#how to care for your cermet
Obviously XIV gives us a point of reference for character clothing through the use of glamours. However, beyond that, how does your character dress? Are their fabrics they prefer (cotton over wool, satin, silk, etc), do they tailor their clothes a certain way or do they tend to dress in certain colours? Is fashion and clothing something they care about, or is it more for function? Do they know how to repair their clothes if they get holes? What about things like shoes and accessories?
Thanks for the question! I love answering stuff like this about Mina and Theia!
It ultimately depends on where she is. She grew up in Garlemald so she is most likely wearing lighter clothing than everyone else weather wise, but she's also rather insistent on wearing some sort of armour where she can.
Cotton wouldn't have been part of her standard clothing before she was twenty, since it is not good for cold weather, wool was probably something she wore often under her armour and jackets.
When she ended up in Eorzea she had the nightmare of adapting to hot and temperate weather and often wore as light clothing as she could safely get away with.
In her adventures she is always wearing some form of light armour, likely leather or cermet plate (this is a real material used in body armour!) once Cid is able to get it imported/recovered, enough to protect her from basic injury but not too heavy she can't move freely.
Places she can't or doesn't need armour:
She does have a soft spot for dresses, they're usually too impractical for her to wear though. The softer the material the happier she is, because she likes to pet it, so velvet and silk are her favourite indulgences that she rarely allows herself to have. Usually these fabrics are saved for state events she's been forced to go to due to Scion business.
Shoes: a good pair of leather boots are her favorite, something made to fit her foot and able to withstand a lot of travel and be comfortable. If it has a sole that is grippy for uneven terrain and support for her ankles, she's pretty happy. Think a construction work boot.
Accessories and little things about her:
She always wears a flower clip in her hair, she knows it's impractical, but her hair is one of the few indulgences she lets herself keep.
She also likes braids and plaits and learned how to do them. The gyr abanian plait was her standard hair style up until recently, briefly used Lyse's hair style and settled on Durante's going forward. She also dyes the blond parts of her hair green since arriving in Eorzea, much to a certain character's irritation later.
She always wears a single earring in places where it's warm, she removed them and most jewelry when she journeyed to cold regions such as Coerthas and Garlemald, to prevent frostbite. After Heavensward she wears a ring on her ring finger, the one she would have received from Haurchefant if things had gone differently and a necklace with two small crystals, a dark aspected one from Lahabrea and a ice aspected one from Ysayle. She also has a ring on that necklace after Shadowbringers from Emet-selch, which was something she had made him as Azem.
Can she fix her own clothes? Yes, it may not look fantastic on the inside, but it will be fully functional. She did get better at it from pre-ARR to Endwalker, Tataru got annoyed and sat her down and made her learn proper mending.
Colours: Mostly shades of green where she can. She has a few outfits in blue and reds, but she primarily wears green where she can. Tataru once again said she couldn't have every item be green and started making her wear other colours.
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ofdarklands · 5 months
well i have to say hearing gaius' speech in german does have some... extra accuracy flavour. what can i say
gaius' first speech at cid seems to be shorter, as i had to wait a bit for the rest
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maggie scene seems to be the same
nero's speech also seems to be the same length, but the cid convo after nero escapes seems to be longer, and the rest of the group triggered the next one before i could get to the lift
gaius' speech is at least 10? 15? seconds shorter, so i ended up here, which was interesting. had to take the shortcut
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dungeon google translation under the cut. long, long!
