#however them and Satan is just an especially fun combo
goodnight-whore · 8 months
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Aw look at these goofs they try to piss each other off at any given interval
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eri-pl · 2 months
Forgive me for asking, but when you say you like Morgoth do you mean you find him an entertaining character or that you think he had a point?
Oh. This will be long. Thank you for asking! (And I guess the parts that you feel needs forgiving is assuming that I may agree with him? I don't think you had enough data. Anyway if there's a need, I forgive you. I hope it's not "forgive me for sending asks", I like getting asks, especially actual asks! (As opposed to reblog chains and other random fun stuff which I sometimes like sometimes not))
No, Morgoth did not have a valid point in his rebellion. More details under the cut (it's long).
But he had a point, in the sense that he existed for a reason. (He much failed this point.) I think it shows through at times. Even if he wasn't evil, I think he was meant to be a trickster, challenger and the starting point of changes.
Like, I can see a situation where stealing the Silmarils would not be wrong (and not involve murder. It is far from canon, but if Feanor got obsessed with them without Melkor's "help", stealing the gems and leaving them in some funny place could be helpful. The classic fairy tale trickster.
So, in this sense he had a point.
But his actual goals as started in the book? Nope. 100% nope.
Like, yesterday I had my own teenage child look at me strangely when I said that I relate to Hurin's reaction. Not with the name-calling, but the "nope you are not as powerful as you say, this is not true and I don't care what you do to me about it" part. It is the valid reaction, in my opinion. L
But there's more in my liking for Morgoth than "I find him entertaining" (however this is true too at some points, mostly BoLT).
It's mostly "he's spawning a lot of headcanons in my head and I relate to them". It's a difference between "Morgoth as Tolkien seems to have intended him" and "Morgoth as I read him", which is a small difference in a way, but also a big one.
Ok let's address the elephant. I have no problem internalizing "Eru is God". But at the same time I have a lot of a problem internalizing "and Melkor is the devil".
This is a strange combo but that's what my brain does and I can't much avoid it.
His reasons are too relatable. Wrong but relatable. Very human. "I was not paying attention, busy with fantasies of power to soothe my insecurities and now when I have to do a creative activity with people, I can't sync with them" is a very relatable situation to me (I played a lot of ttrpg) and trying to fix it by being a jerk is something I have done. It's wrong but... I can't condemn a character for things I have done too.
(I realized I started explaining me reading of Melkor|Morgoth through his whole career, so here it goes)
And then he gets angry, which is stupid but still relatable. And makes orcs from elves which is awful but also canon cannot decide what exactly happened also it's too easy to assume he didn't realize they were actual persons...
And he corrupts humans? The tale of Adanel? What was her name? That one in Morgoth's ring, close to Athrabeth... It's one of 2 places where he actually reads (for me) as satanic as intended... Until the part where am obvious void-spider-related trauma shows. Which makes no sense in the timeline, but the whole story has huge timeline problems.
Then he gets captured. And again, my angst-living narrative brain assumes that he did try to behave better, just didn't put much effort in it. And then he met Feanor, and I have a while essay on how this triggered Melkor's narcissistic injury or whatever to call the issues he had. Not for Feanor's fault, just... Wrong time, wrong place, wrong family drama.
Yes, his reaction to that was unarguably evil. But also I can't stop myself from imagining extremely strong emotional pain behind it. It's like... I can't force myself to be so angry at him to enjoy the idea of "Morgoth's gonna get destroyed, yay!". There's too much pain on this (which is not in the book just in my head, I know)
He streaks the Silmarils, and keeps them when though they burn, because to do otherwise would be a period that he was wrong. And all his further decisions (again, unarguably evil) are made under extreme pain and distress of holy gems judging him all the time. (Look how they impacted Maedhros and Maglor. How much despair they got. And Morgoth is so much more).
He's evil, but also I can't with confidence say that I would never do similar things, especially in the circumstances. Evil but who am I to judge.
Like, at the end of of, it comes back to "I can't see the Valar ( including Melkor) as 100% good or bad, they're too human to be proper angels". Even Manwe (semi-)canonically makes a moral mistake. Some texts (not in published Silm) day that the Valar showed lack of estel by (making Valinor? Inviting elves? Sorry, I forgot the details) and that is a moral falling.
Don't get me wrong, it is a very small one, and I'm not trying to equate Manwe with Morgoth or anything, just to say that the Valar are less absolute than I would expect angels to be. (Not an expert on angels though)
(I love Manwe, he's wonderful, overworked, burned out but still trying, he's a sweet, good, idealistic birb. Who is not an angel. I love them all, even Orome who is canonically vengeful and I consider this a problem, and Yavanna who is really irritating at times. And let's not forget poor, bullied Aule who is a walking proof of the "not 100%".)
And with all that I've said before, I can't help but to project many of my issues and character failings at Morgoth. Yes, he's evil. I've also been evil. Technically less so, but I like to go things to 11 when projecting.
