#however i just miss sam. they just dont make characters like that anymore
draculagerard · 1 year
how the fuck am i supposed to care about any other show ever . there is literally no sam winchester there......
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Hold On Tight-Tommy Shelby x Sister!Reader
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(GIF credit @hardytcm)
Tags: @captivatedbycillianmurphy @jenepleurepasbaby @amirahiddleston @bloodorangemoonlight
Requested by anonymous: 'Hiya love, could yo do an imagine where the reader is a Shelby sister and is closest to Tommy, like best friends and they go do some business together one day and she dies? But like grace’s death where she’s in his arms and he’s obviously really sad but she’s trying to be positive about it. ❤️'
Characters: Thomas Shelby X Reader (siblings), Arthur Shelby x Reader (siblings), John Shelby x Reader (siblings)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, guns, violence, injuries/wounds, death
(A/N: This is before John's or Grace's deaths)
"Morning boys." I greeted as my three older brothers walked in.
"Alright (Y/N)." Arthur nodded, hugging me briefly before making his way to the kitchen.
John copied his actions, catching up with him as Tommy entered, hugging me that bit longer.
"You sure you want me coming with you today?" I asked him as we pulled apart.
"I'm sure. You're the one that's been researching this guy for us, you're the best person to come along."
"Flattery doesn't get you anywhere Tommy. It's not like I'm going to object. Are you wanting to leave now?"
"Not just yet. We need to go over the plan again."
"Again? Tommy-"
He raised his hand, pointing at me."We always go over the plan-"
"Three times." we said in unison.
"Right." he nodded and went to the kitchen, me shaking my head behind him.
John and Arthur had already made themselves comfortable at the table, helping themselves to the freshly boiled teapot. As I walked past John, I smacked his legs that were resting on top of my table. He flinched, almost falling off his chair as he protested, rubbing where I hit him.
"Do you forget manners everytime you step into a civilised house?" I scolded playfully.
"Civilised house? Since when have you or anyone in the family been civilised?" he chuckled.
"Well, just don't put your grubby shoes on my clean table. My house, my rules."
"Alright mum."
I only rolled my eyes at him. John and I were only a year apart, I remember all the times we bickered as children, though there was definitely a love hate relationship. I always tried to act my age unless he was around, then it all went out the window. The boys were much older than us, and didn't always want to play; seeing as we were the closest in age, we compromised on our games, but I grew up with three brothers, they were bound to be tough. It built character (as they say), though it was only after the war that I became closer to Tommy.
Arthur had always been the best big brother, always looking after and defending me. As did John and Tommy, though Arthur could sometimes have a more authoritive look about him, more intimidating. I had always looked up to him. But Tommy and I never talked much, or played games with each other. He didn't even hug me much either. I saw my three brothers be sent off to war, and like all the men that left, they came back different. And Tommy coped with it in an extremely unhealthy way.
All those nights he had nightmares, he didn't have to be screaming in his sleep or crying, I just felt that something was wrong. A weird sense of dread would fill me before going to sleep, and it would wake me up, forcing me to go check on Tommy. He would rarely talk about it, but I stayed strong beside him, refusing to leave until he fell asleep again. Of course there were the drugs, and although I tried desperately to make him stop, he never did. However, I was there on the other side. It sort of happened naturally, our relationship. Maybe it came with age, maybe he acknowledged my help. Tommy was closest to me in my opinion, and I supported him with a majority of what he did (unless he used the family, that's where I crossed the line).
"I still don't know how I feel about this Tom." Arthur said.
"If you're talking about me, which you do every time we do something like this, then you need to get over it." I gently replied as I sat beside Tommy.
"You're my little sister, (Y/N), you shouldn't be here."
He wasn't being mean. He was just concerned. I smiled at him.
"Arthur, I've been through this a million times, with and without you guys. I'll be fine, we all will."
"Just get that feeling in me stomach-"
"That's enough Arthur." Tommy interrupted, lighting up a cigarrette. We waited for him to take a drag, exhaling the smoke before he spoke."We go through the backstreets, to their storage house for their booze. That's where we said we would meet. He has his men, we have ours. Now this is strictly business, no fucking threats, no fucking fighting, no fucking shooting. Understood?"
"I still think it's too dangerous for (Y/N) to come along." Arthur added.
"She's the one that's been getting the information for us. For some reason her tactics have worked better than ours."
"Oi!" I protested.
"That wasn't meant to offend."
"I've helped plenty of times before. Believe me Arthur, I've been behind the scenes of a lot of your operations."
"You've been around Tom too long, starting to speak like him too." Arthur smirked as he sipped his tea.
I ignored him."How many of your men will be there? Our dealer usually has ten with him at all times. He's agreed to not have anymore."
"Then we'll bring fifteen, ten with us and five to hide."
"You don't trust him."
"Any man who takes ten men as protection at all times is paranoid, meaning he'll also have some hidden away."
"So much for no shoot outs." John mumbled.
"Better safe than sorry." I snapped.
"Alright." Tommy warned."We're there to make a deal, and we'll leave with one."
We climbed into Tommy's car, silent as he drove to the meeting place. As we parked up our men were already waiting, watching as us Shelby's got out and walked ahead of them.
"So you listened to me then?" I quietly said to Tommy.
"Finn's not here, that means you listened to me."
"Yes, I suppose you were right." he smirked.
"Good, he's still too young for all this."
"Now you sound like Polly."
