#*dissolves into a pile of goo*
collisiondiscourse · 2 years
i love bakugou katsuki so much
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northwind808 · 4 days
The feeling when you have the motivation to write but not the energy-
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chimeric-art · 2 years
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hide away til you're good again
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batfilledsky · 2 years
I think it's good to have a working brain, unclear why I chose the alternative
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ratsummer · 3 months
Shhhhh shhhhhh I'm getting carried away here, but...
Y'all ever think about Phantom being unphased by griminess when he's first summoned?
Or maybe not unphased, but he just doesn't make cleanliness a priority. Like this guy has been roaming the circles as best he can on his own, more concerned with finding food and shelter and the reluctant ally here and there than with personal hygiene.
Summoning as a general rule isn't a very tidy affair, so no one really notices that first day. Omega and Aether give him the typical, cursory wipedown to remove the worst of the summoning... goo... before bundling him up in soft, loose, flowy robes while his skin is still sensitive. And of course, when they show him where his room his, they introduce him to the baths and let him know he has the rest of the day to clean up and settle in.
Well, morning rolls around and Dew arrives to the breakfast table, ushering a very sleepy little quint along in front of him. Cirrus scolds him for so obviously waking him up before he was ready, but Phantom insists it's okay, please, I asked him to make sure I was awake for breakfast! Don't get angry at him!
And while Phantom explains that Dew stayed up late with him to help him find and organize snacks in his room, Cumulus comes to the table, yawning wide and clutching Aether's arm. She was so excited to greet Phantom and Aurora at their summonings, hugging them tight (despite the goo) and welcoming them into the fold. She's just as excited to see them at breakfast, purring and pressing a kiss into Aurora's hair first before shuffling over to do the same for Phantom.
He can't help but flinch a little as she approaches. Old habits die hard, and he immediately rushes to apologize when she stops in her tracks and frowns. But Cumulus is used to skittish ghouls - she typically accepts boundaries gracefully. No, what's caught her off guard is-
"Phantom, sweetheart, didn't Aether show you how the bath works?" Cumulus' voice is soft and warm, but she's got Aether pinned with a disappointed glare.
Phantom curls in on himself a little, squirming and wrapping his tail around his fingers. "He did... why?"
"Little bat, you've still got... goo... clumped in your hair. That can't feel very good."
And while Phantom is squirming and explaining himself, that he was focusing on getting used to his room, Cumulus starts looking him over more carefully.
She notices his claws, broken and jagged in some spots, dirt and goo clumped around them. Little scrapes, scratches, and bruises littering what little bit of his bare skin is exposed. Hair dry and frizzed up, with tangles and knots all around the base of his horns. And his horns... dried out, brittle, chunks missing near the ends.
Well, Cirrus doesn't call her Fussy Lussy for nothing.
"Oh darling, it's okay you didn't have time last night. I'll tell you what, I was going to have a little spa day today, I've got so many new things I want to try out. How about you come along with me and I'll help you figure out all the knobs in the tub and you can try out some of my soaps!"
Phantom looks a little wary and unsure as Cumulus extends her offer, maybe trying to figure out how to say no, until Aurora gasps and starts kicking her feet excitedly.
"Oh! Phantom! Cumulus helped me wash my hair last night and her soaps smell soooooo good! You're gonna love it!"
So, that's how Phantom ends up reclined neck-deep in deliciously warm bathwater not an hour later.
Cumulus is humming quietly, sitting next to him and lighting all the candles she lined up along the edge of the tub. "These candles are always here," she explains, "And the matches live in that jar tucked over there, so you can use these anytime you want if you like them, alright?"
Phantom just hums a little to let her know he's at least kind of listening. He rubs his toes through a little pile of what Cumulus called epsom salts, enjoying the way the grains crunch and swirl around his feet as they slowly dissolve. He can't remember being so comfortably warm and relaxed, maybe ever.
"Alright, sugar, I've got so many good things to try out. Are you ready?"
