#html5 game development solutions
yudizsolution01 · 2 months
Yudiz is a HTML5 game development services company that uses trending technologies to develop games. Hire html5 game developers now. We have experience in 3D Game Development, 2D Game Development, Blockchain Based Game Development and so on.
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polyhexian · 11 months
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Reply too big to keep in replies, forgive me
Flash emulation won't actually work with the way the site is coded. It's really difficult to truly illustrate HOW fucked the site is if you aren't familiar with it.
So the flash games are INTEGRATED into the site. They don't just play. They send scores and those scores are validated by the site and then affect the game in real time by awarding points. Thats backend stuff and it seems EASY. But flash EMULATION will not really let that process work. Not blanket. Ruffle is a browser add on for flash and you can play some games with it but every game has needed to be worked manually and individually to try and get it to play correctly and to let it send scores.
Here, so like. Last year you may recall having heard about the data breach. It was a long time coming. Neopets has terrible security and always has. So someone got backend access, downloaded the server and this had all of the usernames and passwords ever used. Were they hashed? Yes. Was the hashkey stored in the server and thus also available to the hacker? Also yes.
As a result neopets finally moved from http to https. Great!
Not for flash games.
Every game has links in it right. Backend stuff. Mechanics. But all those fucking links redirect to http, not https. And you cannot change that without editing the game and you can't do THAT without a program that makes flash elements. So they're basically unfixable on site. On one fell swoop, every single flash game broke at once. You could play them but scores were now unsendable.
The workaround neopets USERS found was, I shut you not, using developer tools to modify the way your entire computer communicates with the internet
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"oh, that seems simple"
Look the fuck at what is IN the js file
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It is 538 lines! It is manually overriding the links used in these games. This IS hacking. Technically this is against the rules, it's just not being enforced.
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Don't worry, I'm terrified.
The workaround before this STILL had you download a new browser, modify it, take your internet offline and manually reinstall an old version of flash to create a jury rigged flash browser. Oh my God this is so dangerous and we Still do this. Did I do all this fiddler stuff? Yes! I did! Because neopets is very much like transformers in that there is a small user base but every single person there is fucking insane!
So.... Emulation is not a solution. Every game needs to be individually ground up REMADE in html5. And you can't just import the old game and tweak it. It has to be made from scratch. That's why there are so few html5 games. It's incredibly difficult and time consuming and probably not all that worth it when there's so much to be done.
This is what I mean when I say the site is virtually unplayable. This is the kind of shit that we have to do to make the site work. You basically cannot play unless you are accessing fan sites and communities to find resources that can offer fixes to everything that is broken. There are legitimately pages of this website that have not been updated since 1999. Until like two years ago you still could not say "gay" on the forums because the chat filter caught it. And do you know why?? Staff literally did not know where the chat filter was stored in the backend. They could not find it. The site traded hands and staff so much that no one remained who knew where it was.
There is LITERALLY a guy who found backend access several years ago and can, whenever he wants, get into the server and look at everything. HE could have stolen those passwords (which the other hacker was selling for $10,000!!) At any time he wanted. Instead he just made an anonymous reddit account where he would post info about how the fucking site works and why things are broken and "yeah they lied about fixing this its still broken" or "yeah actually they secretly shadowbanned a bunch of people from submitting scores to the big yearly event next year if you dm me I can tell you if you're on the list"
This. THIS is what staff is dealing with. THIS is the absolute shit storm they need to tackle if they want this site to work. The way pets are stored, the way accounts work, all of those things cannot be changed without causing severe issues conflicting with users accounts, pets, items, and all of that was originally coded in 1998/1999 and it cannot be changed. It cannot be modernized. They need to find ways to integrate old code that cannot be changed into a site coded for a modern internet. That is beyond the scope of normal site building.
All that is to say... I'm hesitant to believe things will improve, not because I don't think staff wants to, not because I don't think they have the drive and the passion to throw everything they have at it. Just because... Jesus dude I don't know if they actually have the resources to fix this mess at all.
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Progress Report #3
It's been a little over two weeks since my last update, and I’m glad to say that I got my first build of Sneaker finished!  This build shows off the basic gameplay.  I posted it on itch.io – here’s the link if you want to check it out: https://aliyah-burruso.itch.io/capstone-sneaker-first-build.
Needless to say, I managed to fix most of the issues with the game I mentioned in the last update.  The first was making Sasha shoot after she finished moving rather than at the same time.  The thing that helped was states, which is basically code that gives Sasha different behavior in different scenarios (Ex. moving towards a coordinate point, not moving at all, getting hit).  I’m glad I learned this; not only does the game work more like how I want it to, but this could also help me in future projects.
