?103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    
No. I wish lmao.104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?    
Nope. Never. Thanks. 
Thanks for asking me these awesome questions!
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meleuki · 5 years
g2k me uncomfortably well
1. What is your middle name? 
It’s my grandmother’s first name. I’m not gonna say what it is tho. 
2. How old are you? 
I am an age. 
3. When is your birthday? 
31st of March, same day as Angus Young hell yeah. 
4. What is your zodiac sign? 
5. What is your favourite colour? 
Black, Purple & Red.
6. What’s your lucky number?
1,714 (long story). 
7. Do you have any pets?
I have one little dog, he’s cute asf. 
8. Where are you from? 
9. How tall are you?
5′4/5′5, I can’t tell most of the time. 
10. What shoe size are you? 
US 9 or 10
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 
um like 12, but I only wear about 5 of them regularly.
12. What was your last dream about? 
some dude turning into this cannibalistic animal type thing & me becoming friends with two ghost boys who murdered a bunch of people, and then got murdered and having to figure the rest of the case out for them. (supernatural has kinda been rubbing off on my dreams lmao.)
13. What talents do you have? 
I can play guitar and piano. I can cook pretty good?? I also have a talent for being a dumb ass. 
14. Are you psychic in any way? 
I don’t believe I am.
15. Favourite song? 
atm, Enter Sandman by Metallica
16. Favourite movie? 
IT (2017), or, Scream. 
17. Who would be your ideal partner? 
oh golly, I don’t know actually. I just think I need someone who has some confidence, a kind soul and an open mind, and is able to put a smile on my face even when i dont want it. So far, I haven’t met someone who has caught my eye, but i hope one day I do. 
18. Do you want children? 
Yes, YES.
19. Do you want a church wedding? 
no I don’t. I want one in a garden area type thingy. 
20. Are you religious? 
i’m not sure.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? 
yeah like 4-5 times. 
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? 
nope, I don’t plan on it. 
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? 
I haven’t. 
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing? 
I’m not wearing any. 
26. Have you ever been famous? 
pft, nope.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? 
I would, but only for the reach of my music. 
28. What type of music do you like? 
Rock ‘n Roll, Blues, Jazz, Indie, Classical, Punk, etc. (pretty much anything)
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? 
I have never.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 
four. two under my head, and two on the side of my bed. 
31. What position do you usually sleep in? 
i’m either on my right or my left side, one leg up so my knee is diagonal with my stomach and one stretched out, one hand at my chest and one arm resting over my side. 
32. How big is your house? 
one story, medium size ish. 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 
coffee... and maybe sometimes I’ll have a smoothie. 
34. Have you ever fired a gun? 
yeppp, I have. It was ages ago tho. 
35. Have you ever tried archery? 
I’ve only really ever done archery on summer camps or school camps. Although I was pretty good at it whenever I tried. 
36. Favourite clean word? 
37. Favorite swear word? 
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 
Maybe a little over two days. 
39. Do you have any scars? 
I do. Some on my knees, a lot on my back and my hips. My fingers are pretty scratched up a lot too. 
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
‘scuse me what? no, never. 
41. Are you a good liar? 
Indeed I am. But I don’t like to lie. 
42. Are you a good judge of character? 
I’d like to think I’m good at reading people. 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? 
I can do a pretty generic American accent and a stupid posh British one. 
44. Do you have a strong accent? 
I’d say I don’t, especially hearing me compared to some other Australians - my accent isn’t strong at all. You can definitely tell where I’m from though. 
45. What is your favourite accent? 
Russian, or German. 
46. What is your personality type? 
Chaotic dumb bitch, who rants about nature, peace and love. 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? 
um, my macpac jacket, which was like $300. (It was also a birthday present from my mum, and she worked there at the time so it was cheap.)
48. Can you curl your tongue? 
I think I can??
49. Are you an innie or an outie? 
50. Left or right-handed? 
right-handed. A bitch can do jack shit with her left. 
51. Are you scared of spiders? 
I used to be, I kinda want a pet tarantula now tbh. 
52. Favourite food? 
Chicken noodle soup, fight me. 
53. Favourite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person? 
Usually, I’m pretty messy, I can’t work in an environment that is completely clean, but somedays I just like to clean shit up. 
55. Most used phrase? 
“Sorry, what?”
56. Most used word? 
definitely, “bro”.
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 
if a shower is included, like an hour. But without a shower, like 20mins. 
58. Do you have much of an ego? 
No, I don’t. 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? 
Suck them. (how tf you gon taste a lollipop if you bite it??)
60. Do you talk to yourself? 
All the fucking time. When I’m writing I talk myself through the story by mumbling the words to myself a lot. Other times I might be doing the dishes, getting dressed or doing something mundane and I’ll just begin to have a conversation with myself. 
61. Do you sing to yourself? 
bitch yes, all the fucking time. 
62. Are you a good singer? 
I like to think that I’m okay. 
63. Biggest Fear? 
Losing my ability to see. 
64. Are you a gossip? 
No, unless the person in question has done something shitty to me or a close friend, AND I will only talk about with a close friend. 
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? 
The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
66. Do you like long or short hair? 
I don’t mind either way, but long hair makes my knees weak.
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? 
bitch, HAHAH, nope. 
68. Favourite school subject? 
English, but really only when we’re doing creative writing. 
69. Extrovert or Introvert? 
Smack me right in the middle. 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 
nope, never ever, and I never plan on it. 
71. What makes you nervous? 
A lot of shit, not gonna lie. 
72. Are you scared of the dark? 
yES, the dark stems from my main fear, loss of my sight. I can’t be in control of the situations around me. 
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? 
depends what kind of mistakes we’re taking here.
74. Are you ticklish? 
yes, and I fucken hate it. 
75. Have you ever started a rumour? 
I don’t think I ever have. Maybe accidentally?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? 
people call me a mum? So, I guess? 
77. Have you ever drank underage? 
wtf no, who do u think I am wtf???? JK, yes, all the time. Whenever I get the chance. 
78. Have you ever done drugs? 
ask @xx-kurt-cocaine--xx .
79. Who was your first real crush?
Some dude named Tyler, he turned out to be an ass tho. 
80. How many piercings do you have? 
Just my ears, but I want like four more. 
81. Can you roll your R’s?
a little, but only for like two seconds. 
82. How fast can you type? 
@livewiredroger tells me I’m an aggresive typer so, I guess I’m pretty fast at punching the fuck outta my keyboard. 
83. How fast can you run? 
ok, kinda hate running, it hurts my tits. But I’m a sprinter, long-distances kill me. 
84. What colour is your hair?
black, dark brown and honey brown. I dyed it black and it’s growing out, looks cool tho so I don’t mind. 
85. What color is your eyes? 
blue, green, grey. I don’t know which one, I’ve been told all of them too many times. 
86. What are you allergic to? 
nothing that I know of. Pretty sure I’ve got an intolerence to mushrooms tho, and dairy does weird things to my stomach. 
87. Do you keep a journal? 
I do, I haven’t written in it in a few weeks tho. Reading back through my depressive episodes isn’t a fun trip. 
88. What do your parents do? 
job-wise? They’re both teachers for primary school kids. 
89. Do you like your age? 
I guess? I dunno.
90. What makes you angry? 
A lot of things, but I’ve learnt to control it, mostly. 
91. Do you like your own name? 
I don’t hate it. 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I have. Boy names; East, Patrick, Samuel. Girls names; Piper, Lila, Milan. 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I would love a boy. If I had a girl I would love her all the same. But right now, a boy is what I have in mind. 
94. What are you strengths? 
kill em with kindness
95. What are your weaknesses?
I can be very forward, or very frustrated. 
96. How did you get your name? 
my mum just turned to my dad and was like, “hey what about this?” and my dad was like, “yup, sure thing.” 
97. Were your ancestors royalty? 
98. Do you have any scars?
 I answered this one already?
99. Colour of your bedspread? 
blue and beige. 
100. Colour of your room? 
One wall is aqua blue, the others are white. Mostly blue aesthetic I guess. 
