#hpi abc
thundergrace · 2 years
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February 21, 2023
Javicia Leslie (Batwoman) is set as a lead opposite Kaitlin Olson and Daniel Sunjata in ABC‘s character-based procedural drama pilot based on TF1’s popular detective series HPI (High Intellectual Potential), from top TV and film writer Drew Goddard and ABC Signature, where Goddard and his Goddard Textiles are based.
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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high-potential · 9 days
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spaciousreasoning · 2 months
A Normal Weekend
I had to get up early Friday morning for my home visit eye exam. The gentleman showed up at 8:30 a.m. and proceeded to take pictures of my eyeballs with a little contraption. He said the results looked pretty good, but he would pass them on to our primary care for further inspection. If there’s more to report, I guess we’ll find out come September, when we finally get in to see our new medical professionals in person.
We did not leave the house on Saturday. We just sat around doing routine stuff for the day. It was 90-plus degrees, so staying in the cool was a good idea.
We did find a new show to watch, “HPI: Haut Potentiel Intellectuel.” A French production available on Hulu, it’s about a woman—and single mom—with an IQ of 160 who works as a cleaner and winds up helping police solve crimes.
I ran across a trailer for it on YouTube. Just a couple rows down was also a trailer for the American version of the same show which will appear this fall on ABC, starring Kaitlin Olson. It will likely appear on Hulu as well.
The first episode was quite enjoyable, so we look forward to seeing the rest of the French production (24 total episodes) as well as what the American production winds up looking like.
We got up and went to church on the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost. Once again the rector did an excellent job of wading through some strange scripture lessons and coming up with a good homily.
After the service and a little bit of visiting with some of the other parishioners, we stopped off at Albertson’s on the way home to do a little grocery shopping. It included some more wine for Nancy and some salad fixings, more cold brew and another item or two.
We hung out for the rest of the afternoon not doing much. That did include a nap, which isn’t really doing anything but resting.
Then I left for the Sunday recovery meeting early in order to stop by Costco and fill the tank with gas. Still $3.46 per gallon, and there was no waiting in the self-service lanes. After the meeting, dinner was waiting when I got home. Nancy had made a salad, heated up the leftover marinara sauce, boiled pasta, and made garlic toast.
Before I got home, Nancy had done a little rearranging. She moved the tall shelf from the kitchen into the cat study to hold her art supplies and switched a small shelf from the living room to the kitchen, next to the table. She moved another small table from next to the living room bookshelf to the corner where the small shelf had been. Then she switched a couple of lamps. Settling in continues.
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suis-nous · 1 year
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spoilertv · 2 years
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Kaitlin Olson to Star in Drew Goddard’s Detective Drama Pilot at ABC – Variety
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thefirsthogokage · 2 years
I'm not a fan of cop shows for a number of reasons, but one has recently (past week?) developed in my head one with a Queer POC lead. She is very, very ADHD. I was like, we don't have this rep, especially from women. We have Shawn, we have Monk, we have Bobby Goren, but we have very few unconventional female detectives, especially with out of the box personalities.
This show better bring that, even if it's with a white female lead. Like, I HATE procedurals, I HATE mysteries, I HATE cop shows, but I am very interested in seeing a weird woman solving crime.
We female/feminine/enby(including male and androgenous shaped enbies) nuerodivergants deserve to see ourselves being competent and capable and ourselves on screen, and I am fucking hoping that that's what this is.
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autoaddiktt-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on AutóAddikt
New Post has been published on https://www.autoaddikt.hu/kivalo-ertekallosagot-hordoznak-a-toyota-hibridjei/
Kiváló értékállóságot hordoznak a Toyota hibridjei
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Az autóipari értéktartás nemzetközi szakértője felmérte a hibrid járművek várható értékvesztését. Megdöbbentő értékeket találtak: Toyota-elemzés következik.
Az autóipari kockázatelemzéssel és értékbecsléssel foglalkozó nemzetközi szervezet, a CAP HPI a piaci igényekre reagálva külön felmérésekben foglalkozott a részlegesen és teljesen elektromos járművek értéktartásával.
Ami a vásárlást követő első évben várható értékvesztést illeti, kiemelkedően jó értékekre számíthatunk minden hibridtől, de mindenekelőtt a Toyota és a Lexus modelljeitől. Ennek okairól nem tesz említést a Nagy-Britanniában elvégzett felmérés, hiszen az csupán a tényekkel foglalkozik, de minden bizonnyal a fejlett technológia és a megbízható hírnév együttes hatásának köszönhető, hogy a használtpiaci árak alig mutatnak visszaesést az újkori költségekhez képest.