Another issue I fixed was the respawn bug (where Sasha wouldn’t go back to her previous position after getting hit).  In my previous post, I said it had something to do with the collision boxes.  However, I figured out that the real cause was me not setting up the alarm that was supposed to send Sasha back right!  Now that I fixed this, I can keep my original animation idea.
Of course, I still ran into some issues these past two weeks, mainly with exporting the game.  The first time I tried to export it, I kept getting an error message saying that the “Developer ID” couldn’t be found.  After looking it up, I learned that I cannot create executables for macOS without getting a Developer ID… which requires a $99 fee.  This made me panic… until I realized that what I really wanted to do was to make an executable for HTML5.  Fortunately, I don’t need a Developer ID for that, so I was able to export it.
…Then I learned that the game resolution was too big.  I learned this after I posted it on itch.io.  This meant that I had to resize the entire game and fix the code that told Sasha where to go and aim.  Funnily enough, I managed to fix the code by a complete fluke (I was just messing around with the numbers and found the right one by accident).  I’m not upset at this, though, since it meant that the game was now playable on a browser.
To be honest, I added more to the first build than I expected.  This includes:
The title screen
The backstory
A tutorial (after I let my mom try out the game and she was completely stumped)
Once again, I’m all right with this because I don’t have to do it later. 
On a side note, I may have to push the playtesting with students back.  I contacted a person at a school who could help me get some students.  She wanted me to send it to her first so that she (and the teachers) could test it out for themselves.  I sent her the game, but I am still waiting to hear her response.
Moving on to the redesigns, I’ve been working on an alternate design for Sasha.  Right now, I only have a B&W version, but I’m thinking that I may make her skin darker.  My reasoning is that I want to make her hair and clothing lighter to stand out against the grid more; if I keep her skin light, there will be no contrast in her design.  Other than that, I decided to give Sasha curly hair.  I based it off of my hair when it’s let down.  I tried to retain the “wing” aspect while also making it more unique.  I’ve also been experimenting with a pineapple hairstyle. I can’t seem to get it right, though, so I may not use it in the end.
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Besides that, I decided to completely revamp the design for Giga (the program Sasha uses to take down servers).  My original idea was for it to be a rifle.  However, I was always uncomfortable making a game for preteens/early teens about using a gun.  My initial solution was to try to make the rifle super stylized, but at this point, I think the safer option is to just throw out the rifle idea.  Instead, I’ve developed two alternatives.  One is a “wrist gun” (where Giga is attached to Sasha’s wrist like a watch) while the other is a “power glove.”  I’m thinking that I may go for the wrist gun idea; I tried sketching out the power glove, but it looked sort of silly (I unfortunately erased it…).  On a side note, I’m also considering changing Sasha’s clothes.  You can see one idea I have in the wrist gun sketch.
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That’s all I have for this update.  In the coming weeks, I’ll continue revamping all the designs (including the color schemes... I said I'd get them done in time for this update, didn't I?).  I’ll also start on creating the final sprites for the game and adding them to the next build.  Depending on when I get feedback, I may also fix up the gameplay.  Let’s just see how things go…   
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cinnamonwolfy · 11 months
modern gui development...
this is a bit of an opinion post, so please keep that in mind :3
so, i logged back into twitter to see what i had missed (i don't post anything there anymore, and the times i do, it's just to link my tumblr x3), and i saw that the epic games launcher was an unreal engine application... the fact that somebody thought that was a good idea scares me, especially since electron is right there.
anyways, it got me thinking about how unnecessarily bloated and inefficient all of these cross-platform, non-native solutions were. chromium embedded framework is just chromium, but now there's no tabs. electron is just cef, but it's now bundled with a node.js runtime. these are all full copies of chromium modified to not let you use tabs, the core of them remains unmodified. this means that a bunch of rendering cruft is left behind, making them have to do unnecessary checks in the parser and renderer (nobody uses the marquee tag anymore, especially professionally made applications, and yet there's still support for it in chrome).
there's a lot of legacy cruft which is necessary for a browser, but not for a native application. these repackaged web apps were already inefficient since they were basically being put through a gigantic interpreter, but the interpreter itself is also very inefficient, which ends up in apps absolutely choking on older devices ("just upgrade", try telling that to the 14-year-old in a poor neighborhood in colombia that wants to run discord so that he can learn how to write mods for his pirated copy of gta san andreas that runs on a secondhand core 2 duo laptop he got from his parents after they upgraded to a first gen core i3 laptop. yes, i know this person irl, they're one of my cousins).