Phantom loses track of time quickly, but it must be hours that they soak together. Cumulus grooms him meticulously, and it stirs up achingly precious, half-lit memories from his kit days, when he still had his parents to look after him.
She scrubs his hair thoroughly with a sweet, sudsy shampoo. Her claws scratch deliciously over his scalp, sending goosebumps down his back. She works something called conditioner in next, using her fingers and a comb to tug and tease all the knots out of his hair. Not once does she pull hard enough to hurt.
She rubs a creamy, buttery substance between her palms until it melts into a sweet-scented oil. She massages it over his horns, cooing about how it's adding so much depth to their night-blue color. His claws are next, and Cumulus patiently explains what each of her little tools is for as she goes about trimming, filing, and oiling each one. She even rubs a cream into what she tells him are his cuticles, apparently to soften them or something.
She uses the softest cloth he's ever felt in his whole life ever to wash him thoroughly with a mouth-wateringly scented soap. She's thorough, getting behind his ears and between his toes. While she washes him, she tells him they should talk to Rain later about trimming up his hair so it doesn't fall in his eyes so much. She checks in with him constantly, asking if he's still okay with her washing him or if he'd like to take over.
Once they're out and dry, she helps him put on a creamy lotion before handing him big, soft clothes to pull on. She helps him roll the sleeves and cuff the pants, having stolen them from Swiss.
"He won't miss them, sweetie. That ghoul has the comfiest loungewear and he's always happy to share."
Cumulus insists that the most important part of their spa day is to immediately crawl into her nest to snack, snooze, and watch movies. It's called beauty rest for a reason, Phantom!
It's with a full belly and a clean, relaxed body that Phantom snuggles down under Cumulus' fresh, soft blankets and promptly passes out. It's the deepest, most restorative sleep he's had in ages.
And while he sleeps, Cumulus pets his hair, rubs his back, and generally fusses over whether the blankets are covering him properly. Her entire heart has totally melted for this sweet ghoul who's seen too much hardship, and she vows to make him the most rotten, spoiled little brat the ministry has ever seen.
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fredwkong · 1 year
Virgo Season: Daniel
Daniel knew that he was a good man. He’d grown up in a small community in Appalachia, gone to seminary, and started his own ministry in the same community he’d grown up in. One of his sermons, on the evils of liberalism and city life, had gone “viral,” whatever that meant, and Daniel had been overjoyed to receive an invitation to Pastor Blanco’s conference at the Astra Hotel.
Not since seminary had Daniel felt like he was among so many like-minded people. So many good points had been made during just the first week, Daniel had taken enough notes to write a whole year of sermons. Sure, a few people seemed to have left the conference before they were scheduled to, but that just meant that there was more attention left for those who remained, in Daniel’s opinion.
He was immeasurably grateful for the attention he had received thus far. Daniel knew he had a tendency to be a bit more of a follower than a leader, but the speakers, even Pastor Blanco, didn’t seem to mind Daniel’s puppyish, incessant questions and agreement. They encouraged him in a way that Daniel had never felt encouraged before.
Still, there was something about this hotel. Since arriving, Daniel had been plagued by… thoughts that he thought he’d long since rid himself of. He had long, long ago quashed his vanity, or so he’d believed. But suddenly, he was once again catching glimpses of his shapeless body in mirrors, ill-fitting suits doing him no favours. He knew that he should be respected for his mind and his ideas, not for his body, but Daniel’s great vice was that he had always wanted both.
Back in his misspent youth, while struggling with his faith, Daniel had imagined himself with acres of thick, hairless muscle, shining with oil on a stage. Now, in the Astra Hotel, he found himself remembering those moments, and his penis, whose desires he had managed to overcome for over a decade, was responding.
These images kept on coming upon him without warning. He was talking to a hard right lawyer in line to be a federal judge, when he caught a glimpse of his unremarkable body in a nearby mirror and he lost his train of thought, nearly swallowing his tongue as he imagined his reflection shredding his shirt with thick muscle.
