#hphm x final fantasy
thegraywitches · 6 years
Penny: Did you sleep well, MC?
MC: Next to you, who wouldn't?
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samshogwarts · 3 years
HPHM Inktober Challenge 2021 Day 25 - Crazy AU
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Oooohhh~ who could thought about me doing a HPHM x Final Fantasy AU? That is sooooo random. XD Kupo, I love Final Fantasy! And Moogles Kup.
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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Yes, yes, Cinderella AU time, just give me a minute to fawn over my masquerade babies. 💕 *happy squeak*
In my HPHM canon, Orion ends up playing for the Montrose Magpies as an adult. Magpies symbolically are the guardians of opposites -- of both good fortune and bad omens, of trickery and joy, of deception and love. And honestly, I’d say this dual symbolism really suits Orion, both in his canon and especially here, where he falls in love while pretending to be someone he’s not! 
Orion’s crown as drawn here is actually a medieval circlet rather than a full crown. There is an explanation for this in the text, but it certainly wasn’t a crown to be found on most royals in the 15th and 16th century. Although there were noblemen who wore open coronets (or decorated gold circlets), as well as noblewomen who wore delicate circlets as hair accessories, actual kings, queens, princes, and princesses would’ve worn much larger, more bejeweled crowns. But as I’m sure any fans of the Chronicles of Narnia or the Lord of the Rings can attest, this more modest style of crown is incredibly popular in fantasy stories, and I honestly think it suits Orion better than anything flashier. 
The decorations at the ball include some references to Italian and French traditions. Murano, or Venetian, glass, first developed at the end of the 13th century, is rather well-known even outside of Italy, but baubles made of it are an Italian Christmas staple. Cypress and fir are also commonly found among Italian holiday decorations, and as mentioned, Florence’s “Christmas Witch” is a reference to the Italian gift giver La Befana. French Christmas trees are often decorated with ribbons, candles, and a star topper, and usually host shoes underneath that can be filled with presents by their gift-giver Pere Noel (or Father Christmas) the way other cultures use stockings. Royaume’s equivalent of Pere Noel is “the Christmas Saint.”
The ball is also, almost to be expected, chockfull of musical references to other Cinderella adaptations. Of note in this section, we have “So This is Love,” from Disney’s animated Cinderella, “The Mummer’s Dance” by Loreena McKennitt (which was featured in the main trailer for the film Ever After), “Ten Minutes Ago” from Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella, and “Secret Kingdom” from The Slipper and the Rose.
There is also a LOT of symbolism in regards to which animals everyone is dressed as. Here’s a list -- for Skye, rams are associated with determination, action, and initiative; for McNully, octopi represent intelligence, unpredictability, and flexibility; for Andre, black panthers represent magic, courage, and beauty; for the King and Queen of Royaume, tigers represent pride, fierceness, war, courage, and austerity; for KC, owls represent wisdom; for Erika, wolves represent loyalty and protection; for Bill, stags represent maturity and spiritual authority; for both Charlie and Charles Cromwell, dragons can represent evil in some cultures, but also power and hidden knowledge (plus honestly, what else was our dragon boy going to be?!); for Badeea, seals represent the imagination; for Talbott, purple martins represent agility and good fortune (though this was put together because Talbott had to borrow one of Andre’s purple doublets! Resourcefulness!); for both Lucius Malfoy and Iris, peacocks can represent pride, confidence, and beauty; for Jae, foxes represent cleverness; for Diego, swans represent love and grace; for Merula, blackbirds represent death, change, and mystery (also Merula’s name means “blackbird!”); for Tonks, butterflies represent transformation; for Tulip, ladybugs represent good fortune; for Barnaby, bears represent strength and wisdom; and finally for Rakepick, lionesses represent feminine energies and strength (and it’s also her Patronus in-game!). 
Previous part is here -- whole tag is here -- Katriona “KC” Cassiopeia belongs to @kc-needs-coffee -- and I hope you all enjoy! 
