#how to analyze movies - film studies 101
bethannangel · 1 year
Patrick! You can’t say that Top Gun is about figuring out one’s sexuality when that’s a fact!
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kolbisneat · 1 year
MONTHLY MEDIA: February 2023
Okay I didn’t watch any movies this month BUT I’m very excited for the D&D movie and I watched plenty of youtube.
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Arcane (Episode 1.01 to 1.09) It took a few episodes for me to get invested (and a few mid-season eps that felt like a CW series...only young beautiful people allowed) but by the end I was into it. I know nothing about League of Legends and to the show’s credit, I couldn’t tell when there was fanservice. I’ll check out season 2 if it happens.
The Great (Episode 2.01 to 2.08) Loved the first season and currently love the second. Still a few eps left but it’s kept me guessing the entire time. Stellar characters, very funny, and the world continues to walk the edge between whimsical and dangerous.
Spy x Family (Episode 1.01 to 1.07) Super fun premise and very funny. I’ve only just started but I hope we get to see more of Yor’s world. It seems to be spy-centric and psychic-centric (which, based on the name and current plot, makes sense) but I hope it can start weaving in more of her role in the future.
Cunk on Earth (Episode 1.01 to 1.02) Sure I’ve only seen two episodes but both were very funny. Something about her timing and delivery just works every time for me.
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Chronically underwhelmed? This might be why... by Daily Mindtrap A concise reflection on why we’re not having as much fun as when we were kids. Touches on a lot of thoughtful points though my hatred of subscriptions does make me a little biased. VIDEO
The Decline of Tim Burton by Broey Deschanel One thing that scares me as an artist is that I’ll get stuck in a spot and start copying and reiterating on my own work to the point that it becomes caricature. Just a random thought and totally unrelated to this video. VIDEO
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How To Analyze Movies – Film Studies 101 and What Do The LOONEY TUNES Mean In 2023? by Patrick Willems Both really great in their own way. Film studies 101 is fairly universal as a lot of the topics apply to all art. And the Looney Tunes share a room in my mind palace with the Muppets: concepts I love but haven’t connected with anything of theirs in the last 15 years. VIDEO (Film 101) VIDEO (Muppets) 
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Your Friendly Neighbourhood Death Pedlar by Jimmy Sangster (Complete) The cover was so good and the write-up pitched it as a comedy that I took a gamble on a thrift store find. Swing and a miss. Comedy is difficult in your own time let alone 50 years after being published. Are the offensive bits a sendup of the time, or have they just aged poorly? Comedy that requires context doesn’t land for me so this whole thing fell flat. Anyway all this is to say I’m a sucker for a good book cover.
Confronting Capitalism by Vivek Chiboer (Complete) An easily digestible primer on Capitalism and it’s...faults. It really gave a lot of insight into the structural problems with politics in a capitalistic system and for that alone, I recommend. I wish the last chapter (talking about how a society moves past capitalism) was a little more robust, but hopefully I can find some other books to fill in those gaps.
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Batgirl/Robin Year One by Scott Beatty, Chuck Dixon, Marcos, Martin, and Javier Pulido (Complete) Great introductions to both characters and the perfect balance of fun and dangerous. It feels like there are real stakes while not getting too dark. I’d love if a Batman movie could strive for this sorta tone, you know?
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Paranoid by Black Sabbath (1970) One thing I appreciate about getting into Girl Talk years ago was it introduced me to bits of really great albums. And I somehow missed that Ozzy Osbourne was the lead singer. Anyway filling in a lot of blind spots here and War Pigs holds up so well. The whole album really. 
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Oz: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) The group is unearthing some underground tunnels and playing the political game as well. If you want to read more of the recaps, they’re over here!
Neverland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) The Mof1 group is busy making plans and saving Pirates. They recently acquired some protective suits so they’re now exploring the iron mines and its fluctuating temperatures!
And that’s it. See you in March!
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pablolf · 1 year
How To Analyze Movies – Film Studies 101
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How To Analyze Movies – Film Studies 101
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
I just remembered Lindsay Ellis's video on feminism and the transformers movies about how Mikaela was framed. Despite on paper being very interesting, especially in a show about cars and robots, and doing a good amount of stuff, the way she was treated in terms of film language undermined her character a lot and so people don't perceive her in the same way they might if they only had her concept and a list of things she did in the film. Which sounds pretty similar to how you've discussed the framing of people who aren't part of the majority demographic and the reaction of fandom, regardless of how interesting they are on paper
Precisely! I love that video.
If you go to fancy film school, they basically teach in class what's in that video essay. Lindsay would have had it at USC. I got it at AFI. This stuff is known, and it's known in a way one can explain in small words to a general audience. It annoys the shit out of me how there are only a very few youtube videos that do explain this well though. Folding Ideas has a few. Lindsay has a few. 99% of youtube stuff is just analyzing from a script perspective and whining about plot holes--or else it's completely technical and is about the buttons on a camera or in an editing program, not aesthetic/narrative choices and how to make them.
If you, like most humans, don't have access to fancy school, you can learn many of the same things about screenwriting and a decent chunk of the ones about directing from books. Cinematography has some decent books, but they aren't the ones people think of, and people don't understand or apply them well. Editing has very, very little, comparatively, yet it's one of the areas where an indie n00b can match big budget pictures just by having some taste. You can't beat 'em on star power or vfx, but you can do the parts that are about your filmmaker's eye... but not if you have no access to education unless you're some savant.
You'd think "Don't point the camera up the heroine's ass if you want audiences to listen to her dialogue" would be an obvious 101 topic, but even directors who aren't trying to dehumanize and humiliate their stars (which is what was going on in Transformers) often do this by accident.
I've made a couple of my own little entries as free educational shit for fandom. (But they're for fandom and I haven't cleared rights to the clips, so they're archive locked on AO3 and not public on youtube.)
Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez: Human Exclamation Point (about elevating characters who don't have many minutes of screen time)
Aisha is the Object; Clay is the Subject (about POV and also the stuff Lindsay's essay was about)
Like... did you know film has POV? Did you know it can be defined pretty concretely and studied? Not as concretely as in writing, but still. This is such a basic and explainable thing, and yet it's missing from so many of the free resources for would-be filmmakers. Any fool can rent a camera now, and you can make a good film on a cheap camera, but we really need to improve access to knowledge. There's some stuff out there, but it's hard to put it all together if you don't already see the big picture.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 3 years
Good morning! Whats your favorite show/movie? Who are your favorite characters? Why do you like them so much? Also!! Did you have a good sleep?
Okay so I was a film major for a while, and I have opinions. 
Penny Dreadful 
I love this show. Like, so much. I adore it. I can not get enough of that show. Just all of the imagery, and the fantastic writing and acting. The episode intro alone is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. Eva Green is a goddess and I love everything she’s been in. The take on classic horror stories is So Good, and it actually became the inspiration for my Gay Frankenstein story! (Started as a stitch AU, and then went completely OC after I had Ideas) but the show itself is so intimate? I think it’s largely that the period they’re in, everything was so repressed and restricted. So when the characters break out of those moments, it’s more meaningful. And the love-hate relationship between Ms. Ives and Malcolm in season one? Exquisite.  I could literally write essay’s about this show, but I’ll restrain myself and just say: it’s the best ensemble show I’ve ever seen. The characters come together, but they also each have their own distinct lives that sometimes intersect, but in s2 especially, are quite separate. They are constant with one another like ensemble shows usually portray. Also gothic horror and romance? My absolute favorite. 
Anything by Guillermo del Toro
This man Owns My Entire Soul. I’m not even joking, everything he writes and directs is perfection. Crimson Peak is probably my favorite (I have a stitch AU for this too ;) ) because again, Gothic horror and romance. I’m a slut for that shit. Also Tom Hiddleston and Jessica Chastain? Delightful casting. I think it’s obvious by now that I love tragic relationships, so their dynamic is *chef’s kiss* amazing. they’re so damaged. And this quote right here is one of the BEST things I’ve ever read: 
“But the horror... The horror was for love. The things we do for love like this are ugly, mad, full of sweat and regret. This love burns you and maims you and twists you inside out. It is a monstrous love and it makes monsters of us all.”
Engrave that on my headstone, please?? I’ve got a sort-of Dorian Gray AU (it’s delightful) that’s basically built on this entire premise. Mitch makes the mistake of falling in love with Stiles, and does many terrible things because of it. Mostly to himself, at least. 
I think my love of Crimson Peak is very closely tied with The Shape of Water. another beautiful movie, I could wax poetic about this forever. it was beautifully written, and such an artistic movie. I love the way it was filmed, and the set design, and all of the subtle imagery. Such as Elisa’s apartment being cast in cooler tones, it always felt very damp and had evidence of water damage, compared to Giles’, a mirror image of her own, in more warm tones. This is another one I could (and have) write essays about. There is so much packed into this movie, from the themes on toxic masculinity and entitlement, to the conversation on queerness and race and disability, and how all the various relationships are portrayed. Like. there is so much to pick apart in this movie. 
Aside from that, ofc Hell Boy deserves an honorable mention because i grew up on those movies. I’m pretty sure the Golden Army especially is responsible for who I am today, given all the lore on the fae in that universe. Wow, that explains so much about me... Also one of my first WoW characters was an elf named Nuala xD I still have her, too, and it’s been like 12 years lol
Near-Future Sci-Fi
Sci-fi is one of my favorite genres, I am a huge nerd for theoretical and astrophysics. But my favorite kind of sci-fi is the stuff that still takes place on Earth, rather than epic battles in space. Ex Machina and Annihilation are at the top of that list. Alex Garland is another writer/director that I love. He has the same kind of approach as del Toro, where he puts a lot of fine details into his work. And I love that it’s very cerebral; there are so many layers to Ex Machina. My English 101 prof actually refused to analyze it in class when I suggested it to him, because he didn’t think my class could. Basically handle? Dissecting that movie? Because a lot of it comes across as very surface level, but in some cases when you look deeper, it’s actually suggesting the opposite of what you might think at first glance. (And he was right, my fellow students were awful. I miss that class though, it was one of my favorites T_T Mr. Ryder was an awesome dude and super chill.) 
Morgan is another good example. As you can see, I fucking love androids lol. Which brings me to another of my all time favorite movies: Cloud Atlas. I could literally watch this movie endlessly, I love it so much. The acting, the writing, the filming, all of it is top notch. And one thing they did in the movie that didn’t come across in the book, was reusing the same actors through the different eras in the book. That was just so neat, because it really encapsulates how connected these souls are, as we follow the threads of their story throughout time. If you haven’t seen the movie, I can’t recommend it enough.  
Another one I always think of alongside Cloud Atlas, even though they aren’t related at all, is Predestination. It’s a great movie that explores the idea of fate and free will in a really clever way, utilizes time travel in a very organized way that I think was neat (think Umbrella Academy. They even use briefcases! As you can see, I love sci-fi bureaucracy, it’s fun. In fact The Bureau is another movie I enjoyed) and the main character is actually, explicitly trans, which was cool. You basically get to see the entire story of their life, and I don’t want to spoil anything, but it’s just. So good. Mindfuckery galore. 
Shoot, and I almost forgot! Arrival! That is one of the best movies, and another one I could watch nonstop. It focuses on mathematics and linguistics and I swear to god, I almost altered my entire college course because of this movie. Amy Addams is brilliant, Jeremy Renner is so soft and nerdy, and again, it has an amazing take on time travel. I am very particular about how time is handled in Sci-fi, and this portrayal was one of my favorite. (Most of my physics studies have been dedicated to the theory of time, so like. Strong Opinions.) 
Stardust! It wasn’t until Good Omens can out that I realized Neil Gaiman is responsible for most of the stories I loved as a kid lol, and I had no idea he wrote stardust! But that is such a beautiful movie (I have a Stardust AU lol) and it’s definitely one of my comfort movies. Captain Shakespeare is one of the best characters ever, bless Robert de Niro. I would die for him. Fun fact, i had no idea Ipswitch was a real place until like. 2019. I 100% thought it was made up for the movie 😂
Alongside Stardust, I’ve always loved The Golden Compass. It’s fantasy, but also with that old-timey steampunk science feel, which is so fun and surprisingly difficult to find! 
Mortal Engines also has the same kind of feel, and it was such an epic movie in every sense of the word. I’m a little sad that after all the work that went into it, it didn’t get a dedicated following or fan base, because I feel there’s so much potential in it. But at the same time, fandom tends to gather around media that has plenty of flaws for us to repair with gold, and there wasn’t much room for that in Mortal Engines. 
I’m going to put Jupiter Ascending here even though it technically fits with the sci-fi, because that section is long as fuck and also this movie has such a fantastic feel. Mila Kunis? beautiful. The CGI? beautiful. Eddy Redmayne? One of the best villain portrayals i’ve ever seen. The whole oedipal vibe he had was immaculate, as was their portrayal of reincarnation, and just. The world building. GOD. I get so weak for through world building. Also the fkn intergalactic bureaucracy when they’re basically at the space DMV? One of my all time favorite scenes in movie history. 
I have very little room in my life for horror. As I said, I have strong movie opinions, especially when it comes to horror movies. I don’t like how most of them rely on cheap jump scares and overused gore and gratuitous rape scenes, instead of, y'know, actual good writing. 
Which is EXACTLY why I adore It: Chapter 1 & 2. It has none of those things, but still manages to be so terrifying. They are my favorite horror movies, and I’m saying this as someone who has genuine childhood trauma bc of the novel. Like. I couldn’t shower/take baths alone until I was almost 10 T_T When I was 6-7 and saw kids play by storm drains, I would run over screaming about how Pennywise was going to get them. Like, I had issues man. I was terrified to see the first one, and wouldn’t go until I could go with my best friend after she had already seen it, so she could warn me when something scary was about to happen 😂
And, one of my favorite aspects of the movie, and the thing that gave me Mad Respect for Any Muschietti? The way he filmed Bev and her father. They have a character who is literally being molested, but they never once have to show it. And yet their interactions are still so viscerally upsetting to watch. Sexploitation puts me off of most horror, and the fact that Muschietti doesn’t use it here, even when it would be actually somewhat justified? *chef’s kiss*. I love him. 
I love horror as a concept, I’m just really picky about it because I expect the writing to be good. I don’t like short cuts. But in a lot of cases, even if I don’t enjoy the movie itself, I love to watch analysis videos on youtube! I love to see the philosophy and symbolism in different horror movies, even if i don’t like to watch the movies themselves. It’s a fun hobby. 
Then in general, some other stuff I love in no particular order:
The Internship (Bless Dylan, Stuart is such a bitch and I love him) 
American Assassin (ofc. The writing itself is eh, but Mitch is my man) 
Dylan’s episode of Weird City. (I actually have a lot of feelings about this one. Jordan Peele is another amazing writer/director, I really need to catch up on his works.) 
Dorian Gray (*chef’s kiss*)
Rogue One (Makes me cry every time) 
WARCRAFT (Obviously this is a fav. It made me so happy, words cannot express.) 
Coraline and most other stop motion animation. I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for that. 
Literally anything associated with Tim Burton. Fun fact, when I was 12 and in middle school, I planned to decorate my future house inspired by tim burton. Like, i had Plans. 
Most adaptations of Alice in Wonderland!
So! this got long as fuck! But you said you like that kind of thing lol 😂 I had kinda Eh sleep since I was up so late lmao, and I kept waking up (as usual, rip). And I’m so mad I go up for nothing! The dude I was supposed to show my listing to never showed, and is refusing to answer my calls >_> It’s been 2 hours now, and I still haven’t heard from him. But whatever, I already have a full price cash offer on the house so who cares. And that means I can play WoW all day, now! 
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mcmansionhell · 7 years
The McMansion Hell Big List of Books, Websites, and Films about Architecture
Edit: I had to take out the “Read More” tab because it killed all of my links, so Sorry for the long post!
Hello Friends! I feel as if I haven’t really been giving back to the community as much I should be in these last few weeks, and that while my latest Sunday posts have been mildly amusing, nobody is really learning anything from them. 
I shared some recommended reading on my Facebook page a week or so ago, and want to expand on that list here. Architecture is a wonderfully rich field with a plethora of resources. This post is a master-list of the architecture books, blogs, websites and films I have accumulated since my early teens. 
While extensive, this is in no way a definitive list, and I’m sure many others will have quite a bit to add on in the comments. I hope you enjoy!
Links are to Amazon. A ** next to the title indicates the link is to an open-source copy of the book, or that it is easily available online. 
General Architecture (non-academic, general interest)
Paul Goldberger, Why Architecture Matters
Alain de Botton, The Architecture of Happiness
Witold Rybczynski: 
Looking Around
How Architecture Works
Matthys Levy/Mario Salvadori, Why Buildings Fall Down**
Mario Salvadori, Why Buildings Stand Up**
Stewart Brand, How Buildings Learn 
Tom Wolfe, From Bauhaus to Our House** 
Christopher Alexander, A Pattern Language** 
Bill Bryson, At Home
Matthew Frederick - 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School
Architectural Style (Field Guides)
Virginia McAlester, A Field Guide to American Houses
If you want to buy one book on this list, I highly recommend this one. It’s the best book out there about American residential architecture. If you’re curious about houses, it’ll sate your curiosity. 
Carol Davidson Cragoe, How to Read Buildings: A Crash Course in Architectural Styles  (this one is neat for traveling about because it’s small)
John J. G. Blumenson, Identifying American Architecture: A Pictorial Guide to Styles and Terms, 1600-1945 (an old but good small guide) 
Nikolaus Pevsner, An Outline of European Architecture**
Pevsner Architectural Guides: Introductions [Houses • Churches]
Richard Apperly, A Pictorial Guide to Identifying Australian Architecture: Styles and Terms from 1788 to the Present
Cities, Suburbs, and Housing (of course not a complete list)
Jane Jacobs: 
The Death and Life of Great American Cities
The Economy of Cities
Cities and the Wealth of Nations
Vital Little Plans: The Short Writings of Jane Jacobs
Kevin Lynch, The Image of the City **
Lewis Mumford: The City in History
Aldo Rossi: The Architecture of the City**
Ebenezer Howard, Garden Cities of Tomorrow
Witold Rybczynski: 
Mysteries of the Mall
City Life
Makeshift Metropolis: Ideas About Cities
Kenneth T Jackson, Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States
Joel Garreau, Edge City: Life on the New Frontier
James Howard Kunstler: 
The Geography of Nowhere
Home from Nowhere
Dolores Hayden, PhD:
Redesigning the American Dream: The Future of Housing, Work and Family Life
A Field Guide to Sprawl
Building Suburbia
Andres Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Jeff Speck: Suburban Nation
It’s only fair to put the New Urbanists in here. 
John Archer, Architecture and Suburbia (a favorite reference of mine)
Tracy Kidder, House
Sarah Susanka, The Not So Big House
Peter Marcuse & David Madden, In Defense of Housing
Matthew Desmond, Evicted
Alex F. Schwartz: Housing Policy in the United States
Architectural History:
Spiro Kostof, A History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals (personal favorite)
Francis Ching, et. al. A Global History of Architecture (a standard college textbook)
Carol Strickland, The Annotated Arch: A Crash Course in Architectural History (a lot of fun!)