I tag: @guns-n-crue @gretavanyeeeeet @solohqrry @punkslap @livewiredroger
@antheasnow @malibubarbievince
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ofdaeseong · 5 years
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           is that a bird or a plane ? nah, it’s just IM DAESEONG. word on the street is that the TWENTY-SIX year old, CISMALE, looks an awful lot like MATTHEW KIM (BM). known to be AFFECTIONATE and KIND HEARTED, yet also COMPETITIVE and IMPULSIVE; they associate themselves with bloody hands from fighting, takes no shit, constantly has an extra helmet for his motorcycle, and a teddy bear disguised as a lion.
ok so daeseong was born in daegu but moved to los angeles at the age of 3, so he was americanised a LOT,, for the longest time, he spoke english better than korean and it was like that until he returned permanently to korea at the age of 14
they were always back and forth between the two over the years, but he still spent the majority of time in the states
they originally moved to los angeles because of his father’s job – he was a producer for a big network and he got an opportunity in america so they took off !! the network got shut down years and years later and daeseong’s dad was like LOL YEET and moved the fam back to korea !!
baby daeseong was v much full of energy and his parents tried putting him in a number of things – singing wasn’t for him, dancing was alright, but he still couldn’t remember the moves good enough, and instruments just weren’t his thing either – he did play piano, but that was thanks to years and years of practice. but anything else thrown his way wasn’t his thing.
his parents put him into american football to begin with,, and they learned quick enough that dae was also a pretty angry kid so he wasn’t afraid to run hEAD FIRST INTO PEOPLE
and so that’s the thing that got him put into boxing and ofc he thrived there,, he was taught so much and told to calm himself down,, it wasn’t aLL about fighting and he absolutely fell in love with it !! remember i mentioned he was alright at dancing???? that just helped him with his footwork in fighting
talking about falling in love with things, he fell in love with jinae and rory pretty quickly when he met the pair – they always seemed to make him smile, and as a quiet, aggressive kid, it definitely helped him a lot.
so like i said before he returned to korea at 14
he joined another gym there and life took off for lil dae !!! by that point he had been boxing for eight years, and those eight years led up to him attending and fighting in the 2008 beijing olympics – he didn’t win a medal, but he did do well enough where everyone was talking about him and would be keeping their eye on him for the next four years after that to see if he would be competing again
and he did !! he competed in the london 2012 olympics and thats when he brought a medal home for south korea in boxing at the age of 19 !!! he placed second after losing out to the united states,,, but ofc he was a lil happy about them winning bc he considers there a second home
because of the success, he was invited on a few variety shows and created an impression there too – granted that was back in 2012-2013, but he’s not interested in all of that now.. he prefers to let his work speak for himself
after his win, he opened up his own boxing gym so he could start teaching younger people, and those who were less fortunate so they could learn how to properly fight and fight for a sport, rather than anything else. it’s something he’s very proud of, and a place that has grown and grown through the years since late 2013-early 2014
ofc he competed in the 2016 olympics in rio and came home with a bronze medal,,, which BUMMED HIM TF OUT but he still took it as an honour – after that, he just had a few title fights here and there but he did absolutely nothing in 2017 concerning boxing, which had people questioning what was happening with daeseong
he decided to enlist to the military in may 2017 and served with the marines for 21 months. he’ll easily tell anyone that it’s the hardest thing he’s ever done, more so than fighting.
he got out in february of 2019 and instantly jumped back into his gym and into training again
he’s waiting for the right time to schedule a fight,, he knows he isn’t up to his standard that he was once at but he does want to get back into the ring for a legit fight
and it’s something a lot of people are waiting for since his return from the military
even more so, he wants that gold medal from the olympics before its too late,,, but gearing up for 2020 seems TOO SOON and waiting until 2024 is too long so he’s v v v v conflicted
he’s a real sweetheart despite doing something scary lol wants nothing but the best for people, always there to lend a hand, always there to help absolutely anyone around him
he’s v blind but always wears contacts so no one even knows about it lol he refuses to wear glasses just bc he feels like he looks v nerdy with them and got teased as a kid pretty bad !!! he’d only wear them in the morning or if he was spending all day in house
he has a lil pungsan puppy called byeol and he is v soft for that damn dog !! ask him about his puppy pls he’ll talk like it’s his damn child !!!
has a little sister called daeun,,, also would do anything for her or fight anybody
absolutely covered in tattoos -- legs, chest arms,, im eventually gonna figure out what he has,, he’s eventually gonna get his back and neck done too bc why the hell nOT
he’s kinda weird when people are fans of him as a boxer just bc he’s not used to it and he thinks he’s pretty normal !! so when people are like jUST WATCHED YOUR LAST FIGHT AND IT WAS AWESOME !!! he’d be like ,,,, cool :-) thank you !! JASDHFGDHS
DIY KING !!! he loves making headboards, tables,,, all that sHIT !! WE LOVE A MANLY MAN
his boxing nickname is ‘saja’ which is basically korean for lion so he will absolutely answer to that if someone yells it in the street at him lmao
he’s a girl group kpop stan n loves all that bubblegum kpop,,, ask him to dance to a twice song bc he’ll be able to do it ( also ps,,,,, stan weki meki thank u )
a Big Momma’s boy !!!1
always double ties his shoelaces just bc it’s such a routine for him
he’s not a big trash talker but like,,,, he’ll do it if he has to !!! kinda basing him off a fighter from where i’m from so he’ll have lil elements of him~ but he’s always respectful to opponents,, unless he has to step it up and make them terrified lmao
loves animated movies pls he’s a big kid in a 6′2″ man’s body 
still rocks grey sweatpants like,,,,, 95% of the time !! try getting him to wear something else bc it wont happen unless hes actually TRYING to look good
tbh i’m down for anything in terms of connections,, dae could obv do with a male/nb bestie tbh, someone he can talk to when he can’t speak to the girls in his life !! a past relationship who would have supported him before things obv went south ( it would have been like three/four years ago too tbh), family friends -- someone who is a friend of his little sister, maybe someone who is a fan of him fighting?? someone who has a kid or relative in his fighting programme for kids??? IDK YALL GIVE ME ANYTHING
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fussysim · 6 years
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simself tag
i was tagged by @petitesimss & @peakanss 🍒
i tag @peachy-flesh, @toxicen, @pixeltownies, @penelope-and-wonders, @vvladislaus but if anyone wants to do this go ahead!!! 
traits: goofball, lazy, hot-headed
aspiration: bestselling author (hiiiiiii)
1. What is your full name? antonina joanna 
2.What is your nickname? tosia
3. Birthday? april 7
4. What is your favorite book series? harry potter ofccccc
5. Do you believe in Aliens or Ghosts? YES STRONGLY
6. Who is your favorite author? jakub żulczyk (a great polish author!!)
7. What is your favorite radio station? none
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? i always go for cherry but lime is great too
9. What word would you use to describe something great or wonderful? zajebiste!!
10. What is your current favorite song? mac miller - whats the use? orrr a$ap rocky - sundress
11. What is your favorite word? biiitch
12. What is the last song you listened to? the internet - stay the night
13. What TV show would you recommend for everyone to watch? rupaul’s drag race always!!!!! and maybe the haunting of hill house
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? shrek, mean girls and any marvel movie 
15. Do you play video games?  well...............not really tbh
16. What is your biggest fear? my parents finding out about me dropping out of school
17. What is your best quality in  your opinion? i’m a good listener (at least that’s what i’ve heard)
18. What is your worst quality in your opinion? my appearance lol and laziness
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? i have three cats and one dog so:))
20. What is your favorite season? spring
21. Are you in a relationship? yes!!!!!
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? living with my parents duhhhh and being carefree
23. Who is your best friend? my bf or my mom lol
24. What is your eye color? green
25. What is your hair color? blonde
26. Who is someone you love? my mom dad bf and dog
27. Who is someone you trust? NO ONE
28. Who is someone you think about Often? my dog fiona
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? rpdr all stars 4 
30. What is your biggest obsession? drag queens. and my dog fiona
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? well my fav was the cramp twins and of course hannah montana??