I always felt nervous about these things. It never got any easier for me. Of course I didn't let it show on my face, and it always shocked these men to see a woman turn up. A slight advantage sometimes, they couldn't comprehend that a woman actually had a brain.
"How's Grace?"
"You want to talk about Grace, right now?"
"Yes, why not?"
He scoffed a laugh."Nothing stops you from getting into my private life."
"It's been a while since someone has been interested in you. And you're interested in her."
"I have never said that."
"There's no need to. It's obvious."
"No it's not."
"Yes it is."
"(Y/N), we sound like children."
I laughed it off, sticking my hands in my coat pockets as the warehouse came into sight. There were two men guarding the doors, holding their guns. We didn't falter, approaching them with confidence. I thought they would search us, but instead, one of them disappeared inside, returning a few moments later, and nodding to the other guy.
"You can go in." he said, opening the door wider.
They stayed put as we all entered, following us from behind and closing the door. As expected, our dealsman was stood there with his ten men. I knew our lot were already trying to seek out anyone hidden away, they had been warned.
"Mr Vallier." Tommy started.
"Mr Shelby." He replied."Not like you to have this many men about for a business proposition."
"And you know how many men I have?"
Vallier ignored that question."Ah, I assumed your sister would come along. I've heard some remarkable things about her."
"The sister is present, you may address her." I interrupted.
"My apologies Miss Shelby. I've heard you commit acts that no other lady has ever done before. I must say, I am impressed."
"Thank you. You flatter me Mr Vallier."
He chuckled."So, Mr Shelby, shall we begin?"
It really was a simple trading agreement. Vallier was making some of the best gin in the country, though it hadn't become famous yet. He was a powerful man, built himself up from the ground; he ran his own gang, like us, knew that alcohol was a good selling point. Tommy saw an opportunity. Get him on our side, and we have another piece of territory as well as more money flowing in. It all seemed fairly simple, Vallier was just paranoid as we expected. This was the easiest meeting we had been to, and it made me nervous. However, that feeling started to drain away as we finished. There was more of a sense of feeling left out as I didn't get to say much.
Tommy and Vallier shook hands once we were outside the warehouse, both looking somewhat smug.
"Garrison?" John leaned over to me.
"Garrison." I nodded, smiling as he swung his arm over my shoulder.
Our lot began walking away, another deal was done. It was all calm and relieved until one of Vallier's boys started shouting, blocking our path.
"YOU KILLED MY BROTHER! HE NEVER DID ANYTHING BAD IN HIS LIFE!" He screamed, aiming his gun at Tommy.
"Don't shoot!" Tommy instructed.
John held me behind him."What the fuck is he planning now?"
"Sam, get inside!" Vallier yelled.
"I'm sorry sir, but these devil's had no right killing my brother, he wasn't even involved in any business!" the boy's aim never faltered.
Before anyone could figure out what to do, someone shot their gun, but it wasn't from the boy. We all ducked, running for cover as more bullets were fired. It was an ambush, there were hidden shooters, but they weren't working for Vallier. This boy wanted revenge. I knew this was all too good to be true.
John had pulled me behind a stack of crates, but the bullets were splintering the wood. We took turns peaking out and shooting, but it was impossible to see who we were shooting at.
"GET HER OUT OF HERE!" Tommy instructed John, but we were ultimately stuck.
"If you slip past the warehouse, you can squeeze through a narrow passage, that will get you out." Vallier rushed."Dont worry, these lads will run out of ammunition soon enough!"
John and I glanced at each other, and before I knew it, he was dragging me into the open space, headed where Vallier had mentioned. The warehouse was right night to a brick wall, with a gap just big enough for me to squeeze through. John on the other hand wouldn't even be able to get a foot in.
"You keep going (Y/N), keep hidden until you don't hear no shooting no more, yeah?"
I nodded, groaning as I pulled myself through the gap. I had to walk sideways in order to keep moving, the bricks scraping against my skin. It was starting to get claustrophobic, and I was glad to have reached the end of it. Back in the normal streets, I seemed to be in the alleyway between people's back gardens. Slowly opening a back gate, I looked around it, praying there was someplace to hide. There was a shed, but I had a risk of being seen if the owners came along. But I was a Shelby, they should know who I am and not question it if I they did find me. And I had my gun, I was safe. Luckily the door was unlocked, and I hid inside, ducking so i wasn't seen through the window.
The relentless sound of bullets richoted through the air, echoing to me. I hated not being in the fight, but there was no time to argue in a battlefield. My brother's knew what was best for me most of the time... most of the time.
It sounded like there were less bullets flying about. One last shot rang out, I waited a few minutes for anymore sounds. When nothing came, I made my way back to the alley. I still had my guard up, not that my brother's would be dead, because we were the fucking Peaky Blinders, and this wasn't our final fight.
"In the bleak midwinter..." I muttered under my breath, slowly walking.
I wanted to call out to my brother's, though that was a stupid idea, and I kept silent. The sound of a gun clicking knocked my instincts into gear, and I aimed my gun towards the sound.
"What the fuck do your think you're doing?" I snapped. It was the boy that started this all.
"You fuckers killed my brother!"
"So you think that makes it OK to kill all of us?"
"I'll shoot you!"
Before he could do so, I shot him first, hitting him square in the chest. He froze, hands dropping to his sides, gun falling to the floor before his knees buckledonto the cobbles, and his body collapsed. I wasted no time running past him, checking the coast was clear before I rounded the corner.