Gaius van Baelsar: You've kept me waiting a long time, Cid. Gaius van Baelsar: I have something to tell you. About Mid nan Garlond... Cid: Ha. Why do I care about my father now? Gaius van Baelsar: Mid showed remorse in his final years... that his Project Meteor had brought you into such distress. Cid: Don't tell me about regrets! He managed the project until the end! Gaius van Baelsar: By then it was already too late to turn away. Meteor took him over, he couldn't escape. Gaius van Baelsar: When I saw him for the very last time, he told me how sorry he was - because of his son. Gaius van Baelsar: You wanted to use Magitek technology to bring peace to the world - that message certainly got through to him. Cid: Did you stage all of this to tell me maudlin stories? Stop it, Gaius! Who is supposed to believe that! Gaius van Baelsar: Cid, Cid. I'm just telling you how it is. Don't you want to come back where you belong? Take your rightful place at my side... as Magitek's lead engineer! Cid: So Gaius, make a point. My father supposedly changed his mind in the end? And should I follow in his footsteps? Where is the logic in that? Gaius van Baelsar: What about you, adventurer? Don't you want to use your powers under my leadership, under Garlean protection - for Eorzea? Gaius van Baelsar: With your special gift you can lead this world into a bright future. Gaius van Baelsar: Ah, you hopeless idealists. It's a wasted effort. Gaius van Baelsar: Yes, well captured. Defend yourself if you can. Or, Cid, do you want to run away a second time? Cid: Gaius! Wait! Damn, then we have no choice... Cid: Well then. I'll take a look at the equipment here and see if I can find out more about this garrison. Just keep pushing forward and wait for my report. Cid: Look! Aren't these the same fighting machines as the ones we used to save Minfilia in Castrum Centri? Cid: They've come just in time! I suggest you grab one and give the enemy some fire. Cid: Hey, Mitr'a, it's me. I dug up some data on the wall - it's made of reinforced cermet. Cid: You can't do anything with normal firepower, you have to redirect all the energy to the magitek cannon - everything, you know? Set to critical performance! You ignore the warning lights! Cid: And then fire away. This will completely burn the machine core, but the wall is through. Cid: Are you okay? You have to switch to... table power...! ...don't worry, ...it's okay!
Cid: Yes! Haha! I don't see any walls on the display anymore! Now you have to continue on foot. Nero tol Scaeva: Ha ha. You're causing quite a ruckus here, boy. Cid: What's going on? Is someone with you?! Nero tol Scaeva: Aah, Cid! How heartwarming to hear your voice - after so long. Haha! Cid: Nero?! How come ... Nero tol Scaeva: We were so daring to tune into your radio. Well, Garlond, how are you always? Cid: So they made you the highest tribune of the XIV Legion... Tribunus Laticlavius Nero Tol Scaeva! Nero tol Scaeva: What is it, Garlond, do you still want to push yourself in front of me now? Cid: What are you talking about? Nero tol Scaeva: Ah, as if you didn't remember! The Magitek Academy? All the honor and praise for the little genius Cid Garlond? Nero tol Scaeva: Don't act stupid! All this time I have been in your shadow because your father was the chief Magitek engineer, the highest ranking engineer in the Empire... Nero tol Scaeva: Then you decided to turn your back on your homeland and defect to the enemy! Do you know what that meant? Nero tol Scaeva: That's exactly what made you a super-genius in people's minds! Your disappearance made you a legend. A traitor, yes - but one of unrivaled ability. Nero tol Scaeva: I, on the other hand, was here, tangible and criticizable. What I screwed up, the gifted Cid Garlond would of course have done with flying colors. If I developed something, it was never as good as you probably would have designed it. Cid: Nero... Nero tol Scaeva: And from the beginning Gaius wanted to make you the chief engineer, blind to all my efforts and achievements. Nero tol Scaeva: Sad story, right? Nero tol Scaeva: But only this far... Because now Gaius has activated the Ultima weapon. My masterpiece. Nero tol Scaeva: But it will still take a little moment until you can admire it in perfection... So how about a little intermission in the meantime - to shorten the waiting time? Cid: What are you up to? Nero tol Scaeva: I have watched you, adventurer, since you set foot on Eorzean soil. Nero tol Scaeva: Your taking on the idols of the Wild Tribes - not bad for a wandering vagabond. And your gift of transcending makes you invulnerable to their influence. Nero tol Scaeva: No wonder the Legatus is following you with the utmost attention! Nero tol Scaeva: And I'm just as interested in your practical ability. If I could make them usable for the Magitek...! Nero tol Scaeva: That would put all your inventions to shame, Cid. All your developments would look like childish stuff - in front of an ultimate weapon with the artificial power of transcending! Nero tol Scaeva: Alright, adventurer. Now let's test out your little secret thoroughly.