while i personally believe that you should do your best to make native applications instead of these webapp repackages, i understand why they're done (to put it short: capitalism). i just think that these projects should put more effort into making them less resource intensive. the rendering engine should be paired down to only support html5, v8 should be replaced with ruby and all javascript should be transpiled into ruby (javascript is not a good language for any of this anyway).
i consider this more of a temporary fix rather than the actual solution. the actual solution would be to make a good gui toolkit that is cross-platform, but also manages to look good and doesn't make it so that your computer has a heart attack every single time you run any application that uses it. however, that is very difficult, especially when windows is involved (win32 murders any and all codebases that touch it). while i plan to fix the issues the linux gui space has with pltk, pltk will never get an officially supported release to windows, so it won't ever truly be cross-platform.
this one was quite the long post, but i mean, that's kinda what tumblr is for x3
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meentosys · 2 years
Creative Website Designing And Development Company In Delhi, India Building Brands & Partnerships
What We Stand For
Meentosys Private Limited, founded in 2016, is one of the fastest growing IT companies in Delhi (India). Through innovative design and a relentless focus on the best user experience, we challenge old ways of doing things and assist others in embracing new technology.
We believe that where people, business, and technology meet, new value can be created. As we all know, digital technology has increased transparency and interconnectedness in our world, posing new challenges and opportunities for every business. We assist our clients in capturing that value through the creation of meaningful experiences, products, and services.
Best Web Design And Development Company In Delhi, India
Our Skill Sets
We Provide A Wide Variety Of High-Quality Products.
Graphic User Interface (Gui), Website Design, Homepage Design, Landing Page Design, Website Redesign, Logo, Banner, Business Card Design, Pamphlet Design, Flex Design, Brochure Design, Letterhead Design, Envelope Design, Stickers & Packaging Design, Cd Cover Design, And Many More.
Web Development: -Custom PHP, MYSQL, Framework (CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Laravel,ZEND, Open Cart), CMS (WordPress, JOOMLA, DRUPAL, MAGENTO), CRM, .Net framework, SQL Server, Android, IOS Development,HTML5, CSS3, BOOTSTRAP, LESS, SASS, JAVASCRIPT / JQUERY, AJAX, PSD to HTML, CSS & PSD to WordPress.
Mobile Application Development, Game Development, Software / Desktop development, ERP / CRM Solution, Windows Application, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Optimization (SMO), Social Media Marketing (SMM) ,Social Networking / Dating Website, Business website, News Portal, Job Portal, Real Estate website, Office developing, E-commerce Web development, Web Marketing and Multimedia solutions etc.
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Our Experience
We guarantee nothing less than excellent for both new and existing clients because we believe in long-term relationships. Our team has been specially trained to engage with their target audience in the most effective way possible, using simple, conversational language that is prevalent on the internet and social media today.
We have completed successful projects for clients in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Italy, and Malaysia. Many other countries include the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Brazil, Norway, and New Zealand. As we strive for excellence, efficiency, and affordability, we have satisfied all of our previous clients.
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modobomcompany · 4 days
Modobom - Leading Technology Solutions & Digital Marketing Agency
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Modobom, founded on August 23, 2018, has its headquarters in Hanoi and branches in Ho Chi Minh City, Singapore, and Japan. Modobom's mission is to provide high-quality technology solutions and online marketing services, helping clients optimize business processes and expand their market reach. With a vision to become a leading company in software outsourcing and online marketing in Southeast Asia and globally, Modobom is committed to delivering exceptional products and services. Our core values include quality, innovation, responsibility, collaboration, and human development. Key services include software outsourcing, chatbot development, digital marketing, and the VNISocial ecosystem supporting foreigners in Vietnam. Additionally, Modobom manages platforms for sharing and reviewing Android apps, websites for HTML5 games, Minecraft, Fortnite, and tech news.
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codesandprogramms · 11 days
What Can be Built Using Javascript?
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As we all know, JavaScript is a versatile and a powerful programming language that has become an essential tool among the global developers community. If you are considering hiring JavaScript developers and wondering about their extent of contribution, it’s vast.
They can help in the development of almost everything for your business from dynamic web applications to server-side solutions with a wide range of possibilities. In this article, let’s look at the various JavaScript applications and why hiring these professionals can be fruitful for your project.
