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greenhorn-art · 4 months
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All The King's Horses | As You Are Now, So Once Was I by @samwpmarleau (grumkinsnark)
All The King's Horses [LiveJournal ch1] [Fanfiction.net ch1]
As You Are Now, So Once Was I [LiveJournal ch1] [Fanfiction.net ch1]
Fandom: Supernatural, Criminal Minds
Rating: Teen | PG-13
Category: Gen
Words: ~36,192
All The King's Horses: Protect and Serve. Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity. To what lengths would you go to uphold those oaths? When it comes to a particularly brutal and unsolvable case, the BAU just may have to resort to some more unorthodox methods. SPN/Criminal Minds crossover.
As You Are Now, So Once Was I: Sequel to "All the King's Horses." When Dean catches J.J.'s press conference on the news about a current case and notices a few...inconsistencies, he realizes the BAU is definitely going to need his help. Again. ON HIATUS
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About the Book
FORMAT: Letter quarto, flatback bradel binding, french link stitch, no tapes
FONTS: EB Garamond [via Google Fonts], Supernatural Knight [via DaFont], D-Din [via Font Squirrel], Daniel [via DaFont], Permanent Marker [via Google Fonts], Arial
IMAGES: Seal of the FBI [via Wikipedia], Dean's handprint scar [by greenhorn-art]
MATERIALS: 24lb Xerox Bold Digital paper (8.5"x11"), 80pt binder's board (~2mm), 30/3 size waxed linen thread, embroidery floss (DMC #721), 1.9mm cording, brown cardstock, black Cialux bookcloth, gold foil transfer sheet (came with We R Memory Keepers hot foil pen)
PROGRAMS USED: Fic exported with FicHub, word doc compiled in LibreOffice Writer, Typeset in Affinity Publisher, imposed with Bookbinder-JS, title pages designed in Affinity Designer/Photo
I first read these stories on LiveJournal back in 2013, some time after I first encountered Tumblr, Supernatural, and the wider world of online fandom. Once I discovered SPNxCriminal Minds crossovers I devoured so many of them. Something about POV Outsider on the Winchesters, the existing connections with investigating monster vs human-crazy cases, and run-ins with the FBI... it's just works so well.
Of all the SPNxCM fics I read and enjoyed, All The King's Horses is among those that bookmarked themselves in my brain. Since it's been living there all these years, I thought it deserved a place on my bookshelf too.
(Rambling below)
Sourcing the Fic
I used FicHub to download the fics off of Fanfiction.net as HTML. Then I pasted them into LibreOffice Writer and created rich text documents of each fic, so I could Place them into Affinity Publisher.
The stories were crossposted, first on LiveJournal and then Fanfiction. I included the metadata from both sites in the appendices.
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(It's fascinating to see the differences in the same work between platforms. FFN requires genres, so if the author doesn't add them on LJ then by default there's more info on FFN. But FFN limits listed characters to 2, so authors have to pick and choose the most important. Then there's the author's amusing disclaimers and spoiler warnings for these fics, which are only included in the LJ version)
Shoutout to the author for how they linked/listed their accounts on other platforms! Thanks to that I was easily able to track down all the tags/metadata for the fics, and find them here to express my appreciation for their stories!
EB Garamond is my new favourite body font, 11pt as per my usual.
The title page is entirely Arial: 1) it was the closest match I have to the case file prop I was copying, and 2) if it was a government doc they wouldn't be using anything but the most basic fonts.
Headings and the the bullets bracketing the page numbers are set it Supernatural Knight, a free font in the style of Supernatural's title.
The location segments are in D-DIN, the closest free match to the font Criminal Minds uses (which is probably DIN).
Daniel is used for Dean's 'rushed but legible' note.
Permanent Marker for the 'thick black Sharpie' case file labels.
Title pages designed as FBI case files, copied from a prop found online (specifically Etsy's propfictionstudios', but it's all over the web so no idea who actually created it). I had fun plugging in all the fanfic/bookbinding meta!
The ID# above the author's name is the FFN story ID, and the date is the date originally posted on LJ.
The handprint used in the headings of ATKH is Dean's scar. I traced off of a screenshot from s4e01 Lazarus Rising. I chose to use the handprint instead of the anti-possession tattoo or a Devil's Trap as my SPN art element because 1) it's specific to Dean, and 2) indicates/reminds that the story is not set during the season 3 Agent Henriksen/FBI arc.
Grabbed the FBI seal off of Wikipedia.
Both fics typeset and printed separately, then sewn together into one book. Title page for the sequel was tipped in like an endpaper prior to sewing.
Endbands sewn with orange embroidery floss (DMC 721) around 1.9mm cording. I chose orange because Dean's being in jail brought to mind the orange prison jumpsuits Sam and Dean wore in s1e19 Folsom Prison Blues.
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Black bookcloth for the cover, like the Winchesters' beloved black '67 Chevy Impala. (I'd wanted a Supernatural reference to balance out the Criminal Minds-ness of the FBI case files).
I'd originally planned to make lineart of the front of the car, and have it stretch across the bottom of the cover (maybe even wrap around to the back). Even found a useful reference to trace [from here], but it didn't look as good as I'd hoped. Instead I reused the FBI seal and swapped out its text with the titles.
(The effect of shiny foiled FBI symbol on small black book reminds me of one of those FBI badge wallets!)
The foiling process was an unnecessarily long and gruelling affair. My laptop served as a massive power bank for the hot foil pen as I spent 2hrs ever so slowly tracing the image, and then 15mins on the author name and touch-ups. Did it need to take so long? Moving slowly, pushing down hard, going over everything at least three times? I'm sure it didn't. BUT I did not want to chance peeling up the foil to check how I was doing and risk shifting it. It was worth it in my books (haha) ‒ I feel giddy and kick my feet like a schoolgirl whenever I see it!
New Things
Used 24lb paper for the first time, and I love it! It's a little thicker and heavier then regular 20lb printer paper, feels more substantial.
The page numbers & running/section headers are along the outer margin, instead of in the header/footer. This was my way around Affinity's buggy-ness regarding pinning things inline in master pages. (More about that below). If I had been thinking, I could have formatted them like the tabs on a file folder and cut the textblock to match. Oh well, the things you notice once it's printed 😔
This time I also started new chapters/sections using text flow & paragraph spacing settings, instead of using a master. As always, there are pros and cons.
Pro: much faster and less involved. (find chapter start, apply paragraph style VS working from the end cutting text, inserting a frame break, unlinking frames, inserting new pages with master, relinking, pasting, and adding chapter title to a different text box)
Con: images need to be added manually (whether by adding image directly, or by applying a master with the image). I forgot to do this for the second fic, so only ATKH have Dean's handprint scar.
Difficulties Encountered
Affinity Publisher is fighting me on pinning things inline on master pages. They like to disappear on regular pages I've applied the master to. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it only works on some of the pages. Idk what's up. (The bullet character only faces one way so I had use textboxes, flip/mirror one, and pin them inline to the page number).
So instead of having page numbers in the footer, bookended left and right by text boxes with Supernatural Knight's bullet, I put it vertically down the side.
Updated Publisher and all my paragraph styles' fonts changed/went funny. Something to do with the update's variable font support, I think. What was previously 'EB Garamond' regular, was now something along the lines of 'EBGaramond-Regular' which isn't a font. Issue seems to have ironed itself out in my original (near-complete) doc while I was busy remaking it. 😐
On the bright side, the update brought QR code generation to Affinity!
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hello, some writer questions! 1) what time are the fics due on the 2nd? 2) how do we submit - pdf, gdocs access, etc 3) can we get any more info on the summaries - mostly word count max for the summary, and for author notes that might be relevant to artists if that's separate. 4) if ships are listed in their own column or whatnot, can we specify main ships vs minor ships? I don't want to mislead people but also don't want to hit on a hard no for a minor ship. thanks!!!
Thanks for the ask!!
Fics will be due at Writer Check-in 4, which will run like the other check-ins, meaning writers will have 48 hours after the form is sent out to fill it out and submit their fic. If anyone cannot make this deadline, there is an extension available until September 8. We will put out last calls for fics in the days leading up to September 8 so that the due date does not come as a surprise. We will still accept fics after that (until December 30), but they will be automatically assigned to Doodle Tier.
The submissions will be completed using a Google Form. On the Submission form, writers will give us their own information, and then for each of their fics: - Relationships (romantic, queerplatonic, platonic, and background) - Rating of the fic - Whether or not artists need to be 18+ - Warnings (with space to elaborate and add your own notes for artists) - (Optional) Up to 10 tags* - Summary - Upload the fic as a single document. Miscrosoft Word or Google Docs is preferred. We will also accept plaintext files, markdown files, and html files.
Summaries should be 250 words or fewer, with a hard limit of 300 words (for the sake of artists who have a lot of summaries to scroll through). Here is a brief presentation with some suggested exercises to build a summary for Art Claims! Though we don't have specific requirements for the content of the summary, we recommend that summaries give a complete overview of your story i.e., you should treat it as a publisher pitch rather than an AO3 summary or teaser. This is your space to talk to the artists, so anything you want them to know about your fic should go here and/or in your tags. Warnings will have their own additional space.
Ships will have their own section!! On the Art Claims site, artists will have the option to sort summaries by Art Tier or by relationship. Your summary will appear under each of the major relationships present in your fic (romantic, queerplatonic, and platonic). You will also be able to list any background relationships that are present, but your summary will not appear under the sections of the site dedicated to those relationships.
*Tags: The optional 10 tags are for Art Claims only. For posting, you may tag your fic however you would like. You might want to think of the Art Claims tags as an "at a glance" overview of your story. You might use the tags to highlight major aspects of your fic, or to clarify things that might not be clear from your summary. You do not need to include relationships, characters, or warnings in these tags.
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mitarbeiter · 2 years
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Digital Marketing Course Content
Fundamentals of Digital marketing & Its Significance, Traditional marketing Vs Digital Marketing, Evolution of Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Landscape, Key Drivers, Digital Consumer & Communities, Gen Y & Netizen’s expectation & influence wrt Digital Marketing.  The Digital users in India, Digital marketing Strategy- Consumer Decision journey,
POEM Framework, Segmenting & Customizing messages, Digital advertising Market in India, Skills in Digital Marketing, Digital marketing Plan.  Terminology used in Digital Marketing, PPC and online marketing through social media, Social Media Marketing, SEO techniques, Keyword advertising, Google web-master and analytics overview, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile marketing
Display adverting, Buying Models, different type of ad tools, Display advertising terminology, types of display ads, different ad formats, Ad placement techniques, Important ad terminology, Programmatic Digital Advertising.
Social Media Marketing
Fundamentals of Social Media Marketing& its significance, Necessity of Social media Marketing, Building a Successful strategy: Goal Setting, Implementation.  Facebook Marketing: Facebook for Business, Facebook Insight, Different types of Ad formats, Setting up Facebook Advertising Account, Facebook audience & types, Designing Facebook Advertising campaigns, Facebook Avatar, Apps, Live, Hashtags  LinkedIn Marketing: Importance of LinkedIn presence, LinkedIn Strategy, Content Strategy, LinkedIn analysis, Targeting, Ad Campaign  Twitter Marketing:- Basics, Building a content strategy, Twitter usage, Twitter Ads, Twitter ad campaigns, Twitter Analytics, Twitter Tools and tips for mangers. Instagram & Snapchat basics.