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to? my bf
33. Are you superstitious? 50/50
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? wet food in the sink 
35. Do you perfer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind it for suuuureee
36. What is your favorite hobby? writing. i mean, i used to write a lot
37. What is the last book you read? first snow by jo nesbø
38. What is the last movie you watched? 14 cameras (boring, dumb and disgusting)
39. What musical Instruments do you play, if any? i tried playing guitar but i was lazy 
40. What is your favorite animal? my dog fiona!!!
41. What are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow? i’m shy yall i can’t just expose myself like this
42. What superpower do you wish you had? i just wish i wasn’t this dumb lol
43. When and where do you feel most at piece? my hometown
44. What makes you smile? my boyfriend, my dad’s calls, my mom sending me pics of my dog, food, memes
45. What sports do you play, if any? none lol
46. What is your favorite drink? red fruits tea
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? like a year ago?? for my boyfriend when i wasn’t in the mood for talking
48: Are you afraid of heights? well i’d like to say no but i’m a chicken 
49: What is your biggest pet peeve: biting nails lol i hate it, emma chamberlain’s videos (i don’t think she’s funny at all lol she’s just regular bitchy high schooler)
50. Have you ever been to a concert? yeah
51. Are you vagan/ vegetarian? NO but i’m gathering informations how and when to start
52. When you were little, what did you wanna be when you grew up? a  princess tbh but i wanted to be a vet too
53: What fictional world would you like to live in? greendale lol
54. What is something you worry about? that my parents will hate me lol
55. Are you scared of the dark? YEP i’m the meme where the person has to check if the chair is the demon
56. Do you like to sing? nah
57. Have you ever skipped school? i used to all the time 
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? my home!!!!!! with my pets, boyfriend and family
59. Where would you like to live? the netherlands for sure
60. Do you have any pets? 3 cats 1 dog 
61: Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? night owl for
62: Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunset
63. Do you know how to drive? yes but i dont have driving license:/
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? earbuds
65. Have you ever had braces? no but i will soon
66: What is your favorite genre of music? i like 2000′s music lol, r&b, recent polish rap music and pop 
67: Who is your hero? my dad
68: Do you read comic books? if i had some i would
69: What makes you most angry? stupid people and me myself and i
70. Do you prefer reading a book on an electronic device or on a real book? real book my eyes can’t take electronic devices
71. What is your favorite subject in school? english, polish and histor
72. Do you have any siblings? yep i have older brother and sister
73. What was the last thing you bought? groceries 
74. How tall are you? 158cm
75. Can you cook? yeah the only thing i’m good at tbh
76. What are three things that you love? my boyfriend, my pets, my family
77. What are three things you hate? fortnite, expired lush products, my friend’s boyfriends
78. Do you have more male or female friends? equally
79. What is your sexual orientation? i’m in love with person not a gender
80. Where do you currently live? poland!=
81. Who was the last person you texted? my mom 
82. When was the last time you cried? 20 minutes ago BUT FROM LAUGHING OK
83. Who is your favorite youtuber? of course its shane dawson lol and elle mills and a few polish simmers
84. Do you like to take selfies? yes i am very insecure but also very vain 
85. What is your favorite app? stardew valley on mobile??
86. What is your relationship to your parent(s)? i used to hate them but now?? we’re best friends
87. What is your favorite foreign accent: i don’t have one:(
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? nyc
89. What is your favorite number? 7
90. Can you juggle? no
91. Are you religious? i don’t know anymore
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? outer space, ocean scares tf out of me
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? no!!!!
94. Are you allergic to anything? grass??
95. Can you curl your tounge? yes
96. Can you wiggle your ears? no
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? when i’m in trouble only
98. Do you perfer the forest or the beach? beach
99. What is your favorite piece of advice anyone has given you? you will always grow back which means that no matter what you can always bounce back 
100. Are you a good liar? yes, indeed
101. What is your Hogwarts house? HUFFLEPUFF!!
102. Do you talk to yourself? when i fck something up
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? yes but i don’t write in it anymore, i just keep things in it
105. Do you believe in second chances? yes i believe in 52543 chances bc i’m weak
106: If you found a wallet full of money, what would you do? uuhhhh idk
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? yes but only with help
108. Are you ticklish? yes
109. Have you ever been on a plane? no:( i’m scared
110. Do you have any piercings? i used to have my nose pierced
111. What fictional character do you wish were real? 
112. Do you have any tattoos? i have lil tattoo on my middle finger i did myself like 5 years ago
113. What is the best decision you’ve made in your life? get a dog with my sister without my parents knowledge
114. Do you believe in karma? yes for sure
115. Do you waer glasses or contacts? glasses
116. Do you want children? uh tbh i’m jaded, i would rather adopt
117. Who is the smartest person you know? my dad
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? lying to my teacher and getting caught
119. Have you ever pulled an all nighter? yep i used to do this a lot but then i moved in with my boyfriend:(
120. What color are most of your clothes? black and pastel
121. Do you like adventure? YES
122. Have you ever been on TV? i don’t think so
123. How old are you? 20yo!!
124. What is your favorite quote? you will always grow back??
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory (and spicy!!!!!!)
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s3dgy · 3 years
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I posted 13,635 times in 2021
2 posts created (0%)
13633 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 6816.5 posts.
I added 30 tags in 2021
#sedge is jojoposting - 9 posts
#hsfdgjsh - 5 posts
#jjba - 4 posts
#sedge's first fic adventure - 2 posts
#vento aureo - 2 posts
#what the fuck - 2 posts
#psa - 2 posts
#star trek - 2 posts
#reactor core is the only valid -core - 1 posts
#boogie baby - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#which means i’ve pretty much been living in a straight-up pile of garbage for the last 6 months
My Top Posts in 2021
since i have one friend in particular who i know has some personal hangups surrounding jjba, i’ve come up with the tag “#sedge is jojoposting” so that it can be blocked for those who don’t wanna see me posting about jjba!
0 notes • Posted 2021-10-16 18:00:52 GMT
i wrote a terrible self-insert fanfic when i was 11-12 and now i'm going through it and fixing my pronouns for Gender Euphoria™ reasons but leaving the rest of it alone, here are my thoughts but i'm not gonna provide any context
the plot of this fic was basically just the "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" meme
hoo boy was i Repressed™ and it shows
WOW i really have been a sucker for hurt/comfort from the jump huh
jesus fucking christ i could really go down a rabbit hole psychoanalyzing this shit
okay WHAT the fuck was my obsession with owning a satchel??? like bitch??? hello???
side note: i did end up getting a satchel like two years later, so, yay for that i guess
cannot BELIEVE i simped this hard over an anime character when i was in middle school
wh- hang on what the fuck. that. that doesn't make ANY goddamn sense, how did i think that would work physically??? bitch
hm. you know what, That Sentence In Particular says some shit about me that i am not ready to unpack yet, so i'm not gonna!
you know i know i said i was only gonna fix the pronouns but it's my gender and i get to experience the gender euphoria so i think i'm also gonna change the way my hair is described to match the way it looks now
y'know, now i'm kinda understanding why my 6th grade english teacher prohibited me from writing fanfic for a school assignment but still. she was kind of a bitch about it and that was unnecessary.
god i remember writing this in the notes app on my iphone 3gs. i remember copying/pasting giant chunks of it to send to my best friend through kik messenger because she didn't have a cell phone. but most importantly i remember her hyping me tf up and how important that was to me. good times
hsfdgjsh my professors are gonna be talking to me in class like "so what'd you do last night? get any sleep?" and i'm gonna be like "no i fucking psychoanalyzed my childhood self through the lens of my old fanfiction"
bitch i am begging you to use normal fucking words p l e a s e
a MINIVAN??? of all the cars i could've picked for myself to drive, i chose A MINIVAN??? i mean it's practical, space-wise, but WHAT THE FUCK
of fucking course the minivan is green. i mean it still IS my favorite color tbf
wow this bitch did not give a FUCK about car insurance costs okay. damn wish i could be her 😔 she's out here tokyo drifting up in this bitch
oh my fucking god i did NOT understand how cars work lmao. or like, fuckin physics for that matter
i- did this vehicle just not have airbags in it or something??? because they probably fucking should've gone off by now holy shit
aaand we're just gonna... okay. i mean it makes sense in context i guess, but... okay. fine. you do you, kid.
wh- how did paint get scraped off the sides of the car??? the sides of the car never fucking touched anything i- fuck it. never mind.
i- okay i know the car thing was kind of bonkers per my earlier description but it wouldn't have caused THAT to happen
okay so we're just back to our regularly scheduled programming after all that then? cool whatever i guess
y'know i'm not sure of the accuracy of that scientific technobabble but it sounded at least a little bit believable so. good job, past me. you get points for that one
my fucking god why couldn't any of these characters tell a halfway-decent lie to save their lives lmao
ahhh wait i remember why the car is Fucked™ now. it's because the mental image i had in my head of a different scene involving a car involved a different car, so i had to COMPLETELY DESTROY the first car i mentioned for some goddamn reason.
wh- MILK??? bitch what were you ON
1 notes • Posted 2021-02-26 08:28:47 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
0 notes
jaceythejester · 7 years
Tagged: Ask meme (50) - (96)
Tagged by @cookiespanda 😂😂😂
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?  I had a dream when I was outside and there was this big thunder and lighting, I ran like a shirtless Michael B Jordan was waiting inside the nearest building.
