#how to increase ping on minecraft servers
fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #337
"Organ Harvest, Yster and Locklear, Flux in Love”
[Locklear] Had returned to Yster's apartment and was a little concerned at not finding her there until he recalled that she was familiar with digital entities. Deciding to wait for her return from wherever they had taken her he sits in one of her chairs and pulls out a book and pen from his jacket to pass the time with-
-There's a hush and the shadows seem to deepen, the already dark walls leaning inward like existence itself bowing to a superior force.
[Azrael] is suddenly there, filling the small space. He opens a wing, sweeping part of his voluminous cloak away to release Yster-
[Yster] Blinks- THAT WAS SO COOL. THANK YOU! ... SIR!
[Azrael] Tiniest bit of a smile- YOU ARE WELCOME.
[Locklear] - Well that's not something seen everyday...
[Yster] Locklear! I'm sorry, were you waiting for me?
[Locklear] - Not long, it took me a bit longer than usual to find a location for the...  Surgery
[Yster] ...Surgery?
[Azrael] Eyebrow ridge at Locklear. - MORE WORK FOR ME I ASSUME.
[Locklear] - I'm afraid we haven't met
[Yster] Urgent whisper- He's the angel of Death, duh!
[Locklear] - I see- The glint of Insanity is increasing in his eyes
[Yster] Is unsettled by Locklear's look-
[Locklear] - I'm assuming you're referring to the Master of the Manor?
[Locklear] - How interesting
[Azrael] His pinprick eyes flick to Yster - HAVE YOU SOME INTEREST IN THIS HUMAN?
[Locklear] - None of the murderous sort I assure you
[Azrael] -there's the tiniest ping like someone flicking glass and he consults a shiny object that's appeared in his hand before waving it away again- I CAN SEE THAT...
[Yster] Tries to see but isn't quick enough- I can make some tea..?
[Azrael] IT IS APPRECIATED, BUT I HAVE WORK TO DO. PLAY... GENTLY WITH ONE ANOTHER. - There's a hush and he's just gone -
[Yster] Lets out a huge breath- THAT WAS SO AMAZING.
[Locklear] Laughs a little- You seem excited now, a much better expression than what you had earlier
[Yster] I am! - She gestures at the very pointedly gothy decorations all around the apartment. - That was the best! Better then meeting any famous person alive!
[Locklear] - I'm glad you are in a better mood then
[Yster] I had lunch on a Minecraft server, visited a tropical island and talked to a dead man on a foggy moor. I'm so... just .. wow!
[Locklear] - Would you like to add to your day?
[Yster] What... what did you have in mind?
[Locklear] - A bit of revenge on the man who harmed you this evening
[Yster] I'm listening.
[Locklear] - I was wondering if you'd like to observe a surgery?
[Yster] Maybe...?
[Locklear] Stands and offers Yster a hand- You're welcome to back out at any point
[Yster] Tenatively takes his hand-
[Locklear] Leads her outside.  A very nice looking rental car is waiting and Locklear opens the passenger door for her-
[Yster] Gets inside, still wearing Dawn's orange flip flops.
[Locklear] - You'll want to be careful where you step.  Unless you wish for me to grab you a different pair of shoes?
[Yster] Umm... I'm okay with these...
[Locklear] - Very well- He shuts her door and gets in the driver side, starting the car and beginning to drive through the city
[Yster] Is a bit uncomfortable and plays with her phone a little-
[Locklear] - Would you prefer the radio be on?
[Yster] No, I'm okay... - there's the faint tic tic tic of a pick hitting stone. She's playing MC pocket edition.
-After several silent moments Locklear pulls up in front of an abandoned factory which is fairly isolated-
[Locklear] - Here we go- He leans over and opens the glove box in front of Yster.  He pulls out a surgical mask and his own trademark mark.  He hands the surgical one to Yster- So you don't breath in anything you shouldn't
[Yster] Puts it on curiously- I like the plague doctors mask. Very theatrical.
[Locklear] - Thank you- As he pulls it on a few strands of his black hair fall in front and his voice is now slightly distorted when he speaks- Remember, be careful where you step
[Yster] Just follows quietly-
[Locklear] Pushes open one of the old doors in front of the building with a creak.  Old and rusted equipment surrounds them and the light is dim except for where it filters in from holes in the roof.  Tied down in the center of the building on a table is Yster's assailant-
[Stranger] Is gagged but would obviously be spitting insults if he could-
[Yster] Oh... do creepypastas have some weird way of not getting caught by cops for the things they do?
[Locklear] - You could say that, we do have an increased speed, and we all know how long it usually takes the cops to arrive.  If we really get in a bind Slender can always teleport us to the manor.  Unlike most of the others though I prefer to choose isolated places like this where I'm less likely to be heard and if you walk into an abandoned place as if you own it?  Well, anybody who see's it will not question it
[Yster] And the... evidence?
[Locklear] - Can be found, but doesn't always trace back to us.  We do all have our trademarks though
[Yster] She gives the tied up guy a calculating look. - Mind if I do something?
[Locklear] - So long as it doesn't damage his organs?  Go right ahead
[Yster] Reels up and elbow drops the guy in the junk as hard as she can-
[Stranger] Gives a pained muffled scream-
[Yster] I hope your balls explode. Disgusting creep.
[Locklear] - Well he won't be alive long enough to find out
[Yster] I kinda figured. I'll just... back off a bit...
[Locklear] From his jacket pulls out a satchel full of surgical tools.  He starts by cutting away the mans clothes.  His eyes scan the body before him, as if it were already a corpse and not a struggling living human.  He begins by placing his scalpel at the man's collar bone and pressing it in before dragging it down the length of his body-
[Yster] Is thumbing her phone nervously-
[Locklear] Continues with a practiced ease, ignoring the squirts of blood which stains his coat as he opens the human before him.  He gets the flesh pulled back and away and reaches in, beginning to break the ribs so he can get at the vital organs more easily- Remember, you may leave here at any time Yster
[Yster] Forgets that her game was still on and jumps at the small explosive noise as her avatar gets blown up by a creeper- Aaa!
[Locklear] Pauses and glances at her- Is everything alright?
[Yster] Just... forgot to turn my game off. I got dead...
[Locklear] - I see, would you be so kind as to grab the containers off the table behind me?
[Yster] Uumm okay..? - She takes the containers and creeps a little closer to hand them to him, but makes sure he's between her and the victim so she can't see much-
[Locklear] - Thank you, just put them down next to him, my hands are a little full
[Yster] puts them down and scoots them over before stepping back again-
[Locklear] Begins to pull out organs, starting with the ones the assailant can survive the longest without and listing off places as he places them into the containers-
[Yster] I'm almost afraid to ask...
[Locklear] - For children.  The least this man can do is provide hope for another
[Yster] I thought Insanity just drove creepypastas to kill... is it just because you can decide what to do with the remains?
[Locklear] - Partially, but it's also how I started.  There was a young girl...  I was her doctor and she desperately needed several transplants.
[Yster] I understand. But still... couldn't you just kill him first?
[Locklear] - After what he's done?  He doesn't deserve that pity- There's a large spurt of blood and some of it lands on Yster
[Yster] Dammit! But you're making a mess. And letting him scream, even muffled, could attract attention.
[Locklear] - The closest occupied buildings are bordered by busy streets which drown out his noise.  The ground around here is covered in broken glass and other things you wouldn't wish to step on at night so nobody will walk near here either- He pulls the liver out and places it in a larger container
[Yster] This is still making me really nervous. You understand I have legal training right? I'm going to have to dispose of my clothing somehow now!
[Locklear] Sighs and stands up straight before taking his bright red jacket off to reveal the crisp white shirt underneath and offering it to her- I can easily have your clothing cleaned of any evidence by either Solace or Trender...  Although now that I think about it Trender would probably just make you new clothes entirely
[Yster] I think I need a break... Just some quiet time to think- She takes his coat reflexitvely-
[Locklear] - The car is open
[Yster] Yeah... I think I need to sit down.
[Locklear] - I won't be much longer
[Yster] Wanders outside in a bit of a daze. She glances at the phone, it's still showing her death screen. Wordlessly she closes the window and the phone shows her messages as the top window. Her finger is hovering over the dial button. She slides into the car and feels a lump as she sits. Curiously pulling Locklear's phone out of the pocket. It falls open easily and Cp's number is the last call. She pokes the button decisively.
[CP] Groans mentally before responding- What now Locklear?
[Yster] Very quietly- Cp... it's Yster again. Please don't hang up.
[CP] - What now?  Lie and I were just about to go to bed...
[Yster] Locklear is cutting up a victim and I got blood on me and I'm not sure where I am and I need help.
[CP] - For fucks sake, have a little more trust in the doctor will ya?  He's not going to let anything happen to you
[Yster] It has nothing to do with him! I'm sitting in a car with evidence of murder on me outside a place where it's actually happening. I'd like to not go to jail thank you.
[CP] - You wont go to jail.  Locklear is good at what he does.  By the time the cops are even aware that somebody is missing there's little or no evidence the murder even happened
[Yster] Let me put it another way. I know you can drag people in there easily. Grab me and let me crash on your couch for a few hours and I'll play a mean prank on Jeb in return. Deal?
[CP] - And piss Locklear off?  I don't think so
[Yster] What are you talking about? I barely know him. If you won't do it, I'll walk home.
[CP] - Yster, inviting a normal human to one of his surgeries isn't normal for him.  Treating somebody who isn't a child isn't normal for him, for some reason you've caught his attention and making him worry would be a bad idea.  Besides, keeping him around will probably mean that you'll be a lot safer
[Yster] Fine. I'll just call Doc instead.
[CP] - And I'll tell them to leave you there.  Trust me on this, you'll be safe
[Yster] Hangs up on him and starts texting-
[Locklear] Has finished up his murder and is bringing the containers out.  He opens the trunk of the car where an ice chest is waiting and carefully stores the organs there-
[Yster] Gets out of the car without noticing him and starts walking quickly, she's turned the stained shirt inside out and left his jacket in the car-
[Locklear] Hears her- Where are you going?
[Yster] Breaks into a run and darts around a corner-
[Locklear] Hurries after her knowing she's heading for a dead end- Yster...
[Yster] Holds the phone in front of her and is suddenly dragged into it by a huge purple paw with black claws-
[Locklear] - YSTER!
-The phone clunks on the ground, protected by a rubbery case, and the night is quiet again-
[Locklear] Approaches it and picks it up- Damnit...
-The text on the screen is a message to Doc and their reply-
-Yster- Panicking, please help!