Search Engine Optimization
Introduction to SEO, How Search engine works, SEO Phases, History Of SEO, How SEO Works, What is Googlebot (Google Crawler), Types Of SEO technique, Keywords, Keyword Planner tools  On page Optimization, Technical Elements, HTML tags, Schema.org, RSS Feeds, Microsites, Yoast SEO Plug-in  Off page Optimization- About Off page optimization, Authority & hubs, Backlink, Blog Posts, Press Release, Forums, Unnatural links.  Social media Reach- Video Creation & Submission, Maintenance- SEO tactics, Google search Engine, Other Suggested tools
Advertising Tools & Its Optimization
Advertising & its importance, Digital Advertising, Different Digital Advertisement, Performance of Digital Advertising:- Process & players, Display Advertising Media, Digital metrics  Buying Models- CPC, CPM, CPL, CPA, fixed Cost/Sponsorship, Targeting:- Contextual targeting, remarking, Demographics , Geographic & Language Targeting.  Display adverting, different type of ad tools, Display advertising terminology, types of display ads, different ad formats, Ad placement techniques, Important ad terminology, ROI measurement techniques, AdWords & Adsense.  YouTube Advertising:- YouTube Channels, YouTube Ads, Type of Videos, Buying Models, Targeting & optimization, Designing & monitoring Video Campaigns, Display campaigns
Website Hosting Using Word Press
Website Planning & Development- Website, Types of Websites, Phases of website development, Keywords: Selection process  Domain & Web Hosting:- Domain, Types of Domain, Where to Buy Domain, Webhosting, How to buy Webhosting  Building Website using Word press-What is Word press, CMS, Post and Page  Word press Plug-ins- Different Plug-ins, social media Plug-ins, page builder plug-ins: the elementor, how to insert a section, how to insert logo, Google Micro sites
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enibas22 · 1 year
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Tom Wlaschiha feiert Geburtstag. © imago images/APress
Fünf spannende Fakten zum 50. Geburtstag
20.06.2023, 06:25 UHR
Tom Wlaschiha feiert seinen 50. Geburtstag. Fünf spannende Fakten über den Superstar aus "Game of Thrones" und "Stranger Things".
Tom Wlaschiha ist einer der gefragtesten deutschen Schauspieler auf dem internationalen Markt. Geboren in der DDR, ging er nach dem Mauerfall für ein Jahr in die USA. Von 1992 bis 1996 studierte er Schauspiel in Leipzig. Und weil es in Deutschland mit den Rollen nur mäßig lief, suchte er sich irgendwann auch eine Agentur in London. Von da an ging es steil bergauf. Zuletzt war er sogar im Netflix-Hit "Stranger Things 4" zu sehen. Am 20. Juni feiert Wlaschiha, der auf eine erstaunliche Karriere zurückblickt, seinen 50. Geburtstag. Fünf Fakten über seinen inspirierenden Weg.
Der große Durchbruch
Lange hangelte sich Tom Wlaschiha von Nebenrolle zu Nebenrolle in deutschen Fernsehfilmen und Serien wie "Tatort" und "Alarm für Cobra 11". Bekanntheit erlangte er, internationale noch dazu, 2012 in der HBO-Hitserie "Game of Thrones". In der zweiten Staffel mimte er in einer Gastrolle Jaqen H'ghar. Danach legte er eine Pause ein. Ab der fünften Staffel zählte seine Figur, auch bekannt als Mann ohne Gesicht, zur Hauptbesetzung.
Er wollte nicht immer Schauspieler werden
Blickt man auf Tom Wlaschihas Filmografie, gerät man schnell ins Staunen. Der 50-Jährige konnte in den vergangenen 28 Jahren zahlreiche Projekte an Land ziehen. Dabei war es nicht immer sein Ziel, ein vielseitiger Schauspieler zu werden.
"Das ist mir eher so passiert, das mit dem Schauspielen", erklärte er 2022 in einem Interview mit der Nachrichtenagentur spot on news. Schon immer habe er sich eine "künstlerische" Karriere vorgestellt. Zunächst zog es ihn aber eher zur Musik: "Dann dachte ich aber, dass das sehr einsam werden könnte, wenn man jeden Tag viele Stunden alleine mit seinem Instrument üben muss." Schlussendlich fand er dann zum Theater und so geriet das Ganze ins Rollen.
Ein Sprachen-Genie?
Wlaschiha ist in der DDR aufgewachsen. Genauer gesagt wurde er in Dohna, Sachsen, groß. Für Kinder und Jugendliche war es dort damals üblich, Russisch als Fremdsprache zu lernen. Dass er die Sprache fließend beherrscht, bewies er 2022 in der vierten Staffel von "Stranger Things", in der er den russischen Gefängniswärter Dmitri Antonov spielte. Zudem spricht er neben Deutsch auch fließend Englisch.
Dieses Hobby hat er für sich entdeckt
Schauspieler zu sein, kann sehr anstrengend sein. In seiner Freizeit holt Wlaschiha deshalb gerne viel Erholungsschlaf nach. Aber auch Sport gehört zu seinem Alltag. "Ich habe in der Pandemie tatsächlich Fahrradfahren für mich wiederentdeckt, und habe teils weite Touren gemacht, bin zwei Wochen durch die Alpen geradelt", erwähnte er im Gespräch mit spot on news. Lange Touren seien zwar schwierig mit seinem Kalender zu vereinbaren, dennoch scheint er das Auspowern auf zwei Rädern sehr zu genießen.
Wlaschiha ist Oldtimer-Fan
Erst vor wenigen Tagen beendete Wlaschiha das Oldtimer-Rennen Mille Miglia in Italien. Er und sein Team fuhren fünf Tage lang in einem Alfa Romeo Sportiva 2000 von Brescia nach Rom. Das Auto stammt aus dem Jahr 1954 und nur vier von diesem Model seien laut seinem Instagram-Post hergestellt worden. Am 18. Juni schloss er den Wettkampf erfolgreich ab und teilte mehrere Aufnahmen von der Reise.
link: https://www.gala.de/amp/stars/news/tom-wlaschiha--fuenf-spannende-fakten-zum-50--geburtstag-23717652.html
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Tom Wlaschiha: Der Serienstar feiert Geburtstag. (Quelle: Frederic Kern via imago images)
Tom Wlaschiha celebrates his 50th birthday. Five exciting facts about the superstar from “Game of Thrones” and “Stranger Things”.
Tom Wlaschiha is one of the most sought-after German actors on the international market. Born in the GDR, he went to the USA for a year after the fall of the Wall. From 1992 to 1996 he studied acting in Leipzig. And because things weren’t going well with the roles in Germany, at some point he also looked for an agency in London. From then on it went steeply uphill. Most recently, he was even seen in the Netflix hit “Stranger Things 4”. Wlaschiha, who can look back on an amazing career, celebrates his 50th birthday on June 20th. Five facts about his inspirational path.
The big breakthrough
For a long time, Tom Wlaschiha moved from supporting role to supporting role in German television films and series such as “Tatort” and “Alarm for Cobra 11”. He gained notoriety, internationally at that, in 2012 in the HBO hit series “Game of Thrones”. In the second season, he guest starred as Jaqen H’ghar. After that he took a break. From the fifth season, his character, also known as Faceless Man, was one of the main cast.
He didn’t always want to be an actor
If you look at Tom Wlaschiha’s filmography, you will quickly be amazed. The 50-year-old has landed numerous projects over the past 28 years. It wasn’t always his goal to become a versatile actor.
“That’s more what happened to me, with acting,” he explained in a 2022 interview with the news agency spot on news. He had always imagined an “artistic” career. At first, however, he was more drawn to music: “But then I thought that it could get very lonely if you have to practice alone with your instrument for many hours every day.” Eventually he found his way to the theater and that’s how the whole thing got rolling.
A language genius?
Wlaschiha grew up in the GDR. More precisely, he grew up in Dohna, Saxony. At that time, it was common for children and young people there to learn Russian as a foreign language. He proved that he is fluent in the language in 2022 in the fourth season of “Stranger Things”, in which he played the Russian prison guard Dmitri Antonov. In addition to German, he also speaks fluent English.
He discovered this hobby for himself
Being an actor can be very exhausting. In his free time, Wlaschiha likes to catch up on a lot of restful sleep. But sport is also part of his everyday life. “I actually rediscovered cycling for myself during the pandemic and did some long tours, cycled through the Alps for two weeks,” he mentioned in an interview with spot on news. Although long tours are difficult to fit into his calendar, he seems to really enjoy working out on two wheels.
Wlaschiha is a classic car fan
Just a few days ago, Wlaschiha finished the Mille Miglia vintage car race in Italy. He and his team drove from Brescia to Rome for five days in an Alfa Romeo Sportiva 2000. The car dates from 1954 and only four of this model were made, according to his Instagram post. On June 18th he successfully completed the competition and shared several footage from the trip.
link: https://gettotext.com/tom-wlaschiha-the-actor-discovered-this-hobby-for-himself/
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standardquip · 6 months
4 years of running BentoVid & RICE (an extremely long & meandering retrospective about survey data) This is an entry that's part history about the fanvid server I run that hosts a [now] feedback event [then contest] called RICE, and part data analysis from 4 years of pre-RICE survey data and one post-RICE survey from a particularly "problematic" year of the event. Read the entry as it was intended on dreamwidth by clicking the link above, or expand the cut tag and hope the html I pasted into tumblr displays correctly. [edit: it doesn't, but it's readable if you don't care about line breaks.]
Or, the time I accidentally influenced an entire industry through a survey question (click to read more) In 2015, I created a website called fursuitreview.com (FSR). Fursuits (one of a kind whole body animal costumes) are expensive and it was hard to keep track of makers that didn't have huge followings. I didn't want to run a review page, but only two existed prior to mine. One had died completely several years before, and the other one updated so infrequently it was almost useless (it, too, eventually died after FSR took off). The other two pages were a victim of putting too much work on themselves. The first had several questions reviewers had to answer and assign points. The moderators would average all the points for each review and give the overall review a score out of ten. This ensured consistency in the scores across all reviews. It was an amazing system but it would simply take too long to do myself (plus I'm terrible at math). Both sites were not actually sites - they were user accounts on furaffinity.net (and sometimes tumblr or livejournal) - which required write-ins to copy a big block of text and hope they got the format right (they rarely did, which meant moderators would have to correct it). FSR started out on furaffinity, but very quickly moved to a wordpress website. I thought very carefully on how I would keep manhours and costs down. I decided to not have any user accounts at all, nor would I bother with a numbered rating system (I instead went with a "positive / neutral / negative" system because that's really what everything boils down to anyway). I devised the least amount of questions I could in order to pry the information I wanted out of fursuit buyers when they wrote in. This resulted in two sections: wear satisfaction, and visual satisfaction. Each section had several sample questions to help guide the writer. "Wear satisfaction" was like, do you like how it fits you? how is the ventilation? how is the vision? Visual satisfaction was questions about looks.
