#hrnghhh i love him
mitsubinyuri · 1 month
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y'all fw jobin higashikata?
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skrunksthatwunk · 4 months
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#rgg gaiden spoilers in tags#GUH. SNIFF. GUH. BUHHHHBUHBUH. FUCK#!!!!! EUGHHHUGHHH#WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME GAIDEN WAS GOOOODDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#AUUGGUHEHGEHHVBBBBGHHG#SOBBINGNH BAWLING THROWING UP SHUDDERING SNIFFLING LIMP DREADFUL UGHHGHUUHH#EUGHHHHHHHHHGYUGHHHHHGGH#SORRY I WAS GONNA REFLECT BUT I CANT STOP TEXT GROANING LIKE. HYUGHHHGGGHHH GUHHHHHH#SOBBING INTERNALLY REALLY REALLY HARD RN...#it was such a good final sequence... like the whole final fight was so good#AND UFHGEYHG EVERYONES REACTIONS TO KIRYU COMING BACK.. AND HIS TO THEM ...#majima veing like yeah ywah ok sure thing joryu just. just don't run off too soon arright? GUHHHHHBWAUUUUHHHGGUUGUUHHBBBHHHHHHHHNNGGGHHHH#WET PILE ON THE FLOOR#and it's such a good final fight and final occasion for what's probably gonna be kiryu's final solo finale yknow?#captured the spirits of the others while getting the emotion and the hype in a way i havent felt with the past couple antags#yumi ring post credit sequence..... awhhhh 🥺🥺🥺 ...... he loves her.....🤧🤧🤧#GYUGJH so glad to see rgg finally remembering yumi oughhguhhh and theres at least one papa kazama substory#and obv Tonight is there so like. the trio have been acknowledged which is nice#anyway very happy to see ichi again i miss him OH THE HIDDEN CAMERA SHIT. HRNGHHH NOBODY TOLD ME ABOUT THATTT#HGUHHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNMMNRHRGZGZHJDBDBD BAWLING BAWLING BAWLIGN BAWLIGN BAWLING FUCKIGN SCREAMING‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️#nooooooooooooo god it's so fucking sad dude... houghrhhgh like kiryu just crying and whimpering for a few minutes and the screen getting#more and more covered with his tears (and snot oops) and just. hububububhhhhh AND THE WAY HE LAUGHED WHEN THEY SAID NO ONE BELIEVED HE WAS#REALLY DEAD AT MORNING GLORY.. CUTE. YEAH WE ALL KNOW YOURE BAD AT DISGUISES I LOVE YOU FOREVER JORYU SUZUKI TAICHI#my heart.... kiryuuuuuuu kiryu i love you so much forever and everrrrrrrrr kiryujuiuuuuiu. GHRBMRNRNBSHAHSV#sad. sad sad sad. but not empty. never empty.#hhhnngnhnnn and like just. pshhhUGH i really liked the side characters this time around. akame and tsuruno and shishido and nishitani#BOY WAS I HAPPY TO SEE THE (LITERAL) BLOODLUST RETURN JDGDJS THAT SCENE WHERE HES LIKE joryu you got me ROCK HARD and tsuruno's like#p-patriarch?? LAUGHING MY FUCKIGN ASS OFF THAT SHIT WAS SO GOOD. THEY CALLED HIM A CAT IN HEAT STOPPPJDGSJSHS#and the lighting was pretty and the environments were gorgeous and i really liked everything i did#theyre starting to make the dragon engine combat good lol
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blessedwithabadomen · 3 months
~I apologize in advance for the word vomit that is this~
it’s just that type of day for me where I’m thinking about being sandwiched in between Noah and Oli and taking a fat nap.
and it’s not even about just needing the rest or trying to sleep off the headache or whatever other reason it might be, it’s the comfort of it. of hearing the two of them conversing lowly and their voices lulling you to sleep. your eyes are closed, but you’re still awake for the moment, so they don’t know you can hear their playful bantering— probably arguing about something like who’s the better pillow. maybe there’s a show playing in the background. you’re in a pile on the couch or in the comfort of your shared bed. it just screams domestic comfort, and it is making me feel 🥺💗🦋🥺💗🦋
being tangled up with Noah’s gangly ass legs. we’re portraying him being clingy as fuck with this one because I’m feeling self-indulgent. like at one point his cheek is just smushed against yours, not for very long, before he’s nuzzling into the curve of your neck !!!!!! (it’s his second home idc) and his hair falling across your skin and tickling you!!!!! hrnghhh when I say it is so soft (Noah’s hair too but that’s not what I mean), they are such golden retriever boyfriends I cannot. you say you want to take a nap— subtext that you want them to join you— and they are there!! when he has the time~ Noah to me also gives off vibes like he’s preparing a nest!!! pillows!!! blankets!!!! comfort is key!!!! do you want some white noise? some thunder sounds? music? (WHY IS NOAH OFFERING TO PLAY RAIN AND THUNDER SOUNDS MAKING ME SOFT) idkidk I can’t explain it but ya know he just seems like he knows how to curate his environment/is more detail oriented when it comes to things like that
(these are just my musings, by no means true, 100% fictional)
Oli can’t keep his mouth off you. he seems like the type that has a lot of nervous energy— can’t sit still, must always be occupied (and then couple that with him already being super touchy feely affectionate)— so he’s kissing every inch of skin available to him!!!!! will play with your hair. it’s only fair given how often you play with his!!