Tommy was up ahead, already running towards me. I let out a breath of relief, also running to him. For fucks sake, why couldn't things go smoothly for once? It couldn't just be a done deal. Someone was always out to kill us.
My fingers outstretched towards Tommy's hand, and I almost grabbed them when an excruciating pain rippled through my back, and the another pang, and another. Everything went silent, my eyes widened in shock and the breath was all but gone from my body. The boy had shot me, somehow he wasn't dead and had shot me.
Tommy caught me before I hit the ground, and I wanted to desperately hold onto him, but I couldn't control my limbs.
"Somebody get the fucking car!" he yelled, the sound suddenly flooding back.
"T-Tommy," I shakily said, looking up at him,"h-h-hold me, please, I w-want t-to feel you."
His arms gradually gripped onto me tighter, and I showed no pain, even though it made me feel worse. It was rare to see Tommy Shelby cry, and it felt like an honour to watch them roll down and out of his crystal blue eyes.
I swallowed the taste of blood rising in my throat."Tommy, l-listen. I-I w-want you to marry that....that G-Grace."
"What? (Y/N) don't worry-"
"She challenges you, I-I l-like her. A-and h-have a nice wed... wedding."
"I will."
"C-an I have a portrait? You always s-said I-I could."
He nodded."You'll sit for that portrait yourself. You're not going anywhere."
"(Y/N), Tommy!" I could faintly hear John and Arthur.
I smiled. My older brothers were here, they were going to look after me like they always did.
"John, Arthur."
"We're here (Y/N), alright?" John cried, grabbing one of my hands.
"Fucking hell." Arthur seethed.
"I-I love you all. T-tell Finn and P-Polly...that...I love them too."
"You can't go (Y/N), you just can't." Tommy whispered.
"You'll live on Tommy. Be happy, please, f-for me."
I lavished the feeling of comfort as I felt my skin turn colder, it was harder to breathe, harder to stay awake. The pain I was in didn't matter, I had my three heroes around me, my three brothers. They say us Shelby's couldn't be killed, and I had always lived by that. However, someone had plans for me to die today, and if it meant something bigger and better for my family then so be it. I held onto my smile as much as possible, not wanting my boys to see how I was hurting. As life slowed down around me, I looked up one last time into Tommy's eyes, his beautiful blue eyes that I was envious of; they were a comfort, a piece of my brother I would keep with me forever, even if they were full of tears.
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anxiouss-princess · 4 years
1: What is your Supernatural OTP?
Wincest 🤡 and I am not sorry
2: What's your opinion on John Winchester?
I thought he was alright. I liked that episode where he came back, that was emotional af.
3: Which season finale was your favorite/least favorite?
Season 8 was prob my fave because I loved that sam and dean moment 😭
4: Which is your favorite episode?
THIS IS SO HARD DONT ASK THIS OF ME. Maybe the eps with Ghost Facers? I love and miss those goofy assholes omg
5: Which episode makes you cry the most?
Hopefully the last episode does LOL... I haven’t reallt cried over an episode
6: Which episode is the funniest to you?
French Mistake probably, hehehe
7: What's your opinion on Megstiel?
Hate it
8: When did you start watching Supernatural?
When I was in 8th grade about 8 or 9 years ago or so
9: Which episode title do you think is the funniest?
Oh crap I don’t remember all the titles aksksksk
10: What's your opinion on Garth?
11: If you could bring back any character, would you? If so, whom?
12: Who is your favorite angel?
13: Who's your favorite archangel?
14: What's your opinion on Wincest?
It’s my OTP so obviously all good things 😘
15: What's your opinion on Lisa? (and Ben, if you want)
I did not care for Lisa, honestly. Keep forgetting about her tbh.
16: When did you start blogging about Supernatural?
Pretty recently lol
17: Do you think that Chuck is God?
18: Do you have a favorite Dick (Roman) joke? If so, what is it?
Crap I don’t remember them lol
19: Which is your favorite episode?
Ghost Facers (I’ll prob change my mind later)
20: Who do you ship Sam with?
21: What's your opinion on Destiel?
I love it, that’s my second favorite ship babeyy
22: Did you like the first or second Ruby better?
Not gonna lie ... I preferred the first one 😬 oops
23: Who's your favorite demon?
24: Do you read smutty fanfiction?
Of course
25: Do you think Destiel will become canon in season 9? (Regardless of whether you want it to or not)
I come from the future : outlook isn’t good for season 9... but season 15, however 😈
26: Have you ever had a dream about Supernatural/the characters/the actors? If so, can you describe what you remember?
I don’t think I have...
27: Which episode is the scariest to you? (Horror-movie type scary)
The weird cannibal one... that shit was WHACK
28: What's your opinion on Sabriel?
I don’t really have too much of an opinion on it
29: Do you think End!verse will happen? If so, are you looking forward to it?
30: Do you have any friends off of the Internet that watch Supernatural?
Yup I recently forced my friend to watch it CTFU you’re welcome @d0nt-blinkkk
31: Do any of your family members watch Supernatural?
My cousin did for a while
32: What's an unpopular opinion or headcanon you have?
Well I mean I like wincest, so... 😭😂
33: Do you like AU fanfics?
Not really. I tend to avoid them tbh.
34: Have you ever written/started writing a fanfic?
Not on supernatural (yet)
35: What's your opinion on Samifer?
Don’t like it 🤮
36: If you have an OTP, at what point did you start shipping it?