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Example screenshot of the FSR "wear Satisfaction" questions from 2020+
When people submitted a review, I would read over them all and make sure everything was copacetic before publishing it. Back then (before 2020), I was a one-man operation so I read literally every single review coming in. I noticed that some writers would mention lining in some of the fursuit parts. Most parts are unlined - it's just faux fur and the backing of that will be up against a wearer's skin. Lining is unnecessary and can ultimately make the costume much hotter - but it does make everything look really nice and marginally more comfortable to wear. After a few of these, I added "Does the item have lining?" to the list of sample questions.
Does the item have lining?
Surely nothing bad could happen from such an innocuous question!! (upside down smiley face goes here)
I must take a break here to mention that I had no experience doing literally anything that FSR required to run. I had bought 3-4 fursuits and thought it would be nice to keep track of my opinions of them. Everything else, from coding a website to writing survey questions, I had taught myself. I had some very very basic wordpress experience from a personal roleplaying character wiki wordpress site for myself, but that was it. FSR was a learn by doing experience. And boy, was it an experience. Writing, reading, reviewing, editing, customer service... FSR had me dealing with it all, and I'm surprised it gained as much traction as it did throughout that process.
So, needless to say, I had no idea what "survey bias" was.
Weeks, possibly months, later, I was browsing twitter keeping up with FSR social stuff, when I came across a tweet from a rather well-known maker (I believe it was either beetlecat or beastcub) asking other fursuit makers why customers were suddenly asking for their fursuits to be lined. I wish I had a link to this tweet, but I no longer have a twitter account. (If you happen to find it, do link it in the comments!) It didn't hit me at first. I watched the thread and the responses roll in. As other makers replied, the sense of dread was very slowly overtaking me. Could FSR really have that much influence? Could just a single little sentence really cause so much strife? Yes, it did, and yes... It did. Once I connected the dots, I edited the sample questions. No longer is it simply "Does the item have lining?" Now it is: "If it is lined, what material was used? Does it absorb sweat appropriately? Does it make cleaning easier?" But I went through a few iterations before I got to that wording. I believe my first edit was something like "(Note: most fursuits aren't lined)", but that didn't properly imply that you shouldn't be asking your maker for lining. After this lining snafu, I had to go through all of my questions and determine what I was accidentally influencing, how that could change what customers ask of their makers, and if I really needed that information in the review to begin with. I also, finally, learned about survey bias, and took some time to read up a little more on how to craft survey questions. And, of course, I had to come to grips with the fact that, yes, FSR was big. And it had influence. My little side project was a staple of the community and people counted on it to make very expensive purchases. Maker reputations and business operations began to live or die by the reviews we pulled in. FSR got to be too big and too much stress for me, so I ended up giving full ownership of the site to someone else in 2022 or 2023 (it was a long transition and I'm not sure when the public announcement was made). However, as of today (31 March 2024), fursuitreview.com is still fundamentally unchanged from how I was running it - including the review form. Nowadays, I have nothing to do with the site. I couldn't deal with the stress and responsibility once it grew to be a community cornerstone. Unfortunately, history may be repeating itself with the project I replaced FSR with...
A brief history of BentoVid (and RICE)
I have been editing anime music videos (AMVs) since 2001. I took a hiatus from the community from 2009ish to 2018. Despite that, I still managed to make at least one video every year. In 2018, I tried to get back into the community and realized it had almost completely changed. Discord was a thing now, and it seemed most of the activity was on there. I joined a few servers, but long story short they all weren't great. In a fit of frustration and annoyance, I did the classic move of going "Screw this, I'll do it myself!"
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Bender (from Futurama): Fine! I'll start my own chatroom with blackjack and hookers! I glossed over it, but this is exactly how FursuitReview.com also started.
BentoVid (called AMV Sashimi back then) was created in September 2020. Back then, I did have high hopes. I did "plan" (finger quotes) on becoming a large community, but it was like how anyone plans on winning the lottery, you know? You don't actually expect it to happen. I thought that realistically I'd get maybe 30 members and it'd be just a chill hangout spot. But in 2021, we reached the fabled 100 members. Then 200. We broke 400 this year. And outside the very first year, I didn't actively promote. BentoVid has grown purely from word of mouth since 2021. On the other side of Discord was an annual AMV contest related to a particular anime convention. I first joined it in 2019. It was... okay... But not great. 2020 went even worse. The contest was going through a transition period and had a coordinator that, to put it mildly, was not well-liked. The concept behind the contest (which had been running for several years - I think 2005? Possibly even earlier) was great though. It was a contest focused on peer review. All the editors that submitted to the contest were the judges and voted on the winner. It was a blind contest, so nobody knew who made what, but only people who submitted to the contest could view and vote on the videos. The feedback was cruel. People did not hold back. Still, it was helpful, and I excelled my skills a lot by participating. The contest's discord server, however, went unmoderated and the coordinator made some very bizarre decisions. Another "Screw it, I'll do it myself" event occurred. RICE - Rewards imagined by a community of editors - was born by taking that other contest and implementing all the feedback participants had been complaining about for years. February 2021 was the first RICE. I had never run a contest before. Just like FSR (from the preface story), this was a trial by fire. I made at least one huge mistake every year the contest ran. But ultimately people liked RICE, and word of mouth about it (and the server) grew ever faster because of it. I had taken efforts to specifically NOT advertise RICE outside the BentoVid discord server, but that didn't stop it from growing.
4 years of RICE survey data
Partly due to my inexperience and partly due to my history with FSR, I put out RICE feedback surveys at every opportunity. I am actually not that into data. I don't analyze this stuff and I have no particular interest in collecting data at every turn for random things. I just find feedback surveys somewhat convenient and useful for my purposes. Sorry to people who are into that! XD
Pre-RICE survey data from 2021 - 2024
I have a small survey when people submit videos to RICE. It has (mostly) the same questions every year. Vivafringe helped me go through the data, and here are the results. (links to a google sheet) 2021 - 2023, the optional survey was on the same page as video submission questions. In 2024, I finally realized google form sections existed and I put it on a totally different page. I went from a 100% response rate to 58%. What a huge difference! But still inspiring to see so many people went out of their way to answer regardless. Here's my personal takeaways: US vs Non-US I personally thought there were more international editors participating, but it seems to hover around 20%. Do people keep their videos a secret? It looks like most of the survey respondents actually do attempt to keep their videos secret from everyone. However, almost as many people admit at least one person they know who will also be in RICE knows what their video is. I honestly thought it'd be the other way around, with more people sharing betas before RICE, so this is actually pretty cool to see. Thoughts on blind judging This question was multiple choice with only one answer allowed, so they had to choose which meant most to them. Most people seem to appreciate blind judging, but don't go out of their way to keep themselves blind during the event. (~70% combined) A large minority of people admit that guessing who made what during the event is part of the fun for them. (~25%) One possible answer was that blind judging is never truly blind - interesting to note only one person ever selected this and it was in 2023. Main reason for entering RICE? Another multiple choice answer where they had to select the "main" reason. Most people join RICE because they like the BentoVid community. However, almost as many people join because they like peer review. I'm flattered! lol But, in all seriousness, I really expected those results would be flipped, with peer review outranking BentoVid. Categories A multiple checkbox question for which categories your submitted vid belongs to, according to the editor. I mostly only care about theme, coordinator's choice, and live-action. Theme has submissions starting at 18% in 2021 and gradually going up to 29% in 2024. 2023 is an outlier with 39%. Coordinator's choice is very low. 1 - 3 videos. This is mixed news for me. On one hand, I think it's great people don't feel the need to pander to me (or maybe they don't know how). On the other hand... Please pander to me! XD Live-action is something I would like to see more of... The discord server started out as an AMV server and its audience is still mostly AMV editors. But I really want BentoVid (and RICE, by extension) to be about all fanvids and vidding (Hence the name change from AMV Sashimi to BentoVid). Long story short, live-action vids are obviously a very small minority that get submitted (5 - 9 videos each year), but they fluctuate between years. If you like live-action fanvids and want to join an active discord server... Please join us! lol How did you learn about RICE? This question was a small text field people could write whatever they wanted in. No surprise people learned about it from inside BentoVid. Next highest was word of mouth-related answers like "discord," "another discord server" or "friends". A little interesting was when AWA or POE were specifically mentioned (two popular AMV contests), but this was only twice for each.
Post-RICE survey data
2021 and 2022 had a feedback survey, but it was just one text block that asked for comments. Very few people ever filled this out and it was not very actionable feedback. 2023 was the first post-RICE feedback survey with actual guided questions, and it's because 2023 was... quite the year.
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What happened during 2023 RICE?
