howcee777 · 14 days
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fch7 · 8 months
The JD Gospel Singers of Uriah, Al. Family-based, anointed gospel group.
JD Gospel Singers https://www.facebook.com/JDGospelSingers Intro The JD Gospel Singers of Uriah, Al. Family-based, anointed gospel group. (334) 309-5977 http://Intro The JD Gospel Singers of Uriah, Al. Family-based, anointed gospel group.
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booksbroadwaybbc · 6 years
People don't seem to respect me on a personal level via /r/selfimprovement
People don't seem to respect me on a personal level
(Long post alert!)
Hello everyone.
About 1.5 years ago, I got out of a pretty nasty relationship. My self esteem and confidence were at an all time low. However, I resolved to 'take care' of myself and I indulged in a number of hobbies - reading, blogging, getting in shape and composing music. As a result, I'm feeling a lot more 'normal' now, and I'm very grateful to be in a much better place than before.
A few months back, I started a new job (a long term internship). Because the job relates quite a bit to my studies (BSc and MSc), I quite like my job. I'm reasonably happy with my progress as well, since my superiors have given me some pretty good feedback.
Howcee, it seems to be that people somehow don't respect me on a personal level.
Here are a few examples:
My colleagues assume that somehow I don't do anything on weekends. As a result, they often exclude me in their conversations about plans and stuff. One person even asked me how it felt to get up late on weekends! (fyi I don't do that)
I have a close group of friends I regularly hang out with. Despite me being the busiest person of the lot (I work 9 hours + travel 4 hours daily) they cite BS reasons and often cancel/delay and act as if they have too much stuff to do (including one guy who is unemployed, lol)
A close of friend of mine who lives in the US (I live in Europe) has called me a couple of times in the middle of the night (when it's evening there) and said she wanted to talk. When I said that it was late, she replied "but I never get to talk to you, who knows when we'll talk next" and stuff like that. Of course, I said no but why did she simply assume that I would stay up to talk to her?
Also, I don't know if this a legit thing but people often don't reply to my texts and send some semi-apologetic crap wayy later. Example "I'm so sorry I didn't see your message but I'm going to have to cancel, let's meet sometime later".
I don't get it. I'm not exactly a very flaky type of person. I often refuse commitments that aren't realistic for me to undertake. I try and treat everyone with respect and I don't think I've ever raised my voice or done something stupid like that with these people. Yet, in my interactions with them, there seems to be something missing. Could someone point out a possible reason? Thanks in advance!
PS: I don't face this issue when it comes to subject/technical knowledge. Rather, people (even people older than and senior to me) often come to ask my about the stuff I know. It's on the personal side of things that people don't seem to take me seriously.
Submitted June 03, 2018 at 11:53PM by hsphoenix_95 via reddit https://ift.tt/2J9OAco
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howcee777 · 3 months
America America America Who Do you love A collection of song about America as it struggle with who she has become a nation of men like all other nation on earth. Looking lost and without directions.
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