#however its possible this fella is a morph!
critter-catcher · 1 year
Very excited to see this red fox stopping by for a quick drink!
Fun fact: Did you know there's 45 different subspecies of red foxes? There's even multiple color morphs for them!
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airiat · 5 years
Find the Word Tag Game
rules: find the four words in your writing, and then pick four more that other people need to find in theirs.
tagged by: @curiousartemis & @that-nordic-bish
tagging: @doomedteaparty @hircines-meatloaf @ash-yam-stew @aetheriumity @diamond-loki (and anyone else who wants to!)
my words (combining the ones from each person i was tagged by): smirked, laughed, smiled, confused, fury, shock, soft, kiss
words for you: beautiful, hurt(s), touch(ed), quiet
*might be sneaky and include these words even if they’re modified (ie: softly, laugh) because i write in present tense*
pulling from my WIP fic Lead Me Not into Temptation and my WIP short story Windrime (not yet posted). 
content warning: mild NSFW and then straight up smut at the end
this is a looooong one, fellas. strap in 👇
At this, he smirks in the way I have begun to associate with his inflated sense of self. “I would’ve, had you just asked.”
“Not afraid, are we?” he asks, and though his face is obscured by his helmet, I can still sense the smirk he wears behind it. “The temple’s at the top of this next hill.”
She nods and leaves for the main hall of her home. When she’s gone, Teldryn walks over to the fireplace in the corner of the room and tosses another log into it. Almost as if the fire reminds me of the surely frigid temperature outside, I pick up a fur from the bed and wrap it around my shoulders. My eyes drift to watch him as he prods the fire. The spell of Calm he used on me was incredibly effective--I cannot recall a time when I was as at ease as I am now. Eventually, he notices my gaze, and that smirk of his appears.
His smirk takes on a devious edge. “That was a very strong spell I used on you. It often has the unfortunate--or fortunate--side effect of behaving like a truth serum.”
Windrime: n/a
“This makes mead seem like cow’s milk,” I say after a moment. He laughs and moves to refill my mug, but I hold a hand out to stop him. “Unfortunately, I find myself on your island for business, not pleasure.”
I let out a loud laugh, and I see the Dunmer at the fireplace startle at the sound of it. The grin on the face of this mercenary touches every feature now. He knows the game I’m playing at.
Teldryn laughs. “Nords really do have such absurd tales. That can’t be poss-,” he starts to say, but I interrupt him.
“Duck!” I shout, fabricating a ward spell in front of us. Barely a moment later, a swarm of darts dripping with poison comes pelting into the ward. My magicka is resilient enough to hold them off, and they rain to the ground after making contact. The assault lasts all of seconds, but adrenaline now rushes through my veins. When I am certain it is over, I release my spell and stand. From behind me, Teldryn begins laughing, though I fail to find anything humorous about the situation. I then hear Frea scold him with motherly disapproval and he immediately ceases.
"Who are you to dare set foot here?” Miraak questions, sizing me up as I remain on my knees at his feet. “Ahh... You are Dovahkiin. I can feel it. And yet, you have never slain a dragon.” He laughs with cruel humor. “You have no idea of the true power a Dragonborn can wield! Mul Qah Div!” He Shouts, and from his body materializes the form of a dragon’s natural armor, but translucent and glowing orange like embers.
I cannot help but to laugh at the way their dynamic has taken shape; Teldryn, the tactless, excitable child, and Frea, the weary mother who constantly has to correct his poor social graces.
“See?” Teldryn says, motioning to my laughter. “I’m a halfway decent mage--she’s fine.”
I risk a light laugh as the dagger leaves my neck. “Here in the flesh.”
“...you mean a dragon? Are you serious?” he pauses to let out a laugh, and my eyes snap open in anger, bracing for another fight with him. “Do you not even realize the power you have within you?”
I snort with laughter. “Now that’s something I’d pay a few septims to see.”
I must laugh at the nature of his inquiry. How unlike him it is to speak with even a semblance of romance. Perhaps he feels the gravity of tomorrow, too. “Surely I cannot contend with something that is divine in its creation,” I respond.
I know not my reason for asking this question, only that it was pieced together from the fabric of my mental exhaustion. Teldryn laughs. “Alright,” he says. “I think it’s more than time for you to rest.”
I bristled at his words. “Protect me?” I laughed, but there was no humor in it. “Have you forgotten who I am? I can force my enemy to their knees faster than you could draw your sword. If loving me is a burden, then I release you from it. I have no further need of you, Teldryn.”