Why Developers Use JavaScript
JavaScript is favorite among the developers for several reasons. It is a versatile language supporting the development of client-side as well as server-side applications. This makes JavaScript a valuable asset in the development of interactive web pages and applications that run smoothly across distinct devices and browsers.
JavaScript also has a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks that help streamline the development process and enhance its functionality. It’s flexibility and extensive support make JavaScript a go-to language for the developers.
The several applications of JavaScript includes:
Web development
Web developers frequently utilize JavaScript to build responsive and dynamic web pages. JavaScript greatly enhances user experience through the implementation of intricate animations or the improvement of user interfaces and is largely used by the global giants like Facebook and Google for their dynamic features and content.
Server-side development
Node.js, a runtime environment for JavaScript, enables developers to use JavaScript for server-side scripting. This means you can hire a JavaScript developer to handle backend tasks, including database management and API integrations, making it a full-stack development language.
Mobile app development
JavaScript enables developers to create cross-platform mobile applications with frameworks like React Native. This implies that you can reduce the development time and expenses by hiring a JavaScript developer to design apps that function flawlessly on both iOS and Android devices.
Game development
Games that run on browsers are also made with JavaScript and HTML5. Developers can create and implement game mechanics and graphics more easily with the help of libraries like Phaser, which opens up new possibilities for entertaining and instructional apps.
If you are looking for help to hire JavaScript developers, Uplers can be your one-stop talent partner. With a network of 1M+ professionals from across 5+ time zones, Uplers can connect you with the top 3.5% of AI-vetted remote talent. You can save up to 40% on hiring costs with hassle-free remote recruitment. 
Additionally, Uplers offers a Uplers salary analysis tool that helps you compare the salary of a local hire to that of an Indian remote talent. This comparison will help you to craft an equitable and competitive average salary for JavaScript developers.
Closing Thoughts
You must have a well-versed knowledge of the wide range of applications of JavaScript when you hire JavaScript developers. Its versatility and widespread use make it a critical component for modern software development.
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brookewalkerblog · 1 month
Benefits of Progressive Web Apps for Small Businesses
In today's digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance their online presence and provide seamless experiences to their customers. One such solution that has gained significant traction in recent years is Progressive Web Apps (PWAs).
PWA Development services offer a unique approach to mobile app development, combining the best of web and native app technologies. By leveraging PWAs, businesses can unlock new opportunities for growth, engagement, and customer satisfaction.
Understanding Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
PWAs are web applications that leverage modern web technologies to deliver a native app-like experience to users. They are designed to work across multiple platforms, including desktop and mobile devices, providing a consistent and responsive user interface. Unlike traditional mobile apps, PWAs do not require installation from app stores and can be accessed directly through a web browser.
Benefits of Embracing PWA Development Services
Improved User Experience
One of the primary advantages of PWAs is their ability to provide a seamless and immersive user experience. PWA Development services enable developers to create applications that feel and behave like native apps, with features such as offline functionality, push notifications, and full-screen mode. This ensures that users can enjoy a smooth and engaging experience, regardless of their device or network conditions.
Enhanced Performance and Speed
PWAs are designed to load quickly and provide fast response times, even on low-end devices or unreliable network connections. By leveraging techniques like service workers and caching, PWAs can significantly reduce load times and improve overall performance, resulting in a better user experience and increased engagement.
Cost-Effective Solution
Compared to traditional Mobile App Development services, PWAs offer a cost-effective solution for businesses. By eliminating the need for separate codebases for different platforms, PWA Development services allow developers to create a single codebase that works across multiple devices and platforms. This streamlined approach reduces development costs and maintenance efforts, making it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes.
Increased Discoverability and Engagement
PWAs can be easily discovered through search engines and shared via URLs, making them more accessible to potential users. Additionally, PWAs can send push notifications, even when the app is not running, enabling businesses to engage with their audience and drive repeat visits.
Seamless Integration with Front-End Development Services
PWA Development services seamlessly integrate with Front-End Development Services to create visually stunning and highly interactive user interfaces. Front-End developers can leverage modern web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript frameworks like React or Angular to build responsive and engaging PWAs that adapt to different screen sizes and device capabilities.
Robust Back-End Support with Back-End Development Services
While PWAs excel in providing an exceptional front-end experience, they require robust Back-End Development Services to handle server-side operations, data processing, and integration with other systems. Back-End developers can leverage various technologies and frameworks, such as Node.js, Python, or PHP, to build scalable and secure back-end architectures that support PWA functionality.