Daniel Borden, et al. Architecture: A World History
Leland M. Roth & Amanda C. Clark, American Architecture: A History
William J. R. Curtis: Modern Architecture Since 1900 (a classic)
Edward R. Ford, The Details of Modern Architecture
Kenneth Frampton, Modern Architecture: A Critical History**
Heinrich Klotz, The History of Postmodern Architecture
Charles Jencks, The Story of Postmodernism
Architectural Theory & Criticism Essentials
General Architectural Theory:
Leland Roth, et al. Understanding Architecture: Its Elements, History, and Meaning
Francis Ching, Architecture: Form, Space, and Order** (AKA freshman year of architecture school)
Siegfried Gideon, Space, Time, & Architecture
Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space **
Roger H Clark & Michael Pause, Precedents in Architecture**
Mark Foster Gage, Aesthetic Theory: Essential Texts for Architecture & Design
Geoffrey Scott: The Architecture of Humanism: A Study in the History of Taste **
M. Fil Hearn, Ideas that Shaped Buildings** (a great handbook of architectural theory through history - always by my side.)
Lewis Tsurmaki Lewis, Manual of Section (not quite architectural theory, but a super cool book)
Alexandra Lange, Writing About Architecture - not quite theory but a v good and useful book. 
Kate’s Top 4 Very Old Dead Guys (all public domain)
Vitruvius, The Ten Books of Architecture
Andrea Palladio, The Four Books of Architecture
Leon Battista Alberti, The Ten Books of Architecture
John Ruskin, The Seven Lamps of Architecture
Modern Architecture
Adolf Loos, Ornament & Crime **(fake summary below):
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Le Corbusier, Towards a New Architecture**
Henry Russell Hitchcock & Philip Johnson, The International Style **
Reyner Banham, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age**
Ulrich Conrads, Programs and Manifestos on 20th Century Architecture**
Kenneth Frampton, A Genealogy of Modern Architecture
Ada Louise Huxtable, On Architecture: Reflections on a Century of Change
Current Architectural Theory / Contemporary Classics
Vincent Scully
Architecture: The Natural and the Manmade
American Architecture and Urbanism
Modern Architecture
The Shingle Style Today (this book completely blew my mind in high school, and remains one of my favorite books about architecture to this day.)
Robert Venturi + Denise Scott Brown
Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture**
Learning from Las Vegas**
Rem Koolhaas:
Delirious New York**
Peter Zumthor:
Thinking Architecture
Bernard Tschumi, Architecture & Disjunction**
Junichiro Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows **
Most of these films have the full version online for free. I won’t link directly to them because I don’t want to get yelled at.
Films About Architects:
My Architect [film about Louis Kahn]
Regular or Super: Views on Mies van der Rohe 
Rem Koolhaas: A Kind of Architect
Sketches of Frank Gehry
Frank Lloyd Wright (Ken Burns)
First Person Singular: I.M. Pei
Eames: The Architect & The Painter
Louis Sullivan: The Struggle for American Architecture
Infinite Space: The Architecture of John Lautner
How Much Does Your Building Weigh, Mr. Foster?
Loos Ornamental
Films about Architecture:
Kochuu [film about contemporary Japanese architecture]
The Pruitt-Igoe Myth [about the Pruitt-Igoe housing complex in St. Louis]
Unfinished Spaces [About Cuba’s National Art Schools Project]
Urbanized [about the design of cities]
Visual Acoustics [about the photographer Julius Shulman]
Great Expectations [general architecture]
I’d like to make a shoutout to my colleague Thomas Bena, whose film about McMansions, One Big Home, is making the film circuit now. I’ve seen the movie and will be writing a review on this blog in the coming weeks. In short: go see it if you can!!! 
Architecture News / Popular Websites:
FastCo Design
Life of an Architect
Life of an Architecture Student
Build Blog
Soapbox Architect
My Favorite Websites:
99 Percent Invisible (disclaimer: I write for them)
Archinform - an online encyclopedia of architecture
Monoskop - a huge database of amazing archival resources for architecture and design.
Arts & Architecture database 
US Modernist Magazine Library - incredible collection of primary sources from modernism
Docomomo (preservation of modernist architecture)
Failed Architecture (analyzing failure in architecture)
Places Journal (my favorite online journal)
Emporis (it has every tall building!)
On Tumblr
Tumblr seems to have killed my links. This is devastating.
Like McMansion Hell:
@uglybelgianhouses - the best, really the best. @terriblerealestateagentphotos
General Architecture: @architecture-drawings @archidrawings @archatlas @archidose @archimaps @archiclassic @architecturalmodels @an-architectural-statement @conceptarchitect @rationalistarchitecture @wherearchitectureisfun @archivemodernarchitecture @luciotuzza @drawingarchitecture @dailybungalow @victorianhouses @ofhouses @architorturedsouls
Modern Architecture: @20cmodern @fuckyeahbrutalism @architectureofdoom @modernism-in-metroland @theimportanceofbeingmodernist @modernistestates @germanpostwarmodern @decoarchitecture @englishmodernism @midcenturymodernhomes @bauhaus-movement @artfuckingdeco @iheartnouveau @sosbrutalism @americanmodern
Postmodernism: @aqqindex​ @palmandlaser​ (these two blogs were why I got a tumblr) @memphis-milano​ @80sdeco​ @blockygraphics​ @thetriumphofpostmodernism​
Vintage Stuff: @midcenturymoderndesign​ - mid century modernism @scanzen​  - an assortment of cool stuff @midcenturyblog​ - mid century stuff @superseventies​ - 70s @cardboardamerica​ -vintage postcards @theswinginsixties​ - 60s @70sscifiart​ - 70s Sci Fi Art @driveintheaterofthemind​ - great vintage blog @80stechnology​ - 80s tech @imperialgoogie​ - the 50s @ephemera-phile​ - old print stuff from various eras @heck-yeah-old-tech​ - old technology @quadrafonica​ - vintage hifi @homophoni​ - also vintage hifi @holespoles​ - all kinds of stuff @system32dreams​ - 80s/90s tech @monochrome-monitor​ - 80s/90s tech @beautifulcentury​ - 1890s-1910s @oldadvertising​ - vintage ads @back-then​ - amazing photographs from history @fifties-sixties-everyday-life​ - 50s/60s @y2kaestheticinstitute​ - turn of the 21st century @lpcoverlover​ - record covers @classical-vinyl​ - my first tumblr (I comment as classical-vinyl, fyi)
Favorite Architecture Photographers:
@phdonohue​ @archivemodernarchitecture​ @archivemoderninteriors​ @veronicadelica​ @new-brutalism​ @wmud​
Design/Art/People Who Consistently Post Awesome Things: @archiveofaffinities @zeroing @design-is-fine (one of my favs ever) @c86 @norequeststaken @scavengedluxury (another fav) @99percentinvisible @magictransistor @transistoradio @klappersacks​ @designstroy​ @ffactory​ @instereo007​ @contac​ @publicdomainreview​ @detailsofpaintings​ @modernizor​ @nemfrog​ @bluecote​ @graphicgraphic​
Visual Artists I Like: @sunday-thought @jimharrisart @jacobvanloon @michaelwardartist
Also shoutout to @maverick-ornithography who is not only hilarious, but who was also my first ever follower, so now I’m returning the favor. 
I hope you all enjoyed this post! Next up is Florida on Wednesday, so stay tuned! I’ll finish up Great Britain after that; I’m currently reading books on British vernacular architecture and its history so I’m more informed. I barely dodged some bullets in that last post and had to go back and correct a lot…
Have a great week! 
If you like this post, and want to see more like it, consider supporting me on Patreon! Tonight, I’m doing a live Discord chat with my $5+ Patrons at 8:30PM EST!
Not into recurring donations? Check out the McMansion Hell Store - 30% goes to charity. 
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CWV 101 Full Course -All Assignments and Discussions
CWV 101 Full Course -All Assignments and Discussions
  Click Link Below To Buy:
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 CWV 101 Topic 1 DQ 1
 Recall a time when you met someone with a different worldview than yours and you had a difficult time relating.
1.      What challenges did you have relating to that person?
2.      How might an understanding of the other’s worldview have helped you in that situation?
 CWV 101 Topic 1 DQ 2
 After viewing one of the films listed in the “Topic 1 Discussion Question Film Resource” from the topic materials, answer the following two questions. Before you post, change the title of the post to include the title of the movie you are discussing.
1.      What is one worldview depicted in the movie?
2.      Which character(s) held that worldview?
Provide at least two quotes or scene descriptions from the movie to defend your point.
  CWV 101 Week 1 Assignment Personal Commitments Assessment
In this assignment, you will examine your worldview using the personal commitments described in Chapter 2 of the textbook. This may be the first time you have thought deeply about what you believe, so give yourself time to reflect on each question. You will also have the opportunity to examine your worldview according to a test given in the textbook and to express what you think the Christian faith is all about.
Follow the directions in the “Personal Commitments Assessment.”
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 2 DQ 1
 Where do atheism and Christianity agree and disagree on views of the origin of the universe?
What difference might someone’s belief about the origin of the universe make in how that person lives his or her life?
 CWV 101 Topic 2 DQ 2
 Explain who God is to the Christian using at least three characteristics of God. Why are the characteristics of God so important to the Christian worldview?
 CWV Week 2 Assignment Origins Reflection
In this assignment you will summarize beliefs about the origin of the universe and life, including what Christians believe, what you believe, and how people’s beliefs about origins might impact how they live.
After reflecting on Chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis, create a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation covering the following topics, paying particular emphasis on item three:
1.      Briefly explain the Genesis account of creation (first two chapters). The point is not to retell all aspects of the story in detail but just to make the message of the Bible clear.
2.      Explain and support your interpretation of the origin of the universe. Here you may want to address evolution, age of the earth, and whether or not it can be reconciled with the message of the Bible.
3.      Express how your understanding of the origin of the universe impacts your worldview, specifically your view of God, of humanity, and responsibility to care for the earth.
The first slide will be the title slide including your name and course information. The last slide(s) will be your list of references. You may use the textbook, the lecture, or other scholarly references. Cite all sources, including the Bible, as you would in an essay. The in-text citations should be placed on the actual slides in the presentation so the audience can see them. Put basic content on the actual slides and elaborate on all your points in the slide notes.
In an effort to keep the file sizes reasonable, use no more than four low-resolution images. As in all aspects of this course, show respect for all other views, with no condescension. Keep your presentation positive and focused on what you believe, not on what you do not believe.
Use one to three resources, other than the Bible.
While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 2 Study Guide
Complete Topic 2 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 2 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 2 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 2 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.      List the three Christian views of creation as given in the lecture, and a brief description of each.
 2.      The concept that humanity is created in the image of God may refer to a number of things. List four: two covered in the textbook and two covered in the lecture.
 3.      What are the similarities between the scenes in Revelation 21:1-4 and the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2?
 4.      According to the lecture, what is meant when we say God is sovereign?
 5.      List at least five characteristics of God emphasized in Psalm 145.
 6.      List three reasons for seeing humanity as the pinnacle of God’s creation.
 7.      How does the textbook describe the Garden of Eden?
 8.      How would you describe the nature of work God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden?
 9.      Summarize Proverbs 9:10.
 10.  Summarize God’s statements in Genesis 2:16-18.
 11.  What does the textbook say about the involvement of the Trinity in creation?
 12.  List the four basic “acts” of the overarching biblical story.
  CWV 101 Topic 3 DQ 1
 The Christian worldview provides an explanation for human nature and the story of the creation and fall (Gen 1-3). A great deal of the suffering that people experience and much of man’s inhumanity to man are explained by this description of the fall of human nature. Is this characterization of human nature accurate? Why or why not? If not, what is an alternative explanation?
 CWV 101 Topic 3 DQ 2
 How does the Fall relate to tragedies like 9/11 and disasters such as the Tsunami of 2004?
Explain how your reaction to evil events has caused you to reassess your worldview.
  CWV 101 Week 3 Assignment Fall of Humanity Then and Now Worksheet
In this assignment you will analyze the implications of the fall of humanity, consider the impact of the Fall on humanity, and reflect on the continuing consequences of the Fall for people throughout human history.
One of the central components of every worldview is the topic of human nature. The topic of human nature asks questions about human value, human flourishing, and human purpose. Within the Christian worldview, the issue of sin and the consequences of the Fall factor prominently into the topic of human nature.
In this two-part assignment you will explore the topic of human nature from the perspective of the Christian worldview. The first part of the assignment involves gathering research. The second part of the assignment addresses how the effects of the Fall are still evident in the world today.
Use the “Fall of Humanity: Then and Now Worksheet” to complete this assignment.
While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 3 Study Guide
Complete Topic 3 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 3 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 3 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 3 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.      Summarize Isaiah 59:1-2.
 2.      The textbook and lecture make mention of Judges 21:25, “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (ESV). This is a common refrain in Scripture (Deut 12:8; Prov 12:15, 26:12). What does this refrain indicate about the spiritual state of the people?
 3.      What is the prophecy in Genesis 3:15 known as and what does it mean?
 4.      A main idea, according to the textbook, is that the history of humanity is characterized by a departure from what?
 5.      Which book of the Bible begins with the story of Moses?
 6.      What kind of prayer is found in Nehemiah 9 and how does it contrast God and the people?
 7.      Although created in the image of God, humanity became sinful by nature after the Fall. How extensively does this original sin or depravity affect us according to Romans 3:10-23?
 8.      How did the Fall (sin of Adam and Eve) affect the world according to Genesis 3:16-19?
 9.      What metaphor does the textbook use to describe idolatry?
 10.  According to the textbook, what was the primary message of the Old Testament prophets?
 11.  List the names of Israel’s first three kings.
 12.  After Israel divided into the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom, the southern kingdom of Judah endured much longer but eventually fell to what nation?
 13.  According to the textbook, the wisdom literature (Job through Ecclesiastes) has what central theme?
 14.  According to this topic’s assigned reading, “The Mystery of Original Sin: We Don’t Know Why God Permitted the Fall, But We Know All Too Well the Evil and Sin That Still Plague Us,” by Marguerite Shuster, what is the problem with the world?
 15.  According to that same Shuster article, why might God want us “to believe, trust, and obey him even when there is not a reason to do so that we can wrap our minds around?”
  CWV 101 Topic 4 DQ 1
 According to the Bible and the Christian worldview, Jesus was fully God and fully human. Interacting with the readings, especially Philippians 2:5-11 and Hebrews 1:1-3, explain why this teaching of Jesus’ full divinity and full humanity is important to Christianity.
 CWV 101 Topic 4 DQ 2
 Read the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) and answer the following questions:
1.      What do you believe is the main theme Jesus is communicating?
2.      Explain the three principal characters. Who do you identify with the most, and why?
  CWV 101 Week 4 Assignment Mark 829 Worksheet
 In Mark 8:29, Jesus discussed with his disciples what people were saying about him. Jesus asked his disciples directly, “But who do you say that I am?” In this assignment you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of who Christians claim Jesus is and to share your own belief about who Jesus is. Follow the directions in the “Mark 8:29 Worksheet.” GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
 CWV 101 Topic 4 Study Guide
Complete Topic 4 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 4 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 4 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 4 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.      Read Philippians 2:5-8 and briefly describe the direction Jesus’ life took.
 2.      Read John 1:1-3. What other familiar passage in Scripture does this remind you of?
 3.      In what ways does the textbook say that Jesus is similar to Moses and David?
 4.      Briefly summarize the Parable of the Sower from Mark 4.
 5.      Briefly list the three temptations of Jesus from Matthew 4.
 6.      How is Jesus described in 1 Corinthians 1:24 and John 1:1?
 7.      In the lecture, Jesus is described as fully God and fully man; now briefly describe the Trinity and Jesus’ position in the Trinity.
 8.      Briefly describe the kingdom of God as taught in the textbook.
 9.      Read John 10:1-18 and briefly summarize how Jesus cares for His sheep.
 10.  Briefly summarize the context and story of the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:29-37.
 11.  According to the lecture, what is the atonement and where in the Old Testament is this referred to in prophecy seven times?
 12.  What does the incarnation refer to?
 13.  According to the lecture, what three reasons are stated in Scripture for why God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ?
 14.  Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. What is the Apostle Paul referring to when he says at the end that “the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men?”
 CWV 101 Topic 5 DQ 1
 After reading the account of the resurrection of Christ in Luke 24 and again in the assigned textbook chapters, express why the resurrection is so important to the Christian worldview.
 CWV 101 Topic 5 DQ 2
 According to the Christian worldview, how does one gain eternal life? Use Bible verses to support your response.
How does the Christian concept of hope for the afterlife differ from that concept in other worldviews?
  CWV 101 Week 5 Assignment Benchmark – Gospel Essentials
In this assignment you will summarize and analyze the essential elements of the Christian worldview and reflect on implications for your own worldview.
Write a 1,250-1,500-word essay using at least two course resources (textbook, lectures, the Bible) and at least two other sources from the GCU Library to support your points. Remember, the Bible counts as one reference regardless of how many times you use it or how many verses you cite.
Begin your paper with an appropriate introduction, including a thesis statement to introduce the purpose of the paper.
Organize your paper with the following sections using the seven underlined titles for subheadings.
The Christian Worldview: Describe the beliefs of the Christian worldview with regard to the following components corresponding to Topics 2-5. Write at least one paragraph for each component using the underlined title for a subheading.
God: What is God like? What are God’s characteristics? What is his creation?
Humanity: What is human nature? What is human purpose? What is the root cause of human problems?
Jesus: What is Jesus’ true identity? What did Jesus do? Why is Jesus’ identity and work significant for the Christian worldview?
Restoration: What is the solution to human problems according to the Christian worldview? What role do grace and faith play in Christian salvation? How do Christians think that the transformation of self and society happens?
Analysis: Analyze the Christian worldview by addressing each of the following questions:
1.      What are the benefits or strengths of Christian belief?
2.      What is troublesome or confusing about Christianity?
3.      How does Christianity influence a person’s thinking and behavior?
Reflection: Reflect on your worldview by answering one of the following questions:
1.      If you are not a Christian, what similarities and differences are there between your worldview and the Christian worldview?
2.      If you are a Christian, how specifically do you live out the beliefs of the Christian worldview?
Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV Topic 5 Study Guide
Complete Topic 5 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 5 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 5 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 5 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.      Summarize Romans 3:20-26.
 2.      Summarize Matthew 5:44.
 3.      How does the textbook interpret Matthew 18:21-35 and the Christian’s ability to forgive others?
 4.      Describe the Christian view of salvation and how it differs from the views of other religions.
 5.      What three words beginning with “R” used in the lesson and lecture summarize the gospel message?
 6.      Briefly summarize Isaiah 53:4-6.
 7.      What is the mark of a Christian according to Jesus in John 13:35?
  8.      Read Hebrews 9:24-28. Briefly state the point in each of the last three verses (26-28).
 9.      Summarize John 20:24-29. What is the significance of this passage for Christians today?
  CWV 101 Topic 6 DQ 1
 Jesus made many absolute statements such as the following:
John 14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (NIV).
Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (NIV).
How would you answer someone accusing Christianity of exclusivism?
 CWV 101 Topic 6 DQ 2
 How would you explain how a good, loving, and all-powerful God allows suffering and evil in his creation? Cite a specific example of suffering and/or evil that you have seen or experienced.
  CWV 101 Week 6 Assignment Guided Analysis: Suffering Worksheet
In a guided analysis, you will interact with the problem of evil and suffering and provide your own response to the problem in comparison to the Christian response.
