#httyd x reader sleep
telleroftime · 4 months
I'm having major Mer!Sun and Mer!Moon brainrot right now, so...
Imagine you're living a nice and peaceful life near the ocean, maybe even having a small part of an island to yourself with an old house looking out at the water. You help your community as best as you can. You help with the fishing trips. You help the little school that's in the centre of town. The general 'tiny fishing village in the middle of nowhere' stuff.
And then one night you happen to look out of your window and see a bright light in the sky. Falling and falling, until it crashes into the ocean with a loud enough noise that has the slumbering birds squawking in terror.
You run out, barefooted and in your pyjamas as the townspeople swarm around the coast. You join them there and squint as the bright light that illuminated the sky dims. It grows faint as it quickly disappears beneath the ocean's surface until the water returns to nothing but dark void. It's silent and everyone looks at one another, waiting for something, anything...
But nothing happens.
It's a nothing that drags on for the first few weeks, one day after the other of looking into the rippling waves and slowly forgetting anything ever happened. Time ticking at a snail's pace until military choppers start flying overhead and men in suits come to ask questions. Everyone has the same idea. Lie. Fib as best as you can. "What light?". "It must have been a shooting start". "Nothing happened".
It takes another few weeks after the military ease off and the ocean grows quiet once more when you actually spot them. Creatures swimming in the shallows of the bay by your house. They look almost alien with bright colourations, long limbs and aquatic tails. So close to being human yet looking nothing like one. Sea-monsters from old fairytales.
The yellow one tries to grab onto a fallen, overripe fruit whilst the other stares from beyond the shadows, red eyes prominent even in the day.
They're larger than you and yet you sneak closer, grabbing a better looking fruit and rolling it towards the creature. It finches then looks past the fruit and straight at you.
You're not sure how to act. Though uncanny they still resemble a humanoid, so surely you could try... talking? But you weren't sure whether these things would understand you. Were they animals? They had to have come from whatever fell from the sky. Would it attack you? Was it dangerous?
The two of you just stared at each other.
Then it blinked.
Then it took the fruit and shuffled back into the water, the darker companion following with a growl.
This was one of the many small interactions you had with the creatures. You spot them and they spot you. You leave them food and they take it with a scurry. You see them more and more often and all the time you have no idea how to treat them.
But you still try to interact.
You try to bait them closer. A dangerous little experiment but you try nonetheless, holding a freshly caught fish in one hand as the sunny being shuffles towards you on the sand. It comes close enough to you that it blocks out the backdrop of the sun and hesitantly reaches out.
Its sharp fingers grip the fish and take it from out of your hands and for a moment you can feel its slimy scales brush against your skin before it pulls away. Its mouth opens, the gleaming teeth exposed, and it chomps down on the fish. Scratch that- half of the fish.
The other half is carefully placed in your lap with an expectant glare. The darker creature chitters behind it.
Did it... expect you to eat it too? You shake your head and then attempt to hand the half to it but it moves away, tilting its head as it points to you. Your lips thin. Did you have to eat it too?
You gesture the half-fish to the darker companion, its chittering stopping. It hisses and dips back into the water.
This can't be good for you, you think and bring the fish to your mouth, taking the tiniest bite you can manage. It's just as gross as you thought it would be but it has the creature's tail wagging.
It wags its fins everytime it sees you from that moment onwards and you know there's no way of getting rid of them. Not like you would want them to leave. But they follow you around and are there to stay.
Kinda an abrupt end but I had no idea how to finish it.
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floatyflowers · 12 days
Can you do poly Hiccup and male! Astrid x reader from httyd? Where the reader is from one of the islands Hiccup was discovering with toothless.
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"You want me to do what?!" you ask the two viking males in shock, trying to understand if they were speaking for real or just jesting with you.
You have met Hiccup and Astrid when they landed on your island with their dragons.
And you were the only brave to approach them and inquire if they are here to hurt your people.
After Astrid explained that they are simply exploring new places and that their dragons are harmless, you quickly became friends.
They would stay at your island for three months, and through those three months you have built a strong friendly connection with them.
Or at least you were the only one who thought it was friendly.
"We want you to return back with us to our home and become our bride" Hiccup repeats cheerfully as if it was a simple request.
"Marry both of you as in me having two husbands...?"
"Yes" Astrid confirmed, his eyes narrowing at your discomfort and hesitation.
The idea is absurd and unheard of especially if you are from a society that forbids such acts.
It isn't even allowed in viking society for a woman to have more than one husband.
But Hiccup is the next chief of the Hooligans and he can make things work between the three of you.
"I can't do that, this is insane and impossible" you exclaim in shock.
Toothless nods his head, agreeing with you, causing Hiccup to give him a warning glare.
"We spend three months together inside of your house, living, eating, and sleeping in that same house, what difference would it make if we got married?"
Hiccup is trying to convince you, but you stand your ground.
"A lot of difference"
Astrid smirks as you stutter out the words, your face heating up.
"You really think you have a choice in this matter? We will marry you whether you want to or not" the blond asserts, walking towards you to take you by force with him and Hiccup.
You back away before starting to run, however the two boys manage to catch up with you.
"Please, let me go, I don't want to" you plead with them, fear apparent in your glassy eyes.
"We promise to make you have the best time in the marriage"
Hiccup said, playfully, forcing you to get up on Toothless.
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sivyera · 8 months
httyd masterlist
sivyera's masterlist
Dating Hiccup would include...
Jealousy with green eyes (hiccup haddock x reader)
I'm here, my love (hicuup haddock x reader)
Different ways to say i love you with HTTYD characters
Dragon Trust. (hiccup haddock x reader)
Forms of non-sexual intimacy with HTTYD characters
hiccup haddock | fluff alphabet
cute headcanon with Hiccup.
Being Gobber’s daughter and dating Hiccup would include…
Your and Hiccup’s wedding day HC’s
Types of love with HTTYD characters
Httyd characters reacting to you winning the dragon races
Httyd characters seeing you in their clothes
Httyd characters accidentally hurt you
Httyd characters falling in love with you
Sleeping with HTTYD characters
Celebrating Snoggletog with them
httyd characters reacting on you having a cannibalistic dragon
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
How about Astrid ruffnut hiccup and heather x a smartass reader who rides a timerjack, because I know the pain of not being able to scratch my back.
Astrid,ruffnut,hiccup and heather x smartass reader who rides a timberjack
*demon noises*👹
My first httyd request!,I love timberjacks they're so cool,I love most the dragons tho so.
Not being able to scratch your back must be a pain in the ass :/
Has been proofread
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I dont think It would be a surprise that you and her would get along
Your both badasses and smart
However sometimes you do lose her,if you go into particular detail she doesn't always understand
Stormfly and your timberjack get along extremely well,they're both beautiful and magnificent dragons
It's nice to sometimes just go on a night flight together with no one annoying you
She likes to listen to your ideas and rambles,even if she cant understand everything she still listens
On winter nights you both take a walk sometimes and sit under a tree whilst your timberjack sheilds you from the cold
If your ever running low on wood you,her stormfly and your timberjack go to a forest and have a day of chopping wood and having fun.
She likes to watch when you and hiccup or fishlegs play masons and talons agaisnt eachother,obviously cheering you on
If your timberjack ever needs their back scratched pleas do it
During missions Astrid and stormfly will stay close to you and try deflect any arrows that get to close to you since your timberjacks wings are so big
Having date nights when it's raining underneath a timberjacks wing>>
She likes to chip in on your dragon ramblings
If you do any illustrations or make anything she'll ask if she can see it,she likes seeing your work :)
Loves to spar with you
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She loves you so much
Your relationship dynamic is literally,stupid chaotic and smart(chaotic/good/etc)
She likes to give your timberjack back scratches
She loves to listen to your rambles,she wont understand anything but she'll sit there like this (////ó//w//ò////)
Shes head over heels for you
She puts her full trust in the words you say,you could just be saying the stupidest shit ever and she'll completely agree with you
She likes the fact that you have a destructive dragon
She will test how sharp your timberjacks talons are so you might want to supervise her around your timberjack
Will kick tuffnut off belch so you can ride on him
She will have input on many things and openly tells you
Tuffnut is nice to you(mainly so ruffnut dosnt do anything to macey)
Will ask if she can ride your timberjack,if you do say yes just make sure she dosnt end up decimating berks trees
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I think it's pretty obvious that you would both get along
Both of you give your own input and ideas/suggestions to eachother
Hes never met someone who rides a timberjack so he will ask if he can study them
If you allow him to he will be very careful and delicate
Toothless and the timberjack get along so well,and they are both so cute,you found your timberjack with its wing on toothless with both of them sleeping once
Hiccup is very supportive of your ideas and constantly asks for your opinion and ideas
During the time when him and viggo where at each others necks he asks you what you think would be the right move,hes especially stressed with the viggo situation so he needs all the help and support he can get.
He and toothless help you and your timberjack improve on dodging and evasive maneuvers
Sometimes if you help with the twins and snotlout hes ever so grateful
He loves how smart you are and if he's ever on a mission with you and one of the twins or snotlout tags along you basically translate what hiccups saying
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She dosnt always understand what you say but she'll try her best
She trys to learn more and read books so she understands you more
She feels bad for not always understanding you but she makes up for it by being affectionate
She loves to spar with you and try improve not only her own skills but your aswell
Windshear and her cover for you alot,windshears scales are very thick and so she can take hits every so often
She finds your timberjack very fascinating
Your timberjack and windshear get along very well
You and heather once had a friendly competition to see whether windshears spines were sharper or your timberjacks talons
Every so often she likes playing masons and talons with you
Although dagur may at first seem stand off-ish and harsh hes not,hes just protective and worried for heather
You are one of the only people who windshear let's ride her
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littlemisspascal · 1 year
Rockford & Roan Pt. 4
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Pairing: Tim Rockford x Female Reader/OFC ‘Roan’
Word Count:2.8k
Summary:  “Do you doubt our match, Miss Roan?” he asks, and it’s a shocking enough question you legitimately can’t tell if he’s joking or not. But if he is being serious…
Rating: T 
Warnings: Language, Reader has a dog, Reader has military background, Superpower AU, They Were Roommates AU, self-esteem issues, soulmates-ish, original characters, worldbuilding, references of dead bodies + suicide, police, HTTYD reference, scars
- Reader has no first name and no physical traits described in detail except for being shorter than Rockford. Reader is mentioned to have hair
Author Note: Thank you so so much for all the kind support 💗
Special thanks to @beecastle for beta reading and encouraging me 💜💜💜
Series Masterlist
The Case
You take possession of one of Rockford’s spare notebooks, yellow and spiral bound, scribbling down details about the case he’s been asked by the police to help investigate.