And another huge topic is how wonderful he would be if he wasn't evil, because he's got some of my favorite aesthetics and themes (void, paradoxes, out of the box thinking, trickster archetype, jak of all trades... Even the fire and ice thing has its beauty).
Sometimes I really want to punch him in the face for wasting all that. Just, not lethally.
And the beauty of what he could be is probably what pushes him in my head from the "I'm sorry for them being evil" category of evil and evil-leaning characters (which includes Sauron, fir example ) or the "eeewgh but I'm sorry for them anyway" (Ar-Pharazon , Gollum, all the exceptionally uncool bad guys) to "I'm sorry for them but also I like them no matter how little sense it makes". Ymmv, I have a strange aesthetics sometimes.
Also, he got defeated in the book and that gives him compassion points in my brain. I do feel sorry for him. No matter what I try to do with my brain, I can't stop. I just can't. One day I'll figure out how to untangle it but now I don't know.
Last but not least, I love some comedic takes. For me, comedy didn't ask what's right or wrong, just explores ideas... It's like a brain cleaner, a bit like dreams. It's allowed more than more serious genres. I do enjoy comedic Morgoth (Hurinovy Deti does it really well, also some fics and comics with that one ship... It's just funny. And it's not like they portray him as being right, just... Don't focus on him being evil, just in the comedy?)
To clear something that I left hanging: the second scene where Morgoth is as-probably-intended is "the words of Morgoth and Hurin" or what's it called. Sorry, I'm on vacations, so I'm doing less fact-checking. It works for me. If Tolkien gave Morgoth more dialogue, my mental image of him would probably be more as intended.
Also, to not leave it unsaid: he canonically tries rape, I think twice. I am aware of this. This is very awful. And evil. Still, doesn't make me see him as irredeemable. I just don't see people as irredeemable and I can't read the books as (probably?) intended and not see Morgoth and all the Valar in the category of "people".
It's probably more complicated by the fact that Tolkien's intent did change in time, but I'm not an expert and I don't know how it changed about the Valar, especially Morgoth. So it's not like there is one canon that is 100% coherent, and I'm not even sure which parts of my reading I should call a headcanon and which not.
Tldr: I don't like Satan (that was an understatement), I like Morgoth probably because I have issues which I like projecting on fictional characters and he works well for that, also I make some (hopefully) interesting headcanons and that's it. Hope this answered your question.
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lordiavolo · 1 year
nightbringer notes
- surprise guests presents are far less often, i think only 3 per day
- intimacy seems to give nothing and has been broken constantly resetting. i dont think theyve given us any apology reward for it either despite it being in a bug update. they possibly give phone calls but again. Games broken
- its easier to quickly earn dp through levels
- there are more daily tasks to do which makes it more gridning to earn daily dp
- item unlocks are now labeled in devils tree
- asmoxsatan has become one sided canon... which is. Great. :/
- asmo seems to be pushing in a non li direction, and has been completely turned into creep who wants to fuck satan. i thought this game was about fixing problems with the original story?
- things are getting retconned such as asmo and solomons pact being formed hundreds of years before it happened in the original timeline. yet solomon tells mc not to mention theyre from the past because it could "mess up space time continium" okay.
- luke is somehow alive
- no one seems to be mourning lilith until like chapter 10. despite it being so hard on belphie he kills mc in the original timeline, thousands of years later
- satan hates everyone
- mc basically is the reason for everyones early character development including introducing levi to tsl, which has somehow already been written, giving the brothers their rulers of the underworld status
- the brothers dont seem interested in mc at all, who kisses them which does raise their affection, however outside of mammon its never mentioned again (yet)
- theres more information on diavolos dad the demon king, michael, and lilith
- ruritunes are fun and easy. much easier than other rythm games as even if you get a nice as long as you dont outright miss the note you will maintain your combo
- while it seems easier to get through battles i fear in the long run it will be the same. as cards are harder to level, see below
- instead of being able to level the full card (minus leveling up skills) with just one card, you can now only 3 ☆ a card before you have to use multiple karma (?) to increase your skill level to unlock each ☆ level. i honestly have no clue how this system works nor do i have the patience to learn.
- it seems that the only way to get the cards (called jokers) needed to unlock skill levels is through raven, which is now nearly impossible to earn lots of. so far ive made 100s of dp playing, but only 19 raven. you cannot buy raven, which makes it seem like youll have to play the gatcha multiple times to get good cards.
- because of this although the game is seen as more easy to progress in than the original obey me, i presume as time goes on the battles will only get harder, and the cards are already incredibly difficult to level up. with the original game although you needed to do a lot of grinding, and battles werent as fun as ruritunes, it was easy to get to the end, so long as you were dedicated to logging in and read battle guides. now its up to gatcha luck and if you are skilled at rythm games, which isnt as easily learned as a original game battle strategy.
