mageofspacemultiverse · 2 months
Random gift art I drew for @hubbery of their troll Malice :>
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You should check them out if you have the time, but I just think he's pretty neat :]]]
Also happy with the hands for once, besides that right index finger. Couldn't really figure it out but meh!
Anyway, that's all. Thanks Hubbery!
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graviconscientia · 3 months
♡ for @scumscuttlers.
●●●●○ | INTEREST
●●●○○ | LOYALTY
●○○○○ | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
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cloudbattrolls · 2 months
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"Wouldn't you like to know, weather troll."
Arty will not tell you, because it is a secretive shithead. However, its bodies are used for various things.
One stays near and cleans the hive of someone it cares about. Another wanders Alternia. A third roams the city-state of Selatak at the moment. A fourth keeps an eye on its native city of Civitrecce.
A fifth is...watching, nearly always linked to surveillance around the planet, processing an incredible amount of data, trying to ensure the empire hasn't picked up its trail.
Those are only its troll-shaped bodies. The artifice exists as computers, wiring, biotech bugs, and more organic things - plantlike structures, and animal-esque shapes, though often with metal in them, and spines.
Often, it simply plays games and enjoys itself. It is a whimsical creature, the security system, despite all its horrors.
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sasster · 6 months
can you show us a small selection of these asks you're going to die with
i promise they’re just like dead memes and in character asks that too much time passed before i got a chance to answer it and they aren’t relevant anymore
nothing special
i’m not attached to them.. all 3k of my babies
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fuckingshutup · 3 months
headcanon thing
( i like to think they're at least on the road to being the kind of "best friends" whose every single conversation is just so mean to one or both of them. from an outside perspective, they look like they hate each other. but like. you say something about it and they (mostly jasper) are like "what? no, we're like besties basically" and mean it )
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hubbery · 6 months
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activatingaggro · 6 years
hubbery replied to your post: Riccin is someone who always seems fairly...
:’( I’m really shedding tears over Riccin smh
They’re just a woobie in need of a hug, RCL.
HUG THEM. Ignore, like, idk, all the murder stains, the clown paint, the creepy missionary work and all the liquids of mysterious origin, I guess.
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trollplaying · 7 years
Professional Advice || Closed
You still weren’t quite sure what a mortician did aside from working with dead bodies, however, you were sure whatever this troll could tell you would be of use. You were self-trained after all and aside from what your lusus brought you, you weren’t sure how to obtain well-preserved bodies. It was certainly worth the trip just to meet someone who might understand your craft! It took some time to prepare everything, as well as make sure your sweet owlmom knew just where you were going. You had never been to the desert before, but you knew it was more dangerous than the forest and that you might have to travel by day as well.
It was nothing that would deter you, however! It took two days of near constant flight, a cloak and pair of goggles protecting you during the daytime and only resting at night when the daywalkers were not active, but you managed to make it to your destination safely. You found a nice place for your owlmom to rest safely for a bit before heading out to find Juelie’s hive. You had insisted that Harriette stay and rest, however, she insisted upon following you. Hopefully, your host wouldn’t mind the large bird camping outside her hive...
“Mr- Mx. Juelie?” You called as you knocked on the door to, what you hoped, was the right hive. 
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dingodad · 7 years
hubbery replied to your post: what if grubs uhh. had toes.
they do how do you think they get around
w...with their lesg
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morbidtrolls · 7 years
Introduction to Necromancy
A dim amber lit block resides inside a temporary hive complex. Its furnishings are ornamental upon wood, with cream and dusty red being its comprehensive design. Inside, a pale gray troll sits in front of a large lit vanity, their body draped in a cream colored hive robe as their finger caresses each makeup brush and jar that it brushed pass on its way to her phone. With a few flicks of her painting fingers, she peruses her selection of music before picking one that filled the room with a stringed symphony. As the pizzicato began, so too did she with applying her make up with a steady hand. 
