#how to find a dry eye specialist
jolapeno · 1 year
ii. sync up our calendars
frankie morales x f!reader | chapter two of i like the way you
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best friend! friends with benefits! frankie morales summary: what starts off as an offhand remark, quickly becomes a regular, scheduled 'stress relief'. the only problem is, both of you are in denial that you feel anything outside of friendship for the other.
chapter warnings: friends with benefits. fwb! rules. smut. frankie gets a blowjob.
an: thank you to my smut specialist, @psychedelic-ink for giving me the belief that my writing wasn't trash.
wordcount: 3.5k
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You wake to still-warm sheets, but an empty bed.
Lashes fluttering, fingers sliding over soft cotton as your nose is immediately greeted with the scent of him, last night and your washing powder. A concoction, you realise (very quickly) that you want to bottle.
So much so, it makes your heart heavy, but also full.
A contrast you're not sure how to feel about.
Your mind trying to process it—the entanglement of feelings you’ve managed to keep stuffed down inside of you, that are now free, floating, fluttering.
Deep down, you know you should try and unpiece, but you’re not sure what you’ll find when you do. What will be left. What will happen if you pull on the earth-green thread that’s woven itself around every part of your life since the moment he shyly introduced himself.
Instead, your fingers just trace where he was the last time when your eyes were open. Something working itself into in your bones, digging, spreading. Unsure if it’s best labelled as disappointment or as realisation, because—
He wouldn’t just leave, surely?
Eyes stinging, burning. Blinking them away as you close your fingers into a fist. Rolling your eyes, sighing if only to yourself—hand coming across your forehead.
Because, of course, he would. Last night was…An arrangement.
An excuse.
A stress relief.
Yet, deep down, you’d hoped that for all the tests your friendship had undertaken, it wouldn’t be this thing that had him leaving before you woke. Not after the things the two of you have lived through, coped through—worked through layer by layer until movie nights and being close was all easy again, no lingering worries and knotted, balled-up unspoken secrets.
Sitting up, you pull the sheets up, staring at the doorway—hopelessly wishing. Imagining, sliding yourself into a fairytale where he walks back through the door, something in hand—a coffee, maybe?—wearing a smile, hair all at odd ends, curls still prevalent (even after all the tugging you had done). Your heart sinking, descending, falling.
Because all you’ve done is hopelessly wish.
Then, it happens. The fairytale becomes reality, flowing out, as if it’s painting itself in real time—a living, moving, walking tapestry coming to life that you realise isn’t manufactured or dreamt. But real.
“Made you coffee.”
You shouldn’t let it, but your heart skips a beat.
The sight of him alone conjuring it because Frankie’s found one of his tees in your drawer—likely from the collection of his clothing slotted between all of yours. The sweats you’d been wearing last night now on his hips, all loose, hanging, all untied and easy to drag down his thick thighs and—
The memory of last night hits you. Makes your throat dry and heat floods through you.
For a moment, you just sit in it, staring—the moment. Desperately trying to ignore the way your heart does a lurch, even if it knows it shouldn’t; your body settling, calming, even if you know this isn’t what your mind is concocting and running away with.
He’s your friend—with added stress relief. That’s it.
An agreement between kisses and exploration. A promise made between naked bodies and gentle moans.
You drag your eyes up, finding brown—watching him placing the mug in your hand, wrapping his index and thumb around your wrist as he lifts it. It’s then that the bubble bursts, the one you’d begun stitching together at the idea of having him, having him call you his all over again.
His touch spreading sparks down your wrist, along your fingers, the pads of them pulsing, twitching—
“We should… talk.”
Blinking, you shift your face—rearranging emotions, haphazardly placing a smirk, smearing your lips in coffee before you know your throat can say the words that are needed to be spoken.
“About what?”
Frankie tilts his head. Gives you a look—one that says ‘don’t be like that’—one that makes you almost splutter coffee all over him, and the bed, as he sits down next to you. The mattress dipping, his thigh close to your knee, body twisting to you, fully focused, tenacious.
He takes a breath. So you begin—wanting to put him at ease. A thing inside of you that always thrums, a need to calm, to make it better.
“I had fun, Frankie.”
His eyes widen, words quick to follow: “Me too! Yeah, me too.”
Swallowing, you take a look at him.
He’s so handsome. To the point, you’re not even sure he sees it—has ever seen it. He doesn’t realise how beautiful his eyes are, how much you want to fall into them, coat yourself in the distinct Frankie-brown that you had pictured when he didn’t respond to your messages. The eyes you worried you’d never see when the trip lasted longer than he’d said.
“I would like… I’d want to..”
Smiling, you place a hand on his knee. “Me too. But, I just… I don’t want us to, I don’t—“
“I don’t want to lose you either.”
A part of you relaxes, while the rest of you sighs. Something beating normally, everything settling—not quite sure when the anxiousness had bled in, or it had tried to cling to you until it lessens and fades away.
“You’re… you’re the best thing about my life.” He says it in a tone that’s far more commanding than you’re used to—as though attempting to stamp it in. Ensure you know it, understand it, believe it. “Which is why when it begins to change *us—*what the two of us have—we stop. Alright?”
It’s easy to agree, to let the okay slip out when still holding his knee.
“So, we don’t tell anyone, alright? Not Ben. Not Will.”
He spits the latter with intent. Something there. A prickling, a loose tile of sorts on an otherwise perfect roof.
“Agreed,” you say.
Because it’s not the time or the place.
Your skin is bare under the sheets, not wanting to get into whatever the tone was when you couldn’t comfortably cage him in somewhere to tell you the truth. Because he does that—Frankie—he protects, also likes to make things easy, simple. To the point sometimes he hides himself from you, fearing he’s making things worse, complicating your otherwise normal life.
A rehash of the rules is evidence of it. A verbal contract, an assurance there’s no regret.
As if you could ever regret him; ever regret last night. The two of you.
“And you don’t want me buying you wine?” You shake your head. “You can’t cook me food—if we need it, we order.”
“Agreed. And… I’m not staying over at yours.”
His eyes narrow, but the rest of his face remains unreadable. “Okay?”
Shrugging, you take another sip, coffee spurring you on. It corrodes away any shyness, giving you the confidence, the strength. “It just gets complicated. Like I end up with things at yours, and then y’know, where does this,” you gesture between you, “end, and our friendship begins.”
If he disagrees, he doesn’t show it. Although, the air around him thickens, tightening quickly around the two of you as his head tilts, processing it—your words. His hand reaches up, scratching at his beard before he flicks his eyes up at you—warming your skin and making your ears burn.
“Okay, yeah. I get you.”
Then, the air dissolves, relaxed. Him reaching forward as he takes your mug, playfully winking as he takes a sip—not cowering under your gaze as he places it back, wrapping your fingers around it. Fingers lingering, desperately clutching you, as though needing you for one last time.
“Guess for this to work, y’need to give me your phone—so we can sync calendars.”
Arching your brow, you move, grabbing it from the bedside table, taking a sip as you hand it to him. Noticing how his eyes drag over you, forcing your hand to shift the sheet.
“Didn’t think you’d know how to do that, Morales.”
Snorting, he quickly smirks. “Don’t sound so surprised, querida.”
That name—it shoots fire through you. Something from last night, a thing he’s only ever let slip when he’s more booze than brains. It has the same effect then, as it does now. If not more.
Your skin warms, almost scorching against your bones. Even as his eyes drop to your phone, unlocking it, trying to fight it widening as he asks if yours is up to date—whether there’s anything missing from it.
“Looks like we’re both free in a week.”
Rolling your lips, you drip feed the heavy breath. Disguise it in your mug, a poor attempt at settling the effects he has on you.
“In a week it is.”
Then his eyes are back on you, attentive, all full of focus, as though he needs to snap a photo of you like this. Keep you framed somewhere on a ledge in his mind.
“I should get… you know, going.”
Nodding. Even though a part of you wants to pull him back down to the sheets. Tire yourself out, fuck out the worries over whether fucking him in scheduled appointments is a bad idea. Especially when…
It’s him.
It’s Frankie.
His lips find your cheek, fingers searing on your shoulder as he lingers. The scent of the two of you enveloping—almost smothering in a way you hope it never leaves.
“I’m… I’m glad it’s you.”
“What? Being your fuck buddy?”
Shaking his head, he drags his hand down his face. “I don’t like the term, but yeah.”
Smirking, you lick your lips, unable to fight a grin. “Do you prefer best friend with an unlocked benefit, Morales?”
Laughing, he shakes his head—taking your mug, draining the last bit. “Need it for the road.”
“Oh, how come? Heavy night?”
Shaking his head, he stands. “Stress relieving, I’ll say that. Text me—still. Like…”
“Normal?” you offer, earning a nod. “I will. Don’t worry, this is a perk to our friendship. Not all that it is.”
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Frankie has to give it to you, you’re punctual.
Knuckles on his door, thudding away—even if you have a key.
The reason was blurred as to why the two of you swapped them, to begin with. It having been more a requirement from him to have yours, than for you to have his. But, he had been more than happy you had one when he stepped through the door that day after landing from the events in Colombia. His body having been heavy, grief hanging from every part of him that it could, the flight not easing it, the drive not soothing it, but the sight of you stepping out of his bedroom—face puffy from crying, his clothes adorning your body—
“Took you long enough to answer.”
Not a hello, not a greeting of any kind.
Frankie flexes his hand at his side.
“You could’ve used your key,” he retorts.
But, you’re smirking. Stepping in, him allowing you entry into his place as though you’ve never been here before—as though you haven’t slept on his sofa or on his bed. As though you haven’t rocked up with a thousand things to share, only to ask if you can stay just for the night.
“Do you… want a drink?”
He watches as your hands come across your front, fingers playing with fingers, nerves swirling with his.
It was easier last time. All unplanned. Almost uncoordinated—even if your bodies moved as though they knew the dance the entire time.
This was new. Unchartered waters—a high risk of drowning, spluttering, making a mess—
“Water. Please,” you say, a slight clear of your voice you try to bury, shrugging yourself from your jacket.
Frankie takes the chance to admire you.
You’re in a T-shirt, jeans. A normal outfit—one he sees you in all the time. It’s one you wear to the bar when the group is together; one you’ve picked him up in when the two of you went to run errands. But, none of those times has he been able to peel the layers from you—to unwrap you, have you splayed out on a surface in his home.
“You’re gawking.”
“Well, you’re a sight to look at.”
You just smirk. Face shifting, hiding any—if there is any—effect his words have. “Shut up, Morales. Get me my drink.”
It’s there, the semblance of normal. It thrummed, all intact, not yet ruined.
He wonders if this is a thing.
Briefly remembering that you were getting water when he’d caged you in the kitchen. Suddenly aware he can feel you close, a risk of turning around and being blocked in—an UNO-reverse.
“So,” you say, voice shaky, “H-how’s your week been?”
He swallows, filling the glass. Turning to find you loitering, hanging at the end of the counter—two steps, not quite three, away from him.
“S’alright. Just had to do a few intense lessons for a trip this couple has coming up,” he explains, your hand brushing his, sparks shooting up his arms as you take the glass.
“Do you prefer giving lessons now or?”
Frankie isn’t such what he prefers.
His mind addled, broken. It crumbles at the edges and works its way in—because he’s not sure if he can see the peaks of your nipples through your shirt. Not sure if the water droplets on your lips will ever dry without his tongue brushing over them.
A want in him to kiss you, to test if your lips are as soft a second time, a third. Whether you make the same noises, or if he can unlock more from you this time—whether there are levels to you, achievements.
You’ve always been a puzzle, an unexplainable thing. Not there one second, then there forever another. The best part of his days, the thing he thinks of when he’s knees deep in mud, sand in his eyes and coated in so much rain he isn’t sure whether he begins and the weather starts. A person he craves being close to, taking whatever he’ll get. Grateful for the thigh against thigh in small booths, that you grip his arm when you laugh at his sarcasm—when you curl into him on the sofa during a movie you’d rather stop watching.
Then there’s the times he’s made your eyes fill with water. The time he made your eyes mist up, filling with a different kind of tears when you’d collided into him after Colombia, murmuring into his shoulder that you’d been worried, oh so worried—but, neither of you had unpacked that. Never daring, never wishing to.
There’s a lot the two of you don’t unpack. Stuffing it down silently, placing it in a box the two of you tape up together and pretend to ignore.
Now, you’re standing next to him, eyes glazed over, sparkling—inviting. Your lips curling into your cheek, all mischievous, unreadable.
“What’re you thinking, querida?”
“That I’ve had a shit day—week, actually—and I want you to fuck my throat.”
He’s stunned. Feeling his eyes widen, his throat dry, chest tighten. All at once. The time to think on it doesn’t arrive, not when your hand is dragging his lips to yours—not that he wants to protest. His hold tightening to say as much, driving you on—your kisses growing more intense, bolder. The pressure increases as Frankie willingly parts his lips, mouth doused with mint—that same taste he knows from the gum you always have in your car.
Your name escapes his lips, more of a moan—whispered, swallowed. Smothered quickly by your smiling mouth as you swipe your tongue across his bottom lip.
“Let me taste you, Frankie.”
Fuck. Shit. Fuck. The request flowing from your mouth all easy, silky, almost velvety.
You repeat the sentiment as you stare up at him, getting down onto your knees—but this time you ask. Falling like silk: Can I taste you, Frankie? Will you fill my throat?
A part of him is distinctly aware of his legs being exposed to the air, fabric falling down to his calves. The rest of him is focused on the way you’re looking at him—like he moves mountains for you, like he’s everything. A look he’s sure he’s seen in glimpses, but now is swallowing him whole. 
And he likes it, almost lo—
“Never got to tell you,” you whisper, dragging his attention to you, fingers hooked in his underwear, dragging it down, freeing him, “You have such a pretty cock, Frankie. So big.” 
Your fingers digging into his thighs, your lips pressing a chaste kiss against the throbbing vein on the side of his length. 
He hisses when you finally wrap your lips around him, your mouth warm, all inviting. Tongue swirling around the head of his cock, the tip sliding over the slit as his hand cups the back of your head firmer, seeing your eyes flick up—a glimmer in your eyes that makes his heart do a double take. More so when you swallow to take more of him, jaw slack, prepared, ready.
“Shit, querida.”
You keep him pinned, feet planted, hand on the wall to the side of him and the other on the back of your neck. Taking him, as much as you can, your hand working the part you can’t yet fit. All heat, your tongue dragging along, swirling—and fuck he feels good, warmth stretching out through his thighs, embers biting at his lower stomach, all frantic to dance up his spine.
Then, your lips—all plush, slick with spit and him—glide down him, teeth lightly grazing down his shaft as you do.
And the moan he emits rips from him so quickly, he’s sure it leaves a mark in his throat. One which only further deepens when he hears you moaning around him, seeing you trying to shift on the floor, desperate for friction, for something, anything.
It makes his hips move, shifting with you, trying not to—not wanting to push, to have you spluttering, not when you look so good, so perfect, all mouth stretched around him.
“Y’so good, baby. Tan perfecta.”
You whimper at the praise. A thing he’s learnt about you—a thing he wants nothing more than to continue giving to you until nothing else lives in your head except his praise. His fingers sliding down the neck of your t-shirt, lightly massaging, gripping—
It forces itself out, another groan. Punching the air, yanking itself up from his throat as he wipes a tear from your cheek—him aiding, guiding himself down your throat, taking him much easier, better. It’s clear you’ve gone past your limits, swallowing him—desperately so—all enveloped and welcomed by the expanse of your throat.
“Doing so well,” he tells you, watching you, not able to take his fucking eyes from you.
How could he? When you’re such a vision.
Frankie admires the way you look up at him, lashes all tacky, cheeks shimmering with how much you want to do this. It makes a part of him want to pull you up from the floor, place you on any given surface and ruin you. The thought pushing him on, the noises you’d made under him, on top of him, in front of him, all coming back, immersing him.
Nothing exists, nothing mattering.
“So good—so good for me, baby.”
All he can feel is how he twitches against your tongue, how good your mouth is, how close he is—how much he wants nothing more than to coat your throat. Somehow claim you, even if you’re not his.
A thought he has to banish. Rid himself off.
Reminding himself that the small slot in your two’s calendar says otherwise, as he bucks into your mouth.
Your name falls feverishly from his lips, over and over until it’s swallowed by a groan—your tongue lapping up everything he’s giving you. The sight of you like this forces the fire to do more than dance or lick up his spine, it twists, it climbs—all purposeful in its ascent. Coating him in flames only you seem to make grow, an inferno, an intoxicating concoction he wants to bottle and brand in your name.
The sounds hitting the air are a mix of moans, groans and a wet sound as you work him, as you own him, consume him—trace your name into his cock. Something which makes him smug, pulling a smirk half-heartedly over his parted mouth. His whole body lit up, illuminated, so close, so near to filling your throat with him.
Another swirl. Another graze. The feel of him hitting the back of your throat—it’s too much, unable to stop himself, to hold himself in this moment, too close, so close—
Pleasure floods him. Scratches its way through him. Bursts from somewhere deep and flows out, ripples—distantly aware he’s flooding your mouth, twitching in your throat, pulsing.
Opening his eyes, Frankie immediately casts his sight down to see his spend leaking from the edges of your mouth as you try to swallow as much of him as you can. Your name leaves his mouth raw, scratchy, gravelly, just as the warm space of your mouth is gone, thumb tracing your bottom lip, staring up at him as you swipe any remnants away with your tongue.
Still on your knees, eyes wide, dutifully waiting for further instruction—all for him.
He banishes away what a bad idea it is, helping you up off the floor, crashing his lips to yours—tasting salt mixed with mint. Fingers spreading over your lower back, balling up fabric, keeping you flush against him.
“Bedroom,” you agree.
And he smirks, right against your mouth, before sliding his tongue in—hoping he can earn another moan, hoping it’ll be enough to blanket the thought that he doesn’t want this to end.
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clearlydiamondz · 2 months
Day's in Counting
Erik!Stevens X Black!OC X Black!OC
Part One
________________ After Halle admits to her roommate and fuck buddy Normeli about her sex dry spell, Normeli and Erik decides to help relieve her stress with just a tad bit of teasing.
Warnings: Threesome, Polymerous Relationship, slight voyeurism ________________
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Normeli was a strong believer in the woman’s body and the things that pleased it. If something feels good, she thinks women deserve to experience it. Out of all the stuff that a woman’s body is put through, she believes that it deserves to be rewarded. Whether it was a simple message or even an orgasm. Being bisexual, she knew the in and outs of a woman’s body and she knew what to do with a man’s body to make her feel good.  
Normeli was a professional sex specialist. She helped many couples who lacked the sex part of their relationships, sparking new ideas and guidance to bring couples’ sex lives back to.. well life. So far, she’s had a one hundred percent success rate. 
Normeli was also very in tuned with her own sex life. She knew her own body, and the only people to touch her knew her body also. Relationships weren’t really her thing. Not yet anyway. She was still young and free and didn’t have no plans of settling down for the next two years. So finding someone who would be down to sexually please her, and also not looking for the relationship aspect was hard. 
That was until she met Mr. Stevens.
She met him at her close friend’s dinner party about a year ago. The topic of her being a sex specialist came up, and the conversation wasn’t a happy one. 
She cut into her steak bringing it to her mouth as she moaned. “Oh my god, this is so good,” she said looking up at her friend, Mia. 
“I told you! The chef here is amazing.” she gushed eating her own steak. She was about to say something, but someone walked into the private area where they were holding her event. 
He was a tall man with a perfect face. Deep dimples, bright white smile, built like a God almost. He had on a white T-Shirt, blue khakis, and a pair of white and blue Gucci shoes. His locs looked like they were just retwisted, and were braided to the back. 
“Erik!” Mia exclaimed standing up. He smiled at her, it was like Normeli fell in love with his face. 
“Congratulations!” he replied hugging her. He handed her a small gift before waving at everyone. His eyes caught a look at her to see that she was definitely checking him out. She caught his eyes too. Her dark skin looked like it was oiled down, and the all-white dress she had complimented her skin perfectly, showing her right forearm covered in tattoos. She had knotless braids thatF were parted to the side, with nude beat makeup. Her lip gloss made her lips and smile the first thing he noticed, wanting to just kiss and bite it. 
He knew everyone sitting at this table, but he wanted to get to know her personally. “Hey Erik..” he turned around and saw Mia’s sister, Aniyah. 
“What’s up.” he nodded his head toward her. He knew that Aniyah was feeling him. He always did ever since high school and even years later. She just wasn’t his type. Especially because she was a tad bit... rude. 
He sat down at the empty spot that was next to Normeli, Aniyah looked a tad bit annoyed by his action. 