7 suicides over the past 8 months 
Unsure why the brief lapse during the third month
Perhaps to throw police off potential trail?
Victims are all different ages, backgrounds, careers
Also found dead in different locations across Fox Leap—alleyways, parking lots, isolated spots
No witnesses
No suicide notes left behind 
Single commonality: all died by ingesting a cyanide pill
Suspects? None
Police aren’t convinced deaths are connected 
Rockford is certain they are
I don’t know what to think
The Invitation
Friday evening finds you job hunting across the internet from the comfort of the couch. It’s another one of the steps of Dr. Odair’s grand therapy plan to reintegrate you into society. Of course, what she failed to mention was that the potential career opportunities for ex-military empaths are few and far between. You lean back against the cushion, resisting the urge to grab your mug of tea and pour it onto your laptop. It’s not the computer’s fault there’s a prejudice against those with mind-gifts after all. 
The squeaks of Banjo’s stuffed toy pull your attention towards the dog rolling around on the floor, his beloved plush panda Bamboo held between his paws, teeth gnawing at its leg. Rockford lies stretched out on the white rug nearby, eyes closed, the picture perfect example of tranquility. He isn’t sleeping—you can tell by the tapping of his fingers against his stomach, a song only he knows—but it’s nice to pretend. For all that you’ve pestered him with questions about his job and for all that Rockford has patiently answered each one without even the tiniest thrum of irritation, his bizarre, seemingly nonexistent sleeping schedule is a topic you’ve yet to broach with him. 
Brown eyes snap open, startling you so badly it’s a miracle your laptop isn’t sent crashing to the floor. Before you can ask what’s wrong, Rockford’s on his feet and stalking off down the hallway in a blur. You blink, caught off guard, and exchange a look with an equally bewildered Banjo. Should you follow after him or…?
A knock on the front door makes the decision for you.
The prospect of a guest sends Banjo into a tizzy, ditching Bamboo without remorse, tail wagging so fast it’s a wonder it doesn’t fly off. You can’t exactly blame him. Other than a quick visit from the landlady to give you your own set of keys and introduce herself— Professor Rosasharn Claremont, an instructor of forensic sciences at the local university with prehensile hair she used to slap the back of Rockford’s head for not visiting her enough—nobody’s knocked on the door as long as you’ve lived here.
You’re not sure who’s brain function shorts out first when you open the door: yours or the unknown man wearing a police badge on his belt. He’s middle-aged, dirty blond hair, a scar twisting along in a distorted line from the left side of his mouth to his ear. A hideous mark, but at the same time intriguing in its uniqueness. You can’t help but think how if it was copied onto the right side, it’d almost look like some kind of villainous grin.
Banjo’s attempt of squeezing between your leg and the doorway to get a good sniff of the man is enough to jumpstart you back into motion. Nudging him away with your socked foot, you tell him to return to his bed, punctuating the command with a firm point of your finger. Only once he sullenly pads away, ears drooped as if you’ve just gutted Bamboo right in front of him with a butcher knife, do you turn back to face the policeman, who appears to have also gotten over his initial surprise.
“Can I help you, officer?”
“Inspector,” he corrects with an accent you can’t quite place, almost like a rumbling sort of growl, but despite the harsh sound his tone is polite as he introduces himself. “Inspector Dorrance with the Fox Leap Police Department. I’m here for Tim Rockford.”
His emotions are almost unnaturally steady, like he’s got the internal parts of a clock ticking away rather than temperamental hormones. You figure he must’ve gone through some sort of training course for mood management. Smart. A lawman with a high pressure job, anger issues, and a loaded gun is a disaster waiting to happen.
“Oh, is this about the case?” you ask with far more perkiness in your voice than you intend. 
“He told you about that, did he,” Inspector Dorrance says in the exact same instant that Rockford calls out from the depths of the apartment, “Get to the point why you’re here, Kez.”
Kez? You mouth to yourself before opening the door wider, inviting the inspector to step inside. He isn’t subtle as he looks around, gaze lingering noticeably on the few personal items of yours spread throughout the room, before he turns towards the hall.
“Another body’s been found. Abandoned warehouse near the wharf.”
“And?” Rockford asks, still out of view. 
Dorrance side-eyes you, clearly debating with himself the legalities of discussing an open case with a civilian present. A civilian he clearly knew nothing about as of two minutes ago. You offer up only silence in response, too curious for your own good to leave without him directly asking.
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” Your roommate emerges from his office, his trench coat gripped in one hand and mouth fixed in an unimpressed frown. He gestures between you and the inspector. “Kez, my current roommate and match, Roan. Roan, my ex-roommate and one of the only competent members of law enforcement in the city, Keziah. Can we get back to the victim now?”
Your eyes widen. Ex-roommate? How long have they known each other? There’s definitely a story there. 
“I’m sorry,” Dorrance begins, “did you just say she’s your match? When the hell were you going to tell me this happened?”
“Apparently not,” Rockford mutters. “I was going to tell you when it came up. And it just did.”
“You—” Dorrance cuts himself off with a sharp exhale through his nose.
It really is a credit to Dorrance’s mood management training his emotions don’t even so much as dip or catch fire. Instead, he shoots Rockford a look that plainly says, We’re going to be talking about this later, and then turns to face you once more.
“I wish we were meeting on better circumstances. And I’m sure I don’t need to tell you since you’re his match that underneath this—” he gestures vaguely at Rockford which doesn’t go unnoticed.
“You just gestured to all of me.”
Dorrance carries on, unbothered, “—is a giant question mark nobody will ever find the answer to. But if I were to bet on anyone coming close, I’d put my money on you.”
“Thank you, I think,” you say, daring a quick glance at Rockford’s face, which you’re pleased to notice has softened the tiniest bit. “You’ll be the first one I tell if I do.”
For whatever reason, your answer has the inspector immediately smirking, left side of his face stretched tight due to the scar tissue.
“Kez, in addition to being a recurring pain in my side,” Rockford explains, sensing your confusion, “is also a lie detector. Any hint of dishonesty and his gift’ll catch it. Makes him handy in the interrogation room.”
Gifts can be interesting like that sometimes, lining up perfectly with a specific job. A singer with the ability to alter their voice to any pitch, a fireman with an immunity to burns, a veterinarian who can speak to animals–you’ve seen them all. Human lie detector is a new one though, you’ll admit.
Dorrance shoves a hand into his pocket, fishing out his phone vibrating with an incoming text. He scans the message, smirk wiped off his face and replaced with grimness. 
“Right, back to the reason I came over,” he says briskly, tucking his cell away again. “You know how the victims never leave notes?”
“Yes.” Rockford’s listening attentively, eyes narrowed. “What of it?”
“This one did.”
Rockford’s expression doesn’t change, not even a twitch of his brow. His mind though, oh his mind’s the calm before the storm. Something’s beginning to stir awake underneath the surface. Tempted by the reveal, hungry for more details to dig its teeth into. 
For weeks you’ve wondered about the depths unknown to your empathy, about what lurks there. You’ve got a distinct, icy certainty crawling up your spine you’re soon to discover another side of your match previously unseen. 
“Will you come to the scene?” Dorrance asks hopefully.
“Of course. No point sitting at home when there’s an exciting development going on.” Rockford begins slipping his arms through the sleeves of his trench coat, adjusting the collar to his liking. “It’s been awhile since I’ve been down to the wharf.”
“Just try not to piss off anyone, will you? One dead body is enough to deal with as it is.”
“I’ll be on my best behavior,” Rockford says with a wry grin. Then, turning to you, he arches an eyebrow, “Well, Roan, you got any plans this evening?”
You think of your laptop back on the couch, numerous job sites still left to be checked. 
“Uh, no,” you answer, shaking your head. “Not really.”
“Roan was in the military,” your roommate tells the inspector, but his eyes remain held on your face, a speculating glint in them that has you subconsciously straightening up. Almost as if you’re standing at attention. “You saw a lot of violent deaths, didn’t you?”
“That’s an understatement.”
“Witnessed several dangerous situations?”
“Worst of the worst. Stuff of pure nightmares.”
The atmosphere in the room shifts, becoming heavier. There’s a crime scene needing to be examined, a case to be closed, and yet everything seems to have slowed down all at once. As if the very air itself has frozen solid. And you realize you’re holding your breath, waiting for something.
“Want to see some more?”
An invitation.
Dr. Odair’s been telling you now that you’ve matched and your mind-gift has become more manageable, it’s time to pick up some hobbies. To go out to more places for fun other than just the library and dog park. No doubt she was probably thinking of safe and relaxing options like chess or badminton or pottery classes at the rec center.
The problem though, is that safe and relaxing doesn’t spark a wildfire in your blood, bringing you back to the days where you had a clear purpose to fulfill and problems to deal with head-on. You want another adventure, and here’s one dangling right in front of you, just waiting for you to say—
“Hell yes,” you blurt out, and even without your mind-gift you can tell Rockford’s happy with your choice by the half curl of his mouth and crinkling around his eyes as he asks Dorrance for the address.
The Doubt
Rockford holds the cab door open for you, sliding in after you’ve settled against the plush seat with Banjo secure in your lap. The little mutt’s tail beats a rhythm against your jacket, excited about the trip even if he has no clue the final destination. You’re still not convinced bringing a dog of all creatures to an active crime scene investigation is the wisest move, but let the record show your roommate has a helluva weakness for Banjo’s puppy eyes. 
“Keziah’s team of imbeciles disguised as CSIs are wreaking havoc on the scene as we speak. I highly doubt there’s much more damage Banjo can cause,” Rockford had said with an amused look when you voiced your concern. “Besides, no man left behind. Isn’t that the military creed?”
And well, he wasn’t wrong about that. (Not to mention, you’ve got a pretty big weakness for Banjo’s sweet brown eyes too…)
The drive to the wharf is brief without too much annoying traffic. Outside, the sun’s dipped out of sight and darkness is enveloping the city, street lights blinking on. Inside, it’s quiet except for a country song playing lowly on the radio. The cabbie’s mood is easygoing if not a little bogged down by exhaustion whereas Banjo’s is a bouncy spring of enthusiasm, nose practically pressed against the window as his eyes struggle to keep up with all the sights rolling past. Still, as entertaining as the pup’s emotions are, your mind-gift continues circling back to the man sitting next you like a homing pigeon.
