#hows teru look? is he recognizable?
mobburoid · 2 months
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m00ngbin · 3 months
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Take some Teru concepts I made while I finish up the last few things I'm drawing!!!
I'm so sorry they're taking so long I have had a really long week 😭
Go read The Forgotten Son pretty pretty please :3 it's by @teruthecreator on ao3 and it's so good. You'll love it I promise
Oh um this is me editing this, I originally forgot to actually tag him when first I posted this. ANYWAYS HE USES THE SAME NAME ON AO3 AS HE DOES ON HERE
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2n2n · 1 year
I know it's only one question at a time but I need to ask these questions all together. 1st: What is your theory of why Hanako-kun was sealed? (I'm quite curious)2°: Do you think Hanako-kun will lose the seal in the manga probably because of Tsukasa?3°: If that happens, do you think he will lose control? For the theories that say they have a lot of power P.S: I love your posts 😍and sorry for asking three questions at the same timeI 😅
There's no rules to questions! So long as you don't mind a possibly long answer. I'm glad you're just curious about my thoughts ^^ I would be talking to myself all day even if nobody was listening, but it is nice if it's entertaining for someone too (: Lets ponder together…
1.Why Hanako was sealed... This I have so few thoughts on. I'm always a little dubious about Minamoto claims, as they have a family narrative upheld, and they obfuscate knowledge and details to suit their dogma. Obviously they aren't always 100% lying, but at least I consider they have a kind of propaganda with their storytelling...
Even when Teru, valuable Minamoto son and current champion or whatever, comes to Nagisa for help, the impulse is to keep information from him ... its all like that inside this lousy business.
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everyone seems to work in this duplicitous way to maintain control of handling situations. They don't want a delegation. They want to take care of problems internally. Information can be hidden, distorted, or retold favorably.
How old is/was grandma Minamoto? Did she seal Hanako right away? Was he a normal ghost? Was he distorted by rumors, was he given another chance, does it tie into why he became a mystery, did the Minamoto used to work with the mysteries, or was that always a solution forged by some other group? Why didn't she exorcise him? Did she choose to not, because of something about him, as a mercy, or ... could she just not? What does 'using all her strength' mean, lol?
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A lot to wonder but not anything to know. I only try to remain skeptical of whatever bullshit Heroic story Kou specifically was fed as a child, since Teru doesn't want him knowing their family's unpleasant history, or sympathizing with kaii…..
2. I think it's more likely Hanako would lose the seal because of Yashiro, than Tsukasa … I feel as if the seal represents repression, or things Hanako holds back, or… things about himself he doesn't want to be true, or doesn't accept. When Yako talks about her warped self "still being me", he touches it.
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I don't think he likes what Yako is saying, given he believes being a kaii warps you past recognizability, and he himself has given up his identity to his kaii existence, erasing Amane.
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I'm sure whoever is behind that seal, maybe Hanako wrestles with the idea of that, too, being "himself". Many aspects of his self, his past, he doesn't want to consider, anymore. Or at least ... he doesn't want someone like Yashiro to see.
Yashiro can peel seals, and she's interested in getting to know Hanako. I hope there comes a situation he either finally wants it taken off to do something he needs his full strength for, OR a situation Yashiro makes the decision for HERSELF to peel it off, even if he resists or is afraid. I would love that, anyway (: dreams.
As for Tsukasa, somehow I think looking at him reinforces the desire in Hanako to keep it stuck on. A reminder of what 'loss of control' once resulted in .... In any case, I think Hanako wants the seal to stay, that's my impression right now, given it feels as if he could probably easily privately ask for Yashiro to peel it? She's so in love with him, and she was so ignorant early on … If he's had it on for so long, he may be more afraid of 'returning' to a way he once was, if it's taken off.... ?
3. Yes, I think Hanako has a lot more capability when not sealed! For one thing, Tsukasa seems to gain more and more power as the yorishiro are peeled, and the power is "returned to its original form" (the well God... ? Tsukasa ?) … he seems stronger.
Tsukasa's 'sleep' spell was a lot more effective on Yashiro (in Hell of Mirrors), than Hanako's was (in Picture Perfect), for some reason…
While I think Hanako is hiding his abilities even as it is, and is disguising any benefit destroying yorishiro may have, I imagine his own yorishiro, or ~battery as HE HIMSELF HAS PUT IT, gaining more and more, would have to benefit him… ? I dunno, it's extrapolation at this point-- maybe Tsukasa would weaken, and Hanako would strengthen, if Hanako were to be peeled, as the flow of power between them would suggest …? Maybe Tsukasa can only gain strength right now, BECAUSE Hanako is sealed, and can't absorb more?