One evening, it all became too much. Daniel got down on his knees in his hotel room and began to pray for deliverance from these upsetting images.
He was barely through when he heard a dripping sound coming from his bathroom. It was regular, but not the plink of water hitting porcelain. It was a thicker sound, from large, viscous drops of… something. Daniel went to check on it.
Instead of water, some thick, amber fluid was emerging from the shower head. Each drop pearled up as if from nothing, stretched slowly down, and dropped, splatting onto the shower floor. It had already formed a thick, gooey pile, but was too thick to flow easily into the drain.
Daniel lost his breath. He must be witnessing some kind of a miracle at work. Without hesitation, he stepped into the shower stall and reached his hand out for the next drop as it fell.
The instant it touched his palm, he felt an overwhelming sensation fill him. It was the same as when he thought about muscles. His brain filled with images of himself, but thick, smooth, sexy. Totally in command. His penis hardened in his pants.
This must be some kind of a temptation. Daniel tried to pull his hand away. “No—“ he gasped.
Without warning, the shower turned on, and a torrent of amber goo covered Daniel from head to toe. Every bit of skin it touched lit up with the same erotic pleasure as his hand had, making him writhe in ecstasy.
The coating of goo dissolved Daniel’s clothing, leaving him naked but for the inch-thick coating all over him. It quickly flooded every crevice of his body, and Daniel shuddered as he felt the animate fluid fill up his urethra and anus, even filling up his mouth, nose, and ears. His cock shuddered harder and harder in time with his racing heart, stimulated by the gently flowing goo.
Daniel’s mind filled with images of naked, muscular men, but this time they weren’t only shining with sweat. No, what he now understood he had been missing all his life was this thick, viscous coating all over his body. This was what he truly desired.
As this thought penetrated his soul, Daniel felt a tingle as the goo began to be absorbed into his skin. His muscles began to twitch, jerk, and inflate as more and more thick, amber liquid sank into him. His shoulders widened, his pecs plumped up, and his waist slimmed down as the goo brought Daniel’s body perfectly in line with the fantasy he had held in his mind for so many years.
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Finally, just as Daniel thought his mind would break from the pleasure he was experiencing, the remaining layer of thick liquid slackened its grip and sloughed off of him. Suddenly as mobile as water, it drained away, leaving Daniel gasping for air and coughing up the last remnants.
He stepped out of the shower stall and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked… perfect. Like a young bodybuilding god, his body was bulky, yet perfectly aesthetic and totally smooth. He didn’t even have any stubble anywhere below his eyebrows. With each motion, his pumped up muscles and thickened, longer cock bounced, producing a sensation that had Daniel biting back a groan.
The sight of his body and the sensation of his new muscles moving had Daniel suddenly on the edge of an urgent, intense orgasm, his first in years. Before he could stop himself, he was shooting all over the tiles, feeling his muscles spasm more in a way that created a pleasurable feedback loop. As the aftershocks faded away, Daniel found himself looking, puzzled, at the copious load on the floor. Why was the creamy white of his semen tinged with a hint of orange?
Unable to find any clothes to fit him, Daniel fell into bed and was almost immediately unconscious.
The next morning proved that his transformation was no dream. Daniel admired his sweat-sheened muscles at the mirror, unable to tear his eyes away. Somehow, he discovered that his clothes had changed to suit his new body. Along with some business casual clothes, all in 4-way stretch fabrics, was a ton of gym gear, including more types of jockstraps than Daniel had ever imagined existed in the world. Pulling on a jock before his suit pants, Daniel found his thick cock hardening uncontrollably.