Nothing’s changed within his mindscape during the journey. The calm, almost eerie stillness from before is still in effect. You can tell he’s thinking about something—the man’s never not thinking—but whatever it is clouding his gaze, furrowing his brow, is not disturbing enough to imprint upon your empathy. It’s moments like this one where you wish you were a mind reader, if only for a few seconds. 
“We’re here,” Rockford announces, paying the cabbie his fare.
Scrambling out of the vehicle, you set Banjo down on the ground. While he performs a full-bodied shake, you take in the cluster of police cars and flashing lights and abundance of barricade tape surrounding a warehouse, derelict and foreboding, along the waterfront. The press have also caught wind of the scene, prowling around with their microphones and cameras like vultures. You swallow, subconsciously twisting the leash around your fingers.
You’d wanted an adventure and yet…this is all so very, very different from a battlefield. It’s a whole other form of organized chaos, and it’s terrifying not having the slightest clue how to safely navigate it. 
Your initial fears were misplaced. It won’t be Banjo making a mess. It will be you.
Rockford starts forward, clearly eager to get to work, only to halt after five steps when you fail to follow. He turns around to look you over from head to toe, carefully nudging at your mind-gift as he does so, confusion only deepening when he fails to understand your lack of movement. “Is something the matter?”
You bite your lip, glancing nervously once more between the hive of activity and his steady brown eyes. “I don’t think I belong here.”
Rockford stares at you, the glow of the street light illuminating one side of his face. 
“Do you doubt our match, Miss Roan?” he asks, and it’s a shocking enough question you legitimately can’t tell if he’s joking or not. But if he is being serious…
Your head’s already shaking aggressively before a response forms. “N-no, absolutely not!” you say hastily, frantic to assure him of the truth. You close the gap of distance, hoping somehow being closer will remedy the spiraling situation, but when that doesn’t smoothen out the wrinkles on his forehead your empathy reacts by hurling a tangled ball of loyalty-friendship-safety-contentment straight at him. The most desperate of Hail Mary plays.
Rockford sucks in a breath. You watch his expression spasm, knocked off-kilter, before it settles into something as exasperated as it is fond. This time, the nudge against your mind-gift is firmer, the only warning you get before the ball you’d thrown returns and smacks you square in the chest. 
“Oh,” is your immediate reaction, breathless from the intensity.
What was it he had said before? You and him are two halves of the same whole.
And then there’s a warm hand on top of your head, gentle, affectionate, and you’re breathless for an entirely different reason. You blink up at Rockford, heart thudding in your chest.
“That’s right. You,” he says slowly, purposefully, “belong anywhere I am. Banjo, too.”
Banjo woofs, baring his teeth in a snaggletoothed grin, and you’d chuckle at that if you had any air left in your lungs. Not for the first time, you cannot help but marvel at your match’s realness. There’s no such thing as perfection, but you think he comes pretty damn close. 
“Now you’ve done it,” you aim for humor, but you can’t shake the wobble from your voice. “You'll never know a moment’s peace again.”
“Ah, peace is overrated,” Rockford declares with an unconcerned shrug, hand returning to the pocket of his trench coat. “So, we’re in agreement then. We’re stuck with each other.”
“Mhmm, no take backsies.”
You needed this moment, this reassurance. The doubts you hadn’t even known you carried have been firmly put to rest, vanquished by the proof he values the soulbond tying your lives together just as much as you do. 
But despite the importance of this conversation you can’t keep ignoring the flashing lights up ahead forever. Your eyes slide past Rockford, spotting Inspector Dorrance in his grey suit amongst the sea of navy uniformed officers gesturing with his arms.
“Ultimately, it’s your choice where you go,” Rockford says, and it’s clear he’s made up his own mind by the way he turns away from you, resuming his walk towards the scene. 
You watch the dramatic flaring of the bottom of his coat with each step, watch the tapping of his fingers against his left thigh, watch as the man tosses one last remark over his shoulder:
“Keep up, Roan. We both know you’re coming with me.”
By the time he reaches the barricade tape, you and Banjo are right by his side. Exactly where you both belong.
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 9 months
Happy holidays! I hope you have a good time with your family, friends, etc.
Thanks for writing about Hiccup, there are few tumblrs that write about him and I appreciate it <3
Castoff pt 4
Pairing: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Fem!Reader
Words: 2,279
You have no pick nor savior so, in typical fashion, you use your words instead. It turns out that they can be just as sharp as any weapon.
Tags: Angst, fem!reader, heartbreak, villain reader, unresolved insecurity, anger, canon divergent, RTTE, Httyd 2, dark content, Angst, kidnapping, spiraling
You caught someone in the eye, you were sure. At least somewhere under the brow. You hoped he went blind. 
Your eyelids fluttered as you struggled to stay awake, back in the hull, crusted blood marking a worn trail down your forehead.
You had your knife, still, which you clutched close to your middle at all times. You were sure they could wrench it from your hands if they really wanted.
Maybe it was the pity which kept them from taking it from you, or the fact that they remembered how difficult it was to get you here in the first place, lashing out like an animal, kicking and clawing as they threw you back into the cage. 
Maybe it was because they had scant time nor regard for anything else but their eager need to nurse their own wounds.
It meant very little, trapped back in the hull as you were.
You lived that moment over and over in your mind.
How you carried the burden of guilt on your shoulders, you wanted to beg and plead like you were kneeled before the altar of a broken God. You were ready to repent, and in that moment the smoke smelt like nothing more than forgiveness.
How at that time, you weren’t the one holding the knife. This time you were the beast at the sharp end of a masked figure’s staff. You were the one who begged and pleaded and writhed. How even before the mask figure could move, you knew the answer they would give, just as you knew the way flesh felt under knife.
Even the Vikings on Berk held honor, none willing to take a slave, none willing to turn an unwillful hand, none dishonorable enough to slay a man, none cowardly enough not to own up to it.
As a soft soul, you’d vowed albeit unconsciously to never draw a lick of blood.
You stared at the slowly shifting body of a small terror, chained and beaten and scarred so bad it could barely move, laid still and sad in its own waste.
It had driven you mad, constant whining and hacking filling the hours you should have spent sleeping with strife and restless shifting. Your neck ached from the hard floor even now, and you’d not a moment of respite to show for it.
You weren’t the dragon with the large yellow eyes. You weren’t the trapper, fallen to the knife.
You hated it; just as it was bound, so were you. You seemed to reflect each other, two sides of the same coin, neither the wielder, both the bearers of the sharp end of the knife, slaves to a much crueler fate.
It was a mockery.
And as a child, you’d kept a bird, wings torn and chest kicked in, picked up from the road and stowed away in a wooden box filled with hay. You had been too young to recognize that it had been long gone and so you took to it with the passion of a child bound to be disappointed.
You watched it all night, by the fire as its chest rose and fell gently, alone.
You fell asleep to an empty hearth and woke to a cold, still body.
When your friend, when a small Hiccup had come to you with his own bird, showed it to you, cradled and swaddled with all the fine cloth the son of a Chief could afford, when he had found success where you did not and whose hands healed when yours couldn’t.
You listened to his stories, you watched with a bitten tongue and a held breath as he cared for it, wrought with a sympathy and a grief you’d never voice. You hadn’t anything but sadness, then, and, in a way, a measure of happiness. You were happy for his success.
You had wondered for so many nights what you had done wrong.
You thought that made him greater.
You imagined it dead, run over by the wheel of a wagon, perhaps begging for scraps yet only facing the hard hearts and shoulders of Vikings who had better things to do than entertain the whims of a small bird, unfamiliar to the cold world, the only life it had known being wrapped warm as a fire and soft as fur.
Lost to the cruel grip of nature.
You glared at the man before you. 
You wanted to tell him to shovel his eyes out, to cut open his chest, to suffocate on his own spit and blood. You held your tongue.
Was there something cruel in that, too; leaving something so weak and frail to live when it begged for nothing but reprieve? To leave it alive, choking on its own spit and filth, driving you mad with anguish and irritation and then rage, until you had wanted nothing more than to have seen it tossed overboard?
Was that what everyone else knew when they looked at you with those eyes and blocked you off with sturdy shoulders, filled with unease and love and companionship, laid just outside your reach?
Eret grit his jaw.
You blinked away the heavy weights of sleep which held down your eyes as you slept, and though you had the urge, you did not rub your lids.
Instead, you laid still, turned away from the entrance. The light.
It smelt terribly.
As the hold once again filled with dragons, they kept to the far side of their cages, away from the small terror- the lizard, that was slowly but surely beginning to rot, torn apart by the desperate, fearful midnight scrabblings of a rat. Starving, just as you were, but freer than anything above or below deck.
By the sound of it, you knew exactly who. Eret wasn’t your only visitor. No, you got others. This one, he sounded like one of the kinder ones, the one who brought you your meals. Who kept you from starving. The others, they visited with nothing but sharp, metal-toed boots and fists burning with all the rage of a man trapped, ready and willing to rip and tear.
You were under no illusion that he had done it of his own free will, and yet he carried a sort of hope during the exchanges you shared, the passing of food between the bars and into your small jail, waiting as you turned your back, sighing with heavy emotion and moving with heavy steps.
You kept your breathing slow and shallow, rocking with the rest of the boat, rain and water pounding against wood as the ship was tossed around. It would soon get too violent for you to stay still, violent enough to make you sick.
He probably had a family back home. A wife and a child. Or a brother, maybe; a family, something to hold him in the delusion that what he was doing was right. That motivated him to try and rise above the others, that allowed him the belief he had the right to turn the other cheek as both dragons and Vikings alike were beaten and bruised and tortured by his hand. That he wasn’t nor would ever be as bad as the rest of them which, in your eyes, ultimately made him worse.
It made him selfish, more than anyone else on this vessel, who took and beat and robbed as they pleased.
He had a very unique helmet when most of the others on this ship did not; something that covered most of his face the same way Dagur’s helmet did, with horny curly enough to match any Jorgenson.
“It’s not like you have a due date, do you?” You coughed viciously, teeth violently catching on the tip of your tongue, causing you to wince.
“How we operate is no business of yours,” Eret grit his jaw, arms crossed, legs crossed. A line of sweat ran down the side of his face.