(in battle) Nero tol Scaeva: I have prepared an incomparable stage for you. I hope you appreciate this honor! Nero tol Scaeva: Well, hasn't Cid made you a usable weapon yet? Just take a good look at mine! Nero tol Scaeva: My deathclaw. How do you like her? Nero tol Scaeva: Hnn... Should I... even succumb to you!? Nero tol Scaeva: Cursed...! You should... succumb! Nero tol Scaeva: ... Har har har! Are you listening, Cid? Do you hear the? The Ultima Weapon is in its final phase! She is complete! My work! Ahahahahaha! Cid: Hey, Mitr'a! Everything OK with you? Cid: Where is Nero? Away?! Damn it! Cid: The sensors indicate an extreme increase in temperature in the inner chamber. They probably diverted all of the castrum's energy to the Ultima weapon - that's why the lights just went out! Cid: I bet Gaius is in there too. Now let's get going, every second counts. Cid: News came from the Alliance just now. Kan-E-Senna has managed to seal off the railway line to the castrum. Cid: The state companies are on their way here. Now there are only a few Yalms separating us from the target... Let's destroy the Ultima weapon. Cid: The reception is about to get worse, be prepared for the contact bead to fail. Cid: But don't let anything stop you, okay? Now it's all about it. Cid: Look... for the controls for the elevator... It has to be there somewhere. Cid: The chamber for the Ultima weapon should be at the bottom... Cid: Gaius can be anywhere, so keep your eyes peeled! Cid: Be careful, you hear? Don't be surprised! Cid: The interference is getting stronger, contact could break at any moment...
Gaius van Baelsar: Well, adventurer…tell me…what are you fighting so hard for? Gaius van Baelsar: Hmm! How extremely noble! But do you also believe in Eorzea? Gaius van Baelsar: This façade of unity, the cities built on illusions, the lulling belief in “gods”… Gaius van Baelsar: Eorzea is a mess of lies and delusion. Gaius van Baelsar: It is undignified how you “civilized people” cringe before the idols of the savages… They help their people - whereas your gods hardly bother to do so. Gaius van Baelsar: Are your twelve busy? Are they hiding from me? If you adore them like that, then call them, like you did back then on the heath of Carteneau! Or are you hesitating because they would succumb to me?! Gaius van Baelsar: And don't forget their toll - the vast amounts of aether they charge the Earth for each guest appearance! Gaius van Baelsar: Don't you see? What are your gods but parasites? Just like the primals who drain the air from the land… Gaius van Baelsar: You suspect it yourself, and yet you close your eyes! Why do stupid people still pay homage to them? Why was the great Louisoix too blind to see it? Gaius van Baelsar: Because your leaders are weak, spineless and without the will to power! Gaius van Baelsar: The world was made for us worldly people, we are its raison d'être! Gaius van Baelsar: She is ours, for we fought for her while the gods slept! Gaius van Baelsar: And what is more natural than the strongest ruling over the weak?! Gaius van Baelsar: The earth is bleeding dry because no one prevents it from being bled. Gaius van Baelsar: But I will re-establish the order of this world! I wash away the lies of this world, I am its salvation! Gaius van Baelsar: And I will crush the “heroes” like you so that all the world will know my strength! Gaius van Baelsar: Then this empire… will rise again as my empire! (in battle) Gaius van Baelsar: A “hero”? What pathetic praise for a worm that stayed alive by chance. Gaius van Baelsar: Only fools face me in battle! Gaius van Baelsar: Not bad for a brainless weakling. But don't get excited too soon. Gaius van Baelsar: Can you finish what you started? Gaius van Baelsar: If you are not willing to bow to me, this blade will be your downfall! Gaius van Baelsar: The era of the weak is over! Gaius van Baelsar: Do you think you can achieve victory with perseverance? A fatal mistake!
i forgot i had my cutscenes on autoskip so i didn't get his final words before he runs to the ultima weapon, sadly
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mister13eyond · 7 months
that 'caring for your cermet' video but it's just me making fake instructions for how to care for my ocs
mostly warnings
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tigwex · 2 years
my ass has finished disco elysium. incredible and very cool but also what does everyone see in jean vicquemare he was on screen for like maybe 5 minutes and all he did was bitch at harry (who has gotten his act together somewhat) and sound like the jenna marbles how to care for your cermet video. bitch you are not a meow meow you are a hiss hiss and the hissing is ME
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You need to let your an cermet defy gravity or it will not grow.