Yeeaaarsss ago. Like I’d freak out whenever Dean would call Sam “Sammy” cuz I’m a dumbass so pretty much from the beginning.
37: Do you think Sam should have completed the demon trials?
Nooooo da fuq
38: Which director/writer is or was your favorite/least favorite?
I don’t pay attention to that LOL OOPS
39: Which actor would you most like to meet in real life?
40: If you could be any character on the show, would you want to? If so, whom? If not, why?
Dean and Sam’s long lost sister 💀 I WANT IT
41: Do you prefer cake or pie?
100% cake. PERIOD.
42: What is your opinion on Sastiel?
I don’t really have much of an opinion on this either
43: Have you ever made a Supernatural reference out loud and received strange looks from some of the people surrounding you?
LOL I ACTUALLY THINK I HAVE .... but I can’t remember omg but knowing me I definitely have
44: Have you ever cried over a non-OTP ship from the show?
45: What is your favorite moment from any of the gag reels?
Basically all of them, they crack me up
46: Superwholock?
I don’t watch Sherlock
47: What is/was your favorite Sam hair length?
I can say the worst was definitely season 8. Like what the fuck was that, man.
48: What's an unpopular ship you have? Do I really have to say it at this point?
49: What's your opinion on Wincestiel?
Love it for the most part, just never really shipped Cas and Sam too much.
50: Can you dig Elvis?
I understood that reference 😂
51: Do you listen to Carry On Wayward Son even when you're not just watching a finale?
Actually no 🤣
52: What's your opinion on Zachariah?
Hated his dumbass
53: Do you think Adam will ever get out of the cage? (not as Michael)
👀 Well...
54: Do you think Sam should have completed the trials?
Noooo obviously not
55: How long would you survive as a hunter?
One day, tops. I think that’s being generous LOL
56: What's your opinion on Calthazar?
Idk what that even is
57: Do you have a Netflix account? If so, what's your username and password? Wait a second, just the first part.
No, I use my friends LOL!
58: Have you ever participated in GISHWHES?
Idk what that is either 😭
59: What movies/shows have you watched because of (or by coincidence) Jared, Jensen, or Misha?
My Bloody Valentine, 10 Inch Hero, Friday the 13th, House of Wax
60: If you could change just one thing about the series, what would it be?
I would just have the characters not say some certain things that they said ... like when Dean said it should have been Sam that died instead of Charlie... WTF was THAT
61: If you were at a Con, what would be a question you would ask?(can be any of the actors)
oh god I have no idea
62: Why did you start watching Supernatural?
My friend showed me a clip from it or something and it all went downhill since
63: What's your opinion on Sam/Crowley?
Damn I never even thought of this tbh
64: What's your biggest fear for season 11/the rest of s10?
(Season 15 now oop) but honestly my biggest fear is CAS NOT COMING BACK
65: What's your favorite (or at least a memorable) pop culture reference that has been made on the show?
66: Just a random confession you have regarding the show/Asker makes up their own question.
I feel like my biggest confession is that I dead ass just confessd to shipping wincest sooo 💀
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missjackil · 5 years
Enter at Your Own Risk
I’m having some very heavy negative feelings about the SPN “Fandom” right now, if you’re interested, read on, if not. scroll on by.
So this has been a very long hiatus... longer than the Christmas break and in 2 weeks it will be over. I’m excited because I miss Sam and Dean so much, but I'm also depressed because it’s down to the last half of the last season and we won't ever, I repeat EVER have any new content. Why? Well... I know you all have your ideas, but I will go to my grave believing the “fandom” chased them away.
These guys have worked with and had fun with people for 15 years, consider them family, and the “fandom” does nothing but complain about them. Relentlessly, Sometimes J2 express their thoughts about some storylines they didn't like, or moments they thought were OOC but no one who has ever worked anywhere for any length of time has had 0 complaints. However, no one ever stays in one place for 15 years when they have had other opportunities when they don’t love it. 
SPN’s ratings never tanked. Not once, not ever... there was a drop in ratings after s1 which happens with every show, especially before Netflix, so a drop from S1 to 2 doesn't count. They have maintained a place in the top 3 shows on CW/WB through all the seasons, and even now when ratings are low, they still are in the top 3 of the network. Ratings only show LIVE viewing which not many people do anymore. Every network has lost live viewers across the board because of streaming and DVR, so everyone pretending it had anything to do with ratings or losing viewers, just sounds uneducated. 
Going into S14, J2 announced they were having shorter seasons. Why? So they could spend more time with their family, keep the show going indefinitely, and not burn out. They said numerous times, that they planned to keep going as far as the show will take them. Had they already planned to only go 15 seasons, that's when they would have made the announcement. So the show and the network could make as much money off them as they could before it ends.
However, in S14 something changed. For starters, Jensen worked hard on the character Michael!Dean spent many hours with a linguist JUST so he could speak the Arabic words correctly in 14x1 and then he’s thrown hate on SM when he had solo interviews at SDCC of the “fandom” assuming he and TPTB were dissing Jared so they could promote Michael!Dean and then when Jared explained at the NY Premier what had happened, no one recanted their hate. And then the season starts and SM exploded with how much everyone hated Michael!Dean!!! And what do we notice next? After the half, there was an awkward change.   
I believe it was during the break that J2, decided to call it quits. We had the story of getting Kaia home kinda vanish, the stalker girl from Optimism fell by the wayside, Charlie disappeared and woops, so did most of the AU hunters. Can’t follow through on new stories when suddenly, there's less overall story to tell.