“By the Eight,” I say, laughing against his lips. “Your breath is rank.”
“Not today, my friend,” I say, laughing as I lure him away from the area with an irresistible shake of a tankard before dumping it in a clearing in the grass for him. Then, I return to Kalina who grazes serenely near our tent without even a hint of attention paid to the unguarded feed bag.
“I wouldn’t dare think anything else,” he says with the hint of a smile. "Teldryn Sero: the best swordsman in all Morrowind is at your service . . . for the right price.”
“Five thousand septims,” he answers, the smile spreading to both sides of his mouth.
“Sure thing, friend,” he says with a smile casually thrown back at me as he begins to walk forward, resuming his earlier path.
I pause for a moment, not having anticipated the enthusiasm he reacted with. Instead, when I look into his face, I can see that his excitement is earnest; in fact, he radiates it. His smile is wide and toothy, and he practically bounces on the balls of his feet—the picture of a child waiting with anticipation to open gifts on Saturalia. It’s almost as if he has suddenly been given renewed purpose in his life.
Teldryn nods and Frea smiles, both in encouragement. I take a deep breath and push the door open. It groans on its ancient hinges and a cloud of dust rushes forth at me, but I step inside.
Teldryn then comes to stand next to me, and Frea in back of us. Teldryn and I lock eyes. He smiles, waving his hand with a flourish as if to say “they’re all yours.” 
He reaches over and brushes his fingertips between my legs to silence me. When I startle at his touch, the humor in his smile morphs into something more wicked. “You’ll just have to wait,” he purrs.
“I look just like a Nord now,” Teldryn proclaims, his smile wide.
“I beg to differ,” I say, putting aside my notebook. “Though if you covered your face...”
“Always so serious you are,” he says, smile turning coy. “Besides, wouldn’t that be doing you a disservice?”
I want to finally speak my gratitude to her, but the front door opens and Teldryn comes bursting through with an exasperated groan as chunks of snow come tumbling off his coat and boots. I glare mercilessly at him as he pushes back his hood and runs his hands through the mohawk that has gone flat on his head. He catches my eye through my stare and smiles at me as if he were oblivious to the venom in my expression. When he shakes his head wearing the same bemused look that he’s given me so many times before, however, I know that he’s just choosing to ignore it. After he too has removed his coat, he comes over to the fire, taking the seat directly next to mine. I lean away from his closeness, but he doesn’t seem to notice, and even if he does, he’s unbothered by it.
“It was no trouble at all. I love a good fight,” I say. She smiles in agreement--a woman after my own heart. Fjoara never seemed to want to crack a few skulls if she could avoid it. “I apologize for disturbing you. I didn’t think anyone would be here.”
“Mm, nothing, love,” I murmur, soothed once again by his touch. I turn to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face into it. Teldryn sighs, trading his concern for contentment as his hands slide around my back to hold me. I smile against his skin before pressing my lips to it, pulling him closer to me still.
“Hi there, my beautiful girl,” I coo, pouring out a little feed into my hand for her. She raises her head and dips her muzzle into my palm. I smile and run my fingers through the black strands of her mane while she eats.
“Perhaps I should have,” I retort, barely able to hold back my smile. “That with all your complaining.”
While I wait as Teldryn takes Frea to show her where she can stash her gear, it occurs to me that if I am to pose as a prisoner, I should not have Dawnbreaker with me. I am confident enough in my skill with magic, so protection is not my concern, it’s that I cannot even fathom the idea of anything happening to it. This sword is the only tangible testament to my accomplishments, and what would be left of me if I were to lose it? When my companions return, I have unstrapped the scabbard containing it from my body and clutch it in my hands. They notice what I’ve done and look at me with confused expressions.
As I consider the possibilities, each grimmer than the next, my mind clouds with worry. However, when I see his knapsack sitting atop a chest and his chitin armor hanging on a rack in the back of the main hall, I feel it dissipate. He would, of course, take his belongings with him if he were to leave my service. I confuse myself with the attention I now pay to his presence. Surely it would not be a loss if I were to no longer have it, especially when I have such a valuable companion in Frea.
Windrime: n/a
it’s not in either piece! only mild rage allowed i guess
I am shocked by the implausibility. A construction of this magnitude should have taken many years to complete, not mere months. The implications of this conjure deeper dread inside me. What otherworldly forces had reached their hand into Nirn?
