#im not saying for sure because coat changes and stuff
critter-catcher · 1 year
Very excited to see this red fox stopping by for a quick drink!
Fun fact: Did you know there's 45 different subspecies of red foxes? There's even multiple color morphs for them!
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luveline · 1 month
Hiiiiii!!!!!!! I recently got back into criminal minds and devoured all ur hotch fics like a MANIAC (you write. So unbelievably well. Im also in love w ur tasm peter stuff, you are just such a good writer thru and thru) and that one request where Jack calls reader mom for the first time really stuck w me so I was wondering if maybe I could request smth of the opposite? Like not-so-single mom!reader and hotch have been dating for a while and her lil girl calls him dad for the first time :3 🖤🖤
thank you for requesting! 💌 —your daughter calls Hotch dad for the first time. fem, 2k
“Come in, come in!” Hotch says, the door held ajar by his arm, forcing you to squeeze in and save the heat. “Quickly, honey, please, get out of the rain.” 
Sarah bursts in through the door and away from the rain, her vinyl coat covered in raindrops, her boots wet with mud. “Aaron!” she says, pulling it into something softened and excited at once, though her ‘r’s are weak, closer to ‘w’s. “I missed you.” She jumps from one foot to the other. 
He makes sure you’re safely inside before he abandons you. It’s not very kind to you, but he can’t help himself. “Sarah,” he says, without your daughter’s sweetness but heavily fond, “I missed you more, honey. How many days has it been?” 
“Four!” she says, holding up four fingers as Hotch grabs her by the waist. 
He doesn’t mind her wet coat, working an arm around and beneath her to shuck off her muddy shoes. They topple to the ground to unveil damp socks. 
“Oh, no, your socks are wet. I did all the laundry while we were waiting, I have some warm ones for you in the dryer. Should we get you out of this coat?” 
“Where’s Jack?” you ask. 
“Eating. He was starving, couldn’t wait.” 
You kick your shoes off and gather them with Sarah’s to line up by the door. Hotch takes off Sarah’s coat with some one-armed manoeuvring, aware of her smiley gaze following his every move. 
“I,” you say, pressing a swift kiss to his cheek, cold lips to his rough skin, “am gonna go to the toilet really quickly. Hi, handsome.” 
He savours your kiss and watches you go. He owes you a better greeting, he missed you just as much as he missed your girl. For now, he wipes the cold from Sarah’s cheeks and stations her comfortably on his navel. 
He loves her like his own. He’s privileged to get the opportunity, and it’s hard not to feel that low level of awe whenever she’s around, because she loves him the same way. Sarah waits for him to smile before she wraps her arms around his neck, long enough to twine her fingers in the short hair she finds there. 
It’s funny to love someone you had no hand in bringing into the world, but no less real. He’d do anything for Sarah. I miss you doesn’t cover it, but it’s a start. “I missed you,” he murmurs, not well-versed in baby talk but always willing to try for his kids. “It’s so nice to see you. Jack missed you too, should we go see him? I can change your socks.” 
He ushers her back enough to see her. She has such loving eyes, not shy at all as she nods her head. “Can you make crackers?” 
He beams. “Oooh, yes. Crackers and cheese and apple slices, I know what you want, honey. It’s ready for you in the kitchen.” 
Things weren’t easy at first for either you nor Hotch. He works too much, and you both have priorities that can’t be shifted, but the connection between you was easy. Love, undoubtedly, pretty much the moment you met, even if it scared him. He never thought he’d get a second chance and he’s not sure you thought you’d find yours either, and yet loving you has been as helpless as loving your daughter. He doesn’t have a choice and he doesn’t want one. 
In this time, you’ve found routine. He’s introduced the idea of moving in together and you’re excited for it, though concrete plans haven’t been laid. There’s a lot of questions and no need to rush into answering them yet. He has no intentions of letting you go now —Hotch will do anything it takes to keep his small family. 
Today, right now, that’s crackers. 
“Sarah!” Jack says when he sees them, jumping off of his chair to climb on top of it. He holds his hands out and Hotch leans down with a loving laugh to let his son hug her. “You’re back!” 
“I’m back,” she agrees. 
“Do you want some of my sandwiches? Daddy made me two.” 
“Yes!” she says, wiggling to be put down and given what he’s promising. 
Hotch fights to take her to the sink and wash her little hands, to her horror and whining. He says, “Okay, okay, I’m sorry, sweetheart, but you gotta wash your hands before you eat.” 
He puts her in her own chair, and it is Sarah’s chair, outfitted with a big pillow so she can see the table and marked by a pink star sticker, putting a placemat in front of her. Jack quickly pushes one of his sandwiches towards her. “There you go.” 
“Thank you, Jackers,” she says. 
Hotch smiles. Despite their different interests and ages, they’re quick to get along. 
He shouldn’t pry while you’re in the bathroom, but he worries about you. “Honey?” he calls up the stairs. 
“I’m just changing!” 
“Yeah? Can you bring some socks for Sarah, please?” 
You shout back something incomprehensible. He returns to the kitchen, where Sarah looks over the chair with pleading eyes and asks, “Crackers?” a piece of lettuce stuck to her chin. 
“Ah,” he says showfully, turning to the fridge to grab the plate of crackers, sliced cheese, and apples he’d Saran wrapped an hour ago. He peels off the wrapping and places it in front of her. “Here, sweetheart. Do you want anything else? Maybe some chips?” 
She laughs and grabs a piece of apple without answering him. 
“What about you, sweetheart? Drink?” he asks Jack. 
“Yes please, daddy.” 
Hotch makes Jack a cup of orange juice and Sarah a sippy cup, hers diluted some with water. He places them down in front of the kids, crouching between their chairs, intending to stay and chat. “How’s that?” he asks, tilting his head to the side to listen for your light footsteps on the stairs.  
“Thanks, daddy,” Jack says. 
“Thank you, daddy,” Sarah echoes, reaching for him. Hotch offers his hand, startled, not quick enough to hide it. She doesn’t pay any mind to his expression, pleased to have her hand held and her big plastic plate of crackers to munch on. 
“Why’d you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” you ask, passing him Sarah’s socks, and rounding the table to stand by Jack's other side. “Hi,” you add, ruffling Jack’s hair, “look at you, gorgeous, you got your hair cut.” 
Hotch rubs Sarah’s knuckles, trying to phrase it, not sure how to tell you with the kids still there. Will Sarah feel embarrassed if he brings it up so swiftly? Will she feel like she’s done something wrong? Will you? 
“What’s wrong?” you ask. 
He decides to present you with the situation. He’s not manipulative, but clever. “Mommy got your socks, too. Can we take these cold ones off, is that okay?” 
“Yes, please,” Sarah says.
You watch in confusion. Hotch gives you a quick look. Trust me for a second. 
He eases the socks off of her feet, laughs when she laughs at his tickling, even if he’s not quite sure how to feel. Happy, he gives her toes a squeeze and bunches a sock up to pull it over her heel and up to her ankle. “One,” he says, repeating the process with the same tenderness. “Two. There we go, all warm again, Sarah.” 
“Thanks, daddy.” 
You breathe in. 
Sarah puts some cheese on a cracker and offers it to Hotch, who eats it while you summon him away with silent parent talk. He kisses her forehead and wipes it clean as he goes. 
“Did she do that when I was upstairs?” you ask quietly. 
Hotch knows you. Loves you, but knows you intrinsically. He knows just by looking at you that you’re happy, but you’re worried about something, and it’s not hard to guess what it is: he might not want Sarah to call him daddy, and telling her not to might break her heart, and yours too. 
“She did.” 
“She’s never… expressed that interest to me.” 
“Sometimes they think about things more than we know.” Jack still surprises him as he did when he was a toddler.
“She just loves you,” you say. 
“I love her. She can call me whatever she wants to.” 
You hold his wrist, taking a step closer to him. “Are you sure?” 
“Of course I’m sure.” He murmurs now you’re close, ducking his head to yours, two halves of the same heart looking at one another’s hands. “I love her more than anything in the world. I want to make her crackers for the rest of my life.” Hotch puts his index finger to the soft skin under your chin. “Maybe by tomorrow she’ll forget she called me daddy and she’ll never say it again, but… I want her to. Is that okay?” he asks. 
You lean up to kiss him and you nod into his lips, which makes it hard but not impossible to kiss back. “She loves you so much,” you say quietly. You’d only wanted a quick peck. 
He might’ve said he loves her more than anything, but there’s a level on which he holds her and Jack where you sit too. He loves you. You made Sarah who she is all by yourself, and you’re so lovable standing in his reach. You’re perfect. 
Maybe he’s feeling sweet because Sarah called him daddy. 
“I think Jack confused her,” he says. 
“Maybe. You are, you know, her dad. You do everything a dad would.” 
Hotch slots his leg between yours and leans back to force you into his favourite kind of hug. You laugh slowly, hug the same, your arms sliding up over his shoulders to wrap behind his head, your hand cupping his hair. 
He closes his eyes and feels your waist. 
“You don’t have to worry,” he says. 
“I don’t worry about you and Sarah, I know you love her. I guess I just worry about us. Not that you don’t love me, Aaron.” 
“Big changes,” he guesses in a whisper. 
“Big changes.” 
He encourages you away to hold your face. He hopes that waiting with you in quiet for a while can explain it better than words. 
Your shoulders finally relax. 
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
Ok, hear me out... Sevika×Stripclub owner
Imagine Sevika got dragged into going to the club with a couple of co-workers one night.
The music is bopping, the lights are moody yet energetic, and there are dancers everywhere. Cigars, snazzy drinks, glitz and glam, just the works. But the only person who caught her eye was the peeved owner talking numbers with an investor over at the bar.
I'm sorry if this is weird. Thank you!!!
gonna change this just a bit and make reader the club mom (basically the person who takes care of the strippers, provides dinner, supplies, makes sure nobody steals their cash while they're working, breaks up fights, helps them with hair/makeup etc. etc.) just because i know more about it than club owning-- i used to watch club mom vlogs lmaooo
men and minors dni
crystal comes running into the back room, a panicked look in her eye. you glance up from cherry's nails to look at her.
"what's goin' on crys?" you ask. crystal runs to her locker.
"silco and his crew just came in! i gotta put on something sexier... these fucks got big fuckin' money!" she explains as she strips out of her bikini top. you raise an eyebrow.
"oh yeah?" you ask, returning your focus to cherry's signature red nails.
"you got any nipple pasties for sale?" she asks. you nod and wave her over.
"blow on these for a sec." you say to cherry. she nods, holding her nails up to her mouth, and you grab your duffel bag, hoisting it up onto the table and rifling through it.
"got some bedazzled ones, a few hearts of different colors, then the normal black and flesh colored ones." you say.