With a dusty rose that dusted the corners of her eyeliner-ed eyes and highlighted her cheek bones; paired with a subtle hint of purple.  She slipped herself into her unzipped halter dress, her eye glancing at her phone as the auditory sound of zipping sounds behind her. "Am I over doing it, Archan? It's formal, but what if I hurt their feelings? He is only wearing a button up." As she talks, an old worn hand creeps onto her shoulder, its remaining finger and open sores trace circles on her shoulder, almost consoling her before crawling back off her shoulder and replacing himself with a sheer cloak for Heliane to fasten around her. "You're right, It's too late now to change. We only have five minutes left." 
She misted herself with a small spray with lavender floating in the liquid, before slipping on her high heels upon her stockinged feet. "I won't be long. And I expect you to be good while I am away. I can't have you ripping of hands again in my absence, understood?" With that, she blew a kiss into the darkness and closed the door behind her. She wasn't worried being early for this arrangement her and Biuret have, she was sure they would nonchalantly make their way in right on time, or they would be late because of their "Work". 
She chuckled to herself as she was escorted into the tea room, her cape taken from her by a waiter and told her guest was waiting for he-. "Hm?" Her eye widened enough to threaten her sewn eyelid to do the same, as her head whipped over to the seating area, giving the poor waiter a lashing from her hair. "Are you sure? Their name is Biuret."
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cloudbattrolls · 2 months
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You good over there, champ
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fuckingshutup · 3 months
♡ for @scumscuttlers.
●●●●○ | INTEREST
●●○○○ | LOYALTY
●○○○○ | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
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hubbery · 7 months
Title: message begins. Characters: Inezra Thamus, Dialus Bolrik (Mentioned) POV Character: Inezra Thamus POV: Second Person, Present Tense Written 2023 for @sleepytrolls.
Message Begins
“I tried calling you a while back.”
There's static and rustling in the background. The telltale chime of public transport and a bored corporate drone speaking in monotone over tinny loudspeakers cuts through.
“Sorry—” And that's a first. “I would have sent you a regular message but it seemed impersonal.” 
Another delay, longer than the last. Metallic clunks. “Sorry— Again, I mean. I don't have a good place to record this and nothing else gets out. Reception is shit. Just… Look, if you get this, can we talk? No expectations. I'll try to message you when I'm on the ground.”
A click.
Message Ends
You've absolutely wrecked the sides of this plastic piece of shit palmhusk trying to keep hold of it while being knocked around. Turbulence, they said. You've probably shaved a couple sweeps off your life from the combined stress of reaching out and making it hive in one piece. You're not going to be groundside for ages longer than you'd wait for anything else. Customs are bad, bad around the homeworld now. The best thing you can do is stay mum about it until you get in. Then you can complain. 
Right now you're waiting, sending your compressed voice file out into the ether and hoping both that the reception is good enough to get it out and that Dialus will get it. That she'll listen to it. That she'll respond, even. You're not sure when you started having an ounce of hope for anything. 
You're not groundside for hours. You haven't let go of your palmhusk since you were greeted with a sent notification and a blank loading screen. It's still spinning when your boots hit the ground and halfway up the stairs to your front door when you stop, breathless. You nearly break the hinges off the new-used-and-abused husk when you hear the ding! of an active network connection. One hand is spent fumbling with your keys and the other flicking through icons on a pitiful 4.5” display while you try opening Trollian.
You get it after a couple of heartbeats—both the door and the bloody app—and stare at the list of incoming messages and missed notifications. 
You check your inbox.
There's a message from Glynne, a weirdly worded request from Juelie, a number of random assholes and trolls you barely talk to, but not the message you were looking for. There's no privacy invading message seen check for you to feel some type of way about when you tap on Dialus’ handle. All you've got is your voice message, a grey play button, and your somehow unexpected disappointment. You refresh the DM a couple of times just for the hell of it, not because you've got a problem with neuroticism. Yeah, no. 
You kick up dust in your trek around the room, scrolling every way but up (you don't want to read what you said sweeps ago) while you think. You could send another message, call, or—shocker of the evening—you could express a modicum of patience even though it's been worn out of you by wrigglers, and life, and this message you sent that hasn't been responded to.
You're taking a break. You are sitting your ass down on the mothballed-needs-to-be-replaced couch and considering your next move. You're waiting. Actually, you'll be honest with yourself. That's not going to last long.
You message Glynne. 