-Doc- Be there in five!
[Locklear] Scowls and goes to retrieve his own phone to call CP-
[Yster] Squeaks in alarm as she's grabbed and falls with a 'fump!' onto the belly of the big yellow dragon-
[Doc] Sorry I took so long! I was taking a shower.  We should get inside before the mobs take an interest. - Xe rolls her onto hir back and makes a fast trot for the castles back door- Hop off and run in, I'll follow you.
[Deer] Is in the kitchen making food-
[Yster] Gets bogged down a bit on the sticky mycelium and scoots inside.
[Doc] Shifts and follows her only to be pounced and hugged-
[Yster] Thank you! I thought I was going to just start screaming and never stop.
[Doc] Helps her downstairs- Did Azrael drop you off somewhere weird?
[Yster] No... he took me home. but Locklear was waiting for me. And.. he killed a guy... the one that stabbed me, I mean fuck that creep but still... I think I might be losing my compsure. And OH MY GODS Noodle and Rex!! I don't know how long I've been gone!
[Grinny] Watches them from a corner-
[Doc] Rex and Noodle? Are they your kids or something?
[Yster] Distressed- No! They're a spider and a snake respectively- sniffles.
[Doc] Pats her arm- I know where you live, I'll get them and come right back. Just relax- steps away for a moment-
[Grinny] - Well what do we have here?
[Yster] Startles at the voice- Is someone there?
[Grinny] - Down here human
[Yster] Oh, a kitty. And you talked? Um, I'm Yster.
[Grinny] - Grinny, my, you smell like Locklear...
[Yster] Rubs her arms- I had his coat on for a few minutes.
[Grinny] - Oh now that is special, he never let's anybody else wear his coat...
[Yster] Yeah... special... he seems to be interested in me for some reason.
[Grinny] - I wonder why...
[Doc] Comes back with her pets inside a pair of dungeon spawn cages. The snake could get out, but she seems too sleepy to try. - Hey Grinny.
[Yster] Oh thank you!
[Grinny] - Fuck off
[Doc] Sour as always. It smells like Deerheart is making a snack. You could join us Grinny, if you want.
[Grinny] - And I'd want to do that why?
[Yster] Cats who hang out in kitchens usually get treats. - [She's much calmer with her pets around]-
[Doc] Nods
[Grinny] Huffs and looks away from them, his tail flicking-
[Doc] Gives him a gentle pat and ruffles his ears a little before moving that direction.
[Yster] Please?
[Grinny] Just lays down-
[Yster] Oh... well, your little sweater is fetching. Nice to meet you Grinny. - follows Doc.
[Deer] Is just finishing up a couple of midnight snacks- Oh Yster!  You're back already?
[Yster] I was in a bad place and just needed out...
[Deer] - I'm sorry to hear that
[Yster] It's nobodies fault. I shouldn't have gone with him. But I was concerned that saying no would cause bad things to happen as well.
[Doc] That's rather unfair...  I'm glad I could help at least.
[Yster] And Cp just acted like I was overreacting. He really pissed me off.
[Deer] - Yes but CP also knows them better than we do
[Yster] He did a vivisection on a live person Deerheart....
[Doc] Little hiss of indrawn breath-
[Deer] - Well, he does still have Insanity...- She is appalled by the idea as well
[Yster] Yeah... - she looks over- Why... why do you have a bed in your kitchen?
[Deer] - Lie
[Doc] It gets used. Anyone hurt usually gets brought to me. The house is full of random beds.
[Yster] Sits down on it and puts the cages on the table.
[Deer] Brings the food out and see's Noodle- What's that?
[Yster] That's my snake, her name is Noodle.
[Rex] Is bigger here, about the size of a hand with splayed fingers- He scuttles over to the side of the cage closest to Deerheart.
[Doc] Aww he's such a tiny spider.
[Deer] - Eliza might like the spider
[Yster] They mean a lot to me. - she offers the spider a finger through the bars and it pats her digit with two legs.
[Deer] - Do you want anything to eat or drink?
[Yster] Maybe a little milk? My stomach is doing sumersaults.
[Doc] Sits down and examines Noodle. - Such pretty little scales.
[Deer] - I'll be right back
[Grinny] Slinks down the stairs-
[Doc] What do they eat?
[Yster] Bugs, mice
[Doc] Well if TLOT's cricket got eaten he'd probably be annoyed, but mice I can give you in spades.
[Deer] Comes back with a bottle of milk-
[Grinny] Slinks behind the kitchen counter-
[Doc] See's Grinny but pretends not too so he won't leave again. - Xe takes a mouse egg out of a trunk and holds it up. - Would one each be okay?
[Yster] I'd say not for Rex, but at this size he'd probably eat it. Go ahead.
[Deer] Sits down and grabs an apple-
[Doc] Taps a mouse in each cage and then watches interestedly-
[Noodle] Eyeballs the mouse but ignores it for now.
[Rex] Pounces the mouse and bites it excitedly, making it pop into a morsel that's quickly scarfed up-
[Yster] Good Rex... -yawns
[Deer] - Do you just want to crash here?  You might get woken up by somebody coming in for breakfast, but it's the closest bed
[Yster] If you don't mind. I'm so tired....
[Deer] - Go right ahead, we'll let you get some well deserved sleep
[Flux] Is waiting by the bath for Notch-
[Notch] Gives Stevie a hug as Ever darts into the house, it's already getting dark.
[Stevie] - See you around father
[Notch] I had fun, and I'm proud of you for trying to include your brother.
[Stevie] - That was your idea, not mine
[Notch] Gives him a wry look- Good night Stevie.
[Stevie] - Night
[Notch] Goes inside and stows his tools by the door. He's dusty but elated. - Flux?
[Flux] - Down here
[Notch] Follows the sound down the ladder- You're so nice to come home too.
[Flux] - And you're filthy, come here and wash off, it's nice and warm
[Notch] Pft. I've been working. It's tough bonding two kids with so much bad blood between them. - He kicks off his shoes and works on pulling off his shirt as well.
[Flux] Approaches and kisses him- Would you like company?
[Notch] Please. I have a little bit of news. We found the Honedge. So that's one less thing to fret about.
[Flux] - That's wonderful, that will keep CP calm as well which should be helpful to Lie
[Notch] Kisses her back- I think they'll be okay. I saw how Cp was with Stevie when he was small.
[Flux] - So did I, he'll be a wonderful father, and you an astounding grandfather
[Notch] Blushes- Oh, you mean because of Endrea. Yeah, that was fun. She's awesome and so are her little ones. - He hops out of his pants and nearly falls in the tub-
[Flux] Laughs a little before dispelling her clothing and slipping in next to him- Careful...
[Notch] I'm trying. I think I wore myself out a bit. I should have eaten while I was walking back.
[Flux] Smiles and reaches over the edge of the tub into a trunk and offers Notch an apple-
[Notch] Coming from you, I'm suprised it's not golden my love. - Makes sappy eyes at her and reaches out for it.
[Flux] Teasingly keeps it away to draw Notch closer- Would you like it to be so?
[Notch] Going to flaunt your magick, my mystical lover?
[Flux] - Perhaps- She oscillates the color of the apple between red, yellow, and gold
[Notch] Reaches for her instead - I will accept whatever you choose to give...
[Flux] Lands on the gold and offers it once more-
[Notch] Takes it reverently and eats it- I may need my strength...
[Flux] - For what pray tell?
[Notch] One never knows. - He scoots over closer to her-
[Flux] Leans over and takes a bite of the apple for herself-
[Notch] Steals a kiss on her cheek as she does so-
[Flux] Moves a bit faster to steal a kiss from his lips-
[Notch] Mmm, apples are lovely, but you taste even sweeter.
[Flux] - Then come and taste more
[Notch] Snakes his arms around her and places a kiss on the nape of her neck. His messy hair brushes her chin and it smells of iron, coal and soil.
[Flux] Lifts her hand, cupped with water and runs it through his hair as her other hand came to rest on his waist-
[Notch] Kisses all along her neck and down towards her breasts, threading his fingers in her long hair. He takes a deep breath, - You always smell so divine... like crisp snow on aspens and spruce. Bright and sharp like dawn's first rays over mountains...
[Flux] - You usually smell of the earth
[Notch] Chuckles- I was always a daydreamer, never got out that much, but collected lots of photos of pretty outdoor stuff. Then I dreamed of a wild world without a lot of the things that kept me inside out there. - He holds her tighter, nuzzling into her bosom.
[Flux] Bows her head to kiss his head- If you had not, then I would not exist
[Notch] You are a dream come true. And I want to show you in every way I can... - He goes a bit lower, cupping her rear, she's easy to lift in the water.
[Flux] Makes a small noise of surprise and rest her hands on his shoulders to balance herself-
[Notch] Kneels down and lifts her legs onto his shoulders, nuzzling between them-
[Flux] - Ah, wait, you'll drown...
[Notch] Lifts her a bit higher- I'm okay right where I am. - He laps at her ever so gently-
[Flux] Moans and runs her fingers through his hair- Notch...
[Notch] Just nips at her lightly and wiggles his tongue inside a little more.
[Flux] Let's out a small yelp and clutches more tightly at him- Notch, please, this is...
[Notch] Yes? - lap lap lap
[Flux] Just moans as her head falls back in pleasure-
[Notch] I thought  so.... - He gets her into a better pose on a stair leading down to the water and rubs at her with two fingers as well.
[Flux] - Notch...  Notch please...  My love...
[Notch] Feels a little thrill at her words and looks up - Flux?
[Flux] She brushes Notch's hair aside- My love
[Notch] And you are mine.
[Flux] Smiles and leans down, drawing his face to hers to kiss it-
[Notch] Kisses her back, his arms wrapped around her- How did I get so lucky...?
[Flux] - You created your own luck by creating the game
[Notch] But how could I have ever guessed... Now I know how Doc must have felt, learning that the land itself gave them Deerheart... I love you Flux. I'd give you anything.
[Flux] - And I would do the same for you
[Notch] I want you Flux... your taste, your scent, yourself pressed up against me. - He leans against her warm belly, his short nails lightly scratching the base of her spine.
[Flux] - I want you close as well, please Notch, work your own magic
[Notch] Goes back to work on her, teasing and warming her, he's hard and ready but wants to make sure she is as well.
[Flux] It doesn't take long for FLux to be ready and she tugs at Notch's hair with want-
[Notch] Works his way up and nips at her nipples, his member bumping lightly against her thigh.