Follow the directions in the “Guided Analysis: Suffering Worksheet.”
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 6 Study Guide
Complete Topic 6 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 6 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 6 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 6 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.      Read the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20.
1.      Briefly list the commandments.
 1.      How do the first four commandments differ from the last six?
 2.      Read the Beatitudes, the blessings of Jesus in the opening verses of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 5:1-12. Which one is repeated and emphasized?
 3.      From the lecture, what two commandments did Jesus say are the greatest?
 4.      From the lecture and textbook, write out the short quote that philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche made famous about truth.
 5.      From the textbook, describe how Raphael, in his great painting School of Athens, depicted Plato and Aristotle.
  6.      According to the lecture, what kind of absolute truths require the existence of God?
 7.      Briefly define general and special revelation.
 8.      From Chapter 8 of the textbook, define exclusivism and pluralism.
 9.      According to Chapter 9 in the textbook, does Job ever find out why he suffered? What is the best explanation from our perspective?
 10.  Read the story of the raising of Lazarus in John 11. What can we learn about Jesus and death from this account of the event?
 11.  Read the 11 reasons for suffering listed in the lecture. Which reason(s) might provide good cause for a Christian to “count it all joy” as James says to do in James 1:2-4?
 12.  Read the section on Theodicy in Chapter 9 of the textbook.
1.      Define theodicy.
 1.      What are two explanations Christians might give to explain the problem of evil—how a good and powerful God would allow suffering?
 13.  According to Philippians 2:1-11, how are Christians to behave in light of what Jesus endured?
   CWV 101 Topic 7 DQ 1
 After reviewing the Chapter 11 “Finding Your Purpose” section, discuss some of the ways that people might discover their purpose.
Where are you in the process of finding your purpose?
 CWV 101 Topic 7 DQ 2
 What might be some of the ramifications of living without purpose?
How might having purpose in life impact the way people live their daily lives, and make long-term plans and decisions?
  CWV 101 Week 7 Assignment Benchmark – Ethical Dilemmas
In this assignment, you will analyze the implications of an ethical issue according to your worldview.
Write a 1,000-1,500 word essay in which you analyze ethical thinking and use values-based decision making to address a case study from the perspective of the Christian worldview as compared to your own worldview assumptions. Choose one case study from the five options listed on the “Ethical Dilemmas” document.
After an appropriate introductory paragraph with a thesis statement in which you name the scenario you are choosing, address each of the following six sections with at least one paragraph each. Use the underlined titles for each of your headings.
1.      Ethical Dilemma: Briefly describe the ethical dilemma in your own words, including (a) what in the scenario makes it difficult to make an ethical decision and (b) at least two options for resolving the scenario, providing a brief overview of what sort of ethical decisions each option might make.
2.      Core Beliefs: What beliefs about God and humanity from the Christian worldview are relevant to the scenario? How might these core worldview commitments of Christians influence one’s decision making with regard to this scenario?
3.      Resolution: Describe the Christian worldview’s proposal for resolving the ethical dilemma. How should the person in the scenario act according to the Christian worldview? What is the best course of action for a Christian? (Note: The resolution should be consistent with Christian worldview commitments.)
4.      Evaluation: What might be the unintended consequences and perceived benefits of the resolution proposed by the Christian worldview?
5.      Comparison: How does the Christian worldview’s resolution compare to another option?
6.      Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.
7.      References
Use and cite two course resources (textbook, lectures, and the Bible), and at least two scholarly sources from the GCU online library that address the issue from opposing sides. Refer to the directions on “Navigating the GCU Library for CWV Benchmark Research” and the “Example Ethical Dilemma Essay” documents.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 7 Study Guide
Complete the Topic 7 Study Guide to prepare for the Final Exam.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Final Exam portion which covers questions from topic 7. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy. The Final Exam will also include three review questions from each of the previous quizzes, so review previous study guides as well.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Final Exam.
The exam will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the exam. Once you start the exam, do not exit the exam until the entire exam is completed. Exiting out of the exam before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.      Read the section on The Kingdom of God in chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:
1.      Is it a present kingdom or a future kingdom?
 1.      Is it a physical kingdom or a spiritual kingdom?
 1.      List two other characteristics found in the reading.
 2.      Read the section on The Mission of God in chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:
1.      How is it related to God’s character?
 1.      How is God’s mission characterized?
 3.      Read the sidebar on Finding Your Purpose in chapter 11 of the textbook and describe the work ethic presented. What kind of work is best?
 4.      List God’s purposes for our lives from Romans 8:28-29 (see Lecture 7).
 5.      Read the section on Belief and Behavior in chapter 12 of the textbook and James 2:14-26. What is the relationship between faith and action?
 6.      According to Mark 8:34, is being a disciple of Jesus easy or costly?
 7.      Read the section on The Work of the Holy Spirit in chapter 12 of the textbook. List two functions of the Spirit in a Christian’s life.
 8.      According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism quoted in the lecture, what is the primary purpose of humanity?
 9.      Read 1 Corinthians 15:42-57 and list three characteristics of the glorified state.
0 notes
pipkornj0332-blog · 6 years
English 101 has taught me several new writing techniques and skills that have helped me take my writing onto a new level. The activities assigned during the semester have changed my perception on writing and made me more of a creative thinker while forming essays. The activities were difficult, but it and made me challenge myself to think outside of the box which has made me a more efficient writer. The skills I have developed during the semester will help me with upcoming writing tasks in the future.
I used rhetorical knowledge in class while I was writing my essay of the film, The Incredibles. I believe I did a good job analyzing and responding to the needs of different audiences and rhetorical contexts by making it appeal to people who love movies. I studied and took notes of important scenes of the movie for example, I examined all the different characters roles that effected the storyline and how their character grew throughout the film and created connections with the audience. While writing my essay I made rhetorical choices that consistes of a controlling purpose to keep the audience engaged in my writings otherwise they might lose interest and move on. I believe I also did a good job at using reasoning and evidence to strengthen my essays persuasiveness. This was easy to me because I am familiar with the popular animated film. I was able to make connections that were clear to other while reading my review.
After my critical thinking and research on my position paper I concluded that the drinking age should stay at twenty-one. my peers did not agree with my stance and instead believed that the drinking age should be lowered. One example from my essay that they strongly disagreed with is how alcoholic beverages can interfere can have a long-term effect on the growing and developing brain. In my position paper I stated how the alcoholic beverages can negatively affect the brains ability to function, which can have a long-term effect on your brains ability to function. Many of my peers who disagreed with this statement made the argument that keeping the drinking age to twenty-one would make no difference in the design making of someone under the age of twenty-one when they think about drinking. If they have access to the liquor they will drink, even if they are not twenty-one. I personally was able to handle this confutation by knowing in the long run my peers will be thanking me that I have helped make them aware of what they are doing to their bodies. The part I believe I struggled with the most while writing this essay was on the situational and applying cultural construct. This is an area I did not understand completely how to apply to my writing.
For the writing and research process category, the position paper I did on keeping the drinking age twenty-one, helped me reach these outcomes. During the early stages of making this paper I had to re-read and fix all my errors I created in my writing, while everyone in the class had to do the critiques of other class mates paper, which helped me become better at critiquing my own writing and others.  Thankfully because of the library and all the tools it gives to utilize I was able to understand the basics of academic research.
For this paragraph I am going to use my movie review on The Incredibles to show how I met the outcomes of the academic writing conversations category. Since the Incredibles is such a popular movie there is a lot of conversations and discussions that go on about the films characters, animation, and plot. Those are m some of the main ideas I wrote in my film review. I had to figure out the type of style I was going to use which writing my review, so the audience reading my review would stay intrigued. As I was writing was writing I showed ethical and appropriate usage of primary and secondary sources through my Disney Pixar source.
Throughout the semester I learned many new skills and techniques that have helped me improve in my writings. In the class I have discovered a lot of strengths and weaknesses about my writing skills. The techniques I have developed will help me with upcoming future writing tasks.
0 notes
CWV-101 all weeks dq and assignments – Entire Course
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 CWV-101 all weeks dq and assignments – Entire Course
 CWV-101 Full Course
 CWV 101 Topic 1 DQ 1
 Recall a time when you met someone with a different worldview than yours and you had a difficult time relating.
1.     What challenges did you have relating to that person?
2.     How might an understanding of the other’s worldview have helped you in that situation?
 CWV 101 Topic 1 DQ 2
 After viewing one of the films listed in the “Topic 1 Discussion Question Film Resource” from the topic materials, answer the following two questions. Before you post, change the title of the post to include the title of the movie you are discussing.
1.     What is one worldview depicted in the movie?
2.     Which character(s) held that worldview?
Provide at least two quotes or scene descriptions from the movie to defend your point.
  CWV 101 Week 1 Assignment Personal Commitments Assessment
In this assignment, you will examine your worldview using the personal commitments described in Chapter 2 of the textbook. This may be the first time you have thought deeply about what you believe, so give yourself time to reflect on each question. You will also have the opportunity to examine your worldview according to a test given in the textbook and to express what you think the Christian faith is all about.
Follow the directions in the “Personal Commitments Assessment.”
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 2 DQ 1
 Where do atheism and Christianity agree and disagree on views of the origin of the universe?
What difference might someone’s belief about the origin of the universe make in how that person lives his or her life?
 CWV 101 Topic 2 DQ 2
 Explain who God is to the Christian using at least three characteristics of God. Why are the characteristics of God so important to the Christian worldview?
 CWV Week 2 Assignment Origins Reflection
In this assignment you will summarize beliefs about the origin of the universe and life, including what Christians believe, what you believe, and how people’s beliefs about origins might impact how they live.
After reflecting on Chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis, create a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation covering the following topics, paying particular emphasis on item three:
1.     Briefly explain the Genesis account of creation (first two chapters). The point is not to retell all aspects of the story in detail but just to make the message of the Bible clear.
2.     Explain and support your interpretation of the origin of the universe. Here you may want to address evolution, age of the earth, and whether or not it can be reconciled with the message of the Bible.
3.     Express how your understanding of the origin of the universe impacts your worldview, specifically your view of God, of humanity, and responsibility to care for the earth.
The first slide will be the title slide including your name and course information. The last slide(s) will be your list of references. You may use the textbook, the lecture, or other scholarly references. Cite all sources, including the Bible, as you would in an essay. The in-text citations should be placed on the actual slides in the presentation so the audience can see them. Put basic content on the actual slides and elaborate on all your points in the slide notes.
In an effort to keep the file sizes reasonable, use no more than four low-resolution images. As in all aspects of this course, show respect for all other views, with no condescension. Keep your presentation positive and focused on what you believe, not on what you do not believe.
Use one to three resources, other than the Bible.
While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 2 Study Guide
Complete Topic 2 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 2 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 2 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 2 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     List the three Christian views of creation as given in the lecture, and a brief description of each.
 2.     The concept that humanity is created in the image of God may refer to a number of things. List four: two covered in the textbook and two covered in the lecture.
 3.     What are the similarities between the scenes in Revelation 21:1-4 and the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2?
 4.     According to the lecture, what is meant when we say God is sovereign?
 5.     List at least five characteristics of God emphasized in Psalm 145.
 6.     List three reasons for seeing humanity as the pinnacle of God’s creation.
 7.     How does the textbook describe the Garden of Eden?
 8.     How would you describe the nature of work God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden?
 9.     Summarize Proverbs 9:10.
 10.   Summarize God’s statements in Genesis 2:16-18.
 11.   What does the textbook say about the involvement of the Trinity in creation?
 12.   List the four basic “acts” of the overarching biblical story.
  CWV 101 Topic 3 DQ 1
 The Christian worldview provides an explanation for human nature and the story of the creation and fall (Gen 1-3). A great deal of the suffering that people experience and much of man’s inhumanity to man are explained by this description of the fall of human nature. Is this characterization of human nature accurate? Why or why not? If not, what is an alternative explanation?
 CWV 101 Topic 3 DQ 2
 How does the Fall relate to tragedies like 9/11 and disasters such as the Tsunami of 2004?
Explain how your reaction to evil events has caused you to reassess your worldview.
  CWV 101 Week 3 Assignment Fall of Humanity Then and Now Worksheet
In this assignment you will analyze the implications of the fall of humanity, consider the impact of the Fall on humanity, and reflect on the continuing consequences of the Fall for people throughout human history.
One of the central components of every worldview is the topic of human nature. The topic of human nature asks questions about human value, human flourishing, and human purpose. Within the Christian worldview, the issue of sin and the consequences of the Fall factor prominently into the topic of human nature.
In this two-part assignment you will explore the topic of human nature from the perspective of the Christian worldview. The first part of the assignment involves gathering research. The second part of the assignment addresses how the effects of the Fall are still evident in the world today.
Use the “Fall of Humanity: Then and Now Worksheet” to complete this assignment.
While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 3 Study Guide
Complete Topic 3 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 3 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 3 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 3 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Summarize Isaiah 59:1-2.
 2.     The textbook and lecture make mention of Judges 21:25, “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (ESV). This is a common refrain in Scripture (Deut 12:8; Prov 12:15, 26:12). What does this refrain indicate about the spiritual state of the people?
 3.     What is the prophecy in Genesis 3:15 known as and what does it mean?
 4.     A main idea, according to the textbook, is that the history of humanity is characterized by a departure from what?
 5.     Which book of the Bible begins with the story of Moses?
 6.     What kind of prayer is found in Nehemiah 9 and how does it contrast God and the people?
 7.     Although created in the image of God, humanity became sinful by nature after the Fall. How extensively does this original sin or depravity affect us according to Romans 3:10-23?
 8.     How did the Fall (sin of Adam and Eve) affect the world according to Genesis 3:16-19?
 9.     What metaphor does the textbook use to describe idolatry?
 10.   According to the textbook, what was the primary message of the Old Testament prophets?
 11.   List the names of Israel’s first three kings.
 12.   After Israel divided into the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom, the southern kingdom of Judah endured much longer but eventually fell to what nation?
 13.   According to the textbook, the wisdom literature (Job through Ecclesiastes) has what central theme?
 14.   According to this topic’s assigned reading, “The Mystery of Original Sin: We Don’t Know Why God Permitted the Fall, But We Know All Too Well the Evil and Sin That Still Plague Us,” by Marguerite Shuster, what is the problem with the world?
 15.   According to that same Shuster article, why might God want us “to believe, trust, and obey him even when there is not a reason to do so that we can wrap our minds around?”
  CWV 101 Topic 4 DQ 1
 According to the Bible and the Christian worldview, Jesus was fully God and fully human. Interacting with the readings, especially Philippians 2:5-11 and Hebrews 1:1-3, explain why this teaching of Jesus’ full divinity and full humanity is important to Christianity.
 CWV 101 Topic 4 DQ 2
 Read the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) and answer the following questions:
1.     What do you believe is the main theme Jesus is communicating?
2.     Explain the three principal characters. Who do you identify with the most, and why?
  CWV 101 Week 4 Assignment Mark 829 Worksheet
 In Mark 8:29, Jesus discussed with his disciples what people were saying about him. Jesus asked his disciples directly, “But who do you say that I am?” In this assignment you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of who Christians claim Jesus is and to share your own belief about who Jesus is. Follow the directions in the “Mark 8:29 Worksheet.” GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
 CWV 101 Topic 4 Study Guide
Complete Topic 4 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 4 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 4 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 4 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Read Philippians 2:5-8 and briefly describe the direction Jesus’ life took.
 2.     Read John 1:1-3. What other familiar passage in Scripture does this remind you of?
 3.     In what ways does the textbook say that Jesus is similar to Moses and David?
 4.     Briefly summarize the Parable of the Sower from Mark 4.
 5.     Briefly list the three temptations of Jesus from Matthew 4.
 6.     How is Jesus described in 1 Corinthians 1:24 and John 1:1?
 7.     In the lecture, Jesus is described as fully God and fully man; now briefly describe the Trinity and Jesus’ position in the Trinity.
 8.     Briefly describe the kingdom of God as taught in the textbook.
 9.     Read John 10:1-18 and briefly summarize how Jesus cares for His sheep.
 10.   Briefly summarize the context and story of the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:29-37.
 11.   According to the lecture, what is the atonement and where in the Old Testament is this referred to in prophecy seven times?
 12.   What does the incarnation refer to?
 13.   According to the lecture, what three reasons are stated in Scripture for why God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ?
 14.   Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. What is the Apostle Paul referring to when he says at the end that “the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men?”
 CWV 101 Topic 5 DQ 1
 After reading the account of the resurrection of Christ in Luke 24 and again in the assigned textbook chapters, express why the resurrection is so important to the Christian worldview.
 CWV 101 Topic 5 DQ 2
 According to the Christian worldview, how does one gain eternal life? Use Bible verses to support your response.
How does the Christian concept of hope for the afterlife differ from that concept in other worldviews?
  CWV 101 Week 5 Assignment Benchmark – Gospel Essentials
In this assignment you will summarize and analyze the essential elements of the Christian worldview and reflect on implications for your own worldview.
Write a 1,250-1,500-word essay using at least two course resources (textbook, lectures, the Bible) and at least two other sources from the GCU Library to support your points. Remember, the Bible counts as one reference regardless of how many times you use it or how many verses you cite.
Begin your paper with an appropriate introduction, including a thesis statement to introduce the purpose of the paper.
Organize your paper with the following sections using the seven underlined titles for subheadings.
The Christian Worldview: Describe the beliefs of the Christian worldview with regard to the following components corresponding to Topics 2-5. Write at least one paragraph for each component using the underlined title for a subheading.
God: What is God like? What are God’s characteristics? What is his creation?
Humanity: What is human nature? What is human purpose? What is the root cause of human problems?
Jesus: What is Jesus’ true identity? What did Jesus do? Why is Jesus’ identity and work significant for the Christian worldview?
Restoration: What is the solution to human problems according to the Christian worldview? What role do grace and faith play in Christian salvation? How do Christians think that the transformation of self and society happens?
Analysis: Analyze the Christian worldview by addressing each of the following questions:
1.     What are the benefits or strengths of Christian belief?
2.     What is troublesome or confusing about Christianity?
3.     How does Christianity influence a person’s thinking and behavior?
Reflection: Reflect on your worldview by answering one of the following questions:
1.     If you are not a Christian, what similarities and differences are there between your worldview and the Christian worldview?
2.     If you are a Christian, how specifically do you live out the beliefs of the Christian worldview?
Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV Topic 5 Study Guide
Complete Topic 5 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 5 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 5 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 5 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Summarize Romans 3:20-26.
 2.     Summarize Matthew 5:44.
 3.     How does the textbook interpret Matthew 18:21-35 and the Christian’s ability to forgive others?
 4.     Describe the Christian view of salvation and how it differs from the views of other religions.
 5.     What three words beginning with “R” used in the lesson and lecture summarize the gospel message?
 6.     Briefly summarize Isaiah 53:4-6.
 7.     What is the mark of a Christian according to Jesus in John 13:35?
  8.     Read Hebrews 9:24-28. Briefly state the point in each of the last three verses (26-28).
 9.     Summarize John 20:24-29. What is the significance of this passage for Christians today?
  CWV 101 Topic 6 DQ 1
 Jesus made many absolute statements such as the following:
John 14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (NIV).
Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (NIV).
How would you answer someone accusing Christianity of exclusivism?