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write? I love both.  If I am somewhere that it’s not convenient for me to read, I’ll just listen to an audiobook or a podcast.
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud? It depends on my mood. Sometimes I play the music loud in the shower. When I write, there are times when I’m so focused that I can’t hear the music.
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? Carve pumpkins. I’ve never done it before.
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?Rihanna - Diamonds
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather) Summer. It’s endless because we only have 2 and a half seasons here.
(56) What Are You Craving Right Now? A&W’s waffle to go.
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed. Can’t. Something gay and nsfw is sure gonna come up 😂
(58) What Is Your Gender? Female. For some reason, people always think I’m a dude on the internet and on MMORPG ..
(59) Coffee Or Tea? Coffee.
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About? No homework because I’m not a student. Just working on Becca’s tattoo theory  video, The Junior Theory video, and Enneagram for TF and TS characters and reading fan fictions submitted from other writers for my Becca x MC x Kaitlyn fan fiction prompt #1.
(61) What Is Your Sexuality? I’m bisexual.
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning? I choose not to.
(63) Favourite Pokemon? Don’t have one.
(64) Favourite Social Media? Tumblr, of course. The gayest social media in humankind history.
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories? I used to like SnapChat more but now that they added some changes ...
(66) Do You Get Homesick? Never. Home is wherever I am.
(67) Are You A Virgin? Is this a real question? 😂
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now? Pantene.
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free? In my car. There was this one time in 2013 when I was still a student in Japan and I flew from Tokyo to another city and I didn’t have much money and I didn’t book any hotel room because I thought I’d sleep in my sitting position on a seat at the airport because my family would arrive the next morning anyway. I didn’t know that the airport wouldn’t be opened for 24 hours. (Fuck) Like others who had the same plan as me, we were all told by the security to get out of the airport. It was midnight and it was so cold, dark and disturbingly quiet outside. I wouldn’t be surprised if some zombies showed up. I stayed outside for 2 hours and it was freezing. 
And all I could think about was; how the fuck do homeless people survive on the streets? I had little money and nowhere to go and didn’t know what to do. Luckily, a Vietnam guy who originally was gonna sleep inside the airport saw me and told me that there was a 24 hour family restaurant nearby. We went there with a Taiwanese girl who couldn’t speak English and Japanese well (and I can’t speak Chinese). She came from Taiwan to see a concert of her favourite Japanese band. The whole thing was unexpected but I got to experience the kindness of strangers at the same time. The 3 of us ordered something to eat and we ended up talking and hanging out until morning. Then after the airport is opened again, we all went our separate ways. From then on, I kinda want to do something big for the homeless (except giving them CPR because I don’t know how) 
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life? My dad left when I was a kid.
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? Wrinkle in time.
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex? Never.
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?    Halsey - “When I sat down to do Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, I noticed that a lot of the mainstream interpretations had been done by men. So I swapped the characters so in my story, I’m Romeo. I wanted to see what would happen if the female in story chose herself.” https://youtu.be/dwTS0gJf3kI from 1:25 on. This gave me an inspiration (not an inspiration to do an interpretation because I’m a woman, but to be bold and add creativity into my original work)     Let me explain. The theme of her latest album, Hopeless Fountain Kingdom was inspired by Romeo and Juliet. In her music videos for this album, Halsey is Romeo. She gender swapped the characters. That alone was bold af.  Now that I understand what it feels like to put my work and my youtube videos out there, I know how “worrying about people’s responses/reactions and being afraid of criticism” from the internet feels like. And so I think what Halsey did was really bold and inspiring.    I’m someone who is not shy and compared to most people around me, I am confident. I can go up to a stranger and ask for their phone number for my friends. I did that when I was a student living in Tokyo and I went to Tokyo alone to study and at that time I didn’t know anybody in Japan and I could barely speak their language. But doing that is so much easier than building confidence to start a youtube channel. At first I was so friggin’ nervous. My palms were all sweaty. My confidence went out of the window and I was so worried and afraid. I think we all know how mean people can be on the internet.     Then last night I watched one of Halsey’s old interviews. She just does her thing so confidently and without hesitation (gender swapping Romeo and Juliet for her album) while being in the limelight at the same time.    It’s like she’s so focused on her work that she has no room at all for fears even though she’s so young. I learned something meaningful and useful and I got really inspired. I admire her because she has wisdom to share. Wisdom that can be used in the real world. And she inspires me to focus on my work, not my fears.
(74) What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest? Purple. Like Danaerys Targaryen’s.
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? I liked it. Now I still do and because there’s no swing set near where I live, I have an excuse to be excited.
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate? A&w waffle to go 😂 that I craved.
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone? Life is strange, Choices, FFXV, Lineage II.
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not? I don’t know how to give CPR so I wouldn’t because I might make that person end up dying faster.
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? When I was younger, I used to not sleep and not eat because I was addicted to MMORPG. (Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, TERA, Rohan and Ragnarok. I would have done the same with NieR Automata on PS4 if I were younger)
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network? No. Not anymore after that cute af instagram model got herself a girlfriend. Wait. What?!? 😂😂😂
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People? Yes. Meeting new people and keeping in touch are two different things so ..
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them. Sometimes I wear 15 rings on my both hands. 
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed? Closed. Locked. Secured. 
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today? chatting with my bff in Tokyo, getting inspired by Halsey, about to introduce something to TF/TS fandom.
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed? A plain shirt and a pair of plain sweats.
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now. I’m not good at makeup but my fave red lipstick is Bang by Urban Decay.
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person? Night person. Night time is when I can connect with my muses the most.
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc. That’d take the whole day so I’ll tell you some of my faves. NieR Automata, Persona 5, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, Dragon Age Inquisition, Life is Strange (what I’m gonna play next)
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened. Too nsfw to talk about hahaha
(90) Favourite Soda Drink? Melon fanta in Japan.
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite? Piano.
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More? I wear both equally. Jeans when I go out, sweats when I’m working on my youtube videos.
(93) How Do You Look Right Now? Clean and presentable. Younger than my age, hopefully.
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You. Taking a warm bath while listening to my favourite music. I think everyone should play the music loud when they take a bath to prevent them from falling asleep and drowning. I was told that it is one of the top reasons for deaths in Japan.
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want? Halsey’s lyrics. I’ve always wanted a tattoo since I was 15 but I never knew what tattoo I really wanted until a few nights ago. 
(96) Favourite YouTuber? Stevie Boebi, a youtuber and a lesbian. I look up to her. When she was a kid, she got abandoned by her real mother then she was raped. It took time for her to open up about her pain and her vulnerability and now she is sharing her story with everyone on her youtube channel. She’s super strong and super inspirational.
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skybluesunshine · 5 years
23/9/2019 random q and a aka get to know me!
Please tell us, when you were born?
What’s your full name and are you proud of it?
Sigita Koskute, not really haha, my last name sounds off both in english and in my native language
Are you named after someone, if yes then after whom?
After some pretty acquaintance of my mom
Where are you from and are you proud of it?
Yes and no, Lithuania is beautiful but super corrupt and economically weak. Don't get me wrong, if it was doing great I wouldn't have left haha
Do you love playing any sports, or just watching it?
Used to be quite a sportsy grill now I'm too busy adulting and stressing over nothing. Best exercise
Which one is better, Basketball or Baseball?
Basketball hell yeah
Who is your favorite person in modern history?
No idea
Who is your favorite writer in modern history?
No idea
Who is your favorite musician from 20th century?
Lykke Li/Banks/Lana Del Rey
Which one you prefer, Daft punk or Gorillaz?
Tough one but I'd say Gorillaz
Do you love animals, if yes then which one you love most?
Yes yes dogs yes yes
Do you have children? And how many?
Nope and wishing one day I will have 3
Are you married or single, and why?
In a relationship because my ex decided to show up and save me from a bad relationship I was in at that time lmao
If you are not married, when are you going to get married?
Not anytime soon
What is your favorite drink of all?
Non alcoholic - tea, alcoholic - pink gin and lemonade
Do you have favorite basketball player?
Used to be Sarunas Jasikevicius
What is your greatest achievement in high school?
National english exam with the score of 95
Are you proud of your points in high school?
No I wish I didn't do maths and went for geography instead
DO you want to have a business?
What is your most favorite scene from movies?
There's many from many movies but usually are the ones who make me cry for hours because of happiness
If you love snakes, which one is your favorite?
Who tf loves snakes??
Do you love music? Which genre is your favorite?
Yaaaaas that's why I can finally study what I like. I don't define my fav music in genres
Please tell me, which one is your favorite: Old school rap or today’s new age rappers?