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goldpilot22 · 5 years
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you should exercise your an cermet at speed nervous it is fast and nervous and helps them grow
aka! my cermet did a grow im so happy for him he's baby i love him
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kibanafuji · 5 years
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if you want your an gommy to grow you should water him multiple times per day. gummys should get plenty of water but should never be submearged becuz gummis can not swim thatz too much watair
you shud ecxersise your gemmy at speed slimy. it is fast and slimy and helps them groaw
your gumys are very sensitive and need anmotional support give tem compliments and tell them good morning all day or elze they will cry crying does not make gunnys grow
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aestheticsyoutubers · 7 years
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jenna mourey, jennamarbles ↳ how to care for your cermet 2
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airanke · 2 years
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The “accent” is based on Jenna Marble’s “How to care for your an Cermet” videos.
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laur-rants · 5 years
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I havent uploaded anything in months but please enjoy this meme about Boltund being an Cermet, based off of the Jenna Marbles ‘how to care for your cermet’ video.
Captions for those finding it hard to read: panel 1: What speed should I exercise my boltund at? panel 2: You should exercise your boltund at speed NERVOUS panel 3: never ever put shoes on boltunds panel 4: shoes are NOT for boltunds
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kootiepatra · 2 years
#FFxivWrite 2022 - Day 2 Prompt: "Bolt"
(Timeline: shortly after the events of ARR, and before the patch quests)
The air rippled with static as the magitek weaponry sliced through it in a repeating burst. The Warrior of Light dove out of its path, but could still feel the heat of its energy scorch past her. She knew not how these infernal things functioned. Yet she knew enough of their effects. She needed to be careful.
The machina lumbered after her. It was slow and ponderous, and seemed not even as smart as your average mammet. She wasn’t too nervous about being fast and agile enough to stay ahead of it. One misstep, though—
A small tree exploded into splinters in the weapon’s path as if to drive home the consequences.
At her next opportunity, she reached out from behind cover, loosing a volley of arrows as fast as she could draw them. Some struck true, finding their marks in joints or gaps in the armor. More glanced off or shattered against the cermet plating. 
She sighed in frustration. Would that she had taken up a heavier weapon in her youth. One of those axes like she saw folks carrying around in Limsa Lominsa, perhaps.
The whining of cerulean engines warned her that the machina was spinning up another barrage. She retreated back behind a boulder and clapped her hands over her ears, bracing herself as bits of the forest showered down upon her, flung asunder to the deafening roar of Garlean technology at its finest.
Gods she hated these things. They were hideous, destructive, and emitted the worst sorts of noises that had ever befouled her hearing. She supposed, in that sense, they embodied their empire quite well.
But, neither her musings nor her simple arrows were getting her anywhere. While far from the most daunting adversary she had faced in recent days, she was loath to drag this fight on any longer than necessary. More would be required of her. 
She peeked out of cover to ascertain the machine's position. It trudged mindlessly towards her, steam venting out of its chassis—hearteningly, it seemed, from more places than its designers intended. But that telltale whine began rising again, and she pulled her head back out of its line of sight. 
She winced as the cacophony assailed her ears, but took a deep breath and tried to focus through it, drawing on power from her own aether, humming a quiet incantation that could not be heard over the din.
The noise relented. This was her chance. 
She vaulted over the boulder, drawing back two arrows against her bowstring with all of the strength she could muster. She loosed them. They sparked into a spiraling whirl of magic and tore through their target, rending a gaping hole in its housing, scattering its myriad clockwork components in wide arcs across the glade. The machina shuddered and toppled with a metallic groan. At last it lay still and mercifully silent.