 CWV 101 Topic 6 DQ 2
 How would you explain how a good, loving, and all-powerful God allows suffering and evil in his creation? Cite a specific example of suffering and/or evil that you have seen or experienced.
  CWV 101 Week 6 Assignment Guided Analysis: Suffering Worksheet
In a guided analysis, you will interact with the problem of evil and suffering and provide your own response to the problem in comparison to the Christian response.
Follow the directions in the “Guided Analysis: Suffering Worksheet.”
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 6 Study Guide
Complete Topic 6 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 6 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 6 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 6 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Read the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20.
1.     Briefly list the commandments.
 1.     How do the first four commandments differ from the last six?
 2.     Read the Beatitudes, the blessings of Jesus in the opening verses of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 5:1-12. Which one is repeated and emphasized?
 3.     From the lecture, what two commandments did Jesus say are the greatest?
 4.     From the lecture and textbook, write out the short quote that philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche made famous about truth.
 5.     From the textbook, describe how Raphael, in his great painting School of Athens, depicted Plato and Aristotle.
  6.     According to the lecture, what kind of absolute truths require the existence of God?
 7.     Briefly define general and special revelation.
 8.     From Chapter 8 of the textbook, define exclusivism and pluralism.
 9.     According to Chapter 9 in the textbook, does Job ever find out why he suffered? What is the best explanation from our perspective?
 10.   Read the story of the raising of Lazarus in John 11. What can we learn about Jesus and death from this account of the event?
 11.   Read the 11 reasons for suffering listed in the lecture. Which reason(s) might provide good cause for a Christian to “count it all joy” as James says to do in James 1:2-4?
 12.   Read the section on Theodicy in Chapter 9 of the textbook.
1.     Define theodicy.
 1.     What are two explanations Christians might give to explain the problem of evil—how a good and powerful God would allow suffering?
 13.   According to Philippians 2:1-11, how are Christians to behave in light of what Jesus endured?
   CWV 101 Topic 7 DQ 1
 After reviewing the Chapter 11 “Finding Your Purpose” section, discuss some of the ways that people might discover their purpose.
Where are you in the process of finding your purpose?
 CWV 101 Topic 7 DQ 2
 What might be some of the ramifications of living without purpose?
How might having purpose in life impact the way people live their daily lives, and make long-term plans and decisions?
  CWV 101 Week 7 Assignment Benchmark – Ethical Dilemmas
In this assignment, you will analyze the implications of an ethical issue according to your worldview.
Write a 1,000-1,500 word essay in which you analyze ethical thinking and use values-based decision making to address a case study from the perspective of the Christian worldview as compared to your own worldview assumptions. Choose one case study from the five options listed on the “Ethical Dilemmas” document.
After an appropriate introductory paragraph with a thesis statement in which you name the scenario you are choosing, address each of the following six sections with at least one paragraph each. Use the underlined titles for each of your headings.
1.     Ethical Dilemma: Briefly describe the ethical dilemma in your own words, including (a) what in the scenario makes it difficult to make an ethical decision and (b) at least two options for resolving the scenario, providing a brief overview of what sort of ethical decisions each option might make.
2.     Core Beliefs: What beliefs about God and humanity from the Christian worldview are relevant to the scenario? How might these core worldview commitments of Christians influence one’s decision making with regard to this scenario?
3.     Resolution: Describe the Christian worldview’s proposal for resolving the ethical dilemma. How should the person in the scenario act according to the Christian worldview? What is the best course of action for a Christian? (Note: The resolution should be consistent with Christian worldview commitments.)
4.     Evaluation: What might be the unintended consequences and perceived benefits of the resolution proposed by the Christian worldview?
5.     Comparison: How does the Christian worldview’s resolution compare to another option?
6.     Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.
7.     References
Use and cite two course resources (textbook, lectures, and the Bible), and at least two scholarly sources from the GCU online library that address the issue from opposing sides. Refer to the directions on “Navigating the GCU Library for CWV Benchmark Research” and the “Example Ethical Dilemma Essay” documents.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 7 Study Guide
Complete the Topic 7 Study Guide to prepare for the Final Exam.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Final Exam portion which covers questions from topic 7. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy. The Final Exam will also include three review questions from each of the previous quizzes, so review previous study guides as well.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Final Exam.
The exam will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the exam. Once you start the exam, do not exit the exam until the entire exam is completed. Exiting out of the exam before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Read the section on The Kingdom of God in chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:
1.     Is it a present kingdom or a future kingdom?
 1.     Is it a physical kingdom or a spiritual kingdom?
 1.     List two other characteristics found in the reading.
 2.     Read the section on The Mission of God in chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:
1.     How is it related to God’s character?
 1.     How is God’s mission characterized?
 3.     Read the sidebar on Finding Your Purpose in chapter 11 of the textbook and describe the work ethic presented. What kind of work is best?
 4.     List God’s purposes for our lives from Romans 8:28-29 (see Lecture 7).
 5.     Read the section on Belief and Behavior in chapter 12 of the textbook and James 2:14-26. What is the relationship between faith and action?
 6.     According to Mark 8:34, is being a disciple of Jesus easy or costly?
 7.     Read the section on The Work of the Holy Spirit in chapter 12 of the textbook. List two functions of the Spirit in a Christian’s life.
 8.     According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism quoted in the lecture, what is the primary purpose of humanity?
 9.     Read 1 Corinthians 15:42-57 and list three characteristics of the glorified state.
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ernestineterry-blog · 7 years
CWV-101 all weeks dq and assignments – Entire Course
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 CWV-101 all weeks dq and assignments – Entire Course
 CWV-101 Full Course
 CWV 101 Topic 1 DQ 1
 Recall a time when you met someone with a different worldview than yours and you had a difficult time relating.
1.     What challenges did you have relating to that person?
2.     How might an understanding of the other’s worldview have helped you in that situation?
 CWV 101 Topic 1 DQ 2
 After viewing one of the films listed in the “Topic 1 Discussion Question Film Resource” from the topic materials, answer the following two questions. Before you post, change the title of the post to include the title of the movie you are discussing.
1.     What is one worldview depicted in the movie?
2.     Which character(s) held that worldview?
Provide at least two quotes or scene descriptions from the movie to defend your point.
  CWV 101 Week 1 Assignment Personal Commitments Assessment
In this assignment, you will examine your worldview using the personal commitments described in Chapter 2 of the textbook. This may be the first time you have thought deeply about what you believe, so give yourself time to reflect on each question. You will also have the opportunity to examine your worldview according to a test given in the textbook and to express what you think the Christian faith is all about.
Follow the directions in the “Personal Commitments Assessment.”
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 2 DQ 1
 Where do atheism and Christianity agree and disagree on views of the origin of the universe?
What difference might someone’s belief about the origin of the universe make in how that person lives his or her life?
 CWV 101 Topic 2 DQ 2
 Explain who God is to the Christian using at least three characteristics of God. Why are the characteristics of God so important to the Christian worldview?
 CWV Week 2 Assignment Origins Reflection
In this assignment you will summarize beliefs about the origin of the universe and life, including what Christians believe, what you believe, and how people’s beliefs about origins might impact how they live.
After reflecting on Chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis, create a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation covering the following topics, paying particular emphasis on item three:
1.     Briefly explain the Genesis account of creation (first two chapters). The point is not to retell all aspects of the story in detail but just to make the message of the Bible clear.
2.     Explain and support your interpretation of the origin of the universe. Here you may want to address evolution, age of the earth, and whether or not it can be reconciled with the message of the Bible.
3.     Express how your understanding of the origin of the universe impacts your worldview, specifically your view of God, of humanity, and responsibility to care for the earth.
The first slide will be the title slide including your name and course information. The last slide(s) will be your list of references. You may use the textbook, the lecture, or other scholarly references. Cite all sources, including the Bible, as you would in an essay. The in-text citations should be placed on the actual slides in the presentation so the audience can see them. Put basic content on the actual slides and elaborate on all your points in the slide notes.
In an effort to keep the file sizes reasonable, use no more than four low-resolution images. As in all aspects of this course, show respect for all other views, with no condescension. Keep your presentation positive and focused on what you believe, not on what you do not believe.
Use one to three resources, other than the Bible.
While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 2 Study Guide
Complete Topic 2 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 2 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 2 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 2 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     List the three Christian views of creation as given in the lecture, and a brief description of each.
 2.     The concept that humanity is created in the image of God may refer to a number of things. List four: two covered in the textbook and two covered in the lecture.
 3.     What are the similarities between the scenes in Revelation 21:1-4 and the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2?
 4.     According to the lecture, what is meant when we say God is sovereign?
 5.     List at least five characteristics of God emphasized in Psalm 145.
 6.     List three reasons for seeing humanity as the pinnacle of God’s creation.
 7.     How does the textbook describe the Garden of Eden?
 8.     How would you describe the nature of work God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden?
 9.     Summarize Proverbs 9:10.
 10.   Summarize God’s statements in Genesis 2:16-18.
 11.   What does the textbook say about the involvement of the Trinity in creation?
 12.   List the four basic “acts” of the overarching biblical story.
  CWV 101 Topic 3 DQ 1
 The Christian worldview provides an explanation for human nature and the story of the creation and fall (Gen 1-3). A great deal of the suffering that people experience and much of man’s inhumanity to man are explained by this description of the fall of human nature. Is this characterization of human nature accurate? Why or why not? If not, what is an alternative explanation?
 CWV 101 Topic 3 DQ 2
 How does the Fall relate to tragedies like 9/11 and disasters such as the Tsunami of 2004?
Explain how your reaction to evil events has caused you to reassess your worldview.
  CWV 101 Week 3 Assignment Fall of Humanity Then and Now Worksheet
In this assignment you will analyze the implications of the fall of humanity, consider the impact of the Fall on humanity, and reflect on the continuing consequences of the Fall for people throughout human history.
One of the central components of every worldview is the topic of human nature. The topic of human nature asks questions about human value, human flourishing, and human purpose. Within the Christian worldview, the issue of sin and the consequences of the Fall factor prominently into the topic of human nature.
In this two-part assignment you will explore the topic of human nature from the perspective of the Christian worldview. The first part of the assignment involves gathering research. The second part of the assignment addresses how the effects of the Fall are still evident in the world today.
Use the “Fall of Humanity: Then and Now Worksheet” to complete this assignment.
While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 3 Study Guide
Complete Topic 3 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 3 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 3 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 3 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Summarize Isaiah 59:1-2.
 2.     The textbook and lecture make mention of Judges 21:25, “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (ESV). This is a common refrain in Scripture (Deut 12:8; Prov 12:15, 26:12). What does this refrain indicate about the spiritual state of the people?
 3.     What is the prophecy in Genesis 3:15 known as and what does it mean?
 4.     A main idea, according to the textbook, is that the history of humanity is characterized by a departure from what?
 5.     Which book of the Bible begins with the story of Moses?
 6.     What kind of prayer is found in Nehemiah 9 and how does it contrast God and the people?
 7.     Although created in the image of God, humanity became sinful by nature after the Fall. How extensively does this original sin or depravity affect us according to Romans 3:10-23?
 8.     How did the Fall (sin of Adam and Eve) affect the world according to Genesis 3:16-19?
 9.     What metaphor does the textbook use to describe idolatry?
 10.   According to the textbook, what was the primary message of the Old Testament prophets?
 11.   List the names of Israel’s first three kings.
 12.   After Israel divided into the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom, the southern kingdom of Judah endured much longer but eventually fell to what nation?
 13.   According to the textbook, the wisdom literature (Job through Ecclesiastes) has what central theme?
 14.   According to this topic’s assigned reading, “The Mystery of Original Sin: We Don’t Know Why God Permitted the Fall, But We Know All Too Well the Evil and Sin That Still Plague Us,” by Marguerite Shuster, what is the problem with the world?
 15.   According to that same Shuster article, why might God want us “to believe, trust, and obey him even when there is not a reason to do so that we can wrap our minds around?”
  CWV 101 Topic 4 DQ 1
 According to the Bible and the Christian worldview, Jesus was fully God and fully human. Interacting with the readings, especially Philippians 2:5-11 and Hebrews 1:1-3, explain why this teaching of Jesus’ full divinity and full humanity is important to Christianity.
 CWV 101 Topic 4 DQ 2
 Read the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) and answer the following questions:
1.     What do you believe is the main theme Jesus is communicating?
2.     Explain the three principal characters. Who do you identify with the most, and why?
  CWV 101 Week 4 Assignment Mark 829 Worksheet
 In Mark 8:29, Jesus discussed with his disciples what people were saying about him. Jesus asked his disciples directly, “But who do you say that I am?” In this assignment you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of who Christians claim Jesus is and to share your own belief about who Jesus is. Follow the directions in the “Mark 8:29 Worksheet.” GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
 CWV 101 Topic 4 Study Guide
Complete Topic 4 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 4 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 4 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 4 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Read Philippians 2:5-8 and briefly describe the direction Jesus’ life took.
 2.     Read John 1:1-3. What other familiar passage in Scripture does this remind you of?
 3.     In what ways does the textbook say that Jesus is similar to Moses and David?
 4.     Briefly summarize the Parable of the Sower from Mark 4.
 5.     Briefly list the three temptations of Jesus from Matthew 4.
 6.     How is Jesus described in 1 Corinthians 1:24 and John 1:1?
 7.     In the lecture, Jesus is described as fully God and fully man; now briefly describe the Trinity and Jesus’ position in the Trinity.
 8.     Briefly describe the kingdom of God as taught in the textbook.
 9.     Read John 10:1-18 and briefly summarize how Jesus cares for His sheep.
 10.   Briefly summarize the context and story of the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:29-37.
 11.   According to the lecture, what is the atonement and where in the Old Testament is this referred to in prophecy seven times?
 12.   What does the incarnation refer to?
 13.   According to the lecture, what three reasons are stated in Scripture for why God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ?
 14.   Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. What is the Apostle Paul referring to when he says at the end that “the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men?”
 CWV 101 Topic 5 DQ 1
 After reading the account of the resurrection of Christ in Luke 24 and again in the assigned textbook chapters, express why the resurrection is so important to the Christian worldview.
 CWV 101 Topic 5 DQ 2
 According to the Christian worldview, how does one gain eternal life? Use Bible verses to support your response.
How does the Christian concept of hope for the afterlife differ from that concept in other worldviews?
  CWV 101 Week 5 Assignment Benchmark – Gospel Essentials
In this assignment you will summarize and analyze the essential elements of the Christian worldview and reflect on implications for your own worldview.
Write a 1,250-1,500-word essay using at least two course resources (textbook, lectures, the Bible) and at least two other sources from the GCU Library to support your points. Remember, the Bible counts as one reference regardless of how many times you use it or how many verses you cite.
Begin your paper with an appropriate introduction, including a thesis statement to introduce the purpose of the paper.
Organize your paper with the following sections using the seven underlined titles for subheadings.
The Christian Worldview: Describe the beliefs of the Christian worldview with regard to the following components corresponding to Topics 2-5. Write at least one paragraph for each component using the underlined title for a subheading.
God: What is God like? What are God’s characteristics? What is his creation?
Humanity: What is human nature? What is human purpose? What is the root cause of human problems?
Jesus: What is Jesus’ true identity? What did Jesus do? Why is Jesus’ identity and work significant for the Christian worldview?
Restoration: What is the solution to human problems according to the Christian worldview? What role do grace and faith play in Christian salvation? How do Christians think that the transformation of self and society happens?
Analysis: Analyze the Christian worldview by addressing each of the following questions:
1.     What are the benefits or strengths of Christian belief?
2.     What is troublesome or confusing about Christianity?
3.     How does Christianity influence a person’s thinking and behavior?
Reflection: Reflect on your worldview by answering one of the following questions:
1.     If you are not a Christian, what similarities and differences are there between your worldview and the Christian worldview?
2.     If you are a Christian, how specifically do you live out the beliefs of the Christian worldview?
Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV Topic 5 Study Guide
Complete Topic 5 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 5 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 5 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 5 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Summarize Romans 3:20-26.
 2.     Summarize Matthew 5:44.
 3.     How does the textbook interpret Matthew 18:21-35 and the Christian’s ability to forgive others?
 4.     Describe the Christian view of salvation and how it differs from the views of other religions.
 5.     What three words beginning with “R” used in the lesson and lecture summarize the gospel message?
 6.     Briefly summarize Isaiah 53:4-6.
 7.     What is the mark of a Christian according to Jesus in John 13:35?
  8.     Read Hebrews 9:24-28. Briefly state the point in each of the last three verses (26-28).
 9.     Summarize John 20:24-29. What is the significance of this passage for Christians today?
  CWV 101 Topic 6 DQ 1
 Jesus made many absolute statements such as the following:
John 14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (NIV).
Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (NIV).
How would you answer someone accusing Christianity of exclusivism?
 CWV 101 Topic 6 DQ 2
 How would you explain how a good, loving, and all-powerful God allows suffering and evil in his creation? Cite a specific example of suffering and/or evil that you have seen or experienced.
  CWV 101 Week 6 Assignment Guided Analysis: Suffering Worksheet
In a guided analysis, you will interact with the problem of evil and suffering and provide your own response to the problem in comparison to the Christian response.
Follow the directions in the “Guided Analysis: Suffering Worksheet.”
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 6 Study Guide
Complete Topic 6 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 6 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 6 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 6 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Read the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20.
1.     Briefly list the commandments.
 1.     How do the first four commandments differ from the last six?
 2.     Read the Beatitudes, the blessings of Jesus in the opening verses of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 5:1-12. Which one is repeated and emphasized?
 3.     From the lecture, what two commandments did Jesus say are the greatest?
 4.     From the lecture and textbook, write out the short quote that philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche made famous about truth.
 5.     From the textbook, describe how Raphael, in his great painting School of Athens, depicted Plato and Aristotle.
  6.     According to the lecture, what kind of absolute truths require the existence of God?
 7.     Briefly define general and special revelation.
 8.     From Chapter 8 of the textbook, define exclusivism and pluralism.
 9.     According to Chapter 9 in the textbook, does Job ever find out why he suffered? What is the best explanation from our perspective?
 10.   Read the story of the raising of Lazarus in John 11. What can we learn about Jesus and death from this account of the event?
 11.   Read the 11 reasons for suffering listed in the lecture. Which reason(s) might provide good cause for a Christian to “count it all joy” as James says to do in James 1:2-4?
 12.   Read the section on Theodicy in Chapter 9 of the textbook.
1.     Define theodicy.
 1.     What are two explanations Christians might give to explain the problem of evil—how a good and powerful God would allow suffering?
 13.   According to Philippians 2:1-11, how are Christians to behave in light of what Jesus endured?
   CWV 101 Topic 7 DQ 1
 After reviewing the Chapter 11 “Finding Your Purpose” section, discuss some of the ways that people might discover their purpose.
Where are you in the process of finding your purpose?
 CWV 101 Topic 7 DQ 2
 What might be some of the ramifications of living without purpose?
How might having purpose in life impact the way people live their daily lives, and make long-term plans and decisions?
  CWV 101 Week 7 Assignment Benchmark – Ethical Dilemmas
In this assignment, you will analyze the implications of an ethical issue according to your worldview.
Write a 1,000-1,500 word essay in which you analyze ethical thinking and use values-based decision making to address a case study from the perspective of the Christian worldview as compared to your own worldview assumptions. Choose one case study from the five options listed on the “Ethical Dilemmas” document.