“You won’t be able to keep this expedition going forever,” You mumbled, voice raspier than ever before, “You need my help.”
“Tell me what you know.”
You laughed at him mockingly, though your stomach sank.
Would you succumb just as it had, or would you rise above it?
Maybe it was boredom, maybe it was desperation. Maybe you were tired of listening to the crew members above deck, maybe you had a death wish.
You gave in.
You started small.
“Rub it under the chin,” You looked up at him, a sharp, tense grimace on your face, “The spot where the jawbone turns to soft meat, scratch it with your fingernails.”
“You didn’t come up with that,” Eret glared.
“No, I didn’t,” You rasped. The rough uncured leather hide of your muzzle dug into your jaw, the flesh there searing and surely wet with puss after you’d made a very passionate effort to bite one of the crewmates in another escape attempt.
You didn’t need to say anything fancy; it didn’t take much convincing. It wouldn’t.
It made it very difficult to speak, keeping your jaw nearly stuck in place, “But I know it, and that makes me better than you. Just try it.”
You dared him with your eyes, both embodying the hypnotic gaze of a snake, and speaking the vying notes of a charmer.
You taunted, “You’re not still behind, are you?”
“We’ve gotten... Farther, with your help,” Eret conceded. 
Behind him, a green thunderdrum struggled, mouth bolted shut with a muzzle made of leather and metal not unlike your own, a set of chains binding its wings in the upwards position. 
There were three men on its back and two more on each size, wrestling it down as it struggled, trying and failing to scream.
They had no trouble, with all the room they needed to swarm the beast and pin it down, your small hull and a large pull-down metal door opened to reveal another, larger chamber.
“Is it enough?” 
“It has to be.”
“Are you willing to take that risk?” You learned to live with it; the stuffiness, the rattling, the pain, and as the nights grew colder and as the hold filled with the scraping and screaming of beasts, you slept sounder. 
Eret was silent.
“There's grass,” You started, picking at your fingernails, short and bloody, with your knife, “It grows plentifully deep in the islands on the southern end of the archipelago. It should be around here, wherever we are, too.”
“The dragons like it?” Eret asked stiffly.
Like picking bits and pieces off a corpse, like a scavenger picking over carrion, you took old phrases and sullied comforts and wove them together to make a convincing argument. You tempted and you beckoned.
Hiccup would say it was all about trust. You said the same, once upon a time. But you knew better now.
“Well enough to bow,” You smiled.
“Unshackle me.”
“What if I chained you up and dropped you in with the beasts?” Eret shot back, “Everything you have, I fought for. You’re still alive by my good graces and mine only.”
You were the smaller animal, but the frustration, the raw injustice drove you mad. Once again, you wanted to gouge his eyes out, you wanted to fight and struggle and scream, but you held off.
You hesitated, and looked away, a tenuous expression kept neural only through sheer force of will, the broiling in your gut and the foul words resting on your tongue making you want to do nothing but spit fire.
He would regret that.
“A Whispering Death,” You croaked, trying to suppress the vicious wrinkle of your nose, “Pull it’s top spine, press just under the point, really dig your fingers in.”
“Where are we now?” You asked.
“Someone is dead,” Eret ground out, fists shaking, “A man is dead because of you.”
He threw something on the floor, which clattered loudly in front of your dim cage.
You recognized it. A helmet.
“And?” You let out a short laugh.
“And? And?!”
“Let me out.”
“You don’t deserve that,” He spat.
“Don’t I?”  The irony was not lost on you. And so you laughed again, but much louder this time, with force enough to clutch at your stomach, to pull taut the your loosening muzzle.
You felt at your wrists, newly freed, and shook out your legs, donning a new pair of boots. Your clothing was still torn, ragged, stained, though you were certain you would be able to fix that soon.
You wore a helmet, weighty but fitting on your head, long and covering, secure, with large curly horns. It was patched and in parts covered in blood, thick and dried and congealing where there were dents. 
You knew now that what you once called kindness had just been a veil, a sweet lie to cover what everyone else already knew.
You were a cruel, evil person.
A liar, to hold things with delicate hands and whisper hopeful words when there was only one result, to follow teachings and old sayings that would never work for you again.
And the sweetest lie was the one you told yourself; the one that kept you from the truth and told you that you weren’t.
There was no forgiveness here. Not for you. 
Only condemnation.
You stretched your mouth open wide, worked your jaw where your muzzle had left a heavy mark, ignoring the desperate scrabbling and screeching of a dragon and the men behind you pulling, dragging it with fist and chain across splintered wood into a new cage.
You breathed in the fresh sea air, taking in the light of day for the first time in a long while.
And you reveled in it.
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seriowan · 2 years
for the dancing and the dreaming (hunter x f!reader)
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“Surviving is the bare minimum of what it means to live. Thanks to you, Omega knows how to survive — maybe you should show her what it means to live a little bit as well.”
summary: on the night of pabu's annual 'giving festival', omega opens herself up to new experiences while hunter's night takes an unexpected turn, leaving him with a memorable moment that might change the course of his life forever...
pairing: hunter x f!reader (nicknamed coral)
tags: spoilers for tbb s2ep13; love at first sight; meet-cute; first-meeting kiss; reader is described as wearing a yellow sundress; nothing but fluff! - brief mentions of tech/phee
word count: 5k
a/n: the second i watched episode 13 i got this idea to write hunter in a whirlwind romance with a pabu girl and three drafts later, this is the final product! i wrote it with MAJOR inspiration from tangled's 'kingdom dance' scene and that one scene from how to train your dragon, so prepare thyself!
radio: kingdom dance, alan menkin — for the dancing and the dreaming, httyd soundtrack
♡ masterlist ♡
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Pabu was a true gem of nature, tucked away amid the endless oceans of its home planet.
  As the warm sun kissed the little island, turquoise waters lapped gently against the grainy shores and ancient stone ports. Vibrant green brush and trees swayed in the breeze, their fronds whispering to one another. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of exotic flowers, peppering the island in patches of oranges, reds, and pinks. Birdsong echoed alongside the crashing waves, moon-yo hoots and howls bouncing from one side of the island to the other. From the cobblestone streets and markets came the sound of life; cacophonies of chatter and murmurs, a blend of voices as the islanders bartered and laughed and greeted one another with merry smiles. 
   It was as if time stood still on Pabu, and every moment spent there was a moment of peace. 
   Hunter looked over the city from the balcony of Shep’s home, his stomach full and his heart more so. 
   He tuned in to Tech and Phee’s conversation, smiling into his cup of freshly squeezed juice when he mostly heard Tech’s voice going on about artifacts. A quick side eye and there Phee was, listening with her elbow on the table and her cheek in her palm, eyes locked onto his rambling brother as if he was the only person around. 
   Wrecker lay on a lounge chair, his hands behind his head and a dazed smile on his lips. With his belly finally full, the food coma hit him harder than ever, sending him into a blissful sleep that no one thought to disturb. Especially not when the sun was just right. Not when the winds carried the salty smell of the ocean and the sound of Omega’s laughter as she and Lyana chased the moon-yos around the balcony.
   He looked over the city once more, watching as everyone lived their little slices of life. Couples walked hand-in-hand. Kids played ball and danced together, holding fizzing sparklers above their heads. An older man fed a cluster of moon-yos from a paper bag of scraps, waving at a woman as she walked past him with a basket of flowers hooked on her arm. 
   Hunter found it hard to believe that this island wasn’t a dream. Everything felt so serene and calm that it just… didn’t feel familiar. Not for them, at least. Not after years of missions and months of running and scavenging. After living day-to-day for most of his life, being able to sit and breathe felt odd. It was even more strange that he actually had to sit and wonder if he could call this island home. 
   As far as he could remember, home was never really a place but a people. His people — the one rambling on to an interested girl; the other sleeping peacefully on the lounge chair; the little girl who held Lyana’s hand as she scurried out through the gate. 
   Hunter glanced down at his cup and gave it a gentle swirl. 
   When did he last feel so content?
  With the little voice in the back of his head reminding him that two of his brothers were out fighting for their lives (albeit for different reasons), he knew that he’d never have a total moment of peace… but, as small as this was, it was enough. Enough for him to close his eyes and take a deep breath. Enough for him to sit and actually feel the sun on his face. Enough for him to listen to the ocean, its gentle waves reminding him of a quiet Kamino. 
   Footsteps approached him from behind. He smelled the faintest scent of fruit as Phee leaned against the parapet, elbows up on the wall with a cup in her hand. She left Tech by the table, sparing a glance his way before turning towards Hunter. 
   “You look like you’ve got a lot on your mind,” she teased. 
   The opposite, actually, was what he wanted to say. Instead, he settled on, “It’s nice here.”
   “Nice enough to stay?” She wasn’t pushing him but she wasn’t exactly being subtle about it either. Hunter knew that Phee always had two reasons for everything she did and when she glanced back at Tech, eyes softening, Hunter knew exactly why she posed this question. 
   He smothered the urge to smile and looked off towards the ocean, shoulders sagging as he struggled to come up with an answer. 
   “Think about it,” Phee murmured, nudging his arm with her elbow. “Take all the time you need. Pabu’s not goin’ anywhere.” 
   He hummed, the corner of his mouth lifting as he glanced from Phee to Tech. “Sure.” 
   An unspoken conversation took place as Phee narrowed her eyes, unable to hide the smallest trace of her smile. Hunter just arched a brow and she gave in with a sigh, shaking her head.
“You’ve got me there, Bandana. I think staying here would do you all some good — especially Omega. But, I’m not one for peer pressure. Maybe a walk through the city might help you come to a decision.” She looked over the city, her face lighting up when she noticed the streamers and decorations hanging from rooftop to rooftop. “Looks like tonight’s the Giving Festival.” 
   “Giving Festival?” 
   Phee nodded. “Everyone comes out for the Giving Festival and shares things like food, clothes, and jewelry — and everything’s free with no expectation to receive anything in return. They thank the ocean and the island for giving them a safe haven. It's why the kids get dressed in blue clothes and parade around with their sparklers. In fact, Omega and Lyana should be down there right now.” 
   He thought of it for a brief moment before nodding. Phee took that as her sign to leave but not without giving Hunter’s arm a squeeze. When she turned, Tech greeted her with the smallest smile — an action that Hunter seemed to notice happening more frequently than usual. 
   Leaving his cup on the parapet, Hunter removed his knife from the sheath on his waist and placed it atop the table.  After a final glance back at his brothers, Hunter walked through the gate and left the balcony, entering the colorful streets of Pabu. 
