#huaisang is a smart cookie
seekingthestars · 4 years
sarah watches the untamed: liveblogging adventures, part thirty two fatal journey
(aka: tiny baby huaisang is adorable! but also ouchie)
well hi! it’s been a hot minute since we’ve found ourselves here, huh? let’s see if i remember how to liveblog ^^;;;;; but i’ve got The Buns and special movie snack (kettle corn, v delicious) so we are READY TO GOOOO gimmie all the tiny Huaisang!!!!!
i’m actually really excited about this but also somehow nervous HAHAHA i’ve been good and avoided spoilers so idk what to expect :O
this intro sequence is neat, all the cave drawings or whatnot
oh these two people are gonna die aren’t they
the swords are all so pretty though
okay the sudden cut and the black eyes and the weird mumble definitely made me jump for realsies fjeiwaofaw
oh yuckie, severed limbs
i was right, they’re gone
oh hey zzj! 
HUAISANG!!!! his art piece is so prettyyyy *o* also the way he jumps up and winds his sleeves around his arms and pretends to be training omg i love him fewaoijfawe XD
NOOOO his painting got messed up ;AAAA;
the way he just said “da-ge???” is SO CUTE
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omg huaisang did you lose your sword lol (also side note, his robes/outfit are so pretty i love it)
mingjue broke his paint brush :(((
“i just have a very ominous hunch” ME TOO HUAISANG  
huaisang’s little travel vest/robe thing!!! cute!!!!! i like his clothes so much. i love how he’s the only one who wears these brighter cream colors in a sea of medium-to-dark grays ahhhh
huaisang slowly reaching over and taking the sword from zonghui fejwaoif i love him
mingjue!!!! :OO
omg the flute, oh no, have bad feeling just bc guangyao
oh dang mingue!!
hate the creepy vine, reminds me too much of snakes, i have had way too much of snakes today and they terrify me ;n; 
i just noticed huaisang grabbed a new brush to carry with him :’)
“watch out for the walls” would normally sound silly but it’s such an ominous thing to say in this context fjeiwoa
also “It’s just that everyone has different things they’re good at.” i like zonghui, i hope he doesn’t die or turn out to be evil
things are not going great in mingjue’s tomb uh oh uh ohhhh
oh no one of the nie clan guys got killed trying to hold the door up for huaisang oh no huaisang’s face ;AAAAA;
oh dang argument between brothers is intense ;;;;;;;
also mingjue seeing his clan members as puppets for a sec got me Worried
“Da-ge, it’s all my fault. I got you into trouble.” “It’s okay. When I’m here, there won’t be any problem.” ;AAAAAAAAAAA; that line’s gonna mess me up more later, i can feel it
omg tiny nie bros!!!!!!!!!
tiny huaisang is so cute omg
“Huaisang, as long as I’m alive, no matter what you wish to do, I will protect you.” YUP CRYIN’
huaisang just leaping off the edge of that cliff with no hesitation ;AAAA; drowns in nie bros feelings
mingjue where are you ;;
huaisang leaned back against the wall and the wall moved and i jumped and covered my face with my hands, somehow i feel like i should have seen that coming and yet I DIDN’T
brothers ;~~~~~~~~~~;
huaisang is such a SMART COOKIE
okay them hitting the diagram and the yin/yang symbol showing up and them being in the light/dark clothes to match UGH I LOVE IT, THANK YOU FATAL JOURNEY
i am mild to moderately worried about the fates of all these other clan members right now, i know they said they wouldn’t let anyone else die BUT i am in fact more Worried bc they said that
this cannot end well
fight sequence is v cool though
good boy huaisang woke up in time to play the music except it’s tainted and he doesn’t know it and oh god then the gold sparkles turned red and i just had to pause this entirely, i don’t like i don’t like, i don’t want zonghui to die like this :(
ouchie this hurts i’m sad :((((((((((((((((((
huaisang lying to mingjue about how they died ;;;;;; and look i know he was a side character and had like six lines but i liked zonghui i’m SAD :(
okay boop there is a bunch of text and it didn’t get translations so we put that through a translator and though said translation is ROUGH as all get out, from what i can tell we’re time skipping ahead to after mingjue dies
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huaisang sitting alone and clinging to the books/brush and crying just makes my heart hurt so much ;;;;
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for how much they used zzj in promotions for this movie, i thought he’d be in more than like five minutes of it lol but also he kinda was bc his dang nefarious ways done ruiNED EVERYTHING
Guangyao misplaying the Song of Clarity was already bad enough, but knowing he taught it to Huaisang and used HUAISANG to play it and help cause Mingjue’s downfall.......his real-life true brother....oh that HURTS SO MUCH :( meng yao of the EVIL EVIL EVIL DIMPLES :((((((
but i liked it so much!! gives ALL the nie brothers feels, pokes more insight into what drove Huaisang to set his plot in motion, also getting to see more of Huaisang being the SMARTEST COOKIE which i love love love
THIS WAS A GOOD (if moderately painful) TIME
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restingdomface · 5 years
Wei Wuxian: The most feral a feral character can get. Would trade anyone but his husband and son for a cookie. Hasn’t slept in five days and doesn’t plan to. Would suck dick to get out of trouble. Will wander off with a shady stranger if they promise him a chili pepper. LWJ is constantly on the lookout for strangers with bad intentions.