-- standoffishMalaise [SM] began trolling wordsmithsAgent [WA] at 17:33 --
[05:34] SM: glynne
You get a response nigh instantaneously. Your thumb is hovering over the enter button on another message you don’t even get to send. 
[05:34] WA: :astonished:
You’ve progressed to chewing on your nail when your palmhusk beeps again. She’s sent you no fewer than five different blurry pictures and emojis your device absolutely does not support (there’s despondent question marks and blank boxes where her amusement would be). You sigh, pressing down on the rubber buttons with unnecessary amounts of force.
[05:40] SM: ? Where's Juelie's side quad I need something from them [05:40] SM: . They owe me
There’s another photo in response, this time of someone’s formal shirt clad back. You’ve got two guesses for who it is and suddenly you don’t care.
[05:41] SM: . This is serious
That gets an actual response out of her. Thank whatever god is listening.
[05:43] WA: I c@n only think of -One re@son why you'd be @ sking. [05:43] WA: I reckon you're cogniz@nt of the re@sons why th@t's @ poor decision.
You changed your mind. If you wanted a voice of reason you’d have asked Juelie, not that you’d have ever asked her at all about anything ever. You save the biting wit and swears you could lob for trolls on Chittr and tap out your reply one letter at a time with feeling.
[05:46] SM: . I didn't get aa response
Then you get to thinking.
[05:46] SM: . & I guess maaybe she didn't get it or she's busy [05:46] SM: . Or maaybe it's been too long to caasuaally strike up conversaation aabout some innocuous shit without context . Whaatever
-- wordsmithsAgent [WA] gave up trolling standoffishMalaise [SM] at 17:47 -- -- wordsmithsAgent [WA] changed their mood to OFFLINE  --
You start roaming again while you mentally cuss Glynne out, snapping your phone shut and trying to remember to unclench your jaw. You’d talked for ages when you were on your home turf. Glynne, as unhelpful as she could be, had a point. Even if that point was made by forcing you to slow down before you cooked your thinkpan over things you couldn’t control.
Nerves settled and mind made up you start typing another message.
-- standoffishMalaise [SM] began trolling bastillesActuator [BA] at 18:07 --
[06:07] SM: . Not sure if you didn't get the lined yellow paaper paad or if you don't feel like chaatting baack, but I waanted to see how you were doing [06:07] SM: . & I waanted to heaar you I guess . Not for aany reaal reaason [06:08] SM: . I tried to caall you before but the number waas disconnected . By the time I figured I should messaage you it aalwaays seemed like too much time haad paassed so I kept doing whaat I waas doing [06:08] SM: . I don't waant aanything from you to be aabsolutely cleaar . Except to taalk, if you're up for it, & you don't haave to saay yes Just let me know
--  standoffishMalaise [SM] gave up trolling bastillesActuator [BA] at 18:08 --
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ase-trollplays · 7 years
½, (・□・;), and (⑅ ‘﹃’ ) for Maeron?
½ = How the character feels about people taller or shorter than them
90% of people Maeron meets are shorter than her, and she thinks they’re adorable. Granted, her idea of what qualifies as short is sort of skewed compared to most people since she’s so unreasonably tall. XD For the remaining 10% of people that are taller than she is, her thoughts become sinful rather quickly. I mean, in general her thoughts turn into Sin pretty quickly, but it happens more readily with people taller than her.
(・□・;) = What makes the character uncomfortable
Her moirail basically revolving his entire life and morality around her. She’s been trying to nudge him to meet more people, pursue his own hobbies, and basically get a life outside of her, though it’s not going as well as she’d like.
(⑅ ‘﹃’ ) = What the character daydreams or thinks about
But in all seriousness, something she often daydreams about is what her and her matesprit’s descendant will be like. She’s honestly incredibly excited to create the perfect descendant to eventually take over Raisit’s cult, “the perfect combination of a god and his goddess to bring forth the messiahs to bless this world with their glory”
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trollplaying · 6 years
hubbery replied to your post “>>Be Prosecutor Goapon Fenred”
this is so sad Alexa play despacito
She’ll be fine, she can walk it off
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activatingaggro · 6 years
hubbery replied to your post: blog update
The most ominous smiley nose I have ever seen.
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