Orion's schedule that day had been incredibly full from the off-set. His actual coronation ceremony -- held at the capitol’s central cathedral and witnessed by nearly all of the lords and ladies of court -- and driving through the loud, chaotic celebration in the streets in the open-topped royal carriage, greeting his subjects on his way back to the palace, took up the entire morning and most of the afternoon. He would’ve liked to have had some time to himself afterward, just to find his center of balance again, but he then had to immediately set about getting ready for the masquerade ball. The ball celebrating his new status as King...
Orion closed his eyes and tried to recall the peace he felt, sitting by the fireplace at the Burrow and listening to Carewyn’s voice. 
Would she be there? Had his invitation encouraged her to come? He knew that Lord Cromwell would not approve of her coming, but even so, he couldn’t help but hope. He’d missed her so much, this last week -- missed talking to her, longed to go riding with her, or stargazing, or dancing. Even if she were just physically there with him, as he stepped out into that ballroom to face the King and Queen of Royaume...Orion couldn’t help but think like he’d feel three times braver, just looking into her eyes again. She was always so fearless...
The costume Orion had chosen for himself was that of a magpie. He was also very, very glad to discard the traditional, formal gold and green velvet coronet he had to wear for his coronation -- it made his aura feel unbelievably suffocated, wearing such a heavy crown. Instead he’d requested a much simpler, understated circlet, one that didn’t take up too much of a presence on his head. Obviously Orion knew he couldn’t discard his crown and its responsibilities altogether, but perhaps if it appeared more modestly, he likewise could make it clear how much he wished to communicate with everyone on the same level, rather than have others look at him from below and avoid his eye.
Once he’d gotten dressed, he headed down to meet up with Skye (decked out in a ram mask) and McNully (wearing an octopus-themed mask himself) and out to the front entrance hall to meet all of the arriving guests. It had been decorated with long boughs of cypress and fir branches (traditional to Florence) and large fir trees decorated with ribbons (traditional for Royaume). Murano glass baubles and golden bells hung from the ceiling, which gleamed in the warm light of a hundred candles.
The next hour or so involved a lot of bowing and polite “hellos” -- Orion kept his hands clasped in front of him nearly all of the time, and although his face was trimmed with a very small, pleasant smile and he truly was glad to see that the majority of the Weasley family, as well as Jae and his band of bandits, had been able to attend, there was one person he yearned to see wearing a mask to the event more than any other...
When the Cromwell clan arrived without Carewyn, Orion told Skye and McNully that he wasn’t worried. After all, Carewyn might still have decided to come against their wishes, at which point she would have to arrive after them, in disguise. Despite saying this, however, he found himself clutching his hands that bit tighter. Not even Jae’s cohort Merula starting to sing with the band in the ballroom was enough to soothe his growing anxiety.
“So this is love...mmm... So this is love... So this is what makes life divine...”
After the ballroom just down the hall was full of people dancing and the guests coming in had slowed down to a trickle, the royal family of Royaume made their grand entrance. Despite his nerves, Orion put on his most self-assured, pleasant expression.
“King Cosimo!” Andre greeted with a broad smile. 
The panther-dressed prince immediately swept forward, both arms extended. Orion mirrored him, allowing Andre to hug him, since he wasn’t entirely sure how best to express the proper form of physical affection in such a situation. 
“Prince Henri.”
Andre gave a strong pat to Orion’s back before pulling away. Orion then looked up at the King and Queen, who were dressed as a Bengal and white tiger, respectively. 
“Your Majesties...thank you for coming,” Orion greeted them with an incline of his head. “Welcome to Florence.”
The King was frowning deeply as he looked around. 
“Indeed -- thank you for your...hospitality, King Cosimo,” he said. His hand ran absently over the gold ceremonial sword at his side. 
The Queen, who looked just as uncomfortable, nonetheless gave a bit of a start, seeing the youngest Cromwell cousin Tristan take off one of his shoes to add it to a pile underneath one of the decorated fir trees. 
“Is that -- is that there for the Christmas Saint?” she said, startled. 
Orion offered his best smile. “Yes. I was fortunate enough to learn about your Saint when I visited Royaume’s Winter Festival earlier this month, so I thought I would host a tree for him here. I hoped that although your Saint doesn’t usually visit us, he might consider making an appearance,” his eyes sparkled with some mischief. 
The Queen, despite her surprise, looked almost charmed. “...I see. How...sweet.”