- all voice clips are redone, i presume with the same vas, however they all sound like youtubers trying to minic the official dialogue especially mammon, who sounds like a 12 year old boy with a chest cold
- the game is incredibly buggy which makes sense given it was pushed up to be released months earlier than intended (sept 2023)
- ur+s are easier to obtain as you can get multiple pieces from early hard lessons. ur+s no longer contain animations
- the ur+s being easy to obtain makes me suspect they will be releasing higher ranked cards as gatcha games typically do after a while to increase difficulty and gambling
- there are seemingly no longer daily chats
- you are not allowed to record fabsnaps (in game tiktoks) as the screen goes black
- the chats, phone calls, and friendship ap swapping is all in the same place, the decomm app
- you have to unlock the hard lessons to get all akuber locations, specifically you have to go to level 10 hard, which in order to get cards high enough you need the items in akuber (you can do it other ways)
- they still havent officially announced that theyre "decontinuing" the original app, leading to players still paying and grinding for the upcoming lessons thinking that theyll be doing that. they wont
- as i was writing this it told me a new nightmare was avalible. i tried to open it, even restarted the game but it doesnt show up for me at all, its 8pm and this is when they normally release them so i doubt it was a misclick, i just... literally cant see the nightmare
- upon release of the game they already had a 3000dp/160$ usd charge card mission, preying on gambling addicts and new players who think its a good deal
- you have to pay dp to unlock more comment options and emojis for fabsnap
- the 3d models are horrifying
- theres a new video call feature, which is also horrifying
- the fact the wanderers whereabouts episodes are called situations is hilarious to be. put that beast in a situation
- overall, the story is heartbreaking and nerve racking for orginal fans but i guess its fun if youre a new player, since theyre marketing this game to you, and not people who have already spent 100s to 1000s or more in this game
- cards are non transferable but apparently there will be co-events on both games. i have no idea how this will make sense plot wise to people in the original app, or vice versa
- the brothers now wear their demon outfits for the main story, with their casual outfits being up for sale for 300 raven in exchange raven mirroring the original game
- items in exchange raven are now limited, where as previously you could buy as many as you want, now you are limited to so many per month
- the ui is much more slick and futuristic
annnddd thats it at least for now. be sure to rb and add anything youve noticed. i kept it story lite cuz the story makes me literally nauesous but im up 2 date as well
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oh-boy-me · 4 years
:0 could I have a beel,asmo,belphie,lucifer,mammon, satan (not including levi) and diavolo playing videogames? I thought it would be kinda funny since they're all really old- except for levi of course haha
Ohhh this should be fun!
Decided to do individual HCs for this one instead of a group thing so they wouldn’t be limited to multiplayer games.
Most of them, save for a certain prince, have been exposed to games a fair amount by proximity to Levi.
Lucifer has a Mononoke Land account so that he’ll get the email notifications for events and can therefore keep track of Levi’s whereabouts.  He’s never played the game, though, nor downloaded the app, and he has no intention of doing so.
In general, he’s not much of a gamer.  The most gaming he gets done is minesweeper on Windows XP.  He doesn’t have the time, and it was never something he could get into.
That isn’t to say that he owns zero games, though.  His favorite genre is turn-based strategy, because he can afford to look away from them, and they make him think and plan.
He doesn’t like the hyper-realistic ones, though.  Things like Civilization and Here Be Dragons are up his alley, Hearts of Iron not so much.
He doesn’t care too much about the story, but a good soundtrack is mandatory.
Also he’s an old man so the controls also have to be intuitive or he just won’t be able to play.  Why is he jumping when he presses A he thought that was the attack button.
The type of player who needs to get every achievement.  A completionist.
When the group gets together for the rare multiplayer night, he has no idea what he’s doing and yet still manages to do well.  It’s kind of infuriating.
He won’t make alliances with anyone, no, it’s every man for himself.  He also actively targets Mammon no matter what game they’re playing.
The fact that he doesn’t really get it protects his pride when Levi inevitably wipes the floor with him.
Mammon actually does game a little bit in his spare time, mostly with Levi.  He’s got a couple consoles and is more open to different genres than Lucifer is.
He thrives in any game where the main goal is to rack up as many points or as much profit as possible.  He’s undefeated in tycoons and pinball.  (Tetris is an exception; he’s terrible at Tetris.  Stupid spacial recognition.)
The RNG elements boil down to his insane luck, but he’s actually very smart when it comes to investments and stuff, so it’s not like he’s only using his luck to get by.
If the games have multiplayer, even better!  Nothing like kicking Levi, MC and Belphie’s asses in a game of Fortune Street!
He also tends to like the action-focused games that Levi plays.  Not so much into turn-based RPGs, but he enjoys stuff where the enemies spawn, like in Zelda or Rune Factory.  And he’s great at button mashing in fighting games, although Levi, who actually knows how to play them, always beats him.
Mammon uses items as soon as he gets them, and is too busy rushing a boss to care about learning its patterns and strategizing.
Skips cutscenes even on his first run.  Levi and Satan hate him for it.
Like mentioned before, he gets an unfair disadvantage in game nights because everyone targets him.  Especially in those games with RNG, because otherwise he WILL win.
He’s banned from PTW games because he will indeed PTW.
Satan is another one who doesn’t play too many games, and that might be for the best because he’s a nightmare to play with.