Egy éves használat, illetve 16 ezer kilométeres futásteljesítmény után a következő átlagos értékvesztést mutatták ki:
Modell (évjárat) Átlagos értéktartás (%) Toyota C-HR (2016–) 84,5 Lexus NX (2014-2017) 79,5 Toyota Prius+ (2015–) 78,6 Suzuki Ignis (2017–) 78,3 Toyota RAV4 (2015–) 77,4 Kia Niro (2016–) 77,2 Toyota Prius (2015–) 76,6 Kia Niro (2016-2017) 74,8 Lexus IS (2016–) 74,4 Hyundai IONIQ (2016–) 74,1
„A hibrid modellek eladásai folyamatosan emelkedtek az elmúlt években, összességükben azonban még mindig viszonylag ritkának tekinthetők a piacon a hagyományos üzemanyag-típusokhoz viszonyítva” – értelmezte a kutatás eredményeit Chris Plumb, a CAP HPI szerkesztője. „A hálózatról tölthető, részben vagy teljesen elektromos járművek előfordulása pedig ma még elhanyagolható a flottapiacon. Összességében a használtautó piacon a kereslet messze meghaladja a kínálatot.”
A világ 85 országában tevékenykedő Solera csoporthoz tartozó CAP HPI egy másik felméréséből ennél is megdöbbentőbb adatok derültek ki: ha valaki egyéves korában vásárol Angliában részben vagy teljesen elektromos gépkocsit, egy évvel később akár érezhető haszonnal tudja eladni azt – azaz az autó második éve során nem csökken, hanem nő annak használtpiaci értéke!
A jelenség a tisztán elektromos járművek esetében érezhető a legmarkánsabban, ugyanakkor a szervezet két olyan hibrid járművet is talált, amelyek 24 hónaposan többet érnek, mint 12 hónaposan:
Modell (évjárat) Átlagos értéktartás (%) Peugeot Ion 108,6% Opel (Vauxhall) Ampera 105,3% Nissan Leaf 104,0% Toyota Yaris Hybrid 102,6% Lexus GS 300h/450h 100,7%
A CAP HPI szervezet piaci szegmenstől és üzemanyagtól független értéktartási rangsoraiban egyébként is visszatérő szereplők a Toyota és a Lexus típusai. A március elején közzétett legfrissebb, 13 legcsekélyebb értékvesztésű modellt tartalmazó, nem rangsorolt listájukon* a Toyota C-HR és a Lexus IS 300h modellek is szerepeltek. Mark Bulmer szerkesztő szerint a „divatos Toyota C-HR hiteles átmenetet képez a szabadidőjárművek és a kupék között, dizájnja abszolút elnyerte a vásárlók tetszését. A hibrid és a benzines verziók egyaránt népszerűnek bizonyultak. Habár a szegmensben nagyon kemény a verseny, az autó bizonyította rátermettségét, és máris a hibrid piac egyik vezető szereplőjévé lépett elő.” Ami a Lexus sportszedánját illeti: „Sok okunk van szeretni az IS 300h-t. Az üzemanyag-fogyasztás és a károsanyag-kibocsátás elképesztően alacsony, a formaterv és a belső tér kialakítása szerethető. Ráadásként ott van a márka közmondásosan legendás megbízhatósága.”
* A listán szereplő modellek ABC-sorrendben: Audi A1, Dacia Duster 1.6, Dacia Sandero Stepway, Ford Focus RS, Ford KA plus, Honda Civic, Lexus IS 300h, Mercedes Benz CLA Coupé, Peugeot 3008 1.2 Puretech, Porsche Macan, Suzuki Ignis 1.2 Dualjet, Toyota C-HR, Volkswagen California.
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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johnnygsanto · 4 years
Myanmar's persecution of Kachin people saw Hpi Redamwang escape to Wagga with his family - ABC News
Myanmar's persecution of Kachin people saw Hpi Redamwang escape to Wagga with his family  ABC News Originally Published here: Myanmar's persecution of Kachin people saw Hpi Redamwang escape to Wagga with his family - ABC News
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aaronsniderus · 7 years
Stocks Shrug Off Government Shutdown – Market Update
It was a crazy weekend. We know who’s in the Super Bowl, and the government shut down. It’s Monday, so I’m going to ease you in and stick to the lighter side for the moment, so congratulations to the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles. We’ll have a little more on the government shutdown below.
In terms of economic news, there was lots of important housing data last week, so let’s jump right in.
Headline News
MBA Mortgage Applications
Mortgage applications were up 4.1% last week, with refinancing applications up 4.0% and purchase applications rising 3.0%. The average rate on a 30-year fixed conforming mortgage was up 10 basis points to 4.33%.
Industrial Production
Industrial production was up 0.9% in December, coming in well above estimates. Much of this was due to increases in both utility production, up 5.6%, and mining production, up 1.6%.
Manufacturing gains were modest, up 0.1% on the month and 2.4% annually. Vehicle production was up 2.0% and high-tech production was up 0.4%. Production of nondurable goods went down 0.1% and construction supply production was unchanged.
Factories are utilizing more of their available capacity in these December numbers. This metric jumped 0.7% to 77.9%.
Housing Market Index
Home builders have lost confidence in the housing market this month, as January’s numbers are down two points at 72, which is still strong. It’s also worth noting that last month’s numbers were the highest of any since the recession.
The traffic component came in at 54, which is very high, but four points below last month’s 13-year high. which was very Current sales came in at 79 and sales over the next six months were at 78.