Frea and I are frozen silent by our shock, but she is fast to recover, returning to me and bending down to retrieve my plate of food from the floor. A shell of myself, she guides me back to my seat and places the plate in my lap. She then takes the place next to me that Teldryn once occupied seemingly only moments ago. I cannot eat in fear of being unable to swallow, nor can I bear to process what just happened, so my eyes wander to seek a distraction. They dart from the fire to the ceiling, then glimpse the bed where… Finally, they are drawn to the back of the room, and I realize that his armor is still hanging from the rack. He’d left it behind. Could that mean…? No, surely not. It was nothing more than a consolation prize, a reparation, to make up for what I had just lost.
Windrime: n/a
The fire is so warm at my back, and it fills the room with a soft light that casts alluring shadows over his body. I hadn’t previously thought much of the tattoos that trace around his cheekbones and run down the center of his bottom lip, but I now see them as a wildness that makes me want him even more. As I look into his eyes which mirror what I’m feeling inside me, I realize there is nothing I need more in this moment than to feel his hands on me.
I push aside the furs covering my body and swing my legs over the side of the bed, but do not get up. As I sit there, my eyes are led to the window where I can see that it is snowing softly outside. It makes my heart ache for home. I know I have not been on Solstheim for very long at all, but it was never my desire to come here in the first place. I had done so out of obligation, knowing that this journey is part of my fate.
As I wait for her, I sit on the edge of the bed, running my hand absently over the soft brown fur that lines the inside of the coat. It must be bear pelt, so quite warm indeed. Frea reappears a minute later with my backpack, Dawnbreaker, and the Aetherial Crown. In the chaos of last night, I had forgotten all about my sword, so when Frea gives my things to me, I immediately unsheathe it to check that it is indeed still intact.
Her ferocity outshines both of ours combined, and we immediately sober. Frea’s hand softens on my arm, and she takes her other off Teldryn. I don’t look at him, don’t speak to him, and he doesn’t me, but our shared embarrassment hangs heavy in the air. I notice suddenly that my hands are now empty, and I find that my plate had fallen to the floor sometime in the midst of my rage. Most of the food still remains on it, but the sight is still salt in my wounds. I hear Teldryn quietly backing away from us and I look up to see his downcast eyes and the way he cradles the hand against his chest that only seconds ago held an intent to harm.
“Yeah, Fjoara’s…” I can feel my voice soften when I say her name, so I immediately break off the sentence. “I hope she’s able to help you, but I won’t be around to see it. I’m headed back to Raven Rock in the morning.”
Then, after what happened last night, things took a turn for the worse when my care for her became muddled with attraction. I never could have dreamed I’d feel desire for a Nord. She is beautiful in a way that a Dunmer woman couldn’t compare to with her bright winter-blue eyes and the litheness of her body in all its soft curves almost too delicate for the power she has within her. There is a growing need within me to provide for her and ensure her safety, though I know she is capable of doing these things for herself. I truly have nothing to offer that she doesn’t already possess. Her wealth appears limitless, guidance and accommodation are given readily just because of who she is, and her abilities in combat dwarf my own—a spellsword, like me, but in combination with that fucking voice of hers, she’s a lethal weapon. What does that leave me with, then? Sex? No. I’m a sword for hire, not a, well…
They are there carved into the side of a mountain, the stone of their structure crumbled and softened by the passing of millennia. There is no dragon, at least none that I can see from our far distance, and only the wind stirring the tops of the trees, not the roar of certain death. I try to stave off these grim thoughts for now, but the heaviness of my breath is still seen in the white plumes of steam that unfurl from my lips. It is panic that holds my lungs captive, holds me captive. Teldryn’s words from last night echo in my chaotic mind, but they do little to quell the emotions this time. My companions and I ride steadily towards our fate, but the tension of nervousness blankets only me--the air around them is free and clear. They are ready for this. I should be as well.
“Do you remember what we spoke about last night?” Teldryn murmurs when my shaking lessens from gale-force to a barely perceptible tremor, and I nod. He holds me more softly now, lifting his free hand to brush the hair away from my neck with the very tips of his fingers. I shiver again, but for a different reason. I wonder once more if I should kiss him, if this may be my last chance to, but he speaks again before I’m able to. “Frea and I will be right there with you, but you won’t need us. You’re more powerful than either of us could ever conceive of being.”
The night’s wind blows soft caresses against the bare skin of my arms. It is warm, unseasonably so, and I sit beneath the heavens with my lover beside me. His own touch on my skin is the unwavering competition to the wind who both vie to lay claim to the greatest expanse of it, him for warmth and it to chill me. In the end, it is my lover who comes out triumphant when he guides me to rest my head on his chest, his large hand finding purchase on my shoulder as I nestle my arms in between our bodies. We lay together swathed in the soft grasses of the field where we made our camp, and the wind sighs through the nascent tree leaves of budding springtime. It is such a reprieve from the unrelenting winter, even for a Nord whose bones may as well be made of ice. 