The sorest loser, and a pretty nasty winner too.  He insists on the hardest difficulty and then rage quits at the slightest inconvenience.
He will play when prompted, though; he’s not above hanging out with his brothers.  His favorite sorts of games are ones with a good story and/or good puzzles.  His planning is more on the tactics side, as opposed to Lucifer’s strategy, so he would love Fire Emblem.
He WILL drop a game if the story isn’t holding his attention, and he’s done so in the past.
Overly cautious and hoards resources.  He takes the safe route every time.
Also another completionist.
Beel would often ask Satan to help him find out which art pieces were originals and safe to buy in Animal Crossing, and Satan got a little bit interested and ended up making a resident on Beel’s cartridge so the donations could be in his name.  He went on a mini-campaign to drive out the residents he didn’t like, but one of them turned out to be Beel's favorite and he felt terrible about it for weeks.
During family game nights, everyone is always torn between appeasing Satan and telling him to deal with it when he loses.
He also gets angry if he catches on to the fact that they’re letting him win, though.
Probably a genwunner.
Asmo enjoys video games.  They don’t fit into his aesthetic so he’s never really tried to understand them, but he doesn’t dislike them by any means.
Gaming is becoming more mainstream though, right?  That’s a whole new audience that could appreciate him.  Maybe, just maybe, he can let himself be a bit of a geek.
Unsurprisingly, he’s got a penchant for games with customization options.  Surprisingly, he also really enjoys FPS games.  If he and Levi ever played at the same time, it would be chaos in the House of Lamentation.
As opposed to his in-your-face attitude, he likes to play sniper units.
He said he wants to tap into the gaming community, but he’s not very good at most of the games he plays so he’s too embarrassed to actually do so.  He does, however, play the Sims on livestream.  He does his best to make the steamiest and most dramatic scenarios happen, and he’ll hold strawpolls to let his viewers make some choices.
Asmo also plays Animal Crossing like a few other brothers, but his island is so well groomed and with just the right residents, it feels like you’re touring an uncanny dystopia and Asmo is the dictator.
When the group gets together, he usually ends up doing the worst.  He’s more interested in executing perfect combos than actually dealing damage, so he’s not aggressive enough to get anything done against players like Levi and Satan.
He’s also not very good at teamwork; he starts yelling at his partner very quickly.
Beel doesn’t have a lot of “gamer” in him, but some of his brothers seem to like it so he decided to give it a go.  Turns out his hands are too big, but he makes do.  Kind of.
You’d expect a sports game to be the best for him, since he’s so athletic.  However, it’s BECAUSE he’s so athletic that this sort of game isn’t in his library.  He gets too antsy and bored tapping buttons instead of actually playing the sport.
Beel’s also not an aggressive player in any sense of the word.  He feels guilty even hurting the most basic of slimes.
No, no games are better for Beel than the stress-free, casual life simulators.  Animal Crossing is no surprise his favorite one right now.  Satan handles the museum for him while Beel gets to do whatever he feels like in a world where the biggest threat is a wasp.
He’ll also play other low stakes games where living your life is the main goal, like Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley.  His big heart can never choose who to marry in those games.
Horror is also ok for him, because while aggression is hard for him, self-defense is not.
He got the Cooking Mama app on his D.D.D. and bit the device in half, so he’s not allowed to touch that franchise anymore.
When the gang meets up, his non-aggressive side sticks around.  In fighting games, he’s more likely to dodge and steer clear of the others, and in other versus games he’s so open to compromise you’d think you were on the same team.
Satan did get him his favorite resident back.
Belphie probably games the second most after Levi; it’s something that keeps him entertained but doesn’t require him to move very much at all.
I actually have no idea how to describe his preferred genres, but League of Legends and Dark Souls is basically all you need to know.
League lets him socialize a bit, and it’s the game that he and Levi play together most often.  As for Dark Souls, he loves the sort of game where learning your opponent’s every move and outsmarting/outmaneuvering them is the only path to victory.
I guess that would be described as “really hard action-adventure” games?  He’d also like Sekiro.
He also has his own copy of Animal Crossing to visit and play with Beel, but his island is so underdeveloped you’d think he started that same week.
Belphie is the true wild card of family game nights; sometimes he sleeps through the whole thing, while other times he can take down even Levi.
He has everyone’s habits down to a T--Mammon charges in, Asmo does too much setup, Levi’s overconfident--and he knows how to counter each and every one of them.
For someone who’s so much of a cunning player, though, he also misclicks a lot.
He’s the most likely out of his brothers to make alliances.  He’s also the most likely to break alliances.
If he doesn’t think he can win, he’ll choose a player and start sabotaging the game in their favor.
Lord Diavolo had read about like, Mario?  The little blue hedgehog guy?  But he’d never owned a gaming console before.  He probably thought Neopets was peak gaming.
Levi swore to fix this grievous error, and this was also a mistake, because now Diavolo keeps trying to get Lucifer to play all these hack and slash games with him.
He has legitimately told Lucifer that “if you don’t play Devil May Cry with me THIS devil may cry!”