In terms of regional data, the West led the way at 83. The South was at 72 and the Midwest came in at 69. The Northeast is still lagging behind the others, but it’s up 12 points since November to come in at 62.
Housing Starts
Housing starts were down 8.2% to a seasonally-adjusted annualized rate of 1.192 million in December. There’s some thought among analysts that this might simply be a return to normal after hurricane rebuilding really boosted the number of starts in the last several months.
On the single-family home side, starts were down 11.8% to 836,000. There was a 1.4% uptick in multifamily starts to 356,000.
Permits were up just a little bit, coming in at 1.302 million. Single-family permits were up 1.8% to 881,000.
Jobless Claims
Initial claims were down 41,000 to the lowest level in 45 years last week. However, part of this might be based on the fact that six states had to estimate claims. One of them was California, which was potentially affected by the mudslides. This report may have also been affected by the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday. The four-week average was down 6,250, coming in at 244,500.
Continuing claims were up 76,000 to 1.952 million. The four-week average was a little less volatile, up just 4,000 to 1.921 million.
Consumer Sentiment
Consumer sentiment fell 1.5 points in initial January readings to 94.4. This is the weakest the reading has been in six months.
The current conditions part of the reading was down more than 4.5 points at 109.2. This is a 15-month low and indicates potential weakness in consumer spending as well as the labor market.
Expectations did come in at a positive 84.4. Inflation expectations over the next year were up 0.1% to 2.8%. There was a matching gain for five-year expectations, which were up to 2.5%.
Mortgage News
There’s not usually much mortgage news outside of rates on a weekly basis, but with the government shutdown, there are a couple of things to be aware of. For all loans, we won’t be able to get tax transcripts from the IRS until the end of the shutdown. We’ll have to get proof from you that you filed your taxes.
The FHA and VA have automated systems for loan approval, but USDA loans with conditional approval may see their closings delayed. Hopefully this doesn’t last too long, but we’ll provide updates on anything you need to know. For more on the broader impact of a government shutdown, ABC News has a nice breakdown.
Turning to actual rates, fixed rates were up last week in Freddie Mac data, although not as much as reported in the MBA numbers. It remains a great time to lock your interest rate, as they are still very low.
The average rate on a 30-year-fixed mortgage was up five basis points to 4.04% with 0.6 points in fees. Last year, the average rate was 4.09%.
Looking at shorter terms, the average 15-year fixed rate was up five basis points to 3.49% with 0.5 points in fees. At the same time a year ago, the rate was 3.34%.
Finally, the average 5-year treasury-index hybrid adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) rate was 3.46% with 0.3 points. This was flat for the week. At the same time last year, the average rate was 3.21%
Stock Market
The looming government shutdown didn’t affect stocks Friday, as the S&P 500 and Nasdaq hit record highs again.
The Dow Jones industrial average was up 1.04% on the week after rising 53.91 points on the day to close at 26,071.72. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 finished at 2,810.30, up 12.27 points on the day and 0.86% on the week. The Nasdaq finished Friday up 40.33 points to 7,336.38. It was up 1.04% on the week.
The Week Ahead
Wednesday, January 24
MBA Mortgage Applications (7:00 a.m. ET) – The mortgage applications index measures applications to mortgage lenders. This is a leading indicator for single-family home sales and housing construction.
FHFA House Price Index (9:00 a.m. ET) – The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) House Price Index (HPI) covers single-family housing using data provided by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The HPI is derived from transactions involving conforming conventional mortgages purchased or securitized by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.
Existing Home Sales (10:00 a.m. ET) – Existing Home Sales tallies the number of previously constructed homes, condominiums and co-ops in which a sale closed during the month. Existing homes (also known as home resales) account for a larger share of the market than new homes and indicate housing market trends.
Thursday, January 25
International Trade in Goods (8:30 a.m. ET) – The Bureau of Economic Analysis has begun breaking out the goods from the remaining international trade numbers to get an idea of import and export estimates for GDP calculations.
Jobless Claims (8:30 a.m. ET) – New unemployment claims are compiled weekly to show the number of individuals filing for unemployment insurance for the first time. An increasing trend suggests a deteriorating labor market. The four-week moving average of new claims smooths out weekly volatility.
New Home Sales (10:00 a.m. ET) – This measures the number of newly constructed homes with a committed sale during the month.
Friday, January 26
Durable Goods Orders (8:30 a.m. ET) – These are based on new orders placed with domestic manufacturers for factory hard goods.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (8:30 a.m. ET) – This measures the monetary value of all final goods and services produced within the U.S. This report is released on a quarterly basis.
It’s quite a packed week of economic reports. We’ll have this and any important government shutdown developments ready for you in Market Update next week.
It might be the weather, but I’m having a really hard time making my brain work this morning. If you find yourself in a similar situation, maybe these brain training activities will help. January is also national brainteaser month. If you like that, we’ve got plenty more home, money and lifestyle content where that came from if you subscribe to the Zing Blog below.
The post Stocks Shrug Off Government Shutdown – Market Update appeared first on ZING Blog by Quicken Loans.
from Updates About Loans https://www.quickenloans.com/blog/stocks-shrug-off-government-shutdown-market-update
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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