I always feel as if power between them could actually instantaneously flip, 'cuz Iro-sensei likes that kind of twist... Tsukasa is Amane's belonging, after all...
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ko-mom-aeda · 4 years
"...Komaeda? NAGITO Komaeda? You look.." Teruteru, gazed over the taller, pale man, "Different. You look good, I mean. I take it you've been doing better?" The small cook arched a brow. He'd always been a tad nervous conversing with any Nagito, but this was different. The tense seemed to be less present. "Are you doing okay?" - @ask-hanamuraskitchen
Nagito felt his stomach drop at the voice. It was recognizable from the start. Still, seeing the shorter cook with his own eyes was surprising. And, to an extent, he was happy to be meeting an old classmate again! “Teru! Yeah, I’ve been doing okay! You don’t have to worry about me.” He found himself anxiously rubbing at his wrist-- Not because he had anything to hide, but this was an interaction he didn’t want to mess up. And even moreso, Teruteru was a person he’d like to eventually apologize to. “How have you been? I haven’t seen you in so long, surely you have some things to catch me up on.”
// @ask-hanamuraskitchen 
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gurguliare · 5 years
... It is, uh, rare and out-of-character for me to say this, but I do disagree pretty much across the board with everyone’s criticisms of this episode as an adaptation---or rather, I get where the backlash is coming from, I think the story in the manga is excellent and lots of minor and major grace notes got lost here, but I also think splitting it across two episodes (or 4 and 5 across three episodes) would have been unworkable. The ramp up-resolution ratio needed to be what it was to communicate the strangest thing about the Mogami arc, which is its double-jointed climax: it’s not interminable (as with world domination), but every time you’re sure the end is close, it opens up a new frontier. Like most nightmares it finally breaks, rather than cresting down to a recognizable finish. Mob has his big moment of reclaimed identity, and then... he has to keep going! And through much of it he moves as kind of a disdainful sleepwalker, there’s this perfunctory 1-2-3 tempo to his process even while he questions himself about what he’s doing, who he’s saving, and why, which absolutely feels mechanical and dancelike in its compression. A timesaving move, but one which also happens to capture the constant disjunct between his reasoning and the lagging, overblown emotional reality that it takes all his energy just to participate in. IN THIS WORLD, EVERYTHING I SEE IS AN EVIL SPIRIT. I HAVE TO EXORCISE THEM ALL. Mob can’t stop destroying himself + his preconceived ideas, but his internal narrative is starting to catch up to the fact that that’s not always negative. Sometimes you just have a ton of baggage to shoot lasers at (and a ton of temporary selves to let fall apart.)
Things I missed:
Minori with the box cutter
the explicit “what do you want?” / “power” exchange
“it’s not fair!” Mob wail re: the cruelty of the world, some depth from his reactions there in general, although to be clear I think the anime version is internally consistent and interesting in terms of shifted emphasis, and I’m glad to have both
how brutal “Mogami and Asagiri-san taught me that people can change” is: some of this is communicated, I like in general how they draw Mob’s face in the last scene because it’s appropriately fisheyed, flat, and opaque, but I think the music kind of smooths over the neutral, double-edged starkness of Mob’s chosen takeaway. Like, yup! People can change! People are changing all the time! From some perspectives it’s an incredibly bleak thing to stake your developing moral worldview + optimism on, in good old Pratchett fashion. Of course it’s also lovely, it’s just... you know, in a story that’s very much about the bigness and unmanageable complexity of the everyday, and what you have to learn to keep up with it, “people change” is such a fucking... kicker to the hope that you’re ever going to get on top of shit. You’re not! You have to keep running alongside the giant crusher wheel!
Other notes:
I actually did not like Minori blushing, which is unusual for me since I love “blushing while crying” as a piece of awkward bodily realism that tends not to jive with the scripted atmosphere of many fictional breakdowns. But I thought that for most of the episode (and with Minori’s apology!) they did such a good job of keeping her ugly, banal mannerisms consistent, it was a shame to then bust out something that looks, even superficially, like a transformation.
However they made up for it with her fucking hospital bed flouncing in the post-credits scene, I loved that SO MUCH. GOD. MINORI.
In general I’m ambivalent-to-positive on the toned-down violence and the cat’s survival; yes, I think the scene loses a bit in terms of directness of storytelling, but I also think there’s a corresponding gain in terms of... the closeness of Mob’s nightmare and actual realities, the very thin margin of normal social support that separates him from this boring, insignificant hellscape. I don’t know that it makes as much of a difference to Minori’s portrayal as I’ve seen people claim, and I also don’t see that it makes Mob’s forgiveness less pointed, since Mob, while dumb, has enough of a clue to distinguish between ringleader and lead. (Plus it helps highlight the distinction between Minori and, say, Teru, as like, an existential threat from the world of normal shitty influencers vs psychics who at heart are all children who want to brawl. Not that Minori isn’t also a child who wants to ... do others injury, with her own two hands if she’s feeling spooked enough. But. The weird thing about losing Minori and the boxcutter is I would say it makes her less sympathetic, or at least, less aligned with other sympathetic child characters who we see do terrible things out of a mixture of fearful impulse and habit. It’s definitely a change, but not one that breaks the logic.) 