After an appropriate introductory paragraph with a thesis statement in which you name the scenario you are choosing, address each of the following six sections with at least one paragraph each. Use the underlined titles for each of your headings.
1.     Ethical Dilemma: Briefly describe the ethical dilemma in your own words, including (a) what in the scenario makes it difficult to make an ethical decision and (b) at least two options for resolving the scenario, providing a brief overview of what sort of ethical decisions each option might make.
2.     Core Beliefs: What beliefs about God and humanity from the Christian worldview are relevant to the scenario? How might these core worldview commitments of Christians influence one’s decision making with regard to this scenario?
3.     Resolution: Describe the Christian worldview’s proposal for resolving the ethical dilemma. How should the person in the scenario act according to the Christian worldview? What is the best course of action for a Christian? (Note: The resolution should be consistent with Christian worldview commitments.)
4.     Evaluation: What might be the unintended consequences and perceived benefits of the resolution proposed by the Christian worldview?
5.     Comparison: How does the Christian worldview’s resolution compare to another option?
6.     Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.
7.     References
Use and cite two course resources (textbook, lectures, and the Bible), and at least two scholarly sources from the GCU online library that address the issue from opposing sides. Refer to the directions on “Navigating the GCU Library for CWV Benchmark Research” and the “Example Ethical Dilemma Essay” documents.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 7 Study Guide
Complete the Topic 7 Study Guide to prepare for the Final Exam.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Final Exam portion which covers questions from topic 7. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy. The Final Exam will also include three review questions from each of the previous quizzes, so review previous study guides as well.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Final Exam.
The exam will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the exam. Once you start the exam, do not exit the exam until the entire exam is completed. Exiting out of the exam before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Read the section on The Kingdom of God in chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:
1.     Is it a present kingdom or a future kingdom?
 1.     Is it a physical kingdom or a spiritual kingdom?
 1.     List two other characteristics found in the reading.
 2.     Read the section on The Mission of God in chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:
1.     How is it related to God’s character?
 1.     How is God’s mission characterized?
 3.     Read the sidebar on Finding Your Purpose in chapter 11 of the textbook and describe the work ethic presented. What kind of work is best?
 4.     List God’s purposes for our lives from Romans 8:28-29 (see Lecture 7).
 5.     Read the section on Belief and Behavior in chapter 12 of the textbook and James 2:14-26. What is the relationship between faith and action?
 6.     According to Mark 8:34, is being a disciple of Jesus easy or costly?
 7.     Read the section on The Work of the Holy Spirit in chapter 12 of the textbook. List two functions of the Spirit in a Christian’s life.
 8.     According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism quoted in the lecture, what is the primary purpose of humanity?
 9.     Read 1 Corinthians 15:42-57 and list three characteristics of the glorified state.
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kia493-blog · 7 years
Mastery Journey Timeline
Personal Development and Leadership
Goals & Strategies
a)      To gain conflict resolution skills. I will focus on the issue instead of my position about the issue.
b)      To overcome limiting beliefs. I will journal to help me identify negative beliefs.
c)      To improve social intelligence. I will be aware of one’s emotional state in efforts to empathize and connect. I will also utilize the library catalog to find books like Social Intelligence: the New Human Science of Relationships by Daniel Goleman.
 Executive Leadership
Goals & Strategies
a)      To discover current administrative procedures. I will research recruiting techniques.
b)      To explore managing and investments in relationships. I will use resources from the library like Information Resources Management: Global Challenges by Wai K Law.
c)      To master authority and impact. I will examine online media and use it.
 Project and Team Management
Goals & Strategies
a)      To acquire how to utilize limited resources. I will create to-do lists for each project to make sure things happen.
b)      To deliver projects within a specific time and budget. I will set deadlines and price checks.
c)      To provide value in every project. I will do my best and utilize resources from the library like the book, The International Film Business: a Market Guide beyond Hollywood by Angus Finney and Eugenio Triana.
 Business Storytelling and Brand Development
Goals & Strategies
a)      To raise awareness of my brand. I will do research on paid social advertising and its benefits.
b)      To create an emotional connection through business storytelling. I will humanize and make special connections. I will also read a book from the library called, 42 Rules for Effective Connections by Bonnie Ross-Parker.
c)      To build credibility and trust within my brand. I will be consistent and authentic.
 Entertainment Business Finance
Goals & Strategies
a)      To gain more financial knowledge. I will study books like Entertainment Industry Economics by George Brock from the library.
b)      To acquire financial management. I will sacrifice my short-term goals to attain my long-term goals more resourcefully.
c)      To understand the financial perspective of Entertainment Business. I will use resources from the library like the Guide to Postproduction for TV and Film by Barbara Clark.
 Digital Marketing
Goals & Strategies
a)      To increase problem solution and awareness. I will use storytelling through filmmaking to encourage social change.
b)      To acquire new leads and viewers. I will use social media to increase my audience.
c)      To build advocacy. I will use resources in the library like the book by James Martin, Create Documentary Films, Videos and Multimedia.
 Negotiation and Deal-Making
Goals & Strategies
a)      To recognize when adjustments are necessary. I will research how to effectively make deals and negotiate.
b)      To better understand to value perspective. I will explore deal-structuring techniques and mediation skill improvement.
c)      To understand the expected return, upside potential and downside risk of productions. I will review books from the library like Deal-making in the Film & Television Industry: from Negotiations to Final Contracts by Mark Litwak.
 Product and Artist Management
Goals & Strategies
a)      To learn how to increase brand equity. I will study how to address product supervision.
b)      To learn more about agents, publishers, label A&Rs and PR people. I will explore the connection between artist and product board events.
c)      To learn how to create opportunities. I will utilize the library and review the book by Robert D. Austin titled, Artful Making: What Managers Need to Know about How Artists Work.
 Advanced Entertainment Law
Goals & Strategies
a)      To understand royalty agreements. I will deeply explore the current digital uprising in Media.
b)      To better understand intellectual property laws. I will use the library to review books like Intellectual Property: what is it, how to protect it, how to exploit it by Stephen Johnson.
c)      To create formal contracts. I will learn how to protect and exploit rights within Media.
 Media Publishing and Distribution
Goals & Strategies
a)      To learn about publishing contracts. I will study old and new digital publishing contracts.
b)      To gain knowledge on sales, marketing, and publicity. I will thoroughly research current distribution techniques.
c)      To learn about film distribution and platforms. I will utilize the library to review The Business of Media Distribution by Jeff Ulin.
 Business Plan Development
Goals & Strategies
a)      To learn how to write opening letters to possible investors. I will study business, management, and technical information.
b)      To learn about state incentive benefits. I will investigate different state incentive benefits.
c)      To learn how to write an executive summary. I will use resources from the library to read books like Filmmakers and Financing: Business Plans for Independents by Louise Levison.
 Business Plan
Goals & Strategies
a)      To learn about financing risk factors. I will explore risk factors in Media.
b)      To analyze the film industry. I will review books in the library like Writing a Business Plan by Donald Bloomer.
c)      To understand projections of revenues, expenses and net profits for films. I will research previous productions and review their profits and expenses.
 Industry Leaders
Jake Elsas: An award-winning independent film/video director, videographer, writer, producer, and editor. http://linkedin.com/in/jake7mc [email protected]
Huston Tronnes: The creator of the film production brand CineGrind. https://www.linkedin.com/in/hustontronnes/ [email protected]
Carla Saunders: A producer, director, and screenwriter with extensive knowledge of film projects from beginning to end. https://www.linkedin.com/in/carla-saunders-52901911/ [email protected]
Julio Palacio:  An Award-winning video production specialist with over 2 years of professional experience in film and television production. https://www.linkedin.com/in/julio-palacio-0a218656/ [email protected]
Niema Graham: A multi-media consultant. The creator of Life as Junnie Brown the movie and Life as Junnie Brown Season 1 Web-series. https://www.linkedin.com/in/niema-graham-37a531102/ [email protected]
Nathan Honnold: An emerging independent filmmaker in Atlanta. Winner of multiple national and international film directing awards. https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathanhonnold/ [email protected]
 I plan to get involved in the Film and Television industry by joining clubs and organizations in my area. Clubs like the Atlanta Filmmakers Alliance, Blacks in Television & Film South and Atlanta Actors Meet up will connect and provide opportunities to learn and grow within my field.
I will expand my personal learning network by following top corporations. I will follow Film and Television production companies like Time Warner, Sony, The Walt Disney Company, NBCUniversal, 21st Century Fox and Viacom. I will also continue to do research on a few of my personal idols. All of my role models are women of power in Television and Film. My heroes include Oprah Winfrey, Mara Brock Akil, Ava DuVernay, Gina Prince-Bythewood, Julie Dash, Shonda Rhimes, Stephanie Allain, Debra Martin Chase, Amma Asante, Neema Barnette and Darnell Martin.
 I will get involved with the Full Sail University community. I will join clubs like the Black Student Union, Entertainment Networking Society and Women of Full Sail. I will also join groups like the Creative Student Networking Group, Singer-Songwriter Group and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. While joining these organizations will give me the “real-world” experience it will also impact my career.
 Mentor Characteristics
a)      Enthusiasm while sharing skills, knowledge, and proficiency.
b)      Exhibits an encouraging outlook.
c)      Takes a special attentiveness in the mentoring correlation.
d)     Respects ongoing scholarship and growth.
e)      Offers help and constructive criticism.
  Throughout my matriculation, at the illustrious Full Sail University, I plan on examining, mastering and executing everything that I learn.  
Beshore, B. (2013, June 06). Deal-Making 101: The Basics Explained. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
Collins, C. (2017, July 24). Understanding the Music Industry: Artist Managers and Booking Agents - what they do and why you need them. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
Jordan, Z. (2009, February 23). Top 4 Goals for Every Project Manager. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
Levison, L. (2017). Filmmakers and financing: business plans for independents. New York: Routledge.
Martin, J. R. (2014). Create documentary films, videos, and multimedia: a comprehensive guide to using documentary storytelling techniques for film, video, internet and digital media projects. Orlando, FL: Real Deal Press.
Mitchell, M. (2017, January 17). 16 Personal Development Goals That Will Make You Happier and Sexier. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
Pacer, A. (2001, August 17). The Publishing Process. Retrieved August 26, 2017.
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hwcampus · 7 years
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CWV 101 Full Class
CWV-101 all weeks dq and assignments
  CWV-101 Full Course
  CWV 101 Topic 1 DQ 1
  Recall a time when you met someone with a different worldview than yours and you had a difficult time relating.
What challenges did you have relating to that person?
How might an understanding of the other’s worldview have helped you in that situation?
  CWV 101 Topic 1 DQ 2
  After viewing one of the films listed in the “Topic 1 Discussion Question Film Resource” from the topic materials, answer the following two questions. Before you post, change the title of the post to include the title of the movie you are discussing.
What is one worldview depicted in the movie?
Which character(s) held that worldview?
Provide at least two quotes or scene descriptions from the movie to defend your point.
    CWV 101 Week 1 Assignment Personal Commitments Assessment
In this assignment, you will examine your worldview using the personal commitments described in Chapter 2 of the textbook. This may be the first time you have thought deeply about what you believe, so give yourself time to reflect on each question. You will also have the opportunity to examine your worldview according to a test given in the textbook and to express what you think the Christian faith is all about.
Follow the directions in the “Personal Commitments Assessment.”
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
    CWV 101 Topic 2 DQ 1
  Where do atheism and Christianity agree and disagree on views of the origin of the universe?
What difference might someone’s belief about the origin of the universe make in how that person lives his or her life?
  CWV 101 Topic 2 DQ 2
  Explain who God is to the Christian using at least three characteristics of God. Why are the characteristics of God so important to the Christian worldview?
  CWV Week 2 Assignment Origins Reflection
In this assignment you will summarize beliefs about the origin of the universe and life, including what Christians believe, what you believe, and how people’s beliefs about origins might impact how they live.
After reflecting on Chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis, create a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation covering the following topics, paying particular emphasis on item three:
Briefly explain the Genesis account of creation (first two chapters). The point is not to retell all aspects of the story in detail but just to make the message of the Bible clear.
Explain and support your interpretation of the origin of the universe. Here you may want to address evolution, age of the earth, and whether or not it can be reconciled with the message of the Bible.
Express how your understanding of the origin of the universe impacts your worldview, specifically your view of God, of humanity, and responsibility to care for the earth.
The first slide will be the title slide including your name and course information. The last slide(s) will be your list of references. You may use the textbook, the lecture, or other scholarly references. Cite all sources, including the Bible, as you would in an essay. The in-text citations should be placed on the actual slides in the presentation so the audience can see them. Put basic content on the actual slides and elaborate on all your points in the slide notes.
In an effort to keep the file sizes reasonable, use no more than four low-resolution images. As in all aspects of this course, show respect for all other views, with no condescension. Keep your presentation positive and focused on what you believe, not on what you do not believe.
Use one to three resources, other than the Bible.
While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
    CWV 101 Topic 2 Study Guide
Complete Topic 2 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 2 Quiz.
  This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 2 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 2 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
List the three Christian views of creation as given in the lecture, and a brief description of each.
  The concept that humanity is created in the image of God may refer to a number of things. List four: two covered in the textbook and two covered in the lecture.
  What are the similarities between the scenes in Revelation 21:1-4 and the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2?
  According to the lecture, what is meant when we say God is sovereign?
  List at least five characteristics of God emphasized in Psalm 145.
  List three reasons for seeing humanity as the pinnacle of God’s creation.
  How does the textbook describe the Garden of Eden?
  How would you describe the nature of work God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden?
  Summarize Proverbs 9:10.
  Summarize God’s statements in Genesis 2:16-18.
  What does the textbook say about the involvement of the Trinity in creation?
  List the four basic “acts” of the overarching biblical story.
    CWV 101 Topic 3 DQ 1
  The Christian worldview provides an explanation for human nature and the story of the creation and fall (Gen 1-3). A great deal of the suffering that people experience and much of man’s inhumanity to man are explained by this description of the fall of human nature. Is this characterization of human nature accurate? Why or why not? If not, what is an alternative explanation?
  CWV 101 Topic 3 DQ 2
  How does the Fall relate to tragedies like 9/11 and disasters such as the Tsunami of 2004?
Explain how your reaction to evil events has caused you to reassess your worldview.
    CWV 101 Week 3 Assignment Fall of Humanity Then and Now Worksheet
In this assignment you will analyze the implications of the fall of humanity, consider the impact of the Fall on humanity, and reflect on the continuing consequences of the Fall for people throughout human history.
One of the central components of every worldview is the topic of human nature. The topic of human nature asks questions about human value, human flourishing, and human purpose. Within the Christian worldview, the issue of sin and the consequences of the Fall factor prominently into the topic of human nature.
In this two-part assignment you will explore the topic of human nature from the perspective of the Christian worldview. The first part of the assignment involves gathering research. The second part of the assignment addresses how the effects of the Fall are still evident in the world today.
Use the “Fall of Humanity: Then and Now Worksheet” to complete this assignment.
While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
    CWV 101 Topic 3 Study Guide
Complete Topic 3 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 3 Quiz.
  This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 3 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 3 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
Summarize Isaiah 59:1-2.
  The textbook and lecture make mention of Judges 21:25, “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (ESV). This is a common refrain in Scripture (Deut 12:8; Prov 12:15, 26:12). What does this refrain indicate about the spiritual state of the people?
  What is the prophecy in Genesis 3:15 known as and what does it mean?
  A main idea, according to the textbook, is that the history of humanity is characterized by a departure from what?
  Which book of the Bible begins with the story of Moses?
  What kind of prayer is found in Nehemiah 9 and how does it contrast God and the people?
  Although created in the image of God, humanity became sinful by nature after the Fall. How extensively does this original sin or depravity affect us according to Romans 3:10-23?
  How did the Fall (sin of Adam and Eve) affect the world according to Genesis 3:16-19?
  What metaphor does the textbook use to describe idolatry?
  According to the textbook, what was the primary message of the Old Testament prophets?
  List the names of Israel’s first three kings.
  After Israel divided into the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom, the southern kingdom of Judah endured much longer but eventually fell to what nation?
  According to the textbook, the wisdom literature (Job through Ecclesiastes) has what central theme?
  According to this topic’s assigned reading, “The Mystery of Original Sin: We Don’t Know Why God Permitted the Fall, But We Know All Too Well the Evil and Sin That Still Plague Us,” by Marguerite Shuster, what is the problem with the world?
  According to that same Shuster article, why might God want us “to believe, trust, and obey him even when there is not a reason to do so that we can wrap our minds around?”
    CWV 101 Topic 4 DQ 1
  According to the Bible and the Christian worldview, Jesus was fully God and fully human. Interacting with the readings, especially Philippians 2:5-11 and Hebrews 1:1-3, explain why this teaching of Jesus’ full divinity and full humanity is important to Christianity.
  CWV 101 Topic 4 DQ 2
  Read the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) and answer the following questions:
What do you believe is the main theme Jesus is communicating?
Explain the three principal characters. Who do you identify with the most, and why?
    CWV 101 Week 4 Assignment Mark 829 Worksheet
  In Mark 8:29, Jesus discussed with his disciples what people were saying about him. Jesus asked his disciples directly, “But who do you say that I am?” In this assignment you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of who Christians claim Jesus is and to share your own belief about who Jesus is. Follow the directions in the “Mark 8:29 Worksheet.” GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 4 Study Guide
Complete Topic 4 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 4 Quiz.
  This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 4 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 4 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
Read Philippians 2:5-8 and briefly describe the direction Jesus’ life took.
  Read John 1:1-3. What other familiar passage in Scripture does this remind you of?
  In what ways does the textbook say that Jesus is similar to Moses and David?
  Briefly summarize the Parable of the Sower from Mark 4.
  Briefly list the three temptations of Jesus from Matthew 4.
  How is Jesus described in 1 Corinthians 1:24 and John 1:1?
  In the lecture, Jesus is described as fully God and fully man; now briefly describe the Trinity and Jesus’ position in the Trinity.
  Briefly describe the kingdom of God as taught in the textbook.
  Read John 10:1-18 and briefly summarize how Jesus cares for His sheep.
  Briefly summarize the context and story of the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:29-37.
  According to the lecture, what is the atonement and where in the Old Testament is this referred to in prophecy seven times?
  What does the incarnation refer to?
  According to the lecture, what three reasons are stated in Scripture for why God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ?
  Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. What is the Apostle Paul referring to when he says at the end that “the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men?”
  CWV 101 Topic 5 DQ 1
  After reading the account of the resurrection of Christ in Luke 24 and again in the assigned textbook chapters, express why the resurrection is so important to the Christian worldview.
  CWV 101 Topic 5 DQ 2
  According to the Christian worldview, how does one gain eternal life? Use Bible verses to support your response.
How does the Christian concept of hope for the afterlife differ from that concept in other worldviews?
    CWV 101 Week 5 Assignment Benchmark – Gospel Essentials
In this assignment you will summarize and analyze the essential elements of the Christian worldview and reflect on implications for your own worldview.
Write a 1,250-1,500-word essay using at least two course resources (textbook, lectures, the Bible) and at least two other sources from the GCU Library to support your points. Remember, the Bible counts as one reference regardless of how many times you use it or how many verses you cite.