She let out a breath and lowered her bow. At least there was no guilt to be had when matters came to blows with these things.
“Expertly done, Keimwyda, expertly done!” Wedge cried, applauding as he appeared from his own hiding place.
“Are you all right?” she asked him.
“Me? Yes, entirely fine. And yourself?”
She smiled ruefully. “Once this ringing in my ears settles down I will be. But no, I am not hurt.”
“Good, good. Not that it’s surprising, of course. This old bucket of bolts never stood a chance against you.”
Keimwyda glanced back at the rock she had taken cover behind, noting its pocked and scarred surface. Even these smaller machina were not jokes. “That is very kind of you, my friend, but I prefer never to assume that to be true.”
“Yes. Well. That is wise, I suppose,” the Lalafell replied, making his way past her and towards the fresh wreckage. He got close and peered into the ragged opening. “I also suppose this is an appropriate moment to thank you for coming. It was Biggs’ idea, you see. He didn’t like the idea of me coming out here alone.”
Keimwyda was half-listening and half scanning the trees for any further threats. “It does rather seem like he had a point,” she replied.
Wedge continued, “This is just a little salvaging run, and in Gridanian territory at that! I thought he was just being a worrier—I can handle myself, you know—but I confess, I hadn’t expected the decommissioned machina out here to be so—well, not actually out of commission.”
Satisfied that the two of them were safe for the moment, Keimwyda relaxed into a smile. “I am glad to be of service, then. Find anything good?”
Wedge’s voice echoed ever so slightly from inside the hull of the machine. “Well you have rather complicated salvaging anything from this one. N-not that I mind, to be clear!” he exclaimed, correcting himself. “But ooh, looking at this mess, it’s no wonder that the Empire has moved on to newer models. Magical destruction aside.”
“What do you mean?” she asked, furrowing her brow.
“Well, where do I even start? For one thing, the way these gears are seated, they’re just begging to be jammed…”
Wedge needed very little prompting to start into a long-winded enthusiastic rant about the finer points of engineering. The layouts he would never use, the systems that were woefully inefficient, the materials that any machinist worth their salt knew would not hold up to hard use over time. Keimwyda considered herself a good listener in most conversational settings, but she found herself glazing over as she failed to keep up with the jargon that spilled from her companion’s lips. Wedge himself was at least entertaining to watch, though.
He at last lifted his eyes to hers and halted mid-sentece. “Oh. But you probably have no idea what I am talking about, do you?”
“I… followed bits and pieces,” the Roegadyn answered, speaking as positively as she could without lying.
“I do tend to get carried away, apologies,” he blushed. “The long and short of it is, with a little more love and forethought—things Garlean mass-production lines tend not to employ—these little fellows could actually be something worth being proud of.”
Keimwyda shook her head. “I’m afraid I can’t understand what you see in these things. In any of this,” she said, gesturing to their collected pile of salvaged pieces.
Wedge looked fairly scandalized. “Well! I shall grant you, warmachina hardly do justice to the really exciting part. But it’s our motto! ‘Freedom through technology’, remember?”
“I do, of course. ‘Tis just very hard to see that in weapons like this.”
“Fair enough, fair enough. But it’s not just what technology can do, it’s how you use it, don’t you see? Where would we have been without Maggie, for instance? And you would have been right up a creek without our crystal-rigged airship in trying to get to Garuda.”
Keimwyda chuckled. “Of course, you are right, and I am more than grateful to you and yours. But I admit, without the Ironworks, I do not believe I would touch the stuff of my own volition.”
Wedge pulled himself to his full height and put his chest out. “That’s just because you haven’t seen what we can do with it yet. Mark my words, one day you will be amazed by what good we can do with it!”
We shall see about that, the Warrior of Light thought to herself, even as she could not help but smile at his optimism. “As you say, Master Wedge. Pray show me what you would like me to carry back to the cart.”