Old school to Eminem rap because nowadays rappers can't even put up meaningful songs, it's boobs and ass and sex and money and that's about it
How tall are you? Have you dreamed being ever taller?
6'0" (182) Hell no, I want to be something around 165.
What is your favorite number and please tell us, why?
4 because my birth date has a lot of 4
Have you ever been on any bridge? Do you like bridges?
Is this q a joke
Do you have fear of anything? If it’s not secret, please tell us what you fear the most?
Syringes and darkness, being alone
Where are you working right now?
In the care industry
Have you ever dreamed of being successful lawyer?
Which actor is your favorite, Al Pacino or Robert De Niro
Neither haha, currently Emmy Rossum because of her great portrayal of her character
Where do you want to travel?
USA, Portugal, maybe Australia
Which ocean is your favorite and why?
Pacific because the biggest?
Have you ever been in Europe? Where?
Many countries
Do you love history? Did you have high grades in history classes?
No no no
Who is your favorite king in world’s history?
The one and only Lithuanian one haha
Which one do you prefer, George Washington or Thomas Jefferson?
I'm allergic to politics
Which one is your favorite, Barack Obama or George Bush?
I'm allergic to politics
Do you believe that Trump will make America great again?
I'm allergic to politics
What do you think about the Russia’s Leader Putin?
I had to delete three questions because it was still about politics and now this..
How do you describe yourself?
Can you describe yourself in just 3 words?
Kind humble crybaby
What are the most powerful 3 words that changed your life?
More like a phrase.
My heart has a hole which won't ever corrode now.
Who you admire the most, mother or father?
I barely had a father so of course my mother.
Do you have siblings? How many?
One brother who I barely talk to anymore
How many books do you read during summer vacations?
N o n e
How many books you have read in 2017?
N o n e
Are you technology lover, if not, why?
Not a lover but I can work on things
What do you prefer, Windows or Mac?
Which brand is your favorite, Apple or Samsung?
Which Operational system’s user you are, IOs or Android?
I wonder how you can use a samsung with iOs
Who is your favorite male Youtuber?
Either Boris or Josh Pieters
Who is your favorite female YouTuber?
Mia Maples
How do you feel right now?
Stressed, what else is new
Can you remember the first time your felt angry?
No? What if you were angry still being in the womb
Can you remember the first time laughed?
No how can someone remember that haha
Who is your favorite comedy movies actor?
Jim Carrey
Who is your favorite stand-up Comedians and why?
No idea
Which Home Alone movie is your favorite?
When was the last time you cried?
What was the reason you cried the last time?
A colleague was being rude for the majority of the day and was blaming me for everything
Do you know where will be your career in 10 years?
Do you love your work and is this your dream work?
I don't hate it but this is only a temporary gap to make money to support my student ass
What is your favorite moment from childhood?
Being able to do nothing all day and have fun all the time in our summerhouse
Do you have pets, Cat or dog?
I hope in the near future we can have a dog
Do you love fishing, if yes then why?
I wish I knew how to
Which Is your favorite Burger and why?
Big mac because it's delish and addictive. I barely have any junk food though
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adventuresofashli · 5 years
A 21 hour flight
As I entered the airport, with no surprise, I felt super lost. It took me awhile to find the aisle where my plane check in was, but I eventually found it. It was the last one, and probably the longest line. I didn’t even know this many people could fit on one plane. I stood in line for a bit just listening to music until I got my boarding pass. Every time I pull out my passport for them, I feel like they stare really hard at it because I look like I mugged someone in my photo. #FreeAshli2k19. I believe I got out of line around 10 pm, and headed to my terminal until we boarded. We boarded sort of late which made me anxious. I am not sure why, but being late to anything, even if it is not my fault, drives my anxiety off the walls. Anyways, when I boarded the plane, it was massive. There was three rows that could fit three people each and it somehow didnt feel cramped? I got the worst seat though. I was in a window seat smushed in by some married couple. Then to top is off, I had two crying kids in front and behind me. Don’t get me wrong, I love kids, they are the cutest thing ever, but not when I am tired and want to knock tf out. I dont even want to think about having to travel with my own kids. Our plane left late which increased my anxiety even more. It was kind of weird because I momentarily fell asleep during take off so when I woke up, I thought we were still on the ground and it confused me. Took  about 5 minute of me peering out of my window to determine otherwise. Oh yes, and I sat right where the wing was too. Best view in the house. I decided to put on a movie until they served us food. I watched how to train your dragon 3 for a bit, got my gross airplane lasagna. And then fell asleep around 2 am or so. I dont even remember what happened in the movie. I have no shame. The airplane food wasnt the greatest, but I did like how i got my food first since I had to request a special vegetarian meal. I then immediately fell asleep and woke up around 8AM PST. The neck pillow and eye mask was really helpful, although i kept having to readjust my position. This was perfect timing since they announced that they were going to feed us 5 hours before landing in Guangzhou. I cant even remember my main course, but the greek yogurt was nasty and plain, but the asparagus was pretty yummy. I felt bad when I had to get up and use the restroom because I was in the way of the married couple and they seemed annoyed. They kinda smelled weird, but then I realized that I havent put deodorant on in 24 hours, and honestly no one else on the plane probably has either, which is super gross and something I hope I dont have to experience again. I then watched Midnight in Paris and Moana. I’m sure you can guess that I also fell asleep through those as well, but I have seen these movies multiple times. We arrived in China at 5am and it was super humid and hot out. I was mainly excited just to get up and walk around without getting dirty looks from the people sitting next to me. Or so I thought. Idk why but the people there just kept looking at me. It may have been bc I didnt have my contacts in and I just squinted and stared very intently at everything. I went to the bathroom there to brush my teeth, reorganize my things, and do a face mask. As i always say, health is wealth. I was super parched and hungry, so i decided to eat some of my chocolate. I have no self control and I didnt want to buy Yen, okay? I went and sat in a VIP lounge that I knew I shouldn’t have sat in and caught up on all my texts and snapchats and updating all my peoples. I then went to look for a water bottle fill up station but could only find hot water everywhere. It was 95 celsius which i believe is like 160 F. Super unreasonable and this makes me think that Chinese people are super hardcore. My flight left on time which was nice and it was a much smaller plane and shorter flight of about 3 hours. I got lodged in between some asian dudes who i dont think spoke a lick of english. They fed me a really yummy veggies burrito, and some not so yummy bread. I listened to some more music and read a little bit before feeling motion sickness. I was then arriving to Thailand quicker than I thought. I had to go through immigration lines to pick up my bags from baggage claim. We had a designated meeting point to be picked up from around 11:30 bangkok time. I met a girl named Alana who was also waiting to be picked up and bonded with her. She is super quirky and kind of adorable, I think we will get along fine. We met up with two chinese international students who are on the trip and got into our vans around 12:30 to go back to the hotel. Its weird because they drive on the opposite side of the street by the driver is still on the left side. Really discourages me of driving a rental car. Now I am at the hotel chilling and I am tired af.    
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radgeorgie · 7 years
~~~tag game~~~
shoutout to @pastel-sk1es​ for thinking my blog was cool, and also tagging me in this
im tagging @samiramueller bc i wanna get to know you better!
1. What Time Is It Where You Are?
3:48 (Michigan, USA)
2. Current Energy Levels?
85%, i slept for 12+ hours last night surprisingly
3. Song That You’re Obsessed With At The Moment?
any song twice has come out with
4. Other Kpop Groups You Stan That Aren’t BTS?
tooooo many (that you can find here lmao) but I stan these religiously:
Red Velvet
Monsta X
5. Bands Outside of Kpop That You Stan?
Little Mix mainly, but I do like a few american pop songs
6. Cats or Dogs?
cats! but i did volunteer at a dog shelter not to long ago...
7. Favourite Sound?
stereotypical white girl but rain? the sound of my own snoring? lmao
8. Something That Made You Laugh In The Last Couple of Days?
thinking about how im gonna get through college? im so royally screwed?
9. Favourite Thing About Your Bias?
how he never stops trying. He keeps trying to be a better person for himself and his members and his fans.
10. Apps / Sites that you use often?
tumblr (obliviously), twitter (kimsjoonie), snapchat (cronuss-ampora)
11. Where Are You From?
born & raised in the usa
12. Are You More of An Introvert or Extrovert?
13. Since When Have You Been Into Kpop And How Did You Discover It?
2012, but I didn’t really get into it until august 2014. I was scrolling through tumblr for playlists & found snsd’s the boys (eng ver). I really fell in love with it wanted to research more, but I was young & didn’t really like listening to music that didn’t ing to music that wasn’t in english (lmao) so I kind of forgot about it? It wasn’t until Jessica left SNSD that I really wanted to get into KPop, bc I was falling out of the anime fandom lmao. I decided to nosedive into KPop and here we are now!