None of the other attendees seemed to notice Daniel’s incredible transformation. Or, perhaps, they thought he was a different Appalachian pastor, now with an incredible gym-built body that filled all his clothes nearly to bursting. Every time he caught a glimpse of himself, Daniel felt his cock thicken and ooze slick precum into his jock. It was such a turn-on to know that, unknown to all of these stuffy, stuck-up neoconservatives, Daniel was turning himself on and gently edging himself to the thought of his own body.
Somehow, all these talks that had seemed so interesting just yesterday were sliding from Daniel’s attention. How many different ways were there to say “I fucking hate everyone”? As his eyes drifted around the conference room, Daniel’s attention was suddenly caught by a guy whose attention was equally drifting. He was cute, dark-skinned and smooth-faced, and wearing… a leather baseball cap?
Daniel couldn’t imagine how someone so clearly different from everyone else was in here, and drawing absolutely no attention to himself. During the next break, he caught the guy’s eye and nodded out the door.
From the hall, he watched as the little mixed race twink—why was that word in his head?—started to follow, and then paused, his eyes widening at the sound of another attendee saying something. Probably something homophobic. The guy turned around and headed back to his seat.
Oh well. The conference wasn’t worth Daniel’s time. He may as well head back to his room.
As soon as the door shut behind him, Daniel could hear the shower dripping again. As quietly as he could with his big new feet, he stalked into the bathroom to see another splatter of amber goo beginning to form on the shower floor.
Did he want more? Daniel could tell he’d changed. Not just his body, but his mind, too. His faith still felt firm, but different somehow. Temptation didn’t seem to matter as much anymore. If he changed more, he might lose all will to resist.
As he finished that thought, Daniel realised that he’d stepped into the shower without knowing it. He watched, as if in slow motion, as his big, meaty hand reached out for the next drop of pleasurable, life-changing goo.
He whited out as his clothes dissolved into the thick layer of goop this time, feeling himself cum at least twice as amber fluid sank into his skin again. Long after it had all drained away, Dan regained consciousness on all fours, moaning and thrusting like a whore as another load drained out of his low-hanging balls. The layer of cum on the porcelain had a distinct amber colour, but Dan reasoned that it could be the last of the goo draining from his big cock.
Stepping out of the shower, Dan admired his thick muscles, now covered in a layer of dark tattoos. His ass looked phenomenal, framed by bars of black and a scatter of other designs. He licked his lips, looking at himself, and felt some kind of a spurt deep in his hole.
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A moment later, his asshole clenched, and Dan watched in the mirror as a bit of amber-tinged slick emerged from between his cheeks, dripping down his thick, hairless legs. Leaning down, still keeping his eyes on the flex and bend of his perfect, tatted body, Dan scooped up a bit of the natural lube and brought his finger to his slick hole.
The push of his thick finger into his ass felt incredible, and before long Dan was lying on the rumpled hotel bed, grunting and groaning as he thrust his fingers into his hungry hole. He came again, and collapsed on top of his fresh, copious load, almost immediately unconscious.
The following morning, all Dan’s suits and business casual clothes were gone. Instead, all he had were some more gym gear and a couple of leather jackets.
The thought of sitting in a conference hall full of stuffy suits who’d look at him like the dirt on their shoes made Dan roll his eyes, so he skipped his planned talks and headed to the hotel gym. It felt good to put his perfect new body through its paces. Just like he’d always imagined, pushing and pulling heavy weights was an incredible rush, at least on par with a good group prayer session. Although, every time he imagined prayer, Dan found himself thinking of EDM beats and grinding against other naked, sweaty male bodies. His tattoos would look so good stretching and warping under the strobes.
Near the end of his session, while Dan was doing a couple of sprints and watching his bare chest flex and bounce in the mirrors, the gym door opened. When he slowed down a few minutes later, Dan spotted the twink from yesterday, his skin distinctly olive-coloured today, and covered in a rubber suit—a gimp suit, said something in the back of Dan’s mind—from his neck down.
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Sweat dripping from his overhanging pecs, Dan walked up to the twink, who was warming up on the bikes. Clearly, a gym session in a gimp suit was hard work, judging from the sheen of sweat already coating his pretty face and dripping from his curly dark hair.