Embracing the Future with PWA Development Services
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, PWAs are poised to become a game-changer in the mobile app development industry. By offering a seamless user experience, improved performance, and cost-effective development, PWA Development services empower businesses to stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional value to their customers.
Choosing the Right Partner for PWA Development Services
To fully unlock the potential of PWAs, it is crucial to partner with an experienced and skilled PWA Development services provider. Look for a team that has a deep understanding of modern web technologies, user experience design principles, and the latest industry best practices. Additionally, ensure that the provider has a proven track record of delivering successful PWA projects across various industries and sectors.
Embrace the Future with Front-End and Back-End Development Services
As businesses continue to prioritize digital transformation, the demand for Front-End and Back-End Development Services will continue to rise. By combining PWA Development services with robust Front-End and Back-End Development Services, businesses can create powerful and engaging applications that deliver exceptional user experiences while ensuring scalability, security, and seamless integration with existing systems.
The Road Ahead: Unlocking Growth with PWA Development Services
PWAs represent a paradigm shift in mobile app development, offering businesses a unique opportunity to stay ahead of the competition and deliver unparalleled experiences to their customers. By embracing PWA Development services, businesses can unlock new avenues for growth, engage with their audience more effectively, and future-proof their digital strategies.
PWA Development services provide businesses with a solution to enhance their online presence and deliver exceptional value to users. By combining web and native app technologies, businesses can engage with customers across multiple platforms. Partnering with experienced providers can unlock the full potential of PWAs and stay competitive in the digital landscape.
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source-code-lab · 1 month
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christopher7707 · 2 months
Unlocking the Hidden Secrets of Casino Game Development: A Comprehensive Guide
Small brief about the casino gaming industry:
The cryptocurrency casino sector is experiencing rapid growth, with Funarcade prominently contributing to this surge. Fun Arcade stands out as a community-centric platform, where players are rewarded during their gameplay of preferred casino games. Operating within an immersive and captivating environment, Funarcade presents numerous benefits to both players and operators involved in its ecosystem. In the crypto casino gaming industry, there are still instances of unfair practices as the game can be rigged and conducted unfairly. To prevent unfairness, Fun Arcade has implemented Provably Fair technology on its platform. In conventional gambling or gaming environments, players must rely on the integrity of the operator or platform to ensure fair play and unbiased results. Yet, provably fair systems offer transparency and verification, giving players assurance that game outcomes are truly random and impartial.
Future scope of Casino game development:
The future outlook for casino game development holds promise for entrepreneurs, with technological advancements such as virtual reality and augmented reality poised to revolutionize gaming experiences. These innovations will deepen user engagement by providing immersive gameplay. Additionally, the integration of artificial intelligence will enable personalized gaming experiences tailored to individual player preferences. As the industry progresses, there will be a growing emphasis on creating sustainable and environmentally friendly gaming solutions. Blockchain technology is also expected to have a significant impact, offering transparent and secure gaming environments. In 2024, entrepreneurs should anticipate and collaborate with innovative game development companies to stay ahead in this dynamic field. With the increasing development of esports, keeping pace with the rapidly evolving world of casino game development has become a competitive necessity. The future of the industry holds limitless potential, driven by technology and marked by transformative advancements in gaming. 
Casino gaming importance in entrepreneurs lifestyle:
For entrepreneurs and startups, who are venturing into the realm of casino game development, the choice of a suitable partner holds utmost importance. The highlighted leading topmost game development firms epitomize good excellence, unique innovation, creativity, and dependability as of 2024 and upcoming years in future days as well. Opting for a partner from among these companies specializing in casino game development guarantees access to state-of-the-art technology, transparent procedures, and a track record of successful ventures. In the ever-evolving gaming industry, these firms shine as authorities in their field. Entrepreneurs must acknowledge the pivotal role played by game development companies in navigating the competitive landscape of casino game development. Selecting the perfect collaborator from these esteemed firms promises a journey characterized by innovation, excellence, and strategic advancement. The leading topmost casino game app development company offers you the best casino game development solutions as providing state-of-the-art gaming experiences tailored to meet the evolving needs of casino gambling players in this ever-changing and competitive environment.
Does Casino games really programmed?
Yes, of course, Casino games are programmed well. Very skilled developers from Breedcoins a casino game development company use programming languages like C++, Java, or HTML5. Programming is essential for creating the logic, features, and functionality in casino games, then ensuring smooth top-notch features, and also engaging better gaming app user experience.
Explore Now:
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flutterdevs · 2 months
10 Key Skills to Look for When Hiring Angular Developers
In the digital age, where web development is thriving, finding the right Angular developers for your projects can be a game-changer. Angular, a JavaScript framework maintained by Google, is widely used for building dynamic single-page applications. 