“Oh, how rude of me. Erik, this is my friend Normeli. Normeli, this is my friend Erik.” she introduced the two as she looked at him. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Erik.” she smiled at him. Her voice was deep and sultry. It was like honey. It reminded him of Beyoncé a little bit. Especially with the southern accent.
“Please, the pleasure is all mine.” he smiled back at her. 
She knew when a man was flirting with her and when a man wanted her. She could read it in their body language. If it wasn’t for his body language, his eyes gave it all away.
“I’ll have someone come out to give you your dish. I made sure it had all of your modifications for your diet,” she said sitting back down and drinking her wine. 
“So, how does it feel to finally be lead council?” Normeli turned around looking at her friend. 
“So stressful but so worth it.” Mia smiled. 
“Well if anyone deserves it, it’s you.” Normeli smiled back touching her hand. 
“Me? Let’s talk about you opening up your own office! And getting your bachelor.” she said raising an eyebrow at her, Normeli sighed. 
“This is not about me. This is about you...” she trailed off as Mia scoffed. 
“A lot of black excellence is in the room so this is about us. Everyone really.” Mia told her, as Erik spoke up. 
“Office? What do you do?” Erik asked her. The waitress came by with his plate, setting it down as he thanked her. 
“I am a sex specialist,” she said. 
“What? Is that a fancy word for prostitute now? I swear people try to normalize the most heinous of things.” Aniyah rolled her eyes.
“Aniyah! Shut up!” Mia snapped at her. 
“What? I’m serious. Just say you’re a hooker and move on.” 
“Actually no, I’m not a hooker,” Normeli said laughing. “I help people and couples become in tune with their sex life and/or sexuality. Discover things about their bodies. I even help people who are planning on having a baby, and even being the doula for some.” she said with a smile. It was never her intention to be rude back. It was always best to kill with kindness. 
“She’s going to be my Douala for when I and Chris decide to have babies,” Mia said holding onto her husband’s hand. 
“Plus, I use my education in psychology to help those who have been sexually assaulted or sexually abused become in touch again. So I can reassure you, I do not have sex with my clients. That’s a huge no-no in my book.” she finished off. 
“Huh, that’s pretty interesting. What made you want to do that?” Erik said. 
“Well besides my own trauma, I feel like sex is a taboo subject when it shouldn’t be. Just like how Aniyah immediately jumped to conclusion that I was a sex worker because I specialize in intercourse,” she said. Aniyah glared at her with annoyance and anger. 
“Which is not her fault. Society has formed us to think that sex is something that you keep to yourself. And if you are open about it, you’re shamed. But I believe it’s important to have these conversations because we can avoid all the negative stereotypes that come with sex. Like called being a hoe because you’re hypersexual or being called a prude because you don’t want to have sex. And so far, my work has been a hundred percent success rate. With open conversations, I have helped three couples welcome home four beautiful babies.” she said in confidence. 
“That doesn’t even sound right. Three couples and four babies? Okay...” Aliyah scoffed. Mia glared at her once again. 
“Yeah... because twins don’t exist,” Normeli said. It made the table laugh, making Aliyah snap. 
“Okay, I’ll say it. I don’t feel comfortable with you sitting here talking about sex. It’s disgusting and I’m eating. Have some fucking decorum. No one wants to hear about your job as a sex worker. So can you like, shut up about it.” she responded back as Normeli looked at her in shock.
“Fair enough...” she awkwardly said. 
“Well me personally, I would like to hear more about it. Mind giving me your number,” he said pulling out his phone to hand it to her. 
“Of course, I can even help you and your wife if-” 
“Oh... I’m single.” he chuckled as she smirked at him. 
“Sorry...” Aliyah seethed at the fact that Erik was flirting with her. Especially even after hearing what she does for work. 
After dinner, Normeli was walking out to her car when she heard her name being yelled at. She turned around and saw Erik walking over to her car. 
“Well ain’t that something. I’m parked right next to you,” he said pointing to his white G-Wagon. 
“Hmm, it is something.” she chuckled placing her purse in her car and looking back up at Erik. “What do you have planned for the night?” she asked him. 
“Well, I’m taking some PTO, so probably just go home. Have a cold beer,” she smirked at him. 
“Well.. it doesn’t have to be,” he smirked back at her. She chuckled looking down at the ground and then back at him. 
“Make that number useful Mr.Stevens.” She would have most definitely taken that man back home with her. But because mother nature wanted to give her the monthly subscription, it was a no-go. 
“Don’t worry... I will.”
After that night, they went out to dinner to get to know each other a little bit better. It was no secret that the two of them were feeling each other. Both romantically and sexually.
Being the outspoken person she is, she invited him back to her place knowing that her roommate, Halle, wasn’t there. She would be doing extra shifts at the strip club after her classes. 
After that night, Erik swore up and down that he was not letting this girl go. Not even for a second. He’d have her at his house on every piece of furniture he had to offer. 
Normeli sat in the living room drinking some wine and reading a self-care book when she heard the front door open. Looking back, she saw Halle come with her bags and food. “You’re home early.”
“The place was dead and I needed to come home to study.” she plopped down on the couch, putting her feet on the coffee table. “My body is so sore.” she groaned rubbing the back of her neck. 
“Hm, I think I know what I can to help with that,” Normeli smirked as Halle looked at her. 
“No, the last time you said that I-”
“Ooh don’t remind me. I still have dreams about that night.” Normeli said rubbing Halle’s thighs. 
Honestly, that night seemed like something the two of them would watch in a porno while rubbing their clits. Normeli offered to give her a message. It started off innocent, while her fingers were slowly getting closer to her pussy. She knew what she was doing,  and Halle didn’t want her to stop. 
Normeli knew Halle been with girls. She would bring her friends back to the place after partying, with alcohol and a bit of weed, they were in Halle’s room fucking. Normeli heard it, for the first time being shocked because she seemed like an innocent girl. But what she heard, she couldn’t help but play with her pussy listening to the noises. 
So when Normeli had the opportunity, she took a shot at it. And scored. 
The two often messed around, especially when they are bored. She and Erik never really talked about their relationship. And even though she knew for a certain fact she wanted Erik, she always wanted Halle.
Ah... Halle. The complete opposite of Normeli. Only three years younger than Normeli. It shocked her when she found out that Halle was a stripper. She’s shy, and always has her head in a book or studying for school. She wanted to be a Labor and Delivery nurse, so she was a full-time student that danced at the nightclub. 
It was easy money, and she made a lot of it. Things that she couldn’t afford when she was just working a regular 9-5 at the hospital. She bought her first car and paid it off within a year. She paid her rent 6 months in advance. She spoiled herself with the nicest things also. 
She looked at the time and saw that it was still early. She was caught up in all her work and studied before she left her friends Desirae apartment so the night was all hers. 
“So.. how are you and Erik?” she said sitting back and looking at her. “You guys seem to be getting close,” she smirked at her. 
“No, we’re just keeping things simple. I like it. He likes it. What’s not to like?” she admitted as she sighed. 
“Gosh, I wish it was that easy for me.”
“What?” Normeli asked curiously. 
“You know, finding someone. I know a lot of people look at me weirdly because I dance. And don't even get my started on the dry spell I'm having without a guy" she confessed. It didn’t really cross Normeli’s mind that those things do affect her dating life. 
“Hmm, wow. I’m sorry about that,” she said placing her hand on her shoulder. 
“Aye, it’s alright.” she sighed. "I am so tired.. the shifts at the club is killing me." she groaned.
"You know I told you that you didn't have to do that anymore. I can give you the money for your tuition and pay the rent." Normeli reminded her.
A few months back when Normeli found out, she was shock. Halle had to basically explain that her and her sisters were in and out of foster care, so she wasn't really a 'trust fund baby'. She knew that she needed to do something with her life but sadly, college ain't cheap. Stripping was an easy and convenient way to make a lot of money.
"I can't do that. You know that. I appreciate the offer though." she smiled at her as Normeli shrugged her shoulders.
"Well, the offer is still there.. I promise."
 “Well, I’m going to take this time to catch up on some sleep,” she said grabbing her things off of the coffee table. The two of them heard a knock on the door as she looked back at Normeli. 
“Oh yeah, Erik is coming over,” she said closing her book and placing the empty glass on the table. Halle shook her head with a chuckle. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll let him in,” she said walking to the front door. She unlocked it and saw him standing there. He wore a pair of black sweatpants, a black hoodie that had writing on it with a pair of off-white Yeezy foam runners.
“Hi Erik, she’s in the living room,” she said stepping out of his way as he smiled at her. 
Halle had a tiny crush on Erik, how could she not? It seemed like he always teased her, but she always just pushed it off as just him being friendly.
But it was passed that. He thought she was a cute innocent thing. He was surprised that she was a stripper, but it intrigued him how she looks when she is dancing. 
“What’s up, Halle. How’s school going?” he asked her taking off his shoes as she groaned. 
“Don’t even get me started.” 
“Damn that bad huh?” he chuckled as she nodded. 
“Y’all have fun. Don’t be too loud,” she said running up the stairs to her room. He walked into the living room to see her standing up. 
“What’s up with you?” he said walking over to her and placing his hands on her hips as Normeli wrapped her arms around his neck. 
“Nothin’ much, I’ve been thinking about this all day,” she whispered standing on her tippy toes as he smirked. 
“Is that so? What were you thinking about?” he asked, his hands trailing up underneath her nightgown, noticing she didn’t have any underwear. 
“You fucking me with that big dick,” she said grabbing it from the outside making him smirk at her.  
“I haven’t seen you in a week. How do you think I’m feeling?” he asked stepping away from her and looking her up and down. 
“I got an idea, but I would rather you show me,” she replied stepping back and letting him drink her in. Grabbing her by her throat, Erik smashed his lips into hers as she gladly accepted his advances. She pulled off his shirt throwing it somewhere around the living room as she kissed down his chest, getting on her knees. 
“Can I suck your dick, sir?” she whispered to him. He untied the jaw strings from his sweatpants, the material loosening from his sweatpants. She drooled at the sight of his body,
He slowly pulled out his dick as she reached out to touch it but he smacked it away. “Stick your tongue out.” Following his instructions, he slowly ran his tip along her tongue, her moaning at the taste of his pre-cum seeping. 
“Beg me.” He saw how desperate she was to have his dick in her mouth. She immediately started. 
“Sir please... I haven’t worshiped this dick in so long..” she moaned out with a pout in her lips. “I just wanna please you daddy..” she moaned out as he smirked down at her. 
“Come suck this dick then girl.” he said, about to pick her up and take her to her room but she pushed him down on the couch. 
“You wanna suck my dick in the middle of the living room? What if-” she cuts him off before drooling over his dick, then putting it into her mouth with moan. “Fuck..” he whispered out throwing his head back with a moan.
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Halle exited the bathtub after her she shaved and did her skin routine. She sat in her room, putting on her vanilla EOS lotion. With her face mask on, her bonnet, and her pink silk FENTY X robe, she made her way downstairs to grab her a glass of wine. Before she even went down the steps, she heard the familiar moans of Normeli. Slowly creeping down the steps so she wouldn’t be heard, she peeked over the walls to see Erik fucking her on the couch. She was riding him with her arms spreading her ass cheek, giving her a nice view of her ass cheeks and pussy spread. Erik had her braids in his hands balled up in a fist pulling it back so her face was towards the ceiling. 
Halle knew that she shouldn’t have stared but she couldn’t rip her eyes from the nasty view. She could feel her heart beat in her pussy as she bit her lip, tilting her head to the side seeing that nice black dick get wet with her friends juices. 
Deep in her desire, Erik could sense of being stared at. His eyes shot open to see the entrance of the stair case was being occupied by Halle. Her doe eyes was half way open as she licked her lips at the sight of Erik fucking her. The two locked eyes, still Halle couldn’t pull away. 
“Yeah.. fuck my pussy with that big dick.” Normeli moaned as Erik fucked her harder, not breaking the eye contact with Normeli. 
“Pull that nut outta my dick, Meli. You look so fucking gorgeous riding my dick. Fuck, you ride my dick just like that..” he moaned, slapping her in the face a few times as she bent down to kiss him. 
“I’ma cum daddy.. fuck I’ma cum.” Halle looked at his dick get coated with her cream. All she really wanted to do was go over there and suck his dick clean. The way Normeli tasted was heavenly, and she knew it would be 20x better coming off of his dick. 
“Nah, stay yo sexy ass right there and take this nut.” he grunted. Maybe it was the fact that he had an audience, and the audience just so happened to be ole innocent Halle. He came faster than any other time before, grunting Meli’s name without breaking eye contact with her. He licked his bottom lip, before lifting her off of his dick. 
Halle saw the creampie that dripped out of her pussy, right back on his dick as he winced. “Fuck daddy, let me suck that dick.” she got off of him and onto her knees in between his legs. 
“Clean your mess up.” he instructed her as she deep throated his dick with a moan. Erik looked back at Halle, but to see she had ran back up the stairs without making a noise. 
Erik smirked to himself. He was most definitely bringing this up.
After cleaning up their mess in the living room, Erik and Normeli found themselves in her room fresh out of the shower. He was leaning against the counter with just a towel wrapped around his waist as he brushed his teeth. 
“So I have to tell you something.. don’t be freaked out by it.” he said as she looked at him confusingly. “Okay..” she trailed off sitting on the edge of her bathtub and placing lotion on her legs. 
“Halle seen us.” Erik said before covering his mouth trying not to laugh. She stopped before looking at him. 
“Shut up no she didn’t.” she said standing up as he nodded. 
“No she did.”
“No she didn’t. I would have seen her.” Normeli said as he shook her head. 
“Well when you getting fucked, you have this tendency to zone out. You were riding me with your back against the staircase when she seen it.” he finished off laughing as she started to laugh too. 
“Oh my gosh.. she’s probably embarrassed. I’ll make it up to her.” she replied grabbing her toothbrush as he rinsed off his. 
“See that’s the thing though.. she didn’t just see us. Normeli she watched us.” he chuckled. She raised an eyebrow at him before saying, 
“Well how do you know she watched us?” she asked him. He winced before saying, 
“I kinda.. well I gave her a show.” he admitted as she hit his arm.  “Look I’m not apologizing. She didn’t look away, and if I’m being honest she looked turned on by it. So why not?” he shrugged as she walked out of the room with him following her. The two got into the bed after throwing their dirty towels into the laundry basket. 
“It makes sense.” she shrugged. 
“What do you mean it makes sense?” she looked at him like a deer caught in headlights before saying, 
“Well.. I mean.” she stuttered off as he raised his eyebrows at her. “Okay sometimes.. y’know... we fool around with each other.” she confessed. He looked at her in shock before shaking his head.
“Cap.” Was all he said. He knew she was bisexual, and even heard of the few things she’s done with women. He couldn’t lie and say that he wasn’t turned on by it. He wanted to see what his Normeli could do with a women’s body. 
“Daddy I hope you’re not mad.” she pouted at him before climbing onto his lap. Immediately, his hands was on her waist. “No I’m not mad. I’m just shocked. I didn’t know she... she’s so-”
“Don’t let her innocence fool you. Trust me.” she giggled, suddenly an idea popped up in her head. “Y’know... she did confess to me that she was having some issues with her sexual life... maybe we could help her out with that.. together.” she said tracing his pecs with her pointer finger as he raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Together as in..” he trailed off. 
“Like let’s tease her a little bit. We obviously know her little crush on you, and I know she can’t get enough of me and vise versa, so let’s just tease her. We can make up a lie and say that something happened in your apartment and you need to stay here for the week. I know she doesn’t work on at the hospital Saturday’s and if she doesn’t go out with her friends.. maybe we can share.” she shrugged. 
This would be the first time that she participated in a threesome, and just the thought of it made her pussy wet. Eating Halle’s sweetness while getting dicked down by Erik, or even better. Playing with her pussy as Erik fucked her. 
The possibilities were endless. 
“You are so nasty.” he chuckled before he nodded his head. “Alright I’m down.”
“Okay.. we agree. We can’t fuck her until Saturday. Deal?”
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Day #1: Monday Morning
Halle woke up from the sex dream that she had, with a squeeze of her thighs. She couldn’t help but reminisce on what she seen the night before. The way that Erik looked at her as he fucked Normeli was burned into her brain for all eternity. 
She got out of bed looking at her phone to see that it was 7 o’clock on the dot. She had to be at the hospital for her clinical hours in about two hours. She put on her night gown, (considering she liked to sleep naked) and made her way to her bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. 
Making her way down to the kitchen, she seen that it was empty before starting to make herself an ice coffee. “Hey Halle.” she turned around to see Erik standing there. He had on a pair of grey sweat shorts with some black Nike socks. She knew he wasn’t wearing any underwear because the dick print was very noticeable. She licked her lips before looking at him. 
“Oh, hey Erik! I didn’t know you were still here.” she said. She was a tad bit disappointed considering usually Monday morning’s was when she came into Normeli’s rooms for a little shower/quickie. Just to kick off the week. 
That was a no go. 
“Yeah my fault. My apartment building needs to redo the floors because of some water damage, so I’m here till Saturday. You don’t mind do you?” he asked her walking closer to her as she shook her head. 
“Of course not.” she smiled at him before quickly moving back to her coffee. It was so awkward, all she wanted to do was run and hide. Erik on the other hand was enjoying this. 
He never really got good glimpse of her, just because his main focus was always Normeli when he came over. Now, seeing her in the short night gown with a little bit of her ass cheeks showing had him taking longer peaks. The sun shun into the apartment and hit her brown skin making her glow from the lotions and oils she used the night before. 
“So...” he walked over towards her standing beside her, as she continued her coffee routine. “Do you wanna address the elephant in the room?” he whispered into her ear. He had to bend over a tad bit considering she was a lot more shorter than Normeli. 
“Oh my.. okay I am so so so sorry. I didn’t mean to really walk in on you guys, well to be fair you guys shouldn’t have been fucking in the living room but I digress.” she rambled before she continued. “Look I am so sorry. I’m not a creep I promise-”
“Oh you’re not a creep. You a freak.” he said smirking as she looked at him in shock. 
“Trust me I wasn’t getting creep vibes. It was more of a freak vibe.” he chuckled.
“I don’t know what you're-”
“Don’t lie to me, Halle.” he tsked at her, he could already feel his dominant side coming about. “I know enough about women to know when they are turned on and you-” he pushed one of her fly away hairs behind her ear before saying. “You were turned on by me fucking your roommate.” he said to her.
She bit her lip not knowing what to say. Erik then took his chance to tease her even more. “What was your favorite part huh? Was it when I made her stretch that pussy for me to let you get a better sight? Or was it when I made her cum on my dick.” he whispered to her as she gasped.
She never saw Erik like this, but it turned her on. 
“Goodmorning you guys.” Normeli walked into the kitchen as Erik stepped away from Halle, smiling at her. 
“Morning Meli.”
“Hey.” Normeli looked between the two of them before kissing Erik on the lips. “Ooh this is a cute set.” she told Halle touching the cloth as she looked back at Erik. “Isn’t it cute?” Normeli said taking a peek at her ass cheeks that were out. 
“It is. Compliments you well.” he smirked at her. “Well I’m going to get out of you ladies way, I’ma head to the gym.” he smacked Normeli’s ass as she giggled. He exited the kitchen before giving Halle one last look. 
“So.. I’m sorry about this morning. I was really looking forward to our shower this morning.” Normeli responded with a pout and traced her hands up and down her chest that was exposed from the night gown. 
“No problems.. plus I wanted to go in a tad bit earlier this morning.” she said sipping from her coffee. Normeli walked closer to her, inches away from her lips before saying, 
“Oh that reminds me, I’m hosting a little get together on Wednesday. I want you to be there.” Normeli said looking at her to see her reaction. Halle winced at the suggestion before saying, 
“I don’t know...” she trailed off. Halle never really felt like she fit in when she was invited to Normeli’s past events. Majority of Normeli’s colleagues were had years of college education while some owned powerful and successful businesses. She never felt like she had a sense of belonging and always found herself sipping on whatever they had to offer. 
“Please.. I’ll make it up to you..” Normeli trailed off, touching the lace of her night gown before Halle bit her lip. 
“You have a lot of making up to do..” Halle chuckled before looking in her eyes. 
“Trust, I’ll be making it up to you for sure.”
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Day #2: Tuesday Afternoon
Normeli came to the apartment for lunch for the next hour. She saw that Halle was already home from their camera in the kitchen. Halle was home early, usually she came early on Tuesday’s from her clinical hours and to rest before she had her shifts at night.
She found Halle in the kitchen with her baby blue nurse scrubs on cutting herself some fruit with her airpods in. Normeli tapped her shoulder as Halle turned around with a hand on her chest. 
“Shit! You scared the hell outta me!” she exclaimed. Normeli chuckled before grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge. 
