#httyd x reader seeping
midnight-xx · 2 months
hello can you do a hiccup x reader one where reader has a whole night fury army with her in httyd 2 or 3 🥰
Ofc I can!! 🫶🫶 I love writing for Hiccup
Pairing: Hiccup x Fem!reader
Timeline: HTTYD 3, the fight against Grimmel
Synopsis: You save the day with the help of your personal “army”
TW: Blood + injuries, mentions of weapons
Also (Name) doesn’t show up until a little bit later
Hiccup backed up against the wall of the ship, clutching his abdomen. He groaned in pain as he applied pressure to the wound, blood seeping through his armor.
“It seems like you’ve lost, Hiccup. Give the night fury up to me,” Grimmel commanded.
“I’d rather die,” Hiccup spat.
Grimmel hummed dismissively. “Then you will die.” He raised his weapon above his head, and the smaller man turned away and shut his eyes.
The clang of a sword and no impact influenced Hiccup to open his eyes. Snotlout stood in front of him, along with Tuffnut. The pair shoved him away from the barely awake young man.
“Stay with me, man,” Tuffnut rasped.
“Yeah dude, don’t die on us!” Snotlout added as he faced down with Grimmel.
“I’ll be fine, Tuffnut. Go help Snotlout,” Hiccup said. He attempted to stand up, but curled into himself as he coughed uo blood.
“Dude, you’re not okay,” Tuffnut asserted. He called for someone else as he begged Hiccup to open his eyes.
Hiccup’s last coherent thought was I never got to ask her to…
A deafening screech echoed on the water, and Grimmel looked up from his battle with Snotlout, only to shrink back as the late evening sky became dotted with Night Furies. However, the one that stood out was the girl on the Night Fury in front of the army.
(Name) signaled with her hand, bringing it down in a chopping motion. Plasma blasts flew like comets towards the fleet of ships. Panicked screams overlapped one another as fire spread across the ships.
“Hiccup!” (Name) screamed as she clambered off of her dragon and ran towards the aforementioned man.
“Wake up!” She slapped him, and the brunette woke up with a start.
“Agh- huh?” Hiccup groaned, using what little remaining energy he had to rub his cheek.
“You scared me! I thought you died!” (Name) shook the man as he spoke, and he became dizzy from blood loss and the rapid motions.
“S…stop” The brunette coughed.
“Sorry, Hiccup” You apologized.
“Let’s get you home,” The woman hoisted the chieftain into her arms and draped him across her dragon’s back.
ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ʙʏ ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ
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wxnderlustfandoms · 2 years
first flight [azriel x reader]
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[not my gif]
pairing: (acotar) azriel x reader
description: azriel is the one who carries you when you and part of the inner circle need to fly somewhere, as you are the only on without wings, but things can never go as planned with you and your friends
inspired by test drive from httyd
word count: 2287
warnings: near death experiences, vulgar gestures obvi
“You ready to go?” Rhys asked you, a knowing grin at the fear in your eyes, threatening to seep into every pore of your body. Feyre had told you that flying was a fantastic experience and how she relishes that she’s able to grow her own wings to enjoy the skies whenever she wants, and you understood what she meant, if only slightly. After going into the cauldron, you found that you had shapeshifting abilities, and after hearing that Feyre had started growing her own wings and training to be able to fly, you began to do the same in private. None of the Inner Circle knew of your abilities, and you wanted to keep it that way. In some ways, you felt as though it made everyone feel better. In their minds, if being made only meant that you were Fae now, and no other alterations happened to you, the experience in the Cauldron must not have been as traumatizing for you. 
However, you had powers, though you had not explored them enough to uncover the extent to them. Prytherian was about to be in the middle of a war, and the last thing you wanted was to distract your friends and sisters as they did what they could to prepare for the fights to come. 
The wings you had grown had not been like the Ilryian friends you have come to love since being made. Instead, they were feathered and reminded you of the birds that sang to you every morning back home. Maybe that's where the inspiration drew from when you first accidentally sprouted the wings, but you knew that there was a race of Fae with bird-like wings, so it wasn’t bizarre that it was possible. After first growing the wings, you spent any free time you had escaping to an isolated part of Velaris and testing the wings. However, you had not gotten more than 10 feet off the ground. So your fear was rampant at the idea of soaring through the air in Azriel’s arms. Though you had gotten especially close with the shadowsinger, and you trusted him with your life you couldn’t help the anxiety that crawled through your veins.
“As I’ll ever be,” Your voice came out weak and caused the group of your friends in front of you to laugh. Feyre, Azriel, Rhysand, and Cassian stood all in front of you, their wings out. Because you were the only one of the party who couldn’t fly - at least to their knowledge - you were to be carried to the destination. 
Everyone except for Azriel took flight. He stepped towards you, and you tensed in case he decided to just grab you and take off. Instead, he put a hand on your shoulder, causing your shoulders to release a bit of tension. He looked into your eyes and with intense sincerity, spoke. 
“I will not drop you.”
“But what if I still manage to fall?” You asked. Though you obviously knew what he was going to say in response.