"oooh, sparkles! and i can wear my glittery thong with 'em!" cherry says. you chuckle, pulling out a pair of matching pasties for her and handing them over. "thanks, mom, i'll pay you back tonight!" she says, running back to the mirrors lining the walls to put her new outfit on.
cherry snorts across from you. "what?" you ask her as you return to coating her nails.
"you got no fucking clue who silco is, do you?" she asks. you giggle and shrug.
"it's not my job to care about customers, it's my job to care about you guys." you say. "who is he?" you ask.
"some shimmer dealer. he's gay, he just comes to ogle the bouncers, but he's got a big crew who love the girls-- he brings 'em all in after successful raids and stuff. they're all big spenders. 'specially his number two." cherry explains. you curse as you accidentally get some polish on her skin, reaching for a cotton ball and some remover.
"who's his number two?" you ask as you fix your mistake. cherry reaches into your duffel to grab a piece of gum, and you glare at her. she winks at you.
"sevika." she says around a mouthful. "she's popular at babette's too." cherry says. you nod.
"well, your nails are all done-- ready for sevika." you say. cherry giggles.
"thanks mom." she says, kissing your cheek before she saunters out onto the floor.
you groan, stretching and working the kinks out of your neck before you leave the locker room to do a lap around the club.
it's much more lively than it was thirty minutes ago, and you can easily identify silco sitting at the bar, cringing as three of your girls try to flirt with him to get him to buy a dance. you chuckle, approaching star to whisper in her ear.
"easy on 'im, he doesn't swing your way." you murmur. star snorts, then giggles and repeats your message to candy and shelly.
you watch as they all chuckle awkwardly at silco and wave him goodbye, and he seems beyond relieved to watch them walk away, his gaze wandering over to look at jimmy standing behind the stage, glaring at the patrons who get a little too close to kelli where she swings on the pole. you chuckle, and continue your round.
"how's it goin' mom?" trinity asks from behind the bar. you shrug.
"pretty good, how's it goin' out here?" you ask. trinity sighs.
"silco's goons always drink us dry. good for tips, but i'm gonna be exhausted by the end of the night." she says. you hum.
"did you get some dinner?" you ask. trinity rolls her eyes at you, smiling.
"yes, mom." she says. you nod.
"good. come get me if you need a break, i can take over the bar for a few minutes if you need a second to yourself." you say. trinity smiles.
"thanks mom, love you!" she calls after you.
you chuckle and roll your eyes.
just as you're about to return to your perch in the locker rooms, a scuffle breaks out.
frosty and buttercup are fighting over patron, smacking and pulling at eachother's hair. you groan and run over to get between them, hooking an arm around buttercup's waist and pulling her away from frosty.
"this bitch was takin' my money, mom!" buttercup screams.
"i was not, i was here first!" frosty cries.
the woman on the chair between them holds up her hands in a placating gesture. "i got enough for both of you, relax!" she cries. she goes ignored as buttercup lunges at frosty again.
"she pulled my hair outta my head, and she broke two of my fuckin' nails, she owes me!"
"stupid bitch, we all know those are extensions!"
"oh my fucking god, shut up!" you cry.
the girls both stop yelling, huffing and puffing in anger. you take a second to clear your head, then look at the woman still sitting in the lounge chair beneath you. she looks shocked.
"who was here first?" you ask. she points at frosty. "did you buy a dance from her?" you ask.
"n-no ma'am." she says. you sigh.
"who'd you give money to?" the woman points at buttercup.
"and that bitch tried to steal it from me when i wasn't looking!"
"'cause you keep trying to steal my customers!" frosty cries.
you look at frosty and hold your palm out. "give it." you say.
frosty gasps. "mom, come on!" she cries.
"just give me the fuckin' money frosty." you plea. frosty rolls her eyes then pulls the folded bull from between her tits, smacking it in your open palm. you sigh. "thank you." you say. she just rolls her eyes and turns on her heel, stomping off to find a new customer. you turn to look at buttercup.
"you've gotta stop provoking her." you say. buttercup shrugs.
"she shouldn't've fucked my man." she says. you groan.
"you shouldn't've been with jimmy in the first fuckin' place! you know he's a slut!" you say. buttercup groans.
"am i gettin' my money or what?" she asks. you shake your head.
"no, fuck off. go find someone else." you say. buttercup scoffs and turns on her heel, storming in the opposite direction of frosty. you take a deep breath, then look at the woman sitting in front of you.
"here." you say, handing her her cash. she takes it, blinking up at you with wide eyes. "sorry about that. tell trinity at the bar there that mom says you get free drinks for the night. she'll take care of you." you say to the woman. she looks over her shoulder at the bar and then back at you.
"y-you're her mom?" she asks. you laugh.
"fuck no, shit, do i look that old?" you ask, looking down at yourself.
you're in your usual get up, a bedazzled black velour tracksuit one of the girls gifted you for your birthday and a club t-shirt beneath it. the woman in front of you chuckles and shakes her head.
"no, you look fuckin' amazing, i was gonna be shocked if you said yes. why do they call you mom?" she asks. you laugh.
"i'm the club mom. i take care of the girls, break up fights the bouncers are too scared to get between." you joke. the woman in front of you laughs.
"that makes more sense. i'm sevika." she says, reaching her hand out for you to take. you shake it.
"oooh, i've heard about you. big spender, huh?" you ask. sevika laughs and shrugs again.
"yeah, i... i've been trying to cut back a bit." she says. "thinkin' about settling down." you laugh.
"you're in the wrong place for that." you say. she laughs and nods. "well, have a good night." you say, waving over your shoulder as you walk back to the locker rooms.
trinity takes you up on your offer a few hours later, tapping out for fifteen minutes to lay down in the back while you mix up drinks for her behind the bar.
sevika comes to visit you as you work.
"single mom and a bartender, huh?" she asks. you roll you eyes and snort at her joke.
"what're you having?" you ask. she shrugs.
"whiskey, neat."
you quickly pour her a glass of whiskey from the top shelf. as you hand it to her she grins.
"top shelf, huh?" she asks. you shrug.
"it's an apology for my girls." you say. "hope tonight's scuffle won't affect your impression of the club."
"are you kidding? it was hot as fuck!" she says. you laugh.
"yeah, i guess it was a pretty good show for you huh? tits swinging in your face while they were throwing punches."
"no, fuck no, i wasn't talkin' about them, i was talkin' about you." sevika says. you freeze.
"me?" you ask. sevika grins.
"fuck yes. you jumped right between 'em-- even with their claws flyin'-- threw that one girl halfway across the club too."
you laugh. "i barely moved her a foot." you say. sevika shrugs.
"'m just sayin'. gotta break up a lotta fights at silco's bar, but i've never broken up a catfight. girls are scary when they get the claws out-- they don't fight like guys. they go straight for the weak spots-- hair, eyes, throats. best to leave 'em til they fizzle out. you didn't though. jumped right in-- broke it up in half a minute."
you scoff. "fuck off." you say, shaking your head. sevika smiles at you from across the bar.
"you don't believe me?"
"that you found me, the fully clothed woman, more attractive than the naked girls fighting for your attention? no, i don't." you say, laughing. sevika just smirks.
"i've had plenty of naked girls fighting for my attention." she says. you snort.
"i'm sure."
"never seen a girl with balls like yours, though." she says.
you consider her for a moment. she's grinning, a sparkle in her eye as she looks you up and down, biting her lip between her teeth.
trinity finds you to take over before you can do much more talking with sevika.
it's probably for the best. she's your type, sure, but you doubt she was serious about all that 'settle down' bullshit.
the night goes by relatively smoothly after that. there's a few broken nails you glue back together, a few wardrobe malfunctions, a couple of spats you have to break up, but nothing like buttercup and frosty's.
as you're helping the girls count and band their earnings for the night, cherry finds you again, sitting by your side, resting her head on your shoulder.
"what's wrong with you?" you ask.
"am i gettin' old?" she asks. you look over at her to scoff. cherry's barely a year younger than you.
"you better not be, because that means i'm gettin' old."
cherry laughs. "am i ugly? getting fat?" she asks. you gawk at her.
"fuck is goin' on with you?" you ask your redheaded friend. she shrugs.
"sevika barely looked at me tonight. i'm usually her favorite." she says.
"no shit, really? she didn't buy any dances from me tonight, either." star says from where she's changing into her sweats.
"you guys talkin' about sevika?" shelly asks as she enters the locker room. star nods. "my sister works at babette's. hasn't seen sevika in weeks. asked her about it tonight, she says she's cutting back."
"who sevika?" mandy asks. you all nod. "she didn't spend a fuckin' cent tonight. bitch."
the girls laugh, and you shake your head in faux admonishment.
by the time you're clocking out, you're exhausted. you groan as you step into the back alley, a joint between your lips, patting down your pockets in search for your lighter.
"there you are, mom." sevika says, shrouded in shadow.
you jump and whip around to glare at her. she chuckles. "sorry. need a light?" she offers. you sigh, leaning against the wall as sevika reaches forward and sparks her lighter at the end of your joint, before leaning against the wall beside you.
"you just lurk in alleys for fun?" you ask.
"nah. i asked one of the girls where i could find you after work. wanted to talk to you some more." she says. you chuckle.
"talk about what? how you spent the whole night loitering? not paying my girls?" you ask. sevika chuckles.
"i told you i was trying to cut back."
"why the fuck would you come to a strip club, then?" you ask. she groans.
"silco insists we all come. team bonding, or some shit." she says. you laugh.
"it's common courtesy to tip your favorite girls if you spend the night in the club, even if you didn't buy a dance." you say. she nods.
"i know." she says. "i was planning on it, but kinda got distracted." she says.
"with the fight?" you ask, cringing as you remember the way buttercup and frosty acted earlier in the evening.
"no, with you." she says. your eyes snap up to look at sevika. she shrugs. "you still don't believe me?"
"i-i dunno." you say. she laughs.
"i--" she sighs, looking away from you and rubbing the back of her neck. "fuck this is embarrassing." she mutters. you blink at her as she struggles for her words, and then pass her your joint. "fuck, thank you." she says sincerely as she takes a big hit. she exhales and passes it back to you, then looks at her feet. "i'm-- i had a near death experience a few months ago and it got me thinkin' about my life. i figured i should start-- i dunno, takin' shit more seriously, you know?" she asks. you blink and nod at her.
"sure." you say, nodding.
"so i started cutting back. 'm down to a cigarette a day. try to drink only on weekends. haven't been to babette's in a while. and tonight, i figured i'd let loose a bit-- indulge. it's fucking boring getting your shit together and living healthy and shit. i was really hoping to get wasted and stare at tits all night." she says. you chuckle.
"so why didn't you?" you ask.
sevika blinks at you, a sparkle in her eye. "i met you instead." she says. you raise a skeptical eyebrow at her.
"so?" you ask. she grins.
"so... you're not fuckin' boring at all, are you?" she asks. you laugh.
"i wrangle a buncha girls for a living because i wasn't hot enough to be a stripper myself." you say. sevika chuckles. "when nights are slow, i sit in the back and read. when i'm off work, i sleep and read. i'm boring as shit."