‘“My fault..” Normeli trailed off before taking a sip. She leaned against the refrigerator, before looking Halle up and down. Her 4C hair was in a slick back bun, with two curls by her side burns. She switched out of her HOKA shoes, and had on the hello kitty slippers Normeli gifted her when she saw them at Marshals. 
 “You are here for your lunch break?” Halle asked her as she nodded. “Yeah.. I have an extra thirty minutes before I need to head back to the office and put some paper work into the system.” Normeli confessed as Halle nodded. Halle looked down at her apple watch before walking over towards Normeli. 
“Hm.. well why you are here.” Halle trailed off by caressing  the inside of her thigh. Halle couldn’t help but be turned on by what Normeli was wearing.  Normeli had on a brown leather skirt that stopped about mid thigh, with a white T-Shirt with the words ‘Black and Educated’ in the front in the same brown tone of the skirt. She topped it off with a pair of white heel books. 
“Can I just have a taste please. It's the least that you could owe me..” Halle replied, giving her those doe look eyes that made her weak in the knees every time. Normeli bit her lip, before saying, 
“Awe... you wanna taste my pussy?” she teased her. She traced her thumb against Halle’s lips as Halle slowly nodded. Normeli kissed her lip before Halle went into the squat position. 
Normeli was at a cross roads. She didn’t know if this would violate the terms of her’s and Erik’s little challenge.
Normeli pulled her skirt up her thighs to expose her red thongs that she wore. Halle pulled her panties down throwing them on the floor behind her. “Mmm show me that pretty pussy...” Halle whispered as Normeli lifted her left leg, giving Halle a view of her pussy. 
Halle spat at it making Normeli moan as Halle rubbed the spit into her clit, adding pressure. “You gonna be a good girl and make me cum right?” Normeli said grabbing her face as Halle nodded. 
“mm of course.” Halle replaced her fingers with her tongue as circled the nub, flattening her tongue and licking. Halle moaned at the taste of her, rolling her eyes back and closing them as Normeli’s wetness dripped. 
“That’s right.. eat my pussy just like that baby.” Normeli gasped grinding her hips as she held her leg up. Halle's hands reached underneath the skirt, grabbing a handful of her ass before jiggling it. 
“Fuck you look so beautiful right now." Halle said looking at Normeli's face. "Ride my face how you want to Normeli.” Halle said. Really she just wanted to be smothered. Normeli held her head with both of her hands before slowly sliding her pussy along her tongue. 
Halle decided to insert her middle finger. “Fuck. Your so nasty.. I love it.” Normeli moaned throwing her head back. Halle chuckled to herself before pulling away, and inserting another finger into her pussy. 
“You’re so wet.” Halle whispered. Her own pussy was throbbing, as she snuck her other hand in her scrubs before rubbing her clit over her underwear. Normeli looked down at her seeing how desperate Halle was. 
“Fuck you look so sexy when you touch yourself... I’ma cum.. I’m cumming!” she exclaimed as her juices ran down her face. “Damn...” she whimpered out as Halle kept licking. 
“You taste so fucking good. Fuck.” Halle slapped her ass before biting her thigh. She stood back up standing on her tippy toes to kiss Normeli as Normeli pushed her against the Island counter. 
Normeli’s hands found their way into her scrubs before noticing how wet her pussy was. “It’s so cute how wet you get when you eat my pussy.” Normeli giggled as Halle laughed. 
“I can’t help it...” Halle blushed before gasping as Normeli inserted her middle and ring finger. “Shit...”
“Fuck. Your pussy is so wet my fingers just went right in.” Normeli whispered.
Normeli went to pull her pants down but the door opening and closing took them out of their trance. Her hands left her pants as she pulled her skirt down as Normeli fixed herself. 
Erik walked in placing bags of groceries on the counter, looking between the two girls. He wore a black and white varsity jacket with a black T-Shirt, black jeans with black and white Retro Jordans. He pulled of his ray bands before saying, 
“Hey, didn’t know both of y’all would be here?” he said. 
“I’m just here for my lunch.” Normeli replied. Her dark skin complexion was flushed, it almost reminded him of how she looked when she came. Erik looked at Halle seeing her face glistening before squinting his eyes. “I didn’t know you were coming so early.” Normeli said. 
“Yeah, I decided I can do the rest of my work from here. I grabbed some stuff to make dinner tonight for you guys and some wine.” he said pointing towards the bags of groceries. “Also, is there a way I can get access to the gate? I tried calling in but you didn’t answer.” he asked her as Normeli face palmed. 
“My phone is my car, my fault. Halle can send you the app that let us unlock it. Can you send it to him?” Normeli asked her. She nodded before grabbing her phone and unlocking it so she could get Erik’s number. 
He saved the contact name as:
He handed her phone back before catching something in the corner of his eye. 
He saw Normeli’s red panties on the floor. 
Halle followed his eye contact before her eyes widen. Erik started to piece everything together before chuckling to himself. "Cute slippers." he complimented the big slippers on her feet as she looked down at them.
"T-Thank you."
“Well, I need to stop and grab myself something to eat so I’m going to head out.” Normeli replied grabbing her water bottle. After she said her goodbyes, it was now Erik and Halle in the kitchen. She turned around eating from her bowl of fruit as Erik made his way over to her. 
“What were you guys doing before I came in here?” he asked her as she looked at him, slowly biting into the mango. 
“Don’t lie to me Halle.” he said grabbing her chin. He leaned down, his lips inches away from hers as her breathing hitched. “For one, I’ve eaten her pussy enough times to know what she taste and smell like. The evidence is all on your face.” he laughed then he picked up the red thongs. 
“And two, y’all left evidence.” she bit her lip as he pushed her up against the island.
He was going to have to punish Normeli later, because it definitely went against their rule. 
 “Can I taste her off of you?” he whispered as she nodded.
His lips met hers, being met with the taste of Normeli and the mangos Halle just eaten. His hands found her neck choking her lightly as she moaned into the kiss. With out breaking it, Erik lifted her on the counter as he wrapped her legs around his waist. 
“I already know what she taste like. I wanna know what you taste like.” he pushed her down on the counter as she sat up on her elbows. He took the slippers off throwing them on the ground, then pulled her scrubs off discarding them on the floor as she slowly opened her legs up. 
“Fuck.. that’s beautiful.” he whispered to himself seeing her baby pink panties. Her pussy was nice and fat. His fingers traced the cloth noticing how wet she was. He pushed her panties to side as she groaned at the teasing. 
“Please Erik..” she begged him. 
“No, you call me daddy.” he spanked her pussy as she gasped. “Let me take my time.” her pussy was just too beautiful not to appreciate it for a few seconds. He spread her lips, looking at the wetness as he rubbed her clit. 
“Daddy.. please eat my pussy. I can’t take it.” Between him and Normeli, she was a hot mess. She needed any sort of release and Erik was breaking her. 
He laid his flattened tongue against her clit, licking at the nub as her hands found his hair. He moved his head side to side, moaning into her pussy causing her to moan from the vibrations. He alternated between sucking and licking, the combination made her wetness leak down his chin. He pulled away rubbing the nub with his fingers, as she gasped. 
“You like playing with this pussy daddy?’ she asked him batting her eyelashes at him as he groaned. How could she still look so innocent while getting her pussy eaten?
“Mhm daddy loves playing with this slutty pussy.” he replied before fucking her with her tongue. 
“Uh.. shit!” she exclaimed as he looked up at her, placing his fingers on her clit and rubbing it. “Please, please don’t stop. Let me cum on that tongue please!” she moaned. 
“There you go. Be a good slut and cum on daddies tongue. Let me taste you.” he instructed her. 
In their garage, Normeli sat with the garage door open in her BMW. She looked on her phone at the camera in the kitchen, watching Erik eat Halle’s pussy. She was truly jealous of Erik, wanting nothing more but to have Halle suffocate her by sitting on her face. 
She had a perfect angle of Erik and her pussy, hearing all the sounds Halle was making. Hiking the skirt up, she could easily play with her pussy. She pushed the seat back before leaning against the door. Her fingers sound her clit as she started to rub it, moaning at how sensitive she was. 
“Fuck I need to come again..” she whimpered to herself, inserting the same two fingers in her pussy. She fingered herself watching Erik devour Halle's pussy, as Halle eyes rolled back. 
“Fuck. Fuck.. Shit!” she exclaimed as Erik stood straight, then kissing her roughly. 
“Uhh.. I’m cumming.”  Normeli came on her fingers before taking a picture of her pussy and fingers before sending  them to Erik with a text that said, 
BTW there is a camera in the kitchen
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Day #3: Wednesday Evening 
Erik stepped off of the elevator onto the rooftop. Normeli decided to have her party at the roof top on Tour de la Mode. It was lit beautiful with fairy lights and flowers. There was music and a cocktail bar.
He was greeted by some of the people that he did know, before locking eyes with Normeli. She had on a white strapless skin tight dress that went to her ankles. She wore a pair of white stiletto's, with gold jewelry. Her braids were in a bun, with a white scarf and her edges laid.
Erik stared at her licking his lips, his eyes tracing down her tall figure. She waved at Erik as he winked at her. She motioned her head towards the back area as he looked and saw Halle at one of the high tables, sipping on a Martini.
He walked back there before tapping her on the shoulders. She turned around and smiled at Erik.
"Oh, hi Erik." she greeted him.
"Hey Halle, you look nice." he complimented her. She wore a white button down dress that stopped at her mid thigh with a pair of white strapped heels. Her 4c hair had a twist out, with a white headband.
"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself." He wore a white sweater with a Cuban link around his neck, with a pair of light blue jeans, and all white air forces.
"Why are you standing back here all by yourself?" he asked standing next to her.
"Eh.. I don't really feel like I fit in here. I'm only here to support Normeli." she said sipping from her glass.
"Why is that?" he asked looking at her.
"Everyone here is like... the smartest people in the city. From doctors to entrepreneurs. I mean, even you." she replied as he kissed his teeth.
"Aren't you in nursing school?" he asked her as she nodded. "That's hard as shit. You got to be smart for that." he replied.
"Well.. true." she mumbled looking down at the glass.
Normeli made her way to the table before smiling at them. "I'm glad you guys came!" she hugged and kissed Halle on the cheek and did the same thing for Erik.
"It's nothing." Halle smiled at her.
"Well dinner is about to be served. And I saved us a seat." she said grabbing both of their hands. They sat down at a long table, with Halle sitting in between the two. They sat across Normeli's good friends Chris and Mia.
"Oh my gosh, Hey Halle!" Mia exclaimed as Halle waved at her.
"Hey Mia! I don't think I gave my congratulations to you two." she said as Mia rubbed her pregnant belly.
"Awe thank you. We are over the moon." she said holding her husbands Chris hand as he kissed her cheek.
"How's nursing school going? You should be finishing up soon, right?" Chris asked her as she nodded.
"Two more months till graduation." she gloated as Mia clapped.
"Ooh right on time! Baby boy will be here in four months. We were actually thinking about doing a home birth. Meli suggested it after I was nervous about the hospital. We would love for you to be there if you could." she asked.
"Awe that would be sweet. I could assist you with help considering I'm her doula." Normeli replied sipping from her wine.
"Hm, I'd have to think about it. I've never done a home birth before." Halle said.
"You'll be okay. I've done three of them just in the past two months." Normeli replied. "Plus, you'll have your nursing degree by then so ethical medical laws would still apply. I know there is some sort of training for at home births nurses." Normeli suggested.
"Yeah, and we would pay for the training and your services of course." Chris butted in. She thought about it for a second before nodding.
"Okay, I'll do it. Plus how many nurses can say they delivered a baby at home." Halle chuckled as they clapped.
"Ya know that would be a great business idea. Especially for black mothers who wants a black team like me." Mia said rubbing her stomach.
"I'd invest in it." Erik replied drinking from his water glass.
"Shoot, me too." Chris chuckled.
They continued to talk about other things happening in the world, as Halle spaced out into her own thoughts. She was bought back to reality when she felt Erik's hand on her thigh. She looked up at him to see him in conversation with Chris. His hands traced up the inside of her thigh as he continued in conversation not even looking at her.
His hands trailed up closer to her upper inner thigh. She cleared her throat before Normeli looked at her. She looked down in her lap to see what Erik was doing before smirking.
Normeli placed a hand on her knee before following Erik's hands movement, Halle's breath hitching in her throat. Eventually, Normeli's hands was touching her pussy as she pushed the panties to the side. Erik took this as an advantage to insert his digits in her pussy.
She grabbed her water drinking it to prevent the moan from escaping her lips. "So Halle, have you planned anything for your graduation?" Mia asked her as Halle looked up at the couple who waited for her answer. She thought Erik would stop, but he kept going only slowing down.
"Y-yeah actually-" she cleared her throat. "My sisters and I were planning on going to Turks and Caicos." she said forcing a smile.
"Ooh how exciting. You have to throw a party before you leave." Mia replied.
"Ooh that sounds fun." Normeli said looking at Halle. In that moment, Erik curved his fingers upwards hitting her G-Spot as she moan, but covered it with a cough.
"I-I need to use the bathroom." she announced. Erik and Normeli's moved their hands not before fixing her dress so she could stand up. She rushed the area where the bathroom was leaving the two where they were.
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Day #4: Thursday Night
Halle sat in the back of the lecture hall writing notes on her iPad. She was more than tired after her shift at the hospital, but she needed to be in class today considering TEAS testing coming up in a few months. With about 15 students in class, with most of them towards the front, she felt like she could really focus.
In the middle of her lesson, she received a text message from getting the notification from both her iPad and watch. She reached into her bag before pulling out her phone to see that it was a text from Erik. Thinking something happened at the apartment, she opened the text before seeing a video where the screen was black. Putting in her airpods she played the video.
The camera lifted pointing to what she assumed was his dick. Caught by surprised, she bought her phone to her chest before making sure no one was watching. Noticing that the coast was clear, she pulled the phone back up playing the video once again.
"Come here and ride this dick..." he moaned. From the corner of the screen, she saw Normeli climb into the bed with him with nothing on.
"Mmm fuck baby this dick look so good." Normeli moaned getting on his lap and rubbing his tip with her clit.
"There you go dirty bitch... show Halle how good that pussy take this dick." he moaned out. Normeli placed his tip at the entrance as she slowly sat on it.
'"Oooh fuck." she gasped out as she fully sat on his dick. Her thighs were spread as he reach out rubbing her clit. Her clit was swollen as he took her in as she bounced up and down on his dick. '"Oooh fuck." she gasped out as she fully sat on his dick. Her thighs were spread as he reach out rubbing her clit. Her clit was swollen as he took her in as she bounced up and down on his dick.
"Shit daddy stretch this fat pussy.." she moaned out rubbing her clit as she moved her way up and down. Halle clenched her thighs together as Erik started to fuck her back. '
"Wet ass pussy... this pussy belongs on daddy dick huh? Fuck girl.." he moaned out Normeli gasped. "Shut the fuck up and take this dick." he warned her. His dick slowly started to be covered with the cream from her getting fucked, as he moaned at the wetness.
"Fuck turn around. Let her see that pussy filled with cum." he said. Right on cue, she turned herself around on his dick to give her the perfect flew. Her ass and pussy was on full display, stuffed with his big dick.
She bounced up and down on it, as she spread her cheeks reminding her off the night on Sunday night. Her ass rippled as he stuffed her pussy, not daring giving her a moment to take a break.
"Damn..this pussy feel good." he moaned as she fucked him.
"Cum in my pussy daddy please. I want it." she begged.
"Take this fucking nut.." he groaned out. His nut filled inside as she saw her cream seep down his dick. He pulled out letting the cum drip out of her pussy making sure he got a perfect view of it. He grabbed his dick rubbing it against her clit before re-entering it in her entrance, as she moaned out.
The video cut off as she looked up at the teacher who was going over the material that was going to be on the test she needed to take. She shook her head of the nasty video before locking in and paying attention.
She will not lie though, as soon as she stepped into her car she replied the video over... and over... and over. She knew that the tensions would be high as soon as she stepped into the apartment. For the last few days, her sexual frustrations were building up to the point where she needed a release. And not just by herself.
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Day #5: Friday Night
Halle sat in the dressing room in the club, taking the pin curls out of her freshly done sew in. One of her close friend, Desirae sat next to her, quizzing her for the test that she had tomorrow.
"What are the five W's that are consistent with postoperative fever?" she asked.
"Wind, Water, Wound, Walking, and Wonder Drugs." Halle said.
"Correct. Girl you got this, I don't know why you keep going over these flash cards. You got everything correct." Desirae placed the cards on the table.
"Well I can't afford to fail this test. Graduation is less then two months away." Halle sighed before spraying her curls with hair spray. Desirae was about to say something but one of the other girls, Yolanda and Kayla came over.
Yolanda was one of the problematic girls here. Being here the longest, she was more than just rude and cocky. A lot of the drama that happens here always circles back to her being the one that caused it. Kayla was her little lap dog who agreed with everything that she said.
The two girls for some odd reason didn't like Halle. They claimed it as her thinking she was better than everyone else because she was in college to become a nurse. But truly, Halle kept to herself only coming to dance and make money.
"Halle, did you take my lashes?" Kayla asked her crossing her arms over her chest.
"No. I have some from last week if you need to borrow some." Halle said looked up at her as she rolled her eyes.
"So why did Yolanda say that she saw you around my area then?" she pressed her as Halle squinted her eyes with at her.
"Girl what? I literally have been here this entire time."
"Yeah, literally since we came in here we've been sitting here getting ready and studying." Desirae defended her Yolanda rolled her eyes.
"No one was talking to you Desirae. I know what I saw."
"I have lash extensions." Halle snapped at her. "Why the fuck would I need to steal lashes from you when I can just buy my own if I needed them.. which I don't." she replied. The two girls looked at her lashes to see indeed that she on lash extensions.
"Okay girl.. whatever." Yolanda rolled her eyes. "That don't mean nothing."
"No it means something. Y'all don't have anything I want, I promise you that." Halle rolled her eyes and finishing her makeup.
"Obviously we do if you going around stealing people shit. I-"
"Okay so if you think I stole your shit, Kayla, go ask Madeline to look at the camera footage then." she snapped at the two. The two stared at her as Halle pointed to the door. "Well why are you just looking at me? If y'all know for a fact that I stole them eyelashes, go talk to Madeline. And if that camera shows me stealing them, I give y'all full permission to beat my ass."
"I ain't doing all that shit, bruh." Kayla turned around.
"Exactly. Y'all just like to start unnecessary shit because y'all are bored. Get the fuck outta our faces with that shit and talk to someone else." Desirae replied.
"Who the fuck you talking to like that?" Yolanda stepped closer as Desirae stood up. Halle stood up to stand in between the two.
"Girl ain't nobody scared of you." Desirae laughed.
"Yolanda just go back to your seat. You being messy for no reason, like c'mon now." Halle replied as Yolanda eyes fixed on her.
"And don't tell me what to do. I'll stay where ever the fuck I want. Ole uppity tight ass bitch." Yolanda snapped at Halle.
"Hey hey hey! What is going on?" Madeline walked in looking at the scene. Madeline was the owner of the club, and was probably the most sweetest lady you could imagine. Being a woman herself who used to strip, she made sure to use her past experiences to make sure she maintained a safe and clean environment for her dancers.
"Madeline come get these stupid bitches before I dog walk them please." she turned around as Madeline sighed, probably in annoyance that Yolanda was doing stupid shit once again.
"Yeah we are stupid but you accusing somebody who's wearing lash extensions of stealing lashes." Halle rolled her eyes.
"Okay smart ass and like I said that doesn't matter. This bitch think she a smart ass just because she in college the fuck?"
"Okay Yolanda just go sit back down. I'll talk to them." Madeline told her. Yolanda left not before saying a couple of other things. "I'm sorry guys. If you want you can finish up in my office." Madeline reasoned with her.
"No I'm fine." Halle said sitting back down to finish her makeup.
"Okay. Well while I'm here, Halle can you be in the private rooms. Friday's we usually have more people requesting private dances." she asked her as she nodded.
"Yeah that's fine." Halle said. She didn't really want to be on stage anyway and she made more money doing private dances.
Eventually, the girls left the dressing room. The clubs was filled as she made her way to the back rooms, not before taking a shot of Hennessey. That was before something caught her eye.
She saw Erik and Normeli standing by the bar grabbing something to drink. Normeli locked eyes with Halle, Normeli smirking and waving at her. Erik noticed it, before looking up and around then seeing Halle then waving her.
She waved back at them, but she was confused. She has never seen them in the club before, and after the week she had she wondered if it had something to do with it.
She saw Yolanda walk up to them, making conversation but their stares was focused on Halle.
Erik eyes were definitely appreciate the fit that she wore.