“Then I’ll catch you. You have my word,” He placed his hand that wasn’t on your shoulder on his chest, right over his heart. 
Your legs felt like jelly, and you couldn’t muster up the courage to say anything else, but you just nodded. You put both of your arms around his neck and he put his arms under your back and legs, picking you up effortlessly. In any other - preferably not life-threatening - scenario you would have blushed and marveled at the opportunity to be in his arms, but you felt incredibly pale, like the blood in your body had disappeared completely. 
Azriel double-checked that you were holding on tight before taking off as slowly as possible, which was still incredibly faster than any of your test takeoffs with your wings. You yelped and buried your face in his neck, tightening your death grip on his neck. Now you understand why Nesta puked her guts out when Rhys flew with her. This was terrifying. Azriel was torn between letting out a chuckle or fighting the blush that was creeping up onto his face. 
Even after Azriel leveled out, probably catching up with the rest of the group, you still couldn’t peel your face from the crook of his neck. 
“Having fun there, [Y/n]!?” Cassian teased, yelling over the wind that was now berating you, causing your hair to be tossed in a thousand different directions. 
“Aw, don’t tease her, she’s a first-time flier,” Rhys joined the torment, his tone one that you use to speak to children or small animals. 
If you had had the guts to part one of your hands from where it clung to Azriel, you would’ve sent them a vulgar gesture. Instead, you tried to maintain healthy breathing and focused on Azriel’s warm body caressing yours. Maybe you could pretend that you were somewhere else. Somewhere alone, somewhere where it was just the two of you sharing an intimate moment. However, as soon as you thought about that, Feyre started talking to you. So much for alone and intimate.
“[Y/n]! You’ve got to look at this. You’ll never be able to forget this view.”
You honestly wish you could. But your courage was nowhere to be found. You were sure you left it back at the spot you were standing at in Velaris just a few moments ago. 
But then Azriel’s thumb on your back moved a bit, soothing you and calming you down almost instantly. If only he knew the power he had over you. 
“Open your eyes, [Y/n]. Look,” Az said in a tone he saved for you. The way he almost purred your name made you want to do absolutely dirty things to the Ilryian. But for now, you settled for moving your head away from his neck just an inch and peering out at the view. You would have immediately shut your eyes and slammed your face back into his neck, had the view not been the most breathtaking thing you had ever seen in your life. There, below you was Velaris, the lights twinkling up at you as if to wave goodbye. And around you, the snowcapped mountains glistened in the sunset that now smiled over the Night Court. You must’ve accidentally dropped your jaw in awe because the teasing began anew within your friends. 
“Aww, she looks adorable. Look at her face!” Cassian played, banking closer to you and into your line of sight. 
You snapped your jaw shut and glared at the man flying next to you. 
Rhys opened his mouth to add to the jokes, but Azriel silenced him with one look. Az wanted this to be a good, memorable time for you. And his friends were doing more to scare you off of flying again than helping to comfort you. 
You began to admire the sights below you again, anxiety almost completely melting away from you.
“It’s beautiful,” You whispered, so close to Azriel’s ear that he would have shuddered if he knew that it wouldn’t scare you. 
He let his gaze flicker to you for a moment. The only thing he was admiring throughout this flight was you. Cassian was right when he said you looked adorable. The fear in your eyes was replaced by a spark he knew far too well when it came to the feeling of flight. “Yeah… beautiful,” He responded in the same tone you had used.
Your eyes moved to meet his. Your body suddenly found all of your blood and decided to have it rush straight up to your face. Your blush was apparently obvious because Az let a faint smirk ghost his face. 
The moment, however, did not last long. Rhys yelled at Feyre to fly off or winnow somewhere, and Cassian let out a warning cry to Azriel to get you out of here. 
Your eyes darted over to what was causing the commotion. A small group of faeries similar in description to what Feyre told you of the Attor flew towards you and your friends. You let out a gasp and your grip tightened on Az’s once more. His flight changed directions, obviously trying to get you away from the fight instead of engaging in it. But one of the faeries charged towards him, and the moment he took to turn around left the faerie a moment to catch up to him, reaching out a clawed hand and raking it along his back. 
“Az!” You cried out in concern. The shadowsinger just gritted his teeth and muttered that he was okay. You didn’t believe that for a second, but you had no way of helping him. In fact, you were probably a burden to him in this fight. The creature rounded around again prepared to strike. Az couldn’t move either of his hands to defend himself, especially with how the two of you were positioned in the sky. He would drop you if he moved either of his hands. Az moved to hopefully soften whatever blow was about to come upon him. The creature, however, changed course last minute, and instead of clawing either of you, it just slammed head-first into the two of you. The action made you both loosen your grip on each other. Everything after that seemed to happen in slow motion. His hands slipped from under you, and your hands had let go of his neck after the blow. You looked up at him as he inched farther and farther away. You were falling, you realized. 
He yelled your name with a tone so desperate and laced with fear you hadn’t known him capable of. He moved to fly down and catch up to you, but the creature occupied his attention. He couldn’t come to save you. 