[Flux] Reaches down with one of her hands and begins to stroke his member, encouraging him closer- I think...  I think you are just as wanting
[Notch] I always am. I worked today, but I saved my best for you. - He mounts her, teasing her with the tip before sliding inside with a sigh of relief- So perfect...
[Flux] Moans as well, pulling Notch closer to herself and calling out his name-
[Notch] Is lost in her eyes, moving in perfect time, his fingers are tangled in her hair as he bears down on her. Biting his lip to not ruin the moment with unseemingly panting.
[Flux] Draws closer to his neck and peppers it with kisses and nips-
[Notch] Arches into her kisses as well, mumbling her name like a prayer. She's warm and wet and inviting, wrapping around him and warming his hearts as well as his loins.
[Flux] Cries out as she feels her climax coming closer-
[Notch] Goes harder, feeling himself tighten as she squeezes him perfectly. He lifts her as not to bruise her against the floor, trying to wring the noises of pleasure from her that he knows so well of late.
[Flux] Cries out and feels herself begin to disperse from the overwhelming feeling of her pleasure- Notch...
[Notch] Hold on for me.... just a bit longer... stay with me please...
[Flux] - For you, I will
[Notch] Gives a few more thrusts and then pulls back. Cupping his hand to catch his flow so it doesn't get on her. His knees wobble a bit and he lets himself down easy onto her- Thank you...
[Flux] - I'm sorry- She disperses, unable to hold her form
[Notch] Flops the last few inches onto the floor- Oof! It's okay. I'll just... - He lets himself gently back down into the hot water. - I'm good-
[Flux] Reforms and reaches for him- I'm here
[Notch] Cuddles her- Thank goodness for that....
[Flux] - Rest, I've got you
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loadinto586 · 3 years
Is Csgo Surf Free
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PLAY FREE GAMES ONLINE AT MYFREEGAMES.NET! Gaming's fun for the whole family at MyFreeGames.net! Play only the best and latest online games on the internet! If you loved games such as Subway Surfers, Temple Run 2, Talking Tom Gold Run, Minion Rush: Despicable Me, Minecraft Online or King and Miniclip Games. You are on right place! /r/GlobalOffensive is a home for the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive community and a hub for the discussion and sharing of content relevant to CS:GO. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a game created by Valve Corporation and released on August 21st, 2012 as a successor to previous games in the series dating back to 1999.
Our CSGO surfing guide explains beginner and advanced tips on how to play surf on CSGO, as well as details of how to surf in general.
About CSGO
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is all about attacking the Bombsite or defending the site; it all depends on which side you are; Counter-terrorist of Terrorist. But This game is not about limitations; there are alot of possibilities in this game which are still to be discovered. From now on, you are free to consider this game as a parkour and surfing adventure. Your hero moves with amazing speed, and you need to avoid obstacles, to reach as far as possible.
What is Surfing?
Surf is a popular game mode in CSGO. Aside from the shooting mode, it is perhaps one of the most played parts of the game. However, you require a bit of skill and accurate maneuvering for surfing. In CSGO surf mode, you’ll be gliding along with different obstacles where there will be slopes for surfing around. The slops will help you increase your movement’s speed; with a perfect landing, you can attain a much higher rate, which could get harder to handle after a course of time.
Also Read | Valorant Tips and Tricks! Full guide for Beginners.
How to play surf on CSGO?
There are alot of online servers for surfing where you will be able to surf while having some cool skins for knives, guns, and gloves.
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Some of the online servers are:
Some of them might be of high ping so that you can switch to a region-specific server according to your ISP.
Also Read | Top 10 CSGO players in the world
How to play on CSGO surf maps?
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Play Csgo Surfing
Apart from online servers, you can surf on offline maps too. We have listed the top 5 offline workshop maps for surfing:
Cs Go Surf Download
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Where to download Surfing workshop maps in CSGO?
You just have to visit the workshop maps in CSGO and download the above mentioned CSGO surf maps to play on. It’s easy a and super fast. And yes you wont be able to have different knives and gloves in offline workshop maps, so i would highly recommend you to play Surf on online servers!
How to surf in CSGO?
Surfing in CSGO is simple- overcome obstacles, jump over gaps, try for a soft landing, and that’s it!
There will be a ramp for attaining a particular speed so that you could move onto the next obstacle. When the character jumps onto the ramp, it starts sliding. To continue the movement, you have to move in the desired way.
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Jump on the ramp.
Press A or D(Left or Right) to remain on the surface. The tip here to – move left (A) if you are on the right side of the ramp and right (D) if you are on the left side.
Always point the crosshair in the direction of your surfing ramp. It helps in directing the character.
Speed-up by moving slightly to the ramp’s top and then moving downwards. Use the mouse for this.
Sometimes you need to use both mouse and keyboard for movement. Both mouse movement and A-D movement. Both should be synchronized, So point the mouse cursor left while pressing A and move it to the right while pressing D.
Reminder: There is no use of W and S; this will affect your surfing speed.
The art of surfing takes a while to nurture, but this gets handy while in-game; with deadly movement, you can Bunny hop and reach a particular spot faster than usual. Pretty help full for AWPers!
Is Csgo Surf Free On Steam
Read more: How to play fortnite in split screen mode.
Read more: How to get fortnite free skins?
HomeHow-ToHow to Surf in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Ever wanted to become a pro surfer or became curious what those surf maps are all about? With this article we will look at the basics of surfing as well as some pro tips that can make you a better surfer.
The first step will be to find a surf server. One with a tic rate of 100 or greater is optimal. If you can’t find a good surf map, or if you want to practice, make a LAN server game.
You will want to set your sv_accelerate to 10 in your console
The following are the available sv_airaccelerate options and their difficulties
Hard: sv_airaccelerate 100
Semi hard: sv_airaccelerate 150
Medium: sv_airaccelerate 200
Easy: sv_airaccelerate 400
Fun: sv_airaccelerate 800
Extra easy: sv_airaccelerate 1000
Some popular surf maps include surf_greatriver, surf_fruits/vegetables, Rebel Resistance, or Legends.
The objective of surf maps is to properly maneuver yourself throughout the various obstacles/ramps/stages on the map (ramps will look like floating ramps resembling an inverted V (/)).
You will want to familiarize yourself with the strafe keys. Those are the A and D keys on the keyboard.
Once you jump onto a ramp, you will want to strafe right (D key) if you’re on the left side of the ramp, or strafe left (A key) if you’re on the right side of the ramp. A popular way to remember this is to use this visual symbol D/A. While doing this, you will want to keep your mouse pointed in the direction you want your player to travel.
While surfing on a ramp, you want to avoid pressing the forward key (W). Pressing the forward key will make you immediately start to slide off of the ramp you’re surfing on.
In most cases you want to avoid pressing the backwards key (S). The only plausible situations of using the S key are to stop your mid-air flight, such as attempting to land on a pedestal or obstacle. After you hit the S key, you will immediately start to fall vertically. While looking down, your landing spot will be your crosshair. After hitting the S key, you can still maneuver yourself with the strafe keys.
The most difficult maneuvers to perform are turning while surfing. Ideally, you want to wait until you are in mid-air and then strafe in the direction you want to turn (again this is A for going left, or D for going right). At the same time, you want to smoothly and synchronously change direction with your mouse in a centripetal fashion and aim it towards the direction you wish to travel. Once you reach maximum velocity in the desired direction you want to go, stop strafing. Another popular tactic is to flick your mouse towards the direction you’re want to move to.
To pick up speed, start at the top of the ramp and move downwards. You want to keep your mouse movements at a minimal unless attempting to change direction.
Another aspect that can be hard for beginners is to make sure that you don’t lose speed when jumping from one ramp to another. This can be done by reducing the amount of force that your z-axis experiences to a minimal.
When you have just left a ramp and have to directional turn to land on another ramp, a smart strategy is to land near the top of the next ramp while immediately hitting the proper strafe key (D/A).
To gain maximum distance when launching yourself off one ramp to the next, attempt to be at the highest point when leaving your initial ramp.
Above all else, have fun while surfing. It can be difficult to learn at first, let alone master. With practice comes perfection though.
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pinneappling · 4 years
Everything You Want To Learn About Dedicated Video Gaming Servers
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Gone will be the times when gaming was just confined by consoles and PCs but now it has come to be an online endeavor. Whether you are utilizing your tablet or smartphone computer, you can join into the gambling servers and play alongside players from different elements of the world. The quantity of people keeps on increasing as people invite more friends to join in on the fun.
The way to server status
One method to check the server status is utilizing server status. If the check server tool runs right into any barriers which could keep a spider from indexing your website, it tells you about them on a report that the usefulness generates.
Acceptance of Multi Player Games
The games we played with our youth are simpler and need fewer tools. As the gaming sector developed, games turned into more demanding. A new genre of games called Massively Multiplayer on-line Rule Playing Games (MMORPG) is still already born. Soon, it becomes a hit with gamers. Considering these games let you play alongside dozens of other players around the Earth, in addition, it requires more electricity. This forced gamers to set up dedicated gambling servers in order that they may delight in a smooth gambling knowledge.
Here Are a Few of the Absolute Most popular multiplayer games:
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG)
DOTA two
Counter-strike Global Offensive
Killing Ground
Just how Does Dedicated Gaming Server Operates?
Every multi player game includes a game consumer, that you simply can either host it in your home or server it on servers. All these game customers Are Liable for tackling the next:
Game controllers
On the other hand, gaming dedicated server prices together with
Action in the game
Player ranking
Policies of this game
It guarantees the rules of the games are precisely implemented and followed closely by most people. Despite the fact that you change your house PC to some gambling server but it's highly recommended that you simply choose a dedicated gaming server especially if you intend to invite many gamers to play with the game in a given time. It is also a stable alternative. Dedicated gaming server providers have the knowledge and competence necessary to take care of difficulties. Selecting a dedicated gaming server internet hosting agency may save a lot of time too. For getting best effectiveness, you will need to ping test you server.
Benefits of Dedicated Gaming Server
Here are some of the Benefits of Working with a dedicated gaming server:
Exceptional performance
24/7 availability and support
Educating your advancement so gamers can Initiate the game from wherever they have left
Capacity to Take Care of high traffic demand
Little to no lag
No overheating Difficulties
Given that dedicated gambling servers have been built with state-of-the-art hardware, so you also can trust them to deliver blazing fast efficiency. You will not notice any lag during gameplay and also have a buttery-smooth consumer expertise. Despite compelling to its limits, these dedicated gaming servers never over heats, which will keep the internals secure from heating problems. With reliability and performance being a highlight of the kinds of video game server, heaps of players may easily play a game at the same time with out impacting gaming experience.