Lan Wangji: Pretty fuckin feral tbh. Sugar daddy who will do anything to see husband and son happy. He don’t care he’ll cut a bitch. This is feralxferal representation. Eats like a white person tho. Be careful, he bites.
Lan Sizhui: Not very feral at all. One time he caused A Ruckus and got in trouble for it, and he still feels bad about it to this day. Could pour soup in his lap and he’d apologize. Climbs into his dads’ bed after an icky dream. Just wants cuddles. You know what? That’s pretty feral actually, way too trusting of anyone giving him affection. Keep an eye on that.
Lan Xichen: Can’t cook, can’t clean, absolute pampered princess, way too trusting of strangers, once let a man sell him magic beans because ‘he just looked like such a nice guy tbh’. Not feral, but sort of a dumbass but not a bad bone in his body.
Lan Jingyi: Watch out!!! What for? Just watch out!! Drama queen and feral bitch in one.
Jin Ling: There are multiple people who can identify him by the teeth marks he left in their arms. But also spoiled boy who climbs into uncle’s bed when he’s cranky and lonely and wants a hug. But if you mention it!!! He will cut you!!!! With his teeth!!!!!!!
Jiang Cheng: If Wei Wuxian comes within three feet of him while they’re on any sort of elevated ground, it’s immediate reason for him to push WWX off. WWX learned to swim because it was that or drown. Also he has a whip so like, watch the fuck out.
Jin Zixuan: ‘How much could one dumpling cost? Fifteen gold pieces?’
Jiang Yanli: She’s not quite feral but she’s not spoiled either. But she does love her dumb feral children.
Jin Guangyao: Pretends he’s a good little spoiled pet to lure you into a false sense of security, then poisons you in your sleep. If you almost catch him doing something bad, he quickly finds a way to make sure you think he’s a good boy. Do not feed after midnight.
Nie Huaisang: Literally the second most feral character ever, but sneky, so, convinced people he’s a dumb spoiled rich boy. It helps that he also kinda is that too.
Nie Mingjue: Shockingly not feral?????? Like he ferocious, but calm, unless he sees A-Yao, then he has to resist the urge to murder, because he knows it’ll make ZeWu-Jun cry. Not feral, but big brother instincts out the wazoo.
Lan Qiren: He used to think he wasn’t feral. Then he met Wei Wuxian.
Wen Ning: Not feral tbh. Competent, but not feral. Likes taking care of the feral idiots tho. He likes how stupid they are. It makes him feel smart.
Wen Qing: Tries to play it cool n all that shit, but shockingly feral. ‘I’m not gonna help you- SIKE IVE DECIDED TO SAVE YOUR LIFE’, she’s feral in the opposite direction, she’s all ‘imma be bad!’ And then she does good. WLW icon.
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pangzi · 4 years
I just finished Fatal Journey and I'm drowning in feels. It was so good! I love the Nie brothers. I really liked the ending and how it starts to tie in with The Untamed. Nie Huaisang really is a genius and I'm glad they showed that in the movie. I really like your blog btw:)
I’m glad you enjoyed the movie!! I really really liked it!! I didn’t expect to end up loving ANOTHER Nie but I’ll gladly take him ahh... Love my Nie boys so much! I really loved the ending as well! 
When I saw the “多谢三哥“ in the trailer I hoped for a lot of snake nhs but oof I absolutely love what we got? I love how they showed all sides to nhs, soft baby but also incredibly smart. very sexy of him! I’m also happy they acknowledged his gifts, that nmj acknowledged them! In cql and the novel we only seemed to see nmj being annoyed at nhs not being able to fight, so i love that they put this in there to show that nmj is proud of his brother for being such a smart cookie, to show that nmj KNOWS his brother is a smart cookie, if only he knew how to fight.
ALSO how did you interpret the part in the end where the book opens and nhs figures out what’s up with the music. I have this very emo theory but it seems not a lot of people seem to think that too, at least not the people i’ve talked to so- 
anyway thank you for your ask, thank you for letting me rant a bit about this movie lmao and i’m glad you like my blog!!
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