You realized this fast enough that you were able to turn over and see where you were falling. Hard rock lay under you, and it was approaching much too fast for your liking. 
So this is how you die.
You almost closed your eyes in acceptance. But a part of you knew that this was not the end. There were things you still needed to do. People to fight for. People to love. Azriel’s face flashed in your head at the thought. You narrowed your eyes in determination and flexed every muscle in your body, summoning the one thing that can save you. 
Two feathered wings emerged from your back. They were tucked close to your body. You quickly folded them outwards, the wind immediately catching on them and moving your fall from a quick descent to a rocky glide. You had been so close to the ground that you had to quickly bank left and right to avoid hitting trees and large boulders, eventually setting your path upwards. As you soared up into the open sky, you finally understood what Feyre meant. You have never felt so free in your life. The air felt like a loving caress even as it whipped around you, the last sliver of sun shone on your face as you broke through the trees and into the sky. The ground grew more and more distant as you made your way back into the sky. You were so free. You had saved yourself from death, and nothing felt impossible anymore. 
You saw Azriel still engaged in a fight with the creature, and you quickened the flaps of your wings, hurling yourself at the creature. You unsheathed a small dagger that Feyre had given you after returning to the Night Court from spying on the Spring Court. Once you made contact with the creature, you sliced its back in one motion. It moved to retaliate and you sunk your dagger into its wing and dragged it downward, effectively ridding it of its ability to maintain altitude. It quickly started sinking toward to ground. 
Azriel stared in disbelief at you. His gaze flickered in between you and your wings. 
He pulled you in for a hug mid-flight, his strong arms squeezing you half to death, and then parted from you. 
You were about to explain the wings and the flying, but he cut you off by meeting your lips with his and a desperate kiss. You reciprocated it. It was dizzying and passionate and the culmination of months of unsaid feelings, but it was worth it. Your level altitude suddenly shook a bit as the adrenaline had worn off and the kiss had made you disoriented. He quickly caught you before you could sink anymore.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my promise,” He whispered in your ear, taking off to where you knew the others were waiting on the ground. 
“It’s okay. I needed the push,” You responded, exhaustion taking over. You had been working on the muscles needed for flight, but it was finally catching up to you how much you actually used them for your miracle moment,
“I did too,” He responded, and you knew what he was talking about. 
You’d worry about explaining your powers to everyone later. Right now, it was just you and him. You and…
You and him both abruptly met eyes, feeling the same thing at the same time. The pull. You both smiled the widest smiles you had in your life, before kissing once more. This one was full of a different kind of emotion. It was slower and showed how much longing you had had than the other. This was because you both knew you’d had an eternity to shower each other with more kisses and make up for lost time and words left unsaid. 
You flew off towards the first touch of twilight on the horizon with Azriel.
With your mate.
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sivyera · 2 years
Sleeping with HTTYD characters
ft. hiccup, tuffnut, eret, snotlout, astrid, ruffnut, grimmel
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⤷ Hiccup
Honeymoon hug - Hiccup wants to see your face while he's falling asleep and wake up to your face the next day. He also wants to have you in his arms because he feels like he's protecting you. He loves rubbing your back with his arm and with his other arm he loves playing with your hair. I can't even count how many times a night he kisses your forehead.
⤷ Eret
The spoon - Eret is a simple guy. He is dominant man so he loves to make you feel protect. What he loves the most in this position is that he can reach every part of you - your arm, your head, your leg, your belly and waist. But most of the time he rest his arm on your waist and slowly goes down to your belly.
⤷ Tuffnut
Sweetheart's cradle - Surprisingly, Tuff doesn't move much in his sleep.He really calms down before bed, which is the exact opposite of how he is during the day. He likes to have you close to him while he's rubbing your back. He likes kissing your nose whenever he have a chance. He doesn't snore but he talk in his sleep, mostly about you or Belch.
⤷ Snotlout
The pursuit - At the end of the, Snotlout wants to relax. He have a big ego but even he have his limits. And his father isn't one of the best. So at night when is just the two of you he gets really soft. Which leans towards you being the big spoon.He loves to have his legs entwined with yours. And he loves how warm you are.
⤷ Astrid
Shingles - Astrid is dominant so most of the time she hold you in her arms. You lay your head on her chest or in her neck while she wraps her arms around your waist. Sometimes when she is sure no one listens, she sing to you. Or she hums into your ear. Softly, so you can fall asleep peacefully.
⤷ Ruffnut
The crab - Ruff is a very messy sleeper. She fall asleep in your arms but she wakes up on the floor with all blankets while you are freezing on the bed. She always apologize after that, because it's always cold at Berk and even bigger at the night so.. She is drooling a lot in her sleep. She has been a sleepwalker several times, so nights with her are always an adventure.
⤷ Grimmel
Loosely tethered - Grimmel is loner which means he is not used to cuddle with someone or let someone sleep next to him. But he's getting used to it, slowly. So he leaves a small space between you two but he's always holding your hand. When you fall asleep he is watching you. Not in a creepy way, he just love seeing your face.
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