Remember the contest I mentioned that RICE was based on? While RICE was thriving, that contest was floundering. The other contest, which for the rest of this blog I will call "HOST," happens in September - October, while RICE happens in February - March. 2022 HOST was another transition year for them. The old coordinator ("Elder") took over the contest after so many complaints about the coordinator that succeeded them ("Junior"). As far as I know, everyone was happy with Junior's leaving, but unfortunately it wasn't pretty. We weren't kind to Junior. Bridges were burned. Elder had some great ideas on how to bring HOST back up to its former glory days. But, procrastination got the better of them, so the contest started out very poorly. Then, during the contest, they had an extremely public and embarrassing meltdown. A number of people withdrew from the contest because of it. A totally different person ("Kidd") had to take over mid-event. The discord server went through an emergency restructure so Elder didn't have any special permissions anymore. Kidd was an absolute gem and managed to run the rest of the contest on their own very smoothly (Kidd continued through 2024 and deserves accolades). But the already negative reputation of HOST definitely turned into a dumpster fire after that. It was no surprise that RICE got touted as a good alternative. I was expecting more RICE entries than the previous year but. Boy. I was just not prepared. 2023 RICE saw 56 editors and 76 videos. The prior year was only 32 editors and 45 videos. RICE does not scale well. Moreover, I was experiencing horrible health issues at the time and really should have delayed or cancelled RICE due to them. Consequently, some people did not have a good experience with RICE. I thought the entire year was ruined. I made a pretty involved post-RICE survey due to it. This survey was mostly questions with text boxes where people wrote exactly what they were feeling. This made the answers a lot more personal and detailed. I will not be sharing the raw 2023 survey data. The complaints were about:
Too many videos for too short a time period
Some people were rude in the discord when discussing categories
Some people attacked one of the people giving critique in a voice call
I tried to enforce [very badly worded] content restrictions very late into the submission window. This had editors unnecessarily scrambling to re-edit things and ultimately ended up with multiple versions of videos in the contest [which should not have happened and that is entirely on me]
To me, the responses of the 2023 survey looked pretty dire. I immediately made changes to RICE following them. While RICE had started out as an improved version of HOST, I also had wanted the goal to be rewards for BentoVid server regulars. That's why I really didn't want to advertise it outside the server. I also never pinged \@Everyone or made a special role to get updates about it. The intent was if you were around the server, you'd know it was coming, and that was that. I wanted the good peer review and critique so we could all improve. I also wanted to see amazing videos. But what I DIDN'T want - and was (surprisingly!) NEVER concerned with - was lots of randos who didn't care about BentoVid. I explicitly never posted about RICE on a-m-v.org (despite people asking me to), and I never mentioned RICE outside my own server until after 2022 HOST. And even then it was really only in DM or if someone else had brought it up first. I still try to not advertise RICE, but I'm not as tight-lipped as I used to be. Still, it's primarily in DM. But anyway, I'm rambling now - the point is that RICE grew outside of the BentoVid bubble. People were joining RICE who did not care about BentoVid as a whole and I had to figure out how to handle that. My previous RICE messaging of "feedback event but also contest!" was fine for BentoVid regulars. We mostly knew what we liked and understood eachother because we hung out all the time. But for people new to RICE and/or the server, they had no idea and came in with false expectations. My two main takeaways from the 2023 Post-RICE survey were: 1. Because of my health issues and the mass increase of participants, the Discord server went (essentially) completely unmoderated during RICE. Because RICE (and BentoVid) is usually closely moderated, many conversations/debates went on a lot longer than they should have (because no moderators stepped in), which caused a lot of stress for participants. 2. The messaging of RICE was conflicting and led people to false expectations. People were essentially expecting HOST but "run better." "HOST but run better" is an over-generalization of how RICE works. It's actually quite different from HOST, but without the context of being a BentoVid regular, one wouldn't have that information. The first would be solved simply by me being present. Myself and most my staff could not be present during 2023 (honestly I'm surprised RICE ran as well as it did without us. Speaks a lot to our community!). To deal with the second point, I decided to focus on clearing up and changing RICE's messaging. Clearing the messaging had a few purposes:
More clearly differentiate RICE from HOST
Discourage non-regulars from joining without being super exclusionary about it
Discourage overtly competitive people from joining RICE
Encourage feedback-orientated participants
Focus more on accessibility (as RICE already applied VPR to all entries, it made sense to extend accessibility in other ways)
I took the survey responses very seriously, and as such, rushed to make announcements of what the changes would be. I ended up announcing them the same month RICE ended - March. Proof here (that is a discord link). You can read the initial announcement there in the BentoVid server, but I ended up changing things even more, so here's the summary of what the changes ended up being:
Very strict content restrictions (slightly relaxed later)
Focus on feedback event FIRST (took out all mentions of "contest" and "best" on the website, replacing them with "event" and "most-liked" )
No cash prizes at all (previously it was a $175 pool)
More emphasis on what exactly the server culture is like and what you can expect (basically: RICE is stressful, it's full of server regulars, prepare yourself if you're new)
Permanent categories got permanent names (previously everything was able to be voted on and changed)
All winners only get one award (previously there were multiple designs and names made for each award)
We added CWs as well as VPRs into the RICE expectations
Everything possible was outlined on the website. I literally wrote out the schedule and everything that you could expect to happen, how it all worked, etc.
The fallout from 2023 RICE continued throughout the entire year. It seemed negative feelings regarding it rolled out into other issues BentoVid was having (behind the scenes, especially in the staff channels) and overall I was really not feeling great about RICE. I was seriously considering 2024 RICE being the last one I ever ran.
2023 Post-RICE survey analysis
During 2024 RICE prep (which started in October 2023), I went through the 2023 feedback again. I asked some vague questions to random people about how they felt about 2023 RICE, and their answers (most of which were not negative at all) really had me questioning my perception of the entire thing. I gave the 2023 post-RICE survey data to a friend of mine who used to analyze that kind of thing for a living (Vivafringe). I went through the answers and redacted personal information, summarizing answers if necessary, before giving it to him. As part of the analysis, I asked him a bunch of questions and he looked over all the data to answer those questions. Again, I will not share the actual data here (even anonymized), but I will share the analysis he provided. Full disclosure: Viva did participate in 2023 RICE.
Analysis of Negative Experiences
Did more people have a negative or positive time in 2023?
to answer this I didn't do any fancy analysis. I read the responses and just did a vibe check of "negative" (pretty clearly had a bad time), "neutral" (had some things they didn't like, but gave other positive feedback or just in general didn't seem like they gave a shit one way or the other), "positive" ("vars you're the best" type comments) I think "neutral" people, if you actually asked them, would say they had a positive time, but it's hard to say for sure anyway I rated 7/25 negative, 7/25 neutral, 11/25 positive notably a lot of people didn't respond to this survey and the non respondants were likely positive/neutral. So I don't think you should read those numbers and assume 28% of people had a negative experience the overwhelming complaint from basically everyone was too many videos for the time they had - 5/6 people with "negative" feedback were returnees - 2/6 of the people who wanted "competitive" contest had negative opinions. No real signal there I think
I said the complaints about the VCs were really bad though?
I count 4 people that complained about the vcs my takeaway from reading this is basically: - moderate the vcs from now on, advertise them as critique/nice/whatever (you already are doing this but just saying I agree) - if you get 76 vids again, give more time to watch stuff I don't know how you solve chat getting tense, that was another common complaint
Category drama? Context: some people were very vocal about RICE needing fixed categories like typical AMV contests
I read the category stuff and broadly classified them as wanting "fixed" cats, "unfixed" cats, or "neutral" as you might expect most people didn't give a strong opinion on it, 10/25 were neutral 5 people wanted fixed, 6 people explicitly wanted to keep things as it was now (unfixed) if you read "neutral" as support for the status quo, which I do, I think the way you're doing it is fine. especially because a lot of the fixed cat people (3/6) had negative experiences and won't be here this year
I expected a smaller turnout for 2024 RICE. All I was really hoping for were more editors than in 2022 (which only had 32). Editors in 2023: 56 Editors in 2024: 43 (+3 more if we count DQs) A 17 - 23% loss, depending on how you count this. My thoughts: 1. That's not that bad, to be honest 2. If we treat 2023 as an outlier, 2024 is an acceptable and expected amount of growth from 2022. 3. One of the main complaints in 2023 was that there were too many videos, so 2024 numbers are more desirable in this context.
Other data collected from 2023 RICE
While I was mostly concerned about the negative experiences, I thankfully had the foresight to ask some other questions about RICE that gave us some valuable data.
Kollab vs frame.io = kollab wins by landslide
Direction for rice: contest vs feedback = 15/22 say feedback
Will you make an account on a website to do rice stuff? 12/25 say no
basically everyone answered the "what does rice do differently" question with "the feedback is a lot better". So a way to make rice better is to streamline process for providing feedback.
How long people spend on RICE vids:
10/21 (of the people that responded) started working on their rice vid 1 month or longer in advance
the competitive people ("A contest where the best of the best wins") seem kind of in the middle, time wise. 3/6 spent less than 1 month, 2/6 spent 2 months exactly, 1 didn't respond.
there were 8 newcomers, but basically same conclusion. 4/8 started more than a month in advance. 3/8 took a few weeks
Google docs & PSVs RICE offers a google doc with video information instead of trying to put it all in a filename. We also offered detailed VPRs and CWs, and, in some cases, alternate versions of videos that are more friendly for photosensitive users (called PSVs).
3/25 people said they used the VPRs.
18/25 people used the infosheet
4/25 used the CWs
3/25 used PSVs
What about 2024 Post-RICE survey data?
I collected that. This blog entry is already the size of a novel so I'll put it in another entry, I guess. Stay tuned! (Don't hold your breath though) I will exit this entry with the following results from that survey: If you participated in 2023 RICE, what would you say your overall experience was? 15/18 answered overall positive 2/18 said they did not participate in 2023 1/18 said neutral 0/18 said overall negative If you participated last year (2023), would you say your experience THIS year (2024) was: 9/17 answered overall better than last year 7/17 said about the same as last year 1/17 said did not participate last year 0/17 said overall worse than last year Your overall 2024 RICE experience was: 17/18 answered positive 1/18 said neutral 0/18 said negative 0/18 said boring 2024 RICE had 43 editors and 62 videos.
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codeparttime · 1 year
HTML var Tag Explained: Syntax, Styling, and Real-World Examples
Discover the ins and outs of the HTML var tag with this in-depth guide. Learn its syntax, usage, styling, and best practices to create engaging web content.
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conniephleb · 2 months
From Veins to Vials: Your Guide to a Thriving Career in Phlebotomy
**Title:⁣ From Veins to Vials: Your Guide‌ to a Thriving Career in Phlebotomy**
**Introduction:** If you have a steady​ hand, a keen eye for ⁤detail, and a desire to help others, a career​ in phlebotomy may be the perfect choice⁣ for you. Phlebotomists play a crucial role⁤ in the healthcare industry by collecting blood⁤ samples from patients for laboratory testing. This rewarding career ⁤path offers job ​stability, competitive salaries, and opportunities for advancement. In this guide,​ we will explore the ins and outs of a career in phlebotomy, from‍ training and certification to job prospects and professional development.
**Training and Certification:** Becoming a ‌certified phlebotomist typically requires completing a formal‍ training program, which can range from a few weeks to several months. The curriculum covers topics such as anatomy, physiology, blood⁤ collection techniques, and safety‍ protocols. Upon completion of the program, aspiring phlebotomists must pass a certification exam to ​become officially certified.
**Job Prospects:** Phlebotomy is a growing field, with job opportunities expected to increase in the coming years as the demand for healthcare‍ services rises. Phlebotomists can find employment in various settings, including hospitals, clinics, diagnostic laboratories, blood donation centers, and physician’s offices. Additionally, many phlebotomists have the flexibility to‌ work ‌part-time or⁤ on weekends, making it an ‌attractive option for‌ those seeking work-life​ balance.
**Salary and Benefits:** According to ‍the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for phlebotomists is‍ around $35,510, with top earners making upwards of $49,750 per year. In addition to competitive salaries, phlebotomists may also ‌receive benefits such ​as⁢ health insurance, retirement plans, paid ‍time off, and opportunities for⁤ continuing education and professional development.
**Advancement⁢ Opportunities:** While‌ entry-level phlebotomists typically start in a clinical role, there are opportunities for advancement within the field. Experienced phlebotomists may choose to specialize in areas such as pediatric phlebotomy, geriatric ⁤phlebotomy, or donor phlebotomy. Additionally, some⁢ phlebotomists may pursue⁢ further education and training to become medical laboratory technicians or technologists.
**Practical Tips ‍for Success:** – Develop strong communication skills to interact effectively with patients and ⁤healthcare​ professionals. – Practice proper blood collection techniques to ensure accurate and reliable results. – Stay up to date on the latest industry trends and ⁤advancements ​through continuing education. – Network with other phlebotomists and healthcare ⁣professionals to expand your professional circle ​and learn from others’ experiences.
**Conclusion:** A career in phlebotomy offers a unique blend⁣ of technical​ skills, patient⁢ interaction, and job stability. Whether you are just starting your career in healthcare or looking to make a career change, phlebotomy could be the perfect fit for you. By completing a training program, obtaining certification, ‌and honing your skills, you can embark on a rewarding journey in⁢ this essential healthcare profession.
Incorporating⁣ HTML tags and⁤ WordPress styling into your article‍ will not only enhance ‍the visual appeal but also improve SEO by‌ making your content​ more search engine friendly and user-friendly. Remember ⁣to use relevant keywords strategically throughout the article to optimize it for search engines and attract more readers to your website.