   It took him a bit to get used to the sheer kindness that never seemed to run out from the island’s residents. Wherever he went, it seemed that everyone knew he was a newcomer, so he was often given cheerful waves and happy smiles. Some even stopped him, briefly chatting to introduce themselves before going back to their festivities. It was all odd, truly, but it was somewhat nice to be treated like a neighbor instead of a criminal on the run. 
   A father, as Shep had previously called him. Those words still echoed in his head and he had no intention of ever forgetting them. 
   Hunter’s walk through the city had its effect, as Phee suggested. The more he wandered, the more he wondered if he could live like the islanders: at peace and happy. Domesticity was never really an option until now, but as he watched the children play in front of their homes, parents watching from balconies and doorways, he imagined himself in their shoes. It was easy to picture Omega running through these stone streets, laughing as freely as she did when she first latched onto his heart. 
   It didn’t take long before he came across that exact sight. 
   Standing in the center of a busy market street, Omega and Lyana wore blue robes over their clothes and carried glowing sparklers in their hands. They both had blue powder staining their cheeks and nose, causing Hunter to smile when the girls shared a giggle at how they looked. It wasn’t until Omega turned towards a store and waved that he realized the two girls weren’t alone. 
   Emerging from the doorway of a dome home was the woman he saw from Shep’s balcony. While she didn’t have a basket of flowers hanging from her elbow anymore, she carried two necklaces of sea glass in her hands and gave them to Omega and Lyana. From where he stood, Hunter could hear the gratefulness in Omega’s voice as the woman tied the thin string around her neck. Her nimble finger worked quite quickly before she took a step back, gently brushing a strand of hair out of Omega’s eyes. 
   The action was so soft that it made Hunter watch her with a peculiar gaze. She was beautiful, but she had a certain quality about her that outshone her beauty — a genuine energy that she revealed as she spoke to Omega with ease.
   When she turned her head, Hunter noticed the flower poised behind her ear — a bright orange flower that brought out the color of her cheeks and the vibrance in her eyes. The woman crouched, her yellow sundress settling around her like a river of color. She grasped Omega’s hands and squeezed, grinning up at her before winking. Omega giddily nodded her head up and down and squeezed the woman’s hand as she turned, pulling her along as they both followed Lyana down the road. 
   The woman’s dress billowed after her as she ran. She had a captivating smile, cheeks flushed and eyes blazing. The wind blew through her hair as if it was created just for her, carrying her laughter to his ears.  
   The moment they took the corner, Hunter followed, interested to see where this night would take him. 
You liked Lyana’s new friend. Omega was a firecracker of energy and curiosity, roaming to and fro with the intention to seek, find, and explore. When Lyana brought her to your doorstep and made introductions, you just knew that the little blonde was bound to become a new regular in your jewelry shop. She loved exploring the various things you created, including the sea glass necklaces. 
   When it came time to meet the girls outside, you made sure to grab the necklaces she’d been eyeballing. Omega’s expression of shock was worth it when you presented it to her, and her soft voice of thanks was enough to make your heart melt. 
   True to the promise you made to both girls, you took Lyana and Omega to the market square full of music and dance. Omega’s eyes were full of amazement as she looked over the festivities. Vibrant colors glowed from the lanterns hanging overhead. Streamers swayed in the wind like spinning ribbons of silk. Dancers formed circles that spun quickly, cheering and coaxing others to join. Lively, upbeat music played from the performers standing around a tall statue. They played with passion, dancing alongside a few children that joined their sides. 
   You held both Omega and Lyana’s hands as you guided them to the dancing circle in the center of the square. While Lyana was excited to join, Omega’s reluctance grew until she pulled her hand away, shaking her head as she took a step back. 
   “I can’t,” she said, shaking her head. “I’ve never danced before.” 
   You smiled softly. “Would you feel better if I went first? Then you can see how it goes and if you want to join, you can jump in next to me and Lyana.” 
   Omega nodded and you grinned, turning to face the circle. Adjusting the flower in your hair, you picked up your dress and barged into the dancing circle, joining those who moved in unison. It took a moment before you caught up, but falling into step was easy. You spun and twirled and danced like there was no tomorrow, eyes shut as you switched partners and crossed the open circle alongside others. As the circle broke apart, paving way for duos and trios to have their own moment of dance, you noticed Omega and Lyana holding hands while they jumped back and forth and all around, laughing and giggling like girls in their prime. 
   The music picked up its pace and the circle reformed. Dresses were kicked up and hands were clapped loudly, laughter and whistles echoing from the bystanders that watched. Entranced by the pure jubilance of the music, and the energetic feeling of the dance, it was as if the world melted away, leaving nothing but you and the music. 
   You closed your eyes to enjoy the moment when suddenly, your balance slipped away as you bumped into the person beside you. Just before you could hit the ground, a pair of hands grabbed you by the elbows, hauling you up to a firm chest. Planting your hands on the figure’s vest, you struggled to catch your breath as you laughed, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. 
   “My goodness,” you gasped, shaking your head. “I’m so sorry-” 
   The moment you looked up, all of the words just left your lips. A knot twisted in your gut when you met a pair of rich brown eyes, that crinkled with amusement as they gaze down at you. 
   “Careful,” he murmured, his voice low and steady. 
   You wet your lips, uncertain if you could even speak, when Omega’s voice suddenly echoed from behind you. 
  She and Lyana ran up to you and the man, halting in their tracks the moment they saw the odd position you were in - your hands on Hunter’s chest with his on your arms.  They looked at one another with wide eyes and started giggling, causing you to take a step back and shyly fiddle with the flower behind your ear, cheeks as red as the lights above you. 
   Hunter put his hands on his hips, a little furrow in his brow, but he didn’t seem threatening. It was the observant gaze of a father.
You couldn't help but stir at the sight. Not only was he protective but he was quite gorgeous. He had the structure of the marble statues you’d seen in the Archium. Soft features, like the roundness of his jaw and the curve of his nose, but there was strength as well. Strength in his rich brown eyes as they moved from you to Omega. 
   And that strength, however threatening it may have been to others, softened when he placed his hand on Omega’s head, teasing her with a little tug on the ends of her hair. 
   “Having fun?”
   It was easy to admit that you were entranced by everything about him - from the way he carried himself to the way he spoke. He was both gentle and sturdy, something that drew you in and made it impossible to look away. 
   “Yeah!” Omega giggled, breathless from the amount of running she did earlier. “Lyana took me around the market and look-!”
Shoving her hands in her pockets, she pulled out various little trinkets: a knife made of whalebone, bracelets fashioned from polished stone, a ring of silver with a little opal on top, chewing gum from sweet sap, and a few others that she’d been gifted by the market goers. 
   With the tip of his finger, Hunter nudged around the items in her palm before offering her a small smile. He gave the blue powder on her cheek a gentle swipe with his thumb before settling his hand on her shoulder, eyes shifting to you.
You stuck your hand out, smiling bashfully.
  “Everyone calls me Coral around here,” you said, managing a small chuckle. “And I promise that I’m not as clumsy as I seemed earlier.” 
   “I know,” he remarked, shaking your hand. When he noticed your odd look, he backtracked, eyes widening just slightly. “I mean I saw you, uh, dancing. You’re good — at dancing, I mean.”
   Ignoring Omega and Lyana’s giggles, you bowed your head in thanks, your voice soft as you hummed, “Thank you, Hunter.” 
   He gave a small smile. “My pleasure, Coral.” 
   “It’s a giving festival, Hunter,” Omega sang, nudging his side. “It’s custom here to give something to someone that you meet for the first time. Look, Coral gave me a necklace from her shop! Lyana has the same one so we’re matching.” 
   Hunter frowned, glancing down at his empty pockets. He flashed you an apologetic look and you couldn’t help but giggle. “Sorry, I don’t have anything on me at the moment.” 
   You shook your head, removing the flower from behind your ear. Taking a step forward, you closed the gap between you and Hunter, tilting your head to look up at him as you tucked the flower in the breast pocket of his vest. 
   “It’s not a matter of obligation,” you murmured softly, adjusting the petals so that they were all on display. “It’s just a matter of acceptance. You’re new here, so we give you-” You glanced down at Omega and winked. “-and you, these gifts to welcome you to Pabu. You accept these gifts; we accept you.” 
   Lyana smirked, adding, “Kisses are accepted too!” 
   “Alright that’s enough from you two,” you interrupted, shooing them away when the two girls started giggling. “Go back to dancing — and make sure you get some of those dragon candies before Sebby runs out!” 
   Lyana gasped and snatched Omega’s hand. As she began to pull her away, Omega gave you and Hunter a happy wave, turning with a laugh that made Hunter’s eyes soften. 
   “She hasn’t been this happy in a long time,” he noted in a quiet voice, unable to look away from the girl even when you glanced at him. “Things have been… they’ve been tough on her.” 
   “I know,” you murmured, causing him to arch his brows in surprise. “Omega kind of told me everything about your current situation. She told me so much about you and your brothers, I practically feel like I know you already.” 
   “Of course,” he sighed, shaking his head. “Sorry, she has a habit of doing that.” 
   “Don’t worry,” you assured, nudging his side. When his lip twitched up, you smiled. “I can keep a secret. Besides, I’d like to see her around more often. Lyana has a hard time making friends and Omega’s brought out a side of her that I haven’t seen before — she just looks so youthful when she isn’t shouldering some of Shep’s burdens. Being a single father is tough on the two of them and I think having some support is doing them both some good.” 
   What you said must have resonated deeply with Hunter for he fell into silence, a distant look in his eyes as he watched Omega receive a cup of steaming candies from a stand. She looked his way and lifted the cup above her head, a toothy grin forming when Hunter nodded at her in approval. 
   “Thank you for making her feel accepted here.” 
   “Of course… but what about you?” 
   He glanced down at you and arched a brow. 
   “Do you feel accepted here?” You clarified, gesturing towards everyone in the market square. “I know how hard it can be to settle down. I had a similar experience before I found myself on Pabu. It took me a while to adjust but once I did, this place became my safe haven like it did for so many others.”  
   Hunter took a moment to look over the festivities. He watched the people smile and dance and greet one another. He watched them live their lives, sighing. 
   “As long as Omega can find a home here, that’s all that matters.”
   “It isn’t a crime to put your own needs forward, Hunter. Think of what’s good for you as well.” 