"and yet, for some reason, i wanted to talk to you more than i wanted to stare at tits and get blasted tonight." she says.
you bite your cheek, trying to hold back your smile. sevika grins at you.
"fuck off." you say. she chuckles.
"are you free tomorrow?" she asks. you blink at her.
"for what?"
"a date?" she asks. you blink again.
"you're... serious?" you ask. sevika laughs, reaching up to gently cup your cheek. your stomach flips.
"you're starting to get it." she says, smiling. you blink. "so?" she asks.
"i'm free." you say. sevika grins.
"cool." she says.
"c-cool." you say. sevika's eyes dart down to your lips, and you gulp.
"it would be weird if i tipped you, right?" she asks. you burst into laughter, and sevika's smile widens. "i mean, you were the girl that caught my eye tonight-- it's common courtesy to tip you, right?" she asks, chuckling. you snort, smacking her shoulder.
"fuck off!" you exclaim. sevika giggles.
"so that's a no?" she asks.
"no." you say, shaking your head. "don't tip me."
"hm." sevika pouts. "well... is there any other way i could show you how fucking attractive and alluring i find you before our date?" she asks, her voice husky and low, her eyes pinned to your lips. you stop laughing, butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
"fuck off." you whisper. sevika smiles, and you slowly, slowly lean forward, until your lips are a breath away from sevika's. she shivers.
"please." she whispers. you smile, and then close the gap between the two of you, pressing your lips against hers. she sighs against you, her free hand coming up to grab your waist, and you shudder, grabbing her shoulders in your hands as you deepen the kiss.
sevika groans against you, stepping closer to you, pinning you to the wall as she runs her tongue over your bottom lip. you gasp, and she hums, and the back door to the club slams open.
"mom, do you know where the extra baby wipes-- oh shit!" cherry exclaims.
sevika clears her throat as she steps away from you, and you roll your eyes.
"top shelf in the closet." you say. cherry giggles.
"shit, get it mom!" she exclaims. you sigh, and sevika chuckles. "oh, the girls are gonna love this! hey candy! guess what?" cherry calls over her shoulder as she turns to enter the club again, a giddy grin on her face.
you groan, rolling your eyes. sevika smiles at you.
"so... tomorrow? she asks.
you sigh, then nod. "tomorrow." you agree.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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graciegoeskrazy · 7 months
i’ve got a woman now
pairings: Matty Healy x Teen!Daughter!reader (ft. The 1975)
a/n: GUYS. i really like this one lol. im so sorry to the wonderful anon who requested this! it took forever to complete because i loved it so much and kept adding and shit. but here it is and i hope u enjoy!
warnings: blood, periods, giving ‘the talk’, talk of absent mother, matty is the best dad, lil bit of panicking, a lil crying
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Your life quite literally flashed before your eyes when a line of blood started running down your legs. You ran to the bathroom and sat down as quickly as possible. Your bottoms were coated with blood. You were immensely scared and did the first thing that came to your mind - calling out to the person you trusted most.
Matty sat up and ran upstairs as soon as he heard you shout, never hesitating. He heard the panic cries coming from the bathroom. When he walked in he saw you sitting in the loo with a towel covering yourself. He kneeled in front of you.
“Woah, woah. Hey.”
You were scared shitless. Matty could tell by your panicked breathing.
“Breathe, baby.”
He led you through some exercises and after a moment he calmed down. “Is it under there?”
You frantically nodded.
“Good. Now let me see.”
He was pretty sure he knew what was happening but needed to make sure. “What happened?” He asked.
“I don’t know! You just sat down and I was peeing- and there was blood everywhere!”
“Okay, Okay, breathe darling.” His worst fear was confirmed. “It’s gonna be okay-”
“Daddy, what’s happening?”
He grabbed your shoulders and looked you right in the eyes with a smile. “You got your period, love.”
“Huh?” His casual tone threw you off.
“I’ll be right back.” After a moment or two Matty came back with a pair of underwear with a pad already attached, new shorts, and another roll of toilet paper. “Ok. You’re gonna clean yourself up, put this on, change your bottoms, and come meet me in my room. Okay?”
You nodded but continued crying. He kneeled again. “What’s wrong, darling?”
“Am I in trouble?”
“No, love! Of course not! Why would you be?”
You sniffled. “I made a mess and stuff,”
“No, you didn’t, love. This is all normal-”
“What do you mean normal?! Dad, I’m scared.”
“Just change, then come find me. Okay?”
You were so fucking confused
Although Matty tried to stay calm for the sake of his kid, on the inside he was a panicking mess. So, he called the person who usually always knows the right thing to say, and usually ends up fixing his problems. Your uncle Adam.
He mentioned that he, his wife Carly, your uncle George, and uncle Ross were all going out to lunch for the day, and would be back at the house you and all of them shared after. He facetimed him and he thankfully answered immediately.
“We’ve got a serious fucking problem.”
“What’s happened?” Adam asked.
“Y/n got her period.”
Everyone at the table went silent.
“She got her period mate. I have to fucking give her the TALK now!”
He could hear the others laughing in the background. Adam just smiled a bit. “You’ve never given her the talk?”
“No! I raised her alone! I’ve been trying to avoid that topic for as long as possible!” Your father was freaking out.
George spoke up from the back. “Did she even know what a period is?”
“I don’t think so. She called me to the bathroom- I think she thought she was gonna die.”
“Oh my god,” Ross said laughing.
“Does she need supplies?” Carley said, taking the phone.
“No, I had some stashed since 2 years ago for when this happened.”
“Awe! He cares!” She said, teasingly.
“Give Hann the phone back.” He replied with a blank face.
One Hann’s face was on the screen again, he continued. “Mate, What the fuck do I do?”
“First, you’re going to chill the fuck out.”
Matty took a breath. “Get her relaxed, it’ll do you both no good if she’s an anxious mess which I know she is.”
“Then you are going to simply explain that what happened is called a period. And because she got a period, she is now capable of making babies. But she cannot and will not make a baby until she is at least 30. She will bleed down there every month, and stick some cotton in her underwear to help. she might get terrible mood swings or cramps, or like her auntie Carly, she will want to stab her significant other's eyes out,”
“Hey!” Carly yelled.
“But it will all be fine, because her dad is here to help, and will be there every step of the way.”
“That was pretty good,” Ross said.
“I can’t believe my baby girl is becoming a woman,” Matty said.
“It was inevitable mate,” Adam said.
“I’ve been dreading this exact moment since I found out she didn’t have a penis.”
“You're a good dad, mate. Go.”
Your dad smiled a little bit before saying, “I’ll see you later.”
Carly chimed in before Adam had the chance to hang up. “Remind her that she now has an excuse to stay out of P.E!”
Your dad was lying in bed, scrolling on his phone after sending a text to George that read ‘pray for me’, when he heard the door creak open slightly. “Hop In,” he said, pulling back the covers.
“I can’t.” You shyly looked down, basically caving in on yourself.
“Why?” He asked.
“I’m gonna mess up the sheets again.” You slowly looked up to him.
“If you do then we’ll wash them. It’s not a big deal, c’mon.” he patted the spot next to him. You walked over to the bed and snuggled under the covers, immediately hiding in your dad’s chest. He ran his fingers through your hair for a moment, thinking about how to start the conversation. However, you did it for him. “Am I dying?”
He chuckled. “No. You’re not dying.”
You mumbled in his shirt. “So what’s happening then?”
He sighed. Here we go, “When girls get older…and start becoming women…they get their period every month-”
“Every month?! I’m gonna bleed out of my but every month?” You said sitting up.
“It’s not out of your but, it’s out of your vagina-”
“Doesn’t matter! I’m gonna have blood coming out of me every month?!”
He looked at you with a tight lip before replying. “...Yes.”
You showed a look of confusion. “Why?”
“Now, time for the fun part.”
Your brows furrowed. “What fun part?”
“The part where I tell you how babies are made-”
“NO. NOPE! I’M GOOD. No need for that.”
“So you’re telling me you didn’t know what a period was but you know everything about having sex.”
“I don’t know everything about sex, and I don’t wanna know everything about sex!”
“You have to, love.”
“I just learned im gonna lose gallons of blood every month out of my butt and you're telling me you wanna have the freaking birds and the bees talk NOW?”
“It’s not gallons…I think. And, it’s all connected, y/n. You need to have a period to get pregnant.”
“I can get pregnant?!?!?!”
“...technically, yes.”
“Oh my god, my life is over.”
“Your life is not over. We’re gonna have this conversation, I’m gonna answer all questions you have, and then you will continue living your life.”
You were silent. Staring at your hands.
“If you don’t hear it from me, your father who loves you, you’re gonna hear it from stupid kids around you who either tell you false information or try and get in your pants.” After a moment, you answered.
I can’t believe this.”
“Well…you’re aunt Carly says you can use it as an excuse to get out of gym!”
Your eyes widened. “You told Aunt Carly?!”
“Yeah…I called Adam and the boys and she answered.”
You sat up. “THE BOYS KNOW?!?!”
“Relax, love. It will all be okay.” He patted your knee and you fell back down, hiding your face in the pillows.
“Everyone’s gonna look at me differently now.” Your sound was muffled by the pillows.
“Honey, that’s already happened.” You didn't move. Your dad readjusted to fave you and your hidden state.
“Do you know how many times you’ve made your Uncle George cry simply because you’re growing up? And I think Ross had a panic attack when he found out you started wearing real bras.”
“Dad…” You said looking up
“The point is, you have people in every corner who want nothing more than to support you because to them you’ll always be our baby girl.”
After about an hour, a couple of Google searches, and a phone call to Carly and Charli to get a second and third confirmation that there are indeed 3 holes, you and your dad had covered everything. Yet, some dots still weren’t connecting.
“Why do some babies get put up for adoption? People still have sex even if they don’t want to have a baby?”
Matty could get over your confused face it was adorable.
“Yeah, sure. People use condoms or there are pills women take. It’s different for everyone.”
He could still see the wheels turning in your mind and continued. “They don’t always work though. Your mom was on the pill when we were together, but she still got pregnant.”
Your mother.
For a while now you had been perfectly content with the fact your mother wasn’t in your life. Your dad always said your family was perfect the way it is, but all these discoveries had you questioning your existence a little bit. Some of those dots started connecting in your head, and that confused expression turned to fear.
“You guys didn't mean to have me?”
Marty’s heart shattered. How in the world was he supposed to deal with this one? There isn’t exactly a guidebook on telling your pre-teen daughter about sex when you’re a single dad to a baby who has never had a mother in her life and was raised around nothing but dirty disgusting men who are also in a band that leads her to have a not so normal life?
“Not technically…no?” He said.
You nodded and looked down- finally understanding. “Is that why she left?”
Oh shit. Now THIS was the talk Matty wanted to avoid even MORE than the birds and the bees. He knew it needed to happen eventually and now seemed good enough.