14. Who Was The First Kpop Group You Got Into?
Girls Generation! (with SHINee following very close after)
15. Do You Have Any Pets? If Yes, Which One(s)?
one, a dog named bo (also known as bobo, bobo pet & bobo baggins)
16. Tea or Coffee?
neither, I hate both lmao
17. Day or Night?
18. What Kind of Movies Do You Prefer Watching?
horror mostly, i don’t watch movies that music
19. What Is Your Biggest Wish For The Future?
another stereotypical white girl answer, but to be happy. im sick of wanting to die all the time
20. What’s Your Way of Being Creative
photography & music
21. What’s Your Dream Job?
idk at this point in the game. im going to college of photography so i guess that? thats what i wanted to be when i was younger too
22. Which Country / Countries Do You Desperately Want To Visit?
any, I wanna visit every country at least once
23. How many languages do you speak?
one bitch I live in the whitest country ever
24. What was your favorite subject in school/college/university?
history, although only a little, i hate that place with a burning passion
25. Do you play, or have you played, any musical instruments?
i used to play trumpet back in 7th grade, but my band teacher bullied me out of it so I dont play it anymore
26. Do you believe in horoscopes/zodiacs?
yes bitch tf
27. Is there anything you really want to learn or to do?
i really wanna learn another language, but im tired & lazy
28. How many times in your life have you moved house/city/country?
twice, once when I was 5 & again when I was 15
29. Would you rather have no children or a lot of children?
no children, fuck em
30. Are you religious/spiritual?
31. Do you drink alcohol?
im the lamest bitch ever, no
32. If you got to spend a whole week alone with your idol, what would you want to do? (apart from sex… ¬_¬)
I’d love to visit their hometown with them. meet their family, see where they grew up, meet their childhood friends & eat at the same places they love. I’d love to see them happy & healthy surrounded by friends and family.
34. If you could be the best in the world at ONE thing, what would it be?
something that would make me successful & happy
35. What Are Your Passions?
36. What are your pet-peeves?
slow walkers, people with annoying laughs
37. Favourite Anime / Manga Movies?
i haven’t watched anime in 20 years, but ouran high school host club still has me feeling some type of way
38. Favourite Anime / Manga Tv Shows?
isnt this just a repeat of question 37?
39. What is your favourite season?
40. If you could have whichever nationality you wanted what would it be and why?
i mean...being american kind of sucks, but i dont think id change it.
41. Would you rather visit outer space or the deep sea and why?
outer space, id love to visit the stars & see planets from an outside view
42. Greatest fear?
another white girl answer, but being lonely (lmao bitch tf @ me wtf)
43. What was the most memorable moment of your life?
starting high school. i cried for two days & wanted nothing but death.
44.  Something you can’t live without?
sleep & my phone
45. If you were granted one wish, what would it be and why?
to matter to someone on a personal level
46. What would you say to your idol if you met them?
tell them that I love them & hope they remain healthy & happy for the years to come
47. Somebody you care about a lot?
my friend & namjoon lmao
48. Life lesson you learned?
it fucking sucks & the best deal to deal with it is tough it out
49. What would you say to your ten year old self?
remain happy as much as you can & fuck what everything has to say
50. What are you most thankful for?
nothing really????? im sorry?????
51. Have you ever been to a K-Pop concert?
ive been to a dumbfoundead concert, but I don’t know if you’d consider him k-pop...
52. What are your goals for next year?
in ill be in college, to make friends
53. Who are your role models and why?
prolly namjoon lmao. just his life struggles, how he went with what he wanted in life not with what he was the best at, his goals & his accomplishments I could go on but honestly nobody cares lmao
54. What motivates you to keep striving towards your goals?
the idea that ill have a good life once i achieve them
55. If you could be anyone for a day who would it be and why?
like a 95 year old that lives in a retiring home so I can sleep 4ever lmao
56.  Who is your bias list wrecker?
i have too many, but in BTS its def suga
57. If you could listen to only one album for the rest of your life what would it be? Why?
quite surprisingly, but FOB’s album Save Rock & Roll, I love every song on that album & the impact it has.......holy shit dude
58. What’s your favorite food from your home country? (because I honestly love food so much)
holy shit.... honestly...america has stolen like half of its menu from other countries, but im in love with chicken pitas, and i think thats an american thing? I could be wrong tho.
59: do you watch tv often? what tv shows are you obsessed with recently?
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kittytishers · 8 years
gdi spacey
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? uhhhh id be pretty fuckin weirded out but considering he lives in georgia id just be like “FIRST OF ALL HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET HERE?????” but like why would i be naked anyways thats the real question who sleeps without their pjs?? dont answer that please i beg
2. What’s going on between you and the last person living being you kissed? He’s pretty sick so we’re taking him to the vet today :(
3. If your significant other was into drugs, would you care? depends on the drugs. if they were into weed id want in on some obvi but anything else and id just be eeeehhhhh naaaaahhhh
4. Is your last name longer than six letters? how does 11 letters sound?
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? ive never been drunk in my life so take a wild guess
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up? nope.
7. What does your last received text say? “Ooh”
8. How many times have you kissed the last person living being you kissed? more than i can count -w-
9. Where was your last kiss at?  in my house because we both live there
10. When is the last time you saw your sister? This monday before she headed off to disneyland for her honeymoon!!
11. What do you drink in the morning? milk because its in my cereal
12. Where did you sleep last night? my fuckin bed -.-
13. Do you think relationships are hard? i think with the right person it shouldn’t be that bad.
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? i wouldve done a different story for my creative writing project
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person living being you kissed, any problems? he’s sick so that would be bad :(
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? sunny
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? lol nah
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? PAJAMA SHORTS HAHAH
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? I hope so
20. Does anyone like you? Not that i know of
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? nope
22. Is the last person living being you kissed gay? I mean he’s neutered so technically he’s ace
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? the guy who sits behind me in english -.-
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?  yeah. proll ynot gonna tho
25. In the past week have you cried?  probably
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? my dog is an english springer spaniel so
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? out of the shower duh
28. Have you ever kissed a football player? HAHAHAHAH
29. Do you think you’re old? if i think im old i cant call my friends old so im just gonna say no
30. Do you like text messaging? yup
31. What type of day are you having? S T RE SS 
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? no but i like how it looks on other people
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? cold because SWEATERS
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? Three! @pseudonymouslps​ @celestialbomber​ and @luciferhimshelf​!!! they are all great btw follow them if you arent already
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? i want a relationship first and then ill figure out how i feel about flings
36. Are you a simple or complicated person? is anyone a simple person???
37. What song are you listening to? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Etb0xDIFXR4
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? yeah of course.39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? @2cutepandasian​ knows a lot i think. she is my first mother after all40. What made you start liking the person you like now? i mean i don’t have a person i like rn so41. When did you last receive a text message? not quite sure. all i know is the convo started like 6 am my time lmao42. What is wrong with you right now? everyhting???43. How well do you know the last female you texted? my mom continues to confuse me -.-44. Does anyone disgust you? my dog sometimes45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? DEPENDS ON THE PERSON I GUESS??? IDK I THINK ITD BE KINDA WEIRD46. Are you in a good mood right now? i guess so47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? mi madre48. What color shirt are you wearing? black likE MY SOUL49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? i dont want to hear anything my mom says tbh50. Anyone you’re giving up on? nah51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? lol i didn’t really fall for anyone
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? no i dont like giving up on people wtf???53. Do you like rain? im an ml fanatic of COURSE 54. Do you care if your significant other drinks? at this age? yeah. when im older than 18 i wont give a fuck55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? yeah thats always how it goes 56. Do you like to cuddle? HWO DOESNT??57. Are you shy? not shy just unwilling to engage in conversation with people i dont know or carea bout 58. Do you get along with girls? i get along with anyone i want to59. Have you dated the person you texted last? he’s 5 years older than me ew no like god hes like a brother to me but to date him no wtf??? 60. What do you carry with you at all times? a hair tie and my phone 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? hells yeah. the two outcomes are death or living life rich its a win-win 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? i mean i hope so 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? HAHAHAHAHHAHA 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? i dont like anyone right now but the person i liked a lil while back,,, yeah its be adoarble..;l.,,65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? i mean i saw my sister get married like if that isnt cute then idk what else is
66. How old are the last three people living beings you kissed? 4 and 10
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? dude nail salons are the best but i can make my own nails i dont really care68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    animal print in general is lowkey trashy imo69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    dont have a car lolol70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    who??71. Blackberry, Android, or iPhone?   iphone fuck yeah 72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    looooong time73. Do you like diet soda?    never had any so i cant say74. What color are the walls in your room?    white75. Are you 16 or older?    nope but next year76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    no77. Do you have a job?    no  78. What are your initials?    LZ80. Are you from the south?    I’m from SoCal but not The South™
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    facebook thats cute82. Do you still talk to the first person living being you ever kissed?    of course how else will i yell at him to stop fucking with my shit?83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    dad definitely84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    ive done gymnastics before yeah85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?    Hidden Figures87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    im in a flip flop mood rn. ive been wearing heels all weekend -.-88. Is your phone touch screen?    yeah90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    no where tf would i go91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    pool please i dont appreciate fish feces being on my body92. Have you ever made out in a car?    HAH i wish93. …Had sex in a car?    HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA94. Are you single or in a relationship?    take a wild guess based on previous questions its not that hard to figure out i promise95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    screaming at myself to FINISH THE DAMN PAPER96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    4th o july97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    it serves its purpose98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    nope99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    nope100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?    youre asking as if facebook is still relevent101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    im 15 and ive never had sex in my life. no.102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    WAKA WAKA103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    no but its getting warmer so soonthaank god this bs is over. i wish i could say i hate you but i dont lie
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saturnsovereign · 8 years
All of the questions!!!!