   “We still have unresolved matters,” he explained with a trace of frustration; not at you, but rather at the ‘unresolved matters’ that he mentioned. “There are things that need our attention-” 
   You removed your hand from around his arm to place your palm against his chest. He stopped talking, his eyes honing in on yours as you peered up at him with a seriousness he hadn’t seen before. 
   “Can you resolve any of those things from here?” You questioned, arching a brow.
   He hesitated, then shook his head. 
   “Then it’s best for you-” You glanced back at Omega, “-and her, to put those aside for now and just accept this time of peace. She needs your attention too, not just your protection.” Giving him a little smile, you fiddled with the flower in his pocket, murmuring, “Care to take a bit of advice from a stranger?” 
   Hunter’s eyes crinkled as he nodded, amusement in his voice when he hummed, “Go ahead.”
   You absentmindedly adjusted the petals as you spoke. “Surviving is the bare minimum of what it means to live. Thanks to you, Omega knows how to survive — maybe you should show her what it means to live a little bit as well.” 
   “How do you suppose I do that,” he asked with a sincereness that made your heart shatter. “Us clones don’t do much living — all we’ve ever done is survive.” 
   “Learn from others,” you suggested. “Learn from their experiences and their own lives… and if you feel comfortable with accepting help, let us show you so that you can show Omega.” 
   Hunter’s nod was so sudden that it made you furrow your brow in confusion. 
   “Alright,” he said without an ounce of hesitation. 
   “Alright?” You echoed, shocked by how quick he agreed.
   To your surprise, Hunter took your hand in his own, engulfing your fingers, and began to pull you towards the girls across the square. His expression was muted but there was a little smile on his lips as he said lightly, “We need to learn how to live, right? Then show me how.” 
   You laughed as you nodded, squeezing his hand back in return. “Alright, but you can’t get mad at me when the time comes for you to step out of your comfort zone. Living doesn’t mean it’s always comfortable.” 
   “I can handle a bit of discomfort." 
   “We’ll see about that." 
   You called out for Omega and Lyana as you approached them, earning wide-eyed looks of excitement the moment they noticed you and Hunter holding hands. To their dismay, you let go just to give Omega a gentle nudge toward Hunter. 
   “Hunter said he’d like to dance with you,” you lied, causing Omega’s eyes to widen as they flicked up to him. 
   His reluctant gaze shifted from Omega to you, narrowing just slightly before he looked back down and offered his little girl a small smile, nodding. When he held out his hand, Omega grasped it with excitement and pulled him to the dancing square, rambling on and on about the things she experienced while he was busy talking to you. As he was pulled into the sea of dancing duos and trios, he looked back at you with a mixed expression, causing you to giggle and wave. 
   “You like him,” Lyana sang by your side, tugging on your dress. “I think it’s cute. You can’t stop looking at him with googly eyes.” 
   “Don’t act like this wasn’t part of your plan, squid,” you huffed, earning a giggle. “You and Omega don’t exactly look as innocent as you think you do.” 
   “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she sang, taking your hand and squeezing it with a hopeful gaze. “Do you want to dance with me?”
  “How could I ever say no to you? Lead the way, squid.” 
   And lead the way, she did. Lyana pulled you into the circle right alongside Omega and Hunter, swinging you into a spin the moment she had a grip on both of your hands. You spun and spun with her, laughing alongside her giggles, cheering when everyone clapped in unison. Out of the corner of your eye,  you caught a few glimpses of Hunter and Omega. It wasn’t so much of a duo dance as it was Omega dancing while Hunter held her hands, occasionally spinning and hauling her up in the air just to hear her laugh. 
   All that mattered was that Hunter seemed to be enjoying himself. He didn’t have the same stress that you noticed in him earlier; no more tense muscles or furrowed expression. Peace sat in his eyes as he danced with the little blonde, living off of Omega’s happiness. 
   Lyana spun and spun you until suddenly, without warning, she let go of your hands, sending you stumbling into the person beside you. You went to apologize but stopped when Hunter’s familiar face looked down at you, his hands sprawled across the plain of your back to keep you upright as he held you in a dip. 
   Omega and Lyana both giggled as they began dancing together, acting as innocent as the little devils could. 
   “What did you say about not being clumsy?” He teased, causing you to flush with embarrassment. 
   “Second time's a charm?” 
   Hunter lifted you, taking your hand to guide you into a spin. He pulled you into him, bringing your back against his chest. 
   “Thank you,” he murmured against your ear, “Tonight’s been fun.” 
   “See?” You hummed, guiding him in a gentle sway from side to side. Almost instantly, the music softened and the upbeat tune became a gentle, harmonious song that eased a bit of peace through the energetic festival. “Can you feel that peace? That is the difference between living and surviving, and there’s so much more for you to experience, too.” 
   “Will you show me?” He asked, causing you to turn your head and give him a credulous smile.
   “Does this mean you’ve decided to stay on Pabu?” 
   “I think that’d be best for all of us.”
   “Then yes,” you agreed. “I’ll help as best as I can… but can I ask why me?”
   “Omega likes you,” he said with an audible smile on his lips, “And I… I trust you... so far.”
   “I’m honored,” you murmured, breaking into a giggle when he spun you around to face him. Your hands slid up and over his shoulders, interlocking behind his head. It was an involuntary gesture to look down at his lips but you couldn’t help it. 
   Hunter had this protective, genuine feeling that made you feel so safe near him. It was an odd thing to notice about someone when first meeting them, but it was only solidified when watching him and Omega. He had a specific gentleness that he kept reserved for her and now, as it seemed, for you as well. 
   What you didn’t expect, however, was for him to feel the same way as you. 
   “Was Lyana telling the truth earlier?” 
   “About what,” you murmured, forcing your gaze to go from his lips to his eyes. 
   “About a kiss being a gift.” 
   Your mind went blank. It took a moment before you nodded, finding the confidence to move your lips and speak. “She was.” 
   He guided you into another spin, gentler than before as he pulled you into his chest. “What does it mean?” 
   “It’s an invitation,” you explained softly. “A gift of vulnerability, as well as a promise. They aren’t given unless they are genuine — it means you find enough value in another person to give them your affection rather than an item. Kissing someone at the Giving Festival is typically a sign of courtship.” 
   “Courtship?” He questioned curiously. “You carry that tradition around here? Didn't take you for an old-school type of girl.” 
   “Well,” you sang, causing him to chuckle. “The elders call it that. I mean, it’s just dating among the younger generations.” 
   He hummed, slow movements swaying you to and fro. As he danced with you around the statue, passing the band that played their gentle tune, he noticed the beautiful flowers on the floor and stopped to pick one up. With gentle fingers, he tucked it behind your ear and gave you a small smile when he noticed how red your cheeks had become. Just like the flower in your hair.
   “Can I kiss you?” He asked gently, tucking away a strand of hair that fell in front of your face. 
   You tilted your head up to him, smiling to hide the fact that your heart was practically beating out of his chest.  
   “Yes,” you breathed, your stomach twisting with anticipation.
   His hand cupped the back of your head, the other gently resting against your back. Hunter pulled you close enough for your chests to touch before he lowered his head, lips skimming over your own. 
   “Are you certain about this?” You whispered against his lips. “You hardly know me.”  
   “I know enough to be certain I want to kiss you,” he hummed. “Are you?” 
   You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head. 
   “Just kiss me, handsome,” you said with a smile. “We’ll figure out the rest later.” 
   He smiled as he kissed you, lips curled in amusement even after your lips collided. You couldn’t help but giggle against his mouth when his hand wove through your hair. It was an even bigger surprise when he dipped you, earning a few cheers and hoots of encouragement from those who stood by — including Omega and Lyana who seemed to be the loudest (and happiest) of the spectators. 
   When he pulled away, he never truly left. He kept his hand interwoven with yours, keeping you by his side as the dancing resumed and the festivities regained their upbeat tempo. Hunter pulled you out of the crowd and even though you didn’t return to the dance, the night continued with you showing him various different things throughout the market. From different juice stands to candies (which he denied rather quickly), you showed Hunter all that the market had to offer before stealing him away to show him the island itself. 
   While Omega and his brothers were distracted with the festival, you brought Hunter to the sandy shores. You removed your shoes and coaxed him to do the same before dragging him to the water. He cringed at how cold it was and stiffened when you splashed him, earning a glare that slowly turned into a smile when you turned to run away, laughing as loud and freely as one could. 
   And so the night continued — with music echoing from the city while water splashed and laughter bubbled from the sandy shores. The Giving Festival continued into the morning, and when Omega and Lyana tiredly returned home to find Hunter still missing, the two girls shared a knowing look that washed their fatigue away. They gossiped back and forth about you and Hunter, whispers turning into giggles that then turned into gasps when they realized that Hunter might, someday - possibly - plant roots on Pabu. 
   It occurred to Omega then, as she sat on the floor of Lyana’s bedroom surrounded by blankets and pillows and snacks, that the Giving Festival did, in fact, give her something. It wasn’t jewelry and it wasn’t candy, although she did hold every gift very close to her heart. It wasn’t Lyana and the new friends she’d made that night, including you and all the others she met.
   It was a new home — and that was the gift that Omega found herself cherishing the most. 
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taglist form
@aconstructofamind @queenquazar @mo-i-ra @boomtowngirl @lucyysthings @nahoney22 @elismor @techs-ass @echos-girlfriend @babygirlrex0504 @questforgalas @littlebluebatbrat @crosshairs-wife @discarded-beskar @lucyysthings @dangraccoon @burningfieldof-clover @cyarinka @zaddymaul @corona-one @eloquentmoon @maulslittlemeowmeow @misogirl828 @theclonesdeservebetter @frietiemeloen @pinkiemme @torchbearerkyle @witchklng @ivela3 @kaminocasey @sunflowerrex  @nekotaetae @literallydontlook @agenteliix @starqueensthings @fives-lover @ladykatakuri @sunshinesdaydream @chicknstripz @lizartgurl @sskim-milkk
(i'll be replying to comment reblogs in the comments of this post! just so that there isn't too much clutter on the dash 🫶🏼 a huge thank you to those who always have something nice to say about my writing. i might not always respond but please know that you all have my heart and my endless thanks for being so kind and encouraging. may the universe give back the same kindness you've given me, and i having nothing but love for you all!)