“Your mother left for a multitude of reasons, but newborn you was not one of them.”
“Then why did she leave?” You asked.
You rolled your eyes. “You always say that-”
“Because it is, y/n.”
You looked up at your father. He had a look of pity written all over his face. He sighed and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer.
“The truth is, you were unexpected. You were a surprise to everyone. And your mother wasn’t ready for such a big wonderful surprise.”
“So she bounced.”
“Yep.” He replied, popping the ‘p’
“But you stayed.” You replied smiling at him.
“I did.”
“Thanks for not putting me up for adoption.” You said, leaning into him.
“Thanks for being a great kid.”
“Thanks for playing mom and dad.”
He kissed the top of your head before replying with, “My pleasure.”
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fandomsnstuff · 7 months
Consider: twosun didn't have snow. Anywhere. At all. They didn't even have a concept of it. They don't know what it is. Anyway, it's day 26 of @taznovembercelebration and im a canadian who tried to write people who've never seen snow before
Day 26: wonder
The IPRE crew is very happy that their plan worked and they've successfully hidden from the Hunger. What they didn't plan for, was how cold Faerun could get and the not-rain falling from the sky.
Read it on AO3
After they deploy the relics in what they hope to be the final cycle, the IPRE crew waits with bated breath for the Hunger. But the scouts never come. Days pass, then weeks, then months, and the sky never darkens unnaturally, revealing countless white eyes opening up to find them.
As those months pass, they find that the days shorten and the air cools. As people built for a world with two suns, this poses a bit of a problem. Sure, they spent certain cycles in colder and darker climates, but that doesn't mean they enjoyed it. One year just isn't enough time to adapt to that. So they make do. Sweaters and blankets are plentiful, and when the cold gets bad enough that the ship's heating system can't seem to break through it, they all pile up in the living room. Body heat is crucial for survival. Not to mention that Magnus is simply a furnace of a man.
He's the one who seems to be able to function the best. He has to wear a shirt (or a few), much to his chagrin, but he still gets up every morning and dutifully goes for a run.
One morning, he extracts himself from the pile of bodies on top of him, and everyone shuffles in to fill the space he left. He's barely gone for a few minutes when he comes back and excitedly says, “guys, get up! You gotta see this!”
There are some grumblings about having to leave the nice warm sleep pile to go to the cold outdoors, but they comply. When they get outside, though, the grumblings stop as they all stand in awed silence.
Davenport had landed the cloaked ship in a field just outside a nearby town. That town, the field, and everything else, is now coated in a thick layer of white… stuff. And small bits of it fall from the sky. Magnus runs out onto it, and it crunches under his feet, leaving footprints behind. He turns back to them and holds his arms out, “isn't it great?!”
“It's beautiful,” Lucretia says. The sun peeks through the soft grey clouds and it sparkles. She breathes out, “woah.”
Lup steps out into it and holds out her hand. Some of the little bits land on her hand, and stay there a moment before melting away. She crouches and scoops some up off the ground, crushing it in her hand. Some falls back to the ground and some melts away. She wipes her hand off on her pants. “It's like the cold sand from, what was it? 45?”
“42,” Lucretia says, “but I don't remember it falling from the sky. Or melting.” She holds her hand out too, and watches the bits melt. “It's water.”
“So it's raining ice,” Taako pulls his obscene amount of blankets tighter around himself, “peachy.”
“I don't think it's ice,” Barry says, “this isn't one solid piece.” He examines the bits that have collected on the sleeve of his sweater, “it's like it's crystallised.”
“Maybe I can go into town and talk to someone,” Magnus says, “they'll probably know what's up with this. Maybe we can get some better gear, because I don't know about you guys, but my shoes and socks got wet the moment I stepped out here.”
“I'll go with you,” Lucretia says, “just give me two minutes to put real clothes on.”
Not long after, they're crossing the field together.
“You weren't kidding about the wet shoes,” she says.
“I even changed my socks while you were getting dressed and put on different shoes, and my feet are still wet.”
“Well Taako promised us soup when we got back, so I think that'll keep me–” she cuts herself off with a yelp as her feet hit harder ground and fly out from under her. Magnus catches her before she cracks her head open on the cobblestone. “Now that,” she says, getting back on her feet, “is ice.”
“No kidding,” Magnus links her arm in his and they make their way (carefully) into the streets, “the last thing we want to do is lose you when we've only just begun the rest of our lives.”
She squeezes his arm. “We won't be perpetually in our early 20s anymore.”
“I'll finally be able to fully develop my frontal cortex.”
All through town, there are children playing in the cold snow, and people walking briskly down the street. Lucretia and Magnus are wearing the most layers out of anyone. Lucretia spots a café on the opposite side of the street. “Let's go in there,” she says, nodding in its direction, “the air out here is making my face hurt.”
They cross the street as quickly as they dare, and sigh with relief as the warmth of the indoors and the smell of fresh baked goods hits them. They walk up to the counter, where a young woman is placing a tray of croissants into the display.
“Awfully cold out there,” Magnus says, turning on his rustic charm.
The woman looks up at them, amused. “Newcomers?”
“You could say that.”
She laughs and shakes her head. “Trust me, if you think this is cold, you haven't seen anything yet.”
Both of their faces drop. “It gets worse?” Lucretia asks.
“Oh, yeah.” She gestures to the window, “you actually can't get snow if it's too cold. That's when you get freezing rain and everything's covered in a layer of ice.”
They both just stare at her, dumbfounded. Their home plane had nothing like this. It didn't get this cold, and it certainly didn't have “snow” and rain that covered everything in ice. The young woman smiles pleasantly, “so what can I get you?”
They glance at each other. Magnus says, “directions to somewhere warmer, maybe?”
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caffeiiine · 7 days
hi hi i didnt realize i cant like rb or answer anything answered privately which makes sense cuz its meant tobe private but its a lilinconvenient noq that i think about it but anyway answering stuff about the rewrite!!
the idea that angie can accurately replicate handwriting is so good to me ouagh, i wantee to add something where kokichi's signature was different on angie's note than the actual note for evidence reasons but idk if i ever put that in the doc
okok the wuestions now (i do not remember a lot of these things befause of this having been made 2+ years ago BhbBDFIJGBRJK)
- "how did miu not burn the whole jacket?" - i imagine a leon situation. most of it burned, but a part of it fell out of whatever machine miu made to burn the jacket and she just never picked it up (in part bc she didn't feel like it, in part bc she's dual masterminds with kirumi in this world)
- "why did she wear her jacket if she were trying to frame kokichi?" - yeh no i did not think that through FBHEBIJABFUIA i think me from two years ago just wanted an obvious difference to a character that at first wasnt very suspicious but later was like holy shit ur the mruderer AND HERES THE EVIDENCE sorry i have monster im very shaky so im not fixing typos i hope u can read these BEAUIBDFIUDSFBU
- "miu + angie alliance? :3" - in retrospect i so should have done something with that cuz i lowkey love that idea BUAOHAOJHEAJO
- "[...] if there was a rivalry between your s/i and angie bc of the similarish talents" - never thought about it but absolutely i think yes
- "what was the point of the torture post-mortem?" - angie wanted to make it seem like kokichi had dragged my s/i into his lab and tried to get him to help with some plan but my s/i refused (mightve been my reasoning?) and got to the point he tortured him to try to get assistance or something, angie just wanted it to seem like kokichi had tortured my s/i for some reason (cuz atp they all think kokichi is mega cruel mega heartless ygwim)
with a lot of the above questions i came up with this entire chapter within the span of like... a day home alone on a day off i had from school so i never really changed anything after i came up atih it? and i had reasonings for things i just never wrote them doqn properly and was like rambling to myself out loud ot think that day) (my dogs probably thought i was crazy) (i am crazy)
onto commentary comments :3
YESSS KAEDE IS ALIVE!!!! i wanted her and shuichi to both live in this so i made it happen :3 along with them i think kokichi is the only other of the remaining 5 after chapter 6 that would be alive (kirumi's influence, miu's inventions, they caused Despair and Hell snd whatever yadda yadda i tried making it work and i never really fleshed it out)
ENHABHAJDGBIHA YES ANGIE REPLICATING HANDWRITING HS MY HEART BECAUSE I JUST. i feel like shes really good at replicating styles? like art styles, s the ultimate artist yk, so i feel like she could replicate handwriting pretty well too
BAJHAUAHAJ I QANTED TO MAKE HER HVE SOME REALLY OBVIOUS THING WRONG BUT LIKE TRY TO EXCUSE IT OUT OF TRIAL. i made a few crazy angie sprites actually ebcause i wanted to hold on
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crazy angies i made cuz i wanted to do that trial insanely ^ i mightve actually made these before i came up with this idea and then i qas like "WHAT IF ANGIE NO COAT AND NO ONE SUSPECTS ANYTHING UNTIL ITS TRIAL EVIDENCE" idk i had no reasoning to make her go to th etrial qithout her coat other than i wasnt cery good at thinking of incriminating evidence
i cannot actually think of a way to reply to the thing aoubt angie assuming and backing it up with atua + that whole paragraph (it is 12:12 in the morning rn as i type this) but hard agree with everything u say there
u can like copy paste the format for the trial stuff if u want to btw!! with this i tried to make sure i did a lot of looking into what info i needed (i had an "evidence" tab too but i forgot what i was gonna put there so i left it blank + couldve been the truth bullets or smth! maybe the detailed descriptions for them??? idk) but anyway u can copy paste the actual format itself and leave maybe a few things in each thing to dtermine what exactly it is that you can put there idk idk its 12:15 im struggling BSHBSFDHIHA
ALSO YES HRUTAL MURDER, i didnt realize until i read through it again that it is a very brutal murder + generally brutal case and i put a lot of lements in there but i was very over the top 2-3 years ago so i blame that. id do better now if i could erase my memory of making this case and redo it
also ur welcome for accurate dearh times i think i had to actually look up "does a stab to the back of the neck kill you instantly" i htink the fbi has me on their watchlist now because of that alone BFRUIHRUIAHUIHAGHAH
alos yes i Can read tags on privately answered posts, i watned kokichi angst back then so i thought the best way to do that was to make him fall in love with me adn the n kill myself off BSJAHAUHAHHA, alos probably because i would have died immediately in a killing game so i gave myself the benefit of the doubt for it and made myself live for an extra 4 chapters than i probably would actually live
oookay sorry this rotted in my inbox i now have a spare 30 mins to type this 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
OHHKAY OKAY i was thinking that i was thinking it might be a leon thing or similar to that
AH GOT YAHT👍👍 adding on a little i think it’d be silly if she early on in the trial somebody asked her about her coat and she was like “oh, i lost it!” and everyone brushed it off until later a bunch of things come to light and then its like idk insert reaction i can’t think of anything😞😞
ALSO ALSO if we can fit it in somehow we should use miu + angie alliance, only thing now is would miu hang on until the end in order to not get herself tied up in the aftermath? or would she throw angie under the bus the minute things are turning out bad for her kinda like nagito and teruteru? except she definitely wouldn’t be as nonchalant about things as he was, she’d probably be taking everything as an attack against herself and being super defensive. but at the same time, she also has a super weak will and crumples very easy so at that point she might be more focused on minimizing her position as much as possible? idk im rambling <3
and also that’s so real i have several old aus i made on like testing days and stuff that i just never got around to fleshing out <3 and when i looked back on them they just. SUCKED. so i didn’t do anything with them. not saying yours sucked btw just saying mine sucked [like they were HORRENDOUS. trust.]🫂🫂
off topic i love saimatsu so much <3 anyways the kirumi + miu mastermind thing reminds me of hiyoko and ibuki tbh [LOVE them + that pairing] super super off topic once but me and my friend made a crackship once with ibuki + miu and that just reminded me of it mxnxnd
WOOO ANGIE SPRITES!!!! she so deserved to be a killer in the main game idc what anyone says
YAAY i’ve got the general format in my head for whenever i decide to actually sit down and make the doc since i’ve been procrastinating on that so hard😞
this is so off topic but i feel like you were a theater kid at one point, i barley meet people that are very expressive like you and 9 time out of 10 they are/have been theater kids :3
THATS SO SILLY THOUGH, if im being completely realistic id be the first one gone just bc im stupid😞 and id probably complain about people killing in ways that were stupid to me, id be lucky to get to chapter 2 i think unless i was in some position of power nxbdhdb s/i’s are silly and funny
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lamouratorrrrry · 2 years
Extremely Unbiased Thread About Why Kintoki’s Design is Good, Actually
hello. you may call me Luna, however im sure most people here know me as “the kintoki huge tits artist”. today i’ll be doing something quite a bit different than my usual posts, and thats that im going to be analyzing why exactly i think kintoki’s original design is actually really nice. no i am not biased in any way. 