“It was good of you, to research our traditions,” said Andre. “Wouldn’t you agree, Father?”
“Mm, yes,” granted the King begrudgingly. 
Orion offered his best smile. “There’s also a roast turkey with chestnut filling at the food table inside the ballroom, as well as plenty of champagne...a preference of yours, if I’m not mistaken, your Majesty,” he added in the Queen’s direction. 
“Indeed it is -- I always have it at my own Masques,” said the Queen. She eyed her husband. “Perhaps we should indulge in some, dearest?”
“Very well,” said the King, his eyes still lingering beadily upon Orion. “We shall speak more inside, King Cosimo.”
Orion nodded politely as they left. Andre lingered behind, admiring the decorated fir trees while he waited for his parents to get out of earshot. 
“That went well!” Skye said to Orion rather brightly. 
“The Queen seems to be warming up to you slowly, at least,” McNully said a bit more pensively. “I reckon you’ve got her about 55% convinced now. The King, I’m not so sure...more like 12%...”
“Don’t worry about Father,” said Andre reassuringly as he turned to face the three Florentines properly again. “He’ll come around.”
He beamed as KC and Erika entered the hall, both wearing the costumes Andre had designed for them. Erika wore a gray fur-trimmed gown, a wolf mask, and a silver ceremonial sword on her hip, while KC looked radiant in black-speckled white brocade, a capelet that resembled a pair of white wings, and an owl mask.
Orion and Skye both couldn’t keep the broad grins off their faces seeing McNully flush as red as a tomato, his eyes widening to the size of dinner plates upon KC. Florence’s new ambassador cleared his throat loudly. 
“...Good evening, KC,” he greeted her, rolling his chair over. 
“Hello, Murphy,” said KC with a shy smile. 
Erika and Andre couldn’t help but smirk smugly too, seeing how rosy and happy KC’s face looked. McNully reached out a hand to take hers -- once she’d given him her hand, he kissed it politely. 
“May I...escort you inside?” he asked uncomfortably. “I realize I can’t hold your arm properly, since I’ll need to steer my chair, but -- ”
“Yes,” said KC, almost too quickly. Catching herself, she said a bit more levelly, “...I’d like that.”
This made McNully beam as brightly as the candles surrounding them. KC rested a hand on McNully’s arm, and the two headed into the ballroom together.
“They’re so cute, aren’t they?” Andre gushed once they were out of earshot. 
“KC doesn’t need you to play matchmaker, Prince Henri,” said Erika. She adjusted the ceremonial sword at her side. 
“Of course not, they’re more than on their way,” Andre laughed good-naturedly. 
Skye smirked at Orion. “And I thought you gushing over Lady Cromwell was weird...McNully in love is the weirdest thing I think I’ve ever seen.”
Orion turned to Andre with a more serious expression. “Yes...Andre, you haven’t seen Carewyn, have you? Did you make her a costume as well, so she could come?”
Andre’s expression lost a lot of its smile. 
“...I did start making a costume, but...I’m afraid Carewyn isn’t coming.”
The words were like a ice-cold hand clutching Orion’s heart. Seeing the faintly wounded look on Orion’s face, Andre quickly tried to reassure him. 
“She’s been locked up at the Cromwell estate ever since we returned from the border, not allowed to leave or even see anyone...so KC thought your ball would be the perfect excuse for Bill, Charlie, Badeea, and Talbott to go get her out. The Cromwells will be here all night -- it’s the best chance we have, to help her get away from them...”
Andre’s dark eyes gained a sadder glint. 
“After hearing how Iris spoke to Carewyn, when she didn’t think I could hear, with how Arsen treated KC, whenever they met...after hearing from Bill and Charlie about how Charles Cromwell refused to let them see her...I just can’t believe it’s right that she stay there, with them.”
Orion closed his eyes, bowing his head.
Andre was right. Carewyn didn’t belong with the Cromwells. Orion had heard plenty about the clan’s cruelty: it was the reason Carewyn had so intrigued him at the start, being so kind and protective of a stranger when being related to a family with such a cruel and selfish reputation. She deserved better than having to indulge their whims -- she deserved better than to bite her tongue and endure living with them...working as a servant, despite being related to one of the wealthiest families in Royaume...treated as inferior by her own family...