Then we have the mysterious, heart-wrenching story about how Jared had some kind of breakdown while trying to perform the “I believe in us” scene in Prophet and Loss.  In his own words, he said he physically couldn't say the words and perform the actions of shoving Dean in the chest. It was so bad that Jensen was worried Jared had a stroke! Jared then said that he made it through, and went home cried himself to sleep feeling like he's disappointing everyone. 
Why on earth would that happen? Because he didn’t want to end it. He probably felt like he was projecting his disapproval of this decision onto Jensen. “This is WRONG this is QUITTING!! I believe in US... why don’t you believe in us too?”
Just watch that scene and see if you can’t see why it would have been so hard for Jared to get through it if he didn't want to stop the show! Almost as though he was telling Jensen (between the lines) “So what if the fans didnt like this, there will be a better story, but if we quit now their wont be another story!”
If that’s not convincing enough, we have Jensen in his own words and Jared confirming, that this season, when Jensen showed up day 1 to start directing, he felt so good being there that he texted Jared “2 more seasons?” and Jared replied, “Let’s talk”. 
Maybe they were waiting to see how you “fans” would take the new season? Maybe if you haters weren't such assholes even as the show is going out, maybe they would have worked something out to stay on longer? But no, all SM is bitching over the most ridiculous things! Like OMG SIDE CHARACTERS!!! or the guys looking a little goofy in a purposely silly episode. Like seriously, wtf guys?
And here’s the kicker.... you are all gushing over the nice J2 pics, the funny interviews, and TV magazine pics, that we’re never gonna have again after a couple months. We will get some con footage, but gone are the days of J2 interviews, funny and sometimes impressive Shaving People Punting Things videos, gag reels, etc. We will be lucky if we even get “caught in the wild” J2 pics. And most heartbreakingly, we won't ever see them working together outside of con panels. 
And cons will now be “Jared are you gonna have Jensen on Walker?” “Jensen are you putting out a new album or got your eyes on a new role?”
But hey, I guess that's worth it just so we don't have to see Claire, or Cass again huh? As long as annoying little Hellers don't have any material... it's so worth throwing the baby out with the bathwater. 
I know its not the whole fandom who want the show to end, but unfortunately, the loudest mouths (fingers) were heard.  And seriously, most of you dont really give a rats ass about the boys, the show or the real fans. You have a dozen other fandoms you're in and you're just bored with this one. So instead of just moving on, make sure you trash something that is making a lot of other people happy.  Karma is a bitch though.... just saying
Rant over.... for now
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All Hell Breaks Loose Part One- Part 3
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,932
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, language, angst, minor character death, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. If you’re a junkie for this sort of thing, then a tag list is the right thing for you! If you want to be a Queen, I’ll add you to that list too! Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
AHHHH This season is almost done!!!!! Just ONE more episode left! If you’ve been catching along with this series, this and the next episodes is what I wan to hear your thoughts on!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
Tags at the bottom
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You jolted up with a gasped, seeing how it was morning already. You were glad no one killed or tried to kill you in your sleep. You woke up to Jake screaming at you and Sam to wake up. You looked over at Sam to see him jolt awake from the nightmare he probably had.
“Sam! Y/N! Wake up! Ava is missing!” Jake said, his eyes wide. That got you and Sam right up and the three of you rushed outside to go find her.
“Y/N will come with me and Jake, just try and find her.” Sam ordered, splitting from Jake before he had a chance to say anything else. You followed Sam, looking in the other houses and buildings that littered the town.
“She isn’t here.” You said, giving up. There were so many buildings here, you doubted she went this far out.
“Okay, let’s go back.” Sam said, walking back to the barn where he agreed to meet Jake at. As you got closer, you head an ear-splitting scream that came from Ava. It seemed as if she was back at the barn already.
You and Sam rushed to the barn, busting in. You gasped in horror and grabbed at Sam’s arm from what you saw. Ava, crying her eyes out at the fact that Andy was now lying in a pool of his own blood, dead.
“Oh! Sam! I just found him like this!” Ava screamed dramatically, making you narrow your eyes at her.
“What the hell happened?” He demanded.
“I don’t know!” Her voice squeaked up a bit.
“Cut the bullshit act, Ava.” You said with a glare. She glared at you, taking a step towards you.
“Excuse me? Our friend is dead!”
“Friend? Sam, come on. She is being such a drama queen right now. I am an expert on fake crying and that, right there, was an example of this. She did this to Andy! She killed him!” You said, accusing her.
“How dare you think I did this!” Ava yelled at you.
“Come on, Y/N, I don’t think we should blame her.” Sam started to say.
“Sam, you know how good I am when it comes to lying. I know she is lying,” You said, looking at the window sill behind Sam and nodding. You pointed to it and made Sam look. “How else do you explain the break in the salt? Andy wouldn’t do it, not when he was always scared of what was happening.”
“You believe her, Sam?” Ava asked, scoffing.
“You know, she’s right. You’ve been here for five months. You’re the only one with all that time you can’t account for. Plus, that headache you got? Right when the demon got Lily.” Sam said, putting you behind him. Ava went from this scared, overdramatic girl to one who was laughing, wiping the tears from her face.
“I had you two going, though, didn’t I? Yeah, I’ve been here a long time. However, I was never alone. People just kept showing up. Children, like us who came in batches of three or four at a time.” She said with a smile.
“You killed them? All of them?” Sam asked, horrified.