Begin your paper with an appropriate introduction, including a thesis statement to introduce the purpose of the paper.
Organize your paper with the following sections using the seven underlined titles for subheadings.
The Christian Worldview: Describe the beliefs of the Christian worldview with regard to the following components corresponding to Topics 2-5. Write at least one paragraph for each component using the underlined title for a subheading.
God: What is God like? What are God’s characteristics? What is his creation?
Humanity: What is human nature? What is human purpose? What is the root cause of human problems?
Jesus: What is Jesus’ true identity? What did Jesus do? Why is Jesus’ identity and work significant for the Christian worldview?
Restoration: What is the solution to human problems according to the Christian worldview? What role do grace and faith play in Christian salvation? How do Christians think that the transformation of self and society happens?
Analysis: Analyze the Christian worldview by addressing each of the following questions:
What are the benefits or strengths of Christian belief?
What is troublesome or confusing about Christianity?
How does Christianity influence a person’s thinking and behavior?
Reflection: Reflect on your worldview by answering one of the following questions:
If you are not a Christian, what similarities and differences are there between your worldview and the Christian worldview?
If you are a Christian, how specifically do you live out the beliefs of the Christian worldview?
Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
    CWV Topic 5 Study Guide
Complete Topic 5 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 5 Quiz.
  This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 5 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 5 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
Summarize Romans 3:20-26.
  Summarize Matthew 5:44.
  How does the textbook interpret Matthew 18:21-35 and the Christian’s ability to forgive others?
  Describe the Christian view of salvation and how it differs from the views of other religions.
  What three words beginning with “R” used in the lesson and lecture summarize the gospel message?
  Briefly summarize Isaiah 53:4-6.
  What is the mark of a Christian according to Jesus in John 13:35?
    Read Hebrews 9:24-28. Briefly state the point in each of the last three verses (26-28).
  Summarize John 20:24-29. What is the significance of this passage for Christians today?
    CWV 101 Topic 6 DQ 1
  Jesus made many absolute statements such as the following:
John 14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (NIV).
Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (NIV).
How would you answer someone accusing Christianity of exclusivism?
  CWV 101 Topic 6 DQ 2
  How would you explain how a good, loving, and all-powerful God allows suffering and evil in his creation? Cite a specific example of suffering and/or evil that you have seen or experienced.
    CWV 101 Week 6 Assignment Guided Analysis: Suffering Worksheet
In a guided analysis, you will interact with the problem of evil and suffering and provide your own response to the problem in comparison to the Christian response.
Follow the directions in the “Guided Analysis: Suffering Worksheet.”
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
    CWV 101 Topic 6 Study Guide
Complete Topic 6 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 6 Quiz.
  This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 6 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 6 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
Read the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20.
Briefly list the commandments.
  How do the first four commandments differ from the last six?
  Read the Beatitudes, the blessings of Jesus in the opening verses of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 5:1-12. Which one is repeated and emphasized?
  From the lecture, what two commandments did Jesus say are the greatest?
  From the lecture and textbook, write out the short quote that philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche made famous about truth.
  From the textbook, describe how Raphael, in his great painting School of Athens, depicted Plato and Aristotle.
    According to the lecture, what kind of absolute truths require the existence of God?
  Briefly define general and special revelation.
  From Chapter 8 of the textbook, define exclusivism and pluralism.
  According to Chapter 9 in the textbook, does Job ever find out why he suffered? What is the best explanation from our perspective?
  Read the story of the raising of Lazarus in John 11. What can we learn about Jesus and death from this account of the event?
  Read the 11 reasons for suffering listed in the lecture. Which reason(s) might provide good cause for a Christian to “count it all joy” as James says to do in James 1:2-4?
  Read the section on Theodicy in Chapter 9 of the textbook.
Define theodicy.
  What are two explanations Christians might give to explain the problem of evil—how a good and powerful God would allow suffering?
  According to Philippians 2:1-11, how are Christians to behave in light of what Jesus endured?
      CWV 101 Topic 7 DQ 1
  After reviewing the Chapter 11 “Finding Your Purpose” section, discuss some of the ways that people might discover their purpose.
Where are you in the process of finding your purpose?
  CWV 101 Topic 7 DQ 2
  What might be some of the ramifications of living without purpose?
How might having purpose in life impact the way people live their daily lives, and make long-term plans and decisions?
    CWV 101 Week 7 Assignment Benchmark – Ethical Dilemmas
In this assignment, you will analyze the implications of an ethical issue according to your worldview.
Write a 1,000-1,500 word essay in which you analyze ethical thinking and use values-based decision making to address a case study from the perspective of the Christian worldview as compared to your own worldview assumptions. Choose one case study from the five options listed on the “Ethical Dilemmas” document.
After an appropriate introductory paragraph with a thesis statement in which you name the scenario you are choosing, address each of the following six sections with at least one paragraph each. Use the underlined titles for each of your headings.
Ethical Dilemma: Briefly describe the ethical dilemma in your own words, including (a) what in the scenario makes it difficult to make an ethical decision and (b) at least two options for resolving the scenario, providing a brief overview of what sort of ethical decisions each option might make.
Core Beliefs: What beliefs about God and humanity from the Christian worldview are relevant to the scenario? How might these core worldview commitments of Christians influence one’s decision making with regard to this scenario?
Resolution: Describe the Christian worldview’s proposal for resolving the ethical dilemma. How should the person in the scenario act according to the Christian worldview? What is the best course of action for a Christian? (Note: The resolution should be consistent with Christian worldview commitments.)
Evaluation: What might be the unintended consequences and perceived benefits of the resolution proposed by the Christian worldview?
Comparison: How does the Christian worldview’s resolution compare to another option?
Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.
Use and cite two course resources (textbook, lectures, and the Bible), and at least two scholarly sources from the GCU online library that address the issue from opposing sides. Refer to the directions on “Navigating the GCU Library for CWV Benchmark Research” and the “Example Ethical Dilemma Essay” documents.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
    CWV 101 Topic 7 Study Guide
Complete the Topic 7 Study Guide to prepare for the Final Exam.
  This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Final Exam portion which covers questions from topic 7. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy. The Final Exam will also include three review questions from each of the previous quizzes, so review previous study guides as well.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Final Exam.
The exam will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the exam. Once you start the exam, do not exit the exam until the entire exam is completed. Exiting out of the exam before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
Read the section on The Kingdom of God in chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:
Is it a present kingdom or a future kingdom?
  Is it a physical kingdom or a spiritual kingdom?
  List two other characteristics found in the reading.
  Read the section on The Mission of God in chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:
How is it related to God’s character?
  How is God’s mission characterized?
  Read the sidebar on Finding Your Purpose in chapter 11 of the textbook and describe the work ethic presented. What kind of work is best?
  List God’s purposes for our lives from Romans 8:28-29 (see Lecture 7).
  Read the section on Belief and Behavior in chapter 12 of the textbook and James 2:14-26. What is the relationship between faith and action?
  According to Mark 8:34, is being a disciple of Jesus easy or costly?
  Read the section on The Work of the Holy Spirit in chapter 12 of the textbook. List two functions of the Spirit in a Christian’s life.
  According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism quoted in the lecture, what is the primary purpose of humanity?
  Read 1 Corinthians 15:42-57 and list three characteristics of the glorified state.
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CWV-101 all weeks dq and assignments – Entire Course
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 CWV-101 all weeks dq and assignments – Entire Course
 CWV-101 Full Course
 CWV 101 Topic 1 DQ 1
 Recall a time when you met someone with a different worldview than yours and you had a difficult time relating.
1.     What challenges did you have relating to that person?
2.     How might an understanding of the other’s worldview have helped you in that situation?
 CWV 101 Topic 1 DQ 2
 After viewing one of the films listed in the “Topic 1 Discussion Question Film Resource” from the topic materials, answer the following two questions. Before you post, change the title of the post to include the title of the movie you are discussing.
1.     What is one worldview depicted in the movie?
2.     Which character(s) held that worldview?
Provide at least two quotes or scene descriptions from the movie to defend your point.
  CWV 101 Week 1 Assignment Personal Commitments Assessment
In this assignment, you will examine your worldview using the personal commitments described in Chapter 2 of the textbook. This may be the first time you have thought deeply about what you believe, so give yourself time to reflect on each question. You will also have the opportunity to examine your worldview according to a test given in the textbook and to express what you think the Christian faith is all about.
Follow the directions in the “Personal Commitments Assessment.”
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 2 DQ 1
 Where do atheism and Christianity agree and disagree on views of the origin of the universe?
What difference might someone’s belief about the origin of the universe make in how that person lives his or her life?
 CWV 101 Topic 2 DQ 2
 Explain who God is to the Christian using at least three characteristics of God. Why are the characteristics of God so important to the Christian worldview?
 CWV Week 2 Assignment Origins Reflection
In this assignment you will summarize beliefs about the origin of the universe and life, including what Christians believe, what you believe, and how people’s beliefs about origins might impact how they live.
After reflecting on Chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis, create a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation covering the following topics, paying particular emphasis on item three:
1.     Briefly explain the Genesis account of creation (first two chapters). The point is not to retell all aspects of the story in detail but just to make the message of the Bible clear.
2.     Explain and support your interpretation of the origin of the universe. Here you may want to address evolution, age of the earth, and whether or not it can be reconciled with the message of the Bible.
3.     Express how your understanding of the origin of the universe impacts your worldview, specifically your view of God, of humanity, and responsibility to care for the earth.
The first slide will be the title slide including your name and course information. The last slide(s) will be your list of references. You may use the textbook, the lecture, or other scholarly references. Cite all sources, including the Bible, as you would in an essay. The in-text citations should be placed on the actual slides in the presentation so the audience can see them. Put basic content on the actual slides and elaborate on all your points in the slide notes.
In an effort to keep the file sizes reasonable, use no more than four low-resolution images. As in all aspects of this course, show respect for all other views, with no condescension. Keep your presentation positive and focused on what you believe, not on what you do not believe.
Use one to three resources, other than the Bible.
While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 2 Study Guide
Complete Topic 2 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 2 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 2 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 2 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     List the three Christian views of creation as given in the lecture, and a brief description of each.
 2.     The concept that humanity is created in the image of God may refer to a number of things. List four: two covered in the textbook and two covered in the lecture.
 3.     What are the similarities between the scenes in Revelation 21:1-4 and the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2?
 4.     According to the lecture, what is meant when we say God is sovereign?
 5.     List at least five characteristics of God emphasized in Psalm 145.
 6.     List three reasons for seeing humanity as the pinnacle of God’s creation.
 7.     How does the textbook describe the Garden of Eden?
 8.     How would you describe the nature of work God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden?
 9.     Summarize Proverbs 9:10.
 10.   Summarize God’s statements in Genesis 2:16-18.
 11.   What does the textbook say about the involvement of the Trinity in creation?
 12.   List the four basic “acts” of the overarching biblical story.
  CWV 101 Topic 3 DQ 1
 The Christian worldview provides an explanation for human nature and the story of the creation and fall (Gen 1-3). A great deal of the suffering that people experience and much of man’s inhumanity to man are explained by this description of the fall of human nature. Is this characterization of human nature accurate? Why or why not? If not, what is an alternative explanation?
 CWV 101 Topic 3 DQ 2
 How does the Fall relate to tragedies like 9/11 and disasters such as the Tsunami of 2004?
Explain how your reaction to evil events has caused you to reassess your worldview.
  CWV 101 Week 3 Assignment Fall of Humanity Then and Now Worksheet
In this assignment you will analyze the implications of the fall of humanity, consider the impact of the Fall on humanity, and reflect on the continuing consequences of the Fall for people throughout human history.
One of the central components of every worldview is the topic of human nature. The topic of human nature asks questions about human value, human flourishing, and human purpose. Within the Christian worldview, the issue of sin and the consequences of the Fall factor prominently into the topic of human nature.
In this two-part assignment you will explore the topic of human nature from the perspective of the Christian worldview. The first part of the assignment involves gathering research. The second part of the assignment addresses how the effects of the Fall are still evident in the world today.
Use the “Fall of Humanity: Then and Now Worksheet” to complete this assignment.
While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 3 Study Guide
Complete Topic 3 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 3 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 3 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 3 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Summarize Isaiah 59:1-2.
 2.     The textbook and lecture make mention of Judges 21:25, “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (ESV). This is a common refrain in Scripture (Deut 12:8; Prov 12:15, 26:12). What does this refrain indicate about the spiritual state of the people?
 3.     What is the prophecy in Genesis 3:15 known as and what does it mean?
 4.     A main idea, according to the textbook, is that the history of humanity is characterized by a departure from what?
 5.     Which book of the Bible begins with the story of Moses?
 6.     What kind of prayer is found in Nehemiah 9 and how does it contrast God and the people?
 7.     Although created in the image of God, humanity became sinful by nature after the Fall. How extensively does this original sin or depravity affect us according to Romans 3:10-23?
 8.     How did the Fall (sin of Adam and Eve) affect the world according to Genesis 3:16-19?
 9.     What metaphor does the textbook use to describe idolatry?
 10.   According to the textbook, what was the primary message of the Old Testament prophets?
 11.   List the names of Israel’s first three kings.
 12.   After Israel divided into the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom, the southern kingdom of Judah endured much longer but eventually fell to what nation?
 13.   According to the textbook, the wisdom literature (Job through Ecclesiastes) has what central theme?
 14.   According to this topic’s assigned reading, “The Mystery of Original Sin: We Don’t Know Why God Permitted the Fall, But We Know All Too Well the Evil and Sin That Still Plague Us,” by Marguerite Shuster, what is the problem with the world?
 15.   According to that same Shuster article, why might God want us “to believe, trust, and obey him even when there is not a reason to do so that we can wrap our minds around?”
  CWV 101 Topic 4 DQ 1
 According to the Bible and the Christian worldview, Jesus was fully God and fully human. Interacting with the readings, especially Philippians 2:5-11 and Hebrews 1:1-3, explain why this teaching of Jesus’ full divinity and full humanity is important to Christianity.
 CWV 101 Topic 4 DQ 2
 Read the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) and answer the following questions:
1.     What do you believe is the main theme Jesus is communicating?
2.     Explain the three principal characters. Who do you identify with the most, and why?
  CWV 101 Week 4 Assignment Mark 829 Worksheet
 In Mark 8:29, Jesus discussed with his disciples what people were saying about him. Jesus asked his disciples directly, “But who do you say that I am?” In this assignment you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of who Christians claim Jesus is and to share your own belief about who Jesus is. Follow the directions in the “Mark 8:29 Worksheet.” GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
 CWV 101 Topic 4 Study Guide
Complete Topic 4 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 4 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 4 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 4 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Read Philippians 2:5-8 and briefly describe the direction Jesus’ life took.
 2.     Read John 1:1-3. What other familiar passage in Scripture does this remind you of?
 3.     In what ways does the textbook say that Jesus is similar to Moses and David?
 4.     Briefly summarize the Parable of the Sower from Mark 4.
 5.     Briefly list the three temptations of Jesus from Matthew 4.
 6.     How is Jesus described in 1 Corinthians 1:24 and John 1:1?
 7.     In the lecture, Jesus is described as fully God and fully man; now briefly describe the Trinity and Jesus’ position in the Trinity.
 8.     Briefly describe the kingdom of God as taught in the textbook.
 9.     Read John 10:1-18 and briefly summarize how Jesus cares for His sheep.
 10.   Briefly summarize the context and story of the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:29-37.
 11.   According to the lecture, what is the atonement and where in the Old Testament is this referred to in prophecy seven times?
 12.   What does the incarnation refer to?
 13.   According to the lecture, what three reasons are stated in Scripture for why God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ?
 14.   Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. What is the Apostle Paul referring to when he says at the end that “the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men?”
 CWV 101 Topic 5 DQ 1
 After reading the account of the resurrection of Christ in Luke 24 and again in the assigned textbook chapters, express why the resurrection is so important to the Christian worldview.
 CWV 101 Topic 5 DQ 2
 According to the Christian worldview, how does one gain eternal life? Use Bible verses to support your response.
How does the Christian concept of hope for the afterlife differ from that concept in other worldviews?
  CWV 101 Week 5 Assignment Benchmark – Gospel Essentials
In this assignment you will summarize and analyze the essential elements of the Christian worldview and reflect on implications for your own worldview.
Write a 1,250-1,500-word essay using at least two course resources (textbook, lectures, the Bible) and at least two other sources from the GCU Library to support your points. Remember, the Bible counts as one reference regardless of how many times you use it or how many verses you cite.
Begin your paper with an appropriate introduction, including a thesis statement to introduce the purpose of the paper.
Organize your paper with the following sections using the seven underlined titles for subheadings.
The Christian Worldview: Describe the beliefs of the Christian worldview with regard to the following components corresponding to Topics 2-5. Write at least one paragraph for each component using the underlined title for a subheading.
God: What is God like? What are God’s characteristics? What is his creation?
Humanity: What is human nature? What is human purpose? What is the root cause of human problems?
Jesus: What is Jesus’ true identity? What did Jesus do? Why is Jesus’ identity and work significant for the Christian worldview?
Restoration: What is the solution to human problems according to the Christian worldview? What role do grace and faith play in Christian salvation? How do Christians think that the transformation of self and society happens?
Analysis: Analyze the Christian worldview by addressing each of the following questions:
1.     What are the benefits or strengths of Christian belief?
2.     What is troublesome or confusing about Christianity?
3.     How does Christianity influence a person’s thinking and behavior?
Reflection: Reflect on your worldview by answering one of the following questions:
1.     If you are not a Christian, what similarities and differences are there between your worldview and the Christian worldview?
2.     If you are a Christian, how specifically do you live out the beliefs of the Christian worldview?
Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV Topic 5 Study Guide
Complete Topic 5 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 5 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 5 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 5 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Summarize Romans 3:20-26.
 2.     Summarize Matthew 5:44.
 3.     How does the textbook interpret Matthew 18:21-35 and the Christian’s ability to forgive others?
 4.     Describe the Christian view of salvation and how it differs from the views of other religions.
 5.     What three words beginning with “R” used in the lesson and lecture summarize the gospel message?
 6.     Briefly summarize Isaiah 53:4-6.
 7.     What is the mark of a Christian according to Jesus in John 13:35?
  8.     Read Hebrews 9:24-28. Briefly state the point in each of the last three verses (26-28).
 9.     Summarize John 20:24-29. What is the significance of this passage for Christians today?
  CWV 101 Topic 6 DQ 1
 Jesus made many absolute statements such as the following:
John 14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (NIV).
Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (NIV).
How would you answer someone accusing Christianity of exclusivism?
 CWV 101 Topic 6 DQ 2
 How would you explain how a good, loving, and all-powerful God allows suffering and evil in his creation? Cite a specific example of suffering and/or evil that you have seen or experienced.
  CWV 101 Week 6 Assignment Guided Analysis: Suffering Worksheet
In a guided analysis, you will interact with the problem of evil and suffering and provide your own response to the problem in comparison to the Christian response.
Follow the directions in the “Guided Analysis: Suffering Worksheet.”
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 6 Study Guide
Complete Topic 6 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 6 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 6 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 6 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Read the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20.
1.     Briefly list the commandments.
 1.     How do the first four commandments differ from the last six?
 2.     Read the Beatitudes, the blessings of Jesus in the opening verses of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 5:1-12. Which one is repeated and emphasized?