“I’m just as much an outsider to my family as she was – as Jacob was! I have no dowry, no money, no status – the only reason I was even at the palace was because Grandfather sent me to work there! I’m a maidservant, a peasant, an orphan…I’m nothing!”
The memory of Carewyn’s words wounded Orion just as much as first hearing them had. 
You’re so much more, Carewyn. You’ve always been more than that. 
Orion’s hands clasped that bit tighter. 
Once you’re free of them...surely you’ll be able to see that. Then...you can finally be happy...
He slowly exhaled through his nose and opened his eyes. 
“...KC, as always, is as wise as a centaur,” he said softly. 
Despite his words and his stoic expression, however, there was a loss of light in his black eyes. When he smiled, it seemed more detached than ever. 
“Merula has chosen a lovely song for dancing,” he noted. “Please, go join the dance...I’ll be along shortly.”
Andre, Erika, and Skye all watched grimly as he turned and headed out toward the open double doors leading to the grand staircase, away from the ethereal folk song echoing out of the ballroom. 
“We've been rambling all the night And some time of this day -- Now returning back again, We bring a garland gay...”
Orion spent the next ten minutes out in the freezing winter air alone, looking out at the blackened sky. He was enough in the shadows that none of the few remaining guests that arrived late spotted him standing off to the side, holding his own hands and meditating silently. He had to show a strong face tonight, for the sake of the people of Florence...for the sake of peace. And yet, as selfish as it was, he was saddened by the thought that he’d lost his best chance to see Carewyn again. 
She will be free of the Cromwells, after tonight, he told himself. That is all that matters.
Still, seeing her again, just for a moment...hearing her voice again, seeing her smile...he knew it would make his heart so much less tense and shaky than it was. 
Sadly one of those people who didn’t see Orion on their way up the grand staircase -- and who Orion likewise didn’t notice -- was just the person he so desperately longed to see. 
In the entrance hall, Carewyn swept through the crowds of people assembled. Quite a few people stopped to greet her and start up a conversation, but she politely declined, unable to focus on anything but finding Orion. Her ethereal appearance and odd behavior, however, caught the attention of a fox-dressed gentleman standing off to the side, who sneaked up behind her, grabbed her arm, and abruptly yanked her around a corner. 
Carewyn whirled around, ready to smack the man, but he seized her wrist, holding it back easily.
“Mind telling me who you’re looking for, my lady?” he said in an oddly familiar dry voice. 
Carewyn straightened up abruptly, her eyes widening in realization as she took in a pair of thin-lidded eyes under his fur-trimmed orange mask. 
The man’s eyebrows came together tightly over his eyes in confusion. Then his eyes widened too. 
“Lady Cromwell!” 
He released her arm and wrist at once. 
“That’s some illusion you’ve got there!” he said. His eyes moved over her hair and face in amazement. “I didn’t even recognize you!”
“I didn’t know you were coming to the ball!” said Carewyn, delighted despite herself. 
Jae grinned self-effacingly. “King Cosimo’s invitation. The whole band’s here...we wanted to come for the fun of it, mind you, but we also figured we should be here, in case any Royaumanians tried to pull anything -- no offense,” he added quickly with a polite nod. “That’s actually why I grabbed you. You looked taller from farther away, but as I got close enough to maybe look you in the eye, you looked smaller, so I thought there must be some sort of illusion on you. Not something the average person would probably notice, but when you work with a magician like Merula every day, well...”
He shrugged, his lips spreading into a brighter grin. 
“What are you doing all dolled up like that anyhow? I know it’s a masquerade, but you didn’t need to go that hard-core in your disguise.”
Carewyn’s face turned much more serious. “I need to get to Orion...but I can’t let my family know I’m here...”
She explained the situation to Jae. When she was finished, Jae’s face had gone from looking troubled to looking fiercely determined.
“Well, if your grandfather and Lord Malfoy have got it in their heads to hurt the King, then we’ll just have to stop them,” he said firmly. 
“Do you know where Orion is?” asked Carewyn. 
“I saw him head outside a little while ago,” said Jae. “He hasn’t been back through the entrance hall since, so he can’t have entered the ballroom yet. I mean, he’s going to have to, soon -- but it’d be way too roundabout of a route to walk all the way around the palace, just to enter the ballroom from the other side...”