“I’m the undefeated heavyweight champ.” Ava said, proudly.
“Oh, my God.” You muttered. If only looks could kill…
“I don’t think God had much to do with this, Y/N.”
“How could you?” Sam asked, shocked still.
“I had no choice. It's me or them. After a while, it was easy. It was even kind of fun. I just stopped fighting who we are, Sam. If you'd just quit your hand-wringing and open yourself up, you have no idea what you can do. The learning curve is so fast, it’s crazy, the switches that just flip in your brain. I can’t believe I started out just having dreams. Do you know what I can do now?”
“Control demons.” You said.
“Ah, you’re quick which is good. You aren’t going to make it out of here alive, Y/N. It’s either going to be me, Jake or Sam who will kill you and I can guarantee that.” She raised her hand and you looked behind you to see the cloud of black smoke come through the window again.
Before anything could happen, Jake came up behind Ava and grabbed her head, snapping her neck easily, killing her. The demonic smoke left back out the window, glad not to be controlled anymore. You gasped and watched as he dropped her body like it was nothing.
He looked up and stared at you, the evil glint you saw when you first met him was now back in his eyes.
“Sam, come on.” You said, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the barn. Jake chuckled and he followed you two, murder in his eyes.
“Jake, whatever you’re thinking, don’t. The demon is gone now. I think we can leave.” Sam said, seeing the look in his eyes. He had eyes for you but he wanted to murder you since it was what he was told to do.
“No, only one of us is making it out of here alive and it’s going to be me. But first, she needs to die. I had a vision of the Yellow-eyed Demon. He told me what needs to be done and I have to follow his orders or I will be the one to die and that isn’t happening.”
“No, Jake, you can’t listen to him. He lies, Y/N isn’t going to die. Neither of us will. We are going to get out here. We can kill that bastard together.” Sam tried to reason with him.
“How do I know you won’t turn on me?” He asked, unsure. You thought it would be best if you kept quiet, afraid of triggering something in him. He was already much stronger than you so it wouldn’t be a fair fight.
“We won’t, Jake.” You said very gently.
“I don’t know that.”
“Okay, look,” Sam said, taking the knife you found earlier and showed Jake, placing it on the ground to show some peace between the three of you. “Just come with us, Jake. Don’t play into his games. You’ll end up dead.”
After a moment or two, Jake nodded and placed his weapon on the ground next to Sam’s. You had a feeling this wasn’t over yet and that feeling proved to be true when Jake punched Sam. Jake, already being super duper strong, sent Sam flying through the air, crashing on the ground.
“Sam!” You yelled, glaring at Jake who was walking to you.
“You’re turn sweetheart. I’ll make it quick because you seem like a nice girl but this has to be done.” He said, getting closer to you. Panic surged through your veins and you didn’t know what to do. The weapons were behind Jake and Sam wasn’t much help right now. He will kill you if he got his hands on you.
You felt yourself panicking even more when he got closer and you shot your hands out to protect yourself. A burst of magic left your hands, hitting Jake right in the stomach, sending him toppling over. You gasped, thinking how you thought only anger or Dean being hurt would make this magic come out. But you guess panic will do the same thing.
Good to know.
You rushed to Sam, sliding on the ground when you got close enough to him. He groaned and looked at you, sitting up.
“Sam, we have to go.” You looked up to see and even more pissed off Jake come storming to you. He realized that he needed to get rid of Sam before he can get to you. You barely got Sam up on his feet when you felt the wind being knocked out of you.
Jake had used half of his strength to push you away from Sam, throwing in a few punches. Sam had enough of this and he punched back, fighting with Jake. You tried to catch your breath and you looked up to see Jake and Sam fighting, Jake winning.
You groaned and forced yourself to get on your feet, looking around until you spotted the weapons on the ground. You looked back at Jake and Sam, knowing Sam could hold his own for a while. You slowly moved to the weapons, keeping an eye on Jake who seemed to be too busy with Sam to even notice you.
You grabbed the iron rod that Jake carried instead of the knife. You didn’t want to kill him, no, just knock him out until you figured out what to do with him. You finally got enough air in your lungs to start running and when Sam looked like he had enough, you raised the rod, striking Jake on the head very hard.
You made sure not to kill him but he did go down, unconscious. You dropped the rod and then that’s when you heard it.
“Y/N! Sam!” You looked up and smiled when you saw Dean and your dad, with flashlights.
“Dean!” You were so glad he was okay. You grabbed Sam’s arm and put it over your shoulder to help him walk since he was weak from the beating he took.
“Dean! Bobby!” Sam said with a weak smile, slowly but surely walking closer to them.
“Sam! Y/N! Look out!” You only had enough time to turn your head to see Jake coming at you with the knife. Your eyes widened and you shoved Sam out of the way so he wouldn’t get hurt. You were going to use your magic but it was too late.
You froze when the blade of the knife sliced through your body, coming out the other end. You gasped and looked down, seeing the bloody tip of the blade that was right through your chest. Jake twisted the knife and you gurgled up blood as he pulled you closer.
“I told you, you weren’t leaving here alive.” He said before taking the blade out and running away.
“No!!!” Dean yelled, making a run for you as you fell to the ground and on your knees. You knew what was going to happen next but you weren’t sure if Dean or even Sam was ready for that. Dean slid to the ground in front of you, seeing how pale you looked.
He grabbed at your shirt, trying to get you to look at him but you could feel your life slipping away. Sam rushed and got up, not caring about himself as he checked your wound.