 3.     From the lecture, what two commandments did Jesus say are the greatest?
 4.     From the lecture and textbook, write out the short quote that philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche made famous about truth.
 5.     From the textbook, describe how Raphael, in his great painting School of Athens, depicted Plato and Aristotle.
  6.     According to the lecture, what kind of absolute truths require the existence of God?
 7.     Briefly define general and special revelation.
 8.     From Chapter 8 of the textbook, define exclusivism and pluralism.
 9.     According to Chapter 9 in the textbook, does Job ever find out why he suffered? What is the best explanation from our perspective?
 10.   Read the story of the raising of Lazarus in John 11. What can we learn about Jesus and death from this account of the event?
 11.   Read the 11 reasons for suffering listed in the lecture. Which reason(s) might provide good cause for a Christian to “count it all joy” as James says to do in James 1:2-4?
 12.   Read the section on Theodicy in Chapter 9 of the textbook.
1.     Define theodicy.
 1.     What are two explanations Christians might give to explain the problem of evil—how a good and powerful God would allow suffering?
 13.   According to Philippians 2:1-11, how are Christians to behave in light of what Jesus endured?
   CWV 101 Topic 7 DQ 1
 After reviewing the Chapter 11 “Finding Your Purpose” section, discuss some of the ways that people might discover their purpose.
Where are you in the process of finding your purpose?
 CWV 101 Topic 7 DQ 2
 What might be some of the ramifications of living without purpose?
How might having purpose in life impact the way people live their daily lives, and make long-term plans and decisions?
  CWV 101 Week 7 Assignment Benchmark – Ethical Dilemmas
In this assignment, you will analyze the implications of an ethical issue according to your worldview.
Write a 1,000-1,500 word essay in which you analyze ethical thinking and use values-based decision making to address a case study from the perspective of the Christian worldview as compared to your own worldview assumptions. Choose one case study from the five options listed on the “Ethical Dilemmas” document.
After an appropriate introductory paragraph with a thesis statement in which you name the scenario you are choosing, address each of the following six sections with at least one paragraph each. Use the underlined titles for each of your headings.
1.     Ethical Dilemma: Briefly describe the ethical dilemma in your own words, including (a) what in the scenario makes it difficult to make an ethical decision and (b) at least two options for resolving the scenario, providing a brief overview of what sort of ethical decisions each option might make.
2.     Core Beliefs: What beliefs about God and humanity from the Christian worldview are relevant to the scenario? How might these core worldview commitments of Christians influence one’s decision making with regard to this scenario?
3.     Resolution: Describe the Christian worldview’s proposal for resolving the ethical dilemma. How should the person in the scenario act according to the Christian worldview? What is the best course of action for a Christian? (Note: The resolution should be consistent with Christian worldview commitments.)
4.     Evaluation: What might be the unintended consequences and perceived benefits of the resolution proposed by the Christian worldview?
5.     Comparison: How does the Christian worldview’s resolution compare to another option?
6.     Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.
7.     References
Use and cite two course resources (textbook, lectures, and the Bible), and at least two scholarly sources from the GCU online library that address the issue from opposing sides. Refer to the directions on “Navigating the GCU Library for CWV Benchmark Research” and the “Example Ethical Dilemma Essay” documents.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 7 Study Guide
Complete the Topic 7 Study Guide to prepare for the Final Exam.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Final Exam portion which covers questions from topic 7. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy. The Final Exam will also include three review questions from each of the previous quizzes, so review previous study guides as well.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Final Exam.
The exam will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the exam. Once you start the exam, do not exit the exam until the entire exam is completed. Exiting out of the exam before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Read the section on The Kingdom of God in chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:
1.     Is it a present kingdom or a future kingdom?
 1.     Is it a physical kingdom or a spiritual kingdom?
 1.     List two other characteristics found in the reading.
 2.     Read the section on The Mission of God in chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:
1.     How is it related to God’s character?
 1.     How is God’s mission characterized?
 3.     Read the sidebar on Finding Your Purpose in chapter 11 of the textbook and describe the work ethic presented. What kind of work is best?
 4.     List God’s purposes for our lives from Romans 8:28-29 (see Lecture 7).
 5.     Read the section on Belief and Behavior in chapter 12 of the textbook and James 2:14-26. What is the relationship between faith and action?
 6.     According to Mark 8:34, is being a disciple of Jesus easy or costly?
 7.     Read the section on The Work of the Holy Spirit in chapter 12 of the textbook. List two functions of the Spirit in a Christian’s life.
 8.     According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism quoted in the lecture, what is the primary purpose of humanity?
 9.     Read 1 Corinthians 15:42-57 and list three characteristics of the glorified state.
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 CWV-101 all weeks dq and assignments – Entire Course
 CWV-101 Full Course
 CWV 101 Topic 1 DQ 1
 Recall a time when you met someone with a different worldview than yours and you had a difficult time relating.
1.     What challenges did you have relating to that person?
2.     How might an understanding of the other’s worldview have helped you in that situation?
 CWV 101 Topic 1 DQ 2
 After viewing one of the films listed in the “Topic 1 Discussion Question Film Resource” from the topic materials, answer the following two questions. Before you post, change the title of the post to include the title of the movie you are discussing.
1.     What is one worldview depicted in the movie?
2.     Which character(s) held that worldview?
Provide at least two quotes or scene descriptions from the movie to defend your point.
  CWV 101 Week 1 Assignment Personal Commitments Assessment
In this assignment, you will examine your worldview using the personal commitments described in Chapter 2 of the textbook. This may be the first time you have thought deeply about what you believe, so give yourself time to reflect on each question. You will also have the opportunity to examine your worldview according to a test given in the textbook and to express what you think the Christian faith is all about.
Follow the directions in the “Personal Commitments Assessment.”
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 2 DQ 1
 Where do atheism and Christianity agree and disagree on views of the origin of the universe?
What difference might someone’s belief about the origin of the universe make in how that person lives his or her life?
 CWV 101 Topic 2 DQ 2
 Explain who God is to the Christian using at least three characteristics of God. Why are the characteristics of God so important to the Christian worldview?
 CWV Week 2 Assignment Origins Reflection
In this assignment you will summarize beliefs about the origin of the universe and life, including what Christians believe, what you believe, and how people’s beliefs about origins might impact how they live.
After reflecting on Chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis, create a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation covering the following topics, paying particular emphasis on item three:
1.     Briefly explain the Genesis account of creation (first two chapters). The point is not to retell all aspects of the story in detail but just to make the message of the Bible clear.
2.     Explain and support your interpretation of the origin of the universe. Here you may want to address evolution, age of the earth, and whether or not it can be reconciled with the message of the Bible.
3.     Express how your understanding of the origin of the universe impacts your worldview, specifically your view of God, of humanity, and responsibility to care for the earth.
The first slide will be the title slide including your name and course information. The last slide(s) will be your list of references. You may use the textbook, the lecture, or other scholarly references. Cite all sources, including the Bible, as you would in an essay. The in-text citations should be placed on the actual slides in the presentation so the audience can see them. Put basic content on the actual slides and elaborate on all your points in the slide notes.
In an effort to keep the file sizes reasonable, use no more than four low-resolution images. As in all aspects of this course, show respect for all other views, with no condescension. Keep your presentation positive and focused on what you believe, not on what you do not believe.
Use one to three resources, other than the Bible.
While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 2 Study Guide
Complete Topic 2 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 2 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 2 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 2 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     List the three Christian views of creation as given in the lecture, and a brief description of each.
 2.     The concept that humanity is created in the image of God may refer to a number of things. List four: two covered in the textbook and two covered in the lecture.
 3.     What are the similarities between the scenes in Revelation 21:1-4 and the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2?
 4.     According to the lecture, what is meant when we say God is sovereign?
 5.     List at least five characteristics of God emphasized in Psalm 145.
 6.     List three reasons for seeing humanity as the pinnacle of God’s creation.
 7.     How does the textbook describe the Garden of Eden?
 8.     How would you describe the nature of work God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden?
 9.     Summarize Proverbs 9:10.
 10.   Summarize God’s statements in Genesis 2:16-18.
 11.   What does the textbook say about the involvement of the Trinity in creation?
 12.   List the four basic “acts” of the overarching biblical story.
  CWV 101 Topic 3 DQ 1
 The Christian worldview provides an explanation for human nature and the story of the creation and fall (Gen 1-3). A great deal of the suffering that people experience and much of man’s inhumanity to man are explained by this description of the fall of human nature. Is this characterization of human nature accurate? Why or why not? If not, what is an alternative explanation?
 CWV 101 Topic 3 DQ 2
 How does the Fall relate to tragedies like 9/11 and disasters such as the Tsunami of 2004?
Explain how your reaction to evil events has caused you to reassess your worldview.
  CWV 101 Week 3 Assignment Fall of Humanity Then and Now Worksheet
In this assignment you will analyze the implications of the fall of humanity, consider the impact of the Fall on humanity, and reflect on the continuing consequences of the Fall for people throughout human history.
One of the central components of every worldview is the topic of human nature. The topic of human nature asks questions about human value, human flourishing, and human purpose. Within the Christian worldview, the issue of sin and the consequences of the Fall factor prominently into the topic of human nature.
In this two-part assignment you will explore the topic of human nature from the perspective of the Christian worldview. The first part of the assignment involves gathering research. The second part of the assignment addresses how the effects of the Fall are still evident in the world today.
Use the “Fall of Humanity: Then and Now Worksheet” to complete this assignment.
While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 3 Study Guide
Complete Topic 3 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 3 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 3 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 3 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Summarize Isaiah 59:1-2.
 2.     The textbook and lecture make mention of Judges 21:25, “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (ESV). This is a common refrain in Scripture (Deut 12:8; Prov 12:15, 26:12). What does this refrain indicate about the spiritual state of the people?
 3.     What is the prophecy in Genesis 3:15 known as and what does it mean?
 4.     A main idea, according to the textbook, is that the history of humanity is characterized by a departure from what?
 5.     Which book of the Bible begins with the story of Moses?
 6.     What kind of prayer is found in Nehemiah 9 and how does it contrast God and the people?
 7.     Although created in the image of God, humanity became sinful by nature after the Fall. How extensively does this original sin or depravity affect us according to Romans 3:10-23?
 8.     How did the Fall (sin of Adam and Eve) affect the world according to Genesis 3:16-19?
 9.     What metaphor does the textbook use to describe idolatry?
 10.   According to the textbook, what was the primary message of the Old Testament prophets?
 11.   List the names of Israel’s first three kings.
 12.   After Israel divided into the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom, the southern kingdom of Judah endured much longer but eventually fell to what nation?
 13.   According to the textbook, the wisdom literature (Job through Ecclesiastes) has what central theme?
 14.   According to this topic’s assigned reading, “The Mystery of Original Sin: We Don’t Know Why God Permitted the Fall, But We Know All Too Well the Evil and Sin That Still Plague Us,” by Marguerite Shuster, what is the problem with the world?
 15.   According to that same Shuster article, why might God want us “to believe, trust, and obey him even when there is not a reason to do so that we can wrap our minds around?”
  CWV 101 Topic 4 DQ 1
 According to the Bible and the Christian worldview, Jesus was fully God and fully human. Interacting with the readings, especially Philippians 2:5-11 and Hebrews 1:1-3, explain why this teaching of Jesus’ full divinity and full humanity is important to Christianity.
 CWV 101 Topic 4 DQ 2
 Read the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) and answer the following questions:
1.     What do you believe is the main theme Jesus is communicating?
2.     Explain the three principal characters. Who do you identify with the most, and why?
  CWV 101 Week 4 Assignment Mark 829 Worksheet
 In Mark 8:29, Jesus discussed with his disciples what people were saying about him. Jesus asked his disciples directly, “But who do you say that I am?” In this assignment you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of who Christians claim Jesus is and to share your own belief about who Jesus is. Follow the directions in the “Mark 8:29 Worksheet.” GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
 CWV 101 Topic 4 Study Guide
Complete Topic 4 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 4 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 4 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 4 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Read Philippians 2:5-8 and briefly describe the direction Jesus’ life took.
 2.     Read John 1:1-3. What other familiar passage in Scripture does this remind you of?
 3.     In what ways does the textbook say that Jesus is similar to Moses and David?
 4.     Briefly summarize the Parable of the Sower from Mark 4.
 5.     Briefly list the three temptations of Jesus from Matthew 4.
 6.     How is Jesus described in 1 Corinthians 1:24 and John 1:1?
 7.     In the lecture, Jesus is described as fully God and fully man; now briefly describe the Trinity and Jesus’ position in the Trinity.
 8.     Briefly describe the kingdom of God as taught in the textbook.
 9.     Read John 10:1-18 and briefly summarize how Jesus cares for His sheep.
 10.   Briefly summarize the context and story of the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:29-37.
 11.   According to the lecture, what is the atonement and where in the Old Testament is this referred to in prophecy seven times?
 12.   What does the incarnation refer to?
 13.   According to the lecture, what three reasons are stated in Scripture for why God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ?
 14.   Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. What is the Apostle Paul referring to when he says at the end that “the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men?”
 CWV 101 Topic 5 DQ 1
 After reading the account of the resurrection of Christ in Luke 24 and again in the assigned textbook chapters, express why the resurrection is so important to the Christian worldview.
 CWV 101 Topic 5 DQ 2
 According to the Christian worldview, how does one gain eternal life? Use Bible verses to support your response.
How does the Christian concept of hope for the afterlife differ from that concept in other worldviews?
  CWV 101 Week 5 Assignment Benchmark – Gospel Essentials
In this assignment you will summarize and analyze the essential elements of the Christian worldview and reflect on implications for your own worldview.
Write a 1,250-1,500-word essay using at least two course resources (textbook, lectures, the Bible) and at least two other sources from the GCU Library to support your points. Remember, the Bible counts as one reference regardless of how many times you use it or how many verses you cite.
Begin your paper with an appropriate introduction, including a thesis statement to introduce the purpose of the paper.
Organize your paper with the following sections using the seven underlined titles for subheadings.
The Christian Worldview: Describe the beliefs of the Christian worldview with regard to the following components corresponding to Topics 2-5. Write at least one paragraph for each component using the underlined title for a subheading.
God: What is God like? What are God’s characteristics? What is his creation?
Humanity: What is human nature? What is human purpose? What is the root cause of human problems?
Jesus: What is Jesus’ true identity? What did Jesus do? Why is Jesus’ identity and work significant for the Christian worldview?
Restoration: What is the solution to human problems according to the Christian worldview? What role do grace and faith play in Christian salvation? How do Christians think that the transformation of self and society happens?
Analysis: Analyze the Christian worldview by addressing each of the following questions:
1.     What are the benefits or strengths of Christian belief?
2.     What is troublesome or confusing about Christianity?
3.     How does Christianity influence a person’s thinking and behavior?
Reflection: Reflect on your worldview by answering one of the following questions:
1.     If you are not a Christian, what similarities and differences are there between your worldview and the Christian worldview?
2.     If you are a Christian, how specifically do you live out the beliefs of the Christian worldview?
Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV Topic 5 Study Guide
Complete Topic 5 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 5 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 5 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 5 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Summarize Romans 3:20-26.
 2.     Summarize Matthew 5:44.
 3.     How does the textbook interpret Matthew 18:21-35 and the Christian’s ability to forgive others?
 4.     Describe the Christian view of salvation and how it differs from the views of other religions.
 5.     What three words beginning with “R” used in the lesson and lecture summarize the gospel message?
 6.     Briefly summarize Isaiah 53:4-6.
 7.     What is the mark of a Christian according to Jesus in John 13:35?
  8.     Read Hebrews 9:24-28. Briefly state the point in each of the last three verses (26-28).
 9.     Summarize John 20:24-29. What is the significance of this passage for Christians today?
  CWV 101 Topic 6 DQ 1
 Jesus made many absolute statements such as the following:
John 14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (NIV).
Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (NIV).
How would you answer someone accusing Christianity of exclusivism?
 CWV 101 Topic 6 DQ 2
 How would you explain how a good, loving, and all-powerful God allows suffering and evil in his creation? Cite a specific example of suffering and/or evil that you have seen or experienced.
  CWV 101 Week 6 Assignment Guided Analysis: Suffering Worksheet
In a guided analysis, you will interact with the problem of evil and suffering and provide your own response to the problem in comparison to the Christian response.
Follow the directions in the “Guided Analysis: Suffering Worksheet.”
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 6 Study Guide
Complete Topic 6 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 6 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 6 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 6 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Read the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20.
1.     Briefly list the commandments.
 1.     How do the first four commandments differ from the last six?
 2.     Read the Beatitudes, the blessings of Jesus in the opening verses of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 5:1-12. Which one is repeated and emphasized?
 3.     From the lecture, what two commandments did Jesus say are the greatest?
 4.     From the lecture and textbook, write out the short quote that philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche made famous about truth.
 5.     From the textbook, describe how Raphael, in his great painting School of Athens, depicted Plato and Aristotle.
  6.     According to the lecture, what kind of absolute truths require the existence of God?
 7.     Briefly define general and special revelation.
 8.     From Chapter 8 of the textbook, define exclusivism and pluralism.
 9.     According to Chapter 9 in the textbook, does Job ever find out why he suffered? What is the best explanation from our perspective?
 10.   Read the story of the raising of Lazarus in John 11. What can we learn about Jesus and death from this account of the event?
 11.   Read the 11 reasons for suffering listed in the lecture. Which reason(s) might provide good cause for a Christian to “count it all joy” as James says to do in James 1:2-4?
 12.   Read the section on Theodicy in Chapter 9 of the textbook.
1.     Define theodicy.
 1.     What are two explanations Christians might give to explain the problem of evil—how a good and powerful God would allow suffering?
 13.   According to Philippians 2:1-11, how are Christians to behave in light of what Jesus endured?
   CWV 101 Topic 7 DQ 1
 After reviewing the Chapter 11 “Finding Your Purpose” section, discuss some of the ways that people might discover their purpose.
Where are you in the process of finding your purpose?
 CWV 101 Topic 7 DQ 2
 What might be some of the ramifications of living without purpose?
How might having purpose in life impact the way people live their daily lives, and make long-term plans and decisions?
  CWV 101 Week 7 Assignment Benchmark – Ethical Dilemmas
In this assignment, you will analyze the implications of an ethical issue according to your worldview.
Write a 1,000-1,500 word essay in which you analyze ethical thinking and use values-based decision making to address a case study from the perspective of the Christian worldview as compared to your own worldview assumptions. Choose one case study from the five options listed on the “Ethical Dilemmas” document.
After an appropriate introductory paragraph with a thesis statement in which you name the scenario you are choosing, address each of the following six sections with at least one paragraph each. Use the underlined titles for each of your headings.
1.     Ethical Dilemma: Briefly describe the ethical dilemma in your own words, including (a) what in the scenario makes it difficult to make an ethical decision and (b) at least two options for resolving the scenario, providing a brief overview of what sort of ethical decisions each option might make.
2.     Core Beliefs: What beliefs about God and humanity from the Christian worldview are relevant to the scenario? How might these core worldview commitments of Christians influence one’s decision making with regard to this scenario?
3.     Resolution: Describe the Christian worldview’s proposal for resolving the ethical dilemma. How should the person in the scenario act according to the Christian worldview? What is the best course of action for a Christian? (Note: The resolution should be consistent with Christian worldview commitments.)