the reason for this is that, being a huge fan of kintoki (and frequently browsing his tag on here), a sentiment that i see a lot is “i really like kintoki, but i hate his design/i like his rider and heian designs more”. which is fair! you are very much allowed to think that. all i want is to possibly give a different perspective on why i think the opposite (and to gush about my favorite character). 
so come with me on this design-analysis slash luna-talks-about-how-sexy-kintoki-is journey!
(this thread will for the most part be discussing his 1st ascension. the reason being is that he really doesnt change much design-wise as he ascends aside from the big coat in his 3rd ascension. also, its my favorite of the three! see, totally not biased.)
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hi handsome ;)
we’ll start at the top and work our way down. first, i need to address the elephant in the room, aka my biggest fate fandom related pet peeve. 
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this hairstyle? this is not a bowlcut. this is a bob haircut. and its CUTE OKAY. (op has a bob cut and therefore takes these jokes very personally)
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a bob is typically longer, enough so to hide the ears. a bob is also meant to frame your face. the bowl cut is much shorter, shows the ears, and is one length all around. 
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for reference, the only other character that i can think of who cant beat the bowlcut allegations is tsuna. i see a lot of people saying stuff like “wow, they both work for raikou and they both have bowlcuts!” when their hair looks completely different... 
firstly, his bob is cute! come on :( second, this haircut has roots in historical kintarou depictions! 
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this is a kintarou doll, and is clearly what inspired fate kintoki’s hair! despite the rest of his design being very modern inspired, i quite like that he keeps his “historical” hair. i think its a nice little touch/nod to his younger self. 
moving on, lets talk about kintoki’s fashion sense.
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it took me a bit to pin down what i think kintoki’s fashion sense is exactly, and i think its fair to say he’s very 70s inspired. this is extremely funny to me for reasons i will talk about later. after doing some light research, a big *big* staple of 70s mens fashion ive picked up on is having your shirt unbuttoned like. basically all the way. just absolutely tits out, and i respect that so hard. 
(technically his extremely popped collar is more 80s, but i think its fair to say hes designed after some amalgamation of decade-fashion)
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all kintoki’s missing is a crazy pattern on his shirt. come on raita i believe in you
something else of note is, of course, his jewelry! kintoki very clearly wears a lot of big, bold jewelry like his necklaces and bracelets. ive said it before and i’ll say it now, i wish to god he had been given earrings. that would take his design from a 10 to an 11 imho
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one word i see thrown around a lot about kintoki’s design is that its very tacky, and im 99% sure these comments are referring to his obnoxious amount of jewelry. however, i believe kintoki’s design works so well because its tacky. again i’ll talk about this more later, but i think a lot of kintoki’s charm comes from his dorky, tacky accessory choices. 
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(im sorry kintoki for just straight up putting your crotch on the dashboard)
speaking of tacky and gaudy, kintoki’s belt buckle. yet again kintoki’s quest to look as cool as possible makes him look absolutely silly, and i adore it. i dont have much else to say here except that i love that he wears not one but two belts. (and yet we still see a peak of his underwear in his 2nd and 3rd ascensions? i love him so much) at this point, we all know that kintoki looks the way he looks because hes trying to be as cool as possible in the modern era. but its not very modern, is it? im not sure if this was intentional or not, but a small detail i really really love about kintoki’s design is how... outdated it is. sure decade fashion comes back and becomes cool every few years, but kintoki looks very outdated. again, i think this all adds to his charm. as much as he tries to look like a 21st century cool guy, he just ends up looking like the bully jock in an 80s film. 
i want to take a second and talk about another small detail that i absolutely love about his design, and that’s the use of pink. its kind of small, but its present enough that i feel justified talking about it. kintoki has a pink bracelet on his right wrist, his sunglasses are tinted pink, and my personal favorite, he wears pink underwear! judging by the other characters hes drawn, im sure this might just be because raita happens to like pink, but i love the implications here regardless. definitely a “real men wear pink” sort of thing (toxic masculinity? never heard of ‘im). or, maybe kintoki just likes pink almost as much as he loves gold! he has good taste. 
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and not just pink but hot pink! 
(up till this point, ive been talking about and had only planned to talk about berserker kintoki’s 1st ascension design, but for this small portion, i would like to direct your attention to heian kintoki as well:
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PINK!! AND LOTS OF IT. kintoki definitely has at least 2 favorite colors.) 
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this guy slaps your girls ass wyd
lets look at kintoki’s full body one last time. like i mentioned earlier, at first glance he definitely looks like he shoves dweebs in lockers as well he should. and this, i dare say, is the best part of his overall design. i know that at this point when talking about fictional characters, subverting expectations is not exactly a new thing, but i think kintoki does this so well. just look at him. this man wants you to know he goes to the gym. he wants you to know that he’s over 6 feet tall and has a 6 pack. he wears sunglasses at night and indoors for gods sake!!! he’s also extremely kind and dorky. he loves his mom. he loves children and teddy bears, and he respects women.  
kintoki’s design is tacky and silly and outrageous and thats exactly why it works so well. it bums me out when i see people write this design off as being ugly just because they think they see a bowlcut, because i personally think a lot of thought went into this. well done raita! i do see why people might prefer his other designs, because its hard to compete with a cool leather jacket or a half-tits out samurai. that being said, this design is my personal favorite of his! his cheerful personality and lack of objective swag has endeared him to me greatly. 
this may have been incoherent, but i hope you’ll walk away from this thinking differently about our friend kintoki <3 
if i missed anything or you have anything youd like to add, please feel free! 
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ask-noonescity · 8 months
(@lightofunova) Reshi @ Lumen: Noticing the rather bright Ho-oh by himself, the albino woman moves over to him to speak. "Ah, hello. I adore you're outfit this evening." she started, trying to drum up conversation. "Say, I've never met a Ho-Oh with such pale yet radiant feathers...I hope it isn't too personal to ask, but are you perhaps shiny? Or a different variation perhaps?" She hoped she wasn't being rude to the fellow legend.
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Not expected to be talked to his feathers slightly fluffed up as he turned his gaze meeting a friendly face he relaxed rather quickly
"A-Ah thank you!" he bowed his head as a simple greeting still being polite before looked to his coat as he chuckled slightly with a small smile
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"I am indeed what you call shiny - I used to have more golden feather's than this, I mean I used to be known as the Golden Soul guide after all" He chuckled to his own words in slight memory of his past duties letting out a soft huff as he continued
He played around with his fingers, manifesting a feather in his hands as it emitted a golden shimmer almost by itself when moved "After a decade some stuff changed in a universe the gods gathered to discuss the matter"
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"Actually my title also changed from Golden Soul guide to Sacred one, its a very overwhelming title changed and I also went from lesser god to more of a important one"
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"..." Lumen played with the single feather that was in his hand lost in thought as he blinked realizing he spaced out as he looked to Reshi awkwardly chuckling. "S-Sorry, I might have gotten a bit too carried away you asked such a simple question I could have given a simple answer...!" he nervously chuckled
"Er anyway, it might have lost its rainbow shine but it still shines golden now..." he offered her the feather now
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"Im not sure if its still a thing but in some universes - creatures like to keep my feathers because they feel like it'll bring them eternal happiness, a-at least...thats what it used to be in my universe..." he said nervously "Would you like to keep it?" he asked simply
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glassofspoiledmilk · 7 months
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Going gold | Yuri P
Chapter 9, Practice Ice | TW Language
"Get up we have practice" a voice said as my eyes flickered open.
When my vision fully cleared I saw Yuri standing above me with two cups of coffee, one in each hand.
"I got you coffee" he said nonchalantly as he placed the cup in his right hand down on the nightstand next to me.
"Thanks" I say as I sit up.
"Hey Yuri where did you sleep?" I asked as I sipped on my coffee.
"On the floor" he replied as he sat down on the bed across from me.
"Why" I asked "i can't imagine that being comfortable".
"Because im sure as hell not sleeping next to you" he spat.
"What's so bad about sleeping next to me?" I replied, annoyed.
"You kick in your sleep, you take up the entire bed, and you snore" he added.
I rolled my eyes and took another sip of coffee.
I got up and walked over to my phone which was plugged in next to my suitcase.
The time was 10:30.
I usually don't sleep in this late..I guess I was jet legged.
I pulled out a pair of black leggings and a black long sleeve shirt. I walked over to the bathroom and went in to change. I brushed out my hair and pulled it back into a ponytail and threw on a headband to keep the flyaways at bay.
I did my skincare and makeup and then walked out to put on my sneakers.
Tomorrows the short program which means I really have to work today.
I did some basic stretches on the floor to warm up and after I was done I sat down on the bed again to scroll on Instagram.
Bzzz Bzzzz
**Incoming call from Mila <3**
I quickly accepted the call and stood up to make my way onto the balcony.
"Heyy!! How's France?" She says as enthusiastically as ever.
"It's really nice! The restaurants are soooo fancy" I say as I sit down in one of the chairs.