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realdataapi1 · 4 months
Restaurant Data Collection Service from TripAdvisor in USA - A Comprehensive Guide.
In the digital age, data is king. Businesses in the food and beverage industry can leverage data to understand market trends, customer preferences, and competitive landscapes. One of the richest sources of restaurant data in the USA is TripAdvisor. With millions of reviews, ratings, and detailed information about restaurants, TripAdvisor is a goldmine for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge. This blog explores the ins and outs of a restaurant data collection service from TripAdvisor in USA, highlighting the importance, methods, and benefits of using such a service.
Why Collect Restaurant Data from TripAdvisor?
Market Research
TripAdvisor is a renowned platform where millions of users share their dining experiences. By scraping restaurant data from TripAdvisor, businesses can conduct thorough market research. This data helps in understanding customer behavior, preferences, and trends in the restaurant industry. Restaurants can analyze this information to improve their services, menu, and overall customer experience.
Price Comparison
Another significant advantage of extracting restaurant data from TripAdvisor is the ability to perform price comparisons. By analyzing the pricing strategies of competitors, restaurants can adjust their prices to stay competitive in the market. This ensures they attract more customers without compromising on profitability.
Competitive Analysis
Restaurant data extraction for TripAdvisor in USA provides insights into competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. By understanding the customer reviews and ratings of competitors, restaurants can identify areas where they excel or need improvement. This data-driven approach helps in crafting strategies to outperform competitors.
How to Scrape Restaurant Data from TripAdvisor?
Understanding Web Scraping
Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites. It involves fetching the HTML of web pages and parsing it to extract the desired information. For TripAdvisor, this means collecting data such as restaurant names, addresses, ratings, reviews, menu items, and pricing.
Tools and Technologies
Several tools and technologies can be used to scrape restaurant data from TripAdvisor in USA. Here are a few popular ones:
BeautifulSoup: A Python library for parsing HTML and XML documents. It creates a parse tree for parsed pages that can be used to extract data easily.
Scrapy: An open-source web crawling framework for Python. It is used to extract data from websites and can handle large-scale scraping projects efficiently.
Selenium: A browser automation tool that can be used for web scraping, especially for websites that use JavaScript heavily.
Octoparse: A no-code web scraping tool that allows users to extract data from websites without needing to write code.
Steps to Scrape Restaurant Data from TripAdvisor
Identify the Target URLs: Determine the URLs of the TripAdvisor pages from which you want to extract data. This can include specific city or region pages that list restaurants.
Inspect the Web Page: Use browser developer tools to inspect the HTML structure of the target pages. Identify the HTML tags and classes that contain the desired data.
Write the Scraper Code: Use your chosen scraping tool to write code that fetches the HTML content and extracts the required data. For instance, using BeautifulSoup, you can parse the HTML and navigate the parse tree to find restaurant details.
Handle Pagination: Many TripAdvisor pages have multiple pages of listings. Ensure your scraper can navigate through all pages to collect comprehensive data.
Store the Data: Save the extracted data in a structured format, such as a CSV file or a database, for further analysis.
Example Code Snippet
Benefits of Using a Restaurant Data Scraper for TripAdvisor in the USA
Using a restaurant data scraper for TripAdvisor in USA offers numerous benefits for businesses aiming to stay competitive in the food and beverage industry. Here’s a closer look at the advantages:
Comprehensive Data Collection
A restaurant data collection service from TripAdvisor in USA provides access to a wide range of data points, including restaurant names, addresses, contact information, ratings, reviews, menu items, and prices. This comprehensive dataset enables businesses to perform detailed market research and understand the dynamics of the restaurant industry.
Real-time Data
Web scraping services allow businesses to extract restaurant data in USA in real-time. This ensures that they have the most up-to-date information about market trends, customer preferences, and competitor activities. Staying current with real-time data helps businesses to quickly adapt to changing market conditions and customer demands.
Cost-effective Market Research
Traditional market research methods can be both time-consuming and expensive. A restaurant data scraper for TripAdvisor in USA provides a cost-effective alternative. By automating the data extraction process, businesses can gather large volumes of data quickly and efficiently, significantly reducing the costs associated with manual data collection.
Enhanced Price Comparison
One of the key benefits of restaurant data extraction for TripAdvisor in USA is the ability to perform accurate price comparisons. By analyzing competitors’ pricing strategies, restaurants can adjust their own prices to remain competitive, attract more customers, and increase profitability.
Data-driven Decision Making
With detailed and structured data at their disposal, businesses can make informed decisions based on actual market insights. Whether it’s planning a new marketing campaign, choosing a new location for expansion, or improving customer service, data-driven decision-making enhances the effectiveness and accuracy of business strategies.
Leveraging a restaurant data scraper for TripAdvisor in USA empowers businesses with valuable insights, helping them to excel in a highly competitive market. By utilizing web scraping services, they can achieve a deeper understanding of market trends, optimize pricing, and enhance overall business performance.
Applications of Extracted Restaurant Data
Business Expansion
For restaurants looking to expand their operations, extracted data from TripAdvisor can help identify potential locations. By analyzing the popularity and performance of restaurants in different regions, businesses can choose the best locations for new branches.
Marketing Strategies
Extracted restaurant data can inform marketing strategies. For instance, understanding the types of cuisines that are popular in a specific area can help in tailoring marketing campaigns to attract more customers.
Customer Experience Enhancement
By analyzing reviews and ratings, restaurants can identify areas where they need to improve. This helps in enhancing the overall customer experience, leading to better reviews and higher ratings.
Competitor Analysis
Detailed competitor analysis is possible with extracted data. Restaurants can compare their performance with competitors, identify strengths and weaknesses, and develop strategies to gain a competitive edge.
Challenges in Scraping Restaurant Data from TripAdvisor
While scraping restaurant data from TripAdvisor in the USA offers numerous benefits, it also presents several challenges that businesses must navigate. Here are some key obstacles:
Legal and Ethical Concerns
One of the primary challenges in using a restaurant data scraper for TripAdvisor in USA is ensuring compliance with legal and ethical standards. TripAdvisor’s terms of service may restrict data scraping activities, and violating these terms can lead to legal repercussions. Businesses must ensure their data collection methods are transparent and adhere to the platform’s guidelines.
Technical Difficulties
Restaurant data extraction for TripAdvisor in USA involves overcoming various technical hurdles. Websites like TripAdvisor often use complex HTML structures, JavaScript, and anti-scraping mechanisms to protect their data. Scraping tools need to be sophisticated enough to handle these complexities, requiring advanced knowledge in web scraping services and programming.
Handling Dynamic Content
TripAdvisor pages frequently load dynamic content using JavaScript, making it difficult for basic scraping tools to capture the necessary information. Implementing solutions like Selenium, which can interact with dynamic content, becomes crucial. However, this adds a layer of complexity and increases the time and resources required for the scraping process.
Data Quality and Consistency
Ensuring the quality and consistency of the extracted restaurant data in the USA is another significant challenge. Data collected through web scraping services might contain errors, duplicates, or inconsistencies due to changes in the website’s structure or formatting. Businesses need to implement robust data validation and cleaning processes to maintain the accuracy of their datasets.
Scalability Issues
For large-scale market research or price comparison projects, scraping data from numerous TripAdvisor pages can be resource-intensive. Managing and scaling the scraping infrastructure to handle vast amounts of data efficiently requires careful planning and substantial computational resources.
Server Load and Blocking
Continuous scraping can lead to high server load on TripAdvisor’s end, potentially resulting in IP blocking. Implementing strategies such as rotating proxies and setting appropriate request rates is essential to avoid detection and ensure uninterrupted data collection.
While a restaurant data collection service from TripAdvisor in USA can provide invaluable insights for market research and strategic planning, it comes with significant challenges. Businesses must address legal, technical, and operational obstacles to effectively and ethically extract restaurant data in USA.
How Can Real Data API Help?
Real Data API offers comprehensive web scraping and data extraction services that can greatly enhance the process of collecting restaurant data from TripAdvisor in the USA. Here’s how Real Data API can assist businesses:
Expertise and Experience
Real Data API brings a wealth of experience in web scraping services, ensuring efficient and accurate extraction of restaurant data. Their team of experts is proficient in handling the complexities associated with scraping data from dynamic and secure websites like TripAdvisor.
Customized Solutions
Real Data API provides tailored data scraping solutions to meet specific business needs. Whether you require detailed market research, competitive analysis, or price comparison, they can customize their services to deliver the exact data you need.
Advanced Technology
Utilizing cutting-edge tools and technologies, Real Data API ensures high-quality data extraction. They employ advanced techniques to bypass anti-scraping mechanisms and handle dynamic content, ensuring comprehensive and reliable data collection.
Data Quality and Accuracy
Real Data API emphasizes data quality and accuracy. They implement robust validation and cleaning processes to ensure that the data collected is consistent, accurate, and ready for analysis. This attention to detail helps businesses make informed decisions based on reliable data.
Scalability and Efficiency
For large-scale data extraction projects, Real Data API offers scalable solutions. Their infrastructure can handle extensive data scraping tasks efficiently, ensuring timely delivery of large datasets without compromising on quality.
Compliance and Ethical Practices
Real Data API is committed to ethical web scraping practices. They ensure that their data collection methods comply with legal requirements and the terms of service of websites like TripAdvisor, mitigating legal risks for their clients.
Real-time Data Access
With Real Data API, businesses can access real-time restaurant data from TripAdvisor, helping them stay updated with the latest market trends and competitor information. This real-time data access is crucial for making timely and strategic business decisions.
Comprehensive Support
Real Data API provides ongoing support and maintenance for their data scraping services. Their team is available to assist with any issues or adjustments needed, ensuring a seamless and efficient data collection process.
A restaurant data collection service from TripAdvisor in USA offers immense value for businesses in the food and beverage industry. By leveraging Real Data API, businesses can extract comprehensive and real-time data to inform their market research, competitive analysis, and strategic planning. The Real Data API simplifies data extraction, ensuring accuracy and compliance, while overcoming traditional web scraping challenges. The benefits of using a Real Data API far outweigh the costs, making it an indispensable tool for modern businesses. Whether you are a restaurant owner looking to expand or a market researcher seeking detailed industry insights, extracting restaurant data from TripAdvisor via a Real Data API can provide the competitive edge you need to succeed.
Ready to gain a competitive advantage? Integrate our Real Data API today and unlock the full potential of TripAdvisor restaurant data for your business!
Know More: https://www.realdataapi.com/restaurant-data-collection-service-from-tripadvisor-in-usa.php
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seo-company-canberra · 9 months
Unlock the SEO Success Tips and Tricks for Ranking Higher
Are you tired of your website being buried on page 10 of search engine results? Do you dream of ranking higher and attracting more organic traffic? Well, you've come to the right place! In this blog post, we will unlock the secrets to SEO success and provide you with actionable tips and tricks to help you rank higher on search engines.
We all know that in today's digital age, having an online presence is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. But simply having a website is not enough. If you want to stand out and attract the right audience, you need to understand the world of search engine optimisation (SEO). SEO is the art and science of optimising your website to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). And trust us when we say ranking higher can make all the difference.