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being the st. cassian chamber choir members younger sibling
pairing: st. cassian chamber choir x gn reader (platonic)
warnings: swearing and mentions of violence
a/n: inspired by a conversation @juneberrie and i had <3
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Ocean O’Connell Rosenburg
babies you
literally refers to you as “the baby” to the rest of the choir
“sorry guys i have to go pick up the baby!”
also she keeps you away from your parents at all times
makes you lunch because she knows they’ll give you a cheese sandwich made from human breast milk…
her sandwiches are normal cheese!!
anf also gives you apple juice
she loves you sm and is very overprotective, sending mischa to destroy anyone who bothers you
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Noel Gruber
acts like he’s annoyed by you
(he is not, will literally kill for you and secretly loves you v much but obviously he’s never gonna tell you that)
calls you little dumbass
would switch between being nice to you and being mean
“good morning you stinky ass hoe! you look great” <3
forbids you from doing any reckless without him
ocean would definitely try to befriend you
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Mischa Bachinksi
THE overprotective brother
can and will murder someone for you
upset over something? someone will be mysteriously disappearing tonight
head pats are a thing
when he walks past you best believe he’s patting your head
you sleep in the basement with him because his parents were ready for toddlers, not you two
yes you know about talia no you haven’t met her no you don’t know if she’s real
he also plans to take you back to the ukraine with him <33
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Ricky Potts
you hear random star trek music and the cats musical from his room at like around 2am
invites you to watch with him
a good brother <33 looks out for you and probably gets the choir too
i don’t think hed open up to you about zolar until your like 13 or you find a notebook filled with it and force him to explain
has like a 6th sense and somehow knows when your upset
and he barged into your room like “what’s wrong and do i have to send penny after someone”
speaking of penny she LOVES you
your older sister figure
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Jane Doe/Penny Lamb
the best sister ever
gives you piggy back rides
the choir will be waiting for her before rehearsals and she just has this child on her back
“uh… who’s your friend?” “this is my sibling y/n”
ricky comes over a lot so you get close with him
he can’t give you piggy back rides but he gives penny little things to give to you
she doesn’t have a licence but she takes you to get ice cream everyday
would buy you the whole stand if you asked
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Constance Blackwood
helps you with hw <3
if you can’t figure something out or just give up she bribes you with sweets to make you finish it
it works every time
a movie lover and will binge watch anything with you
also gets you into a lot of fandoms
cough httyd cough
a trolls 2 fan and gives you the most SERIOUS FACE EVER when you make a pinkie promise with her
it’s actually scary
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taglist: @phoneymedic @juneberrie @starlit-epiphany @presidentroarie
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poetoflawed · 1 year
The Aftermath
Part 2 of The Mission NOTE: Again, this is based on the oc that @v-cain Writes about. This is part 2, and I tried to make it a similar ending to the 1st HTTYD movie. So, Hopefully, you like it!
Fandom: X-men
Warnings: Swearing (probably), fighting, hurt/comfort, fire, let me know if there's more.
Pairings: (All Platonic) Logan Howlett x gn!teen!reader, Hank McCoy x gn!teen!reader, Scott Summers x gn!teen!reader, Kurt Wagner x gn!teen!reader, Jean Grey x gn!teen!reader, Jubilation Lee x gn!teen!reader, Charles Xavier x gn!teen!reader, Erik Lenhsherr x gn!teen!reader
Everything hurts, that's what I notice first. Slowly I try to open my eyes. Everything blurry, and too bright. I shift in a white bed, with sheets that feel like paper. I realize that I feel heavy. white wraps around my body, some stained red others crisp and pure. I manage to get myself upright, only then getting my bearings. I'm back at the academy, In the sterile infirmary. I look to my side and notice that Logan Has scrunched himself into those tiny uncomfortable hospital chars, and fallen asleep. Without waking him, I Manage to Make my way out of the room, I decided that rest is what he needed. when he wakes up i can let him know I'm ok...
Logans POV
Goddamn, these hospital chairs. I keep telling Xavier, that we need new chairs. since there's always someone in the infirmary for one thing or another. As I'm trying to work out the knot in my shoulder I look at the bed and notice that their bed is empty...
Panic sets in as I hear rustling in the hall. I franticly make my way out and see Y/N quietly talking to a nurse,
"the hell are you doing out of bed?!" I ask with a slight tinge of panic peaking through
"i wanted to talk to the nurse, and you were sleeping." Y/N quietly says looking down.
"it's fine, you scared me is all..."
"me? i scared logan, THE wolverine?" they tease
"ok no you know what, go back to bed" i say trying to not let the smile making its way on my face too visible.
note: i will eventually make a part three....
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drunkoffsmoke · 1 year
elliot's request page.
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about the writer. male, any prns. but mainly he/they, music + cats + sleep lover, trans 'n omnisexual. might add more later but for now this is enough.
1. remain respectful. i don't tolerate disrespect. if you're rude to me in any way, i won't be nice anymore. remember, i'm a mirror. i copy others behavior.
2. don't ask for fem reader. i strictly write for male and gender-neutral audiences. any fem aligned people, please don't interact.
3. be patient. i have a life outside social media. i'm a busy man, and sometimes i'd rather not spend my free time writing fanfictions or i simply won't feel motivated to write.
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COD (Call Of Duty).
könig, capt. price, ghost, soap, alejandro, valeria, farah, alex, rudy, nikolai, gaz, graves.
AOT (Attack On Titan).
eren, zeke, mikasa, armin, jean, connie, sasha, erwin, levi, hange, reiner, bertholdt, annie, pieck, porco.
miles, peter b., miguel, gwen, hobie, pavitr, noir, penny, the prowler (miles).
legoshi, louis, haru, juno, jack, bill, pina, melon, riz, gohin.
HTTYD (How to train your dragon).
hiccup, astrid, fishlegs, ruffnut, tuffnut, snotlout.
TLOU (The Last Of Us/Show).
joel, tess, tommy, marlene, ellie.
tony starks, capt. america, peter parker, thor, dr. strange, bucky, scarlet, deadpool, gamora, black panther, ant-man, star-lord, mantis, nebula, bruce, natasha, loki, hawkeye, falcon.
vi, viktor, jinx, vander, silko, ekko, caitlyn.
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what i write.
multiple characters x reader
various au's
pretty much anything
what i don't write.
minor x adult (both have to be at least 18.)
any weird kinks (such as piss kink, foot fetish etc)
character x oc
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a/n: this will get updated whenever, so be sure to always check before requesting.
no, i haven't forgotten about the old requests—i believe there are four. i will get to them starting from tomorrow, 07/21. after i finish them my requests will be open (i deeply apologize to the people who had to wait so long in order to receive their fanfics).
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sorin-in-the-stars · 2 years
The Stars and More...
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The Stars and More
Scaramouche x GN! Reader
Contents : HTTYD Au, reverse comfort? There is fluff,
Summary : Scaramouche comes banging at your door to ask to go riding above the clouds with your dragon. Ahh, what happened this time?
Wc : 1.1k
Requested? No.
bro httyd au has been on my mind for DAYS
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Scaramouche knocked on your door, the speed and aggressiveness increasing over a short period of time. It was the dead of night! Why the fuck would he be here this late?
Begrudgingly you threw off your blanket and slowly sat up, Scaramouche knocking slowly starting to give you a headache. You groaned loudly, stomping on the wooden flooring to signal you were on your way down. 
"Why is he being so noisy?" Now standing, you quickly rushed down the uneven stairs to open your door. 
Almost toppling down the stairs, you slammed your body against the door. Wincing in pain, you opened the door to reveal your furious and very exhausted boyfriend. "Can we go for a ride?" He asked, and pushed passed you and into your small home.
"Huh- Kuni, it's the dead of night! SkyWalker is sleeping." You sighed, closing the door to show him your sleeping Stormcutter dragon breed.
There sat Sky Walker, very awake, and very aware. You sighed and facepalmed. You turned to your lover and shook your head. "Gear SkyWalker up, I'm going to get dressed." He nodded in response, staying quiet as he did as you asked. 
Once you threw on your warm fur clothes, you walked back down to him. He was waiting outside, petting and caring for SkyWalker in your absence. His smile was soft and you could tell he had calmed down significantly since he first entered your room.
You smiled softly at him, finding the scene endearing. "You ready to head out Kuni?" You asked, still using the old nickname for him. He said he didn't like that name too much, but deep down he knew he adored it.
He turned to you and nodded, his smile dropping the moment he knew he was spotted being soft. He was the heir to village Chief, should he really be allowed to have these weak moments? He felt he shouldn't be allowed to.
SkyWalker leaned down, allowing the two of you to climb up onto her back. Getting up wobbly, you noticed and held out your hand to Scaramouche. "How are you going to be Village Chief but still don't have a dragon?" You laughed, helping him up onto the saddle, and sat in front of him.
"I've told everyone countless times," He sighed, getting tired of repeating himself. "I want either a Night Fury or a NightLight dragon." Of course, he wanted to be like one of his family's ancestors who had even started the entire dragon riders. 
You shook your head, a smile gracing your face. "Ahh, that's right. Well, hopefully, one day we can find one for you." You directed SkyWalker up, heading straight to the clouds.
He hummed, closing his eyes to enjoy the wind against his face. He always loved the feeling of it, flying up and closer to the stars. The wind and feeling of misty clouds against his skin. It was his favourite.
“So, Love. What made you want to come ride along the clouds this time?” You asked. Trusting your dragon enough to keep your ride steady, you turned to face Scaramouche. You eyed his expression, watching it as it went from soft to irritated as he thought about what had happened.
“My mother. She brought up the topic again.” He sighed, falling back to lie against SkyWalker's back. This was an often occurrence. He come to your home, ask for a ride, and you two would talk about what happened. Most nights this happened, it would end in you two cuddling in your bed. You had no complaints though.
“To become Chief? Isn’t it what you wanted though?” You questioned, scooting closer to lie on top of his torso. 
He nodded, folding his arms behind his head with his gaze pointed up to the sky. “It is! But she's rushing our relationship, asking me when we are to be married, and when am I going to get a dragon!” He said that all in one breath. “It's… frustrating. I want to take my time with those!” He groaned, angry tears starting to form.
You smiled at his honesty, glad he wanted to take his time with these types of things instead of rushing them as he had in the past. “Hmm, well. If she is rushing us there is not much we can do. I’d say let’s just get married to get her to stop.” You say, tracing patterns onto his chest.
Scaramouche shook his head, not wanting to let his mother control his relationship. “Yeah, but then when I officially propose, it won’t be as special.” He let out a soft sob, finding it hard to breathe. “I want to have control over my own life!” He yelled to the sky, moving his hands from behind his head to cover his face.