“We can’t let him go into the ballroom at all, Jae,” said Carewyn. “If he does, he’ll be attacked by every single weapon in the room.”
Jae considered this. 
“...All of the terms must be met in order for a spell to work, right?” he said thoughtfully, his hand resting on his chin. 
“That’s what Talbott says,” said Carewyn. “Rakepick mentioned it too.”
Jae nodded. “And the terms are that the spell’s target is Orion. You said Rakepick even said that the magic won’t activate on anyone else...and since she clearly doesn’t like the thought of having a bunch more names etched into her skin...”
His eyes lit up with a thought. 
“...her terms must be literally that! The spell can only hurt Orion! Meaning if someone else would be hurt, when those weapons target Orion, then the weapons wouldn’t attack at all!”
Carewyn’s eyes narrowed in confusion. “Wait...so...”
“Orion needs bodyguards!” said Jae with a huge grin. “People who can be a human barrier between him and the weapons in the room! And I know just the people for the job.”
He brought a hand up to Carewyn’s shoulder and squeezed it. 
“Don’t worry, Lady Cromwell -- we’ll take care of this. You just keep an eye out for the King until I can get everyone ready.”
Before Carewyn could argue, Jae had already disappeared around the corner and run straight into the ballroom to find his companions. 
Meanwhile, back outside, Orion’s meditation was interrupted by the approach of a tall older gentleman with white-blond hair, dressed in an elegant white ensemble decked with albino peacock feathers.
“Your Majesty -- there you are.”
Orion opened his eyes. 
“You’re needed inside,” Lord Malfoy said with a rather cool smile. “Everyone has arrived...it’s time for the King to lead a dance.”
Orion couldn’t think of anything he’d like to do less in that moment, but he nonetheless nodded politely. 
“Thank you, Lord Malfoy. I’ll be along shortly.”
Malfoy ended up steering Orion inside, much to the young King’s displeasure. The entrance hall had grown more crowded with guests standing by and idly chatting. At one point, Orion felt his shoulder being grabbed and turned around, to be faced with an older woman with a mane of ginger hair dressed as a lioness.
“Oh...begging your pardon, your Majesty,” she said very quickly. “I mistook you for someone else.”
“A natural enough thing,” said Orion with a slightly forced smile, indicating his mask. 
He was actually kind of relieved that she quickly excused herself. He didn’t notice, however, the red magical circle that dissolved away into his back, transferred from the woman’s touch. 
The person who did, however, was a young woman dressed in a robin-themed gown and mask at the far end of the entrance hall -- for she had recognized Patricia Rakepick at once and saw her collide with Orion. 
Carewyn received even more stares from enchanted passerby as she darted across the hall, but she didn’t even see them. All she saw was Lord Malfoy steering Orion toward the open doors of the ballroom. 
Her heart pounding in her chest with terror, Carewyn did the only thing she could think of -- she dashed forward and bumped right into Orion with such force that Orion was shoved away from the doorframe and she was knocked backward right off her feet. 
Carewyn felt one of her “stained glass” slippers come off as she fell to the floor. She looked up -- Orion had definitely lost his center of balance, but he quickly recovered.
“Are you all right?” he asked. 
The way Orion looked at her was so strange. There was no recognition, no warmth, and yet...he examined her face so carefully. It made Carewyn wonder how she must’ve looked to him, under McGonagall’s illusion. 
“Yes,” said Carewyn. “Yes, I’m all right...”
Lord Malfoy looked offended. “Is that how you address the King of Florence? You should be prostrating yourself, begging forgiveness for your -- ”
“Lord Malfoy, please,” said Orion in a quelling voice. “It was clearly only a mistake.”
He moved to pick up Carewyn’s shoe and hand it to her. 
“Thank you,” said Carewyn.
Orion offered her a hand up, but Carewyn had already slipped her shoe back on and eased herself back up onto her feet. 
“It’s all right, your Grace -- I do not need help,” she said softly, her eyes lingering just to the left of his shoulder rather than on his face. “Please, forgive my clumsiness.”