Think about playing a game where you have completed many levels nevertheless now you've got to leave the game also go to finish an important task. How irritating is to know that you might have to initiate the game from square you just because your advancement hasn't been saved? With dedicated gaming serversyou may not have to face these types of dilemmas because it stores your advancement from the game so you are able to begin the game from wherever you left away.
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quixol · 7 years
6/5/2017 - 10/3/2017: QuixolMC Changelog #19
Autumn is here, everyone! Looks like it’s time for another long-due changelog post. Quixol has been moving along at its own pace, and we hope you've all been holding up alright. To those of you that are in school again, we wish you good luck in your studies- plenty of the staff is taking classes again, now, and we'd just like to remind you that it's all worth it. The world is a scary place right now, but we hope you folks find solace in Quixol. As for QuixolMC itself, the summer was a time of much leisure- only a few smaller changes here or there to speak of, but a lot of work was happening behind the scenes. All that culminated last weekend with the update to 1.12.2 Public Beta, and the release of the brand-new party area, the Grove. There's a fair amount to get into, and it's possible we missed a few things, so we hope you understand. Also: we normally post these changelogs on the first monday of the month, but this time around we missed our window yesterday, so now it's going up on a tuesday. Sorry about that! With that said, here's a list of all the changes to the server since June:
+ Feature added - Feature removed % Feature changed/bug fix ^ Feature updated (usually plugin updates) # Comment (for… comments.)
Notable changes from 6/5/2017 to 10/2/2017:
+ Added wither boss head. Also re-added the beloved silverfish head ._. % Changed witch head ^ EssentialsX -> 2.0.1-b481 # This essentials version adds a few new features/commands, such as support for the sweeping edge enchantment, as well as the command /tpacancel + you can pet sheepies now (right click with empty hand) ^ Simplesit -> 1.6.3 + You may now use the /lay command to lay down. You can't see yourself laying down, though. % The silk touch protection in Jobs only affects specific blocks now. % /help should work again... finally + Added the /ride command which lets you ride atop other players + Added /unride for making those people leave + Re-added access to the old, old far warps (from 1.8). You can access them from the list of warps at /warp oldspawn ^ Massivecore, Massivebooks, Factions -> 2.13.1 % Maximum amount of faction members upped to 25 % Faction power per hour reduced to 3.0 % Faction power on death reduced to 3.0 % Starting balance for new/returning players is now 1000 shells, up from 250 shells before ^ Jobs -> 4.0.1 ^ SilkSpawners -> 5.0.0 % Bottling exp at a lapis block now requires empty bottles to use ^ Playtime -> 0.3.1 #   % Now displays actual join date of player #   + Playtime is now updated at time of checking ^ QuickShop -> 0.9.36 % increased price of bepis. + Server enters Public Beta 1.12.2 (sept. 29th, 2017) # Full changelog for mc 1.12 here. + New, descriptive message for when auth servers are down % Borse spawnrate now 1% ^ EssentialsX -> 2.0.1 b530 # Tab completion for essentials commands is fixed # /erecipe command is disabled in 1.12 ... :( ^ EntityLWC -> 1.9.0 ^ mcMMO -> 1.5.09 b206 % Chunks no longer refresh after using super breaker/giga drill breaker % Fixed bug where riding boat into world border would make that boat turn into an oak boat regardless of type ^ Craftbook -> 3.9u17 ^ Jobs -> 4.1.3 % When rejoining a job you had before, the plugin now calculates how much xp you should have when returning to that job as well as what level % Block protection messages should show up less often(?) from Jobs + Added new "moremobheads" vanilla loot tables, replacing the mob heads from Craftbook. % Fixed many issues with mobs/decorative heads # Changes to the Market's admin shops! Yay!  + Added Parrot spawn egg buy shop for 5,000  + Added Polar Bear spawn egg buy shop for 5,000  + Added Totem of Undying buy shop for 40,000  % Raised price of Elytra buy shop, 30,000 -> 32,000  % Raised price of Nametag buy shop, 1,000 -> 1,250  - Removed horse armor buy shops + Added the admin sell shops finally(!!!) + Released The Grove, the all-new party destintion on the server + Had a great party with everyone at the grove!
List of known bugs/issues:
! New players don’t get sent to the tutorial; don’t spawn with newbie kit ! Many players have poor ping to the server, due to a minecraft bug ! Dog AI is still broken; only bred/summoned dogs will attack hostile mobs ! Lighting glitches are real bad ! Parrots spawn in jungles very, very, very rarely ! mcMMO considers raw salmon, clownfish, pufferfish as “raw fish” when summoning cats
Things to come:
• Adding some new parkours/minigames to the grove • Releasing custom advancemements • A spooky halloween event... • Updating qchat to 1.0.0, making a comprehensive guide/tutorial on how to utilize qchat • Coding a new and improved help menu • Other stuff!
last changelog post (#18)
about changelogs
That's quite a lot! Some of this stuff is rather minor, while others change the whole game up quite a bit. There's probably a few changes that got lost in the haste to update the server, and if there's anything you notice that's different from before, feel free to ask us about it. Some important information about this update to minecraft: MAKE SURE YOUR RESOURCE PACKS ARE UPDATED(!!!). If you are using an outdated resource pack in 1.12+, the new recipe book icon will be completely invisible to you, and many players end up not realizing it's there at all due to this.
On the topic of the recipe book, we'd also like to mention that, yes, QuixolMC's custom crafting recipes still work- HOWEVER, they are not accessible from the recipe book, you must still put them in the crafting bench manually. Sadly, this seems to be a minecraft limitation. The /recipe command is also disabled, due to a bug. There's not a lot we can do about this, so for the time being feel free to keep an eye on this page that lists the server's custom crafting recipes. If we ever add any more, we'll try to update this page (if we remember). 2017 has been a wild ride, and all we can really offer to you is a break from it all... we sincerely hope you guys have been safe out there. Thanks for reading, <3 Quixol Staff
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minrcrafter · 5 years
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Straight Up Survival [SMP][PvP] {No Protection}{1.13.2}
"Vote on servers based on the content and quality of their description."
About Straight Up Survival
Straight Up Survival or SUS has been operating since 2012.
Our current map was started September 8th 2018 (Season 7)
We created the server after some of our favorite servers closed and we were unable to find the same game style. We are a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. We allow raids, PVP, and griefing. On Straight Up Survival you cannot protect/claim land or chests so your best protection from raids/grief is to build far out in our 75k x 75k world (37,500 blocks from 0,0) and to build smart. Straight Up Survival is a somewhat anarchy style server with some limited moderation. Play your way on SUS. Grief and raid, hide and collect, design and construct, enchant and pvp, it's up to you.
Although we somewhat stick to a vanilla like gameplay, SUS has a few plugins that allow features we like. More on server features later.
No hacks or clients.
Do not evade a ban in any way.
Adhere to the Admin's directions.
Most of our active players are located in North America however all are welcome. Our most active time of day is around 6 PM CST - 11 AM CST. The majority of our players are friendly and supportive however because we provide very limited moderation, you may find some toxic players. You are able to use /ignore <player> for anyone that is bothering you.
We have an active Discord server for Straight Up Survival. Discord is where we give out important information about the server. You'll find voice channels with active players and text channels with memes etc. If you join the server and decide to stick around, please join the discord. INVITE LINK You will not be able to send messages or join voice channels on the discord server until you link your Minecraft account to your Discord account. To do this type "/discord link" on the Minecraft server.
Administrators (4): Azelofa, Mawcks, Wasted_Ticks, Zerek
Moderators (0): Currently NOT looking for mods
No Staff Nonsense Environment
IP: straightupsurvival.net
Version: 1.13.2
Difficulty: Hard
Jar: PaperSpigot
Server Features
Teleportation - You are able to teleport to a few warps /warp, /warp <warp>, spawn /spawn, a private home location set by you /sethome, /home, and other players if they accept /tpa <player>. You will teleport with anything that you're riding on or in. E.g. a horse or a boat.
World Border - The world border is 75,000 x 75,000. About 37,500 blocks N,E,S,W from spawn.
The End - The End resets every 20 days. The reset occurs at 8 PM CST. This makes the end a very poor choice for a base location.
Ender Chests - Ender Chests are uncraftable and unusable. We've done this to make raids more profitable.
Clans - Players are able to create clans with other players. A shared clan home location (separate from your private home location) can be set for clan members to teleport to. You can also chat privately to clan members by using the command /. <message>.
Spawners - All players are able to collect spawners my mining them with a silk touch enchanted pickaxe.
Beds - On SUS, beds have no effect on your respawn location or home location. The night will pass exponentially as the percentage of sleeping players increases.
Events/Mini games - From time to time we provide fun games or events to the players. These do not affect the survival world inventories.
Discord - As mentioned above, discord is the main source of server information and the center of our community. Please link your Discord by typing "/discord link" on the Minecraft server.
Player Commands
/help - Displays in chat a complete list of commands available to you.
/clan - Displays in chat all commands available for setting up and using clans.
/afk - Display in public chat that you are "Away From Keyboard.
/msg <player> <message> - Sends a private message to another online player.
/rules - Displays in chat the server rules.
/ignore <player> - You will no longer see messages or receive teleport requests from the player
/ping - Receive "pong" in chat. Used to test if youre lagging
/lag - Displays in chat your current TPS. 20 is no lag.
/spawn - Teleports you to the spawn location.
/sethome - Sets a private teleport location.
/home - Teleports you to your sethome location.
/tpa <player> - Request to teleport to another player's location.
/tpahere <player> - Request another player to teleport to your location.
/tpaccept - Accept a teleport request.
/tpadeny - Deny a teleport request.
/warp - Displays in chat warps available to you.
/warp <warp> - Teleport to the warp location.
/seen <player> - Displays in chat how long since a player last logged on.
/kit - Displays in chat kits available to you.
/kit <kit> - Receive the kit
If you have any questions please comment below or contact us through discord INVITE LINK.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Down and out in Orgrimmar and London • Eurogamer.net
Spend any amount of time on any popular gaming message board when the issue of LGBT+ representation raises its head, and you can guarantee there’ll be someone waiting in the wings to, at the very least, remind LGBT+ players that it’s 2020 and ‘nobody cares they’re gay anymore’ – oh, and ‘Would you mind keeping your sexuality out of my video games?’. It’s not exactly surprising then that countless LGBT+ gamers around the world are still seeking the comfort of like-minded individuals and social spaces, both in-game and in real-life, where they’re free to be themselves without abuse, judgement, or fear of repercussions – and to simply enjoy the games they want to play.