The games need to always have something happening in them or he’ll get bored, kind of like Satan’s need for a good story, except with action.
It’s also worth mentioning that “play a game with Diavolo” actually means “sit in the same room as Diavolo while he plays.”
And oh boy… is he terrible at these games.
He just button mashes until either he dies or all the enemies die.
Never uses any of the items he gets because he’s sure he’ll need them more later on.  When, Diavolo?  During the staff roll?
Will bomb a door before trying the knob.
Since he’s usually only around Lucifer, who doesn’t want to get sucked into this, and Barbatos, who honestly couldn’t care less about this, he’s been left alone and free to develop these terrible gaming habits.
It’s rare that he comes to family gaming night.  Legend has it that Lucifer’s piercing glare is somehow connected to the fact that his brothers always let Diavolo win.
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The Battle is On! Nightmare - short review of the Devilgrams
Devilgrams: May My Baton Reach You (Satan), The Battle Between Demons (Leviathan), Test of Endurance (Beelzebub)
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May My Baton Reach You
It's a very short Devilgram. Most of the episodes are really just a few words exchanged and that's all. However, since the last part makes up for it with 4 endings, in general the Devilgram is just very unevenly cut.
It's a good Devilgram though. It tells a story, a very short and simple one, but it builds and closes it properly, without squishing scenes to fit too much into too short story, and without scenes unnecessary for the plot.
The Devilgram seems more like a memory card Devilgram - it shows a group activity and Satan is generally only one of the participants. So if you hoped for a date with him, you won't find it here.
However, if you like watching the demon brothers in their natural habitat, it's a perfect read. It shows them in leisure activities, trying to test out a fun thing together. It's also a rare chance to see Satan and Lucifer interact peacefully.
A word of warning though, it has plenty of shaking character sprites. If shaking images are difficult for you, it's definitely a downside.
Music: is okay.
Choices: good! While first 3 episodes don't have very interesting choices and the choices don't change the talk very much, there are still unlockable exchanges and further choices. Choices determine the ending as well and there are 4 outcomes of the race, so quite many endings for such a small Devilgram.
In conclusion, the Devilgram is weirdly cut with 3 very short episodes and one much longer (especially if you choose right), tells a really short and generally not groundbreaking story, but is a pleasant read with clear and closed structure and conclusion. There is however literally no romance, the Devilgram is focused on an entirely different motif and remains fully platonic.
The Battle Between Demons
Levi and sports don't seem like a good combo. The Devilgram does definitely go on that and treats Levi's struggles with the competition and his initial complaining as comedy, but it doesn't make him a butt of the jokes and other characters aren't any better anyway.
Just like the card picture suggests, there's plenty of "accidental" fanservice created by the situations they're in, including an accidental "kiss". And he's absolutely flustered. There is also a romantic option at the end of the Devilgram, MC can also tease Levi to fluster him even more, but all of it is rather on the cute and goodhearted side and nothing comes off as mean.
The Devilgram is full of small details and choices that suggest - if you choose to go romance - that there's definitely a pre-existing happy albeit likely quite fresh relationship.
The humour is nice as well - there's a lot of comedy, but none of it picks on the characters.
Music: okay.
Choices: since it's about sports and actions during a competition as well as MC's approach to the challenge, the choices change quite a lot how the competition goes and how MC and Levi go through it. But there isn't much to unlock in terms of unlockable choices or branching plot. No matter the choices, the outcome of each episode is the same. The choices let the player choose to pursue Levi as well.
In general, a fun Devilgram. While the plot itself doesn't offer much romance, save for the last episode, it's filled with small details and fanservice.
Test of Endurance
The premise seems the least interesting out of the three and it's clearly meant as humorous, but doesn't offer as many funny situations as Levi's.
It generally is written the way so the player doesn't get tired of too long shenanigans, but in the end it's just a group of demons + MC competing, but without really any sports-like feeling or the feeling that characters are having fun. There isn't any nice chaos either. It seems to lack a spark in the plot that would make it entertaining.
Since everything happens in a group, Beel isn't the main focus - we mostly see what others do and he's just… hungry. To be honest, it'd be better if he was… more present in his own Devilgram with something more interesting to do than being hungry again. There aren't even any really romantic options as it seems to be set right before their first date.
Also there are shaking images too.
Music: is fine.
Choices: you can decide MC's behaviour and how they execute their tasks, but that's about it. Nothing else really changes, mostly just choice+reaction.
In general, this Devilgram is the weakest. You mostly watch his brothers and he's just reduced to hunger as usual. Nothing romantic either. Since it's a card with no guarantee, I wouldn't recommend spending a lot if you didn't get it easily.
In conclusion, Beel's and Satan's Devilgrams are hardly romantic and relatively similar with how little time the guy gets in comparison to his brothers, but Satan's one is definitely better made and is quite fun. Levi's Devilgram is hilarious and adorable, so I'd say it's definitely the best out of the three.
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buntycake · 4 years
The Brothers and Spirit Week
Lucifer isn’t exactly excited about Spirit Week, per se. He’s more like a concerned event planner trying to make sure the whole event goes off without a hitch. Afterall, Diavolo is quite excited for Spirit Week and he doesn’t want to disappoint.