"Omg I'm so jelly I wish I got to go to France" she adds.
I laugh.
"Anyways, I saw the post of you and Yuri. Was I right? Do you have the hots for him?" She asked with a laugh.
I looked around to make sure he wasn't in earshot.
"No I don't it was just some crazed fan jumping to conclusions" I reply as my face burns red.
"Was she really jumping tho? I mean If I saw that that's what I would've thought" she adds.
"I don't like him." I say firmly.
"Alright alright, but I'm keeping my eye on you two" She laughs.
I roll my eyes with a smile.
"Anyway I've gotta get going, since yakov and Lilia are both there with you guys I'm stuck here with my bitchy choreographer who keeps yelling at me for checking my phone on break" she huffs.
"Alright I'll see you later" I laugh as she hangs up the call.
I walk back Inside and I see yakov, Yuri, and Lilia about to walk out the door.
"Where are you guys going practice ice isn't until 1:30?" I ask.
"I rented out one of their ballet room so I can condition the both of you." Lilia says as she zips up her coat.
I roll my eyes and grab my skating bag and coffee as they start to exit the room.
I run out of the room and over to the elevator where they all stood. The door opened and we all got in, Lilia pushed the button for the ground floor and we started to descend. I took a sip of my coffee and leaned against the wall as we moved.
When the doors opened we walked outside and onto the bustling street. There was a black car sitting on the side of the road and Lilia and yakov climbed into the front seats.
"When did you guys get this?" I ask.
"While you were sleeping" Yuri replies as he climbs into the seat next to me.
As Lilia started driving, I looked at the beautiful stores and bakery's along the street.
"Hey Yuri we should totally go out and shop after this!!" I say enthusiastically as I look over at him.
"Sure" he said not looking up from his phone.
When we got to the rink I grabbed by stuff and walked in. It was much bigger then the rink I usually practice at, it had four rinks, a full sized gym, and multiple ballet rooms. Lilia asked the receptionist guy where to go and he said to the fourth floor.
We walked up the many flights of stairs and went into one of the ballet rooms.
Lilia unpacked her stuff and Yuri and I got to stretching.
"Alright, today we will only be doing minor conditioning because I don't want to overwork your bodies before tomorrow, however you will still be going through your program choreography and jumps" Lilia says as we finish warming up.
"Y/N, you first" She added.
I groaned and walked over the the center of the room and took my starting position.
I started my program, and every time I messed up she made me restart.
By the time I did It fully correctly I was bent over panting from exhaustion.
"A-am I huff done yet?" I said as I tried to catch my breath.
"Yes, that was good enough. Yuri your up next."
Lilia said dismissively.
He groaned and walked over to the center of the floor.
I sat down in the corner of the studio with my bag and pulled out my water bottle. Through my chugging, I watch Yuri go through the same torture I had endured. However, every time Lilia said something he would retaliate which made her make him redo the program more times. I laughed at his antics from the corner, and in response he gave me a bitchy glare.
I watched him as he danced through his program, he was a very elegant dancer.
I know I will have to put up a fight to win more medals than him, but humbling him in the slightest is definitely worth it.
I put down my water bottle and slid into an elevated split so Lilia couldn't complain I was slacking off. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of Yuri angrily dancing and posted it on Instagram with the caption "training! 🤍 @yuriplisetsky" and posted it.
I knew damn well he would flip out would he saw it, but it was just too funny.
After Yuri finished his program Lilia had us run through jumps, mostly the quads and triples because those were worth the most. By the time we finished that, we had about 5 minutes until our practice ice. Still in the ballet room, me and Yuri laced up our skates. We then headed down to the first floor and walked into one of the rinks.
"You two head out, we will be there in a minute" Lilia said.
Yuri and I stepped out onto the ice and stroked around to get a feel for the area. I did some single jumps to warm up, and then Lilia an yakov came onto the ice.
"Y/N you will be entering from over here and you will be facing that wall when you start your program" Lilia said as she pointed to the wall at the end of the rink.
"Go get in position, we'll run through your short program first" she added as she skated off to the side.
I skated to the center of the ice, facing the wall she pointed too. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Yuri skate off the ice and sit down on the fancy bleachers.
Lilia suddenly turned on the music and I started skating. I did my opening and then went straight into my jumps, which i landed almost perfectly. On my quad lutz I had 1/4 of a pre rotation which I didn't realize until Lilia yelled at me for after. I did some combo spins and then finished my program. I took my final position, huffing and panting out of breath.
I heard clapping from someone on the side.
I looked over to see yakov sitting next to Yuri clapping like he just watched the worlds greatest movie.
Yuri, however had his head sitting atop his hand and was scrolling on his phone.
I was kinda disappointed he didn't see.
"Alright you can go take a break, but tell Yuri to get on the ice when you get over there" Lilia said.
I skates off and threw my guards on over my blades so I wouldn't damage them on the metal bleachers.
"Hey Yuri, Lilia wants you on the ice" I say as I approach him.
"Alright" he says as he places his phone down.
I watched him as he slid on his gloves and fixed his ponytail. He got up and walked away, paying no attention to me. I sat down in his spot and was immediately met with boredom.
Out of curiosity, I picked up his phone.
I opened to his Lock Screen and saw messages from "Grandpa ❤️" and "Otabek 😎" but as I scrolled I saw multiple messages from "Mila 🖕" sent to him about 5 minutes ago.
I guessed at his password, but ended up shutting his phone down for 2 minutes. Then I had the genius idea to pull up a photo of him and use Face ID. I opened up my phone and scrolled onto his Instagram and pulled up a photo he posted while we were shopping at the mall. I held it up to the camera on his phone and surprisingly, it worked. I tapped on Mila's messages and the blood drained from my face when I read them
Mila 🖕
Dude just ask her out already!
Are you kidding me? she'd never say yes
Mila 🖕
Shes literally your biggest fan why the hell would she say no?
She's not my biggest fan
Yea I'm pretty sure she is
Regardless I'm not doing it
Mila 🖕
You suck
Read 1:55pm
I stared in shock as I read through the messages. Who was this fan he wanted to ask out? And why didn't he tell me? I turned off his phone and slammed it down against the bleachers. I felt a burning betrayal in my stomach.
Why hadn't he told me?
I angrily stood up and walked off to the bathroom.
As I got down to the last step on the bleachers Yuri came walking off the ice.
"Hey Y/N did you see that I landed all my quads perfectly, you better be really to lose tomorrow" he said confidently as he wiped the snow off his blades.
"Ecstatic" I replied with a depressed tone as I passed him by.
He stopped wiping and watched me as I walked away. I didn't care, I just wanted to be far away from everyone. I walked into the women's bathroom next to the stairs and locked myself in one of the stalls. I pulled out my phone and dialed milas number.
"Hello?" She said as she picked up her phone.
"Who does Yuri want to ask out" I say sternly.
"W-what are you- I can't tell you that's that's private!" She exclaims "And how did you even know that Yuri wanted to ask someone out?".
"I went on his phone while he was running through his program and saw messages from you" I said as I shrunk down the wall.
"Look Y/N I'm really sorry but it's not my place to say anything..but don't pester Yuri about it, he's been really stressed because of it" she adds.
"I've gotta go, I'll call you later" she says as she hangs up the phone.
I lower the phone from my ear and onto the floor. I was overwhelmed by a million different emotions that nothing felt real. The world felt like it was crumbling from the inside out.
I felt a single tear shed from my eye.
I wiped it away as I sniffled and picked my phone up off the floor. I feel bad for Yuri, he dosent deserve to be stressed about asking a girl out, but I just don't understand why he wouldn't tell me.
I felt my phone vibrate and light up with a notification
"New message from: Yurio 😾"
The message read: "you ok?"
I unlocked my phone and quickly replied with "yea I'm fine, just felt sick".
I stood up off the floor and walked out of the stall. I looked at myself in the mirror and wiped away my slightly smudged mascara.
I walked out of the bathroom and over to the ice, where Lilia was standing.
"Where were you?" She said sternly as I walked onto the ice.
"In the bathroom, I wasn't feeling good" I stutter out.
"Well I hope your feeling better now because you need to run through your free program" she adds.
"Yea alright"
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agandar · 7 months
nwos ramblings time
second of all. 2025. puts head in hands it's fine it's cool im patient it's not that long <- exploding
third. actual trailer thoughts.
i really adore the artstyle they've used for the 3d models, they aren't as jarring as the old ones (which i didnt like at first but they grew on me) and still look real nice and stylized - a little nit picky but sometimes the mouths look? odd?? but like eh whatever. the noses too sometimes but again. eh whatever.
i will say though. i like the artstyle but. laytons new model. im kinda. iffy on it. at least right now it's prolly gonna be the old 3d models situation again where i gotta adjust then i can appreciate them in their own way but as of the moment. im kinda. hmmmm. i'll need to see them more in action too of course but right now he just feels. off. at times it looks fine and then others it looks odd. there's the outfit change, sure, which i wasnt the greatest fan of but i hardly hate it - i just prefer his big ol thick coat and sweater. that's fine, that isnt the problem, but he just. his whole shape language just feels! off! that man is a cylinder!! rounded squares!! reassuring and reliable!! in this he kinda looks like a triangle! maybe it's just the one idle pose cus we didnt see much STILL. part of what i liked about him is that this man is a TUBE. he is the cardboard tube that cain killed his brother with. now though he's looking less tube and more rolled up carpet with a rubber band on. but then again who knows these are just my initial gut reactions! maybe layton just decided he wanted to go to the club in which case slay king go for it also his head just looks like a touch too big but maybe that's also just my brain imagining things
also. luke's model. perfect no notes fantastic bowtie
the 3d cutscenes looked really nice which im pleasantly surprised by BUT i really hope they wont be used to like. replace 2d cutscenes. i dont imagine they will since they're a staple of the series but still.