crush asks
uhh shit bro but aight - i love talking about my gf :)
1: Do they drink coffee?
yup, but like mainly frappucinos
2: Are they left or right handed?
mainly right handed but she can use her left hand. she’s like ambidextrous
3: How do they do their hair? Facial hair? (If they have it)
she usually has her hair down
4: What’s their favorite animal?
i’m gonna take a guess and say doggos? idk i haven’t really asked
5: What is their relationship status?
um… not single? like the complete opposite of single XD
6: What is their favorite band/singer?
um idk i know one of her favorites is Christina Grimmie?
7: Are they more a cat or dog person?
doggo but i think she wants a cat
8: What does their laugh sound like?
like an angel that came down to heaven to bless us with her presense
9: Do they know multiple languages? Which ones?
English, Spanish, and she knows multiple Filipino dialects
10: How old are they? How old are you?
She’s 16, I’m 18, but we’re like maybe a year and a half apart
11: One word that describes them.
Nerd or Puppy
12: Do they have any pets?
un fluffy marshmallow doggo named Nerf
13: What is their favorite TV show?I know Bones is one of them
14: What is their favorite movie?
idk, babe what is your favorite movie?
15: What car do they drive?
black nissan leaf
16: What ethnicity and/or nationality are they?
half white, quarter mexican, quarter filipino
17: Where did you meet them?
technically I first met her in my creative writing class in middle school
18: What was your first meeting like?
She was one of the cool kids and she intimidated me.
In high school, I remember that I was working on marching rifle and she came up with one of my other friends to the field and went up to mama while she was teaching me something and I recognized her from middle school. I'm pretty sure she was trying to hide from me it was kinda cute tbh
19:  What is their zodiac sign? Are your signs compatible?
Virgo, everyone says it does
20: What month is their birthday?
She is an August baby
21: What is your favorite outfit on them?
When she has nothing on… heh. lesbian lumberjack
22: Are they good texters?
she texts like me in that she responds right away or it takes her 3 hours
23: Your favorite feature about their appearance.
Her eyes, I can get lost in them so easily
24: Your favorite thing about their personality.
She tries her best and she’s a total goof even though she says I am and like basically everything else about her really
25: Do they make you laugh?
She’s the one that can make me laugh when nothing else can
26: Do you make them laugh?
I try my best
27: Are they good huggers/ kissers?
oh god yes. yes to both
28: What is your favorite “flaw” that they have?
she cannot, for the love of god, not swear
29: Are they nice to strangers?
yes unless they don’t believe in equal rights?
30: What is the funniest thing they have ever said?
ok ok there's a lot but my favorite is "Let’s turn off the lights so that the judges can’t hear us drop" 😆
31: Saddest?
That she didn’t matter and that she was a disappointment 😔
32: Weirdest?
idk i know there is a lot of weird ones but I can't think of them off the top of my head
33: Cutest?
Her to me: "I can't believe you said yes" (why tf would i say no?)
34: Ever dreamt about them? What happened in the dream?
I remember dreaming in to kiss her but like I face-planted on my pillow and woke up. That’s like one of the few dreams I do remember
35: How tall are they? How tall are you?
hhhhh. She’s 4'20 I’m 5'2
36: Do they have a booty?
she dooooooooooo (she’s very cheeky 😉)
37: What are their hobbies?
She likes gaming, I guess reading and writing, watching shows and sports, and like maybe doing guard if you consider it as a hobby?
38: What are their talents?
Practically anything she puts her mind to, but like she's has hella good memory, really good at multitasking and she has so many skills under her belt
39: What would your dream date be with them?
Getting to do stuff alone while I can spoil her and not have to worry about avoiding anybody
40: Does anyone know about your crush/love?
Practically all of my friends, sorry i can't contain my gay ass
41: What do you guys have in common?
we first bonded over bisexual buddies and it just took off from there
42: Do they go to the gym?
yup and it shows too 😏
43: Do they go by their given name?
No, she goes by a shortened version of her birth name (Isabella makes her sound like a spicy Queen 😆 and Bella means beautiful which is hella accurate)
44: What is their favorite color?
orange and black
45: How far apart do you live from them?
About 2.5 miles away… it’s walkable
46: What song reminds you of them?
Holy by PVRIS, Say you won't let go by James Arthur and then practically any love song
47: Do they listen to a lot of music?
yup and her music taste is so much better than mine
48: What do they smell like?
soccer and conditioner 😆
49: If they were in a book (protagonist or antagonist or supporting character, up to you) how would the writer describe them?
I sent her multiple asks before we really started dating if you wanna read it its on her blog
50: How often do you see them?
Almost everyday
51: The last text/ message they sent you?
you bite into it all it all CUMS out 😉😉😉
52: The last thing they said to you in person?
I love you
53: What is the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you in front of them?
boi everything about me is embarrassing
54: Do they have any tattoos or piercings?
55: What color are their eyes?
dark brown
56: What is their clothing style?
It makes her look straight unless she really tried not to look straight. Also: black
57: What is one thing that makes them really special?
She’s so strong and she’s gone through so much and yet she’s still a wonderful person and I just can't help but be so proud of her
58: Will you tell your crush your feelings?
… i mean I think she already knows? (it would be kind of awkward if she didn’t know considering we're dating...)
59: How long did you know them before you started falling for them?
I’ve honestly always thought she was beautiful but like I didn’t start falling for her until the prank... and like when i did fell god I fell so hard
60: Was there a defining moment when you knew you liked them?
When I was in my house out of town and I had gotten a message from her and my ex-bf that I was trying to get back together with and I realized I was way more excited about opening her messages than his…
61: Do they have any quirks or habits?
Her nose does that cute wiggly thing and like she doesn’t like her food touching and when she’s concentrating she often has her tongue poking out of her mouth
62: What “most likely” superlative would they receive?
Most likely to roast your ass
63: Which romcom or TV couple reminds you of the two of you together?
idk just think OTP yeah? like the tol and the smol, the dark hair to light hair, etc.
64: How do they look shirtless?
65: When was the last time you saw them?
a few hours ago at school
66: What is the weirdest thing about them that you find attractive?
idk if you call this weird but i find it cute when she pulls swears out of her ass
67: What is the sweetest thing they’ve ever said to/ about you?
that she considered me as one of her best friends
68:  What shoes do they wear the most?
either converse or vans
69: Making out with them: hot & heavy or sweet & slow?
depends on the mood tbh but when we're in full make out mode and people aren't in the room, its hot and heavy
70: If you were/ are dating, what would you do for them on Valentine’s day?
heh she'll find out tomorrow
71: Have you ever cried over them?
72: Has something they did/said to you ever make you cry?
73: What makes you think of them?
nerdy references, memes, gay stuff, marriage
74: Do you have any inside jokes with them?
Our inside jokes eventually become outside?
75: What is the most you’ve done with them physically? (hugged, kissed, cuddled etc.)
um all of the above and more
76: First impression of them?
i thought she was cool but i was intimidated by her
77: Have they ever caught you staring or giving them glances?
hehe ye
78: Have you ever caught them?