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'His eyes ranked over her body before landing at her feet that wore eight inch heels that were bedazzled. She walked over to Madeline who was behind the bar.
"Ooh just the girl I wanted to see. That couple over their requested you... and they are offering big money girl." she wiggled her eyebrows at her as Halle chuckled. She didn't want anyone to know that she knew them, so she decided to play along.
"Alright.. I can fuck with it. Pour me an extra shot though pretty please." she begged. Usually, the girls weren't allowed to drink on the job, just because some couldn't really handle their liquor. But Madeline had a soft spot for her. She was kind and respectful, stayed to herself and she could handle her liquor.
"Fine. But this is your last." she warned her as she nodded. Madeline gave her another shot of Hennessey as she winced downing it.
"Alright, I'll let you know how it goes." she walked over to them, as Normeli smiled at her.
"Well hello.. Sapphire." she smiled using her stage name. Halle looked over Normeli wore a short black dress that was one bad move to show all of her goodies with a black leather jacket, and a pair of thigh length boots that hugged her thighs perfectly. She matched it with a medium size Louis Vuitton bag.
Yolanda turned around before rolling her eyes at Halle. "Thank you for the offer, but we requested her." Normeli said.
"Okay, are you sure? My rates are a lot more cheaper and I can do a lot more for you for your less." Yolanda bargained with them, but it didn't work.
"Yup we're sure. You can leave now." Erik said to her getting straight to the point. She was focused on Normeli that so much that she was caught off guard by him talking. Looking behind Normeli, she saw Erik with a similar outfit. Black short sleeve button up, with black pants and a pair of Prada re-nylon and leather zip pocket combat boots.
Yolanda turned around shooting glares at her before she decided to leave the three of them alone. She turned to look at the two before saying,
"What are you guys doing here?" she asked them curiously.
"Well we were bored, and I realized that we never really got to see you in action." she suggested.
"Hope you don't mind." Erik smirked at her as she blushed. Shaking off her nervousness, she replied,
"Of course not." she bashfully said. "Well you guys can come follow me." she stated grabbing Normeli's hand as Normeli smiled at her. The three of them exited back to the rooms. The only light there was the red hue, as the music in the club became more quiet and distant. The entered one of the rooms where she knew there was a couch long enough for the both of them.
The two sat down as Halle stood over them. She slipped her hair over her shoulder as she bit her lip at them. "Come here Halle." Normeli smirked at her as Halle walked to her standing in between her widened legs. Normeli's dressed raised just a bit exposing her upper thigh and a small peak of the black laced panties she had.
"Mm turn around for us. Let us see that fat ass." Erik said leaning forward as she did what was told. She started to jiggle her ass cheeks. Erik went to reach his hand underneath the thin piece of material but she smacked his hand away.
"Aht, no touching." she teased him turning around as he raised an eyebrow with a smile.
"That's bold to say considering how I had you a few days ago on the counter." he smirked as she gasped, before looking at Normeli to see her smirking.
"I think you forgot about the camera that we have in the kitchen." Normeli laughed. Halle brown complexion turned an orange tone because of her blush.
"Awe don't be embarrassed, tell Halle what you were doing." he said looking at Normeli as she shrugged.
"I'm not going to lie... seeing you cum all over his tongue made me wet. It made me cum a few times myself." Normeli admitted with a smirk. Halle licked her lips at the mention of Normeli cumming.
"Sit on Meli's lap. I want her nice and wet when I fuck her tonight." he instructed Halle. She sat on Normeli's lap, her hands finding her way to her ass cheek jiggling it. "Oh she can touch?" Erik teased them as Normeli chuckled.
"Don't be jealous.. your time's coming." Normeli told him, as she started to grind Halle on her lap. Normeli grabbed her face looking at her in the eyes as Halle bit her lip. "Mmm pretty little thing." Normeli smiled pecking her lips as Halle giggled.
Erik couldn't help but notice that chemistry between the two girls, it was something different and he never really seen it before. The two had a look of admiration for each other that was beyond just lust.
Halle unbuckled her bra from the back, letting her tits free. Normeli happily took her right breast in her mouth, sucking on them as Halle threw her head back. Erik happily took the left one in his. The two sucked at her nipples as she grinded her hips against Normeli.
Her mind flooded to those random nights where the two of them would scissor each other till they made a mess with both of their juices combined, happily cleaning each other up.
"Sit on daddy's lap baby." she said lifting her up. Halle sat on Erik's lap as he adjusted himself as she sat directly on his dick. He grabbed her neck slightly squeezing it as she moaned.
Normeli's hand snuck in between the two before reaching inside of the thin panties before noticing how wet she was. "Ooh, look how wet her pussy got daddy." she placed her finger in front of Erik's face as he licked it off moaning.
"Taste so sweet princess." Erik praised her, kissing the valley of her breast. "Give Normeli a kiss for me." Halle looked at Normeli as the two leaned in, making out. They kissed sloppily as Erik looked at the two girls in lust, feeling his dick harden as the two made out. Normeli pulled away before Erik made Halle stand up and sit on his lap in the opposite direction. He placed her legs on each side of him as she placed her hands on the floor.
"Go ahead back, shake that ass on my dick." he encouraged her. She did exactly that, shaking her ass as the two of them grabbed her a hand full of ass cheeks.
For the next 30 minutes, the two of them had their fun with her dancing as they threw a bunch of bills on her, obviously being in a trance. After the end, as they were about to leave Erik reached into his back pocked with a stack that was folded up. She looked at him confused.
"What is this for?" she asked him.
"Um are we supposed to pay you?" he chuckled as Normeli looked back.
"Yeah but this is way above my rate... even for the both of you. Nevermind what you guys left me in the room." she said looking at the stack of 100's that was in the rubber band.
"Well I'm going to assume we did a lot more than you regular clients.. am I wrong?" Normeli asked her walking closer to her and moving her hair out of her face.
"I mean yeah but-"
"But nothing. Just take it. Especially after the week we made you go through." he winked at her as she looked at him shocked.
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Day #6: Saturday Night
Erik and Normeli found themselves in the kitchen making a home cooked meal for everyone. Normeli was drinking a glass on red wine cutting up vegetables while Erik drunk a glass of Hennessey making their steak.
Erik threw the towel over his shoulder leaning on the opposite side of the counter staring at Normeli's backside. "Hey I gotta question?" he said lowering the heat on the steaks. She turned around to look at him. "You've worked with polymerous couples, right?" he asked her as she nodded.
"Yeah seven of them actually. Four was successful and three weren't. Why?" she asked sipping on her glass of wine.
"What made the difference between the success and those that weren't?" he asked curiously as she thought about it.
"Well a major difference was that for the successful everyone was dating everyone. Everyone was interested and had feelings for everyone that was in the relationship. The unsuccessful ones the women weren't really interested in each other, only dating the masculine person. Which left room for animosity, jealousy and abandonment." she noted. She almost cringed at the misogynistic men who attempted to use their greediness to their advantage.
He nodded letting her continue,
"Umm.. oh. The amount of people that we in the relationship. For the successful ones the most who were in the relationship were like four. Anything above five was problematic. Which I'll just assume it's because the more people, the more issues." she said.
"Anything else?
She thought about it more before snapping her fingers.
"Ooh finances. The man would add women to the relationship but didn't really have the money to support everyone. It resulted in the women having to support each other which would just cause more of a drift in the relationship." she mentioned before squinting her eyes.
"Wait a second..." she trailed off.
"Wait before you say anything, hear me out." he begged. "I know you have feelings for the both of us Meli." he told her as she gasped.
"I mean I do.. but-"
"Hold on. And I'm not going to lie. I've had a little crush on Halle and I know she is crushing on me. Seeing the two of you guys together, I have this feeling that is more than just being turned on by two girls. It's an unexplainable feeling." he mentioned as she looked at him tilting her head.
"How do we even know Halle would be down for it? She is-"
"Who told me not to let her innocence fool you?" he reminded her as she sighed. "Everything you told me makes me think we can work it out. There is only three of us, obviously we are all interested in each other and let's be forreal, I can take care of both of y'all financially. I know how much you hate her working at the club and she could quit."
"Let me think about it."
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"She's fucking lying! She did steal those clients from me!"
It was the end of her shift on Saturday night, considering she wanted to go home early. Not just because Erik and Normeli was there...yes it was... but she just wanted a self care night. There was some drama over playing in the make up rooms because of the incident last night.
Here we are, where Yolanda and Kayla was arguing with Halle about stealing those 'clients', (Normeli and Erik) from Yolanda. She swore up and down that they wanted her and after finding out how much she made from it.
Erik and Normeli paid her a total of 5k.
Some of the other girls was even upset that their was no split, the only split being with Madeline.
"Yolanda that's not true. They requested her from the moment they walked in and told me her name. They never asked for you." Madeline tried to reason with the girl, but she just wasn't having it.
"Stop fucking lying! They did not fucking want her ugly ass! She stole them from me!"
"In order for them to be stolen, they would have to have been interested in you in the first place." Halle snapped at them.
"Bitch who the fuck-" Yolanda charged at Halle but was stopped by the other strippers who were still in the back getting ready.
"Okay you know what? Yolanda, you need to go. Grab you things and leave." Madeline snapped at her as Yolanda gasped looking at her.
"What do you mean leave? I-"
"You are causing too much in here. You have gotten in 5 arguments with girls and it hasn't even been a full week yet. You need to go or I will call police to remove you from the premises." Madeline told her.
"She stole money out of my pockets! Matter of fact scary ass hoe meet me outside then bitch." she said looking at Halle.
"She's not doing any fucking thing!" Desirae snapped.
Eventually, the other girls were able get Yolanda to leave. Clearly annoyed and a little shaken, Madeline made sure security walked her out to her car.
Considering it was the last few minutes of her shifts, Halle decided to leave and head back home. After entering her apartment, she found Erik and Normeli making something in the kitchen. She put her stuff on the counter as the two looked at her. Halle noticed that Normeli still had on a silk pink robe while Erik had nothing but basketball shorts on and his gold chain.
"You good?" Normeli asked her.
"You remember that girl who wanted to dance for you yesterday?" Halle said sitting at the counter bar stool.
"The one with the odd looking face?" Erik mentioned as Normeli chuckled.
"Erik you can't say stuff like that." she chastised him before looking back at Halle.
"She claimed that I stole y'all from her because you guys wanted her first before I came in." she rolled her eyes as Erik busted out laughing.
"Ayo, that's the funniest thing I've heard all week." he said bending over as Normeli hit him with the towel.
"It was pretty funny." Halle chuckled grabbing one of the carrots that were cut up and leftover. "That was until she tried to fight me." she rolled her eyes. Erik's fits of laughter was cut short once he heard her say it.
"Did she put her hands on you?" he asked her walking in front of her.
"No, but I was thinking while driving back home, I don't think I wanna continue dancing. I have enough money saved up so I should be able to pay off my student loans. By then I can move out and-"
"Move out?" Normeli asked confused. "What do you mean move out?"
"Yeah. I know you guys want some privacy." she chuckled as Erik chuckled under his breath at the irony,
"Well you know I don't mind if you stay. I feel like it would be much better and you wouldn't have to pay a bill." Normeli tried to convince her,
"You know I can't ask you to do that." Halle replied. Normeli was saddened by it but she decided to shake it off.
"Well this will be a conversation for another day." she walked next to her flipping her hair over her shoulders. "The food will be ready in a few so how about you go in my bathroom and use my tub for a bubble bath-" she kissed her neck as Halle closed her eyes. "I'll bring you up a glass of wine-" she licked the spot as a soft moan escape her lips. "And after we eat.. we can have a little bit of fun." she smirked at her as Halle nodded. She left the two of them in the kitchen as she walked back behind the counter as Erik grabbed a handful of Normeli's ass.
"Such a bad girl." he whispered into her ear as she gasped at the sensation. She closed her eyes smiling, reaching behind her to grab Erik's dick through his basketball shorts. He turned her around pushing her against the counter.
"Be a good slut for me and wait." he said moving her hand as she pouted. He kissed her on the lips before saying, "Go ahead and fix her glass of wine." He said stepping away to finish cooking.
Halle sat in the jet tub, with her eyes closed when she heard the door open. She saw Normeli walking in with a glass of white wine, and her pink silk robe.
"This is for you." Normeli handed her the glass as she thanked her sipping out of it. Normeli dropped her robe exposing her naked body as Halle licked her lips leaning over the tub.
"Hopping in?" she asked placing her cup on the edge.
"Why not?" she stepped inside the tub with her sitting on Halle's lap. Halle leaned back as the bubbles settled between them.
"I do have a confession to make though." Normeli replied said rubbing herself against Halle as she moaned. "Erik and I... we wanna help you." she whispered into her ear as Halle tilted her head to the side.
"H-Help me with what?" she asked confusingly.
"Well... you remember when you told me last week about how you were having a dry spell?" Normeli asked her as she nodded. "Well how about the two of us.. share Erik." she said.
"I mean.. I got the hint by Wednesday." Halle giggled, "Are you sure? I don't wanna intrude or anything." Halle pouted. Normeli thought it was the cutest thing ever, before pecking her lips.
"Trust me, we want this more than anything." Normeli assured her as Halle nodded. Normeli squealed before going in for another kiss. The kiss deepened as the two girls sloppily kissed each other. "Mmm I can't wait till you show Erik how wet you really can get." Normeli smiled in the kiss. She moved her hand between the two finding Halle clit as rubbed it, making Halle gasp.
"Baby..." she whimpered as Normeli moaned.
"Fuck, I need to eat this pussy. It's been too long." Normeli replied.
"Is that so?" The voice interrupted them to see Erik leaning against the bathroom counter with his arms crossed over his chest as he smirked.
"Daddy you scared us." Normeli pouted as he chuckled walking over to the tub and kneeling down. He looked at Normeli before shaking his head.
"You are so disobedient.. you know that?" he said grabbing a handful of her braids and pulling her head back. She smiled as Halle looked at her beautiful breast. He looked back at Halle before letting Normeli go.
"Come here." he instructed Halle as she leaned in as the two of them kissed. Erik's hand wrapped around her throat as he made out with her, before she let out a gasp. He looked down and saw that Normeli was fingering her underneath the water. "Ooh fuck baby.. " Halle gasped.
Chuckling he stood up, his dick obviously hard and noticeable without anything underneath it his shorts. He grabbed towels out of the closet before saying,
"Let's get you guys dry so you can come downstairs and eat."
The three of them eventually made it downstairs, the both of them only wearing a T-Shirt with nothing underneath like Erik told them. The three of them ate talking about random things, but the sense of sexual tension was high.
Halle leg bounced in anticipation as Normeli stood up. "Thanks for the meal guys, it was good." Halle complimented them as he smiled at her.
"No problem. It's the least I can do." he smirked making her blush. Normeli stood up before saying,
"Well I'm going to go load the dish washer." she stood up grabbing the plates off of the table before walking into the kitchen. Erik was about to say something but Halle's apple watch went off as she looked at her wrist to see Madeline calling her.
"Uh give me a second guys, the club is calling me." she excused herself running upstairs to her room where her phone was on charge. She answered it,
"Hey Madeline, what's up?"
"Hey girly. I was just making sure you made it back home and you were okay?"
"Y-Yeah I'm fine. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something." she replied. "Because I'll be graduating soon and my tests are coming up, adding that along with my clinical hours... I want to make sure that I have enough time to study. So tonight was my last night."
"Awe no. I thought I would more time with you."
"I know... but just after everything tonight and just stressed with clinical hours and studying, I think it's best." she reasoned with her.
"I understand. Look, don't let this number be lost okay? I'm always here for you even if you aren't with me anymore okay?"
"Of course. And thank you for everything." she said.
"It was my pleasure. I wish you the best of luck."
And with that they hang up. She was saddened because Madeline was the very view people she had in her life that really believed in her. After placing her phone back on charge and taking off her apple watch she walked back downstairs to see Erik alone in the kitchen. "Where is Normeli?" she asked walking around the counter.
"Mia called her. She was having some issues with the pregnancy." Erik said leaning against the counter.
"Awe.. I hope everything is alright." she pouted.
"She is fine. This is her first pregnancy so she's on edge about everything. Which is understandable." he said as she nodded. Halle could feel Erik's intense stare on her as she looked at the ground. "You know.. I'm a little jealous of Meli." he said placing his cup on the counter.
"Why would you be?" she asked, as he walked closer to her.
"The obvious being she's been keeping you all to herself." he said tracing her cheek with the the back of his hand as she looked up at him. Her thighs unconsciously rubbed against each other as she felt a throb in her pussy.
Erik noticed, before spreading her legs with his feet. His hands reached down between her thighs as she moaned. "I'm going to assume that Meli told you what we wanted to do." he said as she nodded.
"She did while we were in the bathtub." she said as he nodded.
"Do you want to? I don't want you to do anything your uncomfortable with." he told her.
"I-I want to." she quickly said as Erik chuckled.
"Someone's excited." he teased her.
"Do you blame me? Especially after the week I had." she defended herself making Erik winced.
"Well, that was all Meli. Well other then the video, that was all me." he smirked as she bit her lip. Normeli came from the patio seeing the two and smiling.
"Well it's nice seeing you guys get all comfortable." she said walking into the kitchen.
"How about I finish cleaning up in here, while you guys go upstairs yeah?" he said kissing Normeli on the lips then Halle. The two nodded before Normeli grabbed her hand as Erik smacked the two of them on the ass.
The two made their way to Normeli's room, before they got into the middle of their bed on their knees. "Are you sure you want to do this? I don't know you to do anything your uncomfortable with." Normeli asked again, but Halle nodded.
"Yes I'm sure." she said as Normeli smiled at her. She couldn't help but to kiss Halle on her lips, kissing her passionately. Without breaking the kiss, she laid Halle on her bed lifting up her t-shirt.
"Look at you being a good little slut for me." she smiled into the kiss. Her hands reached between the two of them making contact with her bare pussy. Halle sat up on her elbows as Normeli hands traced up her T-Shirts.
There was nothing stopping Normeli from bending down to her pussy and eating it until Erik showed up. "Getting started with out me?" he asked shutting the door with his foot. Normeli sat up as Erik walked towards the side of the bed. On her knee's, Erik gave Normeli a long awaited kiss. Normeli pulled away before turning back to Halle and grabbing her hand.
Halle went over to where the two was. Normeli moved out of her way as she got on her knees in front of Erik and Normeli getting behind her. Normeli could sense that she was a tad bit nervous before kissing the side of her neck. "Hey, it's all about you right now okay? No need to worry okay." Normeli made Halle look at her as Halle slowly nodded. Normeli smiled at her before kissing her on the lips. She pulled away as Erik grabbed Halle chin, making her face him. The two made out, Normeli not being able to help herself as her hand made it's way under her own T-Shirt and rubbing her clit. With her other hand, she did the same thing to Halle.
"You can't keep your hands to yourself when it comes to her huh?" Erik chuckled watching Halle's eye close in pleasure.
"You'll soon see why." Normeli winked at him. He stepped back leaving the two girls alone.
"Let daddy watch for a few minutes." he told them. Without having to tell her twice, Normeli slipped the T-Shirt over Halle's head. Normeli laid Halle on the bed before she slipped off her own shirt. Normeli spread Halle legs before settling between them and kissing her. While still kissing her, Normeli pushed Halle's right leg up where her knees were parallel with her body, grinding her clit against hers. Erik had a perfect view of the two girls pussies, watching them rub against each other and producing their wetness.
"Shit your pussy is so wet baby.." Halle gasped feeling the wetness drip down her thighs. Halle hands grabbed Normeli's hips rotating them in a circle.
Erik loved the view of their pussy sliding against each other. His dick getting even harder if it was possible.
"Fuck... use my pussy just like that." Normeli moaned throwing her head back. Halle's hand trailed up Normeli's stomach and to her chest, grabbing her breast and squeezing it. Normeli leaned down capturing Halle's lips with her, taking control and grinding her hips against Halle.
"Your pussy is so wet baby, are you excited?" Normeli teased her as she nodded squeezing her eyes shut.
"Mhm.. yes..fuck keep going like that I'm gonna cum." Halle gasped out, grinding her own hips for more pressure to be applied to her clit.
"Good girl, show daddy how wet this pretty pussy can get." Normeli smirked at her. Like a dam breaking, Halle squirted on Normeli's pussy and thighs with a squeak and a moan.
"Oh...my God!" she exclaimed. Erik heard the splashing sounds between the two girls, eyebrows widen with curiosity as he looked to see their juices mixing together.
"Don't stop Meli. Let me see her do it again." Erik instructed rubbing his dick through his shorts, licking his lips. Erik didn't have to tell her twice, she would keep going for the rest of the night if there was no promise of any dick.