However, with the increasing demand for Angular development, the task of hiring skilled developers has become more challenging than ever. To ensure that you hire the best talent for your Angular projects, it's crucial to look for certain key skills. Here are 10 essential skills to consider when looking to hire Angular developers:
1. Proficiency in Angular Framework: 
The foremost skill to look for in a potential hire is a deep understanding and proficiency in the Angular framework. Candidates should be well-versed in Angular concepts such as components, directives, services, modules, and dependency injection. Assess their knowledge through practical exercises or coding challenges related to Angular.
2. Strong JavaScript/TypeScript Skills:
Since Angular is built on JavaScript (and optionally TypeScript), strong proficiency in these languages is a must. Look for developers who have a solid grasp of JavaScript fundamentals, including ES6 features, as well as TypeScript concepts like interfaces, decorators, and generics.
3. Experience with HTML and CSS:
Alongside JavaScript, HTML, and CSS form the backbone of web development. Ensure that the Angular developers you hire have a good understanding of HTML5 and CSS3, including knowledge of responsive design principles and CSS pre-processors like SASS or LESS.
4. Understanding of Reactive Programming:
Angular leverages reactive programming paradigms, particularly with RxJS for handling asynchronous operations. Look for developers who are familiar with reactive programming concepts such as observables, operators, and subscriptions, as they are crucial for building responsive and scalable Angular applications.
5. Knowledge of Angular CLI and Build Tools:
Proficiency in Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is essential for streamlining Angular development workflows. Additionally, familiarity with build tools like Webpack or Angular's built-in ng build system is advantageous for optimizing application performance and deployment processes.
6. Experience with RESTful APIs and HTTP Interactions:
Angular applications often interact with backend services via RESTful APIs. Ensure that candidates have experience in consuming APIs, handling HTTP requests and responses, and implementing services to manage data retrieval and manipulation within Angular applications.
7. Testing Skills (Unit and End-to-End):
Quality assurance is integral to any software development process. Look for Angular developers who are adept at writing unit tests using tools like Jasmine or Karma, as well as end-to-end tests with Protractor or Cypress. Strong testing skills indicate a commitment to delivering robust and bug-free code.
8. Knowledge of State Management (e.g., NgRx):
As Angular applications grow in complexity, managing application state becomes increasingly important. Candidates with experience in state management solutions like NgRx (for implementing Redux patterns in Angular) demonstrate an understanding of scalable and maintainable application architectures.
9. Cross-Browser Compatibility and Performance Optimization:
An experienced Angular developer should be mindful of cross-browser compatibility issues and adept at optimizing application performance. Look for candidates who understand browser quirks and best practices for improving rendering speed, minimizing resource usage, and enhancing overall user experience.
10. Problem-Solving and Communication Skills:
Beyond technical expertise, soft skills are equally important when hiring Angular developers. Seek candidates who possess strong problem-solving abilities, as they will inevitably encounter challenges during development. Additionally, effective communication skills are essential for collaborating within teams, articulating ideas, and understanding project requirements.
In conclusion, when looking to Hire Angular Developers, it's imperative to assess a candidate's technical proficiency, problem-solving capabilities, and communication skills. 
By prioritizing these key skills during the hiring process, you can ensure that you onboard developers who are not only proficient in Angular development but also capable of contributing effectively to your projects. 
Remember to conduct thorough interviews, review code samples, and consider practical assessments to evaluate candidates comprehensively. With the right team of Angular developers in place, you can propel your web development initiatives to new heights of success.
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softwareapp · 6 months
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"Unleash the Power of Web Development: Finding the Perfect Partner in India"
“The Essential Services Every Web Development Company Should Provide”
Custom web design: Your website should be a reflection of your business goals and values. A top-notch web development company will create a website that is user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and easy to update.
Quality assurance and testing: Say goodbye to bugs and errors! A reliable web development company will ensure that your website is flawless and functions perfectly.
Cutting-edge technologies: Stay ahead of the game with HTML5, CSS3, PHP, and more. These technologies will give your website a fresh and innovative appeal.
Search engine optimization: Boost your web traffic and get noticed! A reputable web development company will optimize your website to rank higher on search engines.
Ongoing support and maintenance: Don’t worry about technical glitches. Your chosen company should provide reliable customer support to resolve any issues that may arise.
“Unveiling the Secrets to Finding the Perfect Web Development Partner”
Research and assess: Dig deep into the background and experience of web development companies. Look at their portfolio and read reviews from past clients.