[MAJOR NSFW ahead]
Teldryn’s fingers thread roughly through my hair as he bends down to press his lips to mine. My arms find their way around his neck to pull him against my body, and he groans at the contact. He kisses me, mouth closed and desire restrained, until I take a hand and palm him through the outside of his pants, my touch drawing a moan out of him as his hands tighten in my hair.
Teldryn then pulls back to begin kissing up my neck and jaw as he simultaneously climbs the rest of the way onto the bed. “Lay down,” he murmurs when his mouth is at my ear
I immediately quiet and nod submissively, but he doesn’t take his hand away. I’m glad for this. My hunger for his touch is insatiable. I close my eyes to concentrate on silencing myself, and suddenly his fingers curl against my walls. My eyes snap open at the climax I now feel building deep inside me, but it doesn’t take long and I whimper against his hand as my body burns with orgasm. When I’ve finished, he exchanges his hand for his lips and kisses me as he takes his fingers out, cupping my sex with his hand for a moment before pulling away from me and moving to the other side of the bed.
[back to SFW]
“I…” I try to speak, but there are no words to convey what I feel, so instead, I step forward and wrap my arms around him. He doesn’t hesitate to return the gesture. I bury my face in Teldryn’s chest, breathing in the scent of sweat and smoke on his clothes. He holds me for a minute, and it’s comfortable, secure, nothing like the way he touched me that other night. Rather, his hand strokes my hair so gently. I think briefly of kissing him, but that would be to ruin this peaceful moment where nothing more is expected of me. We remain like this for a short while longer, then we separate and Teldryn leads me back to the campfire.
“Do you remember what we spoke about last night?” Teldryn murmurs when my shaking lessens from gale-force to a barely perceptible tremor, and I nod. He holds me more softly now, lifting his free hand to brush the hair away from my neck with the very tips of his fingers. I shiver again, but for a different reason. I wonder once more if I should kiss him, if this may be my last chance to, but he speaks again before I’m able to. “Frea and I will be right there with you, but you won’t need us. You’re more powerful than either of us could ever conceive of being.”
“I love you, Fjoara” is all he says in reply and leans down to kiss the top of my head.
His breath turns into kisses peppered up my neck. “Not even ten minutes? They’d be none the wiser.”
He leans down to kiss my forehead once before standing up to leave. When he is gone, I roll onto my back, looking up at the lantern that swings gently from where it hangs on the ceiling. My eyes follow it for a dozen passes before I am finally convinced to leave my bed.
oof you can totally see how bare-bones my writing was when i first started my fic back in september. i hadn’t read this stuff in awhile. what a ride.
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swanqueeneverafter · 7 years
13. Hat Trick, Pt.1
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Enchanted Forest. Past (In the forest, Red and Prince Charming have set up a rest spot. A flaming arrow shoots through the air, heading towards Red.) Prince Charming: “Red, look out!” (Prince Charming deflects the arrow with his sword. They then see King George and his men riding towards them.) Prince Charming: “We need to move. They found us.” (The two of them run towards Prince Charming’s horse. He gets on, and then extends his hand to her. However, Red refuses.) Red: “Go. I’ll take care of them.” Prince Charming: “Red, I’m not leaving you.” Red: “Find Snow. That’s all that matters. Find her!” Prince Charming: “What are you going to do?” (Red looks up and sees that it’s a full moon.) Red: “I’m giving you a head start.” (Prince Charming rides off while Red stays behind. Red takes off her cloak, causing her eyes to glow yellow. She rushes towards the knights and transforms into a wolf.) Storybrooke. Present. (Emma is in her car driving down a deserted road near the woods searching for Mary Margaret. In the fog in the distance, a figure can be seen. Emma doesn’t notice in time, and narrowly avoids hitting a man. He jumps out of the way and falls down an incline. She gets out of her car to assist him.) Emma: “I’m so sorry! Are you okay? I didn’t see you there.” Jefferson: “Uh, I think so.” Emma: “Are you sure?” Jefferson: “I’m fine. I’m not used to sharing the road with cars so late. You’re the Sheriff, aren’t you?” Emma: “Yeah.” Jefferson: “What brings you out here in the middle of the night?” Emma: “Oh, nothing to worry about. I’m just looking for a lost dog.” Jefferson: “Well, I hope you find it.” Emma: “Thank you.” (Jefferson tries to walk, but has an obvious limp.) Emma: “Oh, you are hurt.” Jefferson: “No, I just twisted my ankle, I think. I live just a mile down the road. I’ll make it okay.” Emma: “No, let me drive you. I insist.” Jefferson: “Thank you. I’m Jefferson.” Emma: “Emma.” (The two of them get into Emma’s car.)