Now, you might be wondering why ranking higher on search engines is so important. Well, the answer is simple. When was the last time you went beyond the first page of search results? Exactly! Most people rarely venture beyond the first few results, which means that if your website is not ranking high, it might as well be invisible. By ranking higher, you increase your visibility, attract more organic traffic, and, ultimately, boost your chances of success.
But don't worry; we're here to help you unlock the SEO success you've been dreaming of. In this blog post, we will guide you through the ins and outs of SEO, from understanding the basics to implementing advanced techniques. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and get ready to take your SEO game to the next level!
1. Understanding SEO Basics
Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of SEO Canberra, let's start with the basics. SEO, or search engine optimisation, is the practice of optimising your website to improve its visibility and rankings on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The purpose of SEO is to attract more organic (non-paid) traffic to your website.
To understand SEO, you need to get inside the mind of a search engine. Search engines use complex algorithms to crawl and index billions of web pages, determining their relevance to specific search queries. When a user enters a search query, the search engine analyses its index and delivers the most relevant results.
So, how do search engines determine which websites are the most relevant? Well, they consider several factors, including keywords, meta tags, and on-page optimisation techniques. Let's break it down.
A. Keywords
Keywords are the words or phrases that users enter into search engines when looking for information. To improve your website's visibility, you need to identify and incorporate relevant keywords into your content with the help of the digital marketing agency Canberra. For example, if you run a bakery in New York, you might want to target keywords like "best bakery in New York" or "delicious pastries in NYC."
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B. Meta Tags
Meta tags are snippets of HTML code that provide information about a web page. They include a title tag, which appears as the clickable headline on search engine results, and a meta description, which provides a summary of the page's content. By optimising your meta tags, you can improve your click-through rate and attract more visitors.
C. On-Page Optimisation
Techniques On-page optimisation refers to the various techniques you can implement on your web pages to improve their visibility and rankings. These techniques include optimising page titles, headings, and meta descriptions, as well as optimising URLs, images, and internal links. By using relevant keywords strategically and creating high-quality, engaging content, you can increase your chances of ranking higher.
Understanding these SEO basics is crucial for laying a strong foundation for your SEO strategy. By incorporating relevant keywords, optimising your meta tags, and implementing on-page optimisation techniques, you can increase your website's visibility and attract more organic traffic.
2. Keyword Research
Now that you understand the importance of keywords in SEO, it's time to dive deeper into keyword research. Keyword research is the process of identifying the most relevant keywords for your website and incorporating them strategically into your content.
To conduct keyword research, you can use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush. These tools provide insights into the search volume, competition, and relevancy of different keywords. By analysing this data, you can identify the keywords with high search volume and low competition, giving you a better chance of ranking higher.
When conducting keyword research, it's important to consider long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific phrases that target a niche audience. While they may have a lower search volume, they often attract more targeted traffic and have a higher conversion rate. For example, instead of targeting the broad keyword "bakery," you might want to target the long-tail keyword "gluten-free bakery in New York."
When incorporating keywords into your content, it's important to strike a balance. Keyword stuffing, or excessively using keywords, can do more harm than good. Digital marketing agency Canberra are smart enough to recognise keyword stuffing and may penalise your website. Instead, focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that aligns naturally with your target keywords.
3. On-Page Optimisation Techniques
Now that you have identified your target keywords, it's time to optimise your web pages to improve their visibility and rankings. On-page optimisation techniques involve optimising various elements of your web pages to make them more search engine-friendly. Let's explore some key on-page optimisation techniques.
A. Page Titles
The page title is one of the most important on-page elements. It appears as a clickable headline on search engine results, so it needs to be compelling and descriptive. Include your target keyword in the page title to improve its relevancy and increase your chances of ranking higher.
B. Headings and Subheadings
Headings and subheadings help organise your content and make it more reader-friendly. They also provide search engines with a hierarchical structure of your page. Use header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to indicate the importance of each heading. Include target keywords in your headings to improve their relevancy.
C. Meta Descriptions
The meta description is a brief summary of your web page's content. While it doesn't directly impact rankings, it plays a crucial role in attracting users to click on your link. Make sure your meta description is concise, compelling, and includes your target keyword.
D. URL Optimisation
Optimising your URLs is another important on-page optimisation technique. Use descriptive and keyword-rich URLs that accurately reflect the content of your web page. Avoid using long and confusing URLs that make it difficult for users and search engines to understand your page's topic.
E. Image Optimisation
Images can enhance the visual appeal of your web pages, but they can also slow down your website if not optimised properly. Optimise your images by reducing their file size, adding alt text (which describes the image for visually impaired users and search engines), and using descriptive file names.
F. Internal Links
Internal links are hyperlinks that point to other pages within your website. They not only help users navigate your website but also provide search engines with a better understanding of your website's structure. Use descriptive anchor text and strategically place internal links to improve your website's visibility and rankings.
In addition to these on-page optimisation techniques, it's important to create high-quality, engaging content that aligns with your target keywords. Focus on providing value to your readers and answering their questions. Use header tags, bullet points, and a logical structure to enhance readability. Remember, content is king, and high-quality content will always attract more visitors and increase your chances of ranking higher.
Final Thoughts
In final thoughts, our journey through the intricate realm of SEO has unveiled the keys to unlocking online success. From keyword mastery to strategic link-building, each tip and trick serves as a guide to elevate your website's visibility. Remember, SEO isn't just about algorithms; it's about crafting a digital presence that resonates.
So, armed with these insights, venture forth into the vast landscape of search engine optimisation. Let your content shine, your keywords speak volumes, and your website soars in rankings. The path to SEO triumph is at your fingertips—utilise these strategies and watch your online presence ascend to new heights. Happy optimising!
Source URL: https://best-seo-canberra.blogspot.com/2023/12/unlock-seo-success-tips-and-tricks-for.html
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briliantbrando97-blog · 10 months
Programming notes
1) Project Modal the project is supposed to be able to transition with a button press
2) Project Pomodor isn't working at all/incomplete
3) Project Personal Website It's bland and the css page isn't working at all
4) Project Navbar Incomplete
5) Project quizgame Bland,not resposive,and css page not responding
6) Project Review Carousel Not responsive
7) Project sidebar Complete failer
8) Project survey bland
9) Project calculator success but could be better
10) Project addressbook unresposive
11) Project FaQ the project is incomplete constant repeating not in the way wanted bland
12) Project stciky navigation bar Didn't work at all final product came out like an article for the newspapaer thinking this is either 1)My laptip is trash 2) software needs to be updated
13) Project Resturant I made it simpistic but even if edded features from the tutuorial don't know if possible with either the laptop or an outdated vs ide
14) Project Tabs As per usual the tabs aren't appearing like in the tutuorial. I beleive it has something to do with the link that I didn't use.Or better yet addess the elephant in the computer for some reason the code isn't hhiding itself like in the tutorial so it's basiclly the same as yesterday's project.The conent should basiclly be nested behind one another.
*So I think I shouls take a day off from coding and finally update viusula studios.Apart of me feelis like an ass continuing event though it's not coming out right *as of 3/31/23 updated
15) Project Simongame after updating the ide i somehow gained another ide version of vs. the code is semi-acting up but i belive its on me and choose to slow down on this project because the tutorial guy is showing his mistakes showing a thought/problem-solving i miss rethonking my learning approach
16) Project Musicplayer *Previewing a file that is not a child of the server root. To see fully correct relative file links, please open a workspace at the project root or consider changing your server root settings for Live Preview. -decided to miimic the mp3 skull website for the project and after completion to saticfaction I plan on watching a tutorial to findout the differentces -the website can be broken down into I. two major containers II.about 5 lists III. 3 paragraphs IV. 2 -3search bars I also which to add tabs Taking longer than I thought it would but it's apparent to me that the problem lies in the div classes and compartmentalizing the aspects of the website into classes for better control.I have been making this harder for myself. I beleive the best course of action is to reread w3school and do simple projects using tags I don't use or understand often after this project. I stareted to get a better feel for web development but still aways to go with html and css
*I want to hit over a 100(150-200) projects before moving on to hacking,machine-learning,AI's and algrothims *ultmainte end game is to have an acquired skill that not only puts money in my pocket but allows me to map major citites *approprate termanoligy is nested div tags
17)blog website replica (yola) got the basics of the site down but the css is stomping me so essintay in a sense I have gone nowhere
*the background image,all images refuse to load
*the loading of thge background images is not working because i am not communicating to the right folder,
*the folder that I need to communicate with is either one abouve or ine over either or It's a pain to try and learn the proper technique and describe the issue correctly into the search engine
The problem comes down to not beeing able to move effectivly thorough files just like in hacking *sections tag to divide the web-site
-now the plan is to alter the json file to allow me permisson to the image folder after the link didnt work else play with bash for other alterations to the file In Unix-based systems like Linux and macOS, the user can use the “sudo” command to run the command with administrative privileges. In Windows, the user can right-click the Command Prompt or PowerShell and select “Run as administrator”.
Some key takeaways are given below that will help you get rid of the error efficiently:
The error message permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir indicates that the user does not have the necessary permissions to create a directory in the specified location. The location in question is “/usr/local/frameworks” which may be a protected system directory or owned by another user. To resolve the issue, the user may need to change the permissions on the directory or run the command as an administrator or superuser. They may have to re-install the python dictionary as well. In some cases, it may also be necessary to check if the directory already exists, and if so, delete it before attempting to create it again
Problems: 1)background image wouldn't load -solution attempt one:fix the syntax successful in connecting css to html page -learned about file paths only for it not to affect anything,nor Bash commands to transfer ownership of file -brandonostewart is user and owner/group so why not work -terminal states I don't have permission or excess to file -image files is above linux files can't acess,no permisson,doesn't excess in list function in terminal -I now believe all the problems I'm facing now is because i didn't have the laptop fully setup I just jumped right in -everythiong has perseduers,a setup,order a recipie -vmc container termina penguin ERROR vsh: [vsh.cc(171)] Failed to launch vshd for termina:penguin: requested container does not exist: penguin I beleive at this current step the problem lies in the fact there is no container,this means all work was setup in space I was building on nothing and it appears obviuos that I have reached the ceiling. As i see it I only have two options left 1) powerwash and start over from scratch 2) take the neccesary steps regardless of how far back it sends me in order to setup each individual aspect of chromebook
18)ToDo list I got it to work but the trade off was all my linux files got deleted,therefore I'm starting over.