“It’s more than forgiven,” said the King. “I’m glad to see you’re not injured, Miss...?”
Carewyn’s throat clenched. 
“With...all possible respect...” she said slowly, “...perhaps we shouldn’t share our identities.”
Orion blinked. Lord Malfoy’s nose wrinkled disdainfully.
“Oh?” said Malfoy very icily. 
“Well...it is a masquerade,” said Carewyn. She fought with everything in her to look Orion right in the eye, unblinking. “And although I know your title...that doesn’t necessarily mean I know you, yes? And...well, I’ve heard it said that even what someone is in the current moment is far less important than what they wish they could be.”
Orion’s eyes seemed to deepen like pools, the candlelight rippling over them like pitch black ocean waves. 
“Really...” he murmured. 
He took a step forward, his eyes trailing over her eyes and the corners of her lips with an unreadable, yet intense stare.
“...And...what is it that you wish you could be?”
Carewyn felt like her heart was stuck in her throat. She could feel the emotion bleeding through on her face -- yet she forced herself to keep eye contact with Orion. 
“Free,” she whispered. 
Something seemed to bloom in Orion’s eyes. His face broke into the gentlest, most enamored of smiles.
“...I sincerely hope that wish comes true for you, my lady.”
The familiar title made Carewyn’s heart flutter. Orion extended a hand to her. 
“Please...would you accompany me, as I lead the next dance?”
Carewyn’s blue eyes darted to the ballroom doors and then back up at Orion’s face anxiously. 
“I’m afraid I’m out of practice with court dances, your Grace,” she said. “I would not want to shame you by making a mistake.”
Orion smiled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “I can’t promise that no one will notice any mistakes we might make...but I fortunately do not believe in shame.”
“It would certainly not endear you to the people of Royaume, were you to dance with a clumsy partner, your Grace,” said Carewyn a bit stiffly. 
“Indeed,” said Malfoy, his upper lip curling with disdain. “I’m certain there are a number of more graceful partners inside, your Majesty -- come, let us be off...”
But Orion evaded Malfoy’s attempt to loop an arm around him, even while keeping his eyes locked on Carewyn’s face.
“What court dances do you know, my lady?” he asked.
Carewyn’s eyes once again flickered over to the ballroom. She knew she couldn’t distract Orion for long -- Lord Malfoy was dead-set on getting him inside the ballroom.
“The spell can only hurt Orion,” Jae’s words returned to her. “Meaning if someone else would be hurt, when those weapons target Orion, then the weapons wouldn’t attack at all!”
Jae and the other bandits were set to become bodyguards for Orion...so too could she be. 
“...The La Volta,” Carewyn said at last. 
Orion’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “A rather intimate dance.”
He once again offered his hand to her. “Please...may I?”
Taking a deep breath, Carewyn placed her hand into his and walked beside him. She held his hand as firmly as she could, praying to every entity of fate that Jae’s hypothesis was right. 
As they crossed the threshold of the ballroom, there was a blaring of trumpets announcing the King’s entrance. As soon as Carewyn and Orion entered, Carewyn caught sight of a nobleman dressed as a kingfisher reaching inside his coat -- his eyes were oddly unfocused and red --
Fear flooding her, Carewyn quickly moved closer to Orion, maneuvering herself so that she stood between him and the nobleman in question. In an instant, the red light left his eyes and he shook his head, looking faintly disoriented.
It worked! 
Her heart leapt with relief. As long as she stayed close to Orion, the spell wouldn’t activate! 
It seemed Lord Malfoy knew it too -- his gray eyes bore into her with loathing as he came up on Orion’s other side. 
“I shall go and greet the King and Queen of Royaume, Your Majesty,” he said. “I’m sure they’ll wish to speak with you, once your dance is over...”
“And I shall speak to them,” said Orion coolly, “after I am finished dancing.”
He turned to Carewyn. “Shall we, my lady?”
Carewyn caught sight of several of the bandits dancing across the dance floor, including pink-haired Tonks (currently dressed as a pink and purple butterfly), red-haired Tulip (dressed as a ladybug), muscled Barnaby (dressed as a brown bear), and Jae. Jae shot her a smirk and a nod as he and Tulip passed just behind Orion.
“Yes,” said Carewyn with a nod. 