“Dean, it’s bad.” Sam said. Dean pressed his hand over your wound but the blood kept pouring out. You leaned forward in Dean’s arms, too weak to hold yourself up.
“Hey, Y/N, look at me, okay? It’s not that bad. Don’t listen to Sam. Y/N! Y/N, please look at me,” Dean said with tears in his eyes., You so badly wanted to look at him but you didn’t; couldn’t. “Don’t worry, we’re going to patch you right up. You’re going to be as good as new.” Dean touched your face but you were just on the brink of death. You watched as Bobby ran after Jake, leaving you alone with Sam and Dean.
“Dad…” You said as you took your last breath. Your body slumped forward in Dean’s arms as your eyes slid close, lying in Dean’s arms.
“No! No, no, no, no, no, Oh, God, Sammy! Sam! Do something! No!!!” Dean yelled, letting the tears fall freely. There was nothing Sam or even Dean could do now.
You were dead.
The Queens:
@maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith​ @mogaruke​ @whit85-blog​ @inlovewithbja​ @spn67-sister​ @kdfrqqg​ @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes​ @roxyspearing​ @supercalifragilistic26 @mishamigose​ @cobrakai1967​ @essie1876​ @wishedworld​ @crispychrissy​ @laqueus-ludovicus​ @nostalgic-uncertainty​ @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel​ @potterhead1265​ @starswirlblitz​  @untitled39887​ @ta-n-ja​ @deans-fallen-angel-boy @scarletluvscas @notnaturalanahi​ @tahbehonest​ @stay-in--place​ @dreaminofdean @posiemax​ @donnaintx​ @mikey1822​ @alexandriajanae4​  @li-ssu​ @just-another-winchester​ @obsessivecompulsivespn​ @emoryhemsworth​ @newtospnfandom​ @mizzezm​  @goldenolaf25​ @jessikared97​ @wh1sp3r1ng-impala​ @charliebradbury1104​    @queen-of-moons-peace-out-bitches @becs-bunker​ @atc74​ @lemonchapstick​
The Dean Beans:
@akshi8278​ @mega-mrs-dean-winchester​ @winchesterandpie​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @carribear31​ @tacklesackles​ @oreosatmidnight​ @not-naturalfangirl​ @missselinakitty​ @iam-a-cutiepie​  @kristendansmith​ @milo-winchester-4ever​ @jensenackesl​ @codyshany316​ @pheonyxstorm​ @helllonearth​ @juniorhuntersam​ @pouterpufftrain​ @ruprecht0420​ @shut-ur-face-and-get-in-the-car @carriemichelle2012​ @aubreystilinski​
Series Rewrite Junkies:
@helllonearth​ @amyisabellal​ @deanwnchstr​ @caseykitten6​ @quixoticcat​ @supernaturalblogging​ @notmoose45​ @crowleysminion​ @mina22​ @tahbehonest​ @hadleymcallister2177 @destielsangels​ @spnhybrid @oreosatmidnight​ @valerieshubin​ @seninjakitey​ @flyonlittlewinchester​ @aubreystilinski​ @rocketqueeens​  @emilygracespellins​ @earthtokace​
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“Do You Believe in Miracles?“
Short answer: No. Not in relation to “the Future”. Not when it comes to Supernatural. Not when it comes down to exactly this phrase, these words, this question and the “miracles” it entailed. But believing and belief played a huge part in this episode and after having re-watched it when not being just about to fall asleep I have to say I really have a couple of issues with the story and narrative of this episode. I may get wanky in the following, you have been warned!
I hadn’t exactly been excited about this episode yesterday during first watch, but rather indifferent. Today however, I see the flaws of the episode - and there were a few - in much more colour. It’s no secret that I have my fair share of issues with this season and that I am sad and disappointed about how little Dabb has used the potential of the general set up, but I don’t mean to go into that again. I do however feel the need to type out my frustration with the most recent episode anyway. So fair warning ahead, just skip the rest of this post and don’t continue reading past this, because it will be very critical and quite possibly may contain some slightly angry wordings on my part. You have been warned.
So with that out of the way, here goes nothing.
“Cas Ain’t Cas”
I think the main thing that really truly annoyed me even more on second watch than on first watch is how we are just watching a repeat of a repeat of a repeat when it comes to Castiel’s story and it is enraging, because essentially we are back in S6/7 with Cas making decisions on the Winchesters behalfs in order to keep them save and “going dark” in the process as Dean so expositionedly said in their conversation right before Cas betrays him again to steal the Colt. We have had this over and over and over again and it just keeps Cas from ever growing or even reaching some semblance of closure or healing, because he tries finding purgatory to keep the Winchesters save and unleashes leviathan into the world, he tries to save the world from Amara by saying yes to Lucifer and now once more Cas - just like Kelly - is losing his free will yet again (and yes, that is of course the reason why the writers absolutely needed to name drop the “Team Free Will”-phrase as the last 15 minutes of the episode see Cas reverting back, back to a time where he used to believe in destiny and a plan, all of which he abandoned and had grown out of, something he had overcome, which is why Cas’ almost drugged out smile and his lines about him now no longer feeling lost and having a mission and faith again is so upsetting) and is brainwashed by an unborn nephilim child. Essentially Cas once more isn’t really Cas and ends up hurting those who really care about him most: the Winchesters. To put it plainly: I am tired of this charade, of the same story over and over again. Especially as the rest of the season had made such a point about Cas finally seeming to truly move to a place where he’d chose to become human even maybe, which still to me will be the only arc to make sense for Cas.