So, he prepares meticulous for the event. Not that the themes are particularly hard to dress for, but he’s coordinating outfits with Diavolo, so you’ll find him fussing over each costume and their accessories weeks before.
He’ll openly admit that he’s dreading Pink Insanity Day. Diavolo wants them to wear this horrid jumpsuit, feathered get-up. Wedding Day, however, is gearing up to be one of his favorites.
If you’re not keen on school spirit, you’re gonna wanna find some ways to avoid him for the weeks leading up to the event. He’s very persistent in encouraging you to participate.
For those who love school spirit (or just love a reason to dress up), just ask nicely and Lucifer will help you plan out your outfits. It gives him a sense of pride to know you will be well prepared and well dressed for the event.
Mammon’s pretty blasé about the whole thing. Spirit week is cool an’ all, but this year’s themes were lame. What the hell even is Pink Insanity Day?
Beach Day is where it’s at. He’s already got plans to ditch classes for the day and head to the beach. Asmodeus is already on board and co-opted the entire plan.
If you’re not keen on Spirit Week, Mammon won’t badger you to participate. Although, the beach day bash is mandatory. Have your swimsuit ready, the Great Mammon is going to whisk you away for some fun in the sun.
If you’re the spirit loving type, convincing him to dress up with you should be a piece of cake. Throw him some puppy eyes and mention dressing as a couple for Wedding Day and he’s yours. Although, he’ll probably end up saying something like, “Be grateful that the Great Mammon is doing this for you,” even though he’s the one flushed with excitement.
Spirit Week is for normies. Levi has plenty of spirit, just not of the school variety.
As Levi sees it, all that time planning and getting dressed up in tacky outfits would be better spent watching anime and playing games. Why waste time on normie activities when he has better things to do?
He’s the perfect person to hangout with if you want to avoid Spirit Week. He'll offer up his room as a refuge if you’re trying to avoid Lucifer and Asmo’s … encouraging nudges.
It’s a onetime offer for normies, so you better act fast. Plus, he may or may not have some multiplayer games saved up and maybe he wouldn’t mind the extra company.
If you're hyped for Spirit Week, Levi’s going to be hard to convince to participate. Nothing about the event interests him. (Except Beach Day, he misses Lotan.) So, there might have to be some bribing involved to get him to dress up with you. 
Normally, Satan would be indifferent to the whole affair, but Lucifer expects the student council to dress up. It makes his pranking instinct flare up.
On the other hand, dressing up and coordinating outfits with you piques his interest. He’ll oblige you and set aside his pranking if you’re really excited about Spirit Week.
He’s more than willing to coordinate outfits with you. Brainstorming different outfit ideas with you is actually pretty fun; it’s amusing to hear what wacky costume ideas you come up with. Plus, it makes him happy to watch you get so worked up.
Not a fan of Spirit Week? He has a series of pranks lined up for the occasion. The two of you can wreak havoc until Lucifer blows a fuse or the two of you could hole up in the library if you preferred something quieter. Both options sound like a wonderful time.
Asmo LIVES for Spirit Week. What other day does he get to be this extra? Well, every day, but let's ignore that.
He has so many ideas. Wedding Day would be his great debut. Of course, he’ll wear the wedding dress; you’ll wear a tux. Or if you’re inclined to wear a dress, he could make you a bridesmaid or flower girl or something.
Then, there’s the beach day bash to plan and Lucifer to hide the plan from. Someone was going to need to fish Lotan out of the sea, as well. But don’t worry, the arrangements are well underway.
Regardless, he refuses to look anything less than stunning for each day. Be prepared for multiple trips to Majolish. You’ll need accessories, makeup, hair products, the works.
Oh, and just so you know, your participation is not optional.
You won't find Beel fired up for Spirit Week, but he may participate casually. The whole event seems like it would be fun if he could remember to dress up.
If you want him to dress up with you, you’ll have to remind him a couple of times. Otherwise, he’s pretty receptive to the idea. Getting into costume with you sounds like a good time.
Note, that he’s unlikely to go all out unless that’s something you want to do. More likely, he’ll just pull an outfit out of his closet the day of. The two of you end up with some unique outfit combos which makes the event that much more fun.
Like Mammon, he's most excited for Beach Day. Not for the outfits, but because it means they'll travel to beach with a grill for some barbeque. If Mammon's especially ambitious, there might be a pig roast.
Belphie does not hold a single spirited bone in his body. So, good luck getting him to participate.
If you want him to join you in your school spirit, bribery will definitely need to be involved. Even then, you’ll have to pick out the outfits. Frankly, he wants this to be as low effort as possible.
His favorite Spirit Week day? Pajama Day. Absolutely no effort and, if he plays his cards right, he might not even need to get out of bed.
You could just ditch the school spirit thing altogether, though. If you're not about school spirit either, you've found your man. He has a dozen, fluffy pillows with your name on them and cuddling up in the attic seems like an excellent plan.