Orion looked up at dashing, swan-dressed Diego and magenta-eyed, blackbird-dressed Merula standing with the band positioned off to the side. 
“A La Volta, please, my friends.”
Diego grinned and gave the King and his partner a low bow as the band struck up a sweeping melody. 
The La Volta was indeed the most intimate of the court dances. Unlike many of the dances which involved the dancers keeping some distance, the La Volta required its dancers to hold hands the entire time and included several nimble lifts. This proved to be very easy for Orion to do, however -- although Carewyn wasn’t as dainty as some ladies, she was still quite small, and he was surprisingly strong. And combined with how the King looked at his beautiful partner -- a striking woman with brown or black or blond or white or blue or curly or straight or long or short hair and eyes like stars, dressed in a robin-themed dress with sparkling shoes made out of what looked like colored glass -- the dance appeared very romantic, indeed. The song the band had chosen was more than appropriate. 
“I have found her! She’s an angel, With the dust of the stars in her eyes! We are dancing, we are flying And she’s taking me back to the skies! In the arms of my love I’m flying Over mountain and meadow and glen, And I like it so well that for all I can tell I may never come down again! I may never come down to earth again!”
The romance of the dance made it easier for people to ignore how Carewyn conveniently sidestepped and moved in just such a way that she blocked Orion’s chest, every time they were within reach of Erika or any other Royaumanian with a sword or pistol. Even Orion didn’t notice it at first -- it was only as the dance came toward its conclusion and Carewyn’s grip tightened around his hand tensely that he got the feeling that something was wrong. 
“There is quite a menagerie tonight,” he said offhandedly. 
Carewyn looked at him, startled. “Hm? Oh...yes.”
Orion lifted her again, sweeping her back to the ground gracefully as he stared into her eyes. 
“All animals are handsome, in their own way,” he said lowly, “but I confess, I am partial to some more than others. White peacocks, for instance...I’ve never liked them.”
Carewyn swept in front of Orion just in time to prevent a nobleman standing on the sidelines from sticking a knife in his side. Once they’d migrated around the floor enough to be out of his reach, Carewyn let Orion steer her back into place. 
“...I have little experience with white peacocks,” said Carewyn lowly, “but I would say that they’re not very trustworthy creatures.” 
Her gaze flickered over to Malfoy watching them from the sidelines. Orion seemed to have been looking in the same direction. 
“Is that the reason for the tenseness of your shoulders?” said Orion. 
Carewyn once again spun around Orion to try to steer him away from another group of Royaumanians on the sidelines. “Only one of three, your Grace.”
Orion raised his eyebrows. “What other creatures trouble you?”
Carewyn looked up into his eyes very seriously. “Lionesses. They are far more graceful than they sometimes act.”
Orion’s eyebrows furrowed. “Are they?”
“Yes. And black dragons, as well. They are treacherous creatures -- terrible, conniving beasts.”
Orion could see Charles Cromwell glancing over at them from the sidelines also, his almond-shaped blue eyes narrowing behind his black dragon mask. He picked Carewyn up again, but because of his divided focus, he held her back a bit higher than before -- she gave a light hiss of pain, clutching onto him as he quickly lowered her again.
“Are you -- ?”
He made as if to release her, but Carewyn immediately took his hand again and forced him to keep dancing. 
“Yes! Yes, I’m fine,” she said very firmly. “Please -- don’t stop.”
His expression flickering with unease, Orion nonetheless did as she said. His black eyes trailed over her shoulder hesitantly. 
“...Dragons in stories do sometimes hold fair maidens prisoner,” he murmured. 
Carewyn’s lips came together solemnly. “...Yes. But all such maidens are kept locked away with the dragon’s treasure, your Grace. The dragon is far more dangerous to a King than to any maiden.”
“Maidens deserve to be free,” said Orion very softly, “not hoarded away like treasure.”
“Whether she deserves it or not, I think any maiden would value a King’s safety over her own. And so the King must escape any room with that dragon in it -- same as with the white peacock or the lioness.”
Orion considered this. “...All three creatures would likely be predators of some variety for both magpies and robins, I should think...”
He glanced around. He noticed Merula beckon over two freckled, ginger-haired men dressed in as a stag and a red dragon so she could whisper something to them. 