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Enchanted Forest. Past. (Jefferson runs through the woods, seemingly trying to escape from something. He stops to rest by a tree, but is caught by his daughter, Grace.) Grace: “Papa, I found you.” Jefferson: “You certainly did. You must be part bloodhound, my dear Grace.” Grace: “Now it’s my turn to hide, and you seek.” Jefferson: “I’m afraid playtime’s over. Although, you can still use that nose of yours to hunt mushrooms. Enough to sell at market tomorrow. Do you think you can do that? Ready or not, here we come. (They head back to their house, where the Evil Queen’s carriage is parked outside:) Wait.” Grace: “Whose carriage is that?” Jefferson: “The Queen’s.” Grace: “In our house? Do you know her?” Jefferson: “Of course not. Now, listen carefully. Hey. I want you to stay hidden in the woods. Like our game. I’m going to find out what she’s doing here.” (Jefferson enters the house, while Grace runs off into the forest. Inside, the Evil Queen is waiting.) Evil Queen: “I’d like to say you’re looking well, Jefferson, but I’d be lying. Poverty doesn’t suit you.” Jefferson: “What are you doing here, Regina?” Evil Queen: “I have a job for you.” Jefferson: “I don’t do that anymore.” Evil Queen: “Yes, I heard you hung up your hat. Why? Is it because of your sweet daughter Grace?” Jefferson: “Because of my work, she lost her mother. I don’t want her to lose her father, too.” Evil Queen: “So, now you’re foraging for fungus. What kind of future does your daughter have here with you? Do this one last favour for me, and you can give her the life she deserves.” Jefferson: “That’s why I’m staying. You don’t abandon family. That’s… What she deserves. Now, please leave.” Evil Queen: “All I need is your special skills to get me somewhere. Somewhere you’ve been before. Do it, and I can change your life.” (She hands him a piece of paper.) Jefferson: “What business could you possibly have there?” Evil Queen: “Something of mine was taken and found its way over there. I want it back.” Jefferson: “Then find someone else to get it.” Evil Queen: “I see. Hard living has strengthened your resolve. Well, I’m sorry I couldn’t convince you, but I understand. There’s nothing more important than family.”
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Elsewhere in The Enchanted Forest. (Snow White hums a song while she sweeps her room at the dwarf’s place. A bluebird flies in. She coaxes the bird over to her, then sets it on a table. She then aggressively tries to swat it with the broom. Grumpy walks in and sees her.) Grumpy: “Snow? What are you… What are you doing?” Snow White: “Getting rid of the vermin in this house. (She again tries to swat the bird and, eventually, successfully drives it out the window:) What do you want?” Grumpy: “It’s dinner time.” Snow White: “I’m not hungry.” Grumpy: “Come on – we made something extra special tonight.” (Grumpy leads Snow White to the dining area where the other dwarves are gathered around the table.) Snow White: “Somebody die?” (Jiminy Cricket flies in.) Jiminy: “Snow, why don’t you have a seat?” Snow White: (Trying to swat him away:) “Why is there a dirty cricket in here?” Jiminy: “My name is Jiminy, and your friends have asked me to be here tonight. They’re concerned about you, and they have something they’d like to say. Grumpy, why don’t you start?” (Grumpy takes out a piece of paper and starts reading.) Grumpy: “Snow White, you’ve changed. You’ve become angry, irritable, and downright mean.” Snow White: “Changed? And who are you to tell me I’ve changed?” Jiminy: “Snow, please. These are your friends. And we’re all here because we… We care about you. Who wants to go next?” (Sneezy takes out his letter and starts to read.) Sneezy: “Uh. You brought bales of straw into the house last night, even though you know that I’m… (He sneezes:) Allergic.” Snow White: “You are allergic to everything!” Happy: “You broke my mug!” Snow White: “You’re lucky it wasn’t that mug you call a face!” Happy: “You are the worst, most nasty, horrible-” Grumpy: “Enough! Look what you’re doing to Happy. That potion you took – the one that erased the Prince from your mind? You haven’t been the same since you drank it.” Snow White: “That, helped me forget whatever, or whomever, I needed to forget. And I am clearly better off for it. That potion was the solution, not the problem. The problem is, that I’m living here in a house full of dwarves instead of in my palace, with my father, as a princess. But I can’t do that anymore, can I? Because he was murdered. Murdered, by the same woman who sent a Huntsman to kill me.” Jiminy: “Snow, your anger towards the Queen is understandable. It’s just not fair to take it out on your friends.” Snow White: “You’re right – I should be taking it out on her.” Jiminy: “Oh, wait. Revenge is not the answer. No, it’s going to change you. It’ll turn you into something darker than you can imagine. You don’t want to go there-” (Snow White puts a glass container over Jiminy to silence him.) Snow White: “Good news, fellas – you can quit your complaining, because I’m leaving. I have more important things to do.” Jiminy: “Wait! Don’t go!” Grumpy: “Snow. Wait. Where are you going?” Snow White: “To kill the Queen.” (Snow White leaves, taking a bag and a pick axe with her.)