“Hey man,” Dan said, enjoying his smooth new voice. “C’mon up to my room after, yeah?” He told the twink where to go, and the kid nodded. Looking into his eyes, Dan had a sudden image of a much older man, the lawyer with whom he had been speaking the other day. Somehow, this submissive, kinky twink had the same eyes as that self-obsessed, white-haired old man.
Come to think of it, Dan hadn’t seen that man for a couple of days, even before his own transformation had begun.
Back in his room, Dan was laying out lube and condoms—since when had he had those?—when he heard the tell-tale drip from the bathroom again. Once again, drops of amber goop were pooling next to the drain.
There was no hesitation this time. Feeling a spurt of orange-tinged precum drool out of his jockstrap, Dan stepped into the shower stall and spread his bare, tattooed arms, waiting for the pleasurable wave of fluid to fill him up.
Either moments or hours later, Dan returned to himself, coughing up the last of the viscous ooze on the shower floor. His hands, on the porcelain beneath him, looked distinctly black-skinned.
Without even looking in the mirror, Dan knew he was a Black man. Not only could he see how the dark brown tint was no longer from mere tattoos, but there seemed to be something different in the way he moved as he rose to his feet and stepped out of the shower. Not to mention the big, thick, Black cock insistently dripping amber precum onto the floor.
Next to the tools he had laid out, Dan found a black leather harness that set off his hairless brown pecs perfectly. He pulled on a jockstrap, too, enjoying the feeling of leaking through it instantly. As he admired himself in the wall mirror, feeling up his smooth Black muscles, there was a tentative knock at the door.
The twink stared up in awe as Dan opened the door, and didn’t resist as Dan pulled him in by the front of his rubber suit. He mewled pitifully, his bulge pulsing with need, as Dan stood him in the shower and drained the stream of musky sweat mixed with copious precum that had been pooling in the suit. His shiny gloved hands helped pull the suit down below his waist, and he took Dan’s cock like a natural, shuddering through a handsfree orgasm as Dan filled him up with a thick load of amber goo.
“Got you hooked, now,” Dan told the twinky gimp as his new toy cleaned off his oozing Black cock. “Hope you like worshipping at your new temple.”
The twink nodded desperately, and Dan grinned down at him. Life was good, and he couldn’t wait to fuck more of the guys he’d been desperately following around a few days ago. Next time, he’d make sure to face his mirror, so he could get a good look at his perfect body as it shone with exertion and filled up his worshippers with his addictive cum.
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Click here to see all of Virgo Season.
If you feel inspired, write a story set at the Astra Hotel and post it @ me to join in. Help me celebrate my birthday by turning more conference attendees into geared up gay kinksters.
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stealingyourbones · 10 months
Short DPXDC Prompts #1029
Dani in a desperate attempt to stabilize herself, turns herself in to the Court of Owls in hopes of finding a solution to permanent stabilization. During an experiment, an Owl accidentally brushes against her with their bare hand. The moment their hand makes contact, Dani appears to completely dissolve. Her body now is nothing more than a pile of green goo. The Court wraps it up to her finally dissolving with the contact being just enough to distract her from holding herself together. Dani ‘wakes up’ in a body that isn’t her own. She is now cohabiting a body with a Talon. Shit.
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paperglader · 11 months
I just- I’m going insane because what do you mean that Laura Bailey didn’t plan on asking laudna to kiss her when she did??? that whole entire episode she looked like she would dissolve into a pile of goo if she didn’t get to kiss laudna!! She was looking at her so longingly the entire time!! She invented yearning!! What do.you.mean that it wasn’t all meant to foreshadow what was about to happen??
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desemilydoodle · 10 months
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It was a sad, messy sketch kind of a night. But dear Lord seeing Qwille's Sunspot had me dissolving into a mewling pile of goo. Everyone's art in the Magma is just so absolutely fantastic and the feast is always plentiful there.