“I think in mainstream culture there is this wishful idea that because we’ve had too many seasons of Will & Grace…things are just fine and dandy for the queers in our society,” Benjamin Bon Temps, founder of the long-running Rough Trade Gaming Community tells me, “Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth. While things are better, and the average Bubba Beercan Gamer might be more open-minded and respectful, there is still the same slew of tired asshats firing off verbal fag bombs and ‘this stupid dungeon is gay’ type bullshit.”
It’s a sentiment shared by Matthew Hardwick, co-founder of the on- and offline LGBT+ community London Gaymers; “Online spaces can be generally quite a negative experience for minorities as it is,” he says, “but with insults like ‘fag’, ‘queer’, and ‘gay’ often thrown around in a derogatory manner, it can be particularly hard for LGBT people.” By way of illustration, Hardwick relates one of his own experiences, when someone he’d played online with for over a year immediately bombarded him with abuse on finding out he was gay in party chat. “[He] said I should ‘die of AIDS’ and ‘ass cancer’ before threatening to come to my home to murder me.”
Although Hardwick admits this is one of the more extreme responses he’s encountered, the constant minefield of anti-LGBT+ vitriol can be exhausting for players – and he points to an academic study by Jason Rockwood, backed up by London Gaymers’ own research during MCM panels, which found 80% of people have heard anti-LGBT+ slurs online. When I ask Hardwick to describe these encounters in his own words, he simply responds, “Dehumanising”.
It’s for precisely these reasons that countless LGBT+ gaming communities have been established around the world in an effort to provide a safe, welcoming space for LGBT+ players and allies, and remain as popular as ever. The London Gaymers, for instance, started life as a Reddit community and Google group back in 2012, with the goal of providing a means for LGBT+ players to easily find others to enjoy video games with. “What online spaces existed already were toxic, and not very welcoming to any minority that was open about their identity,” explains Hardwick.
And if proof were needed as to how much demand there still is for welcoming social spaces for LGBT+ players, the London Gaymers has, from its humble beginnings, now grown to over 3,750 people on its Facebook Group and over 1,800 regularly visit its Discord channel. Additionally, it has active guilds and clans hosting regular gaming nights for the likes of Minecraft, Final Fantasy 14, and Sea of Thieves; it has one of the largest LGBT+ WoW guilds in Europe; there’s a dedicated space available for women, including non-LGBT+ players, looking for somewhere to play, and for other women gamers to talk to. And London Gaymers even has a pretty large Animal Crossing Turnip Exchange community too.
“Many LGBT people face an increased risk of Mental Health issues,” explains Hardwick, “Isolation, anxiety, and depression are all issues many LGBT people face. Having a group that can knock down some of the barriers to battling those by providing a friendship group and space to express yourself is important”.
Some of London Gaymers members attending real-world Pride.
Inevitably too, these online communities have gradually spilled out into the real-world, and London Gaymers now hosts LGBT+ nights focussed on everything from board games and ping pong to bowling and laser tag. Crucially, these activities help provide real-world connections and spaces some may struggle to find ordinarily. “They may be feeling isolated or nervous, and not be willing to attend gay bars without people they know they can talk to about things they are interested in,” says Hardwick, “or they may be nervous about their appearance or perception in a traditional gaming space. The group provides that intersection for LGBT people to be themselves in both their nerdy-ness and their queerness.”
These days, thanks to London Gaymers’ size and scope, the group is able to use its influence and community to assist other gaming and LGBT+ organisations. It’s hosted panels on games industry representation at MCM, given talks to studios and government departments, and it regularly embarks on fundraising efforts with its members, for charities including the likes of SpecialEffect, the Terrance Higgins Trust, LGBT Hero/GMFA, and the Albert Kennedy Trust.
In real terms though, the London Gaymers reaches but a small fraction of LGBT+ players online and around the world, and thousands of other LGBT+ gaming communities continue to thrive, each catering to different audiences and niches. One of the oldest and most established of these is the MMO-focussed Rough Trade Gaming Community, described by its founder Benjamin Bon Temps as a “counterpoint to and escape from the general immature, homophobic bro culture that still permeates gaming spaces” and, more importantly, a “fun, safe, relaxing space where people can bring their authentic selves and play together” .
“Any queer can tell you that being seen and accepted feels awesome,” he says, “and we do what we can to help make that happen for our members.”
Real-world events are an important part of London Gaymers activities.
The RTGC had its unofficial beginnings over 17 years ago, when Benjamin joined a Dark Age of Camelot guild “comprised of mostly gay dudes and a few ‘mo-friendly military guys”. The group was eager to move over to superhero MMO City of Heroes but, says Benjamin, “I knew from somewhat bitter experience in DAoC that the gaming community at the time was absolutely rancid with frequent expressions of homophobic slang. Furthermore, there was, and still is, a ‘don’t tell, don’t share’ attitude from players claiming to be tolerant and accepting, yet [who] lose their collective minds if a queer character options or storyline is introduced in their favourite game, or if you reveal the gender of your partner in guild chat.”
“Much of the social aspect in gaming happens during the downtime,” he points out, “waiting on other players, recouping between battles, repairing armour etc., and that’s when chatting about our lives happens. I’ve heard countless stories from other members of RTGC about how they’d have to lie about the gender of their partner and other details so as not to instigate the possibility of harsh comments from other intolerant players.”
While some groups prefer to offer a somewhat sanitised space for their members, Benjamin notes the RTGC is relatively unique in that it has never shied from the subject of sex. “There always seems to be a secondary censoring of queer lives and stories by the mainstream,” he explains, “something along the lines of ‘Okay, you are gay and you can talk about it a little, but nothing about your sexual acts, preferences or fetishes please’…but I’ve always been at least mildly interested in what excites people, whether it be geekery or in the sack or sling.”
And so, from that goal of building a community that didn’t just enjoy games, but celebrated all kinds of sexual expression, the Rough Trade Gaming Community was created as an “unapologetically queer [place to] celebrate geekdom and fetish life.” Benjamin admits the group “might not be everyone’s cup of tea” thanks to its openness to fetish and kink, but says he believes it’s a “good fit for the queer person who may feel too queer, too kinky, too hardcore in mainstream gay social spaces.” What’s more, it happily welcomes “heterosexual-identified players who, because of their own kink, political views, spiritual practices, or whatever else, don’t feel comfortable in standard gaming social spaces” too.
RTGC’s Taint guilds continue to have a significant presence in WoW.
“We’re also a great testing ground for those of us emerging, or considering emerging, from the closet,” says Benjamin, “We are a very welcoming bunch for the most part and online experimentation in a gaming environment can be a fun and safe way to experiment with self-expression.”
It’s a social mix that’s clearly working; the group now organises real-life meets around the likes of San Francisco and New Orleans, and Benjamin is proud to have helped build a community that can cater to both younger gamers and “an older and more mature player”.
These days the RTGC has over 9,000 active users online, split across six officially supported games (World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft Classic, Final Fantasy 14, Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online, and Phantasy Star Online 2), alongside a variety of forums and social media sites including Facebook. “Our Xtube channel has close to 2 million views,” notes Benjamin, “but honestly most of those are probably from me.”
One of the RTGC’s most high-profile activities comes in the form of Pixel Pride, an annual virtual Pride event that started out back in the group’s City of Heroes days and is now celebrating its 16th year. “We wanted to show how many players in the game were queer,” says Benjamin of that initial event, “so every queer superhero in the game wore the colour red and we flew, leapt, and teleported to a central meeting place, and had a great time.”
These days Pixel Pride takes place every July on World of Warcraft’s Proudmoore server that many of the group’s guilds calls home, and this year’s pride celebrations – which occurred last weekend – passed in a flurry of ‘donations, support, dancing, laughing, flirting, and duelling in their skivvies’.
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“Pixel Pride,” explains Benjamin, “is important because of the ease of accessibility for folks who can’t and don’t want to find parking at real world Prides, for folks who for whatever reasons can’t be fully out in the real world, and to also remind the non-queers on our servers that we are here, and we are legion, and that the toon tanking in your party, or healing your ass in a dungeon, or peeling aggro off you in PvP might be one of us, so watch your fucking language.”
Benjamin also believes Pixel Pride is valuable for those group members in rural areas too. “We know that queers can tend to flock to big cities to find their tribe, but we also have tons of players who live in remote areas as well”, he says. “I’ve heard from folks like that who are grateful for our Pixel Pride celebrations because, due to distance, or being in the closet, or mobility challenges, that is the only Pride they can safely or reasonably attend. This has, of course, become even more important during the current pandemic.”
Yet despite the obvious demand for the kind of LGBT+ communities and spaces fostered by the likes of London Gaymers and the RTGC, resistance still remains in the wider gaming community to the idea that visibility for LGBT+ players is even necessary, usually, and tellingly, alongside the declaration that ‘politics doesn’t belong in video games’.
“In much the same way a fish can’t really tell you what ‘wet’ feels like, because it is all they’ve ever known, straight folk can be blind, and sometimes stubbornly and wilfully so, to how inextricably enmeshed expressions of affection, sexuality, longing, romance etc. are in our everyday lives,” says Benjamin. “It permeates everything we experience, games included. Every game I’ve played has some element of a love interest storyline, an unrequited romance, etc. It is just fair play that some of those reflect our lives as well.”
A note from an RTGC member attesting to the importance of Pixel Pride.
The good news, though, according to London Gaymers’ Matt Hardwick, is that attitudes do slowly seem to be shifting. “Anecdotally, I would say things have improved over the years, certainly within some areas of online gaming,” he tells me, “[but] there is still a long way to go.”
“I think that developers play a big part in this. Weeding out toxic behaviour is something that a few studios say they are dedicated to but is seldom reflected in their feedback loops or reporting processes,” Hardwick continues. “Gamers at large can help by calling out the behaviour when they see or hear it. Remind them that whilst they may think it’s trash talk they have no idea how their words affect those around them. I do however appreciate this is often easier said than done and that’s why spaces like London Gaymers exists – nobody wants to paint a target on their back – but using reporting processes is always one small step that doesn’t require you to interact with trolls.”
Yet while a harmonious gaming future will ultimately benefit everyone, and is a goal worth aiming for, Benjamin doesn’t think it will spell an end to LGBT+ gaming spaces.