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sheriffslop · 3 years
Lop's Stardew Farmers' Family Dynamics !! ;
Cermet - Perfect Nuclear Family !! He has a mom and dad who are still very much in love to this day ( they run a Greyhound Rescue ) and he has a younger sister ( Named Bunny ). If y'all couldn't tell how I used Jenna Marbles' Dink fam and the iggies as the biggest inspiration for this man already. 💖
Wenna - Adopted !! After having their oldest daughter, the Jones family wanted to bring in a little one that didn't have a home - luckily, close by, their local hospital had a teen mother that was giving the baby up for adoption and she was brought into a loving home with two parents, a sister, and a brother. 💖
Sandy ( Sandra if you're fancy !! ) - Huge, and I mean huge !! Though their dynamic is currently very stressed at the moment, Sandy has nine siblings, three older brothers, an older sister, two younger sisters, and three younger brothers. Her parents are also married, but the passion has surely died out. Her extended family was never far away though !! 💖
Pickle - Another Nuclear Family !! She isn't particularly close with her family anymore, rarelt talks to them outside of holidays, and will send a postcard around the holidays. An older sister and a younger brother, with two go - getting, work - oriented parents. They really disapprove of her leaving business school to pursue clowning, so it's hard to take her seriously back home. 👀
Nanna - Mixed !! Their parents are married ( though they'd be better off divorced ), and they have a half sister from a mom's previous relationship, and a cousin who has been like a brother to them as their dad adopted him into their family. They don't get along well with their family, especially their mother, but they do occasionally talk to their dad, sister, nieces and nephews. 👀
Leon - Seemingly Perfect Nuclear Family !! They have married parents, and a younger sister, but their parents absolutely wouldn't approve of them being trans. They really do miss their sister though, and keep in contact as much as they can. They wish they could move her to Pelican Town with them, so she can start her own journey to self - discovery, just as Leon has. 👀
Yoshi - Nuclear Family, The " Best " One At That !! Yoshi is an only child to two tiger parents, being Gotorian, they're very much looked down upon to begin with, so their parents are set to prove that Gotorians have a lot to offer the world, which means making up for their race in every way they can - if you aren't the smartest student, the top worker in your workplace, the best person in the room you're in, don't even bother coming home. 👀
Una - Broken !! Una's parents divorced when she was very young - they were young parents that didn't have their lives figured out, so eventually her mother fell into alcoholism, and her father left. Una was constantly responsible for her mother as a kid and teen, until her mother passed away as a result of her severe alcoholism. 👀
Lop - Very Broken !! Their parents were never married, and yet they still live together. Lop is a child of neglect, set to run amok in the streets and get by on their own wits and know how. The Periwentz house was full of constant fighting, arguing, and all around negative activities and vibes, which rubbed off on Lop and instilled some bad behaviors in their teen years. 👀
Lessee - The Poster Nuclear Family !! Upper class, eight kids in total, and a seemingly happy married couple - though the family was full of secrets. Lessee comes from two workoholic parents that cared more about their jobs than their own family, as one was a Chief Financial Officer and the other was the Chief Nursing Officer of a Ferngill hospital chain. Lessee had to be the emotional support to all of their siblings, as well as themself, which lead to some toxic and self - destructive behaviors they carry with them to this day. 👀
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u should exercise yr esme at speed NERVOUS, it is fast and nervous and helps it grow 
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kazokuhouou · 5 years
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Narrator: Put yourself inside dragyn’s mind to help them grow. This dragyn might think:
Nah: I love Nowi and Tiki, my two beautiful mothers.
Narrator: And this dragyn thinks:
Nowi: I have to breathe so much right now.
Source is Jenna Marbles’s How to Care for your Cermet 2 video.
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reallifepotato · 4 years
I'm so sad that how to care for your cermet is one of the videos Jenna privated 😭
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exex-lovers · 4 years
The boyfriend is the cermet dude?
No, no, her boyfriend's name is Julien, and they have a couple italian greyhounds (along with a chihuahua, and a normal greyhound they got last year). One of them is named Kermit, and Jenna said she saw a tweet or a comment or something where somebody asked if Kermit would get bigger (because italian greyhounds are a lot smaller than normal greyhounds) but they spelt it as Cermet. So then she made a couple silly videos about "How to care for your Cermet"
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