Discuss your requirements: Ensure that the company understands your business goals and objectives. Clear communication is key to a successful partnership.
Proposal and costs: Get everything in writing. Ask for a detailed proposal outlining services, costs, and timelines. Make sure there are no hidden surprises.
Ongoing support: A great web development partner doesn’t disappear after launching your website. Confirm that they offer ongoing support and maintenance services.
Ownership of source code: Protect your investment. Clarify who owns the source code once the project is complete.
“Unleash the Power of Web Development: Your Questions Answered”
Process and technologies: Understand the methods and technologies used by web development companies. This knowledge will help you make an informed decision.
Industry experience: Ask about their experience in developing websites for businesses in your industry. A tailored website is the key to success.
Services for business growth: Find out how the company can help your business thrive online. Look for comprehensive web development services catered to your needs.
Cost considerations: Budget is important. Discuss and understand the cost of web development services before making a final decision.
“The Perfect Web Development Partner: Your Path to Success”
Define your requirements: Clearly outline what you need and compare quotes from different companies
Design samples and references: Request design samples and talk to past clients. Compare their concepts and settle on a design that matches your vision.
Be involved: Stay engaged throughout the process. Communicate your requirements with the development team at every stage of web development.
With AppYard, a top web design company in India, by your side, your web development dreams can become a reality. Their creative and innovative solutions will help your business establish a strong online presence. Don’t wait any longer — unleash the power of web development and take your business to new heights!
Contact AppYard Technologies today and take your business to new heights.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/appyardofficial/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/appyard/
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kapiljetawat · 8 months
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Unlock unparalleled gaming experiences with top-tier HTML5 game development companies. Elevate your digital entertainment with innovative solutions, seamless interfaces, and cutting-edge HTML5 technology.
1. Whimsy Games 2. Logic Simplified 3. Synarion IT Solutions 4. Creatiosoft 5. Juego Studios 6. Gamix Labs 7. The NineHertz 8. Redwerk 9. AIMDek 10. Kotibox Global Technologies
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techfygeeks · 9 months
Explain HTML5 Web storage
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In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, HTML5 introduced a game-changing feature known as web storage. This feature allows web developers to store data on the client-side, offering a more efficient and flexible alternative to traditional cookies. In this blog, we'll explore HTML5 web storage, its two key components (localStorage and sessionStorage), and how it empowers developers to enhance the user experience.
HTML5 Web Storage: An Overview
HTML5 web storage provides a mechanism for web applications to store data locally in a user's browser. Unlike cookies, which have limited storage capacity and are sent with every HTTP request, web storage offers a more robust solution. It allows developers to store data directly in the user's browser, reducing the amount of data sent to the server and improving overall performance.
LocalStorage vs. SessionStorage
HTML5 web storage consists of two main components: localStorage and sessionStorage. Let's delve into the differences between these two storage options:
Persistence: Data stored in localStorage remains available even after the user closes the browser or navigates away from the website. It persists across browser sessions and is not tied to a specific tab or window.
Capacity: Typically, localStorage offers a larger storage capacity compared to sessionStorage, which can vary from 5-10 MB depending on the browser.
Use Cases: localStorage is well-suited for storing long-term data such as user preferences, cached data, or application settings that need to be retained between sessions.
Session-Based: Data stored in sessionStorage is only available for the duration of the page session. When the user closes the tab or window, the data is cleared.
Isolation: Each tab or window has its own isolated sessionStorage, ensuring that data stored in one tab is not accessible by another. This can be advantageous for implementing security or isolation between browser tabs.
Use Cases: sessionStorage is useful for temporary data storage, such as maintaining form data across multiple pages during a single session or managing data that should not persist beyond the current browsing session.
Benefits of HTML5 Web Storage:
Improved Performance: By storing data locally, web storage reduces the need to transmit data to the server with each request, resulting in faster page load times and a more responsive user experience.
Increased Storage Capacity: HTML5 web storage offers more storage space compared to traditional cookies, enabling developers to store larger datasets.
Simplified Data Management: Web storage simplifies data management on the client-side, making it easier to work with user preferences, settings, and cached data.
Enhanced Security: Data stored in web storage is not sent to the server, reducing the risk of exposing sensitive information to potential threats.
No Expiry: Unlike cookies, data in web storage does not have an expiration date, ensuring that stored information remains accessible until explicitly removed by the application or the user.
Best Practices and Considerations:
Be mindful of the data you store in web storage, as it is accessible to JavaScript on the client-side.