But yeah, the point of Mogami arc is and it isn’t “Mob is made of such extraordinary stuff that it takes all this abuse to break him”: there’s an element of that, Mob is a special person, but it’s also supposed to be about how plausible all this continues to feel to him even after he “wakes up,” and how hard he has to work to convert Mogami’s lessons into something usable, rather than just discarding them out of hand. It’s not that I think any of that doesn’t work in the manga, but I like the even more tightly narrowed scope here. Both are at least functional, and given other constraints on time I can’t think what I would have sacrificed to get more back-and-forth in the confrontation scene with the bullies. Maybe SOME particle physics could have been cut. 
I surprisingly wasn’t in love with the ???% starscape. My favorite thing about ???% in Mogami arc is how it’s simultaneously the showstopper but also a lot more incidental than it is in other arcs where it appears/looms in characters’ minds, so I was a bit “shrug” on visual attentions paid, even though I like the more sublime/cosmic! take on everyone’s favorite eldritch horror.
seriously could we not get a second longer and the slightest glowup on the flower 
... and that’s about it, honestly, I loved, loved, loved most of the other specific choices, from Reigen and Dimple’s animation outside to the spirits racing the long rays of Mob’s power. “I still have to save that awful Asagiri-san”: music to my ears!! Can fiction even have enough contemptuous dutybound rescues. I love................... anime. And Mob. 
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Birthday Boy
Natsumatsuri Week 2k17 Day 1: Mob Psycho 100
Ritsu never had any major plans for his birthday. He preferred spending it with his family by enjoying a good meal and opening their presents at the table. At school, he would receive dozens of presents from girls he didn't know and they would all end up in boxes in the basement, untouched. The only presents that mattered to him were from his family.
He was at his desk the night before the occasion, homework spread out in front of him. A knock sounded on his door and Mob entered, hovering near the doorway. "Are you busy, Ritsu?" He asked. "I can come back another time…"
"No, I'm about finished. What's up, Nii-san?" Ritsu turned around to face him, inviting his brother into the room. Mob hesitated before sitting on the edge of his bed.
“I was just wondering…about tomorrow…” he trailed off, his words faltering. He took a breath, tried again. “Do you want to go to the festival with me tomorrow night? Hanazawa-san invited me and Tome-san and everyone in her club are going too. I thought…since it’s your birthday you might be interested…if not, we can just stay in and eat with Mom and Dad…”
He trailed off again, eyes looking down at his slippers. Ritsu drummed his fingers against his table thoughtfully. “Kamuro-san asked me to go with him,” he said slowly, “but I’d rather go with you, Nii-san.”
“So…is that a…?”
“Sure, I’d love to go. Maybe Mom and Dad can take us and we can go home altogether afterwards.”
Mob’s eyes lit up. “That sounds good. Should we ask them?”
“We might as well do it now.” Ritsu stood up to join him. “Let’s go. They should still be in the living room.”
The following evening, Teru stood at the entrance towards the festival, ridiculous T-shirt recognizable from miles away. Mob and Ritsu approached with their parents behind them, breaking off by waving goodbye. Mob spotted Teru easily and he led Ritsu toward him. “Good evening, Hanazawa-san,” he said.
“Ah, the Kageyama brothers. Good evening.” Teru smiled. Half the girls in his grade had asked him to go with them, but he turned all of them down in favor of going with his real friends. “Should we get going?”
“Sure.” Teru led the way, Mob and Ritsu following.
The festival grounds were packed with various people. Girls wore yukatas and boys dressed casually. Long lines snaked into the main walkway for food stands, crowds forming in front of the game booths as kids fought for the top prize. Ritsu remembered playing the games as a kid. He was never able to win anything but Mob won a prize every time. He always gave them to Ritsu though.
“Why don’t we play some games?” Ritsu suggested. Teru gave him a look, hearing a note in his voice that suggested something else.
“What are you thinking of?” Teru asked.
Ritsu pointed at one – the basketball booth. Teru smiled, his eyes gleaming. “I’m going to get the top prize.”
The boys went from game to game, firing guns, shooting hoops, scooping goldfish, and throwing darts. They all earned prizes from each of them, either small plush toys or actual useful items. No gaming system, unfortunately, which Teru was aiming for.