kinda hope it stays like what we saw in the trailer where it's just layton's musings and lukes thoughts on things, maybe interspersed a bit throughout the gameplay where they need to be like 'look he picked up a thing here's a quick shot of it!' just yknow complimentary stuff and little moments. then again though i'd love for them to prove me wrong i just still have miracle mask cutscene ptsd
either way i like them so far and i hope this might mean we get a few more cutscenes where we can just see layton and luke interacting with stuff more. and also give us more swordfighting because i mean. layton swordfighting. it's the first time we've seen him in ages i'd be there trying to shove as many layton swordfights in as possible, finally give him a sword to just have on him at all times so that every single cutscene there's always the potential he'll just whip it out
the 2d art we have seen FANTASTIC i LOVE IT it's GREAT and the environments (or environment we've only seen like one) is DELIGHTFUL im so glad to see that good ol layton architecture im so excited to see more, ive always adored how environments and backgrounds are stylized also LITTLE LUKE AND LITTLE LAYTON SURVEYING THE SCENE!! THEY ARE JUST. IN THE CORNER. THEY ARE LOOKING!! it's a really small detail but it's GREAT i really hope it wont be just the one area
i also really like the hud we've seen so far, it looks clean without being obstructive or distracting - was a bit worried how they'd make it work on switch but so far it looks good still a bit worried about the memo just cus i know i will be playing mostly docked and memo functions with joysticks are. eck. but like hey im the one thats gonna opt out of using a stylus so that's on me, hopefully we can just stamp some stuff like circles and numbers maybe and that'll be enough
lastly though THE MUSIC!!! YEAHHH LAYTON MUSIC!!! layton music is always good this is no exception, absolutely looking forward to eventually having this new puzzle music ingrained in my mind after staring at a puzzle for 4 hours really been liking what we've been hearing so far it's got the good ol Layton Rhythm and the signature accordion but with a new twist i like, more brass instruments it sounds like man i cannot WAIT to hear what the title theme will sound like they always manage to pop off with the main theme
ok well anyway. managed to write a small opinion piece of a 3 minute trailer so that goes to show the grip this has on me. maybe this will finally spur me into finally doing art like ive been meaning to for uhhh checks watch. over. a year now. uhhhh anyway i think i've been writing this in snippets over the course of like an hour as i thought of more things to add but i dont have anything more at the moment so i am going to let this post go now to live in the wilderness. be free
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bluevelvet-room · 10 months
as promised, i am typing up my thoughts about reload with in depth discussion on the 2 most recent trailers. i'll put that in a read more - but before that, a disclaimer: first of all, these are my own thoughts and opinions and i will not be debating anyone about anything subjective i say. second of all, i'm only discussing the most recent 2 trailers because the other ones make me unreasonably angry so i might be missing stuff. anyways.
as a persona 3 fan, i havent necessarily been excited about reload for so many reasons i wont really be going into, but these new trailers have given me some amount of hope, and i will just be mostly ignoring the glaring issues.
some things almost definitely confirmed by the two most recent trailers as well as the demo they had at the sega event the other day:
3 physical attack types confirmed to still be in the game. this is a good thing
kouha and eiha have been added to the light and dark skill set, but no evidence of nuke or psy. this is an okay thing (im glad no nuke or psy - they have no real place in the game. but i dont necessarily think that ken and koro needed to deal damage because theyre both op as shit anyways if you build them right) (this might need fact checking, but i saw several people saying it, so)
despite prior claims, there is in fact fes content in reload. "the answer" may not be in it, but there IS fes content. so it's less original persona 3 as claimed and more the journey without the answer, fes edition. we know this for certain because a fes/portable exclusive scene is shown in the character trailer (mitsuru calling the cops because she thinks junpei's room has been burgled, as seen in the hidden cameras, an fes/portable exclusive feature)
new outfits that have been affectionately dubbed "tacticool" by my brother, and i will be using that phrasing to refer to it from now on. tacticool outfits are not an immediate addition - the old armbands do exist in the game for some amount of time. from trailer analysis, i've concluded that SEES switches to the tacticool outfits after fuuka joins but before aigis does, presumably at the same meeting where fuuka is asked to join. tacticool outfits standardly include the new armband, which is uniquely numbered to each character - minato is 3, and i've been able to catch junpei's number as 5. if anyone can figure out the other numbers, let me know i'm so curious. they also include a new coat and 3 magazine clips, which (speculatively) probably mean an evoker upgrade at the same time, possibly to be able to shoot shadows - though i'm not sure how well this would work as bullets would be pierce damage and almost entirely defeat the point of ever using aigis
we got clips of the additional male teammate "scenes", which i'm very excited about. it's confirmed they wont be social links, but they will have moments with minato, which is all i've ever wanted.
the demo apparently includes a version of baton pass, which is. fine. sure. i can deal with that
new ost/battle music which i am withholding judgment on until i can hear the full thing
dlc outfits - p4 uniform, p5 uniform, and phantom thieves outfits which look ugly as hell on the persona 3 characters and do not match the vibes at all thanks atlus. why does junpei still wear his hat
when a battle ends with an all out attack, the initiating character gets an end screen like in persona 5. we've only seen minato's thus far, though
now imagine if you will that i spent like an hour watching a two minute trailer because i care about these outfits so hard so i am going to describe my thoughts about them in so much detail
as i said earlier i think these come hand in hand with some sort of evoker mechanic upgrade/change, and theyre only introduced after fuuka
if i had to guess, the armbands are numbered with mitsuru as 1, akihiko 2, minato 3, yukari 4, junpei 5, and so on
they all have SHEATHES for their weapons which is sick as hell as well as everyone wearing some form of glove which is also sick as hell!!!
mitsuru has a cape. this is the most amazing thing that could have ever happened ever, and i support her in her cape endeavors
fuuka has a tactical poncho and headset (probably to make it more clear how she's speaking to everyone), but no clear evidence of having an armband. if she did have one, i'm pretty sure it'd be covered up by her poncho, so ??? but it's it's possible that only the fighting members of SEES get the new armband
ken with the oversized coat is so sick. i cannot even begin to stress how cool i think this 10 year old is. atlus was like would you like the world's sickest 10 year old with a sick ass coat and im EATING IT UP
if i think of more things i will reblog this post or make a new post idk i just needed to get the Melting Brain out. i hope everyone enjoys these ramblings and gains something out of it
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thepig · 9 months
i dont mean this in a harmful way but i literally cannot imagine having a strong enough sense of self to know if you are, the you that you identify as, is more than one person. i just have so much depersonalizwtion and derealization and yadda yadda yadda de a bunch of brain shit that i dont feel like a person like i dont know its not accurate to say dolores is a composite identity that a bunch of people in atrench coat are using or whatever but its also like. who is she. because there are moments when its strongly definitely not her. sometimes i just feel like im the brain and i know that im piloting it weird or whatever i dont really have enough memory to quantify that in a real way but i know im not a person who does shit and then i do shit. i know rnough to know that there is some state of mind where i dont feel like dolores, and its consisten, and its more than just one but i dont have enough consistent... whatever to make that mean anything. i know i know bpd warrior and depersonalization warrior and all those stupid fucking labels and nothing helps. its just doomed to watch an asshole pilot my body because im unable to be anyone else. or watch someone who only [redacted] and terrible terrible shit and blah blah blah blah. or all that stuff. not personalities for sure but like fucking. i dont know. more complicated than just moods. the dolores who is an asshole isnt just mean she WANTS shit you know? and i think theres something there. something enough to where im concious this is who i am sometimes. and saying who i am feels about as shakey as words get. i appreciate having a partner who is willing to work it out with me but i feel like all i end up doing is tossing around labels that make me feel awful or like im taking up space i dont deserve or im being enabled and i just wish i could take it out and just know. just know what the fuck is going on. i know resources about this shit is like a checklist you go down and if you get enough of it you magically get to identify as something or other but what do you do when the answers are consistently yeah, sometimes i guess. i dont really remember. i dont know who dolores is other than the shit i see myself say i guess. i dont know. its so tiring. and of course some amount of this is confirmation bias. some amount of it is my brain finding solutions to different problems its like a complicated scenario i know. but its like at what point does it stop? at what point do i become a person who feels like one all the time? who feels like and acts like and wants like and talks like the one person all the time? sorry this is rambky i dont mean anything by it i just hate my fucking brain. im not going to change anything ill just try to kill my brain until i feel significantly not as bad. see you in 3-4 business months
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raptorwithamarker · 5 months
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ignore the fact that these are all on paper and i edited the photos to make pencil visible. ummm i haven't made an au per se, but i wanted to draw dragons and one thing led to another. Been not working on this for a while, but figured everyone can add or do something with it lol since im busy. More info of the au under the cut.
Wings of Fire (kind of) au I was thinking of setting this around the time the 1st series is happening and lots of political changes are happening. I'm not sure where to start explaining so Skywings Grian is banished (!) from the skywings for defying the monarchy False is a skywing guard Tango is a skywing and in my heart he should have flamescales but he only gets them on the full moon (even during the day) Cleo is a skywing/seawing hybrid kept in the gladiator arena, and escapes in the Great Prison Escape (work with me here) Nightwings Pearl is a nightwing who was freed from the arena shortly after Grian left Xisuma is heavily scarred (in my notes it says from fights(??)), and escapes the volcano island onto the mainland Evil Xisuma is an albino nightwing who is a merchant in the scorpion den Sandwings Impulse is a sandwing Wels is also a sandwing Mudwings Ren is a mudwing Iskall is a mudwing/rainwing hybrid, and lost an eye in a fight (in my notes Iskall is exiled??) Keralis is probably a mudwing. back me up here pls Scar is a mudwing/rainwing hybrid but was raised in icewing territory. he lived on the outskirts in an outpost close to the border of sandwing territory, and was used as a training dragonet for soldiers out there. Cub eventually helped him escape, and he adopts the name Scar. During his time at the icewing outpost his scales were light greens and browns near white, but his form, tail, horns, and lack of serrated claws gave away his true nature. As he lives alone, he regains color (except for the scars) and becomes more brown with green, almost like oxidized copper accents. season 8 cough cough Icewings Cub is an icewing who is shipped out to the worst outpost after getting sorted there (fandom wiki got me there). he helps Scar escape and shortly after decides nah i don't wanna be here and gtfo's Etho is an icewing who gets taken prisoner after a skirmish on the border between his team and some sandwings goes poorly. he's sold into the gladiator arena where he befriends Cleo, but both lose each other in the escaping chaos. He runs to the rainwings territory, narrowly avoiding skywings, and meets Bdubs. hehe Rainwings Bdubs is a rainwing whos scales are usually moss greens and dark greens like shadows. It's giving glare. He travels to the edges of the territory and is interested in communication between different tribes and cultures. He also builds for the rainwings, and has popularized coffee beans. Joe Hills is a rainwing. Their coat is often many different colors, and writes poetry for other dragons Doc is a rainwing who experiments heavily with minerals from caves, a tinkerer of sorts. He lost his eye, but it doesn't hinder his work. He is reluctant to work with any dragons, but is still somewhat social Silkwings Mumbo Jumbo was blown off course from a raft he built and has lived in the skywing territory in the caves for many years. Despite many attempts, he has never been able to get back to the other continent. He meets Grian, and when Grian is banished he lives with Mumbo for some time. I missed quite a few folks because i don't feel qualified to give them dragon types. And.. that's all I've got so far, for the most part. I do have like some very minor stuff written, like Scar grows up with Icewings Polarfang and Vindictive, mostly because I needed stand ins. Originally the alliances would be season 8, but I think they could move somewhere. Look, I just draw dragon and they look cool. I did not think this out much. I also imagine Etho has to run and not fly because of the wing cuffs we see in the books, but I thought an updated muzzle looked a bit more menacing. I just feel like having a toothless scene were bdubs stumbles across pure carnage and then a sparkling white dragon is a fun setup. You see my vision. Anyway thanks for reading these rambles. TLDR: dragons be here
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it’s over, isn’t it?
theres a lack of lemon content and i am here to change that
this is some domestic stuff i wrote out of spite, because we as a fandom are not exploiting the thomas thing
written for the sexy @suniico
“You’ve got to be taking the piss” he’s wide eyed and leaning away from you in defeat, “how have you never seen thomas the tank engine?”