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krsubhay · 5 years
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During the mid-1990’s, throughout the time of the growth of the world-wide-web online casino Roulette started to be highly popular with people. After this revelation, online Roulette games have been additionally advanced to be of a lot higher quality and at this moment lots of people throughout the world have new mobile slot sites UK fun with them.
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Past specifics about Roulette
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Simply stance back and forestall for the best! The aim of the game is to grab a reward. By putting bets on combinations of colors and numbers. Then just observing to observe if the ball finishes up on what you took.
0 notes
gamethyme · 6 years
Let's Talk About 5E, Shall We?
I eat a lot of Mexican food. Probably too much, actually. But when I go to a new place, I'll generally order either something I've never seen before or chicken fajitas.
"Something I've never seen before" is pretty obvious. Those are likely to be the specialty of the house and will set them apart from the tacos and burritos that are ubiquitous on Mexican menus. Chicken Fajitas are a little less obvious - it's because chicken is a good platform to highlight unique or special spice blends. And I've never had two chicken fajitas that tasted the same. My wife, by contrast, orders enchiladas. Most of the flavor of an enchilada comes from the sauce, and - much like fajita spice - that can vary wildly from restaurant to restaurant. Most Mexican restaurants have more than one enchilada sauce (and many of them allow you to mix and match sauces on your enchiladas). So what does this have to do with Dungeons & Dragons?  Especially the fifth edition of same? A lot, actually. I've been playing D&D since I was ten. It was 1e at the time, and we played it on the playground at recess. I didn't get to play a lot, as my parents were part of the satanic panic of the eighties. This means I definitely wasn't allowed to own any books or dice. Because of this, I played the simplest class. The one that had the fewest complex rules. In 1e, that meant I played a fighter. Why? Because the fighter's only real decision was "Which foe do I want to hit?"  Mechanically, 1e fighters were (and continue to be) super-boring. By the time 2e rolled around, I was familiar enough with the rules that I was able to play something different. I dabbled with Wizards and Rogues before settling on (don't laugh) Bards. Because Fighters continued to be boring. When Wizards dropped 3e on us, Feats made some interesting changes. Suddenly every class had interesting customization options (and Fighters were more interesting). Some of the fighter feats meant that there were occasional interesting decisions to be made. I only played a tiny bit of 3e (I was much more a DM than a player at that point).  By the end of 3e's run, however, it'd turned into an optimization game. "The best fighter takes and and ." Or "Check out this broken Feat combo!" Pathfinder took the optimization aspects of 3e and turned them up to eleven. The game's power curve was structured so that players who didn't optimize were left behind. It also highlighted those parts of 3e that I didn't like, turning them into the focus of play. Note that I'm very carefully not saying "Pathfinder was bad." I'm saying, "Pathfinder wasn't for me." Then we hit 4e. Suddenly every class was equally interesting. And theoretically balanced. Fighter powers/abilities hit harder or applied status effects (stun and knockdown were pretty common). Wizard powers/abilities did elementally-flavored damage and applied different status effects to foes. Feats were less-important than power selection. And now we have 5e. For those of you who are wondering, I haven't broken my self-imposed boycott of 5e. I received a copy of the Player's Handbook (PHB), Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG), and Monster Manual (MM) as gifts from a friend.  I spent the next few days following that gift reading the 5e PHB and ... meh.  I don't get all the love it gets. One friend, when he saw that I had 5e in my hands, asked if I was "finally tired of that tactical combat simulator" that 4e was. I've got news for you, Matt: All editions of D&D are tactical combat simulators. And 4e is the best/most interesting of the bunch for most classes. Every edition of D&D has fallen desperately short when it came to mechanically rewarding non-combat encounters. Which means that 5e is - for what I want in a game - significantly less-good than 4e. Because it's a less-detailed tactical combat simulator. Reading through 5e, it's like a bizarre cross between 2e and 3e. There's good in there, mind you, but for the most part it strikes me as a huge step backwards. The only real "killer app" of 5e is the Advantage/Disadvantage mechanism. And possibly "Inspiration," which lets you trigger Advantage. I did what I often do when I confront something that is so popular that I just plain don't understand: I went online and asked my friends. Here's what I heard from them:
Combat in 5e is faster. This is both bug and feature, as you can have multiple small combat encounters in a single session, but big set-piece battles are less interesting.
Classes in 5e have three sub-classes that characters move into at 3rd level. Only one of the Fighter subclasses is boring 2e Hit 'Em more/better.
There are fewer ways to apply fewer status effects in 5e, which is cleaner and easier to understand for newer players.
Combat in 5e supports "theater of the mind" better than 4e and 3e. While you can use a map and grid, it's not as strictly required as it was in those editions.
DIY players have an easier time tweaking 5e, as 4e was so tightly interconnected. Creating a power here-and-there for 4e was simple enough, but creating new classes was a lot of work.
Even a lot of 5e players expressed frustration with how boring and limited it felt after a very short time. One friend said, "Loved 5 E at first, got bored with it after a couple of years." And that was pretty close to consensus.