"P-Please Meli don't stop... I wanna cum again." Halle begged her, which made Normeli slow down. Halle whimpered as Erik made Normeli look at him by pulling her head back with her braids.
"Aht aht. Be a good girl and let Halle cum. You been teasing her all week." Erik chastised her as Normeli pouted still circling her hips slowly.
"But I like it when she begs."
Damn... she begs too? Erik really can't help but to think he hit something more than a jackpot with these two.
"Please.. I'll be a good slut for you!" Halle pleaded, looking up with her doe like eyes. Normeli felt the tightening in her lower abdomen, looking at her look so innocent. Normeli was caught off guard by Erik smacking and grabbing her ass making her buck forward. Erik then whispered in her ear,
"Make our pretty girl cum, before I punish you."
Not really wanting to be punished at the moment, Normeli followed Erik's instructions before going at a pace that made both her and Halle cum at the same time. Normeli's cream leaked down Halle's pussy as Halle's pussy squirted again.
"Damn it.." Halle whined starting to feel sensitive.
"Mmm there you go. Such a good slut for me." Erik kissed Normeli on the lips as she climbed off of Halle. The two made out with each other, Halle couldn't help herself as her hands found their way to her clit circling the sensitive nub.
The two pulled away hearing the wet sound of her pussy. "Mmm daddy can I eat her pussy?" Normeli asked staring at her pussy and licking her lips.
"Go ahead and sit on her face." Erik told Normeli. Normeli sat on Halle's face, facing Erik so that they were in a 69 position. Erik chuckled before saying,
"Greedy little bitch." he chuckled kneeling down to be faced with Halle's pussy. Halle's hand found their way to Normeli's ass cheek as she sat her down on her tongue. A vibration was felt when Erik entered two fingers in Halle as he made a 'come here' motion. Normeli leaned down, licking Halle's clit as Erik fingered her pussy.
"Fuck baby," Normeli glided her pussy along Normeli's tongue, Halle moaning at the taste. Her mouth circled around her clit before Erik replaced his fingers with his tongue.
The feeling of their two tongues was a feeling that was incredibly different. Purposely, the two would occasionly slide their tongues against each other as they ate her pussy, sharing the sweetness of her.
"What the fuck..." she whispered to herself, still smothered by Normeli's pussy, she moved her head side to side, playing with her clit making Normeli moan.
"Baby, you keep eating my pussy like that I'm cum all over you pretty face." Normeli gasped, as Erik pulled away, his lips and beard glistening with her slime.
"Let me taste your cum." Halle slapped her ass as she came, her sweetness dripping down the side of Halle's face as she continued eating. "Fuck!" Normeli yelled out as Erik smiled at the two girls.
"Come on Halle, cum for daddy." Erik said inserting three fingers as Halle gasped. Normeli sat up, applying pressure to Halle's stomach as she squirted on Erik's hand. Erik bent down licking up her mess, before standing back up and sharing it was Normeli as they kissed. They broke away before Normeli removed herself from the top as the two helped her sit up.
"Mmm, you did such a good job.' Normeli praised her, kissing her neck and shoulders.
"Come give daddy a kiss." Halle lips connected with his. He tongue kissed her loving the taste of the two of them together moaning in his mouth. She pulled away before kissing Normeli, getting the same taste and moaning. Halle felt something poking her on the stomach before looking down and seeing Erik's hard dick bobbing up and down. Hesitantly, she reached out for it.
"Go ahead and touch it. You know you want to." he teased her as she grabbed it with a slight squeeze. Her eyes widen at the size of it that she felt, but her mouth watered at the thought of him fucking her throat.
"I wanna suck your dick." she flat out said as Erik smirked at her. He back away before saying,
"Get on y'all knees." The two got up from the bed with Normeli being on the right and Halle being on the left. Kneeling in front of him as he took off his white t-shirt over his body and pulled down his basketball shorts, his dick hitting up against his abs.
By far, Erik had the most gorgeous dick that she ever laid eyes on. In real life and on porn. He was a good 7 or 8 inches, with a vein that ran along the side of his dick. His mushroom tip dick leaked pre cum while his dick throbbed.
"You know what I want Normeli. Show Halle."
Normeli smirked before placing sloppy kisses on the side of his dick. After a few seconds, Normeli followed along doing it on the other side. The two met at his tip as they kissed each other while licking his tip tasting his pre-cum.
"Y'all better get my dick nice and wet." He warned them.
Normeli grabbed the base of his dick before Halle placed his tip in her mouth sucking it. He moaned throwing his head back as she started to suck his dick.
"Fuck Halle.." he tilted his hips in a position to add more of his dick to her mouth which she gladly took. "Fuck... there you go. Take this dick down your fucking throat pretty little slut."
Normeli noticed his balls unattended for, as she gladly as she licked and played with it with her mouth. Eventually, Halle could fit his entire dick in her mouth and down her throat as she bobbed her head on it. Saliva dripped down her chest as she pulled away coughing a bit.
Normeli took the chance to put his dick in her mouth. Halle immediately replaced Normeli, placing his other ball in her mouth sucking and playing on it.
"Mmm, you two making daddy's dick feel good.. fuck!" he moaned thrusting his hips, his dick in her throat as she played with her tits. The sound of his dick going in and out of Normeli's throat made Halle's pussy throb as she moaned.
Halle pulled away from his balls, as he grabbed the two girls to make them stand up. "Lay on the side of the bed Halle, let me give you this dick." Halle sat on the edge of the bed laying down as Normeli went to her head, placing her head on her lap. Erik grabbed the back of her legs pushing them to her chest to see her pussy wet, wetter then the day he had her on the counter.
He thrusted his hips sliding his dick along her pussy lips as she moaned at his teasing. "You want this dick, baby?"
She nodded her head, but Erik squeezing her face with his hand. "Talk to me when I ask you something. You want this dick, girl?" he said still slowly moving his dick.
"Yes, please." she moaned out.
"Mhm.. beg daddy to fuck this tight pussy." Normeli said reaching over and rubbing Halle's clit as she moaned closing her eyes.
"Pretty please daddy. I need your big dick in my pussy please." she whimpered, slowly moving her hips for some kind of relief.
"That's not really convincing..." he trailed off.
"I-I'll let you cum in me." she innocently said biting her lip. Normeli giggled as Erik through his head back, whispering a quiet' fuck to himself. Without warning, he slowly pushed his way into her as she gasped out in pleasure and pain.
It's been a minute since Halle last had sex with a man, and Erik was the biggest dude she's been with in general.
"Daddy.. shit!" she squealed as he rubbed her clit, feeling her pussy being stretched out. She felt as if her walls were being intruded every way possible.
"Look at you taking this dick.. fuck." he moaned looking down at her. Her eyes were open in shock, as he continued to fuck her at a slow pace just so he could get used to it. Normeli removed Halle's head from her lap, before getting on her knees and leaning down to kiss her, like the spider mans kiss only laying down.
"His dick feel good in your pussy doesn't it baby girl." Normeli said reaching over and playing with Normeli's nipple as she groaned.
Erik's hip thrusted faster as she gasped out, the pain feeling easily going away as she was engulfed in pleasure. "Ooh fuck daddy, your dick is so big." Halle exclaimed closing her eyes, but Erik grabbed her throat squeezing it.
"Open your eyes when I fuck you." he said changing his pace and fucking her slowly. The feeling caught her off guard as she opened her eyes as he picked up the pace.
Erik threw one of her legs over his shoulder, before pounding her pussy again.
"Fuck I- wait-" she attempted to place her hand on his lower abdomen to slow him down but before she could, he slapped it away.
"Move your fucking hands." he grunted. Normeli grabbed her hands restraining her as Halle eyes rolled back as the pleasure was overwhelming.
"Be a good slut for us and take that dick. Mmm baby your pussy looks so good taking his dick." Normeli moaned, slowly touching herself with her ass up in the air. Erik had the perfect view as he looked in the mirror behind her, having the perfect view of her ass and pussy.
"You're in my stomach." she moaned out.
"That's where I'm supposed to be. Go ahead and squirt on my dick baby." he rubbed against her clit in a side to side motion quickly applying pressure, as her juices squirted out in tinny spurts.
"Oooh baby." Normeli moaned out drooling at the sight of her squirting on him, her juices hitting his lower abdomen. Normeli moved forward as Erik pulled out taking her leg off his shoulders, about to instruct her to clean him off, but of course her freaky self was already doing it.
"Fuck Meli, why you so nasty girl?" he said rubbing Halle's clit as she moaned. She smelled Normeli's arousal, before grabbing her hips and mothering his face between her ass cheeks as she ate her pussy, smacking and jiggling her ass.
"Uh daddy! She's eating my pussy again.." she moaned around his dick.
"I think she like's eating that pussy as much as I do." he chuckled. How could they not? She always tasted like water and cranberries, and when she was aroused it smelled so sweet.
"Mm she taste so good off of your dick." Normeli said sitting up smirking, as he grabbed her face and kissed her. Continuing to kiss, she rubbed his tip against Halle's clit before aligning it with her hole. Grabbing the base, she inserted it in herself as he moaned in the kiss.
"Mmm, please fuck me with that dick.." Halle moaned out widening her legs, as Normeli grabbed Halle's legs open to let Erik fuck her.
"Goddamn this pussy... fuck." he whispered as Normeli smirked at him.
"You love fucking her pussy?" Normeli asked him as he looked down at her nodding.
"Shit- I fucking love this pussy." he moaned out. Her pussy tugged at his dick, he grunted at the sudden tightness before looking down and seeing her cream on his dick.
The feeling was different for Halle, as she moaned pulling away from Normeli's pussy, her head hitting the mattress.
"I'm cumming, fuck daddy please don't stop." Halle exclaimed as Normeli stared at the sight beneath her.
"Oooh.. she's never done this." Normeli moaned excitedly.
Halle was a whimpering mess. It was like her orgasm wasn't stopping, and it didn't help that Normeli was rubbing her clit.
"Mhm, I feel you cumming on this dick. Keep going Halle, fuck you feel so good." Erik encouraged Halle. Normeli removed herself from Halle, to see Halle covered once again in her juices but her eyes was crossed.
Erik slowly pulled out as she shook a little bit, as both Normeli and Erik kissed her on the cheeks.
"Shh, your doing such a good job." Erik praised her, "Do you need a break?" he asked her as she nodded.
"B-But I don't mind watching..." she bit her lip, looking between the two. Normeli smiled before Erik chuckled.
"Move over so I can lay down in the bed." The two girls moved over as he laid by the pillows in the middle of the bed, with his dick standing in the air. Halle grabbed the base of his dick, before kissing and sucking the tip. Spitting on it, Halle started to deep throat it herself as Erik grabbed her hair pushing his dick down her throat.
"There you go baby.." Normeli encouraged her. "Get it nice and wet for me."
"Shit- fuck I'm touching that back of yo throat." Erik moaned before pulling her off by her hair, a trail of saliva dripping from her mouth to his dick. "Come here." he directed her, as she settled to his side, kissing her. The two made out before he felt Normeli sit on his dick, slowly sliding in as he moaned into Halle's mouth.
"Fuuuck, make me cum Meli." he moaned out. Halle laid her head back on the pillows where Erik was, as she looked up at Normeli. Normeli threw her head back moaning as she grabbed her tits playing with them.
"Daddy, I love it this dick so much." Normeli moaned out, as Erik grunted.
"Mmm wet ass pussy. You got this wet looking at me fuck her?" Erik teased her as Normeli bounced up and down on his dick.
"Fuck yes." Erik's hands went to the side of him where Normeli was, tracing down her stomach and to her pussy, slowly rubbing her clit.
"Mmm, show Meli your pussy baby. Let her see me playing with it." he instructed Halle. Halle widen her leg to give Normeli a view of her pussy. Just as he thought, Normeli's pussy tighten at the sight of Halle's pussy being played with.
"Ooh fuck daddy." Halle gasped turning her head to look at him, but his mouth was on her as soon as she turned it. The two made out as Normeli eyes squinted shut.
Erik pulled away from Halle, turning his attention back to Normeli who placed her feet by each side of Erik bouncing. Erik thrusted his hips upward letting, as she gasped with her eyes widen.
"Damn I'm cumming. I'm cumming. I'm cumming." she squeezed her eyes as her pussy juices leaked down his dick, getting on his thighs.
"Fuck I'm close, I'm close " he moaned out. Normeli hopped off of his dick as Halle went on her knees to let him cum on her face. Normeli was right in front of her face as Erik grunted jerking himself off.
"Nasty ass bitches catch this fucking nut.. uh fuuuck!" he groaned out as his load of cum hit the two girls in the faces. "Fuck y'all look so fucking sexy." he moaned out.
Normeli and her made out, his cum slowly dripping it's way into their mouths. Swallowing all of his nut, the two sat up as Erik breath heavily looking between the two.
"Fuck.. y'all are gonna drive me crazy."
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Erik woke up the next morning, rubbing his eyes with a yawn. He looked around before attempting to sit up only to be met with Normeli and Halle sleeping on each side of his chess.
He laid there for about ten extra minutes looking at the ceiling while tracing circles on Halle's back and playing with Normeli's braids. Considering after the night the three had, he decided to make everyone some breakfast. He slowly unraveled the two girls before crawling out of bed, and grabbing his boxers placing them on.
As they slept, the two girls unknowingly cuddled into each other after feeling the bed suddenly being empty. Erik thought it was the cutest thing.
After brushing his teeth, he made his way downstairs and to the kitchen to make breakfast. Deciding just to make avocado toast, he started to collect his ingredients.
In the mist of his cooking and thinking, he heard someone come down the stairs to see Normeli walking in with a yawn. "Goodmorning." she greeted him.
"Goodmorning." he said kissing her forehead. "Halle is still asleep?" he asked her as she nodded.
"Yeah, usually Sunday's she sleep in since she doesn't have a shift at the hospital." she informed him he licked the spoon that had the avocado on it before crossing his arms.
"So, have you thought about it?" he asked her. She knew what he was talking about, and actually hoped he would bring it up. Especially after yesterday with Halle mentioning that she wanted to move out.
"I actually have." she said as Erik nodded for her continue. "We should propose the idea." she shrugged as Erik smirked at her.
"But, there is a way that we could propose the idea. It's a taboo topic on it's own, and I don't know how she feels about Polymerous relationships." she mentioned standing up.
"Well how about we bring her breakfast in bed, and just talk about it with her?" he suggested.
"Bet." Normeli made Halle her cup of coffee since she knew she couldn't a morning without it.
Erik suddenly remember Halle mentioning that she needed to pay off her student loans. Out of curiosity, he asked Normeli,
"By chance do you know how much Halle owes for her student loans?" he asked her as she shook her head. "Got an idea?"
"No.. I know every time she gets paid she pays on it so I'm going to assume it may not be that much anymore." she suggested. "Why?"
"Well I was just thinking about it... maybe I could pay off the rest of it." he shrugged as she chuckled.
"I've been trying to do it for months. Good luck."
After fixing the breakfast, Erik wrote her a check for 15K. He thought it was a overshot but better safe then sorry. He kept the check in his book before bringing the food upstairs following behind Normeli.
The two opened the door to see that she was still sleeping, laid out on her stomach with her hands above her head. Erik placed the food on the night stand, as Normeli placed the coffee mug on the other night stand. She got into the bed moving the hair out of Halle's face to see her lips pouting with a small puddle of drool on her silk pillow.
Halle chuckled before slightly shaking her awake. She groaned a little turning her head before her snores were heard again. Normeli looked up at Erik as he went to the other side of Normeli looking at her face and seeing the dried slob on the side of pillow.
"Damn... we did that?" he asked seeing her exposed neck with the dark red and purple hickies. Normeli noticed it before saying,
"Yeah.. she not going to be happy about that." she chuckled, remembering an instance that happened month ago. Normeli got carried away with the hickey's on one of their Monday morning showers. It took her more time to do her makeup since she had to be at the hospital.
"Halle..." Erik trailed off, shaking her as she stayed sleep. An idea popped into his head as he started to kiss her ear. "Come on, wake up for me baby." he whispered in her ear as she stirred in her sleep at the ticklish sensation. Normeli caught on before kissing her exposed shoulders.
Her eyebrows scrunched as her eyes fluttered open as he smiled at her. She groaned as the two of them sat up to give her some room. "Goodmorning gorgeous." Erik complimented her as she sat up on her elbows, scratching her throat.
"Mmm good morning." Normeli kissed her neck as Halle groaned.
"What time is it?" she yawned.
"It is seven o'clock." Erik answered her as she looked at him with a squinted her eyes at him.
"On a Sunday?" He nodded slowly, confusion written on his face before he looked back at Normeli to see her making a 'yikes' expression.
"I know we woke you up, but we just wanted to give you breakfast in bed." Normeli smiled innocently at her. "I mean... after last night and all." she winked at Halle as Halle blushed.
"How about we sit up, so you can eat." Erik suggested as she nodded slowly sitting up, wincing at the soreness in her thighs and between her legs.
"You okay?" Normeli asked her.
"Yeah.. just a tad bit sore." Halle replied, "Worth it though.." she whispered under her breath but Erik heard it. He chuckled before placing the plate on her lap. Normeli gave her the mug as she smelled the fresh roasted beans before smiling.
"Alright.. this makes it a tiny bit better for waking me up. Ya know, on my only day off." she mumbled into the mug.
"Anywho..." Normeli trailed off. "We actually wanted to talk to you about something?" she said more in a question tone.
"About what?" she took a bite of the toast, loving the taste of it. Damn this man knew how to cook.
"Okay before we mention this conversation, if it makes you feel uncomfortable we will stop and move on from her." Erik told her moving the hair out of her face as she nodded slowly, swallowing her food.
"Not gonna lie y'all making me real nervous." she chuckled nervously.
"Oh no, it's nothing to be nervous about. Actually, we think you may like this." Normeli smiled at her. "Have you ever heard of a Polymerous relationship?" she asked her as she nodded.
"Yeah.. actually." she took another before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "It's like multiple people in a relationship." she answered. After a few seconds, Halle started to become a little suspicious by how weird they were acting.
"How do you feel about it?" Erik asked her as she shrugged.
"Um.. I see no problem with it. Date who you wanna date." she said sipping more coffee from her mug.
"Would you ever do it?" Normeli asked her. Her eyebrows raised in shock as she shrugged her shoulders.
"I mean, I never really thought about it. But the opportunity for it never really fell on my lap." she said, knowing what they were hinting at. "You guys can just say it." she said feeling like they were beating around the bush.
"Well we want you to be our girlfriend." Erik flat out said.
"You could've just started off like that ya know." Halle chuckled taking another bite of her toast. "Um," she cleared her throat. "S-So how do we know that this is going to work out?"
"Well I've worked with polymerous relationships before, and to be fair we have all the indicators amongst the three of us that we could work out." Normeli explained to her. Halle nodded slowly processing everything.
"There is one thing that I didn't mention before." Normeli remember. "If we have an issue with anything, don't be hesitant to talk about it. I mean, that's important for all relationships but especially because we just don't have one other person's feeling to worry about, two." Normeli said looking at the two of them.
"No problem.." Erik smiled at Normeli.
"Of course." Halle smiled at Normeli grabbing her hand.
"How about this, tonight we go out and celebrate. There is a nice Greek restaurant downtown. It's a five star Michelin restaurant and I'd think you guys would enjoy it." he told them standing up.
"Oooh like a date? That would be exciting!" Normeli exclaimed.
"I'm down."
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drama--universe · 1 year
Nature specialist
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Requested by anonymous: Howdy-doody! How about The Untamed characters of your own choice x the reader who can interact with nature and animals? They are something like "reader's scouts", so the reader is always the first to know what is happening around them.