“It can obviously be challenging to be your true queer self, in the ‘real’ world and in-game, and a lot of old, tired attitudes and beliefs can get in the way and make that difficult to attain,” he says. “Once we have though, one of the great blessings about being queer, for me anyway, is the ability to be a little left of centre, to be slightly outside what is considered ‘normal’ or ‘average’. I think that is intensely valuable, both for queers and for the heteronormative, relative ‘centre’, to have that perspective and space for folks who don’t feel they fit in with whatever the fuck ‘normal’ is.
“For that reason, I think and hope we’ll always occupy that space, to question and challenge expected norms, ‘common wisdom’ and convention. To not have that, to have everything and everyone in one homogeneous space, would dilute the colourful and diverse part of the human experience and that would just be boring as fuck…Things could be, and certainly might be, better than they are today, but whether that happens or not, the Rough Trade Gaming Community will be here as a space for anyone fun, friendly, and ready to play.”
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/06/down-and-out-in-orgrimmar-and-london-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=down-and-out-in-orgrimmar-and-london-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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edgarovba357-blog · 4 years
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As could see, someone may have got complete independence about the way that you put in place Minecraft server, and you can adjust this configuration having said that and whenever you want. You may as well Make contact with assist Division who can aid you with improvements and configuration if you are having difficulties to have issues working.
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In other places, efficiency-boosting insert-ons include things like RAID one SSD storage of as much as two x TB. An optional Turbo Raise feature costing from $ a month replaces Apache With all the LiteSpeed server, apparently citing to x speedier page hundreds, and A different increase-on may cache the HTML contents of the website page, then speedily reload it later on with no need to run PHP. We were being content to check out cPanel is thrown in, as well (it's normally a chargeable added with other hosts).
they know that you count on Minecraft server to generally be accessible to Participate in constantly. We proactively observe for DDoS attacks, even the smallest assaults, and then they immediately take ways to mitigate the assault.
Based on what administration select, it may choose nearly hours to build chosen program. If This is often initial purchase, staff may Speak to to definitely verify facts.
Completely Scalable. GoDaddy Hosting servers is usually upgraded at any time without Look at more info having have re-provision. In this way, you can easily alter site to support much more consumers as organization grows.
they use Skilled DDoS defense, so they may not fear Substantially about DDoS. If company is continually attacked because of the Competitiveness, they may easily present you with added protection.
Iris Brkovic Haven't had any problems Using the server crashing or stuttering like other hosting sites practical experience! Good customer support too when will find troubles! Peter Yesayan Excellent customer service reaction time, straightforward to setup, Very simple. Decent connections and configurable alternatives, as st Minecraft host I'm not disappointed in the slightest degree. Joseph Hosten Scalacube's help crew is perhaps awesome. They consider all around -four hrs to answer tickets and can discover answers to just about almost everything. I really like the fact may operate numerous Minecraft servers off just one equipment for these kinds of an amazing offer. This shall almost always be go to host for servers! See all critiques Exam Server Areas servers worldwide offer the lowest ping in gamers. Test Minecraft one.fifteen servers.
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Storage is extremely configurable, too. Some servers may have generate bays offered, and they may be equipped with any combination of TB to TB SATA drives, or GB to TB SSDs.
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0 notes
How to Check Your League of Legends Ping Out of the Game
GuidesHow to Check Your League of Legends Ping Out of the GameHave you ever joined a game in LoL only to be greeted with ping Not only does it make the game unplayable but your entire team turns salty and barrages you with abuse Although it happens to the best of us wouldnt it make sense to check if you were laggy BEFORE you joined the rift After all its there are not many excuses for lagging these daysLuckily checking your ping before you join a game is possible and surprisingly easy to do Within just a few seconds you can work out how fast or slow your internet is and if its worth avoiding LoL for a few hoursBefore we look at the various ways you can test your ping what exactly is ping and how does it make you lagWhat Is PingFor the not so tech savvy the word ping might sound like a complicated technical term but its really not Simply put ping can be defined as a software utility that is used to test the reachability of a host on an internet protocol IP network Results are displayed in ms millisecondsIf that still seems like technical jargon lets break it down even moreWhen you join a game in League of Legends you have to connect to the Riot servers In order to connect to these servers you send data down a connection your internet service provider which connects you up to the server The server then responds with a message and sends it back the same wayThe total journey of this connection from your PC to the server is measured in milliseconds which can give you an idea of how laggy you are The higher the number the laggier you are is bearable for most people but any number over is going to give you issuesPinging a server is a quick and easy way to work out your internets response time without having to ever enter the Rift This simple number can help you determine how laggy you are and if you should bother playing at allIf the number is very high over then that means its taking seconds for the server to send a message back to you That might not sound too long but in the world of gaming its an eternity Most players are used to playing with ms ping or less with some players even being blessed with less than msHopefully this has helped you understand what ping is why and why lower is better But what exactly causes you to lag in the first placeWhat Causes LagIn game lag can be caused by many different factors However they all have one thing in common they greatly increase your ping In turn this high ping delays the response between your PC and server which turns your gaming experience into something very frustratingYour clicks become unresponsive everything starts to teleport and rubber band around the game things start breaking and you find yourself staring at an eternally gray screenAlthough lag can be caused by many different factors one of the most common is simultaneous downloading If youre playing LoL and trying to download something else at the same time then this can cause your ping to instantly explode This happens because your internet connection is getting stuffed full of data and bytes and trying to send lots of information to various servers If your internet line is constantly hogged then it will slow down the communications between the servers and you This is why lots of people experience high ping and lag in game usually because they have something downloading in the backgroundHowever it doesnt have to just be on your computer If anyone on your network is using your internet then they can also clog up your lineIf your brother is watching p Minecraft lets plays while your mum Skypes her work colleagues then theyre essentially leaching the WiFi and lagging up your gameNow you know what causes the lag you experience in LoL how can you check youre not lagging before you hit the riftGeneral Ping TestThe first way to check your ping is to connect to a generic server and the best way to do this is to use a free tool
0 notes
minrcrafter · 6 years
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Straight Up Survival [SMP][PvP] {No Protection}{1.13.2}
"Vote on servers based on the content and quality of their description."
About Straight Up Survival
Straight Up Survival or SUS has been operating since 2012.
Our current map was started September 8th 2018 (Season 7)
We created the server after some of our favorite servers closed and we were unable to find the same game style. We are a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. We allow raids, PVP, and griefing. On Straight Up Survival you cannot protect/claim land or chests so your best protection from raids/grief is to build far out in our 75k x 75k world (37,500 blocks from 0,0) and to build smart. Straight Up Survival is a somewhat anarchy style server with some limited moderation. Play your way on SUS. Grief and raid, hide and collect, design and construct, enchant and pvp, it's up to you.
Although we somewhat stick to a vanilla like gameplay, SUS has a few plugins that allow features we like. More on server features later.
No hacks or clients.
Adhere to the Admin's directions.
Most of our active players are located in North America however all are welcome. Our most active time of day is around 6 PM CST - 11 AM CST. The majority of our players are friendly and supportive however because we provide very limited moderation, you may find some toxic players. You are able to use /ignore <player> for anyone that is bothering you.
We have an active Discord server for Straight Up Survival. Discord is where we give out important information about the server. You'll find voice channels with active players and text channels with memes etc. If you join the server and decide to stick around, please join the discord. INVITE LINK You will not be able to send messages or join voice channels on the discord server until you link your Minecraft account to your Discord account. To do this type "/discord link" on the Minecraft server.
Administrators (4): Azelofa, Mawcks, Wasted_Ticks, Zerek
Moderators (0): Currently NOT looking for mods
No Staff Nonsense Environment
IP: straightupsurvival.net
Version: 1.13.2
Difficulty: Hard
Jar: PaperSpigot
Server Features
Teleportation - You are able to teleport to a few warps /warp, /warp <warp>, spawn /spawn, a private home location set by you /sethome, /home, and other players if they accept /tpa <player>. You will teleport with anything that you're riding on or in. E.g. a horse or a boat.
World Border - The world border is 75,000 x 75,000. About 37,500 blocks N,E,S,W from spawn.
The End - The End resets every 20 days. The reset occurs at 8 PM CST. This makes the end a very poor choice for a base location.
Ender Chests - Ender Chests are uncraftable and unusable. We've done this to make raids more profitable.
Clans - Players are able to create clans with other players. A shared clan home location (separate from your private home location) can be set for clan members to teleport to. You can also chat privately to clan members by using the command /. <message>.
Spawners - All players are able to collect spawners my mining them with a silk touch enchanted pickaxe.
Beds - On SUS, beds have no effect on your respawn location or home location. The night will pass exponentially as the percentage of sleeping players increases.
Events/Mini games - From time to time we provide fun games or events to the players. These do not affect the survival world inventories.
Discord - As mentioned above, discord is the main source of server information and the center of our community. Please link your Discord by typing "/discord link" on the Minecraft server.
Player Commands
/help - Displays in chat a complete list of commands available to you.
/clan - Displays in chat all commands available for setting up and using clans.
/afk - Display in public chat that you are "Away From Keyboard.
/msg <player> <message> - Sends a private message to another online player.
/rules - Displays in chat the server rules.
/ignore <player> - You will no longer see messages or receive teleport requests from the player
/ping - Receive "pong" in chat. Used to test if youre lagging
/lag - Displays in chat your current TPS. 20 is no lag.
/spawn - Teleports you to the spawn location.
/sethome - Sets a private teleport location.
/home - Teleports you to your sethome location.
/tpa <player> - Request to teleport to another player's location.
/tpahere <player> - Request another player to teleport to your location.
/tpaccept - Accept a teleport request.
/tpadeny - Deny a teleport request.
/warp - Displays in chat warps available to you.
/warp <warp> - Teleport to the warp location.
/seen <player> - Displays in chat how long since a player last logged on.
/kit - Displays in chat kits available to you.
/kit <kit> - Receive the kit
If you have any questions please comment below or contact us through discord INVITE LINK.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 6 years
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Straight Up Survival [SMP][PvP] {No Protection}{1.13.2}
"Vote on servers based on the content and quality of their description."
About Straight Up Survival
Straight Up Survival or SUS has been operating since 2012.
Our current map was started September 8th 2018 (Season 7)
We created the server after some of our favorite servers closed and we were unable to find the same game style. We are a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. We allow raids, PVP, and griefing. On Straight Up Survival you cannot protect/claim land or chests so your best protection from raids/grief is to build far out in our 75k x 75k world (37,500 blocks from 0,0) and to build smart. Straight Up Survival is a somewhat anarchy style server with some limited moderation. Play your way on SUS. Grief and raid, hide and collect, design and construct, enchant and pvp, it's up to you.