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Storybrooke. Present. (Emma and Jefferson pull up to a large house on a hill. The two of them get out.) Emma: “Wow. This is your house? It looks more like a hotel. You must have a huge family.” Jefferson: “Nope. It’s just me.” (Emma sees Jefferson struggling to get up the stairs, and goes to help him inside.) Emma: “Here. Wait.” (Inside, Emma is waiting in the living room when Jefferson enters with a tea tray.) Jefferson: “Here we go. I thought you might want to warm up for your search. It’s cold out there.” Emma: “That is kind of you, but I think I should get back to it.” Jefferson: “I know. That’s why I brought this. I’m a bit of an amateur cartographer – mapping the area is a hobby. Maybe, this will help you track down your dog.” (He lays out the map on a table.) Emma: “Wow.” Jefferson: “What’s his name?” Emma: “Spot.” Jefferson: “Cute.” (Emma looks over the map while she sips her tea. She begins to feel drowsy.) Emma: “Well, Route Six runs the boundary of the forest, so… So, if I just follow that, I should… Be able to…” Jefferson: “Is something wrong?” Emma: “I’m just, uh… Feeling a little…” (Jefferson catches Emma and drags her over to the couch.) Jefferson: “Oh. Let me help you.” Emma: “Dizzy.” Jefferson: “Let’s just lie you down here. There you go. Let me get you some air.” (Jefferson crosses the room without any trouble.) Emma: “Your limp…” Jefferson: “Oh. That. I guess you caught me.” Emma: “Who are you?” (Emma passes out as Jefferson smiles.) Enchanted Forest. Marketplace. Past. (Jefferson and Grace are at an outdoor market. They come to an old woman, who is selling toys.) Grace: “The toy cart!” Woman: “Come.” (Grace picks up a stuffed rabbit.) Grace: “Wouldn’t this make the perfect guest for our tea parties, Papa? Can I have him? Please?” Jefferson: “Excuse me. How much for the rabbit?” Woman: “That costs one silver.” Jefferson: “Would you take it for eight coppers? It’s all I have.” Woman: “Oh, you are good father. Your last coppers for your little girl’s happiness, ah?” Jefferson: “Thank you.” Woman: “Oh, I did not say I accept. Alas, I cannot take less than one silver. The economy. You understand.” Grace: “It’s okay, Papa. Come on – people are waiting.” Jefferson: “I will not take no for an answer.” Grace: “Papa, please. I don’t need it.” Jefferson: “Come on, sweetie.” (The old woman walks away from the crowd to a mirror.) Mirror: “Well, that was awfully cruel. You could at least let the girl have her toy.” Evil Queen: “Where’s the fun in that?” (The old woman’s face briefly morphs into the Evil Queen’s.)
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Trouble is Brewing in Hanara City
[PoV: Dycae]
[Location: Hanara City Police Station]
I wasn’t surprised when I found myself back here in this place, since the files these folks possess have done me more good than any of them newspaper articles back in the library.
However what DID surprise me was when one of the cops called me in, saying something about their chief wanting to speak with me.
Was I nervous? Not really, didn’t do anything wrong here and I seriously doubt some of my past ‘deeds’ reached very far. So why did they want me? The hell if I know, best I go with them anyways to see what’s wrong.
I find myself sitting on a chair before the guy, who’s a very tough looking Granbull. The fella has the whole getup when it comes to cops, such as the vest and pants and even a shiny badge that says ‘Police Chief’ on it. The guy looks very tired though, making him much less intimidating than he would’ve been.