Ghost in the Machine by @venomous-qwille
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i just took a shower and now i cant stop thinking about moth boy loving showers
like, poor boy got so upset when he realised he was too big to join you in he bath like he's seen ajax doing from the back of his mind, so he's ecstatic when he finds out your shower is just big enough for the both of you!
he'd definitely love the feeling of the warm water running down his hair and wings, i headcanon that he's designed to spend long periods of time underwater due to ajax's hydro vision so the feeling of water rushing over him is a familiar feeling that he relishes in when it's not happening during battle until he gets shampoo in his eye
big moth man purring while getting his floof dried with the warm hair dryer aadhgfh my heart <3333
(he would also probably try to decipher the "ruins and symbols" that you make with your stray hairs on the shower wall)
dearest lord of moth, please take my thoughts and make something of them (if you have the time lol) 🙏
*furiously takes notes* yes yes please continue
listen listen LISTEN. when Foul Legacy is in the shower and he feels the water raining down and running over him, he does a happy little wing flutter with a delighted chirp, shaking himself so his wings don't become too waterlogged. he loooooves watching you wash your hair too, all the suds and tiny bubbles the shampoo makes look so fluffy, and if he's feeling brave he'll try to scritch your scalp with his claws to help you out. genuinely, Legacy would stay sitting in the shower for hours if it didn't rack up your water bill, but after a while he'll reluctantly get out because he remembers that hot water costs money with his vague knowledge of how Childe deals with expenses and bills- not before turning off the shower and shaking any excess water off, of course
you're always waiting for him with the hairdryer in hand, gesturing for him to sit in front of you with a soft laugh. you gently pat his shoulder when you turn on the hairdryer- neither of you like the loud sound it makes- feeling him stiffen before relaxing as the warm air begins seeping into his bones. his hair and fluff are always especially poofy and soft after being dried, and Legacy just melts more and more the longer you work, on the verge of falling over once you turn the hairdryer off. he lets out small, drowsy chitters when you brush his fur and hair, making sure there aren't any mats or tangles and also that your fluffy Abyss monster doesn't dissolve into a pile of goo while you're at it. only when he's perfectly dry do you nudge his shoulder again, watching him make a beeline for the bed and promptly flop onto the covers, looking at you pleadingly to join him. he's very warm and toasty right now, so he won't need any covers- just you as his pillow, nuzzling against your stomach with a sleepy purr as you stroke his hair to help him fall asleep
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neithoftheveil · 3 months
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And now *I’m* screaming over this fic comment [dissolves into a happy pile of sentient goo]
—my newest fic—
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reegis · 11 months
Oh yeah I tend to go into at least one server to yell "reegis art!!!!!" when you post. I had persephone tim/ashes Hades as my pfp for a while until I needed change and I wasn't the only person with that exact pfp. I've seen other pieces of your art as pfps too
HI I GOT HOME TO LIKE 20+ MESSAGES literally about ppl talking about me in discord servers or group chats etc… i dont think i can reply to all of them bc theres so mAN Y??? but genuinely thank you all??? so much??? im dissolving into a pile of goo as we speak wtf
also seeing my (my????!!!!?) art as people pfp literally makes me do a lil happy jig its so flattering fjfjfjfkgk im
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daisymquinn · 11 months
Caterpillars have to dissolve into a disgusting pile of goo to become butterflies. 🐛🦋
So if you're a mess, wrapped up in blankets right now, keep going. 🙏🏻🙌🏻💯
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I just can't even describe the sheer joy I felt at hearing Percy's voice again, after all these years. In some moments, it was like I was a teenager again, reading along and cry-laughing at his sarcastic perspective on how utterly preposterous his life continues to be. (Nostalgia played a huge part in that of course, but it also just was genuinely refreshing.)