79: How long can you be away before you start to miss them?
1 minute
80: Do they wear glasses?
her nerd goggles look cute on her
81: Do your friends approve?
basically all but one and that one's now not really my friend
82: Would your parents approve?
um idk cuz we're gay and they don't know i'm gay
83: Do you think their friends/ family would approve?
i don't think so :(
84: Do they have a nickname for you?
i'm a dork and her flower cowboy
85: Have you ever thought about the spending the rest of your life with them?
oh yeah definitely
86: If you had kids together, what would you name them?
...Is it bad that I'm more ready to name our doggos instead of our kid?
87: What is your favorite scenario between you two that you’ve made up in your head?
we have a place of our own and like everything is peaceful and like we can cuddle whenever we like
88: What is your favorite interaction that has actually happened?
Every interaction? idk its hard to pick
89: If they were free tonight and wanted to hang out with you, where would you take them/ what would you do?
My bed and take a nap with them
90: Are they pretentious/ snobby/ picky about anything? What?
Um they don't like some foods? idk if you'd call that picky tho
91: Do you guys have the same political views?
92: Do you guys share the same religion?
we were both raised as christians I believe but its not really a big thing in our lives
93: Do you think they would reject you if you asked them out? Why?
Maybe? idk she might be busy
94: Are they the type of person who would come help if you called them in the middle of the night?
Yes considering she needs to sleep earlier (or at least take a nap)
95: Have you ever fantasized sexually about them?
96: Do you think they would make good parents?
We're raising our guard kids rn and she's been a pretty good mother
97: Have you ever had an argument with them?
I traumatized her with a cupcake and frosting bc she wouldn't admit that she was smart
98: Do you already know which piece of their clothing you would make ‘yours’ if you were dating?
I like her sweaters
99: L'esprit de l’escalier is the French word for when you think of the perfect response after the conversation has already ended. Rewrite a conversation between you and them, how it went and how you wish it had gone.
um idk? like I wish I had told her I thought she was beautiful long before we started dating?
100: How many of these do you think they could answer about you?
Most if not all of them
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themagicaltunaa · 7 years
Answer them all Tuna! #100: How's my fave tuna doing?
1. do you have a favourite sweater? 
nope, but i do have a favorite jacket, which is my only jacket tbh
2. what’s your middle name?
its bad
3. do you still talk to the first person you kissed?
never kissed anyone so uh no
4. do you get on with your grandpa`?
no because i dont get to see him at all. he lives on the other side of the country
5. what was your favourite cartoon as a kid?
i have way to many to list.
6. what’s your favourite cartoon now?
none atm
7. do you read the news paper?
do people still read the newspaper?????
8. who was the last text you sent to?
the last text i sent was to my friend Dani
9. what does the last text you sent say?
Did your trip to the store go well?
10. if you could have any hair colour what would it be?
ill just keep my natural hair color
11. do you like nature documentaries?
depends on whats it about tbh
12. what is your aesthetic?
i dont think i have one
13. when did you last pet a dog?
like a month ago. its been too long
14. whose friend’s parents do you like the most?
uh none i guess??
15. have you ever been on a road trip?
no but i would love to go on one some day
16. tell me about someone you know called emma
i dont know anyone named emma
17. are you reading a book in english class, what is it?
i finished my english classes, and im not reading anything atm
18. do you have a favourite aunt?
i love both tia anita and tia ivette
19. baths or showers?
20. skiing or sun bathing?
neither i guess? ive never been skiing and living here in florida has made me hate the sun so no sunbathing
21. do you kill spiders?
yes whenever i have the chance
22. have you ever made an ice pop?
no??? thats a popsicle right?
23. are you wearing shoes right now?
24.tell me about you favourite primary school/elementary school teacher
oh man, my 1st grade teacher Mrs. Brock was the best teacher ever. she was super nice and made learning really fun.she also used to call me rapunzel because of how long my hair was back then. she still called me that even after i went to middle school.
25.who was the last person you hugged?
my little brother at church today
26. do you wear glasses?
27. do you have a cat?
yup i got two of them
28. do you have a favourite pair of underwear?
29. what was your last tweet?
i uh, i dont have a twitter
30. do you still use facebook?
never used it to begin with
31. do you like birds?
i guess??
32. who was the last person you called cute?
my cat, oreo
33. who was the last person that called you cute?
lmao no idea
34. how did you meet your best friend?
i have multiple best friends. i met them in 1st grade and in 6th grade
35. escalators or elevators?
36. are you named after anyone, who?
37. what was your first url?
oh man uh, i think it was airtuna or some shit like that??? i couldnt think of anything so i put that. or maybe it was tunaoverlord? idk its one of those
38. autumn or winter?
39. do you win at scrabble?
ive only played scrabble once, and i dont remember if i won
40. put your ipod on shuffle , who is the first song that comes up by?
Holiest (feat. Tei Shi) by Glass Animals
41. have you ever drunk from a mason jar?
42. can you draw?
i was able to when i was like 8. now i cant draw for shit
43. what was your first profile picture?
dont remember
44. favourite tshirt?
either my star wars or my nasa shirt. i fuckin love space
45. best tumblr friend?
@moonspiralheartrod sup you fuck
46. when did you last run?
47. do you like to paint your nails?
48. did you ever do something as a kid that got you into loads of trouble?
dude i got in trouble for everything. if i even breathed wrong i was in trouble. thats what happens when you got a strict mom. 
49. who is your favourite dog that isn’t yours?
my neighbor’s dog, Luca! he’s such a sweetie i love him so much i dont care if he drools everywhere he is perfect
50. have you ever been drunk?
51. have you ever done something you regret while drunk?
look at the previous answer
52. do you want to kiss anyone right now?
lol nope
53. do/did you like you math teacher?
dont have one atm
54. do you often ride the bus?
yeah :\
55. do you have a fireplace in your house?
nope. you dont need fireplaces when you live in florida
56. are you violent when you’re angry?
57. do you cry when you’re angry?
sometimes yeah. its the worst thing, no one can take you seriously
58. favourite Harry potter book?
i uh…….ive never read harry potter…
59. can you remember your last dream?
60. do you go to bed early or late?
the earliest that i go to sleep is like 3am, so yeah i go to sleep late
61. do you speak a second language?
i can somewhat speak spanish
62. who was your first ever best friend?
uhhhh i dont remember
63. have you ever had an operation?
64. tell me about your favourite cousin
i dont know my cousins well enough to have a favorite. 
65. do you have a piece of clothing that doesn’t even fit you anymore but you can’t bare to throw away?
66. have you ever been in a musical?
67. do you have a porch?
also no
68. how many times have you watched your favourite movie?
ive seen How to Train Your Dragon so many times that ive lost count
69. what do you order at mcdonalds?
big mac and a when i have extra either an iced coffee or a mcflurry
70. do you get on with old people?
71. science fiction or romance?
science fiction
72. do you take naps?
i try tbh. whenever i do though i always have someone yelling at me :(
73. how many classes do you/did you take in high-school?
74. when did it last snow where you live?
75. does it ever snow where you live?
im pretty sure its never snowed here in south florida
76. how many months until your birthday?
about 10 months
77. how much charge does your computer have right now?
100% i always keep it plugged in
78. what is your favourite disney channel movie?
high school musical. its good ok dont judge me
79. the city or the sea side?
sea side
80. what is your least favourite colour?
81. do you have homework to do?
82. are you still friends with your first best friend?
again, i dont remember who my first best friend is
83. do you have/are you the gay cousin?
again, i dont know my cousins well enough, and im pretty sure im not the gay cousin
84.do you own dungarees?
tf is a dungaree
85. do you like to play sport?
bruh i dont like leaving my room what makes you think i like sports
86. what was your favourite ever christmas present?
87. how old are you?
20 :(
88. what is your mum’s name?
89. do you ever use internet explorer?
wtf people still use internet explorer??
90. have you ever had blonde hair?
91. is their a play park near your house?
yup, its like right in front of my house
92. when did you last see the person you have a crush on?
never had a crush on anyone so 
93. who did you last talk to on the phone?
my mom
94. pants or dresses?
95. do you read fan fiction?
96. what is you’re favourite blog?
i dont really have a favorite blog
97. do you write poetry?
98. drama or comedy?
uh comedy i guess
99. have you ever had a hickey?
100. Your own question that you want me to answer
Q: How’s my fave tuna doing? 
hi alyssa! i havent been doing much lately but im doing good. 
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