Pairing: Untamed boys x gn!reader
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Wei Wuxian:
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meeting you is a complete accident
he claims it isn't, but it was
you had gotten stuck in a trap, strung up by your foot in the air
and any helpful tool you had laid on the ground
he stumbles by and frees you from the trap
before confessing that he might be lost
and he can't retrace his steps, because all the trees look the same
his words, not yours
surprisingly, to him at least, you have no difficulty with retracing his steps
your eyes were trained on the ground, hands touching the trees and ground ever so often
but after awhile, his steps start to mix with others
a group of people, at least five of them, had crossed the same path
"were you chased?"
it was a normal question, his tracks were clearly followed for a decent distance
his smile said enough as you looked around again
a low whistle from you caused some birds to fly lower to you
one landing on your shoulder
Wuxian had no time to ask what happened as the bird flew off again and you followed
and soon enough, you stood before the town that he came from
you thanked the bird, who then promptly flew off again
and Wuxian was left in a state of shock
because it wasn't that normal for someone to just talk to birds, or at least to understand them in a way
and you just stood there, acting like it was the most normal thing out there
you better believe that he'll cling to you from then on
he basically annoys you, but you don't really mind much
will try to use your skills for stupid little things
like how to find a beautiful scenery
or to see a weird animal that he had never seen before
it definitely makes your life a bit more interesting
and it gains you a life companion
Jiang Cheng:
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never did Jiang Cheng think it would be this easy
he had been chasing the same killer for at least a month now
even with the help of other clans
and yet he found nothing, always having the man slip through his fingers
so for some unknown cultivator to do it in just a day
lets just say he is not pleased
and maybe a bit angry
your explanation doesn't make it better
you can listen to nature and track with ease?
even his best trackers couldn't do it
so why would you be able to?
you prove him wrong very quick and easily
because you can easily find him following you
not even an hour into him doing so
it hurts his pride
just a bit
but enough for him to be intrigued
his first thought is to recruit you in a way
but you quickly decline it
before offering to just help him if needed
he calls for you a few times
and every time you finish the job in a day
and every time he is even more impressed
he doesn't really know why
it's not that special
(that's his denial, btw)
soon enough, he calls you up for other things
dinner, a weirdly "important" question or just to talk
you don't bother asking why, he won't answer anyways
but the small smile on his face said enough
Jin Zixuan:
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it is pure coincidence that you meet
although his life isn't bad, sometimes Jin Zixuan just ran off into the woods to be alone
and normally it works
until today, where you are also present
sitting by the lake and staring ahead
he pauses for a second, but you turn around anyway and greet him
before apologizing and saying that you didn't realize it was already time for him to come around
with a short mumble that he wasn't usually here on this day of the week
"Why do you know my schedule?"
he's a bit annoyed
you just shrug as you point at the formed path that he had created with his countless visits
but that doesn't explain how you know the days
but you have an explanation for that as well
because anyone can spot whether the ground is still soft from fresh spots or hard from being dry
nonetheless, you get up and ready to leave
and he is left alone again to ponder
you return a few days later
surprised to see him once again, you turn to leave once more
you are stopped when you notice him sleeping
you might not be from Lanling (or anywhere specific to begin with), but you knew his status all too well
thus, leaving him alone while he was asleep was a bit...
so you sat next to him at arms length, staring at the water
Zixuan awoke not much later
your attention is not on him
rather on the koi fish at your feet
talking in soft whispers as you softly petted them with your finger
Zixuan just stares at you, flinching when you turned your head his way
you give him a short smile before getting up, bowing your head again before turning to leave
his short protest brings you back to sit beside him
and the fish surround your feet once again
which prompts Zixuan to ask why
you just say that it is a gift of yours, nothing else
he doesn't really like the answer and he makes this known
but you don't falter, unlike most
so to get what he wants, he demands you to come over to the spot every day
you don't dare to refuse his request
Wen Ning:
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Wen Ning often found himself in the forest, hiding from society that shamed him for being how he was
not a warrior, but rather someone who just preferred peace and quiet
and preferably not too much social interaction
his usual path was blocked this time, however
by a person he had never seen before
"you should wait awhile, there's a herd coming through"
you spoke and Wen Ning frowned slightly, confused by your statement
it was quickly explained as a herd of red deer ran by
you didn't flinch or move away from their path
once the deer were gone, you moved again and walked down the same path as Wen Ning
he awkwardly trails behind you, fumbling with his robes
his awkwardness is quick to dissapear, however, as a cute little animal hopped your way
big eyes staring up at you before climbing up your extended arm
it sits on your shoulder, hiding behind your hair as it stared at Wen Ning
"you can pet him if you want. He's just a bit shy."
Wen Ning gets closer and extends his hand, lighting up when the creature actually acknowledges him
then it runs off again, just as quick as it came
Wen Ning wonders if it was your pet
but you shake your head when he asks
you stopped by a pond, staring straight ahead of you into the water
Wen Ning gets closer to the water as well, wanting to sit down in front of the water
he quickly jumps back again when he's met with two yellow eyes of an alligator
but once again, he is fascinated with how it approaches you with care before nestling in your arms
his curiosity wins and he approaches
with care of course
crouches and just stares
listens carefully as you start talking, kind enough to explain what was happening
Wen Ning later choses to sit as he listens to you
with his typical shy smile as the animals approached him as well
his fascination goes to you as well
and when he opens up, you should expect a lot of questions
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magic-hcs · 4 months
Yoooo, I must say I adore your writing. I read the one where the boys have an argument with their S/O and end up hurting them… I was wondering if we could get a fluffy ending to that… 👉👈
Thank you so much! I'm happy you like my writing! And thank you for being so patient with me and waiting for so long. It's not really a fluffy ending, but an open ending instead with a positive outlook, I hope that works for you as well.
Since most people voted for Charon's part when its finished instead of waiting, I'll be doing that now, but don't worry I'm still working on the others.
You can find part one with Charon here
Charon; Underfell Papyrus
warnings: Hurt/comfort, and i think that's it?
Time to cast some magic and see what we'll get!✨
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Charon: After the fallout between you, Charon hasn’t seen you in months. More accurately, he has avoided every single place that you could possibly be at like the plague. (If he couldn’t avoid it, Charon would make sure to go only at certain times when he explicitly knew you wouldn’t be there.)
He couldn’t bear to look you in the eyes after what he had done. Unjustly done to you.
And stars did he regret it…
But from that altercation between the two of you there came forth a single silver lining: It was the catalyst for Charon’s decision to go see someone who could help him see what had gone so wrong with the relationship, and how he could learn to better adapt to the surface world. After a few days of research Charon concluded that seeing a therapist would be the best course of action. 
It had not gone as expected…
The first frustrated him to no end, the both of them as the therapist said; “there was no click between us, and thus I believe it is best for us to part ways.” And so they did. Really, the only useful thing the first one provided was the fact that Charon could simply try with a different specialist. That sometimes, it took a few tries before he would find the right professional.  Well, luckily, Charon is nothing if not persistent.
The second one wasn’t it either. The third was down right racist! (speciesist?) So that was a hard and firm No. 
The fourth however, was one Charon was currently satisfied with. She didn’t make him feel stupid, she treated him with respect and in Charon’s opinion knew what she was doing and talking about. Thanks to self reflection - and her helping him find sources that taught him more of the surface world - Charon learned and realized what had gone wrong between the two of you. Learned how to better cope with his issues. (his therapist had told him it was called trauma and very normal for people and monsters to experience after what he had gone through. Charon still has trouble accepting that having them doesn’t make him weak.)
Few more months passed and Charon finally felt comfortable enough to go to the places you go to as well. Not fearing the possibility of running into you by chance. (Mostly because now he was prepared. He now knew where he stood, what he would do and say were he to see you again. (Having practiced role plays with his therapist pretending to be you.))
Charon was prepared.
Until he literally bumped into you and stood face to face with your scowl in the park. 
You were not happy to see him.
His nonexistent throat and mouth suddenly became very dry. He can’t help his red eyelights that automatically get drawn to your throat - remembering he had grabbed some part of you in that general direction - subconscious searching for any more but finding none.
You go to turn around when Charon finally finds his voice again. 
“You Were Right.” 
You halt your footsteps. Wide eyes staring at the floor. There was a crack in the voice, a slight air of desperation was in there as well. But it was the clear, open sincerity and especially the remorse that threw you through the hoop the most.  
You took a glance over your shoulder just to make sure that it was really him who said it. 
Charon isn’t standing straight and alert like a soldier would - like you were used to him doing. His chin isn’t pointed to the sky. He’s standing there, almost timid. Eyelights are still directed at you but he’s practically bowing his head slightly down. 
“You Were Right.” He repeats, and you can hardly believe it. 
“I Was In The Wrong.” He added. There was genuine sadness and remorse shining inside his eyelights. And you had never seen him open up like this before.
Despite your mind telling you no, despite your heart that still aches when thinking about him, when looking at him. Despite it all, you give Charon the chance to speak. You would hear him, but that was the only thing you would do.
The two of you had taken a seat on a park bench and Charon had started off with apologizing (although awkwardly.)
He wouldn’t let you try to apologize as well  - even though Charon obviously took the altercation too far, you were to blame as well in your opinion - requesting you to listen until he has explained everything. And you let him. Begrudgingly thinning your lips together.
Charon explained he had been going to a therapist, he’s been unlearning his learned behavior that doesn’t work on the surface, and been working on bettering himself. He conveyed his regret on what he did and how lashed out at you - that he hadn’t meant what he called you and said to you - staring at his hands all the while.
You were happy for him that he was working on improving himself, you said as much. You also accepted the apology but made it clear you didn’t forgive him yet nor felt comfortable continuing your relationship where you left it off.
Charon had broken your trust, your heart, and it wasn’t easily repaired, if at all. 
He had been very understanding of your notion. 
“I’ve Burned Bridges, I Broke Your Trust, I Destroyed A Lot Of Things. But If You Let Me, I Would Like To Start Over Again. Earn Your Trust,” Charon speaks and it’s in a respectful way. It’s different from the way he used to always demand things. Maybe he really changed…or at least is working to change.
“I’ll Accept Whatever Answer You Give me. You Say Yes And I’ll Start Right Now. Say No And This Will Be The Last Time You See Me In Your Life.” There’s a slight tremor in his voice. It’s obvious what he wants to hear from you. He hopes for it, longs for it, you can see it in his eyelights.
But it doesn’t make you feel pressured. 
You ponder over it for a moment or two.
You take a breath. There’s only one way you can answer this right here, right now.
“I need some time to think about it.”
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction.
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blnk338 · 2 months
Third question 💀
How does Gallagher die and why do you make us suffer 😔
Haha (I love the questions, don't worry)
I actually tried to hint at her "ending" with her handing Reaper her retirement papers-- I was hoping I'd get some people asking, "hey, why's Galla getting off so easily?" and then I'd show the few chapters before Tahoma getting rescued, have Gallagher die, and make it that much more painful.
The timeline would be as such:
Chapter where a possible holding location for Tahoma is found...
Galla + 141 go to search it out, Galla is shot on the field in front of Reaper, Reaper drags her body back to the helo and desperately tries to shove her organs back into her body, plunging painkiller after painkiller into her, and realizes she can't save her.
Gallagher, who is crying, begging Reaper not to let her die, doesn't realize how bad it is because she can't feel it with all the adrenaline and drugs, watches as Reaper pauses for a moment and calmly holds her face, smiling under the mask.
"Marisha-- Mar, do I look afraid?" Gallagher would weep and stare into Reaper's eyes beyond the mask and sputter out a bloody, "No." Reaper, desperately trying to hold back the wails she wants to release, would smile brighter, and go, "Then trust me."
Gallagher would successfully survive the landing and be carted out on a gurney into the medbay, leaving Reaper, her friend's blood covering her hands and parts of her mask, staring emptily at the woman being carted into the building, would have Ghost approach her. At this point, there was going to be tension between Reaper and Ghost, as Ghost would've gotten overprotective about her getting reckless about finding Tahoma. This tension would cause Reaper to pull away from his comforting touch and walk silently to the medbay on her own, hoping her fears would be proven wrong.
She'd sit staring at the floor for what felt like months, waiting for those surgery bay doors to open, the flood of specialists telling her Marisha was okay, and would be able to retire in peace, but it wouldn't come. Ghost and Soap would wander in, the Scot, a small attempt at a smile playing on his lips, asking if she was still in there.
The operation rooms doors would quietly push open, a meek doctor stepping through and approaching the trio. Reaper'd push herself right out of her chair and meet him in the middle, speaking for the first time in hours, "Well?"
She would be heaving, eyes scanning his face for any sign of hope, only to see defeat. "She lasted seven minutes."
Reaper would hardly hold herself up at that moment, a wave of nausea and grief washing over her as the doctor and her friends watched her stumble back once. He tried to elaborate and apologize to the sergeant, but she would've grabbed the front of his shirt in a mess of pain and fury and asked if he even knew how to save lives, if he even knew how to do his job right. That, if his only purpose as a medic was to help people, why did he fail now? Why today? Was it purposeful? Was he that fucking stupid?
Soap and Ghost would pull her back, causing her to stumble slightly and shove their hands away from her, a half-storm, half-stumble out of the room. She'd wind up locking herself in Gallagher's office, dry heaving and sobbing as she paced around the room and grasped as her shirt as if it were suffocating her.
Dried blood would crack on her gloves as she, trembling, fell to the floor and curled into a ball, sobbing and apologizing quietly over and over again. Hours would follow as she would beg for Marisha to please come back, to please, just wake her up from this nightmare.
what follows is...
Chapter where Reaper and Ghost talk, heal, and reunite over their tension. This would be a major comfort chapter for Reaper.
Chapter where Tahoma is found, rescued, brought onto the airship
Chapter where Reaper unmasks and Graves crimes pre-831, during-831, and post-831 come undone, and crying w/Tahoma
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tesalicious2 · 5 months
Was thinking about CCs train and shit when it hit me. There are a few commanders, such as Monnk, Jet, Blackout, and Hound (he’s a cc to me) who would have to be trained alone or with CT’s, since their specialty requires so much work.
So, I have come with an idea. Since the standard week is 5 days, 3 of the 5 are spent in specialized classes. They’d do their flash training and then be taken by other trainers. They would train with a squad of others, and put in charge.
For Hound, since it’s a special case of having a Massiff buddy. Those three days are set together and Grizzer would stick with him all day, and night. To strengthen their bond, they would spend off time together and Hound would have his official trainer (an Mandalorian) set Grizzer in the bunk with him. This was a not great idea for some massiffs but Grizzer loved the pod and would wiggle like hell when the Alpha picked him up.
I can just imagine, Monnk coming back to his squad from specialized training soaking wet and cold. Having his Alpha help him peel off the dry suit before he goes to bed. Talking all about the fun things he learned and saw with his Mandalorian trainer. Actually, I headcanon that Monnk and his trainer got along incredibly well is basically adopted by the Mandalorian. Monnk got his name and the sea dragon across his armor from the Mandalorian. (I also headcanon that Dred Priest hated the Mandalorian and reconditioned Monnk to get at him. Dred ended up in a bacta tank and the Mandalorian retaught Monnk everything from scratch. (Monnk was about 3 standard at the time.))
Jet scared the shit out of his trainer with how well he was able to control the flame. He was also taught what alternate fuels could be used on different planets and Jet got so interested he found all the options he could on Kamino (only 2) and he switched out the fuel, Pyro (my OC) was all to happy to help. They both were found sitting on the floor with the flamethrower between them, quietly watching the flames. Turns out, all of the flame troopers either had or developed pyromania to *some* degree. The trainer in charge was quite happy to find out about this as he had a severe case himself and was all to happy to indulge his troopers under the excuse of teaching the troopers.
Blackout is a special operations clone trooper, trained for stealth operations and piloting. While he did not have a super close bond with his trainer, they both still enjoyed each others company and considered each other friends. Blackout is one of the few who was already good at lying, but his training made him the best (better than even Fox, which he is very proud of). He wasn't as close with as many of his troopers due to their numbers being quite large, but he (like the rest of the spec ops troops) does his best to instruct and learn about his troopers in their short time together.
Bacara, though not recieving any special training, caught the eye of a Concord Dawn Mandalorian who took him for special Marine training for one day a week. It would be till later when they decided to have a Marine Corps that he would become the specialist.
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simslegacy5083 · 4 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep 86: Heart to Heart
Luigi desperately wanted to explain that his poor reaction to fatherhood was no reflection of his love for Noemi, but he hardly knew how to begin.
“I’ve always known that I had to be a father someday, but for just as long I’ve wrestled with a subtle dread of having children. I don’t really know why. Best I can figure is that I feel I can’t possibly live up to my memories of Papa Jack, and yet I can’t bear not to do better than him.”
With a dry chuckle that was halfway to a sob he continued. “He was the best parent a sim could ask for, attentive, loving, and kind to a fault, but he left me at an age when I needed him most. I was the center of Papa’s world, and I don’t think I’ll ever feel ready to give a kid that same level of attention and devotion. I know I’m going to let them down, and at the same time I can’t stand the idea of letting them down.”
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Noemi nodded in understanding. This wasn’t the first time she’d heard Luigi wax lyrical about how wonderful his papa Jack had been. She doubted any flesh and blood sim, even Jack himself, could live up to the mythical ideal Luigi had formed in his head of the beloved parent he’d lost as a child.
She knew saying that wouldn’t help, so instead she tried a different angle. “Luigi, parenthood doesn’t have to mean giving up your own dreams. Sure, we’ll have less time for ourselves, but my parents did a fine job with me while still enjoying their own hobbies and interests.”
“Being a good parent can take many forms, its not “all or nothing” or “one size fits all””.
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When Luigi’s tortured expression barely shifted Noemi felt a hard lump begin to form in her throat. Her parents had divorced when she was still an infant. She knew that it didn’t take two sims to raise a baby and as much as it killed her to put it out there, he needed to know he had a choice.
Taking a deep breath, she voiced her own deep-seated fear. Turning to look her lover full in the face, she stared into his eyes and flatly said “I want you by my side in this, to be a part of your child's life, but you don’t have to be. If you aren’t ready to face fatherhood, I won’t try to make you stay.”
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Noemi’s words wrenched at Luigi’s heart. “No!” he replied instantly, horrified. He reached out to her, trying to explain.
“Even if I could be an absentee father, and to be clear that’s NOT an option… there’s no way I’d let you go through this alone. I NEVER want to spend another day apart from you. I love you, and honestly, I think I’ve loved you from the day we first met.”
Back on firmer emotional ground now, he gave her a warm smile. “You and our baby are stuck with me, even if I end up being the worst father in history!”
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Happy tears stung Nomei’s eyes as relief flooded through her. She crawled into Luigi’s welcoming embrace and whispered, “I love you too.”
“You know”, she added, “You’re hardly the first sim to struggle with the prospect of an unexpected pregnancy. There’s got to be tons of advice on the topic, and if you really want powerful results, I’ve always found talking to a professional to be worth every minute. We could even go together.”
Luigi had never tried therapy, but he had heard good things. Picking and seeing a specialist was the kind of simple and practical action he could face easily. The exhausted couple finalized their plan to find a provider first thing in the morning and headed to bed.
As they drifted off to sleep, clinging tightly to one another, each silently thought how glad they were to be facing the future together, as a team.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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penny-anna · 1 year
this is where I'm currently at w my dry eyes flare up:
current routine is eye ointment (oil based) morning + night, preservative free hylo-forte (sodium hyaluronate) drops as needed, carbomer gel also as needed but as sparingly as possible bcos it's not preservative free. I'm also doing 10 minute warm compresses 3-4 times a day.
I'm also using moisteriser around my eyes a lot + mild steroid cream twice a day due to skin irritation which I think is being caused by the volume of eye drops I'm using.
trying to transition to a preservative free carbomer drop as the carbomer is currently the only thing getting me any significant relief but the only brand I've been able to try so far (Ocufresh) is no good.
any eye drops that contain preservatives or aren't specifically marketed as high intensity/for severely dry eyes are no good rn, a lot of them make my eyes start stinging and burning. I've tried Systane Complete and Thealoz Duo this week neither of which offered any relief but I'm going to try and stick with the Thealoz drops a couple of times a day as they've got some extra meds in them.
I've ordered every other brand of preservative free gel drops I can find.
I've started taking antihistamines as it struck me that the current difficulties started around about the same time I stopped taking them for seasonal allergies so will see if that does any good. I've also just started taking fish oil supplements.
I've had my eyes examined by my regular optometrist (Specsavers unfortunately) and spoken to a different optometrist practice who have a specialist dry eye practice and have got some actionable advice that I'm following. Both optometrists have agreed that there's no sign of anything actively wrong with my eyes such as an infection.
I've dusted & aired out my whole flat and have ordered a humidifier but it won't arrive till tommorrow.
I'm reducing screen time as much as I can but due to being a full time hybrid office worker that essentially means I'm doing as little work at my job as I can get away with. I had to do a full 8 hours in front of the computer on Monday and it fucked up my eyes so badly that I didn't cover from it all evening.
I can currently manage maybe 10-20ish minutes in front of a computer before things start getting progressively more uncomfortable with the end result being blurred vision.
I've had flare ups of this severity or even worse in the past but usually it takes me maybe 2-3 days of stepping up my eye drops and doing regular warm compresses to get it back to a manageable level so the fact that this time it's been over a week with basically 0 relief is very very scary. I'm getting concerned about my job as I can't do full time office work if I can't use a computer & I have no other employment prospects.
the 20:20:20 rule isn't currently hugely helpful for me due to how dry my eyes get using a computer and I've been advised by an optometrist that I need to take full breaks at least once an hour.
absolutely exhausted & honestly can't tell if it's the fatigue I had previously flaring up or if I'm just That Stressed Out.
feel like I'll regret throwing this problem out for advice as asking for medical advice on tumblr never goes well but figure it's worth a shot in case I'm missing something obvious here!!