However in other moments. I was very aware of the fact that I'm an adult now, and that my life, like Percy's, has only gotten wilder and more exhausting as it has gone on. So it was honestly quite comforting to read Percy say that he still looks forward to living his life fully, despite all the bitterness and chaos and confusion and pain, because joy and love and friendship help to balance out those darker moments. I think that's become clear to both Percy and I as we've gotten older, so I really appreciate how much time Rick spent driving that point home. It's not something I would have valued as highly when I was younger, but time has deepened my appreciation of aging - another theme I adored.
And even though I just tried to calmly offer a few themes I found meaningful, I'm back to screaming, because I CANNOT BE NORMAL ABOUT THE PERCABETH. It was SHEER PERFECTION. It was THEM. Growing together, maturing together, figuring things out together. Being utterly BESOTTED with each other! Teasing each other! Finishing each other's thoughts! Embarrassing Grover! Using a couple of random pet names! Being so COMFORTABLE with each other! Half of Percy's thoughts being how much he loves her? His love for her literally saving his life MULTIPLE TIMES?! Their love destroys me, in every possible good way.
(It was the perfect inspiration for my next chapter of '[conduct] not unbecoming' - Annabeth sneaking in through Percy's bedroom window at 4AM and Percy knowing his mom wouldn't care if she caught the two of them in there together? Fic GOLD. 👀👀 I'm also honestly SO PLEASED that Percy's Senior Year (mis)Adventures have remained essentially canon! 🥳 There are 1-2 tiny, tiny changes I'm going to make so the series perfectly aligns, but I really think Rick and I were sharing a brain cell at a few key moments! 😂)
But finally, let me be real for a second:
I know not everyone is going to love it, for reasons that they have every right to expand on themselves, in as much detail and with as many feelings as they want. Go forth and vent, if that's what's fun for you! But that isn't fun for me, and I want to be pretty clear now that will not be hosting any discourse on my blog, because I no longer have the ability or motivation to engage patiently, kindly, and in good faith with those who do not seem able to offer that same courtesy to others. Once upon a time maybe, but I'm too old and tired for it now.
Tldr: I'm really excited to talk about Chalice of the Gods. ☺️ I can go on and on and on if you are also looking for someone to be excited with! 💙
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infiniteeight8 · 1 year
“Listen here, you—“
Bonus points if this was used against an enemy they were fighting
(Protective Tony perhaps? But it can be anything really. You can also finish the dialogue.)
“Strange!” Tony shouted, but the warning came too late: a giant glob of yellow-green goo struck Stephen in the side, knocking him back into the van he’d been using as intermittent cover. Cursing, Tony jetted across the battlefield to take up a position between Strange and the enemy. 
“Listen here, you—” he paused to deflect another glob “—disgusting ball of snot. You could have gone home through the portal the nice wizard opened for you. But no, you wanted to tear up this perfectly—” Tony deflected more goo; he was starting to see a pattern “—serviceable street. Which means now, you’re going to get what’s coming to you.” 
Counting silently, Tony swatted aside another projectile and then charged both repulsors and the chest beam beam to max and let fly. All three beams struck the massive, glistening, yellow-green pile of something dead on. Within seconds it started smoking. Or maybe steaming. By the time Tony’s power started fading, it had collapsed in on itself with a belch.
“Did you just call a Glibslib from the Bilst dimension a ‘disgusting ball of snot’?”
Tony retracted his helmet and turned to grin at Stephen, who seemed fine, if thoroughly stuck to the van by the congealing goo. “Am I wrong?” he waved at the mess covering Stephen.
Looking down, Stephen grimaced. “No,” he admitted. “My hands are stuck. Do you think you can dissolve this stuff without blasting me?”
“Your wish is my command!”
Tony let the helmet close and sent up a quiet prayer that he hadn’t been lying. 
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rom-e-o · 10 months
Angel (Modern!AU Ebenezer/Constance)
This is just silly and sappy. Enjoy. <3
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Even from across the café and beyond frost-covered window, she would have recognized that handsome silhouette and silver hair anywhere.