Bill and Charlie Weasley had not arrived with the remainder of their family at the ball...supposedly because they were smuggling Carewyn out of the Cromwell estate...
“Shall we dance one more dance?” he asked. “We may be able to fly to the other side of the dance floor, so you can see more of the room.”
Carewyn nodded. “Yes.”
Purple-martin-masked Talbott and seal-masked Badeea -- newly put in the loop by Jae’s associates -- came out onto the dance floor too to help “shield” Orion as the next song began and the assembled pairs moved in a slower, more romantic waltz. 
Carewyn stayed close to Orion the entire time, her heart swelling to a size she could hardly contain. It didn’t matter how everyone in the room stared, or even how many women in the room like her cousins glared -- all she could do was focus on Orion, both out of a desire to keep him safe and out of pure joy, being able to dance with him again. At the Festival, she’d expressed disbelief that they’d ever dance at a grand ball like this...oh, if she’d only known! If she’d only known how happy she would be, dancing in his arms in front of the whole world...
“If that secret kingdom's ours to share, I could never wish for more, for you'd be there... Just two subjects, you and me, In our private monarchy -- All alone together, We would love forever In our secret kingdom, far away...somewhere...”
By the time the song came to a climatic end and all of the dancers came to a stop to applaud the band, Orion and Carewyn had made it to the far end of the ballroom. When they got there, however, Lucius Malfoy had swept through the crowd to cut them off.”
“Your Majesty!” he called ahead. “The King of Royaume wishes to speak with you...come, let us go...”
He stepped crudely between Carewyn and Orion, trying to break them apart, but Carewyn held on desperately.
“Wait -- no -- ”
As if on cue, Charlie -- carrying a large stein of wassail -- purposefully knocked right into the Florentine Lord, splashing him with the piping hot drink.
Malfoy flinched back in response to the hot liquid that burned his hands and stained his costume.
“Oh no!” said Charlie in feigned concern. “I’m so sorry...here, let me help you with that...”
He shot Carewyn a look as he distracted Malfoy with trying to “mop up” the mess. Carewyn took hold of Orion’s hand and led him away as quickly as she could, toward the hallway, but they were stopped once again when Dahlia, Heather, and Iris stepped in front of them. 
“That was a wonderful dance, your Majesty,” gushed Dahlia. 
“Stunning,” said Heather.
“Won’t you honor us with a dance as well, your Majesty?” said Iris. 
“It’s possible,” Orion said patiently. “The future is not set in stone...however, this moment is not the right one. Please excuse us -- ”
“Oh, please, your Majesty!” Iris said, and she grabbed Orion’s arm a bit too forcefully. “Just one dance -- this next song sounds lovely...”
She flashed a rather sharp, territorial look at Carewyn. 
She hates me even when she doesn’t recognize me, Carewyn thought dully. 
But her cousin pulling Orion back toward the center of the ballroom and back into danger -- no doubt on Charles’s direction -- made Carewyn mad...and perhaps because she knew she was anonymous, thanks to the illusion McGonagall had cast, she didn’t hold back.
“The King said the moment is not the right one,” she said very sharply. “That means ‘no.’”
Iris glared at her fiercely. 
“And who are you, to hog the King all to yourself?” demanded Dahlia. 
“Yeah!” said Heather. “What country are you princess of?”
Carewyn drew herself up to full height, her eyes flaring dangerously. “A country where ‘no’ means ‘no.’ Now release him, or I swear I will make you regret it for the remainder of your days -- ”
"Your Majesty!” Jae cried in an overly cheerful manner as he made his way over to them. “There you are, I was looking all over for you -- ”
He snatched up Iris’s hand and wrenched it off of Orion’s arm with a grip that looked very loose, but ended up making Iris squeak in pain. 
“Master Snape wished to meet you in the exterior hallway,” said Jae without looking at Iris. “Something about the sub-par state of the struffoli...”
Orion smiled. “Thank you, Jae.”
He turned to Carewyn with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Come, my lady.”
With a new spring in his step, he quickly pulled her along after him through the devolving crowd of Jae’s associates, even as Dahlia and Heather tried and failed to pursue them. 
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