I'd ask that you don't reply if you haven't read all of the above ^ in case whatever you're suggesting is already mentioned & that you don't recommend things that work for you unless you also have severely dry eyes.
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strawberrycola · 6 months
hello. i made a very long, very indulgent addition to the sam and max subreddit post earlier, and decided to make it its own post because i had way too many thoughts for a reblog. and the idea of clogging notes was eating away at my brain like mice eat a cheese. this is mostly just train of thought, so i apologise if it's complete nonsense. i've just thought a lot about sam and max's relationship, and the connection lgbt (and neurodivergent, for that matter) fans have had to the series, from my perspective since i was like 8. obviously that's gonna be tinted thru a tumblr lens, because ftmp that's where i see The Good Stuff. and i'm gay as hell, so there's bias. ok read more time kiss kiss.
anyhoozles, coincidentally i've been back on my sam and max bullshit recently, as i finally got a chance to play "this time it's virtual". and discovered vr is not my thing.
so to start, listen...i don't think sam and max's relationship is quite as cut and dry as i believe myself and perhaps many others would imagine/hope. i'm eyeing the "susan" gag from the aformentioned ttiv, in particular. but as your resident specialist in "complex and obscure knowledge of three series total or so", the question of sam and max's relationship has been here since the very beginning of the official comics. like. this has been a thing. pretending it's new is foolhardy. and wrong. obviously there's "like butch and sundance", the wedding toppers, hell, the devs of the telltale game trilogy lampshade their relationship a very decent amount, both in the game itself and in the commentary. at the end of 209, "chariot of the dogs", they directly bring it up during the final cutscene tie straightening maneuver max does. one of the devs literally gets excited about it, iirc. and one of my personal favourite examples is "do you find my warmth...alarming, sam?" from 305, "the city that dares not sleep."
that, in particular, is one of several lines directly from MR. PURCELL HIMSELF, that he gave to the devs each game as lines that must be in the game.
and speaking of season 3, i'd like to mention 305, "they stole max's brain".
(i am now holding "noir sam" so close to my chest, jsyk. that trope means the world to me. it has influenced SO much of my work, and i still use napalm's playthrough on youtube as a sleep aid. REMASTER WHEN.)
of course i and many others latched onto that shit, are you kidding me???? that whole episode was RIPE for hurt/comfort. minor spoiler warning for those that would mind, it's a roaring rampage of revenge plot. at least for the first 30 minutes or so. it's part of a long history between the two of freaking the hell out the second they're separated from each other in a way that doesn't end in like, five minutes. (305. if you know, you know. fkin brutal, man.) sam, in the second act of the game, has been affected by an alternate reality plot, and fully believes he has carried max's brain in a jar his whole LIFE and seemingly has no plans to stop doing so!! it's part of a season where the WHOLE PLOT revolves around the nature of their relationship and how it could change. you don't have to be a shipper yourself to understand how that could be incredibly compelling to the people that fancy them as a couple.
and it's a fandom that i give a lot of credit to lgbt people for revitalising in the mid 2010s~ (i was already a fan by then, and i'm still really curious as to why it blew up so much, but hey, who's complaining?), as well as in 2021~ in response to skunkape's remaster of telltale's season one "save the world" installment, and the release of ttiv. (obviously the actual demographic spread across platform to platform is a varied thing, etc. etc. i'd like to stay firmly in my lane, and i don't wanna overstate any particular demos in my discussion here, or hyperbolise too much.)
Obviously, you don't have. to be a shipper. completely fine. pretty common. Who Give A Care. and we're not even gonna get into the "not suitable" content. i can't fault anyone for not being cool with the actual sexualisation of childhood stuff they like. that's something i'm pretty "ambivalent with a leaning towards discomfort" about for quite a few things myself. and it turns out there wasn't even any "unmentionable graphic imagery" to begin with. shocking. HOWEVER. i'm fascinated but not completely surprised by the blatant homophobia and disgust towards the fanart of the ship.
like, to be nuanced about things, and it's not like the admin is extending the same courtesy here, this is clearly an older fan. like i think from around the same timeframe i was first introduced to it, give or take. maybe they missed a lot of the tumblr mid-2010s activity, or maybe that's going in to their Burning Disgust towards Yaoi Sam and Max Kissing Not Clickbait. i know the fanart had some level of cross-posting, at least on youtube as dubs iirc. OR maybe i'm a fool who is actively tricking you with my words and none of the above is true at all. however...pal. again, in my opinion, we owe those lgbt and neurodivergent kids and adults our whole rights as a fan community. you don't have to like it, but you do have to be respectful, jerkbag.
i can't be the only one who was devastated by the drought of content post "the devil's playhouse". we had a [1] singular whole webcomic to tide us over, with the occasional sketch on purcell's social medias. of course, there was a small community of fans, and some incredible stuff they made, looking at you Sam Dies At The End. i weeped. but it was slow and steady. and then, out of seemingly nowhere, people en masse suddenly REALLY CARED ABOUT THE THING THAT BROUGHT ME SO MUCH JOY AS A LITTLE GUY. like, fuck man...i first found out what autism was when i was real young because max's character description on wikipedia contained speculation as to whether or not he has it. (jury's still out, ...but we all have our little comforts. okay? also speaking of, "is max gay?" is like. one of the longest ongoing bits. like cmon dude.) now granted, by 2021 i was a little old for the new wave of shipping that sprouted up. tiktok edits are Not Always My Thing. but that's okay!!!! it doesn't need to be my thing. i'm really glad they're having fun. :] and i don't want to come across as like. infantilising in my discussion of the younger fanbase, so i apologise if my tone has come across that way. it really is simply the comforting thought that kids like me can experience what i had.
i remember how much fun my friends and i used to have when we were 16! (hi xavier, if ur reading this. miss you, buddy. :]) we got silly with it! we got angsty about season 3!! we wrote fanfiction, hell, an amazing fic my friend wrote that i beta'd is still the most kudos'd shipping fic on ao3!! the fanartists i liked had such an INCREDIBLE grasp on how to write sam and max's banter. it was a good time! and knowing these characters are giving joy to a new generation makes me giddy, dude. hell yeah! get "feral" or whatever the hell it is these days. find comfort in characters that don't really care about anyone's opinion except each other's, who get to be as weird and annoying and gross as they want all the time. that tend to punch up. that show love differently than what's seen as conventional. that end up saving the day, not even because they have to, so much as they genuinely enjoy each adventure together. max was my personal opportunity to feel comfort in all my weird freaky mannerisms i kept safe behind the polished exterior i had to wear as a kid. i found solace in the thought that those two were practically made for each other, as i stumbled through my own gender and sexuality crises. i loved how dry and dark sam was allowed to be. the banjo bits, the phone jokes, the repartee. so much of this series has influenced me, and helped me become who i am, as a creator and as a functional guy who Does Things.
so that's a small bit of why i think sam and max had, and still has, a lot of appeal to people that grew up like me. there's a lot of rough stuff i went through that made the idea of a couple of anarchist detectives completely devoted to one another that go around the seedy underbelly of america saving the day ("almost on purpose!") really, really interesting. steve purcell is unapologetic about how gross america can be, especially in the comics. at the heart of it, sam and max do what they do both because they enjoy it, and they enjoy each other. and i think, to overlook that, is to miss some of the whole point of the franchise. oh, i'm sorry, giant cockroaches literally everywhere is fine, streets crusted in various goos, totally chill, but gay kissing is the thing that Absolutely Nauseates you? plugging your ears and screaming gross seems like...kind of a weak move here, ngl. a work that doesn't shy away from how confusing and wild life can be has a decent chance to be compelling to marginalised groups, who often have to put up with the more disgusting aspects of reality anyways. at least these two odd guys are having fun with it. sam and max understand each other, each of their strengths and flaws, and choose to be with each other every day because of and in spite of them. they choose to love where they are, because of and in spite of its many, many, many flaws. they choose to be who they are because they love what they do. there's something touching there, if you like to think about such things. there are some occasions i find myself wishing sam and max's relationship was more...concrete. i wish we had an answer to Does Sam And Max Is Gay? but at the same time, being vague and obtuse is like. their whole shtick. so maybe it's just right how it is. and uh. obviously this is a fictional series. in the end, it's all how we enjoy it that matters, and it's not the end of the world. and as a final cherry on top, nothing beats turning to my husband and asking, "is sam and max queerbait", before delighting in the 3 hr conversation that follows.
and to get to the point. as the old adage unfortunately goes, it's...okay. to not like...ships. and i can even somewhat understand being frustrated by a subreddit you created being "flooded" by a thing you're not into. only somewhat, because a: we've always been here, and b: because you can. just not look at it? idk if reddit has a filtering system, but. the scroll wheel is free. to throw a tantrum and ban topics because you're personally offended people think they're gay? you might be missing out on some of the most fun you can have outside the series, and you're spitting in the face of the people who held this fandom up on their shoulders like atlas.
and you're being a dick about it.
wah wah they're gay gay homosexual gay and they don't pay taxes. deal or die, fake fan.
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asksoldieron · 10 months
SO-14: "We've already almost killed him once!"
If there's a lot of engagement on this, this post is liable to get real long, beware before you expand.
No art, but hopefully my eyes will improve enough to add some later!
Welcome to the Engagement Lounge, for Sick Day (SO-14) an instalment! Short comments can go in the replies, but there's a 475 character limit. Longer ones will need a reblog. Remember to @asksoldieron if you're reblogging someone else's reblog, so I can see it too!
Okay! I'm fighting the tail end of a mild cold and my eyes are not happy. These two things may be related, but I suspect the drops the doctor gave me are making things worse. I keep believing doctors when they tell me something's going to improve my quality of life and ending up in pain when they don't actually follow up on making sure it's an improvement. I technically have 20/20 distance vision, but it's not stable. But the doctor was running over an hour behind and that didn't make an impression. "Oh, you just have dry eyes. You need better eye drops. See you in a month!"
Those eye drops ain't helping, and literally everything else I can do that might help is stuff I dug up with internet research. And I owe the doctors money, they don't have to pay me so much as a consulting fee. If I make a fuss, I'll burn my bridges with the only binocular vision dysfunction specialists I could find locally. I can look for another place, I guess, but god alone knows if they'll be any better or how far the spouse will have to drag me to get there.
Oh, yeah, and after having been exhausted and oogy with cold meds, I can confirm, my left eye has started wandering off again when I'm tired. The doc said that was probably a temporary improvement and, yep, I'm back to the status quo. Only now my eyes hurt. I'm even wearing glasses all the time, trying to keep light and air out of 'em.
So, no art. Again. And difficulty proof-reading, but I think I managed well enough. It should be readable, anyway.
I'll feel better when I don't also have a cold. Please excuse my medicated ramblings.
Anyway, now you know how the RA started the Cat Network and got Mattie and Greg to help out. And John wasn't being hyperbolic when he said they'd almost killed Erik!
Phooo, I will be considered mostly healed by January 20th, but light tolerance and dry eyes are the slowest things and might improve for a whole year. I may not be stuck like this, but I don't relish the thought of incremental improvements over a year, with apathetic (and expensive) support.
[Back to Site?]
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ghostiewriter · 2 years
For your 1K celebration
👻 rivusa + rain kiss mini-fic
need you to do netflix's job for this one, queen. 🛐🤲
“I saw it in that film Bloom showed us!” 
“They didn’t say it would be so goddamn cold.” 
“It’s raining, what did you expect?”
Ever since Bloom had began to introduce things from the Other World, each fairy and specialist had gained a different fixation onto something from the human world. From stupid traditions to silly little rituals, there had just been things that they had been deprived of in a world full of magic and powers. 
For some goddamn reason that was beyond his understanding, Musa had fixated on movies. From horrors to comedies to thrillers to rom-coms: the boy couldn’t escape them no matter how much he tried. Whether they were just chilling out in his room or it was a planned date night, she would find some way of persuading him to watch another movie she had been given. 
It’s just interesting to see how humans showcase emotions, she had told him one day after he had asked. It’s like being inside somebody else’s head without actually…being there. It’s like my powers but nicer.
And he couldn’t exactly deny her after that. 
However, he hadn’t expected it to lead to something like this. 
His Saturday afternoon was meant to be for their training sessions and a late lunch. But the heavy rain and the fact the majority of the Bastion was flooded kinda dampened the mood on those plans. But Musa had refused to let it ruin the mood, and she had refused to let it cancel their plans. 
And now he stood in the pouring rain, his clothes sticking to his body like a second skin, and his eyes watching as Musa tilted her head back towards the skies. 
“What exactly did they do in these movies?” 
Musa only grinned. “Thought you didn’t care?” 
“I don’t,” Riven huffed out in response. “Just wanted to know what the big deal was.”
“Well they dance—” 
“Absolutely not.” 
She shot him a look. “You’re ruining the experience, Riv.” 
He narrowed his eyes at her. “I’m not dancing with you in the rain, Musa.” 
She tilted her head. “What about the other things?” 
“If they are just as stupid, then my stance stands.” 
Musa could only snort as she reached out for the boy, tugging him closer to her as the rain started to come down harder around them. She knew that in a few minutes they would need to head inside to dry up before the cold seeped into them and they woke up with a sniffling cold in the morning—but she didn’t want to let go of the moment just yet. 
“And yet you still stand here,” she mused as her arms wrapped around his waist. 
“Obviously your fairy power influence,” he stated with a blank face, but she could see the amusement shining in his eyes.
“Obviously,” she murmured as she looked up at him. “And what do I blame on you looking really hot when you’re wet?” 
Riven barked out a laugh, hands linked behind her back as he pulled her closer. “That’s just my effect on people. Works even in the rain.” 
She rolled her eyes as she lifted herself on her tiptoes, one hand rising to cup his cheek as she pulled him down to meet her lips. 
The boy melted into the kiss, the rain pouring down on them and mixing with the sweet taste he only ever associated with her. He could hear the distant sound of thunder and he could feel her body shaking under his touch, but neither one of them could pull away just yet.
“You’re distracting me from how stupid this is,” Riven murmured between kisses, words whispered against her lips before he leaned down to deepen the kiss. 
“You like it.” 
“Not the point.” 
“Fine, I’ll find someone else to kiss in the rain.” 
There was a pause as Riven pulled back to glare at her.
“Not funny, Musa. Not funny at all.” 
She only grinned in response. “It’s a little funny.”
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redhairedgirl95 · 1 year
Friendship Friday
For today's impromptu winx week content, let me share with you some friendship moments between different winx characters from my fics <3
From Looking at the stars, but only seeing one - chapter 4 - Technomagic and friends
Stella takes Timmy to a Tech event
She had conjured a shield over her head, and she had run – run – from the school’s entrance to the gates, passed them and then teleported right into the Mall. Not one raindrop had got her, her mother would’ve been proud. When Timmy arrived, five minutes late and already beyond worried, he was soaked. He had left the bike in the underground parking lot and got to the first floor, where Stella was waiting for him. “P-Princess … I’m sorry …” “No worries, Timmy. And it’s Stella to you.” She said, while using her powers to dry his clothes. “Better?” “Much better, thank you, Pr … Stella.” “There you go.” She smiled. “Okay, so … I figured you’d be better than Sky at this.” She pointed to a nearby tech store. “They’re presenting the newest Technomagic phone, and I wanted to you to help me see if it’s worth the money.” “The newest …” He gasped, looking at the crowd in line outside the store. There could have been half a thousand people. “We’ll never get inside.” “You bet?” She smiled and walked straight to the entrance.
From Enchanted Moments season 1 - chapter 3 - By your side
Flora, Musa, and Stella having a little fun
Flora and Musa helped her up so that she didn’t have to put all her weight on her hurt feet, then made her sit down on the grass and sat next to her. They looked at the two Specialists training with their phantoblades. “Mmm … I bet I can get them to take off their T-shirts.” “Stella!” It was Flora. Musa giggled. “How?” “I can … make it hotter.” She suggested, grinning. “Stella, you shouldn’t use your powers. Faragonda said …” “I’m fine, Flora.” She rolled her eyes. “It’s my last day in prison. I can do a little magic trick … and it’s not even magic, it’s just the weather. Right, Musa?” She shrugged. “If you say so …” Stella looked up and focused on the sun. Her father had taught her she could cause small changes in the weather if she concentrated hard enough. Her powers stemmed from the sun, she had a special connection with it, it was easy. The temperature increased by five degrees and soon the guys’ T-shirts were all sweaty. It didn’t take long before they ditched them. “What did I tell you?” She asked, proud of her work. “Wow, Riven is ripped!” She said a little too loud and the Specialists turned to look at them, who were undoubtedly staring. Especially Stella. And Musa. Flora immediately averted her eyes, red in the face.
From Imagine me and you - chapter 8 - Time flies
Young Sky and Brandon hiding from Diaspro
“Girls are the worst.” “Princess Diaspro is not so bad.” They were lying on the grass in the Palace gardens. It was summer and King Topaz and Queen Amber had come visit, they had brought their daughter too, a nine-year-old girl with long blonde hair and gemstones all over her dress. She was a nightmare. They had gone to the gardens to hide. Sky didn’t want to play dolls with her. Ehw! He wasn’t a child! He was nine! Like her, but she was a girl, and he was taller! So, it was like he was older than her. And Brandon wasn’t nine yet, but he was fun and they played with swords, fought monsters and rescued princesses. They didn’t want to play with dolls. “Not so bad? My father wants me to dance with her tonight. Dance, Brandon! Do you understand?” Brandon laughed. A little too loud. “Prince Sky? Where are you?” She had found them. The boys stood up, trying to find the best escape route. Brandon pointed to a puddle, and Sky nodded. They ran and jumped right into it, covering themselves in mud. Maybe Diaspro wouldn’t want to play with them now that they were all dirty and wet. “Boys are the worst!” They heard her say as she headed back to the Palace.
From Enchanted Moments season 2 - chapter 1 - Back to the beginning
Cyrus and Samson training Stella
“We’ve got a problem.” “I know.” “She’s getting good.” “I know.” “The King is going to reassign us.” “I know.” Cyrus sighed, as he and Samson watched the Princess practice with her new sword, a birthday gift from Eraklyon’s Head of the Royal Guard, who happened to be her boyfriend’s father. Less than ten days had passed since they’d started training her, under her own request. When she’d voiced it, they had thought she was joking. Even Cyrus, ever so serious, had laughed, but then she had repeated her wish in the presence of the King and Queen and they had almost choked on their breakfast. After the first shock, it was impressive how well the King had taken to his only daughter learning to use a blade. But then, she had already mastered fighting with her scepter, and it had been Radius himself the one who taught her, so …  “I can hear you, you know?” Stella put down the sword to catch her breath, and looked at her guards, who were looking back at her. “We know.” They answered as one. She smiled, sheathed the blade and secured it to her side, then she adjusted her ponytail and reached them, who were standing under the shadow of a nearby tree. “So? Are you afraid of me yet?” Stella joked. “We’ve been afraid of you since you were ten, Princess.” Samson answered dramatically, to which Cyrus added, “Once you can hold your guard for more than three seconds, I’ll start to worry.” Both Stella and Samson rolled their eyes in sync, just before they burst out laughing and the Princess went to hug the grim soldier, who rested a hand on her shoulder. Samson smiled at them, but a second later his eyes widened, and he started laughing so hard his belly ached. The Princess was lying on the grass, where Cyrus had left her, just a second before. “First rule about being a soldier: never let your guard down.” “I-I’ll try to remember it.” She babbled, and then Cyrus laughed too, helping her up. “I think that’s enough for today, don’t you, Princess?” Samson suggested, joining his friend, and offering an arm to Stella, which she gladly took and let her guards guide her back inside the Palace.
From Enchanted Moments season 2 - chapter 10 - Pressing matters
Riven helping Brandon blow off some steam
“Ain’t it a bit late to be up, future heir to the throne?” “Not now, Riven.” Brandon threw on a t-shirt and grabbed his gym bag as he made a beeline for the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took a couple of energy drinks, but when he closed it, the other Specialist was right in his face. “Move.” He didn’t have time to deal with Riven’s bullshit. He was sleep deprived, he couldn’t call Stella because she needed to sleep more than him, he’d just received a text message from King Radius – how the hell did he get his number? He was sure Stella hadn’t given it to him –, Sky was snoring like a bull, and all he wanted to do was punch something – or better someone. And now Riven seemed like a good enough option. “And what the fuck are you doing up anyway?” “I’ve seen the articles … wanna talk about it?” “I’d rather beat the shit out of someone.” “I’m up for it. Gimme a second.” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - “Feel better, yet?” They were lying on the ring, panting heavily, t-shirts off, both covered in sweat and bruises. “I want a re-match.” “Another? Do you want me to swoop your almost-royal ass once again?” “Can’t end in a tie.” “I agree. And you’ll lose.” “You wish.”