There he was. Right on time, as usual.
“Good morning, Mr. Scrooge!”
Constance waved from behind the counter as her most devoted customer ducked into the New Grounds Coffee Co. to greet her. Every day, at exactly 7:45 a.m., he would duck in and get a morning cup of tea or coffee to start his day.
It had been a ritual of his for the past two months, and in that time, Constance had come to memorize his mobile number from when he submitted orders. Whenever she saw it pop up on her screen, her red glossed lips couldn’t resist spreading into a grin.
“Morning, Ms. Constance,” he greeted with a smile and nod. “Always good to see you.”
Perhaps it was her imagination, but he almost looked eager to see her, the way he kept his gaze upon only her as he approached the counter and smiled warmly at her greeting. It made a pleasant heat rush to her cheeks, and it took all her self-restraint to not avert her gaze and swoon.
“I see on your mobile order that you’re trying something new today,” she noted, regaining her poise as she refocused on the austere monitor before her. “Goodness, I don’t think you’ve ordered the same thing twice! By the end of the month, you might work your way through the entire menu.”
He chuckled at that, a nervous movement in his eyes. “Ha, well, what’s the fun of a local coffee shop if you always order the same thing, hm?”
She nodded reasonably as she went to fetch his drink from the mobile order rack.
As she turned away, she swore he felt his eyes on her. Her red, corseted top and tight black miniskirt certainly got her looks, but none of them had quite the effect that Ebenezer’s had on her.
When she cheekily glanced over her shoulder to verify her sharp intuition, honed from yeas of being ogled respectfully and otherwise, she turned just in time to catch his eyes averting again at the speed of twin bullets.
Such a gentleman, she thought with another blush. Heavens, if his gaze ever lingered, that would be the day she’d would melt into a pile of goo.
Upon returning with his drink, a matcha latte, she noted a pinkish hue to his cheeks that hadn’t been present before.
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“Here you are! One matcha latte, and of course …”
She reached over to a stack of paper cups, then produced a whipped dream dispenser from its docking station. She filled it up quickly and popped a tiny lid on top for protection from the city's smog. “And a cup of fresh cream for Prudence.”
He chuckled warmly. “Ah, you’re an angel. Cheers.”
Their fingers brushed lightly during the hand-off. Despite the presence of his coal-black gloves, she swore she felt heat arc between them. He must have felt the same, for his shoulders jumped suddenly at the contact as well.
When their gazes reconnected after the accidental brush, there was something soft and hesitant in his gaze. Sensing his uncertainty, Constance gave him another grin and a slight pop of the hip.
“You continue to flatter me,” she said sweetly. “You best watch yourself, or I may have to believe you.”
The hanging of this proverbial ‘welcome sign’ had the exact desired impact in dissolving his inhibitions. The knowing smile that graced his face afterward was dashing enough, but the light in his eyes that followed? There was no doubt she’d dream about it later that evening.
“I never flatter, Constance.”
“You can call me Connie, if you’d like. Everyone else does.”
His eyes crinkled in thought. “Does anyone else call you ‘angel’?”
She bit her lip coyly. “No, that’s a new one, I must say."
“A travesty,” he drawled, rolling the 'r' sound effortlessly. “Never fear. Your secret is safe with me.”
Constance blushed as red at her cherry-red top. She wanted to linger on the conversation longer; to find some way to return his praise, but she saw a crowd of customers all file in the door. Silently cursing the morning curse, the couple was forced to bid each other adieu for the time being.
“See you tomorrow,” she called after him, and hoped desperately that it was true. "I-I hope."
She hadn't meant to mutter the second part of the sentence out loud, and momentarily wished she could retract it.
To her relief, he raised his cup and gave her a bow. (A bow! He really was like a prince.)
“Count on it. Until then...”
The next word uttered as a mere whisper, for her ears only.
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Of course he came in the next day.
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