Implement data validation and security measures to prevent data corruption or unauthorized access.
Regularly clean up and remove outdated or unnecessary data to avoid storage clutter.
HTML5 web storage has opened up exciting possibilities for web developers, transforming the way data is managed and enhancing user experiences. This client-side data storage solution, with its localStorage and sessionStorage components, provides a more efficient and scalable alternative to traditional cookies.
To harness the full potential of HTML5 web storage and integrate it effectively into your web development projects, consider enrolling in an online web development course. These courses offer structured learning experiences, hands-on practice, and expert guidance in utilizing web storage and other cutting-edge technologies. By embarking on an web development course, you not only gain proficiency in web storage but also acquire a broader skill set to create responsive and user-friendly web applications. Embrace this opportunity to stay at the forefront of web development through an online web development course, and elevate your capabilities in this ever-evolving field.
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tccicomputercoaching · 9 months
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Most of his web pages on this website are developed in HTML. One of the most common uses of CSS is website maintenance. Cascading style sheets play an important role in the team's website maintenance, making the entire process faster and easier.
When it comes to easy accessibility, cascading style sheets provide a unique solution that allows seamless delivery of web pages tailored to be viewed on a variety of devices and browsers.
Websites managed with CSS files are more responsive and flexible, and improve overall performance and appearance. More code makes your page load slower. CSS enables developers to develop their web with less code by using one CSS rule that can be applied to all occurrences within an HTML document.
CSS optimizes the placement and editing of Flash elements on your website. Built-in Flash files, style sheets, and CSS frameworks allow developers to easily create animations, movies, and update effects on web pages. Various JavaScript frameworks are used to develop and create robust web applications.
In applications like Google Maps, when users want to explore a map, they simply click and drag the mouse to get a detailed view. It is powered by JavaScript that interacts with the browser without communicating with the server. One of JavaScript`s most powerful uses is building apps for non-web contexts.
Different JavaScript frameworks are used to develop and create powerful web applications. JavaScript is also used to write server-side software through the open source Node.js runtime environment. Developers can write, test, and debug code for fast and scalable network applications. JavaScript helps create content and handle HTTP requests.
About things that aren't on the internet. With mobile device usage at an all-time high, JavaScript frameworks have been developed to facilitate the development of mobile apps on various platforms such as iOS, Android, and Windows. Creating games on the web is also an important use of JavaScript.
The combination of JavaScript and HTML5 plays a vital role in game development using JS, where HTML5 provides smooth access to the web without any additional plugins like Flash.
Web development is the creation and maintenance of websites. Covers various aspects of web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management. This includes creating applications or websites that run on the Internet.
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phonegap · 9 months
6 Reasons to Use PhoneGap
PhoneGap, an open-source framework, empowers developers to create cross-platform mobile applications seamlessly using familiar technologies like HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS. This article dives into the merits of PhoneGap and its role in simplifying the complex world of mobile app development.
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Streamlined Development
Creating apps with PhoneGap doesn't necessitate learning new programming languages. It leverages standard technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and JS, allowing you to tap into the skills of your existing team members. Say goodbye to lengthy training periods.
Development for Multiple Devices
PhoneGap's strength lies in its compatibility with various devices. Often, JavaScript APIs remain consistent across different platforms, reducing development time. However, keep in mind that third-party plugins for specific features may not be universally available.
Focus on Functionality
Developers can seamlessly integrate with the latest native SDKs without having to chase individual platform updates. This enables them to channel their efforts into refining app functionality, saving valuable time. The PhoneGap Build feature allows you to submit your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to the cloud, receiving a ready-to-deploy app.
Enhanced Collaboration
PhoneGap promotes collaboration by allowing team members to harness their individual strengths. The development environment ensures optimal utilization, culminating in a cohesive and efficient final solution.
Swift Deployment
PhoneGap accelerates the deployment of your app to end-users. Leveraging existing skills and readily available SDKs, mobile app developers can achieve their goals in record time. The PhoneGap Emulator further facilitates testing and debugging.
Effortless Sharing
PhoneGap Build simplifies app sharing. You can swiftly share your app by sending a direct link to friends and family, enabling them to download it directly to their mobile devices without the need for a computer.
PhoneGap is more than a framework; it's a game-changer in the mobile app development arena. Its user-friendly approach, compatibility with multiple devices, and emphasis on collaboration empower developers to create exceptional cross-platform apps efficiently. Embrace PhoneGap and embark on a journey of innovation in mobile app development.
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