4.     Evaluation: What might be the unintended consequences and perceived benefits of the resolution proposed by the Christian worldview?
5.     Comparison: How does the Christian worldview’s resolution compare to another option?
6.     Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.
7.     References
Use and cite two course resources (textbook, lectures, and the Bible), and at least two scholarly sources from the GCU online library that address the issue from opposing sides. Refer to the directions on “Navigating the GCU Library for CWV Benchmark Research” and the “Example Ethical Dilemma Essay” documents.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 7 Study Guide
Complete the Topic 7 Study Guide to prepare for the Final Exam.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Final Exam portion which covers questions from topic 7. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy. The Final Exam will also include three review questions from each of the previous quizzes, so review previous study guides as well.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Final Exam.
The exam will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the exam. Once you start the exam, do not exit the exam until the entire exam is completed. Exiting out of the exam before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Read the section on The Kingdom of God in chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:
1.     Is it a present kingdom or a future kingdom?
 1.     Is it a physical kingdom or a spiritual kingdom?
 1.     List two other characteristics found in the reading.
 2.     Read the section on The Mission of God in chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:
1.     How is it related to God’s character?
 1.     How is God’s mission characterized?
 3.     Read the sidebar on Finding Your Purpose in chapter 11 of the textbook and describe the work ethic presented. What kind of work is best?
 4.     List God’s purposes for our lives from Romans 8:28-29 (see Lecture 7).
 5.     Read the section on Belief and Behavior in chapter 12 of the textbook and James 2:14-26. What is the relationship between faith and action?
 6.     According to Mark 8:34, is being a disciple of Jesus easy or costly?
 7.     Read the section on The Work of the Holy Spirit in chapter 12 of the textbook. List two functions of the Spirit in a Christian’s life.
 8.     According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism quoted in the lecture, what is the primary purpose of humanity?
 9.     Read 1 Corinthians 15:42-57 and list three characteristics of the glorified state.
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 CWV-101 Full Course
 CWV 101 Topic 1 DQ 1
 Recall a time when you met someone with a different worldview than yours and you had a difficult time relating.
1.     What challenges did you have relating to that person?
2.     How might an understanding of the other’s worldview have helped you in that situation?
 CWV 101 Topic 1 DQ 2
 After viewing one of the films listed in the “Topic 1 Discussion Question Film Resource” from the topic materials, answer the following two questions. Before you post, change the title of the post to include the title of the movie you are discussing.
1.     What is one worldview depicted in the movie?
2.     Which character(s) held that worldview?
Provide at least two quotes or scene descriptions from the movie to defend your point.
  CWV 101 Week 1 Assignment Personal Commitments Assessment
In this assignment, you will examine your worldview using the personal commitments described in Chapter 2 of the textbook. This may be the first time you have thought deeply about what you believe, so give yourself time to reflect on each question. You will also have the opportunity to examine your worldview according to a test given in the textbook and to express what you think the Christian faith is all about.
Follow the directions in the “Personal Commitments Assessment.”
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 2 DQ 1
 Where do atheism and Christianity agree and disagree on views of the origin of the universe?
What difference might someone’s belief about the origin of the universe make in how that person lives his or her life?
 CWV 101 Topic 2 DQ 2
 Explain who God is to the Christian using at least three characteristics of God. Why are the characteristics of God so important to the Christian worldview?
 CWV Week 2 Assignment Origins Reflection
In this assignment you will summarize beliefs about the origin of the universe and life, including what Christians believe, what you believe, and how people’s beliefs about origins might impact how they live.
After reflecting on Chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis, create a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation covering the following topics, paying particular emphasis on item three:
1.     Briefly explain the Genesis account of creation (first two chapters). The point is not to retell all aspects of the story in detail but just to make the message of the Bible clear.
2.     Explain and support your interpretation of the origin of the universe. Here you may want to address evolution, age of the earth, and whether or not it can be reconciled with the message of the Bible.
3.     Express how your understanding of the origin of the universe impacts your worldview, specifically your view of God, of humanity, and responsibility to care for the earth.
The first slide will be the title slide including your name and course information. The last slide(s) will be your list of references. You may use the textbook, the lecture, or other scholarly references. Cite all sources, including the Bible, as you would in an essay. The in-text citations should be placed on the actual slides in the presentation so the audience can see them. Put basic content on the actual slides and elaborate on all your points in the slide notes.
In an effort to keep the file sizes reasonable, use no more than four low-resolution images. As in all aspects of this course, show respect for all other views, with no condescension. Keep your presentation positive and focused on what you believe, not on what you do not believe.
Use one to three resources, other than the Bible.
While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 2 Study Guide
Complete Topic 2 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 2 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 2 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 2 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     List the three Christian views of creation as given in the lecture, and a brief description of each.
 2.     The concept that humanity is created in the image of God may refer to a number of things. List four: two covered in the textbook and two covered in the lecture.
 3.     What are the similarities between the scenes in Revelation 21:1-4 and the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2?
 4.     According to the lecture, what is meant when we say God is sovereign?
 5.     List at least five characteristics of God emphasized in Psalm 145.
 6.     List three reasons for seeing humanity as the pinnacle of God’s creation.
 7.     How does the textbook describe the Garden of Eden?
 8.     How would you describe the nature of work God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden?
 9.     Summarize Proverbs 9:10.
 10.   Summarize God’s statements in Genesis 2:16-18.
 11.   What does the textbook say about the involvement of the Trinity in creation?
 12.   List the four basic “acts” of the overarching biblical story.
  CWV 101 Topic 3 DQ 1
 The Christian worldview provides an explanation for human nature and the story of the creation and fall (Gen 1-3). A great deal of the suffering that people experience and much of man’s inhumanity to man are explained by this description of the fall of human nature. Is this characterization of human nature accurate? Why or why not? If not, what is an alternative explanation?
 CWV 101 Topic 3 DQ 2
 How does the Fall relate to tragedies like 9/11 and disasters such as the Tsunami of 2004?
Explain how your reaction to evil events has caused you to reassess your worldview.
  CWV 101 Week 3 Assignment Fall of Humanity Then and Now Worksheet
In this assignment you will analyze the implications of the fall of humanity, consider the impact of the Fall on humanity, and reflect on the continuing consequences of the Fall for people throughout human history.
One of the central components of every worldview is the topic of human nature. The topic of human nature asks questions about human value, human flourishing, and human purpose. Within the Christian worldview, the issue of sin and the consequences of the Fall factor prominently into the topic of human nature.
In this two-part assignment you will explore the topic of human nature from the perspective of the Christian worldview. The first part of the assignment involves gathering research. The second part of the assignment addresses how the effects of the Fall are still evident in the world today.
Use the “Fall of Humanity: Then and Now Worksheet” to complete this assignment.
While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 3 Study Guide
Complete Topic 3 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 3 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 3 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 3 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Summarize Isaiah 59:1-2.
 2.     The textbook and lecture make mention of Judges 21:25, “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (ESV). This is a common refrain in Scripture (Deut 12:8; Prov 12:15, 26:12). What does this refrain indicate about the spiritual state of the people?
 3.     What is the prophecy in Genesis 3:15 known as and what does it mean?
 4.     A main idea, according to the textbook, is that the history of humanity is characterized by a departure from what?
 5.     Which book of the Bible begins with the story of Moses?
 6.     What kind of prayer is found in Nehemiah 9 and how does it contrast God and the people?
 7.     Although created in the image of God, humanity became sinful by nature after the Fall. How extensively does this original sin or depravity affect us according to Romans 3:10-23?
 8.     How did the Fall (sin of Adam and Eve) affect the world according to Genesis 3:16-19?
 9.     What metaphor does the textbook use to describe idolatry?
 10.   According to the textbook, what was the primary message of the Old Testament prophets?
 11.   List the names of Israel’s first three kings.
 12.   After Israel divided into the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom, the southern kingdom of Judah endured much longer but eventually fell to what nation?
 13.   According to the textbook, the wisdom literature (Job through Ecclesiastes) has what central theme?
 14.   According to this topic’s assigned reading, “The Mystery of Original Sin: We Don’t Know Why God Permitted the Fall, But We Know All Too Well the Evil and Sin That Still Plague Us,” by Marguerite Shuster, what is the problem with the world?
 15.   According to that same Shuster article, why might God want us “to believe, trust, and obey him even when there is not a reason to do so that we can wrap our minds around?”
  CWV 101 Topic 4 DQ 1
 According to the Bible and the Christian worldview, Jesus was fully God and fully human. Interacting with the readings, especially Philippians 2:5-11 and Hebrews 1:1-3, explain why this teaching of Jesus’ full divinity and full humanity is important to Christianity.
 CWV 101 Topic 4 DQ 2
 Read the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) and answer the following questions:
1.     What do you believe is the main theme Jesus is communicating?
2.     Explain the three principal characters. Who do you identify with the most, and why?
  CWV 101 Week 4 Assignment Mark 829 Worksheet
 In Mark 8:29, Jesus discussed with his disciples what people were saying about him. Jesus asked his disciples directly, “But who do you say that I am?” In this assignment you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of who Christians claim Jesus is and to share your own belief about who Jesus is. Follow the directions in the “Mark 8:29 Worksheet.” GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
 CWV 101 Topic 4 Study Guide
Complete Topic 4 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 4 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 4 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 4 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Read Philippians 2:5-8 and briefly describe the direction Jesus’ life took.
 2.     Read John 1:1-3. What other familiar passage in Scripture does this remind you of?
 3.     In what ways does the textbook say that Jesus is similar to Moses and David?
 4.     Briefly summarize the Parable of the Sower from Mark 4.
 5.     Briefly list the three temptations of Jesus from Matthew 4.
 6.     How is Jesus described in 1 Corinthians 1:24 and John 1:1?
 7.     In the lecture, Jesus is described as fully God and fully man; now briefly describe the Trinity and Jesus’ position in the Trinity.
 8.     Briefly describe the kingdom of God as taught in the textbook.
 9.     Read John 10:1-18 and briefly summarize how Jesus cares for His sheep.
 10.   Briefly summarize the context and story of the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:29-37.
 11.   According to the lecture, what is the atonement and where in the Old Testament is this referred to in prophecy seven times?
 12.   What does the incarnation refer to?
 13.   According to the lecture, what three reasons are stated in Scripture for why God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ?
 14.   Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. What is the Apostle Paul referring to when he says at the end that “the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men?”
 CWV 101 Topic 5 DQ 1
 After reading the account of the resurrection of Christ in Luke 24 and again in the assigned textbook chapters, express why the resurrection is so important to the Christian worldview.
 CWV 101 Topic 5 DQ 2
 According to the Christian worldview, how does one gain eternal life? Use Bible verses to support your response.
How does the Christian concept of hope for the afterlife differ from that concept in other worldviews?
  CWV 101 Week 5 Assignment Benchmark – Gospel Essentials
In this assignment you will summarize and analyze the essential elements of the Christian worldview and reflect on implications for your own worldview.
Write a 1,250-1,500-word essay using at least two course resources (textbook, lectures, the Bible) and at least two other sources from the GCU Library to support your points. Remember, the Bible counts as one reference regardless of how many times you use it or how many verses you cite.
Begin your paper with an appropriate introduction, including a thesis statement to introduce the purpose of the paper.
Organize your paper with the following sections using the seven underlined titles for subheadings.
The Christian Worldview: Describe the beliefs of the Christian worldview with regard to the following components corresponding to Topics 2-5. Write at least one paragraph for each component using the underlined title for a subheading.
God: What is God like? What are God’s characteristics? What is his creation?
Humanity: What is human nature? What is human purpose? What is the root cause of human problems?
Jesus: What is Jesus’ true identity? What did Jesus do? Why is Jesus’ identity and work significant for the Christian worldview?
Restoration: What is the solution to human problems according to the Christian worldview? What role do grace and faith play in Christian salvation? How do Christians think that the transformation of self and society happens?
Analysis: Analyze the Christian worldview by addressing each of the following questions:
1.     What are the benefits or strengths of Christian belief?
2.     What is troublesome or confusing about Christianity?
3.     How does Christianity influence a person’s thinking and behavior?
Reflection: Reflect on your worldview by answering one of the following questions:
1.     If you are not a Christian, what similarities and differences are there between your worldview and the Christian worldview?
2.     If you are a Christian, how specifically do you live out the beliefs of the Christian worldview?
Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV Topic 5 Study Guide
Complete Topic 5 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 5 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 5 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 5 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Summarize Romans 3:20-26.
 2.     Summarize Matthew 5:44.
 3.     How does the textbook interpret Matthew 18:21-35 and the Christian’s ability to forgive others?
 4.     Describe the Christian view of salvation and how it differs from the views of other religions.
 5.     What three words beginning with “R” used in the lesson and lecture summarize the gospel message?
 6.     Briefly summarize Isaiah 53:4-6.
 7.     What is the mark of a Christian according to Jesus in John 13:35?
  8.     Read Hebrews 9:24-28. Briefly state the point in each of the last three verses (26-28).
 9.     Summarize John 20:24-29. What is the significance of this passage for Christians today?
  CWV 101 Topic 6 DQ 1
 Jesus made many absolute statements such as the following:
John 14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (NIV).
Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (NIV).
How would you answer someone accusing Christianity of exclusivism?
 CWV 101 Topic 6 DQ 2
 How would you explain how a good, loving, and all-powerful God allows suffering and evil in his creation? Cite a specific example of suffering and/or evil that you have seen or experienced.
  CWV 101 Week 6 Assignment Guided Analysis: Suffering Worksheet
In a guided analysis, you will interact with the problem of evil and suffering and provide your own response to the problem in comparison to the Christian response.
Follow the directions in the “Guided Analysis: Suffering Worksheet.”
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 6 Study Guide
Complete Topic 6 Study Guide to prepare for Topic 6 Quiz.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Topic 6 Quiz. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Topic 6 Quiz.
The quiz will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the quiz. Once you start the quiz, do not exit the quiz until the entire quiz is completed. Exiting out of the quiz before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Read the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20.
1.     Briefly list the commandments.
 1.     How do the first four commandments differ from the last six?
 2.     Read the Beatitudes, the blessings of Jesus in the opening verses of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 5:1-12. Which one is repeated and emphasized?
 3.     From the lecture, what two commandments did Jesus say are the greatest?
 4.     From the lecture and textbook, write out the short quote that philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche made famous about truth.
 5.     From the textbook, describe how Raphael, in his great painting School of Athens, depicted Plato and Aristotle.
  6.     According to the lecture, what kind of absolute truths require the existence of God?
 7.     Briefly define general and special revelation.
 8.     From Chapter 8 of the textbook, define exclusivism and pluralism.
 9.     According to Chapter 9 in the textbook, does Job ever find out why he suffered? What is the best explanation from our perspective?
 10.   Read the story of the raising of Lazarus in John 11. What can we learn about Jesus and death from this account of the event?
 11.   Read the 11 reasons for suffering listed in the lecture. Which reason(s) might provide good cause for a Christian to “count it all joy” as James says to do in James 1:2-4?
 12.   Read the section on Theodicy in Chapter 9 of the textbook.
1.     Define theodicy.
 1.     What are two explanations Christians might give to explain the problem of evil—how a good and powerful God would allow suffering?
 13.   According to Philippians 2:1-11, how are Christians to behave in light of what Jesus endured?
   CWV 101 Topic 7 DQ 1
 After reviewing the Chapter 11 “Finding Your Purpose” section, discuss some of the ways that people might discover their purpose.
Where are you in the process of finding your purpose?
 CWV 101 Topic 7 DQ 2
 What might be some of the ramifications of living without purpose?
How might having purpose in life impact the way people live their daily lives, and make long-term plans and decisions?
  CWV 101 Week 7 Assignment Benchmark – Ethical Dilemmas
In this assignment, you will analyze the implications of an ethical issue according to your worldview.
Write a 1,000-1,500 word essay in which you analyze ethical thinking and use values-based decision making to address a case study from the perspective of the Christian worldview as compared to your own worldview assumptions. Choose one case study from the five options listed on the “Ethical Dilemmas” document.
After an appropriate introductory paragraph with a thesis statement in which you name the scenario you are choosing, address each of the following six sections with at least one paragraph each. Use the underlined titles for each of your headings.
1.     Ethical Dilemma: Briefly describe the ethical dilemma in your own words, including (a) what in the scenario makes it difficult to make an ethical decision and (b) at least two options for resolving the scenario, providing a brief overview of what sort of ethical decisions each option might make.
2.     Core Beliefs: What beliefs about God and humanity from the Christian worldview are relevant to the scenario? How might these core worldview commitments of Christians influence one’s decision making with regard to this scenario?
3.     Resolution: Describe the Christian worldview’s proposal for resolving the ethical dilemma. How should the person in the scenario act according to the Christian worldview? What is the best course of action for a Christian? (Note: The resolution should be consistent with Christian worldview commitments.)
4.     Evaluation: What might be the unintended consequences and perceived benefits of the resolution proposed by the Christian worldview?
5.     Comparison: How does the Christian worldview’s resolution compare to another option?
6.     Conclusion: Synthesize the main points, pulling the ideas of the paper together.
7.     References
Use and cite two course resources (textbook, lectures, and the Bible), and at least two scholarly sources from the GCU online library that address the issue from opposing sides. Refer to the directions on “Navigating the GCU Library for CWV Benchmark Research” and the “Example Ethical Dilemma Essay” documents.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
  CWV 101 Topic 7 Study Guide
Complete the Topic 7 Study Guide to prepare for the Final Exam.
 This study guide is a tool designed to prepare students for the Final Exam portion which covers questions from topic 7. Instructors will grade the study guide for completion, not for accuracy. The Final Exam will also include three review questions from each of the previous quizzes, so review previous study guides as well.
Download the study guide and type in your answers below the questions. Save the study guide to your computer and submit when complete. There is no need to submit the study guide to Turnitin. After submitting the study guide to the instructor, save it for use when taking the Final Exam.
The exam will be graded for accuracy, so take time to seek the correct answers for this study guide before you attempt the exam. Once you start the exam, do not exit the exam until the entire exam is completed. Exiting out of the exam before it is complete may result in a zero grade.
Please type your answers below each question.
1.     Read the section on The Kingdom of God in chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:
1.     Is it a present kingdom or a future kingdom?
 1.     Is it a physical kingdom or a spiritual kingdom?
 1.     List two other characteristics found in the reading.
 2.     Read the section on The Mission of God in chapter 11 of the textbook and respond to the following:
1.     How is it related to God’s character?
 1.     How is God’s mission characterized?
 3.     Read the sidebar on Finding Your Purpose in chapter 11 of the textbook and describe the work ethic presented. What kind of work is best?
 4.     List God’s purposes for our lives from Romans 8:28-29 (see Lecture 7).
 5.     Read the section on Belief and Behavior in chapter 12 of the textbook and James 2:14-26. What is the relationship between faith and action?
 6.     According to Mark 8:34, is being a disciple of Jesus easy or costly?
 7.     Read the section on The Work of the Holy Spirit in chapter 12 of the textbook. List two functions of the Spirit in a Christian’s life.
 8.     According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism quoted in the lecture, what is the primary purpose of humanity?
 9.     Read 1 Corinthians 15:42-57 and list three characteristics of the glorified state.
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