“A Sad & Angry Dean!Girl”
But it wasn’t just Castiel’s story that was frustrating, something I am really majorly annoyed by at this point - and yes, I can admit that I am probably biased because I am a Dean!Girl - is how the entire season sees Dean making amends, being compassionate and understanding, showing all the time how empathic he is, how well he can read people and also proves that he doesn’t hold on to grudges all that long anymore even when he would have every freaking right to do so. Dean has been shown to be the one character to be screwed over by any other character the most this season. It’s people leaving him all over again. His mom (as the Woman in White)? Can’t wait to get away from her sons. His best friend? Leaving again and making the same mistake all of them have made before by doing something behind the others’ back to protect them and by not being honest and open with one another making it so much worse. Dean has  shown concern and worry and has talked openly about his issues, but he isn’t met with the same treatment by others, instead he gets walked all over. By virtually anyone he meets. In seasons prior I would have felt content knowing this pattern would be broken and pay off at the end of the season, but we no longer live in Carver Era (dear lord, do I miss him), but Dabb is doing his thing and I don’t think that there will be a pay off in this regard, that there will be a focus on how Dean’s feelings, doubts and words have been rendered “not important” throughout the narrative by various instances, but how exactly that in the end will be the crux of the entire thing. I dont think that will happen, I don’t think there’ll be resolution. And it pains me for Dean, who tries so hard, but ends up hurt all the time by his loved ones - and the fact that they do things out of love for him doesn’t change anything about the fact that some actions still are far from okay.
“The Boyking Reloaded”
And last but not least let’s talk about the elephant, well the nephilim, in the room. I disliked this storyline and everything to do with Lucifer all along, but I just really dread how this storyline will continue to unfold in S13. Sure, I would love it immensly if Lucifer’s kid ended up as I said during live watch yesterday as rebelious as his father and would in contrast to him actually truly be on humanity’s side - it would be the biggest fuck you and lesson learnt for Lucifer and would bring him full circle and to walk in his father’s shoes, but let’s be honest. What are the chances the kid’s future will truly be this “dreamy wonderland” Cas and Kelly seem to see? With hellish squeaky sounds strewn in? And most of all what kind of story would they build from a world where everything’s alright? That doesn’t make for very interesting storytelling, simply because it lacks urgency and imminent danger. So while I’d much rather prefer the child to be at the very least portrayed as innocent, which was one of the key themes of the season, that exactly no child is born evil, but that the way we are raised shape and form us, I don’t think that option is truly anything to count on.
To me the thing they want to do with the nephilim is basically re-telling the Winchester story (and with that loosely playing with allusions that one may read as Sam and Dean not truly being brothers or that Sam may be a nephilim too). We have a mother (said to die soon after the child is born - sounds familiar?), basically called Mary by Daegon and very decidely and not very subtly working in the parallel here between Mary and Sam and how Kripke thought of Sam as a christ figure, etc.
Other Eyeroll-Worthy Moments of the Episode imo
Daegon: Seriously, such wasted potential for what the show could have turned into an interesting character. But I find it deeply infuriating how they basically limited her down to a power hungry fan girl of Lucifer, who just wanted to be with him and rule alongside him. Like... where is the feminism and emancipation in that? She was just following orders and yeah, the fact that Lucifer could torture her with his mind of course should let all alrm bells ringing for what Lucifer’s child is doing to Cas and Kelly no matter if it is honest and well intention or not - it remains mind control.
The fucking Colt: I mean, SERIOUSLY?! Wouldn’t Azael have thought of snatching the Colt from Dean’s hands and melting it into nothing in S2 too? He only needed it for the Hell gates to be opened, after that he could have just... destroyed it too. Like... if they really brought back the Colt to get ridd of it again in this fashion. Just... I have no words for such stupid decisions, not going to lie.
Joshua: He actually reminded me of Michael for some reason, but oh well... whatever. He’s gone now, so... why even make a big deal of the character? That said, maybe the show could bring Michael into the mix finally to get rid off Luci and his offspring. It would be interesting in so far as they also emphasized the “righteous man” bit. Maybe Dean will play an integral role in regards to the kid after all? Who am I kidding lol, the writers wouldn’t ever go there, because they don’t give a flying fuck about Dean focus.
The Impala and the Truck: I know people will say that I am overreading this, but the Impala as a symbol for Dean’s soul is “kidnapped” - lol literally as Kelly’s decision is driven by her child. Dean isn’t in control of the Impala, he has to stand and see his car drive off - kind of like he’s been treated and invalidated by multiple sources the season. So yeah, one may read this as a further possible connection between the kid and Dean, but that’s reaching. In any case, Dean fixing Cas’ truck is also rather symbolic of Dean’s role throughout the series and how he always tried to shoulder others burdens and help fix what’s wrong (even though of course he has helped messing up enough stuff himself of course).
So yeah, my biggest sadness over this season is how hollow it feels, how little emotion it conveys, it feels like the core of the show went missing somehow and I am left here standing at the side of the road desperately trying and hoping that maybe the Impala will pick me up and take me back to the time where I didn’t feel like this, but actually was captured and captivated by the stories of the characters of this small show called Supernatural that I love - which is why this season is so painful, because god, it can do so much better than this. So yeah, basically I am waiting for a miracle, but if SPN taught me one thing, there’s no such thing as miracles...
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