Although we somewhat stick to a vanilla like gameplay, SUS has a few plugins that allow features we like. More on server features later.
No hacks or clients.
Adhere to the Admin's directions.
Most of our active players are located in North America however all are welcome. Our most active time of day is around 6 PM CST - 11 AM CST. The majority of our players are friendly and supportive however because we provide very limited moderation, you may find some toxic players. You are able to use /ignore <player> for anyone that is bothering you.
We have an active Discord server for Straight Up Survival. Discord is where we give out important information about the server. You'll find voice channels with active players and text channels with memes etc. If you join the server and decide to stick around, please join the discord. INVITE LINK You will not be able to send messages or join voice channels on the discord server until you link your Minecraft account to your Discord account. To do this type "/discord link" on the Minecraft server.
Administrators (4): Azelofa, Mawcks, Wasted_Ticks, Zerek
Moderators (0): Currently NOT looking for mods
No Staff Nonsense Environment
IP: straightupsurvival.net
Version: 1.13.2
Difficulty: Hard
Jar: PaperSpigot
Server Features
Teleportation - You are able to teleport to a few warps /warp, /warp <warp>, spawn /spawn, a private home location set by you /sethome, /home, and other players if they accept /tpa <player>. You will teleport with anything that you're riding on or in. E.g. a horse or a boat.
World Border - The world border is 75,000 x 75,000. About 37,500 blocks N,E,S,W from spawn.
The End - The End resets every 20 days. The reset occurs at 8 PM CST. This makes the end a very poor choice for a base location.
Ender Chests - Ender Chests are uncraftable and unusable. We've done this to make raids more profitable.
Clans - Players are able to create clans with other players. A shared clan home location (separate from your private home location) can be set for clan members to teleport to. You can also chat privately to clan members by using the command /. <message>.
Spawners - All players are able to collect spawners my mining them with a silk touch enchanted pickaxe.
Beds - On SUS, beds have no effect on your respawn location or home location. The night will pass exponentially as the percentage of sleeping players increases.
Events/Mini games - From time to time we provide fun games or events to the players. These do not affect the survival world inventories.
Discord - As mentioned above, discord is the main source of server information and the center of our community. Please link your Discord by typing "/discord link" on the Minecraft server.
Player Commands
/help - Displays in chat a complete list of commands available to you.
/clan - Displays in chat all commands available for setting up and using clans.
/afk - Display in public chat that you are "Away From Keyboard.
/msg <player> <message> - Sends a private message to another online player.
/rules - Displays in chat the server rules.
/ignore <player> - You will no longer see messages or receive teleport requests from the player
/ping - Receive "pong" in chat. Used to test if youre lagging
/lag - Displays in chat your current TPS. 20 is no lag.
/spawn - Teleports you to the spawn location.
/sethome - Sets a private teleport location.
/home - Teleports you to your sethome location.
/tpa <player> - Request to teleport to another player's location.
/tpahere <player> - Request another player to teleport to your location.
/tpaccept - Accept a teleport request.
/tpadeny - Deny a teleport request.
/warp - Displays in chat warps available to you.
/warp <warp> - Teleport to the warp location.
/seen <player> - Displays in chat how long since a player last logged on.
/kit - Displays in chat kits available to you.
/kit <kit> - Receive the kit
If you have any questions please comment below or contact us through discord INVITE LINK.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 6 years
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Straight Up Survival [SMP][PvP] {No Protection}{1.13.2}
"Vote on servers based on the content and quality of their description."
About Straight Up Survival
Straight Up Survival or SUS has been operating since 2012.
Our current map was started September 8th 2018 (Season 7)
We created the server after some of our favorite servers closed and we were unable to find the same game style. We are a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. We allow raids, PVP, and griefing. On Straight Up Survival you cannot protect/claim land or chests so your best protection from raids/grief is to build far out in our 75k x 75k world (37,500 blocks from 0,0) and to build smart. Straight Up Survival is a somewhat anarchy style server with some limited moderation. Play your way on SUS. Grief and raid, hide and collect, design and construct, enchant and pvp, it's up to you.
Although we somewhat stick to a vanilla like gameplay, SUS has a few plugins that allow features we like. More on server features later.
No hacks or clients.
Adhere to the Admin's directions.
Most of our active players are located in North America however all are welcome. Our most active time of day is around 6 PM CST - 11 AM CST. The majority of our players are friendly and supportive however because we provide very limited moderation, you may find some toxic players. You are able to use /ignore <player> for anyone that is bothering you.
We have an active Discord server for Straight Up Survival. Discord is where we give out important information about the server. You'll find voice channels with active players and text channels with memes etc. If you join the server and decide to stick around, please join the discord. INVITE LINK You will not be able to send messages or join voice channels on the discord server until you link your Minecraft account to your Discord account. To do this type "/discord link" on the Minecraft server.
Administrators (4): Azelofa, Mawcks, Wasted_Ticks, Zerek
Moderators (0): Currently NOT looking for mods
No Staff Nonsense Environment
IP: straightupsurvival.net
Version: 1.13.2
Difficulty: Hard
Jar: PaperSpigot
Server Features
Teleportation - You are able to teleport to a few warps /warp, /warp <warp>, spawn /spawn, a private home location set by you /sethome, /home, and other players if they accept /tpa <player>. You will teleport with anything that you're riding on or in. E.g. a horse or a boat.
World Border - The world border is 75,000 x 75,000. About 37,500 blocks N,E,S,W from spawn.
The End - The End resets every 20 days. The reset occurs at 8 PM CST. This makes the end a very poor choice for a base location.
Ender Chests - Ender Chests are uncraftable and unusable. We've done this to make raids more profitable.
Clans - Players are able to create clans with other players. A shared clan home location (separate from your private home location) can be set for clan members to teleport to. You can also chat privately to clan members by using the command /. <message>.
Spawners - All players are able to collect spawners my mining them with a silk touch enchanted pickaxe.
Beds - On SUS, beds have no effect on your respawn location or home location. The night will pass exponentially as the percentage of sleeping players increases.
Events/Mini games - From time to time we provide fun games or events to the players. These do not affect the survival world inventories.
Discord - As mentioned above, discord is the main source of server information and the center of our community. Please link your Discord by typing "/discord link" on the Minecraft server.
Player Commands
/help - Displays in chat a complete list of commands available to you.
/clan - Displays in chat all commands available for setting up and using clans.
/afk - Display in public chat that you are "Away From Keyboard.
/msg <player> <message> - Sends a private message to another online player.
/rules - Displays in chat the server rules.
/ignore <player> - You will no longer see messages or receive teleport requests from the player
/ping - Receive "pong" in chat. Used to test if youre lagging
/lag - Displays in chat your current TPS. 20 is no lag.
/spawn - Teleports you to the spawn location.
/sethome - Sets a private teleport location.
/home - Teleports you to your sethome location.
/tpa <player> - Request to teleport to another player's location.
/tpahere <player> - Request another player to teleport to your location.
/tpaccept - Accept a teleport request.
/tpadeny - Deny a teleport request.
/warp - Displays in chat warps available to you.
/warp <warp> - Teleport to the warp location.
/seen <player> - Displays in chat how long since a player last logged on.
/kit - Displays in chat kits available to you.
/kit <kit> - Receive the kit
If you have any questions please comment below or contact us through discord INVITE LINK.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 6 years
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Vanilla World [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Discord} {1.12.2}
Vanilla World - /r/vanillaworld - Discord
Server IP:
Owners: plusfive, ninetails
Staff: Snowhusky5, Twiglet, AcheloisD
Why we started a server:
Me and the other owner started VW after we'd played on many failed servers together. Every time we found a new one to play on it was great!... until a month or two in. VW has been going strong now for over 6 months and only getting stronger every minute. When we started , the reason was to start a foundation with a permanent server; you will never have to worry about us shutting down. You'll also never have to worry about being asked for donations or player funding the server, since it is entirely paid for/hosted in house. One of the things I've loved about Minecraft over the years has been getting to know new people. This was pretty tough with servers shutting down left and right, so having a tight-knit community is one of the most important things to us.
Do I have to use discord to play on the server?
You must be recruited with an account in the discord, and we strongly hope you use it. You don’t have to be an active member of the discord, but if you choose not to be, you will be missing lots of valuable information and fun events. We use the discord to communicate and grow as a community, so there is no reason not to!
Most servers are not truly active. How is yours different?
Not only do we have a growing community of players who have known each other for months; our server has weekly and monthly fun events. We've got a designated game area on the server, as well as a player-built PVP arena! We also have monthly and weekly events, such as MNM and building contests, game nights, and tons more! We're growing the community through discord as well, which really helps all of us get personal.
What sets your server apart from others?
Not only do we have handcrafted custom games such as Pumpkin Roulette, but our server also offers a special item type dubbed “Relics”. Relics give an effect when held, and they range from fire protection all the way to permanent extra absorption hearts. Our server also has some small bones changes, such as pearls stacking to 64, increased iron and coal generation, coal ore spawning height increased, etc. Come to Vanilla World for the fun, stay for the community.
Whitelisted: Application
After you apply, it is recommended that you join the discord and ping or message an admin. We are very active on discord and can get you whitelisted ASAP!
Nitty Gritty - All of this information is in the #rules tab in discord. Copied and pasted.
Discord tags and commands:
Keep all bot commands in the #commands channel, unless it is to show a new member something when they first join.
Use !help to see all of the Mee6 commands we have on the server.
Use !aki help to see commands for the akinator bot.
!help will also have gravebot list his commands. He has multiple help categories.
Use -help to see the basic commands provided by DJ Marv.
Use https://marv.land/commands/ to view every single DJ Marv command.
Server Etiquette and General Info:
Area around spawn is reserved for shops, services, or builds. You cannot build your base close to the town hall, or it will be moved.
When you join the server, grab a P.O. Box right away.
Basement of the Town Hall is for the community. Do not leave your items there, or they are up for grabs.
Game area located south of spawn, flattened sandstone slabbed area.
PvP arena located south of game area, on mushroom island.
Frequently Asked Questions!
Q: Where is the server hosted from? A: Ashburn, VA
Q: How old is the map? A: We started season 2 on March 2nd, 2018
Q: When will the next map reset be? A: The next season will start Sept. 22.
Q: How do I get the Trusted rank? A: 1 month on server + level 5 with @MEE6(edited) Rules:
You break it, you fix it, especially creeper holes. If you cannot fix it for any reason, at the bare minimum leave a sign.