“So, what’s up chief?” I ask, leaning back slightly as I cross my arms over my chest.
He takes a quiet breath before beginning. “I’ve been hearing word that you’ve been going through our files.” The guy didn’t look mad or anything, so my first thought was that I wasn’t in trouble for that. “Our officers have informed that you said that these recent killings were not in fact by ‘The Rhapsodist’, correct?”
I nod my head. “Yeah, they don’t match up with ‘em.”
The fella’s face wrinkles slightly as he rests his hands on his desk. “I’m rather curious on that, so could you elaborate?”
“Well,” I start. “I’d hate ta’ admit it, but the Rhapsodist fella got class. He’s very clean with his kills, ‘cus he’s all about tryin’ ta’ make his work...beautiful.” My face twists into a frown when I say those words. “Those recent killin’s? They ain’t like anythin’ tha’ guy has done. All of 'em are brutal and incredibly messy, can’t imagine the guy suddenly changin’ his mind on how he kills things.”
I tap my chin. “If I remember correctly, there are three ways the Rhapsodist kills folks. He either stabs ‘em in the heart with a poisoned claw, beheads ‘em, or shoots a bullet inta’ their skulls.” I notice the Granbull’s eyes narrow at the mentioning of ‘bullet’. “But them other killin’s? It’s nothin’ like those three, I’ve seen limbs sliced off and faces torn apart. Whatever did that to those folks is an animal compared to tha’ Rhapsodist.”
“Then it appears we have another killer on our hands.” The Police Chief sighs, rubbing his eyes with his fingers.
“Yep.” I agree grimly. “However even though I plan ta’ hunt the Rhapsodist down, I ain’t gonna leave you folks hanging. If there’s a killer on the loose here, I plan ta’ deal with her just as much as the other fella.”
Upon hearing my words the Granbull relaxes slightly, a thankful smile spreading on his face. “Shadowjack, I’m happy to hear that you’re willing to help this city of ours.”
I wave him off. “Ain’t no problem, chief. I’m a bounty hunter, even though I make a livin’ off of huntin’ down bounties...I ain’t gonna leave folks in danger when there’s other trouble roamin’ around.”
“Very well.” The Granbull nods. “However, I have a proposition for you.”
This catches my interest, causing me to raise an eyebrow. “Yeah? What proposition ya talkin’ here?”
“The city of Hanara wants to collaborate with you in bringing this criminal to justice.” He says firmly. “Many families have lost their loved ones to this killer and we do not want many more to suffer. So in order to find them, we want you to work with us.”
Work with them? I ain’t too much of a big fan with reporting to folks, but I think I can make an exceptio-
“But we do not want to risk drawing too much attention.” He continues, interrupting my train of thought. “So we wish to assign one of our best to work beside you.”
Now that causes my thought process to hit a screeching halt.
Oh HELL no!
My eyes narrow in irritation. “Chief, I mean no offense.” I growl. “But I work alone. I got my own way of workin’, so I don’t want other folks ta’ get in my way.”
He nods his head slowly. “That’s understandable, from what I’ve heard you do indeed wish to work alone. So this asking a great deal from you.”
No shit.
“However,” He chuckles. “We plan to pay you for your efforts, since it’s only expected. So if you work with the city of Hanara, we will pay you $500,000 if you assist us in bringing the killer in through any means possible.”
At this point my jaw drops, just hearing that much made cash registers go ringing in my ears. That’s a very large number, never had a bounty ever reached that high.
Now this makes me reconsider my stance. Sure I work alone, but...that’s a great deal of money I’d be passing up there. Yeah I was planning on bringing dealing with the killer myself, but if the price for working with someone is that much money...then I’d be set for a good long while.
Eventually I crack a grin. “Well, ya make a hard bargain.” I chuckle, extending a gloved hand to him. “Ya got ya’self a deal, chief.”
He smiles as well and shakes my hand firmly. “We are glad have your assistance, Shadowjack.”
Releasing his hand I lean back in my chair again. “So,” I start. “Who’s the one that’ll be my partner?”
The Granbull reaches for one of them hand-radios and speaks a few words into them. A few moments later the door to the office opens.
“Police Detective Angelina Shade will be the one working with you.” He answers.
I turn my head to look at said cop only for me to pause.
Now, the first thing that pops into my mind is that she’s definitely rather stunning. She’s a Zoroark, but not an ordinary one. Seeing the grays and blacks on her form makes me assume that she also has Mightyena genes, making her a hybrid.