From All that glitters is not gold - chapter 4 - When war play turns into war day
Radius and Helios suffering Cassandra's constant presence
“Radius? Radius, have you been listening to me?” “Of course. You were talking about …” He turned to Helios for help and his friend made some signs. What did they mean? Fortunately, Cassandra’s attention was totally focused on Radius, so she didn’t see Helios frantically gesturing. He had put his hands in front of his chest and was moving, kinda swaying. He couldn’t mean that. No, boobs wasn’t the answer. “Ehm …” “The ball, Radius.” She rolled her eyes. “Tonight’s ball. I was saying that we could dance together.” “Oh, yeah!” Of course it wasn’t boobs. Not that Cassandra had any. And he didn’t even like her! She was just a friend. Like Helios. Well, not like Helios. Helios was his best friend; Cassandra was … someone who always found a way to be wherever he was whenever he was there. It was annoying sometimes. (Most of the times). “Wonderful! I claim first dance!” “What? No!” He exclaimed, and then had to find a way to make up for his rude answer. Cassandra tended to cry, a lot, and Radius never knew what to do when she cried. “I mean … I don’t like dancing.” Lie. He loved dancing, and he was good at it. His father said he had inherited the talent from his mother, Queen Suna, the sun dancer. He thought of her whenever he danced, he hoped she would be proud of him, looking down on him from the Light of the Suns.  “But it’s a ball. You have to dance!” And she knew he was lying. She had seen him dance. He was good! Unlike Helios. Besides, she had already danced with him a couple of times, and he’d never stepped on her feet. And he was the Prince, while Helios … Helios was just a noble, and not even an important one. Not like her. She would be Countess one day, and, given that the Prince hadn’t yet chosen a bride, she could hope for a higher title. King Radius and Queen Cassandra of Solaria, what a nice couple they would make! “I don’t. Father says I don’t have to dance if I don’t want to.” He replied. “And I’ve gotta beat Luna. She won last time.” In the gardens of Linphea, during some kind of fair, they had found a quiet spot and she had asked for a chessboard. Her Queen had checkmated his King in less than ten minutes. Twice. The third time he had resigned halfway through the match. “But I’m gonna destroy her tonight.”
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tristayranambrosio · 8 months
Six weeks… Six weeks and I already feel something new, like heart flickers of starlight resonating on the edge of my comprehension. Everything is so much more intense, like I my void touched self at all times… all hours. Is that why it's so exhausting? But also so energizing? I’m still fuming too, angry one moment then forlorn and torn apart with hurt and the sensation of being inadequate in the worst ways… I look in the mirror and most days I see a stranger… or maybe a relative that was too close to my likeness to find her attractive… She looks at me, tired, and clingy, and nauseous… a burden… I hum a shaky tired tune before I can let them get to me, flood my thoughts with reminders that nothing has changed, ‘with child or not I’ve always been a burden’. The tune is aimless and frazzled, not real music. But it does the job. I brace myself on the edge of the washbasin of deep amethyst and silver accents trying to fight down the urge to dry heave into the beautiful bowl in Leo’s ensuite…. Our ensuite. The woman who looks back at me looks pale, for me at least, and slightly green at her cheeks and ears. My Husband is in no state to hold back my hair and stroke my back… the anger surges back at that reminder… I know he’d be here if he could be. Besides if he knew he’d blame himself, no matter that my mornings were now all too often were spent over a sink or toilet, he’d think this only started since… Stop… stop being angry. Its done… its. Done. “So why do I feel so guilty?” I ask the woman in the mirror who looks just as torn as I am… looking like she might cry or puke again, seemed like that kind of day. She never answers, just looks at -me- as if I owe her an answer… sad eyes… why are my eyes always so sad? People prefer me smiling. She smiles back at me but I see the crack in the composure; it's in her eyes, somewhat manic rather than lit with joy. She tries again this time it’s too many teeth in the smile… next it's the twitch in her brow… then it's the fact she’s hurling the contents of her stomach up in the purple basin staining it a transparent green of burning acid bile. I cough and sputter then wash the fluid down the sink hating it… and myself. I’m such a selfish ass sometimes, so consumed with my own problems when my Mate can’t even walk… what is -wrong- with me?! Now I stare an accusation in the mirror… but the glare withers and my hand goes to my stomach feeling something so near imperceptible…  But there… Its a blip. A tiny… quivering flickering twinkle of a feeling. I whisper, “Hey there… is everything okay little star? I’m sorry your Mommy’s such a mess.” I sink to the black tile floor and curl in trying to listen, hear… they’re too small… most medics clerics doctors… wouldn’t even consider Six weeks long enough to be more than a tiny shrimp or something -if- that let alone someone, a person, I could ask what was wrong… What’s wrong? “So many things baby… but none of them are because of you. You’re gonna make a lot of them better when I get to meet you. You’re worth feeling like this… I know you don’t believe me right now, but you are.” I cradled myself for a moment, rocking slowly back and forth, until the world stopped spinning and murmured, “You’re going to love your big sisters and brothers… they’ve all been so excited… so is your Daddy. He’ll be better soon and he’ll whisper all the beautiful words I never have…” I love you…
That broke me some, “I-I love you too my little star… I promise Mommy will be better. Strong.” I pushed Myself to standing and faced the woman in the mirror addressing her, scrubbing tears from her face and huffing with frustration at how easily they came even for -her- And cleared her throat, “You. Need a midwife, and a Magus. Luckily you are a well connected bard that knows MANY of those specialists. No more moping, we're going to be productive.” I squared my shoulders and returned to bed beside my Husband, being careful not to disturb him or even risk touching him while he Recovered. I won't risk his sleep... and quietly safe guard it while the wounds heal... And I feel the life inside me grow. 
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
Andylind + AU in which they both faked their deaths and are supposed to raise Bea together
Andreas wasn't a man to be easily surprised. Not after everything in his life had so royally fucked up, at this point he was very much a "going through the motions" guy.
Dying and coming back (with one collapsed lung, shh don't worry about it)? Easy peasy. Son kidnapped by ex-lover-bestfriend-murderer? Of course. Surprise baby girl whom he's supposed to raise in secret?... After all, why not?
Rosalind's death is no more a surprise than water being wet. With Luna as the newly appointed queen, Aster Dell being claimed to having been completely overtaken by Burned Ones and Farah (Farah) taking over as the new headmistress... It was like waiting for the clock hand to strike the next hour, completely predictable and expected.
Finding her standing at his porch... Was not.
"You're dead" He said, mouth suddenly dry, head spinning. The woman in front of him looked a mess, in clothes he did not recognize and he was sure she had stolen, with purple marks on her wrists from where the runic limiters had been placed. She looked skinnier too. Gaunt.
"Okay, can I be dead inside?" Rosalind rolled her eyes, pushed him out of the way and forced her way inside.
She was dead, he had seen her funeral be televised, he had... He had drunk himself sick that night and sobbed like a little girl in the old specialist sweater he had. She was dead, he knew it-
And yet the woman entering his kitchen was flesh and bones and very much alive. Opening his fridge and starting to go through his leftovers, "how's the asset?"
"The..." he closed the door, blinking quickly "... What?"
"The baby" she shrugged, biting on the corn cake and drinking straight from the carton of orange juice, "how is it?"
"She," he corrected without thinking, "Bea's fine.... How?"
"Andreas" she groaned, "get yourself together, would you? Wake up."
"No!" He finally exploded "I saw your funeral, I watched it! I- ... You didn't leave a single instruction, you just... Just left! You died!"
She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, "are we done with the dramatics?"
"Fuck you," he spat, but his whole body felt jittery and laughter bubbled up his throat. Fuck, she was alive. Alive and just as impertinent as always, just as arrogant, just as... Everything he had ever wanted, physical, in front of him.
Her lips curled in a smile, one that actually did reach her eyes, fond and amused, "you wish, baby," Rosalind snorted, kicking the fridge closed and crossing the room. Her hands, frail and shaking, bruised, came to cup his face and push his hair back, "O ye of little faith"
He chuckled hysterically, turned his face and mushed his nose in the palm of her hand. She was real. Her fingers traced down his cheek and he bit them as they passed over his lips, "I'm sorry."
He was so ashamed for not believing her. Thomas, demanding to see the wounds, "I'm so sorry."
"It's quite alright," she combed his hair back once more, scratched her nails over the beard he sported, "I'm here now."
Andreas let his eyes slip closed, leaned on her touch and forward, planting his forehead against his general's. She breathed out and he inhaled the orange juice in her breath, leaned in and planted his lips over hers, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing, squeezing until he felt her groan in his mouth, her ribs complain under his hands.
He wanted to sink his fingers in the space between her ribs and tangle them together for good. He settled for allowing her to push him back, much more gentler than Rosalind ever had been.
"So... The asset?"
"Her name is Beatrix" he corrected, tracing his nose against her temple, biting at her ear, burying his face in her hair, "she's asleep."
"You've gotten attached already," Rosalind scoffed, face in his neck and he chuckled, pressed himself even closer to her. Of all of her orders, that was the one he would never be able to fulfill.
She couldn't hand him a baby, a daughter, and tell him to raise it and not love it. Not when it was her passing that child onto him, not when it was the product of her, even if indirectly. Her weapon, his baby girl, their daughter, same thing.
"I'm sorry, ma'am" he whispered in her ear, "sorry, but I have a soft spot for air fairies."
Rosalind laughed, full body laughed still wrapped around him and he felt it rumble in his chest. He hadn't heard her laugh in so long, it stung his eyes and made him squeeze her tighter, want to swallow up those girlish giggles that he hadn't heard in fucking forever, if ever.
"You sentimental fuck" she whispered, then turned her head, kissed him again, "let me go see her."
He followed her back to the nursery and true to his words, Beatrix was asleep. He shared a bed with her, so she didn't have a crib and she was lying on his pillow, so tiny he could hold her with one hand.
His daughter, pride, joy, asset, weapon, weakness. Everything.
"Told ya, she's fucking cute," he leaned on the doorway, crossed his arms to his chest and watched Rosalind sit gingerly at the edge of the bed, inspecting the baby as if it was a lab experiment, not his entire fucking world.
"I guess" Roz relented, smoothing her hand over Bea's peach fuzz ginger hair, "we can't stay here, Andreas. They'll be looking for me."
They. We.
"You're not... You're not gonna take her from me, are you?"
Rosalind whipped her head like a snake, glared at him, "no" she said sharply, meaning don't push it, drop it, "but we have to leave."
"Okay" he nodded, then crossed the room to take Beatrix. She was so soft, curling up against his shoulder like a kitten, little breaths against his neck and tummy pressed to his sternum. He could feel her heartbeat. Andreas planted his lips on top of her head, offered a hand to help Rosalind up from the bed, "car key's are in the kitchen, let's go."
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Experience Premium Vision Care at Lahore’s Best Eye Hospital
When it comes to vision, there's no room for compromise. Your eyes are not only your window to the world, but they also deserve the best care possible. As medical science advances, the field of ophthalmology continues to offer cutting-edge treatments, helping millions maintain and restore their sight. In a city like Lahore, known for its vibrant culture and rapidly growing healthcare sector, finding a trustworthy and reliable eye care institution is essential. Whether you are dealing with routine eye care or complex surgeries, Amanat Eye Hospital stands out as the Top eye hospital in Lahore.
In this article, we’ll explore why Amanat Eye Hospital is recognized as the Best eye hospital in Pakistan, providing unmatched quality and consistency in eye care services.
1. The Importance of Choosing the Right Eye Hospital
Eyes are delicate and complex organs that require specialized care. A wide variety of conditions, ranging from minor issues like dry eyes to severe complications such as glaucoma or cataracts, can affect your vision. Therefore, selecting the right eye hospital ensures that you receive the highest standard of care from experienced professionals who understand how to treat various conditions effectively.
In Lahore, where the demand for advanced medical facilities continues to grow, Amanat Eye Hospital offers premium services that cater to all kinds of eye health issues. With state-of-the-art technology, skilled ophthalmologists, and a compassionate approach, Amanat Eye Hospital remains a leading choice for those seeking top-tier eye care.
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2. Why Amanat Eye Hospital is the Top Eye Hospital in Lahore
As the Top eye hospital in Lahore, Amanat Eye Hospital prides itself on its comprehensive range of services, modern technology, and a patient-centric approach. Here are some key factors that make it stand out from other eye hospitals in the city:
Advanced Diagnostic and Surgical Technology
The hospital is equipped with cutting-edge technology, allowing for precise diagnoses and minimally invasive surgeries. From advanced imaging systems that detect issues like retinal detachments early on to modern laser treatments for vision correction, Amanat Eye Hospital remains at the forefront of ophthalmology.
Team of Expert Ophthalmologists
One of the key reasons why Amanat Eye Hospital is regarded as the Best eye hospital in Pakistan is its highly qualified and experienced team of eye specialists. Each doctor is well-versed in the latest ophthalmic procedures and has a deep understanding of both common and rare eye conditions. This ensures that patients are receiving world-class treatment every time.
Make an appointment today at the Top eye hospital in Lahore to experience firsthand the level of expertise that sets Amanat Eye Hospital apart from the rest.
3. Comprehensive Range of Services
At Amanat Eye Hospital, a wide range of services is offered, ensuring that no matter the complexity of your eye condition, the hospital can provide a solution.
a. LASIK and Refractive Surgery
Many individuals suffer from refractive errors like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. LASIK surgery is a popular option for those who wish to reduce their dependency on glasses or contact lenses. At Amanat Eye Hospital, the latest laser technology is used for quick and painless procedures, ensuring excellent results with minimal recovery time.
b. Cataract Surgery
Cataracts are one of the leading causes of blindness globally. Amanat Eye Hospital offers advanced cataract surgery techniques, including phacoemulsification and laser-assisted cataract surgery. These methods ensure faster recovery, fewer complications, and excellent visual outcomes.
c. Glaucoma Management
Glaucoma, known as the "silent thief of sight," often progresses without noticeable symptoms until significant vision loss has occurred. Early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent permanent blindness. Amanat Eye Hospital provides comprehensive glaucoma screening and treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs.
d. Retina and Vitreous Treatment
Retinal disorders can be complex and require specialized care. At Amanat Eye Hospital, a dedicated retina clinic focuses on conditions such as retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration. The hospital's advanced diagnostic tools and treatment options ensure that even the most complicated retinal conditions can be treated effectively.
e. Pediatric Ophthalmology
Children have unique vision care needs, and Amanat Eye Hospital offers specialized services for pediatric eye conditions, including lazy eye (amblyopia), strabismus (crossed eyes), and routine eye exams to ensure that your child's vision develops correctly.
4. A Patient-Centric Approach
A key aspect that differentiates Amanat Eye Hospital as the Best eye hospital in Pakistan is its patient-centric approach. From the moment you step into the hospital, you are treated with respect, compassion, and care. The hospital staff is dedicated to ensuring that your experience is comfortable, and they go above and beyond to provide the information you need to make informed decisions about your eye health.
The hospital’s patient support services include pre-surgery counseling, post-operative care, and follow-up visits, ensuring that every step of your journey is handled with precision and care.
5. Affordable and Accessible Eye Care
While Amanat Eye Hospital offers premium care, it ensures that high-quality eye treatments are accessible and affordable for all. Understanding that cost can often be a barrier to receiving proper treatment, the hospital strives to provide excellent services at competitive rates.
Whether you are undergoing a routine eye examination or seeking advanced surgery, the hospital’s transparent pricing structure ensures that there are no surprises, allowing patients to receive the care they need without financial stress.
6. Preventive Eye Care Programs
At Amanat Eye Hospital, preventive care is just as important as treatment. The hospital offers preventive eye care programs that aim to raise awareness about eye health issues, educate the public, and promote regular eye examinations. These programs are particularly important in preventing conditions like glaucoma, which can cause irreversible damage if left undetected.
Regular check-ups at the Top eye hospital in Lahore can help you stay on top of your eye health and catch potential problems early. Routine eye exams can detect conditions like cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy long before symptoms appear, allowing for prompt treatment and better outcomes.
7. Commitment to Excellence
Amanat Eye Hospital is committed to upholding the highest standards of care and continually improving its services. The hospital maintains strict quality control protocols, ensuring that every procedure is performed with the utmost precision and care. Furthermore, the hospital invests in ongoing training and education for its staff, keeping them updated with the latest advancements in ophthalmology.
This commitment to excellence solidifies Amanat Eye Hospital's position as the Top eye hospital in Lahore and the Best eye hospital in Pakistan.
If you’re seeking expert care, advanced treatments, and compassionate service for your eyes, look no further than Amanat Eye Hospital, the Top eye hospital in Lahore. Offering everything from routine check-ups to cutting-edge surgical procedures, Amanat Eye Hospital provides the best solutions for all your eye health needs.
Schedule your consultation at the Best eye hospital in Pakistan today, and experience the future of vision care firsthand. Whether you're dealing with a minor eye problem or need specialized treatment, Amanat Eye Hospital is equipped to offer you the highest level of care, ensuring a clear, bright future for your vision.
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ritingoyal · 2 days
LASIK vs SMILE: Understanding the Costs and Benefits for Eye Surgery
When considering corrective eye surgery, it’s essential to weigh your options between LASIK and SMILE, two of the most advanced procedures available today. Both techniques are highly effective in treating refractive errors like myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism, but they differ in terms of surgical method, recovery, and cost. Understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision, especially if you’re considering undergoing the surgery in Delhi, where leading surgeons offer state-of-the-art facilities.
While researching vision correction procedures, patients also look for the best cataract treatments available. It's vital to know how advanced technology has influenced both LASIK and SMILE, but also understand that finding the best cataract surgeon in Delhi is equally critical for individuals with cataracts.
What Is LASIK?
LASIK, or Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, has been the most popular form of laser eye surgery for decades. During this procedure, a small flap is created on the cornea using a laser or microkeratome blade. The surgeon then reshapes the corneal tissue to correct refractive errors. LASIK is known for its quick recovery time, with many patients experiencing significant vision improvement within 24 hours.
In Delhi, many eye care centers provide this surgery, and finding the best doctor for cataract surgery in Delhi is often combined with inquiries about LASIK. This is because specialists who perform cataract surgery are usually skilled in refractive surgeries like LASIK.
What Is SMILE?
SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) is a more recent advancement in laser eye surgery, offering a minimally invasive alternative to LASIK. Rather than creating a corneal flap, SMILE involves creating a small incision in the cornea, through which a thin layer of tissue (the lenticule) is removed to reshape the cornea. The absence of a flap in SMILE reduces the risk of complications, such as dry eye and flap dislocation, making it an attractive option for many.
For those seeking this advanced technique, SMILE eye surgery in Delhi is available at top-rated eye care centers. These centers often have surgeons who specialize in both SMILE and LASIK, making it easier to choose based on your specific needs.
Key Differences Between LASIK and SMILE
1. Surgical Technique
LASIK: Requires a flap to be created in the cornea, which is lifted for laser reshaping.
SMILE: Involves a smaller incision and no flap creation, making it a less invasive procedure.
2. Recovery Time
LASIK: Most patients experience clear vision within a day, with minimal discomfort.
SMILE: Recovery can be slightly longer, but since no flap is created, the procedure is considered gentler on the eye.
3. Complication Risks
LASIK: There is a slight risk of flap-related complications, such as dislocation or dry eye.
SMILE: Fewer post-operative complications since no flap is created.
4. Candidate Suitability
LASIK: Suitable for a wider range of vision problems, including severe astigmatism.
SMILE: Primarily used to correct nearsightedness and mild astigmatism.
When choosing between LASIK and SMILE, it’s important to consult with the best doctor for cataract surgery in Delhi or a specialized eye surgeon. They can assess your eyes and recommend the most suitable procedure based on your eye condition, lifestyle, and visual goals.
Costs of LASIK vs SMILE in Delhi
Both procedures offer excellent vision correction, but the lasik vs smile cost varies based on several factors such as the surgeon’s expertise, the technology used, and the hospital or clinic where the procedure is performed. Typically, SMILE is more expensive than LASIK due to its minimally invasive nature and the advanced laser technology involved.
If you’re looking for the best cataract hospital in Delhi or a center that offers both LASIK and SMILE, many reputable eye care centers provide transparent pricing and offer detailed consultations to help you understand the costs and benefits of each procedure. Additionally, choosing the best cataract surgeon in Delhi ensures you’re in the hands of a professional who can also perform laser surgeries with high success rates.The cost of SMILE eye surgery in Delhi is slightly higher than LASIK, reflecting the newer technology and reduced complications associated with the procedure.
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