You shrug, ”not something i really put on, fireman sam was good though”
“Love, I don’t think this relationship can go on much longer, I have to educate you” he hunches over to grab the remote to the tv.
“Do i get a say in this?” 
“No, you’re gonna stop, watch, and learn and then after the first episode I am going to quiz you on what occurred” he points an accusatory finger at you, flicking through the channels without even thinking about it as the familiar theme tune begun to blare out. 
“Great to meet you Mr. Lemon, sir, thought we had finished with school huh?” you groan, leaning back against your citrus lover.
“This is more important than school ever was, Thomas is a way of life” he insists, gesturing to the train rolling onto the screen. 
Unfortunately, you enjoyed the show more than you expected to, and it lasted way more than you thought a children’s cartoon should. It wasn’t quite like a spiritual experience, which must have been the case for Lemon, but you were definitely pleasantly surprised. And, as promised he began asking you quick fire questions, ones like “who was the fat controller? What was the moral of the story? How many trains passed Gordon by?”.  By some weird twist of luck, you had gotten every question right, which earned you a content hum from lemon, “Alright, maybe you did pay attention, good job love.”
“And now?” you raise an eyebrow
“And now what?” 
You scoff, “Well i was expecting, i dunno, a prize? A reward?” 
He laughs softly, turning to face you, “and what did you have in mind?”
Shuffling the smallest bit closer, your eyes drift to his lips, “oh i dunno-”
His comical expression fades and he leans into you- only to be stopped by the intrusion of your hand, “you can do the dishes, and finish the laundry, as you thought you could get away with leaving your blood stained work clothes on the brand new bloody carpet”
A pained huff is all that comes from him at first, “really?”
You get up, “c’mon, i’ve got stuff to do too, what would thomas say?” you half mock him, now realising the weight you had to use against him.
“Fuck off, don’t use thomas against me! You got me excited then, thought me might y’know, bless the new couch” he wiggles his eyebrows at that last part, looking up at you for approval. 
Much to his dismay you scoff, “thomas is right there on that screen, you wouldn’t want him seeing that would you?”
“Oh so im being cockblocked by thomas now? christ almighty” he rests his head in his hands, reevaluating his life choices. 
“Well, ill let you get prepared to do the dishes, thinking of popping out to get a crate of something?” you do an awkward finger gun gesture, which earns you a disappointed sigh. 
“At least get me something would ya? This is a celebration, you lost your train-ginity!”
You give him a disgusted glare, “my what?” 
“You heard me, you got to experience the magic train”
Laughing, you walk out into the hallway to get your coat and shoes on, “i see why tangerine gets pissy whenever you bring up thomas now, did you give him the same lecture?”
Hes stood in the doorway now, leaning against it’s frame, “funny enough, no, because he would wake up every morning at 7am to make sure i didn’t miss an episode, even watched it with me on saturdays” 
You shake your head in a wave of disbelief, “Thanks for letting me be the first person you serenade with Thomas the tank engine? Oh, and the sentimental rant?”
He nods full of glee, “not a problem”
You yank the door handle and open the door, “ill see you soon yeah?” you kiss his cheek
“Woah- hang on there-” he says defensively, putting his hands out as a precaution
“I’d like a proper kiss if you’re gonna leave me here like this, yknow, to motivate me”
You roll your eyes before smashing your lips against him, getting a grateful noise from him, you pull away a second later though, “happier?”
He stands tall and grins, you cant help but let out an amused chuckle, “good, ill see you soon love” and off you pop
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hedgewitchh · 5 months
basically the thing to understand about me is i wake up at 11 am every morning and i have to decide if im going to eat the slabs of raw meat in my fridge.
i havent done it yet!! obviously, lol. but i go to get some eggs for breakfast and i see them there. the weak fridge light coats them in a glistening glow that should be unflattering (i really should change the bulb) but instead i am entranced. theyre piled up on top of each other sort of haphazardly, a thin, wide pale plate the only thing standing between them and the defilement of the foodstuffs below. i think theyre steaks? im not really sure. im not an expert you know, though i do spend a LOT of time researching and reading about the topic. i guess im something of an appreciator; an enthused observer. my vision unfocuses a little as i get lost in this familiar sight. the proud red color of the thick muscle swirls with the white of the marbling and it reminds me of van gogh, although a bit messier. as if he'd been up to his usual business and then splashed his paints across the thin, wide pale canvas in a serendipitous and terrible mistake. i become acutely aware of my skull's presence in my head. the way my face hangs off it like a coat on a hook. then i notice the eggs in my peripherals and remember what i am here for. i crack three of them into a bowl, add a little milk, salt, pepper, onion powder and garlic powder, beat the eggs, and scramble them over medium heat. theyre ok, not the best I've done.
when i tell people about this usually theyre a little confused. they ask me why id even want to eat the slabs of raw meat in my fridge. "you dont need to do something as drastic as that, cant you just grill them?" is the response i get most. the thing is, i love cooked meat! i eat it alll the time, its so delicious. i love all the ways you can prepare it, too, and you better bet ive tried most of them. however theres a certain je ne sai quoi about the idea of meat untouched by flame. nobody seems to get it. it makes me feel really lonely sometimes and like im going crazy.
lately ive been turning to online communities for a lot of my socialization. it turns out there are actually quite a few people out there who also think about this sort of stuff! theyre all very kind and intelligent as well, just total delights to speak with. i stay up late talking to them and laughing and feeling connected with them in ways ive never felt before. they make me feel as if maybe im not a monster.
some of them have eaten the meat in their fridges. they post pictures of themselves with grins and blood plastered on their faces. the cloying envy that fills my throat and threatens to suffocate me is one of the strange new connections between us because i know they've felt it too.
honestly most of these feelings are new, period. i havent always been so fixated on this. i used to not give that plate a second thought. of course, ive always been a bit of a carnivore, like i said before i do love and have always loved cooked meats. but this is a new level. its scary. intense. i mean also think of the risks! you can get hurt from doing this shit. i am very aware of all the ways that it can hurt you in fact. ive spent hours upon hours poring over everything anyone has ever had to say about the meat in their fridges and embroidered a complete list of consequences onto my consciousness. its always best to be safe.
i barely remember what its like to be normal anymore. no matter what im doing or where i am the knowledge that there is a plate of luscious animal product just waiting for me gnaws at the base of my brain stem. i open the door to my fridge. the tree of knowledge of good and evil is rooted in my vegetable drawer. i grab three eggs, i crack them into a bowl. milk, garlic, onion, some seasoned salt this time, because i am a person who likes to keep things fresh and new and exciting.
i lay in my bed and thoughts clump up in my brain matter. everything in the grand cosmos and also within the most secretive corners of my heart comes together and holds council over whether i should let these thoughts eat into my synapses. there's a delicious temptation in the erosion of my nervous system. there's a phrase on the tip of my tongue and i won't let it go. the aforementioned clumped concepts that weigh on my frontal cortex start bleeding raw sensory data. red and white swirl like a painting and my teeth rip into tendon and bone and i tear and i rip and there is a carnal beauty in the way blood pours from my mouth and down the front of my body and coats my skin in a slick crimson. this is no van gogh, now it is francisco goya, and i am greedily gulping down mouthfuls of flesh as if i've never tasted anything before in my entire life. and i am laying in my bed. and i go to sleep. and at 11 am i wake up in the morning and face whether or not i'm going to eat the slabs of meat in my fridge
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i-am-a-freg · 9 months
are you down to explain how the french revolution started? and maybe where the whole cake eating thing came from?
INDEED THANK YOU ANON(and I am SO SORRY I am horrid at checking my ask box, please forgive me and I love you)
Soooooooooo. This will be a little wacky and not entirely clear because I’ve forgotten some people’s names so forgive me lol.
It all started maybe a century or two before the French Revolution happened, when Jesus appeared to this little French girl(Margaret Mary alacoque i think?? If I’m wrong I’m so sorry don’t quote me on that) and the gist of what he says is this: I want to shower blessings on France and the king, tell him to put my Sacred Heart on his standard(or like his coat of arms or whatever I don’t know names of things) and to dedicate France to my Sacred Heart. So bestie goes to the king who is like. Nah.(side note wth bro. God comes down and you’re like nah??? The heck is wrong with this king)
anyway so that was (probably) Louie the somethingerother probably because they were extremely creative with their names. Fast forward to the American revolution. Now, all these dudes are aight. We love them for fighting for the freedom of our country yada yada but there’s a problem. They kinda suck. Like half the founding fathers are freemasons(which is a whole other kettle of fish), and by half I mean more like all of them. Except John Carrol. Or maybe it was Charles Carrol Idr. They were cousins tho one of them was the first archbishop of America and the other was the only catholic dude to sign the declaration yknow fun times.
Anyway im getting distracted. So then we’ve got mr Lafayette from France, who went to France to get supplies for our dear revolutionaries and brought them back, from our dear French king. Idr which one it was but the point is he got aid from the French king to win this revolution against the British. Lafayette goes back to France at some point after the war, and this guy fans the flames of the communist revolution in France(it’s literally always communists starting bloody revolutions I swear). Like, against the guys who just helped him in america. Talk about a backstabber. Now I’m a little hazy on the details and I’m not sure entirely how the revolution was begun because your girl has forgotten(sorry), but I DO know that Lafayette was instrumental in it so screw him.
And dearest anon, onto the famous “let them eat cake”. Before we go onto that let’s talk about the lovely girl who was supposed to have said this. Marie Antoinette was married off to this French kid when she was like 14 or 15, she was a catholic and the lavish immorality of the French court was something she obviously didn’t approve of. But she figures that this stuff is her responsibility to deal with and (in some ways) take part in, especially since bestie has got like the entirety of the French court pressuring her.
Anyway TLDR she’s a lovely little girl thrown into this cesspool of French aristocracy and feels like she needs to fit in.
Then over in America at some point, we have frickin Benjamin Franklin, who most likely did not have a high opinion of Catholics, French people, and definitely not royalty. the rumor of Marie Antoinette saying “let them eat cake” came from that bastard(pardon my French). And so now everyone thinks that Marie Antoinette was just a disgusting hussy who didn’t care about anything but herself and how much she could take from the poor peasants of France.
I’m not gonna pretend that the French court wasnt really gross and SOMEthing needed to change, but the revolution murdered everyone from tiny children to their beautiful innocent queen, while American founding fathers mocked or ignored them. Or in Alexander Hamilton’s case, though we should help the revolutionaries. Anyway I could say a lot more about that but I’ve already talked too much lol, so thanks for the ask!!!
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