RAHHHH 🦅🦅🦅 (I was gonna take a nap. I did not. I did this instead 😂😂😂😂)
oh my god NEVER apologise for word vomit, I love it so much!!!
this is genuinely my dream scenario lmao, there's very little I love more than napping and cuddling and being sandwiched between those two?? absolute 10/10
and the idea of both of their voices, Oli's accent and Noah's low tone, just lulling me in, oh myy. they would definitely banter, being with them would be a constant play fight about everything and anything and they'd keep trying to get you to pick sides but you'd only do it if you particularly wanted to tease one of them, because you all know there's no ranking in your love!!
yes, I love clingy!Noah, I'm all for it, I crave it lol, he'd just constantly make sure to be touching as much of you as he possibly could, like, he's in a weird position and getting uncomfortable? who cares as long as you're cuddled into him, that's enough for him! he needs everything to be just right for you, noise, temperature, snacks on the ready, hell, he'll light your favourite scented candle if that's your vibe!
and 100% on Oli's nervous energy, man has adhd and he'll live it out with you, Noah's your calm anchor, Oli's the one to keep you on your toes. he only really gets to rest when he's in your arms and even then he doesn't settle down or drift off until he's satisfied he's kissed you enough, stroked your skin enough, played with your hair enough, all of it
ahhhh it's yearning hours, anon!!
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artificialbreezy · 4 months
Noah strikes me as the type of person who doesn’t do Valentines Day. if you’ve got him buying you stuffed animals and candy and lighting fucking candles or covering the bed in rose petals, congrats, you’ve got him hook, line, and sinker and he’d probably do a lot of morally grey things for you. I have all sorts of brainrot in my head about Oli x reader x Noah that I now want to start writing hrnghhh because
somewhat emotionally constipated golden retriever boyfriend meets overly affectionate let-me-buy-you-the-biggest-stuffed-animal-in-this-store boyfriend
like,,, just Oli’s got a whole ass itinerary and a fucking chore chart reminding Noah that he’s in charge of making breakfast (must be heart-shaped !!!!!) he’s a menace
i definitely think Noah’s the type to think valentine’s day is stupid bc why would he celebrate loving you one day a year when he does it all year??
please share your brain rot bc i was literally just talking about some of mine👀
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toriliashine · 3 years
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Kiiboy got goggles and a floaties!!!!
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It's the way mikan is blocking the freaking sports thong man from view. Yes children there a large yelling man in a thong behind me no- don't look behind me . No-
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They nerfed my boy of his twunkness hate to see it kasnksks why are this boys near always togethher in these promos tbh naskksksjs. Ouma and his special boysss, we stan
Also, GONTA HRNGHHH. It's blurry but his glasses are there💖💖
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Chihiro looks absolutely adorable!!!
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Soudabuki shipper come get y'all's juice ig kaksks. Also, losing my mind at how Kazuichi is one of the LITERALLY VERY FEW sdr2 boys (n boys in general) that got a defined body aksnkakaka
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Wetsuit king. Love this look for him tbh he just needs a big hat to top it aaksnsmks
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And Sakura, my queen. The best female character in the series methinks. Can't see her face but just know she is blessing all three classes with her presence rn 💖💖💖
End notes:
After Sakura, as sadly expected, no others girls got muscles or body definition 😓
The monokubs are NOT there and that's on period
Ryoma dOES have abs! We stan
Someone mentioned that Shuichi would be the kind of person to wear a shirt/top to the beach and they were right. He did keep the top a bit unzipped to fit in with the titties out looks everyone else was doing 🤧
None of the characters in the promo posters kept the cool new swimsuits they got :((( the sprite suits they got are cute but some look boring/repeated in comparison (chiaki n JUNKO OF ALL PEOPLE I'm looking @ you)
The freaking Monokumas (and usami) have swimsuits
Kaz didn't have his insignia as an actual tattoo but it's on his swimsuit so that counts for something kaksns. He got it from the same brand ig?
So that's most of what I wanna say rn! I'll find clearer pics later hopefully and upload some here. Just found a promo art of them all together on Twitter and just starter screenshotting n texting out of excitement ssks,
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megatraven · 3 years
I’ve been thinking of Zeus again and hnnng….I keep imagining him picking up MC all the time like Hades does and that’s so sweet and so funny. I know he’d make fun of MCs size lol. And Hades didn’t tell anyone he and MC were dating (but I bet Aphrodite knew and we know May knew) and imagine the same with Zeus. But now it’s like REALLY secret. This is the king who’s wife is dead and is being searched for and now he’s got a human gf and that wouldn’t go well with anyone in the pantheon (other than Hades and Aphrodite probably. The most leveled ones). So I just imagine secret meetings in the H.E.R.A stairways, them ‘coincidentally’ running into each other when taking a walk on Olympus, MC having some kind of excuse to go to his office for alone time with him, and Zeus wanting MC to be one of his personal agents😭.
Every time I imagine a wholesome Zeus my day gets a bit better. But right now I’m playing Alex S3 and gosh Zeus please be nicer and stop😭.
And imagine MC and Zeus getting matching “forever yours” necklace once they’re married and MC is Hera OR a necklace that’s like half a heart and she has one half and he has the other like….that’s so sweet😭. Anyways I hope you’re having a lovely day Meg and have a good night🥺💙💙💙!!!
sarah i love all of this 😳🥺🥺🥺💛💛💛 it's so wholesome and oh i LOVE secet dating stuff so much it'd be so fun and full of hijinks and also probably some angst but DAMN i love it.....
the necklace ideas are so cute too.... ive always been such a fan of those half necklaces that match with someone else's 🥺 maybe zeus gets a special kind made by Cyclops so that the heart pieces grow warm the nearer they are to each other, or when they're close enough the necklaces sort of act like magnets and snap back together to form the full heart hrnghhh
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