Another thing I notice is that her her mane is actually cut rather short and tied into a ponytail, I’m not too surprised though since having long hair would kinda work against ya when ya work for the force. She has the same navy uniform like the rest of the cops and even a shiny badge. However what also strikes my attention are her bright red claws and face markings as well as her sky blue eyes. She has a cool smile on her face and holds her head high, giving herself a confident air.
Yeah, now I’m starting to think I made the right choice.
Suddenly another thought crosses my mind on what the chief said earlier.
“Detective?” I repeat, looking at the Granbull questioningly.
Angelina however was the one that answered me. “I’m more 'involved’ than you think.” She grins.
The Granbull nods. “Indeed, Angelina may be one of our Police Detectives...but she’s also one of our best Under-Covers. Since we don’t wish to draw attention to ourselves and her skills are also some of the highest in our ranks, she is the one we will be assigning to work with you.”
I stand up from my chair and approach the gal, I open my mouth to properly introduce myself before a loud ringing sound is heard. I turn my head to see it’s the chief’s phone on the table, his face grows more serious upon seeing the name on the screen of the phone.
“I am sorry for this but I must ask you to leave my office, this is an important call.” He apologizes, his expression slowly softening back to its normal self. “However, I would like to wish you two the best of luck.”
I give a two-fingered salute. “Thanks chief, greatly appreciate it. We’ll do our best and bring her in.”
He nods his head at me thankfully. Heeding his wishes the two of us turn and make our way out of his office.
When the door closes I turn to face the gal, putting on my most charming smile. “So even though we probably already know each other’s names, we still haven’t technically properly introduced each other.” I chuckle.
Her cool smile widens somewhat at this, although she doesn’t really look impressed by my charming attempts. “That is quite true, however I want you to call me Trixie.” She lets out a very short chuckle. “It’s the name I go by when out in the field, since I don’t want people going around knowing who I truly am.”
I nod my head. “No worries here, I’ll be callin’ ya that from here on out.” I respond with a wink. “But even though ya probably know my name, I think I should still say it anyways. I’m-”
“Dycae Brask.” Trixie interrupts me, causing me to freeze. “I’ve read your files, so there’s no further need for that.” She shakes her head slightly, more in amusement than anything.
Now, at this point my whole ‘charm’ switch has been flipped. Now I’m feeling INCREDIBLY pissed. Why?
She said my actual name...in public...where everyone can hear...
My lips morph into a scowl as I glare daggers at her. “Do not...say...my name...again...” I hiss.
She tilts her head slightly, her face looking more unimpressed than confused. “What? Not proud of it?”
My hands clench together as I feel my blood boil. “Ya don’t deserve ta’ speak it.” I growl. “To ya, I’m Shadowjack and Shadowjack only.” I lean forward, my eyes narrowing. “Got it?”
Her own eyes narrow in response. “Deserve? I don’t know about you, but a name is a name. But if you want to feel better, fine.” She shrugs her shoulders. “I’m going to be calling you ‘Shadowjack’ anyways while we’re out there, but if you want to hang onto that name like that even when we’re in a place like this...fine. Be that way, not that it matters.” Her own claws clench as her voice grows an edge. “However I’m going to give you a warning, don’t talk to an officer that way. You could’ve caused a lot of trouble, but since this is first impressions...I’ll let it slide.” Her smile returns. “So don’t do that again, got it?”
I swear, I want to punch her in the face. The way she smiles...now it seems like I’m just some sort of kid who’s throwing a temper tantrum, as if she’s above me.
I take it all back, I regret my decision. Fuck this gal, I want nothing to do with her.
At this point I’m gonna denounce the whole thing and stomp right inside the chief’s office to call the ‘collaboration’ off, however before I could even begin I hear some chatter coming from the girl’s radio.
I don’t know what the hell they said but apparently the damn fox knows, seeing that her eyes widened. She quickly unclips the ‘speakie-bit’ from her vest and brings it to her mouth. “We’re on our way.” She speaks into it. The gal clips it back onto her vest before looking at me, her expression now serious. “Look,” She begins. “Bad start or no, we’re going to be working with each other.”
Like hell we are.
“I’ve just received a call, apparently another body was found.” Now this causes me to pause, my anger faltering for a moment. This didn’t leave Trixie’s notice. “Yeah, so we both need to head there immediately to check out the scene.”
She turns and starts walking out, only to stop at the end of the room to look back at me when I didn’t follow. “You coming?” She asks in annoyance.
I shake my head and growl softly. “Yeah yeah, I’m goin’.” I growl before following after her. “This better be worth it...” I mutter under my breath as we leave the station.
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