He didn’t want to let you see him cry.
Sitting up, you moved your hands up to his face. You removed his and pulled him up, ready to kiss as many tears away as you needed. “Shh, My love. We will figure this out. Together.” You peppered his face with small kisses, kissing away each tear.
He hiccuped, laughing softly at the many kisses he was receiving. “You..” He paused, a small idea coming to him.
“Would you…run away with me?” He spoke softly, so as to not disturb those who slept amongst the stars.
This supposedly theoretical idea caught you off guard. Leave your guy's island? Never return? And start a new life elsewhere? That was all too much to think about.
“Run away? But what about becoming Chief?” You spoke worriedly. “Kuni, love. Have you lost your mind?” You asked, concern laced into your voice.
He nodded, smiling at you happily. “Run away with me. Let’s fly with the stars!” He turned his head up, lifting one of his hands as if he was waving to the stars.
“That's…insane..” You breathed out, looking down at your lap to give it a quick thought.
It’s not like you had much going on for you back on your island… All you would have to bring is some clothing, hunting gear, and your dragon. A nice place near a beach or in a forest near a river would do too.
“Tonight?” You asked, looking at your boyfriend. He looked, at peace. His face was relaxed and his smile small. His eyes reflected the stars, so full of hope and love. 
You sighed and grabbed his hands. You kissed his knuckles and looked into his eyes. 
How could you say no to him?
He nodded.
And to that, you headed back to the island to pack your items and be gone by sunrise.
“For you, my love, I would give the stars and more to see you smile.”
You had agreed.
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thatsauceysauce · 3 months
I’d love to be sent ideas yall what to be written, i’ll write pretty much anything
mommy/daddy kinks
detailed birth
nothing involving piss or shit
furries/ anything involving humans x animals
detailed self harm
smut (no minors)
pregnancy fic
x reader
non detailed self harm comfort fic
fem reader x male character
gore,murder, etc
one shots
character x character (as long as they are already dating)
i will do series depending on what i’m writing for
I will write anything expect for the donts show above
to the people that do reblog and like my posts it means sm, i love writing and i’m happy to be sharing it!!
submissions are something new i wanna try writing for
fandoms i can write for;
warrior cats (no x reader)
marble hornets
high rise invasion
the 100
love joy
albert (flamingo)
spider man (gotta lmk what spider verse)
johnny guilbert
the 100
it’s 6am and i haven’t gotten any sleep, so it is possible there’s fandoms i’ve missed but ya know
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reptisoil · 2 years
This is my masterlist!
Request status: Open
Peter Parker (TH)
"No, No, No~ || Peter Parker x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: When Peter gets added to Tony's guest list, he meets someone for the first time officially and asks them to dance
Dr. Stephen Strange
"Pros of not Sleeping || Stephen Strange x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: When Stephen finds sleeping hard one night, he decides the library is the best place to cure his ailment. Apparently, someone else had a similar problem.
"Coding Trouble || Soundwave x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: After needing help with some coding assignment for your college class, you can't think of any other bot to go first.
Ultra Magnus:
"Stick-fic || Ultra Magnus x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: You put MLP stickers on Ultra Magnus while he recharges. (Request)
"Romance is Science || RTTE! Heather x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: On her travels, Heather encounters someone who wishes to study dragons from a scientific perspective and she decides they're worth her time. After a while, things change between the two for the better.
Folk of the Air:
Gilmore Girls:
Wild Kratts:
Chris Kratt:
"."Im stuck.." || Chris Kratt x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: When Y/n finds themself in a sticky situation, Chris seems to be the only person they can think of to call for help.
Martin Kratt:
"."Oh let me hold you." || Martin Kratt x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: Lazy day with Martin, taking the break you desevre
"Beach Day! || Martin Kratt x GN! Reader ||"
Summary: Arsin and Martin break away from the gang to have a day at the beach. Chaos is what they return to but the day away from everything made life so much easier.
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sivyera · 2 years
Sleeping with HTTYD characters
ft. hiccup, tuffnut, eret, snotlout, astrid, ruffnut, grimmel
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⤷ Hiccup
Honeymoon hug - Hiccup wants to see your face while he's falling asleep and wake up to your face the next day. He also wants to have you in his arms because he feels like he's protecting you. He loves rubbing your back with his arm and with his other arm he loves playing with your hair. I can't even count how many times a night he kisses your forehead.
⤷ Eret
The spoon - Eret is a simple guy. He is dominant man so he loves to make you feel protect. What he loves the most in this position is that he can reach every part of you - your arm, your head, your leg, your belly and waist. But most of the time he rest his arm on your waist and slowly goes down to your belly.
⤷ Tuffnut
Sweetheart's cradle - Surprisingly, Tuff doesn't move much in his sleep.He really calms down before bed, which is the exact opposite of how he is during the day. He likes to have you close to him while he's rubbing your back. He likes kissing your nose whenever he have a chance. He doesn't snore but he talk in his sleep, mostly about you or Belch.
⤷ Snotlout
The pursuit - At the end of the, Snotlout wants to relax. He have a big ego but even he have his limits. And his father isn't one of the best. So at night when is just the two of you he gets really soft. Which leans towards you being the big spoon.He loves to have his legs entwined with yours. And he loves how warm you are.
⤷ Astrid
Shingles - Astrid is dominant so most of the time she hold you in her arms. You lay your head on her chest or in her neck while she wraps her arms around your waist. Sometimes when she is sure no one listens, she sing to you. Or she hums into your ear. Softly, so you can fall asleep peacefully.
⤷ Ruffnut
The crab - Ruff is a very messy sleeper. She fall asleep in your arms but she wakes up on the floor with all blankets while you are freezing on the bed. She always apologize after that, because it's always cold at Berk and even bigger at the night so.. She is drooling a lot in her sleep. She has been a sleepwalker several times, so nights with her are always an adventure.
⤷ Grimmel
Loosely tethered - Grimmel is loner which means he is not used to cuddle with someone or let someone sleep next to him. But he's getting used to it, slowly. So he leaves a small space between you two but he's always holding your hand. When you fall asleep he is watching you. Not in a creepy way, he just love seeing your face.
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Random HTTYD Headcanon
Snotlout sings Hookfang to sleep at night, and likes being sung to at night so he can sleep better
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a-rainey-day · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you have written a general hc for Hiccup x reader from httyd yet? If you haven't could you please? That's all, have a great day💜
❄️ Hiccup HC! ☁️
A/N: Oooh I haven’t yet Buuuut I would love to!! I’ve been watching the movies on repeat lately so this will be fun!! I’ve been wanting to write httyd stuff I just haven’t had the energy. these are pre dragons disappearing and also movie hiccup since I haven’t had time to start the books :D sorry if these are all over the place I’m a bit scatterbrained rn
Pairing: Hiccup x GN!Reader
Warnings: none I think, all fluff! As always hc below the cut :)))
Man is clingy
Like will try and get as many morning cuddles as he possibly can
Also hc hiccup is autistic (you can pry this from my cold dead hands) so I just know this man has cozy blankets
Probably gets really snappy when he’s overwhelmed so just leave him be, let him come to you.
One of his love languages is gift giving, but likes to give you things he knows you’ll use
Nicknames for you include “buttercup”, “butterfly”, “Cub”, “my fire”
When he confessed he called you “my fire” and it’s been one of his more soft nicknames when he’s not being playful or mischievous
Not the best with words, would rather show his love through actions or handmade gifts.
He’s very doting
Early morning and late night rides on toothless
Those usually end in watching the sunrise or star gazing
Cuddle/nap piles with toothless too
I think he’s good with his hands so he makes you like flower crowns when you guys are just relaxing
His friends will make fun of you guys relentlessly if you are any sort of affectionate (minus fishlegs)
Does not care how you present
He just thinks you’re hot no matter what you wear or how you look
He’s a playful partner!! He loves to joke around! Play fights or play wrestling and on occasions pillow fights
Usually ends with him trapping you in a hug laughing
He may look skinny but I think he’s strong
Could probably pick you up
Back to riding on toothless: he loooves it when you hold onto him while riding toothless. Feels big and strong
If you can’t sleep he’ll probably read to you
He’s a light sleeper I think, so if you’re having a nightmare you’ll probably wake him up. He’ll hold you close and whisper sweet things to you
If you’re working too much he’ll literally pick you up and make you take a break
Loves to dance with you!!! Like will grab you and start humming or singing just to get you to smile
He loves your smile
He just loves all of you, he couldn’t pick a favorite part of you
King of before bed massages. Again, good with his hands
Toothless loves you. He loves to play with you and loves when you ride with hiccup
Say hiccup is like out doing chief things late one night
Sees you and toothless cuddled up, toothless on his side of the bed
His heart just melts, also holds it over you. Jokingly says “You replaced me with toothless!”
If you’re scared of lightning/thunder he’ll turn his bed into a blanket fort and just hold you and make sure you feel safe
Makes you take care of yourself. That’s his partner you’re being mean to!
Loves eating with you, you’ll both go over your days while he holds your hand and you both just enjoy each other
You are his safe haven. He’ll gladly tell you how much he adores you.
Looks at you with puppy dog eyes after you’ve done something cool
If you’re sick he’s waiting on you hand and foot
“The village can wait, you’re sick. I want to take care of you”
Once he does go attend his chiefly duties assigns toothless to make sure you don’t do anything too strenuous
This applies to if you’re hurt too
If you like flowers this man would plant a garden for you
He’d move the moon if you asked him to
I think when he’s not being playful or mischievous he’s super soft. Like just gently cuddling with you, his hand over your heart just knowing you’re there
Has the mouth of a sailor. (Disney, let this man say fuck I’m begging you)
He’s sassy too. Is not above teasing you. Especially if you’re shorter or taller, like “sorry can’t hear you from up/down there”
You and toothless get up to mischief when he’s not around. I think one time toothless got you on like the roof or somewhere high up and hiccup was just wondering how in the nine realms did you get up there
Figures out it was probably toothless pretty quick
If he’s had a rough day just collapses into your arms and let’s out the exhausted groan he’s been holding in all day
Give him head scratches with he’s like that. He’ll adore you.
Overall I think hiccup is a very loving and playful partner. He may not be the best with words but he makes up for it with lots of physical affection and handmade gifts. Very doting and attentive too 10/10 husband material
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