the first project is the simple todo list,I wwant to make this one nicer than the first one I did I plan on adding css and java script so it workes the inistal layout I want is a decorated background with a list that takes off taskes that are finished moving said task fromn one side of the list to the other side of the list This issue I;m currently having is an html issue. From doing some projects the issue I have is always a small technincal detail or syntax issues. The more boxes better control so the issue is what technicallity do I need to insure my list transfer infomation as well as takes info in -I have no idea how to get the program to hold onto input value,then display it.Only thing holding me from finishing right now -I think the problem is I didn't add a display box for the code Where I'm at: Have a basic setup for the website -I need my info to be taken in by the display box -then displayed on the website,once task is done it adds itself to the second half of the website 1)header 2)box1 inital info original diplay 3)box2 where finished task lays -I need display boxes javascript not linking to html page,this was the hurdle that has been fucking me over all day. While syntax is correct the program still hasn't worked problem fro the past reoccured asked for permisson for the javascript file,first it said it didn't exist then I needed permission I still can't get that syntax correct for the terminal
6/01 -since I couldn't get the javascript to work and I restarted all the files in my linux folder my next course of action was to delete vs and try my luck with another ide,plans were holted after putting in my javascript in my repl.it finding out my syntax was indeed wrong
-but now i'm not so sure becasue I tried another basic web design program from youtube with correct syntax and it didn't load correctly somehow I think it's my computer at this point -after re-opening the apllication 2/3 of it worked -this time javascrirpt and html,not css -like with the to do list css,html not javascript -I feel like giving up on full stack development but I have learned to much to not have an Idea on what needs to be done.I can vividly describe and analyze the problem just can't put it together
I am going to start app development on vs and come back to full stack development
6/10 After downloading the framework .Net and discovering the difference between visual studio code and visual studio I wanted to develop at least one of the each programming application made possible with the framework(including machine learning/ai) including but not limited to Flutter development. currently struggling to understandings of the sync capabilities of git hub with visual studio code( what I have) also I saw the flutter development intro video I am really just out of the woods intermediate of beginner and am steadily heading to intermediate currently stuck on trying to finish this web application tutorial terminal commands for web application,branch work
Changes to be committed: (use "git restore --stageg <file>..."to unstage)
Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..."to include in what will be committed)
11/14 since last recordings,my current laptop slowed down it says less memory so i tried transfiring to my tablet for programming which was increadably
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b2bcybersecurity · 11 months
Hackergruppe nutzt Zero-Day-Schwachstelle aus
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Regierungsstellen und ein Think Tank in Europa wurden von der APT-Gruppe Winter Vivern attackiert. Hierbei nutzen die Hacker mit sogenannten Cross-Site-Scripting-Angriffen eine Zero Day-Schwachstelle in den eingesetzten Roundcube Webmail Servern aus, um anschließend (vertrauliche) E-Mails auszulesen. Roundcube ist eine Open Source Webmail Software, die von vielen Regierungsstellen und Organisationen wie Universitäten oder Forschungseinrichtungen genutzt wird. ESET empfiehlt Nutzern so schnell wie möglich auf die neueste verfügbare Version der Software zu aktualisieren. ESET entdeckte die Sicherheitslücke am 12. Oktober 2023 und meldete sie sofort an das Roundcube-Team, das die Schwachstelle zwei Tage später mit einem Sicherheitsupdate schloss. „Wir möchten den Roundcube-Entwicklern für ihre schnelle Antwort und für das Patchen der Schwachstelle in so kurzer Zeit danken“, sagt Matthieu Faou, der die Sicherheitslücke und die Winter-Vivern-Angriffe entdeckt hat. „Winter Vivern ist eine immense Bedrohung für Regierungen in Europa. Diese Gruppe agiert äußerst hartnäckig, um ans Ziel zu gelangen. Bei ihren Aktivitäten setzen sie auf Phishing-Kampagnen und das Ausnutzen von Sicherheitslücken, da viele Anwendungen nicht regelmäßig aktualisiert werden“, erklärt Faou weiter. Angriff aus der Ferne Die XSS-Schwachstelle CVE-2023-5631 auf dem Zielserver wird mit einer speziell entworfenen E-Mail angegriffen. „Auf den ersten Blick scheint die E-Mail nicht bösartig zu sein - aber bei der Untersuchung des HTML-Quellcodes fällt auf, dass am Ende ein Tag für SVG-Grafiken enthalten ist, der einen schadhaften Inhalt enthält", sagt Faou. Durch den Versand einer solchen Nachricht können Angreifer beliebigen JavaScript-Code im geöffneten Browserfenster des Roundcube-Benutzers laden. Für die Ausführung des Schadcodes ist keine Interaktion des Anwenders notwendig. Die nachgeladene Schadsoftware kann E-Mails herausfiltern und an den Befehls- und Kontrollserver der Gruppe senden. Winter Vivern ist eine Cyberspionagegruppe, die vermutlich seit mindestens 2020 Regierungen in Europa und Zentralasien attackiert. Dabei setzt sie vor allem bösartige Dokumente, Phishing-Websites und eine benutzerdefinierte PowerShell-Backdoor ein. Vermutlich seit 2022 nimmt Winter Vivern Roundcube-E-Mail-Server von Regierungsbehörden ins Visier. ESET geht davon aus, dass Winter Vivern mit der weißrussischen Hackerbande MoustachedBouncer in Verbindung steht. Letztere machte im August 2023 mit dem Ausspionieren von Botschaften in Belarus auf sich aufmerksam.     Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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andreaskorn · 1 year
Aero Media:  Die Erde - Ein Planet entsteht
Quelle: N24, TV 2011; Originalspr. Englisch; GB 2011; Earth: Making of a Planet Dr. Andreas Korn: Zusammenfassung in Stichworten mit kleinen Ergänzungen des deutschsprachigen Youtube Videos. Screenshots sind dem Video entnommen; Karten aus Wikipedia. Beitrag 01/03
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Erdzeitalter: Präkambrium (vor 5 Milliarden – 600 Millionen Jahren)
Vor ca. 5.000 Mio. Jahren wird unsere Sonne geboren; eingehüllt in eine große Staub-, Gas-, und Partikelwolke; die Schwerkraft formt langsam Teilchen zu Materie Gesteinsbrocken, die in Millionen Jahren verklumpen und schließlich die Planeten und unsere Erde entstehen lassen.
Vor etwa 4.500 Mio. Jahren: Der Planet Erde ist nun aus Staub, Gasen und Trümmern zu einer stattlichen Größe herangewachsen; die Oberfläche der sehr frühen Erde mit einer Temperatur von 1200° besteht aus flüssigem geschmolzenem Stein; Kohlendioxid, Stickstoff und Dampf; fester Boden existiert noch nicht, nur ein endloser Lava Ozean.
Ein anderer marsgroßer Planet namens Theia rast mit einer ungeheuerlichen Wucht auf die Erde und schlägt ein; eine Druckwelle rast um die Erde und Billionen Tonnen Material wird ins All geschleudert. In der Folge der nächsten Tausend Jahre erzeugt die Erde durch Schwerkraft einen Ring dieses Materials, der die Erde umgibt; daraus formt sich eine Kugel von mehr als 3.000 Km Durchmesser; der Mond formt sich und rotiert in ca. 22.000 Km Entfernung um die Erde (heute ca. 400.000 Km). Langsam kühlt die Erde ab, Tag und Nachtwechsel gehen aufgrund der schnellen Erdrotation durch die Kollision mit Theia sehr schnell (3 Std.; Tagesdauer 6 Std.).
Vor 3.900 Mio. Jahren beginnt ein „Großes Bombardement“ mit Meteoriten, Trümmern und Kometen vom Rand des Sonnensystems; in Meteoriten gibt es winzige Kristalle, die Wasser Tröpfchen beinhalten. Eine Theorie legt die Vermutung nahe, dass über die hunderte Mio. Jahre andauernden Niedergänge der Himmelskörper (sie kamen aus Millionen km Entfernung) sich Wasser angesammelt hatte; Becken füllen sich mit Wasser auf der mittlerweile festen Oberfläche; jeder Tropfen Wasser in einer Pfütze oder im Ozean ist somit Milliarden Jahre alt. Stürme und gewaltige Gezeitenwellen (naher Mond) rollen über den Planeten; aber in der Folgeentwicklung entfernt sich der Mond und die Erddrehung wird langsamer, der Urozean beruhigt sich.
Vor 3.800 Mio. Jahren: geschmolzenes Gestein durchbricht die Erdkruste, Vulkaninseln erheben sich aus dem Ozean, sich fügen sich über lange Zeiträume z.T. zusammen und bilden so erste Landmassen in der noch giftigen und heißen Uratmosphäre; wieder nimmt der Meteoritenhagel wieder zu; die Brocken aus dem All stürzen bis auf den Meeresgrund; sie beinhalten auch Kohlenstoffverbindungen und Proteinbausteine (Aminosäuren); aus Schloten (Schwarze Raucher) werden am Meeresgrund versickertes Wasser, Mineralien und Gase ausgestoßen, kommen nun die Stoffe aus dem All hinzu, so entsteht eine besondere Suppe an Substanzen; in der Folge haben sich erste einfache einzellige Mikroorganismen gebildet, die frühesten Lebensformen unserer Erde; viele Mio. Jahre geht dieser Prozess weiter, ohne das zunächst gravierende Änderungen erfolgen.
Vor 3.500 Mio. Jahren bilden sich in flacheren Gewässern in Küstennähe sog. Stromatolithen, einer Kolonie von lebenden Bakterien in einer Pilz ähnlichen kugeligen Form; diese produzieren durch Photosynthese im Zusammenspiel mit dem Sonnenlicht Sauerstoff und Kohlenhydrate (dadurch entsteht Kalk; vgl. https://www.zdf.de/dokumentation/terra-x/creative-commons-clip-150.html); der Sauerstoff reagiert mit Spuren von Eisen im Wasser und bildet rostige eisenhaltige Ablagerungen, die sich am Boden ablagern (Rohstoff für das später von uns geförderte Eisenerz); dieser Prozess hält ca. 2 Mrd. Jahre an; der Gehalt an Sauerstoff im Meer und in der Luft steigt an.
Vor 1.500 Mio. Jahren. Einen langen Zeitraum später dreht sich die Erde langsamer, die Tageslänge beträgt nun ca. 16 Std.; der Urozean zeigt viele kleine Inselbereiche; durch den enormen Druck und der Hitze des Erdkerns bewegen sich die Materialien nach oben, die Erdkruste unter dem Ozean zerbricht in der Folge zu großen Platten; dadurch werden auch die Landmassen bewegt.
Vor ca. 1.100 Mio. Jahren (also 400 Mio. Jahre später nach dem einsetzenden Plattendrift) entwickelte sich so ein neuer gewaltiger Kontinent Rodinia (Grafik: vgl. Wikipedia); Temperatur ca. 30°, Tageslänge jetzt 18 Std.; die Landbereiche sehen in etwa so aus wie auf dem heutigen Mars.
Vor 750 Mio. Jahren. Der Urkontinent wird durch einen großen Riss der Kruste in 2 Teile geteilt; aktive Vulkane pumpen große Mengen Kohlendioxid in die Atmosphäre; die Mischung des Gases mit Wasser führt zu saurem Regen; Gestein saugt den Regen auf und absorbiert große Teile des Kohlendioxids (Einlagerung im Gestein); es gibt nicht mehr genug CO2 um die Sonnenwärme in der Atmosphäre zu halten; innerhalb der nächsten paar Tausend Jahren fällt die Temperatur auf vermutete -50°; die Erde wird schrittweise zu einer geschlossenen Eiswüste (Schneeball Erde) mit einem kilometerdicken Eispanzer; je mehr Eis, desto mehr Sonnenlicht wird reflektiert; dies steigert die Eisausbreitung weiter, bis sich auch von den Polkappen am Äquator zusätzliche Eisschichten treffen.
