#hphm datamines
ariparri · 8 days
WHAT DID THEY DO TO MY BOY?!?! (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
He looks like his name would be Pablo .°(ಗдಗ。)°. Give him back his long hair!
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avidrawsthings · 2 years
Wonder if they'll have older Talbott in the same jacket as the other guys but make it blue LMAO
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indigobackfire · 2 years
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Look at her, my fellow clowns
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how long after the main story do you think this post hogwarts story supposed to be, i mean i know it’s called “year 8” but does that mean it’s straight after graduation/summer holidays or? cuz some of these characters look barely any older than their current appearances despite the height difference, while others look several years older. we’ll find out eventually i suppose.
I think that question is better answered by looking at the books themselves and trying to figure out how Harry’s story could concievably overlap with MC’s story. Because that’s what the writers need to be considering. MC can’t really have any interaction with Harry that is in any way memorable. Though they could be one of the crowd who sees him arrive at The Leaky Cauldron. Several people introduced themselves to Harry in that scene. Easy enough for MC to just slip into the crowd. Could also imagine Hagrid asking for MC’s input on what pet to get Harry if and when he’s out of earshot.
The trouble here is the question of how long this story can feasibly go on. I sincerely doubt they’ll drag it out all the way through Deathly Hallows…but then again, I never expected “Year 8” at all. I figured the story would be resolved at the end of Year 7. But now that I think on it, there are a couple of issues with that. 1) If R has people all around the globe, it may take another seven years to deal with them. 2) Like you mentioned, the outfits. They took a lot of time and went to a great deal of trouble to adult-ify the characters. Seems like a bit of a waste to just give them a handful of chapters.
Either way, I wouldn’t think too hard about the time-skip and how much the characters have physically aged. That was never going to make much sense. It’s just willing suspension of disbelief that they didn’t age for seven years, and then suddenly transformed from how they looked at eleven to how they look at eighteen. Presumably they were all aging gradually and we just never saw it because of programming limitations. The time-skip is likely to just be the same as ever, meaning we fast forward through the summer. Though as MC is out of school now, that might not even be necessary. Just depends on how soon they move to London. Boy howdy, that’s going to be interesting for Luca. You can take the Mage out of Sheffield but you can’t take Sheffield out of the Mage.
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sirenwave · 2 years
What is with this game? 😮‍💨
"Hay MC look! We make one of your friends suffer to convince you to join us." "Even Jacob has joined us." 🤡
Excuse me?!?! No!
That makes no sense. (like everything else...)
Why not use Verucca to put Jacob under the Imperius curse? And thats why he joins R
Why not use Jacob to convince MC to join them?
Would it work? Probably not. (Okay maybe... because MC is stupid 😮‍💨) But it would have been a better plan than this bullshit.
Verucca wants to work with MC? Use Jacob to convince MC.
(I didn't read the dialogues. If there is an good explanation for all of this ...pls let me know.)
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defoozor · 1 year
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cursebreaker-lilith · 2 years
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hellodanny-hphm · 2 years
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me reacting to the adult version of merula:
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I'm still trying to understand what happened to that hair
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missnight0wl · 1 year
Since I’m complaining about JC today already can we talk about how fucked up it is that they decided to make Ben an Obliviator in America?
To be clear, I don’t mind that he goes to America. I mean, I feel like it was pretty obvious that JC will send someone there. Why? Because it gives them an opportunity for thousand stupid side quests. Would it be possible without sending any of our friends away? Of course, but:
1) they’d have to create a new character to be our guide during the time spent in America,
2) with a totally new guide character it’d probably be harder to not address the issue of why MC doesn’t simply stay with their American relatives – and I imagine that JC simply doesn’t want to touch it too much. If MC has one of their friends there, of course they’re gonna focus on them, and who’d care in a situation like this about Aunt Lydia (or what’s-her-name).
Now, is Ben the best choice to be sent to the States? Probably not. But I don’t really see who’d make more sense, so as I said, I don’t really mind. I am very bothered by the fact that he becomes an Obliviator – and that’s because most of Ben’s time at Hogwarts was turned into a nightmare because someone was messing with his memory.
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You really want to tell me that after all of that, Ben Copper would be like: “Yeah, I’m gonna Obliviate people for a living!”? Seriously?
I swear, it’s like they had a meeting at JC, and the manager of the writing team (who happens to be an absolute idiot) was like: “Ok, what job would make the least sense for Ben Cooper?”. And then some was like: “Uhm… it’s Ben Copper…”.  And the manager was like: “Whatever. What would it be?”. And then one writer who still has any idea what’s going on in this story but nobody ever listens to them says: “Obliviator, obviously”. And so the manager decided: “That’s it! Write it down!”. And the writer cried: “WHY??”.
What makes it even worse is that Ben is a Muggleborn. Because while I imagine that most Muggleborns eventually accept that they simply have to keep the wizarding world in hiding, I also assume that not many of them choose to be Obliviators, simply because of their own connections to the Muggle world.
I honestly can’t think of a worse job choice for Ben.
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silkclawsdraws · 2 years
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shut up, i’m in grief
it's more than clear that Ben will never go back to romance quests
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clymey · 2 years
Looking good 😳
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ariparri · 1 year
Diego is traveling the world! I need to start brainstorming ideas for Diego and Veruca's post Hogwarts relationship!
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akaisenhatake · 2 years
datamine spoilers!!
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stealing mc's friends
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'see? there's nothing cursed about the amulet.'
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last family photo
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indigobackfire · 11 months
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Honestly, she's not bad at all. They didn't proportion her face quite right, but the look is not disagreeable, though they could've been more creative.
I was gonna add some pictures but I'll link my Pinterest file I made for her. They could've gone more 90s goth, or some Victorian goth academia since I assume she'd go into history studies and she's a literal witch so...
But all and all, she's still my goth baby.
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Have you seen adult Talbott’s look? He looks so hot omfg. I mean current Talbott’s looks are good too but his adult model is a whole other level imo
I hear you, anon. Personally, I'm drooling over Andre and Tulip's glow-ups but Talbott is a handsome man as well. It's that long coat, combined with the scarf...man, that looks like something I would wear. Our boy has good taste. I'm also digging the hairstyle change. I never realized how much Talbott has awesome hair, because it was always slicked back.
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dat-silvers-girl · 2 years
Am I the only one who loves Andre's adult design? I think my guy has never looked more gay and I love that for him.
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