Ritsu could tell Teru was using his psychic powers to play. He used it in such a subtle manner, Ritsu thought he could win prizes without using them at all. Mob, on the other hand, never thought to cheat but he was still lucky enough to earn something. Maybe he was using his powers unconsciously.
At the food stalls, they started running into their other classmates, Teru running into a group of girls from his school. “Kageyama-kun!” Tome called out. She was wearing a purple yukata with an alien pattern. She bounced toward him, a grin on her face. “Well? How do I look?”
“You look nice, Tome-san,” came the monotone reply.
“Mob-kun!” Mezato tapped his shoulder. He turned around, noticing her pink and blue yukata. A camera was in her hands. “You’re here! Who else are you with?”
Mob gestured at his brother further away, who was talking with Kamuro and a few others on the student council. “It’s his birthday so I thought it’d be fun to celebrate at the festival with him,” he explained.
“Ah, really? Anyway, get him over here. I need to get a picture for the school newspaper.” Mezato raised her camera to snap a photo.
The boys were successful in getting away from their classmates and peers, gathering at a quiet spot beneath the trees. The fireworks began shortly, the flashing lights exploding into various shapes of all sizes in the sky.
Teru folded his arms behind his head. “You’re lucky to have a summer birthday, Kageyama’s little brother.”
“Can you call me by my real name?” Ritsu asked. “It’s Ritsu. Kageyama Ritsu.”
“Okay then, Ritsu-kun. It’s only fair, I suppose.” Teru smiled. “You had a good time?”
“Yeah.” Ritsu turned to watch the fireworks. “Today was fun. Thanks for making it even better.”
The festivities began to die down as the night went on. Teru bought Ritsu ice cream as a present and he and Mob went home with their parents. Ritsu collapsed onto his bed, exhausted. He looked up when someone knocked on his door. “Come in.”
Mob entered, holding a small package in his hands. He handed it to him. “Here, Ritsu. It’s for your birthday. I’m sorry I didn’t give it to you earlier…”
“It’s fine. Thank you, Nii-san.” Ritsu accepted it, turning it over to examine it. “What is it?”
“Open it.”
Ritsu carefully tore the wrapping paper aside. It was a journal, a pen wrapped beside it. His brother had been the one to buy him all his notebooks in the past. This year was no exception. “Thank you, Nii-san. I really appreciate it.”
Mob gave him a small smile. “You’re welcome. Happy birthday, Ritsu. Good night.” He headed back out, closing the door gently behind him.
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the-nysh · 5 years
I really wanna hear your thoughts on that demon slayer dub trailer
O-ohh;;; welp. I’ll be honest and say this is why casting direction is important too (and the localization script), but…I’m honestly looking forward to what opm’s dub brings more. I’m thankful ONE’s works usually get good effort put into their dubs, mp100 included. But here, uhh we have dub!Genos (Zach) playing the mc, Tanjirou, which is…huh, an odd choice but I’ll give him a chance. My first reaction upon hearing him was a confused head tilt much like a dog does, but hearing him more in this trailer, I can probably get used to it. He sounds earnest and honest enough in his deliveries, even if his deeper (?) boyish tone is not quite the same.
Seeing Giyuu’s va I honestly laughed out loud, because oh my god what a coincidence; after I’d just expressed relief JYB wasn’t in the new opm dub list, it was like WHAM, dodging a bullet there, cause oh yep there he is! 8D Just in kny’s dub instead. :P Buaha, cause he’s used everywhere. Probably one of the most recognizable, go-to dub actors for years now, even if there’s really no doubt he’ll do fine.
I don’t have many other impressions to give (I truly can’t say anything about Zenitsu without actually hearing him wail)…except for my boy Inosuke. And….oh dear o.o;;; Uhhhh…no, I’m not feeling it at all. That tone is much too high pitched and ear-grating, that when combined with his usual screaming, is just going to get annoyingly headache-inducing. >.inhuman noises he’d make reacting to things). That performance brought life to the character and made the audience laugh…this one though..I’m really not so sure. It also feels like it misses the joke of his voice being purposely gruff/manly/deep in direct contrast to his daintily pretty human face. Like, that’s the point. Now with this high teen voice (feeling much like saturday morning cartoons)combined with his usual antics and human face….schhhhhh, myeah that impression is not mixing well for me. It makes me fear that one of the most beloved characters in the fandom could potentially backfire with an opposite impression this time. The Japanese version has been received universally and exceedingly well, but I just do not know how well the eng dub will fare to the general western audience in comparison to that. Hopefully it won’t impact things in a negative way (even though the eastern impact would still far eclipse whatever happens here) and can still bring something good.      
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