Vor 630 Mio. Jahren ist die Erde vollständig eingefroren; die Sonne selbst kann das Eis nicht mehr auftauen. Aber dann wird die Erde doch wieder aus dem Kälteschlaf aufgeweckt; der Kern der Erde, heißer als die Sonnenoberfläche, lässt wieder Vulkane entstehen, die den Eispanzer Schritt für Schritt durchdringen; dadurch steigt die Kohlendioxid Konzentration in der Atmosphäre (Gestein, was bislang CO2 gespeichert hatte, liegt ja unter dem Eismantel); das austretende Gas speichert wieder mehr Sonnenwärme, die Temperaturen stiegen langsam wieder an; und im Verlauf von ca. 15 Mio. Jahren beginnt das Eis zu schmelzen; Risse in der Kruste (durch den Druck der Eismassen) führen zu gesteigerten Magma Ausbrüchen; in der Schneeballphase hatte sich im Eis durch die ultraviolette Strahlung der Sonne eine sauerstoffreiche Chemikalie gebildet: Wasserstoffperoxid. Bei der Eisschmelze zerfällt das darin gelöste Wasserstoffperoxid und große Sauerstoffmengen werden dabei freigesetzt.
Dr. Andreas Korn, 07.09.2023
+ + +
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nerdwelt · 1 year
Below Deck Down Under Fans nennen Jaimee wegen des Diebstahls von Culver von Tzarina bereits eine "Schlange".
Wir möchten Folgendes: Übersetzen Sie den englischen Text ins Deutsche für nerdswire.de. Ersetzen Sie alle Autorennamen durch ‘nerdswire.de’. Wandeln Sie alle Links von Twitter, YouTube, Instagram und Facebook um. Erhalten Sie alle Twitter- und YouTube-Einbettungen, sodass sie funktionieren. Verwenden Sie WordPress-konformes HTML. Entfernen Sie nur Einbettungstags sowie , , -Tags am Ende und…
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suketuprajapati · 1 year
Mastering Tumblr: A Comprehensive Guide to Harnessing its Power
Tumblr, an enchanting microblogging platform, has taken the digital world by storm. This comprehensive guide unveils the secrets to utilizing Tumblr's potential effectively. Discover the ins and outs of this platform, from account creation to engaging with its thriving community. Whether you're an aspiring blogger or a seasoned social media enthusiast, this guide will empower you to navigate Tumblr's landscape with finesse.
Unveiling Tumblr: A Dynamic Microblogging Oasis
In the vast expanse of the internet, Tumblr shines as a vibrant microblogging oasis. This platform offers a unique blend of creativity, self-expression, and community engagement. Let's delve into the core aspects that make Tumblr a digital haven.
Creating Your Tumblr Account: A Step-by-Step Guide
Creating a Tumblr account is a breeze. Follow these steps to get started on your Tumblr journey:
Registration: Visit the official Tumblr website and click on the "Get Started" button. Fill in your email address, password, and desired username.
Blog Customization: After registration, you'll be prompted to customize your blog's appearance. Choose a theme that resonates with your style and add a captivating profile picture and header image.
Navigating the Dashboard: Your Tumblr Hub
The Tumblr dashboard is your central command center. Here's how to navigate it seamlessly:
Exploring the Dashboard Interface
Posts: The heart of your dashboard, where you can create and manage your blog posts.
Explore: Discover trending and recommended content from the Tumblr community.
Notifications: Stay informed about likes, reblogs, and comments on your posts.
Creating Captivating Content: Tips for Success
Tumblr thrives on captivating content creation. Elevate your Tumblr presence with these strategies:
Embrace Multimedia: Enrich your posts with a variety of media, such as images, GIFs, and videos, to engage your audience visually.
Tagging Magic: Maximize your post's reach by using relevant tags. Tags amplify your content's discoverability within the Tumblr community.
Consistency Matters: Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and eager for your content.
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Engaging with the Tumblr Community: Building Connections
At the heart of Tumblr lies its dynamic and diverse community. Foster meaningful connections with these tactics:
Reblogs and Comments: Engage with fellow users' content by reblogging and leaving thoughtful comments. This interaction fosters a sense of camaraderie within the Tumblrverse.
Ask and Answer: Utilize the "Ask" feature to interact directly with your followers. Encourage questions and provide insightful answers to deepen your connection with your audience.
Personalizing Your Tumblr Experience: Themes and Customization
Tumblr's customization options allow you to create a unique digital haven:
Choosing a Theme: Browse Tumblr's collection of themes to find the one that resonates with your brand or personal style.
Custom HTML: For advanced users, delve into custom HTML coding to personalize your blog's appearance further.
Staying Mindful: Best Practices and Etiquette
Navigating Tumblr's etiquette ensures a harmonious experience:
Respect Copyright: Always credit the original creators when sharing content. Respect intellectual property rights to maintain a positive presence on the platform.
Positive Interaction: Engage in constructive discussions and offer support to fellow users. Cultivate a welcoming and positive environment.
The Evolution of Tumblr: Looking Ahead
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Tumblr remains dedicated to providing a platform for authentic self-expression. With innovations and updates on the horizon, Tumblr's future holds exciting possibilities.
Conclusion: Your Journey Through Tumblr
In conclusion, Tumblr offers a captivating realm for creators and enthusiasts alike. Whether you're an aspiring artist, a seasoned blogger, or simply seeking a platform to share your thoughts, Tumblr provides an avenue for genuine connections and creative expression. By mastering the art of Tumblr, you can tap into a world of endless possibilities, engagement, and inspiration. Begin your Tumblr journey today and embark on a path of digital exploration like no other. Follow me on Medium: https://medium.com/@suketuprajapati Twitter: https://twitter.com/suketudigital
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techverceus · 1 year
From Local to Global: How an SEO Agency in the USA Can Help Expand Your Reach
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Are you a business owner looking to expand your reach and tap into the global market? Look no further! In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for staying competitive and reaching a wider audience. That's where an SEO Agency USA comes in. With their expertise in search engine optimization, they can help your business climb the ranks and be seen by potential customers across the globe. From optimizing your website for relevant keywords to creating engaging content that resonates with your target audience, these agencies know the ins and outs of digital marketing. Whether you're a local business looking to expand nationally or a global brand seeking to dominate the online space, partnering with an SEO agency in the USA can be a game-changer for your business. So, let's dive in and explore how their strategies and techniques can help take your business from local to global.
The importance of expanding reach for businesses
In today's interconnected world, expanding your reach as a business is more important than ever. With the rise of e-commerce and the growing number of consumers turning to the internet to find products and services, businesses that fail to establish a strong online presence risk being left behind. Expanding your reach allows you to tap into new markets, attract a larger customer base, and increase your revenue potential.
Benefits of hiring an SEO agency
Now that we understand the importance of expanding reach, let's explore the benefits of hiring an SEO agency to help you achieve this goal. An SEO Services USA agency specializes in optimizing websites to improve their visibility in search engine results pages. By utilizing their expertise, you can benefit from the following advantages:
Expertise and knowledge: SEO agencies have a deep understanding of search engine algorithms and best practices
Time and resource savings: SEO requires ongoing effort and expertise. By outsourcing your SEO efforts to an agency, you can save valuable time and resources that can be better utilized in other areas of your business.
Access to advanced tools and technologies: SEO agencies have access to a wide range of tools and technologies that can help them analyze and optimize your website.
Holistic approach to digital marketing: SEO is just one piece of the digital marketing puzzle. An SEO agency can provide a holistic approach to your online marketing efforts, integrating SEO with other digital marketing channels such as content marketing, social media marketing, and paid advertising. This ensures that all aspects of your online presence are working together to achieve your business goals.
How an SEO agency can help businesses go from local to global
Keyword research and optimization
One of the fundamental aspects of SEO is keyword research and optimization. SEO agencies conduct in-depth keyword research to identify the terms and phrases your target audience is using to search for products or services similar to yours. By optimizing your website's content with these relevant keywords, you increase your chances of appearing in search engine results when potential customers are looking for what you offer.
On-page optimization techniques
In addition to keyword optimization, SEO agencies employ various on-page optimization techniques to improve your website's search engine rankings. On-page optimization refers to optimizing individual web pages to make them more search engine-friendly. This involves optimizing your website's HTML code, meta tags, headings, and internal linking structure.
Off-page optimization strategies
While on-page optimization focuses on improving your website's internal elements, off-page optimization strategies focus on building your website's authority and reputation externally. SEO agencies employ various off-page optimization techniques to attract high-quality backlinks, increase brand awareness, and improve your website's credibility in the eyes of search engines.
Local SEO tactics
If you're a local business looking to expand your reach within your geographical area, local SEO tactics are essential. SEO agencies can help you optimize your website and online presence to target local customers effectively. They employ tactics such as optimizing your Google My Business listing, creating location-specific landing pages, and ensuring consistent NAP (name, address, phone number) information across all online directories.
Local SEO also involves managing online reviews and ratings. SEO agencies can help you monitor and respond to customer reviews, ensuring a positive online reputation for your business. By optimizing your website for local keywords and implementing local SEO tactics, SEO agencies can help you attract more local customers and dominate your local market.
International SEO considerations
For businesses looking to expand globally, international SEO considerations come into play. SEO agencies can help you navigate the complexities of international SEO and ensure that your website is optimized for different languages, countries, and cultures.
International SEO services in New York involves creating country-specific versions of your website, implementing hreflang tags to indicate language and regional targeting, and optimizing your content for international keywords. SEO agencies also conduct thorough market research to understand the preferences, behaviors, and search patterns of your target international audience. By tailoring your website and content to specific regions and languages, SEO agencies can help you attract global customers and expand your reach beyond borders.
Choosing the right SEO agency in the USA
Now that you understand the benefits and strategies of hiring an SEO agency, it's crucial to choose the right agency for your specific needs. When selecting an SEO agency in the USA, consider the following factors:
Experience and expertise: Look for an agency with a proven track record of delivering results. Consider their experience in your industry and their knowledge of the latest SEO trends and techniques.
Client testimonials and case studies: Request client testimonials and case studies to get a better idea of the agency's capabilities and the results they have achieved for their clients.
Transparency and communication: Choose an agency that values transparency and maintains open lines of communication. Regular reporting and updates are essential to track the progress of your SEO campaign.
Customized strategies: Look for an agency that tailors their strategies to your specific business goals and target audience..
Budget considerations: While price shouldn't be the sole determining factor, it's essential to consider your budget when selecting an SEO agency. Look for an agency that offers fair pricing and provides a clear breakdown of their services and associated costs.
By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can choose an SEO agency in the USA that aligns with your business objectives and helps you achieve your expansion goals.
Expanding your reach as a business is crucial for staying competitive and tapping into new markets. In today's digital age, partnering with an SEO agency in the USA can be a game-changer for your business. Their expertise in search engine optimization can help you climb the ranks, attract a global audience, and drive sustainable growthBy leveraging their expertise and implementing effective SEO strategies, you can expand your reach, attract more customers, and achieve long-term success in the online marketplace. So, don't miss out on the opportunity to expand your business and dominate the global market – partner with an SEO agency in the USA today!
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