Respect other members when they ask you to stop doing something.
No spam, advertising, or excessive caps. Just use your head.
Only the creator of map art is allowed to sell or give out that image unless explicitly given permission.
Enter the phrase "Amplification Snake" on the spot on your application where it says: Anything else you want to share?
Refer to the list of banned/acceptable mods, and if your mod is not on there let us know! The Admins reserve the right to determine punishments regardless of whether or not something is on this list. If you're unsure about something, ask before you act.
Plugins / Modifications:
World border of diameter 16,000 Max dungeon spawn rate Hard difficulty One player sleep Xisuma's mob heads Shulkers will always drop 1 shell regardless of looting Ender dragon drops one head and one egg Some items stack size changed.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 6 years
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Vanilla World [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Discord} {1.12.2}
Vanilla World - /r/vanillaworld - Discord
Server IP:
Owners: plusfive, ninetails
Staff: Kamatayan, Snowhusky5, Twiglet
Why we started a server:
Me and the other owner started VW after we'd played on many failed servers together. Every time we found a new one to play on it was great!... until a month or two in. VW has been going strong now for over 6 months and only getting stronger every minute. When we started , the reason was to start a foundation with a permanent server; you will never have to worry about us shutting down. You'll also never have to worry about being asked for donations or player funding the server, since it is entirely paid for/hosted in house. One of the things I've loved about Minecraft over the years has been getting to know new people. This was pretty tough with servers shutting down left and right, so having a tight-knit community is one of the most important things to us.
Do I have to use discord to play on the server?
You must be recruited with an account in the discord, and we strongly hope you use it. You don’t have to be an active member of the discord, but if you choose not to be, you will be missing lots of valuable information and fun events. We use the discord to communicate and grow as a community, so there is no reason not to!
Most servers are not truly active. How is yours different?
Not only do we have a growing community of players who have known each other for months; our server has weekly and monthly fun events. We've got a designated game area on the server, as well as a player-built PVP arena! We also have monthly and weekly events, such as MNM and building contests, game nights, and tons more! We're growing the community through discord as well, which really helps all of us get personal.
What sets your server apart from others?
Not only do we have handcrafted custom games such as Pumpkin Roulette, but our server also offers a special item type dubbed “Relics”. Relics give an effect when held, and they range from fire protection all the way to permanent extra absorption hearts. Our server also has some small bones changes, such as pearls stacking to 64, increased iron and coal generation, coal ore spawning height increased, etc. Come to Vanilla World for the fun, stay for the community.
Yes, we have a pixelmon server! It's private, for members of VW only. You'll have to earn the trusted role on the server before you can be whitelisted and play pixelmon with us. It's a blast!
Whitelisted: Application
After you apply, it is recommended that you join the discord and ping or message an admin. We are very active on discord and can get you whitelisted ASAP!
Nitty Gritty - All of this information is in the #rules tab in discord. Copied and pasted.
Server Etiquette:
Area around spawn is reserved for shops, services, or community builds. You cannot build your base close to the town hall, or it will be moved.
When you join the server, grab a P.O. Box right away.
Basement of the Town Hall is for the community. Do not leave your items there, or they are up for grabs.
Nether hub currently being built. @Daddy is in charge, so if you would like to help, message him!
Game area located south of spawn, flattened sandstone slabbed area.
PvP arena located south of game area, on mushroom island. DM @Daddy or @plusfive if you want to help build it!
You break it, you fix it, especially creeper holes. If you cannot fix it for any reason, at the bare minimum leave a sign.
No PvP without consent.
No spam, advertising, or excessive caps. Just use your head.
Refer to the list of banned/acceptable mods, and if your mod is not on there let us know!
The Admins reserve the right to determine punishments regardless of wether or not something is on this list. If you're unsure about something, ask before you act.
Plugins / Modifications:
World border of diameter 16,000
Max dungeon spawn rate
Hard difficulty
One player sleep
Xisuma's mob heads
Shulkers will always drop 1 shell
Ender dragon drops one head and one egg
Happy crafting!
0 notes
minrcrafter · 6 years
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Vanilla World [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Discord} {1.12.2}
Vanilla World - /r/vanillaworld - Discord
Server IP:
Owners: plusfive, DaddyItHurts
Staff: Kamatayan, Snowhusky5, Twiglet
Why we started a server:
Me and the other owner started VW after we'd played on many failed servers together. Every time we found a new one to play on it was great!... until a month or two in. VW has been going strong now for over 6 months and only getting stronger every minute. When we started , the reason was to start a foundation with a permanent server; you will never have to worry about us shutting down. You'll also never have to worry about being asked for donations or player funding the server, since it is entirely paid for/hosted in house. One of the things I've loved about Minecraft over the years has been getting to know new people. This was pretty tough with servers shutting down left and right, so having a tight-knit community is one of the most important things to us.
Do I have to use discord to play on the server?
You must be recruited with an account in the discord, and we strongly hope you use it. You don’t have to be an active member of the discord, but if you choose not to be, you will be missing lots of valuable information and fun events. We use the discord to communicate and grow as a community, so there is no reason not to!
Most servers are not truly active. How is yours different?
Not only do we have a growing community of players who have known each other for months; our server has weekly and monthly fun events. We've got a designated game area on the server, as well as a player-built PVP arena! We also have monthly and weekly events, such as MNM and building contests, game nights, and tons more! We're growing the community through discord as well, which really helps all of us get personal.
What sets your server apart from others?
Not only do we have handcrafted custom games such as Pumpkin Roulette, but our server also offers a special item type dubbed “Relics”. Relics give an effect when held, and they range from fire protection all the way to permanent extra absorption hearts. Our server also has some small bones changes, such as pearls stacking to 64, increased iron and coal generation, coal ore spawning height increased, etc. Come to Vanilla World for the fun, stay for the community.
Yes, we have a pixelmon server! It's private, for members of VW only. You'll have to earn the trusted role on the server before you can be whitelisted and play pixelmon with us. It's a blast!
Whitelisted: Application
After you apply, it is recommended that you join the discord and ping or message an admin. We are very active on discord and can get you whitelisted ASAP!
Nitty Gritty - All of this information is in the #rules tab in discord. Copied and pasted.
Server Etiquette:
Area around spawn is reserved for shops, services, or community builds. You cannot build your base close to the town hall, or it will be moved.
When you join the server, grab a P.O. Box right away.
Basement of the Town Hall is for the community. Do not leave your items there, or they are up for grabs.
Nether hub currently being built. @Daddy is in charge, so if you would like to help, message him!
Game area located south of spawn, flattened sandstone slabbed area.
PvP arena located south of game area, on mushroom island. DM @Daddy or @plusfive if you want to help build it!
You break it, you fix it, especially creeper holes. If you cannot fix it for any reason, at the bare minimum leave a sign.
No PvP without consent.
No spam, advertising, or excessive caps. Just use your head.
Refer to the list of banned/acceptable mods, and if your mod is not on there let us know!
The Admins reserve the right to determine punishments regardless of wether or not something is on this list. If you're unsure about something, ask before you act.
Plugins / Modifications:
World border of diameter 16,000
Max dungeon spawn rate
Hard difficulty
One player sleep
Xisuma's mob heads
Shulkers will always drop 1 shell
Ender dragon drops one head and one egg
Happy crafting!
0 notes
minrcrafter · 6 years
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Vanilla World [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Discord} {1.12.2}
Vanilla World - /r/vanillaworld - Discord
Server IP:
Owners: plusfive, DaddyItHurts
Staff: Kamatayan, Snowhusky5, Twiglet
Why we started a server:
Me and the other owner started VW after we'd played on many failed servers together. Every time we found a new one to play on it was great!... until a month or two in. VW has been going strong now for over 6 months and only getting stronger every minute. When we started , the reason was to start a foundation with a permanent server; you will never have to worry about us shutting down. You'll also never have to worry about being asked for donations or player funding the server, since it is entirely paid for/hosted in house. One of the things I've loved about Minecraft over the years has been getting to know new people. This was pretty tough with servers shutting down left and right, so having a tight-knit community is one of the most important things to us.
Do I have to use discord to play on the server?
You must be recruited with an account in the discord, and we strongly hope you use it. You don’t have to be an active member of the discord, but if you choose not to be, you will be missing lots of valuable information and fun events. We use the discord to communicate and grow as a community, so there is no reason not to!
Most servers are not truly active. How is yours different?
Not only do we have a growing community of players who have known each other for months; our server has weekly and monthly fun events. We've got a designated game area on the server, as well as a player-built PVP arena! We also have monthly and weekly events, such as MNM and building contests, game nights, and tons more! We're growing the community through discord as well, which really helps all of us get personal.
What sets your server apart from others?
Not only do we have handcrafted custom games such as Pumpkin Roulette, but our server also offers a special item type dubbed “Relics”. Relics give an effect when held, and they range from fire protection all the way to permanent extra absorption hearts. Our server also has some small bones changes, such as pearls stacking to 64, increased iron and coal generation, coal ore spawning height increased, etc. Come to Vanilla World for the fun, stay for the community.
Yes, we have a pixelmon server! It's private, for members of VW only. You'll have to earn the trusted role on the server before you can be whitelisted and play pixelmon with us. It's a blast!
Whitelisted: Application
After you apply, it is recommended that you join the discord and ping or message an admin. We are very active on discord and can get you whitelisted ASAP!
Nitty Gritty - All of this information is in the #rules tab in discord. Copied and pasted.
Server Etiquette:
Area around spawn is reserved for shops, services, or community builds. You cannot build your base close to the town hall, or it will be moved.
When you join the server, grab a P.O. Box right away.
Basement of the Town Hall is for the community. Do not leave your items there, or they are up for grabs.
Nether hub currently being built. @Daddy is in charge, so if you would like to help, message him!
Game area located south of spawn, flattened sandstone slabbed area.
PvP arena located south of game area, on mushroom island. DM @Daddy or @plusfive if you want to help build it!
You break it, you fix it, especially creeper holes. If you cannot fix it for any reason, at the bare minimum leave a sign.
No PvP without consent.
No spam, advertising, or excessive caps. Just use your head.
Refer to the list of banned/acceptable mods, and if your mod is not on there let us know!
The Admins reserve the right to determine punishments regardless of wether or not something is on this list. If you're unsure about something, ask before you act.
Plugins / Modifications:
World border of diameter 16,000
Max dungeon spawn rate
Hard difficulty
One player sleep
Xisuma's mob heads
Shulkers will always drop 1 shell
Ender dragon drops one head and one egg
Happy crafting!
0 notes