5E hits on more cylinders than 4E for me and also has some good ideas. I have played it several times and will likely play it again. 
All things considered, I would still prefer to play OSRIC, Advanced Labyrinth Lord, Blueholme, or Low Fantasy Gaming.
Other games came up, too. Both OSR retroclones and newer branches of the d20 tree (Pathfinder and 13th Age especially). And games that aren't from that family (Fantasy Age got a lot of love).
Indie gaming legend Ron Edwards left a long comment that I'm going to quote in full, here:
I just played 5E for the first time, just a couple of days ago, as a player. It struck me as a very 2000s game, maybe even 2010 on the nose. That's not a slam, but identifying it very much as of its era, and not any kind of old-school whatnot which in this case makes most sense as precise marketing.
More importantly, as a game, it is caught like a writhing insect in what I called The Impossible Thing Before Breakfast. If I play my character, in the sense of all this characterization and agency that the creation process fires up, then the DM cannot create the story, as everything about DMing and especially the published scenarios and campaigns emphasizes. And vice versa, perhaps especially, vice versa. Everything for the player presumes a DM who isn't actually the DM as written/encouraged, and everything for the DM presumes players who aren't actually those players as written/encouraged. The net effect is almost always the same: the players are reduced to posturing, establishing and repeating tropes, and (eventually) goofing in order to enjoy themselves, as the DM waltzes them through fights that lead to clues, and clues that lead to fights. 
Exalted, all over again, and that's merely a refined point of reference among a sea of game texts of this kind. 
As with so many of these games, the solution is obvious: pick one or the other, and ignore, as in obviate, reject, abandon, defy, reverse the text and most of the rules concerning the one you didn't pick. But that solution is not arrived at very often. The more usual one is to play while insisting loudly online that this is the most awesome thing ever, then to limp along wondering about or resigned to the necessary outcomes of the Impossible Thing, and eventually to shift into lonely fun with one's extremely expensive purchases.
 There was also a ton of nostalgia for 3.x.  Publisher/designer Cam Banks said (in one of his comments):
When I moved to 4E, I hit a wall with the way the game was designed to centre around powers/techniques/etc. As a 3rd edition designer, I knew that system back to front; I could come up with stats and monsters and spells on the fly, and I even ad hoc'd a prestige class for a player (and wrote the whole thing up the next day). 4E was an inscrutable black box by comparison. I ran it like I ran 3E, and stumbled. I couldn't make my own classes easily, I couldn't eyeball anything, even with the famous page 42. It was extraordinarily frustrating because I liked what they were doing with the game, but the game didn't let me in.
 Peter Darley said:
It seems like D&Ds primary strength, in any edition, is to be a lowest common denominator. I don't think I would ever chose to run or play it given the universe of games available, but since not everyone likes the same stuff, D&D is often something that people can agree on.
 I had more than fifty comments on that post.  I'd link to it, but it's on Plus and Google is shutting that down next week, so the link would be useless.  There was disagreement, but not much. And it never got heated. So the long and short of it, for me, is this: If I am forced to play D&D and am given a choice of edition, I will still choose fourth edition. I can see some of the appeal of fifth, and I might play it a bit to see how it compares to second and third, but I don't see anything there that I can't easily find in a dozen other games.  Realistically, though, I'm more likely to play something else. I didn't get into it here, but it's worth mentioning that the DMG for fifth edition is quite good with some solid advice that applies regardless of the game being played. It's a shame that the game itself is so uninspired. from Blogger https://ift.tt/2Ulyp0F via IFTTT
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krsubhay · 5 years
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Do you wish to have fun with Roulette but are you too busy to travel to the casino? Well from now on you don’t have to travel anywhere! Sit back; you don’t even have to leave your home! Play Roulette online, anytime you desire to at online casinos.
During the mid-1990’s, throughout the time of the growth of the world-wide-web online casino Roulette started to be highly popular with people. After this revelation, online Roulette games have been additionally advanced to be of a lot higher quality and at this moment lots of people throughout the world have fun with them.
Lots of people keep in mind the thrills and amusement they gain from placing a bet on a Roulette wheel. The tension is massive as they look at the little white ball jump around. What exhilaration! How thrilling it is to watch! As a result of playing online casino Roulette, you these days do not even have to leave house to gain that precise best online slots sites UK same entertainment and delight as in a real casino.
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However, Roulette is masked in obscurity and the exact past of the Roulette game isn’t completely known. Roulette is a game that is certainly well known worldwide, especially in American and European destinations. It appeals to rather huge crowds of individuals and in the present day you don’t even need to go anywhere in order to play it.
How to play Roulette
A great many strategies can be applied, the moment you get involved in online Roulette, however, you should not permit this to prevent you from playing. Roulette is a very simple game and in fact is a breeze to learn how to participate in it. All you must do is place wagers on number and color combos on a Roulette wheel and then simply stand back and anticipate for the best! The aim of the game is to grab a reward, by putting bets on combinations of colors and numbers, then just observing to observe if the ball finishes up on what free spins no deposit slot sites UK you chose.
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